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Poppin' Arms ~ Dorm Lounge

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R11 - I'm a Spy...
  • Disco

    Ace Trainer
    Mellow had not been home since the fight against Red. Too much to do and too many to keep an eye on. Especially since Giovanni and the other Mew-Two were around...

    Not only that, but they had made no headway into who the spy might be. It was just so frustrating. The Charmeleon relaxed in the bean bag chair with a mostly forgotten bowl of curry next to her that had grown cold. They needed to get information from one of them. It didn't matter which one. And be prepared for a fight if it came to it...

    But that was something she couldn't do on her own. And while there were a few people on the team she knew more than others, she wasn't sure who would be willing to put themselves at risk. Asking around was risky too. Mellow scrolled through the list of names stored in her badge yet again, and sighed...
    R 11- Plant and Miles
  • ntmymike

    Junior Trainer
    After getting out of the infirmary, Miles wandered around in the general area. He looked around, tried his best to memorize the path and all of the rooms around him. Miles tried his best to keep it as quiet as possible. The shinx doesn't know any pokemon around here so he did everything he can to attract as little attention as he could.
    R11 - Debriefing [Starr, Brisa & Dave]
  • Chibi Pika

    Stay positive
    somewhere in spacetime
    1. pikachu-chibi
    2. lugia
    3. palkia
    4. lucario-shiny
    5. incineroar-starr
    6. grovyle-ralsen
    Firm, forceful footsteps carried Starr up the stairs from the holding cells in the basement and toward the first-floor lounge. There damn well better not have been anyone in--okay good, there wasn't. Starr didn't waste a second sinking into one of the seats with her arms and legs spread out, letting out a long, slow exhale. Felt like she'd been holding her breath for the past fifteen minutes. How long had it been since she'd had to put on that mask? Not long enough, all things considered.

    Starr's ears pricked at the sound of footsteps approaching from down the hallway, and she tensed up. But then... it was probably just Brisa and Dave. She let herself sink back into the chair, massaging her temples. Yeah, figures they'd wanna talk about all that.
    R11 - Brisa & Shield
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa heaped herself on top of one of the available seats and eyed Shield. He was laid back in a chair, staring into space with a substantially more upbeat expression than usual. He hadn't said a word on the way back from Moonlit Forest. The fella sure was off in his own head a lot, huh.

    "I never heard yer whole story," said Brisa, after a moment. "I know the basics. Telum, Sword, countless lifetimes ago, mirror of Lucario Pita. There's much I don't know, though. Like, didya know Blade? D'you remember how y'got to Cibus?"

    Every now and again, Brisa switched on her luxray vision, just to marvel at the way his metal bones gleamed.
    R11 - No Surfing in the Dorms
  • Sudmensch

    Professional Procrastinator
    The door creaked open as Dill tried to look not awkward with his massive frame. The floor trembling with each step, he glanced around the room for a second before clearing his throat and trying for a friendly grin, though such a thing only looked horrifying on his Feraligatr maw.

    "Hey, hi. Uh, I need a place to stay, how would I go about getting... uh, that?" he called to no one in particular.
    R11 ~ Interview with Brisa
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    After the somewhat rough encounter with Toffee and the following cleanup of battle debris and the water that started the whole mess, the lounge was back in working order, and Cream wasn't any the wiser to what might have happened there.

    Instead, the Luxray smiled at the other. "Well, this seems like a good spot, like you said."
    R11 - Spy-Candle thoroughly investigates the Punch Ghost
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    All that time spying, researching, tailing, steak-outing, camouflaging, and watching... and nothing S'more did really looked like spy-stuff. Just... paperwork, and not even the fun kind! Vix figured she'd have to break out the big guns, meaning running to Pop and hoping he'd give the ok to dig around in S'more's head.

    Luckily, Pop said yes!

    However... that "yes" was dependent on what S'more said... Because he'd definitely just agree to that, no questions asked.

    Vix had to think of the best way to ask him, pacing back and forth in the oddly-damp lounge as she prepared herself, until she finally had enough of floating and went to find the tiny punch man-ghost-baby-thing. Her own shadow tagged along, because what else was he gonna do, but it was silent for some reason.

    "Remember, Vix... be polite, but assertive! Gentle, but firm! Like, uh... huh, that's kinda what wax just is, so I can definitely do that," Vix told herself, a confident grin about her. She floated around until, sooner than she thought, she spotted S'more and approached him. "Hello, Guildmaster, sir. I'm Vix, a member of Team Spectrum, I... was hoping to ask something of you, if you had the time?"
    R11- What Measure Is Limited Time? (Cynthian and Icetales)
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    "Now, I want you to hold still for just a bit." Cynthian stretched the measuring tape across the length of Icetales' forelimb. Afterwards, she opened her badge and put down some numbers, then wrapped the tape around his neck to measure its width.

    "I've probably said this so many times before already, but you're just so fluffy..." Cynthian giggled as his mane tickled her vines. After taking the measurement, Cynthian lingered in front of Icetales in a pause, as if wanting the moment to never end. Moments later, she unwrapped the tape and went about jotting the measurements down.

    All the while, Cynthian's flowers were ggiving off a trickle of lemon and lavender that Icetales would surely have noticed. It had been very faint when she approached him earlier, but the intensity of the fragrance grew the more time passed.

    Cynthian turned around and asked, "What's your favorite color? I'd recommend blues or blacks. Those colors will look great on you, love."
    R11 - Puddle meets another cat
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    Hanging out with Rocky and Cola was fun, so much fun that Puddle still had energy a-plenty even after they went their separate ways. He figured he might as well get some of Vix's stuff from the dorms and move it to their new place... wherever it was.

    "Alright..." it said, standing in the lounge and taking a deep breath. "I already forgot where our damn room was..."

    Oh well, might as well see what it can do around here. Read a book, draw something, maybe go out and do some training... or maybe it could just hang out here for a while. Puddle was going over to a beanbag, when a Pokemon caught its attention. Another Shinx, but not like Brisa. More like that reporter lady Puddle's seen a few times, but it didn't really recognize this one.

    The familiar oozed over to the feline and gave a wave. "Hey, I don't think I've seen you around before. You lost or somethin'?"
    R13 - A Pair of Ice Foxes
  • DragonD

    Happy eevee
    Kindle strolled down the room without really paying attention to where was he going, his mind too unfocused to do so. The only thing the ninetales was aware of is that he wanted to find a lonely, quiet spot where he could relax. His tails, all nine, were curled around a small package on top of them, a small flower wrapped in the same protective fabric the shaymin had given him earlier, and he had stored specifically for this occasion. It had been a long, long month, both because of everything that had happened involving Diyem and the rest of Team Spectrum, and because through all of that Kindle couldn't catch a break in paying attention or it would wither. At least tending to the plant served to relax him and prevent the fox from getting a panic attack thanks to the madness of this world.

    The ninetales paused about the middle of the room, considering what was he about to do now. The flower was ready, and so was he. He had even gotten a teapot beforehand for this. But he still lacked the actual means to make the tea. Now, he had heard that in the lounge there was something that could be used to boil water, now, if he could just find it... His gaze ran all over the room trying to spot something remotely familiar. A fireplace, perhaps an oven.
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