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Pokémon Pokevillains Villaintine's Challenge drabbles!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 6 review

Looks loke this is go8ng to be a nice nod to galactic. Is it canonical how they grunts arr named after stars? I get the executives being planets is a thing ... so is the grunt naming thing too. or is it touch you made up?

Love how if the mon world offered actual work/respect to stem fields tjat so many grunts would be employed honestly, elsewhere. (I'm basing this off of game canon magma and game fanon aqua too)

Guess the galactic grunt is encountering that fun phenominom of "the closer you are the further you have to go". Funny how its also something canon cyrus has wrangle with too.

day seven review

Thats a fascinating quandry. If pasio is all lears imagination it makes you wonder how real everything and everyone there is. From the protag, to the villians, to the adventures, none of it could be real. All.of it could be.

You express that well as adding a twist of meglomania to the mix. Ego this boy does not lack. Its interest8ng how rachel, with something as idle as a walk, manages to empart on leer the joy of responsibility.

Wonder how that all ends?

As always, thanks for sharing.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
The grunts don't have a set naming scheme. I think the only canonically named grunt is B-2 from Diamond and Pearl Adventure!, and his name only exists to be a butt pun.

Lear's ownership of Pasio isn't like Cyrus's attempt at a new universe in the first story. Pasio is a physical place that people go to from elsewhere, but it's an artificial island that was constructed according to his wishes. It's as real as a building.
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Hometown New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 11--Hometown

"It's been a while since we've been back here..."

The old lady nodded. "Dad's kept you busy, I imagine."

Tiffany grimaced. "Something like that.

"Dad's kinda indisposed for a while," Clyde added. "He went back to his old grudge. But we're going to hit the road on our own."

"Yeah, we're gonna finally take the plunge and start looking into touring." Billy hadn't glanced her way the whole time.

Garret didn't say anything, just looked in the direction of the house across from the park they met at.

"Well. I'm sure you can do it," she smiled. "Come back soon."
Sunshine New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 12--Sunshine​

The world Maxie wanted was one of fertile soil, of a green earth, of brilliant prosperity, a world where there was land enough for everyone and everything.

The oppressive sunlight beaming down brighter than it had any right to, strong enough to dry the very air from his lungs. His breath rasped as he called for Team Magma to pull back, to flee the area, but he knew it could only be for so long.

Groudon had awoken, but how could the creator of land itself bring such devastation? It truly was a god, and none could control a god.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Looks like you've been busy, lets see how many ficlets i can tackle this morning shall we?

Day 8

Nice, we got some volo love today. And clearly volo in turn loves Cogita's mochi. I always found it hilarious that she was using the plate as a cutting board, and that canonically, instead of doing what misappropriated relics do (like curse or empower a person) it just made her cooking really really good.

And while shes working Volos casually taking notes because when he ends the world as we know it and then reprocesses it juuust right he's just gotta get that recpie, because its good enough to fit in his perfect universe.

Day 9
Hm, is this ai version or flesh and blood version?

Uva "hi i'd like to offer you this metaphorical playground of discovery and wonder!"

Turo: proceeds to break physics time and reality over his knee....

Uva: they grow up so fast...

The flip from uvas musing to the companionship/rivalry of turo/sada felt a little odd tbh. It does hit the theme but was a bit tonally jarring for something so short...

Bit at least I got one answer, definitly flesh version, at least until canon really kciks in.

Day 10

I totally forgot Mar had a purugly. And shes just now training it to learn the furniture rule... that will be broken the second Mars leaves the room?

Good luck with that Mars.

Laughs. Been there, done that (failed miserable considering the furball currently over my legs on said couch right now) you encapsulated the joy of sharing a roof with a unrepentent smart alec cat quite well.

One suggestion. While clawing the carpet sounds about right, clawing the couch would have been more of a sassy cat powermove.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Review day 11

I have to guess here, since i literlly know no one here and the setting isn't there to give me a hint... but is this a scarlet/violet team star thing?

(Candidly i guessed this one because i literally know no ones names here and its the game/canon i know the least about)

Sorry i really cant comment here besides "?".

Review day 12

(Please be something i know a little about, crosses fingers)

Oh, hello Maxie, hows my second favorite team leader? I see we are at the cusp of realizing that we've made a bad life choice.

Nice... nice...

And its funny really. Theres so much canon/fanon criticism about Archie failing to grasp the water cycle when he hyjacks fish-zilla, seeing that Maxie is sufferong the same fate via the "failed to study pedogenesis" before he woke Groudon, which is you know, an earth science for double knife twisting...

I'm sorry i'm sure this is meant to be a horrifying/humbling scene of huris playing out but the sheer irony is killling me.

Anyway thanks for sharing the start of Maxies fall, pride and otherwise. It was a fun scene.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
"Uva" is the name of the school in Violet version. In Scarlet it's "Naranja". Grape and Orange.

Day 11 is about the Go-Rock Quads from the Ranger series! Their dad is the Go-Rock Squad boss and roped him into being his officers when they just wanted to be musicians. Their mother is never canonically mentioned so I just made it up.
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Champion New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 13--Champion​

Rose took a deep, shuddering breath. How could Leon not understand the importance of his plan? How could the Unbeatable Champion be so blind as to his true duty to Galar and its future?

