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Pokémon Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria

Special Episode #1: Part 2
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Special Episode: Can You Make A Promise?

    Part 2:


    The morning sun greeted the city of Verdure, the heartland of the Grass Continent. Its warm and bright influence spread throughout the tall buildings and homes of many awakening Pokemon, signifying the start of a shining new day.

    As usual, the market district of the city would open at the crack of dawn as Pokemon started to trickle in to do their early shopping ritual. Eventually, the hub of commerce would become flooded with buyers, spending to their heart's content. Guards were stationed near the square's sides, wary of thieves and a certain fox with a wanted status on his head.

    In one of the many dark alleyways connected to the shopping district, a crafty Zoroark hanging off a flickering street lamp would use this morning rush to his advantage.

    "Heh, looks like I've got a few potential customers myself today. Now, let's see…"

    Roark climbed higher on the pole, squinting his predatory gaze at the influx of finished shoppers entering the alleyways to avoid the crowds. He scrutinized each Pokemon that entered his 'territory', debating on who to go after.

    "A Machamp? Not tusslin' with no Fighting-types today. And I'm definitely not messing with any Fairy-types." He shivered at the memory, but found his attention drawn to a lone Grass-type carrying a saddlebag and wandering the alley. "Hmm, that Snivy kid, though…"

    He had a general rule of thumb to not target kids, but he was beginning to get desperate. His Poké count was pitiful, and his stash of food was growing dangerously low. Each day he wasn't out robbing, the more his time searching for answers was strained.

    "Well, can't take a moral high ground on this with my situation."

    He leapt off the street lamp with newfound vigor, getting on four legs and quietly sprinting through the alley's pitch-black shadows in relative sneakiness. Illusions were something he could never conjure himself, so he used his quick speed and stealth in the darkness to get the job done.

    Besides, the 'Illusionless Thief' had a nice ring to it.

    As the Snivy entered a large portion of the winding alleyways, he decided now would be a good time to enact his little game of finding out what was in the bag. Stopping at a nearby corner, he psyched himself up for yet another dance in the streets.

    "Alright, you've got a hot date with a new victim, you handsome devil, so don't screw this," he lectured himself, clearing his throat and preparing his big entrance.

    Meanwhile, the Snivy found herself in quite a jam - lost in the narrow maze of alleyways with no clear way out. She looked around, debating with her inner self on what way to go next. But before she could decide, a raking of sharp claws on stone and a chuckle from behind would rattle her thoughts.

    She whirled around, searching the many shadows of the dingy looking passage for the culprit.

    "W-Who's there?!" She stamped her foot to hopefully display that she wasn't scared. "Show yourself to me right away!"

    "Well, don't mind if do…"

    From behind a cover of discarded wooden boards came the smirking visage of a Zoroark, confidently striding his way over to the gasping Grass-type.

    "Y-You're the-"

    "Illusionless Thief," he finished, jabbing a crimson claw at himself. "Bingo. Now, pass over your bag. I got an appointment to catch, and I can't get caught up with a whole chase with guards."

    Snivy gulped, "You can't do this to me. I'm… I'm a princess! A princess of a very strong mercenary clan!" She puffed her tiny chest out. "And if you rob me, I'll send my minions after you!"

    Roark chuckled at her obvious bluff. "Yeah, maybe when you're older, kid." He strode over and yanked the saddlebag off her shoulder. "Yoink! Now, let's see what kind of goodies you got for me…"

    "D-Don't take it all, please!"

    The fox glanced around to make sure there was no onlookers, placing the bag on the floor and opening up its many zippers. He scrounged through them, finding mostly children's supplies that were of little use to him. The few Poké that was there he pocketed, subconsciously knowing it wouldn't even pay for today's expenses. However, there was one item in particular that he raised an eyebrow at - an entire bottle of the finest Perfect Apple whiskey this side of the Grass Continent. He swished around the brown liquid of the decorated bottle with a claw, whistling.

    "How'd a runt like you get your paws on this? Actually…" He scoffed. "Why are you even carrying around alcohol?"

    Snivy sighed, knowing she had to tell the truth "I, um, stole it from the market…" She rubbed her arm. "My dad told me to get some 'cause he couldn't move from an injury, and the... wouldn't sell it to me, so…"

    Roark shook his head, staring at the glass of liquor. His anger at the father for sending his daughter out to buy alcohol was only eclipsed by the anger directed at himself for trying to rob a child in desperation. Every problem in the world seemed to arise from this bottle, and he was no different.

    Roark dropped the Poké he stole back into Snivy's saddlebag, his weathered moral compass still showing signs of life. Still, he clutched the drink and pointed a claw at an adjacent alley.

    "Tell your dad to suck a lemon, 'cause this is mine. Scram, and if the guards ask, you never saw me."

    Snivy hastily nodded, grabbing her saddlebag and sprinting off in the direction he gave.

    'Well, guess it's back to the old grind…'

    Slipping the bottle into his rather large mane, the Zoroark slinked back into the black shadows, clinging to them as he passed multiple guards searching the streets for the 'Illusionless Thief'.

    'Guess I'm gonna have to call it a day due to these bozos.'

    Reluctantly, he changed directions, finding an isolated street corner where no Pokémon would recognize his unmistakable form. Taking a small breather, he pulled out the bottle from his mane of fur, swishing around its mystifying contents again.

    There was temptation in his gaze, but he quickly decided not to.

    'Ah, maybe I'll save it for a celebration or somethi-'

    A sudden stinging pain and subsequent brief flashes of blue and yellow in his vision made him suck his teeth, kneeling slightly from the short experience.

    'Just had to fuckin' get me there, right, brain?'

    Roark chuckled through his pain, fixing his stance and beginning to stroll through the lonesome alleyway - all the way back to his apartment, still gripping the glass of alcohol.

    'Maybe one day you'll tell me your secrets, brain…'

    "Didja hear the news, foxboy?"

    "Eh?" Roark said, peeling his lips from a freshly finished shot glass. "I don't follow the news, Ursaring, you know that."

    "Hah, of course you don't."

    Too many bars in Verdure began to identify the Zoroark as a wanted outlaw not long into his thieving escapades And since he didn't know how to create illusions, the only place he could go to catch a drink and hang out was a seedy and most likely illegal joint hidden in between one of the city's many alleyways.

    But Roark wasn't there to discuss the finer details - he was there to drink until he couldn't see straight.

    "But tell me, what happened in this hellhole today?" the fox asked, rattling his claws on the decaying wooden counter. "If a newspaper has my mug on the cover of it, can I get a discount?"

    The bear snorted, "Nah, the real news is that those 'Rescue Society' 'mons are showing up around the city in droves."

    Roark had heard of these Pokémon before, mostly through word of mouth by various passerby's on the street, and his own curiosity getting the better of him. Apparently, they were a large group of volunteers dedicated to assisting Pokemon all across the Celestic Continent. Be it a rescue mission in a dangerous Mystery Dungeon, or a daring operation against an ensuing hurricane, the Rescue Society gave the local guard of any town or city they visited a run for their money with their extensive talents.

    But the one question that lingered on the Zoroark's mind was why they were here in the Grass Continent of all places.

    "Yeah? What are they here for, though?" he shot back, waggling his empty glass. "They're pretty busy 'mons, so I didn't expect them to hang out here on vacation."

    Ursaring grabbed the glass, filling it back up and sliding it over. "Get this - they're here for some mission in the Sunbaked Plains, right? Well, I heard from another lad up in town hall that the Rescue Society is also here to help with the 'thief problem' going around the city."

    Roark instantly downed the glass, raising an amused brow. "Sheesh… I think I'm too good at my job. You're saying I now gotta look out for these Rescue Society guys?"

    The bear shrugged, "Dunno. But it'd be a shame to lose my best customer now, wouldn't it?"

    "Heh, yeah… it would be."

    The fox quietly eyed the barren shot glass in his grip, wondering just when he would eventually have to give up the ghost with his life's sole mission, or simply be captured and let the justice for his deeds sort him out. But he knew there was only option in the end, and that was to keep going until he found a clue - any lead at all to follow.

    There had to be a light at the end - something that would show him his actions built to something.

    "I'm gonna get out of your hair- er… fur, Usaring."

    "You be safe out there, Roark! Well, as safe as you can be with your profession…"

    "I'll try."

    The Zoroark left the rusty stool, tossing a handful of Poké he took out from his mane onto the counter. After a silent wave of goodbye, he exited the small bar, stepping out into the desolate alleys once more. He straightened his back with a crack of his unused joints, acclimating his shaky vision back into reality.

    It was noon when he entered the questionable establishment, and now it was night, bringing with it a blanket of stars that were obscured by the city's smothering lights.

    'Think the market's are staying open til midnight, so this is a perfect opportunity for some more action…'

    Before he could plot out his upcoming plan of late night business, his eyes caught a glimpse of activity near the end of the alley. He immediately sidestepped into the unlit shadows, observing the rather large entourage walk by.

    At a glance, Roark could tell they weren't the average guard of Verdure. They wore various sets of gears and tools on a belt around their waists, along with a black cape that drifted in the cold breeze of the night. A Bisharp led the group down the city's streets, holding a map and telling the others something that the fox couldn't overhear.

    'Shit. Guess Ursaring was right - these guys are here, and are maybe looking for me.'

    Despite this potentially being a major wrench in his operations, he had no choice but to continue his efforts tonight.

    'Hope I still make enough for my big meeting in a few days…'

    With yet another obstacle in his path to possible answers, he got on all fours and sprinted towards his usual spot near the bustling market, hoping it wouldn't be his last hustle for good.

    It had been a week since Roark had spotted members of the Rescue Society congregating in the streets, and ever since then, his attempts to steal from the Pokémon entering the alleyways have been blocked at every opportunity. Squads of Pokémon now patrolled them, just waiting for the Zoroark to pop his head in for a capture.

    He was beginning to grow more desperate each day for money, more so than he was before. Now only monetarily peeking atop his trusty street lamp, he searched the seas of shopping Pokemon for the perfect target.

    'C'mon… C'mon…'

    A lone Whimsicott entering his line of sight would seal in his latest victim. Cracking a grin, he jumped off and dashed towards his newest target. He had to get this one in the bag, or he'd go hungry another day.

    'Arce- what's his face… Arceus! Let me get away with this just once, okay?'

    Regardless if his pleas were heard, the fox quickly reached his target before the guards could deter the Grass-type away from the alleys. After spotting the poor Pokémon all by herself in the labyrinth he called home, he advanced with more haste than usual, ready to get this over with.

    "Alright, lady, just drop your Poké and I'll get out of your, uh, massive hair."

    The now quaking Whimsicott backed up, uttering loudly in fear. "G-GUARDS!"

    "Oh, you gotta be…"

    Usually the frantic alerts of his victims could never travel through the alleys and reach the ears of distant guards, but since they were constantly roaming them now, a nearby squad was just right around the corner. And after hearing a cry for help, a sharp turn around a corner would have them come face to face with thejr number one suspect.

    Roark wasted no time in taking off, forgetting his attempts and putting all his efforts into evading a capture, or worse. Behind him, he was able to listen in on the echoing commands of getting more backup.

    'Man, today is just not my day… or any day for that matter.'

    Racing down a corner, only more guards and Rescue Society members greeted him. He skidded his attempts of fleeing to a halt, sprinting down an adjacent corridor before a wave of paralyzing and mobility reducing attacks could land on him.

    'The hell? These guys are everywhere!

    A violent flapping of wings behind would catch his attention, looking up to see a Mandibuzz swooping low to catch him with her talons. Purple energy encased his claws as he jumped and sliced the ensuing talons with his trademark Night Slash before they could snatch him up, causing the Pokémon to swerve into a wall.

    "Not today, sister!"

    Cackling to himself, Roark made a sharp right and jumped over multiple fence-like wooden boards to his escape route. Despite this, the constant pitter patter of footsteps around him said it all - freedom wasn't gonna come cheap.

    'Okay, okay… let's see if those items I stole a while back still work.'

    Digging into his messy mane of dark fur, he uncovered a good selection of battle items. Clutched in his claws was an old looking Blast Seed, a dented Luminous Orb, and a black hued seed supposedly called a Doom Seed - the latter of which he knew nothing about, except the fact that the Pokemon he nabbed it from was pretty eager to let him take it.

    Whether or not these items were suitable for his current situation, he didn't think about it too hard.

    Hopping over another wooden board, a large group of guards on both sides were there to finally catch him. However, the fox's speed seemed too much for them to handle, as the Zoroark shot past them in a blur, throwing an assortment of items behind him.

    Roark never looked back, but could hear the muffled explosion of a Blast Seed exploding, a pulsing noise from the Luminous Orb doing its blinding magic, and another thunderous detonation that appeared to fit the 'doom' of the Doom Seed.

    "Haha! Eat on that, sucke-"

    Freezing beams of ice interrupted his victorious taunt, slamming into the ground near him and encasing his hind paws in thick ice. He attempted to budge out of his frozen prison, with little success.

    "Really? I'd rather take some of your paralysis junk than-"

    He was yet again cut off by a Sawk guard tackling him, wrestling him to the ground and breaking off the icy restraints. A brief scuffle between both parties would ensue as other guards began to run in and assist the Fighting-type.

    'Not like this, foxboy!'

    Realizing his impending capture, a thought cropped up in his mind, and he put all his faith into it. Quickly reaching into his mane, he pulled out the last orb he had - a Knockback Orb. Smashing it onto the cobblestone road released a shockwave of pink energy that blew back all the Pokemon surrounding him.

    'Now's my chance!'

    He ran away with his al his might before the guards could recover, going so far as to cross into the busy streets and spring himself off wagons and food carts. Still, the chase went on, and he beginning to grow tired of it. But there was less of them each time he managed to get away.

    This would all come to an end soon.

    Swinging off street lamps and other poles, he glanced back to see only two Pokemon left running after him - a normal Dewott guard, and that Bisharp from before, the black cape of the Rescue Society flapping behind it. Surprisingly, the Dewott stopped in its tracks, pulling off the rifle attached to its back and taking aim at the escaping Zoroark.

    Roark watched in perpetual shock. 'There's no way! Are they really going to-'

    The weapon then fired, its rain of bullets and gunpowder striking the alley walls, as the Bisharp had pushed the rifle away from its target just in time. From what Roark could hear behind him, the Bisharp began scolding the Dewott for its actions.

    Whatever commotion there was, he used it to his advantage, fleeing into the alley shadows to blend in and finally escaping the clutches of the Verdure guards. He smacked his back against a wall, sliding down it and breathing in and out after the exhausting chase across the city.

    'Hah… guess I gotta count my blessings for that Bisharp's save.'

    The Zoroark wasn't sure why the Steel-type halted his untimely demise, but he accepted it nonetheless, as today was a small victory in the sea of failures. Once his small break was finished, he safely inched his way back home, sneaking around the constant patrols that were sent out looking for him.

    Each day he worried of them finding where he was hiding out, and busting down the door to drag him off, never to see daylight again.

    'Tomorrow has to give answers, or I'm not sure I'll make it to see them in the future…'

    Everything he had been building up to with his life of crime in Verdure weighed on that small glimpse of hope he could find tomorrow - purpose.

    'This is it. I need this win right now.'

    Here he was, near the entrance to the Whipped Winds Air Delivery Services. It was a small rectangular building located near the outskirts of the city, where the greenery and sprouting golden wheat merged with the wood and stone buildings. White wing-like structures were built around the building's sides, now crumbling due to age and lack of repair.

    It was a dying business, but it was the only one that would accept his services, and home to the only Pokémon he could truly call a friend. Roark found solace in the broken wings, staring up at the gray overcast shrouding that layer of doubt in his heart.

    'Old man, you better have at least somethin' for me…'

    With a quick glance at his surroundings, he entered through the double doors. It was dark inside, the entrance lobby holding no Pokémon to greet him. The fox remembered the first time he entered this place, where it was bustling with customers and Flying-type aces that could find anything and anyone.

    Things could change so swiftly for him, and this place was no different.

    Roark found the staircase, slowly walking up the steps as his heart pounded like a drum from a mix of anticipation and fear. As he took the last steps up, a lone door at the end of the hall would draw him closer towards it. He wrapped his claws around the door's knob, breathing in and out. Once his calming exercises were over, he bit the bullet and twisted the knob, entering the stuffy new room.

    From the looks of it, it was an old attic converted into a modestly sized bedroom, fitted with a bed and several dusty drawers. A window to the outside world brought in its dreary pale light, providing life to a white wallflower held inside a flower pot resting on the windowsill.

    But Roark's eyes were fixated on the Pokémon sleeping in the bed, softly stepping on the creaky floorboards of the room to observe it sleep. It was an Unfezant, a rather old one according to the raspy breaths it gave out as it slept.

    "Hey, old man, wake up."

    An impatient claw batting the Flying-type's red wattle would cause him to grumble out some unintelligible words, stirring in his blanket as the bird cracked open his baggy eyes to see a smirking Zoroark kneeling by his bedside.

    "Welcome back to the land of the living, Fez." Roark chuckled. "I didn't disturb you from your coffin too early now, did I?"

    Unfezant blinked, "Roark…?" He coughed suddenly. letting out his own grizzled chuckle. "I… assume you're here to pay your respects?"

    "Hah, not today, friend. I'm here to see what happened with the twenty Pokémon I paid to send to each major city on the other continents. Something has to have turned up, right?"


    Unfezant went silent, only to position himself up right a moment later with a groan. He shakily pointed the tip of his wings to a dresser in the corner of the room.

    "That dresser… In the top drawer - I want you to have what's inside it."

    "Ah, giving me your family's ancient bird relic or something? Trust me, I'll take good care of it for ya."

    The fox strode over to the dresser, pulling it outward and nabbing the cloth sack found inside. It jingled with the clinking of metal pieces and was quite hefty. His curiosity got the better of him as he opened the bag, finding heaps of Poké inside - it struck him.

    This bag was the exact amount of payment he gave to Unfezant for the twenty fliers.

    Roark turned, juggling the sack. "This some sort of joke, Fez? This is the money I gave you for the trips."

    "… I know, and I want you to take it back."

    The fox squinted his gaze, "Have you seen this dump? I think you need the money more than I do, okay?" He scoffed. "Besides, when did you become so charitable all of a sudden?"

    "Because, it's pointless for us to do this anymore."

    "What's pointless?"

    Unfezant sighed, trying to find the right words. "I sent them out again like you asked… and all of them came back with the same knowledge - nothing." The bird locked eyes with the fox. "Nobody knows of a 'mon named 'Gloria' across every city or continent we've ever flown to."

    Roark marched back to the bed, shaking his head in disbelief. "No, can't be, Fez. Your guys didn't search hard enough. There has to be someone else that came-"

    "Listen to me, Roark… You need to accept that the Pokémon you think is out there waiting for you… isn't."

    The man's words sparked anger within the fox as Roark leaned over the bed and tapped his head with a claw. "Don't you remember that this is the only possible connection I have to my old life? There's nothing else inside my noggin', 'cause ole Arceus decided to throw me a curveball in the memory department!"

    "And so you'll search the ends of the earth for scraps of clues? You've gone so far as to become a petty thief in order to secure funds for these little gambles of yours..."

    Roark scowled, standing back and splaying his arms. "This… is all I have! What other purpose do I have on this rock? Drinking and sulking about the past I could be living instead of being here?"

    "Your purpose is not mine to say, nor is anyone's. You've chosen this path - one that I don't think will lead you anywhere from what I've seen.."

    "And you think I can just have a fresh start just like that?!" Roark grinded his teeth. "I didn't ask for things to end up so broken inside my head! I didn't want to sit down and just think about who's missing from my life. I didn't know…" He shut his eyes, inhaling deeply. "That things would end up this bad for me."

    Unfezant averted his attention to the windowsill, watching the flower in the pot dance with the tiny motes that gathered around the rays of cascading light. The soul that was lost before was still lost now, and he could offer no guidance like before from his 'coffin', as the fox had so eloquently put it.

    "Is this your purpose, Roark? To find this Pokémon? Do you think everything will just flood back into your mind if you manage to find her?"

    Roark followed the bird's gaze, striding past the bed and towards the window. He inspected the wallflower, flicking its white petals with a claw as he listened to Unfezant once more.

    "My purpose has been fulfilled already. Through teaching so many young chicks how to fly like a pro, to starting this, well, unfortunately bust business here. I've flown with the best, and even with the Shaymin up north one lucky day." The Pokémon went into another coughing fit. "I've… had my failures and my victories."

    The Zoroark grimaced, nearly snapping the stem of the flower from his grip on it. "So, when do I start winning, huh? Since the day I woke up, I've always been… losing."

    "The day you let go of this... dream... might be the day you realize your true purpose."

    "I… I made a promise, y'know."

    "And promises are sometimes broken. You know that."

    Roark stared out the window, searching the city's sprawling urban landscape for a purpose - his purpose. Despite everything he's done so far to find this 'Gloria', the case would always be cold, and his mind left with more confusion than before.

    He saw no purpose in the window to his future.

    "You found me, old man… so don't think I'll forget you when you're gone."

    "It's not so easy to say goodbye, but it must always come."


    Roark swung open the door to his apartment - a gift of a much healthier Unfezant of the past. The smell of musk and stale air from inside was there to greet his arrival back.

    'Home sweet home… Hah.'

    It was the day after he had visited the dying Flying-type, and a few hours since he attempted another robbery for Poké, to no success due to the constant guard patrols. His efforts ended in another chase through the streets; he escaped it, but deep down knew that luck wasn't always on his side.

    His time was almost up.

    Sluggishly crashing on a couch that smelled of mildew, he closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep away his frustrations. However, the weight forming in his chest at the looming future proved that rest would never come.

    'Damn. What to do in this dump…'

    Cracking open his tired lids, he scanned the barren and boring contents of his small room. A messy stack of papers caught his eye - his past attempts of searching for 'Gloria', the second name he had heard upon awakening. But after contemplating it for a while, he instead focused his attention on a sole glass bottle resting on a table in the middle of the quarters.

    The unopened Perfect Apple whiskey he took from that Snivy the other day.

    'Ole reliable, I guess…'

    Rising from the couch, he snatched the bottle and opened his front door, leaving his apartment and checking his surroundings as always. Once the coast was clear, the fox meandered up the stairs that led to the building's stone roof. The complex was the tallest building in Verdure, and its rooftop was his favorite place to drink.

    Opening the metal ceiling hatch at the end of the stairwell, he climbed up its ladder, now on the very top of the entire building.

    'Maybe I just needed a little pick me up.'

    Twisting open the cap of the alcoholic beverage, he took a swig as he trudged over to his usual spot, feeling the delightfully burning liquor torch his throat as it went down. Alongside the edge of the rooftop is where he stopped, taking in the view of the entire city around him.

    'Nothin' beats this - that's for sure.'

    Beams of orange and pinkish light from the setting sun struck the wooden and stone buildings below, also casting a warm glow over the vast open fields stretching the outskirts of Verdure. The Pokemon that inhabited the world beneath him seemed like tiny Durants, scurrying through street corners in one collective colony of society.

    And of course, he could also spot the numerous patrols on the lookout for him and others.

    Roark took another big sip of his bottle, getting a good look at the impressive sights all around him. Already he could feel the effects of the liquor creeping in, blurring the sickness he felt inside with something new - clarity.

    'This world is so damn big… and I'm so damn small.' He squeezed his eyes shut. 'I promised, but I can't even find you on my own without digging myself deeper and deeper into this shit…'

    Another massive gulp of the fiery liquid went down.

    'Gloria… I don't even know who you are. If you're my mom, my sister, a friend, or even anything to me. But you've kept me afloat this long, whoever you are.'

    The fox went to take another gulp, only to find that he downed the entirety of it already. His grip on it almost shattered the glass as he sighed, shaking his head.

    'You're a cruel mistress, world…'

    His perception of his immediate surroundings was slightly blurry, but a few blinks set him straight as he clambered on top of the roof's edges, almost stumbling. He stood, glancing at the massive drop below and the empty glass still clutched in his claws.

    'Guess it's goodbye, friend. Sayonara.'

    The bottle was let go, its purpose finished.

    Roark watched it fall into the abyss, before returning his shaky vision back to the lowering sun. A chilly wind of the approaching dusk swept through the roof, coursing through the Zoroark's fur. It was a nice and calming feeling, which sparked something emotional inside.

    Sadness - extreme sadness at everything, and he didn't know why. Before he knew it, tears were streaming down his face, but he didn't wipe them, his hind paws adjusting themselves on the edges as he took silent yet shaky deep breaths.

    'I hope you're living your best life out there, Gloria…'

    He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that made him slip, but now he was falling.

    A furious gale shot through Roark's fur, his useless body plummeting faster and faster towards the ground below; getting one last glimpse at all the glittering city lights accompanying this liberating feeling. For some odd reason, he wasn't scared of what came next, the consequences of his actions that he was now descending to meet.

    Halfway down, and nothing mattered anymore.

    'Yeah, this is fine…'

    Further and further he went, but as he neared his journey's end, all he could think about was how much better the view was from this far down. Closing his eyes, he let fate take control once and for all, colliding into the earth, taking his resolve with him.

    "… Ngh..."

    "He's waking up! Tell Bisharp and the others immediately!"

    "I'll alert the commander as well!"

    Roark stirred in his sleep, groaning at the constant shouts and sounds of shuffling gear around him. Reluctantly, he cracked open a eye, wincing at the rush of pain that flooded his nerves. He felt a soft cloth pillow beneath his neck, along with a sense of constriction throughout his limbs.

    "Wha… the hell?"

    He slowly lifted up his pounding head, glancing down to see gauze and other bloody wrappings adorning his arms and legs. It hurt to breathe, and he could barely move from the bed he was resting on.

    "Where… What is this…"

    Opaque walls encased him in this room, already giving him the knowledge of where exactly he was. Both guards of Verdure and members of the Rescue Society congregated at the only door that led out, keeping a wary stare on the incapacitated Zoroark.

    Strangely, some held worried or sympathetic looks.

    "Huh, that hangover must've carried me all the way to my capture," he weakly joked to himself.

    An opening of the door sent the Pokémon scattering to the room's sides, making way for a Bisharp wearing a harness and a black cape to enter. Its attention immediately snapped to Roark, marching over to rest a gauntlet on the hospital bed.

    "It's good to see that you have awakened - we were worried your injuries were too servere. Tell me, how do you feel right now, son?"

    "Like shit." Roark spat out, glaring daggers at the Steel-type. "Just get your little victory speech out now and throw me into whatever dumpy prison you'd like."

    Bisharp kept his gaze on the fox. "Do you… remember what happened a few nights ago?"

    "Remember?" The fox coughed. "The hell you talkin' about?"

    "You fell quite a long fall from those rooftops, and you're very lucky that Pokémon have such strong resistance to punishment."

    "Yeah… real lucky."

    "How old are you, son?"

    "Twenty, I think. I don't know…"

    Bisharp was greatly shocked, "You don't even know how old you are? You must have been on these streets for a long time, haven't you?"

    "Long enough to know that my days were over, and I just… didn't see it coming before it hit me right then and there."

    "Did you do it… on purpose?"


    Bisharp nodded, waving an arm behind him, motioning for a plea of privacy. The command was recognized as each Pokémon exited the room, leaving only two behind. "Let's start over. I'm Bisharp, the sole supervisor of the Rescue Society. I'm sure you're well aware of us, and our attempts to capture you."

    Roark let out a sore chuckle. "Well, you can call this washed up outlaw Roark, tin head."

    The Steel-type raised a curious brow, "You have a name, son? Not many Pokémon choose to take up one."

    "Guess I'm a special case."

    Silence set in, Bisharp digging through the pockets of his front harness to apply bandages to the fox's crumpled frame. Roark observed him do so in bemusement, a thought popping up in his mind.

    "Why did you save me back then…"

    Bisharp looked up, "What was that, son?"

    "When you and the guards were chasing me through the alleys, you stopped that Dewott from shooting me. Why did you?"

    "Because… even a thief like you doesn't deserve to die."

    "Really now…"

    Bisharp tied another loose wrapping in his gauze. "We didn't come here just to capture, but to help you readjust with society after we did."

    "… What?"

    "It's true, son. The Rescue Society isn't just about saving Pokemon from natural disasters or conflicts. It's about saving Pokemon from all situations, regardless of their background."

    Roark soaked in his words, unsure of what he should feel. Happy that he wouldn't rot in a cell for the rest of his life, or angry at the fact that he was still in this realm, listening to the pride spouting Pokemon.

    "So, what - you're gonna fix me up, then dump me off in the streets again? Who says I don't just try and do the same thing that kept me going?"

    Bisharp locked eyes with him, "I want you… to join us."

    "You're joking. Me?"

    "Yes, and as soon as you recover, I will train you just the same as every other Pokémon."

    "What makes you think a has-been thief would be a good addition to your goody little two shoes club?"

    Bisharp chuckled at his disbelieving comment. "Son, I see things that typical Pokémon don't. You may not see it after what you've done, but there's always a purpose that you can fulfill in this world."

    Roark thought about all the options on the table right now, and how little they paled in comparison to joining forces with the Rescue Society. He could shed his criminal past and have the opportunity to explore an entire world that was alien to him.

    It was the opportunity to find more clues about his missing past.

    "You went through quite a lot of effort to just hand me a resume, didn't you?" The fox let out a chuckle himself, finding the strength to lift a single claw from his blanket. "Well, consider this job accepted, tin head…"

    Bisharp smirked, wrapping his gauntlet around the claw and shaking it. "It's a pleasure to have you aboard, Roark."

    The 'Illusionless Thief' was no more.


    "Roark! Bisharp is giving the order to rendezvous with the other team and give them the all clear!" a Feraligatr yelled.

    "On it!"

    Roark released the rope from his harness and unhooked his claws from the volcano's rocky slopes, sliding down to meet the squad of Water-types. The hardy team fought off the continuous streams of magma pouring out of the mountain's surface with powerful spouts of water, cooling them into a solid instantly.

    "Tell that tin man I'll be back in five minutes flat!"

    "Haha! You got it, pal!"

    Smirking, the Zoroark sprinted on all fours away from the team's ongoing battle with flowing lava. He curved a bend, expertly dodging the occasional piece of lava rock that tumbled off the quaking cliffs.

    'Feels like this whole thing's about to blow, so we better act quick.'

    Hastening his speed, the fox approached a wall impeding his path and wasted no time in tossing the rope attached to his harness over it. The beautiful daggers he called his claws were good enough to impale themselves into the stone, giving him the ability to climb up. Once his vantage point was secure, he scoured the reddish surface of the volcano in search of the others.

    'Aha! Maybe I can pull it off after all…'

    Mentally counting down in his head, he traversed at a rapid pace, reaching them in a matter of seconds. Another wave of a molten rock was spilling out from the ground, and the second team of Water-types were standing by for orders.

    "Hey, you lot! Bisharp said to do it now!"

    Heeding the shouts of the fox, the combined force of aquatic attacks dispelled the invading sea of lava into nothing more than steam and hot solidified stone.

    Roark sighed in relief, "Good! Now, if Bisharp's team pulls it off, then this volcano isn't erupting anytime soon!"

    As the team made their way back to camp, Roark instead wanted to wait near the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon that Bisharp and his men entered. Along the way there, he noticed the rattling of the volcano seemed to mellow out, until fading completely.

    'Never doubt the master, I guess…'

    Nearing the pitchblack gateway of the Mystery Dungeon that led into the volcano itself, he leapt atop a nearby hill and began to plot up a fun little prank to pull on the leaving Steel-type. He waited for about ten minutes, thinking about giving up on the plot until exhausted members of the Rescue Society exited the shadow one by one.


    Utilizing his illusion trickery, the fox focused on replicating the form of a Legendary Pokemon he once read about - Entei. In a flash of bright white light, his appearance was altered into a menacing beast of a Pokémon.

    'Perfect. Now…'

    Bisharp was last to exit, too distracted with refitting his harness to notice the hulking frame of an Entei bounding towards him. It wasn't until the very real sounding conjuration landed right beside him that Bisharp noticed, collapsing to the floor in shock.

    "Gah!" The Steel-type couldn't believe his eyes. "E-Entei?!"


    Bisharp suddenly recognized the suave voice of the trickster mixed in with the bombastic yelling. "… Roark? Is that you, son?"

    The Entei illusion began to bellow with laughter, before a flash of white consumed its body. A Zoroark emerged from the blinding light, reaching an arm out for the fallen Pokémon to grab.

    "Got you good for a second, old man."

    Bisharp stared for a brief moment, accepting the assistance and standing up. "That you did, son." He chuckled. "Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake getting you taught on how to use your illusion powers."

    "But then who would take my place as the prankster of the team?"

    "You pose a good question."

    They walked and talked the long trek back to camp, discussing the fine details of their success in halting the eruption of the Basalt Bonfire Volcano, which threatened to annihilate a small village of Dragon-types near the bottom of the mountain.

    Bisharp unrolled his map of Celestic, tapping their location. "Since our business here in the Mountain Region is finished, in about a month, we'll head straight to the neighboring Frost Region for our last mission on Celestic."

    Roark groaned, "Another snowy area? Is there some giant icicle we need to smash or what?"

    "No. There's a massive snow shelf on the Glacier Peak Mountains that resides by the village of Kyuris, which it poses a threat to. We need to assist the local rangers there, the Glacier Guiders, in safely defusing the situation."

    "Should we secure a perimeter? In case the village 'mons are in a potential blast zone?"

    Bisharp nodded, tucking the map away in his saddlebags. "I'll go over specifics when we arrive, but this is yet another important operation."

    "Yeah, just wait until Spinda starts yapppin' on about- ah!"

    Arcs of blue and yellow spirals shot across the Zoroark's vision, causing him to kneel from the spike of electrifying pain that accompanied it. Bisharp knelt down immediately, placing a gauntlet on the now hyperventilating Pokémon.

    "Are you okay, son?"

    "Yeah, yeah… I'm… fine." Roark managed to stand, blinking away his blurry eyesight. "It's just… I don't know what the hell causes that to happen. It's been doing that ever since I woke up that day."

    Bisharp was the only Pokémon he confided his past to in the Rescue Society. After being there for roughly ten years, the fox began to see the Steel-type more as a mentor or father figure. Someone like Unfezant who actually cared for his wellbeing.

    "You are a strange case, Roark. But don't that let deter you from achieving your goals and purpose." Bisharp remembered the emboldened words he spoke long ago. "Even now, I still know you're looking for her."

    Roark looked down, sighing. "C'mon, old man, let's instead get back to base and start brainstorming ideas on how to tackle this big pile of snow, okay?"

    "Ha! I think you've got the right idea." Bisharp walked ahead, sending a glance back while he did so. "Keep up the tenacity, Roark! Someday, you might find yourself taking my place!"


    As the caped leader departed the sweltering land, Roark dug into the saddlebags connected to his harness in search of something. Feeling his metal flask, he fished it out and twisted open its cap, already smelling the apple fermented aroma that arose from the container - Perfect Apple Whiskey, his favorite.

    'At least I got you, old friend…'

    The fox took a hearty swig of the flask, feeling the familiar burn in the back of his throat. When he was finished with consuming the powerful liquor, he popped the cap back on, but kept the flask clutched in his claws. He swished arounds its contents, trying to push away thoughts of that dreaded day.

    'You've gotten me in a lot of trouble, but It's still my dumb choice in the end, isn't it?'

    'Pray to Arceus this works, or I'm just wasting some of my precious elixir here.'

    Roark grabbed his torn saddlebag, ripping apart the cloth from it and taking out his flask of whiskey. He popped the cap open and then slowly began to pour some of it on the pieces of cloth. Hoping his memory served correct, he grabbed the damp pieces of cloth and tossed them into the dying campfire.

    The scraps settled upon the smoldering charcoal, before combusting into yellow flames and flying bits of orange cinder. The Zoroark raised his arms in victory, scooting closer to the now blazing fire, careful not to let his black cape get close.

    'Haha! Now Bisharp can't tell me I wasn't listeni- ooh!' He scooted back just a bit after feeling his fur get singed. 'Oh, yeah, gotta watch out for those invisible flames.'

    Stealing a glance over at his right, he observed the sleeping form of the Vulpix he had rescued from the destroyed cabin. Luckily, her legs weren't seriously injured from the wooden beams that encased her in. And after the girl passed out, he was able to scoop her out of the debris, carrying her off to a nearby alcove that shielded the two from the wintery elements.

    'Might have to rebandage her in a bit, but she might need more rest.' He scowled, recalling the previous hour of events. 'Fuck. I really hope all that shaking up top wasn't an avalanche, 'cause then we're gonna have a serious problem.'

    His duty throughout this operation was to keep a perimeter around the mountain, and act as a recon over the many checkpoints that the Glacier Guiders created. But after a series of loud rumblings and quakes throughout the mountain, the rope he was using to keep himself connected to the cliffs snapped, stranding him in the middle of a freezing wasteland.

    And if that wasn't bad enough, now he had to escort a lost little girl back to her parents. All in all, he had a lot on his plate currently. But now that he had a moment of calm before the eventual storm, his thoughts shifted to the suggestion that Bisharp gave him on their trip here.

    The possibility of Roark leading the Rescue Society in the Steel-type's absence.

    Roark watched the flames of the campfire crackle. 'Maybe it is time for me to climb up the totem. Bisharp's getting old, and I'm not gettin' any younger myself, either. But being a leader to all those heroic 'mons? Man, not sure I even have the heart to-'

    A grunt to his right shattered his mind's back and forth, returning his sights back to the white Vulpix, who was now stirring in her sleep. He watched patiently as the kit let out more soft murmurs, before her blue orbs would bat open and drowsily analyze her foreign environment.

    "Wha… where…" Vulpix's chest tightened as fear gripped her. "M-Mom? Dad?"

    "Hey, kid."

    Vulpix gasped, attempting to scramble up to her paws. However, a stinging pain in her sides would force her back to the ground, making her look up to see the image of a Zoroark sitting crisscrossed near a campfire. If she was frightened before, her anxiety was reaching new levels.

    "W-Who a-are you?" she uttered. "Where's… where's my mom and dad?!"

    "Calm down, kid, your memory isn't up to speed." Roark rose from his position, jabbing a claw at himself. I'm from the Rescue Society, and I just saved you from a house wreckage close by." He motioned to the stone walls around them. "After that, I found a tiny little cave for you to warm up and let your wounds heal."

    Vulpix seemed to simmer down just a bit, still looking around. "Are we... are we safe?"

    "Yeah, you're gonna be fine. Once you're all healed up, I'm gonna take you back to your parents - you got that?" The kit slowly nodded, but Roark wanted to know more about what exactly happened. "Do you think you can tell me what happened before you passed out?"

    She blinked, from both confusion and shock at her lack of recollection. "I… I don't remember! All I remember is going to sleep in my bed and waking up here!"

    'It must've been too traumatizing for her to remember. Poor fucking kid…'

    Roak sharply inhaled, "Well, maybe we'll learn more about what happened along the way." He sat down, directly in front of Vulpix. "Since we might be together for a bit, you can call me Roark, or 'R', as some of my buddies call me, heh."

    Vulpix tilted her head, "Roark…? Like, Zo… roark?"

    "Uh, sure."

    She managed a small smile. "That's, um, kind of silly. But… I like it!"

    "Much appreciated." Roark stood up again. "You rest here - I'm gonna assume the cabin you came down the mountain with is yours, and I'll try and recover any small belongings we can take back."

    "The… the cabin? You mean..."

    She whirled around, peering out of the cavern entrance to see a mangled mess of wood and broken glass that was her home. She ignored her injuries and ran out in an adrenaline fueled hurry, desperately trying to reach the destroyed lodge.

    "Kid, wait!"

    Roark was just behind her, growling obscenities under his breath as he trudged through the snow. It was a short lived chase, which ended once the Zoroark caught her at the cabin's ruins, attempting to brush away bits of wood and uncover the place she used to call home.

    "Kid, your injuries - you can't be out here!" He attempted to drag her back with a paw, but found the crying Vulpix forcing her way out of his hold.

    "M-My… my house!" She sniffled, sobbing loudly. "Why is it destroyed?! W-What happened?!"

    "I don't know, but… we're gonna find out, alright?"

    "But… I w-want my home back!" she screamed uselessly, stomping an upset paw into the snow.

    All the memories the Vulpix had in the cabin growing up were now gone. Her first words, the first book she read, learning how to cook from her mother, playing with friends - all of it reduced to rubble before her.

    Roark sucked in his emotions, gently patting the young kit on the back. "… It's just a house, kid." He was able to finally pull her away from the wreckage. "I know it's hard seeing this, but trust me when I tell you that your well-being is more important to your mom and dad than some house."


    "Please, go back and rest - you need it."

    "O… Okay…"

    A choked up Vulpix began to trot back to the warm cave, struggling to hold back more tears as she did so. Roark watched her go, closing his eyes and holding his head high.

    'Damn, I feel like such an asshole doing that, but I had to.'

    It was just another day in the Rescue Society.

    Digging into his saddlebags, he retrieved his flask of whiskey and took a comforting sip. It was a long journey until a refill, and he knew it wasn't gonna be smooth sailing all the way through.

    'I wish I didn't just have this pit in my stomach at the thought of what exactly happened to that little girl.'

    He brought his gaze back down to the flask he was holding, swishing around the calming yet troubling liquid held inside.

    'Fulfill your purpose, old friend, and I'll fulfill mine here.'

    Roark took another gulp.

    Take a swig of your life's constant failures and setbacks, and find yourself falling… without purpose.

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    Next Special Episode Part: I Remember A Name
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    Special Episode #1: Part 3
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Special Episode: Can You Make A Promise?

    Part 3: I Remember A Name

    The flickers of the dying campfire's flame were finally snuffed out, leaving only bits of ashen charcoal and a whisper of black smoke.

    'Alright, we should get a move on…'

    Roark grunted as he stood, popping his unused joints and plodding over to a corner of the room where a small fox Pokémon slept on pieces of straw. Vulpix managed to get past her tears and give her injured body a much needed rest, while he decided to stay awake to keep watch over the traumatized kit. Even through the bitter night, he kept his eyes wide open for a sign of anything - his comrades or a passerby Pokemon - but nothing did come, and that told him that they were on their own for a while.

    "Hey, kid. Time to wake up - c'mon."

    Hearing his boisterous voice, Vulpix would slowly uncurl her tired eyelids. "H-Huh?" she grumbled, readjusting to her surroundings. "Roa… Mr. Roark?"

    "Yeah. We need to get going now." He threw a claw at the remnants of their campfire behind him. "Fire's dead and I don't want a blizzard to suddenly force us inside. Is your side feeling better than before?"

    "O-Oh, um, yeah," the kit mumbled, rising out of the warm straw. "Do we really need to leave now?"

    "I can't just leave you here while I go and find your parents, so you're gonna have to tag with me for a little bit."


    Roark began collecting his various strewn about items littering the cave, stuffing them back into the small pockets on his harness. However, a few belongings were left behind, visible cracks or tears in them.

    "I… searched your home for anything that wasn't broken or damaged beyond repair. Just tell me if you want me to take any or not."

    Vulpix frowned, lowering her head and walking over to see what remained of her home's collection. A few disheveled scarves, some nearly shattered vases of spices and sugars, and a small selection of battered books.

    Here was all that was left of her past.

    The red and yellow cover of her favorite book instantly caught her eye - the flashy title on it reading 'The Lucky Tale'. She stared at it for a moment, silently thanking Arceus for saving it, before placing a paw on top of it. If anything was to be saved, it was this.

    "Can, um, can we take this one?"

    "Sure thing." Roark bent down to grab it, gently placing it into its own pocket. "If there's anything else you need, just grab it - we got a lot of ground to cover today."

    Vulpix glossed over the ravaged objects once more, her mind already made up. "I think I'm ready to go now, Mister Roark."

    "Just Roark, kid. Don't make me feel too old now."

    The kit formed the first smile he had seen from her in a while, and he returned one back.

    "Trust me - I wanna get this over with as much as you do, so just stick to me and we'll reach your mom and dad by tomorrow."

    That hope that she would was all that Vulpix was holding onto.

    Roark jostled his gear and straightened his cape one final time, entering the blinding light of the cavern entrance and reappearing into the cold landscape of the outside world. There was a bite carried throughout the howling arctic wind, which swept snow away and whipped through the tired fox's fur.

    'Can't say I missed you, winter weather.'

    Vulpix was just behind him as he exited the cave, taking in the vast untamed terrain that separated her from her parents. There was always a thrilling idea in her head of embarking on a journey all by herself through the mountains, but she dreamt nothing of the present that she was now enduring.

    But she had to be brave, like a hero.

    "I think if we take the trail up, we can start properly scaling the mountain and possibly reach a checkpoint." Roark explained, stepping through the snow and twisting his head around. "Just follow me closely and don't wander off."

    "Um, got it."

    The Zoroark walked alongside the cave's sides, feeling the inclinations in the ground. Once he was able to get a solid footing, he began his ascent upward. Vulpix kept up as best she could, trudging through the snow alongside her new companion. She only stopped momentarily to glance back at the broken remnants of her home, holding back the tears that would've come if she stared too long.


    "You're almost there, Vulpix! Just a little more and I can pull you over!"

    "I'm… trying!"

    Vulpix steadied herself with deep breaths, pushing herself to inch her body closer and closer to the cliff's narrow gap where Roark's held out claw was waiting. With a little tenacity, and remembering her parent's advice, she ignored the assistance and managed to successfully leap across the rift, a pair of claws catching her before she plummeted down hill.

    Her face would still sink into the snow, however.

    Roark chuckled, "Didn't need me, I guess. That was a great jump, kid!"

    "Thmnks," Vulpix mumbled, lifting her head from the snow. "I used to watch my mom and dad do it all the time, so I wanted to try it myself."

    Roark scouted their new but nearly identical surroundings, spotting a pathway marked with wooden pole-like fixtures. These were the trails leading to the mountain's checkpoints - he was sure of it.

    "Are your parent's some kind of ranger in these parts?"

    Vulpix tilted her head, "Um, kinda. They're in this group called the Glacier Guiders. They're really cool!"

    Roark stopped in his tracks, "Glacier Guiders? You mean-" he smacked himself in the forehead, "That Ninetales couple I met… They were your mom and pops, right?"

    Vulpix's face lit, her tails wagging as she walked beside the fox. "Yeah! You know them?!"

    "'Course I do. My team came to this mountain to meet with the Glacier Guiders for this operation, and I spoke to those two before we started." He looked down at his small companion. "Pretty cool pair, and they spoke highly of their daughter's potential."

    "R-Really?!" Vulpix nearly squealed. "I haven't told them yet, but I really do want to become a Glacier Guider someday!"

    "That so?" Roark smirked. "Well, keep up the little adventure we got goin', and take some pointers from me. Once you reunite with your parents, I can give them some glowing praise for ya."

    All of Vulpix's previous sadness and anger was now washed away by this remark.

    "I'll… I'll do my best, M- Roark!"

    "Same here, kid."

    The trail led further up the mountain, through seas of large rock clusters and winding forests of snow covered trees and bushes. One thing was certain, and it was that this was not going to be a walk in the palk, nor an entertaining one - Roark wanted to fix that.

    "Hey, since we might end up walking for a while, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

    "It was the first time my mom let me cook something, so I wanted to make some Pokepuffs, and, um…"

    "Well? Did ya do it right?"

    They trekked across a bridge of frozen water, their steps careful and light, so as to not cause a fracture in the bed of permafrost.

    "Um… when I placed the batter in the Darumaker, I forgot to turn down the heat seating, and so the entire thing exploded and sent batter all over the kitchen!" Vulpix squeaked out, blushing in embarrassment.

    "Heh, if you think that was bad, then you should've seen what horrible stuff I make for breakfast at the Rescue Society…"

    Fierce winds flew through the mountain's cliffs and ravines, bringing forth a blizzard of frigid snow that shrouded the two Pokemon's vision on the trail. Despite the horrible conditions, they kept morale high through sharing stories and entertaining accounts.

    "And then what happened?"

    Vulpix shielded her eyes from the winds, slightly giggling. "Cubchoo opened her mouth and spewed out frost all over those bullies! Mrs. Jynx had to let them leave early because of it!"

    Roark cackled at the tale, squinting to see what was ahead. "Man, that's why I don't mess with Ice-types…"

    "But wait! Something else happened right after!"

    "I'm listening…"

    Large crystals of hail came down in sheets, battering the icy land around them as they took cover in an outcropping of rock. The two Pokemon absently watched the downpour of thick ice, waiting for it to come to an end as they continued to share stories.

    "Wait, so the Fire-type Vulpix spat more flames in the volcano to stop the eruption? And a Volcanion was actually behind the volcano erupting in the first place?"

    Vulpix nodded, wagging her tails. "Yup! Her attacks overloaded the core thingy and it stopped the eruption!"

    "I… don't think that's how volcano's work, but…" Roark watched a particularly massive chunk of hail fall like a shooting star and smash into dozens of pieces on the ground. "This world is strange enough as it is."

    Roark twirled around the hooked end of the rope he was carrying, finding a good spot and chucking the rope's end all the way up the wall of solid ice. The hook managed to catch the side of a rock up top, locking itself in place as he tied his end of the rope to his metal harness.

    "Alright, Vulpix, here's how we're gonna do this." He beckoned her closer with a claw, the Vulpix following him. "You climb into my mane and hold on tight while I shimmy up this cliff."

    Vulpix cocked a curious brow, "In your… mane? Um, how is that gonna hold my weight?"

    Roark chuckled, "Smart, I see. I say this because I've seen Zoroark moms carry their Zorua's in their mane before, so the same logic should work here." He did a double take. "Just, uh, don't think of me as a mom, alright?"

    A laugh was coaxed out of the kit, shattering her hesitance as she approached the fox, attempting to figure out just how she would climb on in. A pair of claws would rectify her befuddlement, scooping her up and burying her into the mangled mess of dark and red fur. She popped her small head out, clutching the bundles of fur with her paws.

    "Okay. This fox is about to start climbing, so keep your grip tight, kid!"

    Roark outstretched both arms, jamming his claws into the wall of ice and pulling himself up with a grunt. He repeated this rhythm over and over, keeping a careful eye on the Vulpix nestled deep into his fur.

    "Bumpy ride, eh?"


    "It's almost over anyway."

    Impaling his final claw into the ice, Roark lifted himself over the wall's edge, landing his victorious body onto the snow. Vulpix wrangled herself out of his mane, taking a few steps to bring equilibrium to her dizzy vision.

    Roark sighed in relief, "And we've still got a ways to go…" He took this brief moment to relax, gazing up at the sky from his position. "Hey, wait a second…"

    Smoke - visible fumes of smoke were rising into the sky.

    The Zoroark immediately stood up, his eyes following the grey trail in the sky. It rose from beyond a ravine in the mountain, its origin blocked by numerous rocks and trees. It may or may not have been a checkpoint, but he found his new destination to travel to.

    "Kid, we're changing our course just a bit to check out that smoke over there."

    Vulpix observed it as well, curious. "Maybe It's a campfire?" She grew a large smile. "Maybe my mom and dad are there! And your friends, too!"

    "I hope so…"

    Entering through a wide cave entrance, the pair stumbled in abject darkness through the rather large chamber in search of an exit.

    "It is way too dark in here," Roark grumbled.

    "Do you have a torch or something?" Vulpix mumbled, her slight fear of the dark creeping in.

    "Yeah, give me a sec…"

    The Zoroark opened up a small saddlebag attached to his harness, pulling out a miniature sized lantern with just the right amount of fuel. After a turn of its lever, a wick inside the glass casing ignited with a small flame, providing warmth and illumination to their dark surroundings. What the flickering light would reveal along the cave's walls would greatly shock an observant Vulpix.

    "Roark! Look at the walls!"

    "What… more icicles and stuff?"

    "No! There's drawings of things!"

    Roark angled his head to the right, being witness to a grand mural etched into the cavern wall. While it was faded in appearance, it obviously resembled an imposing Pokemon. It seemed strange to Vulpix, until the gears in her mind began to turn, and she instantly recognized the Pokemon depicted.

    "That's… that's Kyurem!"


    "Kyurem! It's the Legendary Pokemon that was rumored to dwell underneath the mountain long, long ago!"

    "Really now…" Roark swung the lantern around, raising it higher and revealing the spacious chamber's pillars of spiraling ice. "This doesn't seem to be a typical cave, either."

    "Can we, um, investigate just a tiny bit? We can go find the smoke right after!"

    The fox thought it over, ultimately deciding. "Ah, alright, but keep your eyes peeled for an exit."


    They journeyed through the heart of the cave, eyes glued to the walls in case of another mural. Vulpix would be the first to spot one, excitedly running towards it as Roark shrugged and followed, shining the lantern upon her findings. The carved painting in question was of a strange object. To the naked eye, it resembled a fractured wheel-like object, with arches and crosses intersecting one another. However, its importance was lost on the two investigators.

    "Wow! It's some sort of treasure!" Vulpix mouthed.

    "Really? It kinda just looks like a broken fence to me."

    "Wait! There's another painting!"

    Vulpix sped off to another part of the chamber, Roark sighing as he followed and proceeded to repeat his last action again. This time, the mural was more forthcoming with its details.

    "Um, can you tell what it is, Roark?"

    The fox squinted, "Looks like a bunch of 'mons out in the cold. Poor guys."

    The painting showcased a long line of different Pokemon marching through a raging blizzard, with many fallen Pokemon among the snow that appeared to have succumbed to the blizzard's might.

    "I don't get it." Vulpix frowned, trying to interpret the drawing. "Were they lost? Or…"

    "I think they're explorers, or this is some sort of exodus." He shrugged. "That's my interpretation at least."

    They continued to search the walls for more clues, but were met with no more illustrations of the past. Vulpix was disheartened, but was glad she was even able to see this. Roark, on the other hand, was far more interested in the glimpse of blinding white that was the cavern's exit. But as Vulpix stepped out, his eye caught a glimpse of something stuck in the icy floor of the cave.

    'Did someone leave a neckerchief?

    He bent down, scraping the ice that concealed a piece of black cloth his hard work was done, he was able to unearth the ragged bits of what appeared to be an armband. Any detail that was imprinted into it was worn down and faded by time in its frozen prison.

    'Tch. Guess it was nothing.'

    He dropped the scraps of cloth, following the young kit out of the cave.

    "Look! That smoke really did belong to a campfire!"

    "Yeah, which means we might be in luck…"

    From beyond the trail in which they embarked upon for hours, the plume of rising smoke from before was clearly seen in the distance. A burning yellow fire was all that guided them further towards a possible encounter with others. But as they neared, it become more and more clear what they were just now finding.

    "It looks like a wooden carriage!" Vulpix remarked, keeping up a steady pace. "They bring those into the village all the time with food and other stuff!"

    "A caravan?" Roark grimaced. "Not sure why it's all the way out here, though."

    The Dark-type's confusion would soon be erased as they neared the halted carriage. Various dents and scratches littered its hull, with some chunks of it even missing. Numerous bandaged up Pokemon were resting beside the campfire created near it.

    "Something happened here… Something that-"


    A feminine yell to Roark's left would make him stand his ground, facing the shouting voice. A golden furred Ninetales was crouched low, baring her teeth at the Zoroark and raising her many tails in defense.

    "We're not going to let you steal more from-" the vixen suddenly stopped, quickly realizing her mistake, "Wait… You're not that other Zoroark from before."

    Roark smirked, but kept his distance. "Unless he was a handsome devil named Roark, then no, it's not me."

    "Then just who are you?!"

    Vulpix was very excited to see a foreign member of her species, but she bottled up those feelings, only wondering what went wrong here, and why this carriage was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

    "Um, hello, miss? We came over because we saw smoke. Please don't be mad!"

    Roark nodded, "I'm from the Rescue Society, and we're conducting an operation with the Glacier Guiders." His attention rested on the injured Pokemon. "Can you tell me just what happened to your caravan?"

    Ninetales relaxed her defensive stance, sighing. "Well... I'm very glad you are here, then. We were… we were going though the mountain to make it to Slush City for transport, but we got attacked by bandits along the way."

    "Bandits?" Vulpix frowned. "I thought the Glacier Guiders made sure there weren't any!"

    "I'm guessing they were too busy with this operation for them to spot thieves," Roark answered. "Do you know where they went?"

    Ninetales' shook her head, "We were barely able to escape the avalanche with our supplies, so we had no time to track them as they ran away…"


    "Yes. The bandits had Fire-types near the cliffs waiting for us to come by. When we did, I'm assuming they warmed up the snow, causing it to come down and trap us in." Ninetales scowled. "I don't know what they did, but we heard a massive rumbling noise after the first avalanche hit us, so we got out as fast we could, and stopped here to care for the wounded."

    "I'm really sorry that happened to you, miss," Vulpix said, ears drooping.

    "Wait, you said something earlier about another Zoroark," Roark brought up. "Was this Zoroark one of the bandits?"

    "He was white and red - looked like a ghost. I think he was their leader, because he said a few choice words to me before the avalanche came."

    'Great. Now I have another one of me roaming these cliffs. White and red, though? Surely that can't be a Zoroark…'

    "Is there anything we can do to help?" Roark asked. "Once the Rescue Society is done with this operation, I'm sure we can try and find these thieves and recover some of the caravan supplies."

    "If you can, please help me find my daughter!" Ninetales' pleaded. "During the escape, we went through the Never-Melt-Ice Ravines, and we lost her going through it. My mate is out looking for her while I watch over these Pokemon, but night will come soon, and-"

    "I'll do it," Roark said resolutely. "Just point me in the right direction. Vulpix, you stay here with her."

    "Wait! I wanna go too!"

    "Kid, there might be bandits out there, and-"

    "I still wanna go and help this Pokemon! Please!"

    Ninetales' managed a smile, "It's always hard to convince my daughter otherwise. Maybe it would be best for you to take her along?"

    The Dark-type sighed, eventually smirking. "Ah, whatever… you can tag along in the search."


    The Vulpix jumped up and down several times, eager to assist in any way she could.

    Just as the Ninetales' had mentioned, the Never-Melt Ravines was where they took their search. They traversed the mountain's cliffs and scoured the large crevice of twisting ice spires for hours, but found no trace of the missing Pokemon. Eventually, their efforts would find themselves in the nearby cave systems.

    "Wait for them to fall, kid!"

    The long spear-like icicles that hung from the ceiling began to shake and shake, until a crack near the top of them sent them falling, impaling themselves into the cave's ground. Luckily, neither of them were below the surprise attack.

    "Woah…" Vulpix watched with wonder as more icicles started to fall in unison. "This place is really cool!"

    "Yeah, and dangerous," Roark remarked. "But that Ninetales' daughter should be around here if she didn't leave already."

    "Where should we look first?"

    "I say we-"

    'H-Hello? Is anyone there?'

    The new voice echoed throughout the cave, seeming to appear from the cracks in the rocky walls that led to the outside.

    "Can you hear us?!" Roark shouted, hoping to get an answer back.

    'Yeah! Where… where are you?!'

    "We're in the caves! Are you Ninetales' daughter?! We've been looking for you!'

    'Mom sent somebody for me? I went through the Mystery Dungeon here to get out of this pit, but I got stuck between something!'

    "Through the Mystery Dungeon? Got it. We'll be right there!" Roark nudged the Vulpix to his left. "C'mon, the dungeon entrance is just to the right!"

    As the Zoroark moved on ahead, Vulpix shuffled her paws together, a desire popping up in her mind.

    "Um, do you think I could enter the Mystery Dungeon by myself?"

    Roark turned, dumbstruck. "Are you kidding? Do you know how dangerous Mystery Dungeons can be?"

    Vulpix flinched, "I know! But… I really want to show that I can do this by myself! That I'm really growing up!"

    "Ugh…" Roark shook his head. "Listen, I don't think-"


    He bit his tongue, contemplating the offer. "Fine. Your parents would obviously kill me, but I think you've proven yourself today, so…"

    "Yes!" Vulpix squeaked out, entering a passage to the right.

    "I hope I'm not making a mistake!" Roark proclaimed, right behind as they walked.

    Soon enough, the lightless shadow of the Mystery Dungeon's entrance was present before them, and Vulpix was sizing it up. She had never entered a dungeon before, and had only read about them in books, or listened to accounts from her mother and father. To say she was afraid was an understatement, but she threw all those feelings aside to focus on one feeling that motivated her above all.

    The feeling of being a hero.

    "Okay… I'm ready to go in!"

    "If you say so. I just hope you know what to do when you're in 'em."

    "I do!" She retorted, fixing her erratic breathing. "I just, um, need to convince myself that I'm ready."

    A minute passed as Vulpix continued to psyche herself up, now inching towards the shadow's penumbra. Once she was close enough, she decided to swallow her fears and leap into the abyss, vanishing completely. Another minute went by as Roark stared into the dungeon's entrance, chuckling to himself.

    "Okay, I'm not that bad of a caretaker." He made sure his harness was secure. "She deserves a moment of freedom to herself, but I'll have to keep watch…"

    WIthout any hesitance, he stepped into the shadow.

    Never-Melt-Ice Chasm

    BF 1

    An icy platform expanded from nothingness, firmly planting itself under the paws of a shocked Vulpix. She watched in awe as walls of stone erupted from darkness, forming a maze-like perimeter around the room she was in. Tapering icicles created frozen stalactites on the ceiling, but never budged.

    'So… that's… that's what all those books were describing.'

    After standing idly for a while, just soaking in the experience of being here, she managed to take a few shaky steps forward.

    'Right. Um, I need to find the staircase… wherever that is.'

    Two hallways on her left and right caught the kit's attention, but she inevitably picked the left one, hoping her choice would win out in the end. Vulpix progressed through the corridor, keeping a wary eye out for the supposed 'protectors' of these dungeons that could appear from seemingly thin air.

    'I really hope I don't have to fight…'

    As she departed the room she entered from, another Pokemon would materialize inside the dungeon - a Zoroark.

    Roark blinked, looking around for a sign of his petite companion. "She couldn't have gotten far…" He stretched his arms, yawning. "Guess I'll wait for her to get cornered by some dungeon 'mon before I intervene."

    He then picked a hallway to saunter down, making sure to stick to the shadows that he was so used to.

    Never-Melt-Ice Chasm

    BF 2


    The floor beneath Vulpix shook, before the rocky ground vanished completely, leaving behind a circular pit that she nearly fell into. Luckily, she wasn't directly under the sprung Pitfall Trap, allowing her limbs to scramble up the sides of the stone and back onto solid ground.

    'I… I did it!'

    Victoriously, she confidently marched her way into another corridor, now aware of potential traps. Roark was just behind her, out of sight as he gazed down at the Pitfall Trap and back at the departing Vulpix.

    "Okay, okay, I'll give her that one."

    Never-Melt-Ice Chasm

    BF 5

    'I might be near the end!'

    Vulpix had been making great progress all throughout her trip of the dungeon, and she could feel it in her chest that she was only one staircase away from putting this all behind her. It was now or never.

    'I hope the stairs are right after this…'

    Her words trailed off as another Pokemon slowly ambled out of the hallway she was going to enter, locking eyes with the stunned kit, who didn't dare move. The most shocking part wasn't the fact that it was a dungeon Pokemon, but that it was a Vulpix just like her. Like looking into a mirror, it was a reflection of her, but lacked life and jubilance behind its baby blue eyes. The doppelganger wasted no time in eliminating the distance between it and the intruder, swiping its clawed paw at the kit.

    Vulpix stepped back, scared out of her wits at seeing a Pokemon just like her. But through her fears, she began forming a strategy in her young mind to win this fight.

    'Okay! Um, my Ice-type attacks won't work so well, but I can bite it maybe!'

    She narrowly dodged another paw swipe before she sank her teeth into the artificial Pokemon's arm. Greatly utilizing her fangs, she unhooked them before delivering another fatal bite onto the Ice-type. But before Vulpix could unleash a consecutive bite, a golden light enveloped the other Ice-type. She shielded her eyes, only opening them once the light faded, the enemy now gone.

    She had won her first fight.

    'I did it! Yes!'

    The empty hallway was all for her taking, and she gladly accepted it, already moving through it with ease. Roark would emerge from the shadows behind her, smirking at the brief fight he had just witnessed.

    "Well, guess she did have it in her…"

    Vulpix emerged from a pitch-black shadow, switching her shocked gaze back and forth at the new location she found herself in. She had done it - she had conquered her first Mystery Dungeon all by herself.

    'I can't wait to tell Roark and- oh, right!'

    "Hello?" she spoke up, scanning her rocky vicinity. "Are you here?"

    Moments later, a soft voice akin to Vulpix's spoke up. "Y-Yes! Do you see that ridge over? I'm stuck between some rocks!"

    Vulpix would find said ridge a few feet away, skirting around the edges of which to see the form of a Fire-type Vulpix wearing a saddlebag wedged between two sides of stone. She immediately thrusted her paw into the cracks of the rim, waiting for her to grab on.

    "Grab my paw and I'll pull you out!"


    The Fire-type was able to raise a paw, clasping it on top of her counterpart. Once there was a grip, the stone's squeeze on her got looser and looser, until she popped out of the ridge a newly freed Pokemon.

    "Thanks so much!" The Fire-type went wide eyed. "Wow! I didn't know you were one of those Ice-type Vulpix!"

    Vulpix nodded, attempting to contain her inner happiness. "Yeah! But, um…" She tapped her chin with a paw. "Before we return to your mom, how do we mention each other since we're both Vulpix!"

    "Oh, you can call me 'Vulpy' for now! My friends back in the Blaze Continent call me that all the time!"

    "Really? You're from the Blaze Continent? What's it like there?"

    "It's really hot! I don't know much about Ice-types, but I think you'd melt there!"

    As the friendly chat went on, the two children were quite unaware of another Pokemon exiting the shadow - a Zoroark in particular. Glossing his vision over the freed Fire-type Vulpix, Roark grew yet another smirk.

    "Hey! You girls ready to cut the gossip and head back now? Nightfall's about to arrive soon!"

    The two Vulpix's stared at the intruder, before smiling and sending each other looks of confidence.

    Now as a trio, they entered the Mystery Dungeon again, thwarting any challenge that blocked their path. 'Vulpy' showcased her amazing talents of pyromancy, practicing it on any dungeon Pokemon that crossed her path. Vulpix would stand by and assist when needed, simply gawking at her counterpart's strength, hoping that strength could hers someday.

    After sweeping through the Mystery Dungeon, the only challenge left was the journey back.

    The setting sun in the sky was a sight for sore eyes, bringing a multitude of warm and vibrant colors to the ocean of cold white and rugged black. The trio of Pokemon walking through the frozen wastes would use this opportunity to guide them back to the carriage, just as the Ninetales' from before ran towards them, overjoyed.

    Vulpy ran ahead, nearly tackled into a hug by her mother. "Mom! Please! I'm back, okay?"

    "I know, but I'm just so happy that you're alright…" Ninetales' lifted her muzzle, shedding a tear. "Thank you so much for finding my daughter. We… we still have some Poké left over that the bandits didn't find and-"

    Roark waved a claw, "Nah, no payment required. Everything the Rescue Society does is volunteer."

    "Thank you… again."

    Vulpix sucked in her own tears at such an emotional moment, feeling her chest swell up with pride at what she had accomplished today. She wondered if this is what it felt like to be a hero, to save the day for someone else. It was a good feeling, and something she craved more of as she thought about it.

    "Um, Vulpix?"


    Vulpix seized up as Vulpy broke from her mother's hold to trot on over, opening her saddlebag up and pulling a small item out and harsly whispering.

    "Don't tell my mom, but the reason I got stuck in that ridge was because I saw something I wanted to bring her." She extended the item further, waiting for Vulpix to accept it. "Since you rescued me, I thought you should have it! I think it makes Ice-type moves stronger or somethin'."

    The object that Vulpy held was a Never-Melt-Ice, an icicle shaped piece of ice that true to its name, could never melt. Vulpix stared long and hard at the gift, before hesitantly reaching a paw out and taking it, feeling its cold properties flow through her body, like it was meant for her.


    "No problem!" Vulpy whipped her head around, seeing her mother wait expectantly. "Looks like we're gonna go once my dad comes back. So, I guess this is goodbye!"

    "Bye, Vulpy."

    Vulpix stepped forward and wrapped her warm counterpart into a hug, the two of them embracing and consciously sending their final goodbyes. But once it was over, Vulpy returned to her mother's side as Roark waited for Vulpix to return to his.

    Ninetales' would utter one last line before they departed. "Remember! Those bandits and that Zoroark are still out there, so be careful."

    "You got it, ma'am." Roark nudged his worn out companion. "Think it's time we set up camp for tonight?"

    An exasperated sigh of agreement was the response he got.

    Underneath the stars on this cold night, a campfire atop one of the many cliffs of the Glacier Peak Mountains was burning bright amongst the flurry of showering snow, with two relaxing Pokemon residing by the warm open flames.

    Roark flipped another page in the book he was reading. "'And so, Vulpix gave her final goodbyes to the friendly Pokemon of Lavasteam Village, picking up where her adventure left off.'" He closed the book. "That's the end of the chapter, so that's it from me."

    "Aww… you didn't get to the best part yet!" Vulpix bemoaned.

    "Maybe I'll pick it up at a library in that village up top." He then remembered a detail from earlier. "Actually, I forgot to ask, but you're from Kyuris Village, correct?"


    "And… you still don't remember what happened the other day?"

    Her mood soured, "No… I don't. Sorry."

    Roark looked up and sighed, watching the moon and stars. 'That Ninetales' said there was a loud aftershock after that avalanche, and with Vulpix's house from the village coming down the cliff like that, maybe…'

    He stopped himself from thinking of a horrible event like that.

    "So, kid, did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?"

    "Hmmm…" She racked her brain, before smiling. "You said you would tell me about your past earlier! So… Can you?"

    He mulled it over, rolling onto his back and crossing his arms behind his head. "It's not exactly a happy tale… and you might just think I'm a nutcase."

    "I promise I won't! Please?" She leaned in, attempting her best innocent expression.

    "Agh… you kids and your adorableness. Fine, I'll spill some of my brain out for ya."

    Vulpix eagerly scooted closer, ears perked up.

    "I wasn't born into this world as you were, with a mom and dad, or at least… that's what I think. The first memory of my life was waking up on a beach, just lying around in the sand."

    "You… lost your memory?" Vulpix tilted her head. "Like, you banged your head up or something?"

    He shrugged, "Dunno how I lost it, but I just did. I woke up, and I remembered a name - well, two names - both echoing throughout my mind. Roark and… Gloria."

    Vulpix gasped at the revelation. "Ah! Um, so is that why you call yourself Roark now?"

    "Yeah, it just had to be my name, or someone else's that I just nabbed for myself." He let out a low chuckle. "Ever since then, that was all the possible information of my past I got…"

    "But what about 'Gloria'? Who is that?"

    "..." He sighed. "I've been searching for that answer for eleven years, kid. All I know is that if I'm Roark, and I'm here, then someone named Gloria also has to be out there as well. Whoever they are, or were, is what I dedicated my life's purpose to finding out."

    "... I think you'll find her one day."

    "You might be right, but I've got more important duties nowadays."


    The crackling of the campfire overtook their conversation, the two of them silently observing the flames. Roark would open one of his saddlebags, retrieving his trusty flask and taking a sip of its fiery contents.

    "What is that?"

    Roark put the container away, grinning. "Something you can't drink at your age - alcohol. Adult stuff, y'know."

    "Oh, Frosslass used to tell me to keep away from the bottles that my parents had high on the shelves. Is that what that is?"

    "I assume so." He cocked a brow. "Who's Froslass? Your aunt or somethin'?"

    Vulpix felt her heart flutter at the influx of memories - both happy and sad ones. "She was my nanny, but she passed a year ago…"

    "Ah, sorry you had to experience that so young, kid." Roark lamented, looking up at the stars again. "There was this old Unfezant that spotted me wandering the beach when I woke - got my bearings straight, taught me how to fight, how to use money again, and…"

    He held back his emotions just this one time.

    "I never did appreciate all the things he did for me… until he was at death's doorstep. He was always there for me, but I only cared about finding answers. He never said it was a bad thing for me to do, but he wanted something greater for me, and I never saw it, I guess. "

    Vulpix sniffled, "Frosslass was always there for me too. She always knew I was more sensitive than the others. Even when other kids bullied me for it and I cried, she didn't say it was a bad thing."

    "It isn't. Heck, I've cried tons of times." Roark admitted.


    "Yeah. Every time I returned home to my dinky little apartment, sometimes I'd just… breakdown - cry, drink, or let out my frustrations in other ways. It was all a cycle I was trapped in, and I'm just lucky I'm still alive and broke free from it."

    There was a brief stint of silence again, only to be broken by a yawning Vulpix, who rubbed her teary and tired eyes.

    "Can we talk more in the morning? I'm pretty tired…"

    "Hah, just get enough rest. We're nearing the top of the mountain, so we'll reach your parents very soon."

    The kit accepted his claims, curling up in a ball on the pieces of hay they had constructed earlier. Soon enough, she was dozing off, letting out a series of cute snores in the process. Roark would observe her sleep momentarily, before standing up to slide his back against a nearby stone.

    'Maybe today I'll finally get some rest…'

    However, the thought of those bandits and that 'ghost' Zoroark roaming the mountain was enough to keep him half-awake.

    'Or not - who knows.'

    Tonight, he would truly be sleeping with one eye open.

    Dawn had finally come for the Glacier Peak Mountains, setting the stage for the morning sun to rise in the east. Rays of white washed the still warm cinders of an already extinguished campfire, the brightness of them causing Vulpix to stir in her sleep. Roark had already woken up earlier, setting up the supplies they required for breakfast. But in the meantime, he found himself aimlessly walking alongside the steep cliffs of snow and ice, taking in the amazing view of daybreak.

    'Guess this is the final day with Vulpix…'

    He had met and worked with many children throughout his time in the Rescue Society, but none seemed more filled with hope and desire for glory than Vulpix. Even now, he cracked a smile just thinking about her potential future wherever she ended up. Either working with her parents in the Glacier Guiders like she wanted, joining a faraway guild with her own exploration team, or even joining up with Rescue Society.

    'She's got a purpose - that's for sure.'

    He happened upon a nice vantage point that looked over the entire mountain and its surroundings, getting a good view of the sweeping tundra's and valleys of snow and ice.

    'So, why the hell do I still feel so empty? Is leading the Rescue Society really all that's left for me to do?'

    Just like so long ago, atop that tower, he felt his purpose fading with this looming promotion. Despite all his adventures, friendships, and heroic endeavors he went through, he could never escape that dreaded feeling.

    'You're still a cruel mistress, world…'

    Digging into his liquor saddlebag yet again, he retrieved his flask to take a gulp, only for a flash of electrifying pain to flood his senses, making him drop the container off the cliff. The shock of it was so great that he nearly stumbled off himself, landing roughly on his rear as the pain continued.

    'Fuck you, brain! Not now!'

    Still, the spikes of agony shooting across his body increased as curls of blue and yellow invaded his spotty vision, coagulating into a blur of colors. Never before had he felt a pain this great, and it was not stopping.

    'Wait. This is…'

    The blowing wind of his mountainous surroundings was now lost on him, only being able to listen in on soft whispers as his vision began to contort more and more. The sound of familiar voices shouting, glass shattering, and objects whizzing around was all he could hear with his heightened senses.

    'This is something different. This is…'

    A vision began to play.

    He remembers a name, a name that sobered him up and delivered a purpose that he could never find, and a promise that he could never fulfill...

    If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239

    Please leave a review if you wish. All will be read and taken into consideration.

    Final Special Episode Part: Gloria
    Last edited:
    Special Episode #1: Part 4
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Special Episode: Can You Make A Promise?

    Part 4:

    Ushered in darkness, the empty room of a medical station was occasionally rattled by the sounds of cracking gunfire and the revving of distant vehicles. Shadowy figures in the night would run past the building's windows, before the double doors leading inside would burst open.

    Five men quickly entered, accompanied by the whizzing of screaming projectiles colliding into the dirt just behind their fleeing soles. Their ebony clothing of bulletproof gear blended into the dark surroundings, the rifles strapped to their back's merely silhouettes. Two men slammed the doors closed in a hurry as two others carried the slumped over final member on their shoulders. His golden blond hair and youthful face was a stark difference from his older companions, but grew more pale as his eyes barely opened, breaths labored and heavy.

    Blood spilled profusely out of the hole-like wounds in his broken vest, staining the ceramic floor as he was carried into the room.

    "Clear that table!" a grizzled voice shouted.

    The urgent command was heeded by one of the men near the doorway, who ran over to a nearby table and sent the contents of it to the ground with a sweep of his arm.

    "There! Get him on it!"

    The two men carrying their injured ally lifted him up, dropping his motionless body on the now cleared stand. As the other pair searched for tweezers and other medical supplies in the back of the room, the rest tore apart the shattered bulletproof vest and clothing to witness the mess of blood and open flesh that was the young man's chest and stomach.

    "Bullets didn't go through! We have to pull 'em out!" the grizzled voice of the man standing beside the table yelled, looking closer. "Fuck! I think one of them might've hit one of his arteries!"

    "We don't have the time to take the bullets out!" The man beside him argued back. "They already know where we are, and they'll-"

    The room's many windows began to get riddled with bullets from afar, piercing the glass and showering the occupants inside with its broken fragments.

    "Then… then we have no choice but to leave him here."

    "We're not leaving him here."

    "G- Glo… Gloria…" The young man on the table croaked out, not even feeling the pair of hands holding his face up.

    "Roark! Just hold on a bit longer, kid! the man holding him up pleaded, his eyes welling up with tears. "Think about Gloria! Think about your little sister you want to return to, alright?!" He whirled his head around. "Help us carry him back to the plane! We can bring him back to the safehouse!"

    "And have us die with him as we try to board?!" the man next to him challenged, baring his teeth. "This whole operation going to shit is your fault, Robert! If you didn't allow Roark to lead us in, he would still be-"

    "My fault?! If you hadn't convinced him to stay…"

    Roark tuned out the bickering muffled voices and thunderous boom of gunfire around him. Splotches of black invaded his blurry vision, mixed in with flashes of oscillating orange. His mind was lulled into a sense of warmth and comfort, forgetting the previous events that found him here on this table. Everything and everyone he forgot, except one person most important to him.

    'Gloria… where…'

    Another wave of shrieking bullets completely shattered the windows of the room, exposing the men inside to the encroaching enemies outside.

