Chapter 31: Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
Junior Trainer
Chapter 31
Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
"Kid, how long does it take to read a headline?"
Liam blinked as Roark snatched the Celestic Cognizance out of his grasp and tossed it onto the stand's wooden counter.
"So, what do you two think?"
The Meowstics' shared a look before shrugging their shoulders in synchrony.
"Not much one can really think, Roark," the male one spoke with a posh tone. "It's terrible that it happened, but accidents happen."
"And accidents are unavoidable," his elegantly spoken sister chimed in, flicking her brother's ear with a wave of pink psychic energy. "Remember the shipment TMs of you dropped? The guards made us spend all morning sweeping up those fragments. Tch, tch."
"Please let it go, sister."
Roark scoffed and raised his arms high. "Hey, this could be your chance to raise prices. Plenty of Pokémon will need supplies once Celestic falls into anarchy and the apocalypse is upon us."
"Roark!" an upset-looking Gloria yelled, pushing into her brother's side with a paw. "Don't say things like that!"
Roark knelt down to meet the Vulpix's height. "I'm joking, sis, calm down." He pinched her cheek and produced a grimace out of her. "Chances are there'll be a few more protests, and then Pokemon move on with their lives. Trust me, I've seen these things on every continent before."
Gloria's frown deepened, "I just keep thinking about those poor families who've already suffered a lot through the drought, and now they've lost family members…" Her expression lightened slightly. "But I'm glad we were given the chance to go there and help those Pokemon, even if it wasn't much. I would do it again if we could."
Liam appeared as if to interject, but held his tongue.
"That's the Gloria we love to hear!" the female Meowstic cheered with a raise of a paw.
"Many times Roark would come here to buy just to sing your praises to us," her brother added, smiling widely. "We were so glad to see you finally create a team, and a great one at that!"
Gloria tugged on her scarf and averted the eyes that fell upon her. "Um, thank you a lot for the kind words, really… but I'd really wish Roark wouldn't mention me so much."
Roark chuckled, "No need to be so modest, sis. Besides, we're about to be known as the bunch who saved the fu- freaking world! Embrace a little praise for me, will ya?"
Gloria grumbled under her breath.
The Meowstics' behind the counter clasped their paws in unison, the female the first to speak. "Speaking of which, we've had a few guild members give us little blurbs of what happened in the Grit Region. Care to gossip with us a little?"
"As long as we wouldn't get in hot water with your Guildmaster," her brother said. "That man can be quite intimidating…"
Roark attempted to alleviate their fears with a wave of his claws. "Bah, don't worry about Mr. Glare. I'll give you a brief rundown so we aren't here all day." He dropped an elbow onto the counter as the Meowstics' gathered to hear. "Get this - we just combed that big ole desert and found the jackpot of discoveries in some ancient castle fortress thing. Bossman won't say what exactly it is, but it's something that could take out the Mystery Dungeons for good."
"You're kidding!" the male Meowstic exclaimed, "A Celestic without Mystery Dungeons everywhere is like a tree without leaves!" He frowned. "But all I can think about is how many customers we would lose if that really happened. And a good majority of our stock comes from dungeons. That wouldn't be great for us."
Roark shook his head. "There'll always be Pokemon like me who get hurt or do the hurting with your stuff, dungeon or no dungeon."
The female Meowstic huffed. "Roark's correct, brother. Besides, this is a positive for Pokémon all across the world. We can afford to lose a little when the world could be saved."
The male Meowstic crossed his arms.
"Well, who knows for sure," Roark said, shrugging. "Mr. Glare is sending us straight back into an expedition tomorrow. This time - thankfully - is close to home."
"A third expedition already?" the twins questioned together. "Where to?"
"Criss-Cross Creek!" Gloria piped up from the back. "We weren't told much, but there's apparently something there related to what we discovered in the expedition. What's crazy is that Liam and I were there twice before! And now we're going back to uncover what we discovered there before!" She shot Liam a look, hoping he would jump in and say something. However, she could tell something else was churning in his mind as his stare was glued to the ground.
Roark chuckled as he ran a claw through his thick mane. "Yeah, yeah, we're busy 'mons. But busy 'mons also get vacation days; today being one of 'em."
"We heard from the others! The Eden Theater's second premiere, right? Oh, I bet it's dazzling there!" the female Meowstic swooned. "It would sadly take us weeks to afford tickets to get in."
"Try ten weeks minimum," her brother lamented.
Roark's smirk turned smug as he stepped back. "The perks of guild life, I guess. I think it's a pretty suitable reward after we did in-"
"I think it's a terrible thing."
Quizzical stares snapped to Liam as he raised his head. "Not the, um, reward, but what happened at that protest. It shouldn't have happened. It doesn't feel fair at all, y'know?" His gaze hardened. "I remember seeing that Council marching parade back in Elysium City. All the Pokémon there who attended looked happy that those guards were there to protect them. But still… both sides fought, and Pokemon still died. It makes you wonder if there's even a point to these systems if it all ends up the same anyway. I remember thinking back then that Celestic was a very peaceful place, and now I feel almost… disappointed?"
There was silence following the Riolu's sudden diatribe, replaced by the sounds and chatter of the bustling street around them.
Roark broke the group's stillness with a chuckle. "Kid, things ain't always so sunshine and rainbows around here. I don't know what sis put in your head to make you think that, but Celestic isn't like that."
Gloria bit her lip, mind stirring with worry.
"Yeah… I'm not sure why I said all that," Liam said, clearing his throat before turning his attention to the concerned-looking Meowstic twins. "Uh, how much do we owe you for the Blast Seeds and Wonder Orbs?"
The male Meowstic blinked back into reality as he hastily shook his head. "No payment necessary this time! Your team and Roark are good friends of ours, and returning customers at that!" His sister nodded to his words.
"You sure?" Liam asked. "We do have enough Poké if that's what you're worried about."
"Kid, you don't argue with free," Roark said as he picked up one of the Wonder Orbs and shoved it into his messy mane.
"I guess so…"
Liam wrapped an arm around the haul of goods they selected and dumped them into the cream colored saddlebag strapped across his shoulder. He took a step back from the royal blue painted stand as the Meowstics' waved at the three of them.
"We hope you enjoy the festival!" they said together. "And we hope you succeed with your mission tomorrow!"
"We will!" Gloria cried back with a wave of her own, tails fanning behind her. "Thank you for the items!"
After Roark and Liam gave their own farewells to the cheery shopkeepers, they were now finally on their way to the Eden Theater. Getting out of the hectic shopping district, they embarked down one of the many streets that led to the imposing tower gleaming in the night sky. Swaying searchlights in the distance guided them toward it. Bombastic music intermixed with voices that whizzed past them and shining lights and vibrant displays of cultural art were the motif of a typical festival in Empyrean City. The alluring smells of fried food and sugary sweets wafting from the many stands propped up along the sides of the street tempted the trio to investigate, yet they endured each test of their will and kept moving, as their true prize was much sweeter.
