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Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
The Archipelago Continent prides itself on peace with help from the Detectives and Guild.

However, an arcane fog begins appearing on islands, bringing natural disasters and chaos, allowing pirates to roam.

What secrets lie within the fog?

Fogcutters T'nuri and Alejandrien must work with their fellow Detectives Kaliente and Emile to cut through the mysteries before all goes to ruin.

Fogcut Voyage Cover 1 not done Demo 1.png
(Temporary Cover Art, Done by me Kiba Makkuro)​

This fic is set in a stand alone Continent called the Archipelago Continent.

There's kinda a magic system with the Ruinous Fog and Fogcutters, but please be aware this is my first real attempt at a mystery so I will purposely leave things open to interpation. (Blame the influence watching playthroughs of Danganronpa, Process of Elimination, Master Detective Archive Raincode and Ace Attorney)

The Archipelago Continent is based off, the Carribean (Mainly Puerto Rico), North Pacific Ocean (Hawaiian Islands), and the East Sea (Sea of Japan). I also include some Hawaiian, Spanish, Japanese, and French words/combination of real words as island and town names, and add into dialogue, the island and town names are not translated right beside, but the dialogue parts which I italicize are.

This is rated T for Teen, on FFN and AO3 it is also listed as Teen.

While it's not as dark as Gears of Mana, there will be graphic injury (caused by the environmental magic), and some violence.

This first link is to some of the music I’ve made for Fanfiction.

View: https://soundcloud.com/makkuro_kiba/sets/fogcut-voyage?si=4b83e3bad3aa4cd7a286dabafc272cfc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

And the following links are to lyrical songs that other extremely talented musicians have made for different media, that I believe fit certain themes/characters in my Fanfiction.

(Only have Arc 1/Part 1 for now)

Fogcut Quad 1 done 1.png(Banner Art, Done by me Kiba Makkuro)
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Prologue- Awakening

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted January 4th, 2024​

The Ocean. A dirge of multicolored frigid saltwater. Occasional spots of white bubbly foam and clumps of red seaweed made up the vast seascape.

Usually, the ocean's gentle waves harkened an adventurous trek or perhaps even filled one with dread. But not for this Pokémon. A Cubone twitched as the lull of the water's voice rolled against her ears. Salty yet quiet. I feel empty, T'nuri thought as she dared to flit open her rich brown eyes. Am I hollow?

She lay splayed out on a thick wooden board. Dark brine of seawater waved below. The Cubone and the board drifted closer and closer to a small inlet. All the while the seafoam bubbled and washed away. The tiniest bit of wind picked up. Was a storm brewing?

A mist, a deep plume of light grey mist clouded the Cubone's surroundings. And her vision. She took in a deep breath, only to flinch and hold her chest. "What is this-" she paused to squeeze her eyes shut."-h-heat." Mother.

Darkness all consumed T'nuri as she forced her eyes open. A pitch-black swath haunted the entire skyline.

More heat spread through the Cubone's upper body. She strained once again as the warmth intensified, buried her claws against her maw, and thrashed her tail.

Nevertheless: the sea continued its waves.

As the waters ebbed and flowed the clouds morphed into a thin blanket across the land. A pulse of rich purple, followed by a pulse of dark green danced across the sky, straight from above, finally, all was still, T'nuri, nay, all succumbed to the darkness.

Raindrops piddled and paddled all across a northern island. A northern island plagued by a bitter and brisk wind. Along with rain. Such foul weather, this weather pelted T'nuri as she lay crumpled on the shore. Bits of coarse sand, tiny fragments of shells, and itty-bitty pebbles dug into the Cubone's scales. She propped herself on her elbows, winced, and a stifled groan escaped her maw. "Where am I?"

The Cubone staggered off the ground and immediately blanched as she lurched forward; latent seasickness. As T'nuri suppressed the new wave of nausea, she shivered and glanced around.

Then the Cubone felt another pinprick of pain. "Why," she gasped as her pupils dilated, "why do I feel this way?"

T'nuri flinched as the slightly heavier rain grew denser, and her own eyes watered. The Cubone wiped away the beginnings of tears and lifted her head. It's like I'm close to home, but just so far away. This isn't Pa'a Lepo Island.

"Where's my books?" She patted the sand beside her. "The last thing I remember was sitting somewhere with one about doors. It was something about crafting designs and techniques for them."

The Cubone scanned her surroundings, there was nothing of note. "My bag's gone too! Ugh, this can't get any worse."

The sky was dark. Dark as thick heavy clouds rolled across. There weren't any signs of tropical life despite the beach. Just rocks, sand, and yellowed grasses.

A question came into the Cubone's mind: What island had a climate like this? "Why is there a mist that blocks the entire ocean?" she questioned and narrowed her eyes.

T'nuri walked to the water's edge and gazed out into the rich dark blue ocean, and watched the pull of the light teal tide further and further out. She stood entranced by a strange low hanging cloud for a moment until she backed up. Her jaw dropped as she gripped her bone tightly and scanned the sea again. The Cubone's vision had not betrayed her.

All across the same point in the water was a thick grey wall of impenetrable condensation. "There's no ships on the water here? Then where's the one I was on? La Llovizna The Drizzle?"

The mist was strange. One that prevented sight of all behind it, an irregular mist. The Cubone sighed as the sharp rain continued to drizzle. I wanna go home. "I should-" she paused again as she grunted from a chilly gust of wind. "I should just go look for some local Pokémon and some shelter for now."

T'nuri turned away from the ocean and stared at the beach and walked. She trudged out of the sand and made her way out of the rocky path of the shore; noticed a small path in the marsh.

As the bits and pieces of the earth connected with the expanse of the island, they made for a fascinating sight.

Fields of thin brushes, intermingled with sand and stone came into view on the off-beaten path. The Cubone shook her head. "There's no signs of wood or stone-lined trails for access to and from the beach." She kicked a stray rock. "It's not like Hau's Beach in Pa'a Lepo or any other popular beach."

On her path the weather intensified gradually. There was a path from a dark paved road, T'nuri found the hillcrest ahead of her and her eyes followed every which way she walked. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the road and she picked up her pace. "Maybe it's just backwater country?" The Cubone swiftly parted through the sparse yellowing grass as she ventured uphill. Once she reached the zenith she was higher up in the land, she stopped.

In the rain, there shone beam of faint light. "What's that?" T'nuri peered closer. The light was a gentle and steady yellowish-orange hue, and unchanged by the onslaught of increasing foul weather across the island.

Could it be a house or cabin? Maybe someone is home? the Cubone pondered. A home, like mine.

She searched the immediate area. No one. T'nuri narrowed her eyes and tried to glance far ahead beyond the hill before her. Dark mounds of soil littered with rounded stones crept up in the distance, with feeble stalks and blades of decrypt flora that stood tall amid the wind. There were nooks and crannies unceremoniously dug all around were signs of unprecedented wild Pokémon life.

T'nuri sighed. "Finally, someone to talk to could be close. Maybe, just maybe I could figure out how to get home. "

Once she rounded the grouping of trees she once again saw a glimpse of the ocean. The dark thick wall of mist encroached closer to the shoreline. But that ocean wasn't level with the Cubone, it was past a cliff, and down the shore.

The Cubone gazed over the foamy sea, and the fog-covered beach beside it. There was some sort of commotion down by that beach, as the waves crashed loudly and something went on nearby. A nimbus of grey fog sprang into the sky along with a wave of heat.

As she looked deeper into the low-hanging cloud she couldn't help but subconsciously lurch forward a bit. "What is this weird feeling?" It's kinda like a pulling force. T'nuri gasped. "Is there something wrong with that mist?"

"No, it's not the mist," a muffled voice called out from the ground below.

"What?!" the Cubone asked, she clutched her chest and rushed back to the hills of earth and stone before her.

The rolling land around her was dotted with small tunnels and patches of browned grass, large piles of rocks atop the ground far as the eye could see. There were even holes in the earth beside the Cubone.

She felt the earth tear apart for a moment, while more and more tunneling continued. Soon a hole formed in the dirt.

A Drilbur climbed out of the hole in front of the Cubone. Their nose twitched wildly before they took a step back. "Hello," the Drilbur said.

"Uh, hi," T'nuri replied before she tilted her head. "Who are you? And how do you know about the mist?"

"I am a wild Pokémon, Drilbur," they answered.

"Just Drilbur?" the Cubone questioned.

The Drilbur let out a long sigh. "Common domestic behavior. At the moment I don't need to give you my name."

Instead of a reply, T'nuri took a step back and tucked her tail against her side.

"Sorry. You're uh, not a terrible domestic-" the Drilbur paused their comment. "Er, more importantly, you should leave this island as soon as possible."

"Am I trespassing or something?" the Cubone asked.

"No, but, you still must leave," a slightly weaker voice trembled as the earth below dug through. Out of the dirt beside the Drilbur, a teal Sandshrew appeared. The icy-steel-Sandshrew scuttled close to their wild companion. "A ruinous fog is coming to destroy this and every island."

T'nuri took yet another step back. "A ruinous fog?"

The Drilbur and Sandshrew leaned on each other and closed their eyes. "Do you doubt our claims, Cubone? Who even are you?"

"I-I never said that! I'm just a woodworking craftsmon!" she clutched her bone-club tighter.

"Ah, so you are used to change." Drilbur grinned.

T'nuri rubbed her shoulder. "Yes?"

"The cutting of wood, sawing the lumber, and carving your vision into life." Sandshrew spread out their paws.

"It's just like the path you'll take to go home, but you must not forget the support and primer, the final step. Delivery and assembly of your plan."

The Cubone's jaw dropped before she spat. "What? For spark's sake, how do you know what's going on?!"

The Drilbur shook their head. "Sorry, back to what is important. It's plain to see the fog around the sea and our island isn't normal."

"You have the scent of seawater on you, tell me you haven't seen the fog," the Sandshrew added with a stifled growl. "It's definitely one of ruin."
T'nuri's eyes wavered. "I just need to see it being all ruinous to believe it. That's all."

The Drilbur pointed out to the sky. "Look at the land. You can feel how unusual the rain is, it normally doesn't sting."

"I guess that's true, sorry for snapping, I'm just so confused," the Cubone sighed.

"You would like to go see for yourself?" the pair questioned.

"If that would allow me to go back to my home on Pa'a Lepo Island then yes, I would." T'nuri lowered her head.

"Well, you could go down to the beach to the north of these hills to investigate," the Drilbur said with a shiver.

The Sandshrew stepped away from them with a sigh. "Perhaps one of the Mystery Dungeons on this island holds the answer. An outsider like you usually goes and checks whenever there is danger."

"All by myself?" the Cubone tilted her head.

The Drilbur shook their head. "No, you may be able to get some help from one of those Pokémon on the shore."

"Oh, but be careful." The Sandshrew tapped the ground.

"Of the fog?" T'nuri asked.

"Yes, but not just that. Some of the Pokémon down there may not be an ally you can rely on."

"Hmm." The Cubone looked back to the murky sea and the even thicker plume of fog as it rolled across the waves. "I'll keep that in mind. Farewell!"

"Farewell traveler," the Drilbur and Sandshrew called before they sniffed the air. They whispered to one another as T'nuri was almost out of earshot. "Prepare for the ruinous fog, and perhaps we'll meet again."

What? The Cubone thought as she continued forward. Eh whatever.

Across the island the dark grey fog grew, and the edges turned a crisp charred black as flashes of red and orange of fire brewed inside. Ruinous indeed.

Still, in the turmoil of the rain, T'nuri jabbed her bone-club into the soil before she padded off further toward another part of the island. She took a clawful of dirt and squished it through her digits as she traveled downhill. The soil was made up of looser particles and had a chalky rich taste. "Nothing like the warm earthy ground of Pa'a Lepo Island. Or even the island I was supposed to end up on… Wait, why can't I remember? Where am I? How did I even end up here ?"

The Cubone stared at the thin ground before her and sighed. There was nothing of note across the land, besides empty holes and pitiful outcroppings of grass. "Of course, the wildeners just happened to speak of something ominous. "

"Of course, they were naturally wary of me. What wildeners weren't?" She clutched her bone to her chest and hung her head low as she subconsciously whimpered. T'nuri fiddled with her bone as she scoured the land below.

A few trees stood stalwart. "None of these are thick and plenty like the ones I was allowed to cut down," she mused.

The Cubone gripped onto her bone-club. "The solid, well aged wood, perfect for my wood workinh. After all, who else would help make furniture and tools for folks all across the waters of the Continent?"

Empty fields, barren of growth and of life. An unsteady ground, the rocks and earth trembled under her feet.

T'nuri stared at the hills before her and the path behind her.

"Ma and Pa let me make stuff for their Mystery Dungeon store. One day they set me up with an Adventuring Company, and even had some of my first shoddy crumbling pieces in the house."

She didn't have to look twice. No one was coming. "I miss them."

T'nuri glanced at the descent before her and nodded. Carefully the Cubone tried to maneuver to the bottom of the hill, unfortunately somewhere along the way the earth shifted all around her and fell apart.

It continued until the entire section of hill crumbled under the Cubone's feet. Dirt collapsed from every side and left the flimsy brittle rock to bear the brunt of all of the accumulated weight. It didn't help that all of this earth was drenched by the onslaught of heavy rain either.

"Shit!" T'nuri yelled as she managed to stay upright and ran away from the falling mass of debris and chunks of heavy rock all around and drew near the ground. She had to hop from jutting stone to stone to avoid being swallowed by the hillside's destruction.

Finally, her feet hit solid ground and she dashed away from the path of the landslide. Safe, the Cubone groaned as her tongue lulled out of her maw as she panted. Now she had time and felt around the ground for a good while.

There was sand nearby. Small pockets of sand were present in the soil at the base of the hill. She sniffed at the air and tapped her bone against the ground.

"Could the shore the Drilbur and Sandshrew mentioned be close?" The Cubone wondered and gazed down at the clearing. Below the clearing, there was a cliff with a clear shot of the beach.

It wasn't exactly clear. A thick black fog shrouded most of the area in front of her, the full range obscured partially by the noxious fume. It had spread up to where the Cubone was as well.

One thing was clear as T'nuri headed into the cloud. She flinched, eyes wide before she panted. "There's another pull again. What is it?"

She hurried closer to the edge of the cliff and waved her bone through the foggy air, and parted the wave slowly. Once out of breath, the Cubone made it to the fringe of the land. Then it was visible. The shadow, or visage of a particular Pokémon down by the sea. One that was clouded by fog and pulled T'nuri closer. A Jangmo-o.

"Is that, the… The force that's pulling me? T-that Jangmo-o?" The Cubone gasped.

The storm intensified yet again. More and more stinging rain poured from the sky as a harsh now warm squall filled in.

A thunderstorm was on the horizon, and right over the island.

"Drat!" T'nuri turned on her side and headed back to the hillocks. "I need to find shelter before I can reach the beach and maybe Jangmo-o."

Subconsciously she stepped away from the brink and managed to peer at the obsidian cloud. Inside it two unusual shapes were present. They moved about frantically as more fog spread.

"There are more Pokémon in there?! Could some of them be the ones the wildeners warned me about?" The Cubone looked all around her.

The once brisk wind had vanished. Something was going on.

"Like an ax straight and true, Lunala's wings gleam, Giritina's wings beam. I already lost my shit, might as well jump in." T'nuri took in a deep breath as the thick plume of fog surrounded her and ran as fast as she could to the path down shore.

Despite the toxic miasma all around the Cubone quickly made her way through the vicious weather as the temperature continued to rise, and more and more of the fog engulfed the area slowly but surely.

But it wasn't enough. As she crossed the great distance she could not continue to ignore her body's protests as more gas and the torrential downpour sapped her stamina.

Eventually, she held her chest and staggered against a large rock face. T'nuri doubled over and fought to regain her breath.

Intense heat swept across the island. It came off the plumes of fog that besieged the stormy land. The Cubone coughed and stood up taller for a brief moment.

T'nuri dropped her bone club as more of the gas filled her lungs. She tried to stabilize her breathing as the area around her sweltered in an onslaught of warmth. One thought consumed her as she groaned in agony. My chest hurts again.

"Spark! It hurts- even worse than before." T'nuri sank to the ground and hacked violently, and closed her eyes through the whole ordeal. Once she stopped and pried open her eyes she was met with a sight that brought her still. Blood.

Her own blood painted the sand before her. The Cubone's eyes watered as her whole body was seized by the fog, and pain coursed through her veins. "What's gonna happen to me?"

As the black fog and thunderstorm consumed her and all across the Island a flash of lightning crackled through the sky and struck a nearby island along the sea.

The thunder shook the land in a mighty roar. The Cubone's eyes slowly closed shut. Embers of a first flame began to dance and once again the sky went black. Father. Wracked with exhaustion, fatigue, and illness T'nuri drifted asleep as the arduous fog ran its course.

However, the worst was yet to come; on the sand by the sea, there was one particular scent. The one of fire.
Chapter 1- Fire: Across the Island

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted June 23rd 2023,
Updated January 20th 2024​

Chapter Summary
T'nuri wakes up to the all sorts of dangers across the Island and encounters the Jangmo-o she saw earlier. Will the two of them make it to safety with everything chasing after them?​

Darkness ruled over the dreary skyline. Nothing could avoid being pierced yet again by two beams of light. Another flash of light, neon sage-green, and a flash of striking lavender-purple.

A light that shone brightly for kilometers in the distance, only for that brief moment. But in those few seconds, everything changed. The fog was cut.

As the storm of flames raged on the normally tempered and brisk northern Island, an ethereal voice cried out from the depths of the Ocean. "Oh beseech my call for aid, Fogcutters! For you are the ones who we gave our power to!"

Even though the plea was in an ancient tongue, one lost to the sands of time the message was felt. Who would answer that call?

Intense fire rolled across the sands. Areas of that northern island had waves of flame that ebbed and flowed all around. All around and even on the Cubone who lay unconscious on the shore.

T'nuri opened her eyes and saw the fire as it brushed against the scales on her left leg. A sharp twinge of pain seared deep. "The spark was that?!" she cried as she jolted upright.

The Cubone turned around toward the sea off into the distance, and fire upon her. "Shit! That burns!" She kicked up some sand over the burn on her leg and dashed away from the ash and smoke.

Grey-tinted fog floated around T'nuri as she searched left and right. The Ocean had only a thin, slightly cloudy mist above it, with no traces of red and black. Still, the entire Island and the tide around it were surrounded by a thick, nigh-impenetrable fog.

T'nuri flinched as she stopped and briefly checked her injury. It was a mark along her shin and calf, charred red. She rubbed a bit of sand onto it and stifled a bit of a cry. Ugh, I'm supposed to resist fire as I do with Mom's attacks. "Why does it feel the same as any normal move I'm neutral to?" She whispered. The Cubone gripped her bone-club tightly.

She turned around and took a glance at part of the path she had previously traveled. Thankfully, the fire hadn't devoured the entirety of the land; just above the Cubone on the cliffs, there were no traces of the flame.

Some parts of the land were even free of the miasma that choked T'nuri's lungs earlier, and she hadn't ventured a fourth of the island yet.

"Okay, so the fire is only where the red and black fog is, not the light-grey fog." T'nuri gasped as she ran toward the sea through the thick dunes on the beach. She continued higher and higher in the dunes, through the frayed stalks of plants and small enclaves of water, coated by sand. Far into the distance was a tall structure made of metal, wood, and stone. A dock was attached to the strongest part of the land, connected just above the Ocean's waves.

Away from the Ocean to the right, there was a path to another part of the island with all sorts of hills, dips, and trees, far across the expansive reaches of sand.

A cirrus of black and red drifted closer. Fire would be upon the dock soon. With every step T'nuri took toward it, the Ruinous Fog approached. Just as someone else did.

There was a long stretch of fully-burnt beachgrass nubs that led toward the dock. The Cubone tensed as she noticed the massive plume of gas before her, but nevertheless, she steeled herself for the journey ahead.

"Where is that scaly little runt!" a loud voice snarled through the beach.

T'nuri lost her footing and slipped into the cover of the plants. As she pried her body out of the mixture of dirt, water, and sand, she lurched forward once again. There's that pull again… The Jangmo-o must be close by. The Cubone thought as she peered out of the flora.

She flinched as another voice roared through the fog. "Just hand it over nicely and no one has to get hurt, buddy!"

The Cubone continued her path through the thick strands and hid from whoever the loud Pokémon were.

Soon, the tendrils of plants led higher up into the sandbank, and T'nuri's head poked out of the stalks. She glanced above the grass and found the identity of the Pokémon above.

Amid the toxic fog, a Jangmo-o dashed along the sand, and their black saddle-bag was like a diamond in the rough: a large scarlet and violet cylinder stuck out of it almost haphazardly.

Jangmo-o's golden eyes scanned the area around her for an opening. "You two have got my Gogoat if ya think I'm givin' that to ya!" they yelled, with an alto-pitched raspy drawl.

A Deino and a Buizel were not far behind Jangmo-o.

Both wore bandanas with particular pink, yellow, and orange wide horizontal stripes, almost like a certain species of Pokémon. A Sharpedo-based skull-and-crossbones had been stitched into the fabric.

"And we were about to let you off good, too!" the Buizel grumbled.

"The two of ya are rowdy pirates, and ya ain't finna get yer claws on this! Not when they need it!" Jangmo-o yelled back.

The Cubone ducked back down into the shadows of the plant stalks as she felt the Pokémon's footfalls against the earth; Jangmo-o's approach slowed as she drew near to her. T'nuri flinched and held her heart. I don't know what's going on but this is bad! She thought, her eyes wide.

Heat pooled off the sand, and the ferocious embers inside lashed out in whips and wisps.

Beach soil that was soaked in the tide offered recluse but was too far away.

The strength of the fog around the beach grew thicker. Dark splotches of black and red brewed inside the mist as sparks of fire began to ignite.

"Sheesh! That's hotter than a Turtonator's fireballs!" Jangmo-o cried as a plume of flames scorched their side. The fire brushed against their entire tail, their right claws, hind-leg, flank, foreleg, and even a bit of their right shoulder.

It's go time, can't be worse than what my folks used to do. T'nuri swung her bone-club against the sandbank and a torrent of sand clouded the area. When the bits of sand touched a part of the fog, it vanished. "Jangmo-o! Hurry!" she climbed out of the ground and hurried toward them.

The Deino raced toward their prey. "Who's there!?"

"Whoever you are, you better mind your business or taste my wrath!" the Buizel cackled.

"Woo, nelly!" Jangmo-o lurched forward as she saw the Cubone, and fell straight into the sand. "You!" She slowly staggered up. "Ya're da one pulling me!"

T'nuri stifled a growl. There's no time! She pointed to the fog as fire erupted onto piles of sand around them. "Look!"

Jangmo-o nodded and limped toward her. As they tried to get to the Cubone through the toxic fog, a wall of flames spread across the sands between them and blocked their escape. T'nuri ran nonstop as the Jangmo-o struggled to continue onward. They coughed and limped.

More and more fire ignited from the black fog above the beach and scorched the earth indiscriminately.

The Cubone wasn't doing much better as she tried to maneuver away the areas coated by flames. Her left leg flared up, and she wheezed to get air into her lungs with every step she made. Shit shit shit!

Jangmo-o took a swift glance behind her as her hind legs buckled for a moment. She fell and her maw buried deep against the grains of sand, with a grunt, she shook her jangly scales and pushed off the ground.

They weaved through the blaze of heat toward the Cubone. But as Jangmo-o tried to get off the beach they fell into a hidden pit of water; collapsed into the sand right in front of the sweltering inferno that blocked them from T'nuri and the other side of the island. A narrow wall of fire covered the beach and ended just before the foamy brine of seawater that touched the sands.

"You aren't getting away!" the Buizel yelled. "Blast 'em!"

The Deino stood still before they took in a deep breath. Dark teal energy pooled into their maw before they shot out a Dragon Breath straight at Jangmo-o.

Those bastards! "Don't you dare!" T'nuri's eyes turned pitch-black as she ran into the flames toward Jangmo-o. With the flick of her wrist, she swung her bone-club through the thick black fog and cleaved it in two, flame and all.

The Cubone pushed Jangmo-o out of the way just as the Dragon Breath soared through the air right above. After the blue flames fizzled away, she pulled her arm back, and the Cubone threw her bone-club at the Deino, and the Buizel behind them.

In a flash of brown and pale yellow, the Bonemerang pierced through the air and connected with the two Pokémon.

Despite the massive stretch of fire and fog between them, the blow sent the Deino and the Buizel far, directly into a wall of flame.

In a clean fresh pocket of air, T'nuri grabbed one of Jangmo-o's claws and helped them off the ground, and she let out a bunch of ragged breaths as her eyes returned to their normal brown shade.

The bone-club ricocheted back into the Cubone's claw and shook as she stared at the knocked-over Buizel and Deino.

The Cubone and Jangmo-o weren't in the clear just yet, for there was still the inferno beside them, it crackled in the air and nearly tagged their scales. T'nuri rubbed her leg and pointed behind her.

With a jog, she headed toward the trees of the hills to the right of the beach. Jangmo-o let out a gasp and followed the Cubone through the sand. They fled through the mounds of sand as their pursuers dealt with the flames they were cast into.

In the sky above the area was only a dark grey with nary a speck of red or black. Yet, only time would tell when flames would hit that part of the island too.

T'nuri exhaled and patted her left leg before she hurried along to the edge of the beach. While she gritted her teeth, she placed a claw over her heart. What was that?

However, Jangmo-o had something more than a pull to them. T'nuri slowed down a bit to run side-by-side with the other Pokémon. Patches of grass and piles of rocks appeared frequently through the beach, the rock hills before them got closer and closer to their reach. Jangmo-o staggered against the ground for a second before she hurried along.

The Jangmo-o was a cautious distance from her but then as their energy returned they edged near the Cubone. They no longer felt the pull of each other's chests, but they eyed T'nuri intently.

At this new distance, the Cubone watched as Jangmo-o's walking speed got slightly better. She limped less with each step. Good . T'nuri took a glimpse behind her.

The Buizel and Deino weren't as hot on their trail as the flames were. The two pursuers weren't even visible in the fog and fire that engulfed that part of the beach.

Fauna and solid ground replaced the sand they had previously traversed as the Cubone and Jangmo-o got closer to a brief reprise along the rocky hill land. This part of the island was like a whole different environment. While there were stones and knolls as far as the eye could see, they were covered with thick brush and vibrant grass. The two of them continued onward while the lush green leaves on the few remaining trees waved in the wind. A small moment to catch their breath had presented itself.

The Jangmo-o took their chance as T'nuri met their gaze for a moment. "Thanks fer earlier, partner. Are ya doing alright?"

"Doing alright?" The Cubone repeated as she walked toward the shade of the trees beside the road before them. "I don't know."

"What's wrong?" the Jangmo-o asked, her tail low.

T'nuri sighed. "Have you seen a large white passenger ship around here? It's called La Llovizna The Drizzle."

"Sorry I haven't."

"Ugh," the Cubone groaned. "So many things are going on, but why do I feel so terrible?"

The Jangmo-o stuck their tongue out. "Hmm, right. Since yur a Cubone, ya prolly aren't used to being weakened by poison. While not elemental, all samples of each type of light grey fog have around 3,500 ppm of carbon dioxide. Fer reference, 5,000 ppm of carbon dioxide is fatal after 'bout 30 minutes of prolonged inhalation."

T'nuri's jaw dropped. "You can tell all that!?"

"It's just an educated guess, partner. I'll have to leave the calculations to Emile and all that fancy mumbo-jumbo talk to Kaliente."


"Some fellow coworkers."

"I get you."

"You do?"

"I work with a small workshop team."

"The fun of having a team eh?" The Jangmo-o nodded. "I see."

T'nuri crossed her arms. "I guess."

"Anyway, carbon dioxide in more concentrations is fatal, which's why ya've prolly had a nasty cough and felt like a wet Growlithe in this darn black fog."

"Wha?" the Cubone tilted her head. "Can you explain my resistance to it now?"

The Jangmo-o shook their head. "I had an inkling ya didn't feel the rain's effects as bad, either. But something odd about the fog. I'm not entirely sure 'bout that, partner, I just have a couple of hypotheses."

"You'll have to do some more research I suppose. I don't know much about that though, I just do woodwork."

