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Pokémon Pokemon Lightning Yellow


Pokémon Trainer
Questing through the Pokeworld
Traveling Interlude 4: The Swindlers of the Stage

"Who knew that Tanooki Mario and Zigzagoon Mario were actually real?" Ash smiled as the group got back on the road again the next day. "I wonder what other famous characters from myth and legend we might meet on this trip?"

"We may meet a lot more, and the ancient theater troupes that bring them to life." Brock replied. "Have you two ever seen a Tawame play before?"

"Not really--but I'd love to one day!" Ash smiled. "Those acrobatic acts and fights I've seen in books look cool!"

"You NEED to see a Tawame play at least once in your life!" Misty raved. "I've lost how many times I went to the Suiren on field trips as a kid..."

"Well, if you ever wondered where they get their beautiful costumes from, we're coming up on Feather Town." Brock explained. "It has long been revered for making costumes for the ancient and modern Wakunese theater, thanks to the abundance of indigo plants and other coloring materials."

Then something occurred to Brock. "In fact, Feather Town's abundant indigo fields are how our league--the Indigo League--got its name."

He returned to the guidebook. "In addition to many resident theater companies putting on both ancient and modern plays, you can watch the costumes get made, try on genuine costumes for pictures, and see actual costumes on display in the Museum of the Theatrical Costume."

"Sounds cool!" Ash smiled as he petted Tintri.

[Wonder if they have Pokemon sized costumes we can see?] Tintri mused as he imagined himself on an ancient Wakunese stage of old, delivering a Thunderbolt to a massive Gyarados puppet.

"Only one way to find out!" Ash smiled before hurrying off down the road.

"Wait for us!" Misty and Brock were not far behind...


"Wow..." Ash gasped as he, Misty, and Brock arrived in the town, where seemingly hundreds of portable stages had been set up. "So many stages..."

"That's because all the local troupes here are getting ready for the annual Costume Showcase." a girl with deep purple-black hair in a teal T-shirt and pale yellow shorts replied as she met the group at the town square. "My name's Tena--my family makes the costumes for the Souten Troupe in town."

"I'm Ash--and these two are my traveling companions--Misty and Brock." Ash explained as Misty and Brock waved hello. "...and my Pikachu, Tintri." he added as Tintri bounded on his shoulder.

"We were on our way to Vermilion, and had to stop by when we heard about this place's costume tradition." Misty explained.

"You won't be disappointed--you'll see a lot of talented actors, and equally beautiful costumes, during the Showcase." Tena assured Misty. "If you three need somewhere to spend the night, you can come stay at my house."

The group didn't notice Team Rocket in the indigo fields on the western outskirts of town, picking as much of the plants as they could find. "Why didn't we think of this before?" James mused. "If we use the local indigo to make our own costumes, we could bilk the actors into buying a cheap costume, and we keep the profits!"

"Don't remind me of what happened the last time we tried hording a town's local product..." Jessie shuddered at a memory of the group's attempted trap."

"Relax--I doubt da twoipes wouldn't be so dumb as to try trappin' us like Rattatas again." Meowth assured his human companions as he plopped some indigo leaves into a basket. "Dere...dat should be enough for us to make a rounda cheap costumes."

He noticed the group as they rounded the corner towards the large Museum of the Theatrical Costume, with Tena leading the way. "Looks like da twoipes are busy wit' a tour of town...let's get ta woik before dey know we're here!"


"These are beautiful..." Misty smiled as she admired a blue and gold costume with swirling water designs hanging on a rack in Tena's weaving room later that night. "Is this for the Showcase, or one of the other plays the Souten troupe is doing?"

"That is Sapphire Dragon's costume for the play we are doing--'Eight Spirits' Journey to the Night Castle.'" Tena replied. "Those water designs were not easy to make!"

Ash was about to ask who the Eight Spirits were when the lightbulb went off in his head. "Oh yeah...the Eight Spirits of mythology! Is Ruby Phoenix's costume ready yet?"

"That's actually the one I am working on." Tena replied as she settled before a well loved loom set up with red and gold thread. "Once this is done, I'm doing Jade Beautifly's next."