"So, kid, what the hell was all that about back there?" Roark nearly yelled over the cacophony of their surroundings.
Liam could only muster a shrug. "Dunno. I was just… thinking."
Gloria appeared to frown but erased it away to reassure her partner with a smile. "Um, for what it's worth, I agree with some of what you said."
A pair of Roark's claws clamped down on Liam's shoulders. "Hey, if the whole guild gig doesn't pan out, you can always become a politician."
Gloria giggled at the prospect. "Could you imagine that?" She ceased her laughter moments later. "Er, no offense to you, Liam."
"None taken," Liam said. "I would totally suck as a politician."
Roark scratched his chin. "Yeah, you would, but has that stopped any of those in office?"
"Rooooark…" Gloria bemoaned, shooting daggers at him.
Roark chuckled as he picked up his pace and strode past the two Pokemon, forcing them to follow behind.
Their walk was rather uneventful as they made their way to the Eden Theater, the impressive sights around them captivating all those who stopped to stare, all except one Pokemon. Liam's face twitched, his body jerking in response to the sparks of electrifying pain spontaneously shooting through his nerves. His attempts to corral these sensations and clutch his head to rid of them proved futile. Numerous snapshots of memories flashed across his vision in the blink of an eye.
An open, grassy meadow, flowerbeds of white wallflowers, the glass of shattered windows scattered on a floor, a house set ablaze, and a woman wearing a pale sundress.
He could not decipher what it all meant, yet knew deep down how familiar they were to him, but were just out of reach. The pain flooding his senses vanished as quickly as the memories did as he struggled to maintain his face of normalcy on the outside. Just when he thought it was over for good, a gruff voice emanated from the deepest reaches of his mind.
'Who are you?'
Liam was forced to shove down these intrusive thoughts as Gloria pointed at a nearby stand to gather his attention.
After trudging past the seas of Pokemon and other pleasant distractions in their path, they now stood in the lengthy line that granted entrance to the Eden Theater. Liam's gaze was instinctively drawn upwards as he gawked at the sleek, steel frame of the building that towered over everything else. Just like before, the streaks of neon blue lights that lined the tower's sides captivated him. Simply admiring its design proved more than effective at stalling his mind, along with waiting for the column of Pokemon ahead to dwindle.
An entire year had passed since he first entered the Eden Theater, and he was still finding it hard to believe.
Once the three of them reached the tall entrance, they flashed their passes to the stationed guards and were given permission to enter. Blue lights on black steel pulsated in the short hallway as they and many others funneled into it. Upon reaching the end, the main foyer of the tower greeted them, flooding with Pokemon chatting among themselves, or staff carrying platters of drinks around the room to attendees. Many were seated near the grand theater, engrossed in an ongoing film.
From what small snippets Liam could see, it appeared to be very action-oriented.
"Still crowded as ever," Roark commented, grabbing the pair's attention as he jabbed a claw at the elevators. "Our 'special' rooms are at the top. Race ya to 'em!" Before they could say anything, he vanished into the sea of Pokemon.
"Hey! Let's stick together!" Gloria yelled as she maneuvered her way after him.
Liam snorted, following his partner.
They missed the Zoroark just moments before his floor went upwards, a smirk and a wave of his claws the last thing they saw. Entering their own elevator, they waited patiently as a staff Cinccino stepped inside to press one of the many buttons on the door panels, the strange contraption rumbling slightly before beginning to rise.
Liam buried the familiar feelings stirring with him as he smiled at Gloria, who was too caught up in admiring the elevator's mechanisms to notice.
"So, what's the plan tonight?" he asked.
Gloria took a second to realize he was speaking to her. "Oh! Um, I was thinking we could just have some fun!"
"And your definition of fun is…?"
She giggled, pushing into his side. "Didn't you listen to Scizor's speech at the guild? There's new games and films to see. Oh! And there's this new machine called an Emotionizer - fun stuff!"
He shrugged, smile growing. "I'll take your word for it."
The elevator buckled once more as the metal doors slid open, revealing an area of the theater they had never seen before.
"Looks like I got you cornered, Mony," Roark taunted.
"D-don't listen to him, M-monferno!" Staravia shrieked beside the primate. "You got this!" Joltik also screeched his support from the bird's back.
Monferno's head shook as he surveyed his remaining Vespiquen and Doublade pieces. He glanced at his foe's arsenal, frowning at the army of ceramic Pokemon led by a smug Zoroark. Despite a tiny voice in his head - along with Staravia's incessant squawks in his ear - telling him to keep going, he folded, raising both hands.
"I give up. You win."
A chorus of 'awwws' and playful 'boos' erupted from around the game table.
"Monferno, you still could've won!" Leafeon scolded. "You had good pieces left! There was still a chance."
"A twenty percent chance, by my calculations!" Minun added before crossing his arms and began sulking. "Could've won our money back, too…"
Monferno shrugged, "Dunno. Guess I didn't like my chances."
Roark cackled as he leaned in to shovel the large amount of Poke piled onto the table into his arms. "I think Monferno just realizes he doesn't stand a chance against the king of this game." He perked a brow. "Unless anyone thinks they can stop me…"
Staravia flapped his wings erratically, "Ooh! I w-wanna try!"
"Me too!" Mightyena hollered. "Purrloin says I need to win back all the Pokè I lost here!"
Roark grinned as he leaned back in his chair. "Always looking for more cash in my drinking tab, so bring it on!"
As his fellow guild members engaged in another game, Monferno found his exit and swiftly bid everyone his farewells. Now left to his own devices, the Fire-type wandered around the spacious room. Flashing neon lights and the howls of laughter from Pokemon gambling away their Pokè proved irritating as time passed. His back would hit the steel walls of the room, resorting to simply watch and stare past the games and their fun.
There was a stray thought in his mind to talk to Braixen and keep the night going. It was snuffed out with a sigh and a cross of his arms. Instead, he waited for the night to be over, staring into nothingness.
"Hey, Monferno! You good?"
Another sigh escaped the primate as he recognized the jubilant voice. "... What do you need, Rockruff?"
Rockruff bounded over and planted himself beside Monferno. He stared up at the Fire-type, concerned. "You looked pretty bummed out over losing that game. It's not that serious! C'mon, let's play another game and beat Roark for good!"
Monferno rubbed his face in exasperation. "It's not about the game, Rockruff. I'm fine. Go back to playing with the others or something."
"So what's the problem then?"
"No offense, but I don't think you'd even understand it."
Rockruff's ears flattened, "Hey… didn't we talk about our problems back at the start of the expedition? You're my friend, and I wanna know what's bugging you."
Monferno went silent, as if debating to speak in his mind.
"I've been thinking about leaving the guild."
Rockruff nearly fell back from shock, mouth agape "Huh?! Y-you're not serious about doing that, are you?"
Monferno nodded slowly.
