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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Infirmary

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R6 – Dave and Brisa at the infirmary
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Dave returned to consciousness slowly, from a vague confused haze of nonsense that eventually schlorped away like water down a drain. He blinked open crusty eyelids with more effort than it should have taken.

    He was in a room. In a... hospital? It smelled kind of like a hospital.

    He shifted vaguely on the bed. He was very sore, but all his limbs seemed to work, just about. What had happened again? He remembered fighting that ridiculous fusion dragon, the casual arrival of the second Mewtwo as if nothing were more natural, it capturing Joule, Starr rushing towards it and Brisa rushing after her and him rushing after Brisa, and then...

    Oh. Some nonsense had happened. The Cibus equivalent of having some sort of weird fit and pissing himself in public. Fantastic. Just what he needed in his day.

    He groaned and pulled himself upright, awkwardly rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with one paw at a time. He blinked a couple of times as the world came into focus.

    ...Oh. Brisa was there, in a corner, just looking up from a book. Brisa, who'd fucking carried him off like a misbehaving kitten. Why couldn't this have been a blackout drunk sort of thing? Just vaguely reconstructing the events of last night, like in those stupid movies? At least that might have been kind of funny.
    R6 - One Head Was Better than Two (Nate and Cuicatl)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Fortunately the infirmary was neither hugely far away nor difficult to find. Ordinarily the cutesy starry-hearty shit on the walls would have sent Nate off in the opposite direction, but no time to focus on that shit now. He could lament how everything in this stupid guild was terrible after somebody made sure the zweilous wasn't fucking dying or nothing.

    "Hey!" he yelled at the beds and the quietly-circulating doctors or nurses or secretaries or whatever the fuck they were, "We need a doctor over here!"
    R7 - The Apprentice Legends
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    They had to get one of the larger beds for Brulee, but they were of course prepared for Pokemon of his size and stature, particularly the wingspan. Zinc was there, tending to him quietly, though the Goodra seemed confident that he would be okay. "He's... stable," she said. "And getting better, too..."

    "Urgh... you sent that... weird Lugia to find Meringue?" Brulee asked, squinting in Cabot's general direction.
    R8 - Cabot visits Astrid in the infirmary
  • TheGOAT

    Houston, Texas
    1. serperior
    2. alolatales-goat
    Astrid had been staring at the ceiling for a while now, trying to decipher between what had occurred and what had simply been dreamed.

    Everything was numb—even her sense of time. Whatever they’d given her had dulled most of the physical pain, and with it, her motivation to move. The frozen remnants of her tears clung to her eyes like residue, but she lacked the impetus to wipe them. All she could do was breathe. Breathe, and ponder.

    Footsteps click-clacked down the nearby hallway, and briefly, her heart throbbed. But she could tell they weren’t Brisa’s, or a quadruped’s in general, and relaxed again. To her own surprise, she managed to pull her tails out from under her to get a good look at the door.
    R8 – You Matter – Brisa & Astrid
  • TheGOAT

    Houston, Texas
    1. serperior
    2. alolatales-goat
    And wait she did.

    For the sixth time—not that Astrid was counting—she shifted from her belly to her back, allowing her tails to fully stretch out. The blanket she’d been given was haphazardly discarded near the frame of the bed, where it had caught between the mattress and the cold metal. Both pillows had gone… somewhere. Surely the floor.

    All the while, she gripped her badge-phone with both paws, only occasionally raising one to type. So far, she’d written nothing. This wasn’t working.

    But she didn’t need to write anything. She could wait a bit longer.

    Astrid sighed and let her forepaws flop to either side of the bed. The badge flopped onto the bed as well. “…What do I do?” she asked herself again and again, in a voice that gradually declined to a whisper.

    She could wait longer, for one.

    She could also just text Brisa already.

    She didn’t have to. But she also didn’t have to wait. What was the point of waiting? Well, Brisa might come on her own, and she didn’t want to come off as desperate.

    She frowned. But, I am indeed very desperate.

    Before she had a chance to think—because dammit, she’d done enough thinking at this point—the badge was in her paws again, and her paws were moving swiftly.

    [Cucumber > Brisket]: Hey. You ok? Cabot told me about Sword 😦

    There. There. Astrid held the badge out like a trophy, admiring her handiwork.

    It was something casual. Something easy. Like playing it off as if nothing was wrong. Yeah! Yeah…

    The more she read it, the more she hated it. It seemed like she was asking if Brisa was ‘ok’ because of Sword’s disappearance, not because of getting exploded on.

    “Criminey,” she muttered, paws moving swiftly again. She’d fix the problem with more impulsive texts.