"I don't think I know about 'Eight Spirits' Journey to the Night Castle'..." Misty admitted as she listened to Brock play a beautiful, soft melody on his guitar in time to the sound of the loom. "They say it has at least seven different versions---so how do you know which version's which?"

"Each version focuses on a different character, and some slight differences in the storyline." Brock explained, still improvising in D major to Tena working. "In order, the versions are Rainbow, Fire, Rain, Earth, Light, Wind, Moon, Snow, and Thunder. While each version of the play tells the same basic story, each one features moments and scenes that may be very different in another version, or may tell the story a slightly different way."

"No matter which version you see, it's an adventure you won't forget." Tena agreed as she looked over a row of stitches. "Maestro, some music please?"

Brock obliged with a mysterious melody punctuated with harmonics. "The show tells the story of White Taillow, a noble rogue that ends up with the map to Nobunaga's castle--known as the Night Castle--and plans to attack the Aiiro City after stealing them from Nobunaga's men while they are too busy carousing in a post station." Tena explained, bemused by Brock playing the traditional melody 'Sakura, Sakura' with harmonics. "Excited at her find, White Tallow runs into one of the Eight Spirits on the road--which one depends on the version of the play you see..."

"What about the Rainbow version?" Ash was intrigued.

"In the standard Rainbow version of the show, who White Taillow meets is random." Tena replied. "White Taillow then tells the Spirit about her find. The Spirit brings them to the Eight Spirits' secret hideaway, where they make plans to infiltrate the Night Castle, and foil Nobunaga's invasion before it ever starts."

"Sounds exciting!" Misty smiled as she watched Tena work, and Brock perform.

"Yeah...it would be so much fun to play Ruby Phoenix myself one day!" Ash agreed as he watched the sun set over the indigo fields...


Pokémon Trainer
Questing through the Pokeworld
Interlude: An Introduction to Adventure

That night, Team Rocket stumbled, battered and beaten, towards the town entrance. "So much for da flimsy costume idear..." Meowth groaned as he and his human companions limped away. "Da people here sure know dere costumes...."

"Don't worry, we'll find somewhere where the twerps can't find us, and the people easily fooled..." Jessie assured Meowth. "But right now, let's rest up somewhere, and plan our next move in secret--we want to be ready when we find the twerps."

"Yes--let's not underestimate the people, either..." James agreed, rubbing his head in pain as the Rockets stumbled off into the rising moon...


Back at Tena's house, Tena tensely listened to a tense conversation on the phone. "Yes...I understand...okay..."

"What's going on?" Ash wondered as Tena returned and began cleaning up her work area.

"We've had several actors call out of our production of 'Eight Spirits' Journey to the Night Castle'..." Tena explained. "First our Ruby Phoenix actor, then our Sapphire Dragon actress, and now our Emerald Raikou actor..."

Ash seemed to swallow hard at what Tena was about to request. "And you believe Misty, Brock, and I could fill those parts? When we know very little about Tawame acting, or just acting at all?"

He heaved a sigh of relief as Tena replied "Oh no, I wouldn't make you three learn such huge parts in one day. Our director has quick plays on hand just in case we can't perform a major production--usually fairy tales work well for a situation like this."

"A folk tale or fairy tale's not too hard to learn in a day or two..." Misty admitted. "But I still wouldn't mind a crash course in acting of some kind..."

"I have just the thing for a crash course in acting..." Brock smiled as he unearthed a box depicting a band of fantasy heroes battling a Charizard inside a majestic dungeon.

Misty was unimpressed. "Chambers and Charizards? That geeky game with all the math? How's that going to teach us how to act?"

"If you'll trust me, I'll show you how." Brock assured Ash and Misty as he opened the box and started setting up the starter adventure...


"Okay...what should I include in my battlemage's backstory?" Ash wondered as he worked on filling out his first character sheet.

"Something that a lot of people tend to do--even experienced players--is tell your character's full story in the backstory." Brock cautioned as he watched Misty fill out her character sheet. "Of course you want to explain how your character got to be who they are, but you also need to keep in mind what their goals are--why do they adventure? Knowing your character's 'why?' is the heartbeat of acting."