"But… why?" Rockruff mumbled. "Didn't you decide to stay even when everyone else was gonna call it quits? We fought those mercenaries and discovered a whole freaking Legendary research fortress with ancient golems! Wasn't that amazing? I mean, think about how far we've come and-"
Monferno stopped his rambling with an open hand. "Rockruff, I get it. I really do get it. But no, I think I'm done. I've realized that now after my perfomance in the expedition." He crossed his arms. "And seeing everyone celebrate in this fancy tower and think we're gonna be heroes and save the world… I know I'm not capable of being part of that."
"But I know you're capable! And I know Braixen knows that, too!"
Monferno found himself tracking down his partner among the crowds of Pokemon. He saw her happily chatting away with an Audino and Blissey; clearly nurses from one of the many hospitals in Empyrean City. Despite the awful feelings bubbling in his chest, he couldn't help but form a slight smile at what he saw. Proud of the connections and aspirations his friend had managed to form through her own talents and dreams.
"What are you gonna tell her?" Rockruff questioned.
"I don't think I can tell it to her face. Maybe a note, maybe someone else tells her, maybe nothing…"
"Just like that, huh? What are you gonna do then? Walk the earth in search of riches like that old Furfrou in the film we saw before?"
Monferno let out a tired chuckle. "Who knows? Maybe I'll go back home, hitch a ship to another continent - anywhere from here. Could pick up carpentry; get use out of these opposable thumbs, heh."
"You'd really do all that?" Rockruff murmured. "C'mon, you've been here for years! If you wanted to get into the guild, why quit when you've gotten this far?"
"I didn't get in here by finding an 'amazing discovery' like some others did," the Fire-type said, resentment lingering in his tone. "Braix was pushed by her parents to join the guild, and she needed a partner to form a team. But even past that, I remember actually being happy here once." His hands clenched. "Anything to get away from home, from the pressure, from my mom - I don't know. I just wanted to prove that I wasn't a screw-up, and I couldn't even do that."
Rockruff affixed him with a steely look. "You're not a screw-up." His tail drooped. "If anything, I'm the screw-up. My own clan didn't want me, and I still mess things up at the guild."
"Then I guess we're both screw-ups…"
The Rock-type frowned, "Still, I'm in a team; Mightyena and Purrloin depend on me to stay and be together. Don't forget you're in a team, too! Why would you wanna leave Braixen all by herself?"
"Braix doesn't need dead weight dragging her down." Monferno sighed. "This is for the best. She can chase her dreams, and I can try to find mine."
"Well, I can't stop you, but if it means anything, I hope you do stay. You stood up for me against Shaymin, and I'll always return the favor, y'know? We guild 'mons gotta stick together if we're gonna save the world and stuff."
Monferno glanced down at the Pokemon beside him, forming a smirk. "You know what, you're not so bad after all, Rockruff." He held out an enclosed hand, his intentions clear to the canine.
Rockruff was more than happy to bop it with his paw. "Hey, whatever you do, just remember that-" His words trailed off into gibberish as he caught sight of a familiar figure coming their way. "Uh, t-talk to you later - gotta go!"
As the small canine bolted off, Monferno's eyes flicked over to the Pokemon slowly approaching. He cocked an eyebrow once realizing who it was.
Shaymin stopped herself in front of the Fire-type, throwing a look at the fleeing Rockruff. "Did I make that bloke skedaddle or somethin'?"
Monferno snorted, "Yeah, you did."
"Shit. My apologies, mate."
"It's fine."
She filled in the vacant space left by Rockruff, leaning against the wall. Not a word was said as they listened to the cheers and clinking of glass beverages around the room.
"So…" Shaymin broke the silence. "How ya goin'? Been holdin' up well? Some crazy shit went down during that expedition."
"I caught a glimpse of Leafeon talking to you before you came over here. She told you to make up with me, didn't she?"
Shaymin forced out a breath of air. "That obvious?"
He nodded, "Listen, you don't gotta make up with me, or even Braixen. We're cool. Rockruff may be another story, but he'll stop being a wuss soon enough." He threw a hand at the bustling entertainment in front of them. "So go ahead - you can tell her we're friends now or whatever."
Shaymin fought off the urge to do just that. She planted herself firmly, not intending to go anywhere yet. "Look, I didn't need to be told to come admit I was a bloody jerk to you and everyone else. I wanted to say somethin' eventually, but I didn't think any of ya would wanna hear it."
"I'm listening."
"Yeah, guess ya are." She let out a heavy sigh. "I'm real fuckin' mad at myself that it took me years to realize what a bludger I was. Leafy- Leafeon's the only friend I've ever had here in the guild and even in all of Celestic. I had a second chance served to me on a silver platter through her, and I fucked that up, too."
"Don't beat yourself up. Helps nothing."
Shaymin scoffed, "Trust me, mate, I've already had the piss beat out of me by those mercs. A little self-reflection doesn't hurt." Her eyes narrowed. "Y'know… I actually thought I was gonna die in that shithole they put me in, or something even worse. It made me think about what I've done so far, and how much I need to change. And then you all came to save the day like a knight in shinin' armor."
Monferno gave her a side glance. "And now you wanna turn over a new leaf? Just like that? What makes you think the others buy that?"
Shaymin opened her mouth and closed it several times. She settled on another drawn-out sigh. "This'll be the third chance I get to turn things around. And I'm gonna try my damndest to not screw it up. As long as Leafeon is there to set me straight, maybe I got a shot at this."
"And what's stopping you from leaving the guild and beginning again? You did it before; a whole fresh start. That sounds nice, right?"
Shaymin's head shook, "I can't run anymore, mate. It didn't work for me back then, and I know it won't work now. When ya got an opportunity, you hold onto that."
Monferno mulled over her words in his head, eventually forming a scowl. He opted to resign his next words, returning to observing the crowds.
Shaymin looked up at him, a battle clearly taking place in her head. In the end, she took the risk. "Hey, you mind if I ask ya somethin'?"
"Well, Leafy and I wanna play this new gamblin' game they got set up here, but we need three 'mons to start it. So…"
Monferno nodded, "Sure. I'll play."
She smirked, bumping his shoulder. "Ya look down in the dumps, so maybe a game will fix that. And make heaps of Pokè in the process, eh?" She began ambling away, shouting her next words. "Meet Leafy and I down by the bar - drinks on us, and don't keep us waitin'!"
Monferno watched her leave, a small part of him wanting to stick to his wall and shut off all the thoughts and expectations that ensnared him to move forward and partake in the festivities. Looking around, he could see the smiling faces of his comrades, yet could never keep one glued to his own face; he desired their happiness, wanting to capture that feeling himself. As he scanned the room, his eyes snapped to Braixen, who was staring right at him with a wide, infectious smile that spread to him. She eagerly waved, intending for him to come over and speak to the other nurses.
He was not one to deny the requests of his partner as he took his back off the wall and headed over towards her.