    "Listen - we don't have the fucking time for arguing!" one of the men in the back of the room screamed, making his way over to a door that led further into the building, throwing its handle open "I'm not rotting in a fucking jail cell, or dying to the mercs out there, so we're leaving - now."

    His sentiment was reluctantly amongst the men, abandoning their search for medical supples. With their cover gone, all but one man ran through the open. The sole person left would look back at his injured friend lying helplessly on the table, holding out a hand.

    "I… We promised we'd get out of this together. I'm so fucking sorry, kid."

    Pulling his hand back and shedding a few tears, the man left in pursuit of his comrades, leaving an incapacitated Roark to die alone. As the open room was bombarded with more bullets, he would drift further and further into the abyss, with more flickers of vibrant orange in his deteriorating mind.

    'Gloria… please wait.'

    He took his final raspy breath, the last feeling in his body a sense of him being wrapped up in chains, everything turning black again.


    The curls of blue and yellow spirals invading Roark's vision began to disperse, until everything was back as it was. The fox simply stared at the rising sun in a trance of pure shock, slowly standing up, as if his reality would collapse again if he moved too fast.

    However, once his bearings were gathered, his thoughts swarmeds towards what was gathered from the short vision. He was overloaded with so much information so fast that it made his head spin - the gaps of questions he always had now filled with potential answers.

    'That was… a vis- no, a memory…'

    A memory of once being someone named Roark before all of this, and his death being the gateway that led him to where he was now. After all this time of stumbling in the dark of who he was before, he had finally been bestowed knowledge. But one emerging detail seemed to resonate within him most of all.

    'Gloria… you're my… little sister.'

    Roark searched for years in hopes of finding out who she was, and what she meant to him, and he knew now. But whatever victorious feeling inside him was crushed by the realization that she was not here with him, and that he was not there with her. Separated by worlds and time, he was stuck here with no way back.

    He had been given clarity, but with it came a price.

    "Um, Roark?"

    The Zoroark recoiled at the soft voice, turning around and concealing his swamped emotions with a flat expression. "What… what is it, Vulpix?"

    "Er, well…" She dug a paw into the snow. "You were staring off into space, so I wanted to know if you were okay!"

    "... Yeah. I'm okay, kid."

    Vulpix flashed a smile, wagging her tails. "Great! Does this mean we can have breakfast now?"

    He blinked in response, eventually chuckling as he walked back to their camp. "Sure does. I hope you like plain berries, 'cause that's all I got on me."

    Vulpix happily jogged her way back to camp, waiting patiently for breakfast to arrive. And once it did, the two are in relative silence. Roark kept his head low, stewing in his thoughts as Vulpix looked on in curiosity.

    "Um, Roark? Are you sure you're okay?"

    "I'm… just thinking, kid."

    "About what?"

    He raised his head, forming a smirk. "Thinking about what I'll tell your parents when we find them. Maybe even what you accomplished in that Mystery Dungeon."

    Her tails began to wag again. "R-Really? You think they'll be happy for me?"

    "They will." He gazed up, breathing in a sigh. "You've got a bright future ahead of you, and…"

    Something caught his eye, making his heart thump in his chest.

    "And…?" Vulpix said quizzically, following his gaze as her blue orbs expanded. "Wow! Who… are they?"

    "… The Council." Roark replied, watching the skies in awe.

    Dozens of Flying-type Pokémon soared above, the brown coats adorning their bodies flapping in the wind. All of them headed in one direction, flying past the two below and diving into a region near the mountain's peak.

    Vulpix's jaw almost dropped. "Aren't they the, um, govern…" the young kit stumbled over the large word, "government… of this continent?"

    "Yeah, and they shouldn't be here."

    Before she could ask why, Roark cupped his claws over his mouth and amplified his voice loud enough to where the Pokémon in the skies could hopefully hear him.


    Roark scanned the sea of avians for any outliers that heard his plea. But after a decent amount of waiting, none seemed to notice his beckoning. Going in for a second round of shouting, he noticed a large Noivern above break formation with its group and dive bomb straight towards the duo.

    Roark and Vulpix hastily backed up, allowing the Noivern to swoop down and land onto the ground, scattering snow in its wake. It then observed the two with suspicion, only for the markings etched onto the Zoroark's body harness to give it the information it desired.

    "You're one of those Rescue Society members, right?" She asked the fox.

    "Correct." Roark stepped forward. "Two days ago, I got separated from my fellow members and ended up rescuing this kid here." He threw a claw behind him, motioning towards a frightened Vulpix. "We've been trying to reach where our operation is located, and where her parents are, so we need help getting there."

    Noivern was taken aback. "You mean to tell me you don't know what happened two days ago?"

    Roark raised a brow, but felt his heart constrict in growing fear. "... No. All I remember hearing is a loud rumble and then my rope snapped." Shaking his head, he needed to know more. "Why… why is the Council here? And why are there so many of you?"

    Noivern opened up her wings without a reply. "You'll just have to see for yourself…" She sent them both a saddened glance. "Hop on and I'll take you to the village myself."

    It was not the answer Roark wanted to hear.

    "C'mon, kid," he said, his chest never untightening. "Remember to hold onto me."

    Vulpix was rightfully concerned and confused, but swallowed those feelings and tiptoed her way towards the winged dragoness. A set of red claws would pull her up and rest her against the Zoroark's body as Roark planted himself on Noivern's back.

    "We're ready."

    "You two hold on!"

    Noivern unfurled her leathery wings and started beating them in a rhythmic pattern, lifting herself off the ground and swiftly taking to the skies. She would regroup with her comrades, flying side by side with them as she revolved back to the group's destination. Vulpix watched in both fear and amazement at how far up they were, being witness to the grand view of the Glacier Peak Mountain from all around.

    Still, the words of the dragon made her stomach turn, just as it did with Roark's.

    Noivern angled her head back, "It was only today that the emergency alert from the Rescue Society got to us. Once the Council heard, they mobilized the entire Flying-type regiment and sent us out here to help assist with the damages."

    Roark scowled, "Emergency Alert? Damages? Are you saying…"

    Before he could finish, Noivern flew over a cliffside, revealing Kyuris Village in its entirety beyond it, or what little remained of it. What used to be rows of cabins and other wooden structures were reduced to scraps of wooden debris and chunks of icy rock. Littering the cobblestone streets were the bodies of wounded Pokemon - some were corpses covered with a layer of cloth.

    Guards of the Council flew down by the dozens, dropping onto the streets of the destroyed village and assisting the many Rescue Society members on the ground. All operated in a sense of urgency, sifting through the wreckage and uncovering the Pokemon still trapped within their homes.

    Noivern followed her diving allies. "The avalanche came without warning, and went through the entire village, along with certain checkpoints where the Rescue Society was stationed. It's horrible that this happened…"

    Roark could only watch in horror as his greatest fear over the past few days was realized. Their operation to stop the avalanche failed, and the entire village was wiped out. But none took this news more worse than Vulpix, who began visibly shaking at what she was seeing, tears trailing down her cheeks.

    Not just her home, but the entire village she called home was now gone - erased in one fell swoop. Her friends, teachers, and all of the other Pokemon she grew to know in Kyuris were down there, injured or dead. Her quiet shock and crying was remedied by Roark, who brought her closer to his side, obscuring her view of the tragedy below.

    Once Noivern was able to safely land, Roark immediately got off, still keeping Vulpix by his side. The words of the dragoness would follow suit.

    "I don't know how many survivors are left, but please help us anyway you can."

    Roark nodded firmly, "That's what we do, ma'am." He knelt down, lifting Vulpix's head. "Look, I know this is difficult to see, so I'm willing to hand you off to someone else while we find your parents, okay? Is that what you want?"

    She sniffled, fighting back more tears. "N-No… I want to… I want to help!"

    Despite everything that happened to her, she was still willing to help others, and Roark found that most admirable of her.

    "… Alright, then I'll need you by my side at all times while we help folk, okay?" He gave her a little shake. "Things are gonna be messy, but I need you with me one-hundred percent."

    She nodded, wiping her cheeks. "I… I promise."

    Both of them then spent hours combing through the leftover scraps of homes, letting the shouts and cries of Pokemon guide them to their entrapment. Along with the assistance from the Council guards and other Rescue Society members, more and more Pokemon were being rescued as time went on.

    "I-Is someone there? Please… help! "

    Vulpix's ears perked up, "That's… that's Cubchoo's voice! She's alive!" She raised her voice, hoping her friend could hear. "CUBCHOO! WHERE ARE YOU?"

    Roark stepped past her, "Her voice came from that direction." He whirled around and beckoned a claw. "Team! We got another one over here!"

    The assembled group of Pokemon quickly scrambled into action, following the Vulpix and Zoroark to another mangled wreck of a cabin. There, the voice was more profound, rising through the logs of fallen timber trapping her within.

    "V-Vulpix? Is that you? Are you here to get me out?"

    "Yes!" Vulpix yelled, pulling pieces of wood out. "We're here to rescue you!"

    The rest of the Pokemon got to work excavating the cabin, getting closer and closer to locating the small cub inside. But after lifting another felled log, the stuck Cubchoo was spotted, wedged between two broken shelves with minor lacerations on her body. However, a problem that became very apparent to the rescuers was that they wouldn't be able to simply lift the shelves off her.

    Doing so would potentially cause irreversible damage to Cubchoo's entangled limbs.

    Roark scoured his mind for ideas, before one cropped up, and he had to take the chance. "Vulpix, you're small enough to get inside and get Cubchoo loose before we pull the wood off. Can you do it?"

    Without hesitation, the kit nodded, standing aside as the team created a makeshift tunnel into the debris leading to Cubchoo. Once it was completed, Vulpix was able to crawl through the burrow of wood, now able to gently loosen Cubchoo's limbs from the shelves. After doing so, the team up top took away the remaining tiles of timber encasing the two. Cubchoo was now free, and instantly wrapped her best friend into a hug, tears streaming down her face.

    "Thank you… so, so much, Vulpix!" She sniffled her large mucus drip. "It happened so fast! And… and I was trapped in there for days! And…"

    Roark watched from afar as the two friends reunited, the feelings of failure fading, but still present inside. Over the past few hours, many villagers were able to be saved by their combined efforts with the Council guard. And this seemed to be the last Pokemon to be found still alive throughout the devastated village.

    Seventy Pokemon lay dead, with hundreds injured. But Roark knew that number could've been zero if this operation was a success.

    'What the hell is Bisharp gonna tell the Council… And why isn't he here helping us?'


    The Zoroark snapped out of his troubled thoughts, a familiar voice from behind making him turn around. It was a close friend of his in the Rescue Society - Feraligatr. Bandages covered his bruised frame, which only caused more worry to stir in Roark's chest.

    "Feraligatr, what happened here."

    The Water-type looked around, blinking in disbelief at the destruction around him. "We did everything correct that day. The Glacier Guiders were helping us dig the large trench needed to contain the avalanche, but… something happened throughout the mountain - like a shockwave - and the entire snow shelf near us came crashing down on us." He held a claw up to his bandaged left eye. "The collapse took my eye, and we were only able to alert the Council and get to this village just today."

    Roark was appalled, but one detail was bugging him immensely. "What do you mean 'something happened'? If the avalanche wasn't our fault, then how did it…"

    It struck him - the bandits. The thieves who robbed the Ninetales' caravan by creating an avalanche to stop the carriage. A chain reaction must have occurred through their actions, causing the snow shelves near the checkpoints to collapse, along with the massive one overlooking Kyuris Village.

    Feraligatr stepped forward, staring intensely into Roark's eyes. "Not long after the avalanche happened, a few of us were able to spot an injured Pokemon entering a cavern entrance near one of the checkpoints with a bag around its back. Strangely enough, it looked a lot like you, but was colored white and red."

    Roark knew that had to be the 'ghost' Zoroark - he had to be the one behind this calamity.

    "I know who that is… but did anyone follow after this Pokemon?" Roark didn't want to imagine him getting away with this slaughter.

    "The two Ninetales' from the Glacier Guiders did, telling us they'd get answers out of it. But they haven't come back yet…"

    "Um, did you say Ninetales, mister?"

    Roark turned to see Vulpix trotting up beside him, as well as the Noivern from before landing on the cobblestone roads.

    "I've spoken to my comrades and they say the majority of the village has been accounted for, except for that pair of Ninetales'."

    Feraligatr nodded at her words, focusing on the Vulpix in front of him. "I see… Are they your parents, little one?"

    "Yeah!" she spoke up, her spirits picking up. "You… you said they entered this cave, right?"

    "Right, but nobody has heard from them since they entered, so-"

    "I'll go." Roark interrupted, whipping his gaze to Noivern. "Can you take us there?"

    Noivern unfolded her wings, "I was just about to ask! I'll get two other fliers to take everyone there in one trip!" She was off again, flying around the village to recruit more Pokemon for the search party.

    "Roark, can I come?... Please?" Vulpix pleaded.

    "I don't think we should do that." Feraligatr argued. "She should stay here with the Council guards."

    "No." Roark shot back, looking down at Vulpix. "I'm gonna make sure she reunites with her family right then and there."

    Vulpix smiled intensely, letting hope shine through today's darkness.

    Roark and Vulpix hopped off Noivern's back as she swooped down, landing in the snow. Following her arrival were two more Flying-type's, who dropped off Feraligatr and a decent number of supporting Pokemon. All around them were personnel of the Rescue Society, transporting various medical supplies or covered up bodies of the many unfortunate members that passed. Roark watched them leave his peripherals, not wanting to ask where they were being taken.

    Right now he had a mission to complete, and it deserved all his attention.

    "So, this is the cave that the couple entered?" Noivern questioned, eyeing the large maw that led into the mountain itself. "Nobody else decided to check on their status?"

    "Correct," Feraligatr answered. "This cavern leads up to the mountain's peak, so I'm not sure why that Zoroark entered if he was trying to escape capture…"

    Vulpix walked up to Roark, uncertainty on her face. "Roark? Do you think my parents are okay? If that Zoroark is as bad as you say he is, then…"

    Roark knelt down, steadying his gaze onto Vulpix. "They're gonna be okay - I promise that. I am not going to fail you, kid. I've made it my mission these past two days to do exactly that, and I'm not gonna let you down."

    Vulpix leapt forward to hug his ankles briefly, before stepping back. "Thank you…"

    Opening one of the many saddlebags on his harness, Roark pulled out the Never-Melt-Ice that Vulpix had been gifted the day prior, holding it out for the kit to see.

    "When I return with your parents, I'm gonna make sure to tell them that you earned this through your heroism, got it?"

    She beamed, "Got it."

    Stuffing it back into his pockets, Roark stood, stepping near the cave's entrance. He could not fail Vulpix, not like he failed so many others.

    "We'll be here as long as you need, Roark." Feraligatr said. "But be safe - we don't need more dead heroes…"

    "You won't need to wait long then."

    WIthout another word, Roark entered the cave, muting the voices behind them as he put all his attention and focus into finding the pair of Ninetales', as well as finding and capturing the 'ghost' Zoroark himself if need be.

    'Wherever you are… you're not going to be free for very long.'

    Utilizing his natural feats, he bounded across the icy stone of the spacious cavern, curving through its various bends. Time like this was rare for him - time where he had only himself and his restless thoughts.

    Naturally, they shifted towards the memory he had pushed aside for more urgent events.

    'I left you behind, Gloria, and that's something I can never fix, can I?'

    Gripping his claws on cold rock, he used each stone that jutted out on the walls to climb up, eventually reaching the next section of the cave.

    'I spent my whole life on this strange world searching for you, but you could never be found. Maybe… maybe this one glimpse into the past is all I will ever know of you.'

    Coming across a rather steep wall, he untied the rope from his harness, twirling it before throwing the hooked end of it over the wall. Feeling the hook up top strike something sturdy, he jammed his claws into the rocky wall and began the trek up.

    'Maybe this memory was a sign for me to give up on you. That I should focus on taking up the torch old man Bisharp wants me to take.'

    He got onto his belly, crawling his way through a small tunnel, wondering where its confined corridor went.

    'But I never saw being a leader as my true purpose. It was always about finding you… and being the brother I couldn't.'

    Now wandering aimlessly through the frozen halls of the cave, he would take any path that crossed his way, only to find dead ends or edges that led into a dark abyss of nothingness.

    'I could save so many others, but I could never quite save myself, could I'

    Squeezing his body through a narrow crevice in the walls, a ray of shimmering light at the end of a corner stuck out to him. Light meant one thing - the exit out of a cave. But as he followed this radiance and entered a new antechamber made of ice, something more horrifying became apparent.


    At the far end of the chamber, a steep and tall shaft of frozen rock leading up was the source of the light, its rays shining down on the motionless bodies below - two white Ninetales.

    "No… Please…"

    Roark advanced cautiously, his stare never leaving the two still Pokemon. The pair's necks were clearly broken, most likely induced by physical trauma from a long fall - instant death. He looked up the shaft, spotting the torn remnants of a safety rope near the top.

    He already knew what happened.

    "You fell…"

    He looked down, the damaged and cracked metal harnesses on their bodies catching his eye. The rope that was still connected to them lay in a messy bundle.

    "Your harnesses gave out… and you fell."

    He stared at them for a while, desperately wanting this revelation to just be a horrible nightmare or illusion - but this was just the cruel reality he was facing. In a daze, he stepped over the deceased couple, hitting his back against the shaft's wall and sliding down into a sitting position. Closing his eyes, a tired sigh escaped him as he gazed up - defeated.

    Every action he did to save Vulpix from her fate, every conversation he had with her, and every moment of connection he shared with her was because he thought she would see her parents in the end, and his job would be finished. Now, it would never come, and he would fail her like so many others.

    Roark chuckled bitterly, "You would've been so proud of her once I told you what she's done… accomplished these past few days." He shook his head. "Smart and brave - one of a kind kid, I tell ya…"

    Silence was the response he got.

    Opening his eyes, they would fall upon the scattered items that spilled out of the Ninetales' harness saddlebags. One item in particular would capture his interest - a small book. Leaning over to grab it, its flashy cover art of a Fire-type Ninetales proudly puffing out its chest would bring a sad smile to his face. It was obviously the long awaited sequel to Vulpix's favorite book that she was expecting her parents to read to her when they returned.

    'A Tale's Promise'.

    "You still had a purpose to fulfill. You knew her so well, and loved her so much." He gritted his teeth. "Why the hell... did you have to die? Why am I still alive if you aren't?"

    Holding the book close, he placed it inside one of his harness's saddlebags, keeping it tight and secure.

    "Now, I have to go out there and break that little girl's heart all over again…"

    Finding the courage to stand up, he left the couple behind, only momentarily glancing back as he exited their frozen tomb. Retreading the same paths he came in through, the looming prospect of what he had to reveal was weighing heavy on his consciousness.

    It was always the worst part of the job, and it was unavoidable.

    Standing by the cave's entrance, he took a deep breath, before walking through it to greet the snowy mountains of the outside. Slowly panning his gaze around, he prayed she was not here, but there she was, conversing with Noivern. He wondered what she was talking about, and as she turned her head to see him emerge from within, he didn't dare look her in the eye. Vulpix, Noivern, and more guards of the Council rounded up near the cave's entrance, wondering why only one Pokemon returned.

    "Roark… you're back pretty soon," Feraligatr murmured, glancing between him and Vulpix in concern. "Did you… happen to find them?"

    All eyes were on the Zoroark, and after a moment of chilling silence, he spoke.

    "... Noivern. Please take Vulpix to where the other refugees are."

    Wordlessly, the dragoness heeded his words and approached the kit, who retreated in a confused manner.

    "Wait, Roark! Where are my parents?!" She backed up further. "You… you said you'd bring them back!"

    She never got an answer back as more Council guards appeared behind her, with Noivern attempting to gently envelope the fox into her wingspan. Vulpix would evade this maneuver, ducking over her legs and running over to beat her paws onto Roark's own.

    "Please tell them to stop! I just want to see my parents! You promised!"

    He averted his gaze, only causing more confusion and anger to sprout within Vulpix. Before she could pound her paws on his leg again, the guards were able to restrict her limbs, pulling her back. She began to kick and scream in a vain attempt to get back her freedom, blinking out hot tears of anguish.

    "LET ME GO!"

    Noivern once again neared the kit, this time being able to safely pluck her from the guard's hold. No matter how much Vulpix squirmed or resisted this, it was futile.

    "I just… want to… see mom and dad!" she sobbed out, giving up on fighting. "Please…"

    Making sure Vulpix was secure in her grasp, Noivern sent Roark one last parting glance, before taking to the skies. Only then would Roark look back and watch them leave - perhaps the last time he would ever see Vulpix again, and she left completely devastated.

    Feraligatr approached slowly, "Roark, don't tell me that they're-"

    "We're gonna need a team to get their bodies out." Roark simply nodded, still watching Noivern fly away. "I need to speak to Bisharp."

    "I neglected to tell you, but-" The Water-type squeezed his claws shut. "You need to see for yourself."

    Roark paled at his words, breaking his gaze with the sky. "See… what?"

    "... Follow me."

    Reluctantly, the Zoroark would follow Feraligatr as he trailed behind the many Pokemon still rushing bodies up the hill of fallen snow and rock. Each step he took would create a thump in his heart, and as they conquered the hill and saw beyond it, his world came crashing down.

    Row after row of his fallen brothers and sisters were laid out on strips of cloth, their black capes taken off and draped over their bodies to conceal their identity. In this mass grave, he knew there were friends in there - his comrades he worked with, joked with, grew to understand.

    "How… how many?"

    Feraligatr observed solemnly, "The avalanches struck each major checkpoint, hitting all of us stationed there. None were hit worse than Bisharp's squad…"

    "Bisharp? He's… here?"

    Saying nothing, Feraligatr hiked down the hill as Roark followed again, his eyes never leaving the mass of bodies. The Water-Type would stop upon one fallen Pokemon, its metal gauntlets and blades sticking out of the uniquely patterned cape. There was no doubt in Roark's mind that this was him - Bisharp.

    "We tried everything to save him, but his injuries were just too severe; there was nothing we could do."

    The fox collapsed to his knees in distress, holding out his shaking claws over Bisharp's body. He would pull a section of the obscuring cape off, revealing his battered face. 'Peaceful' would be the word Roark would use to describe his final expression.

    "His last words… did he have any?"

    Feraligatr nodded, "We tried to keep him conscious, so he talked about his son joining the guild near Empyrean City, and how happy he was for him. He… also spoke of you, and how he was happy for you whether or not you took over leadership for him."

    Even when dying, the old Pokemon found ways to be mirthful and contended.

    Roark pulled the cape back over Bisharp's face, wiping away the tears staining his fur. The Pokemon had saved him twice in the past, but he couldn't save him or any of the souls on this mountain in return - nobody could.

    "With Bisharp gone, you're the replacement he wanted," Feraligatr stated. "We've lost a lot of good Pokemon today, and the Rescue Society is hurt more than ever - we need your guidance."

    Righteous anger replaced the grief within Roark as he thought of the Pokemon responsible for this all. He clutched his claws in rage, knowing exactly what they needed to do now, and where to go.

    "I know who did this," Roark muttered. "Get me a team - we're going after him."

    He was going to put a stop to this 'ghost' Zoroark once and for all.

    "The blood leads into this cave!" Feraligatr shouted.

    Following the same path the Ninetales' couple tried before, a trail of blood from the injured Zoroark led them straight to his whereabouts. Their journey to find him would lead them further up the mountain, now near the pinnacle itself, with just one hollowed out cavity to search. Flanked by both guards of the Council and members of the Rescue Society, Roark bent down, spotting the remnants of red blotches onto the snow.

    They were close, and he knew it.

    "He's just up ahead - has to be."

    "We should lure him out," Feraligatr suggested. "We don't know if any of his followers are with him in there"

    "No. I'm going ahead with a direct capture myself," Roark said, walking towards the cave. "If you hear fighting, then that's the signal to come in and assist, got it?"

    There was disagreement in both ranks, and many suggestions of how to proceed, but Feraligatr and the rest would inevitably accept his decision.

    "Just be careful, Roark. They're outlaws - they'll do anything to escape."

    "Trust me, I know."

    Entering the cave, he again used the marks of blood against the rocky ground to find his target. They would eventually guide him into a section of the cavern where the trail of blood ended, and a small shelter was built.

    'No one's here… Could he have left already?'

    The bag Feraligatr had mentioned before had its items spilled out on the floor, from bandages to an entire stockpile of seeds, Wonder Orbs, berries, and bottles of alcohol - no doubt the stolen supplies from the caravan.

    'If he was leaving, he would've taken this with him…'

    Realizing the culprit might still be here, he took his steps more carefully as he made his way through the cave. Further ahead, the blinding light of a distant exit was seen - a shadowy figure visible beyond it.

    'I knew it. That has to be him.'

    Without any hesitation, he marched to the exit, emerging from the cave and stepping onto the Glacier Peak Mountain's very peak. Pillars of stone and ice sprouting upward on its sides shielded him from the chilling wind. A light snow was drifting about, complimenting the grand view of the sky's orange sunset.

    But what caught Roark's attention was the bandaged up Pokemon sitting on the peak's edge, overlooking the setting sun and clutching a bottle of brown liquid. It's bipedal form held a striking resemblance to himself, but its fur was a ghostly white with streaks of faded red. The large mane atop its head trailed off into thin wisps and curls.

    His counterpart in the flesh.

    Taking another step, the sound of crunching snow he left behind alerted the Zoroark resting by the edge. It would turn its head around, glaring its sharp yellow eyes at the intruder, before returning to watch the sun slowly go down.

    "Was... waiting for one of you to fi- find me," the Ghost-type slurred out. "Saw a whole bunch of birds in the sky before, so it was only inevitable…"

    Roark advanced cautiously, whipping his head in all directions in anticipation of an ambush. "Where's your Fire-type pals at, huh? It can't be just you."

    Zoroark snorted, "Dead. We got caught in one of those aftershocks after we raided that caravan. Got buried in snow and rock, and I was the only one who made it out alive."

    Roark stopped his advancement, "You're lying. Just cut the act already."

    "Heh… Does it look like I'm tricking you?" The ethereal fox took a swig of his alcoholic beverage. "I'm… a bit too drunk to even think of doing that."

    Roark wanted to knock that bottle right out of his claws, his anger rising. "Do you even realize what you created out there? How many lives you've stolen?! How many families you've ripped apart there?!"

    He took another swig, "Heh… you think I don't realize?" He managed to stand up on shaky legs, exploding in drunken rage and waving his bottle. "OF FUCKING COURSE I REALIZE THAT! YOU THINK I… YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THAT, HUH?!"

    "You admit it, but that doesn't absolve you of your crime."

    Zoroark scowled, "I gave that command to create an avalanche. I fucking stood on that cliff and watched as that village was destroyed." He stumbled towards Roark, almost tripping. "I lost all my crew for what - a bunch of fucking useless junk!"

    Roark angrily latched onto him, pushing him around as the intoxicated Ghost-type made no effort to evade. "I had to tell a little girl out there that her parents were dead - the village and home she had now gone - all because of you." He rattled him some more, fresh tears welling up in his eyes. "There's friends of mine out there in a mass grave that I can never see again because of you!"

    Thoughts of Bisharp flooded his mind, his legacy that was cut short by the actions of this Zoroark before him. A leader and father that would leave behind a son, the Rescue Society, and a lost Pokemon that spent ten entire years by his side, through thick and thin.

    "... Then we are the same. Lost with no one by our side, eh?"

    Roark yanked him closer, bringing his crimson claws near Zoroark's throat. "I LOST… EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOU!" It took every fiber in his being from slicing his throat apart right then and there.

    "Kill me then!" The Ghost-type dropped his bottle, falling to his knees and pushing his neck into Roark's set of claws. "Do it, you fucking coward! You'll be doing me a favor!"

    "... Why?" Roark managed to calm himself, removing his claws. "Why did you do all of this for one caravan?!"

    Zoroark erupted into a bout of a drunken laughter from his question, looking down and averting the glare Roark was sending him.

    "Two thousand."

    "... What?"

    "Two thousand Poké," Zoroark coughed out. "Heard it was carrying that much to Slush City, so I cooked up a plan to stop it and take that cash for myself."

    Roark couldn't believe it. "You… you killed all of those Pokemon down there for just two thousand Poké?!"

    "... Have you never done anything out of desperation?"

    Roark's eyes enlarged at this statement, releasing his hold on Zoroark as he turned his back on him. Burying his face into his claws, memories from his criminal past were unearthed and shoved to the forefront of his mind. Scrounging by everyday, and doing horrible things to many in order to just survive.

    However, the worst thought he had was when he compared himself to this Zoroark.

    "You don't know what it's like to lose… every moment in your life," Zoroark spat out, stumbling back to the peak's edge. "To be hunted like some fucking Rattata every single day."

    Zoroark stopped by the brink of the cliff, shakingly adjusting his hindpaws and looking down at the blurry drop below. The guilt lurking in his mind was clouded by his inebriation, but he knew what he had to do - the only thing left to do.

    "There's nothing out there for me. No purpose… not anymore." Holding his arms out, he relaxed his muscles, taking deep breaths. "I'll fix this… all of this."

    He let go, his paws slipping as he closed his eyes and embraced what was coming. Before the rush of wind could take him, a forceful tug of his back's fur stopped him from falling. Cracking open an eye to glance at what was halting him, he caught the stern visage of Roark, whose claws were holding him back.

    "Why?... Why did you stop me?" Zoroark croaked out, blinking out a few tears.

    "... Because I didn't have someone there to stop me."

    Zoroark squirmed in place, lashing out and flailing his arms in an attempt to free himself. "LET ME GO! LET ME… FUCKING- AGH!" Tripping over one paw, he collapsed to the ground, heaving. "I can't… do this anymore."

    "But doing what you were about to do is never an option."

    Zoroark sneered at him, " If I go back, I'll only face the Council's firing squad... or I'll rot in a cell for my entire life…"

    "It doesn't have to end like that. You can still salvage this, and turn it into something greater."

    The Ghost-type chuckled bitterly, "Consider me blind, 'cause I don't fucking see it."

    Roark walked over, sitting down next to his counterpart. "... I was in the same position you are now - lost and without purpose. I was lucky enough to have my eyes opened, even if I thought it was too late." He looked out towards the flaming horizon. "Your life doesn't have to end here on this horrible day. The Rescue Society can help you find your true purpose."

    "Nothing can fix me… I'll never be able to look back and forgive myself."

    "It's not about forgiveness. It's about making a lasting impact on this world, and feeling complete." Roark looked at him briefly. "If I can ask, is there anyone still close to you?"

    Zoroark bowed his head, "... My mom. She-" he broke down again, his claws hiding his tear stricken face, "She would never want to see me again if she knew what I caused - what I did to gather money for us both."

    More and more, Roark began to see his reasoning for this catastrophe. It never eased the hatred and sorrow he still harbored, but it resonated with another part of him.

    "I have someone close to me, too," Roark uttered softly. "A little sister of mine, but I've never seen her, or remember who she is, or what she likes. But… just knowing she was out there gave me a purpose, a reason to stay alive and keep fighting, because maybe I'll find her one day."

    "And you found her, right?"

    "In a way, I did, but I had to lose everything to find out. '' Roark looked down. "But even now, leading the Rescue Society isn't the future I foresaw. I wanted to be a brother, not a leader."

    "I... always wanted to make my own exploration team. Explore the world and see all sorts of things… not this."

    Hearing his bygone dreams, Roark reflected on Vulpix and her wishes of heroism; how those dreams she held were shattered by this event. If he could do anything to repair those hopes, he would take it. And that's what made him realize something - that his purpose didn't have to lie with the Rescue Society.

    He could fix this - fix both of them.

    "Alright… I'll go with you," Zoroark said, watching the sunset again. "But do you promise that there's still something out there for me?"

    "I promise."

    It was trying to find his purpose that led his life to this moment, and here he would find it.

    'Wow. This is Empyrean City?'

    Having just entered the city, he gawked at the tall buildings, crowds of different Pokemon, and the plethora of unique shops dotting the streets. It reminded him of Verdure, providing a sense of nostalgia as he walked alongside carts and carriages that rumbled through.

    But this time he wasn't a thief, nor a hero.

    It had been a month after the Glacier Peak Mountain Avalanche, and he had left the Rescue Society not long after. Once a suitable replacement for him was found, he gave up his harness and cape, and then his farewells.

    After ten years of serving, it was over.

    Majority of the young refugees of the event were sent to an orphanage in Empyrean City, so after sending a letter of inquiry to it, he trekked across Celestic to find it. With just a cream saddlebag hanging off his shoulder, he reminisced more, passing street after street in search of the rabbit eared building.

    After stepping out of an alleyway, there it was, looming before him.

    'Guess it's now or never…'

    Before he could take another step, the door leading into the orphanage swung open, and three Pokemon came out - A Lopunny, a baby Bunneary clinging to her mother's legs, and a white Vulpix. Roark's gaze immediately connected with the kit, who stared back in shock. She would run to meet him not long after, a mix of happiness and confusion on her face as he took a knee.

    Opening his saddlebag, the Zoroark retrieved a small book - 'The Lucky Tale'. He held it out for her to see, smirking.

    "Hey… I believe I didn't finish reading this to you."

    "'And so, Vulpix, with all the friends she made throughout her grand journey, put her tale of luck and fortune behind her, and returned to her home village as a true hero…'" Roark closed the novel. "That's the end."

    Resting atop one of the tall stone buildings in the city, Roark had taken her up it after they left the orphanage, admiring the gorgeous sunset and the dazzling lights that began to flicker on across the city. It was a welcome sight for Vulpix, who listened intently as Roark finished his dramatic narration of the book.

    "... Thank you," she said softly, sniffling. "Sorry, the, um, ending always makes me cry a bit."

    "Don't be sorry, kid. Heck, got me a little emotional too."


    "Yeah, it was nice, even for a kid's book."

    As silence overtook them, they went back to quietly admiring the urban scenery - one too overwhelmed with grief and confusion, and the other quite reluctant to extend his personal offer. However, Vulpix would break this silence to say what she's wanted to say since he showed.

    "Why did you show up again? I thought… I thought your job was done."

    "... Well, I guess it wasn't." Roark crossed his arms over the roof's railing. "I just couldn't have you rot in that place. You don't deserve that."

    She deserved so much more, but this world seemed hellbent on crushing both him and her. He wanted to fix that, and his offer would decide everything.

    Vulpix frowned, "What do you mean?"

    Closing his eyes, he sucked in his worries and doubts, going straight for it. "Do you remember when I spoke of someone named Gloria? And how I didn't know who she was?"

    She nodded, "You… never found her, though, right?"

    "I think I just did, kid." Removing his position from the railing, he turned around and kneeled to reach Vulpix's height. "On that awful day, I remembered something. Gloria, she… she was my little sister."

    "R-Really? You-" Suddenly, her ears wilted. "What do you mean by 'was'?"

    "There's no way for me to see her again, kid. But I still want to be there for someone - to be a big brother - the one I could never be to Gloria." Fighting through the tears, he continued. "I want… to be that someone in your life."

    Blinking out her own tears, Vulpix spoke after a moment of silence. "I've… never had a big brother before."

    Pulling her into a embrace, she broke down, sobbing into his shoulder as he held her. This emotional moment would last for quite a while, until Roark broke off the exchange, reaching for something in his saddlebag. Vulpix wiped her remaining tears and watched as the Zoroark pulled out a necklace that shimmered in the dusk.

    It was a Never-Melt-Ice pierced through the middle by a line of string. She instantly recognized this as the same item of reward that Vulpy had given her. Roark clutched it in his claws, looking at it briefly before extending his claws and unfolding them.

    "'Gloria' means glory to many Pokemon across the world. And I know it's something you want." He opened the necklace, enlarging it enough to where it could slip around her neck easily. "I'm not asking you to replace Gloria, but I want you to know this is a fresh start for us both. And maybe… maybe it does bring me some solace knowing she's still somewhat here with me."

    Vulpix stared at the necklace, already knowing her decision. She also desired for a way to end her horrible past and begin anew. She may be known differently, but her personality and dreams would stay the same.

    "... I will."

    Smiling at her acceptance, he lifted the necklace up and guided it around her neck. The icy rock that stayed forever cold would rest against her chest. Still, one last question lurked in Roark's mind - the one he wanted to hear the answer to most of all.

    "Can you make a promise?"

    "Of what?"

    "Promise that you'll never give up on your dreams. That you'll see your purpose through to the end."

    Gloria smiled wide, nodding intensely. "Of course! But can you make one, too?" A nod would reassure her as she hugged him again, tears sliding down her cheeks. "Please… please don't leave me."

    "I promise."

    "Watch your step! Just a little further, sis!"

    Gloria frowned, "I can't walk properly if I have a blindfold on."

    "It'd spoil the surprise! Duh!"

    Guiding her along the streets of the residential sector in Empyrean City, Roark had been cooking up a surprise for her for weeks. With his stockpile of Poké from his time in the Rescue Society, he had enough to fund this endeavor.

    He couldn't wait to see her reaction to it.

    "Alright! You can take off the blindfold now!"

    Gloria did so swiftly, readjusting her vision to see what was in front of her. Just a few feet away, a small white and round house was built. The features of which resemble herself, with her blue eyes up top and curls of wispy fur covering the roof.

    She gasped, "You got us a house! And it looks like me!"

    "Well, it sure beats living on the streets, and, uh…"

    Roark trailed off as she sped off towards the tiny abode, entering in an excited frenzy. He would chuckle to himself as he watched her in the windows bouncing around the new home and taking in its sights.

    "Didn't expect this kind of reaction, but I'll take it."

    "C'mon, Gloria! You can do it!" Roark yelled from his seat, jabbing the Grass-type next to him. "Think my sister can beat Sylveon at her own game?"

    Even at just twelve years of age, Gloria was by far the better cook in the household. Her talent was also recognized by a Sylveon who owned a sweets shop, offering a friendly challenge to test the Vulpix's skills. Gloria was reluctant, but with a little encouragement from her brother, she accepted the offer.

    Now being watched by a few dozen onlookers around the outskirts of Empyrean City, the two chefs competed in a battle of speed. The main dish would be a batch of Pokepuffs, with both trying to get theirs done first.

    "Gloria is darn good for her age, but Sylveon does this for a living, y'know," Leafeon retorted, a thought crossing her mind. "Hey, you still thinking about joining the guild?"

    Roark crossed his legs, eyes glued on the event. "Yup! Although, that Shiny Lucario guy in charge didn't seem to want me in his secret club."

    Leafeon giggled, "Yeah, the Guildmaster is quite selective. Shaymin and I were only able to get in because I could cook and Shaymin had knowledge about the Legendaries she did errands for."

    "I've got ten years of experience at the Rescue Society, so that should be enough…" he grumbled.

    "And twenty years you don't remember, huh? I remember not being able to believe you when you told me you had amnesia, or something like that."

    He chuckled, "That's cause I accidentally blurted it out. But if you keep that a little secret between you and I, then my transition into the guild can be smooth."

    "Hehe, of course." Another thought popped up in her mind. "I've always wondered this since you told me, but… couldn't there be another Pokemon that ended like you somewhere in this world?"

    Roark raised a brow, putting serious thought into it. "Possibly. But if they're anything like me, then they don't tell that to everyone they know."

    "Or, y'know, they accidentally tell you," she teased

    "Shove it, sister."

    The Riolu gulped once more, "Y-Yeah. All I could remember is waking up on a hill, in a clearing... and a name engraved in my mind. And that's when I met her." He indicated to Gloria with a paw.

    "Just one name... right?" A quick nod reassured Roark. "Huh..." The Zoroark looked deep in thought, his eyes never leaving Liam's.

    Never before would he have imagined stumbling into an amnesiac quite like himself. The Riolu, who called himself Liam, was quite like himself when he first awoke on that sandy beach - alone, lost, confused at everything in this strange land. He would go through life and never find out his past, or who his family once was. He would wander aimlessly, searching for the purpose of his existence.

    Whether or not the Riolu's condition was exactly like his, he would not leave him behind - he would guide him just as Unfezant failed to, and Bisharp succeeded in.

    "You believe him, right?"

    It surprised him that Gloria had forgotten about his own amnesia, but he would use this opportunity to show them both their path to success.

    Twirling his spoon in one claw, the ruse fox sharply inhaled. "Yeah…"

    Gloria stood on top of the tallest point in the world, the peak of Celestial Mountain. Her scarf fluttered in the mountain wind as she absorbed the fantastical view around her. She silently thanked Liam for telling her to do this, as he described that it was a 'once in a lifetime sight'.

    "There you are!"

    The Vulpix gasped, whirling around to see her smirking brother scale the grassy hills. Once he was side by side with her on the pinnacle, he whistled at what he was witnessing, creating an echo that reverberated through the entire breadth of the mountain.

    "Dang. I'm not the biggest fan of heights, but this is pretty damn great. Well worth the stupidly long trek up, if I may add."

    Gloria smiled, "It really is, right? But I heard from Scizor that we're gonna have another expedition as soon as we're back."

    "Tch, can't give this old fox a break, can they." He muttered, before jabbing her sides. "Hey, I know you're still carrying that necklace."

    She took a deep breath, nodding. "I… I am."

    "... Do you think you're worthy enough now to wear it?" He smirked. "I mean, you can't tell me that this entire expedition wasn't enough proof."

    "I know, I know. And…" She touched her saddlebag. "I really do think I am this time. This entire year has been so crazy, but I've really done a lot by joining the guild with Liam."

    "Damn straight, sis."

    Frowning at his language, she prodded him with a paw. "I'm trying to be serious here!"

    "Stop being so adorable then!"


    Chuckling again, he waved a claw behind him as he left the peak. "Don't stay up there too long! We still have a feast to attend in our name in the village!"

    "I won't!" she shouted back, returning to admire the amazing view and ponder about her future once more.


    Nightfall had set in over the Cosmic Quilt Guild hours ago, bringing with it a full moon and a blanket of stars in the skies above. The guild had returned from its expedition, happily sleeping away in their personal dorms. However, for the case of Team Requiem, one member was still awake.

    'For some reason… I can't sleep.'

    Gloria repositioned herself many times in the bean bag that was her bed, attempting to lull herself back into a slumbering state. But despite her best efforts to curb her insomnia, it wouldn't work. Glancing over at her sprawled out partner, she tuned out the loud snores he emanated, quietly giggling.

    'Jeez, he snores just as loud as Roark sometimes.'

    Realizing her predicament, she hopped off her bed to retrieve a book in her collection to read and pass the time with. Finding her cream saddlebag lying next to a dresser, she opened its contents, one item inside making her go wide eyed.

    The Never-Melt-Ice necklace.

    She took it out, hooking it around her paw as she stared at it, her heart beating rhythmically. Nodding, she walked over to a nearby standing mirror, gazing at the confident Vulpix that stared back. Taking a deep breath, she looped the necklace around her nape, letting the frigid rock rest against her Cosmic Scarf. Looking into the mirror again, a new Gloria seemed to be born from this moment.

    'Mom, dad, Froslass… I hope you're watching me.'

    She made a promise to them all, and she wasn't gonna break it.


    A purpose and a promise. One must be broken for the other to be seen by all.

    Author's Notes: And with this chapter, we end the very first Special Episode of this story. I hope you found this dive into the past just as emotional and heartwarming as I did. When we return, the story will continue on in the second part of The Phantasmagoria!

    A grim reminder of things to come…

    If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239

    Please leave a review if you wish. All will be read and taken into consideration.

    Next Time: The Phantasmagoria: Part Two
    Last edited:
    Chapter 20: Hubris In An Hourglass
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Author's Notes: Hello! If you haven't skimmed past yet, I assume you're wondering why the AN's are at the start of the chapter and not the end. The reasoning for this is that I have something a bit more important to announce.

    January 8th of this year marks the first anniversary of this story! To celebrate this milestone, I will have a link below to a polling website to choose your favorite character! The polls will not end on a certain date, and you do not need an account to vote.

    Favorite Character so far POLL


    The process to choose your answer from both lists takes a few seconds. You are free to do only one of your choosing, and I highly appreciate any who would take the time to do this.

    That is enough out of me, as we will begin the very first chapter to Part Two of The Phantasmagoria!

    Chapter 20

    Hubris In An Hourglass


    "I defied and separated the vices that God sewed into the earth, and became one with it. Please... Take my hand."


    The slow ticking of the clock's hands followed after the brief conversation the two men shared, both of them staring each other down from their opposite seats on the beige furniture in an effort to dissect the other's thoughts. Eventually, one would break this silence.

    "Do you… still harbor feelings of resentment towards your father?"

    "… What?"

    Dr. Thompson leaned back into the couch, picking up the assorted documents lying next to him. He flipped through a few pages, occasionally glancing up to see the confused person staring back at him. "Before they expired, I took the time to review some of the transcripts of our previous sessions," the man said, reading one page in particular. "More specifically, the earliest ones following your arrest and the state's enforcement of these sessi-"

    "What does this have to do with my father?" Liam suddenly inquired, a scowl forming on his features.

    "Well, I've noticed some of your… rants against him have seemed to fade over the years. Is this a topic you're comfortable with discussing again?"

    Comfortability was something the young man let go of as soon as he entered the doors to this place. Storing his feelings inside seemed to be useless now that he was here.

    "I never truly hated him. Even after what he did to the city, my family, and even Mrs. Lachaise."

    Dr. Thompson tapped his fingers on his thighs. "Do you think it is because he was your father - your caretaker in life - or is there something else you see in him?"

    It was a stupid question, Liam thought. But it did make him think about what he truly felt about the man that tried so hard to save Liam from either himself, or others that sought to have him removed. If only that outcome would have turned successful, and he would have a father to this day.

    But in the end, it was just him that lived to see the aftermath of his father's exploits.

    "It took me a few years to realize, but I did see what my dad was trying to accomplish; it just didn't work."

    The older man nodded his head to this. "From your accounts, it was your father's defiance against his past and these groups that only brought out more of it into the light. And his defiance…"

    "Got him punished," Liam finished, leaning up from his chair. "Y'all think he's… evil or something - like a monster who tore up the city because he wanted to. But I see now that he had to become that evil to defeat it himself."

    "It doesn't work like that, Liam. Fighting fire with fire is never going to work."

    "Take out the source of the fire, and there won't be any more flames."

    Dr. Thompson sighed, "Liam, your father was never going to root out those groups on his own. Evil isn't something that can just go away, or be thrust out of us. It takes shape in many forms, but is always prevalent throughout all of us."

    Something about his words flicked on a switch in the young man.

    Liam shook with rage. "It's the most disgusting part of us. I wish that I didn't have these… evil feelings within me, but I don't have a choice!" he shouted, standing up. "I never had the choice to live out of the life that I wanted! IT WAS TAKEN FROM ME!" He pounded his chest with open hands, freely letting any stored up anger and tears out. "Everything was so PERFECT! I had an amazing family! I had everything in life figured out! And then-" he stopped, choking on his next words, "And then… it was all gone."

    The young man then collapsed back into his chair, burying his face into his hands and heaving out bouts of broken speech.

    "Fuck… I just- Why… W-Why do I always lose!" he seethed, clenching his hands tight, nails digging into his skin. "I can't even fucking live normally anymore. T-This is too much."

    Dr. Thompson set down the documents, eyes fixated on Liam. "… That's exactly why we're here. I am here to have you expel all of that anger here. You need to understand that I am here to help you, not provoke you. This place is here to oversee your recovery."

    "Fucking lies," Liam spat out. "I'm only here because the state thinks I'm gonna snap and hurt a bunch of people."

    Everyone was watching the young man; viewing him like an animal that was about to break out of its cage. Sometimes he entertained the thought of doing just that, getting the revenge his father couldn't, just to ease his pain. To become that evil to destroy it.

    "Liam… I know there's a great capacity of anger and vengeance within you - that path of evil your father went down. However, I'm not worried that you are going to hurt someone else."

    Liam tore his gaze from his hands, glowering at the compassionate man staring intensely back at him.

    "I'm worried about what you will do to yourself…"

    The curls of vibrant blue and yellow in Liam's vision began to fade away into nothingness, his sights returning to normalcy, leaving behind a horrified expression on the Riolu's face. His grip on his banjo tightened as he struggled to recall the events of that memory. It sent his mind reeling as new information was being revealed.

    Gloria turned her head away from her book, the necklace she wore gleaming in the sunlight. "Why'd you stop playing? I really liked it!"

    "U-Uh, guess I… guess I just got distracted," he replied, taking a deep breath.

    She giggled, "You shouldn't daydream so much. It might affect some of our missions, y'know."

    "Yeah…" He relaxed his hold on the old instrument, managing a smile. "Sorry, I can go back to playing if you want."

    The two were currently resting in the very clearing that Liam woke up to a while ago. With this being their day off from the usual guild work, and the weather being so sunny and clear, this wouldn't be a time they were going to waste on staying inside all day.

    He still couldn't believe he had been in this land for an entire year.

    Gloria closed her novel, glancing up to view the sun's position in the sky. "Um, maybe another time." She reluctantly got out of her comfortable resting position. "I think we should get back to the guild before dinner starts."

    The word 'dinner' seemed to knock sense into the Riolu as he took his back off the tree he was propped up against and stood with a slight jump. He then slung his banjo's strap around his shoulder and nonchalantly strolled down the clearing's hill.

    "I'm not gonna miss out on dinner this time!" he shouted. "And I don't think you wanna see Leafeon run out of her Pokepuffs!"

    His attempt to earn a reaction out of her succeeded, the Vulpix now suddenly revitalized and jogging right behind the Fighting-type. Making their way through the Sunshine Forest yet again, Liam's thoughts were also consumed by his illusive past, and the memory he was given a brief glimpse into a few moments ago.

    'Why did I seem so different in this one? I was… older, but something bad must've happened.'

    The pieces of the puzzle were scattered and simply out of his reach. He could only infer that something horrible had taken place that would make a Liam of the past react in such a way like that.

    'I could feel everything he- I felt, too.'

    He could sense the frustration, sadness, and resentment that emanated from himself. But the most worrying part of all to the Riolu was the immense feeling of hatred that swelled inside of his past self.

    'That therapist guy said he could sense that capacity of anger and vengeance within me - an evil. Do I… really have that ins-'

    'Who are you?'

    The sound of a gruff voice shooting across his mind interrupted his thoughts as his walking faltered slightly. Regaining his bearings, his attention shifted to the strange invader that frequently stopped by in his brain.

    Ever since the day he stood atop Celestial Mountain, a new voice began to plague him from time to time, spouting the occasional cryptic line or threat that shot a chill up his spine. But the scariest part wasn't that it was speaking to him, but that it sounded familiar. And it wasn't like he could talk to this voice like he could the other in that strange dreamscape.

    It was like an echo of the past, and that terrified him in a subtle way.

    'Maybe I am going crazy… I'll just have to make sure Monferno doesn't catch wind of this, heh.'

    "Liam! Hurry up!" Gloria shouted, a good distance ahead of him.

    "On my way!" he yelled back, catching up with the impatient fox.

    Who was he? He was Liam, and that's all that voice needed to know.

    Emerging out of the forest, they trekked across the grassy plains back to the strangely designed purple building that was their guild. All seemed well at first to the pair, until they stepped down the hill leading to the structure and saw a multitude of Pokémon in brown coats lurking by the entrance, rifles strapped to their backs at all times.

    "Council guards?" Gloria questioned, a bit hesitant to take another step. "What are they doing here?"

    Liam gulped - he had only seen guards of the Council during the parade in Elysium City, and they seemed extremely hardened compared to the regular guards stationed in Empyrean City. Although, he did know of one friendly face.

    He tapped her side. "C'mon, let's just go see if we can enter."

    "… Okay."

    Slowly walking up to the open doors of the guild, they expected to be stopped before entering, but they were ignored as they were seemingly waiting for someone else. It wasn't until they almost entered that another coat wearing Pokémon exited the building and blocked their path - a Corviknight.

    "Ah, sorry to be in your way! Feel free to- hey, wait a minute… I recognize that face of yours!" He pointed a wing at the equally shocked Riolu. "You're that bloke from the festival, aintcha?"

    Liam eventually nodded, "Uh, Yeah! That's me."

    "And you've still got that old thing!" Corviknight squawked, motioning towards the banjo across the Riolu's back. "Tell me, am I gonna see you up on stage with Primarina and her mates in a few years?"

    Liam blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, probably not. But my Guildmaster is teaching me how to play better."

    "Is he now ? Well, I've just had a chat with that bloke, and he's one stubborn 'mon, I'll tell ya."

    Gloria's ears perked up. "Um, can I ask a question? Why did the Council send its guards here? Is… something wrong?"

    "Nothing's wrong, miss," Cornviknight confirmed, tapping his coat with a wing. "I'm not a captain or anything, so all I know was that my superiors told me and a few others to come here and ask for information about this guild's findings from their recent expedition."

    Liam blinked, "The guild's…findings? Like what?"

    Inwardly, the Riolu already somewhat knew. 'No doubt they want to know about the Mystery Dungeon project those Legendaries started way back. But did the Guildmaster tell them?'

    Corviknight shrugged, "Dunno, mate. Whatever stuff you guys might have found really interested the Council or somethin'. I tried getting any info out of that Lucario, but he wouldn't budge a bit."

    'That's the Guildmaster all right…'

    Gloria shuffled her forelegs together. "Do you think the guild might be in trouble if we don't say anything?"

    The bird shrugged again. "I don't know all that legal bollocks, miss. I just carry out the orders and do my job like any other guard 'ere. Speaking of…" He gave his comrades a lookover, brandishing his pair of black wings. "We can head off back to the carriage now, mates! Can't say we didn't try."

    A series of grumbles came from the guard Pokémon as they broke off their positions near the entrance and began exiting the property. Corviknight watched them leave with a frown, ultimately returning his attention to the pair.

    "You two stay safe out there! And if you want advice from little ole me, then I say stay away from any missions in the Grit Region. Things are happening down there, and let me tell, they're not pretty things." He bopped his chest again with a wing. "Take care!"

    Before either could ask him another question, the Steel-type took off after the guards. However, his warning was not lost on the two.

    "Something happening in the Grit Region?" Liam recited, shooting Gloria a quizzical stare. "Is he true? I don't really read the Celestic Cognizance all that much."

    Gloria bit her lip. "I don't really know that much, but I heard there were, um, protests."

    'Protests? Against what? And if what Corviknight said was true, then they couldn't be all that peaceful…'

    Liam shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Whatever. Let's just go eat; I'm starving."

    She smiled, "Yeah!"

    Finally being able to enter the building, they walked in and were witness to the chaotic oddity that was the guild on its day off. In the main hallway, a Mightyena strapped down to a chair with rope was frantically sweating as other guild members talked to the Dark-type.

    "Gotta say, Mightyena," Monferno began, scratching his chin. "Don't think Hatterene is gonna let you go after this. I think it's the end of the line, pal."

    "Just cut me loose!" the canine yelped. "I don't know when she'll be back! And she appears out of freaking nowhere!"

    "And you thought it was a good idea to escape from her medical room?" Leafeon questioned.

    "She tied me up!"

    "It's a fair reaction, Leafy," Roark commented as he maneuvered around Mightyena, touching various parts of his body. "Uh… not there. You feeling any better yet?"


    "Hold up, I'm trying to find your chakra. Some crazy Psychic-type down by the marketplace told me they're real and can heal you and stuff."

    Liam and Gloria watched from afar, equally horrified but also amused at the events unfolding before them. The situation only escalated as Hatterene shuffled down the halls at alarming speeds, greatly shocking everyone present as the claw-like hand attached to her hat snatched Mightyena's chair.

    "Please do not tamper with my patients," she remarked with little emotion, glaring at the suspects.

    All three guild members crowding around the Dark-type began to back off, well aware of the head nurse's capabilities. All they could do was watch as Mightyena was dragged off into the halls, listening to his fading screams.


    Just another day in the guild.

    Leafeon turned to notice the pair of Pokémon standing by the building's entrance, waving her leafy paw at them in recognition. "Hey, you're just in time! I'm about to kickstart dinner!"

    But guild life did have its perks.

    "It's now official, sis."

    Gloria looked up from her tray. "What do you mean, Roark?"

    The Vulpix throughout her meal was occasionally casting a glance around the mess wall, keenly observing the happily eating Pokemon. Even a heavily bandaged up Mightyena was devouring his food, splatting a good amount on an annoyed Monferno next to him.

    "It's official that you totally underestimate your cooking skills." He swept an arm across his surroundings. "Nobodies throwing it up, so I'm not sure what your deal is with being modest about it.

    Gloria frowned at his statement.

    "I agree with him, Gloria," Liam interjected, swallowing down his fill. "Although he could have worded it a bit better, you and Leafeon do a damn- darn good job," he corrected, hoping to spare her wrath.

    "Yeah! Totally!" Rockruff shouted from Liam's left, his tray practically cleaned. "I thought Leafeon was the best cook in the world, but maaan your potato things were so good!"

    She held a paw against her necklace. "T-Thanks, guys. I was really nervous when Leafeon told me to join her, but I've learned a lot from the best in the past."

    As all the members of the guild ate in relative peace, the unmistakable sounds of Scizor's marching on the porcelain floor would steal everyone's attention as he entered the mess hall with a Shiny Lucario by his side. Sidestepping, Scizor allowed Jackson to walk forward and clear his throat.

    "ATTENTION! I require only a small amount of your time; then you can return to eating."

    Nobody dared to fight against his word, so he continued.

    "In a few days, this guild will embark on another expedition. For this expedition, our efforts will take place in the Grit Region."

    This time, a good number of whispers and murmurs traveled around the mess hall - some in excitement, others in trepidation. Jackson would wait for these quiet outbursts to settle before speaking again.

    "Our discoveries in unearthing the 'Magnagate Investigation Project' on Celestial Mountain has led to forming another expedition in search of answers." He motioned towards the stationary Scizor beside him with a paw. "Scizor and I have combed over the collected Projection Crystals and other data combed from the project, and have come to a theory that there is a second location that the Legendaries built to continue their research."

    More hushed communication was set ablaze after his revelation.

    "This second location would have to exist somewhere in the Grit Region," Jackson concluded. "We believe that the key to eliminating the ley lines can be realized by finding this second location and its potential secrets."

    The gears in Liam's mind began to turn as he processed this information. While he wasn't there to initially discover this hidden project, the things it revealed were fascinating to no end. However, the possibility of the second location being in the Grit Region led to another worrying situation.

    'Isn't something bad happening there right now? Why are we risking going now?'

    "As before, we will take the Mudsdale carriages to the region itself and enter the town of Sanctus. There we will make contact with a group of adventurers and local relic experts to combine our knowledge in hopes of finding the next step." He paused, momentarily looking around the room. "More specific details on what we are bringing will be announced tomorrow. For now, this is all."

    As Jackson turned his back and walked away, the voices of chatting Pokemon picked up behind him. He would only stop to turn around and stare at one Pokémon in particular - a Riolu. Once his staring was acknowledged and returned, he gave a swift nod before leaving the mess hall.

    Liam knew that meant only one thing - he was in for some training tonight.

    "Agh, why can't I get this right."

    The full moon and the glittering stars in the silent skies above the Cosmic Quilt Guild provided a phenomenal view to accompany the enchanting twangs of a banjo that drifted through the wind. Around the back of the guild sat Liam, sitting on the ridge of a small cliff that oversaw the expansive prairie that enveloped the horizon.

    "If I remember what he said… then it's three beats," he spoke to himself, plucking some of the instrument's strings in succession.

    He did this for a while, trying to catch a rhythm, too immersed in his practice to notice the sounds of footsteps behind him.

    "It sounds a lot better today."

    Liam was so startled by the voice of the Guildmaster that he nearly dropped his banjo off the cliff, hugging it tightly against his chest as he swiveled his head around.

    "G-Guildmaster! You heard me? Did… Was I doing it right?"

    Jackson chuckled slowly, "I heard a bit of it in there. Still, your rhythm is terrible."

    'Ouch. At least he's honest about it…'

    Jackson walked over, grunting as he took a seat by the Riolu and pointed at the strings of the banjo. "Lemme see you do the one I told you about the other day."

    "O-Oh, sure!"

    Liam racked his brain in search of memory of that day, quickly finding it and putting his skills to the test by attempting to replicate it with his banjo. It was supposedly a song from the Lucario's childhood. While the name of it sounded funny, it was by no means an easy song to play. Nonetheless, he tried his best, and if the hardened stare Liam was getting told him anything, it was that he was doing a good job so far.

    "Switch up your strings. Remember to repeat that first flow," Jackson asserted.

    Liam did just that, holding his breath as he translated those memorized notes into harmonic tunes. Realizing he was getting a hang of it, he became immersed in the sounds he played. But he wasn't the only one getting into it; his Guildmaster was even tapping his foot on the grass, quietly humming his own rendition of the song. It was then a great surprise to the Riolu when he heard the Lucario actually starting to sing over the music.

    "'If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eyed Joe, I'd been married long time ago,'" Jackson sang in an accent. "'Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?'"

    Liam watched on in mild bemusement and shock at the man's sudden shift in demeanor, but didn't say anything as the Lucario prattled on about 'storms' and 'tools'. As the Riolu finished up the remainder of the song, Jackon's singing trailed off into laughter that bubbled out of his chest. He held a paw to it, calming himself as he took deep breaths.

    "Sorry 'bout that, kid. Sometimes I just get too caught up with myself. It's very… nostalgic to me; makes me feel like a kid with my own banjo again, y'know?"

    Liam slowly set down his banjo, listening to his Guildmaster. It was a sort of melancholy feeling that he found himself relating to, even if he never truly understood. But he still still knew of the connection they shared; that he was once a boy just like Jackson once, even if they were totally different species.


    Pure silence came afterward as they absently gazed at the stars, until a nervous Liam would proclaim something that tugged at his mind.

    "I, uh, got another memory earlier."

    Jackson seized up, whipping his head around to stare. "... Tell me."

    Liam huddled his legs together, sighing. "Well, this time I was much older… and I was in this therapist's room, I think."

    "... I see. Anything else?"

    "Just like the other memories, I felt the feelings of that Liam in the room. I felt… I don't know, angry?" He gulped, tugging his scarf. "I just felt really mad at everything, and had this massive pit in my stomach - like I was sick."

    It was hard to describe the mess of ugly feelings he sensed, but made a vain attempt to.

    "Then… the, uh, therapist guy said my father went against these groups and defied them. He even said he saw those same qualities my father had in me. Vengeance, anger, this… path of evil."

    "Do you believe him?"


    Jackson was now fully turned around at this point, his back against the stars as he kneeled in front of Liam, his golden ring flashing. "If somebody took someone from you, would you defy everything to avenge them or try and bring them back?"

    "I… Yeah, I would."

    The Guildmaster's question reminded Liam of their discussion on this very cliff a while back, about how he wanted to protect him and Gloria from others. Or when the Guildmaster asked for their goals and dreams before stating the guild's mission statement.

    This was a test.

    "None of us are truly evil for wanting those closest to us to live long, happy lives. It is in our nature to do so, and family is the closest above all." Jackson narrowed his eyes, grabbing Liam's paws and holding them tight. "It is in our nature to defy against rule, so take pride in having the strength and courage to make a better tomorrow."

    Liam looked up, nodding to his words. "I understand, Guildmaster."

    Jackson relinquished his grip, standing up. "The Council wishes for this guild to bend and kneel before them. But we will defy them, and show them that there's a truth to this world that they are missing - a meaning they can't grasp."

    "But… What if they don't understand the threat of the ley lines?" Liam countered.

    "They won't, which is why time is of the essence," Jackson lamented. "The hourglass is almost filled, but we have enough time to prove to them a threat beyond their imagination."

    If his words were true, then this new expedition needed to dig up some answers.

    Kicking up sand and other clouds of dust, the pack of Mudsdale carrying almost all members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild and their supplies galloped along the narrow trail that led them to their destination - a town built around an oasis in the middle of a scorching desert.

    The second expedition was now in full swing.

    Liam held up a paw to block the incoming rays of sunlight that battered his fur and the ocean of beige sand that encompassed all directions. While the open scenery was a nice change of pace for him, the sweltering heat that came with it was less appetizing. He considered himself lucky that he wasn't Gloria right now, who was taking shelter underneath a box to avoid the beating sun.

    "C'mon, sis," Roark chided, tapping the crate that housed the Ice-type. "It's just a little sun. How bad could it be?"

    Meanwhile, Monferno was resting against the carriage's rail, his arms crossed behind his neck as he soaked in the sun's rays. "Not our fault you guys missed out on being Fire-type's, right, Braix?"

    The Braixen next to him smiled, occasionally waving some air on herself with a paw. "I wouldn't go that far, but this region is very hard to live in for some other Pokemon."

    "Yeah, which is why it's a total ghost town compared to other parts of Celestic," he added.

    Liam leaned over the railing, squinting his eyes to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be a cluster of buildings in the distance - they were growing near. But as they got closer to this spot of civilization in the middle of nowhere, it became increasingly clear that there were more Pokemon leaving the town than ones arriving to it. Carts and other carriages of Pokemon flew past their own, only making the Riolu's mind wonder why they were seemingly leaving in droves.

    It wasn't until their own carriages finally hit the town's cobblestone streets that they saw the commotion taking place ahead in the town's square.

    Countless bands of Council guards were gathered behind makeshift barricades connected to buildings, making sure the crowds of protesting Pokemon didn't spill over. Some that managed to get a little too close to the guards were shoved back or lightly whacked in the side with the butt of a rifle. As the Mudsdale carriages strode past, everyone on board could hear the shouts and yells from both the guards and the protestors throughout their standoff.

    "This is horrible…" Liam commented, backing away from the railing. "Why are all these protests happening, anyway?"

    Gloria emerged from her cover to answer his question, taking a good look at the crowds. "Um, it was hard to find information in the newspapers about it, but I did manage to find some. A while back, a bunch of supplies of food and water supposed to be sent to the Grit Region were instead diverted to other regions because of a drought. And, um, a lot of Pokemon abandoned their homes and started becoming bandits to live - it's awful."

    "Sheesh," Roark said, biting his tongue. "I'll tell you, it ain't easy living off the land in a place as desolate as this."

    Liam tilted his head. "If that was the case, then shouldn't the guards here be passing out supplies to everyone?"

    Gloria frowned, shaking her head. "That's the thing. They're not here to do that; they're here to arrest a lot of these bandits hiding out here."

    The Riolu said nothing in response, going back to watch the crowd continue to hurl insults and defy the stationed guards. It was horrible to see on either side - the Pokemon who didn't have enough food or water to live normally, and the guards who were simply carrying out their job to make a living. Resolving this conflict seemed so simple to him, but there was always an overlying complex issue.

    Thinking over this problem in his head, his thoughts were immediately run over by the voice that spoke above everything in his mind.

    'You and I? We're weapons.'


    "See anything, Weav's?"

    From atop a tall, sandy hill, Weavile tore the binoculars from her face and shook her head. She leapt off her vantage point, landing next to Bisharp and unraveling the layers of dusty cloth shielding her face and mouth from the desert's elements.


    "Oh?" he responded.

    "Sand, sand, and more fucking sand." She tossed him the binoculars and strode past. "Ice queen! Get out here!"

    A tent erected between two large pieces of rock proved effective in withstanding the occasional wind, and was essential in their efforts of scouting other Pokemon. However, a certain Glaceon saw it more as a hideout from the heat.

    "We don't have all day!" Weavile shouted again.

    Eventually, the flap to the tent would open, and a peeved Glaceon would exit. She glared daggers at Weavile as she strolled past the two of them without so much a word, whipping her icy bangs.

    "Sanctus Town is nearby, so if Serperior and her mercs aren't out in the dunes, then they should be in town," Bisharp stated, crossing his arms. "Still no word from our client yet?"

    "Nah," Weavile said, tapping the black saddlebag around her waist. "He said his device broke or something in a letter he sent us, so it's gonna be a while til we hear back from him."

    "You're not a bit alarmed at the fact that he knows where we're holed up?"

    "Not until the day we inevitably betray him," she said with a smirk. "I'm more worried about that snake than some guy behind a wall."

    Bisharp rolled his eyes. "Right."

    Walking after the exhausted looking Ice-type in front of them, the sights of Sanctus Town were just a few minutes away. Thanks to recent events occurring in the region, obscuring their identity wasn't as important. Their only concerns were obtaining the information of those ruins the Rose Clan was after.

    "Think the Council screwing up big time is gonna make things here easier, Weav's?"

    "The snake won't make it easy for us, Bishy, you know that. If she knows we're here, then she's gonna make sure we don't find what she's after."

    "And that's not gonna happen," he added.

    "Exactly. She's gonna realize what happens when she defies our control…"

    Defiance against a god. Defiance against a government. Defiance against your inner evil…

    If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239

    Please leave a review if you wish. All will be read and taken into consideration.

    Next Time: Uproar
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    LTWNBR: To Gloria
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer

    33.pngLetters That Will Never Be Read: To Gloria

    Dear Gloria

    Hey, it's your big bro, Roark! Or maybe I should write 'hello' because letters are supposed to be formal and all that junk, but it's not like there's an address for me to send this to, anyway.

    Heh, and there it goes again; that tightened feeling in my ole furry chest. Been a while since I truly stopped to sit down and just think about you again. Maybe it's been so fricking long that you already forgot about me, and moved on with your life.

    That scared me a little.

    And maybe you don't know, but I don't get scared that often. Monferno and some of the other guild cronies might say otherwise, but this fox is rock solid in the fear department. Hell, I've taken up the job of scaring others with my freaky illusion magic (still thanking Bisharp for that illusion training to this day).

    Where was I? Oh, right, I wanted to talk about our days and stuff. Right now, the guild is all getting prepared for the next expedition to find the 'second location' that some old Legendaries in the past might've built in that dusty sandbox area called the Grit Region. Apparently all these places are linked up with finding out the 'truth' about the ley lines' (basically magical lines beneath the dirt, weird stuff) origin.

    Confused? Heh, yeah this world's a weird place. Someday I'll have to sit down and tell you about these wacko places called 'Mystery Dungeons'. Trust me, the name fits well, 'cause entering these areas is like entering some alternate dimension, and Pokemon (the creatures that live here and I happen to be now) consider them a part of average life! I keep getting off-topic (thanks brain). So, how was your day? I mean, I know you can't write back or tell me anything, but it's the idea that you're maybe thinking about it, right?

    Nah, that's stupid. Truth is, I don't even have a clue why I'm bothering to write this when I should be packing up for the expedition. Maybe I've just gone insane over the, like, twenty years (yeah, I've been counting) I've been on this weird planet, or I'm possibly a bit too tipsy from drinking the Sitrus Berry Wine next to me.

    Tastes like trash, but I always end up drinking it. Weird how that works, huh?

    Me and the woes of alcohol go way back to the day I woke up in this world, you know. Waking up on some random beach, having two names called 'Roark' and 'Gloria' echoing in my mind, getting yelled at by some bird (Unfezant initially thought I was some wasted drunk), then brought to a seedy looking bar in a city called Verdure. And that might've been the first time I've ever downed a beer, unless you knew me to be a wild child in the past, heh.

    Let me tell you, when I told that old geezer that I couldn't remember anything, his eyes turned into dinner plates. Guess it's why he tried everything in his power to set me straight, get me up on my paws and live a good, healthy life. Told me everything there was to know about 'Pokemon' and this world, and even set me up with this gig for this struggling messenger company that he ran.

    I would work for him delivering packages in the city in the day, and talk over drinks in his office at night. He had a lot of hope for me, thinking I could be a productive asset for the city or his company. But none of his hopes for me really happened, though.

    That's because I never stopped thinking of you, Gloria. At that time, you were just a name in my mind, an echo or something I couldn't let go of. It was the only connection to the past, so I clung to it, maybe more than I should have.

    I wanted to find you, is what I'm trying to say.

    Unfezant wasn't a fan, but being the stubborn bastard that I am, I left his graces with only a little money and a bottle of whiskey at my side. Even if I had plans to scour the earth to find you, being an amnesiac also meant I wasn't the best with knowing where the hell anything is, which kept my furry behind in the city.

    Hah, but that wasn't the only boneheaded move I made. When my funds started running low, I had to resort to stealing from other Pokemon around the marketplace. Maybe you would be shocked to know this, or maybe not, but it's not something I take pride in anymore. It was do or die in a sense, and I couldn't let go of that feeling.

    All the money I stole was so I could find you, so I could have other trained eyes search each continent of this world looking for someone with your name. In hindsight, it was an impossible task, but was the only thing that kept me getting up from my apartment's dinky couch. It gave me purpose, I guess. To know that I might have a family or friend out there who's waiting for me to return. Even when they all came back with bad news, I still kept at it, drinking away my sorrows and loneliness when I wasn't being a thief.

    I was desperate for any hope, only to find it all drying up. It's fuzzy to me, and thinking of the details of that day makes me want to vomit, sometimes keeping me awake at night.

    Standing atop that apartment building, an empty bottle in my claws, and knowing the walls were closing in. Looking back at it now, I was so dumb to attempt something like that. But in the moment, it was almost a liberating feeling, you know? It's a fucking terrifying sense to me now, and something I hope I never feel again.

    But there I fell, and I didn't scream or cry for help, just letting fate take me down. It wouldn't happen, of course, since my claws are still struggling to write this letter (seriously Zoroark claws suck at holding quills).

    In the end, I was saved from my own stupidity by this group called the Rescue Society. A Bisharp from it took me in at my darkest hour and said they could forget my troubled history if I joined them. Lucky break, right? Well, it wasn't like my body could summersault out a window and escape like before, so it was the only option for me, and I don't regret it one bit.

    Ten freaking years I served with those guys, and nearly every day of it was a possible dance with lady death. Stopping pirates from taking over merchant ships, going into dangerous Mystery Dungeons to save Pokemon, and even stopping active volcanoes. While you never left my mind, I felt like I was doing some actual good in my life.

    And then, my last assignment in the Rescue Society - de-escalating an avalanche on Glacier Peak Mountain. Gives me the chills to this day thinking it was supposed to be a normal operation. That it didn't have to end so horribly like it did.

    But the universe did decide to throw me a bone, and by that I mean a little girl that was separated from her home village. I did my best, protecting her, helping others, sharing stories, scaling the mountain to reunite with her parents. Of course, there were no parents of hers to return to by the time we arrived, and no village of hers to live in anymore - she had lost everything dear to her, and I had lost countless comrades I knew for years in the devastation.

    This was no accident, nor was it natural. And once I found the culprit behind it all, I never wanted to kill a Pokémon more than him - a Zoroark like me. My claws were so close to his throat, but I couldn't bring myself to end this pitiful bastard. Call it a mix of upholding my duties, or a moment of self reflection.

    But it was a flash of memory I had atop that mountain that stopped me. A small glimpse into this memory of me, well, dying, I guess.

    And guess what, I wasn't even a Pokémon to begin with! At least, that's my interpretation of the strange bipedal creatures in black clothing I saw, and I was the man they would leave behind in the carnage, all alone. From the words of my own dying body, I got to know who you truly are to me. You're my little sister, Gloria. Heh, well, maybe you're not so little anymore, but you'd still always be my little sister, you know.

    Twenty years apart. I wonder how old you are, and what kind of job or dream you strove to achieve. Do you still even remember me? Who do you remember me as? I guess I was a criminal as well in the past, so maybe you don't think too fondly of me. In that case, sorry for being a bad brother.

    I'm rambling (this entire letter is just that, huh?), but seeing the Zoroark trying to, well, end it like I once tried, I had to stop him and convince him to turn himself in. After that, I left the Rescue Society altogether. I don't know what happened to him in the end, or what happened to the remaining members of the Rescue Society. I let it all go to find someone who was damaged irreparably by this Zoroark's actions. Just as you must've been damaged by my own foolish actions, I needed to fix this guy's foolish actions.

    Hah, it's getting harder to write this when the paper is getting wet, but I'll keep trying, because there's someone I want to introduce to you.

    Her name is Gloria, and I swear this isn't a prank I'd usually play. She's a Vulpix (think of the cutest, but also nerdiest ice fox you know), and she's my adopted sister. Remember that little girl I met atop the Glacier Peak Mountain? I got to know her as we traveled; got to know her likes and dislikes, how smart she was, her goals of becoming a worldwide hero and all that hopeful junk.

    As a Rescue Society member, usually we part ways with the Pokemon we rescue, but there was something about this Vulpix that drew me to revisit her. All of her dreams in life were crushed by this avalanche, and I couldn't let her life be controlled by that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't fix things like I was supposed to. To take her away from the orphanage she ended up in, and to call her my little sister, and to suggest the name of Gloria to her, is my way of fixing things with you. You may not ever know of this, or know that I am still alive somewhere, but this is my way of saying that I never forgot about you.

    Truthfully, the only reason I haven't drank myself to death by now is because I am there for her, and vice versa. She has a purpose, one that needs to be seen by the world, and my purpose is to be there for her, to give that little push into starlight she desires. And well, no mean to brag or anything, but she is going through the guild with flying colors, helping all the Pokemon across Celestic as best she can in her little adventure exploits.

    But here's the kicker, I found another Pokemon just like me! Cool plot twist, eh? Well, he's now this little canine fellow called a Riolu (he totally missed out on being a cool illusion fox like me). He doesn't remember anything, and he appears to be the same age as I was when I came to this world. Just like with Vulpix, it was my duty to fix things, and I wouldn't let this kid wander this earth feeling so alone and forgotten, never finding out his past or who he was. Sometimes I feel like shit for not telling him the truth about myself, but I know I'll tell him it when I see that he's become a truly whole 'mon.

    Kid is doing great, going with my suggestion to team up with Gloria and being so adamant about adventuring across Celestic. He's even learned how to play a banjo, just like those country bumpkin 'mons out in the fields. Heck, he's even been buddy-buddy with our hard-ass Guildmaster (don't ask me how that's possible, 'cause that guy glares at me any opportunity he gets).

    And then there's me, the old fox with a drinking problem. After seeing these two succeed in ways I couldn't even imagine, it does worry me a bit that this is it for me. Not that I'll keel over any second now, but that I've already fulfilled my duty on this rock. It's only now that I understand why Unfezant disagreed with my ideas of finding you so much; he lived a life worth living, and he wanted me to have that same feeling.

    But as anyone knows, I'm not the type to sit on a park bench and tell the passerby youths my life story. Nah, I still got the energy to party and the looks to woe over ladies, right? Feels wrong to even admit that I'm fumbling in the happy department when everyone around me is doing so well. Here I am, though, drinking down more alcohol than I usually do, talking to myself in this letter. If there was a reason that me and this kid were brought into this world, then I'd like to hear it, because I feel like I'm losing my purpose all over again.