"I see. Well, I'm glad I've finally found ya." Jangmo-o stopped to adjust her saddlebag. She loosened the straps around her shoulders with her claws and nudged the cylinder deeper into a pocket.

T'nuri relished the soothing blanket of cover above them and replied. "Likewise."

Shade out of the sun was only a temporary pleasure as the path deeper into the hillside left behind the collection of trees. If anything, the thick fog that loomed in the sky, along with the clouds, offered a bit of cover for the Pokémon. However, the slightly foul gas could not be ignored, for in due time, it ignited the whole land.

And not just that, there was the pressing advancement of Pokémon that pounded far behind them. The Buizel and Deino were covered from head to claw in bruises and burns, yet still, they hurried from the side of the beach closer to the dock.

The Cubone glanced over the skyline and saw a small forest.

Jangmo-o stepped near her and shook their head as she wordlessly gazed at them."Ya ain't much fer yapping, huh? But plenty fer staring."

T'nuri quickly averted her eyes and walked faster.

"Delcatty got yer tongue?"

The Cubone peered over Jangmo-o and then the visage of Drilbur and Sandshrew from earlier flashed in her eyes. T'nuri looked at the rocky grass field beside them. "I do have a few questions for you if you don't mind."

"Ya can ask me just 'bout anything, partner!" Jangmo-o replied. "I might just know tha answer. I am trained, after all!"

T'nuri moved closer to them as the walkway grew narrow. "You seem to be quite the capable Pokémon. What is your name?"

"The name's Alejandrien!"

"I am called T'nuri," the Cubone said. She took a couple of steps away from the Jangmo-o and peered over them.

"Ya ain't gotta look so hard, partner! Somethin' bout me on yur mind, T'nuri?"

"Alejandrien…Is an interesting name. Where is it from?"

The Jangmo-o laughed a bit. "I'm originally from the Sand Continent." They stopped to put a small assortment of rocks in a cloth bag. "And yeah, I chose my own name."

T'nuri lurched backward and held up her claws. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Nothing to feel sorry about, just as long as ya try to say it right. Don't add an 'a' or an 'o' just keep it as 'ien'," Alejandrien said as she got close to T'nuri.

"So you chose a new name, huh," The Cubone moved forward. "That's cool. I don't want to mess up anything else, so could you maybe tell me what you go by?"

The Jangmo-o nodded."Yeah, fer sure. I go by they and her." They stared at T'nuri as she just continued walking. "I don't want to assume anything fer ya either, partner. We Pokémon aren't too boring, are we?"

"Oh right, a proper introduction. T'nuri the Cubone, a girl, I guess. I use she and her."

"Well, I'm Alejandrien the Jangmo-o. Yup, partner, just yur trusty Jangmo-o from the Sand Continent. A Jangmo-o with a penchant for investigatin' and doing all sorts of reconnaissance! It's detective work!"

"Detective work? I myself do woodwork, I know nothing about your field."

"We detective's want to learn about everything, that's why I'm here!"

"Eh, that reminds me, Alejandrien, I'm also interested in why you have that saddle-bag you're carrying." The Cubone gestured to the cloth and faux-leather on their flanks and back. "It has a magnifying glass symbol on it, and no average Pokémon would be out here, better yet being tailed by those mudders."

Alejandrien tilted their head. "Mudders? Ah, well I'm not on a team yet, but recently I started to work with a Detective Agency."

"Ah," T'nuri gasped. "I've wondered why you didn't have a badge of any kind like a Rescuer, Explorer, Pokémon of Paradise, or-"

"The Fogcutters Detective Agency is heaps loads more elusive and grandiose than those old groups!"

"I see, tell me more about that later." The Cubone pointed her bone-club at the massive reach of fog that took up the entire skyline. "I'm not all that grandiose myself, I just started up a woodworking shop with a C-tier Adventuring Company."

The Jangmo-o shook her head. "Don't sell yurself short, managing to work with anybody who values your craft is a big deal."

"That is true I guess, all I had was my folks, but very little sales."

"Sometimes we gotta branch out, yeah?"

"I'd rather just stay where I am… Rather where I was: home in Pa'a Lepo."

The fog made the fauna-coated hills smaller than they've ever been, their beauty tainted by the noxious fumes above. Even worse, the fire that bred inside the darker pockets of gas was primed to permanently scar the earth.

The Jangmo-o slowly placed each foreleg down on the broken stretch of rocks while T'nuri used her bone-club as a cane to hop down to the bottom of the rough hill and onto the stone.

With her claws on the solid ground, the Cubone let out a sigh. "I need to know how it was when you arrived on this island."

"Well, it was only me, a Floatzel, an Arboliva, and a Stufful as the crew on the brigantine," Alejandrien answered and followed after her.

"So those Pirates didn't betray you or stow away on the ship."


"At least you weren't alone." the Cubone grumbled.



"There was nobody else at all? That can't be right, there's Pokemon here."

"If they were, they must be on another part of this island." T'nuri shuffled under the Jangmo-o's gaze. "I hated being alone."

"When I first saw you, I thought you were holding it together well, but looks can be decivicin' I suppose."

"I was scared," the Cubone sighed. "But I was scared for you, and well now I'm scared for us."

"Maybe it's your skull-helmet. It makes you look fierce all tha time. Makes me want to find out if ya are."

T'nuri flinched away. "Fierce? I don't want to."

"I'm sorry. I won't hurt you, partner," Alejandrien backed away. "Nothing like those pirates did."

The two Pokémon slowly climbed up another slope of the land and stood still for a moment. In the distance was a massive tree.

Its rich, dark bark and strikingly full leaves shimmered while roots from the behemoth sprawled out far in front and down the sides of the land, eventually curving back into the earth.

The tree bridged the hills below with a sheer wall that was surrounded by a forest with a small mountain.

"Yeah, we ain't never seen 'em before," The Jangmo-o said as she headed toward the tree. "I figured those pirates were prolly on a little sloop or skiff that tailed our brigantine through the fog because of our deck lights. We made it to port and anchored on the shore before that first lightning strike. When we came to, we started our quick preliminary search of the island."

T'nuri followed right beside them."What were you all searching for?"

"Well, I was the only one after the fabled mysterious artifact on this island."

"In your bag, yes?"

The Jangmo-o smirked. "Hopefully. Judgin' by da concentration of iron, aluminum, and zinc coating-"

"Alejandrien, please hurry it up a little," the Cubone narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"We, the crew on the brig, all searched to see if the Ruinous Fog was actually on this island and what its effects were."

"You call it Ruinous Fog?"

"That's what da Head and Lead Detectives call it."

"I see. Is there Ruinous Fog in other nearby islands?" T'nuri asked.

The Jangmo-o nodded. "Traces of da very faint light grey fog was thought to be seen near this island, and two others on the northeastern edge of the sea bordering the Archipelago Continent."

The Cubone gazed at the roots that sprawled out from the tree in the distance. It stood stalwart even as the thick grey fog coated the top of its leaves. "Actually, now that I think about it, where are we?"

"Kuanalio Island."

"What!? How did I even get up here!?"

"Ya didn't intend ta land here? The most northern island of the Archipelago?!" Alejandrien shook their scales. "Where did you set sail from then?"

"Pa'a Lepo Island, in the heart-waters," T'nuri said as she jabbed her bone-club into the bark of the tree.

"Something crazy must have happened to that ship you were on-"

"La Llovizna The Drizzle."

"Yeah that, ta end up here," the Jangmo-o said as they stretched against the tree.

T'nuri pulled herself off the ground, anchored her bone-club in a branch, and climbed higher. "Like a typhoon or storm? Could one have sent me far past the islands of the mid-sea and beached me up in the north?"

"Possibly. What were tha conditions of yer surroundings when ya woke up?"

The Cubone turned to the side. "A beach with only small crushed rocks, and no grass. I was toward the south as I was told to head north to search for help."

As the wind blew a bit harder the Jangmo-o pressed their claws into the tree and gradually went up. "Ya were told by who?!"

"Some nice wilderners."

"They were the first Pokémon ya met?"


"So that Buizel and Deino. Those two were pirates who had followed you and your crew to Kuanalio Island."

Alejandrien climbed up just beside the limb. "The crew and I spotted fragments of somethin' on tha beach, but I left that there part of the shore to search for the fog's source!"

"We'll have to search for it later."

"Not later, the first chance we get!"

Atop the branch of the tree, T'nuri tilted her head. "And then you must have run into those pirates. Why were those two-"

"They were afta' this sealed relic that I dug up while investigating!" the Jangmo-o interrupted her with a snarl. Their eyes and head crest were pitch-black, while their jangly scales flashed purple and green repeatedly. "It ain't just some little tube fit for their untrained claws. It's a real bonafide relic!"

T'nuri flinched away from the Jangmo-o's jaw and brandished her bone-club on instinct."W-what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Alejandrien's tail lowered as their features went back to normal. "Sorry 'bout that, partner… Eva' since I woke up from that acid rain storm, my brakes have been whittlin' away."

The Cubone widened her eyes. "Could this be our connection? I cut through that fog?"


T'nuri looked down at her feet and then sighed. She waited for a moment before she tapped her bone-club against the tree bark.

"I want ya to trust me. This relic- er, artifact- is just real important to me and all, 'cause it might hold the key to solvin' the Ruinous Fog." the Jangmo-o placed their claws against the tree and strained to climb up its massive girth. Their eyes watered as their shoulders tensed up.

Silently, T'nuri leaned down to grab hold of the Jangmo-o's claw and pulled them up to their level. The two collided and fell off the branch. They rolled through the branches and leaves, and then down the hill.

The Cubone's skull shielded her head once they crashed at the bottom, while Alejandrien just buried her snout into the hillside. The two lay still. On the cool ground, their eyes drifted closed.

As the two slowly staggered off the ground, they were able to get a view of more of the island.

The beach they once walked along was shrouded underneath the oppressive reign of charred, black fog. To the west from whence the Cubone awoke, obsidian-rich plumes choked the stone and strangled what life left from the dying greenery. But most importantly, they had a clear view once again of the two pirates as they barreled through the land.

"Snuff!" T'nuri coughed as she peered through the trees and winding ways. "That Deino and Buizel sure are persistent!"

Alejandrien nudged her side and they raced across the tilted hillock's path. "I still dunno wha' a snuff is, but we've gotta hurry into some cover before those pirates catch up!"

"Okay!" the Cubone replied as she followed her.

As they moved in between the open air of the hill and the cover of trees, a jewel of the Island came into view. A low but wide dark earthy red, and tan mountain. Its top had a curious crater-like shape, while there were deep scores all across the side that ran from the mouth to the foot. Fog appeared to pour out of it. Or was it an illusion?

The Cubone and Jangmo-o didn't keep their eyes focused on it, though, as the path before them split. There was a small tunnel and a bunch of rocky grass-covered knolls. On a whim, T'nuri helped Alejandrien down into the entrance of the tunnel, and they took yet another breather.

"Did ya know that this mountain formation has the potential to be a dormant volcano?" the Jangmo-o said as their clawsteps echoed through the area. "Not because of its position on the ring of Solgaleo, but 'cause of the traces of volcanic ash on the grass."

"Interesting," the Cubone sighed as she ran her bone-club along the left side of the wall.

"Yeah. Oh, that reminds me, yur name's also mighty interesting, T'nuri. Isn't it based on the sacred collection of ghost-type Legendaries?"

T'nuri sucked in her teeth.

"Let me guess, none of your parents are ghost-types, which means your Marowak parent wasn't born on the Archipelago Continent!" Alejandrien cheered.

"Don't have to remind me."

"Oh, and I can kinda make out a bit of Typhlosion features under your skull!"

"Cut it out," T'nuri grumbled under her breath.

"That parent must not be from the Grass or Air Continent! That reminds me, about those ghost-type Legendaries."


"You think you'll die and become one?"

"Enough about that!" the Cubone roared and struck the rock face beside Alejandrien's head with her Bonemerang, point blank. A faint part of her skull-helmet turned black just as her eyes did, green and purple markings flashed on her skull-helmet as she continued. "You serious thought that was a good question?! Stop talking about what I'll become and who I am! I'll strike you down if you bring that up again!"

"Sorry, sorry!" the Jangmo-o squealed. "Too far, I'll shut ma trap."

The pair walked out of the tunnel and ended up on a sand-filled mountainside. Across from them stood the mountain they had previously marveled at, now full in all its glory. Ruinous Fog was in its way.

T'nuri fiddled with her bone as they walked deeper into a plume of darkening grey miasma. "Hey, uh, Alejandrien?"

The Jangmo-o didn't reply and continued on ahead as the fog stirred.

"I shouldn't have lost control like that." The Cubone lamented. "I'm sorry, I'm just so lost. I wanna go back home to Pa'a Lepo Island with my family and my workshop, and I'm scared."

"You're scared?!" they finally spoke up.


"Well, when you snapped earlier, something happened to you. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it scared me. I was just trying to lighten the mood," Alejandrien gently jangled their scales.

T'nuri placed a claw on her skull-helmet and tightened the grip on her bone-club. "I'm sorry. I'll try to keep it under control."

The two picked up their pace as the sky grew darker and the approaching footfalls and threats of the pirates grew louder. In the distance near the mountain was the mouth of a cave. Ahead, the dark stone path was littered with jagged edges and dips strewn all about.

Alejandrien nearly tripped into a hole blasted deep in the stone and flew across it with one swift leap. "Nailed it!"

"Watch your step, Alejandrien," the Cubone warned as they descended down toward the cave-like structure.

"Oh look, it was a wilderner burrow!"

"Wilderners, ah yes. Some on the side of the island with little vegetation told me to search for a Mystery Dungeon."

"What else did they say?"

"They told me to head to the north, and perhaps I'd find a Pokémon who could help me go through and maybe solve the 'once was mist- now fog."

"To be honest I'm hoping we can use this Mystery Dungeon, wherever it is, to find our crew and our brig," Alejandrien sighed.

T'nuri glanced behind her and ran faster.

Alejandrien jetted after her. "What's wrong?"

"The pirates are getting close! Where is the ship?"

"Not sure!" the Jangmo-o rushed past her. "But the Pokémon of the crew should prolly be nearby it!"

The once light grey fog was now a dark slate grey. It churned quickly through the Kuanalio Island southwestern forest and heralded wildfire.

From across the mountainside and the forests below, plumes of gas quickly spread around the entire area. They rapidly advanced toward T'nuri and Alejandrien in a fierce ebony tide, bright with sunset-rich hues. Beautiful and dangerous.

"We're trapped by the flames!" T'nuri growled.

"Look!" Alejandrien pointed. "That cave should offer decent enough shelter!"

The pair of Pokémon got closer to the cave, and there was a loud rumbling on the mountainside.

"Get back T'nuri!" The Jangmo-o ordered just before a Dragon Breath hit her.

The Cubone fell backwards into a plume of dark mist just before its embers intensified, but it lightly burnt her. "Sparks!" the Cubone cried, and clutched her right arm.

Flame ignited off the charcoal-tinted clouds above the low mountainous area, and the Black Fog lapped at T'nuri and Alejandrien.

"Almost had ya!" the Deino yelled as they and the Buizel slid down the mountain.

An enclosure of heat and fire fizzled all around four Pokémon, and more importantly, blocked the entrance to the cave. Mockingly, the fire didn't reach inside. However, just above the cave was a collection of rocks, held up only by a tiny block and netting.

The Buizel smirked as they got down on all fours. "Ya ain't getting out of this one, punks!"

They shot forward with a Quick Attack that tagged T'nuri and sent her in range of the growing flames.

Through the blaze, the Cubone rammed them to the side with a Headbutt as the Deino rushed at her.

With T'nuri cornered against fire, the Buizel shot out Chilling Water while the Deino ran at her with their fangs glowing with the energy of Bite. More toxic gas surrounded the Pokémon and obfuscated them.

"Get down!"

In the blink of an eye a Scale Shot struck the Deino and they crashed into the Buizel, and accidentally Bit them instead. As the Deino tried to move, another Scale Shot blasted them. "Ya've done it now!" Alejandrien snarled, their eyes black and cymbal scales green and purple. "Let's cut it!"

"Don't count me out!" T'nuri yelled with her skull black and brightly colored, as she swung her bone-club toward the Deino and Black Fog that engulfed them.

The Jangmo-o fired out another Scale Shot at the block and then at the Buizel. The large grey scale launched at the Black Fog just as T'nuri's Bonemerang touched it.

"Now!" Alejandrien yelled. In an explosion of black, purple, and green all of the nearby flames and fire scattered to the wind, Black Fog quickly dissipated and vanished from the entire mountainside in one fell swoop.

The pirates scrambled away from the debris just before entrance to the cavern sealed tight.

Right then, the Cubone and the Jangmo-o dove into the cave mouth just as the cascade of stones from above crashed down.

Instead of landing just behind the stones, Alejandrien and T'nuri smashed through a brittle cavern wall and rolled across a hidden chamber far from the entrance, and collapsed against a thick wooden signpost.

After a few moments, the Cubone wobbled off the ground. She took in deep breaths and looked around the cave as she held a claw over her chest.

Bioluminescent torches along the room that lit up the sign behind them in a warm orange hue. It read 'North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon'.

T'nuri watched as the Jangmo-o stirred. "Did we just do that?" she asked, eyes wide. "We got rid of the fog and those pirates?"

"Only with our teamwork, partner!" Alejandrien clambered upright. They peered at their surroundings and then plopped back down. "Welp, here's that Mystery Dungeon we wanted to visit. Let's head on inside when we're ready!"

T'nuri sat down beside her and placed a claw on her shoulder. "Sure thing 'partner'."
Chapter 2: Beginning: of a Mystery

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted November 10th 2023
Updated January 26th 2024​

Chapter Summary
T'nuri and Alejandrien enter North Beach Mountain's Mystery Dungeon, what will they discover inside and out of the depths? Can they make it off the island safely? What's waiting for them?​

The entrance to North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon sat silently, just as T'nuri and Alejandrien caught their breath. It was calm. Bathed in the warm orange light, away from the threat of the Black Ruinous Fog, away from the fire, and away from the pirates.

Alas, their journey was not over.

"I don't think I've ever had to run that fast before," the Cubone said as she stretched.

With a shake of their scales, the Jangmo-o rolled over. "Same here, T'nuri." I'll be so sore later. They thought. They adjusted the scarlet and violet map case and straps on their black saddlebag, the magnifying glass icon pictured on it reflected the light from the cave.

"Let's go inside." T'nuri pointed her bone-club at the mouth of the cave, her eyes sharpened.

Alejandrien nodded and followed her inside. As they entered, a wall of sand fell into place where the entrance was, and blocked their way back. There was only one way on: forward.

Inside was a rocky landscape filled with warm sand, small croppings of palm trees stood stalwart on the hills and valleys of the brown mountainous terrain.

However, the height of the cliffs above left the Cubone and Jangmo-o pair speechless.

The cave went so deep, that none saw the bottom through the darkness. Not a single cry or call from a wilderner echoed from the reaches.

Nary a sound besides the rush of water.

"We need to be careful." T'nuri knelt toward the sand and put a clawful of soil in her mouth. "Erm, we should be fine as long as we don't hurry."

Alejandrien nudged her forward and ran ahead to the thin path. "Yeehaw, we need ta speed right on through!"

"That's not what I meant," the Cubone groaned as she spat out the sand.

She followed them along the narrow stretch of land, into a rather larger room, one with various passages to and fro.

In the middle sat a Seel wildener, their brow furrowed. "Leave!" They shot out a burst of Water Gun at the Cubone, and the sharp jet tore through her scales.

She slid on the ground from the spray and nearly tumbled over. T'nuri caught herself before she charged forward in a torrent of sand. Once she reached the Seel the Cubone retaliated with a toss of her Bone Club.

The strong short distance throw bashed Seel's side and sent them to the ground with a cry. They got up just as the Jangmo-o approached.

Let's roll! Alejandrien followed T'nuri up with a piercing Scale Shot. The sharp scales flew one after another and tagged Seel on the shoulder, belly, head, hip, and flipper, each stronger than the last. Seel fainted on contact with the fifth, their eyes in a swirl as they fell onto the sand.

T'nuri collected her breath as she pried herself off the ground. "Let's keep going."

The Cubone and the Jangmo-o maneuvered throughout the Mystery Dungeon, the warm sand and the salty breeze juxtaposed the daunting height and majesty of the land.

Alejandrien bounded over a collection of brittle earth and swiftly turned around. That's a bit odd. She sniffed at a large rock before she padded forward."Now that I think 'bout it, why does the Ruinous Fog not spread here?" Some mon's approachin'.

"Good question," T'nuri tilted her head. "I wonder what Drilburr and Sandshrew knew about this Mystery Dungeon."

An enemy! "Can it fer now!" the Jangmo-o pushed her to the ground.

Just above them, a blue Squakwabilly dove their talons against T'nuri's shoulder with a Wing Attack. "Go away!"

The Cubone stumbled to the ground, and just as quickly she rolled to the side and opened her mouth. T'nuri jumped into the air and Bit down on the wilderner's side, black energy laced in her maw.

With a cry, the Squawkabilly fluttered out of her grasp.

Ain't done yet! Alejandrien hopped right in front of them. They swept at the Squawkabilly's wings with a Low Kick.

The blow toppled them to the ground before they shot at the Jangmo-o with a Tackle.

Darnit ! She reeled back from the attack and shook her scales.

T'nuri bashed her skull-helmet into the Squawkabilly, and her Headbutt knocked the wilderner out cold.

Alejandrien grunted and inspected their side, the beak and talons of the Pokémon imprinted into the tough hide of their scales, and a small trickle of blood oozed out.

T'nuri's arm trembled as she wiped the blood from her wound.

The Jangmo-o sighed and stretched. "That was a tough one, partner!"

"Let's keep going." T'nuri rubbed her chest and continued onward.

The pair headed through a vast stretch of sandy mountains, the Mystery Dungeon air calm and silent through muffled footsteps. The Cubone and Jangmo-o went through a few twists and turns before they came across a path that headed down. A natural decline in North Beach Mountain. One that led to a branching path.

The massive cliff they were above before was now beside them, just like the water that trailed off.

"Woah, look at that cliff!" Alejandrien gasped.

T'nuri looked up and down. "That's insane." she pointed at the following current and then at the massive rock. "We've come a long way, to end up right beside it."

"Definitely! We're almost free!"

Palm trees still towered over the two and the rough land before the pair.

Inside the next area, a Dratini slithered across the sand. They looked back and forth as their facial fins flapped.

The Cubone watched as Alejandrien shivered. T'nuri poked her head into the room. Without any fanfare she pulled her arm back and tossed her Bonemerang at the Dratini, the attack bashed deep into their hide.

A roar echoed throughout the area as the Dratini shot forward a light blue ball of energy in their maw. Then the Icy Wind blasted the Cubone, frozen shards pierced through her scales. She dropped to the floor with a cry, her body caked in a thin crust of frost.

"Don't fret now!" The Jangmo-o shuffled in front of her and fired off two Scale Shots.

The Dratini countered with a Dragon Tail that swept away a portion of the sharp draconian blades and collided with Alejandrien.

They crashed onto the ground with a gasp. I can't move! The Jangmo-o thoughts spiraled.

The Dratini's eyes narrowed even further.

T'nuri yelled as she pulled off the ground. "I've got you!" she clutched her Bone Club tight and swung it right against the Dratini's upper torso.

The powerful attack knocked the wilderner down on the floor and they fainted, sprawled out, chilled air of Icy Wind charged in their maw, dissipating away.

The Cubone glanced at her bone-club, her eyes trembling. "Something … Something is wrong with me."

With a sputtered groan Alejandrien climbed off the ground. They coughed and shook. "Ya okay now?"

T'nuri sat still for a moment. The Cubone heaved in a breath and pressed a claw against her leg. Her mind raced.

"Barely." Holy quaza, I haven't fought that hard in such a long time.


The Jangmo-o sighed and T'nuri stretched.

The Cubone got up and pointed at the open walkway before them, a thin section of tunnel within the mountainous cavern.

As the wind intensified the pair made their way down to the end of the Mystery Dungeon.

T'nuri rubbed her shoulder and slowly walked across the sandy mountain, the path widening in odd juts and angles."That Sandshrew and Drilbur wilderner pair said something would be here."

"Somethin's supposed to be here besides the exit right?" Alejandrien asked, her eyes narrowed.

Further along the end of North Beach Mountain, quite a familiar sight could be found along the brightening area: odd stone pillars, with a wall made of brittle stone. Light from outside peaked through the exit as the pair grew near.

The palm trees swayed in the current. More and more of the towering plant life led to a small stone structure.

As T'nuri and Alejandrien set foot on the ground the area shook. In the midst of that, a gentle green and purple mist filled the air, the same glow of the two Pokémon when they cut the Black Fog.

Out of the ground rose a wooden chest. Mold and fauna alike burrowed into its depths.

"Wander what's inside?" Alejandrien nudged T'nuri as the latter stood still.

The Cubone continued forward with a nod and rubbed her scales. "Perhaps related to that odd map?"

"Listen T'nuri." the Jangmo-o gestured at their bag. "It ain't just an odd map, it's a bonafide relic!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Ya don't understand how important detective work is!"

"Just help me open this." T'nuri grit her teeth as her arms strained to pry open the lid.

Alejandrien grabbed one handle of the chest with her maw, then pressed her claws into the top. She heaved with all her might. The lid crashed open with an echoing thud. This clatter traveled throughout the entire area just as the cloud of dust and decay exploded into the air. The Cubone and Jangmo-o flinched as they were covered head to claw in a faint layer of grit.

With a shake of her scales, the Jangmo-o peered inside the chest.

"What is it?" The Cubone behind her panted and wiped the film off her body.

Inside the wooden box was a yellow, faded scrap of paper. Part of a journal page, judging by the thinly placed lines that ran horizontally along. Written on.

The ink scribbles were nearly illegible, but there were a few words that stuck out.

'With our findings, we believe we could have a route to our alternate Archipelago Continent, and the whole world as we know it, once we complete that fabled map. It's — and — so far .'

"A map ta another world!?" Alejandrien yelped and dropped to the floor.

T'nuri's eyes widened. She studied the rest of the paper. "Number VIII 8 Page LXXII 72."

"Number VIII Page LXXII !?" the Jangmo-o threw their bag to the ground and yanked an empty metal tube out. "That must mean there's a hundred pages or more… "

"Why was this scrap of paper in a chest at the end of a Mystery Dungeon in the first place?"

Alejandrien's tail lowered as they nudged it into the tube. Then they secured it inside their bag. "We'll have to get a date on the paper and a chemical composition analysis of the page for this to mean anything."

T'nuri looked at her bone-club, then sighed. "Well, I want to get out of here and get back home to my island."

"Hold on a second!" the Jangmo-o raised a claw. "We've gotta find the crew and go back to the agency first. I'll explain more later."

The Cubone rolled her eyes. "Sure."

"I really mean it. I don't want you to think I've forgotten about Pa'a Lepo, your folks, and your wood workshop."

"Well I'm not trying to leave them behind either. They're way more important to me, more than anything in the world."

"I'll help ya get on back, but first tha crew and brigantine."


North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon had nothing left for the pair, as a salty wind swept around the cavern the two Pokémon exited the shelter.

The entrance was sealed up with a wall of rock. T'nuri and Alejandrien didn't look back.

Kuanalio Island was still the same, a rich black fog floated across the land, pockets of red and orange fire rolled closer and closer to the sand below.

Flames were further away from the beachline on this side of the island.

"That Mystery Dungeon was awfully short," the Jangmo-o sighed. She stared into the murky skyline and glanced back at the Cubone beside her.

"I hope we don't run into any pirates and can just find the crew." T'nuri rubbed her arm.

The Jangmo-o nodded and stepped in front of her. "We also need to find the ship and collect some more samples before we go. I really want ta measure the amount of sulfur and nitrate in the air, oh and the parts per million, or ppms of carbon dioxide."

"Come on." T'nuri nudged their flank. "Don't get distracted with all your nerdy talk."

"Sorry, sorry!"

Under the turbulent sky and on the uncertain land, the pair continued past the dormant volcano towards the beach.

Mangroves and oceanic plants grew out of the ground, untouched and untainted by the Ruinous Fog, and swayed in the wind as the Cubone and Jangmo-o passed.