'After tomorrow's mission, she'll know,' he repeated in his mind ad-nauseam.
Glasses filled to the brim with alcoholic liquids clinked against one another as loud cheers exploded from all over the room.
"Attention! I still have a few more announcements, so keep your mouths shut for a few more seconds!"
The boisterous mercenaries reluctantly heeded their captain's shouts and settled back into their plush chairs. Bisharp continued his speech once a vast majority quelled their whispers, first clearing his throat.
"Along with the bonuses for those on the Grit Region special mission, you will all be returning to your usual contracts following tomorrow's mission. Plenty of jobs available in the Mountain Region, and plenty of action and Pokè to be made there."
A gray metalled wing rose from the back of the room, belonging to Skarmory. "Aye, Cap'n! What's all the fuss 'bout this new special mission?"
"Details will be given to those selected before we embark tomorrow," Bisharp said. "But I must stress that once we return, things may change around here." Perplexed looks followed his statement.
"Let me guess, this is all about us thrashing those Rose Clan twerps back in the desert, eh?" an Electivire jeered with a grin. "'Cause I got a few more Thunder Punches to serve those freaks," he added with a flex of his arms, electricity crackling through his yellow fur.
Bisharp smirked, "Appreciated. But they're not relevant to what I'm suggesting." He surveyed the entire room with a glassy look. "This… may change this entire operation if we find what we're looking for." He blinked. "Regardless, any drastic decisions will be made after this mission has concluded. Is this acceptable?"
Muttered forms of agreement bounced from Pokemon to Pokemon.
"Then enjoy the rest of your night. And don't drink yourself into comas; we need a good lot of you sober for tomorrow."
Happy to be done with the announcements, the mercenaries returned to celebrating their recent victories. They were clearly unfazed by their captain's comments as they downed glass after glass of hard liquor. Bisharp threw open the double doors and exited The Lounge, making a beeline across the foyer to a particular purple-stained hallway. Upon reaching the door at the end, he gave a swift knock before he opened it, flinching as something whizzed past his face.
A dart landed on the outer reaches of a dartboard that was littered with the presence of others. Bisharp swept the disorganized room with his gaze, taking notice of multiple darts impaled into the motivational posters of their faux guild. A painting of a Serperior hung on the wall had the most darts piercing through the artwork. The sole culprit behind these acts appeared to be Weavile as she fished into her saddlebag for another dart and gave Bisharp a flat look.
"So, this is how you're psyching yourself up for tomorrow," he said.
Weavile rolled her eyes, taking out another dart. "Do me a solid, tin man. Stand against that wall over there."
"Funny. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you stayed in your room all day brooding like a teenage girl."
"Yeah, well… don't confide in me how 'excited' you are about going to that shitty place. You wanna drag me there? Fine. Don't expect me to jump for joy, though."
Bisharp leaned against the doorframe. "You should go out to The Lounge and do your magic on the troops. They always go wild and thirst for blood when they hear you speak."
"And lie to them about what we're really doing again? Please, I don't have it in me right now to do that."
"And when will you? We're partners; I'm not conducting these operations by myself."
Weavile grit her teeth in response as she searched for another dart to pour her frustrations into.
Bisharp beckoned her with a gauntlet. "I wanna show you something in my quarters. Maybe it'll get your spirits back up."
She sighed and leaped from her bed, pushing past the Steel-type. "If it's not a stiff drink and time away from you, then no, it won't."
Bisharp smirked and followed her.
Emerging through another doorway, Bisharp stepped past her and walked towards the large map of Celestic plastered over the dark purple walls. Red strings were wrapped around pins dotting numerous locations across the continent's regions. Bisharp tapped an area in the Meadow Region with many cross-crossing rivers, a red circle encasing it.
"It's taken years to fully connect the pieces we've been given," he said. "Trailing all those Alignment excursions, trying to figure out who our anonymous client is and what he's hiding. All of it's here, and now we finally have the linchpin of what could unravel the world's mysteries."
Weavile frowned, "Is what you dragged me here to see? I've always been an unwilling witness of you fawning over this thing."
"No. That's not what I was going to show you." He walked over to a table where two black capes and a strange Minun-like device rested. "This is it."
Curious, Weavile lumbered over to investigate. He handed over what appeared to be her signature cape with an image of a Razor Claw etched into it, yet something was different. Three scarves with yellow stars filling the inky darkness were sewn around the cape's edges.
Bisharp smirked, "Had some extra free time from planning tomorrow's mission. It's their scarves - all three of them."
Weavile's face flashed a mix of emotions, her claws shaking slightly as she grabbed it from him. She inspected it, finding that the scarves acted like tethers. "… Y'know, most 'mons gift girls expensive jewels or fancy dinner dates, Bishy."
"Good thing I know what makes you tick, Weav's."
She smiled, running her claws across the cape. "Looks like you got me pegged." There was a glint in her eyes. "'Cause if you fucked up and torn them, I would have to claw your throat out."
He chuckled, "You're not the only one with something new."
Bisharp picked up the second cape on the table and held it out for her to see. The fabric of it was uniquely patterned like it was made of rivets of steel. A large 'RS' was engraved near the neck region.
"It's my father's. They thought I should have it after he passed."
Weavile scrutinized it further. "There's no Razor Claw symbol on there." She shot him a look. "What are the others gonna think about this?"
Bisharp withdrew the cape, sighing. "I told you my feelings about the clan already, Weav's. I don't need to state them again, do I?"
"Oh, trust me, I know already. But get this." She jabbed his chest with a claw. "Just because you don't care doesn't mean you give up the clan."
"… Weav's, when are we gonna stop being just mercenaries?"
Weavile did not respond, choosing to glare at him instead.
Bisharp pointed at the map. "This is where we stop being just mercenaries, and we become something more. Not all of them out there will understand what we're doing, but some will, and that's all we need on our side."
"Becoming more than mercs, huh," Weavile mumbled, repeating his words in her head. "You still chase down this kiddie shit even after all this time."
"And I know you want to chase that as much as I do."
Weavile's mask cracked as she grinned murderously. "You're damn right I do. I want answers, and payback. But here's one caveat for everyone else." She took a dart from her saddlebag and slammed it on the table, embedding it into the wood. She then snapped her fiery gaze up at Bisharp. "The Razor Claws will be the ones to uncover what's inside that place - not the snake and her minions, not the Council, not our client, and definitely not those cultist fucks."
Seeing the table splinter from her outpouring of passion filled Bisharp with well-hidden mirth. He yanked the dart from the wood and grasped it tightly in his gauntlet. "Tomorrow is where everything changes, Weav's. You'll see soon enough that this whole mercenary thing is just a means to an end. You and I are meant for better things."
"We'll see, Bishy, we'll see…" She began walking back to the doorway. "I'm getting our brothers and sisters fired up for tomorrow. You finalize our strategies to get into that hellish place."
