Cabot looked around the now transformed room, before turning back to Icetales. "I feel... great."
He shot Icetales a beaming grin, before looking down at his claws and flexing them. "Maybe it's because of all the Shadow energy in my body, but I feel stronger now," he said. "Your Shining move powers up Radiant moves, does it not? Perhaps this new move of yours does the same for Shadow moves, which would explain why I currently feel like this. Either way, I certainly wouldn't mind battling in an environment like this."
No words could describe the sheer relief that Icetales was feeling, nor the pleasant tingling he felt as his body was brimming with shadow power. It was ironic, really: unleashing his darkness created an environment that boosted dark powers?
'Golly. So the powers of the Dark Warlock followed me even here, in some way...'
He sighed, but immediately flashed a small smile, still glad that Cabot was taking it so well.
"This seems to be the case. I am glad thou art safe and sound, Sir Cabot."
'I might not be able to escape from myself, but at least I can--'
"Though it seems you've let out an unexpected guest in the process."
And in one fell swoop, his relief was dashed away.
"A... a guest...?"
Dreading what he was going to see, Icetales turned around, and his confusion rapidly turned into horror as he saw
The shadow emerged fully and took the shape of an imposing Ninetales of darkness. The crimson eyes were fully focused on the two shadowed comrades, before an inky black smirk appeared on his dark muzzle. Then, the shadow extended his tails, which blurred together in a wave of phantom mist.
"Fuh huh huh! Well, isn't this quite the surprise?" said the shadow with a raucous voice, the demented grin not fading once from his face.
Icetales looked at the other Ninetales, eyes wide and mouth agape. He took a shaky step back and shook furiously his head.
"No! It cannot be! Thou... thou art not real! Thou art not here!"
The shadow tilted his head, unimpressed.
"Golly, did thy ears deteriorate or something, thou foolish lad? Thy reptilian... ha, 'friend' can see me clearly. He would not have uttered those words mere seconds ago, if I was some invisible presence." His smirk widened even further.
"Which is splendid news! At long last I am free. Free from those shackles thou have chained around me, no longer forced to be a mere voiceless shadow!"
"That is what thou deserve, thou... thou sirrah!" hissed Icetales, his haunches very close to the floor and his tails flailing in a panic.
"Thou... did not deserve anything else, thou... imposter of Father!"
"...Father? This implies that thou art my son..." The shadow growled.
"Thou art no son of mine! Thou art a mere freak of nature that should not even exist! Rubbish that should have been eliminated years ago! Thou do not deserve to be a Keo'Keo of Magnificent!"
Icetales started shaking violently, those sharp words digging deep into his spirit. The blue twister seemed to have grown in power... and darkness. That subdued reaction seemed to delight Magnificent, who hummed and turned to the dummy.
"Hmm." Magnificent opened his jaws wide and shot a burst of black energy. The darkness surrounding the room fueled his attack and struck the bitten dummy, demolishing it entirely in an explosion of phantom energy. The shadow smirked with glee.
"Oh, I could get used to this..."
Icetales stared in horror at the scrapped dummy, his tails wrapping around his body and his ears pinned to the back of his head.
Father... was truly there!