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Pokémon Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Guardians of Balance

Chapter II.XIV - Partners
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    The three Pokémon worked their way through the forest, with the Sobble Kyra leading the way. She kept her eyes focused forward, moving through a trail that Sam could barely notice through the undergrowth. Both Kyra and the Grookey Denzel moved at a fair pace, forcing the Scorbunny to focus on keeping up rather than checking out his surroundings. He tried to spare a thought to the fate of his fellow Rescuers. He could only hope that they were either able to get away or were spared by the pirates.

    And if the bodies in the grove were any indication, Calvin was at the most risk of the lot. He was a fire-type like him. Like them. He was a powerful one too, would they risk capturing him?

    Sam had been lucky to have been thrown overboard, otherwise, he could have met the same fate as the other, if not at the hands of the pirates, then definitely at the hands of this Blackaxe character.

    He squeezed his fists tight at the last words he heard before being tossed into the water. Greg sends his regards… the bandit leader who nearly killed him three separate times was not only alive, but he was with the pirates. There was no doubt about it. They must have recruited him after taking the Daywalker, and if some random pirate recognised him…

    Do the pirates know who I am?

    The Scorbunny fought off a shiver, if that was true, Sam had an even bigger target on his back. Who knows what Greg had said about him? What about Alice? Would they recognise her too?

    He wanted to kick something hard, only the rapid pace of the two tribesmon stopping him from doing so. I need to try and find the others with the help of this tribe, then I can worry about the pirates.

    Kyra slowed to a halt as they reached a fork in the grassy trail, the Sobble frowning as she inspected them. Denzel stopped next to her, rubbing the back of his head, "You can't be thinking about that shortcut right?"

    "It would cut at least an hour, easy." Kyra replied, "And it's been checked before, all the traps were disarmed."

    "Only the ones we could find!"

    Biting his lip, Sam skidded to a halt next to them, "What shortcut?"

    "It's an old ruin." Kyra explained, "Well, more like a tunnel. It cuts through some of the hills near here."

    "And it's not often used." Denzel groaned softly, "It's not in the best condition."

    Sam couldn't stop his ears twitching. A ruin, could it be the one they were looking for?

    No… that's not what Squishy suggested. It was an Arcanum or something. But who knows what else they might have in there? Maybe there might be a clue to another ruin.

    He felt himself shrug, Besides, a shortcut is a shortcut. As long as it doesn't come down on our heads, it's worth at least checking out.

    "Well, if it gets us back to your village faster, I say we give it a try." Sam remarked.

    "And why am I not surprised." Denzel uttered as he moved ahead, "Come on, I know a quicker way there."

    The three Pokémon continued on their way, taking the left path. As they advanced, the grass gave way to beaten dirt and the trail widened. Denzel didn't move anywhere near as fast as Kyra did, but they still moved fast enough that it only took about ten minutes until they arrived. The trio emerged into a small clearing where a large, steep hill formed in front of them, covered in massive trees. But at the foot of the hill was a gaping hole, lined with stone bricks that almost reminded Sam of the temple at Waterfall Mountain, only that this brick was stained brown and green rather than the grey from before. The tunnel entrance was easily about eight feet tall and wide, more than able to accommodate all three Pokémon side by side.

    However, the tunnel itself was completely unlit, leading into pitch blackness.

    Pins and needles briefly flushed through Sam's arm at the sight, "Is… is there no quicker way?" he asked.

    Denzel halted at the threshold of the tunnel, fidgeting with his feet. "Yes… it's not great, I know."

    Kyra walked past the pair towards the side of the entrance, "It's not dangerous. Sure, only the rangers use it, but we've used it a couple of times before. Here."

    She pulled a large stick out of a rusty basket by the tunnel, one end wrapped in a greasy material. "Sam, you don't mind?"

    It took a couple of blinks before the Scorbunny realised what she was asking, "Oh, gotcha."

    With a quick spark, the touch lit up, sending a flickering orange light down into the tunnel. Sam carefully took the touch from Kyra, and with a deep breath, the trio slowly walked inside.

    The tunnel was silent save for the faint tap of their footsteps, not even the dripping of water or the whisper of wind. The walls themselves were remarkably bare as well and each time Sam felt his eyes flick towards them in search of some kind of marking, he instead found some crack or dent.

    "This place looks old." Sam said aloud as they walked onwards, "The Wela Tribe found this place?"

    "Our rangers did." Kyra explained, "They managed to get the booby traps disarmed only last year."

    Sam felt a small quiver in his throat, "Booby traps?"

    Kyra flashed a brief smirk, "Darts. Gravelrocks. Spikes. The usual."

    I'm not even sure what counts as usual with these guys!

    "We still have to be careful." Denzel replied. "There might still be some traps. You can't trust these old ruins."

    Sam's ears pried further as he tilted his head aside, "You make that sound like there are others."

    "There's a few of them scattered around the islands." Kyra said, "But the Tapus and Elders have declared them off limits."

    "Off limits?"

    She sighed softly, pausing for a moment before walking onwards, "I… never understood it. They have been around as far back as the Wela Chronicle goes, built by the 'Champions of the Gods'." She rolled her eyes at her words, "And so they didn't want us desecrating their works."

    Sam chewed on his lip, he had no idea who these Tapus and Champions were, and he had a feeling that his guesses could be wrong. Maybe these Champions were just Guardians by another name?

    "Even putting aside how significant the ruins are." Denzel replied, "We have no idea what kind of traps are in them."

    The Scorbunny slowly nodded as a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. "I… If we get a chance… can we check them out?"

    Kyra flashed a sly grin, "If you can help with Blackaxe's pirates, I'll be more than happy to show you. Keep the touch lit, we're only halfway through."

    Reaching the end, the three emerged into a large square chamber with beams of light shining down from openings high up the three-story-high walls. At the very centre of the room was a large pit, taking up over half of what the floor itself should be, but still leaving enough floor to leave a comfortably wide ring around it. On the far side of the room was another tunnel entrance.

    Sam whistled as he stepped forward, scanning the browning walls of the chamber. They were still bare, much to his disappointment, but even so, he couldn't help but be impressed with the actual structure. "Well… if this is just a shortcut, then the ruins should be quite the sight."

    Denzel rubbed his hands together with a tiny smile, "At least from a distance." He started making his way towards the right, "Come on, it is best not to stay here for too long."

    He started to follow, but the Scorbunny found himself gravitating towards the pit, unable to contain some morbid curiosity, if only to be distracted from everything that had happened.

    That was when he heard a whisper, causing his ears to twitch.

    That… that came from above…

    "Don't step on that-!"

    Sam's foot sank with a soft click.


    Something wrapped around his leg with a sharp whirl and whipped him off his feet. Sam yelped in shock, dropping the touch as his body raced towards the pit, "Sssssshhhitttt!!!"

    "Sam!" Kyra barked.

    His legs snapped up, and Sam's world spun upside down as he raced into the air. Only then did the loud ping echo as the rope finally ran out, leaving the Scorbunny dangling above the chamber. Groaning, Sam looked up to find him hanging half a meter below the ceiling, just below the reach of some old roots. His right leg was wrapped up in a tight rope, holding him in place.


    Hanging just outside arms reach was Alice, the Buneary hanging upside down herself with her arms crossed.

    Sam's heart threatened to burst out of his chest, "Alice!?" he exclaimed, "You made it off the Crow!"

    "Only to get stuck here." She grumped with a bored tone.

    "Sam! You dead!?" Denzel called out from below, looking up in alarm.

    Wincing as the rope dug into his leg, "D-no! We're alright!"


    Alice looked down and slowly waved, "Heya.". She briefly looked back at him, "New friends of yours?"

    "You can say that." Sam said before shouting back down as he motioned with his hands, "Alice, that's Denzel and Kyra, Denzel Kyra, Alice."

    Kyra gazed up at the pair, "You came on Sam's boat?"

    Alice merely shrugged, "One of our boats, yeah."

    "You must have set off a leftover trap!" Denzel called out.

    Sam and Alice shared a glance, before looking back down at the Grookey, "No shit." They jointly said.

    At that moment, something dawned in the Scorbunny, "Wait a second… how long have you been up here?"

    "About half an hour." Alice admitted.

    He frowned, "Then why haven't you shook yourself loose?"

    "Because of the spikes."


    Sam snapped his head back down towards the pit, where jutting up at the ceiling, he could see the smooth wooden spikes nestled at the bottom.

    Directly below them.

    "Ah shit…" Sam muttered, suddenly feeling a lump in his throat. "Err… Kyra? Denzel? Please tell me you know how to… you know, get us down?"

    Denzel rubbed the back of his head, "I've heard of this trap before, j-just give me a sec!" He reached for the touch, only to recoil at the last moment from the flames. Sighing, Kyra scooped it up, "Just sit tight!" she shouted, "We'll get you down! Denzel?"

    "Right, there should be a side passage with the releases." He uttered, as the two tribesmon jogged around to the other side of the pit, "We'll be right back!"

    The two entered the second tunnel, leaving the two rabbits all alone.

    Sam sighed softly as he gently swung in the air, Great… walked right into my first trap. But…

    He looked towards Alice, her arms still crossed as she eyed the tunnel. He caused the rift between them in the first place the moment he held back on his human identity.

    I… I need to make things right.

    "I…" "I…"

    Sam's mouth clamped shut, finding Alice was now staring at him with her mouth agape.

    "Look-" "Look-"

    Their mouths worked in unison before they cut themselves off, and suddenly feeling cold, Sam started to motion for her to start first, only for Alice to butt in first. "Go ahead."

    Sam shook his head, "No, you-"

    "Sam-" Alice started countering.

    "I put you in this position," Sam replied, firmly holding his hand out to calm her. "You go first."

    The Buneary blinked a couple of times, before she undid her arms, closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry."

    Sam's gut fluttered, "Huh?"

    Alice's eyes flickered back open, "I… I'm sorry that I tore you down the way I did. I know what it's like to try and hide something about yourself…" her breath went shaky as she tried to continue. "I… I should have realised what you were going through. This mess… it's my fault."

    "No Alice!" he exclaimed, shaking his head and instinctively reaching out with his hand for just a moment, "I'm to blame! I should have trusted you in the first place about me… of me…"

    His words died in his throat, the Scorbunny's chest tightening.

    "Being human?" Alice gently asked.

    He slowly nodded, "Y-Yeah. That." Sam replied, pulling a reverse shrug, this was a good start, he needed to keep this up.

    "I… I had no idea why I ended up here, with no idea of what this world was like. If I wasn't afraid of what would happen to me, I was afraid of what would happen to everyone else. When Jack blurted out about humans I…" he sighed, feeling himself tremble, "I just…. Thought I had an easy way to get answers. And after what happened I was… angry with myself as much as anyone else."

    Alice listened intently to Sam's words before she continued. "I get that." She replied, "Really. I do."

    She rested one paw against her shoulder, "You know what happened to my parents. The thing is ever since then I… never really had a lot of social contact."

    Sam slowly nodded back at her, "Because of the curse nonsense, right?"

    The damn curse. The theory that Alice had something to do with her parent's deaths during the Dark Matter Crisis. Something that had followed her wherever she went.

    "Right." She replied, "Every time I ever got close to someone... someone else would reveal what happened and just drive them away. Forced me and my uncle to move on. So I stopped bothering trying to have friends and…"

    Wiping her eyes, she forced herself to carry on, and Sam had to resist the urge to swing over to comfort her. "I… don't know how to have friends anymore. I don't know how to help people with stuff like that. I'm only really good at punching stuff."

    Sam managed a weak smile, "Well, seems like we're both learning… social stuff…"

    Alice half-snorted in amusement, "I suppose you're right there."

    She focused her gaze on him, "Sam… you're the first person I've hung around with a lot since my uncle took me in. I… it took someone we know shouting at me to make me realise how much that's meant to me."

    He nodded gently back, "I know the feeling. Someone told me the same thing."

    "Even if we drove each other mad with our promises to keep ourselves in check?"

    Sam tried to laugh, only for a cough to cut it short, "Y-Yeah! In hindsight… we shouldn't have tried to make that promise two days after we got given the Bronze Rank."

    It had been a spur-of-the-moment thing; Alice had her temper towards others and Sam had his hot-blooded nature. They figured they could try holding each other's worse impulses back by promising to do something to the other if they fell into that habit. Alice started punching people, Sam would have her do something daft. If Sam started getting himself into trouble, she got to punch him out of it.

    Alice returned a thin smile, "Probably not the most… mature thing we could have done."

    "Well, we have a good excuse for it." Sam admitted.

    The Buneary looked away for a moment, "How about we make a new promise?"

    "Like what?" Sam asked, frowning.

    She nodded at him, "No punches or pranks." She started, "Whenever we're alone or together… we keep in mind what the other will say. You keep my voice in your head… I'll keep yours in mine."

    Sam chewed on that thought, It… does make sense. It's simple and… well. It wouldn't be too hard to keep each other's thoughts on hand. We know each other well enough there.

    He returned the nod, "Alright." He said with a smile, "You've got a deal."

    She reached out for him, and with a gentle swing of his body, he grasped her paw with his own. "Partners?" he asked warmly.

    Her smile widened, "Partners."

    On cue, they shook paws, and didn't let go.

    Feeling a pleasant warmth in his chest, Sam looked back towards the ropes, "Well in case Kyra and Denzel can't find anything, any ideas? Could we try and grab the roots?"

    "Already tried that." Alice admitted, "They're too fragile, and these ropes are pretty tight."

    "Would be pretty hard to hang on." Sam realised. "Think your uncle would have given you a tip on how to get out of a spot like this?"

    "Probably, but he hasn't told me yet." Alice replied with a bemused huff.

    "You make it sound like he's a rescuer." Sam mused, tilting his head to get a better look at the rope wrapped around his leg.

    "He is." Alice replied, "Wish he was here right now."

    Sam grinned, trying to picture her uncle showing knots in front of a young Alice, "One of these days, you've gotta introduce us."

    Alice chuckled, "You've already met him."

    Stiffening, the Scorbunny frowned, "Eh? When? From walking round the tree?"

    Her chuckle deepened, "How else did you think I was getting special practice sessions?"

    "I don't fol-"

    The realisation struck him in the gut harder than one of Kain's attacks.

    "Shut. The fucking. Door!" Sam blurted out, "Rex is your uncle!?"

    He found Alice returning a deviously smug smirk, "Yep."

    Sam recoiled, nearly letting go of Alice's paw out of sheer shock, "Holy – how the hell did I not see that!?"

    It was true! Special sessions, the way the Guildmaster interacted with Alice… the way she reacted when he quipped about her having a boyfriend doing said sessions, it was so damn obvious and he never realised!

    "It just means the secrecy works." Alice replied, only for the smile to fade away, "Just don't tell anyone else. I don't need Rex to catch flak because he looks out for me. Even if Mum and Dad were his teammates."

    He sharply nodded back, "No worries, I'll keep quiet on it. I just… didn't expect that."

    Alice smirked again, "Alright, that's my second big secret… how about you share your… little fear?"

    "Little fear?"

    "You know, the one you've conveniently forgotten?"

    The warmth vanished, a new lump forming in his throat as he looked back down towards the very distant floor and the spikes.

    "Remember now?" Alice teased.

    Shivering, Sam finally tore his eyes away with a growl, "Alright, fine! I'm afraid of heights! I admit it!"

    For the first time, Alice giggled, and the sight of that alone forced the growl away and prompted a chuckle from the fire-type. "Haha… alright, that was kinda funny."

    Wiping her eyes again, a serious expression formed on Alice's face, "Back on humans though… if you want to talk about that, I'm all ears."

    "I will. There's a lot I've got to get off my chest since last time." Sam admitted, feeling relieved that Alice was willing to hear him out, "But first, let's focus on getting out of here."

    "I can get behind that."

    "Okay! We've got a plan!"

    Across the way, in a freshly lit chamber that had been formerly hidden out of sight along the wall, Sam could make out the green form of Denzel, whereas back on the ground floor, Kyra was waiting for them. "We found the winch for the ropes!" she called up at them, "Denzel is going to lower you down and then you can swing across to me!"

    It's a start! "Alright!" Sam shouted back, "We're ready!"

    "Just take it slow!" Alice added.

    "Ok!" Denzel replied, his form reaching towards what appeared to be some kind of wheel, "I'm going to start lowering yo-"

    An enormous bang, accompanied by Denzel's surprised yelp, "Gods no!"

    Before Sam could ask what was happening, that familiar whirl began to scream louder than ever. Sam could only look towards the wide-eyed Alice as he realised what was happening.


    The rope slackened, and the pair started falling… right for the spikes!

    They could only scream as they rushed towards the pit, Sam's eyes squeezed shut. Dang it! Just as he and Alice were back on the same page, they were going to-

    Wooden sticks snapped underneath him, seconds before they slammed into the barely cushioned floor with a puff of stale air. A pulse of pain ran through his body as he coughed. The hell!? I'm alive?

    "Alice?" he cried out, wincing as he started to push himself up.

    "I'm alright." She groaned, stirring in the corner of his vision. "What… what did we land on?"

    "How… oh… oh…" Kyra uttered from above, "Now that makes sense."

    Blinking, Sam finally sat himself up, expecting to find themselves amongst sharp stakes.

    Instead, they sat amongst twigs from trees. As for what they were sat on, they were on some multicoloured cushioning.

    No, cushioning marked with very detailed shapes.

    An illusion.

    Alice sat nearby, slowly looking on with a dumbfounded look on her face. "What kind of idiot puts in fake spikes?"

    Above them, Kyra's head poked over the edge of the pit, "That's… a really good question." She glanced over her shoulder, "It is fine Denzel! Just get some rope!"

    Sam turned back to Alice, still blinking at their surroundings with a blank look on her face.

    Still wincing from the pain, Sam pulled a faint chuckle as he realised one tiny detail. "You know… we could have cut ourselves free ages ago, and we'd probably been fine."

    The Buneary slowly turned towards him, still blinking.

    She visibly swallowed.

    Then squeezing her eyes shut, she started to snigger.

    Then came the laughter as she flopped onto her back. Unable to hold his mouth shut, Sam started howling with her, feeling all the strength in him fade away as he slumped over.

    For a moment, the worries about the pirates, the ruins, Guardians or just everything seemed to fade away, as Team Audacity laughed about the ridiculousness of the pit.

    Again, as partners.

    And so our heroic duo are finally back together again. It's been several chapters (and embarassingly several months), but it's finally happened. Stuff has been happening in real life, plus catching up with MoD and GoB and art projects hasn't helped. But either way, the chapter is complete again. I hope this serves as a nice short and sweet chapter that you guys can enjoy.
    Chapter II.XV - The Tapu
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    After Kyra and Denzel helped Sam and Alice back up – after the two rescuers had stopped laughing at least – the reunited Pokémon began to make their way through the second tunnel leading through to the other side. The two locals took point, making sure they didn't set off any other traps by accident.

    Team Audacity followed from further back and in a hushed whisper, Sam began to explain about everything that had happened to him. What little he knew about himself as a human, what he came across in Broken Wood, the dreams, the confrontation with Kain at Waterfall Mountain and finally, his encounter with Squishy just after being blown off the Penguin. There was no need to hold back information now that Sam and Alice were now on the same page again.

    That and to be honest, he needed to get everything off his chest. Alice didn't interrupt him, listening intently as they walked down the tunnel. When he finally finished, she slowly nodded and let out a quiet whistle. "That's… a lot…"

    Sam sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "I know it sounds crazy. But I've not got much to go off."