Bisharp watched her leave with a victorious smile. But he quickly wiped it away, knowing there were more important things at hand. Walking over to the map of Celestic, he slammed the dart in the center of a red-circled region, piercing the words written onto the laid paper.
The dark, dank alleyways of Elysium City remained empty of the presence of Pokemon and prying eyes. Only the occasional echoed voice traveled through its dingy corridors of chipped brick and moldy wood. This silence was disturbed by the shrieking arcs of yellowish-orange energy exploding from a card-like object that manifested into existence. Two figures would emerge from the Entercard, stepping away from the pillar of light and adjusting their armbands.
Gallade glanced at their surroundings for signs of anyone before narrowing his gaze straight ahead. "We should hasten our pace before we are late."
"If those protestors will even let us through the doors," Heliolisk said. "I heard from the reports that things are getting worse." He turned. "Isn't that right, commander?"
Another figure exited the receding burst of energy and knelt down to retrieve the Entercard. He stowed it away in his orange saddlebag before approaching the duo.
Blaziken raised his arms high, appraising the Pokemon before him with a dignified look. "We must understand that the Pokemon of this continent operate in different ways than our own. These lost souls have no one to turn to for guidance and instead lash out. Steel yourselves."
Heliolisk nodded, "Well said, commander."
The Fire-type took the initiative and marched forward, searching for a way out of the alleyway as the pair behind him followed close behind. "Your presence is required at this meeting with the Council for appearances. All matters of discussion involving both mercenary clans and your predicament with one of them will fall upon me."
"Got it," Heliolisk said, shooting Gallade a look. "You got it?"
"... Of course."
Stepping out from the cover of darkness, they entered the main streets, the setting sun overhead casting an orangish glow on the city. They trudged their way through groups of Pokémon gathering in the plaza all in pursuit of the large building that overlooked the area. Passing pathways of trimmed hedges and flagpoles from which Celestic and the Council's flags flew, their attempts to climb the white marble stairs leading into the headquarters were thwarted by a crowd of gathering protestors around the doors. Their restlessness grew as they saw the three approaching, the stationed guards resorting to pushing Pokemon to make way.
"The Council's inevitable mistakes corner them at their very heart," Blaziken commented as he strode up the stairs.
Heliolisk quickly followed after his commander while Gallade lingered where he stood. He exchanged glances at the agitated Pokémon that shouted at the guards and also at him. After swallowing his resignation, he entered the large structure through its illustrious double doors. The trio remained near the entrance as a retinue of guards in orange leather coats swarmed into the foyer to search them.
"The Pokemon out there desire change, an escape from this world's troubles," Blaziken said as a Throh patted him and his saddlebag down. "They still cling to the hope of this old world that there will be change, but there won't. Not without action."
Once the guards were finished with their procedures, they allowed them to continue on. Halls of portraits and ornate statues of various Pokemon passed them as they scaled the stairway to the meeting that awaited them. Two more guards stood near the end of the hall leading into the conference room, and after a brief glance, they immediately opened the doors to the chaos occurring within. All members of the Council seated around the oval table were locked in an endless debate, their raised voices overlapping and muddling one another's.
"We need a response!"
"Action is how we should respond! Shut down any major events and install daily patrols to counteract any new gatherings!"
"Escalation of the situation is not what we need right now."
"The Blaze and Grass Continents are calling off all shipments until we address this!"
As more incoherent shouts and potential solutions filled the room, the Empoleon at the far end of the table locked eyes with the newcomers. He quickly raised a flipper that attracted all eyes at the table to him,
"Attention! I hate to call it a recess now, but can I, Kommo-o, Manectric, Carracosta, and Pyroar have the room? This will only take a moment."
The mayors and other representatives collectively grumbled as they left their seats and began to file out of the chamber, some giving strange looks at Blaziken and the words carved into his feathers and flesh. Once the unspoken names were gone, a guard swiftly closed and locked the doors behind them.
"Have a seat, please," Empoleon said.
The trio set out occupying the now vacant seats.
"Speak," Kommo-o grunted. "What has the Alignment done to remove the Rose Clan from the Grit Region?"
Empoleon waved a flipper, "Kommo-o, calm yourself. We are not enemies here." His eyes found Blaziken. "I believe this is the first time we have met the Alignment's new commander? While the current situation is less than ideal, I'm happy nonetheless that we have finally met after all these years."
Blaziken extended a talon to grab, which Empoleon happily obliged in shaking. "The pleasure is all mine, Mayor Empoleon! Might I say I absolutely envy Empyrean City. The Pokemon of this continent do not lie when they call it the 'blooming flower among buds'. You must be a Pokemon of many great feats if you lead such a city," he praised, voice dripping with delight.
"Ho-ho, please, no need for such kind comments." Empoleon's attention drifted to the scars dotting the Fire-type's body. "If I may ask, what are those odd words you have, ahem, embedded into yourself?"
"I am glad you asked that, mayor. They are a source of my strength and commitment to the Allmother," Blaziken said with immense pride. "All commanders of the Alignment are to uphold these phrases and ideals close to us. I, however, chose to wear them on a physical level that bridges even further."
Kommo-o was almost snarling. "The meeting… Quit the formalities and tell us what we require to know. Has the Alignment solved this issue or not?"
Blaziken sharply inhaled, then exhaled. "The Rose Clan has been dealt with. You will no longer have to worry about their presence within the Grit Region. Nor will they be funding any of the roving bandits in the region anymore. Gallade and Heliolisk here have diffused any potential for new conflict by negotiating with their 'Lords'."
Gallade and Heliolisk shared looks at the obvious lie being told but kept their mouths sealed.
Empoleon sighed in relief. "Thank the almighty Arceus. That is another weight off our shoulders…" He settled his gaze on the due beside Blaziken "But as for the other mercenary clan - the Razor Claws - we have heard of sightings of them within that region. Can you two attest to these claims?"
"No," Blaziken said matter-of-factly. "If they were present, then it would be only to spy on their rival's activities."
"He asked those two, not you," Kommo-o shot back.
Blaziken rattled his talons on the table. "I understand that Gallade and Heliolisk were appointed as official advisors after Simisage retired. They have done a fine job as his replacements. But from now on, I will be the one to give answers here; I will be the Allfather's connection. Now, may we move on?"
The elder dragon grumbled under his breath.
Empoleon cleared his throat and nodded. "While the time we have left is short, I do want to discuss our findings involving the Cosmic Quilt Guild; more specifically, its guildmaster - Jackson."
Blaziken smiled, "Oh? The Allfather has been most impatient with the Council's action on the matter. Have you all come to a decision yet?"
Empoleon motioned to the large piles of paperwork across the table. "We've scoured every piece of information regarding the entire guild. But there have been no signs of corruption or bad intentions against the Council or the Pokémon of Celestic." He adjusted his tie. "Be as it may, I personally know Jackson from various encounters. Rough around the edges, yes, but not a criminal in any way."
