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Pokémon Pokevillains Villaintine's Challenge drabbles!

  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    This month I'll be following the Pokévillains discord's prompt list to write about a villain a day! If you want to join in, join the discord! https://discord.gg/kAeaJUCcf8

    Day 1--Ace
    The words resonated in his head.

    "Cyrus is an ace at everything! He could do anything he wanted!."

    Words spoken of a child, a prodigy, a bright light.

    But it wasn't true. He knew that as the one immutable truth that he could not ignore.

    That long-gone person, a remnant of the old world, was a fool like the rest of them.

    An echo, only imagined, in the deep void of primal existence. There was no real sound, no real anything. Only Cyrus, only that faded light, remained.

    He could have been anything but what he was. He had failed.
    • Love
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  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 2--World
    The distant sunlight fading over the curve of the world was always a magnificent sight, but the observation deck wasn't nearly the best setting for it. No, only the Hikoukyuu's gallery could possibly host something so beautiful.

    Soon, Lawrence thought, Lugia would join that gallery, and his collection would at last be as perfect as he always dreamed it would be. Shamouti lay across the ocean, but it seemed to be just over the horizon.

    With all the world at his fingertips, the future of his collection would be assured. It was time to seek out the king at last.
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  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 3--Devote​

    What caused doubts in Rood's mind wasn't anything Ghetsis had said. Not the push for the legendary dragons, not the complex computer network styled to take down the Unovan storage system, not the insistence that the castle had to be hidden beneath the league building.

    What had caused doubts was seeing the king's room for the first time.

    N was the true monarch of Plasma. His kindness and wisdom were to lead them to liberation. And yet--

    "My lord, why does the king favor such childish accoutrements?"

    "Because," Ghetsis had smiled, "the innocence of a child is a powerful thing."
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 4--Passionate​

    "This is..." Lysandre sighed before taking another deep inhalation, "the most wonderful cup of coffee I have ever tasted."

    Across the table from him, Sycamore smiled at the man's blissful expression. "You're so passionate. It's charming."

    "If one doesn't seek the best in what's around them, then what sort of world would we have?" Lysandre gestured to the café. "I hold all of my employees to the same standard I hold myself."

    "That much is clear. I have to try this."

    Lysandre, generous as always, slid the cup across the table.

    Sycamore couldn't dare tell him he didn't like it.
    • Love
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  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day Five--Fix
    "Of course it's rigged," Petrel scoffed with a puff on his Coabanan cigar. "You think Rocket would run a casino if we weren't taking precautions?"

    He gestured out at the grand floor. Pasio's first casino, a few hours away from being flooded with its first gamblers.

    "But they don't care about that. You fill the place with enough glitz and glamor and people will empty their pockets of their own volition. So long as someone hits it big every now and then," another puff, "that keeps 'em full of dreams."

    "And that Unovan? The elite?"

    "Grimsley is banned on sight."
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  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day Six--Moonlight
    J013S, not her real name, had always loved the stars. From an early age she remembered standing on the balcony of her family's Hearthome apartment, observing what she could through the light pollution of the street below, and wondering what it would be like to join them.

    But instead, she joined Team Galactic. Their science division was robust, their studies on Mount Coronet taking her far enough away from the city lights that she could see the sky at last, almost touch the whole universe with her bare hands.

    But after everything, the sky felt farther away than ever before.
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day Seven--Vast
    Lear was the creator of Pasio. Everything that existed there was by his command. Every building, every hill, every road, every forest, every trail and mountain and shoreline had sprouted from his imagination.

    But he so rarely got a chance to enjoy it. When Rachel suggested he go for a hike, at first he rejected the notion. But somehow she had convinced him, and the view from the tallest peak showed how right she had been.

    This was what he needed, he knew. To feel his true place in the world. To know, to care for, the world he made.
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 9--Comfortable
    Being given his own lab, especially at such a young age, was the greatest honor that Uva could bestow on a student like Turo, and he took to it so naturally.

    The older scientists were wowed by his intellect, but it was the company of a peer that he responded to most.

    Working with Sada felt good, and he found himself relaxing in her company. She was a rival in the best way, one that challenged him and pushed them both to do better.

    She was a comfort, and he never felt quite right again after she left him behind.
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 10--Understanding

    Mars knew she'd heard the line before, but from where escaped her. "Down is good," she chastized Purugly, grunting to put the massive cat back on the floor. "Up," she continued, pointing at the couch, "is no."

    Purugly meowed her discontent loudly before casually strutting back to the base of the couch and making her intention to jump back up quite clear.

    "Up is no," Mars repeated with a jolted hand blocking the cat's way.

    "Mrow!" It was a spiteful sound.

    "Good, I'm glad we could come to an understanding," Mars muttered, thick with sarcasm, as Purugly scratched the carpet.
    Hometown New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 11--Hometown

    "It's been a while since we've been back here..."

    The old lady nodded. "Dad's kept you busy, I imagine."

    Tiffany grimaced. "Something like that.

    "Dad's kinda indisposed for a while," Clyde added. "He went back to his old grudge. But we're going to hit the road on our own."

    "Yeah, we're gonna finally take the plunge and start looking into touring." Billy hadn't glanced her way the whole time.

    Garret didn't say anything, just looked in the direction of the house across from the park they met at.