"Aldaron's goal is like mine--he wants to be a great hero!" Ash smiled.

"Okay, why does he want to be a great hero?" Brock asked. "Was he inspired by a minstrel's tale to find the one treasure his dad or mom couldn't get? Does he want to make his own mark in the world, and surpass those who came before him? Or is he just enamored by the glory, riches and honor?"

He noticed Ash contemplating his question. "To put it another way, what does being a great hero look like to your character, and what lengths is he willing to go to accomplish that?"

"To Aldaron, he deeply looked up to his dad, himself a great battlemage." Ash explained. "So he wants to carry on his family legacy, and build on the great deeds both his mom and dad accomplished by doing some great deeds of his own."

"There you go! That's thinking like an actor." Brock smiled. "This should inform how you play Aldaron the Red, okay?"

He next looked over at Misty. "Magic Knight--good choice! You get the best of the knight and the wizard, and some cleric spells as well."

"So my question for now is how to write my character's backstory as an actor would, like you were telling Ash..." Misty mused as she stared at the blank backstory section of the character sheet. "Her name is Meri--Dame Meri of the Blue Dragons."

"Okay--what is Meri's 'why'? Brock explained.

"She wants to explore outside her home castle walls, and bring glory to her order." Misty replied.

"Now, what does that look like if you were to ask your character that?" Brock asked. "Is she going forth because her captain asked her to do that, or did she do so by her own choice, with the blessings of her captain. Did a mission for her captain become a journey of discovery? Or is the goal further down the road--fighting in a tournament, slaying a notorious dragon, or bringing a rogue to justice? Or is she just bored by the endless patrols?"

Misty thought for a moment. "She's going forth because she volunteered for a mission of updating the world map on behalf of the king. So she has both the king's and her captain's authority to travel. But secretly, she wants to know what wonders lie outside her home castle walls--and bringing glory to the Blue Dragons can't hurt!"

She looked over the blank weapon slot. "Do I have to wield a sword and shield, or can I wield twinblades?"

Brock studied the chapter in the Dungeon Master's Guide about the magic knight. "The good news is, twinblades can be wielded by a magic knight without training from a rogue to dual wield."

"I see...so if you want another classes' abilities, you have to find someone of that class to train you." Misty mused.

"If you're ready to roll stats and pick starting abilities, I'll check over your character sheets." Brock began as he set up DungeonNav on his PokeNav...


"Now then...welcome to the game, Aldaron the Red and Dame Meri." Brock began. "What we’re going to do here is tell a story, a story that you guys are going to help create." he explained to Ash and Misty. "Each of you has a character, which you introduced to me, Tena, and the Pokemon before. Our story takes place in a world where magic lives, filled with monsters, treasure, and adventure."

Tintri and Blaze cheered in excitement. "My role in the game is the Dungeon Master, or DM, for short." Brock goes on. "I’ll describe what your characters see, and you guys can tell me what the characters do in response. Should you do well, you will be handsomely rewarded. I'll be explaining how everything works as we go, but if you don't understand something or have any questions, just ask!"

More cheers went up at this. "So on that note, let's get going!" Brock smiled as he cued some quiet fantasy town ambiance from his PokeNav...


Pokémon Trainer
Questing through the Pokeworld
Traveling Interlude 5: Adventures in Animation

"Acting with Tena's troupe was so much fun!" Ash raved as the group got back on the road a day or two later. "Maybe I should act more often!"

"Yeah--you do have a knack for heroic roles!" Misty smiled as she thought back on the performance a few days before...

In Misty's memory, Ash--now in a Pecha Berry inspired ancient Wakunese costume, a boy in costume as an Arcanine gijinka, and a girl in costume as a Lucario gijinka--walked onto a stage as Misty's self in the memory, now wearing a majestic phoenix costume, elegantly jumped down before Ash and his co-stars. "Never have I seen such a strange group of travelers...may I ask where you're going?" Misty's self in the memory asked.