    Anyway, how was your day?

    Your big brother,


    Roark let go of the quill in his grasp, taking a deep breath as he looked over the many pages of work he'd been scribbling at for hours. He flipped through each individual page, analyzing each spur of the moment thought ripped from his mind and put onto this paper.

    All of it was garbage - useless to anyone but him.

    Wiping away his excess tears and straightening up the mess of papers, he held them up, inhaling again. A tearing nose filled his room as his crimson claws ripped part the pages of written text, quickly reducing the letter to nothing but shredded sheets.

    And now even he could not read it anymore.

    Letting the pieces fall onto the desk, he swiped the nearly empty bottle of Sitrus Berry Wine next to him and stood out of his seat. Downing the remaining foul vestiges of its contents with a wince, he made his way over to his room's doorway, never looking back at his torn up writing.

    He had preparations to complete.

    Author's Notes: Hello again! Apologies for the longer than usual wait on the next chapter, as I am still finalizing my design for the proceeding chapters. However, I have decided to release this experimental work I've been planning called 'Letters That Will Never Be Read'

    LTWNBR are in-universe letters written by characters from their POV's that will occasionally be released as the story progresses and characters evolve. Big or small in size, I hope these will provide a further insight into the minds of each major character it dives into. I would appreciate any comment about these, whether you like or dislike them, and if I should continue making these. As for the usual chapters, we will return with 'Uproar' hopefully very soon, so keep your Cosmic Scarves tightly wrapped around your necks!

    And please remember to cast a vote for the polls below, as they're still ongoing! Goodbye for now!

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    Chapter 21: Uproar
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 21


    "Watch your head, kid!"

    Liam snapped out his thoughts and heeded Roark's advice, ducking his head beneath the carriage's rail as a tiny piece of stone was hurled past the trotting Mudsdale' and into a set of makeshift barricades separating the Council guards from the sea of enraged protestors. The attack was but one of many, with other small objects being thrown from the crowds to pelt the barricades.

    "Heh, things are heatin' up around here," Roark commented, his body low as he kept Gloria shielded with his body. "Just not in a good way…"

    Tension picked up across the town's center as more and more Pokemon piled in from the connecting roads to holler at the stationed guards. Pokemon who got too close to any guardsmen were pushed away and given warnings that were drowned out by the contention that flooded the square.

    More tiny objects were thrown at the barricades, hurtling past the carriages caught in the crossfire and narrowly hitting the panicking guild members crouched by the railing. An unmoving Charizard, however, didn't acknowledge the situation as he lay on his back, arms crossed behind his back.

    "Sheesh. It's like you kids never seen a protest before," the orange dragon grumbled, his eyes closed. "Make sure those rocks don't get in here!"

    "P-protest?!" Rockruff yipped. "Are you sure?! 'Cause this looks like a- AH!" The Rock-type ducked before a stone could pelt his face. "Like a riot right now!"

    Monferno sneered at the crowd. "Hate to say it, but I agree with Rockruff! These bozos must think we're Council guards with their lousy aim!"

    Recognizing the threat of danger to the traveling guild, the Mudsdale' sped up their efforts to wade through the ever growing crowd of dissenters. Finding an opening in the row of connected barricades, the carriages were safely escorted into the less chaotic streets of Sanctus Town. Feeling safe enough to peek their heads out from cover, everyone seemed to take in a deep sigh of relief after escaping the clutches of the crowd.

    Liam would utilize this opportunity to observe the town's natural beauty with rekindled excitement.

    The oasis of greenery in forms of shrubs, cacti, and tall, swaying palm trees meshed well with the red and brown ceramic structures. Water wells, pots, and other forged containers littered the entrances to homes and stands, along with multi-colored paper streamers that were strung along from home to home - a Celestic staple.

    While the sandy and rural desert town was a welcome sight from the Meadow Region's endless grasslands, Liam's internal excitement of the new environment and expedition was dampened by the display he was currently seeing.

    Any stand that wasn't closed or packing up its supplies to leave held a massive line of Pokemon both young and old, advertising their meager supply of clean water above all. Many homes they passed seemed abandoned, if not run down completely by lack of care. The Pokemon that weren't shopping for essentials wandered the streets, lacking any expression of optimism that Pokemon in other cities seemed to exude.

    Liam scowled - it all looked ugly to him now - that such a pretty place could be defaced by scarcity and crooked actions. He propped his less than enthusiastic face on his elbow, viewing the miserable town with an altered perception of it as the carriages rolled past.

    He wanted to be excited about the expedition, about the new sights, but the situation currently unfolding seemed much more pressing.

    After a few minutes of riding through the suburbs and market districts of the town, the Mudsdale carriages pulled into a road that led them to a rather large building wedged between two homes. Its old and worn wooden material stuck out from the rest, a fancy pictured sign that read 'Grit Ruin Excavators', with the eye popping image of digging Drilburs and Gurdurr catching all of their attention.

    While it didn't scream grand or imposing, Liam knew there had to be experts in there if the Guildmaster needed their help.

    Grinding their hooves into a halt, the Mudsdale came to a stop as all of the guild clambered out of the carriage, discussion ablaze about what occurred at the town square. As their Guildmaster spoke with the pack of Ground-types, each member would inevitably group up near the building's entrance fraught with anger or confusion, channeling it all towards a weary Scizor.

    "What the hell was that, Scizor?!" Monferno yelled, rubbing his sore neck. "We enter through an active protest and end up getting pelted with rocks?! We shouldn't even be here!"

    Verbal agreement with his comments followed most guild members, who began to speak up.

    Scizor bit his tongue, "I underst-"

    "Me and J-joltik barely had enough time to p-prepare!" Staravia squawked with a flap of his frantic wings. "We didn't even get a week after the announcement before w-we were packing!"

    "Yeah!" Rockruff yipped, emerging through the crowd to stand center stage. "We weren't even told what teams we'd be in, and who would be the leaders of them!"

    "Can we please calm down?" Gloria squeaked out, ears laid flat against her head.

    Her words would fall on deaf ears, however, as the outbursts grew in volume. Scizor would throw Charizard a look, who only shrugged.

    "Calm down?!" Shaymin roared from the back, hovering into the front with her wings and driving a paw into the Bug-type's chest. "Answer a question, mate! This whole region's in a crisis and we're supposed to play ruin hunters while it's all goin' down?" Leafeon would inevitably shuffle forward to snatch her away from Scizor.

    "It… does seem inadequately timed," Braixen chimed in. "Maybe we should return another time?"

    The thought of retreading their steps through another carriage ride in the heat sent another shockwave of aggravation. Scizor had to put an end to this uproar himself.


    All attention was reverted back to Scizor after his unexpected shout. Upon realizing all eyes were on him again, he coughed nervously into his pincer and spoke.

    "I… understand why tempers are flailing at what just happened and the setup for the expedition," Scizor established, taking a deep breath. "But I only know as much as you about the logistics of this expedition. The Guildmaster wished to embark upon this expedition as soon as we got back from Celestial Mountain."

    Liam frowned at his statement. 'The Guildmaster said the Council wouldn't understand the guild's efforts, and that time is of the essence to prove the threat of the ley lines. But… why does he think there's little time left?'

    The Lucario was a very thorough but vague Pokemon, and getting any straight answer from him seemed impossible. Things only felt clear atop Celestial Mountain, where he began to understand him and his actions, but this time he had no choice but to believe in the Guildmaster.

    'Now that you know who I am…'

    Liam scowled at the invading gruff voice in his mind, attempting to focus on the words of a speaking Scizor again.

    "Now, I'm sure you have questions, but I assure you the Guildmaster will answer them all after our meeting with the Grit Ruin Excavators is finished."

    The Bug-type's conclusion was aptly timed, as the Shiny Lucario finished his discussion with the Mudsdale and joined up with the group, replacing Scizor's position and clearing his throat to address everyone.

    "As Scizor has claimed, I will answer all questions and concerns about the expedition after my short meeting has concluded. Please stay in this courtyard until I return. Is this acceptable?"

    His resolution seemed to win over the majority of the grumbling guild, besides a still seething Shaymin.

    "Good." He turned his back on them, walking up to the building's entrance. "I promise you all that everything will be a lot more clear."

    Before the Lucario could even finish his ascent up the stairs to the main entrance, the double doors blew wide open as three familiar Pokémon exited - Team Drarosteel. Garchomp immediately locked eyes with Jackson, a hint of worry mixed in with her usual confidence.

    "We have a big problem," she grumbled.

    "Aye, you can say that much! It could jeopardize the mission!" Aggron added from her side, getting a nod from a silent Tyranitar.

    "Outside or inside?" Jackson asked.

    "Outside," Garchomp replied with a slight growl. "I think we should get out of the region for now and-"

    "Is he there?"

    "Yeah, but-"

    She never got to finish as Jackson brushed past the team and entered the building, shutting the doors behind him.

    Aggron scoffed, "That lad must be in a hurry…"

    Garchomp silently grinded her sharp teeth together, but let go of her frustration as her spotted the gathering of guild members near the doorways. To say some were shocked at their arrival would be an understatement.

    Rockruff bounded from the crowd in typical fashion. "You guys are here?! That's so cool!"

    Garchomp flashed a grin, stomping down the steps. "Well, we promised a certain someone we'd be here." Her gaze swept over to Scizor. "Though, it's a shame that we might have to call it quits on the expedition."

    Disbelief ran rampant through the guild members, some relieved while others confused or angry. Despite what happened already, Liam did not want to see an end to the expedition, especially if things were as serious as the Guildmaster claimed.

    Scizor approached the dragon, happy yet alarmed. "It's always a pleasure to see your team, Garchomp. But… I must ask why you say such a thing?"

    Roark crossed his arms. "Lemme guess, another group of tribals trying to keep us from investigating?"

    Garchomp managed a smirk, but immediately wiped it away. "Tch. I wish. It's worse than any tribe or roving bandits - mercenaries."

    Jackson locked the double doors behind him, turning around to face the interior of the old structure. While he told himself to make with haste, he stood still for a moment with a faint smile, letting the nostalgia of a forgotten past wash over him. Just as he remembered it all these years back, before Team Moonlight was world famous, before the guild was created, and before his team realized the gravity of their situation.

    He was young and lost, but excited to explore and discover, blissfully unaware of any truth or past.

    It was hectic here before; Pokemon buzzing around their team in excitement of digging up more ruins and strange trinkets from a lost age. But now it felt quiet and felt deserted now, leaving the Lucario much room to think about all that lost time from the past and the present.

    The creaky wooden floors called to him as he marched inward, absently gazing at all the digging and mining equipment strewn along the walls, as well as the many oddities and strange artifacts that were found buried in the vast dunes. Even Entercards were laid out on tables and shelves. But his eyes did linger on the large amounts of mapped out areas of the Grit Region, most undoubtedly the location of Mystery Dungeons across the region.

    It took just one dive into the earth to trigger that drive of mystery and intrigue into the excavating team, and the rest was history.

    It didn't take long for Jackson to find the Pokémon he sought for pacing by his lonesome at the end of the room, the familiar suit of equipment wrapped around the muddy mole's side, accented by a formal tie that clashed with his dust ridden setup.


    The Ground-type halted his strained thinking to stare at the Pokémon who invited himself in. The more he stared, the longer the stretched out smile on his face grew.

    "Now, is that Jack payin' me a visit?!" the Ground-type bellowed out in a drawl, quickly removing the distance between the Lucario and throwing his arm around the stiffened Pokemon's back. "I knew your big oie heart would come around in the end! Don't worry, it's just me and you and me in here, as the rest of my crew are in their quarters."

    The exchange was reluctantly accepted by the Lucario.

    "Tell me ya at least invested in getting a woman after all this time!" Excadrill patted his back hard, laughing at the lack of response given. "You're sayin' ya still got no girl at home? C'mon, maybe we can share a story over a bottle of beer like old times, eh?"

    Jackson's face twitched with anger, before settling into expressionless. "Sorry, but I'm not here for any of that. My guild is waiting outside, and I need to know what's stopping this expedition from continuing."

    "Ah, so that-there Garchomp gal and her giant buddies weren't kiddin'..." Excadrill dropped his casualness, backing up and adjusting his tie. "Well, it all started after the protests broke out, and not soon after we dug up this heapin' fortress lookin' structure way out in the sands."

    "... Tell me about this 'fortress'."

    Everyone had gathered around the members of Team Drarosteel to hear Garchomp's account of her interactions with the Excadrill.

    "Apparently, the Grit Ruin Excavators spent months digging up this sandstone fortress buried out in the desert. Must've been hiding in the sand for thousands of years, since some surviving inscriptions tell of Celestic's king and whatnot."

    "Aye, but that's not all they found!" Aggron exclaimed, jabbing Garchomp in the shoulder "Tell 'em, lassie!"

    Garchomp nodded, "While the ruins themself were impressive, an object that seemed to be preserved in the sand resurfaced - a Projection Crystal."

    Jackson and Excadrill walked through the halls of the wooden building, the walls lined with paintings of the eccentric Ground-type posing with various groups of workers at unearthed treasures and ruins. Other paintings showed a different lifestyle, one of Excadrill posing with various mayors and elders from all across Celestic.

    "Lemme tell you, after we found that Projection Crystal near that fortress?" Excadrill whistled, performing a digging motion with his claws. "We dedicated all our efforts into findin' out what their reason was for setting up show below the fortress."

    "And you kept this information from my guild? When you knew this finding concerned information about the ley lines?" Jackson questioned.

    "Well… I did want to keep it a secret for a bit, let my crews have a bit of glory til we invited y'all to see. And trust me, Jack, if I told y'all immediately, the Council would stick their fat noses into our business."

    "They already have after my guild's last expedition."

    Excadrill snorted, "Now, if my attempt at earning that spot in the mayor's office worked out, I'd make sure to never have any of their guards in this town again, ya hear me?"

    "But it's not just the protests and the guards keeping you down, correct?"

    "Shucks, if only it were that easy, Jack. Nah, we managed to hit the jackpot of bad luck and alert a group of, well, I'd guess you'd call 'em mercenaries... of our actions."

    Jackson stopped in his tracks, facing the mole. "What were their names?"

    "They called themselves the Rose Clan."

    Gloria tilted her head, taken aback. "Um, I'm confused? Why would these, uh, mercenaries care about this fortress, anyway?"

    Her sentiments were shared by most of the guild members listening, Roark nodding his head to her words.

    "Yeah, I'm with my sis on this one. What would a bunch of blood thirsty criminals want with some sandcastle?"

    "Maybe there's treasure? Criminals love Poké, right?" Rockruff wondered, before an idea cropped up his mind, his tail wagging. "Ooh! What if there's some super secret ancient weapon made by the Legendaries they're after?!"

    A collective eye roll by most of the group was apparent after his reply.

    Garchomp shrugged, "Excadrill didn't know their exact reasons. But one day a bunch of those mercenaries and their leader barged into this building and demanded that his crew to handover operations of the fortress over to them."

    Opening the doors to a set of rather large quarters, the pair made their way inside to locate the hidden Projection Crystal that Excadrill had hidden away after the arrival of the mercenaries.

    "The, uh, 'leader' of those mercs was some crazy snake lady who insisted she'd be referred to as 'Princess Serperior'," Excadrill explained, walking over to one of his dressers. "Made sure to threaten me and all of my crew present that resisting wasn't an option… Makes my blood boil still thinkin' about it."

    Jackson took this all in, clenching a fist. "So you did it? You relinquished the investigation of this fortress to them?"

    Excadrill slid the dresser out of place, nodding shamefully. "Wasn't like I had a choice in the matter with a knife against my throat, Jack, you understand."

    Tapping his claws against the wall, the Ground-type removed the secret panel of wood guarding the Projection Crystal inside from onlookers. Despite its battered and very worn looking crystalline frame, it was no doubt capable of replicating a memory of the past.

    "... If that crystal plays what I think it will, then we must recover access to the fortress as soon as possible."

    Excadrill scrutinized the Lucario's hardened expression, grabbing the Projection Projection. "Y'know… you never told me what your guild found on Celestial Mountain. That Garchomp lady said it was something big and important to the cause."

    "It is, and what you have might be the other half of the puzzle."

    "... Alrighty then."

    The crystal was then taken out of its enclosed place and handed off to Jackson. Before the Lucario could initiate the sequence of replaying memories, Excadrill halted him with a pair of claws.

    "Before you play it, I need to tell ya the other bad news… and it might just be worse than those mercs."

    "... What."

    Excadrill sighed, "After my crew was kicked out of the fortress, I made an appeal to the Council to fight back against this 'Rose Clan'."


    "They said if I performed any action against the mercs, my business would be forcefully disbanded, my crew and myself potentially getting imprisoned for escalation of the situation." He scowled. "It's downright rotten, and my claws are tied on all fronts, Jack."


    Jackson tightly gripped the Projection Crystal, deep in thought. He had to see what this memory entailed before deciding on an action. Pressing the correct button on the orb, its natural aquatic blue color flushed a shade of purplish-pink as a bubble of pure Psychic-type energy encased the room. Body structures of Pokemon were fabricated in real time, forming the structure of the memory.

    Just seeing the Pokemon in question solidified the judgment Jackson had made in his mind. Now came the hard part of deciding what to do next, and already a risky idea began to form.

    "... So, you're telling us there's nothing we can do?" Monferno raised his arms. "That we're just supposed to go home now?"

    "Can't your outstanding reputation convince the Council to retract this decision?" Braixen added. "The information from this stronghold could be very valuable to us!"

    Charizard laughed from his slumped over resting position. "The Council reversing decisions? Hah! Good luck with that!"

    The rest of the group seemed just as miffed, mostly at the prospect of having a long trip back to the guild just after they arrived.

    Garchomp sighed, "Listen, I'm as upset as you guys, but arguing over this isn't something my team can manage. We are on good terms with the Council, and while this is a setback, I'm sure we can all recover from this." Aggron and Tyranitar silently nodded to this.

    Ending her drawn out summary of events, the dragoness would look towards a conflicted Scizor. She would offer him a comforting smile and a nod, to which he accepted and also returned.

    "... Thank you, Garchomp," Scizor finally said, bowing his head. "This… This is very disappointing to hear. I… would like to apologize to everyone here for the outcome of this expedition. Once the Guildmaster returns, we will tell him of our and Team Drarosteel's departure."

    Liam was frustrated beyond relief, to think that the expedition was going to be canceled just like that. Everything that they had been building up to since the trip to Celestial Mountain was now going to be robbed by this 'Rose Clan' and the Council's safeguard. He hated this plan of leaving, and was ready to voice his displeasure, but was stopped from doing so when the double doors leading into the building opened.

    Jackson stood in the doorway, Excadrill right behind him. "Everyone inside! I have a very important announcement to make regarding this expedition!"

    Liam trusted the Guildmaster, knowing the Lucario had an easy solution and wasn't going to bend a knee like he said.

    Jackson quietly paced around the main foyer with his paws behind his back, gazing at all the Pokemon present. All the attending members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild and Team Drarosteel were on one side of the room, while Excadrill was on the opposite side, staring at the Lucario with an unsure look plastered on his face.

    There was no avoiding this ultimatum.

    Jackson stopped in the middle of the room, clearing his throat. "Attention! I have already spoken to Excadrill's workers, and they have been made clear of the situation, with the majority agreeing to it."

    A few turning heads on the guild's side came after his claim, but Jackson continued.

    "I'm sure all of you are well aware of the predicament we are in now through Garchomp's account. And I am sure all of you think or believe that we should stop the expedition and return back to the guild." He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "... That is not going to happen."

    Now everyone was confused.

    Garchomp grit her teeth, intending to interrupt, only for the paw of Jackson to stop her.

    "Before any of you say anything, please view the Projection Crystal that Excadrill and his crew uncovered near the fortress." Walking over to pick up the crystalline orb perched against the walls, Jackson held it up for everyone to see. "Watch… and you will see why this is my decision."

    The indentation in the sphere was pressed.

    "Okay! Logging our data with entry number one; our arrival."

    A fuchsia colored paw let go of the Projection Crystal's memory collecting indentation, the orb now recording and safely tucked between the small chest of its floating Psychic-type user. She stared ahead at the massive castle forged out of sandstone and the monarchies muster of strength - Regi Castle.

    Due to a mysterious illness sweeping through the region, and the war against the Ember Continent putting a strain on soldiers and resources, the king of Celestic offered her team this castle for research. It was even said to contain a vast underground labyrinth beneath it, and was close enough to the magnagate that appeared in the region; it was perfect for their next station.


    The voice of a stern Dialga caused Mew to whip around, holding the Projection Crystal close as she scanned the group of Legendaries present and all the supplies they had acquired for the arrival. Crates full of building materials, foodstuffs, and all the Projection Crystals they needed to record research.

    They had to produce results - they just had to.

    "Oh, uh," Mew stuttered out, quickly regaining her composure. "Is everyone prepared to enter? I don't know when we'll leave, not until we figure out a solution or answer!"

    The number of Legendaries that had joined the investigation team had risen exponentially after the discoveries that the Magnagate Investigation Project revealed, along with the tragedy of Victni's demise. Some had noble goals of stopping these 'shadows' from spreading and taking over more land and Pokemon, while others simply cared about protecting their shrines or place of worship.

    Regardless, Mew required any assistance in the investigation.

    Entei stepped forward, "If I may speak for everyone here, then I say we are all ready. After witnessing the horrors of these 'magnagates', there is no reason not to fight back against these intruders."

    Agreement rushed through the Legendaries gathered, putting an earnest smile on Mew's face.

    "Then we shouldn't waste any time! Let's figure out the truth and put an end to all the magnagates!"

    Cries of support reached the Psychic-type's ears as turned around and flew off towards the fort of sand, her team of invigorated Legendaries close behind. She stopped near the gated entrance, where guards wearing armored plates were stationed. Upon noticing her, an armored Flygon flew over and saluted the small Pokemon.

    "Pleasure to see you, ma'am!" she barked. "His highness has cleared out both Regi Castle and its dungeon for your investigation team! Please remember his highness requests all of your research when the work has concluded!"

    Mew nodded, "Thank you, and yes, we will."

    Loyalty to the crown seemed a small price to pay for potentially saving the world.

    With all said and done, the Legendaries walked straight through the castle gates and into the impressively vast interior of the fort. Mew coughed haggardly into a paw as she floated through the halls affiliated with royal red carpeting, only one thought repeating itself in her mind.

    'I hope you're watching, Victini. I'm… I'm doing this all for you.'

    Jackson ended the Projection Crystal's projection, looking around the room to see the stunned faces and quiet discussion of the guild members. Satisfied, he returned the orb to its original location and returned to his speech.

    "As all of you can plainly see, this… is of high interest to our cause."

    Liam felt a thump in his chest - this was it right here - those were the same Legendaries from the Magnagate Investigation Project. The second location was real, and supposedly underneath that very fortress the Grit Ruin Excavators dug up. It seemed all the hard work of finding it was over, but there was always a bigger problem.

    'But now it's under the control of those mercenaries… And the Guildmaster still says he wants to continue the expedition?'

    "This right here is the reason I am not ending this expedition," Jackson reasoned, taking another deep breath. "This right here… is why we are going to take back Regi Castle."

    Silence reigned the room after his finishing comment, many bewildered stares honing in on the Lucario. Garchomp would take a step forward, growling under her breath.

    "Jackson, what are you-"

    A raised paw interrupted her. "I understand many of you are alarmed at this outcome, but this is the only way for us to access the Legendaries' research. I strive to prove the threat of the ley lines to the world. If that means my guild must fight and defy these forces to find the truth, so be it."

    "... You want us to fight against mercenaries?!" Monferno blurted out in astonishment. "No offense, but are you crazy?!"

    "Aye!" Aggron yelled. "That's madness! Suicide, even!"

    "Whatever you do, Jack, I'll be on your side…" Charizard muttered, throwing Scizor an inquisitive look.

    Scizor acknowledged the glance, feeling the urge to speak up in either support or to denounce his superior and friend, but felt the words die in his throat - he couldn't do it, and he didn't know why.

    Jackson paced back and forth. "I am not going to lie to you or sugarcoat anything, fighting them over control is a very risky move, and not something you joined this guild for. Nor have you signed up to go against the Council's wishes in any way. This is why I have come to this ultimatum." He stopped, focusing his attention on the guild again. "If you do not wish to continue with the expedition and assist this guild with its cause, then your status as a member of my guild will be terminated, and you will be sent home to pack your things."

    The uproar was instantaneous.


    "You're s-seriously going to kick us out of the g-guild if we don't choose to fight?"

    "Mreow~ That's completely outrageous!"

    "You can't do this!"

    Liam's aghast gaze found Gloria's as she stared back at in equal horror, the Vulpix seemingly ready to pass out at any moment. He expected the Guildmaster to put up a resistance, but not go to extremes such as these. What were he and her to do in a situation like this?

    Team Requiem was at risk of dissolution, and he knew it.

    "ENOUGH!" Jackson roared, halting any outburst. "... For twenty years my guild has worked endlessly on searching for the truth of the ley lines. I have never stopped at the first sign of trouble, and I have no desire of upholding the Council's illusion of normalcy. This decision is final… It's best for you to decide where you stand, because I am not going anywhere."

    The room fell quiet again, the reality of the situation and their Guildmaster's conditions settling in for many.

    "Now, I understand this is a massive undertaking, so all of you will have one day to decide. Excadrill has opened up this building for you to stay at for the remainder of the expedition." Jackson swept a paw over to the entrance's double doors. "I believe all of you should leave for now, clear your head, then come to a conclusion tomorrow. But if you have already made your decision, then consider this your last day in the Cosmic Quilt Guild."

    Slowly, each member of the guild would walk towards the entrance to leave, some throwing looks of betrayal at the Lucario. Excadrill laughed nervously from his side, jogging over to give his small spiel before everyone left.

    "And for those who do choose to stay, I'll introduce more of myself and my crew tomorrow! You'll get some teachin about Entercards! And uh, make, uh, sure to steer clear of the protests, hah!"

    Little acknowledged his comments as all of the guild exited the building. Excadrill straightened his messy tie and swallowed the lump in his throat, turning to face Jackson.

    "... Well, I guess we should go over our course of action against the mercs, right?"

    Getting only a nod, the mole shuffled into the halls, leaving behind Scizor, Jackson, and the rest of Team Drarosteel with its infuriated leader. Jackson marched after the Ground-type, satisfied with the results of his ultimatum. But he would never enter the halls, however, as a certain dragoness sprinted after him and placed herself directly in front of the Lucario, eyes ablaze with rage.

    "What do you think you're doing?!" she harshly whispered. "You're going to risk losing all of the guild and forcing them to fight against a group of highly trained mercenaries? Have you lost it?!"

    Her vitriol was backed up by her teammates as they closed in on her.

    "Aye! What you're doing is overstepping the boundaries your guild has!" Aggron yelled.

    "And even risking our team and the guild being viewed as criminals and traitors to the Council," a silent Tyranitar spoke.

    Garchomp continued, "I tolerated your strange actions on the Celestial Mountain expedition, but there are Pokemon out there that have dedicated their lives to helping the cause, and you're going to kick them out if they don't assist you with this… war against this Rose Clan?!" She threw a look at Scizor, who was deathly silent. "Scizor! Back me up on this!"

    The Bug-type in question froze up, saying nothing in response as his gaze reached the floor. He felt too conflicted on that matter to commit, his submission evident to the Pokemon around him.

    Jackson observed Scizor briefly, before stepping up to Garchomp and glaring intensely at her. "Listen… very closely. I have led Team Moonlight and my guild to success for countless years. Do not question my authority when your team has done nothing but frolic in the spotlight it has been given."

    Garchomp glared right back. "You think this is about prestige? This is about-"

    "Doing the right thing for the greater good," he finished. "You talk about the world not stopping for anyone, and how you see things in Pokemon that will lead them to success. So why don't you take your own advice and see your team change for the better, instead of being Celestic and the Council's lapdog. You have become complacent in your success, and if you do not wish to assist my guild, then consider this partnership over for good."

    A forceful paw hitting Garchomp's chest caused her to stumble and step aside as Jackson marched past, walking into the halls and disappearing into Excadrills quarters. The group stood silent for a moment, until the forlorn looking dragoness spoke.

    "... Scizor, what happened to him?"

    "I… I don't know." He placed a pincer against the pounding heart in his chest. "I want to trust him - that he knows where to guide this guild. I really, really do, Garchomp."

    Aggron shook his head. "What he's suggesting is getting the guild involved in a matter between a bunch of criminals and the Council! Madness, plain and simple!"

    "You need to stop him," Garchomp countered, stomping over to the Bug-type. "I know you both are under lots of stress, but his rationality has clearly suffered over the years. This isn't the right way, Scizor."

    "I… I can't just tell him to step down, Garchomp. He would never accept it - Charizard wouldn't - and I don't know if I can accept it to end like that."

    She frowned, backing up. "Scizor… I learned about the ley lines because of you. I started to care about the truth of this world because of you. You are very capable of leading the guild to success. And I believe the Pokemon out there can put their faith into you as a leader."

    "You say that… but I can't imagine the guild living without Jackson in charge."

    Garchomp turned away with a sigh, not having enough energy to try and change his mind at the moment. She was far too frustrated to even consider taking up the proposed ultimatum, and only wondered what happened to change the shy, calm, but happy Lucario into such a ruthless leader. Only the statements that he made about her seemed to appear in her mind.

    Complacent. Doing the right thing.

    "My team will wait here 'til tomorrow, then we'll decide what to do."

    Gloria sat on a stone staircase near the Grit Ruin Excavator's base of operations, absently playing with her scarf and saddlebag to distract herself from her thoughts. She was in a town that was actively protesting its rulers, and in a guild that was expecting her to fight against forces of very trained and very real Pokemon.

    Roark would tell her she's between a rock and a hard place.


    She nearly jumped out of her fur hearing the voice of Liam. The Riolu chuckled a bit at her actions, sitting down next to her.

    "... Hey," she eventually responded.

    They sat in silence together, viewing the desert town baked in sunlight, heat, and social tension. It wasn't until Liam suddenly hugged the Vulpix that this spell was broken, producing a squeak and a faint blush on Gloria's cheeks as she melted into the embrace, her plume of tails beginning to wag. The hug would endure for a brief moment before the Riolu broke away.

    "Why, um, why'd you do that?" she sputtered.

    "You looked like you needed a hug."

    "Thanks… I guess I did."

    Liam took a deep breath, pulling his knees up to his chest. "So… what are you gonna do?"

    Gloria took a while to answer, pulling at her scarf. "I've… I've always read stories about heroes who save the world and all sorts of Pokemon and stuff. They always followed the laws and didn't oppose the rulers or fought dirty. But… they always believed in one thing."

    "And what's that?"

    "They always believed in doing the right thing." She shuffled her forelimbs together. "... Are we really doing the right thing if we fight those mercenaries?"

    Liam bit his tongue. Of course he wanted to fight back, find the truth of the ley lines, and save this beautiful world from annihilation. But could they just do that without provoking another group and risking the wrath of the Council? He didn't want the expedition or his adventuring with the guild to end - it just couldn't.

    Gloria inhaled, fighting back her fears. "Well, I've made my choice… I'm staying."

    "You're staying?" This truly caught Liam off guard, but maybe it stayed true to the Vulpix's character. "... So you think the Guildmaster is doing the right thing?"

    "I, um... I remember when he told us about his home village and I... " She touched her Never-Melt-Ice necklace, holding it close. "I know how traumatizing that must've been, how it feels to lose the Pokemon you love in an instant. I promised to follow my dreams and become a hero, so… if this is my test to see if I can become one, then I'm taking that chance."

    Liam went back to sightseeing, finding himself agreeing with much of what she had said, even if she didn't know it yet. One way or another, he had lost his mother, and had lost June, the sister of his that never was. It's hurt him ever since that day he found out, along with being separated from his father.

    Even without remembering much or anything about them, the pain of losing them stung hard.

    She nudged him, "Um, what about you? Are you willing to do this?"

    "... You're my partner and best friend, Gloria. Wherever you go or do, I want to be a part of it," he finished, flashing a smile. "I trust the Guildmaster has a plan for us to succeed."

    She gave a smile of her own. "I'm glad you said that…"

    They had started this together, and they weren't going to end it just like this.


    Both of their ears perked up at the familiar suave voice of their Zoroark friend and brother. Roark sauntered over, latching his claws on their backs as he kneeled, wearing a smirk.


    They obliged, allowing the ruse fox to slide his way into the middle of them. He kept his arms around their backs, bringing them closer.

    "So… what's the consensus, gang?" he asked. "Think this guild is worthy of our greatness, or has the old 'mon in charge gone crazy?"

    "We're staying," Gloria said confidently. "I made promises, and I'm going to keep them and stick with the guild to achieve them."

    "Yeah!" Liam shouted, raising a paw. "I still want to explore all of Celestic with the guild! This doesn't change it."

    Roark grinned, bowing his head. "Well, can't speak for the rest of the guild members are doing, but whatever my little sister and her sidekick wants, I'm all for it." His words earned a giggle from Gloria and a glare from Liam. "But trust me, this isn't gonna be easy from here on out. We're talking about Pokemon who'll fight tooth and nail to keep their job."

    That part was very true and worrying to the pair. Their only encounters with fighting Pokemon outside of dungeons were the Magmortar and Golisopod that ambushed them. They had only won or survived those dances with death out of sheer luck or wit. It was much different than fighting a dungeon Pokemon.

    Could they even do it? Would the rest of the guild be willing to do it? It seemed only time could test these questions.

    Gloria sighed, "As long as we are not forced to… 'kill'," she said the last word very cautiously. "Or torture any Pokemon, then I am willing to fight for doing the right thing."

    Roark patted her on the back. "That's my girl!" He then tapped Liam's shoulder. "What about you? Ready to knock some mercs down a peg and get 'em arrested?"

    Liam scoffed, nodding. "We have no choice, do we? It's fight… or go home."

    This was their ultimate test as loyal members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild. To fight for a world free of Mystery Dungeons meant commitment to doing the right thing.

    Roark suddenly stood up, messing with the tuft of fur atop Gloria's head. "Say, how about we lighten the mood and get some grub?" He looked down at the Vulpix fixing her head fur. "I saw a little Pokepuff stand on our way into town; you interested?"

    Gloria's sweet tooth quickly took over. "Sure! Do you want to come, Liam?"

    "I'm good."

    He didn't have the will to tell her he hated Pokepuffs with a passion.

    "More for us then," Roark said with a shrug, ushering Gloria down the stairs and into cobblestone streets, only stopping once to yell. "Catch ya later, kid!"

    Liam watched them disappear, too deep in thought to recognize the pitter patter of footsteps behind him.

    "Have you made a decision yet?"

    The Riolu turned to see the Shiny Lucario right behind him, expecting an answer from him.

    "... We're staying."

    Jackson smiled slightly, "Good." He crouched down next to Liam. "I know today was shocking, but it's the only way to secure what is rightfully ours."

    "Even if it's the right thing to do… will the Council understand our intentions? We're trying to better the world!"

    Jackson stared at the Riolu for a while, letting out a ragged sigh. "... I used to know this girl at this orphanage I ended up in at a young age."

    Liam slowly turned to face the Lucario, ears at the ready to hear his story.

    "She was, uh, what you would call a 'wallflower'," he explained. "Always spent her time away from the other children just… drawing and stuff. Now me - I wasn't exactly the friendliest kid there, but one way or another, I ended up becoming friends with her."

    Jackson scratched his chin with a paw. "We talked about a lot of stuff; our likes, our dislikes… our parents - standard kid stuff. But one day, she expressed how she wanted to have some actual buckets of paint to use instead of just pencils and pens. And well, to impress her, I wanted to go out and get that stuff for her."

    "Did you?" Liam questioned.

    "I remember getting out of my bed that night and escaping from the orphanage to visit some paint and supply shop just a block away."

    "So you bought her the paint?"

    Jackson blinked, "... It's fuzzy to me, but I know I didn't have money at the time. I remember just standing by the entrance and contemplating what to do since the shop was closed. And then… I just did it."

    "Did what?"

    "I broke in; used a large rock to smash the windows and stole all the paint I could carry back to the orphanage." He held a paw to the heart in his chest. "I remember feeling exhilarated at what I did, and how happy the look on her face was when I gave it to her. I didn't know it at that time, but she would become my everything in life."

    "... What happened to that girl?"

    "That girl became my wife," he finished, the orange band on his paw blinking.


    "... While what I did was not right by society's measure, I felt as if I did the right thing to make her and myself happy." Jackson took Liam's paws, holding them like he did last time. "Regardless if the Council agrees with our actions, our goal is to eliminate the ley lines and stop the spread of the Mystery Dungeon at all costs."

    "I understand, Guildmaster," Liam said, locking eyes with the Lucario. "I'm not going to pretend things are fine; they're not."

    Jackson gripped his paws tight. "Only we understand each other, Liam. Family will always be the most important thing in life. Never forget that."

    Liam removed his paws from the exchange, feeling invigorated by the Lucario's tale from his past. He looked out to the town again - the world was a beautiful place plagued by ugliness from its depths and even the laws that governed it. But even past his joys and thrills of adventure and exploration, in his heart of hearts, he had a deep desire to reconnect with his family.

    'Mom, dad, June…'

    He was done pretending things were fine. Something had gone wrong, and something had to be fixed if he was to ever see what remained of his family again.

    'I will find out the truth of this world, and my past. I have to.'

    Yet again, the gruff voice that haunted his mind echoed once again.

    'What were you before all of this… happened?'


    Bodies and the butts of rifles clashed amidst the chaos that was occurring at the Sanctus Town square. Kept behind barricades and occasionally pelted by small rocks and verbal shouts, the ensemble of Council guards once set to deal with the outcropping of bandits were now seemingly held hostage by the protestors.

    More and more guards seemed to arrive by each day in an attempt to quell the unrest. By extension, more and more protesting natives arrived at the square to show their disdain for the Council's action. To any onlookers of this chaotic spectacle, it seemed like an Electrode ready to explode into full scale violence.

    Just a few paces away from the ensuing action, a pair of Pokémon would watch with much amusement - a Weavile and a Bisharp.

    "Enjoying the view, Weav's?"

    "Seeing the Council get what they deserve? All smiles here, Bishy."

    Growing bored, they went back to blending in with the Pokémon wandering the streets. Finding a familiar alleyway to slink into, they would walk in the shadows that they were so comfortable in.

    "So what's our next option if scouting doesn't return any clues?" Bisharp whispered.

    "Submit to the snake and admit she's the 'Queen of the Mercenaries'?" she mocked, rolling her eyes and scouring the alley's for their building.

    "If she's not, then who is?" he asked with a grin.

    Weavile found the doorway, removing the sheet that hid it from any passerby's. "Is there any better candidate than I?"

    Swinging open the door, the pair entered and witnessed the scene of dozens of hard working Pokémon. Inside a large and decaying storage house, the vast majority of Weavile's clan were hard at work inside. Mercenaries of all types scurried through rooms, scouring over pinned maps of the Grit Regions on the walls, or forming small scouting groups and going over plans of action.

    To see it all playing out before her put a large smile on Weavile's face, her heart swelling. She was nudged out of her trance by Bisharp.

    "New guy looks like he has some news for you."

    Simisear had noticed the duo enter right away, making his way over with haste to lay out his information. "Captains, it's nice to see you!"

    Weavile smirked, "Pleasure to see you all work for your Poke. Now, got any new intel on our flowery friends?"

    The Fire-type nodded, "A few things. A few of our scouts spotted some Rose Clan members handing out rifles and other supplies to those nomad bandits."

    "Tch. Sounds like a classic Serperior, getting other lackeys to fight for her, and against the Council no less."

    Along with the Alignment paying the Rose Clan to keep her clan down, this Buneary hole of criss crossing conflicts sometimes made her head spin with. A conundrum like this had to have a source much simpler at the end - it had to.

    "Anything else?" Bisharp asked, crossing his arms.

    "Well, we did just find out one of the locations they're using to trade rifles and supplies with this group."

    Both Bisharp and Weavile took immediate notice of his words. It was undoubtedly one of the very locations the Alignment would use to trade with the Rose Clan.

    "Does Skarmory know this location?" Weavile wondered in an almost excited tone.

    "Yes, she-"

    "Tell her to wait outside for me and Bishy, got it?"

    "Got it, Captain."

    Simisear jogged off into the swarm of working mercenaries, just as a shout from Electivire came from across the room.

    "CAPTAINS'! You're gonna wanna see this!"

    Bisharp jabbed Weavile in her shoulder with his gauntlet. "You deal with him. I'll be waiting outside with Skarmory."

    "Don't poke me, tinman."

    He shoved her a little with a smirk, exiting the hideout as Weavile traversed the sea of her loyal comrades. Electivire had his back against a storage closet, anticipating her arrival. Despite the noise surrounding them, she could isolate a couple of strange shouts from beyond the door; two to be exact.

    "Got some presents for ya. All wrapped in a nice pink bow, too."

    "Shut it, plughead. Open it already."

    The Electric-type shrugged, taking his back off the door and opening it, giving Weavile the perfect view of inside the closet.

    "Oh, you guys shouldn't have…"

    Inside were two Pokemon, a Machoke and a Toxicroak; their Rose emblemed breastplate indicating they were affiliated with the Rose Clan. Trussed up together with rope and gagged, they stared wide-eyed at Weavile in a mixture of fear and anger.

    "Oh, it's you two again. Quite unfortunate, huh?"

    Electivire chuckled, "Yeah, found these two walking up to some of our scouts without attacking. For some reason, they really wanted that letter they had kept safe."

    Weavile's curiosity got the better of her as she stepped in, spotting the white envelope stuck to the Machoke's breastplate. Snatching it off, a quick scan caused a long drawn out sigh to expel out of her.

    Another letter from Serperior.

    'Might as well rip the bandaid off,' she lamented, beginning to read the green inked transcription.

    'Dear 'Queen of the Mercenaries'

    Hello, darling! I wish I could see the pouty expression on your horrid little face right now! Why, you might ask? That is because my wonderful and gallant knights of the Rose Clan have already seen your wretched little misfits spying on us from the dunes!

    I know your puny little brain cannot comprehend how, so I'll tell you-'​

    Weavile tore the paper to shreds, snorting. "Guess that's the end of our pitiful cover…"

    "So, uh… What are we doing with these two now? Should we…?" He made a slicing motion across his throat.

    Weavile looked at him and then the now panicking pair of mercenaries. After what appeared to be a battle of decisions in her mind, she eventually sighed, slamming the door closed on them.

    "See if they know anything else. If not, just toss 'em back where you captured them." She strode away, sending one last look back. "You're in charge while we're gone! Make sure everyone's scouting locations!"

    "You got it, Captain!"

    Emerging into the alleyway again, she covered up the doorway before making her way over to Bisharp and the expected presence of Skarmory. She found them near the streets, lurking in the shadows.

    "Let's go this show on the road," she requested

    Bisharp acknowledged and hopped onto the Steel-type's back. "You're pretty eager today, aren't you?"

    Weavile hopped on right behind him. "We've got a perfect smokescreen and distraction set up with those protests. I'd rather we act fast and scout our targets before we hit 'em."

    "Smart. I like that in you."

    "Don't get your hopes up, tinman," she replied with a smirk, tapping Skarmory's side. "Alright, get us airborne and to that trading site!"

    "You got it, Cap'n!"

    Using barely any strength, Skarmory took to the skies in one beat of her metallic wings. The trio zoomed past Sanctus Town and flew above the appropriately titled 'badlands' of endless sand and rocky plateaus that formed the Grit Region. With the gleaming sun on their backs, and the wind rippling through them, the pair could only wonder what awaited them here.

    After only a brief few minutes of flight, Skarmory began to run circles around the hazy view of a few buildings below - this was the location.

    "Nobody is here it seems!" the bird yelled. "I'm takin' ya down now!"

    Adjusting her altitude for a divebomb, Skarmory dove towards the earth at alarming speeds. Nearing close to the sandy ground, she dropped her talons and skidded across the heated terrain into a perfect stop. Bisharp and Weavile would hop off not long after her landing.

    "You stay here 'til we come back from investigating," Weavile commanded. "And make sure to hide yourself in case anyone comes."

    "You got it, Cap'n!"

    Bisharp took a step forward to survey the land. "Looks like some abandoned mining town from long ago…"

    Decrepit houses, saloons, and even a partially remaining cathedral of a smaller size was built near the sides of a dusty trail. There was no Pokemon in sight, and none appeared to inhabit the ghostly shacks, but they were well aware of the truth.

    Bisharp observed the faded road. "Carriage tracks are here. Fairly new, too…"

    Weavile pointed at something out of view near the cathedral's remains "Look. The carriages are probably over there. Bet they're clumsy and left us something to track them with."

    "Good thinking."

    Sneaking through the deserted town, they neared the back of the cathedral, identifying multiple sets of new carriages, ropes that used to hold cargo now slashed off.

    Weavile frowned, "Well, there's our confirmation that-"

    A loud burst of noise resounding behind them made their heads snap back in shock, witnessing golden arcs of energy erupting from the ground itself as a strange card-like device expanded into their reality. Two arguing figures shrouded by this orange light became very apparent to the pair as they took their first steps; saddlebags around their hips, and armbands visible on their limbs.

    A Gallade and a Heliolisk.

    "It's stupid!"

    "Listen to me, Heliolisk,"

    Heliolisk stormed off, entering the dilapidated church in his anger and frustration. Gallade marched after him, forgetting to gather their Entercard and unaware of the forces lurking behind them. Rays of light showering down from the crumbling ceiling smoothed the vast and empty floors of the once religious grounds.

    "We have no choice in the matter!" Gallade argued, stepping closer. "Our meeting with the Council just now proved that we must take action against the Rose Clan… And it's the honorable thing to do for us to mend ties with this government - the Allfather wills it."

    The Electric-type threw his arms up. "The Allfather wished for us to work with those mercs! He said they understood our cause! Right after he says this? They betray our trust and try to steal what's rightfully ours." He tightened his paws. "The Allfather is making a fool out of us."

    Gallade took another step, his expression stern and resolute. "Heliolisk. Do not disrespect the Allfather... for you know what happens to those that do. He is chosen by the Allmother herself to guide us through this journey."

    "I trust and follow every word of what the Allmother speaks to him… but I do not trust the Allfather to lead us," Heliolisk admitted, stiffening up.

    They stared in silence, not uttering another word. However, two figures closing in behind a still Gallade would force Heliolisk to yell in surprise.


    The Psychic-type whipped his head around and pivoted to the left in the nick of time, dodging the Night Slash that Weavile had lunged at him with. She flashed him a wicked grin as she bounded away with her impressive agility, taunting away at the pair.

    "Allfather this, Allmother that. Shut up already, wontcha?!"

    Gallade leapt back and adopted a fighting stance, his arms flashing with pink psychic energy as he unleashed multiple Psycho Cuts at his attacker. It was relentless, and Weaviler found it difficult to avoid getting hit herself, scurrying across the floor to avoid getting hit by each slice of energy.

    Meanwhile, Bisharp sped off to the sides, keen on flanking a panicking Heliolisk. He would close in on his foe, who had done little to prepare himself for battle. Heliolisk would make an attempt to summon coils of electricity through his opened neck collar, but a meaty punch into his stomach caused him to kneel over in pain and stop his attack.

    Realizing the situation was dire, Gallade tensed up and stood his ground. He then slid down the armband on his right arm, revealing a metallic gold ring - a Key Stone firmly placed in its middle. The ring began to vibrate and spark, pulsating an aura of raw power and energy as a purplish sphere encased Gallade.

    'Mega Evolution?!' Weavile cursed in her mind. 'There's no way we'll-'


    The Psychic-type was ripped from his transformation as he witnessed the dilemma his partner was now in. Heliolisk shook in place as Bisharp's bladed gauntlet was inches from his throat, the Steel-type glaring at Gallade in a clear threatening manner.

    Gallade slowly lowered his arm, backing off. "Please… let my friend go."

    "... Hah, good one, Bishy!" Weavile sauntered up to the defeated pair. "Well, good to know you freaks still consider friendship a thing… Take off the Mega Ring and slide it over."

    Gallade glowered at her, reluctantly doing as requested. "... I know you, Weavile and Bisharp. You're the captains of that mercenary clan that attacked the Eden Theater. The ones attempting to sully our name."

    Weavile smiled, "And I know you two as valuable targets that could provide a whole bunch of juicy intel… as long as I don't have to kill you myself that is."

    The Ice-type was jumping for joy in her mind. These Pokemon were the same ones her anonymous and mysterious client desired to capture, and the same ones who met up with the Rose Clan in Elysium City.

    Bisharp intervened, excitement disguised by his voice. "Don't listen to Weav's. She's just got a chip on her shoulder. We want you two alive, but you must cooperate with us." He brought his gauntlet closer to Heliolisk's throat, producing a gasp of fear out of the Pokemon. "You tell us what we want to know, and your partner lives."

    Gallade stiffened, his inner sense of honor forbidding him to work with the enemy. But there seemed no other option with his friend's life on the line. He could only hope he'd be forgiven if he was to ever return home.

    "... I will only tell you information that would keep me and Heliolisk alive upon our return."

    Weavile sighed, "We'll play getting to know each other in a bit. What I want to know right now is what happened with that meeting with the Council?" She smirked knowingly.

    Gallade locked eyes with the fearful Heliolisk, getting a shaky nod of his head a moment of silence later. He would have to tell.

    "Okay… I'll tell you from the beginning."

    It was now or never. They were expecting them by now.

    Gallade and Heliolisk stood outside the Council's main building of operations. For a grand structure not from their home, it was quite impressive, only serving to intimidate them further. Inwardly, they prayed to the Allmother for strength and nerve for this prospect.

    "... I suggest we get inside," Gallade said with a hint of apprehension, striding up the large stone staircase.

    Heliolisk followed close behind, unsure. "Do you think the Allfather made the right decision appointing us to this ambassador role? We're no Simisage!"

    "I know, but we've done this once before. We can do this again, trust me."

    Walking into the entrance, a retinue of Celestic's finest guard units were blocking their passage further in. Adorned with leather coats stained the colors of a setting sun, and pristine rifles tipped with pointed bayonets, they searched through their saddlebags like last time. Once the safety procedure was finished, one silent guard would lead them down the wide halls and staircases.

    As if combining a palace of luxurious golden carpets, paintings, and expensive decor with the pressuring atmosphere of an office, that was the feeling Gallade and Heliolisk shared during their long and nerve wracking walk to this meeting. Eventually reaching the end of the building's main hallway, the guard leading them flipped around and finally spoke.

    "The Council is in a meeting, but I have orders to let you in nevertheless."

    Whirling around again, the guard unlocked the double doors leading into the main conference room and stepped back, letting them walk in and witness the heated discussion taking place.

    "-It's absurd! This is an uproar against Celestic's very own values!"

    "Calm yourself, Elder Kommo-o!"

    The chamber itself was rather modest, with just a large black stained wooden oval table that took up most of the room, and a large window overlooking the scope of Elysium City. At least a dozen Pokemon of various sizes were crowded around the table, bickering away endlessly it seemed to the pair.

    But the majority of the mayor's and village elders were of no interest to them, except the few who knew who they were and what they were here for.

    Primarina rested her head on a flipper. "I still believe the best course of action is to increase the number of food and water supplies the Grit Region depends upon."

    A very well aged Kommo-o slammed his paw onto the table. "And where do you suppose we get these supplies, huh?!" he demanded, glaring at the Water-type. "I'm not going to let my kin starve this winter because of a bleeding heart!"

    "Elder Kommo-o!" Empoleon shouted. "Please! We are entertaining any thoughts on the matter; this is not a direct vote." His statement caused the old dragon to grumble under his breath. "Now, I am of the impression that various caravans have been attacked and ransacked by these bandits in the Grit Region, yes?"

    A Lapras from across the table opened her mouth. "That is correct, Mayor Empoleon. While the Frost Region's shipment of timber and Never-Melt-Ice was on time, the ore shipments that were supposed to come, never arrived at the docks. The deal with the Grass Continent… was never finalized."

    A sense of panic began to settle around the table as more leaders from different regions and cities began to voice their concern one after another.

    "This is an utter embarrassment!" Kommo-o roared. "Are we supposed to sit by and allow these thieves and dissenters to rob this continent freely?!"

    Empoleon raised a flipper. "Everyone! We are trying to resolve this situation peacefully, as Primarina has stated! I believe… I…" His speech trailed off as he noticed the two familiar Pokemon standing in the doorway. "I… wish to call a recess right now."

    Primarina sighed, "Thank you, Empoleon. Maybe we can return with much clearer heads."

    "... Yes," he responded coolly, his eyes never leaving Gallade's quite worried ones. "Let us return in half an hour's time. But the Pokemon that should remain are myself, Kommo-o, Carracosta, Manectric, and Pyroar."

    All of the Council members not called to stay gradually left their seats, exiting the conference room and leaving only the remainder named left. These were the Pokemon the pair knew, and by the unpleasant and thoroughly angry look on almost all their faces besides Empoleon, they knew this meeting was not going to be one of gratitude and respect.

    The doors were closed shut, locked by a guard from the outside. Now all alone together, Kommo-o took the time to glare at them both.

    "... The Alignment has much explaining to do about the Rose Clan."

    It's an uproar! A battle in which you choose to fight for a better tomorrow, or to keep living in the suffering of the present…

    Liam Character Art3.png

    Author's Notes: Character art of Liam&Gloria by @cloudnine987 on Twitter!

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Ultimatums And Accords
    Last edited:
    Chapter 22: Ultimatums And Accords
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 22

    Ultimatums And Accords

    The conference room grew stiff and quiet as the two Pokémon standing by the double doors slowly walked further in.

    "Take a seat, please," Empoleon suggested with a flipper. "We have much to discuss, and not much time, I'm afraid."

    Gallade swallowed his apprehension, the advice and encouragement of the Allfather coming back to him. He nudged a nervous Heliolisk and sent him reassurance via a nod. They then sat down as requested, opposite to the Council members that knew very well who they were. They only needed to win over two Pokemon today; Mayor Empoleon, and Kommo-o, High Elder of the dragons in the Mountain Region.

    Kommo-o was the first to speak up, glaring at the pair. "Let us get things straight. Our meeting today is to amend the grave mistakes the Allfather has committed recently."

    Gallade already had an inkling of what they were referring to, the two of them well aware of the alliance gone awry.

    Empoleon frowned, "… Have you heard of the protests in the Grit Region?"

    "Riots," Kommo-o immediately spat. "Our shipment of beneficial supplies to the region was diverted due to an unexpected drought, and now portions of the populace there have decided to revolt!"

    Gallade found it difficult to sympathize with the Council, Heliolisk more so. A world where Pokémon went a day without eating or drinking was far from what they desired of a life. But sadly, they could draw many comparisons back to home. No matter how much a society strived for perfection, it could never be obtained - but that would change.

    Empoleon continued, "While we are working to manage the situation peacefully, these bandits that have been appearing recently have become… a much bigger issue than expected."

    "From attacking our mining caravans to forcing entire villages to assist their foolishness and halt our efforts!" Kommo-o hollered.

    The three other leaders of varying importance began to chime in one by one with their grievances on the matter.

    "This conflict affects all of the regions, including my port's requested shipment of ore!"

    "Ambassadors from all the other continents think we are showing weakness or hesitation!"

    "We cannot have this stain on the Council's reputation! How are we going to tell the public that…"

    Their shouts tapered off after a flipper from Empoleon was raised. "I'm sure these two have heard enough about the conflict, as that is not the real matter of this meeting."

    Gallade bit the bullet. "The Allfather has informed us of the situation, and we fully understand the issue at hand - our dealings with the Rose Clan."

    Through the silence, Heliolisk felt the need to speak up, but Empoleon would beat him to the punch.

    "Am I correct in saying these 'dealings' were shipments of rifles, Entercards, and other supplies? That was the official statement I was personally given, which we… unwillingly accepted to preserve the relationship - our mistake."

    Gallade reluctantly nodded, "... Yes. My partner and I were chosen to conduct meetings in both Elysium and Empyrean City with representatives from the Rose Clan. After we would reach an agreement, the dealings were done in remote parts of the Grit Region. We would often train groups of their Pokemon on how to properly utilize the Entercards under orders," he said almost shamefully.

    "And the Rose Clan provided their efforts in stifling the rise of the Razor Claw clan, along with stopping their leaders from conducting another fiasco like the Eden Theater's premiere, correct?"

    "That was the Allfather's intention of our alliance, yes," Gallade confirmed. "The Razor Claw clan has shown itself to target the Alignment specifically on multiple occasions. To protect our ambassadors from the threat of danger again, and to protect the relationship and interests we have built with Celestic. We… thought this was a preferable way than getting the Council involved."

    There was not a word said as the Council members digested his statement. Gallade could only silently hope the Allfather had given him the right message to send. Heliolisk was gripping the table, mouth twitching in concealed anger.

    Empoleon let loose a sigh, "... Many years ago, I was the first to acknowledge the Alignment's desperate attempts to barter a deal between the Council. Now, the few of us that knew eventually accepted the offer-"

    "Under great scrutiny," Kommo-o interrupted.

    "Under great scrutiny," Empoleon corrected. "And under oath to safeguard the Alignment's homeland and security of its Pokemon, we would be given new technologies, such as rifles, and additionally other forms of information." Pride leaked into his voice. "The Eden Theater was a grand collaboration of our relationship, and a massive leap forward for Celestic and the world."

    Gallade nodded, "We understand, Mayor Empoleon. The Allfather has and will always be grateful of you offering Empyrean City's plot of land to us."

    "It was a pleasure of mine… But right now, you must know that through your dealings with the Rose Clan, you have contributed to the destabilization of the Grit Region and by extension, Celestic."

    Kommo-o leaned across the table, "Those rifles and other supplies you handed off to these mercenaries? A large percentage of it is being funneled into these bandit groups in exchange for assisting them in taking over portions of the region!"

    Empoleon straightened his tie, locking eyes with Gallade. "If the Allfather hasn't already ended the alliance with the Rose Clan, then he must do so immediately if we are to still cooperate with the Alignment. I do not wish to do so, but this situation leaves us with no choice…"

    Four sets of flinty eyes, excluding Empoleon's, would land on the pair. Gallade bowed his head, heart pounding in shared shame of their actions in confirming the transactions with the mercenaries. Neither of them wanted to do it, but orders were orders, and he knew the Allfather only did this to help them find the light at the end.

    Glancing over at his partner, the quiet seething on his face made him bring his head back up. "After our last transaction, all ties were cut between us and the Rose Clan. To be entirely transparent, we warned them of their involvements with the desert nomads and the occupation of buried ruins."

    Empoleon tilted his head at this claim. "Ruins, you say? Just the other day, we were given an inquiry by a group of miners in the Grit Region that a buried fortress they uncovered was forcibly taken over the Rose Clan - Regi Castle… I believe it was once called?"

    Kommo-o harrumphed, "That's not all those scoundrels captured! Legendaries from across the world were enraged to see that a shrine belonging to Landorus was taken over! All of this mayhem stems from the Alignment's actions!"

    Gallade grimaced at the old dragon's claims, knowing that all the blame couldn't be placed on their shoulders. But something else irked him - these ruins the Rose Clan were taking over. If it was anything like the Allfather warned, then it only spelled ruin for everyone.

    Thankfully, Empoleon was there to alleviate Kommo-o's comments.

    "Hopefully these unfortunate events can be put to rest once the protests settle and we are able to negotiate an offer with the bandits."

    "Negotiate?!" Kommo-o sputtered, slamming a fist onto the table. "Why should we mop up their actions?! The Alignment needs to pay for this! We shouldn't-"

    "SHUT UP!"

    The outburst from Heliolisk caught everyone's attention, the Electric-type standing up from his chair to continue his rant.

    "You think we wanted to trade with them?!" Heliolisk yelled. "None of us wanted to do it! But we were ordered to trade with and train those… those devils! None of them cared or respected our cause! And neither do any of you!"

    Gallade lightly kicked Heliolisk under the table, glaring sternly at him in an effort to halt the Pokemon's diatribe. The action would prove futile, however, as more vitriol began to spill from his lips.

    "All of you only care about your profits and reputations!" Heliolisk pointed a claw at an astonished Kommo-o. "If you want to blame someone, then blame the Allfather for starting this to begin with! It's-" He stumbled over his next words, becoming aware of the tirade he just unleashed.

    The Electric-type slowly sat down, bringing his head to greet the table as the others digested his words.

    Gallade was rightfully embarrassed, shifting around in his seat. "I am very sorry about the actions of my partner. If you desire, we will take our leave and…"

    Empoleon waved a flipper, sighing. "That isn't needed, as I believe this meeting is already concluded. While I wish for no bad blood between us, I somewhat agree with Kommo-o that the Alignment must assist us with cleaning this mess - immediately - that is our ultimatum here."

    Gallade nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. "Very well. We will relay this information back to the Allfather." He cast a glance over at Heliolisk, who emanated a mixture of shame and lingering anger.

    "Make sure he gets the message loud and clear," Kommo-o grumbled. "There is already so much on our plate as is!"

    The same could be said for the two partners.

    A knock upon the double doors would steal Empoleon's attention. "... I see that is all the time we have. Our next meeting will have to be scheduled after we solve matters in the Grit Region. We will wait for the Allfather's approach in anticipation."

    Gallade and Heliolisk took this as their exit, standing up and making their way over to the double doors just as it unlocked and opened to a sizable amount of returning leaders. They quietly slinked past, none seeming to notice the leaving Pokemon. Retracing their steps through the grand building, they were searched by the guards one last time before being able to leave with their thoughts intact.

    But they weren't out of the clear just yet.

    The bustling square outside the main hall was chock full of Pokémon and prying eyes - unfit for their Entercard placement. The alleyways would prove more than effective at shrouding their activity time after time. On the downside, it gave them the illusion of being mere criminals that hid in the dark, and stirred unforgettable memories of their childhood experience back home.

    Heliolisk stepped over an assortment of trash in his path, head hanging low as he swallowed his shame. "Sorry… about my outburst there."

    Gallade said nothing as he marched past, an air of irritation trailing him as he went further into the alley.

    "... Hey! I said I was sorry, okay!"

    Gallade whirled around, "Are you? Do you know what you just did? You made a mockery of us back there! Sorry isn't going to cut it when the Allfather hears of this incident."

    The Electric-type's face paled. "You're not seriously going to-"

    "I'm not going to mention your comment about him. Regardless of the shame you may have brought on our name, I am always looking out for you." He sighed, letting go of his frustration. "You just… You just need to understand our position in all of this, okay?"

    Alongside the commander, they were some of the only Pokemon trusted to interact directly with the Allfather - a great honor to Gallade, but a lukewarm offer for Heliolisk. Their loyalty was further tested after Simisage's unprompted retirement as ambassador following the Eden Theater's premiere - an accord was created.

    From conducting deals with the Rose Clan to attending meetings with the Council, it felt like they were being trained to become official advisors or ambassadors, and Gallade was all for it.

    "I'd gladly accept our position if it was the previous Allfather, but all we've been doing is trying to be all buddy-buddy with this government up here, instead of focusing on what's really important," Heliolisk shot back.

    Gallade scoffed, continuing on his way. "It's a lot more complicated than that. The Allfather is making it easy for us to find the path to paradise, and it just so happens to have some detours along the way. We keep chipping away at our goals until we find salvation."

    Heliolisk rolled his eyes at the Pokemon's choice of language. "You've read too many of those mystery novels in the archives." He returned to following. "I've never seen what we're actually looking for, but we know they're out there."

    "Indeed. But it takes time to unearth such mysteries and locations. Be patient, my friend."

    "Tch, sure."

    Entering an even more discreet location amongst the twisting alleyways, the veil of darkness proved suitable for their exit. A quick scan of their immediate surroundings would give them the all clear as Heliolisk dug into his saddlebag and took out a card-like device, tinkering with it. His partner kept watch, making sure no Pokemon could catch a glimpse of them.

    "You agree with some of what I said back there, right? Working with those mercenaries wasn't our fault; it wasn't what we all wanted…"

    Gallade sharply inhaled, "... I never said I agreed with it. But I believe it was a necessary evil to help us destroy an evil - that's what the Allfather told us, remember?"

    Heliolisk shook his head, nodding. "Sure…"

    The Psychic-type would never say it outright to his superiors, but he didn't wish to agree with that sentiment. If the Council was correct, and their actions have led directly to more suffering, then what was the point of this all if it never benefited their goals? What reason did the Allfather have for continuing to support a relationship with the groups above ground?

    Something else that Heliolisk blurted out during his rant against the Council members irked him.

    "Entercard's ready. Maybe we can ask Magearna to make us some grub after we relay this to the Allfather, eh?"

    "Sounds good…" Gallade said, his mind still distracted.

    'Devils' - a word used by passionate Alignment followers or zealots to describe a non believer.

    "And after we left the meeting, we went straight back to deliver the Council's wishes to the Allfather."

    Weavile nodded her head to Gallade's summarization of events, cracking a grin. "Is that so? Ain't any other juicy details you want to give us? I mean, this Council news is big, but I want to know more, like what's this castle thing the Rose Clan took over?"

    "Nothing specific was discussed, and we had nothing to discuss as we left," he said matter-of-factly. "Our meeting was only about dealing with the mercenaries."

    Gallade knew the admission of a few crucial details would possibly throw the two off - it had to.


    After the ambush and swift defeat of the mysterious pair, Gallade and Heliolisk were brought to the decayed church's walls, their saddlebags taken, their limbs bond by tight rope - a useless measure to the average Pokemon, but it wasn't like they would be kept out of the mercenary captains' sight.

    Bisharp emerged from the crumbling doorway. "Skarmory's going back to our little hideout to gather more flyers for transport. Until then, we can continue with our little interrogation."

    Weavile's smirk grew larger, "Excellent. Now…" She raised an eyebrow at the fuming glare Heliolisk was sending her way. "Bishy, you seeing the look this little coward is giving me?"

    "Heh, all bark and no bite on this one, Weav's. Only took one punch to get him to start crying and begging." His stinging words caused Heliolisk's head to droop as Gallade scowled at their attackers.

    "What more do you mercenaries want from us?! A ransom? A bribe?"

    "Information," Weavile said. "We've heard, seen, and spoken to a lot of your ugly kin over the years - me especially - but I think I want to hear it straight from the Ponyta's mouth, y'know?"

    Gallade hadn't the faintest clue of what the crazy Weavile was demanding from them, but neither of them were in any position to deny their questions. He would just have to deny them anything that would assist them in getting what they wanted, whatever it was.

    "First question!" Weavile announced almost eagerly. "What is the Alignment?"

    "... We are a religious organization that believes in betterment, prosperity, and the ideal that all Pokemon should live in a paradise, of which there are no faults or evil witnessed."

    The Ice-type whistled, shooting Bisharp a smirk. "Sounds pretty lofty, eh, Bishy? Out on the beach, sunny sky, drink in claw, nothin' to worry about?"

    "Sounds more like retirement to me, Weav's."

    Weavile returned her gaze back to the tied up Pokemon. "You sure your little group isn't a cult? This whole 'betterment' of Pokemon and 'paradise' sounds like one big scheme to get new followers in my eyes."

    Gallade wiggled around in his bindings, enraged at her false claims. "Your words do nothing but slander our name! Never once have we preyed upon innocents, and only criminals like yourselves have done exactly that at the Eden Theater!"

    "... Oh, I'm sure you haven't," she replied in heavy sarcasm, masking her own anger. "But answer me this; why would a religious organization fund other mercenaries to fight their rivals?"

    Her question left Gallade silent, the Pokemon nearly asking himself the same question. He didn't have a response or counter, and Weavile took that as her smoking gun.

    "Gotcha there, I see. You take the honors of the second question, Bishy."

    The Bisharp would do just that, kneeling in front of the pair. "Who's the Allfather?"

    Gallade was slowly figuring out what they were attempting to do, but he couldn't hold off any answers, not yet.

    "... The Allfather is our leader and chosen prophet by the Allmother. He is the sole Pokemon that guides us to victory and a better tomorrow."

    Weavile rolled her eyes, looking at a slumped over Heliolisk. "You say that, but this runt here said that he didn't trust the Allfather anymore. Got a bit of division in your dinky religion, huh?"

    Gallade said nothing, not wanting to comment on his partner's growing disdain for their beloved leader.

    Bisharp crossed his arms. "Must be if you're so scared of telling us information that'll put you two in the gallows back home. What kind of religion that wishes for peace, sunshine, and all that junk does something like that?"

    Yet another question Gallade could not truthfully answer - it was a reality that pained him greatly.

    "Third question!" Weavile declared. "I've heard different accounts from many of you, but who's this Allmother chick? Is she just the queen to a ki-"

    "Do not disrespect her name!" Heliolisk suddenly spoke up, his shame replaced with anger. "She is our true guidance. Arceus was not the original one - she was! She is all knowing, all powerful, and is a true god that speaks directly to every Allfather, giving them the knowledge to assist us and-"

    "Uhuh, I'm sure she does," Weavile interrupted, scratching her chin. "But forget all of that fake religious mumbo jumbo." Her apathetic expression then morphed into one of seriousness. "I want to know about someone else in your ranks - a commander."

    Gallade and Heliolisk exchanged looks of shock, wondering just how she would know of this safely guarded information. But they understood now that the Weavile knew far more than what she was letting on.

    "Didn't think I'd know about that, did ya?" she said smugly.

    Gallade growled, "You ask us these inane questions when you already know the answers? What is your reason for all of this? You've attacked our brothers and sisters before, then our ambassador, and now this! What is it you're after?!" he demanded.

    Weavile's claws tightened as she looked dead into his eyes. "I'm looking for someone… a commander of yours."

    "Who… and why?"

    She laughed darkly, "That's for me to know, and for your Allfather to deliver to my doorstep - he'll know for sure who I am. As long as he continues to ignore me and hire my rivals to stop me, we'll always be that thorn in his side that won't go away."

    Bisharp stood, back at full height. "Revenge may be what Weav's desires, but I know there's something more sinister at play with your group. Secrets you don't want anyone to know, and an entire continent littered with your actions and footsteps."

    Gallade shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Weavile clenched her claws, glaring hard at him. "Don't even think about bullshiting us here. We know - we know that the Alignment, the Rose Clan, the guild, and everyone else is looking for something. Something so big that it could change Celest- no, the entire world if it was found."

    Bisharp nodded, "We know of the ruins at the Criss-Cross Creek. We know your group was there once looking for something. There's nothing you can hide from us that we won't eventually find..."

    Not another word was said by the pair.

    Weavile took this silence as an opportunity to pick up a card-like object she had confiscated from the outside - an Entercard. She displayed it for them to see, smugness visible on her features as she flicked its metallic frame with a claw. A laugh bubbled out of her as she watched their expressions morph.

    "So secretive that you use these things to travel without a trail, eh? Well, I know these Entercards have exact coordinates that me and Bishy can ride that'll lead straight to where you came from." She threw Bisharp a smile. "Think these coordinates lead back to home? Maybe we can stop and pay a visit…"

    Horror washed across the pair's face after realizing they left their Entercard outside. However, Gallade was there to prevent anything from happening, an aggressive look on his face as he leaned in to catch their ears.

    "If you ride that Entercard… you will never come back, you hear me?" he warned.

    The two captains' shared a look, instantly recognizing the tone in the Psychic-type's voice that indicated it was not a bluff at all. Weavile would drop the Entercard into her personal saddlebag, Gallade keenly watching to see what exact pouch it was in. But before the captains' could formulate a response, a multitude of soaring shadows visible through the church's open roof caught their attention.

    "Backup's here," Bisharp said, walking towards the entrance. "You get those two ready; they're valuable cargo, so don't scratch them up, will ya?"

    "Valuable my ass," she retorted as he left, staring at the angry pair again. "But sadly he's right. If one of my clients did want you fools kidnapped, then you just have to be."

    This was news to Gallade and Heliolisk, but before they could truly discuss this, Weavile forcibly pulled on the ropes constricting their arms, pushing them.

    "Don't make this hard on us and we won't make it as hard on you, 'kay?" She lightly shoved them again. "Now get walkin'."

    Exiting the desecrated church, Gallade and Heliolisk slowly stumbled across the dusty trails of the town they once directed business in. At the end of the faded road were numerous grizzled looking Flying-types, none of which gave them any hope of when they would ever return home, if at all.

    "One of you goes over to Swellow; the other goes over to Honchkrow," Weavile commanded, then raising her voice. "Bishy! Where we takin' these sad sacks of flesh to?"

    "There's some abandoned dungeon from Celestic's ole monarchy days that our scouts found! Bisharp yelled back, assisting the mysterious duo in climbing aboard their chosen flier. "We'll take 'em there for tonight!"

    "Good enough for me."

    Once Gallade and Heliolisk were secure, the two captains jumped on their respective fliers and gave everyone the all clear to start flying. Dozens of Pokemon took to the cloudless skies above, forming a pack of defenders as they took off in the opposite direction in which they came.

    But unbeknownst to the mercenaries, another Pokemon that saw all the events below transpire from a birds eye view would flee the scene. It wore a breastplate across its scaly black and blue chest, a rose painted on it.

    Hydreigon shot through the air like a rocket in her effort to return back to base, her scouting efforts unneeded as another team of Flying-types were now following the Razor Claw's escort. Princess Serperior needed to hear of these new revelations.

    Flying past endless dunes and rocky plateaus, a massive Pokemon created pit drew Hydreigon in. The sandstone fortress that was the Regi Castle was a sight to behold. It was kept well preserved in the sand throughout the ages, its sturdy fortress walls and spiraling towers were perfect for the Rose Clan's base of operations. Drifting towards the balcony of the tallest tower, a roll of washed out red carpet guarded by more breastplate wearing Pokemon invited Hydreigon into the castle itself. Lit torches placed on the sandy walls illuminated the small chamber in an orange glow. Hovering past more stationed guards, her path was promptly blocked by a floating shield - Aegislash.

    "Stand by - her highness' orders," it proclaimed in a ghostly pitch.

    Hydriegon gnashed her jaws and flailed her arms in frustration at the shield's gall, but ultimately followed its orders and remained still, all of her heads staring ahead.

    A throne of perfectly maintained red and gold trim lie ahead at the end of the rolled out carpet, clearly something brought to the fortress instead of renovated. Coiled around its royal seat was the serpent-like body of Serperior, daintily sipping down a cup of piping hot tea. A crown of pure gold rested on her head, a bed of thorns and small roses wrapped around its shiny outside.

    "My, I just had a wonderful chat with the bandit leaders!" Serperior uttered, smiling warmly at Hydreigon. "And now a brave knight of mine returns with more news? Marvelous!"

    Aegislash floated away from the carpet and joined up with a Roserade beside the throne, allowing Hydreigon to come closer to her princess and bow her three heads in submission.

    "Mmm, rise. Roserade, will you be a dear and hear Knight Hydreigon's findings?"

    "Of course, your highness," she replied, striding over to the dragon in question.

    Roserade listened closely to the gravely whispers and grunts that Hydreigon released into her eardrums. When all relevant information was gathered, Hydreigon broke away and flew out of the tower's entrance. Roserade returned back to her post alongside the throne room and stopped to whisper the information into Serpererior's invisible ears.

    "... Oh my!... Really? We'll have to do that!... Perfect, darling!"

    Untwining herself down from her majestic throne, Serperior extended a vine to grab her cup of tea as she slithered across the red carpet with a massive grin on her scaly face. Emerging into the harsh daylight, she looked down from her balcony and consumed her tea with much more enthusiasm.

    Her plan had failed yet succeeded in ways she didn't imagine happening. While using two of her squires as bait to lure Weavile and Bisharp to an ambush site for capture was her original plan, the sudden appearance of her two dealers was a plot twist she did not foresee coming. But once her loyal warriors found out where the dungeon that would hold the pair was located, she knew she could capture all four of them in one fell swoop.

    It was a perfect idea that only her wit could devise.

    She had already expertly drained the Alignment of all the resources it would send her way, and was given the necessary information to locate this relic of a bygone era she missed so dearly. It was child's play to take over control of it after the work of unearthing it was mostly finished. However, it wasn't all done, and there was still work needed to be finished before they could find what they were after.

    Gazing downward, she watched all of her mercenaries hard at work, digging up large amounts of sand, or blasting rock that got in their way of progress. It put a smile on her face to see that many Pokemon assist her in realizing her dream of conquest and sovereignty. Another sip of her tea, another smile that tugged at her lips.

    If what the old geezer said was true, then what lay below this castle could change everything.

    Monferno crossed his arms behind his neck, trying to get comfortable on the creaky wooden bunks they were given. Everyone in the guild was meant to share one in a single confined room with one window, which most undoubtedly would spell disaster, but it wasn't like any of them were in the greatest of moods.

    Today was the day all of them were expected to choose; whether to stay with the guild, or to leave and hang up their scarves.

    All of them were agitated or even disturbed by their Guildmaster's ultimatum, and Monferno couldn't even get a straight answer out of Braixen of whether she would stay or not. Their team's chance of survival was hanging by a thread, and it angered him off beyond measure.

    'Stupid Guildmaster…'

    While the other guild members were relaxing in their beds and chit chatting over recent events, the eccentric Excadrill from yesterday had taken the time to hand everyone a business card. Apparently, the Pokemon found it an appropriate time to advertise his work at a time like this, but the majority of them would be tossed away.

    Looking over at the room's doorway, the primate caught a glimpse of Team Requiem conversing with Excadrill, the mole handing Liam a business card before waving goodbye and walking down the halls. The two partners would share both a glance and a shrug, eventually retreating into the halls.

    Something about those two always bugged him, and he couldn't quite pinpoint it. He had helped them join only a year ago, and in that time they have excelled far beyond what he and Braixen have ever done. Even their stoic Guildmaster had taken a shine to the Riolu, despite there being nothing remarkable about him to Monferno.

    'What's so damn special about you, Mr Personality? Braix doesn't even get that kind of recognition…'

    Spotting his lifelong friend and ally sitting on a bunk opposite to his, she had her head buried into a pillow, clearly awake yet numb. He bit his tongue, wanting to go over and say something to her. He wished Braixen would just tell him her choice so the weight of his own decision could be lifted off his shoulders.

    In an attempt to shut out his thoughts, he listened in on the conversation the rest of the guild was having - obviously led by Rockruff's instigation.

