Chapter 1: The Plan / Authors notes
Flygon connoisseur
- Pronouns
- She/her
- Partners

artcredit: Hawkosa
(Hawkosa's art is absolutely incredible to me, for one key reason. He has a talent for being able to replicate a wide, wide variety of different art styles, ranging from DBZ, Sailor Moon, comic, cartoon styles, and even more 'realistic' sketches. What you see on their Instagram/Deviantart is just a small fraction of what I know he is capable of. I commission almost all my art from him. His prices are also fair and I simply can't help but praise his work, considering I'm very happy with the results! Check him out!
Six years after the fall of Galactic, Koamaru sets out on his trainer journey with a singular goal - be the first to catch a legendary pokemon. The right way. But when his plan for a Perfect Team is upended by a spirited Zubat, Koa is forced to question how much his dreams are worth, even as the region fractures under the pressure of mysterious attacks by legendary pokemon.
LA is a classic, vanilla badgequest/journeyfic with some drama and angst dashed in.
It was originally started because I wanted the classic badgequest format with a character that was flawed and troubled, and would have to overcome them alongside his team; as well as feature someone without a traditional starter (and maybe shamelessly use pokemon I thought were cool).
So you'll see a lot of common tropes, (badge collecting duh) traveling, friends and rivals, training, adventure, slice-of-life, evil teams, perhaps a villain, and yes, legendaries. A setup that will evoke the anime, with a little bit more seriousness and continuity. My goal is to use a lot of these usual elements but surround it with an interesting cast. As such, I'm not looking to change or omit these things (training sequences/battles/side adventures etc) but make them feel a little more engaging than the usual fare of Ash-anime.
This story is already 175k+ words written, and my current focus is on completion, not editing. (Please be kind to early chapters! ^^'.) Therefore, I am actually asking for very little and light crit or none. (mostly wouldn't want people to spend lots of time on crit I'll never use)
My great hope is for readers to enjoy this fic and have fun. Engage with the narrative and characters. Let me know what you think about plot. Speculate, meme, discuss, hypothesize and tell me what parts you really like! Just approach it as a reader and have fun.
I'm not very interested in any crit, but if while reading you come across bits that confuse or otherwise hamper the reading, or a minor spelling hiccup, I certainly don't mind! I am not against critique but rather I am more interested in just getting impressions, commentary and having fun, since this is jut a hobby thing and I really won't be fixing anything huge or trying to craft a super clean story. (Yet)
P.S. At the end of certain chapters I may include an AN with known errors that I'm already aware of
Thank you!
It was originally started because I wanted the classic badgequest format with a character that was flawed and troubled, and would have to overcome them alongside his team; as well as feature someone without a traditional starter (and maybe shamelessly use pokemon I thought were cool).
So you'll see a lot of common tropes, (badge collecting duh) traveling, friends and rivals, training, adventure, slice-of-life, evil teams, perhaps a villain, and yes, legendaries. A setup that will evoke the anime, with a little bit more seriousness and continuity. My goal is to use a lot of these usual elements but surround it with an interesting cast. As such, I'm not looking to change or omit these things (training sequences/battles/side adventures etc) but make them feel a little more engaging than the usual fare of Ash-anime.
This story is already 175k+ words written, and my current focus is on completion, not editing. (Please be kind to early chapters! ^^'.) Therefore, I am actually asking for very little and light crit or none. (mostly wouldn't want people to spend lots of time on crit I'll never use)
My great hope is for readers to enjoy this fic and have fun. Engage with the narrative and characters. Let me know what you think about plot. Speculate, meme, discuss, hypothesize and tell me what parts you really like! Just approach it as a reader and have fun.
I'm not very interested in any crit, but if while reading you come across bits that confuse or otherwise hamper the reading, or a minor spelling hiccup, I certainly don't mind! I am not against critique but rather I am more interested in just getting impressions, commentary and having fun, since this is jut a hobby thing and I really won't be fixing anything huge or trying to craft a super clean story. (Yet)
P.S. At the end of certain chapters I may include an AN with known errors that I'm already aware of
Thank you!
Just one week left. Koa crossed off today's date on his wall calendar. He flipped to next month's page, June. The 3rd had been circled in red, along with a message from his cousin that read "Don't slack little K." Koa rolled his eyes at the nickname. In one week he turned 14, which was the minimum age to apply for a trainers license in Sinnoh.
He glanced down at his watch. 6:05. Grabbing his worn but much loved jacket off a chair, he swung on his backpack and jogged downstairs.
The faint murmur of the tv echoed through the living room. His cousin was sprawled on the couch in front of it, fast asleep. He walked over and shook him awake. "Hey Blake, I'm going out for a jog."
Blake grunted and sat up, yawning. "Good morning to you too, Koa. Take Absol with you. He wanted to get some exercise." Putting his fingers to his lips, he whistled. The rhythmic click of toenails on wood came from down the hallway. A moment later Absol emerged from Blake's room and trotted up to Koa. He butted his head against Koa's leg and looked up at him expectantly.
Koa smiled and rubbed scratched him under the chin, eliciting a pleased rumble from him. "Nice to see you too. Ready for a little exercise?"
Absol barked eagerly.
"You're never that happy to see me..." Blake muttered to Absol, his tone playfully bitter. Absol sniffed and turned his back on Blake before walking towards the door. Koa grinned and followed. Blake sat up. "Oh! I nearly forgot. Be back by 8:30."
"Because I said so," Blake replied, smirking. The smirk softened to a fond smile. "It's a surprise."
Koa nodded in acknowledgment and hurried for the door. Knowing Blake, all the prying in the world couldn't get him to give up his secrets.
