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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Infirmary

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R10 - Miles & Kindle
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    "That's true," Owen said to Mellow, getting ready to go once Zinc confirmed that he was fine. "Maybe you could try talking to one of them to see how they react, or something? We might not really be able to catch them that easily if we do them one at a time..."

    I hope you chuck up another loose soul, you unhelpful blackguard.

    Diyem grunted back and rolled until he was facing the ceiling.

    And then, as if Luz had cursed him, he felt something.

    "...Oh no."
    R11 ~ Giovanni, Defeated?
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Bahamut's warnings had been taken into consideration, and increased security had been enabled while Red was taken to the Guild infirmary. Maple had made a few calls off to the side, though nobody really got the full story of what she had been trying to accomplish with that.

    The Charizard was unconscious; his bag was taken to the side to investigate its belongings, though nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary when Owen took a look with Wishkeeper.

    "...Well, it appears that Giovanni and Mewtwo are indeed properly secured," Truffle said. "Red defeated them so utterly that Giovanni lost his corruption. Standard energy suppression procedures... simply work on him. And Chip's rudimentary corruption detection mechanisms are finding no readings at all. That other Mewtwo... is still corrupted, however. But it also isn't doing anything. We can't verify a single thing about him because he's gone... catatonic... or half-dead. We aren't really sure. If--if anybody can look at some point..."

    "What do you mean?" Owen asked.

    Truffle frowned. "No pulse. His eyes are open, but he doesn't blink. He remains standing upright, but all of his elemental powers show no activity. No brain activity. No psychic activity. Yet, no signs of decay or immediate signs of death. The only reason we have any sense that he's alive is because Maple was able to detect 'life' in him. But by all scientific accounts, Blacklight Mewtwo... ceased life functions."
    R12 ~ Rescued
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    "...I'm beginning to live here more than anywhere else."

    Diyem remained on his back, staring at the ceiling as Owen finally closed out the connection with him after chatting it up for the millionth time. He sighed, reminding himself that perhaps Owen was just trying to make sure he was of sound mind. And he certainly was.

    Several of Team Spectrum were lined up in other beds in the largest room on the lowest floor of Poppin' arms. It wasn't a private room like the one he had been in before, probably because they had to immediately and quickly get to everyone at once. Zinc was running about with armfuls of medical supplies and enchanted berries, getting to the most severely injured first.

    Meanwhile, Shield was next to Sword--because who would deny them that at this point--while the latter was hooked up to as many vital monitors that Zinc could have thought of. Most of them were displaying low, stable, and steadily rising readings, for those who understood what all the numbers meant.

    She was a little Mew, around the same size as when she was Darkwhite, but with the proper colors and shorter fur that her kind were apparently known for. She was conscious but not responsive, saying nonsense words and mumbling to Shield, who nodded and rubbed her head or shoulder, and she smiled at that, leaning into his paw.
    R12- Cynthian, Sword and Shield at the infirmary
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    A few days had gone by since their second return from the Worldcore. Cynthian still hadn't fully recovered yet: half her cape was still charred and missing as was a portion of her mask. Yet, she insisted on going out to get them some refreshments.

    Cynthian returned to the infirmary a while later with a basket of gummi sandwiches, a few cans of soft drinks and some regular oran and sitrus berries. She approached Sword and Shield with a smile.

    "I hope you two are still hungry. I grabbed these from a shop nearby," Cynthian said, sitting on the opposite bed with a wince. She glanced at with a hint of relief in her eyes. "How are you holding up, Sword?"
    [R12] - Hellooo, BoltBeam! [Icetales and Koa]
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    As usual, the infirmary was bustling and in a ferment, with the various nurses and doctors checking on the fighters who were still recovering after the grueling battle at the Worldcore. By then, every member of Team Spectrum was used to having a few wounds or, golly, even a broken bone or a dozen.

    Heh. Just the typical business of a defender. Icetales wondered at times how the royal guards felt about being injured so badly and so often.

    Was it because the appreciation that the inhabitants showed toward them was a good enough reward? Or perhaps it was sheer willpower and the desire to keep their dear ones safe? Did he feel these kinds of emotions, too?

    The Ninetales didn’t have the answers to that. Sure, protecting others was a noble and pure act, but fighting and injuring others was something he never truly desired to pursue — unless it was some lighthearted dueling or self-defense — and seeing the blood pouring on some of his comrades made his skin crawl. If only there was a more peaceful way to settle matters…

    He sighed and shook his head. Those thoughts weren’t going to help anyone, so he preferred to focus on assisting the nurses. If all, the medical knowledge he learned from Fifth was going to be useful.

    Then, he reached the next bed, and his eyes widened. Oh! That was Koamaru’s bed!