Hidden, buried in a portion of sand, a long green scarf sat crumpled out near a palm tree. T'nuri and Alejandrien hurried toward and the Jangmo-o lit up.

"That's Frederico's scarf!"

"One of the crew?"


Once the pair got closer to it the black and purple stripes spiraled around the scarf, along with the magnifying glass in the center.

"He ain't on an Investigation Team, but he still wears somethin' to show he's part of our Agency's Navigation Crew!"

"So he should be nearby!" T'nuri grabbed the scarf and tied it across the Jangmo-o's torso. "Let's go!"

As the Black Fog followed she led her through the weedy sand dunes closer to the crashing waves of the sea. Danger surrounded the two. Not that they were alone in their rush.

Fire was upon them again.

Through the cover of smoke, ash, and the land itself a large jet of Chilled Water drenched the Cubone and blasted her across the ground. Soaking wet, she rolled and tumbled for a bit and laid in a heap of sand and dried palm leaves.

Where did that come from? "What in Sky Tower!" Alejandrien skidded to a halt beside her.

"Third time's the charm!" the Buizel yelled.

The Deino dashed next to them with a laugh. "Don't think we'll let ya two run away again!"

In the wind, the fabric of the pirates' pink, yellow, and orange striped bandana waved, the Sharpedo stitching stalwart, almost primed for battle.

With a groan, T'nuri rolled over and tossed her Bonemerang at the Deino.

It cracked into their hip and sent the Deino to the ground in a tumble.

A plume of Black Fog engulfed the Cubone, the spark of ignition ticking away like a bomb.

Through the fumes and new burst of flame, Buizel launched through the air in a Quick Attack, straight toward the Cubone.

Before the Jangmo-o could intercept it they rolled to the side to avoid the brunt of a Dragon Breath. The teal energy charred her hide and flicked her face.

"Fucking mudder!" As T'nuri crawled the fire tore through and across her body, the Buizel was right on her tail.

Dark blue energy charged in the pirate's paws.


I've got ya! "Partner!" Alejandrien roared and flung her body in an arc. Her eyes went pitch black and her scale tips purple as she fired out a barrage of Scale Shots.

A few of those blasts knocked the Buizel off course, and their Chilling Water splashed onto the ground.

T'nuri grabbed her Bone-Club with both arms as her skull-helmet went pitch black, and purple and green markings trailed down her face. Her eyes pitch black as well. "Yeah!" She swung the Bone-Club, and it knocked one of the Scale Shots through the Black Fog. In a flash, it struck Deino square in the chest.

A blast of black, purple, and green lit up the area.

The Deino gasped from the impact and flopped onto the ground, their eyes swirling as their fighting spirit was quenched.

In that move all of the flames around the four Pokémon vanished, the Ruinous Fog gone with the wind. All of the Black Fog on this side of North Beach Mountain, and the surrounding beach and stretch of land.

The Cubone slumped back down and clutched her injured side, skull-helmet faded back to normal.

"I gotta get outta here!" the Buizel gritted their teeth and shot forward at T'nuri with the blinding speed of Quick Attack.

Alejandrien stepped in front of her with a translucent barrier of energy, a Protect, and the pirate crashed into them. "Good night!" the Jangmo-o bashed into the Buizel's body with a Headbutt and threw them to the side. Not on my watch pirate! they thought, a smirk slowly plastered their jagged maw.

As they flew through the air the Buizel passed out. And crumbled to the sand.

Finished, Alejandrien collapsed onto the ground. The Jangmo-o's head buried against the sand as her heart raced. Whooee, what a fight. She thought.

Gales of fresh wind blew around the area as they took in a shaky breath.

The Cubone beside them groaned. Her right arm was covered in a layer of char, the thick scales and natural grit tender.

She too took in an unsteady breath and stood up. "The fires are gone from here. Permanently."

"Y-yeehaw," Alejandrien stumbled toward her, as their tail slowly rose. "We destroyed it!"

T'nuri's eyes widened as the Jangmo-o's scales faded back to normal. "Together."

"We just did that partner!" They nudged the saddlebag on their side and the scarf across their neck. "We really did!"

The Cubone wiped the blood and sand off her shoulder. "With our teamwork!" she pointed her bone-club at the sky.


While the path before them to the beach was bare, it was traveled. Paw, claw, and footsteps of varying sizes were faint but certain imprints in the mountain and especially in the sand.

"Hopefully there aren't anymor' pirates on this here island," Alejandrien said with a sigh.

T'nuri nodded. "Yeah, I would hate to run into more of those sparking mon."

There was the subtle sound of something or someone in the distance just a bit out of reach.

"Is 'spark' a common profanity on the Archipelago Continent? Along with 'mudder' and 'snuff'?"

"Yeah." The Cubone glanced around the path. "What, did the crew drop a couple of them on you too?"

The sound was clearer now, the waves and voices.

"Yeah." The Jangmo-o's golden eyes lit up even brighter. "Left me mighty confused!"

They walked out of the outcropping foliage and onto the sand of the beach, with T'nuri right by their side."Let's keep going," the Cubone said, and held out her claw.

Alejandrien nodded.

The two Pokemon weren't done with their new journey just yet, and darkness brewed around the corner.
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Was someone looking for a quick, dive by review? Alright, I'll bite.

One thing I do want to mention is that I noticed quite a few sentence fragments. I wasn't quite sure whether or not they were an intentional artistic choice so I'm not going to harp on them, but I wanted to at least mention it in case they weren’t.

Something I think you did really well was set up intrigue here at the beginning. There's this melancholic feeling of dread in this little opening part before T’nuri wakes up on the beach, and it makes me want to read more and find out how she ended up in this situation. It sounds like she doesn’t remember it when she wakes up on the beach, though? For the moment, I'll assume it's either some form of amnesia, or it's actually a flash forward. One or the other.

"The last thing I remember was sitting somewhere with one about doors. It was something about crafting designs and techniques for them."

This is a nitpick, but I did feel like this bit of dialogue felt a bit off. It's not something I generally think of as being said out loud. At least, not like this. It's not an issue of her talking to herself and speaking her thoughts out loud. It's just the word choice or this particular part that feels a little off.

"Of course, the wildeners just happened to speak of something ominous. "

"Of course, they were naturally wary of me. What wildeners weren't?"
Using wildener to refer to wild pokemon? I see I see. As an aside, though. When one paragraph ends with someone speaking, and the next paragraph opens with the same character continuing to speak, in standard English syntax you leave off the closing quotation mark on the first paragraph.

I also want to mention that the encounter with the wildeners felt a little bit unsettling or even uncanny in a way, and I'm not sure if that was your intentional. I think it's the way that they just sort of suddenly appeared when T'nuri was passing by to give her a vague warning. It felt…. Ominous. And that fits well with the tension, I think! I just wasn't clear whether it was intentional.

I think that's everything I wanted to cover, though. I might check out more of this later. Because, like I said, you've done a good job of setting up intrigue and setting up a tense tone, and I want to know more about what's going on! But for now, I'll cut the review here. Until next time!

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
(I'm on mobile and don't often reply so sorry for the formatting errors, but thanks!)
One thing I do want to mention is that I noticed quite a few sentence fragments. I wasn't quite sure whether or not they were an intentional artistic choice so I'm not going to harp on them, but I wanted to at least mention it in case they weren’t.

"Thanks, it was me trying to find my footing with detailed environments, and it was a bit intentional to be fragmented, but I'll try to avoid it as it's not ideal."

This is a nitpick, but I did feel like this bit of dialogue felt a bit off. It's not something I generally think of as being said out loud. At least, not like this. It's not an issue of her talking to herself and speaking her thoughts out loud. It's just the word choice or this particular part that feels a little off.

Using wildener to refer to wild pokemon? I see I see.
Yeah, I decided to borrow that from you. Although I didnt and don't like ferals as a concept that most folks use so I decided to double down on the "they are the exact same as us idea," but they just live elsewhere, unlike in Gears of Mana where some can't talk, and there is even a third category.

As an aside, though. When one paragraph ends with someone speaking, and the next paragraph opens with the same character continuing to speak, in standard English syntax you leave off the closing quotation mark on the first paragraph.
"Ah thanks, I didn’t get this addition proofread unfortunately so I was left unaware."
Chapter 3: Fogcutter's: Detective Agency

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted January 22nd, 2024​

Chapter Summary:​
T'nuri, Alejandrien, and the two new Pokemon they've met go around Iaijutsukage Island. But the Cubone's urge to go home hasn't been quenched, and it doesn't seem like things are getting better with her emotions.

What will be in store for them at the Apothecary and at the Fogcutter's Detective Agency?

T'nuri, Alejandrien, Emile, and Kaliente walked across the boardwalk of Iaijutsukage Island's Phantismo Vista. It was nearly evening, with how low the sun was on the horizon. A rich pink, tinted underneath the blue cloudy sky. Still, enough daylight to run. A sprinkle of rain dripped from the slightly darkened sky.

“So where’s this Apothecary?” the Cubone asked, her eyes widened.

Rain, a gentle rain shower, unlike the precursor to Ruinous Fog on Kuanalio Island pitter pattered along the wood of the boardwalk. T'nuri shook her head. Where did the time go? Such a hectic day. Day? No, it's been like two days. She thought.

Emile, the one who led the group, rapped her wooden stick on a lamppost with an hourglass statuette on it before she replied. “It's not too far, only about five or so meters from the boardwalk.”

Before them sat an empty stretch of boardwalk, above weakened sand, and at the corner on an intersection a light brown wood and dark grey stone hut. The hut had light yellow metal atop its roof and a wooden signboard. Further along the boardwalk led two paths, one that led toward apartments and small homes, a residential area, and the other with larger more mixed-use buildings, ones that housed small businesses with dwellings on top.

Kaliente smirked. “Quick stroll eh?”

“Yeah,” the Grookey ahead replied.

T'nuri glanced further into Phantismo Vista. “Do you have other specialty shops in this city too?”

“Does the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency count?” the Fuecoco asked with a wink.

The Cubone shook her head. “No, that’s not a shop.”

“We do technically sell a service partner,” Alejandrien added.

“Service?” the Grookey gasped.

T’nuri hummed. “Aren’t you three not even legit!? You aren't in an Investigation Team yet!”

Kaliente and Alejandrien pressed against her sides. “Hey, we’re legit specialty! Well, our agency is!” they said in unison.

The Cubone stifled a laugh as the two let go. “Not that type of specialty!”

“Then like what?” the Jangmo-o tilted their head.

“Stuff like I do. Woodworking. Or crafting, welding, pottery, or maybe even bookbinding, stuff like that.” T'nuri twiddled her bone-club as she followed the others onto another stretch of boardwalk, higher up on the island.

“You into that?” Kaliente shot out a short burst of flame.

The wind intensified along with the drizzle.

“Yes, is that a problem detective?” The Cubone glared back at his wild expression. Who does he think he is?

“It's just a fascinating question, is all,” the Fuecoco laughed. “Didn't expect it laddie!”

“What's that supposed to mean?!”

“Don't get all worked up T'nuri.” Alejandrien stepped in between them.

The Cubone looked away. “Sorry, I'm just stressed out.” What’s wrong with me?

“But you don't have to take it out on us, we're grappling with this together.”

“I'll try to calm my nerves.”

Kaliente grinned. “That's good. Because of your commitment, I shall give you my most eloquent show yet!”

Why is he speaking fancy all of a sudden? “What?” T’nuri asked.

“We're here.” Emile stopped dead in her tracks, and the Pokémon behind shuffled around her.As she mentioned, the grey hut of the Apothecary was before them. Sunlight bounced off the yellow metallic roof. The Grookey knocked on the door and opened it.

The Apothecary's interior was a modest four-room establishment, made of seashell-packed stone with a glossy wooden finish. Inside, a Seismitoad sat beside a black cauldron and table.

Emile, Kaliente, Alejandrien, and T’nuri stepped inside and shut the door.

“¡Oh buenos tardes good day!” the Seismitoad called before he turned to the side.

“Greetings,” Emile said as she lowered to a crouch in front of the shelves of medical books and berry guides.

“Good day, we'll require some treatment and some ripe berries if ya don't mind,” Kaliente spoke as a puff of smoke left his jaws.

“We've got some customers for you to test!” The Seismitoad's voice boomed toward the next room.

Another door further in the hut creaked open and a Simisear quickly shuffled out, a large medicine satchel in tow. “Ah.” She held out a hand when T'nuri opened her mouth. “Don't have ta say a word, I've got you chicos kids.”

“You can just tell?” Alejandrien asked as Simisear pulled out a few items.

Rawst Berries, Lum Berries, Oran Berries, gauze, a jar of white cream, and a small mortar and pestle. All set out on the table in front of Seismitoad.

He pried each type of berry into pieces and procured a set of bowls. Seismitoad used the pestle to ground the pieces into a fine paste before he scooped in some of the white creams. He then placed a bunch of Oran and Sitrus Berries in a container and slid it toward the four young Pokémon.

“Freshly made?” Kaliente asked as he placed the container in his bag.

Simisear nodded as she stared intently at the Jangmo-o and the Cubone. “Yep, for each of you.”

“Fascinating how they know the extent of our injuries, right Emile?” the Fuecoco nudged the Grookey out of her daze.

Emile got off the floor and nodded. “Yeah.”

“Simisear knows what a burn looks like on all Pokémon, even ones that resist it,” Seismitoad explained before he smirked. “She's burnt me plenty of times!”

Simisear's ears lowered. “Hey, it was only a couple!”

The Jangmo-o shook their head. “But we dealt with something… Somethin’ unordinary on our trips.”

“From the looks of it, natural fire?”

“Possibly.” T'nuri gritted her teeth as Simisear rubbed the finished ointment on her various burns. Shit, that sparking hurts! The Cubone's bone-club shook as Simisear applied a bandage to her shoulder, her arm, and her side.

Seismitoad beckoned for Emile and Kaliente and sat them on a bench. “She's extremely talented.” He then rubbed the berry juices onto two pieces of cloth inside one of the mortars and pressed the pestle onto it. Seismitoad placed each on the Fuecoco and the Grookey's shoulders.

Simisear chuckled as she palmed in the mixture on the Jangmo-o. “Seismitoad doesn't talk about himself much but don't y'all feel it?”

Alejandrien's tail and the entire right side of their upper and lower body had a thin layer of char and sore reddened skin. “Feel what?” they strained.

“Not you, the two beside him,” Simimsear said before she carefully ran the bandage along each of the Jangmo-o’s burnt areas. “They're sore too despite not having any burns.”

“Traveling far across any island's no easy task innit?” Kaliente clenched his eyes shut.

The Grookey's tail curled as she leaned into the cloth.

“It's good.” the Fuecoco nodded.

“Satisfied speechless eh?” Seismitoad massaged in the remaining juice. “Well don't think we haven't noticed those tension lines!”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Emile raised an eyebrow.

Seismitoad flexed his rather toned arms. “You all sure pack a punch and take blows fer sure!”

“Ya two've generally been on quite the rounds of scrappin’.” Kaliente gently ribbed T'nuri.

“Don't touch me!” she pointed her bone-club at him.

“Relax!” Alejandrien grabbed her arm. “He's hurt too, ya know. We can scuffle and get excited all sorts later. Because believe me, I've got loads ta talk about!”

“Sorry, sorry.”

Emile sighed. “Continue.”

“Anywho, your most recent injuries-” Simisear blushed at T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile, “were all single blows done by each other.”

“Right on the mark with that one.” Alejandrien laughed.

Seismitoad chuckled with a flail of his hands. “Play nice or I'll tell the Island Guild eh!”

“Anything but that!” the Grookey panicked, her eyes wide.

T'nuri blinked. That got her scared?

“Just kidding!” Seismitoad sat back.

“Ah gracias thanks,” Emile sighed. “I couldn't bear the thought of dealing with those sparkers again.”

“As the best Apothecaries on this side of Iaijutsukage, we'd never do that to such loyal clients!”

Kaliente smirked. “It's all good and dandy! The other Apothecary on the north side charges too much, trying to nick us blind. And one of the east pries too much into our work!”

“Who recommended these Apothecaries anyway?” T’nuri asked and let her shoulders droop.

The Grookey shook her head. “I’ve never been.”

“I haven't either,” Alejandrien added. “Maybe it was the Head Detective?”

“Ah yes, you carry their emblem.” Simisear gestured to the purple and green magnifying glass icons on Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile's bags.

T'nuri scoffed. “I don't.”

Seismitoad got up from his seat and stretched before he faced the group again but with a scowl on his face. “Regardless, tell Hector I'm going to grind him into dust if he doesn't pay me again.”

Kaliente jolted away. “You're joking, right?”

“Of course, of course!”

“Right…” The Fuecoco grimaced. “How much do we owe you guys?”

Simisear glanced up from a clipboard spreadsheet. It read MCC poké. "One-thousand two-hundred poke”

“Uh so it's, uh fourteen Grimy Food out of fifty-six Cleanse Orbs worth of poké,” Emile rattled as she reached into her bag.

“What?” T’nuri tilted her head. “What type of calculation was that? One that uses Grimy Food?”

Kaliente pulled out a parcel of coins and sifted through them. “Don't listen to Emile in regards to money, she's much better with the unseen numbers.”

“I thought I did a good enough job.” The Grookey’s tail and ears drooped. “ Ai pero no sé , ah but I don't know.”

No lo sabe, you don't know. You didn't mate.” The Fuecoco ruffled her shoulder. He placed the requested amount of coins on the counter.

Simisear swiftly counted the bunches and smiled. “Now, please don't get into any scuffles.” She placed the poké in a small rudimentary register off to the side and locked it.

“Try to stay safe out there.” Seismitoad moved the benches and chairs under the tables.“The weather's been a little wacky recently. Expect rough sailing conditions.”

Alejandrien got off her seat and then went toward the door. “Understood, uh-”

“Ah, we're just Apothecary Seismitoad and Apothecary Simisear. We don't need you knowing much else, eheh." The Seismitoad patted Emile and Kaliente on the shoulder and ushered them toward the opened door.

The two stumbled from the force and nearly crashed into the ground. “Bye, I guess?”

Alejandrien and T’nuri followed them but stepped outside. “Thank you!” the two said.

Simisear nodded as she gathered the equipment. “Farewell!”

The door to the Apothecary hut slammed shut and left T’nuri, Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile outside.

Suspicious . “Well, I'm glad we went,” the Cubone said with a stretch.”I feel much better.”

“Can't just take a load off yet, laddie.” The Fuecoco smirked as he nudged her.


Kaliente patted his chest as he stepped onto the boardwalk. “Ya've got to prove your skills ta me mate.”

“In what?” T’nuri blinked.

“A new challenge partner,” the Jangmo-o said with a laugh. “You'll be fine.”

“Ignore him for now.” The Grookey waved her stick.

T'nuri glanced up and down at her. “For now?”

“Yeah uh, Emile's into it too.” Alejandrien's tail drooped.

Emile sighed as the three caught up. “Vamos . Let's go.”

Iaijutsukage Island had plenty of sights for travelers to see. The Grookey led the Cubone, the Jangmo-o, and the Fuecoco off the boardwalk, into the seashell-lined streets of the mixed-use district. Bright-colored buildings, with pure white roofs, juxtaposed the dark hourglass structures that marked each intersection below and sat atop the street lamps.

Pokémon of all types, and sizes roamed the walkways of Phantismo Vista. A Trapinch and a Crabrawler scuttled out of a shop, a satchel tied to the latter's body, filled with papers. On a balcony of an apartment, a Jumpluff, and a Cottenee basked in the rays of the sun and drizzles of the rain. A fiery-Tarous and a fairy-Rapidash trotted through the streets, pulling a small carriage with a load of crates.

Above it all, purple and green flagged streamers blew in the wind, their triangular edges scattered light all the while.
Further in the city, off to a corner in the northside, sat an area quite unlike the rest. Its perimeter consisted of a red and clay brick wall, with two wooden posts and lentil-type arches, one purple, and the other green.

Past those walls, the building was a run-down light grey stone, akin to a seaside fortress. Battlements, and ramparts barely visible before it blended into the next section of the structure above it. One that stopped T'nuri in her tracks.

A wooden building, one of two stories, the lower story was made of dark brown wood, while the upper story was made out of a lighter brown wood, with a large gently curved roof.

The entirety of this edifice sat right atop the seaside fortress.

On the ground, beside a large assortment of shrubs, bushes, and small, sapling palm trees sat flowerbeds. Flowerbeds with light purple lobelioids, pink, yellow, white, red hibiscus, and reddish pink plumerias.

An enormous sealed gate stood high above the Cubone, Jangmo-o, Grookey, and Fuecoco, its massive frame darkened the entire area.

“Here it is.” Alejandrien wagged their tail.

The Fogcutter’s Detective Agency!” Kaliente and Emile said in unison.

On the large stone and wooden gates, there were a multitude of eye slots, there were six in total, one along a different distance that led up to one hundred eighty centimeters. A sensor plate was wedged into the ground. Emile stepped onto it and all of the eye slots opened up. Then a bell chimed. A woodblock slowly beat as there was a mechanical whirring noise.

“Emile Grookey, Clearance Two Detective,” Emile stated in a slow and clear voice.

The bell chimed twice this time, and then the gates slowly opened.

Woah, fancy! “I guess we’re going in too?” T’nuri asked, her brown eyes wide.

The Fuecoco and Grookey stepped inside afterward and beckoned for her and Alejandrien to follow.

Before the four Pokémon was a wooden palace. A multitude of wooden hallways, rooms, and flooring. The stalwart walls brought the Cubone closer. In various sections, paper windows sat beside sliding doors. She placed a claw into the lowest handle right at her level and pulled. Locks and even solid heavier wood barred entry.

T'nuri gasped. “This place is huge!”

“We'll head straight to the Lead and Head Detectives office. It's toward the center of the agency, it's elevated enough to have its window.” Emile held her stick and right arm behind her back and marched forward, her ruby eyes trained ahead.

“These hallways, and corridors seem to have been expanded a few years ago. The Cubone ran a claw under her chin. “Seems like five to eight years ago.”

“Yeah about so.” Kaliente blew a puff of mist. “You'll be able to see why soon.”

Really now? T'nuri winced as the floor creaked and groaned with a roaring thud. This flooring is so shoddy.

The four turned down one last walkway, and there sat a towering door frame, an elaborately decorated sliding wooden set of doors.

T'nuri stumbled toward the massive doors and grabbed onto the Jangmo-o beside her.

Another pull.

“Alejandrien, do you feel it too?” she whispered.

The Jangmo-o nodded before she also whispered. “Yeah, but don't say anything, I'm not sure about this yet.

“Try not to get too frightened by the Head and Lead Detectives, okay?” the Grookey asked.

“Okay,” The Cubone and Jangmo-o replied together, their eyes low.

"These two are in charge of everything, so we'll join you," Kaliente explained, as Emile opened the wooden sliding door.

Three large hollow wooden desks sat at the front of the room, in the rear an elegant window, beside it a wide oil painting of the teal ocean and a silver lighthouse. Along the walls were the multitude of dull-colored books, from a sizable library collection. In the center of the room, two large Pokémon sat, a Ceruledge and a Kingambit.

The Ceruledge's heat brushed the corner of the room she was in in a lilac hue, and the flowing crest on the back of her head slowly flickered higher and higher. Her massive swords gleamed in shades of cerulean and blue-purple as warmth radiated off of them.

Above that the massive head blade and body of the Kingambit towered above the desks. A clear reason for the raised ceiling and widened doorways, even though he managed to shrink his blades with concentrated effort.

Each Pokémon had a scroll in front of them, and a notebook beside them. The sources of another pull, one strong enough that T'nuri shivered to the spines of her back scales.

T'nuri bowed slightly at the Kingambit and Ceruledge. "Uh, good evening.”

“Evening detectives!” Alejandrien waltzed up beside her. “Could you introduce yourselves to this Cubone here, she's something like a new partner to me.”

"My name's Esperanza, the Exploradora Scout, Lead Detective of the Fogcutters Detective Agency." The Ceruledge placed her arms behind her back.

The Kingambit glanced down at T'nuri with a scowl. "And I am Hector, the Cuchillo Knife, Head Detective of the Fogcutters Detective Agency. State your business!"

The Cubone gulped. “Well, I am T'nuri Cubone of Pa'a Lepo, once called Damehameda, a woodworker.”

“And why are you before us this gracious evening?” The Ceruledge questioned before she let out a puff of purple steam.

T'nuri trembled before she replied. “I'd like to go home to Pa'a Lepo. I was forced- er called here to discuss the mystery of what's going on with me.”

“What's going on with you?”

“Yes, when I woke up on that island.”

The Kingambit ran a claw over his stache blade. “Pa'a Lepo huh? You and Alejandrien were both on Ohon’ro or rather Kuanalio Island?”

“Yes.” Alejandrien nodded.

“Why were you there again?” T’nuri tilted her head.

Lead Esperanza hummed. “We sent Alejandrien to investigate it, among other tasks. Please explain your findings.”

The Jangmo-o nodded. “There was a fog, we also found this ancient relic.”

Head Hector sat upright before he spoke. “Can you report on the severity of the Ruinous Fog on Kuanalio?”

“I trust you also have the requested materials?” the Ceruledge asked and gestured to the cart beside her on the floor.

That's quite the demand. T'nuri glanced at the Jangmo-o beside her. ‘It's Detective work partner.’ they'd say.

Alejandrien removed her saddlebag once she sat down on the floor. She opened the main hatch and pulled out the violet, scarlet, and black tube. And also the scraps of the journal. “Can we not open the lil piece? I'd like it dated.”

“I'll take this for dating as requested. Now to the map! Something Ichigo asked for!” Lead Esperanza carefully placed the tiny piece of paper in a clear container and inspected the map tube's circumference. “They called it the Scarviolet Map, an ancient relic from eons ago lost to the sands of time.”

Emile smiled. “Good job.”

“Ooh, you managed to find it!” Kaliente lit up for a few seconds, his yellow crest aflame.

“Thanks y'all.” The Jangmo-o opened the side pouches and retrieved the collection of tiny jars, packed with samples in each.

Head Hector picked up each and brought them close to his face, his piercing yellow eyes laser-focused on the contents. “So we have sand, rocks, seawater, grasses, mist, and, Ruinous Fog? Excellent!” He placed the jars on the bottom shelf of the cart.

The Kingambit stood up on two legs before he carefully wheeled the cart behind one of the desks and gently arranged the jars on it. He returned to his seat on the ground with a mighty thud, the wooden floorboards creaked loudly in protest.

Lead Esperanza cleared her throat. “So T'nuri, where did you start woodworking?”

Why focus on me? T'nuri gulped before she answered. “Back home.”

“Yes but where?”

“From my parents' Mystery Dungeon supply shop at home.”

Head Hector leaned forward before he spoke. “And now?”

“I worked at Hau Beach in eastern Pa'a Lepo, at an Adventuring Company.”

“You specialize in?”

“Furniture, and doors.”

The Kingambit adjusted his crossed legs with a sigh. “Thank you, now back to Kuanalio. How did you two get off the island?”

“We had to get through the fog, a Mystery Dungeon, and fix the ship,” the Cubone responded.

“Can we get more details on the whole situation? You made it sound easy.” Lead Esperanza chuckled.

T'nuri ran a claw along her bandages. “It wasn’t. I just want to go home, please don't make this too difficult.”

The Jangmo-o beside her sighed. “We cut through the fog, and had a run-in with two pirates.”

“Was there Ruinous Fog when you first arrived on Kuanalio?” Head Hector tapped on his metallic shoulders.

“No,” the Cubone answered. “There was an oddly sharp rain, it came off a dark grey mist.”

Alejandrien raised a claw. “The rain was still there when the fog was present on the island.”

“So earlier you said ‘we cut it’,” the Ceruledge spoke up. “Does that mean both of you did that?”

“Yes.” T'nuri gestured with her claws. “When we both worked together we were able to cut through it and it was completely eliminated from a small area.”

“So when you did it by yourself, nothing happened?”

The Jangmo-o looked down. “Well, when T'nuri saved me from the pirates she actually managed to cut through a little bit but nothing huge.”

“Oh that's interesting,” Head Hector spoke up. “So the fog appeared but then you were able to get rid of it just like that.”