"Hey!" His cousin called sharply. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Koa paused, his hand on the door handle, and cringed. "What?"
Blake left the room a moment and came back holding a Great ball in one hand and a baton in the other. "Tsk tsk. You should always carry your pokemon's pokeball with you. And something to defend yourself."
Koa rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah." His cousin tended to be over paranoid, in his opinion. "You worry too much, I'm not even leaving city limits."
A deep frown appeared on Blake's face. "What happens if Absol is incapacitated? How will you protect him? What if he's in his pokeball and doesn't hear you in danger? You should always be prepared."
"...Fine," Koa conceded, taking the ball and baton. He slipped the ball into his pocket and clipped the baton to his pants. Koa glanced at the door. "Oh man, Absol's waiting for me! Gotta go." He ducked away from Blake's playful attempt to ruffle his hair and darted out the door before he could get any further safety lectures.
A rush of salty air greeted him as he stepped outside. Closing the door behind him, he drew in a deep breath of familiar ocean air. The simple gray buildings of his hometown, Canalave, rose all around him. He slipped easily into his usual routine of doing some stretches as he waited for his 'guests'.
Moments later, avian cries broke the quiet morning and a cluster of Pidgey and Starly descended upon the yard, watching with expectant gazes, heads cocked ever so slightly. He grinned and waved, then pulled out a pack of seeds from his pocket, tossing them a few. The birds descended upon them in a flurry of brown and gray, until nothing remained. They shrieked, happily, their version of a 'thank you', before flying off.
Once he finished stretching, he broke into a jog, heading north. Absol bounded alongside him, keeping pace easily as he wove through the town. Lately, he'd altered his morning jog to carve through the city instead of heading straight to the outskirts. With the day fast approaching when he would set out on his journey as a trainer, there was no telling when he'd return to Canalave.
As he crossed near the beach, a pang of nostalgia struck him. He'd miss this city. His gaze shifted to his left, to the only two-story building in town. Or rather, he'd miss one specific building. The library. Ever since the day his cousin had first introduced him to the concept of unlimited free books, Koa had been hooked. Most of his spare time had been spent in those walls, reading, researching, and making small talk with the librarian. She'd been the one to introduce him to the section on legendaries, with its well loved couch and beanbag chairs. Mythology and legends became his escape from all his fears and worries.
A dull ache filled his chest. When he was young, the section had always been filled with kids his age. They would all dream about the legendaries they wanted to see, which ones were cooler, and which was the strongest. He still remembered those times fondly. But as he dwelt on them, old bitterness began to seep into his thoughts. Everything could have stayed that way too. But as the years had gone by, he soon found himself alone on the couch, his only company a scruffy plush of Mew that was probably inaccurate.
At the time, he hadn't understood. What he had understood was the dirty looks and whispered comments. The way kids would quickly move to other areas, or rip up the thick tomes with their pictures and stories of legendaries and ancient heroes. Later Blake had explained why. How groups in Hoenn had almost destroyed the region, and someone in a far off place called Kalos had tried to control those legends. And how in Sinnoh, it was happening again and how some people blamed anyone trying to pursue legendaries-
Scowling, he forced the memory down. What's past is dead. That was what Blake always taught him. Team Galactic was just a bitter memory now. The world had moved on. He refused to think about them, or about —
Instead, he occupied himself with more cheerful thoughts, like his upcoming birthday and chance to go on a trainer journey. And what he planned to do. A dream even Blake didn't know about. A dream he'd harbored ever since he was a child.
Trainers who won the league tournaments came and went, forgotten as new trainers took their place. But history remembered those who did truly great things. Like catching a legendary. Ancient tales spoke of how good and trainers, pure of heart, befriended legendaries. Whether through battle or acts of valor, they were the ones remembered and revered as heroes. More than anything, he wanted that.
With renewed vigor, Koa quickened his pace, jogging back inland. He left the city through the west gate and followed a worn dirt path into the woods. The sparse trees thickened until the path was nearly invisible, and his surroundings darkened, the faint dawn light barely penetrating the leafy canopy. Absol darted in and out of the trees, moving like a shadow.
Despite the lack of distinct markers, he jogged swiftly through the brush navigating with an ease born of routine. Finally, he stopped in front of a tree that was taller than the others. Root like vines wrapped around its trunk and spiraled upwards, forming a web-like tangle near the crown of the tree. Absol stopped at the tree's base, then stretched and yawned, curling up for a quick nap.
"Don't get too comfy," he declared with a grin. The Trainer's License exam featured a rock wall that he had to climb in 3:00 or under. If he could climb a tree in less time, he was sure to pass that part. Of course, climbing the wall was far from difficult, but he always liked to see if he could one-up himself.
Dropping his backpack onto the ground, he held up his watch and switched it to the stopwatch mode, then pressed the start button. Taking a half step back, he lunged forwards and grabbed hold of the tree, securing his feet against one of the vines. Then he began to climb. He moved swiftly as he could, taking care to secure his hold before moving upwards. No need for a repeat of last month's accident. If he got injured now, he might have to postpone getting his trainer's license.
With each practiced movement, he recited the mantra he always did:
Shinx. Starly. Gyarados. Tyrogue. Nidoran. Gible.
His Perfect Team.
Before he knew it, he'd pulled himself into the crown of the tree. Pulling out his stopwatch, he hit pause. 1:47.
A startled Hoothoot glared reproachfully at him before flying away.
"Personal best!" he called down to Absol.
Absol replied with a bark before lying down again.
Sighing, Koa leaned back in the tree and closed his eyes, giving his aching limbs a rest. His thoughts circled back to his perfect team.