    "I believe you." Alice replied reassuringly, a paw brushing past his arm. "Does anyone else know?"

    "Just you and Jack." Sam admitted.

    "And you think the Guardians are linked to the disasters?"

    "Positive." he replied, "Kain knew the Guardians, and he only showed up after possessing Zeke in Broken Wood."

    "And the earthquake happened not long after you found him." Alice growled, fist clenching at the memory. "Knowing how strong he was, I'd bet Kain set off the earthquake."

    Sam frowned, "I'm not so sure on that one, that could have been Volcanion or just the last push, otherwise Kain could have done that in Robinwood. But they've gotta all be connected somehow, and if the ruins here were built by the Guardians, we'll find the answers there."

    Alice rubbed her chin, "That's still a leap though. Zeke could have read Kain wrong. And this… Squishy whatever they are," She waved her hand in frustration, "Seems kinda clueless. I've never heard of a green blob Pokémon either. You sure he wasn't a Ditto?"

    Sam felt a slight quiver at the base of his skull as he remembered the blob jumping on his head. "Nope. I'm not sure he knows much himself. But he has been the best source so far, so unless we want to try Waterfall Mountain again, it's the best we've got."

    Nodding back, Alice turned to face the backs of the two tribesmon, the end of the tunnel appearing ahead. "Then let's find the others, then we can worry about the ruins."

    Sam flashed a thumbs up, "Sounds like a plan."

    Alice stopped in her tracks, turning towards him. "Sam, when we get back… we're going to need to talk to someone about this."

    With a frown, he stopped too, "Like who? Rex?"

    He knew he had answered his own question before Alice even nodded, "Just him. If there's anyone we can trust and make sense of this, it'll be him."

    Slowly, he nodded back, She's got a point. Rex has believed in us before, he might see something that both of us have missed.

    "Are you coming?" Denzel called out from the end of the tunnel.

    Sam sharply turned to face him, "We're right behind you!"

    The four Pokémon emerged back into the light on higher ground, the trees seeming less extensive than before. More than a few still looked like they'd fit in with a jungle, but others were now looking more like the confers and deciduous trees that he was familiar with. Kyra squirted a light Water Gun at the torch to smother it before placing it back into another iron basket by the exit. "Come on." She said, "Our village is not far!"

    Kyra led the way again, with Team Audacity and Denzel following close behind. The going was significantly easier with less foliage and debris to dodge, whilst also revealing a more defined path for them to follow. Sam and Alice focused on keeping pace with the Sobble, saving their conversation about humanity and the Guardians for later.

    As they reached the top of a small hill, a cluster of wooden huts hooved into view. They were positioned at the foot of a large wooded cliff, and Sam could make out the collection of small waterfalls that ran down the cliffs into a large lake at the edge of the village. Denzel let out a visible sigh of relief, "Finally." He breathed out.

    "Any chances that any of our guys will be there?" Alice asked, stepping up alongside Kyra. The Sobble shrugged, "Only one way to find out."

    They made their way down to the village slowly, as Denzel pulled out a short wooden flute and blew out a quiet tune. A distant tree rustled, and Sam caught a flash of a small bird flying out of it, headed towards the Wela Village. A safety measure, Denzel stressed, to make sure that no pirates were approaching their home.

    Indeed, when they finally arrived at the outskirts, their only barrier was a young-looking Sneasel, fiddling with his claws as he stepped aside to allow for the four to enter. "You are the last to arrive." He explained.

    "Good. That should be everyone accounted for from the village." Kyra mused, "Did they bring anyone else back in?"

    "From what I heard yes. A pair were making quite a ruckus near the village centre."

    Sam and Alice shared a glance, wondering who could have made it ashore from their ships. "Lead the way." The former said, and with Denzel now guiding them, they strolled through the village.

    The Scorbunny expected the Wela villagers to retreat inside their homes and indeed, some did do that, hushing their young kids into the huts. But others seemed unfazed, strolling through the village or carefully working on homemade materials, like shawls, colourful blankets and weaved baskets. Some watched with a wary eye, and one or two nodded in greeting. It certainly wasn't enough to make Sam feel uncomfortable. But he could tell that the Wela people were still cautious about their new guests.

    Alice leaned in as they walked, "You'd think the pirates haven't bothered them much." She whispered.

    He went cold as the memory of the dead fire-types reared itself again, "It might be because I'm a fire-type. The pirates kill them."

    Alice blinked, "W-What?"

    "I'll explain later." Sam replied as a clearing emerged. He hadn't had time to explain about Blackaxe and the pirate's antics yet, and he doubted he'd have time to fully do so now. "Looks like we're nearly there."

    The huts formed a ring around the core of the village, where one long building was set up at the far end from where the two rabbits and their guides had entered. Stone walls ran around the edge of the circle between the surrounding huts, and a single tree and flowerbed were positioned at the centre surrounded by another low wall. It was a little bit more lively here, as some tribesmon chatted with each other as they walked through.

    And at the base of the tree, standing alongside the wall, was the very familiar form of a Bulbasaur and a Skorupi.

    "Bruce! Denver!" Sam barked, quickly jogging on ahead with Alice in hot pursuit.

    Bruce's head snapped round as a gigantic smile of relief took shape, "S-Sam! You made it!"

    Denver managed a half-stifled laugh, "We thought you had it!"

    "I got lucky!" Sam cheered as he approached. A vine erupted from Bruce's bulb and casually whipped towards him, and with a practised aim, the Scorbunny delivered an impromptu high-five. "How did you two get away?"

    "We got cornered." Bruce replied, averting his gaze, "Calvin told us to jump overboard before the pirates got us. Got found by these Wela folks not long after."

    "Stop looking all guilty Bruce." Denver grumbled with a narrowed gaze, "We'd be in chains by now if we didn't run for it."

    "He has a point." Alice noted, stepping up alongside Sam. The Skorupi stiffened, only to click his claws sharply.

    "Hate to admit it." He grumbled, "But I'm glad you got off too."

    Bruce's eyes brightened before Alice could respond. "Alice!? If you got off, then so did Nia right!?" he leaned to look past her, "Where is she?"

    For the first time, Alice seemed to withdraw, her eyes flicking towards the floor. Sam honestly thought she was haunted by the question. "The Crow was sinking fast. I saw Nia get into the air as I was jumping off, but I haven't seen her since."

    Sam shivered as the words sank in, the Crow was gone. And the fate of the Penguin was a mystery. He looked over the others, seeing how Bruce slumped again. How uncomfortable Alice was. Even Denver seemed rigid as he looked towards the ground. It didn't take much to realise that he was thinking about Edward as much as Bruce was thinking about Nia and Dan.

    Kyra and Denzel stood off to one side, looking more uncomfortable as they watched the four. "We will just let the Chieftain and Tapu know you're here." the water-type said quietly, "We will… leave you to it."

    They started walking towards the long building, leaving them alone.

    "Damn… we're the only ones who made it?" Sam quietly asked, looking over the four of them. "What happened to everyone else?"

    "Calvin, Dan… Edward... and that Zeke guy too." Denver managed to say. "The pirates were all over them when we got away, same with the crew."

    "And Nia must have got caught too." Bruce growled.

    "If they got caught." Alice whispered, turning to Sam, "What were you saying about fire types?"

    The Bulbasaur blinked, "Whatcha mean?"

    Sam shuffled his feet, wanting to shrink away. But with a sigh, he explained what he heard of the pirates and their leader. Of how they arrived on the islands and attacked the Wela.

    And most importantly, on how they killed any fire-type they came across, bringing up the killing field he found.

    All three of his companions shared a look of pure horror, Bruce and Denver were both trembling. Alice herself seemed to instinctively move towards him, as to better protect him. She faintly cursed, as the gravity of Sam's words finally settled in.

    Bruce spoke first. "So… when the pirates made a beeline for you…"

    "They were aiming to kill me on the spot." Sam admitted with a weak shrug.

    "Ffffuck…" the Bulbasaur growled, "Then that means…"

    "All the other fire-types are dead by now." Denver said woodenly.

    Bruce's eyes widened in shock, "C-Calvin too? Not him! That guy is a legend! He's fought legendries and lived to tell the tale!"

    Sam sighed softly; he saw Calvin getting forced down by the pirates just before going overboard. Calvin might have not stood a chance. "I only got away because one of them recognised me, ended up giving me a message."

    "What do you mean?" Alice questioned.

    He locked his eyes on hers, "Greg's with the pirates."

    The Buneary's fists clenched tight, no doubt remembering the time they fought him. "Are you sure?"

    "He was specific."

    Denver stomped the ground, claws clamped together, "So this lady bastard managed to get her hands on the biggest set of muscles in the Sea of Wonders? Shit!"

    Sam flashed his teeth, "We've beat him before. We can do it again."

    "Barely." Alice reminded him. "And Blackaxe sounds worse."

    "Tell me about it." he admitted. Greg was a nightmare before. Blackaxe is going to be something else entirely, we need a lot more help.

    Alice's eyes brightened slightly, "Actually… it's slim, but I think Calvin might have a chance."

    "Huh?" Sam uttered. "How?"

    She nodded towards Bruce, "Calvin's a Team ACT member right? Then the Pirates would have to know that too."

    The Bulbasaur quickly began to nod as the realisation settled in, "You reckon they could have spared him cos he's famous?"

    "For ransom? It's a good bet."

    Realising she had a point, Sam rubbed his hands together, "Then there's a chance that Calvin's alive too. We have to believe that for now."

    "Doesn't change the fact that we don't know where these pirates are!" Denver barked, "The four of us can't take them all on!"

    "He does have a point." Alice acknowledged.

    Tell me about that one.

    Sam slowly started to pace as his mind started running through ideas, "That's something we can work on. We need to try and get back in touch with Rex and the rest of the expedition. Finding the pirate's base would be a help too. The Wela picked us up, maybe they can help us more."

    Alice's ear dipped slightly, "If we have to rely on the tribe… then maybe you need to be the one to talk to them."

    Sam stopped in his tracks. "W-what?"

    "And that's it." Kyra said, "These Pokémon are not linked to the pirates. If anything, they want them gone as much as we do."

    They sat around a firepit in the longhouse on cushioned mats, a small fire lighting up the interior. Across on the other side of the pit from the two younger tribesmon, a white, brown and red avian Pokémon sat cross-legged. The red feathers around her head formed what almost appeared to be a hat that shielded most of her face. The face of an owl.

    The Decidueye narrowed her eyes, "Are we certain that they can be trusted?"

    Kyra nodded back, "One of them is a fire-type and they all recognise each other."

    Denzel looked somewhat less certain, "I am wary as well Chieftain-"

    The owl huffed in amusement, "Denzel, you don't have to be so formal."

    Sighing, Denzel looked towards the pit, "Sorry, Odessa. I would be cautious. But there are a lot of reasons why they would be telling the truth. But even if they have no ill-intent, what about anyone who follows them? All our islands could end up being overrun!"

    He gritted his teeth, just as Kyra glared at her companion, "I think it's a risk worth taking. We are not strong enough to fight Blackaxe's pirates. If they can help us take back our home we should ask!"

    The chieftain raised her wings, motioning for the pair to calm down. "You are both right. But we will need to learn more about them to be sure."

    "I must ask." Came a deeper voice, "This fire-type. What species are they?"

    The three turned towards a small yellow orb that floated at the edge of the fire, the occasional flash of orange and white blinked across its surface as it spoke.

    Kyra frowned at the question, "He's a Scorbunny. Why do you ask?"

    The orb dimmed, if only for a moment, before it brightened as they spoke once more. "I… I'd like to meet this Scorbunny."

    The Decuideye straightened up, her beak clicking. "Face to face?"

    "At the shrine." The voice confirmed.

    Kyra's mouth dropped open. Denzel stared incredulously at the orb, "But Tapu! You rarely let us in! Now you are going to let an outsider enter from out of the blue?"

    The voice remained calm, "I have a theory. I'd like to be sure of it."

    Odessa rose to her feet, brushing some of her head feathers back for a moment as she considered the words. "You have not steered us wrong since I was still a chick." She admitted, "Alright. We'll be there soon."

    "I can't believe I'm agreeing with her so much, but she's right." Denver said, "These guys were shoving our faces in the dirt before they figured out we're telling the truth."

    "I'd probably still be stuck in that tunnel if you didn't happen to be there." Alice added. "You got off lucky. They're more likely to trust you being a fire-type."

    Sam found all three Pokémon staring at him. "Nope, come on!" he exclaimed, feeling exposed and shaky, "You know how hot-headed I get like on a good day! I can't represent us! Never mind the whole guild!"

    Bruce grimaced, "Well, we're not much better. And you're the closest thing we have to a leader."

    "L-Leader!" he spluttered, "When have I been that?"

    "Broken Wood." Denver said bluntly.

    Sam growled as a headache started coming on. Okay, maybe I did start bossing everyone about, but only because everyone was panicking or fighting amongst themselves!

    Alice patted him on the shoulder softly, "And besides, we outrank these two. So it'd fall to one of us anyway."

    A concerned look from the Buneary seemed to cement it. Bruce and Denver would never follow Alice's lead. But they would do so with him. He sighed, realising she had a point. "Alright… at least until we fi-"

    "Excuse me, you are Sam, correct?"

    Coming towards them was a strange owl-like Pokémon, her red feathers forming what looked like a weird hat on her head. Kyra and Denzel were at her side, looking somewhat dazed, even if they looked unhurt. Suddenly feeling on the spot, the Scorbunny mustered the best smile he could. "Yeah! That's me. And who are you?"

    His heart skipped a beat as the owl giggled at his response. "I am Chieftain Odessa. I would like to welcome you all to our village. I am sorry we could not respond any sooner, and for any mistreatment your companions may have suffered."

    Denver faintly grumbled behind him.

    Sam didn't initially reply, only for a kick to the back of his leg to spur him into speaking again, "Not a problem. You can't take any chances with the pirates. I'm sorry they've been gunning for you."

    Odessa crossed a wing over her chest, bowing her head respectfully. "Thank you. I would enjoy a pleasant conversation, but there are important matters to discuss. Kyra and Denzel will see that your companions are settled in their home, but Sam, I will need you to come with me."

    "What for?" Alice questioned firmly, stepping forward to place herself in front of Sam. "We've only got back together."

    The Chieftain placed her wings across her front, as if holding them together, "Our Tapu would like to speak to Sam alone."

    Alice's ears twitched enough for Sam to notice, She's already getting suspicious… okay, Rex would try and compromise, right?

    He rested a hand on Alice's shoulder, "I'm okay with speaking to your Tapu alone. But can my partner wait outside or something?"

    Odessa clicked her beak a couple of times, and Sam swore he heard a faint chirp as she thought it over. "Of course. She can wait outside with me. Is that fair for you?"

    Alice glanced between the pair, before finally nodding.

    Sam turned back towards Bruce and Denver, "Don't worry, we won't be long."

    Hesitating, Bruce cocked his head to the side, "Err… alright."

    Odessa led Team Audacity out of the village a short distance towards the cliff, where much to Sam's surprise, amongst the dozens of trees littering it, there was a set of overgrown stone steps leading up. "Be careful." The Chieftain advised, "The steps can be slippery this time of year."

    Slowly, the trio began to climb, following the steps along the gentler inclines of the cliff, staying close to the waterfalls. Occasionally, Sam could feel a few droplets of water hit him, and his feet would sometimes land in a puddle of cool water. No wonder the steps had moss and grass growing out of them.

    "Odessa." Alice started, "Who is the Tapu? I thought you'd be in charge?"

    "Of the Wela I am." Odessa replied, "But the Tapu are the spiritual leaders of the tribes. They don't govern, but they have served the Pokémon of these islands for centuries. We owe them a great deal."

    Sam's ears perked up at that, "There are other tribes? And more than one Tapu?"

    "Of course!" she replied, pointing towards one particularly wet step to avoid, "There are four, the Wela, the Kaheawai, the Hano and the Na'nuao. But we have not heard much from the others since the Lady arrived. Her boats have seen to that."

    The ship that took out the Penguin and Crow was just part of a fleet? He shivered at the thought. If the Red Kite had to take out more than one ship… it was going to be hell.

    They reached a small, grassy flat at the top of the steps, where a small cave opening waited for them. "Alice, was it?" Odessa said, "You can wait out here with me. Sam, the Tapu is just inside."

    It didn't appear to be a dark cave, he could see a fair amount of natural light through the entryway. Not that it did much to comfort him though. Behind him, Alice rested a hand on her shoulder, her coiled ear still twitching. "Sam… if you need help…"

    He looked back towards her, feeling a slight warmth work its way through him, "I hear you." He replied gently, "I'll try not to be a hero."

    That earned him a sly smile from the Buneary, and with a newfound burst of confidence, he entered the cave.

    He wasn't wrong, a large crack ran through the ceiling, allowing light to shine down from above. A stone path went on ahead of him, surrounded by a grassy field. At the far end of the cavern, a few metres away, was another tunnel opening. Frowning, he walked further in, his footsteps echoing through the chamber. What… what is this place? The Tapu's home or… something?

    Sam reached the threshold, leaning slowly inside. "Hello?" he called out.

    No answer came. Taking a deep breath, the Scorbunny stepped inside. Light still came through the crack to reveal a wooden platform and at the far end, what looked like an altar. It was made of a mix of stone, wooden steps and bright green leaves arranged in an arc and was easily taller than he was.

    He slowly walked towards the altar, his eyes flickering around him. He couldn't shake off a heavy feeling as he let his eyes scan the room. A familiar and cold feeling.

    This feels like Broken Wood. He realised darkly, When Volcanion showed up…

    "Are you the Scorbunny?" echoed a sharp voice from all around him.

    Sam jolted to attention, ears snapping around to try and find the voice. Is that-

    He gritted his teeth, "Yeah. Are you the Tapu?"

    "I am." Came the reply, still impossible to trace.

    Paws tightening, Sam found himself right at the centre of the chamber, eyes flitting left and right. "Why did you want to see me?"

    For a moment, only silence came.

    Then, from above, "To test you!"

    Sam's head snapped up just in time to see a yellow shell dive towards him, electricity crackling.

    Yelping, Sam dove away as it slammed into the ground, feeling fur sear from the power of the electric attack. He sprung back onto a knee in time to see the shell, covered with black, orange and white markings spring towards the altar.

    Sam went limp as the shell opened up mid-air, revealing a slim black and orange Pokémon. A brilliant orange plume rose from it's head, and as it touched down, a pair of icy blue eyes locked onto him.

    "It is time." The Tapu declared, and before Sam was even ready, they shot forward, part of the shell sailing down towards him like a scythe…

    I didn't get this chapter done as quickly as I hoped, but I am sticking to a new schedule to try and keep on top of my writing and art at a reasonable pace between the different fics. I did want to add more to this chapter, but I think some of those elements will have to be saved for the next chapter as I've been trying to stick to a specific word count for each chapter.

    Either way, I hope you enjoy this one!
    Chapter II.XVI - Understanding
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary

    Come the fu- Sam rolled aside as the shell slammed into the ground he just was. -ck on! Not again!

    He managed to spring back up to his feet as the Tapu's icy eyes locked onto him. A clang rang out as a wooden gate slammed shut over the entrance.

    There was no way out.