    "Is everyone really going to leave?!" Rockruff yipped, jumping up and down on his bunk. "But then who would be left in the guild?"

    Leafeon sighed, "I hate to say it, but what the Guildmaster wants us to do is insane. Fighting merecenaries? And not just that; the Council isn't going to approve of this action…"

    "You think they'd shut down the guild or arrest us?!" Rockruff asked incredulously. "I'd have to try and find my clan again if that happened!"

    "Maybe, maybe not." She shrugged, exhaling again. "I don't know… it's just… difficult for me to say goodbye after so long."

    "But we can take them down, right? We've taken down Pokemon after Pokemon in Mystery Dungeons, so why can't we do the same to them?"

    "They're mercenaries, man!" Mightyena countered, hanging both paws off his bunk's edge. "I bet you they have rifles that'll kill you in an instant! Like how that one team in the guild's past… y'know."

    The Dark-type's comments drudged up memories of the Team Hydra incident , igniting fear and worry of that possibly happening again if they stayed.

    "Mreow~ My team can't possibly risk a gruesome demise like that!" Purrloin hissed.

    Staravia flapped his wings in a panic. "Me a-and Joltik agree! T-this is too much for us to go through with!"

    As agreement poured in from the majority of the guild members present, Monferno found himself at a crossroads. If he stayed, he would have to fight against actual mercenaries. On the other hand, if he left, he would have to return home. Neither option felt preferable, but he had to decide by the end of the day.

    Rockruff hopped off his bed and sprinted towards Leafeon and Shaymin's bunk. The Legendary was currently packing up any belongings of her taken off the carriages, anger present on her face.

    "Shaymin! Can't your Legendary pals swoop in to help us?" the Rock-type suggested. "What we're looking for is the Legendaries research of the past, so shouldn't they care about us finding it?"

    Shaymin halted her progress, rolling her eyes. "I told you blokes already. None of us knew about some old dungeon research from way back when, and I sure as hell didn't." She snorted. "Not like any of 'em would help any of ya. They're all self centered bastards…"

    "Can't you just ask them?"

    "No. And even if I could, I wouldn't, because they only help what suits them, not us."

    Rockruff tilted his head. "Us? But aren't you a Legendary too? Surely you've got some sort of connection or friendshi-"

    "Shut it!", she hissed, slamming a paw onto her cot. "I'm not talkin' to any of 'em, and I don't need to hear your stupid plan!"

    Rockruff recoiled at her tone, rubbing the floorboards with a paw. "S-sorry… I just wanted to know since, y'know, Legendaries are supposed to lead us and be an example-"

    "And I'm also sick of hearing you blabber on about your stupid Lycanroc clan or whatever!" Shaymin yelled in anger, fluttering down from her bunk and jabbing a paw into Rockruff's chest. "None of us want to hear that nonsense! And none of us care about it!"

    "Shaymin!" Leafeon shouted. "You're going overboard!"

    "Yeah! Back off!" Mightyena yelled, followed by more disapproving comments from his peers.

    Shaymin cackled, batting the Rock-type's chest again. "Going overboard, mate? I'll tell ya something - nobody likes this runt here! Truth is, he's a nuisance to everybody, and you all know it yet won't admit it! Always messing up on jobs and never achieving anything in his time here! He's just dead weight!" she roared, the puppy deflating at her words.

    Monferno was watching the entire scene unfold before him in ire, and something about Shaymin's demeanor made him snap - like a mother scolding her son. He jumped off his bunk's top rack, finally speaking up after silently observing.

    "HEY! Leave him alone!"

    Shaymin whipped her gaze at the voice, sneering at him. "Oh? You want to get involved too? Might as well lump you in with this runt here. Both of ya are just dead weight!"

    Monferno grit his teeth, hands clenched tight in rage as he stomped over to the Grass-type. "You want to talk about the truth? Reality is everybody here thinks you're the nuisance. Always shirking work and bullying others."

    Shaymin leaned in, inches from his face. "I don't need a nobody like yourself talkin' about me like that." Her eyes shifted towards Braixen, who seemingly picked herself up from her bed to see what was happening. "Oh… I see now. You're just trying to make a scene as a big hero to look good for your stuffy little girlfr-"

    Monferno tackled Shaymin, charging a few feet forward and slamming her into the wooden posts of an empty bunk. Flames licked his knuckles as he unloaded multiple punches into the small Legendary's sides. It was not a one sided fight, however, as Shaymin immediately fought back and strongly kicked the primate with her back legs.

    Chaos could describe the living quarters as guild members were split between supporting the fight, or attempting to stop the wrestling duo with words - a useless effort.

    Things began to escalate as Shaymin formed an Energy Ball between her chest and launched it, hurtling her attacker into a wall and sending many objects on shelves to the floor. Monferno would waste no time in running back, landing multiple Fire Punches on the Legendary's abdomen as another wrestling match between the two began.

    Both were beginning to tire out, but Shaymin would have the upper hand as she sent another Energy Ball directly into his chest, forcing Monferno onto the floor with its power. She didn't relent with her attacks, continuing to pound on him with her paws as he shielded his face.

    "Never! Hit! Me! Aga-"

    A column of magical fire interrupted the Grass-type's shouts, briefly enveloping her body and forcing her to quit attacking as pain wracked her body. Shaking herself free of the mystical flames, an enraged glare was sent towards its creator.

    Braixen stood in defiance near the middle of the room, holding a stick that was just used to launch an attack on Shaymin. Her expression meant one thing - back off. A rustling of footsteps near the doorway would bring in the shocked expression of Team Requiem, Excadrill, and other guild members.

    Shaymin heaved back and forth. "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU LOT! I'M DONE, YA HEAR ME?!"

    The Legendary wasted no time in collecting her saddlebag off of her cot, hastily flying through the open window and leaving the building altogether.

    Slowly picking himself up, Monferno spat out the blood that accumulated in his mouth, looking over to see the astonished faces of his fellow peers. Despite everything that transpired in this short time period, he managed a small smile.

    'Good riddance…'

    "Two I've got," Tyranitar said smugly, laying his cards flat on the table. "Go ahead, metalhead. Let's take a gander at ye hand."

    Aggron did so confidently, sure of his superior deck. "Three Vespiquens, rockface." He grinned. "Guess you're buyin' this time, pirate."

    "So he says…"

    Aggron cast a look to his left. "Garchomp, tell this eejit of the rules of a deal, since he clearly forgot."

    Garchomp tapped her talons on the wooden table, mind still enraptured by the events of yesterday. She couldn't shake Jackson's words off her thoughts; it was eating away at her conscience, scrambling her approach to this situation.

    Opting not to stay at the Grit Ruin Excavator's building for the night, her team landed residence at a one room home hotel - the owners of which immediately let them stay, despite the protests going on in the town. It was almost certainly due to Team Drarosteel's famous reputation, and it only added to the Lucario's words, eating away at her mind.

    "... Sorry, boys. I'm just thinking about the guild; what we should do about it." She gave the two an inquisitive look. "I'm willing to hear suggestions."

    Aggron scoffed, collecting his cards. "Listen, lass. I know you have a lot of respect for Team Moonlight, and so do we, but Jack has clearly lost his mind if he's plannin' to attack those mercenaries."

    Tyranitar nodded, "Metalhead's right. Council will eat that Lucario and other 'mons in his guild alive in the courts if they caught wind of his actions. And if we got ourselves mixed in?" He whistled. "Our good graces with 'em go down the drain."

    Even past the dangers, the Council's intervention was a reality Garchomp had also considered. Not only would members of the guild potentially be prosecuted for crimes, but her team could be on the chopping block if they fought the Rose Clan. Yet, if the guild and her team didn't fight them back, a valuable source of information that could turn the tide in their favor would potentially be lost forever.

    They needed a different way. They needed a way that didn't result in a violent war or a political nightmare.

    "... We can't just leave the guild out to dry like this," Garchomp said. "For Arceus' sake, we helped found it all that time ago. It has risen to be the most popular guild in Celestic! It can't just end like this because of Jackson's actions! We-"

    An opening of a door behind the dragoness alerted the trio's attention. While they expected it to be the generous owners of the hostel, the bright red armor-like exterior of Scizor was quite a surprise to them. He cautiously walked in, his eyes wandering to meet Garchomp's own pair.

    "... I had to visit a few other lodgings to see where your team went. Have you… come to a decision yet?"

    Garchomp opened and closed her mouth several times, sighing. "No. We were just talking about it. I'm glad you came here, though.

    "... You know I am staying. I came here in hopes that you would stay and assist us with the guild's efforts."

    "So you agree with Jackson's plan of action?" she proclaimed, standing up from her seat. "You want the guild to fight against this Rose Clan."

    Scizor tensed up, but kept his head high. "It's not up to me to decide the guild's actions - it's Jackson's. And yes… I am willing to fight for this opportunity, even despite the consequences."

    Garchomp advanced towards him. "Consequences? The consequences of this are far greater than you could imagine! You're risking soiling your team's and the guild's legacy over this!" She shook her head, nostrils flaring with anger. "... Jackson's corrupted you, I know it. You would never do something as irrational as this before…"

    A defiant look crossed his face. "You are wrong, Garchomp. This is something we have to do."


    It saddened her to realize it, but she couldn't work with Team Moonlight or the guild anymore, not with Jackson in charge. Stomping her way over to the house's entrance, she threw it open, glancing behind her.

    "C'mon, boys, we're leaving the region…" she said dejectedly, her gaze finding Scizor. "The Council is eventually going to hear of this plot, so I advise this expedition be stopped until another way has been found."

    Before he could respond, she walked out, stepping onto the hotel's small porch and standing by its wooden railing. She looked out to the setting sun as she waited for her teammates, its warm orange rays hitting the clay buildings and cobblestone streets. A sigh would escape her as she recognized the clacks of Scizor's footsteps behind her.

    "... Jackson was never born in Areos Village, nor did he ever live there."

    She turned around at his words, completely stunned by what he just told her.

    The pieces to this grand puzzle are scattered, held by those who do not wish for it to be solved.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

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    Next Time: Decision
    Chapter 23: Decision
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 23


    "Hey! Got you two some stuff to keep you alive!"

    Weavile grabbed the latch of the rusty steel grate beneath her and threw it open, exposing the two prisoners trapped in a pit below. Blinking away the sleep in their eyes, Gallade and Heliolisk glanced upward to see the smirking face of the Ice-type. Kneeling, she would hoist a cloth sack over the opening and shake its contents out.

    What came out of the bag were four apples that tumbled into the darkness below and landed beside the pair.

    "Should be a bit better than the sludge they probably feed you, so enjoy it, punks!" she shouted, cackling to herself. "You'll be let out in a day or two - a little more talk between you two and I, then we'll find out what to do with ya."

    Before they could respond, Weavile slammed the grate shut and exited the dungeon cell. Entering the barely lit halls of the crumbling keep, she spotted Bisharp leaning against a shattered stone pillar. He eyed her in return and shook his head in disapproval as she walked up to him.

    "What're you shaking your head at me for? Feeding 'em?"

    "Treating them like shit isn't going to make them say more," he said, keeping his voice low. "I know you would rather tear them to shreds, but we still need them for the time being."

    She scoffed, walking ahead. "Scum like them don't deserve any special treatment. If they want to cry mistreatment when they return to the Allfather, so be it."

    He followed her, side by side. "These guys are more than just soldiers or traders. They know more than they're letting on, so it's best you not give them more reasons not to open up."

    Weavile wanted to fire another rebuttal, but his advice was true. They weren't surprised Serperior would betray her dealers, but the Council having a secret committee that demanded the Alignment to amend their errors was of great surprise to them. She knew the Gallade was omitting details just by the way he avoided names and specific events, but she would eventually find out.

    Yet, no matter how far down this Buneary hole of mystery and secrets went, she only desired one thing from this group - revenge - swift and just against a sole Pokemon.

    "They'll open up," she replied. "We're not letting them go 'til we squeeze any information we can out of 'em… and maybe even convince the Allfather to give him up to me."

    If felt so far away, but still within her reach after all this time and plotting.

    Bisharp shook his head once more. "... Never gonna let that go, huh? I mean, what if this guy isn't even alive still? If the Allfather strikes down anyone that messes up, then what do you think might've happened to him after you screwed-"

    Weavile whirled around and lightly shoved his shoulder. "What are you getting at?!" she demanded. "Are you trying to convince me again to give up on hunting this bastard?"

    Bisharp scanned her sudden agitated features. "... I think it should be pretty obvious, Weav's. Don't you see this is more than just revenge now? I've always understood your anger, but this is bigger than that."

    Her face lit up with rage. "You think I'm just going to let go of us?! That they don't deserve justice after what happened to them?" She jabbed his chest with her claws. "You understand, but you were never there to witness that happen right in in front of you! You could never feel what I went through!"

    Never could she forget the team of three that saved her from the streets of petty crime. Never could she repay the debts she owed them for all they did to save her from her own idiotic actions in the past. But in their wake, she would do everything in her power to avenge them, and she would never let go of their spirits and influence over her.

    Bisharp pushed past the Weavile blocking his path, marching down the sandy dungeon's dark and narrow hallway. Reaching the open doorway that led outside, he hesitated walking through, his frustrations over the Ice-type boiling over as he turned around. A mixture of emotions was present on his face, and he directed them at the enraged Weavile.

    "... When my father died in that avalanche, I felt what you went through, Weav's. But I didn't go after the Pokemon that caused it, because my dad was always about saving Pokemon from themselves." He inhaled, enclosing a fist. "... I chose to leave with you and start this clan not to appease your revenge, but to figure out what the guild couldn't." Before he left, he spared a parting glance. "Me and them? We were alike; we saw the forest for the trees. At the end of the day, it's still your decision, Weav's." He left, leaving the seething Pokemon to stew in her own thoughts.

    Weavile wanted to chase after him and lash at him with her own thoughts, but couldn't, her hind claws dug into the ground. What Bisharp was asking of her seemed unreasonable and illogical of her to commit to. Why should she care if the Pokemon that wronged her was still out there? Why should she care for the 'truth of this world' if it fulfilled nothing in her heart?

    Yet, the emboldened hopes and theories of her deceased comrades stirred that sense of wonder they helped bring out of her long ago. Something that lurked in the shadows of her desires of revenge.

    Swallowing down her rage and memories of the past, she followed after her close friend co-captain. Emerging into the cold desert's veil of night, she advanced past the Pokemon stationed to guard the two prisoners and towards the Honchkrow that blended in with the dusk. Bisharp was waiting for her there, eyeing her in a perplexed manner that undoubtedly judged her future actions.

    She shot him a friendly glare in return, earning a small smirk from the Steel-type.

    As they hopped onto their avian ally and took off in silence back to their hideout, the barely audible noise of quiet footsteps were lost on the mercenary guards protecting the aged dungeon. Grizzled looking Pokemon with rifles around their backs crept around the structure's edges, making sure not a glimpse of the rose embedded breastplates they wore were seen.

    Monferno lurked by the doorway that led into a small closeted area of the large building they were all crammed into. Scratching the bandaged areas on his arms and face, the wounds from his fight with the Legendary earlier weren't severe at all, but they sure did leave some lasting pain.

    'Stupid Shaymin…'

    Leafeon attempted searching for Shaymin in the town following her heated departure, but after finding nothing, most assumed she ditched the guild altogether. And with only a few hours left before the guild was to make their decision to leave or stay, the majority had already decided on leaving.

    However, there was one Pokemon Monferno had not heard from yet - his partner, Braixen.

    Hovering his outstretched hand over the doorknob, he sucked in his fears and doubts and twisted the knob. Carefully opening the door, he peered inside the 'study hall', noting the bookshelves lining the wooden and a desk at the end of the room. As he entered and walked in, his gaze was solely trained on someone else entirely.

    Braixen was hunched over the desk, diligently scribbling away on a piece of paper illuminated by the orange glow of a nearby lamp. She seemed to be too ingrained to notice the creaking of wood behind her, a trail of sweat sliding down her face as she breathed in a sigh.


    She nearly dropped the quill in her grasp, whipping her head around to suddenly recognize the smirking features of her partner. "You scared me! But… um, what's up? Do you need me to reapply your bandages?"

    He waved a hand, "Nah. But I did come here to say thanks for assisting me in that fight. For one small 'mon, that bi- Shaymin… can hit pretty hard."

    She smiled, her bushy tail giving a slight wag. "... Thanks. But really, you shouldn't have attacked her like that, even if she insulted me."

    "She called you 'stuffy' and my 'girlfriend', Braix. I'm sure you'd lay the beatdown on someone if they called me a prick or your boyfriend."

    She let loose a small chuckle. "Maybe not to that extreme, Mony, but I do understand why you felt the need to protect our honor like that."

    He'd always known Braixen to be the professional type, and it was a trait she wanted others around her to see her as in public. Even when he was just a Chimchar and she a Fennekin, the kit was always out to prove her capabilities to her parents, while he just wanted to keep on playing with no thought of his future. This air of sophistication only grew once they formed a team and joined the guild, strengthening once Braixen became Hatterene's apprentice as an assistant nurse.

    Always so busy with training - never around to just be friends and hang out or do missions together.

    In private, she could be her natural self, the one that Monferno knew so well. Yet, it always remained in her tone, and it felt somewhat belittling to him. But he knew that past this respectable persona she had crafted, she was the same playful and friendly Fennekin from his youth.

    "So," Monferno began, leaning his back up against the desk. "Who're you writing to? Your parents?"

    Her slightly happy expression faded. "... Yes. I wanted to write them before the expedition began, but the Guildmaster sprung into it so soon and I…" She sighed again, releasing built up frustrations. "I just don't know how to tell them about this, Mony. How can anyone? These aren't just simple outlaws - these are hardened criminals trained to kill!"

    Monferno wet his lips, preparing to ask the question she eluded beforehand. "Then what is it you're doing? Are you staying… or leaving?" The dreaded answer continued to tighten the pit in his stomach.

    Braixen didn't respond for a brief few moments, clenching the quill. "I think… I think I'm going to leave the guild." She looked up at him. "I admire everything about the guild's mission and cause, but this is too much for me, Mony. Even if I've striven to become a field nurse, something like this that can jeopardize my future or life isn't the right way…"

    He wished he could consider this a surprise, but knowing the fiery fox for so long, it wasn't something he was shocked to hear. She had a future ahead of her, a pure reputation to maintain - the Guildmaster's brash ultimatum and lack of care for their input proved too much for her to handle.

    Braixen dropped the quill back into the ink bottle, scrunching up her paper. "My parents would never want me doing something like this, and I just have to follow what they set out for me." She looked up at him. "But first I need to know… What are you going to do?"

    A battle was taking place in Monferno's head, one of which where both sides were at a stalemate. There were positive and negative factors involved, but one deterrent against leaving was returning home, and that terrified him.

    "Dunno, Braix." He crossed his arms, mock contemplating. "Might just have to see what the others decide. But after all we've been through here… this is it for you? You're not gonna miss patching up Mightyena every week?" he wryly joked.

    She nodded in sadness, standing up from her seat. "We'll always be Team Blazingheart, Mony, but not with this guild. I'm sure we can find another guild to join, or become an independent exploration team!" she exclaimed, trying to find hope in this situation.

    "Uh, yeah, maybe…"

    Despite her best efforts to keep his spirits high, he knew there was little opportunity for him beyond this guild. She was the sole reason he was accepted into it in the first place, and continuing to coast off her success didn't sit right with him. She was clearly going places, and it didn't look like that was also in his cards.

    They were long-time best friends. They were partners of a team. But there was an invisible divide present between them.

    Unraveling the Cosmic Scarf wrapped around her neck, Braixen observed it with both fondness and immense sorrow. She then slowly handed it over to Monferno, who reluctantly grabbed it from her paws. Just like that, her time in the guild was over.

    "... I hope you do leave, Mony. Fighting against these mercenaries is far too dangerous for any of us, not even counting what the Council might label us as. I know we can do successful things outside the guild."

    He didn't respond, biting his tongue as he looked at the scarf. "I'm sure Hatterene can write you a nice letter of recommendation for ya. At least you'll get some use out of these few years, y'know?"

    Braixen shut her eyes and leaned in to hug the primate. He accepted it, holding her close with a blank expression on his face. She eventually broke the embrace, gracefully walking towards the open doorway and turning around once she was in the hallway.

    "Maybe I'll see you along with the others who are leaving by the Mudsdale' carriages?" She wore a weak smile. "I still want to see you again regardless of what you choose. But… please be wise about this, Mony."

    And then she was gone, leaving him behind with just a memento of her mark on the guild. He stood in silence, squeezing the scarf in dissatisfaction.

    'Fucking idiot,' he muttered to himself in his mind. 'I should have said something else to her… anything.'

    But there was nothing he could do, and so he walked out of the study hall, sluggishly wandering back to their sole dorm room with a certain numbness staining his feelings. He didn't know whether to be sad that she was leaving, or happy that she was free to do whatever she wanted now.

    Regardless, he was alone in his next decision.

    After reaching the dorm's entrance and opening, he wished to crash upon his bed and take a nap to reset his scrambled brain. But upon trudging inward, he caught a glimpse of a small puppy Pokemon curled up in his bottom bunk - Rockruff, sulking by himself and noticeably more quiet than usual.

    Monferno fought off a sigh, "... What's up, Rockruff."

    The Rock-type slowly found his gaze. "Oh… hey. What's up?" he said, lacking any past enthusiasm.

    Digging the inside of his cheek, Monferno plodded over and sat on the same bunk Rockruff was currently occupying. "... So, are you moping around here 'til we're forced to decide? Where's Mightyena and Purrloin at?"

    Rockruff sniffled, "They're, um, buying some things for when they return back home."

    "Guessin' they're leaving the guild?"

    "Yeah…" Rockruff's attention shifted to the neckwear the Fire-type held. "Whose scarf is that?"

    "... Braixen's. She just left the guild."

    "R-really?" Rockruff was stunned, sympathy mixing in with his pouting. "I always thought you two were a really good pair. You're still friends and teammates though, right?"

    "Sure were, I guess, and yeah, we are."

    Monferno went silent, still clutching the scarf in his grasp. Both of them were far from close friends, yet here they were, both without the teammates that brought them to this guild. It was a day ago that they were happy and excited for this new expedition, and now things seemed to have taken a turn for the worst.

    "Thank you for, um, sticking up for me," Rockruff suddenly mumbled. "Even if we don't get along that well."

    "No problem."

    Rockruff bit his lip, "If you don't care about me asking, can you tell me why you did it?"

    "Honestly? I don't really know. I just… I just saw you getting berated like that and I couldn't take it." Monferno tightened his grip on the scarf, anger boiling inside him. "I know how it feels. Getting told how useless you are compared to others, and that you'll never amount to anything."

    Rockruff bowed his head."... Is it true what she said about me? That everyone finds me annoying?"

    Monferno shrugged halfheartedly, "Listen, I can't speak for everyone, but you can be freaking irritating when you bounce around the guild and won't shut up about your clan or some random story."

    The puppy's ears wilted, "Oh… well, at least you're honest about it. I guess I can be annoying and stuff, because my own pack mates used to tell me that."

    'For good reason I bet…' Monferno muttered in his mind, before cursing at his wandering thoughts. He was trying to be nice and forget all his past grievances with the Pokemon.

    "They used to call me useless, too," Rockruff continued, his tone despondent. "Said I could never lead a pack, and then the pack leader even told me to leave because of my behavior."

    "And that's how you met Purrloin's team, huh?"

    "Yeah. They picked me up to join their team after I got kicked out. Told me I could join the guild and prove myself to be a true leader of my own clan one day." Rockruff sniffled again, wiping his wet cheeks with a paw. "But Shaymin's right… I never really have accomplished anything in the guild besides being dead weight."

    "And neither has she," Monferno countered. "She's always been the slacker around here."

    'And I guess I'd be that second slacker…' the Fire-type quickly noted.

    "I know right?!" Rockruff blurted out, before frowning. "It's just… It's hard to stand out and prove yourself when you don't have anything special about yourself, y'know? Compared to the others in the guild, I'm really nothing…"


    Everything Rockruff was telling him, Monferno could relate to, not that he would tell him. He had always unknowingly compared himself to others, even before he joined the guild. It only seemed to worsen after he helped Team Requiem join, and how far they had surpassed him in the eyes of his superiors, despite his presence at the guild for numerous years. He began to silently despise them for that fact, even if it wasn't their fault to begin with.

    It was like he provided nothing to this world, a useless fixture to forever exist in the background.

    "But you know what?!" Rockruff exclaimed, hopping out of his curled up position. "I'm not gonna let her words get to me! That's why I'm staying, even if my teammates leave! To prove to her and anyone that doubts me that I can be an awesome leader to any Pokemon out there and show them I have what it takes!"

    "Well, at least you're in good spirits again."

    "What about you? Are you going to stay?"

    "... I don't really have a choice. It's either stay, or return home to face my mother." Monferno sharply inhaled as trauma he's long since buried tried to unearth itself in his mind. "And there's no way I can do that. So yeah, I'm staying."

    Rockruff nudged his shoulder, a grin on his face. "Maybe we can form a new team together? Whaddya think?"

    Monferno cracked a slight smirk. "Don't get your hopes up…"

    Perhaps he wanted to stay to avoid the consequences of returning home, or perhaps he wanted to stay because he wanted to still prove to himself and others that he also had what it takes. To feel a sense of worth he hasn't felt for as long as he could remember.

    'And I have to do all of this fighting without you by my side, Braix?'

    Looking down again at the scarf he bunched up in his palms, he continued to scold himself for failing to somehow convince her to stay, while he was so unsure himself. But from what she told him, he had one more chance to not screw things again and divide their friendship even further. If she was there for him again, then maybe it could give him the extra push to be better and do better.

    'You've got one more chance at this, asshole, and then it's over.'

    Garchomp was dumbfounded by what he was implying, speechless as the Bug-type slowly moved past her to rest his red pincers on the porch's wooden railing.

    "What are you trying to say, Scizor?"

    He looked out to the sunset that fell upon the town, mind calculating his next response as he came face to face with reality. He couldn't keep this to himself forever, and neither could he leave a friend in the dark for so long anymore.

    "... It happened one morning when me and Charmeleon went to the surrounding shores of the village." Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. "That's when we found him - resting on the beach - alive, but left by himself."

    Garchomp cocked her head, "You met Jackson lying on a beach? Not as children?"

    The official story she and the rest of the world had given was that the three members of Team Moonlight were childhood friends, and formed their famous team after the annihilation of Areos Village by the ley lines. It was this almost legendary tale that inspired her to leave her own village, and never did she imagine her team would reach Team Moonlight's fame.

    To hear that it was all a fabrication felt like a serious blow to her own childhood, yet it intrigued her.

    Scizor continued, "He was alone, confused, and lost. He had zero memory of his past, except the name of 'Jackson' echoing in his head. We… We were just teenagers, and we had no idea how to help him, but we still wanted to help him recover his memories."

    "Amnesia," she concluded. "There were no family or past friends of his you could have found?"

    Team Drarosteel had run-ins with Pokemon who partially lost bits of their memory across the numerous jobs and adventures they embarked on. They had never encountered someone who had total amnesia, but here was a case she has been blind to for over two decades.

    "Nothing. He was a total ghost; no family or friends that knew who he was in the village. It was just like he came into existence. Even after we formed Team Moonlight, we didn't stop trying to find out who he was, but nothing came up."

    "But you still decided to keep it a secret from everyone?" she questioned. "Why keep it a secret from me and everyone else that cared for him?"

    Scizor batted his pincers together, clenching and opening them repeatedly. "... It was Jackson's wish for Pokemon not to know, and we agreed with him. Once our team became world famous and Jackson stepped up as an official leader, we wanted to protect our reputation. Even now, he doesn't want anyone to know his true past."

    Garchomp approached him in a conflicted state. "Then why are you telling me this? After all this time, why now?"

    He turned around, meeting her stare with his usual stark expression. "Because I've guarded this secret for twenty five years and I cannot lie to you anymore. As much as I want to respect Jackson's wishes, I cannot lose my friendship with you and your team over his actions. But... that's not all I've kept quiet about; I do know when Jackson's behavior shifted."

    This truly caught her attention.

    "I noticed his change after our first expedition to Celestial Mountain ended, and through all the years of the guild. He grew distant, more angry, and withheld certain information from us," Scizor explained, digging up painful memories. "There were days where he wouldn't eat or would leave unexpectedly; times I would enter his office to see it completely dismantled by his paws; large amounts of Poké I've seen vanish from our paperwork without explanation."

    Garchomp absorbed his almost rant of past events in a daze. She always knew the Lucario she initially met was so different from the one in the present, but not to this extreme that Scizor has endured over the years. It only served to anger her more, and the fact he was only telling her this now was worrying.

    "You never confronted him about his behavior? Not once?" she asked incredulously. "How can you still trust him if he can't trust you or anyone close to him?"

    He flinched at her tone, yet remained stout. "I've considered it, but... I've always been loyal to Jackson. His leadership combined with my role as an advisor and researcher has gotten the guild this far. He and Charizard are my closest friends, Garchomp, and I can't turn my back on them."

    Garchomp wanted to admonish her friend for lying or for sticking by such a Pokemon, but past all her frustrations of being left ignorant, she had respect for him. "And I'm guessing that's why you're accepting his plans to fight these mercenaries?"

    "You know I would never concoct a plan as violent and perilous. Still, it's a plan you need to realize is our only chance at obtaining what could get us further towards our goal. Jackson knows we are at the crux, and we have to keep fighting, no matter what the Council or anyone thinks."

    "And what about you? You're ready to face the consequences of what you might start?"

    Scizor nodded resolutely, "I have researched the Mystery Dungeons for the majority of my life. I may hesitate briefly, but I do everything in my power to avenge the lives of any and all throughout the years that have been stolen by the ley lines. To that end, I will no doubt put my life on the line to achieve justice for all Pokemon on this earth."

    Such a powerful proclamation from the Bug-type made the dragoness go quiet in thought. Resting her talons on the wooden railing, she made a final contemplation of her decision.

    "Wow… That's the type of nobleness I've always known you for. Still makes me fired up to tear through the opposition." She chuckled cheerlessly, viewing the blazing orange horizon. "And you want my team to go through with this plan, despite the consequences?"

    "You are just a part of this quest for the truth of this world as me or anyone in the guild, Garchomp. Look past the risks and see the grand scheme of things."

    The castigating Jackson had lashed her with resurfaced in her thoughts again. Perhaps he was correct, and her team only cared for the limelight and saw contemporary matters as more important, instead of focusing on preserving this world for the next generation. She had always prided herself on being a role model and not letting fear or complacency deter her, but here she was.

    The world stopped for no one as she would say, and who was she to get in the way of its motions. It was time for her to finally commit to this life long prospect that only her idols brought to her attention.

    "You have to promise me one thing," she said. "Promise me that after this expedition ends, you won't hesitate to confront Jackson. I'm not asking you to make him step down, but his psyche has clearly deteriorated over the years. You should be a team and he's alienating you and the rest of the guild."

    "I… I agree with your terms. I will do it."

    Garchomp could only wonder if this 'second location' would truly change the tide of their battle against the ley lines. She and the world had grown complacent with them before, but now it was time to take charge and fight back.

    "All right, I made my decision."

    It was approaching his selected time.

    Jackson silently admired the twinkling stars in the sky that gradually revealed more and more of the blanket of limitless space, eliminating the scarlet skyline as the sun was covered by the night's darkness. Wearing a small smile, he could have stared at this fantastic view for hours, if only he had his telescope with him.

    However, the flickering of the orange ring across his paw erased his mild enjoyment. There was no avoiding this outcome, and he had to weed out the unwilling.

    Stepping up the stone stairs to the Grit Ruin Excavator's building, he threw open the double doors and marched in. The foyer was chock full of Pokemon, be it the numerous amounts of Drillbur, Gurrdurr, and other Ground-types' that crowded the walls - or the members of the guild that stood at the end of the chamber in their usual morning routine positions.

    Team Drarosteel, Scizor, Charizard, and Excadrill were waiting for him just a few feet in front of the guild members, Garchomp staring at in him with a mix of both apprehension and confidence. He stared back, challenging her intent and mettle with his own steely gaze. She had opposed his ultimatum, but still stood here today, telling him everything he needed to know.

    Standing before his guild, he scrutinized their blank faces as they looked at him, wondering what thoughts lay in their heads. He crossed his arms behind his back, ready to voice his ultimatum once more.

    "I understand that yesterday and today have been very stressful and turbulent for you all, but this is where we settle this debate. All of you were accepted into this prestigious guild to help us complete our mission in removing the ley lines from the world, and all of you have done very well in helping us chip at that dream of a better tomorrow free from Mystery Dungeons."

    Guild members exchanged looks and quietly murmured to themselves.

    "That's why we must make difficult choices, because truly, we are saving the world from an impending disaster - a disaster it is unaware of. That's why it's imperative for us to not bend the knee to anyone or anything that threatens our cause." He suddenly shifted his attention to Excadrill's Pokemon in the back of the foyer. "Workers! Are you with me?" he yelled.

    'YEAH!" they screamed back in unison, nearly shaking the room in their clamor.

    Jackson refocused his attention on his guild. "These Pokemon and the members of my guild that seek to stay are willing to fight, even if laws of society standing in place would prevent them. So… if you wish to stay in the Cosmic Quilt Guild and continue our mission, please step forward."

    From all the Pokemon present, Liam, Gloria, Roark, Monferno, and Rockruff all stepped forward and remained behind their Guildmaster. The five would send each other mixed emotions, but Gloria's horror was the most noticeable. They were the only ones to act, the remaining Pokémon making their decision very clear to Jackson.

    "… Along with Braixen and Shaymin, who have already left, the rest of you will be required to turn in your scarves and other guild property." He swept an arm to the building's entrance. "The Mudsdale' carriages outside will remain for an hour, then they will take you back to the guild to pack your belongings."

    Gloria could only watch as the Pokémon she grew to call close friends slowly began to leave - petrified at this reality. Past the constriction of sadness in her chest, a strange but inviting feeling began to well up. Her pounding heart told her to abide and be content with this outcome, yet she just couldn't. Running in front of her Guildmaster, she raised her voice to stop their attempts to leave.

    "Everyone listen! Don't leave!" Her efforts stalled her exiting comrades as they stopped to look at her, exasperation on her face. "Are you all seriously going to throw away this opportunity?! Haven't you all heard what happened to the Guildmaster's home village? Doesn't the thought of your own friends and families ending up gone just like that get you motivated to fight?" she cried out, almost choking up at the end.

    Gloria didn't stop there, stamping a paw onto the floorboards. "It's our duty to prove to the Pokemon all around the globe of this danger! And prove to them we can really be true heroes and save the world from the ley lines! This isn't glory that you can turn your back on, or a danger you think can just go away! None of the problems that us Pokemon deal with can go away if nobody acts on them! I can't... I can't deal with you all leaving and giving up. I..."

    Seeing the Vulpix mumble and squirm over her next words, Liam immediately took charge and stepped forward to emit his own improvised speech.

    "She's right, everyone! If the Mystery Dungeons continue to take over this world, then there'll be nothing left of it for the Pokemon of the future!" He raised a paw to his chest to amend his thrashing heart. "I've seen so little of Celestic so far, but its natural beauty makes me want to keep adventuring and exploring all over the world! But if all of its beauty were to vanish in time… then what world are we leaving behind for our loved ones? That's why we need to fight these mercenaries, because it's the right thing to do!"

    He stole a glance over at Gloria - she had her eyes glued to the floor, shuffling her paws together in discomfort. Jackson noticed the duo's silence, retaking the spotlight of attention as he raised his arms up and shouted at the top of his lungs.


    Amidst the silence following his words, a guild member hesitantly made her back to the group - Leafeon - she spoke.

    "... After hearing that, even if Shaymin is no longer here to complete Team Evergreen, I understand now that is more important than legality. I'm staying."

    More and more guild members eventually returned, grouping up with the rest.

    Staravia flapped his wings, "I g-guess me and Joltik w-were being selfish and not considering the g-guild's goal, r-right, Joltik?" A shrill screeching noise came from the yellow ball of fur on his back, affirming his remark.

    Purrloin harrumphed, "It would be… unwise to just let the world crumble like a cookie, especially if there's more Poké to be made!"

    "Team Nightshade would be famous world wide if we destroyed all the Mystery Dungeons!" Mightyena yipped, his black tail wagging. "I bet we'd also be super rich, too!"

    "I know the guild still needs my electrical assistance, and I'll just have to keep providing!" Minun added to the fray of intermixing voices.

    Jackson raised his voice again, overlapping those talking. "EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM! ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT COMES NEXT?"


    The boom of the workers, including all of the guild, resounded through the lobby. Excadrill took this as his time to kickstart his own spiel, straightening his tie and speaking up.

    "All righty, glad Jack's crew got things sorted out, 'cause now it's time to dig in our claws and show those mercs a resistance they won't forget!" He meandered over to a wall in the room that displayed a large paper map of the Grit Region. "Gather 'round, y'all! I reckon you're gonna wanna catch all the details of this."

    With newfound invigoration, everyone heeded the mole's words as he tapped a location north of Sanctus Town. The small scribbles etched onto the map indicated a large hole into the earth where Excadrill pointed to.

    "After doing our preparations, we'll take a bumpy trip up north to my team's base of operations and get ready for our offensive." He chuckled, throwing a look behind him at the guild members. "Y'all will be taught what Entercards are and how to use 'em there; they'll be crucial to retake that doggone ancient castle."

    Garchomp smirked a little. "Sneak attack, I presume? If they have rifles, we can avoid as little danger as possible."

    The Ground-type jabbed a claw at her and grinned. "Right on! But Jack and I agree that it's not gonna be so easily done…"

    "We'll still need to account for Pokemon of the Rose Clan that aren't stationed at Regi Castle," Scizor dutifully added.

    As Excadrill and other Pokemon commenced in a back and forth of logistics and plan outlining, Liam felt a pointy tap on his shoulder. Glancing to his side, he caught a glimpse of a rather pumped yet slightly worried Roark.

    "Great performance from you two," the fox whispered into his ear. "And I hate to grab your attention from this boring meeting, but you know where Gloria went? She kinda just left after her epic speech and all."

    Liam was puzzled but amazed by her sudden actions, and he could only wonder why she would just leave a briefing.

    "Sure," the Riolu whispered back, replacing his excitement with curiously.

    He waded through his now animated comrades and the ocean of Excadrill's workers that crowded the room. Once finally into the hallways of the building, he took the stairs and entered the sole dorm the guild was given and expected to find the Vulpix in their shared bunk - but there was no sign of her.

    'Ah, she might be in that study hall area.'

    Knowing his partner best, he reached the small closet, opening the door to it and stepping inside. Other than the small amount of bookshelves lining the wall and a single desk, his eyes snapped to the lone form of Gloria seated onto the floor and silently reading from an open book.

    "I knew you'd be in here," Liam said with a smile, walking over to her. "Why'd you just leave suddenly?"

    It wasn't unlike her to occasionally leave and catch up on her readings alone, but something about her demeanor seemed off to him. She seemed disturbed, like she was pushing herself to read and ignore her surroundings.

    Gloria eventually looked up, forcing a smile. "Hey, I, um, just wanted to read up on the history of Regi Castle." She pushed the book forward, attempting to ignore her feelings. "Look here! It says that the king of Celestic got help from Zygarde of all Pokemon to create protectors for this castle from just clay, ice, and magma. It's, uh, really cool... huh?"

    "Um, yeah." He got closer, analyzing her shifty movements. "Why are you acting so weird? I mean, Gloria, you just gave that awesome speech out there! You and I just convinced our friends to stick with the guild! Aren't you ecstatic?"

    She inhaled, nervously exhaling. "I want to be, but… I don't think I said all of that just to motivate them."

    "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

    "... I don't know if I should," she squeaked out as she cradled her necklace to her neck, beginning to shiver. "You won't consider me p-pathetic if I tell you?" her voice cracked near the end.

    Liam closed the distance between them, sympathy and confusion on his face. "Gloria… I would never do that. Tell me what's wrong."

    Out of the blue, the Vulpix tackled him into a hug, unabashed tears free to slide down her cheeks as she held him tight. He was absolutely bewildered by this action, but didn't make any effort to break out of the embrace as Gloria began sobbing and hyperventilating.

    "I… don't… want to see my f-friends leave me," she cried pitifully, squeezing him so he couldn't move. "Please, I've had to watch e-everyone close in my life disappear… Please promise that you or R-roark won't leave me too; I don't want that ever again."

    Liam was silent out of shock as she continued to mumble hushed phrases through her sobs. He held her closely, however, reassuring her through physical means. He could only wonder where this side of her spontaneously erupted from. But from her own plea of Pokemon leaving her life, he could deduce that she was keeping something painful hidden away from him.

    Something that he could relate to undoubtedly, and he had to convince her that everything would be fine, just had to convince himself in the past.

    "I promise," the Riolu said softly and sincerely.

    'It's now or never, I guess.'

    Opening the double doors, Monferno jogged down the stone stairs and into the night hanging over Sanctus Town. Sure enough, he could spot the carriages that brought them here, stationary on the empty cobblestone streets. He squinted at them and could see an orange figure aboard one.

    'That's gotta be her…'

    Fumbling with the Cosmic Scarf in his hands, he hastened his pace and strode over to the carriages. A Braixen wearing a nurse's armband was seated, looking around and rubbing her paws together in anxiousness. She would eventually spot Monferno just a few feet away from her, exchanging stares as she smiled slightly at him.

    'Don't screw this up, asshole.'

    He climbed and jumped over the railing, taking a seat next to his partner. "So… what's up?"

    "One of the Mudsdale's told me they're taking me back in an hour." She bit her lip, sending a glance towards the large building again. "Where are the others who are leaving? And… are you leaving too?"

    "Nobody else is leaving, Braix. And nah, I've made my choice to stay and fight. It's only you and Shaymin who are leaving."

    She tensed up, "... So you came to say goodbye."

    The primate fell silent, releasing a long-drawn-out sigh. "Nah. I came here to convince you to stay."

    "Mony, you know I can't-"

    "I know, I know," he interrupted, scratching his itchy bandages. "I know you don't want to stay and risk everything, but… I think it's actually in your best interests to stay in the guild."

    "You really think that?"

    Monferno nodded, chuckling faintly. "Team Requiem gave a speech a few hours ago, and it really opened my eyes; made me want to stay with the guild."

    It was a lie; he had already planned to stay to avoid going home, but he felt it was necessary to tell her this to reel her senses back in. His comrades had been convinced by the guild's ambition, Braixen being the outlier, and he needed to show her that she couldn't throw this opportunity away.

    "Braix… You can prove to be so much more than just a nurse. Saving the world? I mean, if you wanted to help Pokemon as a nurse, then why not be the next best thing - a hero. You'd have your name known all around the world, y'know? This whole thing with the ley lines and that all junk is more important than a simple job."

    Braixen shook her head, frazzled by his claims. Being a nurse out in the field was always what she desired, and what was drilled into her by her mother and father at a young age. The thought of being more than that, while tantalizing, felt unattainable by her own skills or image. She had succeeded in her brief few years at the guild, yet there was always a limit to one's success.

    "Even if I wanted more, my parents would never accept me doing this."

    "Hell, I say who cares what they think. You're your own 'mon, and you should decide for yourself." He swallowed his remaining inhibition. "And besides… I can't ever see myself doing much without you by my side, even if we're going different directions in life."

    Here was the crux of his argument, and the truth he could never admit to her. Despite all the hope he wanted to still have, he never would be where he was today if it weren't for her pivotal role as his best friend in this dysfunctional partnership. He had never succeeded at anything in his brief few years at guild, yet he wanted another chance to prove he wasn't a failure.

    Braixen looked at him, forcing down her own aversion. "Do you really think this is better for me?"

    "I mean, it's your decision, Braixen." Opening his palms, he handed over the bunched up Cosmic Scarf he held. "And have I ever lied to you before?"

    She formed a small grin at his slight sarcasm, already thinking of past memories one might consider bad, but she found them fond. Peaceful reticence enveloped the carriage as they both watched the stars and the moon, Braixen calculating all possibilities in her head. She then grabbed the scarf as he shot her a knowing look and bumped her shoulder.

    "Is the Guildmaster still awake?" she questioned, wrapping the scarf around her neck.

    The crude and the dignified - Monferno considered himself lucky to mend Team Blazingheart back together, and it would only be tested further in time.

    Shaymin hurtled through the cloudy midnight skies in no clear direction, the cold wind striking and soothing her charred and blackened fur, but never easing the pure anger that flooded her entire being.

    'Fuck 'em. Fuck all of 'em.'

    The Legendary's decision to leave had already been decided after the Guildmaster's ultimatum, but the straw that broke the Camerupt's back was the scuffle she had with Monferno. She was done after all the years of apathy she felt for the guild. No longer was she going to be subjected to to whims of another Pokemon's goal.

    'Wherever I go from, it'll be far away from that dump.'

    It didn't matter where she was - the guild or her role back in the Shaymin Village - it all only continued to fuel her hatred of the authority that controlled it and all those that just accepted it like Mareep. She had no direction to follow, but her heart told her to go anywhere that allowed her to be free and fly with zero agency hovering over her.

    'What I would give for just a bright day for once.'

    Through the harsh winds, her ears pricked up at the sound of harsh crackling through her flowing saddlebag. Mumbling obscenities to herself, she slowed down and glided down to the earth, her paws eventually meeting the freezing sand.

    'Better be an apology or a lump sum of payment for my efforts…'

    Opening up her saddlebag, she pulled out her ELE just as it began emitting a voice - one that was very recognizable to Shaymin.

    "Shaymin… can you hear me?"

    Shaymin hung her head, at least happy to hear from the only Pokemon she could consider a friend in the guild. Summoning her plentiful courage, she flicked the switch on the Minun-like device's side and spoke into its speaker.

    "Sup, Leafy. How ya doin'?"

    Leafeon's response was quick and concerned. "Where are you? I couldn't find you in town and I was worried your mood would get you arrested by the guards."

    Shaymin smirked, "As if they could catch someone as good at flying as me."

    "Are you really going to leave like this? I know you didn't like stuff about the guild, but the Guildmaster valued you as a member just like everyone else."

    Anger leaked into the Legendary's scratchy voice. "Pfft, as if! All he wanted was to know about the Legendaries and where they hole up their miserable little shrines. I was just a library on legs to that bloody slave driver."

    "Shaymin, I've worked hard to introduce you to Celestic, and I've been very patient with you throughout our relationship. You need to come back so we can fix this with everyone."

    "Are ya serious right now, Leafy? Didn't you blokes just say you were gonna leave?"

    "... Me and the others realized the guild's goal is too noble to just give up on." Her tone shifted to one of beseechment. "Please… Please make the right decision and come back."

    Shaymin wished to respond, but something above in the skies that caught her eye replaced her mellowness back with rage. "... I'll have to talk to ya in a sec," she mumbled, flicking the ELE's switch and tossing it into her saddlebag.

    A trail of sparkling gold and other colors of a full rainbow came from the tail end of a large avian in the sky. Its wings of scarlet red and regal gold flapped in unison as it zoomed across the sky. There was no doubt in Shaymin's mind that the Pokemon was the same one she knew - Ho-Oh.

    "No way… HEY!"

    To see a ghost from her past, she rocketed into the sky and began to chase after the Legendary. It seemed a fruitless effort as her speeds couldn't match the Ho-Oh's, but she tried nonetheless.

    "Get back here!" she yelled at the empty heavens before her.

    She flew in the Legendary's direction for a few minutes, before looking down to see a collection of ruins and strange farmland built in the middle of a bustling oasis filled with palm trees, small lakes, and crops.

    "That bastard's gotta be down there… somewhere."

    Gliding down into the array of strange structures, she whipped her gaze around the area once landing. While there was no sign of the rainbow winged Legendary, she did notice something very peculiar; there were numerous effigies and grand paintings of a Pokemon on numerous structures.

    'All of 'em are about Landorus in this munted place. Is this a Legendary shrine? They're usually this ugly...'

    Before she could investigate further, footsteps in the dark sent her own alert. Emerging from all sides, Pokemon shrouded in darkness and wearing breastplates with a rose inscribed into them began to creep into her view, glaring daggers at the intruder.

    "What's up with you guys?" Shaymin questioned, sporting a smirk. "Don't tell me Landorus makes you poor blokes dress up like for worshippin'."

    Shaymin never got a response as they inched closer, the moonlight overhead now revealing the rifles they carried now pointed straight at her. She froze in fear, mind battling with her body's instincts to fly away. But she knew if she did, she would be shot before she could even lift a paw off the ground.

    "Uh… you lads mind pointin' them things away from me?" she muttered out to no response, backing up as a Golduck broke from the encirclement and walked up to her. "Personal space, mate! Can't you just let me-"

    The butt end of a rifle smashed into her skull, turning everything in her vision to black.


    Cracks in the stone walls and ceiling of the dungeon allowed traces of the moon's influence to creep into the empty structure, feeding through the openings of a steel grate and letting its rays fall upon the two prisoners trapped at the bottom of a dark, dank pit.

    Gallade fought off sleep as he stared upward at the small glimpses of the outside world they could see. He waited for any sign of movement above, any pitter patter of distant footsteps, but none would come - they were truly alone in this ancient keep. A flash of light and a humming noise to his left would shatter his focus, looking over to see his partner attempt to light up his body.

    "C'mon, c'mon," Heliolisk said to himself, his body flickering.

    Gallade watched his attempts, finding small entertainment in doing so. "Still afraid of the dark after all these years?"

    "You know me," the Electric-type grumbled. "I've never liked it."

    Heliolisk's body eventually lit up in a yellow radiance and provided a small radius of light to their surroundings. It reminded Gallade of a much darker time in their lives, where a Ralt's and a Helioptile huddled together in the pitch-black alleys for warmth and survival. It was never easy, and there was never a day they wished for a better life, but they persevered by themselves to get where they were today.

    "... Sorry."

    Gallade glanced at him, "For what?"

    "Sorry for potentially messing things up with the Council. And… sorry for being such a coward back there; not putting up a fight against those bastards."

    There were things about Heliolisk's demeanor that irked him, but it was neither the time nor place to mention it. He had noticed it, and would have to bring it up another day, if they were to see one.

    "You don't need to apologize. We got ambushed, and I also failed in my duties," he lamented. "Regardless, we have bigger things to worry about."

    Heliolisk flexed his claws, anger still present inside him. "That Weavile… She said she knew a commander. Do you think she meant the one who deserted or Commander Blaz-"

    "I don't know," Gallade said, befuddled and concerned. "But those captains' aren't just normal hired mercenaries out for money; they're trying to tear us down for a reason that I can't figure out."

    If the Allfather's claims were true, and this Razor Claw clan was interfering with them for years, then it had to be something serious. Perhaps it was just money or for extortion, but he could feel their conviction, and it continued to puzzle him as to where they got their knowledge and resolve.

    "Do you think there's a way we can escape?" Heliolisk wondered. "Maybe contact the commander or the Allfather so we can fight back against both of these clans?"

    Gallade knew they had to get out of the captains' grasp if they were to complete their mission. By orders, they were sent to negotiate the release of someplace called 'Regi Castle' from the Rose Clan. If their plea was ignored, then the Allfather wanted the full force of the Council and the Alignment to descend upon the fortress. Heliolisk hated this pointless conflict, but Gallade knew there had to be a justification for the castle's safeguard.

    Orders were orders.

    "I think so," Gallade responded, deep in thought. "I saw where that Weavile stored our Entercards. If we can get to that saddlebag of hers… that will be our ticket out."

    "How are we gonna do that? These guys would never keep an eye off us."

    "We gain their trust. Say what's necessary, then plan our escape."

    Heliolisk rubbed his claws together. "If we continue to tell them things, and we do manage to escape, do you think the Allfather would really…" His words trailed off, but Gallade knew what he was referring to.

    Punishment was commonplace back home, and there were days where the streets were filled with the screams of Pokemon being dragged out of their homes. He knew, because he had participated in the acts of catharsis, even if he found no joy in doing so. Anything that risked toppling what they had created over multiple millennia wasn't to be trifled with.

    "It's weird to say, but I'm starting to get homesick," Heliolisk admitted. "My little brother is probably wondering where I am… or he's chewing up his toys," he joked in sadness.

    Gallade smiled, "Yeah, I bet he is. But… I enjoy the outside world more. Everything out here feels so simple but complex - it's amazing."

    Back home was a constantly flurry of bright neon lights and tall elegant structures that seemed so alien compared to the real world. Yet, the world beyond their scope had natural beauty and sights that were so fantastical, it was almost like he was dreaming when he first witnessed the falling of rain onto the earth and his skin. That moment wiped away his past anguish and provided clarity in his desires of a better tomorrow with a promised family of his own.

    They had spent their entire lives in darkness, and the prospect of entering the light of paradise was far too great for any Pokemon to deny.

    "We are going to get out of here, brother." Gallade said, completely determined. "I want to reinstate your faith in the Allfather to lead us, because he knows we are here to do the right thing, no matter what we must do."

    "Hmph, we'll see," Heliolisk remarked, running out of energy to keep his glowing form, his fear of darkness returning. "We just really need to get out of here first."

    Gallade went back to peering at the rays of visible moonlight in the dark, planning in his head as to just how they will make their getaway from the mercenaries.

    Neon lights, sleek towers, the fear of persecution to uphold total secrecy - that sounds like home to some unfortunate souls.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Entercards
    Last edited:
    Chapter 24: Entercards
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 24


    A trail of swept up dust followed the back wheels of a carriage as it traveled down a narrow roadway carved into the sand. With no clouds in the sky, the sun came down hard on the roving caravan. Sweat accumulated around the brow of a Rapidash pulling the wagon along, its thoughts only concerned with the empty trail that lay ahead.

    Aboard their wagon of miscellaneous goods were wooden boxes of various ores and materials harvested from the region's mines, a layer of woven rope sealing them in place. A sole Ampharos guarded the product as it leaned against the large crates, the stetson atop its head lazily drifting across its eyes.

    Sleep nearly came for the Electric-type, head nodding to the peaceful rumblings of the carriage moving across sand and small rocks.


    A cracking noise ruptured the motionless desert air as the front wheel of the carriage exploded into chunks of wood, Rapidash letting loose a shocked whinny. It broke away from the trail in a panic, rolling the incapacitated carriages onto the rough terrain beside the road. Silence came afterward as the Fire-type looked around frantically in hopes of spotting what made such a racket.

    The Ampharos on board eventually recovered its bearing, breathing a sigh after its nap was disturbed and jumping off the carriage to investigate, waltzing around the front to shoot a quizzical stare at the shocked equine.

    "What's the issue this time? Didja run over a Blast Seed or somethin'?"

    Rapidash sputtered at his casual comment, stomping his front hooves into the sand. "Blast Seed?! There was no explosion, and that noise was too loud to come from one! Didn't you hear it, too?"

    Amphraros rolled his eyes, fixing his hat. "Are you gonna get spooked over every sound out in the boonies? At this rate, we won't reach Empyrean City on schedule, and then the higher ups will have our behinds for dinner."

    "I'm serious. What if it was bandits making that noise? I heard they ambushed two other caravans on the other main road just today alone!"

    "First off, the Council sent guards to patrol the roads, and second off - you're not helping our chances of leaving this region safely when you stop all the dang time. Now, let's get back to it already; I'm sick of the heat."

    Rapidash readied a response, but found his attention drawn to something else - the carriage's frontal right wheel. "Uh, I don't think we can do that now. Look!"

    Ampharos entertained his suggestion, glancing over, only for his heart to utterly sink at the sight. "Oh… you gotta be kiddin' me here," he mumbled to himself, trudging over.

    An entire half of the wheel was blown off, chunks of its wood scattered along the roadside. In the state that it was, there was no feasible way that the carriage could be pulled by a single Pokemon - they were stuck here. The sounds of soft thuds and footsteps beyond the sandy hills that surrounded them were lost on the investigating pair.

    "Well, consider our expected and timely arrival a bust," Ampharos grumbled. "We're gonna need to get help and look for assistance; say our wheels got disabled by rocks."

    "It wasn't a rock, though! It had to be the noise that did that!" Rapidash concluded. "What do you think it was?"

    Amparos knelt down to further inspect the wheel, a small fragment of metal was wedged into the wood - a bullet to his eyes, undoubtedly. Immediately after his observation, three young looking Pokemon leapt from the obscuring hills behind them - a Bayleef, Crocanaw, and a Quilava - dusty white cloth wrapped around their bodies and faces to shield them the elements.

    The Croconaw pointed their sole rifle at the pair, barking out a muffled order. "Both of you stay still! No one moves and no one gets hurt! Got it?"

    Rapidash emitted another aghast whinny. "Okay! Okay! Just take what you want, man!"

    "And they said it'd be safe on the roads with one Pokemon for protection…" Ampharos grumbled, raising his paws and staying still. "Can't you vermin go after the guards patrolling the area and not us Pokemon just trying to make a living?"

    "Shut it!" the Croconaw yelled, angling its head to signal to his accomplices. "We're taking the ores and half of whatever water supplies you got, ya hear me?"

    "Tch, as long as you leave enough for us to survive out here."

    The quiet Bayleef and Quilava quickly got to work, hopping aboard the carriage and cutting loose the rope holding the crates of ore together. They opened various containers of merchandise that were chock-full of seeds, Wonder Orbs, and other battle items. These were immediately pocketed into the saddlebags they carried.

    "Hey!" Rapidash shouted at the two, throwing a look at the Croconaw. "You said you were just taking the ores and some of our water!"

    "We're taking whatever we need," the Water-type said. "We need these more than you guys do, got that?"

    "So you can attack more caravans and get more innocent Pokemon hurt," Ampharos growled, squinting his eyes at the robber. "That's how you're gonna fight? Get more 'mons to rally against you?"

    Croconaw scowled at his claims, marching over until his rifle was inches from the Electric-type's face. "Listen here. Fighting back is the only way our voices will be heard! We're dying out here while the Council tries to arrest us for simply trying to live, and…" His voice trailed off as he looked off into the distance, eyes wide and mouth ajar.

    Ampharos followed his gaze in confusion, but instantly cracked a winning grin at what he saw. "Haha! Looks like you're out of luck this time. Cavalries here!"

    Blazing down the road and spewing a storm of dust beneath their wheels was a long corridor of other carriages that steadily got further and further towards the isolated group. Fear was stricken into the hearts of the bandits as they watched with gaped mouths.

    Crononaw regained his bearings, waving his rifle at his comrades. "Get out! We're outta here!" he screamed, making a break for the hills.

    The Bayleef and Quilava obeyed the hectic order and scrambled down the carriage in a panic. A trail of stolen items fell from their open saddlebags as they fled, leaving behind a stunned pair in their wake as they watched the ensuing freight of transport rumble the sandy route.

    " A-are those actually guards?!" Rapidash exclaimed.

    "They showed up in the nick of time to save us, but… I don't think so."

    Eventually, the convoy reached their eyes, and it served to only confuse them even more. At least a dozen of the equine-pulled vehicles were full of Pokemon and little cargo - Drilburs, Gurrdurrs, and other Ground-type Pokemon that crowded around the railing and gazed at the marooned pair. One that zoomed past even held an assortment of Pokemon that wore black scarves with yellow stars on them.

    Clearly they were not guards of any kind.

    Their attention was then drawn to a single carriage that disembarked from the road and rolled in front of the staring pair. An Excadrill merilly hopped down from the railing and began strutting its way over to them while wearing a large grin. The worn suit of grimey metal tools and card-like objects jostled across its waist, at odds with the formal tie hanging from its neck.

    "Howdy, boys!", the mole cheerfully bellowed once near. "You two look like lost tourists out here!"

    Ampharos blinked, eventually finding his tongue. "We're not! We're, uh, part of a caravan headed north, towards Empyrean City."

    Rapidash nodded eagerly at his partner's words. "Yeah! We were skipping past Sanctus Town 'cause of the protests, then we got ambushed by bandits!" the horse explained.

    Excadrill chuckled, "Caught a glimpse of those cowards runnin' with their tails tucked beneath their legs with my binoculars. Must've saw my posse comin' down the road and thought we were guards, sure of it."

    Ampharos looked behind the Ground-type to see more of the carriage's speed down the road. Three Pokemon caught his eye - an Aggron, Tyranitar, and a Garchomp - the world famous Team Drarosteel for sure. It felt like he was dreaming of this encounter, and only made him wonder more who these Pokemon were.

    "Course… I ain't gonna leave you two stranded out here," Excadrill continued, glancing at their carriages busted wheel and harrumphing at the sight. "Council guards ain't gonna bother to help ya, but I'll be happy to bring ya along for a bit."

    Rapidash snorted with happiness, stomping the ground. "You'd do that for us, man? We got a schedule to maintain, and being late would kill us!"

    "Ain't no skin off my nose. Even got a few workers to help you take your merchandise aboard."

    Ampharos sighed in relief, tipping his hat in gratitude. "Thanks a bunch. But if you guys aren't guards, then who are you?"

    The mole's face lit up with pride as he straightened his tie. "Right now we're on a little, uh, expedition and…" He halted his rambling and dug into one of the many pockets of his suit, retrieving two business cards. "Forgot that I'm not supposed to say anything, so y'all just take these while I help load your stuff."

    Both Ampharos and Rapidash exchanged looks of apprehension before taking the cards, the latter of which awkwardly holding it with his teeth.

    "Now, if y'all or your friends ever need assistance in the Grit Region, you know who to go to!" Excadrill explained, taking this as his exit and walking away to signal his workers for assistance.

    Ampharos looked down at the square of rough paper, raising a brow at the detailed art of uncovered ruins and treasures buried in the sand. Text was displayed over a strange card-like object exploding orange colored lines out of its frame.

    'Grit Ruin Excavators: You find it, we'll dig it!'

    'Sure is a lot of sand out here.'

    Roark watched the motions of the desert whirl by with his arms crossed on the wooden railing, head nodding to the constant rumblings of his and other carriages' hitting the road. It was either the boredom of being stuck on an hour-long ride, or the lack of anything interesting being witnessed along the way that forced him to stave off napping on the deck.

    'For the love of Arceus or whoever, don't fall asleep like an old 'mon; that's how Charizard got known as Snorizard, don't you remember?'

    For a split second, he thought of reaching into his mane for a quick sip of liquor to get energized, but quickly shot down that idea. He was trying to stay sober for these new missions, where all the stops were pulled out. If everything was getting a bit more serious, he'd at least try and make an effort to be more serious.

    Of course, serious and him just weren't a great combination.

    'Oh, yeah, still gotta remember to embarrass sis about her heroic stunt yesterday.'

    Thinking back on it now, he wore that proud brotherly smile hard during her small speech. He was glad to see her evolve into this Pokémon that cared so much for helping others. That glory of hers she desires seemed to get closer into view each shining moment she demonstrated. And yet, it sort of saddened him in a way to realize this. Like happy hour at his favorite bar was about to suddenly end.

    'Was always wondering why parents got sad about their kids leaving the house. Guess I know why now.'

    When she was ready to figuratively spread her wings and fly on without needing anyone to help her, he would end up at another crossroad in life - another purpose to seek and fulfill in the next chapter of his life on this strange world.

    'Whatever lies next… I don't think drinking and hitting on the nearest chick for a night of fun is gonna be in my cards later on.'

    Perhaps the guild's thirst for answers and discovery of the world's truth would quench his own desires for something grand. If it wasn't, then he would have to find another outlet to find a purpose in.

    'Well, no point moping about what ifs. Guess I'll go see what the others are up to.'

    Quietly chuckling to himself, he broke away from the railing and began meandering around the carriage. Stepping past other chatting guild members, he scoured his limited space before landing his sights on his favorite target. A smirk grew on his face as he slyly approached, the pair stopping their discussion once he came in view.

    "Ladies! How are we doing over here? How did it feel to give Shaymin a much needed beatdown?"

    Monferno's unamused glare was a stark difference from Braixen's polite chuckle into her paw at the Dark-type's wording.

    "Quite fine, Roark," she transitioned cleanly. "We were just discussing our past jobs and experiences together, nothing much."

    "Ah, was it that one job where Monferno got stuck in a Pitfall Trap, and you had to get the client you were sent to rescue to come help him out?" Roark laughed up a storm. "C'mon, even you have to find that a bit funny, Mony."

    Monferno rolled his eyes, "Did you just come here to be an asshole?"

    "Nah… Well, kinda, but I think I have a question for you two."

    Braixen tilted her head. "What kind?"

    "Why'd you stay? I mean, I know Team Nightshade just wants the fame and money that comes with saving the world and that junk, but what about you two?"

    Monferno and Braixen looked at each other, before the former decided to answer first.

    "I stayed because I really think this is my second chance at proving myself here," the primate admitted, snorting. "Yuck it up all you want, but I can't really do this whole guild thing without Braix by my side."

    "Pretty admirable for yourself," Roark commented, switching his attention over to Braixen. "What about you, though? Everyone thought you were leaving to pursue some fancy nursing job elsewhere."

    Braixen smiled at the thought. "My parents would love that, and it would be nice, but…" She briefly looked at Monferno, sighing contentedly. "I realized I didn't want to throw away all the time I've spent here with everyone. And maybe being known as more than just a nurse is something better to shoot for."

    "Big goals for the both of you, eh? Gotta say, pretty proud and happy that you two stick around like that."

    Monferno switched gears, snickering. "Okay, you hassled us enough. But what's keeping you around, Roark? Is that mid-life crisis I always hear about hitting you hard or something?"

    Roark chuckled, "Hey, I've still got the amazing looks and energy to keep up." He crossed his arms and took a deep breath. "I don't believe there's a 'truth of this world' or whatever the guild thinks, but I'll stick around 'cause maybe there's something in it for me. If you knew my past, you'd know what this old fox might be capable of…"

    "Uh huh, I'm sure."

    "I believe your claims," Braixen piped up, smiling upon seeing her partner's eyes roll. "Gloria and Liam are partially responsible for my return, and I know your sister is happy we all decided to stick together."

    Roark uncrossed his arms, looking past the pair and searching the carriage. "In fact, 'scuse me a second while I go bring those superstars over."

    The Zoroark stepped away, walking past more guild members and the occasional worker of Excadrill in his way. Eventually he spotted the two Pokémon of Team Requiem observing the desert lands by the railings - separated and not side-by-side. He stopped himself saying anything to them, biting his tongue.

    It was hard to tell their moods from afar, but he could deduce by instinct that something was up between them. And the fact that they said very little to each other while packing up for the ride. Gloria's attitude in particular worried him ever since she gave out that speech.

    Whatever it was, he didn't want to immediately pry, and only hoped that the problem would be resolved before he would have to intervene and mediate like a good brother always does. He decided to walk back to Team Blazingheart, confident of his decision.

    'Don't know what that kid did or didn't do, but he better make sure to mend things with her. For the both of us…'

    Roark oversaw those two getting to know each other, start a team together, grow together, and he wouldn't accept them straying apart. After all, if they were gone, then what reason would he still have to stay with the guild? What purpose would he have left?

    A small urge to drink away this feeling stirred within him, but was suppressed with a frown.

    Liam was deep in thought, as was typical of the Riolu whose mind was constantly barraged and invaded by memories and familiar voices. But this time, his concern was only for his partner. So much so that admiring the wonderfully desolate lands of the Grit Region took a back seat to his inner troubles.

    'What do I say to her? What can I even say?'

    The events of yesterday were fresh in his mind; between everyone's decision, the plan, and Gloria's outpouring of emotions. He would be lying if he said he saw that coming, that such raw feelings could come out of the chipper and passionate Pokemon.

    He adjusted his iron grip on the railing and stole a small glance at the Vulpix opposite of him, gazing out into the nothingness, her features seemingly expressionless but noticeably troubled. She didn't say much to him afterward, whether it was out of shame or some other reason that escaped him.

    Whatever was going through her mind, he wanted to reassure her that everything would be fine. That all of the Pokemon around her would still be here moving forward.

    'But then again, am I really in the right mindset to say that to her?'

    As a Pokemon who struggled internally, yet kept an exterior of outgoingness, how could he help someone with a situation as similar as his?

    'Guess I'll have to figure that out… Along with everything else.'

    A few minutes would pass by until the lengthy road came to an end, the long line of carriages transitioning onto rough terrain. It was a bumpy ride, but it wouldn't last long, as something Liam would consider 'jaw dropping' entered his peripherals. The equine-like Pokemon pulling the vessels of wood gathered side-by-side, coming to a complete stop as their destination was finally reached.

    The destination being an enormous hole burrowing into the desert's surface,

    Liam was the first to get out, jumping down to the sands below in excitement and desire to see it up close. While the Grit Ruin Excavator workers clambered down and got to work, the guild quickly joined Liam just as stunned. Excadrill shuffled after the Riolu, quietly laughing to himself as he shouted.

    "Here it is! The hole that Team Moonlight got my crew to dig all the way to the ley lines so long ago. It's amazing, ain't it? Just don't fall in! Ain't no way any 'mon could ever climb out of a hole like that!"

    Liam and the others slowly approached the sides of the ginormous pit, eagerly taking a peek into the ravenous depths of it. It extended down farther than it initially appeared from simple observation, almost as if it reached down to the core of the world itself. Clumps of sand, clay, and rock tumbled off its deep sides and fell down to reach the eye catching anomaly lying at the bottom.

    A strange layer of vibrant golden-orange covered the entirety of base, seemingly blocking any view further down. It occasionally fluctuated and pulsed a variety of orange and yellowish colors.

    Garchomp shook her head, her sharp teeth forming a grin. "Can't believe this is actually a real thing… Thought it was just an exaggeration."

    Scizor copied her head movements, "We would never lie about this. This was made through our desires for the truth, and we followed the mystery from there. But now I see it has changed since we unearthed the ley lines, and a barrier has formed…"

    "Barrier, huh?" she questioned. "That's what we're calling these shield things?"

    Before the inevitable breakout of discussion began, Excadrill pushed his way past the guild members and gazed into the chasm, a proud smile on his features. "It was Team Moonlight's belief combined with other theories that the source of the Mystery Dungeons were below us. Strange. It feels like only yesterday we did this, huh, Jack?" he reminisced, bumping the arm of the Shiny Lucario beside him.

    "Yes," Jackson replied curtly. "Once we discovered the ley lines and how they expand and manipulate our reality, that was my team's evidence to adventure the world in search of answers. To investigate a threat that the Council didn't consider worthy of their attention."

    Excadrill straightened his tie. "Yyyup! And this big ole project here got me fired up to know about these strange lines. Shucks, I wouldn't know a lick about Entercards if y'all didn't show up and open my eyes to the truth!"

    "Speaking of which… Please enlighten my guild about these 'barriers' and Entercard manipulation."

    "All right, back on track!" Excadrill cleared his throat, pointing a claw at the aberration lurking at the hole's depths. "That is what we call a ley line barrier. These things are like bubbles or shields or something of that sort that form over ley lines out of the blue. They are impenetrable; no claw or tool strong enough that can break through this barrier. Buried relics, places, and even other dungeons are inaccessible if a barrier forms over it."

    "Except there is one way to get through these barriers," Jackson added. "Show them."

    "Right. Follow me, y'all!"

    Excadrill turned his back and strolled back to the static carriages, passing by his busy workers as they unloaded the various crates of supplies. As the guild and Team Drarosteel followed behind, Liam took the opportunity to walk near Gloria, who kept her distance away from the others.

    It took her a while to notice his presence beside her, and the small grin that resided on his face once she peeked over to see who it was. While she avoided any direct eye contact or spoken words, he was able to witness a faint smile across her lips. He didn't go any further, content with simply walking together.

    It was just good to know that she was easing up a little.

    Excadrill stopped in the middle of the flat clearing, waving his claws for the guild to back away from him, forming a circle of Pokemon around the mole. He then opened a pouch in his suit and procured a thin, card-like object. It was colored a dark gray and was metallic in nature, curious lines etched into its frame. The card was held up high for everyone to get a good look at it.

    "This here is what we call an Entercard!" Excadrill explained, waggling it a little. "These little devices grant us instantaneous travel by manipulating and riding the ley lines themselves! Crazy soundin', aint it?"

    A few interested or baffled murmurs cropped up among the unknowledgeable guild members, only serving to make Excadrill's smirk wider.

    "These ain't modern by any means, and nobody knows where they originate from, but they're powered the same way a Darumaker or another doohickey is powered - Pokemon energy." He then laid the Entercard flat onto the sands. "Just like you have to occasionally refill your devices with energy, the same goes for Entercards. Now… watch this."

    Pressing an indentation at the card's bottom frame, a mist of orange energy began to permeate the air, eventually hovering above the Entercard. Excadrill stepped back as he summoned a move from within - Mud Shot. Globs of muddy spheres that formed around Exadrill's shoulders were sent careening into the mist of energy and fizzled into nothingness upon contact.

    He repeated this action multiple times before the haze was sucked back into the Entercard, the engraved lines on it now shimmering with an amber gleam. Excadrill picked up the now fully charged device, holding it high as whispers arose from the watchful guild.

    "Give it a few attacks and it's ready for transportation!" He placed the device back down on the sands again. "But every Entercard needs a coordinate and a certain pattern to create said coordinate and pull from the ley lines, like a two way connection. When y'all have it prepared like I do now, then you're all set." He gave all the onlookers a straight faced look. "… Who wants to see somethin' really neat?"

    Amazed nods and murmurs of agreement came from the Pokémon naive of what awaited them. Excadrill chuckled at their excitement, tapping the indentation on the card's bottom again and quickly running to merge with the crowd. Everyone watched with bated breath as to what would happen next.

    Soon after the initial activation of the Entercard, the device began to expand, the metallic frame of it growing bigger sides. The engraved lines began glowing brighter and brighter, until the entire top layer of the card was encased in a blinding orange luminance. A light tremble shook the ground beneath their feet as strands of golden light that resembled ley lines erupted from the Entercard, coalescing into one brilliant, flickering pillar of energy that resounded throughout the area.

    Liam held his unblinking stare, his heart thumping rhythmically in his chest, wonder and excitement taking over his mind. A quick glance to his side showed him that even Gloria was able to shake away her forlorn demeanor into shock and awe.

    "Haha, and there she goes!" Excadrill shouted through the noise, stepping forward. "What are y'all waiting for? Set it up to only last a minute or so! Which means It's time to take a trip through them ley lines!"

    Excadrill chuckled and wasted no time in jogging his way over to the eruption of light, merging into it and vanishing altogether - gone in an instant. Liam watched in fascination, glancing behind him to gauge the shocked or calm reactions of his fellow Pokemon. Clenching his paws and wetting his lips, he made a split decision and ran into the flaring Entercard. The rest of the guild was quick to follow his pace, merging one by one into the radiance.

    Flashes of orange flooded the vision of everyone who stepped over the Entercard, never leaving their perception as a feeling of weightlessness rushed through their bodies. It felt as if they were being pulled by an invisible current in the water, going downward at alarming speeds. The whole experience was instantaneous, lasting only mere moments. When normalcy returned to the transported Pokemon, they found themselves in a sandstone cavern shrouded in darkness, the Entercard below their feet siphoning back its orange energy and returning to its standard form. A strange symbol dug into the rough sands they were standing on resembled the same pattern engraved into the Entercard.

    Those guild members unacquainted with the device's method of travel appeared dazed and winded, some overly dramatic and stumbling to the ground in their stupor. Even Scizor and Team Moonlight had to readjust themselves to their new surroundings as various members of the guild engaged in ravenous discussion of what just happened.

    Liam had to take deep breaths, but couldn't keep a smile off his face. He could draw a comparison back to when he, Gloria, and Rockruff fell from one of the Soaring Fall's waterfalls. It was scary, terrifying even, yet felt exhilarating to him after the moment. Now the only thought he had about these cards were what gates of exploration were now open to them. Throwing a look over to his partner, she seemed to struggle finding her footing. He quickly offered her his body as support to lean on, which she surprisingly accepted with a quiet mumble of gratitude under the Vulpix's breath.

    Even something small like this was a win for him.

    Excadrill laughed merrily at everyone's varying experiences, unfazed himself. "Once a specific symbol is engraved in a new Entercard, creating that same symbol on a spot of physical terrain will link 'em together, allowing instant transportation to that physical symbol. And you remember that 'barrier' from before? We just went straight through it, meanin' that Entercards are the only way to pierce it."

    "You mean to tell me…" Roark slowly wheezed out, holding his claws over his wobbling knees. "… That we're doing more of this shi- er, stuff in the future?"

    "I hope so!" Rockruff gleefully retorted, still shaking his head free of dizziness. "That was awesome! I mean, this is so much cooler than boring carriage rides to our destinations!"

    Monferno rubbed his eye, smirking. "What? You need someone to hold your claws while we do it, Roark?" he joked, much to Braixen's chagrin and Roark's scoff.

    "If they are necessary, then yes, Entercards will be used throughout our current missions," Jackson responded.

    Garchomp analyzed this new claustrophobic area, looking behind to see only a collapsed excavation tunnel filled with rock. Turning her attention to what lay forward, she was met with the unmistakable pitchblack entity that was the entrance to a Mystery Dungeon.

    "If my experience with Entercards taught me one thing, it's that they're perfect for finding hidden dungeons," she mused aloud.

    Excadrill nodded proudly, "Yessiree! But this dungeon in particular is very important to my crew, and I'll show ya why when I give y'all a tour. Trust me, ya ain't seen nothing like this before…"

    Scizor stared at the lurking shadow, his throat tightening. "Is this… This is the dungeon you told us about?" he questioned anxiously.

    "Yup. Dug it up almost ten years ago on the dot! This dungeon here is different from any others I've seen; one of those ancient villages from thousands of years ago that got swallowed whole by a forming dungeon."

    Scizor didn't reply back, still staring down the unwavering dungeon entrance, a certain paralyzing feeling striking his limbs.

    Garchomp went wide eyed. "A thousand year old village being entirely preserved like that? That's a very rare occurrence," she muttered to the nodding heads of Aggron and Tyranitar.

    "Rare?" Aggron questioned, chortling. "Lass, that's a once in a lifetime find right here!"

    Excadrill approached the shadow. "Accordin' to some of the text present throughout the Mystery Dungeon, it was once called Vita Village… Not anymore, I'm afraid." He turned to wave an eager claw. "C'mon! Lemme show y'all why this place is really special."