'A Comprehensive Guide to the Trainer's Journey', a book which he basically swore by, described how a trainer's first pokemon was the key to their journey. The 'starter', as the term had been coined, was representative of what kind of trainer one was, and could become. Cynthia and Gible, Lance and Dratini, Steven and Beldum.
Koa and Luxray, and the rest of his team. Together, they covered a lot of common weaknesses and types. A team like that could take on a legend. A team like that would be remembered.
After several minutes of daydreaming, he sat up, then shimmied down the tree. If he wanted to make it home in time for whatever Blake had planned, he had to leave now.
By the time he reached Canalave's west gate, the sun had risen well above the horizon. He glanced down at his watch. 8:19. Not bad.
As he approached his house, he spotted his cousin standing outside, waiting. Absol trotted to Blake's side and sat down.
Blake waved. "How'd the training go?"
Koa grinned, the memory of his earlier triumph still fresh in his mind. "Great! I beat my time. I think I'm ready."
Blake grinned proudly. "Good job. I hope you're not too tired though."
"Why? What did you need me to do?"
"I have a few books and some research notes I want you to take to Professor Rowan. I was going to just mail it, but I figured you'd like the chance to see him again. He's going to be in Jubilife City this week for a special teaching session at the Trainer's School."
Koa's grin grew as his cousin spoke. "Sick!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. Professor Rowan was a close friend of his cousin, who was a pokemon researcher. He'd met the Professor a few years back and immediately grew close to him. It seemed as if Rowan had a never-ending wealth of knowledge, and with his help, he'd learned a great deal about pokemon. "Thanks, cousin!" He paused. "That's gonna be a pretty long walk though..." he mused, almost to himself. "At least five days, accounting for travel time. There's no way I could-"
"Oh, you won't be walking." Blake gestured to his bike, which leaned against the side of the house. He flashed a broad smile. "You can borrow my bike to get there. It'll cut down your travel time."
"Yes!" Koa grinned widely. The trip would be cinch by bike. He started towards it.
Blake held up his hand. "Be careful with that bike. They aren't cheap, you know," he said. "Take route 218 straight there. I'm guessing you already have enough basic supplies in your backpack?"
Koa nodded impatiently. Ever since he started training for the trainer's exam, he got in the habit of keeping a backpack of traveling necessities. Not to mention the baton he usually kept at his side, although he abhorred the thought of having to use it. "Of course. Besides, this is a quick three-day trip, not a wilderness excursion."
"Good. You should be able to make it there by the morning after tomorrow if you keep a steady pace. I recommended resting at the Ranger's Lodge before you cross the bridge. And don't rush! It's not a good idea to cross the bridge after dark. You can get supplies there too. There's another lodge on the west side that-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know how to travel, dude." Koa swung his leg over the bike.
Blake handed Koa a paper bag. "I packed you lunch."
Koa took the bag, stuffing it into his backpack. "Anything else, mom?" he said teasingly.
Blake rolled his eyes and returned Absol. He handed the ball to Koa. "You can take Absol, but no battles! He's there for protection only, got it? Last thing I need is a call from Officer Jenny about an unlicensed trainer using my pokemon in an illegal battle."
"Okay already. I get it," he took the ball and clipped it to his belt. "Are you done? Can I go now?"
Blake sighed. "Yes, that's all I guess. Please at least try not to be too reckless."
Koa rolled his eyes and nodded, then pushed off and started pedaling. He zoomed out of Canalave, exiting the city in less than an hour, taking the east gate. Within the hour, he was on the way, the city at his back.
For the first few hours, he saw little but wild Pokemon. It wasn't until halfway through the day anything disrupted his ride. As he crossed one of the route's many bridges, the distant thunder of hooves caught his attention. He looked up just in time to see a black and white blur streaking towards him. With a cry, he swerved sharply, narrowly missing a collision, and skidded to a halt. Heart hammering, he whipped around just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure in all black, riding a... Zebstrika?
That was odd. Zebstrika weren't native to Sinnoh. He narrowed his eyes, his grip on the handlebars of his bike tightening. Anger simmered in his chest, but he forced it down. As much as he would've loved to give the rider a piece of his mind, he'd never catch up.
With a growl, he turned his gaze west once again. Fine. If he couldn't catch them, he'd at least report them for reckless behavior. Aside from his encounter with the rider, the trip otherwise remained pleasantly uneventful. He made sure to report the reckless rider at the Ranger Station that evening.
Over the rest of his time traveling, He also passed by several trainers over his two days of travel, and a few even challenged him, but he was forced to refuse. If he was caught, he would be prohibited from getting his trainer's license. Last time the police hadn't pressed charges but he doubted he would be so lucky if he did it again. Even though anyone was allowed to carry a pokemon, only licensed trainers were supposed to catch pokemon, participate in battles, or try for the gym circuit.
By the dawn of the third day, he'd made solid progress. He crossed the bulk of the route and entered the last stretch, an area cutting through a sparse forest. As he entered the woods, a loud shriek sounded from somewhere ahead and to his right. Koa paused. The sound came again. It sounded like a pokemon in distress. Curious, Koa dropped his bike and hurried into the woods.
A faint trail wound through the woods a short distance, leading to a tiny clearing with a single tree. Unlike the rest of the trees in the area, this one's leaves were a golden yellow, and a sticky coating covered the trunk. A honey tree. He knew there was one near Jubilife, and he wasn't exactly surprised to find another.
At the edge of the clearing, a small Zubat lay still on the ground. Koa's eyes widened and he quickly shuffled closer. It fluttered weakly at his approach, squeaking in fear. Its ears flicked erratically and it kept twisting its head side to side.
