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Rocky Road ~ House of Brisa, Dave, Koa, and Owen

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R11 - Moving In
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Near the middle of the street of houses was a medium-sized home suited for accommodating Pokemon that were reasonably large, but nothing larger-than-life. This made things mildly cramped for Wishkeeper, but otherwise more than suitable for the residences who ultimately decided to settle there. Like all of the houses in Rocky Road, it came with four basic rooms. There was a living room that had basic seating on one side and kitchen equipment on the other; further back, down a very short hall, was the bedroom equipped with four beds that were easy to configure and slide around; between them was a storage closet spacious enough for quite a few items and perhaps even Pokemon who needed some time alone; and finally, the restroom in the back corner.


    Owen stretched his neck, making several cracks, as he looked over their handiwork. "Well," he said, turning to the others with a broad smile. "That's everything! We're all moved in!"

    And without an ounce of hesitation, he leapt backwards, flipping through the air with a bit of updraft, and flopped onto his bed, stretching his limbs and curling his toes, making a deep, satisfied growling noise.
    R12 – Dave & Brisa Discuss Spies
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    "I'm home."

    Dave shut the door and collapsed on his bed without waiting for an answer. Talking with Bean had been kind of a dead end for the most part. Didn't seem to have a clue, or at least acted like he didn't have a clue, about the scale or origins of the organization. They'd learned a few things, Owen seemed pretty convinced at least that he wasn't the spy everyone was looking for, but all in all, mostly this was another thing to make Cibus even more of a labyrinth of overcomplicated bullshit.

    God, he was exhausted. That fucking fight. A flash of memory, the sudden cessation of pain, staring down at a mangled Mightyena. He didn't even know why that wouldn't get out of his head, after everything else that'd gone on lately.

    He felt the vague cold prickle that signaled Shadow forming somewhere beside him. "Don't really need your input right now, thanks," he growled.
    R12 – What the Haze Told Me – Koa & Brisa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    After everything that happened at the dojo, he rushed through Destiny Village, thoughts jumbled, only one destination in mind. One place he could trust, no one person.

    Please be home please be home

    He pratically crashed through the door, slamming it open. Brisa was home, to his relief, although he also felt sick guilt clawing at his chest. He'd been avoiding her ever since the Worldcore and even their training session. But this couldn't afford to wait.

    At least no one else seemed to be home. The thought of Owen or Dave seeing him -

    Get a hold of yourself. Sucking in a breath, he addressed Brisa. "Brisa, I have to talk to you," the words tumbled out in a rush, more frantic then he intended. He cleared his throat, gathering his wits and words. "It's important."
    R13 – Echo & Brisa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Echo hung from the ceiling, wings wrapped around his body, deep in thought.

    As tempted as he was to use the ceiling fan again that Koa had gotten installed, he was more concerned about his trainer. Koa was still distressed, he could sense it easily. Even if not for their mental link, he could still pick it up, regardless of how good his trainer seemed to think he was at hiding it.

    Even as a pokemon, there were subtle tells that gave away Koa's feelings. But how to help him? A faint sound made Echo's ears twitch and he cracked on eye open to peer at the door. Someone was home.
    R13 – In Need of a Break – Brisa & Starr
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    After a short, restless nap, a cold drink, and an angry, bewildered scroll through a group comms backlog in which her teammates bickered about Vix fucking dying, again, Brisa clawed at her cheek fur and tapped out a text to Starr. Yeah, she needed a break, and a friend to be with who was fucking easy to be around.

    [Brisket > Anise]: shit day. you free? i'm home right now, could use good company

    Hopefully Starr felt like company, too.
    R13 – Dave & Koa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa edged into the house and glanced around. No sign of Brisa or Owen. Good. He only meant to stop by the house for a minute, grab something from the fridge and head back out. The other Soda's were still out there, and they were either their best shot at finding out more about what was going on, or a potential enemy. Either way, he intended to find them.

    He cracked open the fridge and stared at the contents for a long moment. His mind drifted and he blinked, his eyes glazing over for a moment. His search so far had been fruitless. There had to be a better angle... Then it hit him. Duh. Dave. Dave seemed to know Soda better than anyone, perhaps. If someone would know where to look, it would be him.

    Food forgotten, he turned around and glanced around the house. "Dave?" he called. It suddenly occured to him that for living in the same house, he barely spoke to the guy.
    R14 - Dave and Starr Discuss Her Shitty Dad
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    After a long night, Dave had fallen asleep in an ungainly position on the couch, an array of empty bottles on the coffee table, and Shadow had dissipated. Brisa hadn't been home yet; he'd figured she was still with Starr, making sure she was okay, like the kind of person she was.

    When Mia reemerged from her stone in the morning, she prodded him with a scythe, found him entirely unresponsive, and frowned before heading out to train.
    R14 – Dave & Brisa Discuss Troubles
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Dave stumbled his way home after the encounter with Saltriv, the takeout bag swaying. He just had to get in the kitchen and leave it. So long as he could still deal with the parasite. Ask the right questions. What was he going to... Fuck.