He had raised the boy to be the gallant knight, straight out of a fairy tale. Leon knew full well the role he had to play and yet refused.

"We don't have one more day," Rose muttered, his hand on the window balling to a fist. Any given day could be the end of everything for someone.

A hero was nothing if they couldn't save everyone.
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Endless New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 14--Endless​

After everything that had happened, it took Archie many months to find time to clear his brain and relax. There under the bright blue sky, the depths of the ocean at his back, he drifted with only his pokémon for company.

This was the sort of place he had envisioned, but it had gone so utterly wrong. In a world under Kyogre's endless rain, there would be no peaceful moments, only a ceaseless struggle for survival.

But those thoughts had taken every moment since, so he forced a smile and swam underwater, his pokémon following along as they always did.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 13 champion review

Love how you show that Rose is in such a rock and a hard place scenario.

Or at least one he thinks he is in one. The mans biukding up desperation, borrowing from tomorrow, and probably boarderline hysterical from it.

He's put Leon on a pedistal and shoveled the poor man into this role... and Leon not only nopes out, but calls foul and Rose... just can not compute. Hes on the edge of going to pull a macbeth. All his plans to stop/limit things are just speeding them up as he shovels his Region into its role of unsuspecting victim of Darkest Day. Knight or no knight, he's going to do this, all for "the good of everyone".

And you show that moment before h makes that metaphorical leap beautifully.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 14

funmy how archie winds up learning the exact same lesson that maxie does. But in a totally different moment(post canon?) Its a nice reflective piece that highlights so many aspects of archies character (his laid back personality, his love of his mon, his longing for simplicity) in one pass. All on the setpiece of him taking a swim with his favorite fishies.

Kudos for doing all that so well in presenting archie in such a concentrated format.
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Wardrobe New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 15--Wardrobe​

"And that bellhop-looking thing, what is that? What even is that?" James whined as he downed another glass of suspicious water.

"When you're as rich as The Boss, I guess you can wear whatever you want. Remember his orange suit?" Jessie laughed, already tipsy.

Meowth slammed his paw down on the makeshift table. "And dat swimsuit leaves nothin' to da imagination! He's got da whole woiks on display!"

"Wait, when did you see him in a swimsuit?" James's voice was suddenly a lot more sober than before.

"Yeah, was that before we met you?"

Meowth's vivid imagination had betrayed him.
  • Mewlulz
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 15 wardrobe review

Alright so how did the bumbling trio not realize meowths daydreams? The furball practically narriates them to himself while dancing in place in canon...

On the othet hand, they are idiots... but still its amazing they missed that.

Love how the night out the Trio get drunk and complain about thier boss. Very nine to five, and thier topic is both spiteful and on the nose. You cant complain that Gios artists dressed him up in anything like style. And yes, the bellhop thing deserves its rank in the world of stylistic bad choice dreams/nightmares..

Thanks for the laugh and for sharing.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Oh yeah he narrates them but does he describe what he imagines Giovanni to be wearing?

Also the getting drunk off suspicious water happened in an episode. They found a fountain in a cave and got stupid drunk off what it produced.
  • Mewlulz
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Its been ages but i think he squealed out the word beach and boss and trunks in that order.... so maybe? I mean even if he only did the first two...

I must of missed the "suspicious water" episode. I'm surprised they wiggled that on past the censors
Fun times.
Eternal New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 16--Eternal​

Sometimes, AZ would dream.

The eternal flower, the flower of the weapon, the flower of death.

Floette had fled. And Floette had returned. And they had both been so long ago.

Her curse had long ago been lifted, and she joined the rest of his ancient land in death. But AZ remained, beyond Kalos, beyond humanity itself.

The world was dying, pockets of life reduced to far and few between. He had outlived even the gods, and had no one to plea to to end his existence.

All he could do was hope that each dream would be the last.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 16
Eternal review

Poor az. Really the mans a victim of fate and then some. Living beyond everything familiar until life is a few scanty pockets? he's going to be the last creature in a black void of space at this point. You definitly hit the tragedy wavelength with this one.
Artifact New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 17--Artifact

"I will allow you to have them for now."

Raifort had said that months ago, when that student-- so innocent in the ways of the world, so eager to please-- had presented her with the Treasures of Ruin.

Her intention had been to simply take them, to use her contacts to reappropriate them to her account without a trace. But the trainer was horribly powerful, and had managed to befriend gods and legends.

They were worth keeping an eye on, even winning over.

As long as they were eager for extra credit, they were in the palm of her hand.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 17
Artifact review

Love how long reaching and seeing Raifort is. Impressionable youth under thier wing, check, youth whose a go-getter and wrangling legends as a side. Basic villian starter pack right there. All rai has to do is keep cslm. Wait. And take advantage.

Which per thier closing line of "holding power over thier grades via extra credit " seems exactly like what they plan to do.
Big Time New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 18--Big Time

"Congratulations, professor," Clavell said with a beaming smile. "I knew that brilliance would lead you to fantastic places."

Sada shook his hand. "I couldn't have done it without you and the other researchers at Naranja."

Only he caught the sadness in her tone, knew who she was thinking of, but it was on her if she wished to express that thought. "You're going to be quite the media darling now too. Everyone will want to talk to the inventor of such a miraculous thing."

Her reflection in the tera orb caught her frown. Her goal was Area Zero, not fame.
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