    Electric bolts flickered around the Tapu, charging another attack. Heart pounding, Sam leapt aside as another flash of energy scorched the ground. He didn't even get a chance to catch his breath as another bolt came flying past him, forcing the Scorbunny on the defensive. Shock after shock forced him to evade, some searing his fur as they came far too close.

    Sam was still in mid-air as the Tapu blinked across the chamber. Something yanked the fur of the fire-type's chest and Sam gasped as he was hefted above the enemy Pokémon, stuck in it's grasp. "You are fast." The Tapu stated, almost casually as Sam wildly kicked his legs, "But how hard can you hit!?"

    He couldn't snap a reply before his face scraped across the wooden floor. Groaning, Sam looked over his shoulder to find the Tapu staring at him, the shell slamming shut and open as if egging him on.

    Baring his teeth, Sam ignored the pain running across his face and sprung up. He needed to take his chance now before the Tapu tried zapping him again!

    "Alright! Try this!" He bellowed and scraping his foot, Sam shot off a fireball. The Tapu didn't try to dodge, instead, the shell slammed shut and the attack splattered against it with a dull thump, leaving only smoke in it wake. Can't stay shut forever!

    With a growl, Sam fired off another trio of Embers, each one hitting it's target. Yet there wasn't a response, each fireball not even leaving a mark on the shell. On the fifth Ember, the shell blinked to aside, the fire ball sailing past. The shell opened back up, and Sam tried another fire attack, only for the Tapu's slim form to dodge it easily.

    This wasn't working, he needed another strategy and quick!

    He willed the Quick Attack to surge him forward, rapidly closing the ga-

    The Tapu blinked out of existence, and Sam could only gasp as he flew through empty air. Another Quick Attack!?

    As he touched down, Sam spun to find the Tapu standing behind him, the icy eyes still focused on him. "Speed alone will not save you."

    Heat surged from Sam's chest to his limbs and his vision briefly flashed red. Sam snarled as he leapt back at the Tapu, whipping his fist forward at the target.

    That was when his punch burst into flames, the attack rushing straight for the face. Instantly, part of the shell snapped round to counter it.

    The fiery attack struck with a boom, the Tapu faintly grunting as Sam felt the impromptu shield give slightly under his fist. He blinked, his eyes finally settling on his hand, still on fire. And yet, he felt no pain.

    F-Fire Punch!?

    From beyond the shell-shield, the eyes of the Tapu glowed brighter.

    "Impressive. And now!"

    The other shell half glowed bright yellow, and before Sam could even try springing away, it had sailed into his gut. He cried out as he was flung into the air. He could barely catch a flash of orange as the enemy blinked above him, grabbed his legs, and casually tossed him back into the ground. His back cracked as he hit the floor, all the strength suddenly fading from him. Weakly, he tried to get back up-

    The Discharge burned into him hotter than any fire, Sam could only scream as the electricity surged through him, his body spasming beyond his control as a million sets of teeth sank into him.

    He wheezed as the attack ceased, groaning as he weakly got to his knees. "Pain can be both a barrier and an ally." The Tapu continued, it's shadow forming over him, "But how will you use it? Surely you have far more to give dark one!"

    Another Discharge struck Sam hard, nearly biting his tongue as he tried to contain his agonised scream.

    "I ask you." The Tapu said as the attack stopped again, "How can you protect this world? Your friends? If you can't even defend yourself?"

    As the discharge impacted him once more, Sam felt a familiar, dark pulse run through him.

    Zech Vo. Tenari Ulay…

    And this time, he didn't wait, willing the power to surge through him. Howling, Sam slowly rose to his feet, the air darkening around him, pushing the power of the electricity away.

    "The Dark Power!" The Tapu declared with a surprised cheer.

    Sam didn't care, as with a final pained roar, the red aura flashed into existence around him.

    "At last!" The Tapu cried.

    Dark flames ignited around Sam's paw as it slammed into the Tapu's gut, the larger Pokémon buckling around his attack with a gasp, cutting off the Discharge. Grabbing them with an iron grip, Sam spun round and threw the Tapu across the chamber. As the Tapu barrelled head over heels and got back upright, the Scorbunny pounced forward, the dark Fire Punch intensifying, ready to put this bastard down in the gr-

    The dark red fist slammed against the sparkling yellow shield with an almighty boom, sending a wobble running through Sam's arm. That's not going to stop me b-

    "Cease, Sam! I yield!"


    Blinking, he found the Tapu looking back at him from behind the shell. Their eyes had ceased glowing, and they appeared a slightly warmer blue. "Congratulations. You passed."

    Sam's feet faintly touched the floor. He felt confusion flutter through him, the dark energy seeming more erratic around his arm. Anger retreated from his mind, and in it's place, the memory of the Tapu's first words came back to him. 'To test you!'.

    They… they were just…

    His body shaking, Sam took a deep breath, trying to calm that dark energy down. His chest clenched, as if the power was refusing to back down. Squeezing his eyes closed, he mentally pushed back, commanding the power to withdraw.

    With one final clench of resistance, it faded away, leaving Sam wobbling on the spot. His knees buckled, and Sam began to fall forward, only for something to grasp his shoulders. His eyes fluttered open to find the Tapu had caught him and slowly lifted the smaller fire type back to his feet.

    Sam planted his feet into the floor, feeling some strength return to his legs as he looked up towards the Tapu. "You… you were testing me?"

    "I was." They replied as something rattled behind him.

    "-get out of the fucking way, or I'll shove this ear right up… your…"

    Behind him, the gate rose back up, he found Alice and Odessa standing in the first chamber, the former's ear coated in ice. "S-Sam!" she barked as she bounced forward, eyes widening, "You're…"

    "I-I'm fine." Sam panted, raising a hand to reassure her. "Just another mad moment."

    "Bullshit." Alice hissed as she checked him over, then glared at the Tapu. "What the hell did you do to him?!"

    "Forgive me Tapu Koko." Odessa said nervously as she walked into the chamber behind them, "If I had known you would have tried this, I could have-"

    The Tapu – Koko – shook their head in response to Odessa's words, "It is fine Odessa. I intended to surprise Sam." They then directed their attention towards the Buneary. "I am sorry for the deception, but I needed to be sure of who Sam was."

    Tapu Koko's eyes lay upon Sam. "Human."

    Aches vanishing, Sam instinctively took a step back, W-What the fuck!? How? Alice's ears had coiled in, ready to strike.

    "Don't fear." Koko said casually with a bow of their head. "If I wanted you dead, I could have done so at any time."

    That didn't do much to ease Sam's concern, his ears erect as spikes as he stepped back forward. "But how did you know?" he questioned coldly.

    "All legendary and mythical Pokémon have the ability to sense the presence of humans." Tapu Koko explained, their arms - visibly attached to their shell – hanging at their side. "Most have a hard time doing so, and those that have honed that sense tend to not say anything as a private courtesy." His eyes narrowed slightly, "The fact that I am telling you this is an indicator how dire the situation is."

    A Legendary? So this guy is like Volcanion? He felt a weight shift off his shoulders, At least he isn't trying to kill us.

    "What? The pirates?" Alice asked harshly.

    Koko shook their head, "They are not the only problem, especially given when they have been encroaching."

    Encroaching? What? The village? Some tribal site? Unless…

    One of Sam's ears dipped, "Do… do you mean the Guardians?"

    Koko seemed to bob in the air more noticeably. "Yes."

    Alice slackened in front of him, visibly taken aback. Sam couldn't help but recoil, questions pounding in his head like ping-pong balls. How did the Tapu know about the Guardians? Him being human? What the pirates were upto?

    Realising he was starting to hyperventilate; he sharply shook his head to clear it. "T-Then that was one of the reasons why we came! We weren't just tracking down the pirates, but looking for Guardian ruins! We think they may be linked to these disasters around the world, plus a few other things."

    "Being attacked by a ghost calling itself Kain being one." Alice added.

    Sam didn't need eyes to see the surprise on Koko's face, as if they had seen a ghost. The expression along was enough to send a shiver running through the Scorbunny, "You… you know him?"

    "I have heard of him by reputation. Deities like ourselves did not tend to interact with the Guardians of Balance."

    "Guardians of Balance…" Alice murmured; eyes narrowed in thought. Sam didn't speak at first, trying to process the whole title. It was strange to think that they had a full title, even if he wasn't sure what it meant.

    "What were they?" Sam asked, feeling his attention focus onto the legendary Pokémon.

    The Tapu slowly turned away, floating across the chamber, "The Guardians were many things. An defending army. Illustrious scholars. Explorers of far-flung places. Saviors of those who cannot help themselves."

    Sam frowned, That's a lot of jobs… actually sounds like…

    His mouth nearly dropped open, "That's like the Guild!"

    Alice jerked back at his statement, "Come again?"

    "Think about it!" Sam replied, "Explorers is easy. Saviors? Sounds like Rescuers to me!"

    It made sense. The Guild itself did all these things. It defended Robinswood, made a note to gather knowledge, explored the islands and rescued those who need it. The Guardians could have been a Guild all of it's own.

    "In a sense, Sam is right, if under valuing who they were." Koko continued. "Especially around here."

    "Hold up." Alice raised a hand to stop him, "Around here? But the islands have only been here for six years. How did the Guardians set up something a lot bigger than the Guild?"

    The Tapu's next words bit into Sam hard.

    "What makes you think the islands are that young?"

    Sam felt a shiver run down his spine as the memory of the dream resurfaced, the ground cracking open as the castle was torn apart.

    The island sinking.

    His blood turned to ice. "They… they sunk…"

    Koko's gaze narrowed, then he nodded. "Centuries ago, the Guardians were masters of the old continent. They were the protectors of many of the clans and tribes that had existed there, the Wela were one of them, if somewhat more autonomous. Peace and prosperity reigned. And the Guardians put down any threats to the people."

    "What happened?" Sam quietly asked.

    "I'm afraid I don't know much." Koko admitted with a tinge of sadness. "All I gleaned was that the continent and many of the islands sundered and sank beneath the waves. The few survivors did not say much, other than how there was a great rebellion…"

    The Tapu froze in the air, "…started by one of their own."


    "They turned against each other?" Alice inquired with a twitch of her coiled ear.

    "I don't know the reasons." Koko replied, "Save that one Guardian turned on the others and attempted to destroy them, and in the resulting battles, the continent broke apart."

    That snapped Sam back to attention, "I've just realised… continent? I know the main island is pretty big, but it's still smaller than Sand even."

    "I remember the earthquakes." Koko quietly replied, their voice now dark. "They could destroy a continent."

    "And what continent was this?" Alice asked.

    The Tapu and Chieftain shared a glance, before the former finally spoke.

    "Fire Continent."

    Sam couldn't shake off the sudden hollow feeling with him, an ear dipping. Fire Continent…

    "Our islands were spared along with a handful of others." Odessa added, standing more distantly to one side, "But many others were washed away too."

    "The few Guardians that remained stayed only for a short while. We never saw or heard from them again."

    The revelation, even as basic as it was, something that still shook Sam to his core. The Guardians were far from a myth… and yet they tore each other apart. Was Kain responsible for turning that Guardian? Or was he someone else?

    "Wait." Alice continued, "If you knew the Guardians, how old are you?"

    "6,259 years." Koko stated without even hesitating. "Minimum."

    Sam blinked, scanning the whole body of the Tapu, finding not even one scuff there. "Geez, you looking good!"

    The Scorbunny grimaced at his own words, even when Koko merely shrugged at them. "Let us move on." They continued, "The pirates are not only threatening the tribes that entities such as myself are sworn to protect, it is the relics that are of great concern as well."

    "Relics?" Sam questioned.

    The Tapu rolled their shoulders. "The Guardians once had an agreement with the tribes of these islands to set up outposts, including the Temples here. Before they went into exile, they made sure to seal the few treasures and records they had left away inside."

    "It is a secret shared only between the Tapus and Chieftains like myself." Odessa added, "Most of our people see them as sacred, but the truth is, we feared the damage that could be caused if the secrets within are released."

    It didn't take much to connect the dots, "And let me guess." Sam said, "The pirates are trying to break the doors down."

    "Exactly." Koko confirmed, "Even us Tapus don't know what was stored inside. But the Guardians possessed many secrets. If they left something dangerous inside those temples and the Pirates got their hands on them… the results would be catastrophic…"

    Sam chewed his lip, finding the secrets of the Guardians suddenly seemed trivial at best and needless at worst. If there was some kind of weapon hidden in them, especially if Kain was searching for such a thing… he didn't want to think about what could happen.

    "Then we need to stop the pirates." Sam uttered, "Like, even more than ever."

    "We still need find the others." Alice stressed, giving him a thump in the side.

    "I know." Sam stressed, rubbing one of his ears. "We've just a lot extra to worry about."

    Koko floated towards them, "Then let me put it like this. We all want the pirates gone and to protect our people." They motioned with one of their shells, "Our goals are aligned. And I suspect if you want answers about the Guardians, or whatever you were looking for."

    Sam spotted Alice's eyes narrow. "There's one thing I don't get." She said "You sound like you knew the Guardians. Like you were there. Why not just tell us about them entirely?"

    Dang, Alice has a point. Sam realised, narrowing his own gaze.

    The legendary tilted their head, "You are right."

    Odessa's eyes widened as she turned towards the Tapu, her beak fluttering open before they spoke again, "But that is as much as I can tell any of you."

    Sam felt a little growl rise from his throat, "And why the heck is that?". Hiding infom-what was even the point of that?

    The Tapu didn't miss a beat, "The same vow I made to the last Master of the Guardians. Unless otherwise informed, I am honor-bound to keep knowledge of the Guardians a secret."

    Oh for the love of-

    "The Temples would be sealed for all, bar one and their companions." They tilted their head towards Sam, and the answer became all too painfully clear.

    Sam took a step back, "M-Me?"

    "Not by name. He requested to keep all temples, the Arcanum included, sealed until a Scorbunny not from this island arrived." The Tapu took in a breath, "I suspect that time is now."

    Sam felt his gaze drift towards the ground, his hand shivering. H-How did they know I would be here? They'd have to be looking into the future! That shouldn't-

    "I think it might have been… an arcanum?"

    The Scorbunny stiffened as the word bounced around again in his head. "Wait, Arcanum. You know where that is?"

    Alice, Odessa and Tapu Koko all looked over the Scorbunny, and in response, Sam could only rub the back of his head, "I kinda have a feeling that is gonna be the place we really need to worry about…"

    "The Vengeful was not able to salvage the first schooner, but the crew were able to tow the second into the harbour. Axel is already starting to survey the ship."

    Stood at the edge of a round table within the well-lit chamber, Blackaxe's form towered over her surroundings, her dark axes hanging at her sides. "What's his initial assessment?" she grunted.

    Ezekyle stood to one side of the table, a clipboard and quill in paw, "The ship's internal structure is badly straining. She's repairable, but it would take a lot of work."

    "Disassembly then?" Blackaxe inquired.

    "Possibly, the wood is of good stock. Oak and teak from the Sea of Wonders, and some cedar from Air. It would aid in the repairs to Vengeful and Chance. There is the second river boat being worked on too."

    Blackaxe seemed to chew on the thought, "Let Axel do his survey. Unless he finds a good reason why we should keep the ship, we'll break her up."

    "Of course, my lady." Ezekyle said with a bow of his head.

    "What about the crew?"

    Opposite the two pirates stood the hulking form of Greg, the Swampert had his arms crossed as his gaze flicked between the two. "Some of 'em are part of the Guild. The others will be coming for them."

    There was a slight glimmer in the pirate queen's eye, "Let them come. They won't be expecting the beacons or our defences."

    Greg glowered across the room, "Those gems? Sounds like a con to me."

    "They are authentic." Ezekyle replied. "You've seen how they've worked."

    "Not against a lot of them."

    Tapping the table with the tip of one axe, Blackaxe glared back at the pair, "It will work as long as it needs to. And if the guild comes, all the better. We'll make sure to roll out the carpet. And speaking of the guild…" she turned her gaze towards the Floatzel, "What of the prisoners?"

    "We have gathered them all outside my lady." Ezekyle replied, "One of them is a fire-type."

    "Then why isn't he dead?" Blackaxe growled, the air seeming to darken around her. "You know our policy."

    "Indeed, but the captain claims he is famous."

    Blackaxe leaned back, axes placed behind her back, "Is he now?"

    "That is what he claims."

    The pirate thought of this for a moment, before walking round the edge of the table. "Alright." Blackaxe stated, "I'll see them for myself."

    With Blackaxe taking point, the trio made their way out of the chamber and towards the building's exit. The pirate queen shunted her way out into daylight, to the very same clearing she had revealed herself to the crew of the Daywalker. As she descended the steps, she scanned the assembled survivors from both the Penguin and the Crow were lined up before the building.

    As Ezekyle and Greg kept their distance, the pirate queen paced the assembled mons, observing their flicker with a mixture of fear, worry, confusion and defiance as she gave her speech about their circumstances. She did want to give the crews, those strong enough to survive anyway, the chance to join the ranks of Libertalia. But she did knew some would try and break free regardless, and when that happened… well, the price would be high. She had little time for weak links.

    Soon, her pirates started escorting the crews away. But with a swift movement, she swept an axe towards the one clustered group of prisoners. "Except them."

    The group was forced back to their knees before the giant pirate. Amongst them were a Noibat and a Morpeko who were visibly close together, a bruised Skiddo… and held down by two pirates, locked up in chains and with a muzzle round his jaws, an injured Charizard.

    Nia stared up at the Kleavor, her eyes wide, "W-What do you want from us?"

    Blackaxe merely narrowed her eyes, "Information from you three." She waved an axe blade towards the three Rookies. "I know the rest of your Guild isn't far from here, I want to know more about them."

    Edward winced as he tried to look up at her, "We won't give up anything."

    "Maybe you won't." Blackaxe admitted with a grunt, "We do have… methods if you aren't feeling co-operative."

    She turned towards the chained Calvin, the fire-type glaring at her from underneath the muzzle. "Now you" Blackaxe continued, "are most interesting. You might not know this, but we've met once before."

    The Charizard stiffened, an eye narrowing as the Kleavor leaned forward. "Before you and your friends were Team ACT. I had to deal with a certain acquaintance of yours."

    Unable to speak, Calvin's narrowed eye sharply widened.

    "Now you understand." Blackaxe stated with a gravelly tone, her axe tapping the ground and where eyes glowing yellow. "I want to know all about him…"

    Kaliani hissed as she stumbled through the undergrowth, her muscles straining as she struggled to pull her left wing away from her body. Not from injury, but from the sheer amount of gunk and webbing that was stuck across her flank. That was twice now that the seamon had been shot down in the last few weeks. At least she got to walk away with a bumpy landing in the trees as she attempted to get clear of the Penguin when Calvin ordered the remaining crew to try and flee. She was battered, bruised and cut in places, but she was alive and awake.

    Lolo! Why did I have to fly so high! I was a sitting duck!

    With her beak, she shoved another big green leaf out of the way and into a narrow clearing. A slim stream ran from left to right, not even past her feet in height. Her throat burned as she stared at the water. She hadn't drank anything since she touched down a few hours ago, and the water seemed clean enough. Maybe… maybe just one sip…

    Something rustled from the other side. The Trumbeak's head snapped up.

    Standing on the otherside of the stream, amongst leafy ferns was the very familiar form of Zeke, his eyes wide with shock and alarm.