T'nuri shook her head. “Not initially.”

Head Hector crossed his arms. “You didn't know what caused it, maybe you caused it?” the Kingambit hummed.

“What? No, we didn't do it!” Alejandrien cried.

T'nuri held her chest as the Head and Lead Detectives zeroed in on her. “I didn't do it!”

“Are you sure?” The Ceruledge's crest slowly heated up further, and a slick flame warmed the room. “There's no proof that you couldn't have subconsciously created it?”

“If I created it, why would it have hurt me?”

Head Hector chuckled a bit before he pointed a sharpened hand at T'nuri, his eyes daggers. “Maybe you couldn't control it?”

I don't know anything. Why are they asking so many questions? “I didn't.” the Cubone took in a shaky breath.

“Well, don't be too alarmed, T'nuri,” Lead Esperanza cleared her throat. “You and Alejandrien are like many others here at the Detective Agency.”

“What does that mean?” T’nuri asked.

“Everyone on an Investigation Team has powers that interact with the Ruinous Fog,” The Ceruledge explained.

“Wait what?”

“While we don't know much information on the current pockets of the fog in the Archipelago, we do have some first-person testimonies on the past encounters,” the Kingambit explained.

“And how is this relevant?” the Cubone spread her arms out.

“Well, when you first met each other did you feel a pull?”


“And when you met Emile and Kaliente?”

“Yeah, we did, it wasn't like how Alejandrien and mine were. Oh, and yours.” the Cubone said, her eyes vacant.

Alejandrien jabbed her with a claw. “T'nuri, ya can't just yap!”

With a wince T'nuri glanced at the other, all had curious expressions. “Oops.”

“Ours?” the Ceruledge sharpened her swords. “Well, I suppose we are in charge so we should have one.”

“What?” T’nuri tilted her head. “So you aren't just going to leave Iaijutsukage to go stop the fog?”

Head Hector placed his hands on his thighs.“Wouldn't that make the most sense? We can't leave when we don't understand how it works, and not with all the other Investigation Teams out.”

The Cubone narrowed her eyes. Suspicious. “Sure.”

“Regardless, Emile, Kaliente, and many others in our Detective Agency can block the path of ruinous fog however you two can completely remove it.” Lead Esperanza said, her crest brightened.

“This means you are instrumental and completely removing all of it from the Archipelago,” The Kingambit said.

“And now that you're here you can join those two and an Investigation Team,” The Ceruledge said.

“What?” T’nuri gasped. Join them?
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
This'll be a review of the prologue and first chapter! Most of it is thoughts I've had as I read, with a retrospective at the end.

Interesting opening prologue. It doesn't really feel like a prologue, though. It seems more like something that could be labeled as a Chapter 1 initial scene since it goes directly into the next chapter from what I can deduce chronologically.

As for the prose itself, it's very dramatic. I can tell you're going for a very ominous, subdued tone with this, coupled with the storm clouds to literally give a foreshadowing of coming troubles. I think, though, that much of the prose falls flat due to awkward word repetition. Several times, one sentence ends the same way it begins the next time, and while that kind of repetition can be good for dramatic effect, it's overused.

Wild Pokemon talking so cryptically and being so deeply familiar with woodwork, despite one being underground and another being of ice or steel, also struck me as odd. I'm very confused as a blind reader what it actually means to be "wild" because that kind of knowledge, and the way they speak, suggests they're anything but wild. Even nomadic might be pushing it with that kind of cadence.

Their deliberately cryptic delivery was also odd for me. I wasn't sure why, in-universe, they were talking to T'nuri like dark fantasy NPCs. The dialogue came off as strange in that sense as I read it.

T'nuri's dialogue was nice when she was frustrated. Her frank delivery of a few lines was nice, when she wasn't interacting with those cryptic characters. But I also wasn't sure why she flipped from that dramatic prose to that casual prose.

I think the strongest thing the prologue has is its atmosphere. If your intent was to have a somber dark fantasy feel, you got it there. Touching up the dialogue and some awkward word repetition would bring it to a much higher level.

Cubone are susceptible to being Poisoned. Are you thinking of Steel? Or just the type advantage?

Anyway, huh, the encounter with Jangmo-o was interesting. A mysterious draw that pulled their bodies together... I haven't quite seen that sort of thing before in a story like this.

And then, in stark contrast to the dark fantasy vibe of the prologue, we are now talking about ppm of carbon dioxide. Yeah, I have no idea what tone this story is going for.

Well! That was an interesting chapter in terms of lore, but I'm still having trouble placing what it wants to be. It seems to be very modern in how they talk but the tech, equipment, and general fighting style present seem to suggest the typical fantasy, maybe low fantasy, and I'm not sure how they coexist.

There are multiple mentions of strange colors happening when their emotions go awry, but supposedly this is a mystery even to them. They shrug it off very easily despite this, or maybe the scene just goes by very quickly. She snaps just as quickly as they make up a few words later, no real weight behind whatever time passed, just resolving that and then talking about plot and mystery.

Hmm... That's probably what's bugging me. The pacing of that scene sequence. Otherwise, you have an interesting overarching setup and mystery, namely the fog, its origins, and what it's doing to be people around it. I think that's the plot to follow for now, but otherwise, I'm not sure what they're doing. Just following cryptic words from some wild Pokemon. It'll probably need another chapter or two to find its footing.

Anyway, that's all for now. Parting words will be that it has very good mystery and backdrop, but can use touch-ups on pacing, tone, and dialogue consistency to really let it shine.
Chapter 4: Precusor: of a Voyage

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted March 20th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Alejandrien, and their companions have a calm night out, and then wake up to finally head out on their assignment proper. What new secrets of the Fogcutter's Detective Agency and life of Phantismo Vista will they uncover?

The pallid face of the moon was a beacon of light through the night sky. It showed far across the eastern seas of the Archipelago Continent, and brightened the sands on Iaijutsukage Island.

Alejandrien, T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile headed away from the Fogcutters Detective Agency in the late evening, and went further into Phantismo Vista, toward the commercial district.

"Let's hurry up, eat and get back to the agency folks!" The Fuecoco called. "Don't want Head Hector on our tails 'bout time management!"

In an instant, a towering, booming visage of the Kingambit lit up. His yellow eyes flashed through the four Pokemon's heads. Especially Alejandrien's, they couldn't be late again.

The Jangmo-o glanced behind her. T'nuri trudged only a few paces back, a scowl firm on her facial scales. Today's been quite a bit, but we're almost done. Alejandrien thought. "Heya partner," their question came as a whisper. "How are ya doing?"

The Cubone brightened a tad, her maw still a frown as she replied. "I'm a bit miffed at all this stuff you detectives are hiding from me, but I know that you're just figuring it out."

Emile sighed."We'll explain our fogcutting later."


Kaliente cleared his throat. "To the best of our ability mate, at the agency."

Alejandrien nodded. "Again, I'm truly sorry. I don't know, besides funding-wise, why we can't go drop ya off at Pa'a Lepo."

T'nuri crossed her arms. "It's not just that."

"Then wha'?"

"My emotions aren't matching with how I really feel."

The Grookey and Fuecoco in front of them slowed and turned to face the two.

"Mate," Kaliente laughed. "That sounds really weird."

The Cubone sighed. "Yeah, I'm not sure I understand myself."

"Could you elaborate?" Emile asked, her ears low.

"I don't want to be angry," T'nuri ran a claw over her maw. "But any time something happens I just end up enraged."

"Maybe it's yer subconscious?" Kaliente offered, as he stopped.

The sea-shell-lined road before the group had a hump in it, and beside was a plaza full of little buildings and shops.

In front of the four Pokémon was a small hut, it had no door, and a small collection of stools, in front of the counter and register. All in view of the chefs, and manager.

"I don't know if I wanna talk about it now."

"Yeah." The Fuecoco waved a claw. "Ya probably just wanna grub, I feel ya."

Emile glanced down at the floor as she patted T'nuri's shoulder."Take it easy."

"Thanks." The Cubone leaned into the Grookey's touch only after a moment.

Glad to see them getting along after earlier, our meeting was a bit painful. Alejandrien brushed their head against T'nuri's other shoulder for a second. "I'm here for ya too, T'nuri."

At the counter stood a Dragonite, a and primed at the oven and grill. The scent of roasted orans, eggs, and other breaded foods wafted through the air from the mons stations.

The Dragonite clapped his claws before he gestured to the chalkboard menu. "What can I get for you?"

"Well I'll be havin' an Oran and Pinap, grilled on a shish!" Kaliente practically yelled.

Emile cleared her throat. "Grilled Lum and Oran please."

"Oran, Sitrus, and Cheri if ya don't mind." Alejandrien said, as they swayed in their stool to gaze at T'nuri.

The Cubone looked up and down from the chalkboard and it's orange, blue, and green colored menu items. Beside the chalkboard was a flower pot with hydrangeas, and an array of pink, yellow, white, red a chuckle, she gave her answer. "I'll uh let's see, I'll try Rawst, Leppa, and Oran."

In only a few short minutes, the various berries were cooked and ready. The four Pokemon received their meals and a mug of water.

Kaliente chomped down on each piece of his food and left his water till the very end, where he turned it to steam right in his jaws.

T'nuri took a sip of her water before she picked up the wooden stick of her roasted berries, the brightly colored flesh tinged brown without a hint of black char. She bit into the Leppa and cringed. T'nuri recoiled as she also took a small chunk of Rawst.

"What's wrong?" Alejandrien asked, mouth full of Sitrus. Did they burn it or something?

"I didn't realize Leppa, and Rawst would taste like this when cooked," the Cubone gagged. "Ugh… I can't just have Oran only though."

"Maybe we could find you somethin' else laddie?" The Fuecoco across from them looked offered.

The Jangmo-o shook their head. "Probably not, partner."

"Shite, well that's not good innit?"

A stick almost full of Lum waved in front of the Cubone. "Trade?" Emile pondered, her other hand open.

"Really?" T'nuri's brown eyes lit up.

The Grookey and Cubone swapped meals.

T'nuri smiled into her Lum Berry, her tail wagging and eyes closed. "Thank you Emile!"

"De nada. No problem."

Alejandrien, Kaliente, Emile, and T'nuri finished their food and drinks, left the required poké and hurried back through Phantismo Vista.

The nearing midnight brought a slightly chilly gust of wind and heavy pitter patter of rain, and the four Pokémon dashed from cover to cover all the way back to the north of the city. Eventually, in the faint light of the electric lamps, and glow of scarlet, violet, and sage triangular banners they made it to the Fogcutters Detective Agency once again.

The stone and wooden building, along with its courtyard was bathed in the soft yellow light of the tall lamp posts inside and around the perimeter.

"Gonna be my last time doin' it like this mate," the Fuecoco said with a shiver as he walked over to the front gate. There stood the eye panel filled door, locked behind sensor, sight and word alone. "Kaliente Fuecoco, Clearance Two Detective."

The massive wooden doors opened. With a beaming grin, the Fuecoco marched in first, the Grookey, Jangmo-o, and Cubone right behind him.

"So where are we going now?" T'nuri questioned.

"The barracks," Emile said.

On the left side of the agency, at the turn before the pathway to the Head and Lead Detectives office the barracks were nestled together. Along that pathway sat wooden walls and furniture. The barracks hallway went far into the depths of the agency, and had doors for lodgings on both sides.

Kaliente patted his chest as they crept past a massive set of doors, four fairly large doors, two big doors, and made it to the final section, six average sized doors. "This place is big enough for all the Pokémon working for the agency and then some! And each team gets their own room!" He pointed to one of the open doors. "Check it!"

The room had a grey tiled floor and dark wooden walls. Inside the room were eight beds, beds quite a bit bigger than each of the four Pokémon. But the remaining room was still spacious enough to have two large, low-rise desks, a small bookshelf, a small closet, and a water closet. All wooden furniture.

"And this is the smallest room?" T'nuri's jaw dropped. She glanced out of the room to the rows of closed doors and back to the room she was in. The Cubone poked at the various furniture and ran her claws along the wood, her stubby tail wagging.

She loves it. Alejandrien grinned as she swung the door closed. "Yup partner, I felt the same way when I first came here last week."

"Detective Ichigo didn't mention it but we have to be up by 6:30." Kaliente pulled off his backpack and hopped into bed. "Goodnight laddie, lassies 'nd laddu."

Emile walked toward the door and pointed her wooden stick at her bed. "Lights out, alright?"

The Jangmo-o nodded. "Yeah, we'll have to talk tomorrow." They plopped into the bed next to the Grookey's.

"Oh like, right now?" T'nuri blinked before she scrambled to an empty bed beside them.

"Buenas Noches. Good night."

The light bulbs above the four Pokémon flickered off and the room was bathed in a blanket of darkness.

In the Cubone's mind, the rocking of the waves and salty spray of the ocean filled her senses. The warped past awaited her. What? T'nuri thought and turned her head side to side. A soft cream wooden fence sat beside her, and was one of the only things that held her from the sea below.

La Llovinzna The Drizzle? The Cubone took a step backwards, toward the main cabin of the cruise. Unlike the bed or sands where she first awoke, the dark planks of wood were firm under her claws. The white, yellow, and light teal wooden, plastic, and metal built cabin darkened as the clouds above rolled closer and closer. There was a typhoon on the horizon.

T'nuri gasped as the ship rocked side to side, and the wind picked up. The waves splattered above the deck more and more. Frigid briny water shook the Cubone through her scales. Other passengers, their bodies almost clear, ran back and forth toward the lifeboats and rafts, toward powerful water-type, flying-type Pokémon and each other.

Just before a ginormous blue-teal, black, red, and yellow blur of a Pokémon burst from above the clouds with a mighty roar, and flew right toward La Llovinzna. Their crescent of draconian energy fierce as the typhoon grew and grew, almost like a legendary Pokémon of the past.

The ground underneath the Cubone splintered and cracked, piece by piece of lumber rendered asunder and useless as part of the vessel. As she fell, T'nuri's memories ebbed under the paradoxical tide, with no flow in sight. What were they after?! She wracked her head. Who were they after? Why?

A mirror appeared in front of T'nuri, even in the howling winds and raging sea.

And on it was a visage of flames and purple smoke. One of a Pokémon. Not just any Pokémon. An intuition.

Another Cubone stared back, tainted by the fire and ghostly energy. In the shadow of a fluttering behemoth.

"T'nuri, wake up!" Alejandrien nudged the Cubone through her covers.

The gentle light of the sun glimmered through the blinds of the windows above them.

With that gentle movement the sheets over T'nuris maw and eyes fell below her chin, which revealed her.

A droplet, a single tear stain ran down her scales in the night, now a fresh reminder in the day. Why? The Jangmo-o took a step back, tail low. "I'ma sorry."

"You're sorry?" The Cubone sat upright, and stifled a yawn. "How come?"

I can't tell 'er… Alejandrien faced toward Emile and Kaliente as they got their bags ready. She fixed her own bed sheets as T'nuri blinked.

The Cubone ran a claw over the edge of her scales near her eye and her skull-helmet. "I cried in my sleep?"

"Looks like it," Kaliente said, as he walked over to her. "Oh and good morning laddie."

"Good morning," T'nuri brushed off her scales.

Emile nodded, her ruby eyes bright. "Morning. Get ready."


"We only have a few minutes before we see the Detectives."

The Cubone placed her other claw to her other eye and sighed. "I'll go solve my issues." She trudged over to the toilet and shut the door.

"And how's that supposed to solve 'er issues?" Kaliente asked, a puff of smoke in his jaws. "Crying's a Cubone thing innit?"

"What's that supposed to mean? It didn't happen when I was home," T'nuri grumbled, now outside of the water closet with no tear stains along her face.

Fast! Alejandrien stumbled to the side. "Easy now partner."

"Challenge number one." Emile tapped her stick on the wall.


The Grookey opened the door and quickly exited the room.

Kaliente dashed after her. "Wait fer me!" The wood floor rumbled before there was a thud.

"Míralo! Watch it!"


"Didn't realize ya were just around tha corner Emile."

"Come on," Alejandrien nudged T'nuri, her golden eyes bright.

The four made it to the Head and Lead Detectives office and there the three Pokémon in charge of the Fogcutter's Detective Agency sat. The Iron Valiant, Ceruledge, and Kingambit all at their desks, a huge load of paperwork, open journals, and clipboards around them as they waited.

"Good morning, new detectives." Lead Esperanza stood up from her seat.

Detective Ichigo followed her, with four sheets of paper in their hands. "It's been quite the workload but we've finished compiling all your valuable information and experiences."

"And now for our new designations, you four qualify as an Investigation Team."

Head Hector got out of his seat as well. "Clearance Four Detectives: Emile, Kaliente, and Alejandrien. T'nuri, you shall be granted the rank of Clearance Three Detective."

"What!?" the Cubone yelled. She tucked her bone-club under her arms and scowled. "Lunala's gale, you gotta be snuffing kidding me!"

I had a feeling this would happen. "Just let 'em explain why!" Alejandrien urged, tail raised.

The Kingambit sighed as he ran his hands along the desk and lifted up a paper. "It's quite simple T'nuri, while you've conducted research and assisted our staff you haven't formulated a report for us."

T'nuri moved her bone-club to her left claw. "That's still a flicker off-"

"And T'nuri remember-" Alejandrien cut her off. "Ya said ya didn't want to fogcutting detective. Don't get so frustrated."

"But it's insulting, to be the only one different."

"But ya are different."

"Even if I am a woodworker at heart, it feels weird, mind you."

"Please understand that Clearance Three isn't a terrible position. We will pay you handsomely with every successful assignment you complete," Detective Ichigo explained.

Lead Esperanza nodded. "If, and once you are ready you can make the decision to leave."

"Just a way I'll be able to reach my goals and go back home to Pa'a Lepo I guess." The Cubone sighed. "I understand, can I name our team now?"

"Ah yes." Head Hector held a pen to a paper. "The name for your Investigation Team, name and inspiration please?"

T'nuri held her bone-club up and pointed at the lighthouse painting behind the three larger Pokémon. "Kirigiri, the name of a detective in this story I read one time. They helped others trapped with them out of a dangerous situation."

A story? Alejandrien tilted their head before they spoke."I've never heard of it."

"Me neither." Emile added.

Kaliente narrowed his eyes. "I've read lots of these other books from my University in the west and I've never heard of it like that."

"Didn't expect me to read lots huh?" The Cubone puffed out her chest with a smirk.

"Well ya haven't told me all about yur hobbies." Jangmo-o grinned back. "It's an interesting name, I like it partner."

The Kingambit gazed at the bookshelf and smirked. "I also like it, that story is such an old one, one at the basis of our 'fog cut' name. I'm glad you out of everyone have read it."

"What?" T'nuri questioned.

"But back to the main picture, we accept the name for this Investigation Team, Team Kirigiri," the Ceruledge said, her crest bathing the room in a gentle warmth.

"Here are your scarves," the Iron Valiant explained and held out four black pieces of cloth. Each had a small set of green and violet stripes on them, and a magnifying glass symbol near the center. Detective Ichigo pointed to the center of a scarf. "Your badge pin comms match the magnifying glass symbol, we'll use it to talk when you're out and about."

"Thank you." The four Pokémon took their gear.

T'nuri adjusted her scarf onto her neck as gazed at the three older Pokémon."You keep mentioning 'Investigation', what are there other teams again?"

"Investigation, Navigation, and Scrutinization are the three categories of teams we have at the Fogcutters Detective Agency," Head Hector explained.

"Scrutinization?" the Jangmo-o glanced over at the Kingambit. He never mentioned that to me before.

"I only recognize Investigation and Navigation." T'nuri twiddled her claws.

"Speaking of Navigation, Team Kirigiri, your first mission is to search for Captain Bao, one of the Head Navigators. Look for a Clawitzer and her crew around the northern docks of Phantismo Vista."

"Bao can't pick us up?" T'nuri asked.

"No," the Ceruledge said. "Captain Bao or her crew can't come all the way to the DA to get you."

"Why not?"

Lead Esperanza shook her head. "The crew is busy unloading and loading their vessel, they can't just drop everything and go wherever you need them to."

Detective Ichigo held a hand to their chest." Regardless, these Pokémon will take you to Pa'a Lepo and Kuanalio Island.

The former, you shall conduct a brief research on its condition and the latter, where you shall continue your investigation, protect the villagers and remove the Ruinous Fog."

Alejandrien raised a claw. "How are we going to protect the villagers?"

"You'll have to locate where the village is, discuss matters of your presence with the authorities there." Head Hector crossed his arms.

"So basically just find 'em, and tell the boss why we're here." Kaliente added.

"Yes," Lead Esperanza replied.

The Fuecoco had another question."But what about our investigation?"

"Depending on the status of Ruinous Fog, you may have to conduct it before, during, and after your encounter with the villagers. You need to formulate some contingencies based on the situation you find yourselves in, so stay flexible and alert."

T'nuri hummed to herself as she patted her shoulder. "Maybe the fog is related to something in the village?"

"Maybe," Emile murmured, her tail curling down.

Don't say maybe now Emile. The Jangmo-o chuckled a bit before she gave her piece. "We'll have to go see for ourselves."

"The weather, fire, smoke from the black fog conditions are Category Five, so please be careful young Fogcutters," the Kingambit sat back down.

"But what about Marisa?" The Cubone asked. "She, Adi, and Frederico left us in a hurry yesterday."

"Captain Marisa needs to repair El Nadar Rapido some more, and give it some upgrades. Her and her Navigation Team also have some other paperwork to do," the Iron Valiant said, their digital eyes scanning back and forth.

"Vamos. Let's go." Emile tightened her neckerchief and opened the sliding wooden door.

Kaliente followed her out of the office and grinned. "Come on."

Time to head on out again. We get to go and see Bao! Alejandrien placed a foreleg on the Cubone beside her and pulled."Yeah, it's 'bout time we got a move on, partner!"

"Wait!" T'nuri nearly tumbled over.


The Cubone stood her ground and glanced down at her scarf. "Before we go… no, before I go. Who named Fogcutters?"

"Hector and I were first told about it by our teacher, Director Annileape. We told Ichigo when we met them a few years later." Lead Esperanza's blades shimmered as she folded them behind her back.

"Our Detective Agency was named after the metaphorical fog of mystery being cut. I thought it would be simple for you to understand T'nuri." Head Hector folded his arms.

T'nuri blinked. "What?"

The Kingambit held out a metallic palm. "Since you've read that book. Don't worry, I know you craftsmon aren't all full of lumber in those brains of yours."

The Cubone scowled as she stood upright with her question."What's that supposed to mean?"

Head Hector grinned."Would you like to guess?"

"Hector." Detective Ichigo once again shimmered pink.

The Kingambit waved a hand and turned away. "What I mean to say is I'd like to see what you can really do regarding your old job sometime soon T'nuri, I believe in you."

T'nuri harrumped and patted her chest. "Oh I'll show you some woodwork, as soon as possible."

Lead Esperanza nudged Head Hector with the dull side of one of her flaming blades. "Try not to mind that pendajo idiot T'nuri."

"Back to the DA. Fogcutting extends its name to the physical realm as well." The Iron Valiant gestured to the door. "I believe it's time you all went out, please feel free to contact us via your badges, and never be afraid to trade questions with one another or with Captain Bao's Navigation Team."

"Woohoo, see y'all later!" Alejandrien cheered and pulled T'nuri by her scarf.

The Cubone slipped and fell on her tail as she was dragged out of the room. "What? Alejandrien, what's gotten into you?"

"I'm excited!" The Jangmo-o grinned, teeth full of fabric.

"Please put T'nuri down." Emile tapped their shoulder with her wooden stick as the sliding door to the office shut. "Gracias. Thanks."

As the sun's rays beamed throughout the clear sky, the four Pokémon went back through the commercial and mixed use district of Phantismo Vista. In the early morning, there were only a few other Pokémon out and about, usually all inside various businesses and shops around the city, or still inside their homes.

"Let's stop ta get a quick bite to eat!" Kaliente pointed at a food cart manned by a Watchog.

"Sure," the Grookey ahead of him nodded.

Each of the detectives got a little meal, T'nuri got a breakfast eggroll, Emile and Kaliente got burritos, and Alejandrien got a cup of fried eggs, all served with a few Oran and Sitrus Berry chunks.

The wind picked up as they neared the harbor, more chilling but saline pockets of air rolled off the oceans waves and the beach sands. Still the cityscape kept them from their goal.

Alejandrien dashed ahead of the Fuecoco down the boardwalk near the Agency. their tail wagging. "Come on! Y'all need ta pick up the pace!"

"Like I said earlier: what's gotten into you? What's with the need for speed?" T'nuri huffed.

"I'm rearing off ta go like a Zebstrika, partner!"

"So you're just excited?"

"Yeah! Yeehaw!"

Tnuri shook her head."Actually I have a better question, Emile, Kaliente."


"Yes laddie?"

"You two detectives told me you were going to explain fogcutting." T'nuri pointed her bone-club at each of them. "Start talking."

"An interrogation?" Kaliente asked.

"If you wanna call it that." The Cubone shrugged.

The Fuecoco grinned before he leaned in close to the Cubone. "At this hour?

"Yes?" She pulled away. "What the snuff is going on?"

"Wow laddie, ya've passed challenge number one!" Kaliente shot out a small burst of flame. "Well sorry ta say but not much's known about fogcutters."

"You and Alejandrien cut-through it, we contain it," the Grookey replied.

T'nuri tilted her head. "Contain it?"

"We can supposedly cut-off or rather block sections of Ruinous Fog, and with enough effort we can cause it to dissipate."

"Hmm," the Cubone tapped her bone-club on her thigh. "Tell me something else."

Emile's ears flickered. "Fogcutters are drawn together."

"Even those who haven't formed the power yet feel a slight pullin' sensation with others and one another. It's how the DA scouts for potential detectives!" Kaliente yelled.

T'nuri gestured to the Jangmo-o beside her. "But what about me and Alejandrien? We are what you called the cut-through."

The Fuecoco's head crest brightened as he grinned. "There are only a few of you who can cut-through Ruinous Fog and you need to be in a pair for it to work."

I'll help too! "We're pretty rare partner, not even the Head and Lead Detectives know how many of us, cut-through Fogcutters are on the Archipelago!" Alejandrien explained with a clatter of her scales. "Much less if tha others have even awakened their powers. But that's not ta discredit the cut-off er rather block Fogcutters, who supposedly can actually destroy fog if enough of them work together!"

"Thank you Alejandrien," the Fuecoco grinned, before he tapped T'nuri on the shoulder. "Hear that laddie? We're not deadweight!"

"I got it." The Cubone gently pushed him away. "About this fog, Hector-"

"Head Hector." The three Pokémon corrected.

"...Right. Head Hector mentioned that they had first person accounts of the previous sighting. When was that?"

"Sixty years ago." The Grookey answered, her red eyes narrowed.

Kaliente puffed out a cloud of smoke as he pointed at his scarf. "Oi! Leave the history ta me! Once the Ruinous Fog showed up, a Detective Agency sprung up to solve the mystery in no time flat. However it was absorbed by the Island Guild. Only fifteen years ago did the Island Guild and that DA, the Fogcutters Detective Agency to be precise, become separate."

"And when were the Pokémon with the fogcutting powers first detected?"

Emile drummed her stick on a nearby fence. "When Ruinous Fog was on the Archipelago."

"So it's only happened twice in recent history, that's quite interesting."

The four Pokémon continued onward toward the harbor and the docks of Iaijutsukage Island's eastern shores, just past Phantismo Vista, toward the town of Alma Blanca. Soft heat from the sun spread out further and further as the early morning clouds parted, evenso the slightly brisk breeze continued.

Alejandrien, T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile ventured through the north of the city, where there were older buildings with tall pointed roofs, and wide curved paneling off them, the majority a slightly dark color and made of wood. In this part of Phantismo Vista, near Alma Blanca, none of the white roofed buildings and brightly colored trimming buildings were present, like in the south, toward the lesser port.. There were more small shrines and pagodas in small intersections of the area, berry offerings on their steps.

There were marble and wooden hourglass statues compared to the stone and marble ones built in the south. These were much smaller than the statues that littered the part of the city near the Fogcutters Detective Agency.