    [Cucumber > Brisket]: Also I wanted to see if you were ok atfer the battle

    [Cucumber > Brisket]: Can we talk? Please

    Each time she hit send, it felt like clocking out after a long day working hard labor. She rolled onto her stomach yet again, huffing when she saw the typo.

    [Cucumber > Brisket]: after*

    “There.” She said it aloud this time, and shut off the badge to boot. And just like that, the thinking and waiting resumed.
    R9 - Risk Assessment [+ Diyem]
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    While Bahamut was still being taken care of in the infirmary, it seemed that he was suddenly going to be getting a lot of company. It started with the glowing orange flame just down the hall, and then some idle chatter from Owen and a very familiar voice, distorted and demonic as always. And then...

    "Right here?"

    "Yes," Zinc said. "Just this way."

    "Thanks. Um, I don't really know how to treat him, but this was kind of the only place we could think of..." Owen stepped inside, then smiled and nodded at Bahamut. He was holding Diyem over his head--just a red sphere, now.
    R9 – Brisa & Diyem
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa hardly stopped moving, going from location to location attending to everything she could think of. She sent Luz off to boost morale with the more fretful members of the posse, and occasionally exchanged a text or even minor telepathic exchanges. It was getting easier to open up. Slowly, the list of concerns and duties diminished into something manageable. Next on the list...

    Diyem. Diyem was the next priority. There would be much to discuss, if he'd had time to recover. How much time did a Dark Matter need for recovery? Brisa didn't know.

    She knocked on Diyem's door, too tired to even prepare a script. She wasn't even sure if he'd be willing to speak with her at this time, so why bother? By thunder, but she was tired.
    R9 - Can a Candle get a cup o' darkness, neighbor?
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    Vix was still shaken up, despite Cynthian's best efforts. But he did give her the slightest bit of hope, and even more importantly, he gave her an idea. Well it was more her coming up with it, but if there was even the slightest chance to wake up Puddle, Vix was convinced she had to at least try.

    She flowed across the ground to the infirmary, still half melted and darkened by shadows. She didn't even ask for directions when she arrived, she could feel where she needed to go. If her shadows and sadness caused some sort of reaction in Puddle's Ultra Stone, then bringing it to either the saddest or darkest members on the team should be enough to do... something, hopefully.

    Unfortunately, Bahamut had lightened up a quite a bit, which meant her only option left was...

    "Um... Diyem?" Vix peaked her head into the not-a-dark-type's room, reforming as best she could and rising up for him to see her. "Uh, hi. H-How are you feeling?" she asked politely. Manners were important, especially when the main reason you're seeing someone is to borrow something.
    R9 - Plant and Diyem chat
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    Cynthian caught a glimpse of a sad lamp floating out of the infirmary on his way there. He wondered if she was feeling better, but she was already before he could ask.

    With a sigh, Cynthian made his way into the room. He steeled his expression as he entered and made himself comfortable on a stool nearby so he could sit at eye level with Diyem.

    "You're recovering well enough, that's good," Cynthian said, fiddling with the tray of unused medical equipments. He didn't want to look Diyem in the eye while he spoke.
    R9 - Atoning [Saltriv & Diyem
  • IFBench

    Rescue Team Member
    Pokemon Paradise
    1. chikorita-saltriv
    2. bench-gen
    3. charmander
    4. snivy
    5. treecko
    6. tropius
    7. arctozolt
    8. wartortle
    9. zorua
    A few minutes after Cynthian left, a Chikorita with an autumn-red leaf entered the room where Diyem is.

    Their leaf was drooping, compared to it normally being sturdy and healthy. There was a tired, yet determined expression on their face.

    They looked around the room, before their gaze settled on the lump beneath the sheets.

    "Dark Matter, are you there?" Saltriv asked. "I need answers."
    R9 – Something to Celebrate – The Gals
  • Chibi Pika

    Stay positive
    somewhere in spacetime
    1. pikachu-chibi
    2. lugia
    3. palkia
    4. lucario-shiny
    5. incineroar-starr
    6. grovyle-ralsen
    (Shortly after the team returned from the mission to stop Giovanni and the Radiant machine...)

    Another mission, another trip to the infirmary feeling like she'd been hit by a bus. So it went. Still, it wasn't anything she couldn't bounce back from. (Pokemon healing--still nuts.) And a bunch of of other teammates had it way worse. Astrid among them.

    Starr still had no idea what the hell that Nintetales' deal was. Every time she opened her mouth, things got worse, and she was determined to take everything Starr said in the worst possible way. Even when it was bullshit that had literally nothing to do with her, it was like she was allergic to minding her own business.