    Kaliani couldn't stop the gasp escaping from her mouth as she stumbled back…

    And so, this took far too long to complete, but the next chapter is finally out. I was going to get it out sooner, but IRL stuff, following up with several creative projects ranging from other art, following up with novel stuff as well as looking at creating a combat system for a roleplaying game. Then my laptop nearly ended up breaking apart in my hands so that took some of the wind out of my sails. And that's before having a few personal bumps in the road.

    Nevertheless, this is a bit of a slower chapter, but it does include some details I've been wanting to let out for a while. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
    Chapter II.XVII - Laying Plans
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    Sam stared at the ceiling of the hut, focusing his attention on the shadows flickering above his head from the fire that crackled over his shoulder.

    His mind kept drifting back towards that conversation back in Tapu Koko's Shrine. Hearing about the Guardians. About what the pirates may have been after. The legendary knowing he had been human.

    He was still reeling from all those revelations. It had been more answers than he had ever got before, and yet, it still left him with even more questions. Or at the very least, a ton of theory.

    When Sam had explained about the Arcanium, it turned out Koko had been aware of such a place, it has been part of one of the larger temples on one of the smaller islands nearby, on the borders of some of the Wela's land. And if the pirates were headed for it… it was even more imperative that they got there before Blackaxe's goons did.

    Koko had sent himself and Alice away, at least until they and Odessa could lay down some early plans and preparations, encouraging the pair to rest in the meantime and start fresh tomorrow.

    Still, it hadn't done much to ease things off for him.

    "Sam?" Alice quietly asked as a faint snore rung out from Bruce, sleeping in another part of the hut. "You awake?"

    Sam shuffled in his hammock, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. "Yeah, you struggling to sleep?"

    "Kinda." Alice admitted, her voice coming from behind him, "Just thinking on what the Tapu said."

    "Same." Sam replied with a sigh.

    He heard her hammock creak, "Like, how did this 'Master' know that you would show up here? I've heard of some Pokémon being able to see the future, but that's like, seconds or minutes."

    With foggy thoughts, Sam grimaced, "Yeah, that's well past my paygrade."

    That earned a chuckle from Alice, "I get that. Fire Continent? The Guardians being this proto-guild? If you told me I'd be hearing about this when we first met, I'd probably-"

    "Punch my lights out?" the Scorbunny replied with a smirk.

    The Buneary hesitated, "I was going to say that I'd violently tell you to piss off."

    "So punching me."

    "Grr, fine, that."

    Huffing with a flicker of amusement, Sam chewed his bottom lip, feeling another theory come to the front of his thoughts. He debated sharing it, only for a second, before he finally opened his mouth.

    "Kain was a Guardian."

    The other hammock creaked more sharply this time, "The fuck are you on about?" Alice questioned with a hiss.

    Sam sat up, his hands gripping the canvas, feeling his mind begin to race again, "You know what the Tapu said? About how the Guardians were betrayed by one of their own guys?"

    "Yeah." Alice grunted, sitting up herself to get a better view of him. "What about it?"

    Rotating himself round to look at her proper, Sam took a sharp breath in. "Kain said he knew the Guardians. And he knew where the Oracle was and he knew about the Temples here. Come on, it makes sense. How else would he knew about all that if he hadn't been one of them?"

    The Buneary stiffened, "It'd explain a lot… but if he did betray them, why?"

    That sent a shiver running down the Scorbunny's spine. Alice wasn't wrong. What made Kain try and destroy the Guardians? Was it tied to what he was looking for in the temples here?

    Sam gritted his teeth, Unless Koko decides to give up their vow of silence, the only way we're gonna find that answer could be in that Arcanium.

    "I guess we'll find out soon." Sam replied, "Hopefully Koko will have a plan."

    Alice shuffled back into her hammock. "After everything, there better be more of an answer." She uttered, "I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Night Sam."

    Sam laid back down onto his bedding, "Night Alice."

    A couple of minutes later, he heard Alice's breathing deepen and become rhythmic. And it didn't take long before Sam slipped under too.

    The sea of colour emerged much sooner this time, the colours smoothly shifting without pause. They seemed less intense than before, as if to make it easier to see the little green form of Squishy sat in front of him. "Hi!" they declared, "So you managed to work out where that Arcanum is?"

    Taking a glance down to confirm his body was still there, Sam directed his attention back on the strange Pokémon. "Seems like, I hope anyway." He admitted, "I'm guessing you aren't here for just a chat."

    The blob deflated slightly, "Afraid so. Whilst you were talking with the others, I couldn't help but listen in. It helped jog a few memories."

    Sam tilted his head, "Memories?"

    "Kinda? Memory works a bit differently for mon's like me. I had a feeling… that I knew this Master that the Tapu mentioned."

    "Master…" Sam rolled the word off his tongue before the realising clicked, "Wait, you knew him?"

    "Right…" Squishy replied, "Like I said, a feeling. He hadn't been in charge for very long, but he was smart. Like, he was the kind of person to make a lot of plans."

    The discussion with Koko resurfaced and Sam could feel himself stiffen, "Is it… is it possible he knew I would end up here? Like, me specifically?"

    Squishy started to wobble out a new reply, only to freeze as if hesitant. "I… I don't know. He could have."

    Sam felt a spike of annoyance rise up his throat before the blob shook themselves, "Anyway! Back to the point. You should find what Kain was looking for in the ruins, as well as a lot more about the Guardians."

    Nodding, Sam shuffled on the spot, feeling a slight chill spread across him. "Right… like, what do you think I will learn?"

    When Squishy spoke again, the childish tone was gone. Instead, they spoke in a quiet, stoic tone.

    "Well, you'd find out who I am."

    Rex's frown only deepened as he watched the sun dip below the horizon, trying to spot the signs of a ship emerging, or of a messenger flying towards them. But there was still no sign.

    As the sun finally vanished, he turned and strode back into the lightweight gazebo, now lit with lanterns to continue showing the maps. He knew sending out the schooners was a risk, and there was no point in calling them back so soon, but he did request the captains and Calvin send some form of message before the end of each day, to keep him informed of their progress.

    That hadn't arrived.

    It could have only meant one thing.

    Turning towards the camp, he blew a faint, but clear whistle.

    With a few moments, a swift looking Noctowl had entered the gazebo, "Do you need something Guildmaster?" she asked.

    "I need you to fly out after the schooners whilst it's dark." Rex started, "See if you can work out their condition, then report back to me."

    "Will do. I'll be back before daybreak." She turned and headed back into the camp, likely to gather a handful of supplies.

    The Guildmaster meanwhile turned back to face the centre table, "I know you are there Perry."

    The Corvisquire dropped down into the gazebo, flashing a smile as he entered, "Figured you'd need my help. Missing folks?"

    "Exactly." Rex replied, not sharing his smile. "I need you to get back to the mainland as quickly as you can, and pass on a message to Esper for me." He narrowed his eyes, "I have a feeling we are going to need some more support."

    The following morning, Sam, Alice, Bruce and Denver followed Kyra and Denzel back towards the Chieftain's hut, fully expecting a new plan to be put together to take on the pirates.

    What they didn't expect was to see two familiar looking Pokémon arguing in the village centre.

    "It's for your own good!" Zeke growled, keeping himself side on towards the Trumbeak that was trying to take a few steps closer.

    "Are you hearing yourself?" Kaliani cawed, "You went through a lot! I just want to help!"

    "And I'm telling you that you're only going to get yourself in trouble!"

    Denver stared blankly at the arguing pair, his claws clicking as if trying to process the squabble. "Err… that's the sailor that he kidnapped right?"

    "Yeah." Alice replied, "And looks like she still won't back off."

    Sam frowned at the sight of the pair, letting out a heavy sigh at the sight. He could understand why the two would be having a go at each other. Zeke was probably still feeling a complete mess after what happened, and Kaliani had gleaned enough of an understanding that Zeke hadn't been responsible. No wonder they were bouncing against each other so much.

    Bruce's vines soon sprung forward, slapping the ground between the pair, causing the electric type to flinch and the flying type's head to snap round. "Yeah." Bruce bluntly said, "Might want to cut that out."

    "You got away too!?" Kaliani exclaimed with clear relief.

    "Barely." Sam admitted as he strode to meet them, "Glad to see you guys made it too."

    Zeke bowed his head slightly in thanks, "Same here. I'm sorry I wasn't much more help."

    "Not much help my backside!" Bruce bellowed, "You took out like half the pirate fliers, you did a lot!"

    Sam couldn't help but feel sorry for Zeke as the canine's head dipped in shame. Geez… the poor guy still can't let himself feel good.

    "When did you even get here?" Alice asked.

    Kaliani looked somewhat embarrassed. "We kinda stumbled across this place in the night. Stayed the night outside."

    Huh, I'm not sure how we didn't notice something was up.

    "Excuse me." Odessa said, standing by the entrance to the main building, "We're ready to start discussing the plan."

    "What plan?" Kaliani asked, "We've only just got here."

    "Hopefully one to save our guys from the pirates." Bruce replied.

    "Amongst other things." Kyra said, walking towards the Trumbeak, "How about I fill you both in?"

    The assembled Pokémon walked into the building, the Chieftain leading them into an open chamber that was well lit with open windows built into the ceiling. An firepit, clear of any wood or flame, was at the centre of this chamber, with a large round table placed over it. Floating at the other side of this table, was Tapu Koko themself, the legendary inspecting a map stretched across the table. "Greetings." They said, "Did you sleep well?"

    Sam and Alice stepped forward, "Well enough, given…"

    Sam stopped mid-step. Behind Audacity, the other recruits, Zeke and Kaliani had frozen in place a few steps back. Wincing, Sam quickly waved a hand between then, "Oh, sorry, that's Tapu Koko, don't worry, he's friendly."

    That seemed to settle the concerns for the other guildmembers, as they were gathered around the table and got a view of the map. It was rougher and more hand drawn than some of the maps that the Guild normally utilised, but it did showcase not only the island they were on, but the other nearby islands too.

    "Sam." The Tapu started, "Would you like to set the stage?"

    Every eye in the room locked on to, and with an impromptu shiver, Sam leaned against the table. Welp, here goes nothing.

    Taking a breath, he got started, "Okay, we've got a few problems, but the obvious one is that the pirates have got a lot of our guys captive, and they're in danger every moment they are with them. Which by extension means the Wela too." He gave a respectful nod towards Odessa, Kyra and Denzel, who stood in a group at Koko's right side.

    "Yeah!" Bruce exclaimed, "We need to get them back!"

    "And push the pirates out." Kyra reminded him with a cocked brow.

    "Right." Sam admitted, turning towards the Tapu and Odessa, "You guys know this place better than us, any idea where the pirates are based?"

    "I recall someone calling the place Libertalia?" Alice said.

    "Yes, that is what Lady Blackaxe calls it." Odessa admitted, pulling out another map and laying it over the top of the islands one.

    It became quickly apparent it was a town map near the north-eastern edge of the Wela's island. Sam hadn't seen a map of Robinswood, but he did have a solid idea of the layout. Robinwood was built in somewhat like an incomplete spiderweb, with the buildings spread out into clusters that were connected with forest paths.

    Libertalia in comparison looked like a big block that had been divided into an uneven grid, many of the paths between the structures being at right angles to each other, all save for a winding road that ran along the outside, contained within what Sam had to guess was an outer wall. That wall went all the way round the edge of the town, save for the north-eastern side, where piers were marked out. He even spotted a tiny slither of land across the water that was also walled off.

    Alice winced, "That looks like quite the fortress. How tall are the walls?"

    "About six metres." Denzel replied. "And they have watchtowers along the walls, and they cleared the trees near the edge of the encampment.

    Now it was Sam's turn to frown as he looked over the map. They couldn't really go knocking on the front door, and trying to sneak over the wall would be tricky.

    "Can't we… I don't know. Swim in?" Bruce asked, his brow furrowed in thought.

    "I've tried that." Kyra admitted, fiddling with her head fin, "They've got Water-Types patrolling the bay, guards on the shore and their boats."

    "And going in from the air?" asked Denver.

    "They've got Flying types for that."

    Sam rubbed the back of his head, "Und-"

    "Ground types." Kyra interrupted.


    "So we can't sneak in or force our way in." Sam said. "And I'm guessing it's not that much easier inside?"

    Tapu Koko leaned onto the table, "Even if you got past the patrols and the outer wall, there are dozens to a few hundred pirates and their benefactors that are inside Libertalia, alongside Blackaxe and her lieutenants. And that is not the worst problem."

    They turned towards Denzel, who looked a little bit spooked. "They have some kind of… beacons. They are these towers that got erected not long ago.

    That caught Sam's attention as he returned a slack expression at the Grookey. "Beacons?"

    Denzel seemed to get that little bit more pale, "They tested one near another tribe's camp. It started glowing and then… we couldn't use our moves."

    The air seemed to go cold as Sam and Alice shared a glance, No moves at all? All our powers just… turned off? His foot began to tap, How can we even deal with that?

    Across the way, Denver's eyes looked cloudy, only to sharpen within an instant. "Fuck… those conspiracy nuts were right."

    Zeke leaned forward, flashing a blank look, "You know about these beacons?"

    Denver blinked as he realised everyone was looking over at him. "Shit." He replied with a sharp click of a claw, "I've only heard rumours about it before I left Sand. Something about there being some kind of tests for these amplifier devices. They like, could cause these weird effects all around them."

    "Like an Orb…" Zeke mused.

    Sam's ear went erect as Denver clicked his claws again, "Right! Like the Orbs but they'd cover a lot more ground! I just thought they were some hoax though."

    Kaliani shuffled on the spot, "So if they stop us using moves…"

    "Then it's like a beefed up Nullify Orb." Alice stated, "Overlap a few of them, and it won't matter if you take out one, the others can take up the slack."

    "Which is going to be hell if we can't use our moves." Sam grunted, tightening his fists. That base might as well have been impenetrable.

    A tentative vine rose from Bruce's bulb. "Wait a sec. Wouldn't that stop the pirates from using their moves too?"

    Huh, Bruce's right.

    "It would." Denzel replied, "Which is why the pirates carry swords and bombs."

    Ah… shit… I thought that one sword I saw on the ship was a one off. Sam bit his lip, "Then unless someone has like, swords on their body, we're in trouble."

    "Can't we use swords ourselves?" Alice said, "Even up the fight?"

    Another thought emerged in Sam's head like a lightbulb, "Yeah. If we get our hands on those bombs, we could blow the beacons up and get our powers back."

    "They aren't that big." Denzel stressed, fingers tapping the tabletop. "They won't bring down the towers."

    "Could take out what causes the effect. I heard they were built like Orbs." Denver said.

    "Should be pretty fragile then." Alice said.

    "But that depends on us getting close enough to blow the beacons in the first place!" Kyra warned. "And if we get our moves back, so do they."

    Sam bit his lip, his foot tapping becoming more pronounced. It sounded like they needed numbers or a heck of a lot more firepower. "What about the Wela and the other tribes? Hell." He turned towards Koko, "You aren't the only Tapu right? And you are all legendries. Together you could leave a hell of a dent."

    "Yeah!" Bruce exclaimed, "You are gonna have, like what, mastery over jungles or something?"

    Alice glowered back, "If it were that easy, the pirates wouldn't be here."

    The Tapu merely let out a very faint snort, more from amusement than annoyance. "We may be Guardian Deities, but compared to other legendries, we aren't that powerful. Whilst the beacons don't have an effect on our own moves, we would eventually fall to sheer numbers, even with the tribes fighting with us."

    That left only one option let, at least, that seemed obvious for Sam to see. He let out a heavy sigh, "Then we need to get in touch with the rest of the Guild."

    "Yeah, but how?" Bruce asked with narrowed eyes. "We don't have any communicators, and we can't just swim over."

    "Don't have a ship anymore either." Kaliani grumbled.

    Zeke flicked an ear, "Rex would have to start a search at some point, are there other ways to get a message out?"

    "Setting off a big bonfire?" Denver grunted half-seriously.

    "There's always the old light beacon."

    The conversation shifted towards Denzel, who was fiddling with the twig in his hair as he spoke. "It hasn't not been lit for years, but it work."

    "That only works at night." Kaliani blurted out, "And the pirates will see it just as easily."

    "Not if we block off the light from the direction of pirate town." Denver butted in, "Then just… I don't know, aim the light roughly where we can from?"

    Sam finally stopped tapping his foot, clapping his hands together in response. Finally, something good we could work with.

    "Alright. Then we light that beacon, get the Red Kite and the rest of the Guild here, then we can make a go for Libertalia."

    Odessa frowned, "I assume your Red Kite is a boat? The pirates have several, including their biggest, the Vengeful. Could yours fight them off?"

    Denver whipped his stinger tail behind him, "Edward wouldn't shut up about the Kite and it's guns, so yeah, she could."

    "Great!" Bruce cheered, "We've got a plan to get the others out! Bring Rex in, then kick Blackaxe off the island!"

    Sam opened his mouth to reply, only to catch a glimpse of the Tapu Koko looking over at him. Icy blue eyes narrowed, reminding him of the other problem. The one that really had Sam worried. Not only that, he had to explain the importance of getting to the Arcanum, but also keep his nature as a human concealed from the others.

    "There's one other thing." Sam said, "The pirates are breaking into a load of ruins around here."

    "Yeah? So?" Denver questioned, "Seems pretty pointless compared to kicking out the pirates."

    "The ruins could contain dangerous weapons." Odessa explained, "Something the pirates can use against us."

    "Enough that it could stop both the tribes and the Guild." Alice chimed in, enough for Sam to mentally sigh with relief for her throwing that in.

    Bruce looked somewhat conflicted, his eyes flicking around, "Like, what's the chance of them finding something?"

    Kyra shrugged, "Is it a chance you want to take when your friends are in danger?"

    The Bulbasaur looked towards the table, unable to answer. Kyra wasn't wrong, and Sam knew there was more than just stopping the pirates capturing anything dangerous inside, but also the possibility of answers about what was going wrong with the world.

    "So." Sam said, "We need to cover those ruins too. That gives us three jobs. One, get an idea of where we break into Libertalia."

    "Recon then?" Denzel asked.

    "Recon." Sam confirmed with a nod, "Hopefully we can work out where any prisoners are. Two, we get that light beacon back up and running. And three, we make sure the pirates can't break into the ruins." He rubbed the back of his head, "We're gonna have to split up."

    "That's risky Sam." Alice warned, narrowing her gaze from where she stood next to him.

    "I know." Sam admitted, "But we've got a lotta ground to cover and a lot of people to protect."

    "Indeed." Koko added, "With the villages to protect, the tribes cannot commit many warriors until we are ready for the attack."

    "So we get all three of those done." Bruce said, "And we can go after Libertalia?"

    Sam nodded back, "Exactly."

    "Then I'll do the recon." Bruce declared with a determined tone, his jaw set and his chest puffed out. "I want to see if everyone is alright."

    "There is a lot of ground to cover." Denzel admitted, "I can show you the way. And us grass types should blend in with the trees better."

    "I'll go with you." Zeke meekly said, "I'll blend in too, and if the flyers come in. I've got a better chance at taking them out."

    Denver clicked his claws, "You better keep an eye out for Edward then. I'll go for the light beacon. I helped fix a few lighthouses back home, I can get it working."

    Kaliani seemed more hesitant, her eyes flicking between the Electrike and Skourpi, "You will need someone who knows naval signals." She said, "I'll go with you."

    "I can guide you up the mountain paths." Odessa said with a hint of pride, "I've visited that mountain many times."