Blaziken let out a friendly chuckle. "I assumed that much given that guild's wonderful reputation. However, I was informed that the Allfather is very adamant that the Lucario is investigated thoroughly."
Kommo-o tapped the table with a claw. "Listen here. The Council has already conducted its investigation and has found zero evidence leading to any wrongdoing. If your Allfather is so keen on this, then he needs to bring evidence of his own."
"I have to agree with Kommo-o," Empoleon said. "Our findings are quite the contrary to what the Allfather is suggesting. All of this seems rather baroque." The other three silent members nodded to his words.
"Well, the Allfather was expecting this conclusion, and he graciously gifted me something to pass along to you." Blaziken popped open a latch of his saddlebag and retrieved a small envelope from an open pouch. "Mayor Empoleon, you strike me as a dignified man, which is exactly why the Allfather has drafted a letter solely for your eyes only." He held out the envelope for the Pokemon in question.
Empoleon accepted and took it from his talons. Tearing the envelope open with a flipper, he took out the single paper from within and began to read off the top. As his eyes went further down the page, his cool expression morphed into confusion, then concern, panic, and finally abject terror. He slowly pulled the letter away from his face.
"I… This letter; the Allfather is absolutely certain what he claims is truthful?"
Blaziken met his fearful gaze. "There is no reason not to believe what he says in this letter is true if he desires only your attention on it."
Empoleon said nothing through a long period of silence. He waved a flipper for the Rhydon guard at the far end of the room, who obliged and stomped over to the Water-type and leaned in.
"Alert Braviary. Tomorrow his guard will arrest Jackson and the accomplice. I will be there in Empyrean to assess any fallout."
The Rhydon nodded and made his way out of the room.
Empoleon stood up from his chair and struggled to find the strength in his legs. He limped over to the large window drowning the chamber with the orange rays of the sunset. He looked out towards the city and the many Pokemon that walked the streets - unaware.
Kommo-o observed Empoleon with genuine worry. "E-Empoleon, what did that letter entail?"
"If this is really the reality of our situation." There was a pregnant pause in between Empoleon's words. "Then what have we done?"
Blaziken stood from his seat. "I believe that is all for this meeting. The Allfather also wishes for a face-to-face meeting after this business with the Lucario is concluded." He glanced at a bewildered Gallade and Heliolisk. "Let us return home at once, shall we?"
The mentioned pair hesitantly got up from the chairs and followed as Blaziken threw open the doors leading into the hallway. They left behind a stunned and quiet room.
Blaziken burst through the doors of the Council's headquarters. He paid no heed to the growing crowd of angry protestors and stepped down the marble stairs, Gallade and Heliolisk hot on his trail. They entered the alleyways in which they arrived, checking their dimly lit surroundings for Pokemon.
When the coast was clear, Blaziken turned and grinned. "The meeting went absolutely perfect. With the situation in the Grit Region dealt with, we can move on to more important matters."
"Commander Blaziken, may I ask something?" Heliolisk inquired. "Why is the guild such a concern for the Allfather? I heard the guildmaster's team was world-famous, and now he's just getting arrested? This seems really fishy, don't you think?"
Blaziken latched his talons onto the Electric-type's shoulder. "I do not claim to know everything our Allfather requests of us, but his wish is my command." He motioned a talon at the large building they came out of. "You can never undo the opening of a seal, and what has happened here can never be undone."
The Electric-type continued, "And what about lying about us back there? We were taken hostage by that Weavile and Bisharp! And that letter! What was in it that made-"
"Heliolisk, I understand your confusion. I am just as confused as you are." Blaziken's grip on him tightened. "But know this. Our enemies - the devils - seek the small chinks in our armor. They wish to destroy us from within. But our faith is what keeps us strong, keeps us protected. No matter what we do to secure paradise, we must never lose faith in the Allfather, our brothers and sisters, and most importantly - the Allmother."
Heliolisk pounded his chest with an enclosed claw. "Understood, commander. I will never lose faith in both you and the Allmother."
Blaziken wore a smile, patting Heliolisk's shoulder. "We were side by side in our squad, Heliolisk. We endured the same trials given to us. I know you have a warrior's heart within you. Cast aside your fears and doubts, and it will surface." As Heliolisk beamed at the praise, his eyes found Gallade. "Gallade, you have been nearly silent this entire trip. Is there something on your mind I can alleviate?"
Past all the pride and brass Blaziken exuded, Gallade could tell there was a small ounce of pity detectable in the blue orbs that scrutinized him. He freed his thoughts with a shake of his head. "Nothing, commander. Any questions I have I will bring them up to the Allfather in our next encounter."
Blaziken nodded, "Very well. I am very proud of you two. It's no wonder the Allfather has promoted you both as advisors and ambassadors." He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the Entercard they had used previously. "Please, return home. I believe Magearna has a pleasant surprise planned following your successful escape in the desert."
Heliolisk took the card-like object and gave a short bow. "Thank you, commander. We'll do just that."
The Electric-type walked to the original point of their arrival, the scars of their transport pattern still burned into the cobblestone paved road. He laid down the card and began setting it up for travel, a quiet Gallade hovering behind him like a ghost. Heliolisk noticed Blaziken was not stepping toward them and voiced his curiosity.
"Are you coming, commander?"
Blaziken shook his head and smiled. "I have business to attend to above ground, but I will return home soon. Farewell!"
Just as his words ended, the Entercard exploded into a pillar of orange light and tendrils of ley line energy. Gallade turned to give Blaziken one last analytical stare before a pair of claws yanked him away. The pair vanished into the light that quickly dissipated and revealed a now undisturbed alleyway.
Blaziken dropped his smile as he marched deeper into the alleys. He dug into the deepest depths of his saddlebag to pull out something.
'Tall, cold, snowy mountain, guarded by a frightening beast. Frightening beast… Perhaps Kyurem of legend?'
Scizor kneeled to pick up a lantern on the ground. He swung its flickering light toward a map of Celestic on the walls of his quarters and illuminated it. He used a free pincer to trace along the Frost Region on the map.
'Howling Blizzard Mountain, Cryogonal's Summit, and the Glacier Peak Mountains. Which could house the artifact?'
Scizor scowled, as he could not recall the details of the Kyurem legend. Deciding to move on to another artifact location, he wired some string around a pin of the Frost Region's mountainous area and connected it to the pin nailed in Celestial Mountain that had the most string linked to it. He placed the lantern down on a table where sheets of paper were neatly stacked. Grabbing one, he picked up a quill to jot down a list of potential locations.
'The deepest point of the ocean, surrounded by bright coral… Maybe Rainbow Reef Tre-'
The muffled noise of a door opening interrupted his thinking. He quickly deduced it was the guild's entrance doors, and angled his ears to listen as the thud of footsteps resounded outside his chambers. They ended with the swift shut of a door.
Scizor paused, for he knew exactly what Pokemon entered the building. A building apprehension and dread grew in his chest at the prospect of what he was going to do. A voice in the back of his mind told him to let it go, to forget his intentions.