    Damn if they didn't fight well together, though. Felt weird to acknowledge, but it was true. That last attack, the two of them working in perfect sync somehow, flattening that smug Mewtwo bastard into a crater. Now there was an image that she could stand to see on repeat.

    Of course, it wasn't like they'd get much chance to celebrate the fact that they collectively kicked Giovanni's face in, now that the fucking world was ending. But dammit, Starr wasn't gonna let herself not feel good about it just because of that.
    [R9] The Depression Olympics (Nate, Rocky, and Diyem)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Silver still hadn't left the infirmary, although by this point Nate figured they surely must have, like, propped him up against the wall in a corner or some shit. The guy wasn't exactly doing much, after all, and there wasn't anything wrong with him as far as anyone could tell. With all the attacks going on recently, surely they would have needed the space for somebody who was actually injured.

    He'd tried coming by here a couple times earlier, but there'd been people lurking out in the hall, waiting for a chance to talk to Diyem. All clear now, though. Inside it didn't look like there was anyone around aside from a couple nurses.

    This was supposed to be a quick stop, just hook Silver up with his bow tie and go, but Nate hesitated, looking over at the bed he thought was the one people had been visiting earlier. There was something that had been bothering him, and who knew when he'd get another chance to talk to the guy.

    With a glance back at Rocky to make sure the familiar wasn't about to start a scene, Nate padded over to the bed he hoped Diyem was in. He couldn't see shit from his vantage point on the floor. "What's up, Boss Man? Got a minute?"
    R10 ~ Aftermath of the Voice of Blacklight
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Joule, Pop, and several other injured parties were rushed to the largest infirmary room below the Guild. It was an emergency and all hands were called to help at once, and then some, seeking volunteers from all over Destiny Village. Cepa was there with Balm, who had experience with combat healing and quick-acting workarounds before proper care could arrive. Zinc tried to work with the bodies she knew best first, though she asked frequently if Pop was going to be okay. Confirmation from others eased her worries--This Poke Ball technology had some great utility after all...

    Diyem shed any pretenses and sat in his bed with his usual Charmander appearance, sitting instead while wrapped with his covers, looking tired and barely conscious. Apparently something about Joule's blast had put a real strain on him, and he'd dozed off while sitting up, even as Team Spectrum and several of God Squad stepped inside.

    Various medics told them to leave room so they could do their work. Maple refused to leave Joule's side, which wasn't too much of a problem--she'd be the most experienced, anyway.

    Silver was propped up in the corner of the room after a quick checkup confirmed he was fine.

    "Where is everyone else?" Zinc asked. "What--what happened? There are usually more of you here after a fight... Did it go that well?"
    [R10] The Darkness Inside (Diyem and Icetales)
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    A new day, and yet the situation wasn’t much different.

    Icetales looked around the place, his tails twitching erratically. While the infirmary didn’t look as full as the day prior, there were still many injured ‘mons who were receiving the last treatments. Just the sight of those pained fellows made the Ninetales’s own heart ache.

    That last attack unleashed by Sir Joule… just what was that? How could a single ‘mon do so much damage?

    By the heavens! Perhaps he wasn’t even the most powerful threat around! Who knew if there was some other more intimidating menace on the horizon. If there truly was something… then could Team Spectrum even stand a chance while some of their most powerful teammates were gone?

    Icetales couldn’t stand idle anymore. If there was some way to solve the situation and ensure that their comrades returned, then golly! He was going to take it, no matter what!

    In his silent wandering, he finally reached the room mentioned by the nurse. He poked his head inside, and sure enough there he was. Just the ‘mon he was looking for.

    “Sir Diyem…” started Icetales, before striding inside. “We need to confer about some matters, if thou not mind and art in swell enough shape for that.”
    R10 - What are you hiding?
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Bahamut had an expectation for the infirmary: Diyem in his covers, Arceus somewhere else, and Joule possibly still surrounded by luminous orbs if no one had taken his suggestion and brought him somewhere with organic light. What he wasn't expecting was to find a stone statue of Icetales opposite Diyem's cot with a look of determination on its face.

    There were a lot of things Bahamut could say. Instead, he just went, "Excuse me... but what the fuck?"
    R10 – Pana's Arrival
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Diyem nodded, then turned away. "...Very well," he said, "but make sure to be careful who you tell, and... and..." He winced. "And... what did Icetales do upon entry?" He winced harder and stood up. He staggered off the medical bed and around the room, where he'd apparently found something. "Excuse me--"

    A horrible sound followed, like Diyem was snapping his bones and growing his whole body for some horrible act, and then a groan and an unholy roar. Something was coming out of his throat. It landed on the ground with a heavy thud. Shadows flooded the ground of the infirmary room. "Oh... that's where that one went..."