    Nodding, Sam turned towards Alice, "That leaves us to check out the main ruin then."

    "Sounds like a plan." Alice said with a smirk.

    "It's over on the next island along." Kyra said, "Mind if I tag along? I know where to look."

    Alice shrugged as the two rabbits shared a glance, and Sam returned the nod towards Kyra. "Sounds good."

    She would be a big help in finding the place.

    "That leaves my role." Koko said, a faint crackle of energy.

    Sam frowned, "What's that?"

    Koko tilted their head, "I need to speak to my fellow Tapus, in order to co-ordinate with the other tribes. Some of them… may need a lot of persuasion to join the fight."

    Nodding back, Sam looked across the room at the assembled Pokémon. "Sounds like we've got a plan then."

    The Tapu floated a bit higher, "Once we have completed our tasks, we should return here for the rest of the preparations."

    "Agreed." Sam said, turning to address everyone in the room. "Alright guys, we've got our jobs. Get what you need, then head out. We'll meet back here in a couple of days."

    With that, the Pokémon started filing out of the building, forming up into their groups for their missions. Sam started turning to follow them, "Sam, Alice, a moment." Tapu Koko asked, prompting Sam to turn back to face them, along with Kyra. The Tapu looked over them with a wary eye, "The pirates have been making significant inroads towards the ruins there with strange equipment, be careful once you are on that island."

    "We will Tapu." Kyra said with a bow of her head.

    "And Sam?"

    Sam perked his ears as the Tapu directed their attention towards him, "Whatever is in there… I do hope you find what you are looking for."

    He slowly nodded back, feeling the fire in his chest warm himself up, "I hope so too."

    From above, you watched as Team Audacity and the Tapu left the chamber, and as always, the Shadow was not far from you.

    "This Arcanum does seem most mysterious, do you think?"

    The shadow seemed to lean forward, as if to better inspect the maps on the now unattended table, "And with these new found individuals thrown into the mix, the plot thickens. But what is clear, is that regardless of what happened, it seems like the Guardians left some kind of artifacts behind with the intent they'd be used again. If not, why not simply just cast them out to the ocean? Perhaps they left a contingency in case something like Kain, or Kain himself, remerged."

    It was a good question, and the shadow drifted closer towards you, "Hold the course. Answers are coming. I can feel it."

    Again, it's been too long for getting this post out, but there have been a tonne of different events happening IRL which has been throwing me off. Either way, I hope you folks enjoy this chapter!
    Last edited:
    Chapter II.XVIII - Journey to the Arcanum
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    Kyra took point as the assembled Rescuers and tribesmon parted their separate ways. Bruce, Zeke and Denzel were already scrambling towards where they had originally entered, headed back towards the jungle and Libertalia itself, whilst Denver, Kaliani and Odessa move towards the mountain, albeit on a path that ran more alongside it rather than up it. Kyra stopped for a moment, looking over the two rabbits. "So, you said the main ruin right?" she asked, tilting her head back to get a better look at the pair, "We can reach it within the day, but that seemed very specific."

    Sam merely shrugged; I suppose she must have connected the dots quickly enough. "That's kinda the aim. Might as well check the big one out first."

    It was a logical move, indeed, Tapu Koko hadn't raised an objection about that, so it must have been the correct place. The chameleon flashed a thumbs up, "The Grand Temple then, I know the quickest way, follow me."

    Kyra led them out of the village along a different path from the others, running towards the North East and rapidly descending downhill, almost as if the water type had plenty of experience in making her way down the trail. Even Alice, not normally one to go slowly, was struggling to keep pace with her own hops.

    Great! Sam sarcastically uttered to himself, huffing as he avoided the rocks that threatened to send him tumbling down the slopes. More running!

    Soon, they were amongst the trees once more, but not for too long, as the gradient became shallower and the path more devoid of features, apart from the leafy plants that flanked it. It was here where Alice finally spoke up, "This ruin, it's on another island right?"

    "That's right." Kyra admitted, "It was a neutral ground for the tribes, but the pirates have overrun it, cutting everyone but the Tapus off."

    Alice frowned, "Then how are we getting there? Is there a bridge?"

    "Just a short boat trip." Kyra replied without hesitation, "I normally swim across but… I don't think you two would like that.

    Sam felt a chill run through him, imagining a pirate ship as big as the one that attacked the Penguin and Crow coming out of nowhere. "What about the pirates? Aren't they patrolling the coastline?"

    Kyra flashed a smirk, "The coastline yes, but the channels between the isles are too shallow for their biggest boats. The smaller ones don't often move across either. The only boat that appears regularly is the one that heads up the island's rivers."

    That did little to comfort the Scorbunny, "And what if we came across the river boat?" He questioned.

    "Get to the shore as quick as we can." Kyra replied, her smirk disappearing. "It's not fast, we can get on land and into the jungle before they arrive."

    The fire-type bit his lip in response, I hope you're right.

    It wasn't long until they could hear the gentle lapping of waves, and Kyra pulled the two rabbits of the beaten track towards the source. Through the trees, Sam could make out the sandy white beach, pristine and undisturbed, through the breaks in the trees. He could even see a few palm trees leaning over the seafront. But as they passed a particularly thick brush, Kyra motioned them to stop.

    "Give me a hand with this." She asked, brushing some of the big leaves aside to reveal a long wooden craft, not made of planks but more like it had been hollowed out from a rather large tree. He quickly recognised it was a canoe, easily large enough to accommodate all three of them, and better still, it was even fitted with some kind of outrigger stabiliser. Huh… I wonder how I know that… old memory?

    He tried to focus on the thought… but just as quickly, it slipped away. Damn it.

    Together, the trio pulled the canoe free from the ferns and half carried, half dragged it towards the beach, with Sam and Alice lifting the front end up between them as best as they could. That was, however, when Kyra stopped pushing from the rear and scurried past them just before the edge of the jungle. "I'll check to see the way is clear, I'll be right back."

    The Sobble paused only at the edge of the trees, looking briefly from left to right, before she ran forward and into the water, her form immediately fading out of their sight before she even dove under the waves.

    Wiping his brow of the sweat forming there, he sat down next to the canoe. Alice came round the front of the canoe, panting lightly as she looked towards the water. "Any idea what we're going to find in the Arcanum?" she asked, taking in a longer breath to extinguish her panting.

    Panting slightly harder, Sam took a second to slow his breathing too. "No idea." He admitted, only to pause for a moment, the 'dream' from last night coming back into mind. "I did end up speaking to Squishy again last night though."

    Alice raised a brow at the words, crossing her arms across her chest. "What did he have to say then?"

    Sam brushed his ears back, "Not much, but it was interesting though. Turns out he might have known the Master."

    The Buneary huffed at that, "That what we calling him now, the same guy who predicting you were coming?"

    "I guess so." Sam replied, answering both questions at the same time. "He's not sure, kept saying his memory wasn't exactly in the best state. I'm not even sure he's amnesic like me."

    "Not exactly helping us out." Alice sighed.

    Leaning back, Sam felt a slight smirk coming on, "But here's the interesting thing. He also said we might find out who he is in the Arcanum."

    Alice's ear twitched as she looked back to Sam, her mouth dropping open for a second before closing, as if reprocessing the information. "Squishy is linked to the Guardians too…" she uttered in realisation.

    "Exactly." Sam replied, beaming as he clicked his digits, "Maybe whatever we found out about him ties to what Kain was after."

    "Maybe." Alice admitted, turning her gaze away and back to the water. "Let's just hope we don't set another Kain free."

    Deep down, a part of Sam knew it was a bit of a long shot, maybe Squishy couldn't offer every answer. But sometimes having that extra information was all they needed, at least enough to point them in the right direction.

    Sam got back onto his feet, "Let's just hope that the others have an easier time than us." He said, changing the subject, "Once we have the rest of the guild here and Bruce's team comes back with some intel, we can work on getting Nia and the others free. Bonus points if we keep any weapon out of the pirate's hands."

    "Agreed." Alice replied, nodding at his words, "Still got to get across the water first."

    Almost on cue, Kyra's form shifted back into view, the chameleon already out of the water as she walked towards them, her face tight, "I've got good news and bad news." She declared as she joined them.

    Already feeling some dread, Sam quickly spoke up, "I think we could do with some good news." He replied, moving to join the two girls.

    "The only boat out there is the river boat." Kyra said, brushing her fin back, "And with it behind a headland they won't see us for a while yet."

    "Yet?" Alice asked, her frown deepening.

    Kyra shrugged, "That's the bad news. It's waiting to move up the same river that leads to the Grand Temple and it's loaded with pirates. That means we're going to run into them sooner rather than later."

    "And they are right outside the temple then." Alice growled, her body shaking.

    Hissing, Sam grabbed hold of the canoe. "Come on then, let's make sure they don't get ahead of us!"

    The journey was thankfully short and sweet, the water was calm and only gently rocked the canoe as they paddled across. That didn't mean it wasn't tense or was relaxing however. Sam had gritted his teeth the whole time as he and Alice worked the paddles whilst Kyra operated the rudder at the back. His eyes also drifted towards the headland that the water-type had pointed out - the location of the river boat - hoping that someone didn't stick their head around the corner and spotted their approach.

    But no Pokemon appeared, and soon, the canoe slid to a halt on the far beach. Arms aching and sweat soaking into his fur, Sam helped the others pull the canoe up towards the edge of an even thicker jungle and covered it in leaves. "We'll have to go along the river, at least part way." Kyra explained, brushing her hands against her sides as they backed off. "The jungle is a lot thicker here than normal. And it's filled with really nasty bug-types."

    Sam frowned at her words, his mind easily drifting back towards the pirates. "But what about the river boat?"

    "If we stay low and stick to the foliage, they'll have a hard time spotting us."

    The two guild members shared a glance, with Alice cocking her head in response. "Not exactly got much choice here." She admitted.

    The Scorbunny rubbed his hands together, directing his eyes towards the headland. "Alright… might as well see what we're up against."

    Allowing Kyra to lead the way again, the trio moved for the headland, albeit at a much slower pace as they moved past the ferns. There was no trail to follow this time, and with the leafy plants blocking the way, the team had to make sure they didn't make too much noise. Sam's heart began to beat harder, he had way too much experience with plans going wrong out of nowhere. He really didn't want to take too many chances now, not this far from support.

    Voices began to rise as they reached the top of the hill at the centre of the headland, and Alice peeled back a big leaf to reveal the new scene. At the mouth of a narrow river, tied up to the end of a makeshift pier was a single boat. It was far smaller than even the schooners he had been on, no more than ten metres in length and about half as wide. Scattered across the deck was several wooden crates, more of which were being loaded by the pirates, most of who seemed to be water and poison types.

    What caught his attention though was the contraption at the back of the ship, a wheel that lacked an outer rim, where paddles took its place. For some reason, it seemed vaguely familiar to the Scorbunny, even if he couldn't put his finger on it.

    "Looks kinda advanced…" Sam whispered, eyeing a Quilliadin grumpily looking at a shape hidden behind the contraption.

    "I wouldn't know how it works." Kyra admitted quietly, her frown deepening, "That wheel on the back spins and pushes the boat forward.

    "First time I've seen it." Alice replied, "Maybe the pirates looted it off another ship."

    Sam flicked an ear as he leaned forward, trying to focus on the propulsion. "You don't think the pirates could have built this?"

    "Makes sense." Alice replied, her eyes narrowed, "I doubt they could have made this tech on their own. It looks like something you'd get back on the continents."

    Kyra's expression seemed blank, and Sam started to open his mouth to explain when he heard a new voice from below.

    "How do you get your hands on this kind of stuff?"

    Sam turned back towards the boat, realising it was the Quilladin that was speaking, focused on whoever was behind the wheel. "I mean, I know you didn't get the engine. But those orbs… that's something else. And the parts, we're lucky to find those on the trade ships.

    Then came an all too familiar voice. "I have my sources. You'd be amazed how many mons I can call on."

    Next to him, Alice stiffened. Sam himself could feel his hands shake as his temperature spiked. God no… not him.

    "What's wrong?" Kyra asked, frowning.

    "Sam…" Alice started, "Is that…"

    "And trust me, as long as I get paid, I always make sure to deliver, especially given how… unique some of my sources can be."

    The contraption groggily rumbled into life, the paddles slowly beginning to turn in rhythm. A blue form rose from behind it, wiping his hands as he smiled at his handiwork. A dark blue frog, his yellow eyes gleaming in the sunlight, didn't even turn to face the grass-type, almost as if putting himself on display.

    Sam couldn't hide his growl. "Fuck…"

    Aidan merely smirked, "Just get me upto that temple, and let me put these products to good use…"

    Okay, technically I'm still continuing with my Grand Tour fanfic, but I felt that it had been long enough that I needed to catch up with Guardians of Balance, so here I am! But it's also running slightly differently. I've recently been experimenting with making the chapters I write even shorter, with an absolute maximum of 2500 words, but preferably below 2000. That way, I can complete chapters much quicker, even if other projects take place, and frankly it feels more satisfying, and this is something I want to bring along with Guardians of Balance. In addition, I aim to have several of these smaller chapters link together in such a way that they would essentially serve as one combined larger chapter as needed. Hopefully, this should allow for quicker, more digestible posts for the fan-fic.

    I hope you enjoy this chapter!
    Chapter 2.19 - The Return of the Smuggler
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    Days ago…

    Greg walked into the meeting room behind Blackaxe, making a note of the lack of features apart from the white lamps fitted to the walls, lamps that lacked flames, he realised.

    He didn't have much time to think about it though, as the pirate leader walked round towards the other side of a round table. "Tell me." She grunted as she turned to face him, "Where have you come from?"

    The Swampert narrowed his eyes, making sure to keep the table between himself and Blackaxe in case she decided to stick him with one of those axes. "Why would you want to know?" he asked.

    Blackaxe didn't show any reaction, merely placing her axes behind her rocky body. "Curiosity. My pirates have come from every corner of the world, but it's either because they are lured by the prospects, or because they have nowhere else to go." She tilted her head towards him, "I think you're the latter."

    Clenching his jaw, Greg briefly thought about it, he didn't expect to suddenly get pulled off to one side by the literal Pirate Queen herself. At best, he was counting on avoiding being thrown into another cell. And now he was getting questioned instead.

    Not like I've got much choice though.

    "I was just a thief on Grass." He explained, "When I was a Marshtomp, it was all I could do to stay alive."

    "Thieves don't get thrown into brigs that often." Blackaxe noted.

    "That was because of a fucking accident." Greg snapped, crossing his arms. "This damn shopkeeper wouldn't stay down for five seconds. How was I supposed to know his neck would break when I threw him against that counter! Didn't even get a chance to explain myself when this guy's bloody sister, the head guard of all people, decided she'd prefer my head on a platter than a prison sentence!"

    A rumble crept forth from the rock type, something that Greg could almost imagine was a sigh.

    "So you were left to rot at the hands of authority on your home continent." She stated.

    "Wouldn't put it like that." Greg huffed, "But yeah, ended up robbing enough caravans to get across to the other continents. But then all the agreements started creeping in. Air and Water agreed to send anyone like me back to Grass. And soon I couldn't get to Mist or Sand either. Getting to the Sea was about the only choice I had left."

    Blackaxe nodded, "And your luck finally ran out here"

    Greg went stiff at her words, "Yeah. Got caught by the Guildmaster from Robinwood, then somehow got my ass handed to me by this Scorbunny and his Buneary girlfriend."

    It was at that moment that Greg noticed something, a tremor that silently ran through the carapace of the pirate queen and a flash of white in her eye. "Fire types…" she seethed. "That guildmaster and those under his command will get what's coming to them…"

    The Swampert could only look perplexed at the queen, feel his brow squishing tight. He could already tell how pissed off this Pokemon was, if anything it almost sounded… personal.

    Extremely personal.

    Does she know that guildmaster? The Blaziken?

    He decided to take his chances.

    "Do you know him? That the reason you are out here?" he questioned, his voice deep.

    Blackaxe's eye dimmed, as if the anger was fading away. "I know everyone of importance in the Sea of Wonders. Knowledge is power as they say." She started to pace around the end of the table, her axes positioned behind her back. "I know those of importance on the continents too. The same Pokemon who want to take the islands for themselves are the same people who would drive people like us into the sea. We're not guilt free, I will not deny that, but they would rather see us rot and rip away our freedom, even when we tried to rebuild ourselves."

    Greg frowned at the words, trying to make sense of it. "What are you talking about?" he grumbled.

    "The elites." Blackaxe hissed, "They've always seen Pokemon such as ourselves as outcasts. Unworthy of being accepted into their structured societies. Their nations."

    That last word came out as more than a hiss than anything else, "For most, it's a way of slaving away to better their so-called superiors. For ourselves? It's to distract the masses, to give them a target to better enforce the elite's control. Their law and order."

    The water type's grimace deepened. He was screwed over by one fucking cunt of a guard. But this…

    "You saying that the same bitch who tried to have me hung is now supporting all these elites?" he questioned, "The governments?"

    "They are just one part of it." Blackaxe explained, ceasing her pacing and turning back to face Greg again. "But it's the business interests, the wealthy, the guilds. They would force us to the end of the world just to better control the masses."

    She finally motioned with her axes, spreading them out to her sides as she spoke. "That is the real reason why I created Libertalia." She explained, "A land of our own, free from the machinations of them. To carve our own destiny and to take what we want, when we want from those not of here. Here, we stand only bound to the contracts and codes we all stand by."

    Arceus damn it, she sounds like a damn fanatic.

    But even so… there was something more intriguing to Blackaxe's words. Even welcoming. A place where the guild or the governments of the continents couldn't reach him. Somewhere where he didn't have to watch over his shoulder all the time, or keep one eye open at night in case some backstabbing rat tried to kill him at night.

    He couldn't help but deny there was some kind of appeal to it. But still…

    "So, what?" Greg rumbled, crossing his arms, "Do you think that I'm going to join your band of pirates? This all sounds rather cushy."

    Unexpectedly, Blackaxe let out a deep, gravelly chuckle. "Oh, you don't have to. I did mean it when I would send you back to the nearest safe port once you have proven trustworthy." Her eyes narrowed, "But I think we both know you wouldn't last very long."

    Greg grunted in reply, keeping his mouth shut. But much to his annoyance, he knew she had a point.

    "You are wanted by both the continents and the Robinswood Guild, you lack resources. Even if you managed to stay free, it will only get harder once the elites tighten their grip on the Sea of Wonders. They are all playing against each other, even if they cannot take complete control, they'll get as much as they can. To deny their rivals if nothing else… but the frontier will be taken over with time."

    She swung her axes around from her back, tapping one of them onto the table. "But if you join Libertalia… I won't deny that it might fall. But there will be the chance that those like ourselves can turn round and tell the elites, nay." The tip of her axe sank slowly into the table surface, her eyes fixed on Greg. Hard enough that even he could feel his heart pound harder.

    "If you join us… I can at the very least promise you one thing. You'll live or die free. Would you at least consider that?"

    Greg chewed on the words, his thoughts a blur. His muscles clenched on and off, it was hogwash, it had to be, but the way she seemed to carry herself… the possibility of being free from laws of the continents… maybe he would still die at their hands, but to be able to go out on his terms…

    His chest rumbled as he ran the thought through one more time, then finally spoke.

    "…I'll stick around… for now…" he said, keeping his voice low.