Along some of the rounded and flat rooftops of the business and bureaucratic aligned light-grey buildings waved violet, green, and scarlet triangular ribbons, the thin cables linked each collection of structures together.

T'nuri peered down at the aged wood of one of the statues and glanced back at the detectives beside her. "I've been meaning to ask, but what's with these hourglasses?"

Kaliente gasped."You don't know? Yer from the Archipelago and can't recognize that they're for Holy Koraidon and Holy Miraidon?"

"Ah, the dragon-type legendaries that represent the past and the future?" the Cubone asked. "Ones who leave no trace and bring no warning?"

"Glad you're aware of that."

"I suppose the scarlet and violet banners represent them…. Oh and the green probably represents Cylizar."

"Who?" The Jangmo-o beside her tilted their head. Is that last one even a Legendary?

"Alejandrien over here didn't know 'em at all." The Fuecoco shook his head.

"Hey!" the Jangmo-o nudged the Fuecoco. "I'm from the Sand Continent, Sahra Town. We don't get all the information about the Archipelago there. I just knew about the fabled Fogcutters Detective Agency, that's all."

Kaliente laughed. "Knew about the DA but not the Holy past and Holy future sands of time, Holy Koraidon and Holy Miraidon? What is the telegraph even sending for sand's sake?"

"Not enough." Emile shook her head with a groan. "Now T'nuri, Pa'a Lepo doesn't have hourglasses?'

"We do, I think, but we represent Koraidon and Miraidon with a clock. The hour and minute hands stopped at exactly 12:30."

Kaliente ran a claw under his jaw. "Interesting, but what about Giratina and Lunala?"

The Cubone's eyes widened. "I'll tell you later. It's not specific to Pa'a Lepo though."

Alejandrien flicked her tail and sniffled. Why'd she Clamperl up all of a sudden? Maybe ta others on the Archipelago talk about them's a sensitive discussion. "Fair enough."


T'nuri sighed as they went down a boardwalk, closer to the lighthouse, to see each individual silver brick. "This reminds me, Kaliente, Emile, you never told me where in the Archipelago you two are from."

Emile folded her arms as her tail twitched. "Toujours Island, far down south."

"What?" The Cubone glanced over at the Grookey. "I've never heard of Toujours, it must be small."

"I'm here to fix that."

"And Kaliente?"

The Fuecoco turned away. "I'm from tha farthest island, west of the Archipelago, Costa Niebla."

"You can't be sparking serious!" T'nuri shouted, her eyes wide. "The Capital, where all the rich-uppity mon are!?"

Kaliente sighed as a flush lit up his cheeks."Yeah, yeah, listen up laddie. I know we blokes of tha biggest island have a bad rap. Like Emile, I'm here ta fix it."

These two're here to fix things eh? "I guess we'll see what you two can really do on Kuanalio Island," the Jangmo-o added with a stretch of her legs.

"We're going to Pa'a Lepo first though," T'nuri said, as she pointed her bone-club toward her skull-helmet.

"Before that we have to steel ourselves," The Grookey reminded.

Alejandrien ran in a circle around the three Pokémon."Yeah, the voyage with Captain Bao and everything on the islands will test us! Which sounds good ta me because we're almost here."

Right on the harbor, the ocean's grey waves splashed along Iaijutsukage. And above them a small spark of ruin brewed, glittering in the wind of thoughts lost to an unknown age.
Chapter 5: Immutable: Boundary

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted April 2nd 2024

Chapter Summary

Alejandrien and their new Investigation Team heads down to the docks and meets with Bao to sail down to Pa'a Lepo and to Kuanalio.

The Jangmo-o stays by T'nuri's side through it all, even through an unstoppable challenge, but what will they uncover on their voyage?

Alejandrien, T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile finally reached their destination, the eastern coast of Iaijustukage, home to the biggest port on the island. The Jangmo-o wagged their tail as the group continued forward, on the boardwalk next to them Kaliente fastened his backpack straps with a grin. While Emile smirked and adjusted her scarf, behind them T'nuri clutched her bone-club to her chest.

A chilly gust of wind tore through the dock from the current below. This jostled the vessels stationed at the harbor, ships and boats of all sizes, with Pokémon walking to and fro with crates and other supplies.

"Hey, there you are!" A voice called out, and the Cubone, Jangmo-o, Fuecoco and Grookey turned around.

It can't be! She's here! "Captain Bao!?" Alejandrien gasped, her eyes wide.

On the boardwalk below them floated the Clawitzer, a green scarf along her body. "I knew you all were looking for me. Yep, it's me."

"Me?" T'nuri asked the Clawitzer. "Who?"

"The Zháo Launcher Navigation Team Captain, Bao Clawitzer at your service! Now let's hurry down to my crew and set sail." She pointed her huge claw toward the far end of the docks.

The four younger Pokémon followed her all the way down to their destination. Along the waterside, waved many large cargo ships, a wide green ferry, and a few massive ships: galleons. One galleon bore the Fogcutters Detective Agency magnifying glass on three towering grey sails. Below each sail stood a yellow mast, with three across the entire galleon. The galleon's underside showed a light blue, yellow, and grey hull, a dark blue stern, and portholes. Back above the deck was the dark blue harpoon, cannons, and all around was a grey railing. At the very rear end of the galleon hung the grey lifeboat.

Beside the galleon, a Heliolisk who wore a purple striped scarf unloaded a dolly of crates to the dock. An Exeggutor with a long neck and a green cloak monitored aboard the galleon's starboard side, watching a few Pokémon adjust the cannons and sails. Toward the rudder was an Indeedee, one with horns curved upwards, they fixed the Wonder Map and loudspeaker horn beside it and went into the captain's quarters, all the while the purple neckerchief on them blowing in the wind.

On the dock below it, Alejandrien, T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile stood in the shadow of the behemoth of a ship and took everything in. The Heliolisk finished with his dolly and rolled it to the side, when he finished he waved to Bao.

"Here's my Navigation Team's baby, the Zháo Mega Launcher!" The Clawitzer explained, and jetted up the enormous hull.

"So, you two finally have an Investigation Team. Que es el nombre what's the name?" the Heliolisk asked, as he pointed to the ramp.

"Team Kirigiri!" Alejandrien replied, and carefully climbed onto the large wood and metal plank.

Emile hurried across it on all fours and perched on the railing beside the ramp, her eyes darting back and forth.

The Heliolisk shrugged before he pointed to the Cubone below him. "And who's this?"

Before T'nuri could even speak, Alejandrien jumped in."T'nuri here is our fourth and final member, Luciano!"

Luciano, the Heliolisk grabbed hold of the Cubone's claw and pulled her along the ramp. The Heliolisk helped Kaliente up as well before he grinned. "Well nice to meet you!"

"Likewise." T'nuri closed her eyes as they got higher and higher above the sea, right next to the railing of the Zháo Launcher.

The draconic-Exeggutor tapped her tail on the deck, before she made her way to the center sail, toward the lookout. "Hang tight chicos kids!"

"Who's this?" T'nuri asked, finally grounded onto the deck of the ship.

"I'm Vicenta," The Exeggutor's airy voice echoed down from the sky. Vicenta then went around to the other side of the galleon.

The Indeedee toward the third sail, near the captain's quarters stairs, quickly walked up to the four Pokemon. They checked off a list on the note hanging from their neck."It's gonna be a rough ride," the Indeedee said with a smile. "I hope you're ready, Team Kirigiri."

T'nuri sighed. "I hope we're ready too uh-"

"This is Yawen," Emile answered and dusted off her shoulders.

Yawen nodded. "And if I heard earlier the Cubone is T'nuri."


"I'll be right back." The Indeedee hurried away to the front of the ship.

This galleon sure is massive. "Don't get swept away now, y'all!" Alejandrien held onto the Cubone as other Pokémon - ones without scarves - ran about with ropes and other equipment.

"How were your investigations?" Bao asked as she rested on the railing beside the Jangmo-o, and their teammates.

Kaliente sighed."There were small traces of sparkling fog on Greene's."

Emile hung her head. "Dark green on Calah."

"But nothing's as bad as Kuanalio," the Jangmo-o groaned. "Which we could see the black Ruinous Fog sailing back to 'Kage."

"Really?" the Clawtizer blinked.

Alejandrien nodded. "Yeah it brought fire which burnt T'nuri and I pretty badly."

"That's not good." Luciano rubbed his frilled neck before he pulled up the ramp.

Bao jetted higher into the air and went back toward the third sail, to the rudder. "Come on now folks! Hurry it up!"

Emile cleared her throat. "Let's help out the crew."

"What do ya need us ta do!?" Kaliente shouted.

Vicenta gestured toward the grated entrance below them with her tail. "Could you guys help secure the cargo in the bay?"

"On it." The Fuecoco leapt into the room beside the center sail, with the Grookey hot on his trail.

"And if some of you raise the anchor," the Indeedee added. "We'll handle the harpoon and sails."

"Got it!" Alejandrien pulled T'nuri along with them.

At the front sail, near the center of the Zháo Launcher sat the huge sideways wheel of a rudder. "Here's the anchor." The Jangmo-o placed her fore-legs on it.

T'nuri grabbed hold of the other rungs and pushed with Alejandrien, and eventually the anchor pulled off the seafloor and back up into the ship's belly.

With that the Zháo Launcher finally set sail, toward the heart waters of the Archipelago, directly south of Iaijutsukage Island. The waves and fierce gales of wind dared to toss the mighty galleon off course and into the frigid depths below.

A rogue wave bashed the Zháo Launcher. Alejandrien blanched as she hung onto the railing beside the Clawitzer as she steered. Ugh, Apothecary Seismitoad was right! The waves are going crazy out here and we're still so close to 'Kage!

"How are y'all hanging?" Bao shouted over the raging currents and howling winds. "Angle the front sails to port!" She ordered into the horn next to her rudder.

T'nuri shivered against Emile and Kaliente as the ship slowly turned back upright. "I just want to make it back home. At least tell my parents I'm okay."

The Clawitzer exhaled as it started to drizzle. "Well T'nuri, don't forget you're needed by the DA. No, you're needed by the whole Archipelago. You're one of our Fogcutters."

"I don't want to be needed," the Cubone slowly staggered upright. "I just want to go home."

Bao clattered her claws as she carefully eased the rudder to the port side. The rain started to intensify and stronger winds picked up underneath the sails. "Listen T'nuri, I won't sugarcoat it. Whatever is waiting for us, no matter what you see, and or how terrible it is; you have to go back to Kuanalio Island and clear the Black Fog. Do you understand?"

She really is putting quite the stress on this. Alejandrien placed a claw on T'nuri and stared into her eyes. "I'll be right beside ya partner."

Bao sighed, her eyes low. "T'nuri?"

The Cubone wiped the rain from the top of her skull-helmet as she took in a shuddering breath. "Yes, Bao, er Captain Bao. I understand."

The Zháo Launcher continued its voyage far across the south-eastern waters of Iaijutsukage through the threat of the raging storm, powerful gales and ferocious waves. Dark teal ripples pushed and pulled against the hull of the ship as it weaved in between small islands and catastrophic conditions.

In the southern 'Kage ocean, the connection of the cool and warm waters brought dangerous whirling currents. In these currents swarmed small pockets of rushing white bubbly foam, and splashing excitement, all primed to rip and destroy anything unprepared for its wrath.

After about an hour, the galleon reached a different type of troubled waters. An awful, heavy mist that concealed what was typically the smallest hint of Pa'a Lepo Island.

It wasn't like the stinging light grey fog that plagued Kuanalio, but it still wasn't anything to downplay.

Heavy rain kept pouring. The clouds above got darker the closer Zháo Launcher got toward Pa'a Lepo, even through the thinning mist. A chilly wind pushed against the sails as the ship slowed down in the shallower waters.

Light from the sun crept through more and more of the mist and T'nuri ran toward the bow of the ship, Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile right behind her.

But what awaited them on the other side of the mist was like nothing they'd ever imagined.

A wall.

Far as the eye could see, sat an inconceivably tall barrier. One made of numerous colored semi-transparent mist. No, not mist. It was fog. This fog blocked off Pa'a Lepo Island from the outside world at about two kilometers high, and twenty kilometers wide. It wasn't just any fog either, as the hues shifted in dull rolling waves. It had very specific colors: black, sparkling, dark green, red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, white, light blue, and light green. All which represented something different, yet one in the same.

Nothing was visible behind the curtain of faded rainbows, not even the beam of the lighthouse. The colors may have looked beautiful, but they shrouded the truth of life on Pa'a Lepo. And nothing with a spark of hope came out of its grasp. Not a ship of talented sailors, nor a powerful legendary Pokémon. Nothing with the drive of life. Only an empty, partially capsized vessel sat in the boundary, devoid of any sign of a single soul aboard.

"What, what is this?" T'nuri's question rang out. Her eyes widened as she glanced back and forth at the massive wall. "This is it, this is the sparking secret? What Detective Ichigo said I had to find out for them?" She sank to the floor as her body tensed, brown eyes brimming with tears. "No this can't be real. It's not fucking real! It's not real!"

Holy Rayquaza almighty. "I can't believe it either partner." Alejandrien gasped. "A damn wall of fog?"

Emile dropped her wooden stick as she stood completely dumbfounded, her ears and tail as low as they could possibly get. "What? What in the world? Ay dios mio Oh my gods."

"You got ta be bloody kiddin' me." Kaliente's jaw dropped, as his head crest fell. "Are you seein' this shite? Absolutely insane."

Luciano grabbed hold of his teammate's lesser claw. "Bao, what is this?"

"I." The Clawitzer shivered beside the Heliolisk, the Indeedee, and the Exeggutor. "I don't know."

"Well what the sands of the past and the future is this?" Yawen stamped on the deck. "This is unbelievable!"

"Excuse me galleon designation #693, Zháo Launcher," a voice from a mega phone below bellowed. "Please send your Captain down immediately."

"There's some Pokemon at the docks." Vicenta called.

Bao jetted to the railing by the anchor and lowered it. "I don't have the slightest clue as to what's going on for sparks sake." She grumbled and peered over the edge at the tiny newly shambled together dock, and the three skiffs in the water beside it.

A claw touched the side of the Clawitzer's shell. It was T'nuri's. "We're coming too," the Cubone demanded, her gaze firm.

"Okay." Bao lowered the ramp.

A Bombirder and a Psyduck sat next to the ramp while on the other side of the dock stood a Mankey and Ralts.

"My partner and I are from the Island Guild. Don't imagine just because you work for the DA, that'll make you special." The Bombirder gestured her wing at the Clawitzer and her crew. "You can't pass."

"Excuse me?" T'nuri growled.

Yawen placed a hand on her shoulder. The Indeedee then narrowed his eyes."Let them explain."

"No ships with anything alive can pass through," the Psyduck sighed. "Which means we both can still send cargo and supplies. Also don't worry, the wire still works."

"Anything else you need to explain?" Bao asked, her antenna twitching.

"Greetings Navigation Team Zháo Launcher," the Mankey called as he held out a small blue ball, a Connection Orb, attached to an Expedition Gadget.

The Clawitzer floated forward. "Oh hello! You're from the Expedition Society."

"Yes," the Ralts beside him spoke. "Well try not to be too alarmed. Everyone on Pa'a Lepo island is relatively safe; there are no reports of any fog touching the sand."

"I see, thank you."

Mankey nodded. "And the Prime Minister is sending as much information as he can to Iaijutsukage, to Costa Niebla, and the other islands."

T'nuri pointed her bone-club at the wall of fog. "Captain Bao, we need to try to go through. I need to see it for myself."

The Clawitzer rubbed her side with her lesser claw. "All right, we only have thirty minutes." She jetted back on board, T'nuri, Alejandrien, Kaliente Emile, and everyone else right behind her.

With a faint thud both the anchor and the ramp pulled back up into the ship.

"It shouldn't take thirty minutes," The Cubone ranted as she paced the galleon. "It shouldn't take twenty minutes."

The Jangmo-o behind her looked to Kaliente and Emile who sat on the deck, drained into silence. There's gotta be something I can say or do ta help T'nuri.

"We only need ten," T'nuri pleaded, her voice strained. "We only need ten minutes from where we are."

"I'm here if ya need me." Alejandrien stopped the Cubone in her tracks with their body.

T'nuri flinched at the contact but let out a trembling breath. "Thank you."

The ship parted through the multi-colored wall of fog and was warped into a frigid storm. All across the waters edge was a pure white collection of fog, as if a cloud had sank from the heavens. There were no landmarks. Nothing was visible through the sea of clouds and ocean below, especially as the weather conditions changed so drastically.

That weather brought small pieces of ice that fell from the sky. It pelted the fur, scales, and hides of every Pokémon aboard the Zháo Launcher but still they continued onward. Onward into nothing, nothing onward. A never-ending struggle. An infinity of cruelty. These small pieces soon turned to hail, and hard chunks of ice blasted everyone.

The jaggedly fierce ice drummed T'nuri through her skull-helmet and across her entire body. But no matter how much the Cubone held on and braved, the path before them never changed.

"No!" T'nuri cried. "What is going on?"

"This is ridiculous!" Kaliente shot out Embers to melt the approaching barrage.

The Cubone made her way to the Clawitzer at the rudder, as new tears clouded her eyes. "Why? Why can't we go any further?"

"I don't know, I really don't." Bao winced from the ice. "All I got is that it's probably this multicolored fog's power. The Society are our allies, unlike the Guild, they'd never lie."

T'nuri tapped her bone-club in her claw as the temperature dipped again. "Wait, it's fog. It's just Ruinous Fog."

"It is?" the Clawitzer asked, her eyes wide.

"That means I can cut it," T'nuri rambled, her frantic breath clouding into puffs. "I can do what I did on Kuanalio Island. I can cut it."

Bao blinked."You can?"

"Come on, Alejandrien." The Cubone trudged over to the bow of the ship.

She needs me? The Jangmo-o slowly followed T'nuri, shivering all the while. "Alrighty. Let's cut it!"

Alejandrien fired out a Scale Shot toward the boundary while T'nuri tossed her Bonemerang at the clouds too. These attacks collided together with the foggy wall but faded beneath the mist.

T'nuri's bone-club returned to her grip from the ocean's waves. "Why isn't it working?!"

"I'm not sure T'nuri," the Jangmo-o replied as she sat down. "Maybe we're not close enough?"

"We should be!" The Cubone yelled with a wave of her bone-club.

Alejandrien placed their chin against the saddlebag for a moment. "But how are we gonna get closer when the wall becomes a cloud? I got it, it's a cloud! Oh shoot, I'll just try and get a sample.'' They opened up a few metal and glass containers. Ice went into the metal one, while rain, and the cloud-fog into the glass one.

"I'm turning around!"

The Zháo Launcher slowly turned around as snowflakes trickled from the clouds. As they neared the boundary of Pa'a Lepo and 'Kage the fierce winds quieted down. But their sound was replaced with another, an ominous chant, one from the depths of the ocean called out. The ethereal voices, ones of an ancient tongue kept on going even as the temperature plummeted.

"What is this chant?" The Exeggutor shifted side to side as the chills coated her bark-like scales.

The Heliolisk below her shivered. "I've got no clue."

Wait. Alejandrien squinted through the cold. "I kinda understand some of it!"

"You too laddu?" Kaliente huddled beside the Jangmo-o.

"It sounds like Gobian, another language of the Sand Continent," Alejandrien explained.

The Fuecoco nodded. "Ta me it sounds like one of the Archipelago's dying languages, Lauian."

"Well what's it say?" the Indeedee knelt down, notepad in hand.

The Jangmo-o took in a deep breath. "Cero Iglesia. Cero Iglesia is the most high, Cero Puerto most revered. Cero."

The Fuecoco nodded. "I got that too, nothing else."

"Ah." Emile clutched her head with a wince. "This hurts."

Bao took a deep breath as the outside was in view. "We're almost free." Her voice echoed through the horn.

The Zháo Launcher parted through the multi-colored wall of fog once again, this time headed north, out of its ouroboros trap. As it went through the barrier of rainbow mist, Alejandrien scooped four glass jars full of the material inside, and shut the lids tight before none could escape.

A cold gale whipped off the ocean's waters, right beside the towering boundary of ruin.

"Can we head down to the docks check again?" T'nuri asked, her teeth chattering.

The Clawitzer sighed as she finally brought her ship back to the docks, and anchored it. "We, we have to go soon."

T'nuri stamped her feet on the planks, her eyes red. "But my family! They're alone!" She growled. "They're alone without me and I didn't even get to tell them if I was okay or not. To top it all off, my little brother isn't even home either!"

"We can send a letter," Bao jetted down the dock with a blank page.

"Wait!" T'nuri nearly stumbled into the water as she chased the Clawitzer's trail. "Send it to Amiya Typhlosion and Ricardo Marowak of Hau, Pa'a Lepo! Tell them T'nuri Cubone's in Iaijutsukage, doing just fine!"

Bao floated beside Ralts and Mankey, the two Society Pokémon, with the page firm in her greater claw. "Excuse me, can one of you write that message and send it on the next cargo ship going to the island?"

The Ralts pulled out a pen and scribbled out the request. "Got it."

"You all should get out of here," Bombiader squawked.

Psyduck crossed their arms."It's not gonna change with you staring at it."

Mankey shook his head. "Take care DA, just know we of the Expedition Society and the Director believe in you."

"Understood." The Clawitzer nodded before she made her way back to the rudder.

"I cant." T'nuri stood firm, her eyes locked onto the salty waves below. "I was supposed to go home."

"Mate." Kaliente took a step back as the Cubone's arms trembled.

T'nuri's voice wavered as she spoke again. "I was still gonna do what Head Hector and Lead Esperanza needed of me. I just wanted to go home first, that's all."

"T'nuri." Emile held out her hand. "We're leaving.

"No!" The Cubone yelled and pounded her fists on the deck. "I can't! Not yet!"

"Come on." Luciano pulled the writhing Cubone all the way up the ramp.

"You can't understand!" T'nuri cried, her voice raw.

Yawen placed her down on the deck. "Remember T'nuri, you promised Bao."

The Cubone shivered as she sat down. "I promised them: I'd be home." T'nuri faced the railing and slammed her bone-club against the deck over and over again. No energy of any attack flew off the Cubone or her bone with each and every hit. T'nuri's skull-helmet stayed perfectly white as well. The Cubone wept as she faced the indestructible wall, her brown eyes filled with the map of its surface. Words failed T'nuri.

Alejandrien grit their teeth as they turned away. She needs ta be alone for a bit, I'll probably just get in the way. "T'nuri will control it," they pleaded in a whisper. "The influence of her fogcutting powers and her emotions."

"We're going to Kuanalio," Bao's voice echoed through the pounding rain. "I'm sorry T'nuri."

T'nuri wobbled to her feet and grabbed onto the railing to steady herself, tears still dripping down her maw. "No, it's okay. I will solve this Ruinous Fog. All of it. No matter what."

T'nuri. Alejandrien offered her their shoulder. "But don't you want to go home, more than anything else?"

"I sparking do. I never said I didn't. But that damn Ruinous Fog. It's taunting me. That wall of Ruinous Fog thinks it'll stop me. Well it won't." T'nuri paused her ramble to point at her scarf, eyes narrowed. "We're going to Kuanalio. And I'm going anywhere it thinks it can just pop up. I hate that Head Hector, Lead Esperanza, and Detective Ichigo were right." The Cubone held out the sharp end of her bone-club toward the wall. "The only way I'll ever get home is if I clear this Ruinous Fog. I'll learn about my fogcutting powers and any other mystery. I'll go through the voidlands and back. I'll die, if it means Pa'a Lepo will be free."

"Woah laddie," Kaliente wheezed out a puff of steam. "Determined to tread this path for real eh? Challenge number two done so quickly mate."

Emile tapped him on the head. "Don't tease T'nuri, this is serious."

"I know that," the Fuecoco pushed the Grookey back. "I'm not taking the mick here. I'm just getting all my energy out, because Kuanalio is gonna be no joke."

Incredible. "T'nuri?" Alejandrien whispered, her tail low.

"Yes?" the Cubone replied, wiping her eyes.

"Thank you," the Jangmo-o embraced her. "You're doing such a good job with all this, and I want to show you that I care."

T'nuri blushed as Alejandrien leaned their head on her chest, claws wrapped around her tight. "Ah well, I'm just trying to control my emotions better."

Kaliente's emerald green eyes sparkled. "You said something happened to you, enough to have ya pointing that bone at me, and I ain't talking about a nice one."

"Silencio Silence." Emile raised a hand to her reddened muzzle.

The Fuecoco tapped her with a grin. "Oh don't think about it too hard Emile."

With a gasp the Grookey sat still as she blushed. "You- can't, no, no come on. I- just because she's-" Emile stammered with a groan.

Kaliente smirked. "In my opinion, you and T'nuri deserve a bit of teasing."

"What?" The Cubone, with Alejandrien still on her chest, looked down to her bone-club. "Again I'm sorry, not using it as an excuse, but the rain on Kuanalio 'poisoned' me."

The Fuecoco rolled his eyes. "It must have."

"I don't want to lash out at you guys anymore, but I haven't figured out everything yet. Thanks for still putting up with me."

"Sure thing laddie," Kaliente replied, and reclined across the deck.

The Grookey took a step back and nodded. "Of course."

The Jangmo-o got up with a shake of her scales. "I've got your back, partner."

The voyage to Kuanalio from near Pa'a Lepo took four hours, even with the fair weather and calm, eastward winds. No fog plagued the waters edge, but there was a mist at a single perimeter line around the island's shore. As the Zháo Launcher neared the southern sands of Kuanalio, everyone on board saw what had transpired in their wake.

Fire danced across the beach. Plumes of black Ruinous Fog rolled heavy over the ruined land, ash and soot covering all. It spread throughout the entire edge of the tide, blurred the line between bubbly seafoam and searing blaze. The majority of plant life was miraculously spared, the sparse trees that grew and grew into the sprawling forest beyond the beach broiled, but didn't burn. This wall of flame was now a punishment. One for Pokémon only.
Chapter 2: Beginning: of a Mystery (Part 2)

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Split April 16th, 2024

Chapter Summary

T'nuri and Alejandrien can rest a bit easier, now that some of their obstacles have been removed. However they aren't off the hook just yet, they still have to get off Kuanalio Island.

But what's waiting for them around the corner, and off the island?

Alejandrien, and T’nuri scanned the beach, one now free from the terror of Ruinous Fog after their successful combined efforts. One of true fogcutters, even unbeknownst to their power.

Tall compared to the small dunes of the sandbar, an Arboliva searched. He held a relatively small wooden chest in his leaves as he dusted across the area.

There he is! "Frederico!" Alejandrien bellowed in a shout and tried to hurry toward him.

"Alejandrien!?" Frederico gasped and dropped the crate. The Arboliva flew over to the Jangmo-o and hugged them tight. "I was so scared when I woke up without any of the crew around!"

“Same here, partner.” She tapped Frederico's shoulder and he let go. Squeezed me half ta death!

He gasped as he grabbed his scarf from Alejandrien's torso. "I thought you guys had died in the sea or something after that crazy rain!"

The Jangmo-o gazed at the ground, their golden eyes widened. “I can only say I'm safe, not sure about the others.”

“Ádi and Marisa, I pray to the future sands of time they're okay.” The Arboliva held his leafy arms. “Speaking of others, who's this Cubone?”

T'nuri made her way down to them and sighed. "Hello, I'm T'nuri."

"Ah hello." Frederico fixed his scarf across his shoulders. "I take it you were the one Alejandrien was looking for?"

The Jangmo-o laughed a little. "Let's worry about that later, Frederico. We need to find Marisa and Àdi."

With a nod, the Arboliva hoisted the chest off the ground. He pointed a leafy tendril to the west. "If anything, I came from that way and didn't see them so they must be further along the beach to the east or up in the land itself."

"Thanks, are we ready?" The Cubone rolled her shoulders.

"Yeah, T'nuri!" Alejandrien grinned.

"Let's move!" Frederico pointed at the stretch of sand and plants before them.

The three padded through the beachfront for quite a few minutes, all the while the Ruinous Fog slowly spread closer from another side of Kuanalio Island and it spread fast.

After they traversed along the dips and rises of the beach a bit longer, Alejandrien pointed toward the brush of the land to the side. "Maybe we should check over there?" they asked.