Right. Zubat saw with sound, not their eyes. Because they didn't have eyes.
"Easy there," he whispered softly.
The Zubat stilled at his voice, turning towards him. It flapped its wings again in a vain attempt to fly, then gave up and dropped back to the ground, seemingly too exhausted.
Koa knelt beside it, examining it closer. No visible damage, which was a good indicator. Pokemon's natural abilities allowed them to fight without sustaining serious wounds unless they fought when sick or weakened. So it wouldn't need medical attention.
It fluttered weakly into the air a few inches then landed again, panting. Koa patted its soft head gently to soothe it, wracking his brain as he did.
Pokemon battling in the wild for sport or territory was normal. Matches in the wild were as common as trainer battles, and much like a trainer battle, ended when one side 'fainted'. Professor Rowan had once explained how fainting was a natural process during a battle that prevented pokemon from injuring themselves. Their body would drop into a quick healing state to recover their protective energies. However, if the pokemon continued to push themselves without proper recovery - either through medicine or rest - then they could become over-exhausted, leaving them vulnerable. Could that be the case here?
He glanced around. No berry trees in sight. His gaze returned to Zubat, whose chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. Zubat's body language and behavior showed all the telltale signs of overexertion. He couldn't bear the thought of just leaving it here like this. Not if he could help.
"Alright, hang in there," he murmured. Recalling the potion he kept for Absol in case of emergencies, he started to take his backpack off his shoulder, then stopped. If something happened, he might need it later. And yet... Zubat was here, right in front of him. Absol could handle himself, and he was nearly at Jubilife. Sure, it would recover with time, but if something happened before then...
Uncapping the potion, he sprayed the Zubat. After a few moments, it fluttered to life, emitting a happy shriek. Judging by the size of its fangs, it was male. Koa wondered what he was doing all the way out here. Zubat and Golbat tended to stick to colonies. Usually, they lived in caves, although some lived in forests or in cities. This one also didn't seem as bothered by sunlight as other members of its species. What brought it out here?
His question was soon answered when the Zubat started to flutter towards the honey tree. A warning cry from its branches made him pause. The purple head of an Aipom poked out and glared at the Zubat. He guessed the Aipom had claimed the tree as its own. He knew the monkey pokemon were fairly fond of honey. The Aipom didn't seem surprised to see the Zubat either. Judging by the condition Zubat had been in, he guessed it tried to get some and got attacked for it.
"Huh, I guess you wanted some honey?" Koa mused out loud. He'd never known Zubat to be lovers of honey, but there were always exceptions, he supposed. The Zubat chittered and nodded its head. Koa turned back towards the tree.
"Hey Aipom, how about it?" he called. "Can Zubat use your tree?"
The Aipom let out a shriek and shook its head adamantly. It bared its teeth and clutched the trunk tighter.
Koa crossed his arms and frowned. He eyed the Zubat thoughtfully, then the Aipom. "You don't want the whole tree, right Zubat?" he asked, turning to the flying type. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the Aipom's expression.
Zubat bowed its head slightly, almost as if guilty, then shook its head. Just as Koa suspected. Zubat had probably gone straight for the tree in his eagerness. Aipom's territorial instincts had kicked in and it had attacked.
Koa turned back to face it. "Zubat just made a mistake. He only wants a little bit of your honey, not your whole tree. Right?"
The Zubat nodded emphatically. The Aipom's expression shifted to an apologetic one. It eyed Koa and the Zubat for a moment, then slowly nodded. With a grateful squeak, Zubat flew to the tree, landing and gratefully licking the honey off.
Koa shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips at the comical sight. After watching for another moment, he returned to the road. Jubilife was only a couple of hours away now, and he didn't want to tarry any longer.
In no time at all, he was zipping between the highrises of Jubilife on his bike. Just ahead, he could make out the wide, many-windowed building of the Jubilife Trainers' School. He stopped outside, leaving his bike on the rack, then hurried through the doors.
The hallway looked just as he remembered it - a narrow stretch of grim hardwood floors, classrooms lining either side like little jail cells. He'd only been once before, for a seminar for new trainers. And once had been enough. He'd given a presentation about his goal to battle and catch a legendary. The derisive laughter had been the final straw for him, and he knew better than to discuss his dreams openly.
Pushing the unpleasant memory from his mind, he wound through the hallways to the auditorium doors. By the sound of it, Professor Rowan was still giving his presentation. He leaned against the wall outside, drumming his hands on his leg. After a very agonizing fifteen minute wait, the presentation had finished and the attendees had filed out. Finally, Professor Rowan emerged.
When his gaze settled on Koa, he smiled. "Ah, Koa! You're here already, excellent. I assume you brought the papers from Blake?"
Koa nodded, taking them from his backpack and handing them to Rowan. "What's the research on?" he asked curiously. He'd considered taking a peek at them himself, but the idea seemed rude, so he'd resisted the urge.
"Your cousin has been helping me study the link between battles and evolution," Rowan said as he tucked the files into his briefcase. "You see, our research indicates that most trained pokemon in their second or third stages are much younger than their wild counterparts."
"Huh," Koa mused. "So... evolution is completely different from aging?"
Rowan stroked his beard, his gaze drifting to the ceiling. "Not quite. We believe evolution is distinct from age and maturity, although only to some degree. And of course, it depends on the species. Some species are even impossible to find wild at all, such as Umbreon and Espeon. I am sure there is a human component to this."
Koa's eyes lit up. "That's why pokemon seek out the companionship of trainers, right? Pokemon who battle with humans are always lots stronger than wild ones, even the ones who fight a lot."