    Blackaxe barely reacted, only for a single eye to brighten as if she was raising a brow beneath her carapace. "Very well. We could do some help in training… and negotiation."

    "You expect me to train some runts?" Greg scoffed.

    "To make them physically strong enough to handle a fight." Blackaxe explained, pulling the axehead back. "We have a tool that… will encourage raw strength. Not only that… I do have a contact that I have a feeling you already know."

    Behind Greg, the door creaked open, and the heavyset Swampert slowly turned round towards it. When he saw who was standing there, his fists automatically screwed tight, and it took every last inch of his self-control to stop himself from grabbing the bastard by the neck. "You…"

    Aidan merely tipped an invisible hat atop his head, the frog briefly flicking his tongue. "Greg, seems like we have a habit of meeting each other."

    "Scummy bastar-"

    "Calm down Greg." Blackaxe stressed, towering over the pair. "Aidan is a key supplier, and you will be working closely together in the next few days."

    Aidan pulled a frown, looking towards the rock-type. "What kind of job are you thinking about?"

    Blackaxe's eyes brightened, "Tell me… what do you know of the temples?"


    Sam watched as the riverboat chugged on through the jungle, keeping to the shadows of the trees. He had managed to keep his body from shaking with rage for the better part of an hour, but it was still difficult for the Scorbunny to hold himself together. Aidan… that bastardI knew he had contacts in all sorts of places. But pirates!? When did he get hooked with these guys!?

    He had no answers as he hopped carefully onto another tree root, jutting out of the shallow water. Only guesses.

    Alice dropped down next to him, looking over his way. "Sam… we can't focus on Aidan."

    The Scorbunny's foot tapped the root, keeping his eyes fixed on the boat, it's little wheel spinning away effortlessly. He could see the pirates resting or working on their contraptions and weapons. Aidan himself sat amongst them, flicking the page of a notebook in his hand and scribbling down some kind of details within it. Finances? A kill list? It was a good question.

    "Sam…" Alice started to stress again.

    "I know." Sam replied, his face scrunching up as he ran a hand across the top of his head, pulling his ears back as he did. "You're right. We need to focus on the temple but… Aidan has to be doing something about it."

    "He did say something about that." Alice admitted, "He must have smuggled some kind of equipment in. Maybe the pirates haven't gotten into the Arcanum yet."

    "Let's just hope we can work out a way of doing so before that happens." Sam replied, looking over her way. "If Aidan can get in, we can fight through both him and all the pirates."

    "We need to get a lay of the land first."

    Ahead of them, the water stirred, and Kyra's head rematerialized in front of them, a firm look of worry present on her face. "I've tried to scout ahead as best I can." She said, taking care to climb out of the water without noise. "We're not far from the temple."

    That's handy to know. Sam thought, looking towards the murky water below. He had already had to slip through the water a few times, and he swore he could feel something try and wrap around his legs more than once. Still…

    "I'm guessing there is a catch though."

    Kyra slowly nodded, "Pirates. A lot of them."

    Of course there is!

    The Sobble took point once again, moving them away from the river front and deeper into the jungle, taking care to make sure the Rescuers didn't fall into the water as they did before reaching the foot of a hill that started rising away from the river. As they began to climb upwards, Sam wondered where the other Guildmembers were at, were Bruce, Zeke and Denzel near Libertalia now? Did Denver and Kaliani reach the top of the mountain? Was Rex suspecting something was wrong and was on his way? He had no way to be sure.

    When they finally reached the top of the hill, the trees had peeled away to reveal their destination. Sam's eyes widened at the sight, and he could see Alice stiffen at the view herself. A massive grey pyramid rose above the jungle canopy, easily towering upto 25 metres in height. It was no Guildtree, but it was still gigantic. The river seemed to run right towards it, only to disappear underground just short of it into a cavern that looked painfully tight for anyone to follow further. A combination of old stone structures and wooden cabins were scattered around the foot of the pyramid, likely serving as an encampment for the pirates.

    More pirates walked or worked around the site, including right across the pyramid's surface and the very top itself. Others were positioned by a makeshift dock down by the river, no doubt awaiting the arrival of Aidan and his cronies.

    Sam took a deep breath, instinctively rubbing his hands together, "Alright." He started, "Looks like we have got a lot to deal with…"
    Chapter II.XX - So... How are we getting in?
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    From where they were standing, the entire temple complex might as well have been a small fort. There were no walls surrounding the place, but there were more than enough buildings and pirates patrolling around them and the pyramid itself to make an all-out attack hell. There were no trees and only a few bushes within the clearing that the structures were positioned in, making an approach even more difficult and exposed.

    "Kyra, have the pirates been at these ruins long?" Alice asked, her brow furrowed as she looked over the site.

    "They weren't even here last week." Kyra replied, her voice quiet. "A couple of scouts nearby, but that was about it."

    Sam's frown deepened; his hope was the pirates hadn't arrived in any real bulk around the arcanum. But with this many, they weren't getting close to the temple without a fight.

    In the corner of his eye, he could see the riverboat emerge from the jungle, steaming over to the dock below. "We better scout the place ourselves, come on, I think we can find out how they are planning to get in."

    The Scorbunny carefully moved ahead of the others, making his way downhill towards the dock. Aidan had to have been here for a reason, and he had to hazard a guess that it was the temple.

    "Wait up Sam!" Alice hissed, trading out her hopping for a jog to follow him downhill. "Are you sure Aidan even has a way of getting in?"

    "He broke Greg out of Robinswood." Sam replied, taking care not to disturb the vegetation as they moved down, "If there is a way of blasting open that temple, I bet Aidan would have brought it along."

    Once they reached the bottom, they stook to the trees, refusing to head out into open ground in broad daylight. Thankfully, the edge of the trees wasn't too far off from the pontoon that had been set up for the dock where the riverboat had pulled alongside, little more than ten metres away.

    Taking cover within a thick patch of ferns, Sam peered through as the pirates began to unload the crates from the boat. Aidan was already walking onto the pontoon, slipping his notepad back into a satchel. The Scorbunny narrowed his eyes as he watched the Frogaider move, his back straight and his chin lifted, as he if to say he was better than everyone else. A far cry compared to how Aidan had carried himself when Sam first met him.

    Hell, Aidan hadn't seemed half bad at the time. A few rough patches here and there, but he seemed to be an upstanding guy. Friendly, even charming. To see him now… was this what Aidan was really like under the surface?

    "Hey! Careful with that!" Aidan barked, his eyes locked onto a pair of pirates struggling with one particularly bulky looking crate, reinforced with iron bars. "Unless you want your boat to sink!"

    "S-Sorry!" cried out a rock type pirate, "Just heavier than it looks!"

    Aidan huffed in response, turning away from the pair as they got back to moving it with more care. "Idiots…" he uttered to himself.

    Sam grinded his teeth at the sight. "Bastard…"

    "You know this frog?" Kyra whispered. She had climbed the nearest tree and was hanging from one of the leafy branches directly above him. "What did he do to you?"

    Alice leaned out from behind the same tree, sticking to the ground with her eyes narrowed. "He's a smuggler back from where we came from."

    Sam clenched his fists, avoiding looking in the direction of his companions. "He ended up having Pokemon killed to cover for his operation. Tried killing us too."

    Kyra let out a faint hiss, "Doesn't sound much better than the pirates."

    "Took me too long to realise that his reasons for smuggling was full of shit too." Sam replied. He wished he could have seen signs that Aidan was willing to set entire docks on fire or getting Pokemon killed, perhaps he could have put a stop to his schemes before they happened. He struggled to stop his anger flaring up at the thought.

    "Already trying to boss mon's around Aidan?"

    Emerging from some wooden shacks, a very familiar looking Swampert marched towards the Frogadier, his jaw tightly clenched. "Greg…" Sam seethed, feeling his expression tighten more.

    "You know him too?" Kyra asked.

    "He's a bandit. He also tried to kill us." Alice explained. "He worked on Aidan's payroll… not sure how they ended up working together again though."

    "Greg didn't like Aidan much, at least from what I got from the big guy himself." Sam said, trying to prick his ears to focus on the conversation.

    Aidan glared at the Swampert, waving a hand towards the crates. "Do you want to explain to Blackaxe how the equipment I've brought got wasted?" he asked, "Then again, you've never had any delicate touch."

    "Don't push it Aidan." Greg growled, leaning back and making himself look gigantic. "You're not my boss anymore. You wouldn't want to tempt me."

    The frog only half-heartedly shrugged, "Given your track record? I'm not concerned. And besides, we both want to get into that temple. That is our job right now like it or not."

    Damn, I didn't think they hated each other that much. Sam thought to himself.

    Greg's jaw slackened only a little bit as he looked over Aidan's head and towards the cargo being unloaded, "You have a way of busting open the pyramid?" he questioned, "We haven't been able to find any doors and no one's been able to follow the river."

    Chuckling, Aidan motioned for a pair of pirates - the same ones he had just shouted at to stop. As they lowered their crate down to the ground, the smuggler reached through a latch on top to pull out a shiny red orb from within. It looked rather basic, not much different from the Orbs he had seen before, but at the same time Sam couldn't help but feel there was something more to it.

    "Scorch Orbs?" Greg questioned, "Why the hell are you thinking about those?"

    "Scorch Orbs?" Sam whispered, only for the memory to snap his back straight. Back at the prison, where Greg had been locked up… how Aidan managed to break him out…

    "Sam?" Alice asked, her hand reaching out for just a second. "You know about this?"

    "Y-Yeah." Sam replied, leaning back forward and pointing his ears straight at the criminals. "Rex reckoned Aidan used a couple to bust Greg out. They're rare, but nasty… I didn't think Aidan had any left."

    "How nasty?" Kyra asked, her eyes narrowed.

    "I didn't ask…" Sam said.

    "Scorch Orb?" faintly asked one of the pirates, a monkey that looked at the unassuming red orb with a scrawl. "Doesn't look like much."

    Aidan rolled his eyes and scanned the surrounding pirates, gently rubbing the red orb in his hands. Suddenly, he jabbed a finger at a Patrat, who had been walking off the boat with a small metal and wooden crate in his hands. "You! Keep that box up!"

    The normal-type nearly leapt out of his skin at Aidan's shout, "W-Wha-?"

    With a flash, Aidan chucked the red orb straight at the pirate, who with a surprised bark, spun the box round into the path of the projectile. The red ball clunked against the metal, but didn't bounce off, instead sticking to the surface. Whimpering, the chipmunk looked round to see the stuck orb, baffled at it.

    A quiet 'huh' came from above Sam's head, "Doesn't seem that bad…" Kyra started.

    And right on cue, with a shower of sparks, the metal suddenly glowed red hot and not even a second after that, the wood of the box burst into flame.

    Screaming, the Patrat leapt back, dropping the burning box.

    Other pirates turned to find out what was going on, but for Sam, he could only gasp as the Scorch Orb shrank, glowing a brilliant red as the metal of the container rapidly melted into a gloopy red puddle on the ground that bubbled and spat around itself. What little remained of the burning wood sank into that mass and out of sight.

    Aidan looked back towards the monkey pirate behind him, raising a brow, "Come again?" he purred.

    "Holy crap…"

    "By the spirits…" Kyra whispered. Sam looked up to find the Sobble clutching the branch she was on, her eyes locked onto the pile of molten gunk on the ground.

    Sam met Alice's eyes next, her expression dark. "Sam. We can't let him use those things."

    "I know." Sam nodded in reply… and yet still feeling confused, the way Aidan had casually tossed aside that Orb… he looked back towards the pirates. "I'm just not sure why Aidan would use one like that. I mean, they're supposed to be rare."

    And judging by the deepening frown, Sam could tell Greg had come to the same conclusion. The big Swampert swivelled on the crate that Aidan had recovered the Orb from and looked inside. Instantly, his face screwed up in a fit of anger. "What the fuck?" he snapped, "When did you get so many of the bloody things!? I thought you said they were rare!"

    He's got more of them? Sam shook himself keeping his gaze fixed on those pirates. How many did Aidan have? Did he just find loads of them? Unless… no. Rex said himself, the plans for Scorch Orbs were destroyed. Aidan couldn't have found someone still making them!

    With a smile that seemed to be a better fit for a sales mon, Aidan walked back over to the crate. "Trade secrets big guy." He said as he lowered the latch, before motioning for the pirates to start moving the crate, even more cautiously now they realised what was inside. The smile disappeared as the Frogadier focused back on Greg again. "I don't just have Scorch Orbs." He stated, "But I need a decent weak point in the temple. I don't want to waste my… merchandise trying to melt stone for hours."

    Eyes narrowed, Greg turned back towards the pyramid, "I've got some engineers looking around it now, but they're not having any luck with the walls and the top."

    "Show me." Aidan replied, rubbing his hands together.

    With that, Greg flicked his head dismissively in the direction of the structure, and together, the pair walked away from the dock, leaving the pirates there to keep unloading.

    Sam peeled away from the ferns, clicking his fingers to get the attention of Alice and Kyra before motioning for them to move away from the clearing. Once they had retreated into the shelter of the trees and opened some distance, Alice spoke up. "Any bets on if Aidan can get in there?" she asked, eyes narrowed.

    "I've been around here more than a few times… don't tell Odessa though, she'd tan my hide." Kyra admitted sheepishly, shaking her head and glaring back in the direction of the temple though. "I've never found a way in… but I've never seen anyone crazy enough to try busting down the walls."

    "If they get through them, we can't stop them from waltzing in." Sam stressed, automatically tapping his foot.

    It was true. There were too many pirates for them to fight directly. Stealth and surprise were their only advantages. But that would matter little if they couldn't find a different way in.

    "I'm not sure how Scorch Orbs are going to do the job" Alice said, resting her chin against her hand. "I doubt Aidan's got enough to melt his way in."

    "They might not have to." Sam replied, "Remember what Denzel said? The pirates have got bombs right?"

    The Buneary bit off a curse, "Then we need to wait until night and get in then. Kyra? Do you have any ideas at all?"

    Kyra started shaking her head, "I don't… although…" he looked up towards the tree canopy, clearly thinking. "I overheard Odessa once saying something about the roof of the temple. But I wasn't sure what she was meaning."

    Alice growled, rubbing her shoulder, "We'd be spotted well before we hit the top then! They'd to have torches there."

    Scratching his head for a second, the Scorbunny felt his eyes look back the way they came, there had to be a way round for sure. Some way of slipping past the pirates. Annoyingly, he almost wanted to pry Aidan's brain for a way past them. He did it with the guild bef-

    A lightbulb went off in his head, and Sam couldn't contain the grin. "What if we set off a distraction?" he asked, turning back to the others, "Something that ties them up for a while, like setting the riverboat on fire?"

    Alice's coiled ear twitched as a spark flashed in the corner of her eye, "That could work… but we'd need one hell of a distraction otherwise we won't have the time."

    Kyra flashed a cheeky, far too eager grin, "I've got a few ideas for that… I'll need some time to look around though, see if I can find what I need."

    Sam tilted his head with a frown, taken aback by the Sobble's sudden burst of confidence. "Like what exactly?" he asked.

    Her grin only got wider. "Let's just call it tribal secrets."

    A little bit more rapid fire this time, but the next chapter is now complete. I hope these shorter chapters are entertaining enough for everyone, and if you want a return to the longer chapters, please let me know! This next chapter might be a bit different, compared to the previous ones due to what is needed in there... but I'll see how that goes when I go round towards it.
    Chapter II.XXI - Taking Steps
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    On the coast of one island, a large town stood separate from the surrounding jungle by a flat no-mon's land in between them. Scouting amongst the edge of the town were small teams of pirates, each one equipped with a sword, knife or axe that they held in hand, paw or tail. Above their heads, flying and bug types patrolled the skies, observing the areas that the ground units couldn't watch. From their vantage point, they could see the extensive presence in and around the water. Water types moved purposely around the nearby bay, whilst a small ship was at anchor within the mouth of it as a more predominant guard.

    Under the cover of the jungle canopy, atop a small mound, a trio of green Pokemon looked down at the village. Bruce looked across the so-called Libertalia with narrowed eyes, simmering with clear frustration. Behind him, hidden amongst thick ferns was the form of Zeke, not quite looking at the town and looking towards the ground with a conflicted look. Above them both was the grass-type Denzel, who hanging upside down from a thin tree branch, his face twisted with disgust.

    "Arceus, how are we going to break through that!?" Bruce hissed, loud enough for his companions to visibly flinch.

    "Could you quieten down a bit?" Denzel grumbled, the stick in his head leaf bobbing noticeably.

    The Bulbasaur bit of a curse, "Sorry." He replied, "Just… thinking out loud."

    From their vantage point, they could just about peer over the wall, allowing them to look inside. Plenty of pirates moved freely around inside, sometimes pushing other Pokemon who looked scrawnier than themselves about without anyone else batting an eye. Prisoners, Bruce reckoned.

    The question that plagued Bruce's mind however was all to evident, as he couldn't see what he was really looking for. "I don't see Nia or Dan down there. Not Edward either."

    "If they're not locked up in cages then they are probably being put to work on their boat places." Denzel replied, pointing towards the masts of ships in the distance. Bruce shivered as he could make out those belonging to the so-called Vengeful, the one that took out the Crow and Penguin in a matter of moments.

    "Shipyard." Zeke quietly said, still not lifting his gaze up.

    Denzel scratched his head, still hanging upside down. "Shipyard… okay, I'll keep that one in mind."

    The Bulbasaur meanwhile glowered in Zeke's direction, feeling the vines on his back quiver. "Okay, can you look up for five seconds and help look?" he grunted.

    The Electrike's head snapped up, a leg instinctively reaching back. "H-Huh? Sorry."

    Bruce chewed on his lip for a moment. He knew he wasn't exactly the brightest Pokemon in the world, but he could tell as bright as day that the electric type was still bothered by something, and it was slowly beginning to grind his gears! Feeling the anger coming, he took in a sharp hiss of breath. Okay, remember what Nia said, deep breaths.

    As he released the second breath, he finally spoke again, "Still thinking on all that stuff back home right?"

    Zeke's flicked back down towards the ground again, but unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes, Bruce flicked a vine out and snapped it against the ground with a faint crack, shaking the electric type back into focus again. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself!" Bruce growled, "All that fucked up shit you got caught up in? You keep thinking about it, you are only going to get more people hurt. Hell, if my team gets hurt because you've got the guilt stick up your ass, then we're going to have a real big problem!"

    "Err… what… events?" Denzel uttered, flabbergasted at the choice of language.

    "Long story." Bruce replied, not evening looking up at the monkey and instead looking towards the shivering Electrike, "Dude, we're going to need that guy who started blasting pirates out of the sky with lightning like, super easy. I heard you got possessed, but you are not that guy. That Kali girl? I don't know what she saw exactly, but I can tell she's seeing the same thing I am. You want to help people? Then let folks in and help us out here and now."

    He rubbed his head with his free vine, whipping off a sliver of sweat across his brow. He had had enough of Zeke's self-pitying behaviour. He didn't know all the stuff that happened to him, but it wasn't going to help them now. The Electrike seemed to recoil again, but the shaking had ceased. Instead, he could see his jaw tighten, eyes screwed tightly shut as if fighting some internal battle.

    What was going on in his head?


    Zeke could feel his heart tighten as Bruce's words echoed inside his head. He knew what Bruce was saying, but what would happen if he just… went all out again? The faces of those that… that thing! Kain! The faces of those that he killed fluttered across his closed eyes. He tore them to pieces! He nearly killed Kaliani after she tried to help him remember what happened in the dungeon! He swore he could feel something cold and dark inside him, unmoving but just… present. As if there was a part of that monster still inside him, waiting until he let his guard down for just a moment.

