Very tangibly anxious opening. I enjoyed bits like the child refusing to look at the clock because then they'd know it's been longer than the time they'd promised themselves they'd leave.
I feel like I do get now why you offscreened the meeting with Mewtwo - it gives a lot of opportunity for the child to just be here being anxious and uncomprehending about exactly how this conversation went, why Mewtwo would have agreed to see Professor Krane, whether he was lying or manipulating them, and leaves a lot of tension there for the reader, too. Even though the child's view of Mewtwo is far too simplistic and black-and-white, I still do find myself apprehensive, precisely because I didn't see how the conversation actually went either - no proper basis to infer exactly what Mewtwo's state of mind is, which is pretty nerve-wracking.
How dare she
It is the best at hiding things
Deeply anxious chapter! Hard to be totally sure where Mewtwo's head is at, though it's not as impossible as the child thinks it is that he would make a somewhat legit effort if the Musketeers managed to approach him right. I enjoyed the Musketeers a lot here - Hypno upset and agitated but doing what she can, Noctowl just sympathetic, Heracross being very Heracross about it. Very tickled by the plan to impersonate Nate, and how differently the child goes about impersonating him than back in the early days - clearly a legit effort to actually sound like him, as questionable as the result is!
I think my top prediction is actually that Team Rocket already has Nate, will know exactly what the child is, and capture it, and then they'll have to escape Rocket together by their powers combined. That'd be fun and also I've been eagerly anticipating the return of Nate and one way or another I think we're leading up to that here.
Congratulations on getting this one out! Looking forward to chapter 60.
Enjoy this, Hypno getting her mind off things by making tea in a more busy sort of way.Hypno's preparing tea. Not like you she did last time, with the kettle and all. She seems intently focused on getting everything together and into the microwave, as though even this is some difficult chore. "We talked," she says, and it sounds like a curse.
Oh, child. I enjoy Hypno in this scene generally, all the tangible details of her agitation and how it's mostly going over the child's head, because of course."Did Mewtwo tell you, then? About all the people he's killed?" Hypno doesn't look at you, instead taking a sip of her steaming tea. Isn't it still too hot? "Because if he didn't, he's lying," you plow on, unable to stop yourself. That must be it. He lied and made it all your fault somehow, and now Hypno's acting like this because she's mad at you, and she's never going to believe you over him. "I'm telling the truth. You can tell, can't you? You know! It was hi—"
Love this child logic. Obviously if the trainer keeps leaving early and saying she's going to class, and she really does have school, it's just because she's that psyched about learning. Definitely not because of the creepy shapeshifter in her apartment and her Pokémon partner giving off every sign she needs space.Her trainer fled at the crack of dawn, citing "class" like she did the last time.
"Does she really go to school?" you ask Hypno.
She gives you a troubled look. "Yes, of course." So maybe her trainer really is that weird and excited for learning.
Amazing.Yes, real danger. What's he going to do without you waiting on him and bringing him food all the time? He couldn't possibly survive.
You think again about the great Nathaniel Morgan, and how he likes to talk in opposites, and feel like you might understand him a little bit.
I feel like I do get now why you offscreened the meeting with Mewtwo - it gives a lot of opportunity for the child to just be here being anxious and uncomprehending about exactly how this conversation went, why Mewtwo would have agreed to see Professor Krane, whether he was lying or manipulating them, and leaves a lot of tension there for the reader, too. Even though the child's view of Mewtwo is far too simplistic and black-and-white, I still do find myself apprehensive, precisely because I didn't see how the conversation actually went either - no proper basis to infer exactly what Mewtwo's state of mind is, which is pretty nerve-wracking.
Her pendant keeps getting brought up...Hypno's pendant flashes carelessly in the sun, and you avert your eyes.
Hypno waits in the lobby, seated in a cubey soft chair of the kind found in lobbies everywhere. She's put earbuds in; no doubt they've been riding in the fanny pack right beside the master ball. What is she listening to? Maybe a book or a radio show, but if you had to guess you'd say she's reviewing something for one of her classes. That's it, isn't it? Sometimes Hypno acts so hardworking and responsible that you want to scream. Look at her, sitting there thinking she's right about everything, and also getting work done instead of playing with the other pokémon in the lab or something normal like that.
Totally not giving away that the child was watching"I bet he was really surprised to see Mewtwo! You should have told the professor who you were bringing ahead of time."
Hypno gives you an odd look. "I tried," she says. "I drew a picture for him. I don't know if he thought I was joking or if it just wasn't very good. Now, I've got to get a few things ready before the others get here. Would you like to help? Or would you like to rest some more?"
Hahahaaha, Nate's evil twin returnsThe thought creeps up on you slowly. There is one person you know they want to find. It's someone you know pretty well, actually. You could be him, no problem, and Team Rocket would never even suspect you were anyone else. Easy.
Awww, look at the child actually reflecting and caring a bit.You don't know how he should sound, either. Can't quite catch the shape of his voice in your memories. A lot of the time it was scratchy or mucusy anyway. It's strange to think about it now, but you've never really known the great Nathaniel Morgan when he's been well.
Glorious.Deep breath. You can do this. Now you look the bartender straight in the eye and say, "Hey, fuck. I fucking want one of your goddamn fucking shitty fuck drinks, right the fuck fucking now."
The man behind the counter, so immense he has to hunch down to avoid the old train car's ceiling, stares back at you. After a long and poisonous second, he finally responds with, "What?"
"I said I fucking fuck want a fuck... goddamn... Oh, forget it. Just get me a drink already."
Deeply anxious chapter! Hard to be totally sure where Mewtwo's head is at, though it's not as impossible as the child thinks it is that he would make a somewhat legit effort if the Musketeers managed to approach him right. I enjoyed the Musketeers a lot here - Hypno upset and agitated but doing what she can, Noctowl just sympathetic, Heracross being very Heracross about it. Very tickled by the plan to impersonate Nate, and how differently the child goes about impersonating him than back in the early days - clearly a legit effort to actually sound like him, as questionable as the result is!
I think my top prediction is actually that Team Rocket already has Nate, will know exactly what the child is, and capture it, and then they'll have to escape Rocket together by their powers combined. That'd be fun and also I've been eagerly anticipating the return of Nate and one way or another I think we're leading up to that here.
Congratulations on getting this one out! Looking forward to chapter 60.
The bedding Hypno gave you is disheveled, rucked by your restless shifting, bunched and sweaty where you hands have clutched it.
Not like you she did last time, with the kettle and all.
You won't be able to get it out of your heaad otherwise.
Of course your enhanced vision means you see Hypo coming ages out
You flop across the couch, deep in thouht, understanding nothing more than you did before.