"Correct," Rowan said with a brisk nod. He started down the hall, motioned for Koa to follow. Koa darted after him, his gaze never leaving Rowan. "So how is the training going?" he asked.
"Great!" Koa replied enthusiastically. "I'm ready for the exam, I think. And I even have my whole team planned out," he added proudly.
Rowan frowned. Or at least his normally stern face got slightly more stern. "Planning ahead is good, but remember not to limit yourself. Unexpected occurrences always happen during a trainer's journey."
"I know," Koa said, trying to hide the impatience in his voice. He didn't really mind surprises, but he didn't want his team to be one.
Rowan narrowed his gaze and eyed Koa, but remained silent for several moments. "Koa, I hope you understand something," he said finally.
Koa gazed at him questioningly. "What?" he asked, a note of hesitance in his voice. It was the sort of tone that usually preceded an adult's lecture.
"The bond between pokemon and trainer is sacred." Rowan's tone became quiet, but forceful. "It allows both to reach unprecedented heights. Why pokemon have chosen to live and serve alongside us is something even Oak and I don't fully grasp, but it is not something to be taken lightly. Make no mistake, pokemon choose to fight with us." He paused. "By working together, there is little we cannot accomplish, regardless of the pokemon or the trainer. All that matters is your hearts and drive. Do you understand?"
Koa grinned, then nodded. "Yeah, I understand." And there's nothing me and Luxray can't accomplish.
After that, Rowan lightened up. For the next hour, Koa caught up with him, asking various questions about his research, and letting Rowan use him as a soundboard. Some of the topics were too nebulous for Koa to really understand, but Rowan always said that the layman's perspective could be more helpful than another scientist. All too soon, the day had grown late and it was time for Rowan to depart.
"One more thing, young man."
"Make sure you stop by the lab once you get your license. Your cousin and I have something for you that we've been working on."
Koa's eyes widened. He longed to know what it was, but he felt certain neither Rowan nor his cousin would spill a word of whatever his surprises were. With great reluctance, he bid the Professor goodbye.
The next day, he started on his return journey. On the last leg of his journey, he found himself on the final stretch of Route 218 in the very late evening, thanks to oversleeping at one point. The last colors of dusk were fading from the sky, and he could just barely make out stars. He figured he had about an hour's worth of biking to get back to Canalave. Normally, traveling after dark was dangerous, but he had Absol for protection, so he wasn't very worried. Plus, 218 was usually a fairly safe route.
His thoughts drifted as he biked down the final stretch. The sky gradually darkened more and the moon began to rise. He didn't see the dark shape in front of him until it was too late. Koa cried out in shock as he crashed into something, the impact sending him flying off his bike.
Tiny stones dug into his palms as he crashed to the ground and rolled a few feet. Behind him, a low growl arose. He scrambled to his feet just in time to see a very angry Mightyena glaring at him. Slowly, he raised his hand in a pacifying gesture.
"Easy boy. I'm sorry, it was an accident. I didn't mean to run into you."
Apparently, the Mightyena didn't care for his apology. It snarled in anger and took a step towards him. Koa reached for Absol's pokeball.
The rogue Mightyena lunged forwards, knocking the ball out of his hand. It rolled several yards away. The Mightyena snarled, prowling in between him and the ball. Koa gulped. His heart beat a little faster and he stared anxiously at the pokeball.
"Easy buddy. I don't want to hurt you," he spoke in as calm a voice as he could muster, and held his hands out. The Mightyena growled louder and took a step towards him. Koa hesitantly reached for the baton clipped at his side. The Mightyena lunged for him. Koa dove to the ground, rolling away from it. He scrambled to his feet, still eyeing Absol's pokeball. Mightyena remained between him and it, cutting him off.
Maybe if he called out, Absol would hear him-
A loud, high-pitched screech from above assaulted his ears. The Mightyena whimpered and folded its ears. Koa looked up, towards the source of the sound. Several feet above, a small Zubat hovered in the air. It screeched again, then dived at the Mightyena. The Mightyena leaped away, then glared at the Zubat, as if contemplating attacking. Apparently, it decided it wasn't worth the trouble and gave a single bark, then darted back into the woods.
Not wanting to lose his opportunity, Koa grabbed Absol's pokeball and picked up his bike. He glanced up again, but the Zubat had disappeared. He frowned in thought. That was odd. Singular Zubat didn't tend to be aggressive. Why would one attack a Mightyena out of the blue? As he got back on his bike and continued his trip home, he contemplated the Zubat. Could it have been the one from the honey tree? He quickly dismissed the thought. There were hundreds of Zubat in the world. Perhaps this was just the pokemon gods smiling upon him. Either way, he was grateful not to have to use his baton, even for defense.
The morning of his trainer's exam dawned, and Koa with it. Despite waking a little later than he would have liked, he still had plenty of time to dress, pack his things, and do a final check before leaving. The closest exam center was in Jubilife, which meant they would have to take a bus there. He hadn't decided yet if he intended to leave straight from Jubilife or head back to Canalave, so he made sure to be prepared either way. When he had finished packing and heading downstairs, his cousin was awake and waiting for him already.
The bus let them out at the gates to Jubilife, and his cousin walked with him the rest of the way. They stopped in front of a large, squarish building with a massive domed roof. Bold letters above the doors spelled out 'DTL' and in smaller letters beneath it read "Department of Trainer Licensing.' Koa started for the double doors.
"Good luck little K," his cousin called.
"Oh please. I got this. Luck is for losers!" Koa replied, smirking.
"That's why I offered it."