    One way or another, he made it home and managed to open the door.
    R14 – Brisa & Owen
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa headed home in an easy lope, her breaths less strained, her shoulders less stiff, her jaw less tense. She felt rested, and yet all she wanted to do was laze around, savour the feeling, and appreciate some company. She had work to do, but it could wait.

    She entered her home – and it really was starting to feel like home – and looked around for her housemates. Nobody around. Or, well—

    She toggled her vision, and spotted Owen's pokéball.

    "Hey, pal, y'wanna step outta there?" she called, wandering over to it to release him if he didn't do it himself.
    R14 – Thunderclap
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa hung about outside the house that night, waiting for Luz to come home. They'd agreed to talk, but Luz wasn't big on exact scheduling, and Brisa found herself pacing, nerves heightened.

    Relax, came the now-familiar voice of her Shadow. Yer only afraid that you ain't been good to her. And Luz will forgive that. You know she will.

    Sure, but it still felt fucking bad.

    Eventually, Luz did turn up, swinging her arms and beaming broadly from ear to ear. That was her all over. Or at least, it had been. There'd been something of a change in her of late... It was good to see that old irrepressible smile.

    "Y'wanted a word?" asked the shade.

    "Somethin' like that," replied Brisa.

    Luz nodded, and gestured to the roof. Brisa chuckled, and accepted the invitation. Of course they both liked rooftop stargazing. And why not? She scaled the wall easily, and joined Luz up high. From on top of a building, a conversation could feel very private.

    "I've been meanin' to talk t'you too," said Luz, after a moment's peace. "I figure I'll go first. Make things easy on ya. I know how y'are with these things. You worry too much."

    Brisa nodded, already worried that she was about to receive some criticism or censure or shaming, despite Luz's easy tone. "Yeah?"

    "Well... I ain't just a combat partner t'ya, y'know?"

    "No. I know that."

    Luz chuckled. "C'mon. Lighten up a li'l. Lemme see this zeraora form of yers up close. So far I've always been in the stands or in my stone."

    Brisa bit her lip, and transformed, taking that bipedal form she'd begun adopting for battle that so resembled Luz. They could be close family, if not for Luz's composition of exotic molasses. In a way, they were. Or maybe even closer than that, Brisa thought, looking at the way Luz moved and spoke and acted so much like a daydream version of herself, had she grown up with more joy, and less hurt. Brisa stilled herself, and listened to what her divergent self had to say.

    "That's better," said Luz, smiling warmly. "Now y'look like me. We're... We're both this idea of us. The would-be Wanderin' Lights. Legends in our own lifetimes, huh?"

    "Sure," Brisa replied, with a hesitant grin and a quiet chuckle. "I guess we're both different ways t'be 'this', huh?"


    There was a lull, as Luz studied Brisa, and Brisa looked more carefully at Luz than she had in a while. The shade had changed, a little. Her eyes and marks glowed a little brighter. Her 'fur' was a little more well-defined. She felt more solid, somehow.

    Luz broke the silence first.

    "Look, we both know why things're . . . strange. And I know y'don't like talkin' about what happened. Maybe we don't have to. I mean, fer my sake, I wanted t'feel like there was more t'me than bein' yer familiar, and that's... It's kinda what I've been workin' on. I've been speakin' to Joule, to Zeraora, to Luz Escarpa. I've been hangin' out with other shades. I've been thinkin'. And... Well, there is more to me than that. We ain't so essential to each other than I don't exist outside of yer life."

    Brisa nodded slowly, chewing her cheek, wondering why something that ought to come as a relief filled her with shame.

    Luz grinned. "C'mon, that's great news. But listen. I got somethin' to ask ya. But I'd care to hear what you wanted t'say first. Humour me."

    Brisa took a hard breath in, and swallowed. "Okay."

    How to reply to that, huh? Luz made everything seem so hard when she was confident, and so easy when she was frazzled. And she'd never been more confident than this. Even though Brisa had been taking her for granted. Letting her down.

    "I guess I just wanted t'say sorry," she said, softly. "Fer not payin' you enough mind since I... Since I died."

    Luz nodded, grinned, put out a paw and gave Brisa's shoulder a squeeze. "I forgive you."

    Brisa laughed sharply, gulping down what might have been the start of a sob. Luz laughed too, properly.

    "That you did," said the shade. "But it's okay. You can make it up to me. First thing after the fight, let's just... hang out together. Just the two of us. Somethin' other than trainin'. Somethin' other than Colo. Somethin' to bond over that ain't useful. Somethin' fun. Y'reckon y'can do that fer me, darlin'?"

    Brisa let out all the breath that remained in her, and took in new air, fresh night air, untainted by the guilt.

    "Yeah," she said. "I'd love to."

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    R15 ~ Koa & Brisa
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa trotted back home, his steps light and his mood bright. He'd gone out with Echo to get some breakfast, then enjoyed a pleasant walk with his starter. And best of all, he'd practiced in the solitude of the park and found he could still transform into that new form he'd taken on during their battle.

