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Poppin' Arms ~ Holding Cells

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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
Dave kept a wary eye on Kora. "...Didn't you say your dad made modifications to himself, and then they were passed on to you by some mumbo-jumbo means when he happened to have kids? Kinda sounds like he wasn't exactly out to make things like you." But it wasn't like he even knew anything about this fucking guy. Hell, he did sound like a goddamn lunatic, if he spent his time experimenting on himself. Christ.

"I'm just saying, having a lab and taking notes on you doesn't mean he didn't go camping with you for the, what, 'father-son bonding time'. That's it. I don't know what else this guy did. Maybe when you think back on the camping trips you remember that he spent the entire thing cackling and making chemicals explode, but you made it sound like the only reason you were questioning it was discovering his lab notes."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Oh, no, he didn't make the others like me. And... they wouldn't want me to talk about where or how they came to be either," Kora replied shaking his head. "Besides, even among the people "like me" I'm still wildly different."

At the "defense" of his father that Dave came up with, Kora's face dropped slightly. "Yeah, my father totally didn't have any ulterior motives considering he never told me or my mother about his experiments, the fact that he was a scientist, the fact that experimented with Giratina's DNA on himself knowing fully well how dangerous it could be, or that he had a lab off the island he and her retired on."

His face dropped lower, and dark wisps fell off his body, smoldering on the ground. "Clearly, I should give him the benefit of the doubt for turning me into a literal freak of nature, who's power put it and everyone it holds dear at risk just for being near it."

"I know being a human means you can be excessively compassionate towards Pokemon, and you can't say you aren't because Soda would immediately disagree, but, Dave, and hear me out on this..." Kora snapped his claws, reverting back to his usual Zoroark forme. He didn't look angry, or upset... Instead he just looked sad, and tired. "I know that I might be wrong about him. I know he... most likely cared about me, and my mom, and his team... But he isn't here, anymore. I can't ask him for the truth. And I can't just trust my feelings or really even my thoughts because, well, I feel like you picked up on why," he weakly raised a claw and jabbed it in the side of his head. "Don't need to be world renown to know something isn't right up here..."

"...I appreciate the second opinion, which is actually the fourth or whatever time I've heard it. You aren't the first to be at my father's defense, but neither you nor them are me. And none of you have to live with what he did. I can't... ignore that and assume he didn't mean for this to happen. This is a pretty big thing to have happened on accident, and what good would come of it?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
"Okay, Jesus, sorry for taking you at your word. When you're telling me all about how great he was the whole time he was alive, what the hell do you expect. If he actually sucked, then great, congrats, join the Terrible Dads club, it's pretty densely populated up here."

Dave clenched his jaw, looking off down the street. "I don't know what the fuck you're on about with the excessively compassionate crap or what you think about humans, but if that's all, this has been great."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Kora sighed, shaking his head. "...Sorry, I didn't mean to just... sorry." He put on a smile and he scratched his head. "This was supposed to be my vacation, not baggage drop-off at an airport."

He hopped up to his feet, stretching out his arms and yawning. "...I still think you're compassionate. Or, like, just really nice. A lot better than some of the humans I know, and they don't even cuss as much as you do," Kora snickered, then clicked his tongue. "At the very least, you're kind enough to listen to a confused stranger prattle on for... gods, I don't even know how long."

"I'd, uh, like to try and make it up to you. Normally I'd offer drinks or lunch, but you already look like you ate, so..." he hummed. "Of course, I could just, leave you alone, also."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
Dave narrowed his eyes at Kora. 'Really nice'? "Well, okay. I don't know what kinds of humans you've been around, but I'll take it."

Drinks or lunch? It'd been like five seconds since Kora was dripping darkness at him, but okay. "...Tell you what, sure, we can get a drink."

At least he could make up for not getting one earlier.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Sweet!" Kora chirped, vanishing and reappearing a few feet away, then again right next to Dave. "I've been starving since you mentioned stttttttttttttttttt--" he cleared his throat, pounding his chest, "--blueberry... pie. Yeah. Pie."

...Oh, it's over?

Yeah, now we're gettin' food!

Finally, something less mentally taxing...

Or personally revealing.

Thank Gods.

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