Koa's smirk disappeared and he shot Blake a scathing glare. After a moment, he smiled. "Not bad, I'll give you that." Koa turned and headed inside. Several soon-to-be trainers milled about inside, most around his age or a little older. Some were chatting, while others showed off pokemon they had gotten. He brushed by them, heading straight for the front desk. A woman with straight black hair, pale skin and a serious face sat behind the counter, staring blankly ahead.
"I'd like to register for the Trainer's License exam," he said.
The lady looked at him, then down at her computer. "Name?"
"Koamaru Averon."
"14," he replied. It felt good to finally say it.
She took another look at him then typed in some more information, murmuring to herself as she did. "Eyes, brown... skin, light. Hair dark navy." She looked back up at him.
"Five foot six."
"Canalave City."
She finished typing, then looked up at him. "You're all set." She slid a slip of paper over the counter towards him. "Here's your exam pass. The first part will begin in five minutes. Please wait in the lobby."
He let his attention drift as he mentally prepared himself for what lay ahead. The exam consisted of three parts. A test of physical prowess, tests of knowledge about the pokemon world, and finally, a simulated battle. The physical test and knowledge test he knew well, but he was slightly less certain about the battle test. You never knew what pokemon you would get, or what opponent you would face. On the bright side, they weren't required to win, merely demonstrate their skills.
"Hey rookie!" A blue haired boy waved to him from a cluster of other teenagers. "Come on over!"
Koa shuffled over towards the kids, and they parted to make space for him. There were five in total - the blue haired boy, a muscled boy who kept glancing at the floor, a girl with teal curls, a confident-looking boy wearing a cape (which Koa thought was a bit extra), and a girl with the neatest green bun he'd ever seen.
"Name's Galen. We're all talking about what we wanna do with our pokemon when we get our license. Our goals an' stuff." He grinned. "I'm gonna be a dark-type specialist. My dad's gonna help me find a Murkrow."
Good for you, must be nice to have that. Koa quickly pushed the bitter thought away. He had Blake, and that was plenty.
Galen gestured to the teal haired girl. "Hilgar said she's gonna become a coordinator and Cade over there is gonna be a dragon type specialist." He pointed to the caped boy, who nodded calmly in agreement. "And you said you're gonna try to win the league tournament, right?" He nodded his head towards Bun Girl.
She nodded, flashing a determined smile. "Gonna try to win the Lily of the Valley in a year."
A couple of the kids let out low whistles, and Koa understood why. To both qualify for the league tournament early next year and win it was an impressive feat.
"What're you gonna do?" Galen asked. Five heads swiveled to stare at him expectantly.
Koa gulped. "I want to c-" He caught himself and coughed awkwardly. "I'm gonna research legendaries."
"Sweet! Like Dialga and Palkia and stuff?" Galen asked. "You think they're still around?"
The muscled boy cleared his throat. "My dad said most of that legendary stuff is nonsense. They're just a bunch of crazy worshippers who exaggerated stories about strong pokemon. Like no way can a pokemon really control time and space."
Hilgar snorted. "You seriously believe that Morris? It's somehow all fake? Exaggerated?" She rolled her eyes. "Oh, legendaries are real all right, and they're powerful."
Morris frowned. "How do you know?"
Everyone looked at her expectantly.
She gave him an exasperated look, which she then shared with everyone else as if expecting someone to finish her sentence. "Team Galactic? Unless we all collectively forgot about the crazy cult who tried to bring about an apocalypse and ruined training for everyone. It hasn't even been a decade, for pete's sake!"
Koa flinched at the mention of Team Galactic as a grim silence wrapped around the group. They had been responsible for terrorizing the Sinnoh region for some time. The general public never knew the full extent of what they attempted, but they knew it involved trying to capture the sacred guardians of Sinnoh's three lakes. And how they professed to create a better world.
Because of them, the age for a starting trainer had been raised by two years, from 12 to 14. He gritted his teeth, intense bitterness washing over him just thinking about them.
"Just because some crazy cult tried to catch some Legendaries doesn't mean they're still around." Bun-girl glanced around as if trying to see who agreed with her. "For all we know, they vanished or died centuries ago and left us to our own devices. Besides, the news says Galactic failed. Never caught a thing."
Koa's jaw twitched. And I suppose you believe everything you hear on the news? If they knew what happened...
Hilgar snorted. "Don't be stupid. Of course they're real. But people should just leave them alone. Research is fine I guess, but all those people trying to catch legendaries and stuff are all evil. Legendaries and humans don't mix," she declared, matter of factly.
Koa hid his hands in his jacket pocket as he squeezed them into fists.
"Nothing good ever comes of humans messing with legendary pokemon," Bun Girl said somberly, nodding along.
Koa cleared his throat, feeling tense. "That's not true." Hilgar stared at him, looking offended.
"All eyes turned to him. Koa did his best not to squirm. "I just mean... In the past... legendaries would work with humans willingly and stuff." He mentally smacked himself. And stuff? That's the best you can do? "There are a lot of stories where legendaries have been... I mean, were caught by humans." He paused awkwardly. "So it's not impossible. And it can be good."
"Pfft! Those are exaggerated folk tales." Hilgar said. "More crazies dreaming of fame."
Frustration boiled up in Koa. He opened his mouth to retort, only for Cade to gently clear his throat.
"Hilgar, was it?" She nodded slowly. He continued. "There's actually a misunderstanding regarding many legendaries. While some folk tales do exaggerate aspects of the past, there are many historical records confirming legendaries did successfully work alongside humans to perform great feats. Although it certainly seems unlikely in our present time. I will admit I have not heard of any such occurrences in a long time. Not since Ho-Oh and Lugia separated from the towers of Johto about two hundred years ago."
Koa eyed Cade with new respect. He clearly knew his history. And could articulate it better.