But he made Garchomp a promise, and he did not intend to break it.
Scizor pushed past the feelings of weights in his limbs and exited his quarters. He tiptoed through the darkness of the halls until he ended up facing a door, the face of a Lucario chiseled into the wood. He gave it a few knocks with a pincer.
"Gui- Jackson. May I come in?"
A few seconds later, a gruff voice emanated from within. 'You may.'
Scizor opened the door just as Jackson closed a drawer. He stood by the doorway, staring at the Pokemon hunched over a desk. Ash and other grime clung to the Shiny Lucario's fur, a noticeable glimmer in the orange paw ring he wore. Moonlight poured in from the open window behind him and basked the worn looking banjo lying against the desk in its radiance.
"You've been gone almost all day. Where have you been?"
"I had matters to address before our mission tomorrow," Jackson said before glancing up at him. "I see that you stayed here instead of celebrating with the others."
Scizor found his tongue a moment later. "Ah, yes, I have. I wanted to comb over the Projection Crystals we have gathered in hopes of pinpointing the artifact locations. I have currently zeroed in on a few locations in each region, but I require time to visit the archives in Empyrean's library in search of any legends or myths that can aid in finding the shrines."
Jackson waved a paw, "There's no need to exert yourself before tomorrow's mission. Please, rest. I will go into these details myself."
"Sorry, Jackson, but I insist. I will make sure our information is as accurate as possible." Scizor clenched his pincers. "I… I also have concerns regarding these revelations of the Alignment and our relationship with the Council."
"Don't worry about any of that. We need to concentrate our immediate efforts on tomorrow's mission to Criss-Cross Creek. Only after we secure this guild's goal do we refer to anyone else."
"I just think-"
"Scizor. Everything will be fine. You can go now."
"... Understood." Scizor took a step back and faced the door. His pincer was latched onto the handle of it, but he didn't move an inch. He turned and delivered Jackson a stern look. "Jackson, I need you to listen to me. This is very important."
"If it is, then I'd like to hear it."
Scizor inhaled - he knew he could do this. "I-I wanted to let you know that I think you should…" His next words hung in his throat. He spoke them in his mind, but they would not come out. Instead, they were totally different. "I think you should let me lead tomorrow's mission."
"Scizor, we have already gone over this. You and I will stay here to coordinate while Charizard leads over two search teams. This is final."
"Please. I can be trusted to do this. I want to see this Legendary shrine for myself, and see what this artifact really is. If it actually exists."
An intense debate seemed to be occurring within Jackson's head as he stared at his desk for a long time. A heavy sigh escaped him. "All right… You may go."
Scizor bowed, pincers behind his back. "Thank you, Jackson. You are not making a mistake, I promise."
The Lucario suddenly stood as he made his way over to the Bug-type. Two paws clamped down on Scizor's shoulders. "What we are about to uncover is something that we as young adults back then could have only dreamed of. Your family, Charizard's, everyone in Areos Village, and Pokemon all across the world throughout the ages - they will be avenged; their deaths will not be in vain."
"They won't. We're gonna put an end to this."
Jackson smiled, "Once this is all over, you, Charizard, and I can rest easy knowing Team Moonlight finished the job. You are a dear friend to me, Scizor, and I am glad to have met you all those years back." A tinge of grief accompanied his words.
Scizor looked deep into his eyes and was unsure of what he saw within them. "... Thank you, Jackson."
"Call it a day and get some rest. You will need your energy for tomorrow."
"Yes. I will prepare the morning announcements before you awaken." Scizor bowed again. "Goodnight."
Scizor left Jackson's quarters and entered the empty, pitch-black halls of the guild. Entering his own chambers, he slammed the door behind him and placed his back on it. His heart would not stop pounding. His mind raced as a swarm of thoughts buzzed in his mind, scolding him for his unwillingness to proceed with the confrontation. He closed his eyes and slowed down his erratic breathing to a calm exhale.
'I'm sorry, Garchomp.'
Scizor consciously moved the date of his confrontation to tomorrow. Vestiges of doubt lingered in his mind, reinforcing his inability to face a friend that he knew had been lost for years.

Bundles of fireworks rose into the night skies above the Eden Theater and exploded into bright, colorful balls of fire. Liam had his face almost pressed up against the wide glass windows as he watched the display, an assortment of colors reflecting in a pair of blank crimson eyes. He did not react to the whimsical chime of an elevator reaching his floor, nor the pitter-patter of footsteps behind him.
The Riolu whirled around at the introduction of a soft voice. He quickly calmed his frayed nerves. "Oh, what's up, Gloria?"
"You've been gone for hours. I was a bit worried, so I tried finding you."
He chuckled, "You and worrying. Now that's a good couple."
Gloria rolled her eyes and approached him. "All of us are about to watch another one of those films in the theater. You wanna come and see? One of the protagonists is even a Riolu!"
Liam shook his head. "I'm totally spent for tonight. All these flashing lights are giving me a headache." He changed topics by signaling to his left with a paw. "Hey, have you seen these things around the building?"
A rectangular machine was pressed up against the steel walls of the vacant room. It was colored a deep, vibrant pink; frilly curls shooting off the sides like flowing ribbons, and two pink ears on top of the apparatus were made to resemble that of a Sylveon. A flat piece of metal connected to tubes inside the machinery was extended outward, arrow signs on the colored metal exterior pointing at it.
Gloria let out an excited gasp. "That's the Emotionizer I was talking about earlier! They have these all over the building, but I never tried it."
Liam clutched the few Pokè in his paw. "Well, it's supposed to guess your personality through sensing emotions in your paw. But all it ever did for me was spit out some error message. See for yourself."
He inserted a few of the golden coins into a slot of the machine, the metal sensor piece lighting up in an array of colors once he put in the correct amount. Placing a paw onto the sensor, he waited as a peculiar sense flooded his body, the machine whirring. It stopped moments later, and a very cheery female voice flowed through the machine's speakers.
"I'm sorry. Your emotions could not be read. Please try again later!"
Liam crossed his arms. "Stupid thing took almost five-hundred Pokè from me."
She giggled, "Here, let me try it."
Gloria moved to grab a handful of Pokè from Liam with her teeth and began inserting them into the Emotionizer's slot. She placed a paw on the sensor once the full amount was paid, closing her eyes and letting the strange sensations wash over her. After the machine produced a ringing noise to signal its success, the lively voice returned once again.
"You appear to be… the anxious type! Was I correct? He-He!"
Liam grinned, "I guess it wasn't a pile of junk after all. It got you perfectly."
Gloria withdrew her paw from the machine, amazed. "This is so cool! Don't you think so, too?"
"I'm not that into fancy tech. Seems a little, uh, gimmicky?"
Another roll of her eyes was her answer as she stepped over to the Riolu's side, joining him in staring out of the room's massive window into the city. Dazzling lights and spectacles of the sprawling festival were visible all across Empyrean City. Pokémon moving throughout the streets looked like mere drops of water in an entire ocean. More fireworks shattered the skies and showered the pale moon in different colors.