    Diyem, shrinking back down to a Charmander, collapsed in front of an unconscious Pancham.
    R10 – Koa's Arrival
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Bahamut returned his attention to Diyem, wondering what to do with the guy while he was zonked out like this. Too many things to process at once and he wasn't sure whether his Morning Sun would help or harm Diyem.

    However, before he could even make any sort of decision, Diyem's body convulsed once again. It expanded, swelling up like it was going to explode. An alarmed purple spread in Bahamut's eyes. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

    He wrapped his tail around Diyem and squeezed the guy like a sponge. A saliva coated electrike popped out and Diyem shriveled back down into charmander form. Bahamut was, thankfully, ready with a towel and caught the newest arrival. This has gone long past the point of ridiculousness. The necrozma wondered if the souls trapped in Diyem felt all those convulsions.
    Last edited:
    R10: Celeste, Petram, and a peculiarly shaped rock
  • Shiny Phantump

    Through Dream, I Travel
    1. sylveon
    2. absol-mega
    3. silvally-psychic
    4. ninetales-phantump
    5. cosmog
    6. gallade-phantump
    7. ceruledge-phantump

    After taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Celeste ran straight to the infirmary. He took a deep breath and entered the room.

    Well, there it was. Icetales, turned into a statue. He hadn't expected to find Bahamut was lying, but seeing it himself was different. He rested his head on the statue's cold stone shoulder. It wasn't comforting, not like the real thing.

    "You'd better know what you're doing..."
    [R10] Sway of the Stars (Nate and Silver)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Nate still needed to talk to Diyem, kinda urgently, about what the fuck all that Overseer shit was about and what exactly they were supposed to do about it. But when he arrived in the infirmary, the guy wasn't there. Apparently he was all healed up and they were just, like, letting him run around wherever now.

    For a few seconds Nate simply stared at the empty bed in frustration. But it was probably for the best, honestly. Especially after what he'd just said in the forest... Diyem could probably use some space. No doubt the last thing he wanted was another draining conversation.

    After basically everyone getting stuck down here the past few weeks, it was almost weird to see the infirmary emptied of Team Spectrum and the people they'd either beaten up or who'd got beaten up on their account. Or not entirely empty--Silver was still there, propped up against a wall.

    Grimacing, Nate padded forward to take a look at him. Shoulda come by earlier. Obviously the guy hadn't evolved yet, or Nate would have heard about it, but still. And it had been way too long since Nate'd gone to see the team. Soon. He'd definitely do that soon.

    Silver was the same as ever. Same sleeping face at the center of his glassy body, and the weird swirling, sparkling mist that cast dancing lights behind him on the wall. And the stupid bowtie was still there, too. If the thing was even working as intended, apparently taking out Joule hadn't been enough energy to get an evolution going. With Nate's luck, Silver probably needed a stone to evolve instead or some shit.

    "Still sleeping, huh?" Nate asked. Dragged off and used as a fucking battery, then just chucked back here like a piece of furniture. Fucking Maple. "Hope you're dreaming up something good in there. We could use all the help we can get."
    R10 ~ Recovering Again (Owen, Luz, S'more, and Diyem)
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    "Alright, open wiiiide?" Zinc instructed.

    "Aaaaaaah?" Owen inquired while Zinc stuck a mirror just under Owen's upper teeth, then along the inside of his cheek.

    "All right, good. Now, follow this with just your eyes, don't move your head..."

    Not all of Team Spectrum had volunteered to be examined, but Owen the people pleaser couldn't really say no. He'd spent practically an hour in the infirmary now, going through almost every basic exam available, perhaps in part for research purposes, and perhaps in other parts to see if they were truly battle-ready.

    "All right, it looks like your body temperature is healthy for a Charizard. Everything else seems to be good and in order... All of your vitals seem just right from what your species should be at." Zinc pointed a device at Owen's tail flame. "...Mhm, it's only warm. Now, can you flare it up? ...Okay, good. Is that the most you can do it at?"

    "No, I can go further. I just don't want to burn it."

    "Try a little more. ...Oh, wow."

    "I'm pretty hot, huh?"

    Zinc blinked.

    "He doesn't mean it that way," Diyem groaned from under the sheets, bedridden once more. "He's an idiot."

    "Am not! Charizard are hot! I can't help it!"

    "Sometimes I think you do it on purpose."

    "Well," S'more said, standing on the side with a nod. "If Owen seems healthy, I'm quite confident that a thorough exam won't be needed for all the other revivees, hm?" The Marshadow grinned. "Let's not have them stay in a closed up room on their first day back."
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