    Or maybe he was just a monster, and Kain had just unlocked that side of him.

    "You went through a lot!" came Kaliani's voice, ringing in his ear, "I just want to help!"

    The Electrike shivered. Why was she and so many others so eager for him to… get help? Even after everything he did? He… he didn't plan on this for sure but…

    He stiffened, That… that doesn't matter now…

    Yeah. He was scared of what he could potentially end up doing, but if he stood back and did nothing out of fear… well, someone else would have to fight in his place. The Guild members, the tribesmon… all their lives were in danger. Come on… you fought the pirates on the ship… you can do it again.

    Shaking his head, the electric-type straightened himself up and opened his eyes again. "Alright." He said more firmly. "Let's try and move round towards the shipyard, see if we can get a better look there."


    Kalilani touched down with ease, using the wind to gently ease herself down to the ground. Good thing the wind wasn't too strong this high, otherwise she'd be having to hobble up the mountain side on foot and frankly at this point, there was no way was she doing that again for a bit.

    Denver and the chieftain, Odessa, were already ahead of her, approaching a short rocky tower that was about twice as tall as the tribal leader, one that was barely reinforced with wooden trunks, not even turned into planks. The top looked bare, likely to hold a flame inside and shelter it from the wind.

    The Skorupi clicked his pincers sharply, "Are you serious…" he grumbled, his jaws firmly clenched. "This is it?"

    The chieftain gave the bug-type an incredulous look, "What were you expecting?"

    "I don't know, something bigger I guess?" Denver replied, rolling his eyes as he skuttled towards the base. "Least we won't have to rebuild the thing. Do we have something that can shield the light from the flame in this thing?"

    Odessa cracked the knuckles on her wings together, "No, but I can fashion a cover to hide the flame from some of the rocks we have here, it won't be perfect, but it'll stop the pirates from noticing."

    Kaliani cast a look over the structure. She didn't know exactly what kind of lighthouses Denver worked on, but she knew her light sources out at sea. This was very basic compared to what she had seen before. Like it was just needed too…

    "We need a shutter!" She blurted out, hopping forward to join the others.

    Denver's stinger twitched. "What?"

    "A shutter!" she said again, reaching the base, "This is a light beacon for navigation! Not a signal light for communication! It won't matter if we can shield the light from the pirates, the guild will just think it's another star unless we can reveal it on and off!"

    The blue bug didn't look that convinced for a second, right until he thumped a claw against the side of the tower. "Aw shit." He grunted, "You're right."

    Clearing his throat, he turned towards Odessa, "Er, Ma'am." He said more respectfully, "Do you have something that can do that?"

    Odessa carefully fiddled with a feather atop her head, looking over the structure in thought. "We don't have anything like that, but I could use my wing in it's place."

    The Trumbeak started looking towards some of the nearby rocks, it wasn't exactly safe, but it would work in a pinch. All they needed now was a direction… oh, it would have been handy to have Zeke up here now with all of his electricity-

    "Err… you wouldn't happen to have any iron, right?" Kaliani asked sheepishly, already picturing the final product…


    When Kyra returned, arms stuffed with leaves, bark and fruit, night had started to fall. The team had retreated from the pyramid back to the high ground, where they could get a better view of the defences at the sight. Sam and Alice had already run an extra search around the parameter, trying to find the best route through to… anywhere really. The roof top was the primary potential target, if Kyra's suspicion was accurate, but they wouldn't know how useful it would be until they reached it.

    With what little light they had, Kyra soon got to work mixing her ingredients together, drawing the rescuers attention. Sam leaned forward to have a closer look as she worked, "So, what's this tribal secret you're cooking up?" he asked.

    The Sobble snapped some green shoots, allowing some powder to fall out onto the leaves. "I'm making a flamekracker." She explained, "A big one. Loud, flashy, something that'll get them all running."

    "A bomb." Alice stated plainly with a faint smirk.

    "That will definitely get their attention." Sam replied, rubbing his hands as he imagined some giant explosion that sent some pirates flying. "Didn't think you guys could make this kind of stuff."

    Kyra fiddled with the fin on her head, "Well, it won't go boom on it's own, but when it mixes in with their food supply… that will be a different story." She frowned slightly, "I've only got enough for one though, and the pirates will get the fire out quick. So when I set it off, you are going to need to be running yourselves."

    Sam tapped his foot, partly feeling disappointed at the lack of a big explosion, but he also couldn't shake off his concern so easily. A few minutes to find the entrance? That wasn't a lot. He and Alice weren't archaeologists, Gah… where's Edward when you need him? Too bad Squishy wouldn't know either.

    "Right… you'll just need to get them far enough away that we can get in and out. The less fighting we have to do, the better." Sam finally said, turning towards the pyramid, looking increasingly dark with the fading light. But it hid the fact that Aidan and Greg were scouring every brick to find a way inside. He had no idea how long it would take before they found a way in, nor did he really know if the others had managed to achieve their aims. They didn't have much in the way of time.

    "We'll go for it tonight." Sam stated.

    Alice had propped herself onto a boulder, but now visibly leaned forward with her paws tightening together. "You sure? We could do some more scouting."

    Sam shook his head, turning back to face the pair, "No, we can't take the chance that they get inside before then." He frowned, "We'll have to go now."

    With a rustle, Kyra hefted up a wrapped-up bag made of leaves and bark. "I'd say about forty minutes, I can set this off. It'll take the better part of twenty to get there."

    Alice's frown deepened, "Do we really want to rush this? And what if something comes up?"

    Sam rubbed his foot across the ground, feeling a brief surge of heat. "You're right." He admitted with a huff, rubbing the back of his head as he couldn't deny that truth, "Probably a good idea to double check which route to take anyway. Kyra, is there a good way you could signal us?"

    "Not really, no." Kyra replied, inspecting her improvised explosive. "Short of not setting this off."

    "Maybe just… set it off later? Say an hour?" Alice suggested, dropping herself from the boulder, "Gives us all some more breathing room."

    "Huh, does make sense as well." Sam replied with a subtle nod, It does give us the extra time we need, and we still get in on time.

    With clear relish, Kyra pocketed her contraption. "I'll get moving towards the far side, should give you an extra minute or two before they come back." Then, without even missing a beat, she quickly disappeared into the foliage.

    The fire-type clapped his hands together, feeling himself stiffen now that the tribesmon was gone. "Is it just me, or does she seem a little too eager for payback?"

    "A little bit." Alice replied, "I can't really blame her though. We never did ask how long the pirates have been here."

    Sam let out a sigh, uncomfortable with imagining even a week long occupation. "With Libertalia? Months at least?"

    "Eighteen to be exact." Came a new voice.

    Sam spun, getting a pebble underfoot for an attack, only for him to just as suddenly recoil from committing to it. "Damn, Tapu Koko!?" he uttered as the Guardian Spirit emerged from the trees, hovering just above the ground. "H-How long have you been here!?"

    "Not too long." Koko replied, their posture unchanged. "I see you have already made plans."

    Alice visibly chafed, "We did – but weren't you supposed to be talking to the other Tapus?"

    The Tapu merely cocked their head to the side, as if to acknowledge it. "I am. Though my counterparts tend to be more… fickle compared to myself. Whilst there was time, I was checking on everyone's progress."

    The tightness in Sam's chest faded. Okay, that's actually pretty handy. But… wait, why are they waiting so long fo-

    He resisted the urge to shake his head and decided to focus on the other side of the conversation. "How are the others doing then?"

    "Your Denver and Kaliani's beacon is already lit." Koko confirmed, "They are still waiting for a response. As for your other friends, they are still scouting the parameter, but they do believe they may have found where some of the prisoners are being kept. But who exactly they don't know. They are planning on trying get closer tonight."

    Sam rubbed his hands together, feeling lighter and warm enough to almost lift off the ground. It was good to hear the progress… but at the same time, that was only the first step. And Sam and Alice still had the main problem ahead of them.

    "Our only problem is we don't really know how to get inside." Alice said, jabbing a finger at the pyramid behind them.

    "That is the other reason I'm here." Confirmed the Tapu, their voice becoming less audible. "And why I only revealed myself after Kyra left."

    They drifted closer to the pair as they spoke, "There are multiple entrances, but the most straightforward method would be through the roof."

    So Kyra was right!

    But knowing all to well there was normally a catch to stuff like this, Sam felt some of the warmth fade away. "I'm guess you don't really know how to get inside?"

    Even with the shell fragments attached to their arms, the Tapu still managed a shrug, "I do not. What I do know is that you yourself should be able to scry the means of unlocking the temple. It is supposedly easy enough to achieve."

    "Supposedly." Alice bluntly stated.

    Sam sighed, "I know what you mean Alice. Still, at least we know where we can look." He turned his attention back towards Koko. "Thanks, we'll head for the roof. See what we can find."

    Koko merely bowed their head, "It is not much, but I do hope it helps you." Their eyes drifted towards the darkening sky. "It is time. The other Tapus come. I must parlay with them. Stay safe. And I do hope you find what you are looking for."

    With that and a faint crackle of electricity, the legendary shot up into the sky and out of sight, leaving the two rabbits standing alone.

    Taking a shaky breath at their new found objective, Sam turned towards Alice. "Ready for this partner?"

    With a small smile, Alice returned a firm nod. "Ready."

    Okay, between actually struggling to write this chapter and keeping up with all the creative projects again that ended up leaking back into my life again, and that's on top of getting used to my new work hours and workflow given my new job. The next chapter should be shorter and a little bit more entertaining at the very least though!
    Chapter II.XXII - The Meta-Familiar Mural
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    As Sam and Alice disappeared into the jungle, making their way down towards the edge of the temple site, you watched them go, whilst the Shadow hovered next to you from your position near the top of one of the surrounding trees. "It seems that the game's afoot. As it is said." The Shadow mused; its black mass twisted enough almost look like its arms were crossed. "This structure seems… familiar somehow. I have seen similar architecture before… but where was it again?"

    It directed an arm towards the trees that the two rabbits had set off through. "You best follow. I need to… think over this temple…"

    With your typical conflicted feelings on the Shadow's thoughts, you started to drift forward, to follow the perspective of Sam and his partner. The Shadow had seemed unusually deep in thought, even for themselves. Their knowledge and foresight was considerable, but sti-


    Part of you spun back round towards the Shadow, it's form suddenly deathly still.

    "It… it can't be… the Ruins… The Hidden Land… it cannot be related!"

    With a sudden flash of darkness, a projectile flung at you. Part of you sailed towards it just as hard as another tried to recoil away, but the shadowy blob didn't strike you. Instead, it seemed to sail round you, almost like a moon orbiting a world.

    "Apologies, there is something I cannot leave unturned. I will still be able to sense and see everything you and Sam can see, but I need to commit the bulk of my attention to an… old memory. Call on me if you desperately need aid, but remember! Do not interfere, or you may cause more harm than good!"

    With that, the Shadow disappeared, and feeling the pull of the moving rabbits, you found yourself drifting after them. But in your turbulent thoughts, there was still one question. What had got the Shadow so spooked?

    Sam and Alice had barely settled into position at the edge of the trees when Kyra's 'distraction' ignited. Over the top of the buildings around the flanks of the temple, there was a bright orange glow, rapidly growing brighter with every second that passed. A whistle screamed through the air, followed by a loud crack. Alice's face went slack, staring at the glow. "What. The hell. Did she set on fire?"

    "Can't just be the food." Sam uttered, still taken aback at the increasingly bright glow, enough that some of the stars were getting drowned out. Within the camp, sharp shouts shattered what was left of the stillness of the night.

    "Get out of bed you muppets!" screamed one such pirate leader, "Get whatever bucket you can, we've got a fire!"

    In the buildings nearest them, in disorganised panic, several pirates ran out with whatever container they could find, making a beeline either for the fire, or in the direction of the river itself. No doubt they were trying to collect whatever what they could find to douse the flames, unless a water type could scramble to the site in time.

    They might only have minutes.

    "Come on!" Sam growled, pushing the leaves of the fern they were hiding behind aside.

    Together, the two rabbits broke from cover and in amongst the buildings. The Scorbunny led the way, sprinting down a narrow alley between several of the outbuildings, some of which had already emptied out in the pirate's mad panic. He was counting on the fact that not only Alice could hop fast enough to keep up, but that the buildings would offer a sheltered, near direct route towards the foot of the temple. With a bit of luck, they shouldn't come across any pirates.

    That plan nearly went to pot straight off the bat though. As Sam reached the end of that alley, a gigantic shape filled the end. The Scorbunny skidded to a halt, gasping as he dove behind the nearest wooden crate. Alice must have been just behind him, as she nearly crashed into him, hissing as she slid into the crate and just barely kept herself from headbutting it. He glanced at her, just to check to see that his partner was alright before peering round the crate edge. The dark shape was still there, but his voice was clear as day, the same one who had been shouting just seconds ago. "Connor! Stop changing buckets like a Rotom on the fritz! Just pick one and double time it! And for fucks sake Conrad!" The shape moved out of view as a few other figures sprinted in the same direction. "Stop tying those fraking laces!"

    Hissing a fresh breath in, Sam patted Alice on the shoulder, and the two quickly broke out into their run again, only pausing to check to see if the coast was clear at the end of the alley before pressing onwards.

    If they weren't rushing, Sam would have sighed with relief at the sight of the temple steps. But knowing they'd be exposed for the whole climb; he didn't give himself the luxury. "Keep your eyes peeled!" he stressed, as the pair began to race up the steps. He hoped to hell and back that the pirates were too concerned about the fire to bother looking up at the structure. Not exactly got a lot of cover here!

    "Any ideas on what we should look for?!" Alice asked, panting softly as she hopped up two to three steps at a time.

    Sam felt his chest tighten, as he tried to think about what to expect. "Honestly, got no idea!" he replied, "It has to be something obvious right? Something most people would overlook?"

    Alice suddenly sprung up five steps, as if something threw her aim off. "What about that star symbol!? Like back at the Oracle!"

    Feeling a little spring in his step, Sam smirked at the realisation. "Good thinking!"

    She's right! The Guardian symbol we came cross cleared the fog from Waterfall Mountain, if there is a similar one here, we could do the exact same thing here!

    Still, at the back of his mind, he was worried another shout would ring out, directed towards the temple itself and soon followed by some mad attack. But the fear began to fade as no such attack came, and soon, they reached the top of the temple. Sam and Alice threw themselves over the top to find a flat roof, with only a handful of low round pillars that sat at the corners of the plateau they stood on.

    A single bug-like Pokémon, a Vibrava, was nestled at the centre of roof, her eyes fixed on some grooves on the floor. She must have sensed them, as her eyes immediately locked onto the two Rescuers. She started to scurry back, her wings beginning to flap as if to sound the alarm. Growling, Sam instinctively moved to kick an Ember away. Alice was a blur as she lunged forward, fast enough that once again, he almost thought she was Quick Attacking. But her ear was now an icy blue and before the Vibrava could react, Alice had swung the Ice Punch down like a hammer atop the dragonfly's head. With the snap ringing in his ears, Sam couldn't hide his wince as she dropped like a sack of bricks, legs sprayed out in all directions. "Good punch…" he whispered.

    "Thanks." Alice replied, wafting her ear free of the remaining ice. "Let's just hope no one heard that, come on. We need to find that symbol."

    He quickly scanned the features, but all they had was the four pillars and the roof itself, or rather, the floor. An ornate pattern covered it from corner to corner, complete with circles, swirling features and the odd block. It didn't match the Guardian symbol he knew, but there was an uncanny resemblance to not only it, but features like those he had seen not only back at the Oracle, but also the mural in Broken Wood, right up before Volcanion ruined that investigation.

    "Do you think our team emblem will be enough?" Alice asked, eyeing the floor pattern.

    Reaching into his jacket pocket, Sam pulled out the original armband he had recovered from Broken Wood. "Better play it safe, here! Try and look for something like this on the mural, I'll check the pillars!" he tossed the armband over, not watching to see Alice catch it as he moved to look over the four pillars. Each one was marked with symbols, much like the ones he had seen before. He remembered Edward transcribing Unown symbols, but that wasn't the ones he was seeing. Many of them were shapes of creatures or just… well, unclear shapes. A word did come to mind, hieroglyphics? He wasn't sure, but as he quickly circled them, he struggled to find anything that even resembled the cross and tear that might have been the Guardian emblem.

    When he reached the third pillar, Sam risked a peek down below. Flames dominated several of the structures, whatever Kyra had did had worked a treat. He ceased moving for a moment, spellbound at the sight. But then he saw the jets of water pumping into the burning buildings, putting them out within a heartbeat. Even over the din of shouts, water shots and clanking materials.

    Greg's voice somehow managed to break the sound barrier, booming across the site hard enough that Sam's ears felt like they were getting crushed. Pain jabbing through his head, he just made out the words. "Let the water types do their fucking job!" he roared, "Everyone else! The bastards are still here! Search the camp! And get someone to scout that temple! Now!"

    As something continued to scratch in his ears with a razor blade, Sam threw himself round back round the pillar. "We're running out of time!" Sam cried out, eying the fourth pillar, borderline identical to the others even from here. They weren't going to find anything there.

    Alice was on her knees at the centre of the mural, pressing her hand against the floor with gritted teeth. "I think I found it!"

    Heart pounding, Sam skidded next to her on his knees, wincing as they burned underneath him. At the very centre of the mural, the very familiar symbol of the Guardians on the floor. That's it!

    Sam's internal cheer was short lived, as Alice gritted her teeth as she pressed down on the symbol, pulled at it, and tried to twist it with little response. "It's not doing anything!" she hissed.

    Wait a second, when we came across the symbol the first time… I didn't respond to Alice!

    As the realisation settled in, Sam leaned forward. "Hang on, let me try."

    Reaching out, he pressed down on the symbol, waiting for the ping to confirm it's activation.

    …only silence greeted them.

    "What?" Sam uttered, already patting the symbol again. No response. He tried to twist it, no response.

    His throat started to burn, "Are you fucking kidd-" he hissed sharply, yanking himself back from the symbol. Why the hell wasn't it working!? If he wasn't the key, then what!?

    "You guys check the north side!" came a distant shout, "We'll check the roof!"

    "Fuck!" Alice snarled, standing up to face the direction of the sound. "This can't be it, there has to be another button or something!"

    Sam rubbed the back of his head harshly, struggling to think on what was going on. If even one pirate spotted them and got one word out, the others would be scrambling up in no time. "This has to be it! There's nothing else that matches it!"

    "Then think!" Alice snapped, already pumping her ears for a fight. "Is there something we're missing? Like a blood sacrifice or some bullshit like that?!"

    Sam recoiled, "Blood sacrifice! This isn't some-"

    His neck cricked as he suddenly bounced the word in his head. Kain had dragged Kaliani up for a reason. She got away from him after – Blood! He took some of her blood!

    There was one thing he could try, looking towards his palm and already feeling sick to his stomach. Well, fuck it!

    Baring his two buck teeth, Sam bit hard into his palm, squeezing his eyes shut as his skin got sliced and he caught the faint taste of iron. "S-Sam!" Alice cried out, her body shuddering. Probably trying to hold back some kind of bile.