    Now curious of the dungeon's prospects, the guild members treaded behind the mole as he merged into the shadow, many following in with a new excitement after the experience they just had. But the one Pokémon that didn't follow behind was Scizor, his lower extremities glued to the cavern floor as he looked at the Mystery Dungeon with a certain sickness manifesting in his stomach. It was unusual for him to feel this way, or at least out in public where his dutifulness was expected.

    Garchomp was close to entering the shadow, but turned her head to spot Scizor standing alone by the Entercard symbol. Despite the Bug-type's usual stark and flat expression, she could expertly identify the unquestionable apprehension that he was silently emitting. They locked eyes with each other, the dragoness sending him a reassuring nod, then quickly disappearing into the darkness.

    Gazing down, Scizor noticed his pincers quivering uncontrollably, breaths shallow. He did everything in his willpower to suppress these instinctive actions, ultimately ceasing his trembling and calming his breath and mind. Now was not the time to dwell on personal experiences irrelevant to their mission. After all, Garchomp was now counting on him.

    He could do this.

    Scizor forced himself to move forward, marching into the abyss of Mystery Dungeon's entrance with a mix of confidence and unease.

    Vita Village

    BF 1

    A giant platform of artificial sand expanded from nothingness and planted itself under the feet of the arriving group. Antiquated homes and cottages constructed of stone or clay with straw roofs arose from the sea of black, quickly forming a wall around the edges of the platform. The chamber now resembled a place of commerce, littered with empty pots and stands void of any Pokemon to run. The roads that once both travelers and citizens alike now splintered off into corridors that led further into the dungeon's maze of near identical rooms. The faux sun that hung in the cloudless sky above them made its blazing presence known, yet no heat was felt, nor was there a wind for it to be carried on.

    However, the usual formation of a typical Mystery Dungeon did not stop just there, as new structures began to appear in the blink of an eye. Multiple workstations, open cabinets of mining equipment, sacks of foodstuffs, battle items, and even a crate full of Entercards lined the room. Maps of other regions in Celestic, along with messy paper scrawls of different Entercard symbols and intertwining lines were pinned to the wall. The hallways that branched off from the large chamber and went further into the dungeon were blockaded with planks of wood or large stones, impeding any attempt to enter or exit the room. To finalize this overload of sights, two Drilbur that were tidying up the workstations stopped their efforts to happily wave at the bewildered newcomers.

    Before any of the guild members were able to spout their rabid curiosity, Excadrill jogged over to the middle of the room and raised his arms, accompanied by a cheery smile.

    "Welcome to the heart of the Grit Ruin Excavators! Where our second business comes into fruition - Entercard and ley line research!"

    Garchomp wandered around the room in awe, followed by her just as amazed teammates. "You… You built this place inside a Mystery Dungeon? How is this even possible to maintain if the ley lines move so often?"

    "Correction! They don't move unless every 'mon exits the dungeon," Excadrill explained proudly. "As long as a single 'mon stays and doesn't advance through the stairs, the layout of the dungeon doesn't change. All it took was generatin' a decent sized room and makin' sure the dungeon 'mons don't disturb us none."

    "And here I thought the Cosmic Quilt Guild was the only group interested in the Mystery Dungeons," she murmured back.

    "Well, thank Jack and his team for showin' me about these ley lines in that big hole out there so long ago. My eyes were opened, and so will yours."

    The rest of the guild began to explore the converted room, taking in the mix of an uncanny, ancient village, along with the adjustments made by the Grit Ruin Excavators stretching along the area. A large portion of them would wander near the boarded up corridors after hearing the shuffle of footsteps behind them, peeking past the cracks or missed spots to see what was the culprit. The noises of which were quickly identified as coming from the constructed defenders - dungeon Pokemon. Seeing as there was no way for them to cross past the barricade and attack those inside the room, they instead paced around the corridors endlessly and mindlessly.

    Excadrill noticed their curiosity and meandered over, his smile replaced by a frown. "If ya ever wondered why the ley lines need to go, take a good look at these 'Pokemon'. They might just be the Pokemon that once lived here, thinking they were safe and all, only to have their lives stripped away in an instant... And the Council wants to think there's not a threat to worry about," he said with heavy distaste.

    Scizor's glare into the empty eyes of the dungeon Pokemon never strayed away, the sick feeling in his stomach returning full force. Jackson only momentarily observed the husk-like Pokemon, before glancing around the room and speaking up loudly.

    "Attention! You have all been debriefed before our trip of what teams you will be splitting up into! Find your leader - they will give you a handful of Entercards, a list of symbols, and locations to test with those Entercards!" He crossed his arms behind his back. "Once you are familiar with using Entercards, you are to return to this Mystery Dungeon for reassignment. You may now begin training with your teams!"

    As the guild hesitantly stopped their visual exploration and broke off into separate groups. Liam bit his lip in both anticipation and concern, for his only partner throughout this training was Gloria. There was no Roark to ease the tension and put a smile on either of faces, but he could fix this himself. The Riolu didn't waste any time in arriving by her side, the two of them silently standing side-by-side, averting any direct eye contact as they waited for their team leader to arrive.

    But it didn't take Excadrill long to come over and access the two of them with an inquisitive smirk.

    "Team Requiem! Might I say I'm glad ya stayed; had a nice lil' chat with y'all the other day." the mole said. "Green but determined I say, and I'm sure Jack sees that in ya too."

    Liam beamed at the praise. "Thanks. We're just happy that everyone stayed with the guild, too."

    Excadrill scratched his chin, chuckling. "Now… you're sure ya weren't born 'round these parts? I wasn't crazy when I noticed that faint Grit Region accent."

    Liam shook his head. "Uh, nope! Was born in the Shore Region, sorry."

    "Dangit! Well, ya still got the spunk of a 'mon from here and not those lazy sun soakers," Excadrill grumbled under his breath, reaching into one of his suit pockets and taking out a handful of shiny Entercards. "Bit of a learning curve with these, but I'm sure y'all will get the hang of it. Trust me, they're actually pretty dang fun to use!"

    Excadrill then handed over the card-like devices to Liam, noticeably lacking a pattern engraved into their frames. "Gonna have to make your own pattern on the surface, put it in the card, then fill it up with some energy to get 'er energized. So… who wants to give it a go first?"

    Normally, Liam would be quick on his feet to snag an opportunity like this first, but this time things were different. Turning to his partner, he extended the cards forward, a joking grin plastered on his face.

    "Ladies first?"

    Gloria appeared taken aback at first at his lax question, looking up at his cheesy expression and down at the Entercards he hoped she would grasp. Liam then got what he wanted, a smile slowly expanding across her muzzle as she looked up at him.

    A smile that he didn't know he would miss so much.

    Through swept up sand and orange arcs of light swirling around in the air in tandem, an Entercard expanded into existence from nothing, accompanied by a ring of flaring energy circling it. A shadow was visible through the light, canine and quadrupedal in nature, remaining in the pillar of radiance as the energy released quickly evaporated back into the card-like device.

    Rockruff leapt from his now stationary Entercard, whipping his head around in amazement. "That… THIS IS SO COOL!" he yipped, stamping a paw into the sand. "I'm never gonna get over this! You guys agree with me, right? They should've shown these things to us a long time ago!"

    His loud inquiry to the assortment of guild members lounging around had fallen mostly on deaf ears, most too tuckered out from the hours of back-and-forth Entercard they had endured. While Braixen and Monferno leaned against each other for support, Roark laid on his back and twirled an Entercard between his claws, looking ailed.

    "Glad to see you're at least happy with this arrangement," the ruse fox grumbled. "But nah, these things are the death of me."

    Monferno laughed, nearly rattling Braixen out of her drowsy state. "Can confirm. Me and Braix saw this geezer stumble out of his card and bend straight down to throw up. Braix had to shield her eyes."

    "Hey, that ain't nothing new to me," Roark countered.

    Monferno turned his attention to Rockruff. "Where's Mightyena and Purrloin? Wait. Lemme guess, they're probably out trying to rob or sucker some of the locals."

    Rockruff sighed, sitting down. "Nope. They said they got 'motion sickness' or whatever after my sixth trip with the cards!" The puppy tilted his head. "Hey… Why did you think they would rob someone? Team Nightshade is all about helping Pokemon!"

    Monferno raised an eyebrow, "You know they're-" he stopped to check if Braixen was awake, then continued once confirming she wasn't, "thieves, right?"

    "What?! No! Did Staravia tell you guys that? He tells fake rumors all the time, y'know!"

    Roark chuckled sickly, "Hate to break it to you, but pretty much everyone knows, Rockruff. Petty thieves really, and they're not really good at hiding it."

    Rockruff was dumbfounded, "I don't believe it! I mean, if everyone knew, then how come the Guildmaster doesn't? And if he does, then why would he allow them here if he's so careful and professional?"

    The silence following his questions was seen as a victory to Rockruff.

    "See, it doesn't make sense!" he proclaimed, puffing his chest out.

    Monferno bit his lip, "I don't know. The Guildmaster has to know somewhat, but maybe that doesn't really matter to him? I mean, don't tell Braix, but if I was in charge, I wouldn't care all that much."

    "But the guild wants like, the bravest and most good hearted Pokemon out there, right?" Rockruff wondered. "Pokemon like Team Drarosteel! Ones that could take the ley… whatever they are!"

    Roark pointed a claw at the Rock-type from his supine position. "Which is why the Guildmaster might not care about backgrounds of certain 'mons, as long as they can help support the goal. He let my furry behind wander in without so much a look at my past, so why should he care about some low tier criminals when the world's supposedly at stake."

    "Huh… I guess I didn't think about it like that," Rockruff admitted, before shaking his head. "But c'mon, guys, they're not thieves! When did you ever see them steal something on a job!"

    "Whatever you say," Monferno said with a yawn, slowly lifting himself up so as to not disturb a sleeping Braixen. "Gonna go ask if Leafeon can make us some lunch, 'cause we earned it today."

    Roark raised a claw into the claw. "Roasted Chesto Berries. Tell her if she makes 'em I'll be happy enough to kiss her."

    "Gross, but okay," Monferno snickered, walking away from the group.

    "Wait! Tell her to make poffins! The spicy ones! Spicy Poffins!" Rockruff shouted behind him.

    He never got a reply back.

    Monferno casually strolled through the sands, trekking up a small hill to survey the land. Besides the massive hole in the desert, the only other point of interest was the site of activity that was being rapidly built before his very eyes. Pokemon of the Grit Ruin Excavators set up tables, tents, campfires, and various other small structures suited for the mission, all the while wisps of orange Entercard travel light could be seen appearing and disappearing from afar.

    He could have stopped here and enjoyed the view if it weren't for his rumbling stomach, so he continued walking. It wasn't long until he found her, sprawled out on the ground with a very worried look staining her once serene appearance. Her eyes were glued to the speakers of an ELE, almost anticipating for something to come out of the device. She was then caught off guard when she heard a voice to her left and not from the ELE.

    "Hey, Leafeon. Rest of us have gotten pretty hungry from training, so how about you fix us up with some food?"

    Leafeon didn't turn her head to face him, completely concentrating on the ELE. "Can't now. You'll have to, um, wait until dinner. Or get Gloria to help; she's good enough to hold her own."

    Monferno sighed heavily, gazing down at the ELE. "Did the Guildmaster tell you to do this? What are you even waiting on?"

    "No, he didn't. If he wants me training, tell him I will do it, but not now. I need to hear her."

    "Hear who?"

    A bead of sweat traveled down Leafeon's face as she swallowed. "Shaymin. I was talking to her yesterday and trying to get her to return, but… then she stopped responding."

    Monferno scowled at the name, scratching one of his bandages. "Okay… and? She might've gotten angry at you or something else and is pouting."

    "She wouldn't get angry at me!" Leafeon shouted back, before realizing her abrasive tone. "Listen, I know that you and everyone else here don't like Shaymin, but I know her as a friend, and she wouldn't just not tell me what's going on."

    "Okay, okay. Are you saying she hasn't said a word since yesterday?"

    Leafeon shook her head. "Nothing. Other than bits of static and some other noises that come through - but none are her voice." She stared into the ELE's speakers again. "I'm worried… worried that something bad happened to her while was flying, like she lost control and fell into a ravine. Or maybe she got into a fight with the guards and-"

    Monferno held up a hand, "Calm down, will ya? I'm sure she's fine. Legendary strength and all that stuff."

    "... I hope so."

    'Fuckers better hope I don't get outta here…'

    Drops of water fell down from the cave's stone ceiling and accumulated into small puddles onto the ground, only to be stepped over and splashed against an angry Shaymin as she paced around. She looked past the gaps in the iron bars that prevented her escape and muttered multiple obscenities in her mind and under her breath.

    'Just one slip up. One mistake of theirs and I'm free.'

    She would search every nook and cranny for a possibility of freedom, yet was unsuccessful in spotting anything besides dead ends and pitch-black darkness barely lit by torches placed along the walls. Thoughts of luring her captors into the cell flooded her mind, a raging sneer affixed to her face as she contemplated it over and over.

    "Please, child, sit and do not waste your energy," a weak but elderly voice to her right beckoned from the cell's dark corners. .

    Shaymin snapped her enraged face over to the voice. "You just want me to lie down like a mutt and accept being caged up, dontcha? Well, tough shit, 'cause I ain't goin' down without a fight, you hear me!"

    "... I only wish for your safety, child."

    "Not needed, pal. Especially from a Legendary like yourself…"

    The voice sighed at her tone, shifting his body out of the darkness and into a haze of the cavern's natural blue light. Its body was quadrupedal and rustic orange in color, feline in appearance, with cloud-like features forming around its four legs and a white 'beard' adorning its rugged face. But as he came more into view, the lacerations and bruises that dotted his body became more apparent. He sat stationary, clearly too injured and exhausted from a losing fight to stand.

    Shaymin smirked slightly, "I wonder what the other Legends will think when they see their mate Landorus got beat up and held captive in his own shrine by some 'commoners'. That'll raise some eyebrows, ya think?"

    Landorus flared his nostrils. "This situation was beyond my control, young Shaymin. We were outnumbered and overwhelmed by these... savages. But do not fret; our fellow Legendaries have witnessed our distress and will return to free us."

    "Our?", Shaymin questioned with a glare. "As if you and all those other bludgers consider me to be on the same level. Don't make me laugh, mate. Maybe if I had an ugly shrine and brainwashed followers too, I'd be seen as equal."

    "Child… I do not understand your ill will against your peers. Has the Shaymin clan's leader sat down to properly teach you the values of Arceus?"

    Shaymin seemingly forgot her anger and burst into laughter, only serving to confuse Landorus more. "V-values of Arceus? Do ya really expect me to believe that indoctrinating junk? Just to serve other Legends like a slave forever and put 'em on a pedestal?"

    Landorus dismissed her words with a puff of breath. "Arceus' teachings have always been paramount throughout time, and its structure is necessary to keep all Legendaries close together."

    "Call it whatever you want, mate, but it's just an excuse to push us around. Hell, you're reminding me of Ho-Oh right now, with all his 'rules' and 'tradition' nonsense."

    A reminder of the whole reason she was here right now resurfaced in her mind, reigniting her hatred of that Pokemon.

    "Child…" Landorus said delicately. "You're young, angry, and confused about these principles. But in time, I am positive you will realize there is a greater purpose to our lives as Legendaries. We are to be good examples to Pokemon all across the world, just as Aceus willed it long ago."

    Before another angry retort could come out of Shaymin's mouth, the squeaky noise of a wooden door opening just out of their sight halted her. Returning her attention back to the bars, Shaymin listened to both footsteps and also a strange slithering noise that got louder and louder each second. She wet her lips and formed an expression of defiance as two Pokemon entered her vision.

    Besides the emotionless Golduck that delivered the blow to the side of her head beforehand, the coiled up Serperior staring straight at her with its predatory eyes exuded an entirely different aura. The flickering of the torchlight made the golden crown atop the Grass-type's head gleam in an almost royal manner, illuminating the smug smile that wormed its way on the snake's face.

    "My, I had to personally see for myself if the reports were true…" Serperior mused softly. "But alas, another Legendary that couldn't challenge my darling knights." She noted both the large purple bruise on Shaymin's temple and the charred bits of green fur across her form. "And not a very pretty one at that…"

    Shaymin approached the iron bars, containing her rage just for a second. "So, you're the big sheila in charge, huh?" She eyed the Pokemon up and down. "What, ya think you're some queen bandit or somethin'?"

    "Princess," Serperior corrected astutely. "The title of queen is something I have yet to prove, but for now you may address me as Princess Serperior."

    Shaymin snorted, "Oh, a loon. Like hell I will - not after your little thugs decided to knock me unconscious and stick me in here. I ain't gonna kiss your behind... wherever that is, so you might as well let me go."

    Serperior glided across the rugged stone and got close to the bars, narrowing her eyes. "You've got quite a mouth, young lady. I've read that Shaymin are supposed to be grateful, that they respect higher authority."

    "Gratitude ain't my thing, so you can take your authority and shove it."

    "... You should be grateful that you aren't a bullet riddled corpse rotting in the desert, sweetheart," Serperior said coldly.

    There wasn't a quick response back as Shaymin swallowed the lump in her throat, the reality of her situation now overtaking her mettle. She was alone here, held to the whims of these murderous Pokemon.

    Serperior honed her eyes to the black scarf with yellow stars wrapped around Shaymin's neck. "You are part of a guild or exploration team, correct? I did not know that Legendaries were allowed to join institutions like that."

    It took a moment for Shaymin to respond, pushing her subtle fear away. "I… I ain't part of a guild anymore."

    "Mhm, so there's no Pokemon out there looking for you, no clan of Shaymins that will want to reunite with their missing sister many continents away?"

    Shaymin bit her lip and took a step back as the Grass-type inched her face closer into the bars. She was correct - no one knew she was here, not even Leafeon, and certainly no one from the guild would come to save her now.

    "Do you want to hear a story?" Serperior asked with a smile. "I used to live on the Grass Continent with my father when I was a little girl long ago. We had to move to a big city, and live in a poor little house wedged between two alleyways. I hated it; the crowds, the insatiable Pokemon, the ugly noises and sights. You know what it's like to live in a foreign land, right?"

    Shaymin didn't want to answer, but felt a pressure to nod her head.

    Serperior smiled, "So you understand what it's like to act out in protest. And I did. I disrespected those who I encountered, even my dearest daddy. I stole - just small quantities from shops - but kept getting more bold. I was out of control and on a path of self destruction, until my father noticed. You know what he did next?"

    Shaymin said nothing.

    "Whenever I would talk back or fail to address him as 'sir', he would punish me, lock me into a small room for hours or even a full day. No food or water, only books of ancient history to read and pass the time. I was there many times, with only the knowledge of elegant kingdoms in the past to give me company." Her eyes glazed over, staring past Shaymin. "It was… pleasant. The way kings and queens demanded respect from all those below them, it taught me to respect my own father. It helped shape the wonderful woman that I am today, which is why I am telling you this."

    Shaymin glared at the snake, fear hidden behind her angry green orbs. "... And why are ya tellin' me this? What's your deal?"

    Serperior smiled, "You remind me of my younger self, so brash and rebellious. If my darling knights didn't think death was your fate, then perhaps you have a new route in life. You just need a little... encouragement, hm?"

    Shaymin slowly caught onto her thinking, eyes widening. "No…" She backed up again. "No, there's no way you'll ever get me followin' orders from you. Not happenin'."

    "I said the same to my father once, and it's no different for you. In a position like this, I own you, dear," she hissed.

    That emphasized word sent shivers down the Legendary's spine, bringing back her rage as she ran over to the bars and bared her teeth. "You think I'm gonna be your little pet slave?! Fat fuckin' chance!"

    "That choice isn't up to you, darling. In time, you'll understand to respect authority, just like I had to." Serperior threw her head back and laughed haughtily, slithering away from the iron bars. "Next time I expect you to address me as 'your highness'. Otherwise… I'm sure there's some ways to get you to do so. "

    As the Grass-type began to leave with her silent Golduck companion, Shaymin realized her intentions and erupted into anger, slamming her body uselessly against the separators. The pain didn't matter as much to her as escaping this place, lobbing obscenities as loudly as she could.


    Serperior listened to the shouts and cries of her new captive fade into an echo as she traversed the cavern's hallways. She quietly hummed a tune and observed the numerous other jail cells she passed by. The followers of Landorus that once prayed at the shrine were now held as prisoners below it. They congregated in groups, whispering to each other out of fear or anger towards the Grass-type as she went by.

    Twisting her head to her right, she spoke into the ear of the Golduck following by her side. "The Shaymin, are you sure she's not part of a larger Legendary group?"

    "Yes, your highness. As far as we are aware, she has no involvement or greater understanding of our operations in the region. Just a stray that wandered in at night."

    Serpeior nodded, "Very well. Stay and continue your watch over the followers until further notice, Lord Golduck. As long as the Landorus is kept well, their tempers will be mellow."

    Her clan's reasoning for taking over Landorus' shrine was purely for potential knowledge of Regi Castle. Her biggest source of information about the ruin had told her supposedly everything he knew, so the next best thing was the nearest location of a Legendary. But it frustrated her immensely to see the excavation efforts at Regi Castle reach a dead end, along with there being no worthwhile leads at this shrine to follow.

    They needed a breakthrough, and she was going to get it.

    Serperior slid up the stairs, exiting the dungeon and entering the daylight. The shrine once dedicated to worship of Arceus and the gift of agriculture was now littered with mercenaries and local bandits. Cracks of gunfire resounded around as many trained their aiming. She smiled at the Pokemon that stood out of the way and bowed before her as she slithered past, looking for a specific Pokemon among her knights.

    She soon spotted the Krokorok sitting on a broken rock column and tinkering with a strange object. Curious, she moved towards him until he noticed her presence and stopped to bow, speaking in a dignified manner. Yet, her eyes remained on the Minun-like device, which had both ears and a speaker.

    "Greetings, your highness. Is there anything I can do for you?"

    Serperior extended a vine to grab the device out of his grasp. "Lord Krokorok, what is this… gadget?"

    "It was found in the saddlebag of the Shaymin we captured, your highness. Oddly enough, we have heard a scrambled voice occasionally come from it, so I have attempted to figure out how it works."

    She inspected it from all angles, using another vine to flick one of the switches on its side to see if it changed anything. The device was almost dropped from her clutches when a burst of loud static from the speakers jolted her senses. Suddenly, a female voice could be heard through the mess of static.

    "Shaymin… Please… Are you there?"

    Serperior's interest peaked, and after erasing her stunned expression, she attempted to speak into the apparatus. "... Hello? Can you hear me, dear?"

    The response was instantaneous, "Yes! Um… Have you seen or talked to a Shaymin, miss? I really need to know!"

    "Why, I believe I have. Are you a friend of hers?"

    "Yes! Is she near a town or village? And is she okay?" the voice asked in a concerned manner.

    Serperior formed an idea, smiling sinisterly. "She is, dear! Currently, she is being held captive by us at the Shrine of Landorus."

    "W-What?... Who is this?! Are you pulling a prank on me? Please, I need to know where Shaymin is!"

    "You are speaking to Princess Serperior of the Rose Clan, dear. And no, pranks are too uncouth for a lady such as myself. But this Shaymin character is here, and I will allow her departure if agreements are met."

    The voice didn't reply for a moment. "You're that… What do I have to do to secure Shaymin's safety?! What are you doing to her?!"

    "Calm down, dear," Serperior said coolly. "If you wish to see your friend Shaymin, I can agree to an exchange of fifty thousand Poké to the site of the shrine in return for Shamin's safety. How does mmm… three days sound? If three days pass, then I'm sorry to say that's the last you'll hear of her, dear."

    The Grass-type waited for a response, but nothing came, so she flicked the device's side switch. "Keep an eye out if that Pokemon decides to follow up on my offer. As for the other situation, have any of them been able to get through?"

    "U-uh." Krokorok snapped out of his trance. "No, your highness. We had to stop and rethink our options over the evening."

    An unexpected roadblock in their excavation of Regi Castle had halted her progress - an orange shield totally encasing the remainder of earth separating them from their reward below Regi Castle. Not even the hardest strike of a pickaxe or a teleport from a Psychic-type could break through the barrier. None of them had seen something like this before, and she wondered if it was some sort of failsafe created by the Legendaries from long ago.

    "That is… unfortunate. However, I expect you are ready for what happens next."

    "Yes, your highness. I will oversee the operation. Everyone is positioned accordingly."


    While the impenetrable shield was a setback, she knew the two ambassadors from the Alignment could turn the tides in her favor. If the plan was successful, she would eliminate her competition and also gain new Alignment secrets that the exiled commander could not tell of. Secrets that could allow her to get past the barrier.

    But there was another issue.

    The bandits she armed would only stall so long against the Council, and if they were informed of her intentions, an alliance between the Alignment and the Council would for sure stop at nothing to eliminate her clan. Combine that with her incessant rivals that always intrude on her desires, she knew time was of the essence if her clan was to live.

    If all of these factions were to descend upon her at once, it would surely create the perfect storm.

    A screeching noise from above filled their sleeping ears, jostling the two Pokemon out of their not so pleasant slumber on the floors of the dark shaft. They cracked their eyes open and stared up at the circular hole of flowing light that shined down on them - freedom it looked like. A long length of rope appeared through the grate's opening and fell to the ground beside the disheveled looking pair.

    The message was clear.

    Gallade was the first to move and grabbed onto the rope, beginning to scale it, a difficult endeavor after he was starved of most energy. A worried Heliolisk was hesitant to accept the offer, but any opportunity to escape this torture was an opprtunity he would take. After both of them gradually clambered to the top, they were greeted to the stern face of a Druddigon that held the rope in place.

    "Get movin'."

    Gallade took the Dragon-type's advice and began walking down the keep's crumbling halls. Heliolisk wasn't quick to do so, only moving after he was given a sharp glare from the Druddigon. He shuffled alongside Gallade and wringed his claws together nervously, leaning into his partner's ear.

    "What the hell do we do now?", he whispered harshly, visibly frightened.

    "Nothing," Gallade muttered back. "Not yet. Wait."

    "And just wait for them to kill us?"

    "Have faith. They need us. Wait."

    It wasn't a satisfying answer to Heliolisk, but he had no plan himself. Tailed by the Druddigon, their conversation died down as they stepped through the open doorway and into the broad daylight. The ruins of the keep smackdab were in the middle of nowhere, with only desert plains and cliffs of sandstone surrounding them. The only company here was a gathering of hardy looking mercenaries that never took their eyes off the pair.

    Looking up, blips of distant figures in the blue sky began to get larger and larger. Soon enough, multiple Flying-types were soaring above the keep and flying closer to the ground each second. Before they reached the ground, Gallade caught a glimpse of black capes flapping in the wind, attached to the backs of two Pokemon riding on their backs.

    They were here, which implied they still wanted to talk.

    Druddigon pushed the two out of their trance and forced them to keep walking forward. Weavile and Bisharp immediately hopped off Honchkrow's back once he landed, eyeing down the pair that stopped in their tracks. Weavile adjusted her saddlebag and closed in wearing a grin, Bisharp not far behind with an unreadable expression as always.

    "How's the sunlight feel?" she said, accompanied by a snort. "Soak it in, 'cause you're not gonna be seeing it much anytime soon."

    Heliolisk paled at her words, wetting his lips, "And what do you mean by that, huh? You keep us caged like slaves for another few days, we give you what you want, and then you kill us once we're not needed?"

    "Trust me, if we wanted you dead, you'd be lying in a shallow grave already."

    "How are we supposed to believe tha-'' Heliolisk was interrupted by a jab on his side from Gallade.

    "We have already told you everything we could tell you," the Psychic-type said calmly. "Anything else would jeopardize our safety upon returning home."

    "Yeah, well… Bishy and I think differently."

    Gallade tensed up, but remained vigilant. "And what do you mean by that?"

    "We're not done with you, is what we're saying," Bisharp suddenly spoke, crossing his arms. "There's a few details and a few stories we want to hear more about."

    "And then after that… What?" Heliolisk questioned with a scowl.

    Weavile approached the nervous Electric-type, leaning over him as he flinched. "Let me put your mind at ease, runt. You give us what we want, you return home safely to your little cult base, and everyone's happy."

    "We'll do it," Gallade confirmed, shutting down the look of disbelief Heliolisk gave him with a side glance.

    Weavile smirked, backing away from them. "Not like you had a choice in the matter, but hey, glad you won't make this difficult for all of us. We treat you like you're Pokemon with actual hearts in your chests, and the same goes for us."

    "Weavile is right," Bisharp added. "You're being brought to a new location. You'll be given blindfolds to wear, and you are expected not to struggle, make a fuss, say or do anything along the way, got that?"

    Gallade analyzed the plan's details in his mind, nodding and raising his right limb to his chest, pounding it. "I promise on behalf of the Allmother and Allfather that there will be no trouble caused by myself or my partner."

    Weavile laughed at his stiff response, strolling around the area. "Glad to hear that, soldier boy. But we aren't taking off just yet." She looked around, flicking her gaze to the numerous large crates and other strewn about materials resting on the hot sands. "Clean up time, everyone! Get this stuff packed up on our fliers and get ready to be airborne!"

    All of the mercenaries standing around mute immediately sprung into action as that command left Weavile's mouth. Crates and containers were pried or smashed open in some cases by more large and reckless Pokemon, the contents of which being transported into saddlebags or smaller separate boxes fit for aerial travel. The two captains oversaw these efforts, intermixed by brief conversations between the two.

    Gallade and Heliolisk stood still and observed the mercenaries work efficiently as a team, unsure of their next move. This moment of respite would be cut short by Weavile, halting her chat with Bisharp to shoot them a look, a look that read for them to stop standing around and assist her mercenaries.

    So they did.

    Working under the scorching sun surrounded by nothing but barren desert and hostile mercenaries wasn't a job Heliolisk wished for, but his nerves were slightly calmed by having Gallade work beside him. The Druddigon from before was assigned to him, the both of them tasked with salvaging multiple wooden containers of their insides.

    An hour of this went by painfully slow for the Electric-type.

    After finding another lonesome crate, the Druddigon effortlessly ripped open the top layer. Inside were multiple rows of items fit for battle; Seeds of all kinds and various vibrant Wonder Orbs. Heiolisk looked down, a lone desire of retaliation entered his thoughts. Darting his eyes around the area, all of the other mercenaries were busy at work, not paying attention or keeping guard.

    He looked back down into the open crate again, biting his lip at the chance he had now. He could blind the Druddigon with a Luminous Orb, and then act fast while the others were distracted and use an Escape Orb on him and Gallade before they could realize. They would teleport away and reappear almost five minutes away, giving them enough time to hide or run far away.

    But one fact punctured a hole in his plan - no Entercards. Getting home without them would be no easy task, especially with an entire mercenary clan trying to find them.

    A slamming noise to his right rattled him out of his daydream as Druddigon glared daggers into him.


    Heliolisk gulped and returned to his task of taking the items out of the crate, mind relinquishing his idea of escape. He was so frustrated that he couldn't do anything to help free themselves, and Gallade's way of peacefully working with the mercenaries was not helping his temper. He had a little brother at home, one that looked up to him and was waiting for him to come back home. He despised that he was such a coward compared to Gallade, that anyone else back home couldn't fight back against the nonbelievers that threatened them. The small amount of advice he had been given by the commander reemerged in his thoughts.

    'Never trust a devil', he said. Devils, these Pokemon certainly were.

    After a few minutes of sorting all the seeds and Wonder Orbs out of the crate and onto the ground, there was only one thing left to grab. A long container rested on the bottom, clearly heavy from the looks of it. Heliolisk sighed and went to grab it with a grunt, the Druddigon assisting him as they slowly hoisted it out of its confinement.

    "All right, we lay it flat."

    The Electric-type did just that, delicately dropping the rectangular box the same time his 'partner' did. He then took the moment to dust himself off, catching his breath.

    Blood splattered against the wooden crate as a bullet pierced straight through Druddigon's right temple. The dragon flailed his limbs and dropped into the sand instantly, letting out a few involuntary twitches before going still, eyes dead and lifeless.

    Time slowed to a crawl around Heliolisk.

    The ensuing crack of gunfire echoed, muting the shocked shouts and calls of the Pokemon around him. He slowly swept his frozen gaze around, watching the mercenaries flee their position in slow motion, yet he didn't move. His breaths were shallow, blood covered limbs quaking, yet he did nothing but look around.

    Gallade tackled Heliolisk to the ground and scrambled through the sands on all fours as another boom from nowhere shattered the sky, both taking cover behind a large boulder. Heliolisk heaved back and forth, his eyes never left the smear of blood on the wooden crate and the Druddigon's body.

    Another shot was fired that entered the skull of Honchkrow as he attempted to fly to safety, the crow smacking into the ground. Weavile and Bisharp were crouched behind their own slab of cover, the former whipping her back and forth in an attempt to scout out the attacker.

    "Get to cover right now!" she barked.

    As those who listened to her advice followed it, an eerie silence set in over the area, but Weavile knew it was far from over.

    Sprouting pillars of light and a loud shimmering noise erupted on all sides of the crumbling keep. One after another, Entercards expanded into existence as ley lines uprooted from their natural location danced in the skies. The arrivals formed a ring of orange luminance around the keep, quaking the earth beneath their feet in its might.

    "AMBUSH!" Weavile yelled, preparing herself for a battle.

    Numerous Pokemon wearing rose painted breastplates charged out of their respective Entercards, some holding raised rifles while others built up energy in their outstretched claws and gnashing teeth. The mercenaries of Weavile's clan soon conquered their shock and stood their ground, charging up attacks of their own as the enemy closed in.

    A battle commenced.

    It was chaotic and bloody from the viewpoint of Gallade and Heliolisk, who never moved their hiding spot behind the boulder. They flinched as freezing beams and columns of blazing fire sailed past them, strikes of thunder kicking up dust and scorching the earth beside them.

    Gallade had trained in aspects of multiple target battles before, but never had he experienced something of this scale. It threatened to break his will and nerve, but he defied his fear in an attempt to save both of their lives. Tuning the sounds of conflict out, he honed his vision on the two captains', plotting an idea in his head.

    Weavile slashed the chest of an Espeon that got too close, delivering a swift kick that sent it to the ground and snapping her head towards Bisharp. "How many of 'em?!" she yelled

    Bisharp utilized his Iron Head and smashed his metallic cranium into an Umbreon as it crumpled to the ground. "Too many! Outnumbered!"

    Immediately after his warning, another flash of Entercard arrivals appeared from their right as more soldiers of the Rose Clan poured out of the orange light. Weavile clenched her teeth at the sight, throwing her gaze to the duo of Rhyperior and Electivire that were just finishing up stomping a Loudred into the ground.

    "Rhyperior! Electivire!" Weavile exclaimed, jabbing a claw at the new arrivals.

    The two caught on quickly and sized up the group of Pokemon that charged towards them. They briefly exchanged looks and nod of solidarity before engaging.

    Rhyperior started off by slamming his rock column-like arms into the ground, shaking the ground as large spikes of pointy rock jutted from the ground and raced towards the ensuing group. It barreled into those too slow to react, which triggered Electivire's response to run alongside the spikes.

    Galloping on all fours, his eyes formed a gleam in them, his twin tails sparking electricity. Once fully energized, coils of hot blue plasma spiraled out from his tails and snaked their way through and in between the skewers of rock. The heat seeking plasma struck the chests of Pokemon unfortunate enough to stand in its path, shocking them still and allowing a speedy Electivire to pummel with a well timed Thunder Punch.

    Finally, Rhyperior called back his spikes and held his right arm out straight. A pebble grew from nothing and hovered in front of his arm's cannon, slowly developing into a rock, and then a massive boulder over time. Squinting his eyes, he aimed his Rock Wrecker perfectly and fired without hesitation. The reinforcements that remained were now completely blown away by a shattering boulder.

    The dynamic duo's reward for their victory was a sequence of two gunfire shots that uselessly collided into Rhyperior's natural armor and narrowly missed Electivire's head. Weavile turned around, attempting to locate the source of the shots again. A glint of the sun reflecting on the metal of the rifles caught her attention, pinpointing it to the cliffs of sandstone overlooking the keep. Weavile formed a murderous glower and bumped the shoulder of Bisharp next to her, bringing his awareness to the attacker behind them.

    They knew what to do.

    Weavile dropped her saddlebag and sprinted towards the cliff, Bisharp in hot pursuit behind her. More bursts of fire from atop the cliff same as the two captains hopped on rocks and scaled the cliff at a rapid pace. Once they were atop the bluff of red stone, Weavile flicked her ferocious glare to the two Combuskens' firing down on her Pokemon, who noticed their presence and pulled the bolt back on their rifles, training them on the intruders.

    They weren't aiming for the head, only the limbs, they noted.

    This didn't stop either of the captains' as they lurched forward at alarming rates with their claws and gauntlets splayed out. The Combuskens' kneeled and took their shot, one bullet bouncing off Bisharp's leg and denting its metal, while the other merely took off the fur of Weavile's right arm, only seeming to increase her anger.

    Weavile lunged forward, black cape flapping behind her as she savagely sliced the throat of the Combusken in her warpath, Bisharp following suit with the same execution on the other doppelganger. They gurgled out choked cries as blood filled their lungs and fell twitching.

    Back down to the anarchic battle on the ground, Gallade was keenly watching the saddlebag Weavile had left behind, formulating an idea. The Razor Claw's were losing bad, caught off guard and facing reinforcements arriving by Entercards, with even Rhyperior and Electivire struggling to fight back now. Gallade knew they wouldn't come out of this alive if they were to lose, so he had to bet everything on his trump card.

    And he did just that.

    Scrambling out from behind the cover of the boulder, Gallade stayed low to the ground as he went over and picked up the black saddlebag. He hastily opened it and searched its contents, finding both his Mega Bracelet and the Entercard that would send them home. He hesitated for a moment, but ultimately grabbed the bracelet and connected it to his arm, pointing it to the sky.

    Nearly all of the fighters stopped to look at the bubble of pure energy forming around Gallade. It crackled, flashing an odd symbol before fully encasing the Psychic-type. A few seconds later, the shield burst open and revealed the Mega Evolved form of Gallade. His head crest was larger, arm blades sharper, and had a white cape flowing from his back, expression resilient and determined.

    Gallade wasted no time in leaping into action, for this form lasted only mere minutes. He dashed towards any Rose Clan soldier he saw, sending supercharged Psycho Cuts from his arm and dropping them instantly before they could fight back. He didn't know if he was simply knocking them out or worse, but pushed past this disturbing question and continued his ravenous assault. He was a soldier, a protector of the Allfather, and he did what the situation demanded of him, no matter what.

    The tide of the battle turned shortly after Gallade's endeavor, as now only a sparse few Rose Clan remained standing. And when they were finally brought down to the ground and snuffed out, aside from numerous groans and murmurs, the keep was deathly quiet. The sand was stained with blood and black battle scars, breastplates littering the area as spots of risen fire crackled intensely.

    Weavile and Bisharp slid down the cliff to survey the fallout. The Rose Clan was defeated, but her clan had taken immense losses, judging by how many bodies of her comrades were lying still in the sands. Her blood boiled at the state, but her greater attention was grabbed by something else; she and Bisharp ran forward to investigate.

    A white light wrapped around Gallade as he sprinted over to Heiolisk, vanishing moments later and revealing his transformation back to normalcy. He bent down and extended arm to the trembling Electric-type, who looked up at him and slowly clamped his claws on him. Once they were reacquainted, they turned around to see the two captains' and what remained of their mercenary force staring at them menacingly, waiting for either of them to attack.

    "Look!" Gallade yelled, stepping forward. "You can trust us! Yes, I took the bracelet, but by doing that, I saved all of us from certain death!"

    Anger clouded Weavile's judgment as she sneered at him. "And what happens if we turn our backs next? You're gonna pull that same stunt then!"

    "If we wanted to, we could have left with the Entercards!" Gallade yelled, earning him a quizzical stare from Heliolisk. "But we stayed to fight and help!"

    A lie - they would never have a chance to escape, but he had to play his cards right.

    "Weav's, maybe he's right, if just a little," Bisharp offered, sighing and looking back to observe the multitude of bodies. "Things would be a lot different if he didn't help..."

    Weavile didn't respond, thoughts and feelings festering in her mind of a certain Grass-type. But these were cut short when the sounds of muffled gasps and a struggle behind them were heard.


    Rhyperior and Electivire were seen dragging along a bruised and battered Krokorok that seemed to haven given up his attempts of escaping. He was brought forward to the two captains' and made to kneel, looking down and cowering from their intrigued gaze.

    "This one here says he's the one in charge of this ambush," Electivire explained, shoving the Ground-type. "Ain't that right you piece of shit?"

    "Y-yes!" the Krokorok cried. "I can tell you what you want, just leave me alive!"

    Weavile kneeled before him, leaning forward. "Start talking," she commanded, dancing her claws along his throat. "Prove your worth to me."

    "P-princess Serperior, she told us to do this, that you two and that Gallade and Heliolisk were supposed to be captured!" he sputtered out, wincing at the feel of cold and blood stained claws.

    "Us captured?" Bisharp questioned. "And those two… Why does she want us captured?"

    "To take you out of the picture, so you wouldn't find out about Regi Castle and disturb us. And… she wanted those two back there most, because our Alignment source didn't know things that they might know about the castle."

    Weavile exchanged looks with Bisharp, before slowly removing her claws and standing up. "This 'source'... are they located in the region?"

    "Y-yes! He's in a village just near Regi Castle," Krokorok answered, looking them both in the eyes pleadingly. "I can tell you a whole hell of a lot more! You just have to promise my survival!"

    "... Take him away, and keep him safe and out of sight," Weavile told the Pokemon holding Krokorok still. "Rhyperior, you find out this town he's talking about and make a trip there tomorrow. You get your answers from the Pokemon there about this source with or without force."

    "On it, ma'am."

    As they left with their new prisoner, Gallade spoke up again, overhearing the past conversation.

    "We're here because of the Rose Clan!" he admitted. "We came here to stop them from supplying the bandits and trying to get into Regi Castle."

    From the look Heliolisk was sending him, he seemed insane to tell them their mission details. And while it pained him, it was useful to build trust.

    "We both have a common enemy. We both want to stop their advances. Let us work together to stop the Rose Clan, and we will help you any way we can," Gallade reasoned, hoping they would accept his offer.

    Bisharp seemed convinced enough to allow them association, eager to hear of knowledge they could further obtain from the pair. However, Weavile struggled to see these two as being equal to them as partners. But since her partner seemed to already have an answer to their suggestion, she had no choice but to fold and hope things panned out smoothly.

    "You talk to us about this Regi Castle, then we can work together," Weavile said, turning her back on them.

    Pokemon of the Rose Clan still alive and writhing on the ground were subsequently extinguished by shots of their own rifles as her few comrades wandered around. How much blood needed to be shed for their goals to be reached and realized? How far will she have to go secure this revenge that was long ago but so fresh in her mind?

    Still, it seemed all worth it.

    "That snake wants a war? We'll give her a fuckin' war she'll never forget."


    Expanding into existence, an Entercard laid flat on the sands and produced a pillar of golden light, a shadow lurking in the golden fluorescence. Gloria carefully tiptoed her way out, a woozy feeling in her stomach still lingering even after all her rides with the Entercards.

    "Hurry up!" a male voice called.

    "I'm coming!" she squeaked back. "Just a little, um, dizzy!"

    Her response didn't seem acceptable as a Riolu emerged beyond a sandy hill in front of her, wearing a big smile and a banjo that was strapped to his back. He ran over and grabbed her paw, running back to where he came from with her unwillingly in tow.

    "Just this way!" Liam assured.


    Traversing the land together, the last hill they went past hid a surprising secret. A small lake stood defiantly among the dry and hot sands. Lush greenery and tall, swaying palm trees grew alongside its gravely edges. Yet, the most beautiful thing one could witness were the multiple waterfalls spouting from the cliffs bordering the lake. A rainbow appeared through the crashing water and gentle mist. In such a hostile environment, it felt serene and peaceful.

    "Amazing, right?" Liam said, soaking it all in with a happy sigh. "Found this place after I used one of those Entercard symbols."

    "Wow… It's beautiful," she murmured, eyes dazzling.

    Liam strolled down the sandy dune and stood by the lake's shore. Bending down, he grabbed a flat stone and positioned himself accordingly. He then snapped his paw back and sent the stone skidding across the calm water - three skips. He went at it over and over again, attempting to beat his previous score each new attempt.

    "You should try this! It's fun!" he recommended, flashing her a joyous smile.

    Gloria stared at him blankly, looking down at her four paws, then back at him.

    "Oh… right, heh."

    He went back to skipping rocks, Gloria content with simply watching him enjoy himself. However, he stopped not long after starting, standing still as he gazed out towards the lake and its small yet compelling waterfalls.

    "I get it now."

    "... Um, get what?" she asked, tilting her head.

    "The whole thing yesterday if you don't mind me talking," he said, reaching down to find another stone. "I know now why you'd, uh, always worry about my reckless antics, or tell me to not take jobs alone. And I get it, because even if we've only known these guys for a year, they're like family to us now, and we want the best for them."

    Gloria seized up, her inhibitions about this topic reappearing. What she did yesterday was an expulsion of emotions she didn't want to release, nor want anyone to see her do. It made her look pathetic, weak and invulnerable, as if she was too reliant on others to be there for her. It wasn't a moment fit for a hero, and she knew it. She said little to Liam or anyone afterward to ease that discomfort she felt about herself, but somehow it only made her feel worse. Now he was willing to talk about it, and she had the opportunity to open up.

    Liam tossed another rock, watching its trajectory. "You saying that stuff about everyone close leaving you… Well, I can relate to that, y'know. Never knowing my folks and all, it hurts."

    But he did know them; he knew who they were, what possibly happened to them, and it made the feeling so much worse.

    Gloria fiddled with her necklace's Never-Melt-Ice. "I just… I hate how much I care. How small and helpless I feel sometimes. I only got this far because of Roark, you, and so many others that it feels like I am completely reliant on you all." She let loose a deep sigh. "I just want everyone to be safe. But with everything that's happening now, I know that's not what's going to happen."

    She seemed stuck in a way, wanting those around her to be close and leave, while she pursues her own dreams of heroism. These two principles conflicted, only highlighting her own insecurities.

    "Family is everything, the Guildmaster told me," Liam shared, crossing his arms. "When I woke up that day, I didn't know anything in this world to care about but the large expanse of the world to explore; that's all I cared about, or wanted to at least," he mumbled, before raising his arms into the air. "I don't know why, but I feel so invigorated now, like we need to take action."

    "Um, what do you mean?"

    "I think it's time for us to stop talking about what we want and start doing what we want." He looked at her, smirking. "You saved me, Gloria. And I wanna see you be that hero you always talk about."

    The Vulpix smiled proudly at him, face determined. "I'll show you."


    Gloria trotted towards the lake's shore, watching as Liam picked up another flat stone. "Liam… would you ever tell me if you got back your past memory?"

    Liam lost his smile, swiveling his gaze to Gloria's, silent for just a moment. "... Of course."

    She nodded, deeply inhaling and exhaling. "Sorry, I'm just worried, I guess. I don't know how I would feel if you regained your memory and wanted to do something else in your life, or return to any family you might have. I... I like what we have now."

    Liam didn't respond, remaining still as he contemplated his actions, squeezing the stone in grip. He then took his usual throwing stance, but something caught his eye. Small pots and other containers were sitting near the lake's edge just a few yards away. He deduced instantly that these were property of nearby natives, most likely used to gather water that was so scarce now in the region.

    He threw the stone and watched as it glided across nothing and dropped into the water with a splash. He couldn't figure out why, but seeing a scenic location like this being defiled by flaws of a system irked him in such a manner. Everything here to him now had a different tint to it, a tint of ugliness.

    Liam glanced over, observing Gloria's icy blue necklace. "Will you ever tell me about that necklace?"

    "... Someday. I don't think I'm ready for that."

    It seemed a good enough answer for him as they both went silent.

    Liam sat down onto the gravel and pulled on his banjo's straps. He held the instrument in his hand, admiring the white flower engraved into its beaten up wood frame. Without so much a word, he began to strum the strings and play a song the Guildmaster taught him.

    The two of them enjoyed this strange and alien melody together, happy to share this moment of rest after reconciliation together again.

    These aspects of beauty tainted by the consequences of our reality. It makes you wish for a better alternative, a better tomorrow.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Heroes And Nobodies
    Last edited:
    Chapter 25: Heroes And Nobodies
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 25

    Heroes And Nobodies

    "My mom used to have a saying she would tell me time and time again that I always hated - something about, uh, heroes and nobodies," Garchomp pondered, racking her brain.

    Excadrill crossed his arms, "And what's that supposed to mean? Some sort of motivational tale?"

    It was midday, the fiery desert sun above beaming down on the encampment set up above the Grit Ruin Excavator's underground station. Numerous tables and workstations were laid out on the flat sands and rife with the presence of workers coordinating. Both Team Drarosteel and Team Moonlight, along with Excadrill, were positioned at a chosen station, observing efforts from afar. In the distance, small glimpses of orange Entercard light could be seen blipping into existence in different locations, like twinkling stars in the night.

    "Nope. It was like a warning… for me." Garchomp rattled her large talons on one of the wooden tables. "Whenever I wanted to leave the village to be my own Pokemon, she would tell that saying of hers."

    "And what kinda sayin' would that be?"

    She shook her head in remembrance. "That there were heroes and nobodies in this world - heroes that would venture throughout the world, save the day… then die tragically young. And then there were the nobodies - simple Pokémon that lived day to day and kept the wheels of society in motion, staying well and alive." She flashed a sharp grin. "Of course, mom wanted me to be the nobody."

    Excadrill bellowed with laughter. "Seein' as you're here now, that didn't quite work out for your momma!" He jabbed a claw at Jackson and Scizor, who were quietly communicating to each other at another table. "Heck, all of us here can be considered heroes and not nobodies. And I don't see us bein' snuffed out' so soon."

    Garchomp adopted a proud stance, raising her head high. "Well, dear old mom couldn't foresee the heights my team would reach. Ain't that right, boys'?" she called to the two Pokémon beside her.

    Aggron nodded, smacking his large chest proudly. "If it weren't for ya, I'd still be chowing down iron and tusslin' with my Lairon lads back at Steelcrag Mountain. Sometimes I miss those days…"

    "Ya miss gobblin' down iron ya big bellied loudmouth," Tyranitar grumbled.

    The Steel-type laughed, "And I'm sure you miss raidin' ships off the coast, pirate boy."

    "We all miss something here, boys," Garchomp said, eyes glazing over in thought. "But I wouldn't give up everything in the present for something in the past. I'm over that."

    Excadrill crossed his arms, "Sounds like quite a story between you three. My momma wanted me to get a head start in life and tossed me out to the Mightyena once I turned working age, yessiree." He glanced back at the two silent Pokemon behind him. "What about you two? Can't rightly say I've heard much about Team Moonlight's pre world famous past."

    Jackson ignored the request of conversation as he scribbled down more notes and drawings of diagrams onto a wide sheet of paper, eyes never leaving it. However, Scizor would hesitantly take the initiative, backing away from the Lucario and facing Excadrill, both pincers behind his back.

    "Well, there's not much of note to discuss before Team Moonlight was founded," Scizor explained. "Charizard and I were born in Areos Village and were very good friends growing up. We lived with our family and friends there until… that day."

    The sick feeling in the Bug-type's chest manifested again.

    Excadrill scratched his neck, "Ah, uh, my fault on opening past wounds like that… Jack's always hush-hush about this stuff, but y'all three met each other in that village, huh? Must be the work of Arceus, like a miracle."

    "… Indeed we did. We have been best of friends for over two decades, and I do not intend for this to change."

    Although the conversation was between Scizor and Excadrill, Garchomp found her attention drawn to a still Jackson, noting his slight facial reaction to the last comment. It was only after her private chat with Scizor that she began to realize and notice these quirks the Lucario sometimes showed. It intrigued her, yet disturbed her in a way she couldn't put her talon on.

    "Getting back on topic, we have something to show you, Excadrill," Garchomp said, changing the topic as she reached into her saddlebag to pull out something. "We believe it's got something to do with Entercards, and we'd like you to take a look at it and hopefully confirm our suspicions."

    The mole smiled proudly, fixing his tie. "You're talking to an Entercard researcher extraordinaire, miss! Lemme see whatcha got."

    What came out of her saddlebag was an unassuming slip of paper, which she carefully handed over with her sharp talons. Excadrill grabbed it from her with an amused expression, squinting to get a better look at what was sketched onto it. It was a drawing of a peculiar symbol - three circles overlapping each other with many swirls and spirals.

    "What you're seeing there is what we found atop Celestial Mountain at the very peak. It was marked into the ground, but pretty faded, so it had to be long ago. Thank Scizor for his observation and artist's rendition of it," she explained, shooting the Bug-type a smirk.

    Scizor smiled, "It's my hypothesis that the symbol is related to the same symbols used by standard Entercards. Yet, this pattern is too bizarre and unique for a typical Entercard." He swallowed. "… What do you think of it?"

    "… I think y'all are right," Excadrill muttered, slowly forming a grin. "But I'll come out and say it - I've never seen somethin' like this before."

    "But you think it's related to Entercard symbols, right?" Garchomp asked with a tilt of her head.

    "Yeah, I do. But I ain't quite sure why the symbol is made like this. If it's some archaic method of the past, or…" He snorted. "Or it's for some advanced type of Entercard. I dunno, could be either, but this mighty interestin' regardless."

    The idea of an advanced Entercard stuck in the pair's minds. It was easier to write off that it was a random pattern etched into the earth ages ago, but that didn't sit right with them, and they knew deep down there was more to it.

    Excadrill frowned, stuffing the paper into one of his suit's pockets. "Can't believe I got stumped by this, but I'll take another crack at it later and see if I notice anyth-"


    Interrupted by a shout from below, the Pokemon looked down the hill they were occupying to see Leafeon rapidly sprinting towards them. Once she was in earshot, she yelled to them again, tan fur frayed and her wide-eyed visage desperate and frightened.

    "G-guildmaster! Please, you need to help right away! I-It's about Shaymin! They're… they're going to-"

    "Calm down," Jackson uttered as he stepped away from the table to see her trembling form. "Tell us what happened exactly, Leafeon."

    Leafeon inhaled and exhaled to remove her panic. "Shaymin. She was… She was captured by a group of , um, the same ones that threatened Excadrill's group… with the Serperior woman!"

    Shock jumped across each face in the group, all except Jackson, who kept his blank expression.

    Garchomp scowled, "You're serious, aren't you? How do you know this?"

    Leafeon gulped, "The Serperior, she contacted me through Shaymin's ELE. She said that Shaymin was being held at some shrine, the Shrine of Landorus. She wanted money in exchange for Shaymin's return, or in three days they'd… they'd-" She struggled to get the words out as she threw her teary gaze to her Guildmaster. "Please! I know Shaymin left and could be difficult, but she doesn't deserve this! We can get the Council to help, or get her back our-"

    "That's enough, Leafeon," Jackson interrupted with a raised paw. "Please, return to the others. We will discuss our next actions and share them with the guild later."


    "Please. We will work this out."

    Leafeon stared back momentarily, analyzing the Lucario's monotone gaze boring into her. She eventually relented, sniffling and wiping her face free of wetness, running back to where she came from. Garchomp watched her leave, biting her scaly lip.

    "Shit. Like we don't have enough on our plate already…" she grumbled. "But we can't let this go unnoticed."

    "Right on, lass! These scabby little mercs shouldn't have the right and freedom to do as they please," Aggron added, Tyranitar nodding to his statement.

    "We're not," she said. "We're fighting back against them, and they're not gonna push us around."

    Excadrill shook his head. "Shrine of Landorus, huh? Heard it got captured a while back, even holdin' the Legend there hostage and its worshippers. Bad stuff, I tell ya, and the Council are sitting Duckletts on the matter."

    "If that's true, then this means we have to intervene."

    Scizor said nothing, shooting glances between the others and back to Jackson, who observed them intently. While he did agree with a swift rescue of one of their former guild members, there was only one opinion that would actually matter. He couldn't read minds, but he could tell there was a differing idea brewing in the Lucario's head.

    Garchomp looked around, "All right, first we'll need to inform the others. After that, we'll-"


    Garchomp snapped her attention to Jackson, taken aback by his comment. "… Excuse me?"

    "No. We will not go through with any extraction of Shaymin."

    The stunned dragoness stomped her way over to the Lucario, angling her head to glower at him. "You're telling me… that you're going to let a member of your own guild die to these Pokemon."

    "Former guild member," Jackson corrected, glaring intensely. "Shaymin decided to leave the guild, and therefore is not any of the guild's concerns anymore."

    "Not any of the guild's concerns?!" Garchomp sputtered, flashing her sharp teeth at him. "Not only did she aid your guild for years, but there are other innocent Pokémon held captive there, and you're just going to ignore them?"

    "There are more important matters for my guild to attend to. I will not be sidetracked when time is scarce."

    "You wanted to lecture me about doing the right thing before, and now I am. We all are, but you don't. Do you even care about the Pokémon around you? Do you not understand what kind of example you're providing?"

    She attempted to emphasize her point by jabbing his chest with a talon, only for a paw to swiftly smack it away as Jackson inched close to her, snarling under his breath. Aggron and Tyranitar appeared on Garchomp's side, sizing the Lucario up with steely expressions.

    "You know it's the right thing to do, Jackson," Aggron said, backed up by Tyranitar's silent stare. "C'mon, we gotta do this all together now."

    Jackson didn't budge at their arrival. "If your team wishes to be heroes, then by all means, charge into that shrine alone, but leave my guild out of it."

    Garchomp leaned further in. "All of your members have decided to willingly follow through with your pursuits, and you don't think they'll want to do this as well? You're mistaken."

    Excadrill raised his claws. "Why don't we just calm down here, okay? Jack… we're talking about civilians there, customers of mine no doubt, too! Didn't ya see the two caravan 'mons we had to pick up earlier? Nobodies comin' to save 'em anytime soon."

    The Ground-type's words did little to ease the tension between Garchomp and Jackson as they continued to glare at each other, anticipating any movement from the other. Scizor could foresee nothing good in the coming minutes, choosing to swallow down his hesitancy and speak up.

    "Guildmaster… We can do both. We can separate planning and still prepare for our assault on Regi Castle right away, like this never happened. It can work, so trust us, please." He flinched not long after speaking, wondering if this was a good idea.

    Jackson was still for a moment, giving the Bug-type a side-glance, before speaking slowly to the dragoness in front of him. "... If I do not have a plan of action presented to me after the day is over, then my guild will proceed as originally intended. If this is what you want, then you will deal with this yourselves."

    The Lucario forcefully shoved his way past Garchomp and her teammates, descending the sandy hill and leaving the group to walk away by his lonesome.

    Garchomp did little to hide her beyond frustrated expression, arms flexing with rage. "He doesn't wanna help his own Pokemon? Fuck him - we can do it all ourselves." Her gaze found Scizor's, mellowing out. "And thank you for sticking up for us, Scizor. Are you able to help us with this?"

    "I… I will give it the majority of my attention, as much as Jackson can accept."

    "Great. We need a good thinker if we're making a plan tonight."

    Excadrill crossed his arms. "I guess it's a good thing to say that I've got a map of the Shrine of Landorus tucked in our underground setup. Plus, we can also use the same Entercard plan me and Jack concocted for Regi Castle."

    "Entercards for this?" Garchomp tilted her head. "Don't you need a physical symbol at that location for those to work?"

    Excadrill smirked, raising a knowing eyebrow.

    A flare of orange light exploded into existence over a rocky cliff, an Entercard manifesting along with it onto a symbol marked in the sands. Once the dramatic entrance of it concluded, two Pokemon stepped away from the card - a Riolu and a Vulpix. They took a quick second to observe their surroundings.

    "Seems like this is the place," Liam said, squinting his eyes."But I don't see any castle-like building in the distance."

    "Maybe it's below this cliff?" Gloria offered, frowning at the harsh sun above them. "I hope we don't have to stay out here all day…"

    "Hey, I think it's nice to get some sun on your fur. Better than being cooped up in the guild with paperwork." He started walking forward, making sure to keep the hefty cream saddlebag steady as he leapt over rocks in his way.

    She followed him, walking around the stones in her path instead. "That's easy for you to say, not being an Ice-type."

    He laughed, "You'll live."

    Their mission here was simple, if not a little dull. After the events of their Entercard training the day previous, Team Drarosteel and their Guildmaster had gathered all of the guild and Excadrill's workers for an important announcement. They were going to see action much earlier than anticipated, and a different location altogether - the Shrine of Landorus - where their former guild member Shaymin was held captive by the Rose Clan.

    It was even more alarming to hear they would storm this place only a day later. While many were chosen or volunteered to go themselves, Team Requiem was chosen to do recon for their primary mission of taking back Regi Castle. While they were out peacefully scouting, the rest of the guild was getting ready for a more daunting task.

    "Don't worry about starving, 'cause I packed us some lunches," Liam said. "Even got a Pokepuff with your name on it."

    "Oh, uh… thanks!"

    The Riolu stopped and looked over his shoulder, seeing his partner seemingly stare off into space behind him. Once she caught him staring, she snapped back to full awareness, white muzzle burning red with embarrassment.

    "You're still worried about Roark," he realized.

    She nodded, almost shamefully.

    Liam went back to walking. "He volunteered to go with the others, you know. He wouldn't do that if he wasn't sure he'd be okay."

    "I know, but… I just wish he went with us now, or I could be with him there."

    "Then you know I'd have to go as well. No matter what, we're crossing into danger." He looked back again. "We're ready for that, right?"

    Gloria's blue eyes honed in on him, a shimmer of new confidence. "Of course. I can accept this."

    "Same here."

    Their short trek through the field of rocks and grainy sand ended at the beginning of a cliffside a few dozen feet above the earth. Trailing around the edges of it, they walked around the sides until they saw it. It was a fortress made entirely out of red sandstone and shattered glass, ancient and decrepit in appearance, yet still grandiose from afar.

    "There it is," Liam said as he knelt down to open his saddlebag. He took out a pair of binoculars and placed them over his eyes, scoping out the 'castle'. "Wow, there's quite a lot of 'em."

    Through the lens of enhanced vision, he could see the area's finer details clear as day. His binoculars followed Pokemon wearing rose painted breastplates as they patrolled in or around the fort. He swallowed the lump in his throat, coming to terms that these were their enemies, and they would soon battle them for control of the fortress.

    "Are they doing anything?"

    "Walking around and talking, maybe," he replied. "Wait. I think that's…"

    Liam swept his vision over to a newly arriving Pokemon near the backside of the building - a Serperior. It was tailed by an Aegislash as it slithered over to a large hole where many other Pokemon with shovels and other digging instruments were stationed. The Grass-type appeared to exchange words with the diggers, impossible to translate from this far away.

    "The Serperior lady is down there talking with them." He lowered the binoculars from his face. "Other than that, not much else is happening."

    "How long does the Guildmastere want us to watch?" she asked with a sigh, already wilting from the heat.

    "Few hours. He wanted us to write down what happened over that time." He sat down completely, opening another pouch in his saddlebag. "I also brought some books we can read. Maybe we could finish that one with the Skitty thief?"

    Gloria gave him a perplexing look. "We did, remember? You fell asleep halfway into it."

    He blinked, before laughing and digging into the saddlebag. "Well, we could give it another shot."

    She rolled her eyes and gazed out into the desert as her partner brought out much needed supplies to stave off boredom. However, there was something nestled between the fortress and the emptiness of the landscape that caught her attention. It was a village, a small one from the looks of it, yet she could catch glimpses of the faintest scuffles occurring near it.

    "... Hey, Liam. Could you pass me the binoculars?"

    "Uh, sure. Not much to see, though."

    The Riolu did just that, and she awkwardly positioned them in front of her, leaning forward and taking a peek into the lenses at the tiny town. What she saw made her jaw drop slightly, a shiver trailing her spine following shortly after.

    A Rhyperior near the village's entrance was entangled in a fight with a pair of frail and weak looking Leavanny. The latter of which proved no real match to the hulking Rock-type as it tossed one of them to the ground like a ragdoll. It pointed its massive rock column of an arm at the felled Leavanny and barked out something unheard. The other Leavanny made a futile attempt to keep the Rhyperior from getting any further, with little success.

    Gloria couldn't watch any longer, tearing the binoculars away as a new emotion that wasn't worry flashed across her face - anger. She looked around and bit her lip, a thought entering her mind that seemed insane, but felt like the only option, and the right to do.

    "Liam. There's something going on down there. Something bad."

    Liam tossed a Razz Berry in his mouth. "Schomething with the merchenaries?" he questioned through a full mouth.

    Gloria shook her head, eyes fixated on the village. "No. Follow me."

    He swallowed, "Huh?"

    The Vulpix put all her faith into her instincts and jumped off the cliff, falling a few feet down until she reached ground. She pushed forward and slid down a rocky and steep dune, ignoring the pebbles that showered her face as she did so. Liam was quick to shoot to his hind paws and assess the situation.

    "Hey, Gloria! Where are you going?! We have a mission to do here, y'know!"

    "Just follow me!" she yelled back, finally reaching the cliff's end. "This is more important, and they need our help!" Not long after her words, she took off.

    Liam watched her go, before muttering a few curses under his breath and hastily packing up their supplies back into his saddlebag. He jumped not a minute later, and while he would be lying to say it wasn't always a thrill to jump off haphazardly, things were different when his partner suddenly had the idea. He ran after her, wondering just what it was that stirred her to act.

    Gloria sprinted off towards the village, necklace swinging up and down off her chest as its modest buildings came into view. Those fuzzy figures she saw wrestling from over yonder became much more clear each step she took. She swallowed the lump growing in her throat, accepting the reality that she was doing this - this was happening.

    Rhyperior growled and pounded a foot into the sand. "I told you multiple times already! Give me the house where he is, and you won't get hurt!" he hollered at the two quivering Grass-types'.


    Rhyperior didn't bother to look over his shoulder, sighing. "If you wanna stay safe, little girl, it's best to pipe down while I'm talking with your mom."

    Gloria rebuffed her efforts. "Leave those Pokémon alone!"

    Now curious, the Rock-type slowly turned around to face this soft yelling voice, the two Leavanny scrambling to safety. It then shocked him to see that the Sewaddle he thought he was speaking to was in fact a Vulpix, a very determined looking one, to be exact. He stared for a moment, before breaking out into hysterics, his large tail swinging behind him.

    "You're kidding, right?" he struggled to say through his laughter. "Sweetheart… Where are you parents at right now? They know you're trying to play hero here?"

    Gloria grinded a paw into the ground, dead set on this. "I said… leave."

    "So you want a fight. Well, sorry to say, I don't fight little gir-"


    A small explosion detonated across Rhyperior's rocky back as he flinched in pain. He immediately whirled around to see his attacker, pinpointing the explosion's cause to a Riolu holding another Blast Seed just a dozen feet, his scowl apparent as he adopted a fighting stance, just like Gloria was now doing.

    "Oh… it's on now!"

    "And are you sure this is going to work?" Garchomp inquired.

    "I'm appalled you'd even ask such a question!" Excadrill said jokingly, tapping his puffed out chest with a claw. "You're talkin' to an Entercard expert for over twenty years here!"

    "Just want to make sure this doesn't send us off to another dimension."

    The mole chuckled as they walked and talked across the plains of sand that was their place of congregation. It was noticeably more quiet than usual, lacking the buzz of scurrying workers. They walked towards the area where their plan of attack was being held, all but set to happen in the coming minutes.

    "Nah, nah," he said, pulling out an Entercard from a suit pocket. "All you need for this to work is one physical symbol in that area, and luckily I've had one tucked with me."

    "And so all these Entercards link together through this one symbol like a daisy chain?"

    "Bingo. To avoid everyone transporting to one symbol and gettin' smooshed, they'll instead be spread around the place like jam. Call it a roll of the dice, 'cause they can end up anywhere around the shrine's vicinity."

    Garchomp sighed, "Which means the location they'll end up at will be entirely random? That's not gonna be great for coordination."

    Excadrill frowned, "Sorry, lass, but this is the best you can get. If it'll boost your confidence in this a little, I'm sure y'all will prevail; these mercs ain't nothin' but a pack of Wishiwashi tryna be big and tough."

    "I hope you're right…"

    This entire operation would be her first taste of leading something like this. While an act of bravado and confidence was her usual course of action throughout her team's run of successful missions across the globe, this time things was different. They were heading into enemy territory completely blind with Pokémon that had no hesitation to kill.

    Precious lives were in her talons, and she had to keep them safe.

    Scaling a small hill, their attention was drawn to the tons of Pokemon gathering below it. They were both of the guild and Excadrill's many vivacious workers. Multiple rows and columns of Entercards were laid on the sand, energy already filled in them, and ready for usage. The Pokemon beside them were conversing and pooling items for the upcoming battle, some wearing worried expressions, but the majority seemed almost determined as they got ready.

    It eased Garchomp slightly as she approached.

    Monferno breathed out a sigh, observing Braixen wrap her red nurse's armband near her shoulder. "… You know you don't have to go, Braix."

    Braixen kneeled down and opened a bag chock full of medical supplies and berries. "I do. Medical attention is needed if anyone gets hurt, and since we're for sure doing this, someone getting hurt is a near certainty." She stopped fiddling with her things to look up at him, smiling. "And you're going, which means I'm obligated to."

    "Even past that… you still want to do this?"

    "I decided to stay, haven't I? If I'm going to continue being part of the guild, it's natural that I fight for it as well. There was no going back after we decided to stay, and I'm accepting that."

    He smirked in return. "Pretty cool to see that. I like that hear that from you."

    "… But what I want to know is why you're doing this for Shaymin."

    Monferno bit his lip, scratching his bandages. "Maybe I just want to be the bigger 'mon. There's other Pokémon there in need of saving, too. Can't let grudges stop a rescue job."

    Her gaze lingered, "… I like to hear that from you. It sounds very noble, not like you," she ended with a modest chuckle.

    "Don't get used to it, Braix."

    In truth, this was all about proving himself. Over the long years he spent at the guild, nothing seemed more worthy of testing his capabilities than this moment. The expertly hidden fear tucked away in heart felt enough to burn a hole through, yet he continued anyway, because truly what else was there for him besides this? He couldn't think of a life outside doing, especially with Braixen not by his side.

    "I know why!" Roark suddenly said from behind, clamping a pair of claws on Monferno's shoulder. "Mony here wants to be a big ole hero!"

    Monferno jostled his way out of the ruse fox's grasp. "And I'm sure you've got a better reason to do this?"

    Roark flashed a grin, striking a stretched out pose. "Been a while since I've actually put my amazing skills to the test. This is a familiar situation for past me, so why not indulge him a little, y'know?"

    "Yeah, well, this isn't the past… But maybe the mercs will go easy on an old man."

    Braixen crossed her arms. "I think both of you will do very fine out there. I think we all will." Her eyes shifted to a certain Dragon-type as she stomped into view. "I believe we're about to find out, in fact."

    "Hey, listen here!" Garchomp yelled, receiving everyone's eyes on her. She was standing in front of the Entercards. "We're set to begin the operation in just a few minutes, and I needed to say a few things!" She went quiet, her next words more soft. "I know that the past week or so has been… a lot. Trust me, I know. From this whole expedition to your choice of staying or leaving, to now fighting against a clan of mercenaries. None of us expected an encounter so early and on short notice, and I apologize for this, but…"

    She trailed off, looking into the crowd of Pokemon staring back until she found Jackson's cold gaze boring into her. She tried deciphering his look just as he tried to many times before in the past, with little success. Was it anger? Disappointment? Displeasure? Or was it a look of judgment, one that told her that she chose this path, and there was no going back now.

    Yet, despite that, that glare of quiet scrutiny, a one she has seen many times in her life, both as a child and adult, seemed to only embolden her decision. So many times she was held back from doing what she wanted, or doing what felt right, and now she was in charge of this. She stared back at him, defying him one more time with her expression of pure assurance.

    "But this is where we make our comeback! Where we prove ourselves as Pokemon who desire to fight for the present and the future!" She straightened her posture, raising an arm high into the sky. "So, c'mon! World's not stopping for anyone! Let's get out there and kick their asses!"

    "YEAH!" the Pokemon present cried back.

    Garchomp stepped away, "Everyone knows the mission details! Excadrill's team, you're first to go! Make us proud out there, boys!"

    A storm of Drilbur, Gurrdurr, and other restless Ground-types ran to their respective Entercards. With a click of their card's bottom indentations, they vanished one by one in an explosion of golden orange light. Garchomp was quick to follow behind them as she went to her own Entercard, Aggron and Tyranitar by her side.

    "Next team, let's go!" she roared.

    As the guild proper moved into action, her gaze wandered over to Scizor as he fluttered over to his own Entercard with his insect-like wings. He would look back, the two of them now smiling at each other. They both wanted this, even if they were told or urged not to, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

    She and her team were soon enveloped in orange. They flowed through the ley line openings like water in a river, reaching their hostile destination in a matter of seconds. When their vision was returned to them, they were somewhere else. A quick turn around and a scan of their new surroundings proved this method of travel to be successful.

    They were at the Shrine of Landorus.

    Chaos brewed as sprouts of appearing Entercards popped into reality from nowhere all around the shrine's ruin-like structures. Shouts and yells from the panicking Rose Clan members stationed were intermixed with the sounds of Pokemon sprinting out of their cards to battle. Team Drarosteel would soon follow suit as they charged to the nearest breastplate wearing Pokemon in their vicious sights.

    This would be a battle they were sure to win.

    "Stay still!"

    Rhyperior locked his gaze onto the Riolu as he sprinted away from his current location. A breath of frustration escaped him, slowly pulling up his large cannon-like arm and readying an attack. But before he could complete it, a stream of twisting auroras collided into his outstretched arm, painfully encasing it into a sheet of freezing ice. He threw a glare over to his side, catching the white furred culprit flee from his sights.


    A Blast Seed thrown by Liam connected with the frozen arm right after, shattering the ice and discombobulating Rhyperior for a second time. More angry mutterings manifested in a roar of rage as he slammed his limbs onto the ground. The earth trembled and groaned from his created Earthquake, causing Liam and Gloria to falter with their steps and crash to the ground, their attempts to stand futile.

    "Now you stay still!" Rhyperior blared. "You stay still and you die!"

    Thunderous booms rocked the skies above the Shrine of Landorus. Murals decorated with inscriptions and artistic depictions of Arceus and both Landorus were blasted off by stray beams of various elemental attacks. Ground that was once sacred to the Pokemon here was now trampled by both attackers and defenders as they clashed in a frenzy.

    The Rose Clan was caught off guard and vastly unprepared for an attack of this scale. Yet, they fought valiantly, as expected by their glorious leader and princess. Many gathered on the rooftops of clay temple-like buildings and unleashed barrages from above on their foes. Trails of black smoke and gunpowder billowed from them like chimneys as the few Pokemon with rifles fired relentlessly at any movement in a panic.

    This only stoked the rage and built up Charizard's Flamethrower as he swooped low to each building and torched the Pokemon on top into unconsciousness.

    Monferno was glued to walls of an alleyway between two structures, hyperventilating. His eyes snapped to each piece of stone shot off by rifles, and each physical fight that was happening in the corner of his eyes. There were shouts and cries he could not unhear, ones he didn't know if they belonged to the enemies, or his friends. He lost contact with them almost immediately after in the chaos, and he was all but alone out here.

    They were supposed to arrive, make the mercenaries surrender by force, then free the captives - that's it. He had a mission to complete, something to prove to himself and others, so why was standing here and not helping his comrades?

    He gulped, forcing his muscles to move as he ran out of the alley's cover, adrenaline pumping throughout his veins. Putting himself right into the fray of bombardment from all angles, he spotted a lone Prinplup wearing a rose decorated breastplate leaning against a shattered pillar. This was where he could prove himself.

    Flames engulfed his newly formed fists as he charged towards the Water-type with a gleam in his eyes. Before his enemy could even realize, he tackled the Prinplup to the ground and wailed upon its face and steel armor. He felt like he was doing something important, something that mattered and was grand to him.

    That was until the Prinplup fought back.

    A scalding jet of water spewed from the penguin's mouth straight into Monferno's face, knocking him off balance and onto the ground. No longer did he have the upper hand as the Prinplup sprung to its feet. Its flippers grew gray and sharp as it struck Monferno multiple times with Metal Claw. The primate spasmed in pain, his wounds from before throbbing under his bandages and preventing him from fighting back.

    Why did he think he really had what it took to do this? Because of his unwillingness to realize his inability, he was going to die here.

    "Get off my friend!" a jubilant voice screeched from behind.

    Monferno's assailant was ripped away from his revenge as Rockruff jumped on the Prinplup's back and bit down hard on its skin. The Water-type wiggled his body around intensely in an effort to rid of the puppy's quite sharp fangs, to little to no success. Rockruff would eventually get his foe down to ground as he relinquished his bite and quickly formed a medium-sized rock from thin air. He sent it crashing onto the Prinplup's belly as it sputtered, before falling unconscious.

    "... R-rockruff. You…"

    "Saved your butt!" the puppy barked, wagging his tail and running to the primate's side. "Now get up! We gotta keep fighting!"

    "... Well said, heh."

    "I'm done playing around!"

    After the Earthquake ended, Rhyperior started moving, and like a charging Bouffalant, he was faster than initially thought. He held up an arm as he rushed towards them, tiny circular rocks forming from his arm's mouth and being ejected at alarming speeds at the pair. The ones sent to Gloria missed and shattered on the ground, but the ones hurdling Liam's way were something seemingly unavoidable to any other Pokemon.

    The Riolu's aura activated at this moment, electricity shooting up his spine as he honed in on this reaction. He kicked up sand, arms and legs shifting in tandem to dodge rocks that flew past him. All but one escaped his dance of survival, exploding into his chest as he wheezed in pain from its power.

    Another Aurora Beam from Gloria slammed and froze the chest of Rhyperior, ice instantly crumbled as he shifted attention to the Vulpix. Another roar bellowed from him as he slammed his two arms onto the ground again, this time causing a split in the earth, spikes of rock erupting from it and barreling towards Gloria.

    She was too slow to react and was sent launching by a pillar that formed under her. Liam realized her predicament and took out a Stun Seed from his saddlebag, hurling it at Rhyperior before he could approach the fallen Ice-type. The seed popped upon touching his rocky plates and released bolts of yellow static that restricted his movement, reducing him to mere growls and twitches.