T'nuri and Frederico rubbed their chins at the thought. "Sure."

Just as the three Pokémon got into the thin grass of the Island they spotted a red, pink, and white figure amidst the sand.

"Àdi!?" the Arboliva shouted, his voice a raspy against the waves.

The Stufful, wrapped in a small green, striped neckerchief bolted toward them, a torrent of sand flying in the air as their massive paws crashed onto the ground. "You guys!" they cried.

"Hey Àdi." The Jangmo-o smiled. "You okay?"

Àdi sighed and caught their breath. "I guess."

"Great, I missed you too!" Frederico hugged them.

"Oh." They returned the embrace and broke away. "Alejandrien found the relic we were looking for!" the Stufful pointed at the cylinder.

Alejandrien puffed up. "Hehe, I'll tell you about that on the voyage back!"

T'nuri rolled her eyes yet again.

The four went further along the beach, closer and closer toward their destination and final companion. A squall slowly filled the air as the Ruinous Fog continued its path of destruction, and engulfed more of the island under a black cloud of toxic tyranny. Mist still surrounded the edge of the water, blanketed in thin grey soft sheets for kilometers.

The waves of the sea ebbed and flowed with a renewed vigor, the brine splashed higher and further as the Pokémon hurried along.

Out of cover of bushes and rocks on the hill, a Floatzel climbed out. "Hey!" her shout echoed through the area as she adjusted her purple-striped bandana. "I've gathered some supplies."

The Floatzel was still a bit away from the group as the view beach was blocked by more mangroves and towering flora. They rounded the corner to a clearing as she caught up.

"Marisa!" Àdi cheered.

The Floatzel caught her breath for a moment, her tails spinning. "I'm glad to see you all safe."

"Likewise." Frederico grabbed her shoulder.

"Now where is the ship?" Marisa hefted up some rough pieces of palm tree wood.


On the shore sat the ship that carried Alejandrien and the crew to Kuanalio, a brown-orange brigantine, with purple sails, some finishing, green trim, a black hull, an orange rudder, lookout nest and harpoon. Battered and bruised. Pieces of wood from the hull drifted in the ocean. And one of the masts had collapsed from the rough mooring.

"Shit!" the Jangmo-o's tail dropped. " El Nadar Rapido. The Swift Swim!"

" Mierda. Shit indeed." The Floatzel clutched her purple scarf. "Those damn snuffing pirates did quite the number on him."

"What are we gonna do now?" T’nuri held her bone-club to her chest.

"Well here's the good news." Marisa climbed up the ladder on the port side. "We can fix it!"

"And the bad news?" Àdi called.

"We've gotta fix it."

The five of them spread out toward the palm trees and large deposits of stone.

T’nuri spoke up before everyone split up. “Good news folks, I’ve read about this.”

The Floatzel ahead sighed. “Another nerd?”

“I’m not a nerd just because I like books.”

“Ah, much better than Alejandrien over here, yapping to all spark about chemicals!”

“Hey!” the Jangmo-o pushed her. “I prefer doing experiments ta readin’ stuffy old textbooks all day!”

“Anyway, I read books on wood repair so it’s a good thing I’m used to working with lumber!” the Cubone patted her side.

Marisa clapped her paws. “Glad you’re not just a nerdy book-Orthworm eh?”

“Hey!” Alejandrien yelped. “I’m not just a nerd.”

“Never said you were only that,” the Floatzel laughed. “You’re still a nerd though.”

The Jangmo-o grumbled. “Why don’t you bother T’nuri?”

“Me?” the Cubone took a step back.

Adi ran up beside them. “What did you do?”

“Eh I just made little chairs and small stuff.” T’nuri rubbed her head. “Nothing like working on a ship.”

“Hey, chairs are pretty important!” Frederico patted her back. “Let's see what we can do everyone!”

The Cubone and the Stufful sized up one of the larger selections of trees with the thickest wood and cut them down from bottom to top while the Jangmo-o and Arboliva dug through the soil and found tough collections of stone and ore. The Floatzel sorted through them and made repairs and fixes to the vital parts of El Nadar Rapido . Once they gathered enough materials everyone went aboard and started the particular reinforcements and building.

"Alrighty," the Floatzel called. "Let's hurry before that fog catches us."

"Now Alejandrien, tell us what you've seen." Frederico tightened his scarf.

"On the southwestern, and northwestern side of Kuanalio Island, there are Category 5 conditions, and it will reach Category 6," the Jangmo-o explained. "Extremely dangerous amounts of Ruinous Fog along with a small amount of pirate activity. I need a full Team for further investigation."

"I see." Adi's ears lowered. "Do what you need to."

Marisa waved a paw at them from the rudder. "I'll be waiting."

Alejandrien took out a small assortment of glass jars from their black saddlebag."I'll go collect some more proper evidence!"

T'nuri grabbed a few and pried off the lids. "I'll help too."

The Jangmo-o dashed toward the plume of black, fire, and orange "Let's get a bit of Ruinous Fog, and part of the island that has been affected by it!" they listed.

"Got it!"

With a careful bob and weave the Jangmo-o snagged a jar full of the toxic gas and then snipped a blade of seagrass as it was set alight. Alejandrien grabbed a portion only covered in the Ruinous Fog and shoveled that into another jar.

"I think I have enough sand and rocks!" T'nuri called and held up the filled glass jars.

The Jangmo-o sniffed each of them and nodded. Such interestin’ compositions, nothing like regular. "Alrighty, let's go!" She ran to the ocean and scooped up the brine into one last container before she sealed all of the glass and placed them back in the compartment of her saddlebag.

The Jangmo-o and the Cubone made their way on board El Nadar Rapido via the large metal ramp on the port side. It rose back up into the ship once they stepped on the deck.

"The Ruinous Fog isn't going along the water!" the Arboliva gasped as he lifted the anchor. "We're safe!" Frederico ran to the front sails and loosened the ropes on the port and starboard. With one push the sails unfurled and caught the first bit of wind, massive fabric blowing every which way before the Arboliva angled them straight ahead.

The Stufful adjusted the starboard side rear sails."Now we can take a breather and plan for our next trip." Adi grabbed a telescope and tucked it in between their scarf. Then they began the lengthy climb up to the lookout nest, and gazed at the ebb and flow of the tide from the point for a bit.

"Alrighty we're setting sail." Marisa held out her compass before she pulled out her Wonder Map, an orange triangle on the top right of it. This ship and all others of the Fogcutters Detective Agency had a few other colored shapes on the map: beacons inside them that shared their location.

And thus El Nadar Rapido set off onto the ocean, headed southwest. It was off the northern shore of Kuanalio Island, one of the furthest points in the Archipelago Continent's waters. A brisk wind rolled across the ship and its passengers as they locked in their course.

T'nuri plopped down against one of the masts as the ship lurched. "So where are we sailing to?"

"Iaijutsukage Island." Alejandrien sprawled down beside her.

"In the heartwaters? Why?"

"It houses tha Fogcutters Detective Agency."

“And that's what your job is with huh, gonna explain that?”

“Well we investigate various mysteries. Pokémon either bring them to us as jobs or ones we find that are a threat to the Pokémon of the land. What detectives generally do.”

“I see,” T'nuri stretched out against the railing, and leaned forward. “I guess it's in the name, detectives detect stuff, kinda like my job.”

“So what did ya used to do back home?” The Jangmo-o asked.

“I just started working at a small workshop,” the Cubone explained. “I made tools and furnishings for adventurers and other Pokémon who needed them.”

Alejandrien sat upright. “Your workload is in the name too I suppose, but of course it's not that simple right?”

“Yeah, my coworkers and I each specialize in different areas, but all of us make stuff that's relatively small and boring. Nothing like a giant wood carving, an entire building, or ship.”

"Don't worry too much about what you can't do, try and focus on what you can do.”

“I’ll try,” T’nuri said as she looked away.

The Jangmo-o nodded, “That’s the spirit.”

The voyage was simple, fair winds, easy currents, and no pirates to be seen. Waves crashed upon the deck of the ship as it navigated through the gales used to continue onward. Some bursts of wind had to be countered with an adjustment of front and rear sails, and other times with the steady guidance of the rudder, to slightly alter the path of El Nadar Rapido.

From far off the coast the Ruinous Fog truly did swarm across Kuanalio, but some of the southern point, a heavily forested area was fine. For the moment. On the slim glance of islands to the south, there was a small shimmer of a sparkling fog on one and a very faint shine of a faded dark green fog. Both weren't as intense as the black fog but could brew into something deadly given time. El Nadar Rapido passed one last island, one small and free of Ruinous Fog before it approached the eastern side of Iaijutsukage Island.

An enormous island filled to the brim with white buildings as far as the eye could see. Tall hourglass statues and various monuments stood tall, like the few mountains that graced the island. There were different types of buildings spread throughout the island, with pagodas and shrines that were located toward the center and northern portion of the land.The ship made it to a harbor and the crew anchored it down before they lowered the ramp.

"Alrighty you two, we're going to go work for a bit!" Marisa ushered Alejandrien and T’nuri down.

Down on the boardwalk, there were numerous other ships and boats, some were very small while others were much bigger than El Nadar Rapido. Pokémon of all types walked to and fro, some carrying supplies, or equipment.

Frederico wrapped his arms around them both with a fragrant floral aroma. "Now you can go relax before you give your report."

“You grass-types sure are welcoming,” T'nuri said with a cough.

Alejandrien wheezed in a ragged breath. “Not all of ‘em can make all these scents and hug so tight.”

The two separated from the Arboliva for a moment and walked further inland, with Àdi right behind them, a purple saddlebag fastened to their hip.

“Relax around town you two!” the Stufful said as they nuzzled T’nuri’s side.

"I'd rather relax in Pa'a Lepo, reading at home with my folks. Or even just at my shop working on a new door or chair, but fair enough," the Cubone sighed.

The Jangmo-o gestured at a large collection of buildings above the beach of Iaijutsukage. "We have ta go to the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency first, partner."

“Always talking about what ‘we’ need to do,” T'nuri grumbled. “I have needs too.”

“Please just hold on a little longer.”

“Fine, you better promise me.”

“I promise.”

"It shouldn't take long," the Arboliva added. "But we need to look for someone."


“Someone from the agency.”

They soon exited the boardwalk and made their way onto a grassy and dirt-filled path, slightly above the beach, still in view of the sea. "Where’s the agency?" T’nuri asked.

"It is on the outskirts of Phantismo Vista, a city," Marisa replied.

"Ah, I've never been there. I've mainly hung around the south and then the capital, far in the north."

The group of Pokémon walked along the harbor and eventually made it to a residential area of Phantismo Vista.

"It's just down the bridge that way." Àdi pointed forward toward a white marble bridge.

The Arboliva behind them adjusted his purple satchel. "Bao, one of the Head Navigators, a Clawitzer, said she and her crew would be nearby once we landed."

"I see," Alejandrien replied with a flick of their tail.

T'nuri rubbed her chin. “So that's who we're looking for. Good to know.”

Small brown, gray, and white apartments with bright colorful trim sat in stacks, with palm trees and other tall plants surrounding them to the bridge and beyond, deeper into Iaijutsukage.

The Jangmo-o hummed in thought and stepped away from the crew.

In the distance far beyond the bridge a large blue, and black Pokémon, a Clawitzer, jetted through the air. The structure behind her blocked the view of the Pokémon behind her.

The Floatzel in front of everyone stopped in her tracks. "Oh, there's Bao!”

“Huh?” T'nuri asked

“See ya~" Marisa's ears perked up. She adjusted her scarf before she raced down the bridgeway.


Frederico and Adí gathered up all their belongings and hurried after the Floatzel without a word.

The Jangmo-o and Cubone pair were left by the three as they stared at their surroundings.

“Where'd Marisa, Frederico, and Ádi go?” the Cubone whispered and looked side to side.

The Jangmo-o beside her hadn't heard the question. “Huh?”


T'nuri once again stood still. The lingering ocean's scent and salt brushed over her as a tranquil breeze passed by.

The same wind that rolled through the entire land.

"Isn't this area mighty swell?" Alejandrien asked.

"Yeah." T'nuri walked away from the dirt road to an open hill, providing a view of the town below. Phantismo Vista was breathtaking. Full of all sorts of architecture, framed on seashell-lined and cobblestone-lined streets.

Ancient white buildings were tightly packed, their sides painted a myriad of warm and bright colors, despite the narrow streets. Newer yet similarly light buildings appeared in developments and various sections throughout the city, more and more toward the center.

The light brown boardwalks between each land mass were sparsely decorated with lanterns and electric lamps. Atop them, quartz and marble hourglass statuettes sat ominously, juxtaposed by bright scarlet and violet ribbons that linked each light source to the other.

Closer to the hillside, a Grookey and a Fuecoco walked on a stony path, both carrying a backpack.

Another pull, this time different.

T'nuri glanced back at Alejandrien and stamped her foot into the earth. It rumbled back her frustration, and a pile of sand started to dislodge.

The pair of Pokémon's saddlebags were black too.

One weaker than the other.

But they also had the purple and green colored magnifying glass. The symbol of the Fogcutters Detective Agency.

“Can’t tell from here.”

Still a pull.

A warning pitter-patter from the steadily increasing sand fall was too quiet to be heard over the daily life of Pokémon in Phantismo Vista, and the thoughts in the Cubone’s and Jangmo-o's heads.

The very hillside they stood on had something inside it. Inside Iaijutsukage. Something that resonated within, and it was weaker than they ever were.

Another rumble shook through the hillside, not from the Cubone’s efforts.

Then it collapsed.

The loosened sand fell in chunks, and the weakened foundation of land destabilized once again in the presence of a ground-type and their unstable will.

In a crashing heap, the dirt, rocks, and chunks of soil cascaded down to the slate of the earth.

"L-look out!" the Jangmo-o yelled as she and T'nuri plummeted downhill.

The two held onto each other as they careened toward the ground and the other Pokémon below. A plume of sand and dirt shot into the air as the earth collided with a deafening roar.

Alejandrien fell into the Grookey and was shoved back onto the ground. The Grookey fell backward just as their companions crashed.

T'nuri couldn't catch herself and collided against the Fuecoco as they tumbled over. Her bone-club accidentally jutted out of her clutches and hit him.

"Ya've gotta be bloody kiddin' me!" he screamed.

As the Fuecoco fell T'nuri pulled away. She widened her stance to ground herself. "Spark! My bad-"

"You!" At the speed of light, the Grookey beside the Fuecoco swung her wooden stick at T'nuri.

"F-fuck," the Cubone gasped and twitched for a moment. She dropped her bone-club and sank to the floor wordlessly. With a croak, she doubled over.

Shit! "By 'Quaza! 'Am sorry plenty Emile!" The Jangmo-o got off the ground and ran up to T'nuri, the Fuecoco, and the Grookey.

The Grookey crossed her arms as Alejandrien nearly doubled over, her forelegs wobbly.

She pried herself upright and faced the Fuecoco. "And Kaliente! T'nuri didn't mean to do that on purpose!”

“Ya sure mate?” he croaked.

“She and I lost our footing and tumbled downhill."

“Un momento One moment..." Emile, the Grookey narrowed her eyes. "My calculations were off."

The Cubone clamped her eyes shut. "It's ... it's fine."

"Ya ain't doing a good job convincin' me I'll tell ya," Alejandrien stood in between her and the others.

"I'm... down here," Kaliente, the Fuecoco mumbled. "I'm down here too, yew know,"

The Jangmo-o's tail lowered. "Sorry 'bout that! I'm the one who made us fall. It was an accident Kaliente."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you like that." T'nuri sighed.

The Fuecoco thrashed his tail. "Accepted. Still bloody hurts."

Alejandrien blinked. "Emile?"

The Grookey glanced at the Jangmo-o, who gestured at their partner.

"Emile." They shook their head. "Ya didn't need to hit T'nuri so hard."

The Grookey looked at Alejandrien and her injury. She dropped her stick on the floor and knelt at the spot beside the Fuecoco and the Cubone. "Are you okay?"

"No," both replied in a groan.

"Sorry I did that," T'nuri apologized once more. She groaned and grasped at her burnt shoulder.

Eventually, the Fuecoco got up and nudged T'nuri. "Emile got you back so we're even lass~"

"Don't call me lass." the Cubone growled. "I don't even want to be here."

"Sorry then laddie."

"Only a bit better… I'm not entirely sure."

The mentioned Grookey's tail twitched. Her red eyes studied every centri of the three Pokémon around her. She exhaled as her ears folded. “ Vamos . Let’s go.” She turned away from the sandy hill Alejandrien and T’nuri collapsed and to the town outskirts behind them.

The town was filled with tons who roamed about. Peacefully unaware. The Ruinous Fog hadn't tainted Iaijutsukage's sand. Not one bit.

"Yeah," with a laugh T'nuri staggered off the sand and immediately shuddered in place.

Alejandrien sighed as she held herself. “I’m glad we don’t have any hard feelings.”

“Hard feelings?” the Cubone mumbled.

The Fuecoco smirked. “Why's that?”

“Because we’ll be working together soon.”

“Emile, are they talking ‘bout what I think they are?” the Fuecoco grinned, and a puff of smoke poured out his maw.


"Aw yeah!"

The Cubone sighed. "Are you two detectives?"

"Ah right, ya have Alejandrien here tagging along. Of course, I'm Kaliente." The Fuecoco squeezed T'nuri's arm.

The Cubone stepped away from Kaliente and put her bone-club in her left claw. "And this must be Emile."

The Grookey nodded.

A gentle breeze full of solemn salt parted through the air.

"Like me, these two work for ta Fogcutters Detective Agency," Alejandrien explained as they looked left and right. Wha? Where did-

"What's wrong, Alejandrien?" T’nuri followed their gaze.

The Jangmo-o swung her tail against the sandy soil. "Speakin' of work, where did Marisa and the others go?"

Kaliente’s emerald green eyes lit up. “You got to sail with those guys?!”

“It wasn’t exactly the best ride,” the Cubone rubbed the back of her head.

Alejandrien stamped their claws into the dirt. “That ain’t important! I can’t find them-”

Emile sighed. “Perhaps they went to look for Captain Bao?”

The Jangmo-o nodded. "Yeah, they needed to repair and upgrade El Nadar Rapido."

T'nuri groaned. "I think I'll have what Rapido's having."

"Okay," Alejandrien stepped forward. "Let's go get help from the Apothecary before we head on down to the agency."

"Apothecary?" the Grookey twindled her stick.

"Yeah, I'm sore all over from everything that happened on Kuanalio." T'nuri rubbed her side.

"Sounds good, we could stock up on some supplies." the Fuecoco adjusted his bag.


The four Pokémon dusted themselves off and headed into Phantismo Vista proper, as the breeze from earlier grew stronger. The salty spray spread far and wide off the ocean's waves all through the land.

Winds that traveled all across Iaijutsukage Island, and far beyond. Far throughout the Archipelago Continent’s reaches. Just as another plume of Ruinous Fog began to slowly brew, not far from the coast.

On the coast of Iaijutsukage Island and many other islands, deep into the depths of the sea an obsidian hourglass ticked away.

It counted away the sands of time.
Last edited:
Chapter 3: Fogcutter's: Detective Agency (Part 2)

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Split and Slightly Updated May 2nd, 2024

Chapter Summary

Now at a place seeming to be with all the answers, will T'nuri's burning questions be solved?

What truths will she uncover? What future awaits?​

In the Head and Lead's office of the Fogcutter's Detective, T'nuri, Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile sat before the Head and Lead Detectives.

Lead Esperanza sighed and her blades dimmed. "An Investigation Team always has to have at least three members who can block the fog. Or in this situation two that can cut through the fog and two that can block it. Of course, four or more is preferred."

T'nuri raised a claw with her question. "But wait a minute, who else can cut through?"

"The number of those who can is very small but we know that they exist so we set up the rule."

"Can you explain this?" The Cubone rubbed her chin.

Head Hector held his metallic palm to his chin. "Detectives need to work in suitable coordinated Investigation Teams. Especially when dealing with the Ruinous Fog. We don't know the tiniest tip of the iceberg here and we need you safe."

"I guess that checks out." T'nuri acquiesced, her arms crossed.

"All right, now that you know this, why don't you listen to a report from some slightly more seasoned detectives?"

"Those two?"

"They're not on an Investigation Team, but still detectives."

"Emile, Kaliente, begin when ready."

"There is a Category One Ruinous Fog situation on Greene's Island. Come a fortnight I deduce that Greene's shall be under a Category Four. However, if left unchecked there is a possibility of a crescendo into Category Five or even Category Six." The Fuecoco crossed his arms.

"Oh wow," Alejandrien said as they sat down and clapped. "Mighty swell job."

What does any of that mean? The Cubone rolled her eyes. "Showoff."

Kaliente smirked. "Just listen to Emile's record findings eh, you'll be blown away!"

"Calah Island is a Category Two and it is a six out of eight Vile Seeds to a Perfect Apple." The Grookey folded her arms behind her back.

"Huh?" T'nuri's jaw dropped.

The Jangmo-o beside her laughed. "That's certainly something!"

Lead Esperanza gritted her teeth. "What do you mean, there's a Category Two on Calah and it's six out of eight Perfect Apples a Vile Seed!?"

"In plain terms, I mean they're screwed." Emile twindled with her stick.

The Ceruledge's sword flashed as her crest erupted in a sea of violet, purple, and lavender. "That's not good for spark's sake you pendeja idiot!"

"I believe my calculations were correct." The Grookey lowered her tail. "How am I an idiot?"

Head Hector slammed his fist on the floor. "You've all brought back terrible news and that's how you want to report it!?"

"Now now, everyone, please settle down," a peppy metallic voice called out from the door. "Don't startle our new Fogcutters."

"What?" T'nuri turned her head toward the sound.

The door slid open and in walked a tall and stocky green, white, and pink-red Pokémon. A mixture of a Gallade and Gardevior.

An Iron Valiant.

"Don't stare too hard," they trilled as T'nuri met their gaze.

With a gasp, the Cubone took a step away. "Oh wow, I heard an Iron Valiant was first here fifteen years ago, but have never actually seen you, uh-"

"Ichigo! Buenas tardes, good day!" Lead Esperanza brightened.

Head Hector uncrossed his arms. "Hey there Ichigo, what do you have?"

"Aloha Hello to you and these young future detectives." The Iron Valiant held open the folders in their hands. "I'm the one who coordinates all the other detectives. The Ferrum Element, F.E or rather Coordinating Detective Ichigo. But you can just call me Detective Ichigo."

"Hola Hello Detective Ichigo." Emile waved.

Kaliente puffed out a tiny ball of fire. "Long time no see Detective Ichigo!"

"Hello everyone." Detective Ichigo settled into the room, right in the large chair next to T'nuri. "I have some troubling findings."

"What is it?" The Ceruledge narrowed her eyes.

The Iron Valiant fidgeted with their hands. "Something is going on with Pa'a Lepo Island."

What!? T'nuri growled as light brown energy swirled off her bone-club. "You gotta be sparking-"

Emile blocked and shoved her to the ground. "Silencio silence!"

The Cubone's skull-helmet flashed black on the left side as she flew toward the Grookey. "You shut up! None of you get it!"

"Don't get hasty now.'' The Iron Valiant placed a hand on T'nuri's shoulder. "Pa'a Lepo is still able to send by wire, and we're asking everything we can. Be patient."

Emile sighed as she stepped away, her ears low.

Head Hector blinked before he whispered something to Lead Esperanza. He crossed his arms and stared down T'nuri again. "So you truly can't control it."

Control what? T'nuri sucked air through her fangs.

Detective Ichigo slackened their grip for a moment. "I don't even know the details myself. There is something I do know: the Ruinous Fog is a bigger threat to Kuanalio than you realize.

"How?!" the Cubone snarled.

"You explained that there was smoke and fire, correct?" the Iron Valiant questioned, gaze unwavering.

"Yes, it burned us up plenty of times, Detective Ichigo." Alejandrien flinched as she sat down.

"More importantly there is a village on the south side of Kuanalio Island," Detective Ichigo explained. "It's called a village but there's hundreds of Pokémon living there, in danger. And we are the only ones who can stop the Ruinous Fog. This Ruinous Fog is spreading to other islands, which means Iaijutsukage and Pa'a Lepo aren't safe either."


"This is why we need you." Head Hector and Lead Esperanza said in unison.

T'nuri glanced over at everyone in the room. Her brown eyes then locked onto the floor before she spoke, her voice quiet. "I am grateful for you all, Captain Marisa didn't have to take me aboard El Nadar Rapido, and Alejandrien didn't have to give me a tour with everyone else."

The Iron Valiant blinked. "And?"

"I don't think I'm a good fit for the Fogcutters Detective Agency."

"Well, ya saved my life and the Scarviolet Map from pirates and flames!" Alejandrien gestured at their bag.

"I don't wish to be a Fogcutting Detective. Not a fogcutter, not a detective."

"Whether you use your powers again or not, you are still a Fogcutter," Detective Ichigo said, eyes low.

"You're clearly talented, and can adapt quickly, T'nuri." Lead Esperanza retracted her swords. "I believe you'd make a great detective."

T'nuri blushed under her skull-helmet. "While I admit learning about all this was interesting. The Ruinous Fog, the DA, and your Fogcutters-"

"Don't act like you aren't one too." Head Hector pointed at her.

"These others who were given fogcutting powers." The Cubone stifled a scoff as she snarled. "I'm not like you. I need to go back home. Right now."

Detective Ichigo hummed as they tapped their arms. "What did you enjoy seeing in this area?"

T'nuri sighed. "Of course, the most valuable part for me was seeing all the wooden structures, and furniture here and around the city. I'd love to talk with the master and the architects who designed this. But I'm stuck here."

"You don't have to be stuck on this island ya know," Kaliente said. "There's more of the Archipelago Continent."

"That more isn't where I started my life and my career… I don't even know what other island truly appreciates woodworking."

The Fuecoco patted her back. "Have you looked? Done any researchin', there's tons of stuff in the Mahao'o library here, up north."

T'nuri stared at him through the holes in her skull-helmet and exhaled a long and deep breath.

Emile shook her head. "Unnecessary."

"Oh." The Fuecoco grimaced. "I'm sorry laddie."

The Cubone sighed once again. "Lunala's pale wings, I wasn't looking to move just yet! I've already explained this."

"Please T'nuri, Alejandrien.'' The Kingambit bowed his head to the floor. "I need you to find out what is causing the fire, please. I- no not just me, we all will research every sample of Ruinous Fog and affected material you get."

"I'll do my best, Head Detective Hector," The Jangmo-o said and gave a salute.

T'nuri gripped her bone-club tight before she grumbled. "I never asked for any of this."

"None of what?" Detective Ichigo narrowed their pixelated eyes.

"This fog, this power, to end up on Kuanalio, all of this. My shop needs me."

"Your shop?" the Fuecoco asked, his tail perked.

"Lady Sir'fetched, Mister Tinkatuff, Honorable Doublade, and Master Conkeldurr. We worked together at the Hau Beach woodwork, woodcraft shop together, even if it was for an Adventuring Company. It was our work."

"I see there was a large number of Pokémon that ya cared for, in regards to not just yur family but also yur job. But ya have to take up a new one ta save them." Kaliente held a claw on his chest as he spoke.

T'nuri grumbled to herself before she replied. "But I'm a regular Pokémon, I don't want all this responsibility."

"None of us did," Emile added, her ears low. "But we answered the call, to cut through the mysteries."

Alejandrien paced in a tight circle. "Come on now T'nuri, I need your help to solve it."

"But do you care about what I need, huh?" The Cubone yelled. "Huh? Do you?"

Kaliente rubbed the back of his head. "Well, ya've never exactly told any of us."

"Shut up!" T'nuri roared, and her bone-club rattled with stored power, a flash of light brown light.

The Fuecoco recoiled away from the Cubone, his maw clamped shut. His eyes trembled as a small plume of mist came from his nostrils.

Emile pointed a branch at her. "Watch your tone!"


"Why can't you understand that helping us will help you?!" Lead Esperanza begged.

"Just tell me why I can't go home!" the Cubone stamped her foot onto the ground.

The Kingambit looked away from her prying eyes. "It's better you see it for yourself."

"What?" T'nuri walked towards the door. "I'm not helping you until you tell me why!"