"Y'know, it's been an entire year since we've been in the Eden Theater," Liam said. "Back then, we didn't even have a team yet, and we weren't in the guild either. Just two amateurs with a single mission under our belt."
"Aren't we still amateurs?"
"Official amateurs," he corrected.
Gloria giggled, "We've been through a lot, haven't we? Joining the guild, doing missions, Celestial Mountain, and now all this stuff involving the Grit Region. If we manage to remove the Mystery Dungeons from this world, then we'll be seen as actual heroes!"
"Yeah, we would. And I'm guessing you're pretty stoked about that."
Gloria's heart swelled in her chest. "I really am. It's embarrassing for me to say, but I remember as a kit picturing all the heroes I read about in stories to be, well… me."
Liam snorted, "If it makes you feel any better, any time we would go see a musical performance, I would imagine myself on stage as well."
"... It sounds stupid, and it is, but I want Pokemon to know my name. I want them to know I am. To know I've made my mark in this world, and mattered to someone who needed help."
"You couldn't have picked a better profession for this dream."
"No, I really couldn't."
Resounding bangs of fireworks outside their window stole their attention for a brief moment. Liam wetted his lips, swallowing through the dryness of his throat.
"Gloria, there's something I want to tell you."
The Vulpix smiled, "What is it?"
"I…" Liam's serious expression began to falter, a light-hearted grin forcing its way onto his face. "Do you remember that one time when we first started missions where I had to pick up this old Drampa's Gummis at the end of a Mystery Dungeon?"
Gloria appeared to comb through her memories before a wide smile split her muzzle. "I do remember that!"
Liam fought off a laugh as he continued. "And since I didn't know what Gummis even were, I picked up those-" A fit of giggles halted his recollection as Gloria struggled to contain her laughter. "Hey, let me finish first!" he chided. "Anyway, I picked up Grepa Berries instead and returned to his place. He was so mad that his weird hair started to rise and he said-"
"'How'd you even put on that scarf on the mornin' if you can't find me my Gummis!'" Gloria imitated before her giggling transpired into a full-blown laugh.
Liam joined in her amusement, struggling to finish the story. "And you had to tell him that I was from a faraway land, and only understood old footprint runes. That was a great mission."
"It was. I'm glad you had me remember that." She wiped away a tear from her eye and all traces of her joy. "Hey, you mind if I tell you something, too?"
"Sure. Shoot."
"Um, it's more of a question than anything. I didn't come up here just to find you, but to ask you something. Roark wanted me to ask if you had any of your memories come back yet?"
Liam felt a lump in his throat form. "Uh, why would he ask that?"
"I don't really know. I guess since it's been a year since I found you, he was wondering if you remembered anything."
"No, I- No, I haven't." He shook his head and pointed at it. "Still blank as ever, you see."
"Huh… Good." Gloria immediately realized her mistake and blocked her mouth with a paw.
Liam gave her a curious look. "Good? What do you mean?"
She was frozen in fear, but hesitantly removed the paw from her lips. She sighed heavily. "Do you mind if I admit something really, really selfish?"
"I won't judge."
"... I don't want you to regain your memories."
Liam was taken aback. "W-what? You really don't want that to happen?"
Gloria fidgeted where she stood. "There's this thought in my head that if you remember your past, you would want to go back, and then you would leave me and Roark behind."
"Gloria, you know I would never leave you just because-"
"I know! It's just… I fear that happening." She fiddled with her scarf and necklace. "I get so scared about being alone again and it shuts me down."
"So that's what happened in Sanctus Town."
She nodded, "I get my strength from my friends. You, Roark, Leafeon, Garchomp, and everyone else gave me that push I needed to chase my dreams. I don't believe I can do any of that without you guys supporting me."
"I know what you mean - I really do." Liam sighed. "And you know what? I agree with you."
"On what?"
"Not remembering anything, y'know?" He stared out the window. "I look back on all those memories of us starting out and I kinda… miss those days. I was lost at first, but then I felt confident that it didn't matter if I remembered or not. I don't know why I feel this way now, but I do."
Gloria managed a smile. "You came out of your shell a lot faster than I ever could. You're reckless, and sometimes impulse, but you're so eager to explore and go out on more adventures that it makes even me excited. Even that banjo you got and the songs you play. I like a lot of things about you."
Liam turned to face her and smirked. "Hey, I like a lot of your weird quirks, too. Dragging me into daily library visits always bore me to tears, but you being there makes up for it a lot. You just being there to help me adjust to Celestic helped me become who I am today. You matter to me."
She faced him as well. "You too," she said softly.
Their fleeting moment of silence as they stared at one another was dashed away by a sudden embrace between them.
"Here's to another year of Team Requiem," Liam said, holding the Vulpix close to him.
Gloria said nothing and melted into the hug as her tails swept behind her. After some time, she reluctantly pulled herself away from the Riolu, smiling. "Well, that film's about to start soon and I don't wanna miss it."
Liam raised both paws. "Hey, go ahead and enjoy. I might even go down there to catch it myself."
"There's always room for one more. If not, I'll see you in the morning for tomorrow's special mission."
He winked, "You betcha."
Liam kept his eyes glued on her as they slowly walked back to the far end of the room. He waited for the closing of the elevator's doors and its echoing chime to relinquish his gaze. He stood still for a solid minute, a twitch then appearing in his limbs.
A sizable paw-shaped dent morphed the Emotionizer's frame.
Another deep dent rocked the machine where it stood and formed numerous cracks in the metal.
Liam pulled back and delivered another devastating punch into the Emotionizer that toppled the machine over completely.
Resounding clangs and the noise of tearing metal bounced around the walls of empty room as the Riolu viciously kicked the fallen machine. He tracked it down when it spun across the floor from his attacks, never relenting his rage-fueled pummeling of it as he kicked it over and over. It was all but a pile of pink scrap metal, mangled tubes, and a broken voice box when he was finally finished.
Liam's back hit the large glass panels as he slid down it. Sparks of pain jolted and jumped his nerves. His paws covered his eyes in an attempt to shield the frenzy of images flashing through his mind.
The adult version of himself standing by a single gravestone, a banjo underneath a messy bed, a small hand restricted by metal chains, and a pair of familiar, sinister hazel eyes.
'Grim reminder, kid,' the gruff voice in his mind said.
Liam clutched his head to rid himself of the constant barrage of images and the voice. He knew it was coming - all of it was coming back - and it was happening soon.
'Tomorrow. I'll tell her everything tomorrow…'
Et audivi tamquam vocem in medio quatuor animalium dicentium: Bilibris tritici denario tres bilibres hordei denario, vinum, et oleum ne laedaris.
Author's Note: Aliquid venit. Non sentis in ossibus tuis? Cras...
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Next Time: Revelation 6:7
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