The others seemed impressed too, Galen nodding appreciatively. "You sure know your stuff, huh?"
Murmurs of vague agreement spread through the group, while Hilgar muttered something under her breath that Koa didn't catch.
A door beside the registration desk slid open and a man with graying brown hair and a clipboard stepped out. "My name is Fyren, and I'll be your head instructor today. The Trainer's License Exam will begin now. Please follow me."
Koa hurried after him, relieved to be free of the conversation. The rest of the trainers, about thirty, filed in behind him. Putting aside his frustration, he focused his attention on the tests ahead. One last hurdle, then he'd be free.
A couple hours later, he sat anxiously on one of the hard backed chairs of the auditorium, tapping his foot against the ground. The first two parts of the exam, the physical and the knowledge test, had gone great. He cleared the hurdles and rock wall easily, only outmatched by Cade, who'd practically glided up the walls.
He'd handed in his written test before most of the class too, except for Cade again, and he'd been confident on just about every question. But everything had gone downhill during his battle aptitude test. It had seemed so simple, when he'd gotten a Hippopotas and the instructor sent out an Eelektross, an electric-type. Yet he'd lost it, and humiliatingly too. Poor Hippopotas never even got to land a hit.
The instructor's advice to him rang in his mind.
"Never assume, young man. Eelektross has a special ability known as Levitate, which causes ground attacks like Earthquake to miss. And although type advantages can win a battle, don't forget that a skilled trainer must also account for his partner's weaknesses."
Fyren stepped onto the stage, holding his clipboard. "I will now announce the trainers who will receive their license."
Koa shook himself from his thoughts and focused on the stage. This was it. If he didn't make it now, he'd have to wait a month to try again.
One by one, he called up each of the trainers who passed. Most of the trainers he'd met earlier were called onto stage. Unsurprisingly, Cade was among them.
He watched with a hint of envy as the caped boy strode confidently across the stage to receive his license. More names were called. With each name that wasn't his, Koa became more worried, jittering his leg and tapping his fingers.
"Koamaru Averon."
Koa literally leaped out of his chair, barely holding back his exclamation of joy. He ran onto stage, grinning widely as Fyren handed him his license, along with a simple Pokeball belt. Finally. He could be a proper trainer. As soon as he was able, he raced out of the building. As soon as he stepped outside, he jumped in the air and shouted. He spotted Blake a few feet away, smiling proudly.
"Good job Little K. Keep this up and maybe I'll have to start calling you Big K," Blake said, chuckling. Koa rolled his eyes.
"I have a gift for you, by the way." Blake reached into his jacket and pulled out a small box.
Koa's eyes widened when he saw the picture on the front. "A Poketch?" he stammered. "Thank you!" he hugged his cousin, then stepped back to examine his new prize. He tore it out of the box and put it on. It booted up flawlessly. He'd wanted a Poketch for months now, and planned to buy one after he started his journey. Now he could save his money for something else.
"So what now? Straight to Professor Rowan's lab I hope? I know he mentioned having you stop by once you got your license."
Blake's eyes looked far away, and despite his upbeat tone, Koa knew better. Sure it would mean starting a little later but...
He shook his head. "I'll take the bus back to Canalave with you. I have a few supplies to pick up, and I'd love to visit the library one last time." Technically, it was true. He did want to see the library before he left, and he could always stock up before he left. Of course, he didn't bother mentioning that he had everything he needed to set out on his journey now. He knew Blake would miss him, and even though he wouldn't admit it to him, Koa knew he would miss Blake.
The sky had begun to darken by the time they reached Canalave. Koa visited the library before it closed that evening, then purchased a few extra potions and pokeballs from the Pokemart. He bid farewell to his coworkers at the shop, then returned home for the evening.
As he lay in bed that night, he silently marveled at the fact that his pokemon journey would begin tomorrow, for real. He would travel to Sandgem, and soon, catch his first pokemon. Thoughts of his perfect team floated through his mind as he finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Koa awoke bright and early. He checked his bag again, making sure it had all his supplies - plenty of pokeballs from the shop, as well as a few potions and his usual supplies of clothes, a sleeping bag, tent, and a small pocket knife.
Once his backpack was ready, he logged onto his computer for what might be his last time. With a few clicks, he logged into his favorite website, a forum for legendary sightings. Skimming the list, he scrolled until he found the listing for Sinnoh pokemon. He didn't expect to see anything - Sinnoh didn't feature many roaming legendaries like Kanto or Johto did, but it was always worth a check. To his surprise, there was one new addition to the forum.
'Potential Regirock sighting at Ore Caverns?!'
Koa eagerly clicked it. He skimmed the information. A trainer had posted a blurred photo of what appeared to be a Regirock. The silhouette definitely looked like a Regi, although the trainer also admitted she only caught a glimpse and was uncertain if it really had been the legendary titan.
Koa sat back for a moment, contemplating. The Ore Caverns lay within a small mountain range directly south of Canalave. If he left now, he could be there by the afternoon. Of course, it would mean getting to Sandgem much later. Although... he could always trek straight through the wilderness and get to Sandgem, if he went off route. He grinned and nodded to himself. It was decided. He would take a quick detour to the caverns, then head Southeast and cut through the wilderness to Sandgem.
Grabbing his backpack, Koa sprinted downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Blake was waiting for him, his hands behind his back. "I was wondering when you were going to come down. I have something for you. Two somethings, actually. I was gonna have it sent to you but since you stayed the night I figured I'd give it to you now."
Taking his hands from behind his back, he held up a brand new leather jacket. It was red and dark navy blue, with white highlights. The elbows were reinforced and it sported multiple pockets.