"T'nuri." The Jangmo-o placed a claw on her shoulder. "The first thing ya ever showed me was kindness. Ya didn't have to help me out, but ya did."

The Cubone softened as a heavy blush crawled through her scales. "Well, I was drawn to you by our power and I didn't want to see you get hurt by those pirates…"

Alejandrien leaned away, her claw still firm on T'nuri. "See, I don't know ya very well, but ya don't have to act so tough. Like ya don't care about anyone."


"You care a whole lot about your parents, and your coworkers at the workshop. And you have Pa'a Lepo pride coursing through your veins. You're the most patriotic Cubone I've ever seen."

"See," T'nuri sighed. "You do realize I have things to go back home to after all."

"Please. Please come with us to solve tha Mystery."

"Will you give me what I want?"

"One of our Head Navigators, Bao Clawitzer, and her crew, will take you to see Pa'a Lepo before you go back to Kuanalio." Detective Ichigo bowed.

The Ceruledge retracted her blades. "I will pay you whatever you need to replace all your equipment and whatever else you need to get the job done."

"My job and yours?" T'nuri asked, her eyes sharpened.


Head Hector kotowed as his graveling voice shook. His head blade firmly lodged into the floor. "Please look as hard as it takes to figure out what is going on. I just need you to solve this for us out on the field."

The Cubone scoffed. "Are you implying I can do both?"

"Yes." Lead Esperanza nodded.

"How can you say that?"

"Consider it a compromise…" the Kingambit held out a hand. "You lost all your belongings, correct? This means all your poké and all the woodworking equipment that you carried with you."

"You could not afford a trip back home could you?" the Ceruledge asked, her tone softer than ever before.

No. What's wrong with me? T'nuri's eyes widened as she stared at everyone. "I… I can't. Shit. I'm sorry detectives. I'm sorry Kaliente. I'm sorry Emile."

She stared at the Jangmo-o, the one who's always been beside her, from the moment they met. "Alejandrien."

"Yes, partner?"

"I'm so sorry."

Alejandrien smiled. "Thank you. I understand that yer dealin' with quite a bit."

"I believe that there is something that you know that we don't Alejandrien?" Lead Esperanza asked, her eyes widened.

The Jangmo-o nodded. "You see detectives, T'nuri had sailed from Pa'a Lepo Island on a ship called La Llovinzna The Drizzle. And well she doesn't remember what happened on her voyage before she woke on Kuanalio Island."

"Oh?" Head Hector gasped, his gaze soft. "Is this true?"

"Yes, detective."

"T'nuri, I apologize for my accusatory tone." The Kingambit bowed onto the floor, this time his head blade completely parallel with the floorboards.

"My sincerest apologies T'nuri." The Ceruledge adjacent to him also bowed.

Detective Ichigo ran a hand across their hip and widened their pixelated eyes. "I'm also sorry T'nuri. You were, er rather, are in quite the compromising situation."

Giratina curse it all. The Cubone dropped to the floor, her tail low between her legs. "I can't."

"You can't what?" Alejandrien lowered to her side.

"I said all these things… But I can't even do anything."

"That's not true, you can cut through that terrible Ruinous Fog, and continue to hone and grow in your woodworking craft." Head Hector stood up slowly and placed his arms behind his back. "I know it won't necessarily be on your terms and I don't know you very well, but your work with Alejandrien was commendable."

Lead Esperanza took in a breath. "We're offering you an opportunity, to work with us, to save the Archipelago, to save Pa'a Lepo."

"Fine," T'nuri said as she got up. She dusted off her legs and stood firm, her bone-club down by her side. "I'll join your cause."

"That's great!" Alejandrien cheered.

"Finally!" Kaliente jumped with a burst of flame. "We finally got our final team member Emile! This is so bloody amazing!"

Emile grinned a full teeth grin before she laughed. "We've been waiting for this moment for a while!"

"You guys were banking on me?!" T'nuri dropped onto the floor with a thud.

The Grookey sighed. "Yes."

"We were told that we could possibly find a Pokémon that has a pull force like ours, on our initial investigation of the strange weather and conditions of Calah, and Greene's Island," Kaliente explained.

The Iron Valiant rubbed the back of their head with a soft metallic rumble. "That's on me. I had no idea it was related to the Ruinous Fog, it was merely a hypothesis based on our teachers' notes and-"

"It's not certain Ichigo," Lead Esperanza cut them off. "We're still waiting on that report."

"Ah yes, from the meteorologists."

T'nuri cleared her throat. These detectives sure can go on and on whenever they get going.

Head Hector and Lead Esperanza coughed. "We told them not to mention your pull, if and when they found you. And told them not to mention that they needed you to join them so they could have a team."

"Are you kidding me!? I was on the brink of leaving and you took that chance?" The Cubone laughed.

"Well, that's how we filter out our potential candidates, however, we weren't expecting a case like yours."

"You detectives sure are sparking crazy!"

The Grookey and Fuecoco stifled their laughter and nodded. "With you, our fourth Fogcutter, one with not the power to block, but to cut through the fog we can finally have our Investigation Team."

"Please explain all that stuff." T'nuri grabbed their shoulders. "What does block off mean? You guys can't do what we did?"

"I'll explain everything," Emile leaned away. "Just tomorrow."


"And after yew agree." Kaliente pried T'nuri's claw off him.

The Cubone smirked and narrowed her eyes with a wave of her bone-club. "Really twisting my arm here, detectives."

"Sorry laddie."

Tnuri grabbed the Fuecoco's and Grookey's shoulders again. "You better answer everything you can. Before I join you guys I just have one request."

"Yes?" Kaliente asked.

"Can I choose the Investigation Team name?"

Emile twindled her stick. "Within reason."

Alejandrien gave a thumbs-up as they smiled. "Ooh, T'nuri's gonna pick us an Investigation Team name!"

"Lay it on us!" the Fuecoco cheered.

The Cubone smirked. "Okay, how about Team-"

"Now now, that'll have to wait for tomorrow." Detective Ichigo clapped their hands.

The four younger Pokémon broke away from each other and stared up at the Iron Valiant.

"Aw, come on," Kaliente and T'nuri groaned.

"It's getting late and we need to finalize all our pressing findings."

"And don't get ahead of yourselves." Lead Esperanza narrowed her eyes. "Your first and most important job as an Investigation Team is to work together to protect the villagers on Kuanalio."

Head Hector scowled at the four as he crossed his arms. "To do that, you'll have to find the source of the Black Fog and destroy it. All traces of Ruinous Fog better be gone or you get no bonus! You have access to Clearance Four now, so you better act like it!"

"Hector," the Iron Valiant said in a low tone, and a pink sparkle of energy flared off their metallic body.

"I'm joking, I'm joking!" the Kingambit backed away.

"Yeah, that's right." Detective Ichigo nodded before they turned around. "As for you four, you are dismissed for the night, and be back in the barracks by 22:00. Aloha a me Mahalo'oukou, Goodnight, and thank you."

"Aloha Goodnight."

"Buenas Noches Goodnight."

"See y'all later!"


Emile opened the wooden sliding door and T'nuri, Alejandrien, and Kaliente went through it. With a curt nod, she slid it closed.

The Cubone sighed as she followed the others back toward the Fogcutter's Detective Agency front gate. "I'm so beat," she groaned.

"I could go for some Pinap and Oran shish right now," Kaliente groaned, as his crest drooped down to the side. "So snuffing hungry!"

"Where are we grubbin'?" the Jangmo-o lit up.

"Downtown Phantismo," Emile ran a hand across her stomach, and a light pink blush crept across the yellow mask on her face.

The Fuecoco beside her pumped his fist."There's a little stand that sells them and other things to eat, it's usually not crowded so let's hurry!" He took off in a shockingly fast gait, his heavy clawsteps creaked through the halls of the agency with every step.

Alejandrien and Emile followed and left the Cubone behind them in the dust.

"Slow down!" T'nuri stumbled as the Fuecoco and Grookey rushed through the building. "What have I gotten myself into? You're all crazy ass detectives, for spark's sake!"
Chapter 6- Investigation (I): Flickering

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted July 26th, 2024

Chapter Summary

Team Kirigiri has made it to Kuanalio Island to rescue the villagers, where ever they may be from the Ruinous Fog fire. But they need to understand what has transpired along the island in their absence and locate the village, all while avoiding the black fog. Will they figure out the growing mysteries or be lost amongst the smoke?

Along the frothy waves of Kuanalio Island, T'nuri took in a deep breath. Alejandrien was right by her side. We're back here once again, The Cubone thought. To finish what we started. Her breath filled with dread and worry.

“To free Pa'a Lepo from that wall I have to figure this out,” T'nuri told herself in a whisper. Her gaze traced the flames and she clenched her slightly faded burn wounds. Thank Lunala and the sands of time for those Simisear and Seismitoad Apothecaries . But now that we're here, can I even save Kuanalio?

T'nuri, Alejandrien and their allies held firm onto the Zháo Mega Launcher as the winds jostled through the land. Flames rippled on the sand and shore alike across from the mighty galleon.Above the sand, and trees a black plume of Ruinous Fog churned. Inside the black fog, a burst of flaming orange energy brimmed, overflowing.Neary a flicker of heat on the teal waters below. A layer of almost crisp black, dark grey mist floated just above the perimeter of Kuanalio Island’s waters.

The Clawitzer at the helm, Bao, eased the rudder to the side. “It’s on you now, Team Kirigiri!” Her command echoed out through her loudspeaker. “We’re just the Navigators, say the word when ready!”

“Say when!” A chorus of voices echoed out from the depths of the Zháo Launcher.

The Cubone jumped in her scales out of surprise. “We saw them earlier, but who are those guys again?”

“Our Fledgling Navigators!” Bao yelled. “Our Clearance Zero amigos friends.”

“Ah, they're lower than me?”

“Clearance Zero,” Alejandrien replied. “I see. Well we've got friends here too partner.”

“Friends?” I don't know yet ‘Adrian.

T'nuri and Alejandrien glanced behind them and found a Grookey and a Fuecoco. Emile and Kaliente, despite everything that had happened earlier, were right at their sides. Not unprepared either. With journals of different types in each of their backpacks alongside containers, with compasses, and other tools Kaliente and Emile were ready. Kirigiri, the Investigation Team, stood beside the port side of the Zháo Launcher, where the ramp sat bound by chains of a lever. Rowdy waves swayed them up and down, side to side, but their gazes remained firm. Still dizzying nonetheless.

“Do you think we can dock soon?!” T'nuri yelled, her voice barely louder than the crashing waves below.

Yo no sé ! I don't know!” Atop the lookout nest, the Heliolisk, Luciano shook his head.

Towering right beside him, the tall necked Eggsecutor, Vicenta, sighed. “Luciano's right, I don't see it.”

With a groan, Alejandrien placed their claws on the railing.“How are we supposed ta clear the Ruinous Fog if we ain't even on the Island?”

The stairs from the Captain’s Quarters creaked as an Indeedee made his way toward Team Kirigiri. “Even though it looks insurmountable, there’s gotta be a way on shore,” he said, his upward horns shining in the sun's light.

“I don’t know Yawen, es un poco mal it's a little bad,” the Eggsecutor groaned, her leaves shaking.

The Indeedee tapped a clawed hoove on his clipboard. “It’s their first time dealing with Ruinous Fog this dangerous since they joined the Detective Agency… I can’t help but get a bit nervous.”

“They’re Fogcutters!” Bao yelled once again. All eyes went to the Captain as she pointed her massive claw forward. She nodded before she continued. “I believe in them.”

What? Tnuri wondered, as she traced over the sight of the Clawitzer at the rudder, a massive wave behind her in the distance. Captain Bao only just met me, saw me breakdown in front of the wall of fog over Pa'a Lepo and still believes in me? No way, it can't be. She just believes in the others.

Just after that, Luciano slid down the Murkrow nest and landed beside the ramp hatch.

“Huh?” T'nuri asked, her eyes widening. “It doesn't look much better.”

With a mighty roar, the Heliolisk pulled down the switch. “It will be!”

“What is going on now!?” T’nuri nearly fell over as the ground shook.

“Show us what’cha got Team Kirigiri!”

“Now?” Emile gasped as the floorboards rumbled amidst the ramps movement.

Kaliente pointed at the sands far below. Quite the fall to reach the saltwater brushed dunes of their desire. “We’re going now?”

Flames were few and far between in the shallow portion of water across from the galleon. As little as they could be for a burning beach. The shadow from the metal and wooden ramp engulfed the foamy current as it ebbed and flowed along the embers of the sands, no sanctuary in shade. It was time.

The Grookey took a step onto the slightly wobbly board and gazed at the fire.

“What are you doing?” T’nuri asked, her tail twitching.

“Calculations,” Emile replied curtly. As if the query slightly shook off her focus.

“Really?” T’nuri huffed as she moved back. What can she even see?

“I have to get proficient at this.”


“To get us down… And to sail. Alone.” Emile nodded.

T'nuri chuckled a little.“You? On your own?”

Kaliente flashed her a thumbs up.“And I'd love ta set claw on every island, with our ship!”

“The both of you have some lofty goals for some Detectives!”

“I'm not only after Ruinous Fog here, so far from my home on Toujours Island,” Emile sighed. “Opportunities abound here.”

Kaliente almost placed a claw on the Cubone’s shoulder but just opted to adjust his scarf. “We said we’d show yew what we can do. And now we're going ta prove it ta you.”

T’nuri rolled her eyes. These stupid Detectives are gonna get me burnt for Giritina’s sake.

“Maybe we ain’t steady enough?” Alejandrien said, their tail swishing.

A torrent of sand and dirt shot into the air as the galleon lurched forward, a harpoon buried in the earth just before the flames reached. “That should help!” Vicenta called.

Eyes scoured the shore, watching and waiting: they searched for a break in formation, any possible openings. Was there hope instead of despair? Nevertheless, the flames continued their waves. One of the fiery walls shifted subtly. The black fog slightly swayed in the coastal winds, leaving just a few meters of untouched land.

“Now!” the Grookey yelled and took off down the ramp.

In a flash, the Fuecoco and the Jangmo-o hurried after her, leaving T’nuri behind. “Wait up!” the Cubone gasped and dashed after them. Her arms may have trained to swing to cut and carve wood but her legs weren't especially trained for running fast. In the front, Emile narrowed her eyes as the fire slowly parted to the side before them, leaving scorching hot sands in its wake. “Can we just cut it!?” T’nuri yelped as the embers stirred once again, nearly blocking the path. I don't wanna get burnt again!

The Jangmo-o beside her grimaced. “Let’s try!” They tossed out a Scale Shot at the Black Fog while the Cubone threw her Bonemerang. Unlike last time, no bursts of green or purple flares of energy came off the mist. Thick blankets of fog remained undisturbed, undeterred and unbothered, even amidst the pressure from the Fogcutters.

“What!?” the Cubone’s shout echoed across the beach, fire nearly licking her skull-helmet. How did I not just get burnt!?

Alejandrien snarled as their claws dug through the almost blazing sand.“We cut it last time, what's happenin’?!”

Kaliente pulled Alejandrien forward, out of a flicker of fire. He puffed out his own Ember, a small concentration of elemental flames on the sand as they passed. “It don't matter!”

Vamos ! Go ! Move!” Emile yelled. She waved her branch, now with more reach and emitting a slight dark green hue of grass energy. It hit behind them at the Fuecoco’s attack but nothing happened. Ember and Branch Poke combined. The black gas wasn't blocked or cut off, although it shifted further away. Flames hot on their heels, the four young Pokémon hurried through the brief opening. The Ruinous Fog shifted around them but then immediately shot back, a wild back and forth that only lasted on the shoreline.

How are we gonna get outta this? T’nuri thought in a panic, fear etched onto her face. At least we aren’t being chased or attacked by those pirates. But still, how are we fine?

“Keep going!” a staticy voice bellowed from behind. Bao floated on the ramp of the Zháo Launcher with her binoculars and megaphone in her grip. “You’ll figure it out Team Kirigiri, for sure!” Four sets of eyes locked onward. Faith was placed on them once again. They had to succeed. Past the barrier of heat the air was free, just barred of smoke and fire. For a moment.

“Stay calm, mates,” the Fuecoco urged. “We're almost through.”

“Again now damnit!” The Jangmo-o shouted. Instead of firing off a Scale Shot they sliced a fiery burst with Shadow Claw. Looks like ‘Adrian is getting pissed off, though it's not raining poison from the grey fog. Interesting. T'nuri swung her Bone Club at the same time, the attacks colliding. Once again their moves did nothing against the Ruinous Fog. She pulled her arm back once more.

“This way!” Emile pulled the Cubone out of the reaching maw of blaze. “Don't!”

T'nuri grunted as she stopped her attack. “But why!? We're supposed to be ‘the great Fogcutters’ who can save this island!”

“We are!”

“Such a sparking lie! We haven't!” T'nuri spat.

“Give it some time laddie!” Kaliente yelled. “The fog changed!”

“But our promise ta Head Hector!” Alejandrien growled.

Emile quickly weaved through the final stretch of fire and flames and held out her paws. “Here!” the Grookey's call echoed throughout the beach.

Kaliente dashed to the safety of the sands, with Alejandrien and T’nuri trailing close, barely dodging the whips of fire and flames as the cloud shifted once again. Finally, each member of Team Kirigiri was free from the black fogs grasp. Emile pulled out a notepad as she stared at the fiery plumes. Her gaze was firm on it for about a minute, while everyone caught their breath.

The Fuecoco cleared his throat before he spoke. “Seems like our fogcutting powers didn’t work on that patch.”

“Unfortunately,” the Grookey beside him added, and closed her notepad. “Come with me.”

“Come with you?” Alejandrien asked before they glanced back. Beyond the perimeter of burning infernal land rocked the ever changing waves of the ocean. Zháo Launcher’s ramp rose back up, while Luciano held up a claw from the lookout nest before the ship sailed toward the southern shore. Navigation Team Zháo Launcher would regroup with them later. “Partner, what's yur plan?”

“To locate the village,” Emile replied and slowly marched off. The Grookey headed to the west, toward the towering hills, and more stretches of land T'nuri and Alejandrien didn't run through.

“What!?” An angry shout came from T'nuri.

“What is it?”

“How are you not mad!? You said you’d do calculations or whatever.” The Cubone stomped through a bit of sand.

“Oh believe me,” Emile said as she narrowed her red eyes. “I’m furious.”

“What about you?” Alejandrien’s claw pointed at the Fuecoco.

The Cubone snarled, her eyes full of rage as she bit her bone-club. “Always talking about staying calm.”

“Suppose yer right ‘bout that load o’ sparks,” the Fuecoco groaned. “Sorry mate.”

“See? You Detectives can't predict everything.”

Emile shook her head before she walked away, leaving the three to themselves. A spark of hostility brewed between the remaining Pokémon as Kaliente folded his arms with a sigh.

“T'nuri!” Alejandrien practically shoved her to the side.

The Cubone stumbled but didn't fall to the ground, her brown eyes blazing behind her skull-helmet. “Who are you to fucking push me!?” T’nuri growled back. “You asked the sparking question!”

“Laddie,” Kaliente coughed, his head crest low.

“Partner that was uncalled fer!”

“No, it's fine,” Kaliente said. He pulled the two apart and grimaced. “Although, we’re a team.”

“Sorry,” the Cubone said as she hung her head. I'm always the snuffing idiot.

The Jangmo-o stepped away before she spoke. “My bad too.”

“Cheers. Now say it laddie.”

“Say what?”

“What’s bothering ya this time?” the Fuecoco placed a claw on T’nuri’s shoulder.

“Well uh. Didn't you specifically join the DA to solve the fog? I just don't understand how you two manage.”

Kaliente nodded. “I'ma fiery chap, okay laddie. ‘Course I'd be mad. But I control my flames.”

Controlling his emotions is how he's so calm despite this snuff. That sounds so simple. “Yeah,” T'nuri said, her gaze low. “I suppose that is true.”

The Fuecoco placed a claw on his chest.“I don't go running around like a little tail-bittin’ sparker trying to scare everyone with me fire or burnoff.” He paused to puff off some steam. “We from Tiempo Niebla, we're always fightin’ an uphill battle. I'm not gonna muck up my chances if I can.”

“Your flames are pure,” the Cubone gasped, watching the tiny burst of air dance in the breeze.

Kaliente’s green eyes shone bright as he tightened his scarf. “I'm not like that thing, that damn Ruinous Fog. And we’ll get through it together. No mon left behind.”

“Damn straight.”

Before them, just like earlier stood Kuanalio Island, a northern land partially barren, even before the weight of the Ruinous Fog. The weak flames that choked at the limited flora were replaced with powerful flares that spared, just marring all in a cesspool of unforgiving sweltering heat. Black fog could only be avoided for so long.

On this side of the island, closer to the southwest sat a few small contained batches of foliage and trees.

“Look over there!” Alejandrien shouted.

Buried in the soil of the foot of a hill sat a rather large wooden sign, covered in soot and ash. The Cubone walked over to the dingy posting, and the others quickly approached. “It's made of palm,” T'nuri explained as she ran a claw across the planks. “Any idea of what it says?”

Alejandrien laughed as they dusted off the edge. “There's just a bit of char on it, Partner.”

“I couldn’t read it,” Emile spoke up.

“Yeah, whatever.”

Etched into the wood was a square with a triangle on top of it, an arrow with a “W” and the symbols “VI” below it. Kaliente knocked on the sign with a smirk.“It doesn't have any words, but based on the fact that the majority of Domestics of Kuanalio hail from the Sax Isles, I can tell it says ‘village west, six kilometers.”

Sax Isles? That's a tiny collection of islets in the western heartwaters. “What?” T'nuri gasped. She waved her claw at the crude carving and went back to the Fuecoco. “I got the six from ‘VI’ but how can you tell the rest?”

“Well, a few days ago when we were told about the possible Ruinous Fog sightings I looked up a bit of information about Kuanalio, Greene’s, and Calah Island. I didn't find the name of any villages besides one but I found out their general cultures. This Island is chalk full of surprises laddie!”

Emile nodded as she rummaged through her bag, and pulled out a brassy compass. “Alright, six kilometers west shouldn't take too long.”

“Really Partner?”

“Not more than about one hour, forty two minutes, and fifty seconds at our rate and presumed terrain.”

Alejandrien grinned as the Grookey headed off down a stony pathway. “Nice work Emile! That ain't long at all!”

“She's only wordy when it comes to math innit!” Kaliente laughed and followed after her.

“Again?” The Cubone's jaw dropped. “How?!”

Emile dug her feet through a sandier patch of bush on the road as she turned to answer. “I was counting earlier. I always.”

“Really?” T'nuri sighed as she faced the path ahead. There were hillocks in the distance, dusted in the faint green of flora and grey of sediment, all without a speck of black fog. Worryingly, what was a storm cloud could have easily been a tenuous plume of grey mist. It was bound to rain again on Kuanalio eventually, poison or not.

As the four Detectives walked where they presumed the village would be, Alejandrien glanced at T'nuri a few times. While the Cubone wasn’t looking they even managed to sniff her. But the Jangmo-o's snout accidentally pressed into her side.

“‘Adrian?” T'nuri gasped.

“There's been a misunderstanding!”

“And I thought I was bad,” Emile mumbled as she looked away.

“Really now, then what the snuff was that?”

“Just missed my footing.”

“Missed your footing and sniffed me?”

“Just a little sniff.”

“Mate,” Kaliente placed a claw off their shoulder. “Yew are just a tad off your scales.”

“I know I sometimes eat sand to taste the earth but… Why smell me?”

“Why well,” the Jangmo-o studdered, their maw blushing a tad. “The- um, I was thinking maybe there was a chemical difference into why. Why you couldn't cut it.”


“We couldn't cut it. Together,” Alejandrien added.

Kaliente hummed. “Didnea Jangmo-o known for a puttin’ snout to the periodic elemental types.”

“Back in Sahra Town, I used to run around having ta sniff the difference between different elements so I wouldn't get hurt playing with them in the lab.”

“Really now?”

“That's why I can tell most of them apart pretty well. Chemicals would be like that here too in the Archipelago Continent.”

“That is interesting,” Emile added.

Kaliente scratched his jaw before he asked a question.“What were ye thinkin’ last time when you cut it?”

“I was thinking about protecting them,” T'nuri replied as she gestured to Alejandrien who grinned and wagged their tail.

“And when you did it?” Emile questioned the Jangmo-o.

Alejandrien nodded. “I was also thinking about that. but I was also thinking about those pirates gettin’ on in our way.”

“Getting rid of them?” Kaliente suggested, his maw sporting a big toothy grin.

T'nuri grumbled as she crossed her arms. “That Dieno and that Buizel pushed me into the fire!”

“Shite! Those bloody sparkers nearly stole the Scarviolet Map too right?!”

“Yeah and they knew what they were doing. But they didn't know I was the one who was gonna clear it out.”

“They got burnt too?” Emile asked.


The Fuecoco clapped his claws together and laughed.“Serves ‘em right!” He then blew off a bit of steam. “So you both had an important goal in mind when you cut through the Ruinous Fog.”

“Protecting and defending, yes?”

The Cubone nodded. “We were able to cut it.”

“Yeah,” Alejandrien replied.

“Well maybe that's the key,” T'nuri said, her dejection evident.

“Regardless, I ain't giving up,” the Jangmo-o said, their voice firm as they raised their head high. “Not when everyone of Kuanalio and everyone of Pa'a Lepo needs us.”

“Thanks Alejandrien.” Tnuri sighed before she wracked her mind. ‘Adrian cares so much about these waters, despite not being from here. What the spark am I doing here? Woodwork or detective work for the masses? Both?

The four continued onward as more dark clouds slowly rolled in on the horizon. What was previously warm sunlight was now weak sparse rays of sunlight, chopped up by the cloak of fog and mist far below. While they walked, Emile held onto her compass and did count under her breath, her eyes latched into the small patch of black fog that floated in from the east and the towering hills behind. To the contrary, Kaliente had a small booklet in his claws, eyes buried in its pages. So deep that he tripped.

T'nuri pulled the Fuecoco upright after his claw nearly lodged into a tree root and he laughed. “What's so funny? You nearly fell?”

“Oh, laddie, I was just surprised at meself!” Kaliente chuckled and tabbed his book.

Alejandrien snickered while T'nuri shook her head. “He's done it before, just last week!”

“And Captain Marisa called you a book-Orthworm.”

“She ain't seen this fellar in action!”

“Flickering embers, I haven’t had a chance to sit down with a nice hardback myself.”

The Fuecoco's eyes lit up.“Based on what ye said earlier you'd love to do the same yeah?”


“Yeah, ya read a Detective oldie once, so I wonder what else!”

“I love Mystery, and like all sorts else, besides Romance-”

“Tell me more!”

“I wouldn't read on a walk in backwater country-” the Cubone sighed. “Why are you even reading anyway?”

“Can't you tell?” Emile asked.

“No,” T'nuri said and looked away.

“‘Twas a snippet from tha Ruinous Fog sightings of sixty years ago.”

“Does this snippet have a black fog with flames?”


“Then why read it?”

Alejandrien turned toward her with a grin. “Well it's their first Ruinous Fog case so they've gotta be sharp.”

“How sharp are we talking?” the Cubone questioned as she fiddled with her bone-club.

The Grookey nodded. “This black fog moves at approximately one kilometer per hour.”

“Even sharper lass?” The Fuecoco asked.

“Three hundred and thirty three meters every twenty minutes.”

“The old record, one with ice, measures eight hundred meters per hour.”

“Really?” T'nuri gasped. “I guess you use the same method as earlier but this time you counted something else.”

Kaliente sniffled before he threw his book into his bag. “And fer good reason too, look behind ya!”

Brewing equally foul and fresh, was a stray plume of black fog. Flames roasting through the path, blazing hot on the trail.

At the sight of the rogue fog, T'nuri’s eyes widened with fear. “Oh what the?”

Alejandrien yelped as they bolted off. “It's worse than when we left!”

“Let's go over here!” T'nuri hobbled toward a sandier side, more open of the path.

“No!” Emile urged. “Por Aqui! This way!”

T'nuri gasped as she looked at a bumpy forest part of the trail, higher along a rough mound. “How do you know where it's going?”

No sé ! I don't!”