    He still had trouble mantaining it for too long, but it wasn't hard to tap into that power. The strength he had, the size, and that new energy. He could feel it. Not just electricity, but the power of combat. He was part fighting-type.

    Maybe Brisa was home. With all the chaos during the fight, he hadn't gotten a chance to properly show off his cool new power. With a bounce in his step he hurried inside. "Hey Brisa!" he called. "You home?"
    R16 ~ Kowen
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    There was a new system in place for Owen being able to get into his home. first, cal would go inside and fetch his Poke Ball. She'd withdraw him, go inside, and then resummon him there. Thankfully, the bedroom itself was large enough that, while it wasn't nighttime, he could go about as he pleased from there, and he even got better at rolling around even while contained. Unfortunately, he was still hopelessly large.

    At the moment, Owen was squinting at a book too small for his face, reading through the comic as he always did. He must have been used to it.
    R16 ~ Dave and Owen
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Finally home. Dave had time for a bit of a nap before Mia got back, probably.

    He shut the front door, now modified for Owen's ridiculous size, and looked around for whether anyone was home.
    R17 ~ Battlehearts at Rest
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa groaned softly in her heap of blankets and cushions. A good bruise or muscular ache was one thing, and she was used to the singe of her arcflash plasma, but this was something else.

    She cracked a heavy eye open at Owen.

    "Hardest ass-kickin' since Joule," she muttered. "Feels halfway t'the Voidlands."
    R17 ~ Dave and Saltriv Discuss Heroism
  • IFBench

    Rescue Team Member
    Pokemon Paradise
    1. chikorita-saltriv
    2. bench-gen
    3. charmander
    4. snivy
    5. treecko
    6. tropius
    7. arctozolt
    8. wartortle
    9. zorua
    Saltriv walked down the road towards their home in this world, their mind awash with many thoughts. A substantial few of which revolved around their visit to Spirit's Edge, even though it's been weeks since then. Those worries and doubts continued to eat at them, and it was getting to be overwhelming.

    Maybe it'd be nice to pay some of their teammates a visit, and talk to someone to get this off their back.

    They began walking towards the closest house, being that of Brisa's, Dave's, Koa's, and Owen's.
    R17 ~ Something's Amiss
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    About a week before their planned time against the Blacklight, it was a very rare, lazy day for Team Spectrum. No mission debriefs, no news about developments from Pop or anyone else, and everything seemed to have been settled on who would be joining them and how. It was a rare moment to relax.

    While Brisa was relaxing at home, perhaps taking a moment of quiet, the usual, heavy footfalls announced Owen's arrival. "Lunch!" he called, hauling in a few packages of food with him, nearly bumping his head on the doorframe before ducking inside. "Anyone home?"
    R17 - Dave and Koa Discuss Legends/Two Dogs Talk Ethics
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa's thoughts paced as he meandered back towards his house after a lunch. With everything settling down, and their final fight looming on the horizon, he'd had more free time. Ever since the fight on the moon, some thoughts he'd done his best to ignore to kept nagging at him.

    He opened the door slowly, and he poked his head inside. "Dave? You home?" he called.

    Hopefully no one else was.
    Epilogue ~ Dave and Brisa Discuss Dave and Brisa
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    It was over. No more Eternal Blacklight. They were going home.

    Dave lay slumped on the couch, one paw hanging off the edge. It wasn't like he was even in that much need of rest, technically. He'd finished the fight no worse off, other than still being kind of fucking famished (thanks, Flesh). But one way or another it was hard to muster the motivation to do anything right now. They'd done their part and that was it, and now there was just the emptiness of waiting.

    Was Mia coming home soon? No fucking idea. How much would he see of her before they left? No fucking idea.
    Epilogue ~ Starrgazing
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    The roof of the house had a patch of slightly discoloured tiling by now, from how often Brisa took her naps up there. The rate of differentiation had sped up a little since Starr had begun joining her up there most afternoons during their long recoveries post-battle. Sometimes talking. Sometimes napping. Always pretty goddamn happy.

    It was night, now, though. Or late evening, at least, with stars beginning to poke through the clouds and the light pollution of Destiny Village. A boreal wind passed over them, and Brisa pressed a little closer to Starr.

    "They should shut the lights off sometimes," she drawled, idly. "Let folks see the galaxy."

    Not seeing a belt of stars clearly overhead at night had to be the biggest downside of living in a city. She'd always been comforted by the scale of creation. On the other paw... She looked at Starr. Sometimes it was nice for the universe to feel small.
    R17 Flashback ~ Someone you could have been
  • Chibi Pika

    Stay positive
    somewhere in spacetime
    1. pikachu-chibi
    2. lugia
    3. palkia
    4. lucario-shiny
    5. incineroar-starr
    6. grovyle-ralsen
    Starr walked the familiar path to Brisa's place, tail swaying with each step. She wasn’t sure what the plan for the days was—some training with Brisa, maybe with Owen as well. More Overheat practice was always good. Maybe the three could grab lunch afterward.

    She knocked a few times in the usual way and then went ahead and let herself in. "Anyone home?" she called out.
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