Bahamut's core and eyes reddened. "Why is everyone so quick to assume something malicious when I'm involved?" He stomped a forepaw on the ground. "I haven't done anything to the stone other than keep it on my person and—"
A high-pitched squawk echoed from Bahamut's back. His red eyes turned white and his yellow-orange body flashed as his hackles raised and a low mewl rang out. "What the devil—"
The stone levitated off Bahamut's back. Squelches, schlurps, and schlorps sounded above Bahamut. He couldn't back away, because he was already up against the wall. If this was Diyem or Arceus' idea of a joke it was far from funny.
But it quickly became apparent this was no joke. Black goo formed around the glowing stone, semisolidifying into an egg shape. Three purple, luminescent spikes popped out the top, with the middle one being largest.
Bahamut's eyes went purple to match the purple eyes and smile that popped up on what was supposed to be his stone. "No... no, it can't be."
A small black torso popped out the base of the egg, alongside two nubby arms, legs, and a small, luminescent tail that matched the eyes.
"Free at last! Free at last! Thank Pop almighty I'm free at last!" The definitely-not-a-stone-anymore newcomer spun around at high speeds. He shot glowing purple goo from his head's top needle, raining it down on Bahamut's teammates. "Whoo!" He floated to eye level with Bahamut. "You have no idea how stuffy it was in there." He paused. "Actually, no, wait, you do. How long did you spend in a crystal-coma again? One century? Two?" He shrugged. "Eh, what does it matter?"
Bahamut jaw slackened. "Y... you're..."
"Aww, c'mon, Baha Blast. Is that any way to treat your ol' poipole friend?" He flipped upside down. "Ah, now there's a big ol' smile!"
Bahamut abruptly turned away from Poipole. "I would like to submit my resignation from the team, effective immediately." He was ready to bolt out of the room.