"We are on a great journey to subdue the demons in their island stronghold, and restore peace to Kanto." Ash explained. "If you would like to join me on this great quest, you are welcome."

The Misty in the memory smiled. "Gladly! My name is Fushi--I would be honored to join your cause."

The lights blinked over to Brock--now wearing a traditional green Wakunese storyteller's robe. "And so, the holy phoenix Fushi joined the party." the Brock in the memory narrated. "The four of them grew very close on their journey, but what adventures they had on the way to Demon Island are stories in themselves..."

"You're not too bad a narrator, either!" Ash complimenting Brock snapped Misty back to the present. "What's your secret to narrating well?"

"There is no big secret--just speak at a relaxed pace, vary your tone of voice to fit the action of the story, and avoid 'uh', 'er', 'um', and derivatives thereof." Brock explained. "So I just imagine that my siblings are listening in the audience, and tell the story in the same way I would tell it to them at home."

He turned his attention to the guidebook of Kanto. "Moving on...we're coming up on the town where the Rokom company makes their world famous drawing tablets."

Ash gasped in surprise. "I've always wanted one of those to draw comics with! But Mom always thought they were too expensive..."

"They are on the pricey side--but that's because they are quality products." Misty assured Ash. "Who knows? You might get to try one out if we take the factory tour!"

"Then let's go!" With that, Ash motioned for Misty and Brock to follow him down the path leading to the town...


"...The Rokom company gets its name from the Wakunese name for Vulpix, which is Rokon, and 'computer'." a tour guide explained as she led a tour group down the factory's Hall of History, which detailed key moments in the company's history. "This is also why its early logo is a stylized Vulpix with its six tails in rainbow colors. While the Vulpix has since disappeared, the rainbow tails are an important part of the logo today."

She gestured to a room labeled "Interactive Testing Room" "Here is one of our interactive testing rooms for our guests to try out the latest Rokom products, and offer us their feedback. So if you've never tried out a Rokom tablet before, this is your chance to discover why Rokom is the world leader in digital art products. If you have used Rkom tablets before, this is your chance to see the newest generation of tablets before they are released to the public."

"Oh boy!" Ash led the charge into the room, excited to see the sleek gray and white tablets in action. "Don't forget to read any tutorials..." Misty discretely whispered to Ash over the chaos.

Ash nodded back as he approached a vacant tablet display, complete with a screen to see what he was drawing. "Okay...don't press the digital pen on the screen too hard, to erase a mistake, switch the pen to Erase mode, or use the 'clear' button to clear everything, to change colors, touch the pen inside the hole in the color row with the color you want..."

Inspired by Tintri posing cutely on the display, Ash located yellow on the color row, then carefully started sketching the outline of a Pikachu on the tablet's screen sensor. Every once in a while, he would look over at Misty drawing a comic-like beach scene, or Brock drawing a fantasy forest that looked like a painting, but focused on his drawing of his companion.

"Not bad!" the tower guide smiled as she watched the Pikachu portrait taking shape on Ash's screen. "If you're particularly proud of what you create here, and want to share it with the world, you can upload it to our Guest Gallery when you're done."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ash smiled as he kept working. "I've always wanted one of these to draw comics with..."

"These new tablets should easily handle a manga page." the guide assured Ash. "So once you're done with your Pika-portrait, give a comic a try!"

Ash nodded as he looked over his finished drawing of Tintri. "What do you think, bud?"

[Not bad for a first try!] Tintri smiled before hoping down to the display and pressing the 'Upload' button.

"Aw, you think my portrait of you is worthy enough to share with the world?" Ash smiled as he cleared the tablet's screen for another drawing once his upload was complete. "I wonder how you change the art style you're drawing in..."

"Tap 'Style' with the pen, then pick your art style." Brock replied before uploading his completed fantasy forest painting to the Guest Gallery.

Piqued, Ash found the Style menu at the top of the tablet's screen and tapped "Manga". "Now to see just how well these do at making a comic!"

"This is fun!" Misty agreed as she put the finishing touches on her beach scene. "I could draw with these all day!"
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