    Liam bolted after Gloria to lift her head off the sand, her weakly looking up as he offered her an Oran Berry to munch down. She scarfed it down and leapt back up to her paws after feeling its effect, greatly shocking Liam at her tenacity. They exchanged looks between them and the snarling Rock-type that stared back, waiting for the paralysis to wear off.

    A hasty nod between them said everything.

    Gloria sprinted towards Rhyperior and expelled another beam of frozen energy at his stationary legs, cocooning them in solid ice as she ran under him. Liam was right behind her with his outstretched paws glowing a bright purple. However, the Stun Seed's effect on Rhyperior wore off, and the behemoth of a Pokemon retaliated by attempting to slam the incoming Riolu in his path with his arms.

    Liam's aura activated as he pivoted to the right, avoiding the impact and finally reaching his target. His two Force Palms smashed against the ice, breaking it and also impacting the Rock-type's unprotected areas. Immense pain rattled Rhyperior, but he still was standing, and was eager to deliver payback.

    Above a rooftop left unscathed by Charizard's flames were a group of Rose Clan members releasing attack after attack onto the seemingly endless supply of Pokemon still appearing by flashes of Entercard all over the shrine.

    "How fuckin' many are there?!" yelled a Dragonite.

    "They're all over the place!" a Fraxure to his left screamed back. "We're gonna need backup right away, or we're screwed!"

    "You got the 'screwed' part of that right," a Liepard behind them nonchalantly said. "Say, have you guys seen a wickedly handsome Zoroark crawl out from one of those cards?"

    The group turned to face this Liepard just as a burst of white light enveloped the feline, quickly fading away to reveal a smirking Zoroark standing in its place. It raised it arms and cackled maniacally as a shockwave of dark and purplish energy washed over the group of mercenaries, knocking them to the ground and bringing them in and out of consciousness.

    Roark fled the scene of his misdeeds and expertly slid down the clay building, dashing on all fours to his next set of victims. "Ha! Had to give 'em to the ole Night Daze illusion combo!"

    Moments like that allowed him to relive a part of his life he hadn't seen or done in years. He felt alive as he leapt from broken pillar to pillar, almost for a moment believing he was back in the Rescue Society, or back to his days as a thief escaping from guards.

    Purpose found again, it felt like.

    Shadows appeared from above as he dashed into an alleyway. His smiling muzzle looked up to see a new group of Pokemon staring down on him from the rooftops. Yet, there were no breastplates covering them, only bundles of cloth wrapped around their body and face. Mercenaries these weren't, but bandits they certainly were to his eye.

    "C'mon, let's fight! Thief to thief!" Roark beckoned to them with a large grin.

    The challenge of battle was accepted as a Furfrou and Heatmor dropped down to face him. They wasted little time as they went in for the attack, the Furfrou's jaws extending for a Crunch as its Heatmor companion spewed bits of Flame Bursts at the Zoroark. Roark, of course, saw this coming a mile away as he danced around these actions.

    Despite the severity of the operation, it felt like an old game to him.

    Roark grinned as he bounded towards the Furfrou and delivered strike after strike of his Night Slash. The canine responded by attempting to barrel into the fox, not succeeding as Roark swerved out of the way in a frolicking manner. Yet, even his swift movements held a degree of aged slowness, which the Furfrou capitalized on. Gnashing teeth were then clamped down on Roark's leg, and while painful, it gave him the perfect position to pummel his opponent.

    Before he could even think of a move, he caught the faintest glimpse of a white flushed orb flying past into his peripherals and shattering on his shoulder. A flash of pure white consumed Roark's vision, thrashing to shake free of both his blindness and the strong jaws that held him still. A cracking noise resounded from the rooftop above as Roark let out a sudden cry of pain. As the Luminous Orb's effect faded away, his bewildered gaze shot to his leg held by the Furfrou.

    A sizable bullet wound was spotted gushing blood down his trembling leg. His eyes widened at the sight, fur standing on end as he used all of his force to push the shaggy Normal-type away before another shot from above could seal his fate. He succeeded in shoving the Furfrou off, adrenaline keeping his impaired leg stable in standing as he backed away to assess the situation.

    This was more dire than initially thought.


    Wooden planks and other bits of clay and stone exploded out of an abandoned house as Rhyperior stormed through it like it was nothing. His tail's club demolished more walls as it swung madly. There were noticeable chips and cracks in the Rock-type's plated armor, his enraged eyes darting to any peek of the small duo as they ran behind the building.

    Their war had been going on for minutes, bringing them closer into the village itself. Liam and Gloria found themselves getting more and more tired, breaths labored and panting as they prepared for the next bout of heavy attacks. They knew victory was possible and in their sights, yet getting there was still something they would have to overcome.

    Rhyperior eventually smashed the entirety of the structure as he stormed out, just as another Blast Seed detonated in his face, thrown by Liam. He took his fuming revenge by wildly charging towards the Riolu, swinging his arms like a madman and damaging nearby homes as Liam ducked and weaved to the best of his aura abilities.

    One good unavoidable blow to the Riolu's back was enough to ground him completely. As he struggled to get up, Rhyperior turned his attention to Gloria as she squared him off from this opposite end of the village road. Holding up an arm, his angered expression turned into concentration as a small pebble floating in front of his cannon began to grow larger and larger.

    Gloria took notice of this and bolted from her open position. She attempted to avoid any place of hiding for the villagers, sprinting and jumping to find cover from this daunting attack. Rhyperior's arm tracked her through each movement, teeth gritting as the floating stone in his cannon morphed into a gigantic boulder. Feeling the time was right, and seeing her visible, he pulled back his arm and fired it.

    His Rock Wrecker sailed across the road and annihilated any house or other edifice in its path of destruction The boulder collapsed into pieces after striking a second home and toppling it over, revealing the woozy looking Vulpix taking cover behind it. Bits of stone from the attack sliced into her fur, and she stood on wobbly legs that threatened to crumple any second. Rhyperior grinned murderously at this as he stomped his way over to her, ready to deliver the final blow.


    Liam stood on his hind paws, an outstretched paw raising to sky and holding a purplish Wonder Orb - a One Hit KO Orb. Gloria would tiredly lock eyes between him and the encroaching Rhyperior as he lifted his arms into the air one last time. Liam threw the orb as hard as he could towards his partner, where time seemed to slow down.

    Gloria focused on the Wonder Orb as it descended from the heavens and began falling between herself and Rhyperior. A split second decision occurred to her in the blink of an eye and she formed the most powerful Aurora Beam she could muster, discharging it directly at the mid-air Wonder Orb. The twisting beam of energy shattered the orb just as Rhyperior brought down his arms. A purplish aura then coiled around the Aurora Beam as it continued on its course and collided into Rhyperior's chest. Freezing ice spread across his entire body like all consuming fire. Gloria never relented her attack until the Rock-type was completely frozen solid, unmoving.

    Silence filled the area as she finally gave up to catch her breath, staring at her work.

    The statue of ice that was Rhyperior remained still, his twisted grin petrified behind transparent blue walls. Cracks then appeared in the ice as the statue shook and shook, before slowly collapsing to the sound and crumbling to chunks of hail with a loud thud. Rhyperior himself was freed from his icy prison, lying flat on his stomach, knocked out cold.

    Liam and Gloria immediately exchanged looks of disbelief, before overjoyed smiles of relief crossed their muzzles. It was a shared reaction as the Pokemon of the village emerged one by one out of their hiding spots to check their fallen antagonizer. They cheered relentlessly with many rushing to greet and thank their heroes.

    Garchomp took her weighted foot off a swiftly defeated Houndoom and surveyed the land, aided by her two teammates by her side.

    They were not losing, but they were not winning either. From her limited perspective, and the sounds of battle reduced to only small bursts of action from both sides, they seemed to be in a stalemate. Her team trudged over to the walls of a ruined building, taking peeks beyond it at the force of Rose Clan members behind it.

    They perched themselves behind makeshift cover and on rooftops, making sure none of the opposing side could charge through. With this deadlock, Garchomp knew it was only a matter of time before their reinforcements would arrive.

    "What's the plan, lass?" Aggron harshly whispered.

    "The others we get, and we storm their defenses, I say," Tyranitar said.

    "And get blown to smithereens by their rifles and attacks?"

    "It's a thought, metalhead."

    "Nah, I think I know what to do," Garchomp whispered back. "Give me the saddlebag. And do you know where Team Moonlight is?"

    Aggron heeded her command, tossing it over. "Just around the corner. Charizard is restin' his lazy bones, though."

    "Tell them we need to combine our powers, and give these mercs something they don't expect."

    She quickly opened the saddlebag, sifting through its contents with her talon until she found three important accessories at the bottom. A smirk crossed her features as she looked up at the two, who knew exactly where this was going. Garchomp pulled out her own personal trinket, admiring the Mega Stone etched into it. While she and her crew began to affix them to their bodies, she heard a peculiar noise from above as she looked up, her jaw almost falling to the floor at what she saw.

    Piercing through the white cloud in the sky was a green serpentine-like dragon with yellow symbols stretching along its narrow body. Its ravenous maw and two armed claws were outstretched as it descended rapidly towards the shrine below it, eyes full of anger. White energy built up in its mouth, before it unleashed a weakened Hyper Beam upon the remaining Rose Clan members stationed on the rooftops, more than enough to knock them out clean.

    "T-that's a… Rayquaza!" Garchomp stuttered in amazement, gazing up again. "There's more!"

    Gliding through the blue skies was an entire band of flying Legendaries', from all kinds. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Latios, Latias, Lugia, Reshiram, Zekrom, Lunala, and many others of the same species. They encircled the Shrine of Landorus and began to swoop down to attack, specifically targeting the Pokemon wearing breastplates or cloth wraps with rapid strikes of attacks.

    It was like Arceus himself bestowed a miracle upon them in Garchomp's eyes as she simply observed with a childlike glee. She and her team could only watch in incredulity as the Legendaries' made short work of the mercenaries and bandits all around them.

    Liam munched on an Oran Berry as he observed Gloria from afar, watching the weak and disheveled looking Pokemon of the village crowd around her to give their support and thanks. She had a permanent smile glued to her face while she handed out containers of water to the needy villagers, taken from their saddlebag.

    This was apparently Debilis Village, a relatively unknown place home to the sick, the dying, and the forgotten of the Grit Region. There was no way these Pokemon could have defended themselves from the Rhyperior, so them appearing was like a miracle to the residents.

    He still hadn't gotten over how she ran from their primary mission to do something like this, and that they succeeded by the skin of their teeth. He wasn't angry, only surprised by her actions. But he didn't want to be surprised, because this felt like something she always wanted to do. Finishing his vitalizing meal, he made his way over to her as she finished handing out supplies.

    He stopped just a foot from her. "Hey."

    "... Hey," she responded quietly.

    Liam stepped forward to bring her into a friendly embrace, Gloria melting into it as she inhaled and exhaled from this comforting feeling. Their hug ended moments later as they broke away, still smiling ear to ear to each other.

    "Can't believe you did this," Liam said with a shake of his head. "Not that I'm complaining."

    "... I said I'd show you."

    "You sure did, heh. If only Roark was here to see it…"

    Gloria looked around, "The, um, villagers said some Council guards will be arriving soon to arrest the Rhyperior and guard the village."

    "Should we wait here in case more of these guys show up?" He patted his saddlebag. "I'm still saving a Doom Seed with one of their names possibly on it," he teased.

    "No, they can take care of things and protect these Pokemon. We can go back to our mission now, but…" She pointed a paw to an ordinary house alongside the village road. "The villagers said the Rhyperior was trying to find the Pokemon in that house, but it hasn't come out since, so…"

    Liam placed a paw on her shoulder. "I'll go check up on 'em. You keep doing you out here."

    Her heart swelled with pride. "... I will. Thanks."

    Liam broke away and began treading the dusty trail further into the village. He walked past ailing Pokemon either coughing uncontrollably or stumbling around in their attempts to walk. It was truly a place that housed the unfortunate souls of this land, and he would be lying to say it didn't break his heart or shroud it in anger to see this around him.

    Nearing the unassuming residence, he lightly knocked the clay building's wooden door with an enclosed paw. A few seconds later, a clicking noise was heard as the door became slightly ajar, two sets of eyes appearing from the darkness visible inside.

    "... Who… Who are you?" a hoarse voice uttered, looking at the Riolu's black scarf wrapped around his neck.

    Liam cleared his throat, smiling at the pair of eyes. "Hello, sir. My partner and I are members of a guild, and we just now took down a Rhyperior that was harassing the village and looking for you. Are you, uh, in any danger from these Pokemon, sir?"

    "... You-"

    The voice and set of eyes cut off as the door now swung open fully, revealing the weathered appearance of an old Nidoking. Liam stood awkwardly in the doorway as he was seemingly given entry to step in.

    "Come in. Please."

    The Riolu did just that as he ambled inside. Despite the small size of it, the abode of this strange man was quite homely. The floor was carpeted in red, yellow, and orange fabric, frazzled and discolored in some places.. Dusty dressers, tables, and other objects were neatly lined up against the walls. A bed was positioned in the middle of the sole room of the home, sunken in and deflated almost. The air was quiet and dry inside, the scent barren and almost nonexistent. The glimpses of light coming in from the windows blocked by curtains illuminated the room in paleness.

    There was something to this place that irked but also intrigued Liam. It felt like a home lost and left abandoned.

    "Can I get you anything? Food? Drink?" the Nidoking asked as he shuffled past the Riolu.

    "Uh, nah I'm fine, thank you."

    Liam's wandering attention was drawn to something resting on a stand that was covered by other dust covered objects. He walked over to grab it, noting that it was a small framed painting of something. It depicted a smiling Pangoro next to an equally smiling Nidoking standing behind a dark backdrop with fuzzy neon blue lights in the corners of the sketch. Yet, the strangest part was how strange the 'painting' looked, as if it was too detailed for it to be drawn.

    "You asked if I was safe?" the Nidoking suddenly questioned, sitting on his bed with a haggard sigh.

    Liam turned around, quickly putting down the object of his interest. "S-sorry, sir! And yeah… my partner and I wanted to know if something was wrong."

    The window lighting that struck his bed revealed the bags under his eyes, and the two clawed scars dotting his purple arms and chest. "That Rhyperior… I believe it was sent by the Rose Clan."

    Liam's eyes popped with surprise. "Really? How do you know?"

    "... They came here once before, almost a week ago. They came here to see me specifically, and tell them about a place."

    Gears were shifting around in Liam's head as he began to realize what 'place' he was talking about. "That place… Would that be Regi Castle, sir?"

    Nidoking looked at him strangely. "You mentioned you were part of a guild, correct?"

    "Yeah. The Cosmic Quilt Guild. We're from Empyrean City!"

    The Poison-type's expression soured, but kept his gaze. "Your guild, is it attempting to investigate Regi Castle?"

    Liam nodded, "That's what our reason is for taking an expedition here. But those Rose Clan members took control of it and now we have to take it back from them," he said with a confident clench of his paws.

    "It never ends…" Nidoking murmured wistfully. "The Serperior came here, threatened the lives of the children I care for and look after in this village… all for information about that awful place." He growled. "Sick, rotten Pokemon."

    "That's awful, but... how do you know all that stuff? And why did they go to you specifically?"

    Nidoking scrutinized the young Riolu's curious expression, before looking down "There was a time when I was… important. Pokemon would heed my beckoning, travel to places in search of things that always eluded us. I was an instrument of combat and progress to those above me, all for this greater good we attempted to find."

    "So like a leader or commander?"

    "... Yes. Something like that." He sighed once more. "But that time is over, by my own claws. Now I live in hiding here, away from home and the Pokemon I knew, waiting…"

    Liam found his words subtly hitting close to him, a wave of sadness washing through him. "Waiting for what?"

    Nidoking looked back at him. "For my mistakes to catch up with me, for my past demons to emerge and deliver what was owed. I escaped that place, that life, but it never did leave me. It's inevitable that I face it, and accept whatever punishment I am granted."

    Silence fell in the room as Liam absorbed his words.

    "... Riolu. Whatever the guild does, the secrets below that fortress cannot fall to this Rose Clan or any other being that has terrible intentions for this world. Do you understand that?

    "... I understand, sir." Liam looked to the home's entrance. "I think I should, uh, go now."

    "Thank you," Nidoking said gently. "It felt good to chat with another peacefully."

    As Liam quietly walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, sensing his body jolt from an electrifying feeling. Blue and yellow spirals briefly shot across his vision as the familiar and gruff voice from before echoed throughout his mind, creating a chill up his spine.

    'You will have to pay for your father's mistake, just like I did.'

    He thought it was gone the day previously, yet here it was again, taunting him.

    Nidoking noticed Liam's lack of movement. "Is there something on your mind?"

    "... No. Goodbye, sir."

    "Goodbye, Riolu."

    Liam approached the door and swung it open, briefly standing in the doorway. He let loose a weary sigh, before stepping into the daylight. He shut the door forcefully, the air released blowing away some of the dust accumulating on an armband resting on a dresser beside the doorway, yellow lines coming out of its center.

    "Ah! Fuck!"

    "Just hold still! And stop swearing!"

    "You try holding still or not swearing after getting hit with a bullet!"

    Braixen breathed out an air of frustration as she poked her needle one last time through the Zoroark's skin, bringing it out again and stitching together the ruptured flesh. Taking a moment to analyze her work, she nodded and placed her sutures back into her kit, standing up to face the grimacing muzzle of Roark.

    "Luckily, the bullet went straight through, and these stitches will work… for now. I'm afraid you will have to get them looked at by Hatterene when we return back to guild, as I am not as skilled or have the best equipment," Braixen admitted shamefully. "To temporarily combat the pain, I advise you to consume small amounts of Oran or Sitrus Berries whenever this region flares up."

    Roark shot her a grin as he reached into his mane to bring out a flask. "Way ahead of ya. Any excuse to scarf down berries is one I'm behind."

    "Don't pour your alcohol on that wound again. It will slow the healing process."

    "I won't, I won't! Sheesh, you're like my little sister."

    Braixen gave a small smile at his comment, but lost it as she picked up her saddlebag of medical supplies. "Now, I have to help the many others here, so please do not disturb me."

    Roark watched in amusement as the fire fox nearly jogged over to a makeshift encampment built in the middle of the shrine's square. It held dozens of other injured Pokemon after the battle was over, friend and mercenary alike. It seemed almost a miracle that zero lives were lost during the operation, but he believed that was attributed to the Legendaries' interception.

    He took a hearty sip of his liquor as he tested his bad leg, wincing at the pain that came with having to actually walk with it. With a grumble of curse words under his breath, he managed to hobble over to the other guild members standing around. All of them were either engaged in chats with their teammates over the battle, or gawking at all the Legendaries' perched on building rooftops and watching them.

    Monferno was one of the few that wasn't doing either, standing by his lonesome and lettings his mind wander aimlessly. But any thoughts he had in his mind were suddenly scattered when a pair of crimson claws belonging to Roark landed on his shoulder.

    "Hey, you should see Braixen over here," Roark said as he elbowed the primate. "Like a damned head doctor with a million patients in her clinic."

    "I know. It's awesome… for her." Monferno went back to staring into space

    "... What. You're not gonna mention my messed up leg? C'mon!"

    The Fire-type glanced over, snorting. "What is there to say, really? It completes the old man look."

    Roark laughed merrily, taking another swig of his flask. "There ya go - don't act so down! This is our moment right here!" He emptied the flask, sighing. "We're heroes… sorta."

    Monferno observed the motions of his friends and colleagues talk away their experiences in the battle, the thrill and smile that never seemed to wipe across their faces. Everyone accomplished something in this first battle against the mercenaries. Everyone around him felt like they contributed to something that improved them, made them feel like a hero.

    So why did he feel none of that right now? Why did he feel like a stranger here?

    There was quite a commotion as new Pokemon began to arrive into the square - the Pokemon rescued from below the shrine's depths. Many were worshippers of Landorus, and once their faces met sunlight, they almost stopped and dropped to their knees to pray for thankfulness. Yet, there was one Pokemon that caught Monferno's eye as Leafeon stood by her side and escorted her out.


    The Grass-type was beyond unkempt as she stumbled out into the square. Her green and white fur was muddy and washed out, still showing the burns of flame that Braixen scorched her with. There was a swelling, purple bruise on her right temple, and multiple lacerations sliced into her skin and fur. Her eyes lacked the usual arrogance and rebellion, instead dullened and staring off into the distance.

    He couldn't help but stare at her, either out of his still lingering anger towards her, or some form of pity. He stared until she stared back at him, and that's when a new feeling seemed to emerge between them both - forgiveness. With a mutual nod, they sealed away any past problems.

    Across from the Shrine of Landorus' square, Team Drarosteel and Team Moonlight congregated near the shrine's entrance, discussing the details of the chaotic operation.

    Garchomp couldn't keep the smile off her muzzle. "I've spoken with one of those Legendaries', and they claim they're here because of Ho-Oh, that they came here to rescue Landorus. I guess it was just perfect timing for us." She chuckled, watching the mythical Pokemon begin to take off into the skies. "Man, it makes me feel like a little girl again. You only dream of something like this happening."

    "Just another day in Team Drarosteel, I say," Aggron said with a smack of his chest.

    "Indeed," Scizor added, giddiness of his own creeping into his stark voice. "I wish we could have explained more of our involvement to them, and their ancestors, but this is a very spectacular moment."

    "Enjoy this moment," Jackson said as he stepped into view, crossing his arms behind his back. "From now on, there will be no distractions from the primary mission."

    Garchomp scoffed "You can't even be happy that we rescued your own member along with multiple other innocents? This was needed."

    "... I'll be happy when we have gathered what we came here for in the first place."

    "Forgive me for wanting to help Pokemon in need," Garchomp growled, baring her teeth at him.

    Scizor glanced at Garchomp with worry, bringing attention to himself. "We will get right into our operation on Regi Castle, Guildmaster. There will be no more distractions."

    "Good. With the Rose Clan weakened, we're in striking distance now. One more assault on that fortress and this war will be over, and the second location ours."


    Krokorok stood as stiff as he could, feet straight and only slightly twitching. His gaze swept across the abandoned town, watching gusts of desert wind blow sand and other bits of the deteriorating town's debris into the air. He swallowed the dryness in his throat, biting in his lip in both anticipation and nervousness.

    All he could do was continue to wait.

    Suddenly, an explosion of orange light materialized in front of him. An Entercard appeared along with two shadows standing atop it that became more clear as the light faded. They stepped away from the card and neared Krokorok, revealing themselves as breastplate wearing Houndoom and Roserade respectively.

    "Lord Krokorok," the Roserade spoke regally. "It has been one day since your ambush against the Razor Claws. I do not see them here in bindings… Yet the plan has succeeded, yes?"

    Krokorok bent his head, "No, Lord Roserade. There was confusion among my fighters and the capture was not obtained. I am… the only survivors that wasn't captured or killed."

    "... That is very unfortunate to hear. Princess Serperior will be very displeased with this news."

    The Ground-type shot back up. "She will, but there's something gravely important I overheard the two captains speaking of."

    "And what would that be?" the Houndoom probed.

    Krokorok looked up and past the two, staring at the two rifle barrels glinting in the sun on top of a cliff overlooking the town, just waiting for him to mess up. "There's an alliance being formed between the Razor Claws and the Alignment. One that is designed to take down our influence in the region."

    Roserade was taken aback by this information. "This alliance, are you sure of its existence?"

    Krokorok nodded, "Yes. I… I also have information of where a meeting between the two captains and other officials of the Alliance will take place in the Grit Region."

    Houndoom and Roserade exchanged looks of apprehension, before looking back at Krokorok.

    "Come with us right now. If this is true, then Princess Serperior will need to act right away," the Grass-type said. "We are already facing reports of the Shrine of Landorus being attacked."

    Krokorok stepped forward and headed to the Entercard with the two others. Their departure was hasty, and in a few seconds, the trio were gone with an eruption of orange luminosity. Reticence took over the desolate mining town once more, only to be broken by a sharp laugh.

    Weavile and Bisharp stepped out of a dilapidated shack, just a few feet away from the meeting that took place moments before. Weavile laughed to herself again as she whistled loudly into a claw and waved it around the town's houses. Scores of her own mercenaries then began to trickle out of these homes and got to work.

    "You think this will work?" Bisharp asked her as he knelt down.

    "It's my plan, so yeah it will," she said smugly. " I know the snake will be so upset and will take it upon herself to get me, especially if she thinks we're in cahoots with the Alignment now. Then we enact your own plan. Tell me, will that work?" she asked mockingly.

    He reapplied more bits of cloth around his wounded leg, cringing at the small amount of blood oozing from behind the dented metal. "If she and her guards are distracted at this 'meeting' of ours, then we can slip into that fortress and find what they're looking for. At the same time, we could take her down with our own little ambush."

    "... We just had to bury our own comrades, so it only makes sense for her to bury hers as well." Her scowl turned into a small smirk. "Course… she doesn't actually give a fuck about the Pokemon around her."

    "Glad to see I'm with such a big heart."

    She looked at him. "And what's your takeaway from this? You really aren't gonna try and scold me for sparking this war?"

    He looked back. "It's already been sparked - a long time coming with Serperior. I wish there was another way, but we have to do this for the truth of this world. I will not stop until we get it. So yeah, that's my takeaway. And I think you should see it the same, Weav's."

    "Yeah, yeah, save me the details."

    Bisharp stood up, "I'll speak to our scouts and get them to watch the fortress to see if Serperior or her guards make a move on our spot."

    "Oh yeah, ask 'em if they've seen Rhyperior. He hasn't returned yet with that source the Krokorok was talking about."

    "Will do, Weav's."

    As he walked away, Weavile sighed and watched her mercenaries gather materials and get ready for their own big surprise to the Rose Clan. Her gaze eventually settled on two Pokemon far outside the ghost town.

    Gallade marched across the sands towards Heliolisk, the Electric-type staring off into the distance, clearly bothered. He approached him without making so much a sound, mouth opening and closing as he wondered just what to say.

    "How are you feeling?"

    "... Fine, I guess," Heliolisk responded, rubbing his face with his claws. "I just… I just can't get that image out of my head, you know? That Druddigon getting…"

    "We can talk about it if you want."

    "No, I don't." Heliolisk turned to glare at him. "Why did you do it? Why did you tell them our mission here?"

    "Heliolisk, you know I needed to get their-"

    "You saw how all those Pokemon got mowed down like it was nothing! And now we're supposed to get their trust and work together with these murdering bastards!? How are we going to tell the commander or the Allfather about this?"

    "We'll find a way out of this. Trust me."

    "I… I need to be alone for a bit."

    Heliolisk stumbled off into the vast desert as Gallade watched him, wanting to follow him. He ultimately sat down on the sand instead, frustrated with how his partner and best friend was acting.

    "Is he going to be a problem?"

    Gallade glanced over his shoulder to see Weavile standing behind him. "No. He's just a bit… rattled from what happened. I promise he won't do anything to jeopardize your plans with Regi Castle."

    "Do I need to be worried about you? Especially with that Mega Bracelet?"

    Gallade shook his head. "I will not fight you, as it does not benefit us." He slipped his armband over the bracelet on his arm. "And thank you for allowing me to wear it. It is special to me."

    "And how special is it?" she asked with a smirk. "Allfather give that to you for being such a good pet?"

    "... It was a gift from a dear friend. One that is no longer with us."

    "Isn't that cute." Weavile crossed her arms. "I have stuff and other trinkets I still carry with me when I had friends of my own, trusted partners and teammates." Her piercing glare into Gallade hardened. "I didn't ask for what happened to me to happen, but here we are."

    Her words were harsh and intended to bite him, but he couldn't feel that way.

    "... I didn't ask to be born into this world, to live this life that I was given. None of us back home did," Gallade murmured, a tear escaping him, which was wiped away. "But we were, and we made the best of it."

    "So you're saying you just accept the shitty cards you were dealt?"

    "I do not accept it. That is why I and the rest of my brothers and sisters do this willingly." He looked straight up, smiling. "I am so fortunate that I was chosen to see this wonderful world with my own eyes. I wish one day… that I could share this feeling with my children."

    Weavile followed his gaze into the vast blue sky. She wondered what trick or delusion he was sharing with her, what tactic of manipulation she expected from Pokemon like him. Her burning desire for this revenge seemed to be always present in her mind, but this moment right here made her think of something different.

    Her future past all of this.

    You were not asked to be born into this world, and yet you have lived this life you were given. What do you make of that?

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Deception
    Last edited:
    Chapter 26: Deception
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 26


    "This is an outrage!"

    The warm, orange sunset reflecting through the fort's stained glass windows accented the crackling torches aligning the halls of the 'throne room'. A cup of tea hoisted by a green vine was twitching in restrained anger; Serperior's once prestigious expression alit with rage at the news delivered to by the two Pokemon before her. She shifted from her comfortable curled up position into an agitated striking one.

    "Pray tell, what were you buffoons doing while all of this happened?!"

    Roserade ducked into a bow, radiating shame. "Your highness, it was an ambush by a much larger group with Entercards tactics unknown to us and-"

    "And?" Serperior argued, baring her fangs. "They are but lowly guild workers and bumbling, moronic miners! How could a Lord such as yourself fail your princess in such a way?!"

    Roserade winced at her venomous tone, bowing further. "... I am ashamed of our failure, your highness. There was an attempt to gather more forces to fight back, but the arrival of Legendaries in their aid was unexpected."

    "Lord Krokorok!" Serperior suddenly beckoned, shifting her attention to the sweating Ground-type beside Roserade. "Step forward and give your reasons for your lack of success. I am to assume you have another excuse as did your fellow lord?"

    Krokorok shook his head, bowing as well in submission. "T-there is no excuse, your highness. The ambush we enacted at the keep was well executed… a-as you yourself planned," he quickly added, "but ended in an unexpected failure due to the actions of the two Alignment advisors. The Gallade utilized Mega Evolution and brought down my forces, but did not target any of the Razor Claws'."

    Serperior's wrathful features were now wrought with shock. "Were they not prisoners of those barbarians? Why would they fight for one side and not for their own freedom?" A lone and scary thought entered her mind. "It couldn't be…"

    Krokorok swallowed, choosing his next words carefully, remembering the details of them that were drilled into his head over and over. If he messed up one part of it, he was certain there would be retribution by both sides. "Your highness… there is something of grave importance I must share."

    "Speak your mind already!" an impatient Serperior hissed.

    "… In the wake of the battle, I stayed a while in stealth to glean any information, and I did. The advisors spoke to the captains; something about contacting the Allfather and forming an alliance between the Alignment and Razor Claws to unite and destroy our kingdom."

    "Impossible!" she shrieked, horrified at this outcome. "You are not deceiving my ears, are you, Lord Krokorok?"

    "… No, your highness, I am not. In fact, I was able to overhear another detail; a meeting. One between the higher ups of the Alignment, including its commander, along with the Razor Claw's captains. It's taking place here - in this part of the Grit Region."

    Serperior leaned in from her throne, flicking her serpent-like tongue. "Tell me more."

    "I-in a few hours, your highness," he stumbled, yet recovered quickly. "I know where it is! Where they will all be at a certain time…"

    This news was not good news at all. Her clan had suffered enormous losses and setbacks at two different intervals. Outsiders and a Legendary force had pushed her out of the Shrine of Landorus; Council guards had moved into Debillis Village, cutting contact with her Alignment source. Now her bitter rivals had defied her ambush and were now in talks with an alliance that was for sure meant to destroy her influence in the region. She had enemies on all sides, closing in on her swiftly, aiming to take away what was rightfully hers.

    This seemed to be the perfect storm she was dreading.

    Yet, there was one glimmer of hope for her plans - the meeting; it was near. A crashing of the meeting between her two enemies at their most vulnerable would be the crushing blow she sorely needed if her clan was to remain on top in the region. Once they were gone, she could focus on making sure Regi Castle's secrets were for her eyes only.

    Her position of royalty was not going to crumble to two failures.

    The tea cup hoisted by one of Serperior's extended vines was thrown from her grasp and shattered on a nearby wall as Serperior huffed loudly and coiled down from her throne. Her face shifted rapidly as she slithered down the hall's blood red carpet, expressing both smoldering rage and a smug smile of radiating confidence.

    "Lord Krokorok!" she called out. "Accompany me and speak of the specifics of that location! Afterward, you two will be returning back to our home castle!"

    Krokorok gulped again, following after the now fired up Grass-type.

    From beyond the sight of the fort's stationed guards, a pair of binoculars followed Serperior's hasty movements through the reflective, stained glass windows until she was out of sight. The binoculars then dropped as the claws of the Weavile holding it tightened at what she saw through them.

    "Hah! Looks like that cowardly little croc didn't wimp out on us after all," Weavile remarked with victorious glee.

    "Don't be so sure," the Bisharp sitting next to her cautioned. "Wait 'til we see some more movement."

    "Yeah, yeah, tinman, I get it." She scoped back in. "Let's just see…"

    Minutes passed atop the sandstone cliff they were positioned on as Weavile swept her focused gaze across the fortress, holding her breath in anticipation. This moment of silence was broken after a commotion near the fort's front entrance was spotted by her binoculars. The entrance's rusty, iron bar gate was slowly hoisted from the inside. Dozens of breastplate wearing Pokemon then proceeded to march out of the structure's interior. Serperior herself was close behind her mercenaries, trailed by the ominous floating Aegislash behind her.

    This had to be their plan working as intended.

    "Hook, line, and sinker. What I would give to see the snake's face when she finds our surprise," Weavile said through a grin, stuffing the binoculars into her saddlebag. "All right, Bishy, time to wow me with your plan, since mine has clearly worked."

    "Simple, clean, and stealthily. That's how we do this."

    "We'll see, tinman," she murmured, casting a look behind her. "Look sharp, vermin. We're going in, so stay quiet and follow our lead. Especially you, runt."

    Heliolisk seized up as Weavile stared him down, muttering some unheard curses beneath his breath. Gallade, however, remained vigilant as he peered at the fortress from behind rocky cover. He dropped a knee to make a prayer for victory to the Allmother, whispering unusual phrases to himself and placing a firm arm onto the armband covering his Mega Bracelet.

    Weavile rolled her eyes at their behavior, slinging her black saddlebag over her shoulder. "Whatever. Let's go see what that snake is too stupid to find." She was the first to slide down the jagged cliff, smirking the entire way down. "Ladies first, Bishy!"

    Gallade and Heliolisk were quick to follow the two captains as they descended down from their position. They trekked across the hot sands towards the looming structure of their desire. Carefully, as to not attract attention to them, yet fast enough to get in without a trace. Two Absols' were stalking the pair from behind, coming with the group to solely watch them in case they planned to run.

    Gallade worried his plan of escape would have to wait after this operation, if that ever was to come.

    Heliolisk shuffled over to Gallade's side, glancing momentarily behind him at the glaring Absols' before whispering into his ear. "How long until we can do something? The Allfather and commander have to know by now we're in trouble."

    "We can't do anything with those two behind us," the Psychic-type whispered back. "If I can get to that Weavile's bag and take out the Absols', then we can use our Entercard to get back home."

    His response seemed to ease Heliolisk's nerves, if just slightly. A minute later, the Electric-type spoke softly again.

    "This place; it's what the Allfather said the mercs were supposed to leave from… If this place is important, and we're really gonna enter it, what do you think is inside it?"

    Gallate didn't respond as the group neared the dug out boundaries of Regi Castle. They stopped to see the large group of Rose Clan mercenaries venture off into the vast desert wastes, no doubt in pursuit of the 'meeting' they would intend to crash. With the majority of the Pokémon guarding the fortress gone, it was left scarcely protected, ripe for their next plan.

    "… What I hope is that it is clarity," Gallade said. "I do not want us to stumble around in the dark any longer, to not have friends and family live another dreary life of darkness." He looked up at the imposing fortress. "If it's true that this place holds secrets, then I wish we discover them for the benefit of our home."

    He and many others back home were sick of failure, sick of their lack of discoveries, and sick of their suffering. As long as he lived and breathed, he would make sure the path to paradise promised by the Allmother would be found and followed.

    It was what kept him going, truly.

    The sun setting in the distance over the encampment meant one thing - it was showtime. Huddles of guild members and workers of Excadrill were gathering near their tents and scores of equipment. One notable group of three was disconnected from the clamor, chatting casually as they waited for their Guildmaster's next command.

    "Seriously, you two should've been at that shrine place while it all went down around us. I mean, Legendaries swooping down like that? It was a blast!"

    Gloria frowned at Roark. "It wasn't a blast. It was very serious and you could've… died," she struggled to say those words. She didn't want to harp so much, but it clouded her mind so much at the time. "You even got shot… Those Pokemon weren't playing around, y'know."

    Roark chuckled as he bent over with a pained grunt to ruffle her wispy hair tuft. "Hey, when you get to my age and feel all rusty, sometimes you just gotta do it without question." He stopped to straighten his leg out, putting some more weight onto it. "And hey, I'm not a cripple, so you don't have to worry about that."

    She eventually smiled at his antics. "I just don't want to be scared like that again, okay? I wish you didn't agree to going to our new operation…"

    "You know I can't be dead weight and not do something risky, sis." The Zoroark cracked a grin. "Hey, speaking of risky; what you two did yesterday…" He broke out into another chuckle. "Liam told me all about how you ran from the mission and liberated that village all by yourselves. Ain't that right?"

    A pair of snapping claws in front of the daydreaming Riolu's face jolted him back into reality. He honed in on Roark's amused expression and took a calming breath.

    "Stay awake here, kid! Sis here is too shy to tell the story."

    Liam shrugged, smiling at the blushing Vulpix beside him. "There's nothing to say that I haven't told you. Her worry paid off, and we did it by the skin of our teeth."

    "Man, we could've used a pair like you back in the Rescue Society," Roark said, focusing back onto Gloria. "… You never forgot that promise, and it shows."

    She looked down in thought after his words. He knelt down as best he could, reaching a claw over to grasp the Never-Melt-Ice hanging from her necklace. A tender smile stretched across his muzzle as their eyes connected.

    "You and I both know how proud your parents would be of you now. I don't need to overstate that, do I?"

    "… No," she mumbled.

    "Then I guess I'll say it for them. You make me very proud every time you prove yourself." He bounced the icicle with his claws. "You didn't have to waste your whole life to do something so special…"

    She sniffed, shuffling her forelegs together, before tackling the Zoroark into an awkward hug. He stifled his groan of pain from her sudden embrace with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around her back as she melted into him.

    Liam watched this heartwarming event between the two with a certain melancholy feeling bubbling in his chest. Before, when he lacked the memories of his past, an occurrence like this would simply be sweet to his blank self. Yet, now he could only think of his own parents.

    Was his mother ever proud of him before she died? If his father was still alive, could he say he was proud of him?

    The answers he knew and the ones he didn't were always out of his reach, and the small windows into the past he was given never seemed enough to his ever curious mind. Ever since that trip out to Criss-Cross Creek, it ravaged his thoughts, changing his perception of the world around him and what he believed in it. The Guildmaster was always there to help him when he bottled it all in, but his words only deepened his desires. He wanted to know the full story, and why he was in this world full of oddities and creatures that seemed beyond the realm of that small country boy's simple world.

    Far from home he was. That's what it seemed like to his fractured brain.

    Roark cracked an eye open and looked over at Liam, beckoning him over with a claw. "C'mon! This is a family hug, sidekick!"

    The Riolu blinked, before grinning and stepping over to join them. He extended his arms and fell into the clinch of warm and slightly cool fur. They kept this moment of togetherness a moment longer, taking it in. While these two weren't family by blood to Liam, or were even from the same world as he was, he would be lying to say it didn't feel like it. They made him feel comfortable in this land, and he wished for their happiness and safety above all.

    Liam held onto their bodies tight, feeling like never letting go.

    Across the camp, another interaction between close friends was taking place - Leafeon and Shaymin. The Legendary was attempting to take off into the skies, her bandaged ear wings only allowing her bruised body into the air for a mere thirty seconds before she had to stop. A growl escaped her each time as he was forced to descend. But she kept at it, testing her limits further each time.

    Leafeon was a few feet away, happiness mixed with worry in her expression as her eyes followed the gliding Pokemon. Even if the others weren't so happy to see her, they were willing to accept her again, and she herself was just happy her friend was alive and safe now.

    "Are you sure you're fine to go with us?" Leafeon inquired. "Nobody is forcing you to go, Shaymin."

    Shaymin grunted as her paws hit the sand again. "… Yeah, but I wanna go, Leafy!" She took a deep breath before launching into the air again. "If I could convince the Guildmaster and the others to let me back in the guild, then I can most definitely convince 'em to let me go!"

    Leafeon frowned, "You don't have to prove yourself to the others. It wasn't your fault this all happened, and we would've done it for anyone else."

    Shaymin managed to stay in flight for a solid minute before returning to the ground, landing near Leafeon with a sigh. "… What if I want to prove myself, huh? What if I'm sick of being looked at as a bastard here."

    Leafeon was nearly taken aback by her words. The Shaymin she knew since they came to Celestic was always adverse to making friends beyond her. She had tried to make the Legendary be more rational and friendly, but it seemed to backfire every time.

    "I was only in that fuckin' jail cell for a few days, but it felt like an eternity," Shaymin said, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth. "I had all that time alone to just think. About you, about my family… about me. I came here years ago, and all I've ever done is put others down here, like back home. I thought I was gonna die there with that memory of me in you guys' forever."

    Leafeon shook her head. "You know I would never think of you like that." She smirked. "Besides, I think your attitude makes you look tough."

    "You know I can't help it, Leafy." She inhaled. "But the truth is… I was a shitty friend to ya, and an even worse teammate. I wanna fix that, really. That's why I wanna go." She exhaled forcefully, cracking a smirk. "And also to kick their asses as payback… if ya let me, that is."

    Leafeon pondered her claims with a knowing smile. "There's no Team Evergreen without a second member, so... no duh I need you."

    "Thanks, Leafy."

    "Did you apologize to Monferno and Braixen yet?"

    Shaymin avoided her curious gaze and bit her lip. "Uh, nah, I haven't gotten around to that. I think I'll talk to 'em after we're done with the expedition."

    Leafeon rolled her eyes. "They're not mad at you, Shaymin. Nobody is angry anymore. If you wanna put the past behind you, then maybe now's the time to start fixing things."

    Shaymin really did, even if it was hard to swallow her distaste of the guild structure. The things she endured over her brief but grueling encounter with the Rose Clan showed her this was no game. If she were to really become a member of this guild, this seemed to be the first step of doing so.

    It was either this, or return home, and she couldn't face that.

    "I'm happy that you're finally making a change," Leafeon added.

    Shaymin opened her mouth to reply, but a gruff shout from behind caught both of their attention. They turned to see their Guildmaster beckoning all the others with his waving paws and inaudible commands. Their operation was seemingly beginning now.

    "Talk with ya later if we come out of this tussle alive, Leafy!" Shaymin snickered as she took to the skies, gliding over to the gathering Pokemon.

    Leafeon followed her friend with an amused expression, much less worried than she was before.

    Jackson waited until every Pokemon in the immediate area was surrounding him. Over a hundred strong they were, and all looking at him, more determined than ever after their ordeal at the shrine. While he didn't expect an outcome like that, he was more than happy to capitalize on a success for their next big move.

    This was it, and they were going to get what they were owed.

    "Everyone!" Jackson bellowed, arms crossed behind him. "In just a few moments, our next and final blow against the Rose Clan will commence - a full scale attack on Regi Castle!"

    Shouts and vivacious cheers from the crowd followed his announcement.

    "Our scouting missions have concluded, and a plan of attack has been coordinated for this very hour! We have gone over the details in the morning, but hear your roles once more!"

    Diverting his attention to a barren area littered with laid out Entercards, he swept a paw across them. "The first group will use their Entercards to spring up around the fortress, causing chaos and confusion, much like the attack on the Shrine of Landorus… However!"

    His outstretched paw was then directed to the multitude of Mudsdales' that typically pulled their carriages on expedition. Except they now wore saddles fit for personal riding, with bridles hooked around their mouths. They stood silently next to one another.

    "The Mudsdales' have graciously agreed to take part in this operation. Not long after the first team arrives through their Entercards, the second team will arrive by riding the Mudsdales' towards the fortress, striking down any stray mercenary while riding. This flurry of action from both team's combined will swiftly bring our enemies to their knees. Afterward, Regi Castle will be in our control."

    Murmurs spread throughout those gathered, getting themselves amped up for what came next.

    Jackson took center-stage again, breathing in, his orange paw ring flickering. "This operation will be the most important encounter of this expedition. Our actions are to be impeachable if we are to obtain what we have come here for - the second location. The secrets buried beneath that fortress should not be stolen by criminals that care little for the future of this world!" He thrusted a paw into the air as he yelled again. "Today we're not just fighting for the guild, but for the futures of your children and their children! We fight… for a world free of Mystery Dungeons!"

    "YEAH", screamed the crowd, more restless than ever after his speech.

    "The second team will take off shortly! Let's go!" Jackson commanded as he walked away.

    The meeting dispersed as everyone flocked to pack up their supplies and head to their chosen positions.

    Liam felt more determined than ever after hearing his Guildmaster speak. He wasted no time in heading towards his team's area. A lone Mudsdale was chosen by him as he jumped up on its back. It blew some air in amusement as the Riolu struggled to gain balance and remain seated. He would eventually get the hang of it, only slightly wobbly as he grabbed the reins. While his inexperience showed he had never done this before, he felt like he had.

    Despite the circumstance surrounding this, he was beyond excited, his heart thumping as he stared out into the flat, sunset stricken desert that awaited him.

    "I guess I'll see you after we're finished."

    Liam almost fell off the Mudsdale's back after hearing Gloria's soft voice beside him. He looked over, spotting her staring up at him. "Uh… I guess we will, heh."

    She giggled at his lack of composure. "You were really excited about this. Are you sure you'll be able to do it?"

    "I think you know the answer to that," he said confidently, casting her a look. "Now tell me how you're feeling about this."

    Gloria took a moment, but her smile never faded. "I feel good about this. I feel… bold and unafraid now," she admitted.

    Liam smirked, saying nothing in return as he looked back up front and gripped the reins. He took deep breaths, trying to channel some of that lack of fear and happiness battling between his anger and doubt creeping within his mind. Yet, now wasn't the time nor the place to worry about that, as if that mattered.

    "Second team go now!" his Guildmaster hollered.

    With a rumbling neigh and kick of their front legs into the air, the Mudsdales' pounded their hooves against the sand and took off into the direction of the fortress, creating a trail of swept up dust behind them. Gloria watched them depart, her eyes fixated on Liam, a sense of worry and apprehension still clinging onto her senses.

    Heliolisk huffed out of tiredness, clinging to the grapple hook's rope and stopping to catch his breath. He was never considered the most agile out of his squad back home.

    "Hurry it up, runt!" Weavile's voice called from within the structure.

    The Electric-type growled a curse worse before pushing himself to shimmy further up the rope. When the cracked sandstone bricks were within reach, he jumped to them. He suppressed a yelp when he latched onto the bricks, his feet dangling well more than a hundred feet from the ground. Gallade noticed his predicament and immediately stepped in to pull his partner up. Muttering a 'thanks', Heliolisk stood up to witness their current location.

    They were inside the perimeter walls of Regi Castle. Its crumbling and barren insides were dead silent, devoid of any Rose Clan mercenaries that usually patrolled it. The walls wrapped around the core of the building, seemingly leading inward at some point.

    Weavile pulled up her grappling hook and stuffed it into her saddlebag, glaring at Gallade. "You better have had a good reason for needing to bring the runt along."

    Gallade held an arm in front of a scowling Heliolisk, blocking him from talking back. "If what Krokorok said is true, then this 'barrier' is something my partner and I can overcome."

    "Whatever it is, let's get somewhere quiet and empty," Bisharp said as he tiptoed through the hall. "Follow the plan and try to avoid being seen. If there's anyone in our way, we knock them out - no execution."

    "Don't need to tell me twice, tinman," Weavile cackled, following him. "We'll be in there and out without a trace before the snake even realizes she got duped, with this place's secrets in our claws."

    The group of four, including the Absol pair, slowly traversed the outer walls, searching for staircases or hatches that would lead them into the fortress itself. After a few minutes of walking, a series of muffled bursts could be heard all around them, followed by indecipherable shouts and the rush of footsteps.

    They stopped and held their breath.

    "The hell's going on?" Weavile harshly whispered. "Don't tell me the snake got second thoughts…"

    "No, can't be," Bisharp said. "Maybe they're leaving through Entercards, or bringing more Pokémon here. If so, let's just be extra careful…"

    Weavile shook her head and continued to walk down the hallway. "Whatever it is, we can use the chaos to our advantage."

    Gallade and Heliolisk were hesitant to continue after listening further in on the obscured discord around them, but a dirty look from the Absols' made them move forward without question.

    They were near.

    It was a journey that took them through desolate swathes of desert, tall valleys of natural clay and giant chasms. The galloping Mudsdales' blazed across the orange hued sands with no sign of stopping, sweat trickling down both their faces and their focused riders. The faraway setting sun provided a waypoint for them to reach, the imposing Regi Castle standing in their path.

    Liam wiped his brow free of wetness with a spare paw as he hesitantly released his iron grip on the Mudsdale's reins. The fortress was dead ahead, and they would arrive in less than two minutes. He didn't know why, but his paws were trembling when they reached for the ELE attached to his saddle.

    Flicking the switch on its side, he waited a moment to speak into it. "G-guildmaster! We're approaching the fortress now in just a few minutes!"

    "Good. Full speed ahead, kid," the device replied.

    As the band of equines and their determined riders got closer, it happened. Flashes of orange light began erupting all over the fortress one after another. Sights of ensuing battles between the arrivals and the mercenaries began shortly after the spectacle. Liam knew Gloria and Roark were in one of those Entercards, and that they were fighting within the fortress right now. If anything could give him courage right now, it was the thought of any harm being brought upon them. The anger that burned within him when his loved ones were threatened.

    The Riolu steeled him as he grabbed the reins again, preparing for battle.

    The Mudsdales' were immediately spotted as the few Rose Clan members on the ground fired at the approaching Ground-types'. A lightning fast projectile from a rifle whizzed past Liam's head. He ducked as more attacks of all kinds were sent their way. Yet, his spirit never wilted at their retaliation. The Mudsdales' broke formation and scattered across the lands surrounding the fortress. Beams and blasts of elemental energy chased them as many swerved around to charge at a mercenary standing out in the open.

    Liam tugged on his Mudsdale's reign as a lone Stoutland came into his sights. His companion realized the Riolu's intentions as it dashed towards the shaggy canine. Purple energy manifested in Liam's paw as he held it outward, waiting for his moment.

    His Force Palm crashed into the Stoutland as he zoomed past it. Looking behind his shoulder, the large canine was slumped in over the sands, defeated. He grinned at his triumph, pulling on the reins again to steer Mudsdale towards another victim.

    The battle for the fortress waged on, many mercenaries out in the open being incapacitated by the blitz of Mudsdales' storming across the area. Handfuls of Blast Seeds were lobbed from Liam at the mercenaries as he dashed past them - his favorite. Soon enough, many of their enemies on the outside were vanquished.

    Their victory had to be near.

    The sounds of fighting within the castle also slowed to a crawl as the minutes came by. Liam pulled by the castle walls to witness many of his friends pulling back from fights and overlooking the Mudsdales' from above. His heart thumped as he caught a glimpse of Gloria within the fortress, fresh out of a battle. She stood defiantly on the unconscious body of an Ivysaur - zero fear on her face. He smiled widely at this.

    "All Rose Clan members appear to be down. Inform your teammates to wait until the fortress is swept before leaving your positions," his Guildmaster's voice reverberated through his ELE.

    This retaking of Regi Castle seemed easy to Liam - too easy.

    Weavile took a peek down two opposite hallways. When the coast was clear, she and the Pokemon behind her continued on their way. They had gone further down into the fortress, passing by the few Rose Clan members left behind, who seemed more interested in running past them to seek whatever was occurring above.

    None of them were complaining about this oddity. The fort's interior fell deathly silent as they traversed its hallways, which were increasingly becoming more grimy and filled with piles of sand or debris.

    "We must be getting close," Weavile said, waving her lit Luminous Orb around her surroundings. "These annoying tunnels have to go somewhere."

    "Somewhere they couldn't access apparently," Bisharp added, throwing a look behind him at Gallade and Heliolisk. "If this barrier thing is real, you sure they don't know how to get through?"

    Gallade nodded, "I am positive. It was information my partner and I omitted from our Entercard training with the Rose Clan. If what we're looking for is past the barrier, then we will be the first to see it."

    The smirk on Bisharp's face couldn't be erased.

    Weavile whistled, "Happy birthday, Bishy, you got what you wanted. Now, let's just see if this is all worth our time in the first place."

    The stretch of hallway ended at a large chamber. Muck and other pools of sand filled the room. It seemed all excavation efforts of the fortress ended here - a dead end.

    "What about here? Can we place the card here?" Weavile asked the pair.

    "Yeah, we can do it here," Heliolisk said. "Travel noise won't go past these walls."

    "Then do it. And don't even think about escaping, because we're leaving at the same time."

    "G-got it."

    Gallade and Heliolisk got to work setting down their blank Entercard, inputting the correct coordinates for a transport straight downward, past the barrier and into whatever lurked below it. They then etched a symbol into the sands that would allow them transportation back.

    "It's done," Gallade confirmed, pointing at the Entercard lying on the ground. "If we take this, then it will go straight past the barrier."

    "It better," Weavile grumbled as she positioned herself near the Entercard, "because your usefulness depends on it."

    The rest of the group also huddled near the card as Gallade reached down to press the indentation in it. In an explosion of golden orange light, they vanished.

    Serperior could see it clearly, even through her hazy perception.

    She and her large gathering of forces trekked across the desert for what seemed like hours. The location of the meeting was somewhere called Dry Heat Ridge - a hilly area with many cliffs surrounding the dunes. Even when a distant sandstorm began rolling in on her location, and her underlings advising her to return back to the fortress, she would not budge.

    She would bring an end to her two biggest threats right here and now - capture or execution. Her kingdom's future depended on it.

    "In this area!" Serperior hissed. "Be ready to attack at your princess' command! Do not let the storm deter you!"

    Orange and red clouds of dust whipped the scorched sands as they entered the ridge, the reach of the ravenous sandstorm acting like a fog over the area. Still, they persevered and squinted their eyes at anything they could see. Yet, no matter how much they traversed the ridge, not a single Pokemon was in sight.

    "No, no, no!" Serperior seethed in frustration. "This meeting should have started here by now! Could they have postponed it because of the sandstorm? No… They have to be here somewhere!"

    Through the howling of the storm around them, her ears singled out the tumbling of small rocks on the cliffs surrounding her regiment. A chill then ran up her spine as realization of her situation set in.

    A ringing bullet fired from one of the cliffs and struck the face of the Passimian next to Serperior, dropping it instantly. On cue, Pokemon of all kinds leapt from their hiding position among the jagged rock and descended towards her group. She instantly knew these aggressors to be Pokemon of the Razor Claw clan.

    "Defend your princess against these heathens!" Serperior screamed to her forces as they scrambled to get into combat.

    The two opposing sides clashed in a bout of gunfire from above and combat on the ground, one side clearly winning over the other. The sandstorm sweeping the area gave the ambushers as they began to pick off their blind foes - a sturdy Golisopod even barreling through the breastplate wearing Pokemon with First Impression.

    A stray projectile ricocheted off of Serperior's crown, denting it as she fled urgently from her rapidly falling regiment. She knew this battle to be a lost one, and her capture or death was imminent if she were to stay.

    Her trusty and silent Aegislash bodyguard followed closely, slashing any Pokémon that attempted to get near her with its mighty blade. It laid down an Entercard into the sands as Serperior slithered near it, flicking its indentation as it powered up to transport the two back to their clan's home base.

    A raging fire burned in Serperior's eyes and mind as she watched her dreaded enemy mop up the rest of her forces and win over her again. She had been tricked, deceived by one of her own. The tendrils of orange coming from the Entercard merged into a blinding pillar that consumed her body.

    Serperior had lost this battle, but she knew she would win the war. Her revenge would be inescapable, and her desires reached if it killed her.

    An hour had passed since their highly successful assault on Regi Castle had begun. After sweeping the fortress of any other remaining Rose Clan mercenaries, all of Excadrill's workers had taken up positions of defense against any potential reinforcements. However, all was quiet as the fortress appeared to be finally taken back.

    The entire guild, Team Drarosteel, and Excadrill were currently inside the fortress itself, gathering in a large war room-like chamber with many outdated and deteriorated maps of Celestic and other continents adorning the sandstone walls.

    "I-I can't believe it!" Excadrill sputtered. "Thirty two! I double checked the head counts, and only thirty two dang mercs were guarding this place. We counted at least a hundred of 'em a day ago."

    Garchomp couldn't wrap her mind around it as well. "And you're for sure your workers searched the fortress entirely? None of 'em in hiding and waiting to spring on us?"

    "There ain't nothin' in those winding tunnels 'sides sand and wreckage." The mole whistled cheerfully. "We wrapped up those mercs in just a few minutes! Like shockin' a barrel of Magikarp - that easy!"

    Scizor shook his head, "It couldn't be that easy. There has to be a reason for their absence." He looked around the room. "We must be ready in case they return."

    "Why's it matter that they left?" Shaymin said as she flexed her flight skills and flew around the room. "We beat the piss out of 'em! Who cares if they come back to save some face. We'll beat 'em again!"

    "I agree with Shaymin!" Rockruff proclaimed, puffing his chest out. "We beat these guys twice! Who's to say we can't do it a third time?"

    Majority of the other guild members seemed to concur with their logic. Scizor, on the other hand, continued to think about this situation. "Or maybe… maybe they have gotten what they came here for and left. If what Excadrill's workers are saying is true, there is nothing here pertaining to the second location, meaning they could have-"

    "Fat chance!" Excadrill shot down with a wave of a claw. "Jack and I spoke to one of the mercs, and they claim they found nothin' here." A grin grew on his face. "Well… 'cept for a ley line barrier blocking their dig efforts."

    The last part raised some eyebrows, most notably Scizor, his heart fluttering. "What you're saying… This means-"

    "Means we're still in the race!" Excadrill interrupted again. "My theory is that the Legendaries' lil' workshop is deep below in the fort's labyrinth. But a ley line barrier forming above it over the ages kept the mercs from discoverin' it. Heck, it could've kept anyone from findin' it!"

    Garchomp smirked, "But we know how to get through those, don't we? Tell me, can we use an Entercard to possibly get into that labyrinth?"

    "Sure can! We can even do it right now! As long as Jack agrees to it, of course."

    All eyes were on the Shiny Lucario as he finally spoke, an Entercard clasped in one paw.

    "Today, we have defeated a foe that has stood in the way of the future. And now, the key to unlocking the secrets of this world will hopefully be found here. Our efforts in discovering the Magnagate Investigation Project at Celestial Mountain have been building to this moment, and I see no reason in stalling any longer."

    He placed the Entercard down, pressing its indentation as it sparked in activation. A symbol was then drawn into the sands surrounding the card.

    "Gather!" Jackson yelled. "We shall see its existence as a group altogether!"

    The guild, Excadrill, and Team Drarosteel packed together closely by the Entercard. In just a few seconds, all of them were consumed by an orange radiance. Minds and bodies coalesced into particles as they traveled downward through the earth, piercing an impenetrable barrier below it and continuing through their journey. In a single second, they were someplace else.

    Their feet felt ground.

    Liam heard the crackling of fire as he opened his eyes. They were in a chamber unfamiliar to them, well lit by wall torches that strangely burnt brighter than normal. The walls encasing them were sandstone, just like the fortress, with connecting patterns etched into them. Chunks of missing stone in the ceiling above allowed sand to cascade from it and pool beneath their feet.

    The Riolu felt the urge to explore the room.

    "These torches…" Scizor muttered, staring at their impossible states. "Only very powerful Pokemon could create an everlasting flame such as these..."

    Scizor could not help himself as he noticed an opening leading into a massive hallway. His insect-like wings carried him to it, with many of the guild following him. He peered into the halls, his mouth ajar at what he saw.

    Beyond the chamber was a grand labyrinth of hallways and rooms. Many accommodations were scattered across the maze; tables with odd fixtures, large containers of seeds and berries, maps of an older Celestic, and messy scribbles lining the walls. All of it was in complete disarray, yet were unmistakably connected to something they desired.

    "This is it," he mumbled. "This is the second location…"

    "It's been weeks without a proper end to this madness," Kommo-o grumbled. "How long will we continue to entertain their foolishness?"

    "As long as it takes to end this peacefully," Empoleon responded, stepping from the window to sit down at the large oval table. "You know escalation would only worsen the matter."

    Per their usual standards, another Council meeting among the chosen mayors and leaders of Celestic was taking place. It seemed a repeat of the last time, as the back and forth bickering over their choice of action in the Grit Region took centerstage once again. All Empoleon could do was mediate the situation, his mind somewhere else.

    "And keep allowing our shipments to be attacked?!" Kommo-o growled with a slam of his paw. "Our lack of action is what is lasting this treason!"

    Half of the heads sitting in the room nodded to his words.

    "I am willing to dedicate a large portion of my region's supplies to the Grit Region," Primarina offered. "If that's what it takes to end this terrible event."

    The other half of the heads took agreeance to the Water-type's offer.

    "Thank you, Primarina, but that won't be needed," Empoleon said. "The conflict in the Grit Region will stay there, without an effect on other regions, and our guards will do their best to protect the caravans. For now, it is best to keep the tempers of the locals mild."

    "This fence-sitting is absurd and cowardly," Kommo-o spat.

    "We can discuss your much noticed disdain more in our next meeting," Empoleon remarked with a wave of his flipper. "That is all for today, everyone! Please, have a safe trip back to your cities, towns, and villages! The only Pokemon I wish to stay a bit longer are Kommo-o, Carracosta, Manectric, and Pyroar."

    The rest of the representatives not called to remain got out of their seats. They shook paws or chatted with each other cordially as they exited through the double doors. At the same time, a Gabite guard walked in with a box filled with the binders, folders, and other documents, placing it on the table before leaving.

    The five Pokemon left in the room sat in undisturbed silence for a moment.

    "So… What has been the Alignment's progress with uprooting the Rose Clan," Kommo-o inquired calmly.

    "That was not part of the discussion I had with the Allfather, sadly," Empoleon said with a sigh. "But apparently he has sent out a dispatchment of his advisors to negotiate with the mercenaries."

    "'Negotiate'," Kommo-o snorted, reaching a paw over to comb the hefty box's contents. "And what is the reason for this dump of paperwork?"

    "Right there is what was actually discussed. Inside are documents pertaining to the Cosmic Quilt Guild; its members, history and creation, and all of its documented expeditions and income forms."

    Kommo-o knew instantly, breathing a sigh. "Arceus above… not this nonsense again. Why is this Allfather so enraptured by this particular guild?"

    "I wouldn't know, Kommo-o, as he refuses to give me further information. All I understand is that he is gravely worried by the guild's recent actions, and more specifically, one individual from it. He wishes for our conclusion to be a blockade of the guild's expeditions, and even a dissolution of the guild entirely."

    His words ignited some discussion among the three other Pokemon present.

    "Just a week ago, he requested for us to send guards to their guild's location to pry information from them about their recent expedition," Kommo-o said, pointing at the box. "And now he wishes for us to investigate a meaningless fear of his that he won't even elaborate on? This is a waste of our time."

    "... It is, but I wish to keep our relationship with the Alignment friendly, so we will entertain this request just like we had the others." Empoleon reached over the table to grab a folder from the box. "Now, let's hopefully get our conclusion before the night is over."

    The other four Pokemon reluctantly grabbed their own helping of documents.

    "As is typical, I must stress that any information of this investigation is kept confidential." Empoleon held up his document, flipping a page to reveal a painted portrait of a Shiny Pokemon. "This is an official investigation into the Cosmic Quilt Guild. And more specifically by the Allfather's request… its Guildmaster."

    Throughout our brief lives, we are deceived by the illusions of greater wonders and greater destinies, only to never see them realized.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Entercard Research Station
    Chapter 27: Entercard Research Station
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer

    Chapter 27

    Entercard Research Station

    Ghosts of pink Psychic-type energy wavered around the activated Projection Crystal before it was all sucked into the glossy aquatic blue sphere. A fuchsia colored paw gripped the orb tightly, holding it close to the chest of a floating Pokemon as she spoke.

    "Entry number two - our arrival into our main base of operations; the labyrinth below Regi Castle!"

    "Must you use a Projection Crystal for every instance? We have many, but not an infinite amount for your diligence."

    Mew turned around, looking over her amassed group of Legendaries from all corners of the world. "We need as much documentation of our efforts and discoveries as we can make, Dialga. Enough that it'll convince the other Legendaries to join us, and enough so that when we show all the Pokémon in Celestic, they'll understand this threat to them as well." She smiled and shook her Projection Crystal. "So yeah, I do. And all of you should too."

    "Noted," Dialga said with a nod. "I advise we immediately get to work."

    "Of course! Everyone, let's map out the labyrinth and get everything set up!"

    Heading the command of their director, the group of Legendaries' quickly got to work unpacking and carrying their crates of supplies off into the maze-like halls of the sandy cavern. As Mew observed their hasty movements with a thump of determination in her heart, a series of flapping wings from behind stole her attention.

    "Mew, I bring news of our scouting missions."

    The Psychic-type spun around, Reshiram and a few other flying Legendaries' in her sights. "Uh, good news, I hope?"

    "Not necessarily. We have visited other continents across the globe and… the magnagates have spread there. We did not approach the shadows, but they appear to be identical to those we initially found at Celestial Mountain."

    A lump appeared in Mew's throat. She had hoped the spread of the magnagates was relegated to only Celestic, but now she realized this was no mere local threat - it was global.

    Reshiram continued, "On the brighter side, we have not heard of any magnagates forming over any villages or points of interest. Locals have ventured into them despite our warnings, even referring to them as 'Mystery Dungeons'. Some think they are fun bouts of exploration, and are none the wiser to their true nature."

    Mew scowled, "We can't… We can't have a world in the future where things like this are considered normal. Not after what I… we experienced at Celestial Mountain."

    "Rightly said. My team and I will continue our voyages around the world in hopes of spotting a pattern with the magnagates. Best of luck with your efforts here, Mew."

    Reshiram and her band of flying Legendaries' took off, swooping past the large staircase leading up into Regi Castle proper. Mew watched them depart, exhaling her inner frustrations with a sigh. The problems and threats to their cause and the world only seemed to pile on further.

    'Mystery Dungeon, magnagate… What are you? And why are you infecting our world?'

    Her thoughts shifted to Victini again, painfully so. His research of the 'glowing lines' beneath the ground and his theories about them prodded at her mind. If they were the power source behind the magnagates, then they were the key to eliminating them altogether - they had to be.

    A fit of coughing interrupted her pondering. If the stress of being this project's sole leader wouldn't be the death of her, it was this cold she couldn't seem to get rid of.

    'Victini, you've always had the right ideas, so I'll make sure your theory is proven right…'

    She flew off further into the labyrinth, assisting in her group's efforts in setting up their station.

    The illusion of moving Legendary constructs went still, before shattering into pink mist and funneling back into the Projection Crystal. Scizor kept it clutched in one pincer as he and the rest of the group behind him soaked in the preserved memory of Mew.

    Rockruff was the first to voice his excitement, tail wagging behind him. "Wow! You're telling me they weren't always called Mystery Dungeons? Did you guys hear all of that?"

    "We all saw the same memory, Rockruff," Monferno grumbled.

    "Can you play it a-again!" Staravia stuttered out with a flap of his wings. "Me a-and Joltik couldn't hear over Mightyena p-panting!"

    "Hey! It was a long dungeon!" Mightyena shot back.

    As the guild bickered back and forth, Scizor stayed silent in the matter. His eyes shifted from the Projection Crystal to the lurking shadow of a Mystery Dungeon behind them, from which they came to find this ruined hallway.

    A forlorn sigh escaped him.

    Jackson raised a paw, calling attention to him. "Attention! The discovery of this crystal is evidence to suggest there is more throughout this area! Your new mission is to split up into groups and explore the labyrinth for more Projection Crystals, or any information you can gather along the way. Once this dungeon has been combed thoroughly, we will regroup and pool together our findings." He looked around the room. "I only ask for a few of you to stay behind here and safeguard our search."

    "I guess that'll be me," Aggron chimed in. "You lads can go on. Arceus knows how much I'm tired of explorin' caves."

    Tyranitar stomped over to his teammate. "That makes two of us, metalhead."

    "Make that three!" Charizard bellowed as he flew over to the duo. "My bulk isn't suited for sandy digs like this."

    Jackson nodded, "Very well. As for the rest of you, it is paramount that any information relevant to our cause is found and kept safe." He turned his back and continued walking further down the halls. "Let us be off to unearth the secrets left behind."

    "Right behind ya, Jack!" Excadrill shouted, waddling after the Lucario. "How's a pair of old 'mons together sound?"

    As the room split into multiple other hallways, the guild did as instructed and broke up into multiple pairs, each one embarking down their own chosen path. Scizor was far too enraptured with observing their surroundings than to choose a team. He set down a random hallway, mind solely focused on what he saw in the Projection Crystal.

    "Hey, looks like you still need someone to walk with."

    He instantly recognized the velvety voice behind him, turning his head to greet it.

    "I… guess I do."

    Garchomp smirked and advanced towards the Bug-type. "Figured you'd be a bit more excited about there being more crystals here. What's going on inside that head of yours?"


    "Which is pretty typical of you."

    His blush was unnoticeable across his face's red exoskeleton. "It's… different."

    "We can walk and talk about it."

    The newly found pair did just that, journeying through the crumbling halls of flowing warm sand and tumbled over furniture. They kept their eyes peeled and wandering around to spot any Projection Crystal or intriguing find hidden among the ancient ruins.

    "What that Mew said, about the Mystery Dungeons being seen as normal in this world," Scizor explained. "That they were lucky to not have ley lines forming underneath villages, and that Pokemon weren't aware or cared of its danger."

    "You got a point to this?"

    "It's still relevant thousands of years later. Pokémon are unaware and uncaring. They think the Mystery Dungeons are normal and simply forces of nature." Scizor sighed, closing his eyes. "It hurts me to see Pokemon so misinformed, so ignorant of the lives taken away by the ley lines."

    Garchomp nudged him with a talon. "You already know what I'm about to say, don't you?"

    A small smile broke through his sorrowed state. "Yes… I do."

    "Once we figure out the truth, we'll do what these Legendaries couldn't do. We'll finish what they started, and we'll do a damn good job at that."

    "I hope so."

    The two went silent for a bit as they quietly walked through the torchlit hallways. Yet, a thought persisted in one's mind.

    "It does make you wonder," Scizor said. "What a world without Mystery Dungeons would really be."

    "A pretty boring one, maybe," she joked, shaking her head. "Nah, I think the world will be just peachy. All we gotta do is make it that way first."

    "And if we do? The aftermath of which I am still struggling to picture."

    "When we do," Garchomp corrected with a toothy smirk. "For starters, the guild will be seen as heroes to all, even if Pokemon haven't realized it until then. We'll still always have other problems out in the world, but with the Mystery Dungeons out of the picture? That'd be a big relief. Though, my team is probably gonna have to find some new ways to keep the income flowing in, heh."

    "Perhaps I've been too… pessimistic. I can't understand why, when we're surrounded by potential answers in this fascinating place."

    "Right. And what about you? Once we complete the guild's goal… what else is in store for the world famous Team Moonlight?"

    A question such as that caught Scizor off guard. His thoughts were always focused on both the past and the present, yet never the future. It was an idea he could never fully grasp, only adding to his hidden doubts and frustrations along the way.

    "I… don't know, sadly," he admitted. "I've spent more than half of my life dedicated to researching the cause, and most of it as an assistant to the Guildma… Jackson. It's difficult for me to picture anything of my life beyond that."

    Garchomp frowned, "Well, I guess we'll have to see, won't we?"


    Darkness slowly crept in on the duo as they journeyed on, the forever burning torches that dotted the pathway gone as the walls that surrounded them were crumbled away into debris. The remainder of the shattered hallway led downard, an ominous orange glow at the end of which luring Garchomp and Scizor to follow it and investigate. As they got closer, the ground beneath them became skinnier and skinnier; cracks in the earth around them leading into an abyss of orange glow and pure blackness.

    They reached a dead end, standing on a strip of sandstone surrounded by a large chasm-like chamber. Shelves, tables, and other furnishings hung over the edges of a room above them that had collapsed inward. Long, winding tunnels were pierced through the ground below them, ley lines visible through them and illuminating the chamber.

    "They had dug to the ley lines again," Scizor observed, "What were they looking for this time?"

    Garchomp looked around the chamber, her eyes wandering upwards and locking onto a Projection Crystal resting on a shelf hanging over the room's edges. "Why don't we see for ourselves?" she said with a smirk. "Think you can get it?"

    Scizor felt the thump in his chest at her finding. "I can most definitely make an attempt."

    With a small buzz of his wings, he carefully fluttered above the pit and hovered near the dangling shelf. He then plucked the orb from it and returned back down to the ground. Scizor took a deep breath before pressing the indentation on the orb and releasing the pink vapor of Psychic-type energy into the air.

    "Resist… the pain, everyone!"

    Mew gritted her teeth as she dropped the Projection Crystal on the ground. A pang of irritation shot through her small body, restricting her usual sprightly movements to a stiff hovering. Her fellow Legendaries' behind her suffered the same ailment as they lurched forward, enduring the agony as instructed by their leader.

    "Almost… there!"

    Mew pushed herself forward once more, stopping mere feet from her and this world's foe. Twisting, glowing, orange lines crisscrossed another as they pierced through the cavern's walls, vibrating intensely. The Psychic-type could hear an eerie rush of sounds flood her eardrums; flowing water of a river, the rustling of grass, a howling of mountain wind, and other noises she couldn't comprehend through her pain.

    "Are you sure this will work, Mew?!" Dialga shouted, stopping himself from going any further.

    "I guess we'll have to see!" Mew yelled back. "Come on, everyone! We do this now!"

    The Legendaries' stopped in place and began to charge up their attacks. One by one, highly powerful beams of fire, ice, electricity, and other forms of energy were launched at the glowing orange lines. They collided with such a force that it shook the room with its might, only encouraging them to continue their assault.

    "Don't stop!" Mew screamed, observing their efforts. "Keep going!"

    The powerful barrage continued, emboldened by Mew's encouragement. After a solid minute of attacks and no results, Mew began to doubt the effectiveness of her strategy. As she formed the words of stoppage in her mouth, a vibration in the golden orange lines caught her eye. There was a flicker and occasional shuffle of obvious discontent as the anomalies were stricken over and over, now actively writhing in place.

    Her plan was working.

    Exhaustion began to set in over the Legendaries', many halting their attacks. Witnessing their success about to be reverted, Mew made a split second decision. She gathered the strongest amount of power she could muster into both of her paws. A pink sphere of solid Psychic-type energy crackled intensely as she charged it to its maximum. After the rest of the attacks on the mysterious lines petered off, Mew launched her supercharged attack straight at them, the orb exploding in a intense shockwave that dwarfed all bombardments before it.

    In the aftershocks of Mew's attack, there was stillness throughout the chamber. Suddenly, a ribbon of one of the golden orange lines broke away. Before Mew could react, it shot towards her, stopping mere inches from her face as the Legendary was sucked away into the stray line in an instant. The line then bent backwards, sliding back into its original position within the cavern's tunneled through walls.

    Horrified silence filled the room. Shocked looks from all the tired out Legendaries' snapped around, forgetting the constant pain that wracked their bodies. Dialga stumbled forward, mouth ajar as he stared at the once more stationary lines.

    "M-Mew!" he beckoned uselessly at them. "... MEW!"

    Dialga stood still as he hoped for a response back. He would get it in the form of another line lashing out of its twisted position and extending towards the ground. In a flash of orange-ish particles, the unconscious body of Mew reappeared on the cavern floor as the diverging line reverted back to normalcy.

    Dialga rushed to pick up the fallen Pokemon and Projection Crystal beside her, fighting through the pain caused by the mysterious lines. "Create an exit portal now!"

    Lunala quickly sprung into action, opening the third eye on her head crest and swooping into a nearby wall. As she collided into it, a gateway of matter sucking energy was created. The weary Legendaries' then crowded into it, one after another, eager to leave the place that caused them so much trouble and pain.

    The other side of the portal would send them back to where they once came from. Many would stumble out of the portal and collapse onto the floor, drained and sore. Dialga gently laid the unconscious Mew down, gathering his bearings and analyzing the group to make sure everyone was accounted for. He also needed a moment to digest exactly what had happened in those brief few seconds.

    "... We will wait until Mew awakens," Dialga said, voice hushed and uneasy. "Then we will figure out what just occurred."

    The Projection Crystal's memory recording ended with a dimming of the orb.

    The Projection Crystal's memory recording began with an influx of pink energy swirling into the orb.

    "Are you positive you are able to use your powers?... Er, safely, that is."

    Mew laughed weakly, rolling the Projection Crystal onto the other side of her bed. "A baby Abra could fill up one of these crystals, Dialga. Safe to say I could charge one even if I was asleep."

    "I am only looking out for your wellbeing."

    Mew's powers activated once again as a fire was ignited in a lantern resting on the bookshelves beside her bed. The eternally burning flame inside it flickered gently, its warm and yellowish orange light illuminating her modest room. The labyrinth system below Regi Castle thankfully included a barracks, allowing rooms for her Legendaries' to rest, but not Mew. Her thorough exploration of the area proved fruitful when a small study room was found, which she quickly took over as her personal quarters. This is where the prevailing amount of her research was conducted, poured into journals and other Projection Crystals scattered around.

    Mew coughed into a paw, before smiling at the dragon. "Thanks for that, but I'm okay, really. I just want to record the events of what happened the other day."

    "Very well. I will not impede you."

    "... Entry number fourteen - a recap of our attempts to dislodge the mysterious energy lines below a Mystery Dungeon. My theory that displacing them with some powerful blows proved, uh, semi-correct. While we weren't able to permanently destroy or move them, there was a temporary reaction created. One of the lines broke away and transported me somewhere else. Somewhere… I don't even know. I was still underground and surrounded by those lines, but I wasn't anywhere near the others. I was panicking at that moment, so I used all my energy to use one last attack on the lines around me, and it must've sent me back to the others. And then…" she trailed off, biting her lip.