"Sick!" Koa quickly took it, eagerly discarding his worn jacket and putting on the new one. It fit perfectly, snug, but still flexible. The inside material was pleasantly soft yet breathable, and the outside felt surprisingly tough. It would serve him well on his travels.
Blake then pulled an object out of his pocket. It was a pokeball, but unlike a regular pokeball, this one was black with red and gold striping.
"Wow, a Luxury ball!" He took it almost reverently. While not as expensive as an Ultra ball, they weren't exactly cheap either. He slipped it into his pocket. "Thanks, Blake." He gave his cousin a quick hug. His cousin gripped him tightly, and for a moment, Koa couldn't escape the embrace. After a long second, Blake released him.
"You better be careful out there, Little K."
Koa nodded. "I will."
Blake ruffled his hair, but Koa didn't pull away. This was the last time his cousin would ruffle his hair for a long time. "And check in once you get to Sandgem. Taking the bus, right?"
Koa nodded again. "Probably," he mumbled in half-hearted agreement. He didn't bother to mention his little detour. If his cousin found he went exploring in a cave without any pokemon, he would probably be furious. Besides, he didn't want to miss a chance at meeting a legendary. A quick stop wouldn't hurt, right?
"Sorry, no one is allowed past this point without a Trainer's License and at least two badges." Two guards blocked the cave entrance, barring the path forwards.
"What?" Koa cried out. This was his first time hiking all the way to Ore caverns, but he'd assumed he could just go right in. Although granted, he'd never been far from Canalave. The farthest he'd ever gone was Twinleaf town, to visit his cousin's friend. And even then, he always traveled on official routes.
"Why not?" he demanded.
The guard looked down at him and frowned. "This is not a cave that is on an official route. It's not safe for inexperienced trainers, plus there have been sightings of a dangerous Golbat colony."
"You should know better than to goof off in an unexplored cave," the second guard added, giving Koa a look of disdain.
Koa gave him a dirty look and grit his teeth. Yes, he knew that, but he assumed the frontier lands around Canalave were safer. Still, how bad could the cave be? He eyed the two guards. They wore matching frowns. Not the type who would give in to convincing... "Alright. Guess I'll have to come back later." He put on his sincerest disappointed face and walked away. As soon as he walked around a bend, and was hidden from sight, he began scanning the landscape. Most cave systems had multiple entrances. There was no way he was passing up the chance to go inside now that he was here. Plus, the Zubat line was not that dangerous. As long as he kept quiet, he should be fine.
Another several minutes of searching led him to a small opening partway up the slope, half-covered by brush.
"Nice!" Koa got on his hands and knees, crawling through the small opening. It appeared to be a long tunnel, perhaps made by a pokemon of some kind. For a long time, the tunnel remained fairly narrow, and Koa wondered if perhaps it led nowhere. After a good several minutes, however, the tunnel slowly widened, until he was able to stand up straight. The tunnel continued forwards for another few feet, before dropping off a few feet into a chamber. He hopped down, landing with a small thump. Koa dusted himself off and took a look around. Pulling out his flashlight, he shined it all around.
The cavern he stood in was medium-sized, perhaps as big as an average house. One large tunnel on the opposite side stretched away into the darkness. Koa decided to head for that one first. Keeping his flashlight trained ahead, he started towards the tunnel. He hardly took a step before a bluish shape darted in front of his flashlight beam. He gave a sharp yelp of surprise as a strange weight landed on his head.
Dropping his flashlight, he batted the object off his head. It landed on the ground with a shriek of surprise. Koa grabbed his flashlight and aimed it at the shape. The beam revealed the small bluish body of a Zubat. He frowned and peered closer. The Zubat's fangs indicated it was male, and the fur on its body was sticky and matted. With honey. Koa groaned. Something told him this wasn't just a random Zubat. It was the same Zubat from the honey tree a few weeks ago.
Zubat fluttered into the air and shrieked happily, then settled on his head again. What was it doing here? Koa sighed and shook his head, displacing it. "Oh no you don't. Scram," he whispered.
The message fell on deaf ears and it immediately dove for his head again. He ducked out of the way and made a shooing motion. "No!" He could wager a guess that Zubat was trying to join him, and he had no intention of allowing it. There definitely was not room in the Plan for a Zubat as a starter, or at all for that matter.
Unfortunately, the Zubat didn't seem to get the memo. It squeaked again and dived for his head. He dodged it again and tried to keep walking. It kept squeaking happily and fluttered after him.
Koa stopped and turned around, glaring at the Zubat. "You can't come with me," he said firmly. Zubat chirped and did a little loop. Koa tried again. "I can't be your trainer. Find someone else." Zubat was a perfectly fine pokemon, but he wanted a Shinx as his starter. Zubat just weren't... They weren't for him. Period.
Zubat simply squeaked and fluttered towards Koa.
Growling, he smacked his head with his hand. Clearly, the Zubat had no intention of leaving. If it kept following him, it could alert every wild pokemon in the area to him. Which, more importantly, could scare off any Legendaries. Legendaries were notoriously elusive and generally avoided being seen by humans much. Not to mention its erratic behavior could draw the wrong kind of attention from territorial wild pokemon.
With a long sigh, Koa withdrew a pokeball from his pocket and tossed it at the Zubat. It arced through the air, striking the Zubat on the head and encapsulating him in red light. The ball landed on the ground, rolled once, then dinged.
Koa immediately cursed. He'd grabbed the Luxury ball his cousin gave him, instead of a regular pokeball. With a sigh, he picked up the ball and attached it to his belt. Later he could have it transferred to a regular ball, he supposed. Then he could release it. There was absolutely no way in Arceus' name he was keeping a Zubat. No. Way.
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