    "Well. I'm sure you can do it," she smiled. "Come back soon."
    Sunshine New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 12--Sunshine​

    The world Maxie wanted was one of fertile soil, of a green earth, of brilliant prosperity, a world where there was land enough for everyone and everything.

    The oppressive sunlight beaming down brighter than it had any right to, strong enough to dry the very air from his lungs. His breath rasped as he called for Team Magma to pull back, to flee the area, but he knew it could only be for so long.

    Groudon had awoken, but how could the creator of land itself bring such devastation? It truly was a god, and none could control a god.
    Champion New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 13--Champion​

    Rose took a deep, shuddering breath. How could Leon not understand the importance of his plan? How could the Unbeatable Champion be so blind as to his true duty to Galar and its future?

    He had raised the boy to be the gallant knight, straight out of a fairy tale. Leon knew full well the role he had to play and yet refused.

    "We don't have one more day," Rose muttered, his hand on the window balling to a fist. Any given day could be the end of everything for someone.

    A hero was nothing if they couldn't save everyone.
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    Endless New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 14--Endless​

    After everything that had happened, it took Archie many months to find time to clear his brain and relax. There under the bright blue sky, the depths of the ocean at his back, he drifted with only his pokémon for company.

    This was the sort of place he had envisioned, but it had gone so utterly wrong. In a world under Kyogre's endless rain, there would be no peaceful moments, only a ceaseless struggle for survival.

    But those thoughts had taken every moment since, so he forced a smile and swam underwater, his pokémon following along as they always did.
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    Wardrobe New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 15--Wardrobe​

    "And that bellhop-looking thing, what is that? What even is that?" James whined as he downed another glass of suspicious water.

    "When you're as rich as The Boss, I guess you can wear whatever you want. Remember his orange suit?" Jessie laughed, already tipsy.

    Meowth slammed his paw down on the makeshift table. "And dat swimsuit leaves nothin' to da imagination! He's got da whole woiks on display!"

    "Wait, when did you see him in a swimsuit?" James's voice was suddenly a lot more sober than before.

    "Yeah, was that before we met you?"

    Meowth's vivid imagination had betrayed him.
    • Mewlulz
    Reactions: K_S
    Eternal New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 16--Eternal​

    Sometimes, AZ would dream.

    The eternal flower, the flower of the weapon, the flower of death.

    Floette had fled. And Floette had returned. And they had both been so long ago.

    Her curse had long ago been lifted, and she joined the rest of his ancient land in death. But AZ remained, beyond Kalos, beyond humanity itself.

    The world was dying, pockets of life reduced to far and few between. He had outlived even the gods, and had no one to plea to to end his existence.

    All he could do was hope that each dream would be the last.
    Artifact New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 17--Artifact

    "I will allow you to have them for now."

    Raifort had said that months ago, when that student-- so innocent in the ways of the world, so eager to please-- had presented her with the Treasures of Ruin.

    Her intention had been to simply take them, to use her contacts to reappropriate them to her account without a trace. But the trainer was horribly powerful, and had managed to befriend gods and legends.

    They were worth keeping an eye on, even winning over.

    As long as they were eager for extra credit, they were in the palm of her hand.
    Big Time New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 18--Big Time

    "Congratulations, professor," Clavell said with a beaming smile. "I knew that brilliance would lead you to fantastic places."

    Sada shook his hand. "I couldn't have done it without you and the other researchers at Naranja."

    Only he caught the sadness in her tone, knew who she was thinking of, but it was on her if she wished to express that thought. "You're going to be quite the media darling now too. Everyone will want to talk to the inventor of such a miraculous thing."

    Her reflection in the tera orb caught her frown. Her goal was Area Zero, not fame.
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    Relaxation New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 19--Relaxation​

    The intensity with which Miror B kicked the break room door open was in sharp contrast to his exhausted sigh of "so uncool..." a moment later.

    "Long day, boss?"

    He dropped his sparkling performance top on Trudly's head and flopped onto the couch. "That *darling* barkeep wouldn't know music if it bit him in his *generous* hindquarters!"

    His lackey quickly set the garment aside and started massaging his boss's shoulders. "Same as always?"

    "If disco is ever to truly die, it's because twits like that will kill it!"

    Trudly didn't dare mention that disco had been considered dead for decades.
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    Avoid New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 20--Avoid​

    "I told you, no encores..."

    "Bro," Marnie sighed as she pulled the blanket off of Piers, "ya need to get yer arse out of bed. It's been ten hours they've been out there."

    Piers stretched out before sitting up in his usual slumped posture. "God, I hate the press. Rose says one thing and they go wild, and Spikemuth gets the brunt again. Thought this would have stopped after he got that sparkly ankle bracelet..."

    Marnie flopped next to him on the ratty old couch. "Yeah well, I'm the one they're after. New gym leader an' all."

    "We'll order in."
    Quirk New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 21--Quirk​

    "And do you know the most important part of being a scientist is?"

    The Plasma grunt tracked Colress's movements, or more specifically the movements of the bagel sandwich in Colress's gesturing hand. "A clean work environment, sir?"

    "Unfettered curiosity!" He thrust his arms wide, sending a stray pickle slice flying. "Without wanting to know 'why', 'why not', we would never get anywhere! We never would have left the trees!"

    "Could hardly imagine," the grunt murmured as a heavy dollop of mayo began to form a large droplet.

    "Exactly! They could hardly imagine what they'd become!"

    "Cleaner than this, I'd hope."
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