    "And your theory on it, Mew?" Dialga guided her wandering mind.

    "... Oh, right!" She weakly floated out of her bed with a grunt, gliding over towards a desk. She grabbed a handful of notes with scribbles of writings and diagrams on them, reviewing them. "While total removal of the lines through our methods seems impossible, I believe that what happened to me can be replicated again as a means of transportation. It's, um, a bit of a stretch, but if it's possible, our understanding of these 'Mystery Dungeons' can grow. That's… it for this entry, I guess."

    "That was an excellent account, Mew. Now, please rest before you fall unconscious midair again."

    Mew scoffed as she flew back and flopped her tired body on her bed's pink sheets. "It was one time, Dialga. And when did you become my father?"

    Dialga chuckled, "You are this project's leader, and our greatest mind at that. It serves us to worry about you."

    Mew stared up at the rocky ceiling, slowly shaking her head. "... I'm not - Victini was. I just picked up the pieces after Celestial Mountain."

    "As if Victini did this on his lonesome," Dialga countered. "Your persistence and determination to thwart this enemy showed back then as it does now. Truthfully, I would not be here now if it weren't for you and your mate opening my eyes."

    Mew closed her eyes, fighting back the tears she had shed too many of. "... I'm still finding it hard to believe he's gone. I keep thinking that I'll see him around the corner flashing that stupid gesture of his," she said, a sad smile crossing her face. "The two of us… We had so much planned outside our duties..."

    Dialga angled himself to look down on the Psychic-type. "It is never too late to achieve those dreams. Victini would not wish for you to give up on that."

    "No, he wouldn't. But I can't see myself doing any of that without him."

    He lowered his head, "Letting go is difficult, Mew. I do not expect you to forget, only to accept his passing and turn both of your ambitions into this project's success."

    "I will, Dialga." Mew sat up, a fierce look on her face. "Even if a small part of me hopes there's a trace of him somewhere in those shadows, I know it's pointless now to look. Everything that I work to accomplish now is for the Pokemon of this world, and for the safety of themselves and their loved ones. What happened to Victini and the king's miners… It should never happen to any Pokemon again."

    "Your convictions are our convictions, Mew. We will triumph, and the loss of Victini and many others will not be for naught."

    Mew gathered enough strength to float off her bed, carrying the lantern from her bookshelf to her desk and reorganizing her assortment of papers piled atop it. "Exactly, which is why we can't afford to stall any progress. We need to figure out if we can manipulate these lines, and how it can be used to stop its spread. For that to work, I need everyone's attention on this."

    "I will share your words with the others when they awaken," Dialga said with a nod, lumbering over to the chamber's doorway. He briefly looked back, observing Mew hard at work jotting down writings. "You have matured greatly, Mew, more so than I and others have. Us Legendaries have much to learn from your compassion for the common Pokemon."

    Mew looked up momentarily, "... Thank you, Dialga."

    As the hulking Legendary ducked under the doorframe and left her quarters, she refocused her attention on the papers laid out on her desk. The lantern illuminating her work hissed as she adjusted its flame to grow larger, the notes she held up to the warm light more visible in the darkness of her surroundings. As she flipped through various descriptions of both the 'Mystery Dungeons' and the mysterious lines, she lingered on one diagram created by collaborating members of her group; an imagined design for a contraption that could potentially be used to manipulate the lines.

    Mew rubbed away the sleep in her eyes as she took hold of a nearby quill and began to add new ideas of her own onto the design.

    A sneer was affixed to Shaymin's face as the holographic constructs created by the Projection Crystal vanished, the energy sucked back into the orb. Leafeon would hold the crystal under her paw before rolling it into the open saddlebag hanging from her side. Once it was tucked away and secure, she turned to the others and smiled.

    "We'll show this to the Guildmaster later. Let's see if we can find any others that are hidden!"

    "Wow!" Minun exclaimed. "The Legendaries were trying to make a device to mess with the ley lines? I wonder if a contraption like that would be an Entercard, or something else entirely..."

    Mightyena shook his head, "Maybe it's some kind of super weapon like Rockruff said? I mean, that's gotta be what those stupid mercenaries were after, right?"

    "That'd be r-really cool to find, r-right, Joltik?" Staravia sputtered to the clinging companion, getting an inaudible squeak back.

    "Boys and their weapons…" Purrloin added with a huff. "As long as it's expensive, darling."

    Leafeon rolled her eyes, "Whatever it is, let's get our job done right here."

    All except Shaymin quickly got to work searching for any remaining information left behind. The quarters of Mew seen within the projection was a far cry from its current state. Furniture, dressers, and bookshelves were coated in thick layers of dust and grime, overturned on their sides and the contents inside scattered across the room. A small pitchblack shadow of a Mystery Dungeon engulfed the area where Mew's bed originally was, the bed itself gone. Shaymin shuddered as she tore her gaze from it, swallowing her feelings of this place and assisting the others.

    After a few minutes of lifting objects and scouring the room, the group gave up and exited into the winding hallways. As they walked and continued on their journey of exploring the labyrinth, Leafeon crept up beside a troubled Shaymin.

    "You okay?"

    Shaymin nearly jumped at her voice, eventually scoffing. "We're here in this dump, aren't we?"

    "It's a historical dump." Leafeon smiled coyly. "You never said much about the last Legendary place we found. How come? This is the work of your ancestors."

    "Not my ancestors, Leafy," Shaymin corrected. "Doubt you'd see any Shaymin allowed to work here instead of the fields, or as some measly messenger."

    "Even if there weren't any Shaymin involved, this is still part of your history."

    "History I ain't involved in. You think those chef snobs in Empyrean would let you into their little secret restaurant club? Same thing here, mate."

    "Well, I like to think my skills are a tad bit more homely," Leafeon said with a wink. "Besides, can't you see the motive behind all of this is more important."

    "All lies, Leafy. Legendaries don't care about helpin' Pokemon, only themselves," she spat, teeth baring at her memories. "The shit I've seen with my own two eyes is more than a few crystals can show."

    "That Mew didn't seem to be lying at all. She seemed really determined to-"

    "That sheila was in over her head," Shaymin interrupted, her agitation rising. "Buncha useless hopes and dreams is all this place is. Yeah, she might have been a good Legend, but she's an extinct kind."

    "Those Legendaries that helped us liberate the Shrine of Landorus and rescue you weren't kind?"

    Shaymin snorted, "That's what those bludgers want ya to think, Leafy. They were only there to save their precious little shrine." She spun around, taking in their decrepit and abandoned surroundings. "I mean, why didn't those blokes show up here before, huh? Why do we gotta be the suckers and dig out their own work if it's about savin' the world?"

    Leafeon frowned, "I guess you have a point there…"

    "Yeah, I always have a point, Truth is, Legends ain't good 'mons at all."

    "And you're on that same boat?" Leafeon shot back with a smirk.

    "… I'm trying to get off it, Leafy, you know that. Everyone at the guild, and all the other regular Pokemon out here in Celestic that aren't bloody mercs, I identify with ya the most. It's just… it's hard to connect."

    "You've got the paw in the door at least."

    "Fuck the paw - I want to go through it entirely."

    Leafeon giggled, "It takes time, Shaymin. But I think you'll begin to fit in with the others in the guild in no time if you keep at this attitude adjustment."

    "'Attitude adjustment'. Now you're startin' to sound like my folks back home. Tough chance there, Leafy."

    A sigh would be Leafeon's last remark as Shaymin plodded ahead. She hoped and truly believed her unruly friend would break through her shell in time, and yet she still opposed many words of encouragement. Shaymin was nothing like Gloria in terms of helping her alleviate fears and doubts, but Leafeon would still continue to pursue the Legendary's gradual change.

    "Hey! There's a super big room up ahead!" Mightyena yelled from the group's front, tail wagging behind him.

    Shattered pieces of Projection Crystals littered the halls as the group ventured forward. A makeshift barricade blocking the large chamber from the hallway was blown wide open, chunks of sandstone and planks of wood piled up. They carefully trudged through the mayhem of the past, emerging into this new chamber of the labyrinth.

    "Wooooow!" Mightyena blared, his voice creating an echo. "Look at all the stuff in here!"

    It was an armory from the looks of it, the insides hosting scores of archaic weapons and other armaments rusted beyond use hanging from boards on all walls. However, something far more intriguing were the large, corroded metallic contraptions that were spread across the room in rows and columns. Empty woven baskets and tables holding tools stood by each of the strange defunct machines.

    Staravia flapped his wings, eyeing their vicinity. "What the h-heck are those things? Isn't t-this just some o-old armory?"

    "Mreow~ Perhaps a sewing machine?" Purrloin suggested. "Even soldiers need clothes, darling."

    "It's a weird looking one, then!" Mightyena yipped.

    "Yeah, it's for sure a sewing machine," Shaymin remarked with heavy sarcasm. She then shot a look at a bewildered Minun. "Aren'tcha the whiz kid 'round here? Tell us what these are, mate."

    "Uh…" Minun took a hesitant step forward. "I'll need to take a look first."

    The group followed the small Electric-type as he meandered over to one of the odd contraptions. He peeked his head around its scratched sides, scrutinizing it up and down. The bottom section of the machine was flat, a rectangular outline in the middle for something to slide into. The upper section was an appendage that drooped down near the outline, a peculiar pattern etched into the end of the arm's smooth bottom.

    "… Well? Spit it out, mate," an impatient Shaymin said.

    "I think it's some sort of stamping device." Minun deduced, getting a closer look. "But… I'm not really sure since this is really old."

    "Can't we just turn it on and find out?" Mightyena questioned.

    Shaymin laughed at his fatuity, "Ya really think something thousands of years old would just turn on?"

    "We don't even k-know what p-powers it, either!" Staravia sputtered.

    The sound of something rolling in front of the group prevented any further comments.

    "Then why don't we find out what it is," Leafeon said with a wink. "Found this one behind a table while you guys were arguing."

    Without another word, the Grass-type pressed the Projection Crystal's indentation and released a flurry of pink vapor into their surroundings, a holographic sphere encasing them into a window of the past.

    "Entry number twenty five - continuing the last entry after the crystal ran out of memory to record."

    Mew held the Projection Crystal as she paced around in the air back and forth, mind ablaze with worry and a seed of doubt sprouting within. Her eyes were glued to the same spot where the three volunteering Legendaries vanished into thin air.

    According to her own personal tests with the device, they should have been back two minutes ago.

    Dialga stepped away from the encircling group surrounding Mew. "I am certain they will return. They are only delayed."

    Mew did not respond, but she did heed his calming advice. Instead of frantically zipping around the room, she remained still and took a deep breath. Internally, she knew she couldn't let fears and personal traumas of her own sabotage their efforts. Closing her eyes, she believed they would return safely from the unknown.

    If Victini could, then they could.

    An explosion forced her eyes to reopen, honing in on the lashing of orange ribbons twirling from a pillar of light. Mew held her breath as she waited for the transport sequence to dimmer. When it did, out emerged Raikou, Suicune, and Entei, who walked away from the motionless device dizzy, but seemingly as healthy as they left.

    A sigh of relief escaped many of the Legendaries' gathered, some moving forward to attend to the brave trio. Mew could only stay stationary as she internally relished in their victory. Dialga would stomp over and offer her a confident smile to bring her back to reality.

    "It worked. Just as you and the others theorized it would."

    She nodded, her heart swelling in her chest. "Yeah, it did. Now we gotta figure out what to do with this news."

    "This is a revolutionary invention, Mew. The king of Celestic and any other kingdom across the world would kill for this technology if they were to understand and fabricate it."

    "Yeah, which is why we can't let this knowledge get out until we figure out if it's safe. Only then will we hand over our research to the king."

    "The device… It was your final touches that truly created it. What shall you name it?"

    Mew flew over to the site where the Legendary trio tested the prototype. She plucked the card-like device from the sands, surrounded by a peculiar symbol. She inspected it for any signs of damage or wear, yet there was nothing but pure orange energy flowing through its metallic rivets.

    "We'll call them Entercards." She clutched the card tightly. "These… These will be our tickets to prevent the spread of the ley lines. They have to be."

    "'Ley lines'?" Dialga inquired. "Is that what we are naming those monstrous anomalies?"

    Mew nodded, "In a few days time, I want us to get a number of mechanisms that are capable of producing more Entercards. We can place them in the armory and conduct more research from there. Then, uh… I'll figure out things from there."

    "I will share this with the king's soldiers. Hold your chin up high today, Mew, for we have made history here." With a bow, he made his return back to the celebrating group.

    For Mew, a celebration would be too early. Only the complete removal of this bizarre enemy that constantly plagued her thoughts and feelings would suffice for victory. Even then, she had lost the Pokémon that mattered most to her by reaching it. Her life was reduced to this moment, this desire of vengeance and justice for all Pokemon affected.

    She was not a leader before this, nor a researcher or hero to Pokemon. But fate seemed to have a funny way of changing things in her. And if fate was correct, she would uphold her duties to the bitter end and stop a disaster before it arrives.

    There could not be another Victini.

    Mew thumbed the Entercard, ideas and ways of approach swarming in her mind. She blinked away days of missing sleep, breathing a sigh as she went back to work.

    "Hey, sis, it's not a race!"

    Gloria ignored her brother's calls as she jogged through the hallway, stopping at a large wall in particular. Faded murals and long scrolls of barely readable text were emblazoned on its crumbling features.

    "Come over and check this out!" she yelled with a certain giddiness in her tone.

    Liam and Roark shared a look before entertaining the excitement of their companion and wandering over. As the two came into view, they took in the entirety of the hazy composition. Colored portraits of numerous posing Pokemon in various garbs took center stage, accompanied by text inscriptions and dates next to each defining Pokemon, presumably of their life and death.

    "I recognized some of their faces from a book I read a while back!" Gloria exclaimed, nearly producing a squeal as she thrusted a forepaw at one of the painted Pokemon. "Look! That Tyrantrum right there is known as the 'Unstoppable Heart'. He was a civilian in Celestic's ancient past who single-handedly took on soldiers from the Grass Continent when they invaded his hometown. He only died after he was able to let the majority of the town's citizens escape."

    Before the others could speak, Gloria moved her paw to another figure. This time a surly looking Samurott wearing what appeared to be armored metal plates along its legs and upper body.

    "The 'Peasant Warrior'," Gloria said with much fanfare in her voice. "She was initially drafted into a war with the Blaze Continent, and was seen as highly skilled and courageous from the beginning. It's said in one of her biographies that she captured multiple towns behind enemy lines by herself. She disrupted battle after battle and changed the course of the war before she was found and executed."

    "Sis, I think even these guys would say you're being a nerd about them," Roark teased.

    The Vulpix raised a paw to her chest. "I am not being 'nerdy' about it. It's a monument to past heroes of Celestic. Their stories are immortalized here on this wall."

    "I'm more of a statue guy, sis. It'd suck to have your greatness trapped in some dusty book or ruin."

    Gloria shook her head, refocusing her attention on Liam, who stared blankly at the detailed wall. "Hey, what do you think? Don't tell me you agree with my brother."

    The Riolu bit his lip, "I think… I don't know. It just seems like if there wasn't a war, then these Pokémon could just be themselves, y'know? No one would have their homes destroyed, families torn apart, and be forced to stand up and fight for something so… destructive."

    "… Sheesh, aren't you a downer?" Roark said, chuckling. "Remind me to not invite you to the next party."

    Gloria frowned, "Um, you do have a point. But... I think these Pokemon were already heroes before, and the wars allowed them to fulfill that purpose."

    Liam scratched his neck, smiling sheepishly. "Uh, sorry, I was a little distracted about something. Didn't want to be so pessimistic."

    Roark waltzed past the two Pokemon, ambling further down the hallway. "Save the negative stuff for when we find nothing in this sandbox of a maze."

    Gloria would give the murals one last proud look before continuing on their venture, Liam trailing behind much slower.

    "Hey, speaking of statues, when we all become world famous, where are you gonna put yours?" Roark propositioned to the Vulpix walking beside him.

    Gloria's muzzle burned, "… I don't want a statue, Roark. Being known and looked up to is enough, don't you think?"

    "Psh," Roark blew her off with a wave of a claw. "I'll have mine replace that stupid Seadra fountain in Empyrean City. And even if you don't want one, I'll make sure you get one."

    "Please, uh, don't?"

    "Oh, I will. I'll make the biggest scene ever about it."

    Liam attempted to keep his focus on the quarreling pair up ahead, yet the gruff voice that followed his thoughts continued to echo its barrage of enigmatic phrases at him. Every time he thought he had evaded it, it had come back in full force, almost taunting him.

    'Who are you?'

    'Go… away,' Liam countered in his mind.

    'Take a good look at your old home, the old you… burning away.'

    'Shut. Up.'

    Liam pounded his head with an enclosed paw, hoping he would be spared of the voice's vague onslaught. When the rattling in his mind ceased, he took a deep breath and caught up with his closest allies, wearing a faux smile.

    As they pursued down the halls in no clear direction, the hallway gradually became twisted and broken. Sand flowed from cracks in the walls and ceiling, piles of rock and other wooden debris from a demolished barricade blocking the path ahead. This route would mean a dead end for the trio, if it weren't for the massive opening carved into the sandstone walls to their left. A rumbling noise from within and tiny motes of dust drifting out of the entrance would draw them in.

    And what greeted them at the end of the cavern was a sight truly to behold.

    A massive torchlit chamber of the labyrinth was fractured into chunks of jagged terrain. They hovered like desolate islands over a giant pit swallowing the entire room and its contents into a sea of swirling sand at the bottom. And yet, something stirring underneath the ravenous crater would shock them even further.


    Three columns of sand erupted from the pit, spewing into the air dozens of feet high. They lingered briefly before dissipating as more bursts of sand rose up around each segment of the room.

    "… Well, this is a lot more interesting than the stuff back there," Roark commented.

    "It's amazing what nature can sometimes do… And, um, really scary," Gloria added with a gulp, not daring to look into the chasm below them.

    But none were more enraptured than Liam, whose starry-eyed look and thumping in his heart matching the flare-ups of each sand pillar. If there was anything that could make him forget his moments of strife, it was these glimpses of wonder and thrill. His trance was broken when a glint entered his peripherals. Tracing the source of it down, he watched the object rapidly ascend a pillar of sprouting sand before falling again, only to repeat the cycle over and over.

    Liam raised a paw to point at it. "Hey… Isn't that…"

    Roark followed his gaze and immediately sighed. "Yeah, it sure is."

    A Projection Crystal was caught in the motions of the pit's never ending fountain-like display.

    "How are we even…" Gloria mouthed, shaking her head. "We're gonna need to go back and get Charizard to help us get it."

    "It's gonna take a while to convince him to do any kind of work, but we'll try," Roark said as he began to walk out. "Let's get him before he sleeps himself into a coma and it's too late."

    "No," Liam sharply replied. "I'll… I'm gonna do it," he told both himself and the others.

    Gloria tilted her head. "Do what?"

    "I'm gonna get that crystal without Charizard's help."

    Before anyone could say anything or stop him, Liam ran forward and leapt from their tiny outcropping of broken land. He timed his jump just right that his inevitable descent downward into the pit was caught by an erupting tower of sand.

    The hot sands catapulted him into the air as he maneuvered his body and guided himself to the next forming pillar. This time, his hind paws landed on the sparse amount of 'land' it provided. He utilized the mere seconds of time he had to hop to each sprouting column before they collapsed, utterly persistent in his goal of reaching the orb.

    The pair of Pokemon watching from below were too mesmerized to persuade the Riolu to get down, knowing how futile that would be.

    "You know, sis… He might need another Pokémon to help him reach that crystal," Roark proposed, chuckling at the incredulous look Gloria gave him and pointing at his bandaged up leg. "Hey, I've got an excuse over here."

    Liam was close.

    Mere feet from claiming his prize, the Riolu put faith into his instincts and allowed himself to fall. His plunging body was saved by another erupting pillar. He rode up the rising sands until he felt airborne again, looking upward to see the Projection Crystal falling onto him. He then held out his arms and let the orb safely fall into them.

    Wasting no time, Liam carefully made his way back to where his comrades were. Now that he had perfected his timing and jumps, the return almost felt like a dance. When his back hit the sandy cascades, he could only let out a joyous laugh and enjoy the rush he felt as he was launched. This free feeling felt almost intoxicating, but he knew not to overdo his riskiness.

    After one last ride of the spouting pillars, he jumped off and rolled his body at the last second on the hunk of land from which they came. Cracking a winning smile, he held out the very scratched but intact Projection Crystal.

    "See? We didn't need Charizard at all," he proclaimed proudly, catching his breath.

    Roark laughed and smacked the back of the Riolu. "Amazing job there, kid! You two have some serious crazy streaks in ya, but I like it."

    Gloria was still a bit frazzled by her partner's recklessness, ears laid flat on her skull. "I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous that was. But at least we, um, have the crystal?"

    Liam smirked, "Darn right we do! Let's see what this one is about."

    The Riolu immediately hit the orb's indentation, releasing its veil of uncovered memories.

    "Okay, I've started recording my memory, so you can, uh, do your thing."

    A horde of tiny green creatures squirmed past a nervous Mew. One by one, they began merging into one another in front of the Psychic-type, forming a larger mass as time grew. Eventually, a flash of green light would complete this transformation, and out emerged an entirely different Pokémon.

    Its body was large and imposing, a scaly array of green and black hexagonal patterns adorning its serpentine-like appearance. A hood protruded behind its head, the hexagonal 'eyes' of the Pokemon blinking between shades of white and green as it stared at the floating Mew in front of it. The lack of a mouth didn't stop its unearthly voice from being emanated, deep and heavy, like multiple voices layered on top of each other.

    "Fascinating. Pokemon ingenuity at its core."

    Mew gulped, "… Thank you, Zygarde. Now, uh, are you able to answer some quick questions? It won't take long, I promise!"


    "How long will you be staying here exactly?"

    "This conversation."

    "Can you maybe consider staying behind a little longer to help us work in any way?" Mew somewhat pleaded.


    "Okay… Lastly, a few Pokemon are worried about those golem things you made. They won't activate randomly and attack my members, right?"

    "If they are not tampered with."

    Mew sighed, "You're pretty blunt. But I'm still very happy you decided to show up… even if it was, uh, almost unannounced."

    "Fear me not, young Mew. My arrival is not to impede or progress this 'project.' Clarity and forewarnings are what I shall speak, if you care to listen."

    She held up the recording Projection Crystal. "Of course I will. I guess I can start off by asking why did you come here? Er, back again I should say."

    "Contact has been kept between myself and the king of these lands since I have lent my creations. Your exploits came to me through whispers and rumors."

    "So much for keeping this place a secret..." Mew grumbled. "But since you're here now and know this is a real thing, what knowledge did you want to share with us?"

    "These 'Entercards' of yours. This facility is investigating them."

    "Yes, we created them here and are still researching their properties. It's still in the early stages, but our hypothesis is that Pokemon energy can manipulate the ley lines in ways of using them as some sort of transport system. We believe these cards are the key to locating and destroying the main source of the lines, which would remove the Mystery Dungeons by extension."

    "Ley lines…" Zygarde mused. "These powerful abnormalities, I have sensed their appearance into our earth long before recent events. Young Mew, you have studied what I am, yes?"

    Mew nodded, "Many times growing up. You're Zygarde, the God of the Earth, part of the Aura Trio with Xerneas and Yveltal."

    "More astute than your peers. My duties are to monitor the status of this world's ecosystem from the Earth's Den. Following the collapse of Legendary order long ago, I slumbered in waiting, until now."

    "Until these shadows started popping up…"

    Zygarde's hexagonal eyes flashed. "Correct, you are. And yet, these 'ley lines' are perhaps a greater and more ancient threat than initially perceived."

    The gears in Mew's head started moving. "You alluded to it again. Are you saying these ley lines existed in the past as well?"

    "No. However, the events of the past and the schism between common Pokémon and Legendary Pokemon draws me to a conclusion. This cataclysm… Are you familiar with it?"

    "The disappearance of Arceus. Do you… know what really happened?"

    "No. Only Xerneas and Yveltal would possess that knowledge, and they fell together in battle against one another. Yet, the blame is shifted onto the commoners, the reality of what occurred obfuscated."

    "How does this all tie back to the ley lines and Arceus?"

    "These ley lines, I can sense the unyielding power of Arceus within them."

    Mew was astonished, "You're kidding… And you're certain about this?" Her worries grew tenfold by his statement.

    "Yes. There is no doubt. It is a power that not even I or any Legendary could match. The correlation of these ley lines and the vanishing of Arceus is impossible for me to overlook."

    "If that's true, then how are we going to stop the ley lines? Even if our Entercards can help us find the source, what then?"

    "These Entercards are not the keys to victory, only the tool necessary to deliver said keys. A silver lining exists, one created after the fall of Arceus - shrines."

    "Shrines?" Mew questioned. "Like… a Legendary shrine?"

    "Said details of these structures are beyond even me. The purpose, however, was to preserve 'artifacts' of the old world, to keep them protected for when the time came to 'restore' the old world. That goal remains unfulfilled."

    "And why is that? My parents never spoke of any place like that."

    "The passage of time ravages our dreams and the fight within us, young Mew. Pokemon grow to accept too easily, even Legendaries such as myself. My wish is for your generation to break this curse of futileness, to finally bring forward the truth of this world, and the truth of Arceus' absence."

    Mew inhaled, finding the courage in her heart to inherit such a task. "Just tell me what to do, Zygarde. We will fulfill it as much as we can."

    "Contact your elders, revisit the tales of the past. Listen to them and not ignore it as do your fellow Legendaries. These 'artifacts'… They are the keys to the truth, and will possibly stop the threat these ley lines pose."

    "I will. I'll do everything in my power to trace down these shrines."

    "… Arceus molded us Pokemon at the dawn of creation, our duties to this world and universe clear. Xerneas, Yvetal, and myself… we are avatars of existence, greater than any Legendary and not capable of death. In time, I believe they will return to aid and usher in the return of order to this beautiful world."

    A flash of green light consumed the body of Zygarde, a bundle of green creatures combining into a different shape. When the light receded, this variation of the Legendary was canine-like, lithe and small. It bolted away from Mew at a fast pace, only to stop as a layered voice flowed off its body.

    "Your loss, Victini, I have heard. You are young, but you have overcome a tragedy to become the leading woman you are now. I wish success upon this project, and perhaps we shall meet again when the time comes to eradicate this threat."

    "… Thank you. For your wisdom and kind words."

    Zygarde resumed dashing away into the halls, leaving behind a drained Mew as she stowed away in her thoughts, reflecting on the many wise words of the immortal Legendary.

    'So much information. So much to do, and so-'

    A hoarse cough would interrupt her thinking, forcing to tiny form to land onto the ground and heave. She felt herself getting weaker each day. And whether it was out of exhaustion of working, or this sickness that wouldn't go away, it did not matter, for there was always more to do.

    Mew lifted herself back into the air, flying away to inform her waiting comrades of the short meeting.

    "I'm not seeing any Rose Clan members."

    "Then I guess they really were too stupid to figure out how to get down here."

    Bisharp stepped away from the wall's edge. "Don't be so quick to rule it out, Weav's. Serperior can be pretty crafty when she's not all… insane."

    "The snake will never get an inch from me, Bishy. Besides…" Weavile held up the Projection Crystal they recently discovered and played. "We know what's really down here now, and she doesn't."

    A research station for Entercards created by the Legendaries. While they didn't understand the context or technicalities used in the memory, they were certain the labyrinth was used for this purpose. Suffice to say, the reasons of which were something beyond them.

    Weavile glanced back, "C'mon! We want a good amount of this place searched before any of the snake's goons find out we're here."

    Gallade and Heliolisk stopped their staring of the vicinity and heeded their 'leader's' command. The ever so vigilant Absols' that stalked behind them were keen in staying that way.

    Bisharp hid his eagerness with a stoic expression as he led the group. "I give us an hour or two before the snake returns. By then, we should gather as much information about this place as we can. This is a revolutionary discov-"

    "Yeah, yeah, I get it," Weavile muttered, batting away a cloud of dust and sand in front of her. "You better be happy, 'cause I'm just here for the gloating."

    "Sure you are, Weav's, until we discover something massive."

    "The Legendaries being here a long fuckin' time ago for something is already massive, Bishy."

    "I'm talking world changing massive here. A place like this is one in a million."

    As the two captains' bickered, Gallade and Heliolisk carefully plodded behind, walking around fallen obstacles or vaulting over chunks of sandstone in their path. They were still digesting the contents of the Projection Crystal's memory, of which a certain detail irked one of them.

    "Psst, Gallade," Heliolisk whispered to his partner.

    Gallade made sure the two Absols' behind weren't eavesdropping before leaning over. "Make it quick."

    "That Mew in the memory… She kept insinuating that Entercards were invented here. But our textbooks back home say that we invented them."

    Gallade knew such information to be factual. They were taught from a young age that the Entercards they used frequently were created in order to discover their home. But what confused him now was the crystal's memory contradicting their version of history.

    He wasn't sure what to think of that, and he didn't like that feeling.

    "We do not know the full details, brother," Gallade assured. "There's perhaps some nuance we're not aware of yet, or haven't found."

    Heliolisk bit his lip, a different thought in his mind. "But don't you think… that maybe we've been told a lie? Maybe this is why the Allfather didn't want anybody to find-"

    "No. Do not jump to conclusions about our forefathers. It's highly disrespectful to our achievements, and you know what would happen if you said that back home."

    "… Whatever you say."

    Gallade strode past the Electric-type, not wishing to speak with him any further. He was highly frustrated at his partner's lack of faith, the blasphemy he spoke that would get him severely punished back home.

    He was trying to keep him and his brother safe, so why couldn't he understand that?

    And yet, he did not want to think of the memory's implications. It would be a question he would ask the Allfather upon their return home, if possible. His wisdom and guidance could be trusted above all, of course. He knew Heliolisk would come to understanding eventually, as would many who questioned the legitimacy of their Allfather.

    Weavile tore off a nearby torch from the walls of the hallway, its eternal flame lighting the path forward as it grew darker and darker by the second. Their silent walk was then cut short by the noise of scampering and other voices beyond the decaying walls. No words were exchanged as they waited for the sounds to die away.

    "The fuck was that?" Weavile whispered harshly.

    "It isn't ghosts, that's for sure," Bisharp murmured. "Keep your eyes peeled. They might have figured out a way down here."

    "Great… Are you starting to regret wanting to come here now?"

    "Don't push it, Weav's."

    The group returned to wandering the halls, albeit more cautiously than they were before. They would take a right into one of the hall's many rooms. Inside were what appeared to be living quarters, or what remained of them. The overturned and rather large beds and tables proved difficult to move past, sand pouring from all shattered corners and covering many dust coated objects.

    Bisharp looked around, "Now that I'm thinking about it, this place… It resembles that other ruin in Criss-Cross Creek a lot." He threw Weavile a look, who soured at the mention of the region. "You agreeing with me here?"

    "I'm not in the mood to talk about this." She shook her head, sweeping the torch across the room. "Let's search these rooms. Could be another one of those crystals hiding in this shit."

    An hour would pass of them searching through each and every room, sifting through ripped paintings of past Legendaries or soldiers of an ancient Celestic, defunct Entercards, and the pieces of broken Projection Crystals. The books and journals they were able to find had either pages torn out, or were too faded to read. Whether the lack of clues left behind was deliberate or purely due to time's inflictions, they had little answers to base off.

    "Hey! I, uh, found one!" Heliolisk called out, pulling the intact crystal from a pile of rubble.

    Weavile smirked, "Looks like you are good for something, runt." She placed her torch and saddlebag down, walking over to snatch it out of Heliolisk's claws, who sneered at her. "Maybe there'll be something left of ya to send back home, huh?"

    A look of excitement crossed Bisharp as he jabbed the Ice-type in the shoulder. "Enough teasing, Weav's. Hit that crystal and let's see what else was here."

    As she activated the Projection Crystal and released a holographic bubble that immersed them into the past, Gallade positioned himself close by the dropped saddlebag, his opportunity found.

    "Entry number forty two - uh, a lot of traveling and a lot of listening."

    Mew placed the Projection Crystal by her side as she laid down on her pink blanket, a strange weakness in her body today keeping her mostly bedridden, as instructed by a dutiful Dialga. Her own sick feelings seemed to translate to all her other peers, many coughs or sniffles heard around the labyrinth as they worked.

    While she worried for the health of her Legendaries, no one wished to stop working, even herself. If sickness or insomnia plagued her, she would always be here for the cause.

    "In the past month or two, I've visited almost every continent in the world with help from Reshiram. I spoke to any elder Legendary I could, heard any old tale or rumor I could. It was, uh…"

    Even now her head spun from how much the old Pokemon loves to talk for hours about honor and romanticized events. Regardless, she naturally picked any worthwhile detail from the seemingly never ending barrage.

    "Enriching to say the least," she finished. "But Zygarde was right, because I now know two shrine locations in Celestic, and I've sent two teams to those locations to scout them out. They were abandoned and ancient for sure, but we didn't investigate further. I'll have to make another entry later going into detail on them, but for now, that's it."

    She racked her mind of any further accounts over the past couple days.

    "Things have been fairly smooth in the station here, other than all of us being a bit sick. Entercard production has slowed, but we have numerous data entries about them. Uh… Another thing! "

    She had yet to mention the project within her memory recordings or to other members of the station, but she felt ready to finally mention it after all her tests.

    "I've gone through Entercards multiple times. I'm able to sense something that most Legendaries can't. Like being able to trace the energy and maybe the source of the ley lines as I travel through them. With that, I can maybe try to produce some sort of 'map' of ley lines like I tried in Celestial…"

    A knock upon her quarter's door scattered her thoughts. It opened not a moment later to the scowling face of Entei.

    "Mew! There is an incident that deserves your attention right away!"

    The Psychic-type sighed, "Machines broke again?"

    Entei shook his head, "A large group of Pokemon has somehow shown up here. They are not part of the king's forces, and they wish to speak only to you."

    Curiosity and intrigue was bouncing around in Mew's head as floated off her bed with a sore grunt. She debated turning off her Projection Crystal, but inevitably would take it with her.

    "Take me to where they're at. I'll speak to them."

    Entei nodded and backed away from the door, bounding down the pristine sandstone hallways. Mew flew after him, a seed of unusual worry sprouting in her chest. She hoped they were mere Legendary worshippers offering blessings, but a situation like this didn't seem likely.

    Rounding a corner, she became a witness to the incident in action. In the middle of a hallway, her Legendaries' were in a stand-off with another group of Pokemon. Mew thought her eyes deceived her, but she could swear they were nearly two hundred of them crowding the halls. As she flew above, the fierce looks of defiance her Legendaries' wore faltered slightly. They backed off slightly as Mew floated only a few feet away from the strange group.

    "Uh, hello?" she said. "You wanted to speak to me, yes? Is there a leader of this group I can talk to?"

    "It would be I, miss Mew!" a male voice from the back shouted.

    As if on cue, the Pokemon in front stepped off to the sides and made way for another to walk forward - an Infernape. Strange words were marked onto his skin as he raised his arms into the air, intense eyes slowly panning to meet a befuddled Mew's.

    "To this flock of wonderful Pokemon... I am known as the Allfather, the one who hears the words of the Allmother - her shepherd in the flesh."

    "Woah, slow down," Mew said. "Allfather? Allmother? Are you some sort of religious group for Arceus?"

    "The Allmother is above even Arceus, ma'am," the Infernape calmly refuted. "She is the creator of everything; the roots within the soil we walk, the one who waits for salvation to embrace us."

    "That's blasphemy!" shouted an angry Legendary from Mew's side, many others adding in.

    "How dare you speak ill of the fallen!"

    "Leave this place at once!"

    Mew held up her paws. "Calm down everyone!" She returned her attention to Infernape. "Now, can you tell me what your group is, and why you're here exactly?"

    "The Allmother… She first spoke to me in a vision," Infernape began. "I was but a humble mayor when her silky words came through me in a vision of my ideal world. She told me to create a covenant within my village's Pokemon, an unbreakable alignment. When the others saw the truth, I took my flock from that village at the behest of the Allmother."

    The Fire-type raised his arms again, hovering them above the Pokemon that bowed their heads in respect.

    "Our pilgrimage brought us to the king of Celestic. The Allmother wished for us to learn of this place, to gain access and befriend the Legendaries behind its secrecy."

    Mew slowly nodded, more confused than ever. "And why did this 'Allmother' want you to come here?"

    Infernape met her eyes with a fiery gaze. "We are the Alignment. We walk a dark path that is lit by I, the one that will guide us to paradise, promised by the Allmother." He held his hands to his chest. "We wish to work together with the Legendaries behind this operation, to begin the path to paradise with the knowledge we seek."

    Mew was taken aback by the offer, but already had her mind made up. "Um, well I'm sorry to say, but I can't have any of you here."

    "But here we are…" Infernape uttered. "Our wits could be combined. We could-"

    "Which I'm sure you could, but I can't," Mew stated, shaking her head. "I don't know what the king said, but this operation is for Legendaries only, and we can't have any common Pokemon muddled up with this."

    "Perhaps we can come to an-"

    "Enough!" Mew yelled, before easing up her tone. "... Look, I'm sorry, but this is a restricted area. That's how it stays."

    "… Very well," Infernape muttered. "I will echo your sentiments to the Allmother." He turned around, arms raised once more. "My flock! Let us leave these Legendaries at peace and disturb them no more!"

    Decjected looks came from all sides of the group as their Allfather walked away from the Legendaries'. All would follow him as they departed into the halls in which they came, tailed by the occasional Legendary to make sure they were leaving for good.

    Mew watched them go, unsure of what to think. "What a strange bunch. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish…"

    "Heresy, most likely," Dialga voiced from behind. "But regardless of their madness, I am most concerned that they know of this place. Who knows if they are to return."

    "Yeah…" Mew mouthed, staring at the now empty hallway. "Just to be sure, we should barricade some of these hallways."

    "A proper solution to random arrivals."

    She whirled around, "Okay, everyone! Let's get back to work!"

    Various forms of agreement and joy that the Pokemon were gone reached her ears. But as she watched them leave, a ragged and painful cough forced its way out of her lungs. It caused her to drop the Projection Crystal and close her eyes. When her fit of coughing ceased and she opened them back up, they went wide like dinner plates.


    It was splattered across her paws. She stopped staring to look back up at the exiting group, noticing each time they coughed. A pit in her stomach formed as she returned to bore into her paws.

    "Mew… Mew!"

    The Psychic-type snapped back into reality as she stopped staring at her paws, glancing over at Dialga. "… Sorry. Must've dozed off a bit there."

    He rolled the Projection Crystal away from them, scrutinizing her unkempt features. "Your eyes are bloodshot. Frankly, you look terrible."

    She laughed slightly, "You shouldn't say those things to a girl."

    "Ah, but it is true! Can you tell me the last time you had a decent rest under Lunala's moon?"

    Mew sighed, "No, I couldn't. Things… are just really hard to manage around here. Going over data with the others, reading up old tales, managing tests, and setting up this…" She motioned with her paws to what was before her.

    Dialga stared ahead, "It was a worthy effort, Mew. With this, the end goal of this project has been illuminated."

    The walls and ceiling above them moved at a constant pace, seas of pure black and the patches of white stars in the expanse of space whizzing past in a clockwise manner. Orange radiance washed the large chamber in an ethereal glow, growing further in intensity as one got closer to its source. In the middle of the room lay a contrast of orange wisps and free flowing energy slowly moving around, a holographic depiction of their earth residing in the strange 'nebula' surrounding it.

    Tendrils spread out from within the 'earth's' insides, overlapping each other and producing smaller splinters of infinite lines. Its influence was small in terms of total coverage, only a sparse amount of spindly tendrils. All of the visible lines were connected by other larger roots, which emerged from a pulsating mass of orange in the center of the 'earth'.

    "I attempted it in a limited way at our last location, but, uh, this took a while to even plan," Mew admitted, rubbing her sleep deprived eyes. "I had to go through so many ley lines to trace down a signal that I felt like I was going crazy." She laughed. "I thought I heard a voice while I was traveling, like a whisper in my ear, y'know?"

    Dialga chuckled politely, "I cannot approve of your destructive habits. But this… This is phenomenal. You have outdone yourself again, truly."

    "Thanks… But this could have never been done without you guys. You've all stuck with the project for months, not even returning to your families or shrines. I know it's hard."

    "When the fate of the world is potentially at stake, is it even a question of staying or not?"

    Mew eyed the holographic images. "It is at stake, and Pokemon aren't aware. But we finally found it - the source of the ley lines." She stared at the 'earth's' center, where the orange glow resonated most. "It's exactly where we thought it would be, and aligns with the old tales and legends I've heard."

    "Hrmph. Then it is there where we shall end this anomaly. Where the truth of this world's past will be revealed." Dialga shook his head. "I would have never believed the day you and Victini called a meeting that it would lead to this moment. I was furious and blind, but you two knew something we Legendaries didn't."

    His words sparked something within her. "I… I never wanted this, Dialga." Mew shut her eyes. "We just wanted to help find those missing miners. I never wanted to lose Victini. And if I knew what would've happened to him if we continued, then I wouldn't have ever started the project in the first place. I…"

    She broke. Droplets of tears hitting the sand as she sobbed unabashedly.

    "... I'm not a leader. I'm not anyone worth following. We were just kids who stumbled upon something bigger than us. But now I can't go back. I can't bring Victini back. And even if we succeed, I'll be left with nothing but old memories. I feel… trapped. Some days I want to run away from this all, but I could never; Victini would never want me to."

    Dialga remained still, soaking in her innermost feelings. "Time has been perceived by my kind since Arceus formed us. Time… It is a fickle entity, but ultimately only goes forward - forever." He cast Mew an encouraging look. "Your painful memories will be replaced by better ones. Time allows you to grow and let go, evolve and change. And you have already, Mew."

    She wiped her tear stained cheeks. "I don't want new memories. I want the old ones back."

    "That is something that neither I or any Pokemon could realize."

    "… I know."

    Silence encompassed the fantastical room, only to be broken by a hoarse cough from Dialga.

    "Blasted sickness," he said, clearing his throat. "Now that the knowledge of where the source of these 'ley lines' originate from has been acquired, we will have to form a plan of action for when the time comes."

    Mew seemed distracted by something, slowly nodding.

    Dialga began stomping out of the room. "Gather some well deserved rest, Mew. Never fear your leadership skills, for we will be the unsung saviors of this world, and you are at the forefront."

    As the large Pokemon departed, Mew stood by her creation alone, observing its ceaseless changes to their earth.

    The Projection Crystal flushed pink as it absorbed up the bubble of memories shown back into its circular containment. Scizor clutched the crystal to his chest, looking up from the pool of dirty water he was halfway sunk into and staring straight through Garchomp.

    "You sure were eager to jump into that water for the crystal, huh?" Garchomp commented. "But with what this one revealed? I can't imagine what you're feeling right now."

    Scizor quickly waded through the murky water, emerging by the dragoness' side as he nearly began hyperventilating.

    "The coordinate… it's real," he said with immense emphasis. "All of the data from other researchers over the years, all of my own theories; they've been confirmed by this Mew's design." He began pacing back and forth. "The core of our world - astonishing. I… I have to tell Jackson, Charizard, and-"

    Garchomp impeded his hectic movements with an outstretched talon. "Breathe, Scizor, breathe. You're happy and I'm happy, but we have to relay this to them later. We got a lot more ground to cover here."

    Scizor took her advice, inhaling and exhaling. "… Right. Excuse my elation. We can continue our investigation."

    She smirked, "Not like it wasn't entertaining to see you so giddy."

    An invisible embarrassed blush was his response.

    With the Projection Crystal safely tucked in Garchomp's saddlebags, they got back to exploring. Their feet splashed puddles of dark green groundwater as they traversed through the hallway in near complete darkness, the torches that originally lined the halls snuffed out entirely. During portions of the corridor where the water ascended almost to their chests, they hopped across furniture and broken pieces of sandstone bobbing in the muddy basin.

    Eventually, a glimpse of orange light at the far end of the hallway drew them in like a beacon.

    "Seeing something crazy up ahead," Garchomp said. "I wonder if it's that thing in the memory we just saw."

    "If it is, we will need to investigate it right away."

    Picking up the pace, they trekked toward the light until they entered a new area they had seen before. Swirling stars in a spatial backdrop greeted them, forever rotating the walls and the ceiling in a clockwise motion. The construct in the middle of the chamber emanated its orange holographic projections out into the air, powered by its surroundings of pink wisps and the sound of a low hum.

    "This is the true power of Mew," Scizor spoke, awe in his tone as his head snapped around the room. "And all of it is still operating thousands of years later…"

    "It's just like that Mew's room back in Celestial Mountain," Garchomp said. "I'm stumped… How she able to locate the ley line source just like that?"

    "From what I could tell, she based it off the 'star maps' Psychic-type Pokemon would create in the past to track down stars in the night sky and place them into a visual astral map." He motioned a pincer to the strange construct. "Perhaps Mew managed to warp that idea into a different creation - a 'ley line map'."

    She cracked a grin, "You sure know your stuff. But how do we know it's still working and collecting stuff about the ley lines?"

    Scizor looked at the holographic depiction of their earth, his heart sinking at the sight. "There is no doubt that this map is alive. Look."

    Garchomp followed his gaze, eyes wide at what she saw. "Arceus…" she grumbled. "There's so many of 'em."

    The bundle of ley lines gathered inside the holographic earth was a stark contrast to what they were witnessing now. Orange lines erupted practically all over the planet, invisible and kept beneath the surface. Smaller curls sprouted from preexisting threads, moving forward to create their own splinters. Each line all connected to another, leading straight into the core section of the earth.

    "Thousands of years later, and thousands of Pokemon have most likely died as they affected our world," Scizor lamented, eyes lingering on the projection. "It took this long, but we have at long last uncovered the location of the coordinate - the core of our world."

    "Easy part's over, but the hard part?" She whistled. "Who knows what'll take to get to a place like that."

    Scizor began lumbering over to the room's ever shifting walls and sliding down it with a tired sigh. "Let's rest for the time being. We will retrace our steps and deliver our findings to the others during our regroup."

    "Oh, I've still got enough energy in me, but yeah, I'll sit down for a bit."

    Garchomp stomped over and sat down next to the Bug-type. They watched the shifting cosmos and listened to the humming of their environment in a lull.

    "... A librarian," Scizor suddenly said.


    "You had asked me earlier what I would like to do if we accomplished the guild's goal. Being one… That has been my dream since I was only a child."

    She glanced over at him. "Really now? I've never heard of this 'til now."

    Scizor nodded, "I used to visit Areos Village's library many times, almost everyday." He smiled in remembrance. "I remember there was this Mismagius librarian that was always there, always so kind and helpful. We would discuss many things; past history, Pokemon biology, and old legends. She taught me how fun and fulfilling it was to learn and teach others, instilling that desire in me from a young age."

    "Well, I'm guessing there's not many at the guild who like that as much as you do."

    The Bug-type suppressed a laugh. "Not particularly. Jackson, Charizard, and you entertain my thoughts. But… Sometimes I wonder what could have been if my village wasn't erased, that I didn't help create Team Moonlight and the guild. That instead of pursuing justice for the Pokemon of my home and the entire world, I would be a simple Pokemon behind a desk, tending to the knowledge around me."

    "You can't turn the clocks back now. What happened happened. But when we do win, there's always that chance again."

    "... It's a comforting dream of mine, but it's one I know is far away, perhaps not even possibly anymore." Scizor shook his head. "I'm a researcher. I pursue knowledge, not guard it. These long and turbulent years adventuring Celestic and the world… It's changed me. Whether it was for better or worse, I can't tell myself."

    The dragoness bumped his shoulder. "Hey, none of the dragons in my village ever believed in me; never thought I was going anywhere but there, including my own mom. But Team Moonlight? You were an inspiration for many Pokemon like me to get out there and do their own thing."

    "I don't feel worthy of praise like that. I've kept my head down at the guild for almost half of my life. I feel estranged from my closest friends, excluding you. I… My whole life has been reduced to this guild and its mission," he admitted, sighing.

    Scizor was pained and also relieved to utter a statement like that. It felt humiliating to say, even if he had immense pride in his work. A future beyond his research of the ley lines was impossible for him to foresee. For all that he knew, his life would end when their victory was finished.

    "You are worthy." Garchomp looked him straight in the eyes, never blinking. "You convinced me to stay here and fight despite the risk of the Council. You convinced Jackson to let the guild assist with retaking that Legendary shrine. You've done all these things because of your passion for the truth."

    "That is all I am, Garchomp… A researcher with a passion. Nothing more."

    "No, that's bullshit," she growled. "The guild has ruined your belief in yourself to do great things. This is why Jackson needs to step down. I know you don't think you're worthy of leading the guild, but-"

    '... Gigigigigigigigigi…'

    Garchomp leapt up, throwing looks around the chamber. "The hell was that?"

    Scizor stood up as well. "It sounded close by."

    "Let's get to it, then. The others could be in danger."

    The pair immediately made their exit out of the bizarre room, heading towards the direction of the sound.

    Liam, Gloria, and Roark emerged out of a Mystery Dungeon's penumbra, breathing out a sigh of relief after climbing through many floors and fighting many battles.

    "Did you two see the way I messed up that Golett back there?" Roark said, shadowboxing the air with his claws. "I may not be as agile right now, but I still got it, I'm telling ya."

    Liam raised an eyebrow, "You sure you didn't make us hold you up to get through one floor?"

    "Words like that create bar fights, kid."

    Gloria giggled, adjusting her cream saddlebag. "C'mon, we still have this area to explore before we regroup. And we already have a lot to show them."

    The trio began walking, casting curious looks at the new chamber of the labyrinth they were in. Tall stone pillars were erected in rows beside them, yards of land surrounding them. Most intriguing to them were the statues of strange Pokemon that littered the otherwise empty room. Some looked like they were forged from steel, clay, or ice, while others even looked like they wore the skulls of dragons on their arms.

    Gloria grew a wide smile as she realized their purpose. "It's the castle's protectors! The ones Zygarde made long ago for Celestic's king!" She nearly ran off to investigate, but was blocked by the arm of Roark.

    "Yeah, and if you remember what we saw in that crystal, the big guy said to not mess with 'em. Let's keep it that way, sis," he said, getting a pouting look from her in return.

    Liam's gaze swept across the vast room, until it landed on the walls in front of them, a paw being thrust at what he saw. "Hey, look at what's on the walls!"

    Large hexagonal patterns clung to the sandstone walls, occasionally vibrating and flashing different shades of green and black.

    Gloria tilted her head. "Maybe it's what Zygarde made to control the protectors?"

    "Whatever it is, I value not knowing," Roark added. "Let sleeping Arcanine's lie, right?"

    Just beneath the flooring of the three Pokemon, another trio was venturing through the torch lit hallways of the labyrinth. Monferno and Braixen were lagging behind an energetic Rockruff as he bounded ahead with an almost infinite amount of energy.

    "Hurry up, guys! We have so much more to explore here!" the Rock-type yipped from afar.

    An irritated expression was glued to Monferno's face as he trudged forward, leaning over to whisper something into Braixen's bushy ears. "Are you starting to regret letting him come along?"

    "Don't say such a thing, Mony," she whispered back, only to let out a tiresome sigh. "He's just a bit… excited."

    "Excited, hah. He's bounced around every area of this place even though we've found nothing."

    She chuckled, "Maybe you should take up after him? You could enjoy the guild a lot more than you usually do."

    "Not happening, Braix, ever. The day you see me acting like him is the day you end our partnership."

    "You know I would never."

    "Yeah, you say that now…"

    Rockruff continued sprinting forward as the two mingled behind him, set on investigating the strange green and black hexagons in the distance. When he finally reached them, his amazed look somehow grew even wider.

    "Guys! You need to see this!" he shouted at his slow comrades, tail wagging behind him.

    Braixen and Monferno eventually caught up with the hyper Pokemon, their hallway meeting a dead end.

    "… Hexagons on the wall?" Monferno groaned, rubbing his face with a hand. "Did we really walk around for thirty minutes to see this?"

    "You don't know that, Mony," Braixen said as she looked around, planting her paws on her hips. "The Guildmaster told us to search everywhere for clues. So let's do it!"

    "Like that!" Rockruff exclaimed, pointing a paw at a mass of solidified clay at the hallway's end. "That could be interesting."

    Monferno groaned again.

    Rockruff ran forward again, jumping over fallen pillars and sidestepping piles of debris in his determined path. He suddenly stopped in his tracks upon seeing an oddly shaped rock in his path. Puffing up his chest and blowing out some air to clear the dust away from it, he realized it was some sort of hexagonal construction.

    "Check this out! I found something!"

    Leaning in closer and squinting his eyes, he read out what appeared to be words written onto the panel-like structure.

    "Regi… gigas. I wonder if that's some kind of Legendary treasure!" His ears shot up as he spotted something else. "Hey, there's some button on here!"

    Without any hesitation, he pressed the indentation in the panel. Immediately following his action, the green and black hexagonal patterns on the wall dimmed momentarily, only to flash between the two colors rapidly as a boisterous rumbling noise filled the air.

    "What did you just press, Rockruff?!" Monferno yelled.

    Rockruff backed away from the panel, stiff tail between his legs. "I- I don't know!"

    The thunderous noise grew louder as the room began to quake, the mass of solid clay before them shattering into pieces and revealing the colossal creature that hid inside of it. White and golem-like, its seven black eyes flashed red as it began to slowly move. Entire sections of the hallway gave way as its mossy legs took their first fatal steps, the flex of its long arms and three white fingers piercing through the ceiling and causing large chunks of sandstone to fall.

    "We need to get out here NOW!" Braixen screamed.

    The three ran for their lives as the walls around them began to crumble and collapse inward from the awakened giant's might. Just above where this was taking place, Liam, Gloria, and Roark held panicked looks as the room began trembling, the pillars around them tumbling to the ground, and the eyes of the immobile 'statues' around them glowing a bright red.

    "W-what is happening?!" Liam yelled. "We didn't do anything, did we?"

    Before any of them could react, the ground beneath was completely demolished by two claw-like white fingers breaking through, a gargantuan Pokemon screeching at them as they fell into the chasm of its destruction below.


    She is the roots within the ground you walk, the sun that shines upon your skin, and the stars you gaze up at. But most of all… she is the one who waits.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: The Keys To The Truth
    Last edited:
    LTWNBR: To My Best Friend
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer

    Letters That Will Never Be Read: To My Best Friend

    Dear V​

    Hey, it's been a while since I've written to you, or even got the chance. Things have been really hectic around here ever since we started producing Entercards. I was pretty skimpy on the details of them in my last letter, but you would be over the moon if you knew what they could do. Seriously, I think you'd start jumping around for real. But to be honest, a lot of the credit in the design should go to you. After all, you made the theories I put to the test.

    I guess they weren't all useless wastes of Projection Crystals like Cobalion thought, huh?

    Anyway, everything else has been pretty smooth all things considered, besides some weird group of Pokemon showing up randomly. You're probably wondering if Zeraora is still being a jerk to the others, and yeah, he kinda is. It's like, he doesn't even have a shrine or any duties given to him and he thinks he's so high and mighty! Oh, but the others have been improving a lot. When we first started, you and I knew none of them were that invested, but now they're almost always working, never leaving the station. They're really devoted to the cause, and I can't blame them.

    Yeah, I know what you're thinking; many are just worried that their shrines could be taken over by those shadows. But I think some of them really do want to help the other commoner Pokemon, and I really do want to help myself. It sucks. We've never really had a chance to mend ties between us and the commoners, and I think this project can be the bridge for that, y'know? Other Legendaries have already seen our progress and decided to join us, so who's to say we can't unite all Legendaries to help?

    And guess what? I met Zygarde a month ago. Yeah, the Zygarde; the same one who was around during Arceus' time. Turns out he doesn't hide and meditate in his cave for all eternity like you said, heh. But he was pretty scary to see, or even talk to, and he has so many different forms he turns into on a whim. Thankfully, he wasn't there to shut us down (trust me, I think he could if he wanted to), but he instead told me a lot of helpful things and advice. Right now, I'm following his words, because it's looking like this whole project is much bigger in scope than realized before.

    Oh, how am I doing? Well, I've been finding out how difficult it is to run an entire station of Legendaries almost by yourself every day. I know, right? Dialga has changed a lot since we first started the projection, and he's practically become my assistant (even though he's dozens of years older than me). Even when things become hard and I get frustrated or depressed, he's always there to say some motivational retort that's frustrating to hear itself. I guess this is what growing up is like, with how much responsibility is now on my shoulders.

    They say I'm a grown woman now, V, but I was only hatched twenty years ago - and you just a couple before that. You already know that I was never the model Legendary, never the professional Mew that my parents were. You aren't either, and I think that's why we hit it off so well. Do you remember when we met? In the Shaymin Village out in the fields where all the Gracidea flowers were blooming and the sun was shining, near that river. It's still clear as day in my mind, like it was yesterday.

    All of us Legendaries were there for duties and other stuff, but you and I definitely weren't.

    I still smile when I remember all those things we did; like when we pranked Rayquaza and made him think a meteor was gonna hit the earth. Or when I used Transform on us both so we could go see the royal festival in Celestic and hang out. You remember when we first tried that frozen Moomoo Milk treat shaped like a Vannilite there? I swear I could still remember the taste. Legendaries never made sweets like that. I got in trouble with the other Legendaries because I was neglecting my own shrine just to spend time with you. We did lots of things we weren't supposed to, even if it felt right to do. Stuff that's regular to any other Pokemon, but was special to us. I look back on those memories and feel like they were the best times of my life, and it's weird to think since I'm still so young.

    Do you ever look back on your own moments in the past and just want to relive them over and over? I do. Every time I go to sleep in this dark and creepy place, my only thoughts are about the past - the ones with you. Dialga said I shouldn't linger so much, but why can't I? He hasn't lost someone so special to him like I have. When my parents passed, I only had you to cry to, to depend on for support, and you promised then and there to never leave me.

    I guess you unintentionally broke that promise.

    We had a lot planned for the future, didn't we? I truly dreamed of escaping from my Legendary duties so we could explore the world, experience it for what it was. We could really help the Pokemon of the world and not just sneer at them like the others. And then when we had everything figured out, we could settle down and have a child.

    Yeah, you got me to finally admit it. I didn't know how you would react if I told you, but I gave it a lot of thought, and I really do believe I could do it with you by my side. I think you would've agreed, and I would be so happy inside. All these Pokemon around me telling me to move on, to let go, and maybe you would say the same, but I can't. Really, there is no one that is truer and more closer to my heart than you, and you're gone, because of how much you cared for this world and other Pokemon.

    Zygarde told me about things relating to the world's past, and the animosity between us Legendaries and common Pokemon. About how the appearance of the ley lines (I heard you call those lines this in one of your theory crystals) correlates to the disappearance of Arceus. All of this goes so deeper than we realized, and the world is truly at stake here. I was told to find old shrines across Celestic and recover artifacts from them. We know the source of the ley lines now - the earth's core - and thinking about what Zygarde said, those artifacts would be the key to destroying the ley lines for good.

    V, when we first gathered some Legendaries up to investigate that shadow over Celestial Mountain, I would've never thought it would lead to this. We were still just kids, ones that didn't know what they were getting into. With all these shadows popping up across the world now, and this responsibility to lead the station on my shoulders, it's getting to me. Maybe shirking my duties all those years ago has finally caught up with me. I don't sleep that much anymore; I don't smile as much as I used to, or pull any jokes or pranks, and I almost dread waking up everyday when there's so much to do.

    I'm not a leader or a researcher. You are. You were smart, brave, and willing to do so much for the project. If you were still around, you would press on through all this pressure to reach that thing you cared a lot for - victory. But I'm ashamed to admit to the others or even myself that victory isn't what's been on my mind the most. It was finding you. I've researched so intensely and went through that shadow that formed over you so many times, but no trace of you was found. I couldn't accept it at that time, so I continued to search to this day. And even when this station is preparing itself to confront the ley lines, a part of me is frightened at the idea that we will never see it realized. You ask why? Well, it's because of something out of my control.

    I'm dying. All of us are slowly dying in the station.

    You're shocked, I know, but I believe it's true. It wasn't until I was coughing up blood to grasp how much danger we were all in. I figured out there's an illness sweeping across the Grit Region of Celestic, and countless villages have been wiped out completely or abandoned as Pokemon fled the region. Even the soldiers of the king have stopped coming here to deliver supplies. Celestic's king, he never told us anything, or even warned us. Everyone in the station has been infected, and are none the wiser to reality, except me.

    I grow more sick and weak by the day, sometimes never leaving my bed as I lie to my Legendaries and tell them that I'm just tired. They'll soon experience the same symptoms that I do, and panic will set in. I don't know what to do then, or what to tell them, and if the project will even survive when our lives are in jeopardy. I'm finding it difficult to accept the truth that we might not even make it long enough to stop the ley lines, or an even worse truth that I'm still struggling to accept.

    That you're dead. Gone forever. And I'm only writing to myself.

    I hoped one day that I could give these letters to you if I found you again. But if my death really is unavoidable, then maybe I could still see you again. I'm scared, V. Scared of my own death, scared of what the others will do when they find out, and scared of what the fate of the world will be if we don't succeed. I don't know wha

    Blood splattered on the laid out paper as Mew coughed violently, her tiny chest wheezing as her sickness reanimated to life. She dropped the quill in her paw and nearly curled up on her chair, the pain swelling in her stomach feeling like hot needles were poking her. Eventually, when the discomfort aching her body ceased, she looked back at the letter she was writing.

    Red and black were mixed together. Her blood had soaked the page, staining it and combining with the still wet ink. She attempted to wipe off the scarlet blotches with a paw, only for the page to be muddled with a mess of colors. She knew it was ruined forever now. With a raspy sigh, she sat back in her chair, moving moments later to open a bottom drawer in the desk and retrieve numerous amounts of papers with ink writing on them - all of her letters to Victini. She piled them on top of the ruined letter, weakly holding out a paw over them.

    Orange flames erupted from her paw as the papers ignited instantly. She watched the flames grow, listening to the crackles of it as her work was destroyed in front of her. She could not stop the tears from coming. They flowed from her like waterfalls, unable to break the gaze with the blaze. She eventually set the fire out with a Water Pulse, leaving nothing but ashes and lingering cinders of her words to no one.

    Mew then flew away from the desk, wiping her tears away as she floated over to a nearby dresser. She hastily opened it and took out a Projection Crystal from the many that were neatly placed inside with the names and dates listed beneath them. The plucked crystal was then set down and its indentation immediately pressed, unleashing its bubble of energy and holographic figures. When the crystal finished constructing its perfect recording, a memory began to play, along with the sound of a voice.

    "Hey, Mew! Good 'ole V here! Making another entry in my little theories about the shadows. If Cobalion complains again, tell him we can't save those Drilbur miners if we're banging rocks all day! Anyway, what I wanted to say in my last entry was..."

    Mew's sunken and puffy eyes were glued to the familiar figure in the soothing memory, hearing him talk but never listening to what he said, for she memorized all of his words already.

    Author's Notes: Surprise! Hope you enjoyed this second LTWNBR. And if you want to help me out, please consider voting in this new poll I have created about the direction of the story so far. Tell me how you feel about it, whether you like it or dislike it. Link to that below!

    Chapter 28: The Keys To The Truth
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 28

    The Keys To The Truth

    Gallade kept his stunned gaze on the projection as it ended, the holographic figures going still before collapsing into pink energy and being siphoned back into the Projection Crystal. A blink would snap him back into reality as he scrambled to get away from Weavile's dropped saddlebag.

    While the others were still collecting their bearings at what they saw, he carefully snuck the Entercard in between his armband and Mega Bracelet.

    Weavile turned her head to stare at him not a second later. "Who would've fucking thought? You two… heh." She shook her head. "You've got a lot of explaining to do." She shot an equally shocked Heliolisk a look. "Care to speak up?"

    None of them did.

    Bisharp took the Projection Crystal from Weavile's grasp. "I agree with Weav's here. I was expecting some crazy shit, but the Alignment being involved with this place? That's a bit more interesting, you think?"

    "This place has got to be pretty damn old, huh? You thinking a couple hundred years old maximum, Bishy?"

    "You should brush up on your history, Weav's, because that Mew and Infernape were talking about a king, and there hasn't been one in Celestic for thousands of years." Bisharp looked over at Gallade and Heliolisk. "Strange detail that is..."

    The duo stayed silent, briefly exchanging glances at each other.

    Weavile brandished a smug smirk. "Well, that's certainly an eye raiser. How much shit has your little cult been hiding? I know for sure the Alignment hasn't told Celestic or the Council they've been polluting the continent for this long." She sauntered over to a stiff Gallade, poking him with a claw. "Tell me, soldier boy, your Allfather ever taught you about this lil' encounter with the Legendaries?"

    The Psychic-type swallowed, considering his words. "... No. This is entirely new to us. Our written history dates back a few hundred years, not thousands."

    Weavile stepped back, throwing a look behind her. "You hear that, Bishy? It's the sound of lies."

    "I am only telling the tru-"

    "And we'll get to hear plenty of that in the future," Weavile finished with a wicked smile. "We've hit quite the jackpot here, so let's not waste any of our precious time left here."

    Bisharp nodded, "There's still a few other paths we can take. I bet there's more of those crystals around here. Let's gather them before the Rose Clan figures out we're down here."

    "Which means plenty of other explanations of why this place is so damn important to the snake," Weavile added, swiping the Projection Crystal back and lifting her saddlebag off the ground. "Let's get this done fast."

    "Why don't we split up?" a sweating Heliolisk piped up, wincing once the cold gazes of the captains' were on him. "It only makes sense, right? If we have little time to explore. Me and Gallade can take one of the paths."

    Bisharp glared at him, "You think we'll take our eyes off you for a single second? We allowed your partner to do what he did at the keep, but you're pushing it."

    Weavile nudged his shoulder, "Relax, Bishy. What are they gonna do - dig to safety?" She cackled at the thought before looking over at the statue-like Absols' lurking in the room's doorway. "You two follow them as they take this path of theirs. You're never taking your eyes off of them."

    The identical twins' blinked in recognition of their captain's command.

    "Splendid. Now go off and bring us back some more clues, will ya?"

    The Absols' sidestepped away from the doorway as Heliolisk and Gallade hesitantly took this as their cue to leave. They did so, looking both ways down the torch-lit hallway's string of the caved-in living quarters. With the pair of sharp eyes narrowing onto them from behind, they hastily went down one at random, going nowhere in particular.

    Gallade hurried his pace a bit, just to further the distance from them and the looming Absols'. He then leaned in to whisper into Heliolisk's ear. "Why did you do that? You're only making us look more suspicious."

    "I saw what you did back there," the Electric-type shot back. "While we were all watching that projection, you did something. It's in your armband, isn't it?"

    Gallade failed to reply back, but gave a curt nod to his speculation.

    Heliolisk smirked, "I knew it! You did have a plan for us to get out of here."

    "Keep your voice down. I only acted on an opportunity, and it's not certain to work." He gave a half hearted motion to what was behind them. "Those Absols' will never give us the chance to use the Entercard while they're here."

    Heliolisk couldn't accept an answer like that. "So when will we get that chance? You heard that Weavile back there. She's not gonna let us leave, not after what we saw back there. And what the hell was that, anyway? That was the original Allfather in that vision. The same Infernape in all of our books, paintings, and plays back home."

    Gallade was still struggling to accept the reality of what the Projection Crystal revealed, what it meant. He felt blessed to actually hear and see the primordial Pokemon from so long ago, one spoken so highly in their books and tomes of the past. Yet, what the vision truly spoke was something far more concerning.

    "I… I don't believe we have sufficient knowledge to conclude what has taken place here."

    "Well, what if the Entercards were actually made here? What if we didn't make them like we were told?"

    "That's preposterous. Perhaps our brothers and sisters of old returned and the Legendaries accepted their proposal of a partnership, thus allowing their creation," Gallade hypothesized. There was no other reason in his mind that it could not be this outcome.

    Heliolisk scowled, "... They lied to us, Gallade. They lied to everyone back home." His eyes twitched slightly in anger. "If we've all really been doing this for thousands of years, then when will this all end?"

    Gallade did not know how to respond to that, unsure himself. He wetted his lips, holding his armband still. "We will bring this up to the Allfather later. There are more important things to focus on right now."

    "Like getting out of here." Heliolisk angled his head to peek at the Absols' trudging just behind before returning to whisper. "And like you said, they'll never give us a chance while they're here…"

    Gallade knew what Heliolisk was implying, yet continued to trek forward through the hallway without another word. The thoughts swirling in his mind were a mix of both plotting to get rid of their assailants, and a cry for answers of why his faith was being questioned so much, both by the ruins around them, and his closest friend.


    Liam frantically whipped his gaze around the rumbling chamber as the ground beneath him began to fracture and crumble away. Before he knew it, he, Gloria, and Roark, were freefalling into the dark depths below them. An instinctual scream that escaped the Riolu as he descended was reduced to a sudden wheeze, the trio hitting the hard, sandy floor. Quickly pushing himself up to a kneel, Liam looked up in horror as large chunks of the ceiling began to rain down on them, his aura feelings going berserk as they got closer.

    Roark helped Gloria up and held the stunned Vulpix close as he stumbled into a run. "Get to safety, kid!"

    Liam did not need to hear him to know what to do. Honing into the electrifying feeling shooting through his nerves, he dodged each piece of hailing debris that crossed his path without even breaking a sweat. When the rocks ceased, and the plumes of red and orange dust sweeping this new room settled, he squinted his eyes through the darkness to spot Roark and Gloria, running towards them.

    "What the heck was that?!" he yelled as he got near.

    Roark caught his breath first before pointing a claw at something out of view. "That, kid."

    Liam turned to follow the fox's raised arm, his jaw dropping at what he saw. A behemoth of a Pokemon stood at the end of the destroyed room, slowly inching forward, its moss covered feet taking multiple seconds to raise and pound the ground, shaking the entire room in the process. Seven 'eyes' across its white and yellow body flashed an array of red colors as it rose another leg.

    Liam blinked, "W-what is that Pokemon?!"

    Gloria felt a wave of fear hit her as another tremor shook the room and her body. "T-that's Regigigas. It's… It's the master of all the regis and-"

    "And not important right now, sis!" Roark said as he wrapped both arms around the two, forcing them into a huddle. "Okay, first thing - shut up and calm down. Second thing, we had methods of dealing with super large targets in the Rescue Society. First strategy was attempting a negotiation without hostilities. And well…" He momentarily raised his head from the huddle to stare at the encroaching Pokemon. "I don't think that guy speaks the language of peace like we do, so second strategy…"

    "Which is?!" Liam said hurriedly, attempting to ignore the 'thuds' behind them that got louder and louder each second.

    "They're slow. We're fast. We use that to our advantage here."

    "A-are you sure we can do this?" Gloria asked incredulously.

    "Wouldn't be saying this if we were meeting our demise, sis."

    Liam latched his paws onto the worried Vulpix's side. 'We can do this, Gloria! Remember Magmortar and Rhyperior? We totally got this!"

    "And Golisopod?" she questioned.

    "Uh, just… Forget that one!"

    A quake that was louder than previous signaled that their foe was closing in.

    Roark gave both of them a quick glance. "You two will have to deal the serious damage here. I can't do much with this bum leg, but I sure as hell will be a good distraction."

    Another rumbling passed through their bodies.

    "And now would be a good time to move!" Roark yelled.

    When Regigigas finally closed in on his tiny targets, the hulking golem came to a complete stop as it began to raise its arms almost in slow-motion, giving ample opportunity for the Pokemon below to bolt away. Moments later, the drawn out attack would smash into the ground, its monstrous force and resulting shockwave knocking the trio to the ground. The earth itself was even left scarred, numerous fissures originating from the impact zone splintering the room.

    Liam wasted no time in jumping to his paws, assisting a less dexterous Gloria get onto hers. A look back at their previous position told him that Regigigas was still recovering from the attack. If they had any opportunities to land any attack - regardless of their effectiveness - it would be now.

    "Gloria, back me up here!" Yellow sparks of electricity consumed the Riolu's enclosed paws. "I'm going in."

    The Vulpix was astonished at his recklessness. "You're gonna get close to that thing?!"

    "Uhuh," he replied curtly, taking a single step.

    "Um, wait!"

    "No time to think! Just act!"

    With that, he beelined straight towards the goliath as it returned to a neutral stance, its eyes blinking red once again. Liam could just reach about a quarter of its mossy leg as he began to slam it with multiple lightning quick Thunder Punches. Each strike felt more pitiful than the last, as if he was punching a brick wall. Regigigas did not react immediately to the damage, gurgling out a combination of both high and low frequencies.


    Liam's flurry of attacks soon began to falter, his seemingly limitless amount of energy fading. He had hoped it would do anything to the colossal Pokemon, even a single scratch. Landing one last Thunder Punch, he looked up to see Regigigas finally reacting to his assault, in the form of three white claws expanding over him. Beams of frigid ice then hammered into the claws, freezing them solid and allowing Liam to scramble to safety as he looked back.

    'He seemed a lot faster that time…'

    "Hey! Over here, big guy!"

    The eyes of Regigigas flickered as it slowly turned its body to face the smirking visage of a Zoroark. More distorted utterings of its name emanated from the colossal Pokemon as it moved in to attack. Roark saw his opportunity and kept backing up, luring the golem into a heavy stagger.

    "Strategy three: Bait these big suckers into long and tiring attacks!" The fox stopped and raised his arms once again. "C'mon! Out in the open for attacks here!"

    Regigigas' limp began to transition into a more mechanical shuffle throughout the 'chase', eyes gleaming as it came to a complete stop and lifted its arms high. Roark shot to the side when its limbs came crashing down, creating another deep crater in its wake.

    "Strategy four!" Roark beckoned to the two Pokemon standing by the sides. "Hit 'em hard while they're vulnerable!"

    Liam and Gloria shared a glance, both nodding in recognition before speeding off towards the motionless Pokemon. While the Riolu moved to land multiple Force Palms onto Regigigas' legs in hopes of damaging it, Gloria stood off to the side and summoned a Fairy Wind. Pink gusts sailed through the air and cut into the giant in an attempt to halt its movements, yet was ultimately futile as Regigigas stood back up and went back on the offensive.


    A surprisingly swift swipe of its three claws was directed at Liam, who was forced to utilize his Quick Attack to make a narrow escape in the blink of an eye. The golem then whirled around and followed up with another raise of its arms, smashing the ground as the Riolu tumbled out of the way with a well timed roll. Liam got a safe distance away from the behemoth before looking back in shock.

    "Is it me, or is it getting faster?!"

    Gloria gulped, "My book did say it was purposefully meant to have a slow startup!"

    More mutterings of its name came out of Regigigas as it rose a mossy leg high. It then brought it downward, producing a powerful earthquake that rocked the chamber, stalactites and remaining pieces of the ceiling breaking away and cascading on the unfortunate Pokemon below. During the chaos, Regigigas' eyes flickered red as it honed in on Liam, moving into a charging position with protracted claws.

    Gloria was the first to notice, head snapping between Regigigas and the Riolu. "Liam! It's gonna charge you!"

    Liam, who was too busy trying to dodge falling rocks from above, turned his head briefly to see Regigigas break off into a sprint, barreling across the room towards him. His aura feelers screeched at his body to move, and the wide-eyed Riolu was more than willing to listen. He bolted away just before the claws could latch onto him, continuing to run away as the golem corrected its path.



    Regigigas effortlessly slashed an obstructing pillar into chunks of stone as it pursued a fleeing Liam like an enraged Tauros. The Fighting-type's body would bounce and jump from the force of the golem's thunderous steps as it gained on him. Liam glanced back to see Regigigas swinging its arms ferociously at him, reducing even more pillars into rubble.


    Liam yelped as an enclosed claw nearly managed to grab him. He jumped off the arm it was attached to and just barely managed to leap off the other that locked on to him. As he was mid-air and struggling to stave off the tenacious golem, a Stun Seed thrown by Gloria shattered onto Regigigas, bolts of electricity locking the Pokemon in place and giving Liam room to land with a roll.

    "Thanks… Gloria," the Riolu said through exhausted breaths, before throwing his gaze across the room. "Could use another distraction! Don't you think, Roark?!"

    "On it, kid!"

    The Zoroark scurried as best he could from his cover, stopping a good distance away from the immobilized Pokemon. Roark then became a blur of transparent figures, numerous doppelgangers of himself leaping from his body and encircling Regigigas entirely.

    "How do you like my Double Team, big guy?" the combined voices of all the Roark clones shouted.

    The Stun Seed's effects on Regigigas dissipated faster than usual, the golem regaining its movement with a flex of its limbs. Regigigas held his stance like a statue, eyes flashing as it almost calculated its next action. It wasn't long until it rose both arms into the air, white claws crackling with a strange black and purple energy. The trio below watched in a mix of apprehension and horror as the energy built up into a sphere, growing larger and larger, until the golem spread its arms out, releasing an intense shockwave that swept throughout the chamber, eliminating Roark's doppelgangers in an instant.

    Liam flinched and shielded from the attack with his arms, a closed eye then peeking beyond them following the aftermath of it. "... Roark, I think you only made it switch attack styles!"

    "It's gonna attack again!" Gloria warned. "Get to cover!"


    Regigigas proved the Vulpix's warnings right as it lifted just one arm, raw energy expanding inside of its clenched claw. Numerous bolts of electrifying black and purple energy shot from the claw and landed on various spots across the room. They expanded in sync with one another before exploding violently and sending arcs of hot plasma shooting through the air.

    Liam and Gloria held their breaths behind a shattered pillar, cringing as their furs felt almost singed by the intensity around them. They didn't dare peek behind their meager cover as Regigigas took another deafening step towards them, roaring its broken voice at them.


    A storm of meteors ignited with purplish draconic fire collided into Regigigas from above, halting its gibberish and movements.

    "... That looked like a Draco Meteor," Gloria mumbled, her eyes snapping to the source of the attack, a joyous smile then consuming her features. "Hey! Look who it is!"