    Coughing, Sam pulled the bloodied paw away and spat some of the ichor away. "If this works…" he wheezed, feeling sick to his stomach. "You're a genius."

    With that, the Scorbunny planted his hand onto the Guardian's symbol.

    The same resonant ping rang through the air, joined by a bright cyan light underneath his paw. He flashed a grin, then gasped as the light suddenly spread, running along the grooves in the floor… in the mural. Alice's eyes widened as before them; the entire mural was now glowing with brilliant light. A low, yet pleasant hum emanated from beneath them, the lights pulsing with it.

    Wincing at his aching hand, Sam rose to his feet. More shouts began to ring out below, and his heart began to race again. "Not exactly subtle!" he exclaimed as he moved to join Alice. She gritted her teeth as another shout rang out, this time coming from another direction. They were surrounding them…

    "Obviously." Alice said, already in her combat stance. "Could you get this thing to speed up?"

    The floor softly juddered beneath them, and feeling a spike of alarm, Sam could see the entire world move. No. They were moving. The floor started to sink into the roof, a faint whoosh of air sounded around them, and the Scorbunny got a face full of stale air as this… this lift sank into the temple, the hum intensifying as it did.

    "Stay close!" Sam cried out, stepping round to stand side-by-side with Alice.

    He almost didn't feel Alice grasp his hand as they drifted past the threshold, pirate suddenly screaming as they realised what was happening. Darkness started surrounding the two rabbits like a cloak, and Sam looked up just in time to see a circular hatch drift across the new opening and seal shut with a thunderous boom.

    Welp, time for things to start intensifying for the next few chapters. This was a fun chapter to write, even in the midst of taking part of a review blitz! Hope you all enjoy this chapter along with certain... references...

    I'll also go ahead and leave a confirmation as stated elsewhere in a few different threads - GoB and MoD will now be following a 2/3:1 chapter approach when it comes to being released and written. To put it simply, for every two to three GoB chapters, there will be one MoD chapter being uploaded. This is part of some more long term plans with how I want to stay on top of my current writing and art workload in order to release stuff more consistently. I am also thinking of starting to set up the foundation of somekind of backlog. GoB's will probably end up starting come Episode 3, but MoD's might start earlier depending on my mood. As for timeframes, I don't really know as of yet, but I am hoping to try and at an absolute minimum get a new chapter out every two weeks, and hopefully get that down to one week. It is something I am in the process of working trying to work to achieve, not counting novel projects being slithered in. Hopefully once a backlog develops, things will become easier in terms of consistency.
    Chapter II.XXIII - Face to Face with a Patron
  • StolenMadWolf

    Loony Moony
    1. scorbunny
    2. buneary


    As Sam and Alice had started to prepare for their run on the temple, on one of the separate islands, one could just make out a distant flicker of light. For most, it would look like a distant star in the night sky. But from one specific angle, it would be blinking on and off like a makeshift lightbulb.

    Atop the mountain, the light beacon was alight with flame, a few pieces of wood sheltered from both sight and the wind by a new rocky windbreak. It did have one opening however – one that was being covered on and off by a confused looking Odessa's wing. "What exactly am I saying with this… code?" she questioned, as she repeated a simple pattern of raising her wing for a second, then three seconds, then a single second again before repeating.

    Standing next to her, Kaliani watched her movements. "It's SOS. Every shipmon knows it, and the Explorers guilds do as well!"

    "More like everyone knows it." grumbled Denver, dragging an extra log over to the light beacon. "You sure the guild will see it from here?"

    That was something that worried Kaliani. Without a focusing element, they couldn't project the beam over as vast distance. But if someone was closer, hopefully the regular signal would be enough to garner someone's attention. It had been a couple of hours since night had fallen… there was still time to-

    "Wait a second…" Denver said, jabbing his rear stinger towards something in the distance. "What's that?!"

    He was pointing in the direction of where they sailed from!

    Kaliani spun to look, and the Chieftain lowered her wing fully to get a better look. But as Kaliani looked down the mountain side towards the water, no ship appeared. Her heart sank, "But… where-"

    "Not down there!" Denver snapped, "Up there!"

    This time, she looked up to find a black shape flying in their direction, it was gigantic, it's wings beating steadily as it approached. Underneath, a basket hung in it's talons, containing another bipedal shape in it's shadow.

    As they approached, their forms became apparent. The flying creature was something the sailor recognised as a Corviknight, and their passenger-

    "Holy shit, Rex!?" Denver shouted, his face turning red as the trio scurried over to the basket, where the Blaziken had stepped onto the gravel underfoot.

    Rex raised a brow towards Denver, "Sorry I'm late." He explained, "We've been scouting around the islands to try and find the Penguin and Crow."

    "Blown out of the fucking water by the pirates." Denver explained.

    Rex's features darkened, eyes narrowing. "Where is everyone?" he questioned.

    Odessa patiently stood to one side as Denver and Kaliani hastily summarised what had been happening, who was suspected to be where, the threat of the pirates, and finally, the current plans. Rex absorbed all that information, his brow furrowed at their words. There was a brief flicker of shock - or was it worry? – when they mentioned the pirates gunning for fire types, but the guild master managed to keep his face composed right up until they finished.

    The Blaziken scratched his chin for only a second, "Then we need to move quickly." He stated, before turning towards the chieftain. "Apologies, I just needed to find out the fate of my people. Guildmaster Rex." He introduced himself, extending a hand in greeting.

    "Chieftain Odessa." She replied, shaking the hand. "Your rescuers say you would be of great help to us."

    "Indeed we can." Rex confirmed, "The Red Kite was preparing to depart just as I set off with Clovis." He motioned towards the Corviknight, who merely bowed his head towards the Decudieye.

    "I can pass on word back to the Guild for you." The knightly bird explained.

    "Just you?" Kaliani asked, "Guildmaster, does that mean…"

    "I'm staying." Rex declared, rubbing his wrist as a brief flicker of flame erupted from it. "I can help co-ordinate with the Kite but first of all, I need to know exactly where Team Audacity have gone."

    Sam and Alice were surrounded completely in darkness, sans for the glowing mural under their feet. The faint hum sounded through the air around as the lift continued to descend deeper into the temple. Sam partly wanted to approach the edge of the platform, but frankly he had no idea how far off the ground they were. Heights and all.

    "How far do you think this goes?" Alice asked, trying to peer into the blackness.

    Sam bit his lip, "No idea… huh… must be close."

    A faint white-blue light formed around the edges of the platform, revealing four rocky pillars slowly appearing out of the darkness across on each corner. The hum started to quieten down as the lift started slowing down, sliding into a circular slot on the floor before finally fading away as the ground juddered beneath them. Sam's legs quivered as he steadied himself. The lift, still lit with the same mural, was nestled into a smaller pyramid structure itself, with only a few steps leading down to a lower floor. Down each set of steps, there was a path that ran towards what appeared to be tunnels on three sides and what the Scorbunny had to guess was another mural. Perhaps a door?

    Along the walls and pillars, small, cylindrical lights flared into life. Not to different from torches judging by the flickering light contained within yet more… artificial somehow.

    Sam rubbed the back of his head as he stepped forward, "Err… anybody home?!" he called out, his voice echoing throughout the chamber.

    No response came.

    Alice moved to join him, looking slightly miffed at him, "Do you want everyone to know we're here?" she moaned,

    "Hey, just figured I'd give it a try." Sam replied. In truth, he kinda just wanted to do it. Get a sense of scale of the place. He just hoped there wasn't anything else inside the temple with them. No pirates seemed to have followed them in at least, which was convenient.

    "Where do we start then?" Alice asked, cracking her knuckles. "This place is massive. Squishy didn't suggest anything?"

    "No… but I do have a good guess on where to start." Sam stated, moving to walk down the steps leading towards the large mural on the wall. He tried his best to ignore his footsteps echoing across the stone floor as he approached the mural, with Alice right behind him. It seemed to be made of a trio of rings surrounding a single circular symbol. The very familiar tear and star symbol that Sam figured was the Guardian's own. He fiddled with his lips as he looked over markings surrounding the symbol, it didn't look remotely like the others he had seen upto this point.

    "That looks familiar." Alice mused, moving ahead of him. In front of the mural was a small carved obelisk sticking out of the ground, marked with a smaller version of the Guardian emblem. Almost like on the elevator platf-

    Sam hissed as a pulse of pain flared across his paw. Wincing, he lifted it up to find blood flowing slowly out his stinging hand, his digits already stained with the stuff. "Damn it!" the Buneary growled, hopping back over to his side and pulling out an Oran Berry. "Why the hell did you do that?"

    The Scorbunny gritted his teeth as Alice tore a small chunk off the berry and rubbed it over the wound. "Well, it worked for Kain and Kaliani right?" he replied, wafting his hand to one side. "Maybe it's extra security."

    Glowering back, the Buneary flicked her head towards the door. "These Guardian's better not have any more blood 'locks' through here. I'm not patching up your hand everytime you decide to cut it open."

    Still feeling a faint stinging sensation across the healing paw, Sam strolled towards the obelisk. "Trust me, I'd rather not do that again." He said, feeling a little sick to his stomach as he walked towards it. Where was he… oh yes, the obelisk. It looked similar to the small rock feature that cleared the weather atop Waterfall Mountain. Perhaps it could open a passageway, like the symbol did on the elevator.

    Well, let's hope that this symbol doesn't need blood too.

    Gingerly, and using his unwounded hand, Sam pressed the symbol on the obelisk. Another chime rang out through the air, and with a low rumble, the rings on the wall started to rotate. Ah… so it was a door…

    "I don't get it." Alice questioned, pumping her ears as a faint clunking began to work it's way through the door. "These… locks don't make any sense. I can't use them, yet you can. Then there's the whole blood thing."

    It hadn't really crossed the Scorbunny's mind. "Maybe this Master ended up… I don't know, coding me into it."

    "But how would he even know what to look for?" Alice replied, a final clunk reaching Sam's ears from the door. "Or even do the same for the Oracle?"

    "I've got a feeling we're going to find out." Sam replied, willing a fire to kick start inside him as the door slowly began to grind itself apart open. He instinctively brought a foot back, waiting to see if anything would anything or anyone would come charging out from the otherside. But no shape emerged, leaving only a dark corridor to appear.

    Together, the two rabbits crept forward towards the opening passage before them. The interior was initially dark, but as they reached the threshold and the doors ceased moving, another set of sealed torches flared into life. Unlike the others, these lights were warmer, offering a yellow glow to their surroundings.

    Sam's skin tingled as he gawked at the sight inside. "Whoa…"

    The corridor had a lower ceiling compared to the chamber before, albeit still towering over their heads. Pillars ran just in front of the walls themselves, but in between each one, there was a large statue that stood at least eight times their height. Each one had a distinct shape and form, albeit the one thing they had in common was they were all creatures. Like Pokemon, but far more… regal in their appearances. A complete contrast from those of the Pokemon he had seen before.

    "Okay…" Sam said as he took a few tentative steps forward. "I wasn't expecting this…"

    Alice frowned for a moment, only for her eyes to widen with… a flicker of wonder? "I know these!" she said, staggered.


    She hopped over to one of the first statues, a hulking reptilian creature, one that upon closer inspection had a few glistening red lines running through part of it. "This is Groudon, a super-ancient legendary."

    A legendary? What, like Tapu Koko?

    Before he could even ask again, Alice had already turned to the other side of the corridor, looking at the statue opposite, complete with blue lines and looking like some kind of fish or whale maybe? "Which makes this Kygore! The land and the ocean!"

    Startled by Alice's sudden change in demeanour, Sam felt a little spring in his step as he stepped further inside. "Who are you and what did you do to my partner?" he teased.

    Failing to contain her smirk, Alice rolled her eyes as she moved to join him. "Mum and Dad talked about a few of the legendaries when I was a kid… I haven't really been thinking about it until now…"

    They moved towards the next set of statues, this time what appeared to be a spiky bird and a cat with massive of some kind, this time marked with yellow lines. "Zapdos… and Raikou." She said, moving onto the next pair. "Articuno and Suicune. Then Moltres and Entei." Alice let out a faint gasp, "It's… every legendary."

    Sam's gut vibrated as he walked further down, looking at a pair of bipedal dragons in a solid black and white colour respectively. "Must have considered them pretty important." He replied, "I remember reading up on these two by accident. Zekrom and… Reshiram?" he asked himself. He turned, but Alice was already skipping on ahead, almost unnaturally mesmerised by the scene. The fire-type chuckled to himself, even with the danger of pirates no doubt pounding on the ceiling door, he felt himself warm up with delight at his partner's sudden cheery nature.

    His smile quickly vanished from his face as he reached the next statue though, one that Alice mustn't have noticed. Another reptilian, with a mix of red, yellow and blue lines running along it's surface, a giant ring extending from it's back.

    "Volcanion…" Sam coldly uttered, stepping closer to look over the doppelganger of the mythical that chased them out of Broken Wood. The same thing that nearly pressure cooked them alive.

    "I, Volcanion, shall not abide by this trespass any longer! You cannot be allowed to leave with the knowledge of this place!"

    Sam went cold, Hang on a second… if the Legendaries and Mythicals are represented here… and there was… his mind drifted back to the mural hidden in the depths of Broken Wood… not too dissimilar to the ones they had later come across. That down there… could… could the Guardians…

    "Alice?" he called out, "I think I've got something on Volcanion."

    No response. Sam's pulse quickened as he scanned back down the corridor, "Alice?"

    The Buneary was staring at another statue, quite close to the end of the corridor where Sam could spot a larger chamber. Frowning, he made his way towards her, passing a few more statues along the way. His worry only gnawed at him more when he reached her side, her fists tight and her eyes cold as she stared at the statue. It was that of a bird, albeit one that lacked the same degree of flight feathers and was coloured almost completely red. In fact, from where it was positioned, it looked almost like a flying Y.

    Y… Where would that-

    Sam's heart missed a beat as he connected the dots. If there was one Legendary that Alice would know… especially to react this way… "Alice… is that who I think it is?"

    Alice's fists tightened, "Yveltal." She quietly growled, her voice quivering. He couldn't tell if it was grief or rage.

    Maybe a bit of both.

    Sam looked up at the rather menacing form of Yveltal. He hadn't quite come across much regarding that Pokemon in what little he had read… but he knew enough from Alice. The same Pokemon that was under the influence of Dark Matter.

    One of those that had a hand in killing her parents…

    Gently, Sam rested his uninjured paw on Alice's shoulder. She didn't react, her eyes still fixed on Yveltal's statue. "Come on." He quietly urged her, "We need to keep looking."

    Alice didn't say anything, but as he carefully pulled her along, she followed, tearing her eyes away from the statue as they stepped into the larger chamber beyond. It was a large, circular chamber, with a set of stairs leading up to a higher level. More statues surrounded the edge, slightly larger than before. Sam could recognise one of them straight away, a serpentine form with green outlines running along its surface. "Rayquaza. The legendary that blew up that meteor years ago." He noted. "Though… I don't really know what the big guy does otherwise. Any ideas Alice?"

    "A guardian of the sky, a bit like Groudon and Kygore. I recognise a few of the others too." Alice admitted. "But I definitely don't know about this one."

    Turning, he found her looking over one final statue, one positioned right at the centre of the room near the base of the stairs, even larger and more detailed than the others. Honestly, he was surprised he missed it the first time, probably being that focused on how Alice was faring. "Seems a little bit… different from the others." She added.

    This new statue looked a bit like a snake, coloured a brilliant if rough green alongside a dark black. A few hexagons were visible across it's surface, four of which seem to double as eyes. From behind it's head, five dark frills rose above it. Alice is right… this one is… strange…

    "Yeah… why place it here? Sure you definitely don't recognise them?"

    Alice shook her head, "All the ones on Air and the well-known ones at least." She admitted, "But definitely not a big snake." She waved a hand towards the foot of the statue. "I can't read that either."


    Sam leaned forward to inspect the base of the statue, where there was a plague written on in some kind strange text. It didn't look much like the Unown characters, or the other kinds of characters he had seen before in every day notices back at the Guild. This was more… artistic, with several lines forming distinct symbols. Four of them to be precise.

    Huh… okay, what kind of langu-

    The symbols blurred, distorted and started to change shape. Sam blinked and rubbed his eyes, was his vision blurring? No, it's was the characters, forming into the more familiar Unown script.

    "Can you read this?" Alice asked, leaning forward to look him over.

    "I… I think so." Sam replied, rubbing his eyes again as he had a closer look. A new word had formed, something he could read. "Zy… Zygarde."

    "Zygarde?" Alice replied, looking over the statue.

    Sam rolled the word in his mind, Zygarde… who are they? The Guardians must have found them important enough to-"

    "Have a big statue of them?" finished a squeaky voice.

    Out of nowhere behind them, a familiar green blob had appeared out of nowhere. Sam spun, blinking at the sight. "The hell – Squishy? What are yo-"

    Alice's head swivelled, "Wha-?"

    "-doing here?" Squishy finished for him, their body jiggling with delight as they hopped over towards them. "Well, technically I'm not here. I'm just a projection. Seems like this chamber has the means to do that from outside your head!"

    "Sam…" Alice quietly questioned, "What's going on?"

    The Scorbunny hissed softly, one of his ears dipping. "Ugh… okay, Alice. Squishy has somehow… got out of my dreams and… is standing right there."

    Alice scowled at him, "I can see that!"

    "I don't know-" Sam's mouth hung open, looking towards his partner, "Wait. You can see him too!?"

    "For once, yeah!" Alice replied.

    Squishy looked somewhat embarrassed at this, "Yeah, the technology in the Arcanum can allow for mental projections to be seen by multiple people at once. Pretty cool."

    Sam scanned the room as the strange creature hopped past, approaching the statue of Zygarde. I wonder where these… projectors are being kept. I don't see anything that could do that.

    "So… you two have finally got in." Squishy announced, settling themselves in front of the statue. "I'm sure you both are going to be wondering about question one… who am I exactly? How can I get in here?"

    "Given you've been mucking around with my partner's head." Alice grumbled, "I think we could do with that."

    Tapping his foot, Sam crossed his arms, "Squishy… you did say we'd find out who you were. So… who are you exactly?"

    He was frankly done with tip-toeing around things, it was about time they started gaining answers.

    Despite lacking a mouth, Sam could tell that the creature was trying to grin. "Well, you're looking right at me!"

    "The fuck is he on about…" Alice quietly groaned.

    Yeah… not exactly helpful.

    He rubbed his eyes, scanning over Squishy's form. The green blob, the white eyes, the red hexagon… how did that even help?

    Wait… hexagon.

    The same one stuck inside of Squishy.

    Gingerly, Sam tilted his head up towards the statue of the snake Legendary, it's hexagonal shaped eyes staring blankly forwards.

    "You've figured it out." Squishy said, their voice deepening.

    "Sam?" Alice asked worryingly. "Figured what out?"

    No… we can't have just met another…

    "Go on Sam." Squishy encouraged, "You can say it."

    The Scorbunny turned his eyes down towards the green Pokemon standing underneath the snake. And when Sam finally spoke, his voice was quiet and shaky from the gravity of the name.


    Well, time to throw in a longer chapter than originally planned, with a pretty big and important reveal at the end... the first of a few big ones coming up within this episode that are really going to change Sam and Alice's perspectives on the wider world. So, I hope this one can get you excited for what's to come! Some of these chapters might be longer than my 2k word target for now, but that's because there is alot of ground to cover!

    Looking forward to revealing what comes next!
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