    “Ah. Greetings, Sir Koamaru!” he said, showing a small smile. The lad was new to the whole hero business, wasn’t he? How was he handling things? “How art thou feeling today? Dost thou feel pain anywhere? Fancy some Orans or Sitrus?”
    R12 – Echoes of Friendship (Koa & Echo)
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    In the darkness of the infirmary, Koa lay, drifting in and out of sleep, never quite awake, not quite properly asleep. His injuries had healed and he was set to go home tomorrow, but he could relax. The battle at the Worldcore kept flashing through his mind, and his training with Brisa. What kind of person was he? Those things he'd said... was that how he'd felt? Was that who-

    Squeezing his eyes shut hard, he forced himself to press the thoughts down. A dull ache formed in his chest. He didn't want to think about all that he didn't want any of those thoughts he just wanted to go back to when things were simple to being a trainer and only worrying about the next badge or training. To not thinking all these thoughts and just ... a tiny tear trickled out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to go home. Another tear slipped out.

    You're being ridiculous, he chided himself.

    Yet in the quiet loniless of the night, it was hard to chase away the homesickness. Part of him knew he was being too emotional. He was still happy he'd come here, and happy to have met everyone on Team Spectrum. Brisa, Icetales, Shiron... they were good pokemon. Icetales was like... a close friend to him. But he missed home. He missed it so much it hurt.

    Something gently brushed against his face, wiping a tear away. His eyes shot open and he was met with a familiar yellow gaze. His jaw went slack and his eyes widened. "E-Echo?" he stammered.

    Before him, at the edge of the bed, perched a shadowy Crobat, sporting a fluffy tuft of 'fur' on his head and an eager grin. The Crobat gave a soft churr, then nuzzled Koa.

    The gesture felt odd, since he seemed to be made of a soft, almost jelly-like substance, but was no less welcome. "Echo!" he said happily, nuzzling him back, then pulling him into an awkward hug. His paws sank into Echo's body slightly, and he marveled for a moment. This must be his familiar. Like Luz or Cal or Lexx. Except this was Echo.

    "Is that really you?" he murmured.


    The telepathic voice in his head was so strange to hear, yet... familiar. Right. Koa laughed, and a few more tears dripped down his cheeks, but this time they were not tears of sadness, but joy and reunion. He hugged Echo tighter, and Echo hugged him back, wrapping his four wings around him. In minutes, he had drifted off to a pleasant, dreamless sleep, cocooned in the comforting embrace of a friend. Morning found Koa resting peacefully, a large Crobat draped across his back.

    [RD16] The Big Bad
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    It felt like ages since they'd pulled Giovanni's mewtwo out of the Voidlands. What all had happened since then, anyhow? Basically all the shit with the moon... Fuck, had it really been since before the Eien fight, too? And all this time Diyem had been deflecting, going on about how the mewtwo was still too weak to be seeing anyone.

    Nate hadn't even gotten to see the guy when he was all fucked up in the hospital--they'd put him somewhere else while all of Team Spectrum was clogging the place up, something about being too overwhelming. Not exactly a good sign, if the mewtwo was still that weak even so far out.

    But finally Diyem had said he was ready to see people, and Nate could fucking walk again, so here they were. With Rocky by his side, of course. Nate gave the familiar a suspicious look. When a shifty asshole starts acting even more shifty...

    For the moment Rocky seemed entirely focused on their visit, eyes agleam with anticipation. "Do you think they'll let us give him anything?" he asked without looking down at Nate. "I have berries! And pretty rocks, too. Do you think he'd like a pretty rock?"

    "Oh, sure," Nate said. "If I was like super enslaved by some asshole and then a depression parasite, a pretty rock is exactly the kind of shit I'd want in my life."

    "Good!" Rocky chirped. The infirmary was just ahead. Nate wished he could share the familiar's enthusiasm. He was far more worried about what state they might find the mewtwo in.
    EPILOGUE - A Ward's Fate
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    After taking some emergency treatments in the Colosseum recovery wing--where Leg and the others hadn't been allowed--they were informed that Truffle had stabilized and had been taken to Poppin' Arms to continue his recovery. They remarked to Brisa and Icetales that Truffle's performance at the Colosseum, with the vitality measurements taken, had not only broken several known records but also had defied known elemental science principles.

    Ultimately, however, Zinc allowed Brisa and Icetales inside, but advised them not to crowd around.

    There he was, resting in one of the infirmary's beds, looking perfectly fine. He was sitting up, reading a book, calmly. Pensive and in deep thought. But he was noticeably moving very little, and Maple was already by his side. Anyone keen on the Decidueye, or the species in general, or just how Pokemon were... would know that Truffle was in terrible shape elementally. It would be a while yet until he could be back at full strength.
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