“You don't!?”


“Fine,” T'nuri groaned before she trudged up the hill.

As the four hobbled through the treed back route the fire sped through the beach, right on top of the way where T'nuri just stood. Holy spark! Her thoughts flew in a blur. That would have burnt us to a crisp! Everyone ran deeper inside the nearly barren patch of woods, where dead leaves concealed more holes of seawater.

Black fog thick with streaks of red and orange snuffed out the air in a circling swipe across the sands. Just as quickly, the mist turned back and weaved along a large chunk of beach. But not all of it, as she peered through the rows of withered trees, T'nuri glanced upon a small structure. One spared from the wrath of the mist.

“Woah! The dockside is free!” The Cubone called before she clamped out of a watery pit.

“Yeehaw, let's go!” Alejandrien cheered.

As the four headed toward that same dock through the trees, Alejandrien walked close to T'nuri's side. Emile followed the two, ruby red gaze searching, seeking safety and security. Kaliente stared at some of the plants and once again pulled out his booklet.

It was time for some more detective work.
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Chapter 6- Investigation (I): Flickering Part 2

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Split August 4th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Now starting their real investigation what shall T'nuri and the others find on Kuanalio Island?​

Dead branches, and severed tree limbs littered the bumpy path, logs and large collections of gritty stone far in between. But past the hillcrest was the desolate sands, flora, and sea of the tarnished dockside beach. Ruinous Fog did not spare this patch of land from its wrath when it first arrived yesterday.This fact was evident in the few soot, and char covered palm trees, crisped mangroves, and burnt seagrass all along the beach. Not a speck of black fog floated along the wide berth of the perimeter of the ruined soil, safety amidst a sacrifice.

“We can take a moment ta do a supplementary investigation of the area,” Kaliente said and placed down his bag. He pulled out some canisters and equipment just as the Grookey beside him did.

The Jangmo-o to the side nodded. “I brought a proper sensor this time carbon! I'll find ya!”

Supplement? What ‘Adrian and I did was preliminary? The Cubone adjusted her black scarf in the silence, along the green and purple stripes of the fabric her claw pressed into the magnifying glass in the center.

“Hello?” Head Hector's slightly staticy voice echoed out from each of Team Kirigiri's scarves.

“Woah!” everyone screamed. Kaliente nearly dropped his pencil and paper in the sand, Emile stumbled with her binoculars, and Alejandrien with their barometer.

“Woah?” Head Hector questioned, despite him being back in Iaijutsukage, one could imagine his raised brows and widened yellow eyes. “You thought I wouldn't answer your calls?”

“No, we just had an error,” the Fuecoco laughed.

“An error?”

T’nuri glanced down at the now light blue glow emitting from her scarf and gave a nervous chuckle. “Oh hello, uh Head Hector, I accidentally called you when we stopped to start our investigation.”

“You all made it to Kuanalio safe?” the Kingambit asked.

“Yes,” Alejandrien answered.

Head Hector softly cleared his throat. “Ah I see, I’ll ask for more details later, but since you are investigating I shall remind and inform you of the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency’s prized attributes,” he paused for a moment. “Analysis, Inference, and Assistance.”

“Thanks fer that!” Kaliente cheered.

“You are very welcome, best wishes out there Investigation Team Kirigiri,” the Kingambit replied. “May the sands of time grant you protection and wisdom Fogcutters.”

“I'll solve the mysteries of Kuanalio,” T'nuri asserted. “And I'll still be myself.”

A chuckle came from Head Hector. “I trust you all will have the grain's guidance.”

“Of course,” Emile replied.

The Jangmo-o shook her scales. “I'll try my very best!”

“Perhaps we can find out something about Pa'a Lepo in this Ruinous Fog,” the Cubone grumbled. “I'm not afraid to get burnt again.”


“I'm serious, if it means an answer or any progress it'll be worth it. Can't make a new chair without getting a few splinters.”

“If anything pequenos small ones, don't overexert yourselves. You need to be safe. Farewell.”

The light blue energy slowly faded away from Team Kirigiri's scarves as the connection from Iaijutsukage left. T’nuri held up three claw fingers as she watched her teammates unpack. There were a few weakened palm trees, and palmettos nearby, with odd grey, and dark red bits of miasma on them, a spool of rope and some nailed planks beside one. Signs of domestic presence, even if brief.

“Analysis, interference and assistance,” The Cubone repeated as she ran a claw through some sand. “Those are the three qualities, but how are we going to use those to solve what's in front of us?”

“We have a lott'o questions ta work with lassies, laddie, and laddu,” Kaliente sighed.

Alejandrien placed her barometer on top of a rock and switched it on with a flick of her claw. “Let's start listing ‘em out and see how we can solve them with our own reasonin’ skills and deduction.”

Now they have a real reason for all that nerdy detective talk. T'nuri shook her head with a grin. “Or if we can figure out where or what is causing each of the problems.”

“First, what caused the Ruinous Fog, both the light grey fog and black fog?” Emile asked.

Kaliente narrowed his eyes.“Where is the black fog coming from?”

The Jangmo-o rubbed their scales as they looked in their bag. “What was the thin grey fog before, and where did it come from?”

“That grey mist causes poison rain, but how is that even possible?” T’nuri questioned before she shivered. A harsh wind started to drag around the beachside, fresh off the briny sea.

Kaliente rubbed under his jaw. “Better question, why does the black fog have fire?”

Alejandrien hummed before they spoke. “I think that's a solid list of questions, and we can answer some of them right now.”

“Right now?” T’nuri asked, her brow quirked beneath her skull-helmet.

“Yep,” the Jangmo-o replied. “We’ve got plenty to discover, and everything we need to measure, let’s get to it!”

“Measure? That's important to understanding Ruinous Fog?” T'nuri questioned.

Kaliente nodded, “Tis no contest but, historically what's bigger, and faster is more dangerous.”

“Dangerous eh,” Alejandrien said with a blush.

“We've got only the tiniest bit of sixty year data to compare it ta.”

“Like what?”

“There is quite a bit of travel speed and distances that I can find!” Emile cheered as she began plotting down numbers on a page.

“Are we still on time?”

“Yes. Off by about forty seconds, but that’s it” the Grookey replied. She tapped a few digits into her calculator after staring toward the clouds,“If you calculate the distance per minute of the fog and our steps like this you can figure out the trajectory of any path we take forward.”

“And there's all sorts of different weather phenomena,” the Fuecoco flipped through a meteorological record book. “They seem to be similar to ones from hundreds of years ago in history books.”

Alejandrien held up a chart with sulfur, nitrogen, and chlorine.“These relate to different compounds and molecular structures. They play with elemental typing and chemical, er periodic elemental types, in many many ways.”

“Yes, but how do we connect it?”

T'nuri rapped her bone-club on the bark of a dried, limp palm tree. Once her teammates glanced in her direction she spoke. “We need to stay focused. We're here to help the villagers and we haven't even found the village yet.”

“Well how good're we at helpin’ the villagers if we don't even know what ‘e're workin’ with?” Kaliente asked.

“Right now, if we just showed up to the village but didn't know what was happening, how helpful would we be to them?” Alejandrien half stated, half asked.

“That is a good point.”

Emile glanced at her compass before she cleared her throat. “Let's search further.”

With various containers and instruments at their disposal Team Kirigiri, even in the recently starting toxic rain, continued. T'nuri shoveled sand and clumps of brittle rocks into some jars once again with a sigh.

“We may need some rocks further away from the ocean,” Alejandrien said as they peered up from a collection of pebbles. “The saltwater can rinse off valuable trace chemicals from them and also add saline- sodium, chloride, hydrogen, oxygen and much more.”

A drip of fluid hit the ground by the Cubone’s claws. More scattered along the sand. “Well get ready for more water to mess with those ‘valuable chemicals’ or whatever.”

“Oh darn it, cover ‘em up!” the Jangmo-o dropped all the stones off their little analytical table and back into the travel container. “Well, actually let's get some new data!”

“New?” Kaliente questioned, dropping his own rocks.

“Look up!”

A towering grey cloud drifted closer to Team Kirigiri, one filled to the brim with shades of dark grey, purple, and light lavender. Mist brewed both water and poison rain. Acid potent enough to cause more than headaches, one that pierced through scales, feathers and fur alike.

“Spark!” T’nuri gasped. “That's not just regular rain. We've gotta go!”

“We're not running this time,” Kaliente said, his eyes blazing.

“It's coming right at us!”

Emile grabbed hold of T’nuri’s forearm, and pointed at the cloud. “Well, how are we supposed to find out how the effects are if we don't feel them for ourselves?”

“It hurts you snuffing weirdos!” The Cubone groaned. “It'll make you go crazy!”

Emile shook her head.“To know the truth of this we may have to feel real pain!”

“Real power!” the Fuecoco cheered.

“Really?” Alejandrien asked, their tail low.


“Fine,” T'nuri acquiesced. “Just know I've dealt with this before and you're not going to like it.”

Kaliente grinned as his eyes wavered.“That's fine by me!”

Liar! The Cubone thought as she crossed her arms. What is up with these guys and trying to play it cool? I'm gonna get burnt for real now!

The purple hued rain came scatter-shotted across the land, pouring down along the sands.

“Damn that hurts!” Kaliente cried. He flinched as he turned the pages of his book.

Stings a bit. T'nuri swatted her scales as she peeled some bark from a nearby palm tree. “Yeah, for some reason it doesn't feel as bad as last time.”

“Feels like I'm melting!” Emile said through a grimace. “I didn't calculate this!”

“You should have!”

“Ugh, I know T'nuri!”

“Do you?” I'm going insane because this poison rain again!

“Let's continue,” Alejandrien declared. “We can't let a little sprinkle stop us!”

T’nuri nodded. Just gotta think like Kaliente: ‘protection, defense, saving the villagers’. Even in the stinging droplets, the four kept on gathering different fauna, soil, water, and bits of air. Poison rain from the prelim Ruinous Fog, barely put a dent in the Jangmo-o and the Cubone’s work, while the Fuecoco and Grookey shuddered through every step.

After a few minutes, the grey mists grew thicker, and covered more of the ruined beach. Alejandrien stepped away from their barometer and the variety of stones beside it. “Let's try to cut it!”

“Wait!” Emile held out her branch.


Kaliente marked a page in his journal before he spoke, “Didn't yew want to take some as a constant, and see if we can block it?”

“I guess.”

The Fuecoco and the Grookey dropped their supplies as they faced the approaching onslaught of light grey fog. “This'll be our second time trying it, go!”

Alejandrien dove headfirst into the low hanging cloud. After a few moments the Jangmo-o sprang out with a filled glass container in her claws.“Okay let's see what chemicals form the poison!”

“Is this really the time?” T'nuri yelled.

“Yep! I did this ta get samples from the wall over Pa'a Lepo too partner!”

“Now!” Kaliente shouted before he shot a burst of Ember toward the center of the Ruinous Fog.

Emile followed his flames with a swipe of her Branch, Poking just as the fire-type energy ignited the gas.

Immediately, a wall of vines and flames ensnared the light grey mist, freezing all of its vapors in place, even calming the storm within. All across the land and into the air, the Ruinous Fog sat chained, its power anchored down for the moment.

“That's our fogcutting!” the Grookey cheered. “Not just feeling anymore, real evidence!”

Alejandrien grabbed her shoulders and shook them.“Yeehaw! That's definitely blocking if I’ve ever seen it!”

“Yes,” Emile laughed and pried herself away.

“You did it for Giritina's sake!” T'nuri yelled. “That's a lot of trust put in a second time, you didn't even block it the first!”

“We had to try, laddie,” the Fuecoco chuckled as he let out a relieved sigh.

“And now for us!” the Jangmo-o called.

Us? The Cubone glanced up at the ginormous walled off mist nervously. Alright we're gonna get rid of this for sparking good! “Here!” T'nuri roared as she tossed her Bonemerang into the vapors. “Like an ax straight and true, Lunala's wings gleam, Giritina’s wings beam!”

“That's the spirit of Rayquaza right there!” Alejandrien yelled before they launched off a couple Scale Shots at the attack. The draconic move and earthy move power collided and streaks of sage and violet flew every which way. But it wasn't over, scarlet ribbons of energy circled the collection of mist and then a radiant beam, as bright as the moon shot forth.

The plume of light grey fog dissipated into the daylight, leaving a normal, cloudy sky. Only temporarily free from ruin, as obsidian rich energy floated together slowly.

“Cut through true and true!” Kaliente cheered. “I knew ya could do it!”

“Now I have proof!” Emile said as she rubbed the back of her head.

“We ain't flukes either partner!”

T’nuri pumped her fist in the air.“Got it!”

The Fuecoco pointed to the now cleared path onward. “I believe we've gathered enough information.”

“Yes.” The Grookey nodded as she put all her spreadsheets and calculators away in exchange for her compass.

Everyone collected their belongings and took a short rest to prepare for the trek ahead. Once Team Kirigiri was ready they put back on their backpacks and stood by the coconut tree, one with leaves still full of life.

“On ta the village!” Alejandrien led the group further south, past the crumbling dock of the ruined beach and onto a new trail.

The dirt and rock road was quite narrow as it twisted uphill to an empty, exposed part of land, thick trees from the forests below blocking view of the immediate surroundings. But still, they were trees of green, more and more of the nearby fauna was full of life and vigor instead of drained.

However, much hope was not to be found, with Ruinous Fog still spread out across Kuanalio, especially on the Fogcutters path. Perhaps inevitably drawn to them and all Pokémon of the land in a tortured two-step dance.

Just as fast as earlier, black fog rolled in. A massive pitch dark nimbus that dusted far along the ground straight in front of Team Kirigiri from the east. Flames bristled off the edges and one in fell swoop consumed the four Pokemon.

“Shit, not this too!” T'nuri yelped.

Kaliente laughed maniacally before he screamed.“You told Head Hector you weren't afraid of getting burnt again!”

“That doesn’t mean it won't hurt!”

“What do we do?!” the Fuecoco gritted his teeth.

“It's too fast!” Emile cried before she dropped to a crouch, her arms covering her body.

“Brace yerselves y'all!” Alejandrien yelled as they brought up a translucent shield of Protect.

The Pokémon all screamed as the plume of black fog coursed past their bodies. Flames, sparks, and embers tore against their scales, and fur in a tumbling roar. The barrier of the Protect, fizzling out only moments after the blaze began.

“This is your true pain!” T'nuri shouted as the tail end of the broiling cloud shot through them.

“It definitely is!” Kaliente cried.

As the searing flames ate at her scales, a brief visage of a brown and dark grey speckled mountain top lit up in T'nuri's vision, one littered with ancient, broken weapons and tall stones cut into rounded, rectangles. No, not stones, but tombs! Where? “What was that?”

Alejandrien coughed as the smoke rose from their bodies. “What was what?”

The Cubone took in a ragged breath and she limped to their side.“You didn't see that mountain just now?”

“Partner, I closed my eyes.”

“Mine were closed too,” T'nuri sighed. “But I saw a mountaintop with graves and blades on the earth!”

A bit of watery rain drizzled over the four as they exchanged glances.

Kaliente wiped the soot off his scales before he chuckled. “Mate, we're standing on a beach ‘er.”

“So I'm the only one who saw that?”

“Focus,” Emile said in a strained voice as she staggered upright.

“I am!”

The Fuecoco sighed.“T'nuri, let's just think about what we felt.”

“Hurt worse than before,” Alejandrien groaned, their head hanging low.

“It didn't feel like flames from any Pokémon, just like a regular neutral attack,” the Grookey said.

“Yeah, yesterday it didn’t burn as bad,” T’nuri said, “still packed a hefty punch I’m still sore from.”

“New question,” Alejandrien said.


“How does it bypass Pokémon's natural elemental typing strengths and weaknesses?”

“That's a real tough one,” Kaliente laughed. “But you and T'nuri seemed to really suffer.”

“It didn't hurt you that much?” T'nuri gasped, her shoulders shaking.

The Fuecoco hummed. “If I had to use a move to describe it, I'd say Headbutt, straight in the gut.”

“Headbutt?” Alejandrien gasped. “That felt more like a Double Edge partner!”

“Whatever you say laddu.” Kaliente shrugged.

Emile tapped her paws in the sand as she paced a tight circle. “Why do you cut-through and we block fogcutters, feel the effects differently?”

“Yeah, that's interesting.”

“We managed ta clear out this,” the Jangmo-o said. “Grey mist is just like the preliminary phase of this Ruinous Fog, but can we clear the secondary phase?”

T'nuri tilted her head with a question. “Secondary?”

“Well yeah,” Kaliente said, “as you saw and felt days before us, the Ruinous Fog was different at first, so we dubbed how it is now a secondary phase.”

“That makes sense, I suppose,” the Cubone said before she placed her arms around Emile and Kaliente. “I'll protect you.”

The Grookey's muzzle flushed red. “Protect?”

“Laddie, I'm no wee hatchling!” the Fuecoco grinned before he patted T'nuri's back.

“But the will to protect helped me cut the black fog last time! We'll have to see once we encounter it again,” T'nuri explained.

Alejandrien sighed a drawn out sigh. “We've all felt what we're dealing with, but we ain't got a clue how the villagers'll handle it.”

“Like the mountain!?”

“North Beach Mountain?” the Jangmo-o questioned.

The Cubone shook her head.“No, I don't know this one's name!”

“None of us do mate!”

“It did seem like the black fog was coming out of that dormant volcano but we'd hafta go back ta check.”

Emile tilted her head.“That one had a Mystery Dungeon correct?”

“Yeah, but that one didn't have tombs or blades on its summit, there’s no space for that!”

“Okay, well there're definitely a few mountains,” Kaliente explained. “Presumably near where tha village is.”

“I know it's there too.” Alejandrien nodded.

T'nuri grumbled as she fiddled with her bone-club. “There's gotta be other ‘special mountains’ but there's no way you can see it from here.”

Emile clapped her hands. “I remembered there were a few that on Kuanalio that you'd call important.”

“Important!?” T'nuri asked. “How could you forget?!”

“I just saw it on a textbook page in college once, there’s a couple others-”

Kaliente shook his head. “We need ta go.”


The four Pokémon packed up their belongings and with Emile's compass, they headed deeper into Kuanalio Island. Beyond the docked beach sat a fresh rockland, with sparse glimpses of dried and decayed flora. There were many paths onward, one downhill through rugged, twisting trails, one through a clearing between forests with stone markers along it, and another uphill already choked by fog. With a new cloud of Ruinous Fog approaching from behind, Team Kirigiri opted to head through the clearing, following subtle cart tracks through the sand.

However, only about twenty minutes through their walk, the clearing became less clear.

An almost stationary plume of onyx fog, taller than the withered trees on the hillside stood before them. Brimming inside with unknown might, streaks of amber, and tangerine wavered in a circular motion. Barely visible underneath the smoke and heat was another signpost. It had the similar scratched markings but was identifiable as ‘village west three kilometers’.

“Shoot y'all!” Alejandrien called. “The village’s further this way!”

“But the black fog's way too thick mate!” Kaliente yelled.

“We can't risk it!” Emile and T'nuri called at the same time.

The Cubone pointed to the path that branched off to the right.“Down this way!”

“But that's toward the east!” the Fuecoco gasped.

“It'll loop back west!”

The Grookey behind her laughed. “We're on the same page now, T'nuri!”

I guessed right? the Cubone thought before she spoke.“We are?”

“Forty six minutes, and fifty four seconds to go!”

“I trust y'all!” the Jangmo-o shouted.

The four squeezed in close as the solid ground beneath them shrank. A tight downhill winding road that was held high above the land, sand and nearly empty patches of trees far below. It twisted as the land connected with numerous other hills, Kaliente led everyone back around to the west. Ruinous Fog brimming with whipping flares barreled after them only to slightly dissipate in the open air. While it circled in the sky to build itself back up, Team Kirigiri headed further through the bumpy rock laden hills.

T'nuri glanced over the land and behind them. “In the distance over there, aren't those the hills we passed ‘Adrian?”

They stared at the tall rock expanses and nodded. “All the way back here you can still make out that iconic giant tree.”

“We’ve gone over quite a bit of Kuanalio huh?” Kaliente sighed.

“And still haven’t reached the village, what is it named anyway?”

“I’ve got no clue, but t’is from tha Sax Isles, could be somethin’ odd.”

Emile’s ears twitched as the group made it up the hilltop, with plenty of low grasses and wild bushes. The four spread out into pairs along the new path west. “Odd,” she repeated.

On cue, a Sentret and a Rufflet sprang out of the undergrowth and barreled right through the front of the group.

“Woah!” Emile gasped as she dodged the pair in their mad dash.

The Sentret whimpered as it hurried past Emile and then pointed at one of the hillocks beside the narrow and frankly crowded path.

Kaliente waved his arms as the two fled further.“Don’t head that way!”

“What?!” the Rufflet shrieked and helped the Sentret up onto another hill on the path below, right toward the Ruinous Fog. Or so it seemed, as the mists parted slightly and rose away from them, but circled around.

“At least head to a Mystery Dungeon!” T'nuri called. So they can understand Isla Linga, or our common tongue!

“That's dangerous!” Sentret cried.

“The fog will never reach you there!” Alejandrien explained just as the pair went out of earshot.

Dejected, Team Kirigiri shook their heads. The thin path toward another hill was finally silent once again, besides the warm squall that picked up behind them.

“Were those wilderners?” Emile asked, panting.

“Probably,” Kaliente said with another sniffle, his eyes widening. “And we've gotta go too!”

The onyx cloud from earlier flew closer second by second, the brew of crimson and vermillion churning strong inside. Wicked flares of heat radiated heavier and heavier, which warmed the four Pokémon as the fog approached.

“More black fog is coming!” T'nuri gasped as the forests beside their path grew darker and darker, engulfed by the toxic gas. “Just like what those Drillbur and Sandshrew wilderners told me would happen!”


“There's gotta be some way out partner, another way!” Alejandrien cried and hurried through the dried bushes and scrubs concealing the true end of the hills narrow road. There were worn down wooden posts along some of the way, broken boards and planks of wood covered in grass.

T'nuri, Kaliente, and Emile followed the Jangmo-o's claw steps, and made it to another branching walkway. Dead palm leaves blanketed almost the entire field of dried grass, a forest of nearly alabaster trees. Not a single leaf in sight, and a burrow filled valley. But they were not devoid of Domestic presence either, as beside each was a corroded dark stone pillar, scored with deep chiseled lines.

“It's getting closer!” Emile yelped as she nearly dropped her compass.

Kaliente tightened his bag and glanced at each path. “This fog's gettin’ way more than a wee bit faster! We've needa pick something!”

“Yeah, hey wait! Doesn't that look familiar ‘Adrian?” the Cubone asked as they got closer to the intersection.

On the desolate woodland path, the fine marks inside the aged stone shimmered briefly. “It looks just like that altar we found!” Alejandrien pivoted to the side and barreled down the path.

“An altar of Holy Koraidon and Holy Miradion?” the Fuecoco and Grookey gasped and fought to keep up.

“No!” T'nuri called as she trailed behind. “It's where we found the little piece of the letter about the map!”

“Wasn't that the piece you had Lead Detective Esperanza find the date of?”

“Yeah! A map to the other side of the world!”

Kaliente took a glance back at the encroaching fog of ruin. “That’s absolutely mad! It was in that Mystery Dungeon!?”

“North Beach Mountain!”

“Those pillars're similar?”

“I think so!”

“I didn't get ta check the bricklaying techniques!”

“Or measurements!”

“Not the time!” T'nuri huffed, barely right beside the three. “It's getting faster!”

What once was a wide berth forest path, became a suffocating weaving trail through rows and rows of decayed trees. Ruinous Fog wasn’t far behind, the black fog flew through every nook and cranny, primed to devour the four Pokémon.

“How are we gonna get out of this?” The Cubone buried her claw against her skull-helmet. “There's no way out!”

Alejandrien laughed as they shook their jangly scales. “Thanks T'nuri!”

“Thanks!? What!?”

“We made it just in time!”

“Huh?” Emile looked up.

“There!” Kaliente called as they approached a darker patch of woods with a wooden signpost next to it, covered in brambles.

The Jangmo-o leapt into the shadowy maw of the trees with a shout. “Let's do like we did last time, Partner!”

“Like last time?” T'nuri gasped as she read the sign and followed suite. “Southwest Forest Mystery Dungeon?!”

In an instant the roaring of flames ceased, and in its place a slow gentle wind.

“Not quite,” Alejandrien said once everyone entered the safehold before the dungeon proper. She pointed to another sign, made of wood and stone, carved with precision. “‘A—’ Village, Forest Mystery Dungeon.”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
This one's gonna be for chapter 2 and the first of 3. I know they're split in parts for the V Wheel event, but they're decently short, so I'll give them all a read to make sure I hit the 10k mark with ease.

The Dungeon dive was curious. Just some simple combat and one-liners, but I'm not really sure what the narrative weight was behind having that much emphasis on it. Felt like only near the end there was a point to the encounters, since I couldn't get a strong sense of emotion from the characters during it, or their personality, beyond what was said in the last chapter.

The most interesting part, I think, was the "Something's wrong with me" moment, but it didn't seem to get a lot of elaboration just yet.

The second half of the first part had some sudden combat with the pirates and the team is now officially a partnership. A lot of it happened quickly, and I'll comment again, and for the last time since it's been repeated in my last review, on the lack of weight or pause behind what happens. You aren't writing a scene to be acted out in a play. You can afford to drill down into the emotions and slow things down for key moments when odd things are happening, even if it's just for an extra sentence or two. That can make all the difference.

Wow, pirates and ships and a sudden foreign language. Certainly feels familiar, ha!

Anyway, I'm surprised to see how quickly everyone was gathered together. I half expected that to be the warmup plot, but now we're meeting the crew. They get along nicely. And the "new recruit" seems to be getting along just fine... sort of.

One thing I appreciate with your faster pacing in this part of the chapter is how you blaze past the tedium of setting up buildings. It's wise to summarize that sort of thing.

That final line about the obsidian hourglass is mysterious, though I'm not sure if it's literal or symbolic. And in either case, it's hard to truly understand its significance or why the narrative pointed to it right then, or why. I guess as a subtle preview since it's the end of the fourth part? That's my impression, at least.

I liked the descriptions that were going on in chapter 3. I mentioned it earlier, but surely you got some inspiration from Fledglings for this story, right? It's a similar approach with how you describe locations. I also liked the apothecary bit. It actually allowed for some much needed breathing that even the narrative took advantage of. T'nuri seems to constantly be irritable, though, and while the narrative mentions and emphasizes this, I wonder why such perceptive individuals don't seem to.

The scene with the detective agency, meanwhile, was a very sudden rollercoaster of reversals on whether or not T'nuri would join. And honestly, while I kind of understand where she's coming from, she comes off as massively selfish here. I could see it if this was something that happened at the very beginning, but with how this all paced out, it seemed like a sudden ball of drama that didn't have enough narrative overhead to justify it. We aren't in their heads enough, and the most we got was after the fact with yet another "What's wrong with me?"

I'm starting to wonder if I misinterpreted that line as not necessarily a plot point but a personality trait. Nobody else seems to comment on it being abnormal, just her being snippy. And this is despite how well they were reading her otherwise, beyond her memory issues.

That being said, there were also good points. The big one is easily the proper presentation of fog cutting and blocking, and while we don't have an explanation on why it manifests or what it really implies, we at least have how the world reacts to it, and that's what matters. I like that. It's also realistic, in a way. If it's as scarce as it's said to be, then that means it wouldn't be very well studied yet, and we can discover that along the way. I like the progression there, and sort of the promise that the reader will be accompanying the characters in that journey. That's the strongest point of promise for these beginning chapters, and I'm hoping that once we get into the Expedition proper, we start to see signs of our A plot.

That's all! Oh, but one small thing I noticed, in particular with the way it seems to end in FFN, as well as the "part 2" in the chapter following... I think you duplicated your chapter content. You might want to look into unscrambling all that. Turns out I read all of chapter 3, I think! I think things are fine here on TR, but the chapters are all out of order. Maybe just... combine them, to be honest, for here, or something? I'm not sure why they're split off like this. Sure, they're a bit long, but at that point you could've just gone for separate chapters instead of part 1, part 2 for chapters.
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