    Garchomp and Scizor stormed out of their cavity's entrance, the dragoness wordlessly opening her saddlebag to retrieve a necklace from it, looping it around neck as she threw the saddlebag for Scizor to catch. She came to a sudden stop, the rainbow colored stone encapsulated inside her necklace glowing with life. It swelled with energy until a bubble of white light encased the sand shark, the cracks that appeared in it eventually bursting the orb and freeing the newly Mega Evolved form of Garchomp. A strange symbol hovered in the air briefly as Garchomp narrowed her eyes at Regigigas. She stood a good head above her normal form, spikes lining her chest, talons like large scythes.

    "Team Requiem, Roark, I require your assistance!" Scizor called out, gaze fixated on Regigigas. "Garchomp is building her strength to the maximum to counter this Pokemon! We need to protect her while she does!"

    Liam threw a look at Garchomp, who was surrounded by spirals of purple flames that danced around her. He knew what needed to be done, charging out of his cover. "All right, I'm in!"

    "I'll help as well!" Gloria added, following her partner

    "You got it, boss!" Roark chimed in, emerging into the fray again.


    The entire room rattled from another slamming of Regigigas' foot, jagged spikes of rock erupting from the ground and threatening to impale Scizor in its warpath. The Bug-type flew from the attack with a buzz of his insect-like wings, nearing the goliath and performing steadfast Bullet Punches anywhere he could. Liam and Gloria assisted from below, freezing and subsequently smashing anywhere they could, hoping to steal the golem's attention.


    An outstretched claw from Regigigas reached below to grab hold of the two Pokemon. The suddenness of it nearly claimed a distracted Liam, but a nimble Roark was quick to intervene with a Night Slash upon it. Another attempt by the golem was aimed towards Gloria, who needed to be pushed by Liam to avoid the destructive crash of its arm. Not willing to relent the pressure, Regigigas swatted the Riolu away with a claw and appeared to ready a second charge.

    "Stand back, Team Requiem!" Scizor exclaimed as he landed onto the ground, fishing out a pink flushed Wonder Orb from Garchomp's saddlebag.

    The colossal Pokemon ran at full speed towards the Bug-type, who ultimately crushed the Knockback Orb once his foe got near. A sweeping wave of pink energy rushed Regigigas and forcefully shoved it across the room, the golem slamming an arm into the ground midway through to regain its traction. Regigigas screeched its name as another shockwave of dark energy burst out from its body and kept the others from getting close.

    "All right! I've got it!" Garchomp yelled from the opposite side of the room. "A hundred percent chance it goes down for good!"

    After numerous Dragon Dances, the pure amount of raw energy radiating off the dragoness was enough to make Liam's feelers act up, everyone taking a step back to give her space. Purplish flames wrapped themselves around Garchomp's form as she took a single heavy step, fierce yellow eyes glaring at her opponent. Regigigas recognized this new contender, holding its ground and bringing its arms together. Its claws were intertwined as a devastating amount of energy began to manifest, the room aglow with a mix of blacks and whites while it grew enormous in size and power.

    "Do it now, Garchomp!" Scizor screamed.

    Garchomp roared loudly as she sprinted forward, barreling into the chest of Regigigas within the blink of an eye. Her scythe-like talons were impossible to see in motion as she slashed away with zero hesitation, utterly relentless. Sparks flew off the golem's body, sounds of grinding metal and rock filling the air. The Dragon-type continued her onslaught until she felt herself losing control of this impossible strength. Garchomp leapt off Regigigas, analyzing the damage she caused. Deep gashes littered the colossal Pokemon's chest, far greater than any infliction left behind by the others. The scratchy voice that then came out of the golem was even more warped and barely audible - a far cry from before.

    "Gigigigi… regi…"

    Regigigas promptly fell face first onto the ground, accompanied by a shockwave of rock and dust in its wake. The chamber fell silent, as if waiting for the hardy golem to awaken and sunder the area into chaos again, but it would not happen.

    Roark was the first to speak, chuckling. "And then there's strategy five: If all else fails, just beat the fuck out of it…" He shot Gloria a look, who was still staring in awe at what she witnessed. "Sorry for swearing, sis, but it just felt right."

    Liam caught his breath, observing the fallen Regigigas. "You think it's…?"

    "Oh yeah, I'm sure," Garchomp huffed as a white light consumed her body, normalcy returning to her. "I was ninety percent sure back there it'd work, but it looks like Arceus was on our side after all." She took off her necklace as Scizor handed back her saddlebag, smiling the whole time. "Let this be another lesson to any future 'mon that wants to mess with Team Drarosteel, eh?"

    Nobody was in any position to exactly disagree with her.

    Scizor opened his mouth to speak, but halted as a mixture of voices echoed across the room. Three Pokemon skulked into the chamber from an opening - Monferno, Braixen, and Rockruff. The latter was the first to show his face to the group, tail wagging behind him as he pointed a paw at the defeated Regigigas.

    "Wooooow! You guys actually beat it? Hah! In your ugly face, uh, whatever you are!" the puppy Pokemon taunted.

    "Rockruff? What are you guys doing over here?" Liam wondered.

    "Oh, you know, just taking in the pretty sights," Monferno said sarcastically as he and Braixen walked into view. "The hell do you think, Mr. Personality? Whole damn guild probably heard the commotion."

    Braixen spoke up before Liam could return a scathing reply. "Now, now, calm down, Mony. The reality is, um, well…" Her naturally professional demeanor crumbled away. "We hid after we activated and brought that Pokemon back to life. It seemed reasonable at the time, but we were unaware of your presence, Team Requiem." She bowed her head, ashamed. "I am very sorry for the trouble we caused you."

    Gloria moved in to offer a hug to Braixen, who reluctantly accepted. "We're not mad at you guys." She tightened her embrace. "We're just happy everyone is safe, right?"

    As if one cue, all the splintered groups of the guild began to enter the chamber from various interconnecting hallways. They quickly ran over to investigate the scene of a previous battle, gawking at the giant Pokemon that laid on the ground, unmoving.

    Staravia flapped his wings, frantically swooping around Regigigas. "W-woah! What happened here?!"

    Shaymin snorted, "Battle's already over the second we get here. What a waste of time…"

    Leafeon giggled, "Don't tell me you thought you could take on a Pokemon like that, Shaymin."

    "Ya sayin' I couldn't?"

    Liam ignored the cacophony of new voices and cocked an eyebrow at Braixen's claims. "Wait. You're saying you guys activated this Pokemon?"

    Monferno held his hands up. "To make things perfectly clear, it was Rockruff who started pushing random buttons on some weird hexagon panel thingamajig."

    "Called it," Roark remarked.

    All eyes were on the canine as he nearly sweated from the silent judging.

    "H-hey! How can you blame me! Pushing random buttons is how I got into the guild in the first place!" Rockruff admitted. "Look on the bright side; you guys beat it! That had to be really fun, right?"

    His change of topic seemed to sway the guild's attention.

    "Did you take it down yourself, Garchomp?" Mightyena yipped, before gasping. "Or maybe… Or maybe Scizor has some secret superpower and did it himself!"

    Garchomp shook her head. "Nah, I only got here just as Team Requiem defeated it. All the credit goes to them." She shot the befuddled Riolu and Vulpix a wink before nudging Scizor with a talon. "Right, Scizor?"

    The Bug-type was caught off guard, but followed along. "Erm... Of course! We can't deny the efforts of our colleagues here."

    Before Liam or Gloria could explain the actual truth, the rest of the guild chimed in to speak their praises of the team, stifling any words as they simply basked in their accolades. However, the arrival of a Shiny Lucario into the room would break this celebration as Jackson marched to regroup with the rest.

    "Guildmaster!" Scizor proclaimed, going rigid. "I must apologize for this incident breaking our rule of segmented teams. I assure you that there is an easy explanation for this mishap."

    "I've heard enough," the Lucario calmly stated, his steely gaze meeting a nervous looking Rockruff. "Rockruff, your actions have endangered your fellow guild crewmates, along with the guild's mission. But despite that, your foolishness has rewarded us, it seems…"

    Curious looks followed Jackson as he pointed a paw at an opening in the rock that was once blocked by the mass of clay holding Regigigas.

    Rockruff caught on and puffed out his chest proudly. "Oh yeah, look, everyone! I did do something good!"

    "However…" Jackson continued. "I cannot overlook recklessness. You will be reprimanded upon our return to the guild."

    The puppy's cockiness melted instantly, ears and tail drooping. "What?! Aw…"

    Jackson motioned to the opening. "Excadrill has volunteered to guard over Regigigas. As for the rest of you, we will continue our exploration of the station through this new area. If you have collected information already, we will pool our knowledge once this place has been combed thoroughly. Am I understood?"

    A chorus of agreeing voices and nodding heads appeased the Lucario as he turned his back and walked towards the opening.

    "Let us be off."

    A Projection Crystal ignited with a fusion of pink Psychic-type energy.

    "Entry number… I can't remember right now."

    Mew sat hunched over a desk, totally focused on the mangled mess of an Entercard's insides before her, the orange light of lantern beside it flickering across her pale and sickly features. She growled obscenities under her breath as her sunken eyes followed every twisting line embedded into the metal. She only ceased her endless scrutinization to scribble some hasty notes into the papers haphazardly scattered around the table.


    The Psychic-type jumped at the baritone voice, immediately relaxing when she realized who it was. "... Dialga. You scared me."

    Dialga offered a faint chuckle as he moved into frame. "The others are sleeping, and yet you are still working at their stations."

    "You're up, which means what exactly?"

    "That I am here to offer my assistance, as helpful as that may be." He observed her rather disorganized surroundings. "Although, perhaps you do not wish for a second pair of eyes to slow you down."

    Mew coughed into a paw, shaking her head. "No, no! By all means, Dialga, get one of your, uh, large chairs and help me with this. Because, well, this problem is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be."

    Dialga went quiet, as if he held his tongue over something. "... This problem? Would it be the Entercard transportation to the core?"

    Mew nodded, giving a hoarse sigh. "I've got the symbol all figured out, and even where we can place it atop Celestial Mountain - the peak - but that's it. It's that barrier that's preventing us; our Entercards can't get through it like those other ones we found. And it's entirely surrounding the region beneath the mountain, like it's guarding it. We've completely hit a roadblock here." She clenched her paws. "It's driving me crazy…"

    "I assume rest is out of the picture here?"

    Mew smiled weakly, "I'll sleep eventually. It's just… I can't accept that we're getting stuck at this stage. We know where all the artifacts are now. We know where the source is. But there's this one snag that's preventing us. And I don't know how much time we have left..."

    "There is time, Mew, I am sure of it. You have agonized enough. Surely you can rest until-"

    "Are you gonna help me, or are you just here to coddle me like a child?" she snapped back.

    Dialga waited for her to simmer, adjusting his demeanor. "... My apologies, Mew. I will assist you, but there is another reason why I am present. One I am sure you understand." He took a step forward, the lantern's glow now illuminating the paleish blue tone that overtook his body. "Your sickness… You know now that this is no mere cold."

    Mew stared back, heart beating rapidly in her chest as she struggled to answer. "I… I… Yeah. It's worse, Dialga. I thought it would go away in a week or two, but…" She failed to finish her words.

    Dialga moved forward, now standing beside the table. "The others have no knowledge of this. They believe it is merely a common ailment."

    Mew nodded in disgrace, "I never told anyone after I found out what it really was. I didn't tell you guys because I was scared of what you all would say, what would happen to the project."

    "I would never abandon you or this project, Mew. It means too much to me."

    She attempted to smile, failing even that. "I know you wouldn't, but without the others, there is no project."

    "This illness of ours. What do you know of it?"

    "It's spreading all over the Grit Region, and almost the entire region has been deserted. From what I've read and seen with my own eyes… this disease is fatal, and we only have about a month or two left to live if I were to guess."

    Dialga did not respond, choosing to look up at the ceiling as he absorbed this information. "If that is true… then I will not live to see the birth of my children."

    "I'm… I'm so sorry, Dialga," Mew spoke through fresh tears welling in her eyes. "I never wanted it to go down like this, especially when we have gotten so close."

    "... I do not place the blame on you." He returned his gaze to her. "So this is why you have worked late into the night so many days. I have noticed, and the other Legendaries will soon as well. How much can you prolong their naivety?"

    "I don't plan on deceiving them forever." Mew sighed again, feeling a weight being removed off her shoulders. "I'll tell them the next time we have them all gathered. But right now, I'm more focused on making sure our plans are doable. Even if…"

    "Even if we were to meet our demise, the torch could be carried to another," Dialga finished for her.

    "Exactly. Victini gave us the knowledge necessary to continue, and we could do the same." The tense feeling in her chest never went away. "I still want there to be a way we could do it ourselves, but I'm not sure… I'm not really sure of anything anymore to be honest," she admitted.

    "I have hope, Mew. I have hope in both this project and yourself to lead us to the truth. Regardless if we are there to witness it ourselves, it must be done." He ambled off to slide a giant chair over to the desk, sitting down on it. "Let us get to work. You have mentioned a problem with the Entercards?"

    Mew inhaled, letting out a painful cough before nodding and tidying up her mess of notes. "Yeah, and I think it has something to do with the energy we have put into the cards. It's not enough, especially to get through that barrier. If we…"

    The Projection Crystal recording Mew's memory from the desk cut off her words as it dimmed.

    "Guess that's it."

    "Now are you interested?"

    Weavile snorted as she tucked away the Projection Crystal into her saddlebag. "Maybe, Bishy. I'm more annoyed at trying to figure out what the hell this place's goal even was. Obviously not just tinkering with Entercards."

    "It was clearly important enough for them to continue after their deaths. Something about 'artifacts', something about a 'source'. Whatever it is, I'm keen to learn a bit more before we make our exit."


    Bisharp took one of the eternally burning torches off the walls. "You'll see, Weav's."


    Weavile perked her head up at the distant voice, which was accompanied by loud booms. "It's also hard to pay attention when you've got a warzone happening in the background, y'know."

    "That's the Rose Clan's problem, not ours."

    She smirked, "Damn right it is."

    The pair plodded ahead, wary of their dimly lit corners, their eyes wandering each bit of their surroundings for either Rose Clan members that managed to find them, or another Projection Crystal they could claim for themselves. The orange glow from a room up ahead would draw them to it, Bisharp waving his torch around as they entered.

    "Looks like some kind of disassembly station for Entercards," he commented as they took in their new environment.

    Entercards were strung up in the air, metallic claws built from the walls holding them still. The innards of the cards were popped open, revealing the ethereal orange light from within. Stacks of papers and books near the strange instruments were dispersed in a chaotic manner, all of it too blackened and charred by a flame of the past to decipher the contents of which.

    "Someone must've burnt all the research they did here," Bisharp mused as he sifted through the scorched leftovers. "Who knows if it was on accident or on purpose, though."

    Weavile's attention was not on the Entercards, but was instead locked to the outline of something lying in the sand. "Hey, Bishy, quit playing detective and look at that."

    Bisharp reluctantly heeded her words, only for his eyes to widen at what he saw. "Oh, now this is something…"

    The skeletal remains of a small Pokemon were infused to the orange and red sands of which it laid upon. White and dusty, it was clear that whoever these remnants belonged to, that they died long, long ago.

    Weavile scoffed, "Poor bastard. But hey, that's not a Legendary, right? Looks way too tiny and pitiful to be one."

    Bisharp crouched down to get a better look, analyzing the shape of its ashy skull. "... Nope. It looks to be like a Linoone or a Furret - something like that."

    "If those Legendaries didn't allow regular Pokemon like us inside, then how come this sucker's here?" she questioned. "Lone explorer got trapped or something?"

    The gears in Bisharp's head began to turn as he thought back to previous information they uncovered.

    "Wow!" Look at all these old books and stuff!"

    Rockruff sped ahead of the rest of the guild as they arose one by one from the pitch-black shadow of a Mystery Dungeon. The sight of bookshelves overwhelmed them; tall enough to reach the ceiling, and also wide enough to stretch the entire room. The ones that weren't collapsed onto the floor held numerous dusty books and pages in between each ancient tome.

    "I wonder how long it'd take me to read all this stuff!" the peppy canine wondered aloud.

    "You can read? Sure surprised me," Monferno snidely commented as he walked past.

    "Hey, I read lots!"

    Liam scratched his nose bandage that Braixen gave him, stopping to admire the vast room of seemingly endless knowledge they were in. "This place looks even bigger than the library in Empyrean City… And this was all meant for soldiers?"

    "Our monarchs weren't known for their wise purchases, kid," Roark explained.

    Gloria eagerly moved to grab a book from one of the shelves and opened it, yet was disappointed to discover that the text was too faded to read. "And so much of it has been buried here for so long, just wasted away. I wonder if some of these only existed here and nowhere else…"

    Liam shrugged, "With how much bad stuff clogs the shelves of Empyrean's library, maybe it was for the best?"

    "Sis just wants to know if there was a cheesy romance novel she hasn't read yet."

    The dirty look she sent Roark's way stirred a rich chuckle out of him as he scampered on ahead.

    Scizor was the first to round the corner of the room's maze of bookshelves. His gaze was transfixed to the broken pieces of Projection Crystals sprinkled on both the ground and the bookshelves themselves. "These Projection Crystals. Every one of them we have seen thus far has been shattered. Why?"

    "Could be on purpose," Garchomp said as she stomped over to his side. "Can't see these spontaneously exploding like Blast Seeds."

    "Destroying their own research, though?" Scizor could not wrap his head around it. "There's something we're not understanding here."

    "U-uh, g-guys…?" Staravia's shaky and muffled tone ringed from a distant hallway. "You might wanna s-see this!"

    Curious, many of the guild members followed the flighty avian's voice around the corner. But after reaching Staravia and witnessing what garnered his attention, they were stunned at what they saw, some horrified.

    "Damn," Roark muttered, shaking his head. "Couldn't have picked a more boring place to drop dead."

    "Mreow! I think I am going to be sick!" Purrloin shrieked dramatically, raising a paw to her forehead.

    The white skeleton of a very large Pokemon rested up against one of the bookshelves in the hallway, slumped over. Surrounding it were numerous cracked Projection Crystals, along with journals and other written entries with their pages torn out or burnt to ashes.

    'I-is it a Legendary?" Mightyena asked almost fearfully. "I thought those guys just turned into dust when they died!"

    Shaymin rolled her eyes. "We're all mortal like you, moro- mate," she corrected. "Nothin' magic about dyin', 'cause we all die and rot the same."

    "If it really is a Legendary, then which one is this?" Minun wondered.

    Scizor fell to a kneel, mind attempting to connect this Pokemon's bone structure to another. It took him a moment of thinking and examining every angle of it, but he was sure of its identity when he finally spoke. "It's a Dialga. The fins and spines of it tell me that much."

    "Shit. You think it's the same one from all those memories of Mew?" Garchomp speculated, scratching her chin with a talon.

    "It just may be," the Bug-type replied. "Although, it begs the question of why he would have perished here exactly. And where were the others?" His gaze fell on what surrounded the skeleton. "This destruction of their work. It can't be just a mistake anymore, right?"

    No one present had an answer to this current conundrum.

    Liam's acute ears picked up a strange noise flowing through the halls, like the swelling of a Darumaker while it was cooking intensely. "Hey… I think I hear something nearby."

    Everyone went quiet as they attempted to listen to the peculiar sounds.

    "I hear it, too!" Gloria proclaimed, stepping away from the group. Truth be told, she only wanted an excuse to take her eyes off the deceased Pokemon. "Maybe we should, um, go investigate it?"

    "Better not be another golem…" Roark lamented.

    "Guildmaster, can a few of us go check it out?" Liam inquired to the silent Shiny Lucario standing among the group.

    Jackson nodded bluntly, "One team will scavenge this area for further clues. The other will continue forward to investigate other rooms. Let us do that now."

    The rest of the guild were more than happy to stay behind, some not wanting to investigate what was beyond the antique library. Team Requiem, Team Blazingheart, Scizor, Garchomp, and Jackson would be the ones to progress forward through the labyrinth. Their search for the odd noises would increase the vibrations and echoing hums beyond the walls. As they got closer, a certain weightlessness took over their bodies. It wasn't noticeable until their trip ended at a roadblock, where a strip of metal was wedged into the hallway, refraining them from continuing. Particles of dark purple energy floated into the hallway through gaps in the blockade.

    Liam lifted an arm, noticing the change in their atmosphere. "Does anybody else feel… floaty?"

    "Yeah, we need to be careful." Garchomp responded. "Something about this area doesn't sit right with me."

    "The source of this reaction may lie past this hallway," Jackson noted.

    Scizor neared the sheet of metal blocking the hallway, the weightlessness in his limbs increasing as he got closer. Grasping the metal with his pincers, he attempted to push it out of the way, only to stand back in shock as it began to float away aimlessly, exposing the insides of a room shrouded in an ominous haze.

    Monferno's jaw dropped, "Uh… Was that supposed to happen? 'Cause it doesn't look like it should've."

    "Definitely not, Mony." Braixen said. "This is something new… and maybe dangerous."

    Scizor held a pincer out. "Be careful. There is something powerful afflicting this location."

    The group heeded the Bug-type's words of caution as they entered. Immediately, the full effects of their environment's gravity alteration became apparent. Their bodies felt as if they were in a constant free fall, their limbs weightless and rising without action. The smaller Pokemon in the room found it most difficult to keep their paws on the ground, kept afloat in a constant drift.

    Gloria would find her already uneasy feelings growing tenfold as another fear of hers took over - heights - or in this case, her body's lack of control of gravity as she struggled to keep herself centered. Liam, on the other hand, transitioned to this change with relative ease, rising through the air with a joyous smile.

    "Woah! It kinda feels like we're in space right now!" the Riolu exclaimed. "This has gotta be the best part of the labyrinth."

    "I, uh, really can't agree with you," Gloria countered, observing her spinning surroundings in a daze. "I'm stumped. How is this even happening?"

    Scizor's gaze was locked to an anomaly straight ahead. "Without a doubt, the source of this region's lack of gravity must be attributed to that." He emphasized by pointing a pincer at it.

    In the center of the room, a mass of twisted metal and dark purple and pink crystals jutted out from a pile of wreckage. Arcs of electricity discharged at random intervals from the pulsating crystals and loose cables connected to it, tall fulgurites and other scorched marks forming in the sands surrounding the aberration. The haze and low hum that overflowed into the room and hallways seemed to originate from this spot.

    Yet, an even graver discovery was made as the group went further into the cavern. Skeletons of dozens of Legendaries and other types of Pokemon stood before the anomaly, their white and dust ridden bones lit by its haunting purplish glow. Many had their arms shielding their face, as if to block an incoming force, yet were too late. Purple and pink crystals grew from their feet and other limbs, locking what remained of their bodies into statues of their own demise. What skeletons that weren't glued to the floor drifted around in the room's zero gravity, intermixed with floating pieces of debris.

    "By Arceus…" Garchomp muttered, completely floored. "I've never seen something like this… It's an entire graveyard of Pokemon."

    "The graveyard of this entire station, most likely," Scizor corrected in a mournful manner, noting the large amount of Legendary skeletons littering the room. "Whatever happened here, it took everything out in one instance."

    Braixen shook her head. "For these Legendaries that gave it their all and dedicated themselves to a goal to go out like this… What an awful way to die…"

    "At least it was over quickly," Monferno murmured.

    "Search this area," Jackson commanded. "There's perhaps some crucial clues left behind that are vital for our cause."

    "Yeah, the rest of you just be careful," Garchomp warned. "This wacko place isn't to be toyed with."

    As Garchomp and Jackson went to scout ahead, the rest of the group lingered around the remnants of the device in the room's middle. A creeped out Monferno and Braixen would stick very close to each other as they wandered their bizarre environment. Gloria, who already felt nauseated at the zero gravity, was very hesitant on exploring a room littered with the dead.

    However, her partner's natural curiosity and loyalty to his Guildmaster spurred him to investigate further. Propelling himself into the air with a leap, Liam floated over to one of the hovering skeletons, analyzing its features. Strangely, he could faintly remember its bone structure from a book that Gloria almost forced him to read. When he thought about it more, his eyes widened in realization.

    This was not the skeleton of any Legendary he knew.

    "Hey, this one isn't a Legendary! It looks like a… Zangoose?"

    Gloria peered up at him, attempting to avoid looking directly at the Pokemon's remains. "What? That shouldn't be right…"

    "I'm pretty darn sure it is. You wanna come and check?" he asked with a smirk.

    "Uh, I think I'll just trust your word."

    Liam tilted his head, "Though, it makes you wonder how they got here if this place was for Legendaries."

    "Maybe they were an explorer? It couldn't be the mercenaries."

    Liam glided over to another bundle of bones. "There's another regular Pokemon here. If this guy or gal was some explorer, then they didn't come alone."

    As the pair theorized on what the past of the skeleton entailed, Scizor found himself standing by his lonesome and silently thinking in his head. A quick look around could bring him to the conclusion that the Legendaries perished while attempting to power a strange machine, or some malfunction caused its disruption and release. While he was enthralled at the current situation they were still sifting through, there was a sinking feeling in his chest that something was wrong, that there was a piece still missing.

    He did not want to accept that the project and the Legendaries behind it ended right here.

    The tap of a talon on his shoulder would break through Scizor's frustrated state as he glanced over to see Garchomp. Her face lacked the usual confidence she exuded, instead more concerned and focused.

    "Scizor. You need to see this. Follow me. Just you."

    The Bug-type learned to never question these types of directions from Jackson, so he wordlessly obeyed her and followed the dragoness to a small cavity at the far end of the room. Jackson was waiting for them, a Projection Crystal grasped in his paws.

    "You didn't need to bring him," Jackson growled. "There is always time after the expedition."

    "Yeah, well, he deserves to know," Garchomp said, giving Scizor a reassuring look. "Go ahead."

    Without another word, Jackson pressed the crystal's indentation and released its storage of ancient memories.

    "Please… Please let this work," Mew mumbled under her breath. She rubbed the drowsiness out of her eyes before holding the Projection Crystal close and flying across the room. "Entei, is it all ready?"

    "The Entercards are all prepared for charging, Mew," the Fire-type confirmed.

    "I'll give you the signal to start."

    It took a while for her creation to come into fruition, but it was now ready following a shortage of workers beside her. After she had disclosed the truth of the illness spreading through the station, half of the project's team would leave for good, enraged and upset at the lack of transparency, or fearing for their own lives. Only the most dedicated to the cause would stay behind in the aftermath of her confession. They were aware of their own certain demise, but wished to march forward.

    A part of her wanted to be angry at those who deserted the project, but another part of her understood why, and even sympathized a bit. After all, if she had any family left, she would want to spend her last moments with them as well.

    Mew gave one last look at the apparatus in the middle of the chamber. Dubbed as 'The Amalgamation' by the small number of Legendaries she had left, this was their answer to the lack of power infused into their Entercards; an energy source mixed with massive amounts of their powers designed to transfer it all into connected Entercards. Large pink and purple crystalline growths formed around the machine's metal core from the sheer amount of energy built up inside of it, just waiting to burst open.

    It was an unstable and desperate attempt at a fix for their problem, but one Mew had put her diminishing hopes into.

    "Okay… Turn it on now!"

    Entei ducked under one of the jagged crystals, pressing his paw on a switch near the back of the device. "It has been activated, Mew!"

    Mew's bloodshot eyes were glued to 'The Amalgamation' as it began to spark and whirr to life. Its vibrant and dark crystals began to fluctuate moody colors as it crackled with newfound energy from within the machine. The coils that linked from the device to the Entercards lying on the ground lit up, Legendary power flowing into the cards as they glowed orange. After running it for a solid minute, the machine eventually began to produce too much energy for it to handle, crystals producing large arcs of purple electricity that scorched its surroundings. A boisterous rumbling noise stirred from within it.

    "Shut it off now!" Mew yelled.

    Entei obeyed her command and flicked the switch again, the machine settling back into a low and ominous hum.

    Mew hurried over to one of the many Entercards laid out, observing its insides with a frantic look. She got closer to them, noticing that each card initially brimming with energy was fizzling out or permanently damaged their metallic frames. "... No, no, no, no!"

    A sick and frail looking Entei lumbered over, "What is it this time?" he asked despondently.

    "The cards… They won't hold the energy we gave them. Why… Why after so many attempts does it not work?!" she screamed, closing her eyes with a sigh. "But even if it worked, would it be enough?" Right now, she had no answers to that question.

    "What is there to do, Mew? If these Entercards are not able to breach the barrier to the core and locate the source, then what is this project's fate? How do we proceed?"

    "The Entercards must work," she said, finality coating her words. "The only way we can take the artifacts to the core is if they work as intended, but they aren't strong enough. We need to run more tests. We need to keep everyone working on the machine and keep powering-" An uncontrollable cough broke Mew's rambling and forced her to drop to the ground as she heaved out traces of blood and other phlegm into the sand.

    Entei quickly moved in to assist her back up. "You need to rest, Mew. You cannot work in this state."

    "No! I just need to-"


    A distraught shout for the Legendary's name rang throughout the hallways connecting to the chamber. Moments later, a wounded and bloody Zeraora carrying the unconscious form of Zarude across his shoulders stood in the doorway, panic apparent on his face.

    "Mew! Those damn heretics from before have returned! They've destroyed our barricades and are attacking us!"

    "What?! No…" Mew scrambled into the air, taking the Projection Crystal with her as she soared past the pair. "This has to be a misunderstanding!"

    "Wait, Mew! It's not safe for you!" the voice of Zeraora echoed behind her.

    Mew ignored his warnings as she zipped through the halls, no matter how much her weak body protested it. Distant explosions and battle cries of warring Pokemon could be heard in the distance - the cries of her workers. She hastened her speed, flying past dozens of common Pokemon running through the halls and engaging in fights with her Legendaries. Rounding a corner, she emerged into what seemed like a major skirmish occurring on opposite sides.

    Dialga turned to look at her from behind the cover of a broken barricade. "Mew! The Alignment has returned! We must fight back these heretics before we are overrun!"

    "For the Allfather!"

    "For the Allmother!"

    The courageous shouts from nearly a hundred Pokemon filled the hallway as they threw themselves at any Legendary in their path, quickly surrounding their sickened and outnumbered foes. Mew hovered in the air - petrified - for her worst fears were being realized. Yet, she knew that this was no nightmare, and she had to fight for this project's life like many times before.

    Dropping the Projection Crystal and summoning orbs of sparkling pink energy, Mew launched them at any encroaching Pokemon. She dodged beams of elemental attacks directed her way, sending a few dazzling moves of her own in response that decimated entire groups of enemies. But despite her efforts in staving them off, a nagging feeling of vertigo clouded her senses at every turn, eating at her will to keep fighting.

    She felt weak, so weak.

    Black spots invaded her vision as she hacked up more blood and dropped to the ground. The last thing she saw before going unconscious was Dialga running over towards her.

    Scizor watched the holographic figures involved in the memory go stiff before collapsing into pink energy that was then sucked back into the Projection Crystal. He felt confused, overwhelmed by what he saw happen in only the span of a few minutes.

    "They were attacked," he mouthed. "Attacked by a group of other Pokemon…"

    Garchomp made sure none of the others from the group wandered over before facing him. "Yeah, and it's not just that detail we're worried about. That Dialga in the memory. He said something about the 'Alignment'." She scratched her chin with a talon. "Now, I've met many groups in Celestic, so I can't say for sure, but do you remember hearing about a group like that?"

    Synapses were firing off in Scizor's brain as he began to piece things together, a chill running up his spine as realization set in. "The Alignment is a religious group in Celestic. They were the ones responsible for the creation of the Eden Theater in Empyrean City nearly a year ago. But… I'm stumped as to why or how they could be here thousands of years ago, especially to attack the Legendaries."

    Garchomp frowned, "You sure you're not mixing them up with another group? I remember attending the premiere of that theater, and they didn't seem the type to do something like this. Weird, sure, but not to this level."

    The Bug-type shook his head, clearly rattled by this revelation. "No. Those Pokemon in the memory were rallying for the 'Allfather' and 'Allmother', which are important figures in their religion. If this was a coincidence, then it would be a massive one."

    "... Fuck." Garchomp scowled. "As if this expedition couldn't get more messy. And you're telling me this was thousands of years ago?"

    "The Alignment has been known to be secretive about their history. No one knows their origin or where they even gather. But if this memory says anything, then we know just how far they go back."

    "If we're the only ones to know about this, then what do we do? Go to the Council and show them what we found? Or is this even relevant to a group that old? They obviously had to change a lot over those amount of years," Garchomp suggested.

    Scizor began to pace around, his thoughts uncontrollable. "Now that I think about it, back during our expedition of Celestial Mountain, the Followers of Life mentioned them once battling with strange Pokemon wearing armbands. The Alignment had to have come there to excavate the crystal mine where we found the first Legendary station."

    "Are you implying that they knew what was inside that mine?"

    "Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows if it was even recent or not. All we know is that they could be involved with both locations." He bit his tongue. "... There's just too many missing pieces to say what is for sure."

    "I think the biggest question here is why would they do this? What would a religious organization want with the research of ley lines?"

    That was a point Scizor was struggling to answer himself.

    Jackson, who was silent through their entire exchange, finally spoke up, his orange paw ring flickering. "I am keen to learn more about these 'artifacts' spoken of by the Mew in the memory. Her plans to take them to the core, the supposed source of ley lines."

    "Did you even listen to us right now?" Garchomp said, a growl noticeable in her voice. "We've got a more important issue at hand than whatever else you're thinking about."

    "I am well aware of our findings. However, it is not our duty to investigate the actions of another group, nor is it ours to bring up to the Council. At this moment - right now - we are here to gather research for the guild's cause."

    "... Oh, so you wanna let these guys get away with what they might've done?"

    "That's not what I said." Jackson countered her glare with his own. "Bringing this up to the Council will only introduce an investigation that will impede our cause. We will not hide this information, but we will conceal it long enough until its risk is averted."

    "Risk? This entire expedition has been a risk!" she yelled, baring her sharp teeth at him. "Don't forget that we've been fighting with those mercenaries behind the Council's back. If they figure out that we hid information like this, it won't just be the courts, we'll be imprisoned."

    "There is no benefit to us exposing the Alignment's past, only downsides. The Council's issues with my guild will be resolved eventually, but not now."

    "And I'm supposed to trust you? After all the shady shit you've done so far? The Pokemon of Celes- no, the world deserves to hear this. If this group is a threat in the modern age, then the Council needs to know."

    Just like before, Scizor was caught between the Pokemon as they went at each other's throats with hostile words. Both had good points, but he still found himself drifting towards Jackson in terms of a logical solution to this problem.

    "He's right, Garchomp," Scizor suddenly spoke, sighing. "The Alignment will need to be questioned in time. But right now we're so close to discovering something big. We can't be distracted at a time like this."

    "Thank you, Scizor," Jackson said with a nod.

    Garchomp appeared disheartened at the Bug-type's comments, shaking her head. "... This is a big mistake, you know that? We're putting too much on the line for this. I'd be lucky if the Council even allows me to keep my team if news of this was to come out that we hid this."

    "Again, the Council will be dealt with," Jackson reiterated. "As Scizor stated, we are close to something massive, and we should continue our efforts here."

    "And what will we tell the rest of the guild, huh? If the Council can't know, what about them?"

    "They will know what happened here, but they will not know the identity of the attacker to avoid any type of panic."

    Garchomp looked over at Scizor to gauge his reaction to this idea, who reluctantly nodded. "... All right. I'll keep my mouth shut. And I'll make sure Aggron and Tyranitar keep their mouths shut, too. Just know that I have a bad feeling about all of this…"

    Scizor could only silently agree with her, deeply concerned about the ramifications of this discovery himself.

    Jackson tucked away the Projection Crystal into his saddlebag, walking out of the small cavity. "We will share our findings with the guild, then focus on finding more crystals, or any further information on those 'artifacts'."

    "Woah! What just happened?"

    "I turned it on. It should be recording my memories right now for a few minutes."

    "Wow… No wonder we were told to find these."

    Grumpig positioned the Projection Crystal a few feet away from him and Marshtomp. It sat wedged between the tall pile of rocks blocking the hallways. Debris surrounded the pair, entrapping them into this confined space. Their saddlebags were laid out on the floor, its contents spread across the sands.

    Grumpig smiled, "Yeah, I thought it was already filled, but I guess not. Guess things aren't all bad, huh?"

    Marshtomp frowned, "Do you know how long we've been stuck here? It feels like hours…"

    "I wouldn't know. But I can still hear our brothers and sisters out there fighting."

    "Then there is hope we'll get out of here!"

    "I have no doubt we will. Once we succeed in our crusade against the Legendaries, the others will surely come to our rescue."

    Marshtomp shifted into a more comfortable position, laying against the sandstone walls. "Y'know, a few months ago, I never thought I would see a Legendary Pokemon, or even fight against one. This is scary stuff, but I know for sure we got this!"

    "The Allfather made it clear that the Allmother had marked this place." Grumpig sat down next to him. "I didn't think I would involve myself with this, either. I had only recently moved to the village when the Allfather first began preaching. I don't know why exactly, but the way he spoke about paradise and how all Pokemon could reach it made me believe. Believe that someday all of us could live in such a place."

    "What do you think it looks like?"

    Grumpig raised his head in thought. "I don't know. The Allfather isn't really sure, either. I like to think it's perfectly suited for each Pokemon who lives there, y'know? No pain, no hate, no distrust, or ever saying goodbye to Pokemon. That sounds like a proper life."

    Marshtomp's stomach growled as he smiled. "If that's true, then my paradise would be filled with lots of Perfect Apples and other tasty stuff."

    Grumpig laughed jovially, "Don't think about food so much while we're down here; you'll make it worse."

    "I know, I know…"

    Grumpig looked over his shoulder. "Hey, I never heard your reason for joining the Alignment. So, what is it?"

    Marshtomp went deep into thought, gazing downward. "To be honest, I'm doing this all for my little brother, Mudkip. When the Allfather made us all leave the village for our 'pilgrimage', I had to leave my brother behind. It was tough, and everyday I wonder how he's doing alone, but I think it's worth it in the end if we can really reach paradise. That way he can live his best life, with nothing there to stop him, y'know?"

    Grumpig seemed satisfied with his answer as he rested his arms behind his back. "There were some days when we were all out resting in the plains that I questioned my faith in the Allfather and Allmother. I wondered if reaching paradise was even feasible for us Pokemon, or if it even exists at all. And if it does, would we even be the ones to reach it?"

    Marshtomp shrugged, "Maybe it'd be the next generation to discover it."


    The two silently listened to the occasional noises and booms that rattled the labyrinth, eventually falling asleep, hearty and hopeful.

    Gallade stifled a tear from coming out as he held the Projection Crystal close. His watery eyes glazed over the two dusty skeletons huddled against one another beside piles of rocks of other rubble. He didn't know why, but to see the two Pokemon from the memory in the present now haunted his vision.

    While his partner was distracted, Heliolisk found his opportunity. Utilizing the large amount of electricity he secretly stored up in his frills while they were watching the memory, he whirled around and delivered a powerful burst of electricity into the two Absols' stalking them from behind. The twins' were caught off guard by this attack as they felt the full force of Heliolisk's discharge. They would collapse to the floor not long after, twitching and smoking, yet still alive.

    Gallade spun around, snapping out of his stupor. "Heliolisk! What did you do?!"

    "I found our opportunity, so I'm freeing us - that's what." The Electric-type motioned towards his armband. "Place your Entercard."

    Gallade was hard pressed to find a reason not, briefly looking around for a sign of the mercenary captains' before reaching into his armband and retrieving the metallic card. He placed it onto the sands, taking a step back. "There. It's all ready for us to go back home, brother."

    Heliolisk let out a sigh of relief he desperately needed, yet stood still as he looked at his partner, shaken but resilient. "... It looks like I was right, sort of. If the Legendaries really made the Entercards here, and we attacked them, then maybe we just stole them and said we made it ourselves. I can't say for sure, but it feels like that."


    The Electric-type grimaced, "We were lied to, Gallade. The Allfather lied to us. Our history was down here this entire time and they never said anything. We were told to stop those mercenaries from messing with this place, and I think I know why now…"

    Gallade swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "I never would've thought that our forefathers would stoop to attacking the Legendaries themselves. It's hard to picture it, but if this memory and the lives of these two Pokemon are correct, then it's very real."

    "... That Marshtomp even had a little brother, just like me, and he died here for nothing." Heliolisk faintly smiled. "I've done all these things for Growlithe, hoping he would be given a better life." He looked at the bones of Marshstomp. "Thousands of years have passed between me and this Pokemon, yet everything is still the same as it's always been."

    "I worry for your faith, brother. Even before we were given this mission, I noticed it in your heart."

    Heliolisk's scowl deepened as he clenched a claw. "My faith never went away. If anything, it's been strengthened by what we saw here. We fought for something once in the past, but now it seems like all we do is hide and play suck-up with the outsiders." He knelt down to press the indentation in the Entercard, kickstarting its release of energy. "I believe in Commander Blaziken. I believe in the Allmother. And I believe in us reaching paradise, but I don't believe in our Allfather."

    Gallade chose not to fight his partner's convictions again, knowing this was not the time nor the place. He stepped near the Entercard, gripping the Projection Crystal tight. "The Allfather needs to see this memory of our brothers from the past. I believe it can reignite his desires to lead us to prosperity again."

    Throughout these long days of imprisonment and anguish, Gallade's faith had been put to the test. He had seen things no Pokemon from home was allowed to see, and yet he still refused to break. He believed in their sacred mission, their plight for all Pokemon. After all, if he gave up on his faith and dreams now, what were the sacrifices he and other Pokemon around them made worth?

    A blinding beacon of orange light consumed the pair as they were whisked away by the Entercard, traveling back to the place they called home.

    "Now is not the time for Projection Crystals, Mew."

    "Who knows… We might need them…" her weak and hushed voice said with a hint of amusement.

    "The only thing you need to do right now is stay here."

    Dialga entered the small quarters and gently laid the deathly pale body of Mew upon her bed, moving away the crystal and covering her frail and shivering form with pink sheets. She seized under this newfound warmth, her mind finally relaxing as deep and heavy breaths escaped her.

    "And here you go... Acting like you're my dad again," she remarked with a slight smile.

    "At least you still have your sense of humor."

    "... I got that from Victini, heh."

    A feeble Dialga trudged over to one of her dressers, finding there to be some difficulty in doing so. He grabbed the sole lantern resting on its wooden surface, lighting the oil inside with a small puff of Dragon Breath. He placed it near her bedside, letting its yellow-orangish glow flame over her face. He positioned himself over her, making sure she was able to clearly see his sorrowful expression.

    "It's over."

    Mew stared up at him, confused. "What… What is? Where…" She struggled to force her words out, breaking into coughs. "Where is everyone else? Are… Are they still fighting?"

    Dialga opened and closed his mouth multiple times, bowing his head. "Those Pokemon came in droves without warning. We gave it our best effort, but it was not enough. All of us Legendaries were pushed back into the chamber storing The Amalgamation and… There was a stray attack that landed on that unstable machine during the battle." He closed his eyes, his deep voice breaking. "No being in that room made it out alive, I am afraid…"

    Mew absorbed this terrible information without a word as she stared off into space. "You… You're not lying, are you?"

    "... I would never lie to you, Mew."


    A choked sob could be heard from the Psychic-type, her bloodshot and puffy eyes streaming tears. She clutched her sheets, openly weeping at the fate of her workers. "They... They didn't deserve to go out like that. This isn't fair."

    "I know. They knew the risks of what they were doing. Their ends were tragic, yet thankfully painless."

    "Are you the only one left?" she asked somewhat desperately.

    Dialga ducked his head again. "I have wandered the labyrinth, yet am I the only soul still here besides the bodies of our brothers and sisters, along with those of our invaders."

    Mew's grief turned to rage, a fire burning in her blue orbs. "The Alignment… Why would they attack us? For what reason?!"

    "I would not know their true intentions, yet I do know what they came looking for here - our research. I have seen some of them run off with our Entercards and Projection Crystals; specifically the crystals in our library centered around the artifacts. The crystal detailing the location of one in the mountains of the Frost Region is gone, and some of our other ones scouting that crisscrossing river have also vanished. What they plan to do with this information, I cannot tell."

    "They can't get away with this…" Mew wiped her tears. "This research and those artifacts can't fall into their paws. Zygarde put his faith into us to stop the ley lines, and we can't let him down."

    "What is there to do, Mew?" Dialga hacked a bloody cough into the sands, his breaths shaky and ragged. "Our deaths are inevitable. Our comrades are gone. The king has turned a blind eye and has given up on us. The project is all but over…"

    Deep down, Mew knew his words to be true, yet was something she could not fathom. Everything she and her mate had created in the span of a year had been destroyed in the matter of moments. But despite this, she would not accept an end like this. She would not let her destroyers gain from their demise.

    "The invaders fled after the explosion," Dialga said. "But I believe they will return soon to steal more of our research that they have missed."

    Mew knew what needed to be done.

    She locked eyes with him. "... Destroy it. Destroy our Projection Crystals. Destroy our notes. Destroy all of it. They can't be allowed to have it."

    Dialga returned her fierce gaze, shutting his eyes in acceptance as he stepped away from her bedside. "... I understand. I will proceed with your command."

    A speechless Bisharp took a step back as the Projection Crystal's energy faded, his limbs quaking in response to what it revealed. Weavile noticed as she stepped away from the amassed bones of Pokemon cluttering the hallways, appearing indifferent to what was shown in the memory.

    "You okay, Bishy? Looks like you're about to explode there."

    He looked at her. "We know now, Weav's."

    "... Oh, so you figured it out." She kicked some sand with her feet, sighing. "Yeah, I figured that out, too."

    "The Alignment came here long ago, attacked the Legendaries here, then stole their research about these artifacts." Bisharp squeezed the crystal in his grasp. "But thousands of years later, that 'crisscrossing river' the Dialga spoke of was Criss-Cross Creek, the same place you and your team went to investigate, and the same place those Alignments bastards were at."

    Weavile gnashed her teeth at the mention of the site. "Yeah… Sure was."

    "Do you know what this means, Weav's?"

    "You tell me, tinman."

    "It means that we know why they were there, and what they were looking for exactly. Hell, it means we even know why our anonymous client was so damn interested in the place. There's some relic there that's possibly world changing. Especially if the Legendaries wanted it for themselves to combat the ley lines somehow."

    "Yeah, and you know what? It's payback time for us."


    Weavile grabbed the Projection Crystal from him. "This is how the Alignment collapses - with this. We make a few copies of it and leak it out to the public across every major city. It'll create a panic that'll get the Council to cut ties and go against 'em. Then those cultist fucks will be weak and ripe for total destruction. By that point, I'll have found that bastard of a commander and give him what he deserves." She smirked viciously at the idea. "Yeah… That's what we're gonna do."

    Bisharp shook his head repeatedly. "No, no, no no, no. Weav's, you can't leak this. If this gets out, they'll shut down everything. If the Alignment is gone, then everything that they're hiding will be, too."

    "And why should I give a shit? I'm perfectly fine with them burning to the ground, so why aren't you?"

    Bisharp narrowed his gaze, "Because this discovery is more important than that. For the truth to be found, the Alignment has to stay afloat for now, until we can figure out what's really going on."

    "'The truth'," Weavile mocked, moving to jab him in the chest with a claw. "The truth is that these fucks need to be erased. What they did to me, what they probably did to others proves they deserve no mercy."

    "Your experiences are irrelevant here."

    "They're not, Bishy. You know they need to go."

    Bisharp snatched the Projection Crystal back from her, distancing himself. "You're not going to leak this. Or else…"

    She took a step forward. "Or else what?"

    "Or else I'll leave the clan... You should already know how much this means to me, and what you'll be doing is crossing a line."

    Weavile broke into an intense laugh. "Bullshit. I'm calling your bluff. You're nothing without this, and that bounty on our head by the Council won't just go 'poof' as soon as you call it quits. Face it, this is all you've got."

    "Am I bluffing?" Bisharp pounded his chest with a gauntlet. "Don't forget this is a co-owned operation, and you're not the boss of me. We started this clan together, and I can sure as hell leave it if I want to."

    "You would throw away everything we've done just for this?"

    "Don't downplay this discovery, Weav's. This is something even the guild would've wanted badly."

    The Ice-type threw her claws into the air. "Then why don't you just fucking crawl back to the guild then, huh? If that's what you really want, then I'm sure they'll be glad to take a wanted outlaw back in!"

    "Don't act like you don't know why I left," he shot back. "I started this clan with you because I believed we would have an actual chance at cracking the truth that the guild couldn't. Look around you. The guild could never find a place like this with all their restrictions. But we managed to do it all by ourselves, didn't we?"

    "We're here because of the snake, not because I care for your damn cause."

    "Yes, you do care. You can lie to yourself, me, whoever you want, but I know more than anyone else that deep down you do." His harsh words then took a more sympathetic tone. "I know that you're still hurting, Weav's. And I know that you still desire to find the reason why they were killed."

    Weavile took a step back as she grit her teeth at him, claws outstretched as she felt the urge to lunge at for even suggesting such a thing. Yet, no matter how enraged she was, she could not bring herself to target a close friend. "You… Don't you ever say something like that!"

    "But you know it's true. Even back then, you knew that there was always more to it." She attempted to block out his words as she turned her back on him, but he continued. "And I did, too. Why do I think I'm still here with you? It never was about being a mercenary to me. I didn't care about the Poke, or the fame of being the top clan in the continent. That shit never mattered, because I don't care about this clan."

    She said nothing in return as she clamped her claws open and closed.

    "But Weav's… I gave you that Razor Claw. I left a promising future at the guild to start this clan with you. Can't you see now that this is more than just a job?"

    Weavile crouched low to the ground, slowly inhaling and exhaling away her anger. "... Ten years. It's been ten years almost to the date that they died, but it still feels fresh in my mind." She looked at him over her shoulder, eyes brimming with emotion. "Vaporeon, Croagunk, Minccino. There's not a day I don't think about them."

    Bisharp approached her, "I'm not asking you to forget about them. I'm asking you to see past their deaths and realize what led to it. If they were alive today, they would want you to let go and seek what they wanted to find so bad."

    "... I can't. I'm nothing like them," she admitted. "They were so damn passionate about the guild's mission, but I only followed them because we were a team; Pokemon that I could trust." She snarled at the hot tears that slid down her cheeks. "And I feel like such a fucking child every time I think of it."

    "You're wrong, Weav's." He laid a free gauntlet on her shoulder. "I saw that passion in you back then, and I can still see it now."

    "I'm just a criminal. I came from the streets, and I'll always be among them." Weavile wiped her face free of wetness, shaking her head. "I'm not a researcher or some hero. I'm a mercenary - that's it. This isn't a job to me like you said - it's my life. This clan is all that I have, and all that I'll be… I don't want to lose you, Bishy, but I have nothing to offer except what I am now."

    "I still want to be by your side, Weav's. We've been in this game through thick and thin for far too long. You're cunning, determined, and fierce. I've always admired those qualities in you."

    "I guess you really do have good taste in 'mons…" she joked, wearing a half-smile.

    Bisharp withdrew his gauntlet. "But for me to stay here, I need to know that you agree that the truth comes before your revenge. I need to know what you value in your heart most."

    "You're asking too much here. But... fine. You win. I'll let you decide what we do."

    Bisharp nodded, dropping to a kneel. "Good. Once we get out of here, we grill those two Alignment goons on what else they know until we have to let them go." He popped open the saddlebag Weavile was still carrying and dropped the Projection Crystal inside. "Then we'll…" His voice drifted off as his eyes widened.

    Weavile scoffed, "What now?"

    "There's two Entercards. There were three in here before."

    They two looked at each other in a moment of epiphany before they both bolted down the path in which they came.

    "You remember where we sent them off to?!" Weavile yelled as she sprinted forward.

    "No, and it was your bright idea to let them!" he shouted back.

    "Don't start with me now, tinman!"

    The muffled noise of an Entercard ahead starting up alerted them as they ran. Quickening their movements, they rounded a corner just in time to see the glowing twirls of ley lines consume a Gallade and Heliolisk, both vanishing in an instant.

    "Damn!" Weavile cursed to herself. "Too late."

    Bisharp jogged over to check up on the incapacitated Absols', checking for signs of life in their twitching bodies. "Paralysis. Guess that one you called a runt wasn't so much of one, was he?"

    Weavile rolled her eyes as she walked over. "Now that they're back home and obviously going to tell the Allfather of what happened here, what now? Is your master plan still going to work?" she said sarcastically.

    "They don't know what we know now, Weav's." He walked over to grab an Entercard out of her saddlebag, placing it down onto the sands. "We got what we wanted here before the Rose Clan did. And now we're going to really scare the Alignment."

    "Which is?"

    "We're going back to Criss-Cross Creek. We're getting that artifact for ourselves."

    Weavile grimaced, yet did not counter his plotting. "... Fine. We'll do it. But I'm picking who gets to go with us this time. No more dealing with the 'ice queen's' bitchiness."

    Bisharp grinned, "That's the you I wanted to hear." He pressed the indentation in the Entercard, a crackling noise filling the air as a blinding pillar of orange light flowed from the card, consuming them and the two Absols' in a glow.

    Unbeknownst to the two Pokemon making their swift getaway, another Pokemon would be a witness to them as they had their backs turned - a Shiny Lucario. Jackson stood in the intersection of the hallways, his vacant gaze boring into Bisharp and Weavile as they disappeared in a flash.

    Scizor emerged from one the hallways, panting after running for so long. "You… heard it as well?" His head popped around the corner, scanning the area. "Did you happen to see anything?"

    "... It was nothing."

    Jackson's stare lingered on the spot of the mercenaries' absence for a brief moment before he returned to walking down the halls, Scizor following behind. It took them a while, but they finally managed to catch up with the rest of the guild that was congregating around a doorway. Shaymin would surprisingly be the first to introduce herself to the Lucario and his dutiful advisor.

    "I'm guessin' ya heard what we found?" she asked.

    Jackson appeared to be distracted about something else, but nodded, "I assume this is the location of where we must search?"

    "Yeah, mate, in those quarters we searched before." Shaymin pointed a paw at the doorway before angling her head to yell at the grouped up Pokemon. "Hey! One of you lugs with the crystal thingy needs to come show it off!"

    Minun would be the one to reveal himself, rolling over a Projection Crystal that was almost twice his size. "This one right here, Guildmaster! We found it in the back of that library. it's like we were meant to find it, too!"

    Jackson bent down and took the crystal. "Thank you, Minun. I will release the memories for myself to see before we begin the search."

    The Shiny Lucario then pressed the indentation in the crystal.

    "Another Projection Crystal, Mew?" Dialga spoke. "How much energy can you still spare?"

    "This time… it's needed, really."

    Mew sat prone in her bed, staring up at the ceiling as she was too weak to move any part of her pale and shivering body even an inch. Small coughs and gasps escaped as she spoke, her voice a shadow of it once was.

    Dialga moved the crystal away. "I have completed most of your command, but you have asked me to spare some of the crystals from destruction. Why?"

    "Because… There's still a way… Still a way the project can live on," she muttered. "We'll be gone… But we can still win."

    If the spirit of Victini managed to live on through herself, then she could pass along her will to another.

    "And that is why you wished to record this?"

    "Yeah… There's something you need to know."

    Dialga moved closer to her bed, making sure he could hear every whisper from her. "You have my attention."

    "The crystals… The ones detailing our plans to confront the source and the location of the shrines holding those artifacts… I hid them a while back. They're here, inside this very room, the same way I hid our last station."

    Dialga was stunned, "Mew, if those fall into the heretic's paws, then…"

    "It won't… Those Pokemon will never find it. But maybe… Maybe another group in the future could… They could discover this place, and figure it out, then complete what we started."

    He understood her resolve now, backing away from the bed. "This is what you choose to leave behind in your last moments?"

    "Yeah… It is." A pitiful cough escaped her as she formed a small smile, eyes wandering over to the dragon. "Guess you… finally got me to rest, huh?"

    He smiled back, letting out a single tear. "I will keep this crystal protected. The project's dream will live on past our deaths."

    "... Thank you, Dialga." Her smile grew as she returned to look up at the ceiling. "I think… I think I'd like to be left alone now. You… You can leave. You've already proven yourself so much."

    Dialga nodded, coughing as he stumbled over to the doorway, taking the Projection Crystal with him. "I will stay until my last breath and protect this place from the heretics if they are to return."

    "There you are, being my best number two…"

    He gave the Psychic-type one last look. "... Goodbye, Mew."

    With his parting words, he left her quarters for the last time.

    Jackson's inattentive demeanor changed in an instant after the crystal stopped projecting. He rushed over to the doorway leading into Mew's quarters, orange paw ring flickering as he called out to the Pokemon behind him.

    "Search this room immediately! Every part of it!"

    Shocked by this change in their Guildmaster, yet eager to discover what was left behind by the ancient Legendaries, the guild piled into the small room. They meticulously searched through each nook and cranny of the already messy quarters. Bookshelves and other dressers were knocked over, portraits ripped off the sandstone walls. But all avoided the shadowy entrance of a Mystery Dungeon that engulfed the once location of Mew's bed.

    Dozens of minutes passed to no avail, many of the guild becoming frustrated.

    "I d-don't believe it!" Staravia said with a flap of his wings. "There's nothing h-here!"

    "Maybe that strange group of Pokemon took it already?" Leafeon wondered.

    Mightyena frowned, "Maybe that Mew was fibbing? I read that they're known to be tricksters!"

    Roark chuckled, "As an actual trickster, I think this is a bit too elaborate to be a prank. But I'd admire it if it was."

    "Keep searching!" Jackson urged to the dismay of the Pokemon around.

    "Uh, you guys? You might wanna come see this…" Liam spoke from across the room, staring at a wall.

    The eyes that were now on him grew wide as the Riolu's paw merged into the wall, the sandstone rippling from it like a pool of water. Liam then took his chances and walked straight into the oddity. The rest of the guild was not far behind as Liam found himself in an entirely new circular room separated from Mew's quarters. Small alcoves in the walls surrounding them held Projection Crystals in pristine condition that rested upon pink cushions.

    Scizor looked around in amazement. "This room was safeguarded by Mew for thousands of years in the same way the previous location was. Fascinating…"

    Jackson wasted no time in plucking one of the Projection Crystals and playing it. The projection it released only lasted thirty seconds before he shut it off and tossed the orb away. He repeated this action numerous times on all the crystals in the room with seemingly irrelevant information. The rest of the guild could only stand back as he searched through the contents of each one in a frenzy.

    Ultimately, only Projection Crystal was allowed to play fully; one that was carefully stowed away at the far back of the antechamber.

    "Entry number fifty! Our most important one!"

    Mew zipped around the air before centering herself before her gathered Legendaries, floating just a few feet above the ground. She planted her paws on her hips, a smile staining her features. "All right, everyone! You know why you're all here right now, correct?"

    "The plan, of course," Virizion's voice rose from the crowd.

    "Correct! We've got it all figured out now." Mew's smile eroded slightly. "Well, except the whole thing with the lack of power in the Entercards, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

    "I have heard you speak of this plan before, but please tell all present of it," Dialga said.

    Mew nodded, "Right. Reshiram and her team have already created the Entercard symbol atop Celestial Mountain's peak that will take us straight to the world's core, where the source of the ley lines are. Our Entercards aren't powerful enough to pass that barrier as of right now." She flew over to a paper map of Celestic stretched across the walls, circles drawn over various points around the continent. "But we have managed to find the locations of the four shrines that house the artifacts, which I'll name off now."

    The gathered Legendaries honed their attention on the hovering Psychic-type as she spoke.

    "Beneath the surface of a tall, cold, snowy mountain, guarded by a frightening beast. The deepest point of the ocean, surrounded by beds of bright coral. Encased by layers of rock and magma in an active volcano. And one hidden away in the forests between many criss-crossing rivers."

    Mew shifted her attention back to her Legendaries, adopting a serious expression. "If we gathered all these artifacts and took them to the source of the ley lines, then maybe-"

    The memory cut off as Jackson ended the projection and took a step back from the wave of shock that swept his senses. Stumped looks from the others were sent his way, the orange ring on his paw gleaming as he gripped the Projection Crystal tight, like he never wanted to let go.

    "We… We have it," he said, his gruff voice holding a tone of awe and shakiness. "We have what we came here for."

    Scizor walked over, "Guildmaster, what do you mean? You will have to explain what it is that-"

    The Projection Crystal Jackson was holding was thrusted into the Bug-type's pincers. "You make it your priority that this crystal is not damaged or lost, you understand me?"

    "Uh… yes, Guildmaster. But-"

    Jackson moved to exit the hidden room. "We will be leaving this place immediately. Our mission and the expedition as a whole has been a success."

    The confused looks of the guild members were apparent on all their faces as the Shiny Lucario left without another word.

    Krokorok wringed his claws together nervously following an explosion of orange Entercard light that came into existence yards away from the castle's vine ridden and corodded metal gates. When the radiance of it faded, the breastplate wearing guards behind him crouched into a kneel as Serperior and her ever so silent Aegislash escort popped into view. The royal snake's infuriated gaze then locked eyes with Krokorok as she began to make her way over to him.

    "My Princess! You have returned back safely!" Krokorok exclaimed, bowing into a kneel as well.

    Serperior said nothing as she continued to slither across the grass.

    "I assume the ambush was a success, your highness? It truly could have been if your genius was-"

    The sharp blade of Aegislash ramming into Krokorok silenced his words. It pierced straight through his chest and emerged out his back, a choking gurgle and an aghast expression on his face being the last vestiges of life he let out. A bloody Aegislash then removed himself from the lifeless Pokemon's body as it slumped to the ground.

    Serperior never gave Krokorok's corpse so much a glance as she motioned to the appalled guards standing beside the gate. "My darling knights, I request that you fetch a few shovels to bury this fiendish traitor. And if it does not inconvenience you, may you send Hydreigon to see me at my throne for her to accept my accolades as our newest Lord?"

    A sharp and hasty nod was all they gave her.

    "Thank you, my beloved knights."

    As they entered through the gates and into the wrecked castle to fulfill her wishes, a resounding explosion from behind filled her ears. Aegislash instantly shifted himself in front of his princess to defend her from this possible threat, his appearance changing with a twirl of his sword into a large patterned shield. Serperior curiously turned her head to stare, her eyes expanding at what she saw - orange Entercard light.

    When it dissolved, multiple Pokemon materialized from it, quickly spreading out across the area and stationing themselves at an even distance from another. A strange garb that was clearly suited for combat adorned their bodies, the stern look on their faces staring straight ahead. They gave way for another Pokemon to step forward, a Blaziken. The most noticeable feature of it were the many words carved into its flesh; 'devil', 'paradise', and 'shepherd' being the most prominently featured.

    "Identify yourself, intruders!" Serperior beckoned. Aegislash rebuffed his efforts by creating a King's Shield that protected the Grass-type with a transparent barrier.

    Blaziken raised his arms high into the air, the falling sun illuminating his form from behind as he looked up at the vibrant sky. "And here we meet again… " He slowly panned his face down. "At the opening of a seal…"

    Serperior's prudent gaze fell upon the black armband around one of Blaziken's arms. "... You are of the Alignment? Tell me, what are you cretins-" She gasped as she realized what Pokemon was before her. "... You are the Alignment's commander, yes? I recognize you now. You were beside that sniveling wimp of an Allfather while we chatted about my service prices."

    "Indeed I am, Princess Serperior." He made sure to emphasize her title, bowing slightly. "Pardon my rather sudden entrance, your highness. I have come to make an offer that concerns the illustrious Rose Clan."

    Serperior smiled at his honeyed praises, yet soured at the proposition he made. "I have no interest in working with the Alignment any longer. And am I not to presume that you have already cut all ties with my clan?"

    "Ah, but it is not the Alignment you shall work for, but myself."

    She perched an eyebrow at his claim. "Surely you jest. Your duty falls under your Allfather's."

    Blaziken held his head up proudly. "The Allfather is unfit to guide his flock. Under his rule, he has tainted and stifled our path to the gates of paradise." He tapped his temples with a claw. "The voice of the Allmother has spoken to me in dreams of mine, marking me as her shepherd. She speaks of a divine victory that is not achieved by the Allfather, but by myself and all other true believers."

    "You are an opponent of your leader?" Serperior looked at the statue-like guards surrounding Blaziken. "And these Pokemon with you are aware of your treachery to the Alignment and agree with it?"

    "You mistake me, Princess Serperior. I am not treasonous to our cause, and I only wish for its success. But to do so, the devils that oppose it must be eliminated."

    Serperior squinted at him, "If these dubious claims you make are true, how do I put my trust in you?"

    Blaziken smirked, "Were you bewildered when the identity and location of one of our exiled commander's fell into your clan's lap? That was purely my doing, your highness."

    Serperior was dumbfounded at this revelation. "So there is truth in you..." She scowled. "Regardless, it does not matter. My blasted rivals have all but destroyed our efforts in uncovering that ruin. My clan is wounded, and my efforts will be focused on removing that thorn in my side."

    Blaziken's smirk grew, "What if I could offer your clan a shot at redemption? A chance to wipe away the Razor Claw clan's influence from the continent."

    "... I'm listening."

    "Something big is soon to happen. Something that not even the Alignment or the Council will see coming. When this event occurs, we will need your clan's assistance."


    "I am one of the Allmother's shepherds, but there are two others; one that is not even aware of it yet. The other has requested that I recruit your services."

    "Really now… Tell me of the benefits that my clan will gain from our collaboration."

    Blaziken looked up at the mossy and disheveled castle hidden behind trees and other shrubbery. "You are a woman that desires the prestige of the old, correct? This wreck of a castle is unsuited for an esteemed Pokemon such as yourself. If you are to aid us, I can imagine large swathes of land that could be called yours; Pokemon that will look up to you and obey your royal decrees."

    The idea of her dreams of a vast kingdom being a reality fogged up her mind, the prospect seeming too tantalizing for her to reject. As she mulled it over in her head, her guards returned with shovels, sparking Blaziken's entourage to step over and grab one of the tools they brought, the mercenaries reluctantly letting them. Serperior watched as her guards and Blaziken's own simultaneously worked together to dig a shallow grave, dumping the body of Krokorok in it once they were finished, piling the dirt back on top.

    She made her decision right then and there.

    Serperior slithered over the Fire-type, extending a green vine forward. "You have earned my position. Alert me when you require me, and my clan shall provide its strength and services. As long as I am promised my share of these riches you speak of."

    Blaziken's claws grasped her vines, the wild and cutthroat look in his eye meeting hers. "To defeat a devil, you must become a devil. Thank you for accepting my offer, Princess Serperior."

    "When this is all over, you shall refer to me as Queen Serperior."

    "Of course."

    His claw and her vine shook in agreement, sealing their cooperation.

    The setting sun wavered in the sky, letting its bright orange rays shine upon the sands, dark shadows being casted off rock formations.

    Jackson and Excadrill walked side-by-side as they exited the large sandstone gate leading into the Regi Castle. Drilburs and other workers under the eccentric mole were seen roving around the fortress, occasionally hauling tied up and unconscious Rose Clan members into empty carriages.

    "I can't thank ya enough for comin' out here, Jack. Ya not only evicted these darn mercs from this place and other parts of the region, but ya managed to solve the mystery of this here fort in record time!" Excadrill crossed his arms, a giddy smile lighting his face. "I mean, Legendaries being the true creators of Entercards? I would've sooner believed Tepigs could fly before such a thing!"

    "The feeling is mutual, Excadrill," Jackson said. "I must thank you as well for allowing us to assist you. As much as I would like to stay, my guild must leave for Sanctus Town immediately as we prepare to return back to the Meadow Region."

    "Nah, I understand, Jack. The things ya must've dug out of that place must be very important. I won't hold your guild up."

    "My guild may require your assistance in another matter very soon. Is this acceptable?"

    "Of course, of course! Ya scratched our back, so it's only fair we scratch yours. Uh, but right now my workers are more focused on holding the fort and getting these merc suckers into the Council's paws so they can be put behind bars. I hate havin' to help those bloodsuckers, but…" His ramblings were cut off as an incident caught his attention. "Hey! They ain't sacks of seeds, so don't you go tossin' 'em like that! We gotta keep 'em nice and healthy lookin' when the guards come!"

    Jackson took this as his cue to walk away, Excadrill running off to scold the misdeeds of one of his worker's. He met up with the rest of his guild and Team Drarosteel, who were waiting for him beside an array of Entercards and the saddle wearing Mudsdales'.

    Garchomp narrowed her eyes at the Lucario. "Are you gonna tell us now what was so jaw dropping back there?"

    Jackson ignored her inquiring, walking over to Scizor and holding out a paw expectantly. The Bug-type caught on quickly and handed over the Projection Crystal in his grasp. Jackson then signaled for everyone to gather around with him a free paw. When they all surrounded him, he finally spoke, making sure all could hear him.

    "Twenty years… Twenty years spent looking for leads, for clues, for any signs that us mere Pokemon had a chance at defeating the ley lines. Pokemon have joined this guild, completed hundreds of missions, graduated, but have never managed to find what we have so desperately searched for." Jackson rose the Projection Crystal into the air for all to see. "But today… Today we say goodbye to those long years of ignorance." His voice rose an octave. "Today we have discovered a way to eliminate the ley lines from this world!"

    His assertion ignited shock across the group.

    "All of you have dedicated yourself to the guild's cause more than any other Pokemon before you! And to that end, we have been rewarded with the keys to victory! You have fought ferociously, and you have fought for the lives of all Pokemon of the future! For your children and their children! Celebrate! For you have lit the path to this guild's assured victory!"

    His words turned the guild's disbelief into elation as all they burst into uproarious cheers. Liam felt compelled to join in the contagious spirits of the Pokemon around him, hugs and other forms of physical comradery being shared around as they relished in the praises and words of their achievement. Yet, Liam felt his attention drawn to Jackson, noticing the strange mix of expressions on his face as he observed their reactions.

    Liam could not tell if it was happiness or sadness.

    "Let us return back to the guild to celebrate this discovery! You have all deserved it!"

    "YEAH!" the combined voices of all the guild members shouted back.

    Jackson hopped onto one of the Mudsdale's back, waving a paw. "Come! Let us waste no time in returning home!"

    The rest of the guild excitedly followed his command, some choosing to use laid out Entercards to transport back, while others clambered up the Mudsdale. Liam found himself in the latter, adjusting himself on the large saddle as he grabbed the reins of the Mudsdale. He was eager to feel the adrenaline of another ride through the boundless desert like before, now accompanied by this overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment he felt.

    Before he knew it, the Mudsdales' were off, an entire line of them galloping across the sands, straight towards Sanctus Town. But as Liam enjoyed the rush of warm wind coursing through his fur, he noticed something strange up ahead. Angling his head to get a better look, he saw Jackson's Mudsdale veer off from the group.

    'What's the Guildmaster doing?' he thought, curious.

    Jackson's steed was now completely off course, heading into the vast emptiness of the desert around them. Liam gulped, taking multiple glances between his Guildmaster and the column of Mudsdales' still steaming forward.

    He made a split decision.

    Liam tapped the muscular neck of his Mudsdale. "Hey! Follow that Pokemon!" He caused the Ground-type's eye to train on him, unwilling. "Just do it! Uh… Please?"

    An annoyed huff was its response.

    Liam's Mudsdale began to also break away from the stampeding equines, venturing off into the untamed wilds, hot behind the Shiny Lucario. It was at this exact moment that a spark of pain shot through his senses. Tendrils of blue and yellow began to surround his vision.

    'It's happening… It's happening again!'

    The world around him grew mute and blurry as images rapidly flashed in his mind, the sounds of hooves beating the ground and familiar voices consuming his hearing. He relaxed his body as he was brought back into the world of the past again.

    His past.

    You see now that the curtain is being unveiled, but are you prepared to witness the true stars of this fantastical show?

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Lone Star
    Last edited:
    Chapter 29: Lone Star
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 29

    Lone Star

    Dunes. Cacti. Shrubs. Wildlife.

    These were all the sights Liam saw momentarily as the world whizzed past, bountiful landscapes that extended miles reduced to a blur. Even when the motions and rumblings occurring around him began to cease, his eyes were still glued to his surroundings, utterly captivated. Only the rhythmic taps of a finger on the window from the outside world broke his daydreaming.

    The car door swung open as the figure behind the reality check revealed himself. Weary and distant hazel brown eyes would meet the boy's own identical yet jubilant pair.

    "We're here."

    Liam reacted instantly to this information, fiddling with his seatbelt before nearly launching himself out of his seat. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he jogged out into the open, only stopping so he could get a closer look at their surroundings. The man watching him run off chuckled a little as he slammed the door to the pickup truck closed, walking after the excited boy.

    Vast, beautiful, seemingly empty to the naked eye, yet teeming with life and nature hidden among the scorched earth; this was how Liam would describe the Chihuahuan Desert. A warm wind blew through its arid lands, swaying bushy shrubs and thin yuccas, parting Liam's hair as he soaked in this new environment. The setting sun watching over the desert proved a remarkable sight as its influence washed over it, oranges and sharp blacks of cast shadows most visible throughout one's gaze.

    "Amazing, isn't it?"

    Liam glanced over to see his father beside him. "Yeah… It really is."

    They were finally here. He was still finding it hard to believe.

    Robert swept his gaze across the desert. "Used to own a book about sightseeing back in my early teens." He scratched behind his neck sheepishly. "Well, more like a picture book, 'cause reading wasn't my strong suit back then." A smile of remembrance replaced his embarrassment. "Saw a bunch of photos of this part of Texas, and well… I've always wanted to come here ever since."

    "It was worth the long drive here. That's for dang sure," Liam murmured.

    Robert began walking forward. "We're a bit late, but I'm sure the owner of the ranch will understand."

    "I hope so."

    Liam rubbed the itchy bandage across his nose before following his father, who was also fiddling with the cloth bandages wrapped around an arm that was noticeably more stiff in movement than the other. Traversing paths of course dirt, it was not long until they reached their destination, the wails of distant creatures picking up as they neared.

    Stretching miles across the desert, a wooden fence was erected that encased dozens of acres of land. Other than the singular ramshackle house and assortment of rundown-looking byres, the area was predominantly littered with cows, many either roaming the barren plains or grazing along with their calves and other animals in their pens.

    Robert opened the gate leading into the ranch before jostling the shoulder of Liam. "Hey, why don't you head on down to that stable over there." He pointed to a modest structure at the far corner of the fenced property. "Gonna have a little chat with the owner first, and I'm sure those horses would enjoy the company."

    Liam grew a wide smile at the idea. "They sure would!"

    "I'll see you down there when I'm done, son."

    Taking their separate paths, Robert headed over to the home in the middle of the ranch while Liam began his trip over to the stable. The boy meandered through dry and hilly fields, occasionally being approached by curious bovines. He would happily give each that crossed his path a caress under their chins before continuing on his way. After a few minutes of through such a large area, he stopped before a wooden outbuilding that was messily coated in chipped gray paint, the large double doors leading into it wide open.

    'Oh shoot, I hope they won't be afraid of me,' Liam thought, his heart almost racing from newfound anxiety.

    But he knew better than to be a quitter.

    Putting his fears aside, the boy entered the building and was immediately assaulted with darkness. The straw-covered floorboards creaked and groaned as Liam cautiously walked further in, a small lightbulb dangling from the ceiling drawing him to the center of the expansive room. From here, he could see each pen on opposite sides that held a different equine, of which many would take interest in his arrival.

    The large horses' swung their heads over the openings in the rails to investigate the young boy, a short huff or scrape of their hooves across the floor heard around the room. Liam interacted with each horse that was more welcoming towards him, rubbing their necks or scratching behind their ears. He did this all while wearing a smile for a few minutes until he happened upon one pen and its occupant in particular.

    A pure white horse, almost pale.

    The horse seemed wary of his presence, retreating to the back of its small enclosure and eyeing the boy. Liam moved carefully, mouthing the words of advice he had read about earlier under his breath.

    "Watch the ears, watch the ears…"

    Splaying his palm outward in a gesture of friendliness, he trained his eye on its twitching ears, noticing that they never were pinned back as he got closer. Knowing this was a good sign, he placed a hand onto its firm white coat, gauging its reaction to his touch as he slowly moved his hand up its neck. While he was not an expert on equine behavior, it was not hard to tell it was less afraid of him now.

    "See? I'm a friend." The horse nickered softly and pushed its head into Liam's hand as he ran his fingers through its ghostly mane. "You're a really pretty horse... I wonder if-"


    The boy perked up at the voice of his father, angling his head to see the man standing in the doorway, a curious look on his face.

    "Oh, dad, look! This one is-" Liam was cut off as the white horse gave him a rough lick across the cheek. He laughed as he pulled his face from the affectionate animal, who attempted to lash him again with its tongue. "Hey, stop it!"

    Robert grew a warm expression. "I see you picked your horse."

    Liam's jaw almost dropped. "Wait! He really said we can…"

    Robert smirked, "We'll have a few hours to ourselves, but we gotta bring 'em back before it gets too dark."

    It took the boy a lot of willpower to contain his excitement, a wide smile visible on his face as he looked back at the horse who put its trust into him. However, something more pressing would surface in his mind as he looked around the messy stable, losing his joy-filled expression.

    "The ranch owner, does he take good care of the animals as he should?"

    "I wouldn't have come here if he didn't, son. I know you care."

    A smile would return upon Liam's face.

    It did not take long for them to get prepared for their outing. Two horses would emerge from the stable, affiliated with bridles, metal halters, and dusty leather saddles. While Robert proved more than capable in keeping himself steady atop his rust-colored steed, Liam found it quite difficult with his smaller stature to keep his body balanced. It was especially more daunting now that he sat on such a tall and majestic creature, the view of his surroundings from such a height a bit overwhelming. A stray thought entered his mind that he was not ready for such a task as horse riding.

    But he was vehemently against giving up such a dream of his.

    Liam gripped the reins of his horse, locking his feet in the leg straps of the saddle. He took a deep breath, psyching himself up for what was next to come.

    "You think you've got it?" his father questioned.

    Liam swallowed down his reluctance. "Uh, yep!"

    "You sure?"


    Robert smirked at the boy's shaky display of confidence. "Then why don't we get out of here?" He used his unbandaged arm to reach a hand down and pat the withers of his horse. "I'm betting they want a good ride as much as we do."

    Liam nodded as he lightly jabbed his foot into his horse's side, Robert doing the same. The experienced equines understood this subtle command and began to trot away from the stable. This calm walk would turn into a more refined canter as they traversed through the ranch, swerving around cattle and other animals in the open fields.

    Liam bit his lip as he tried his best to maintain balance, observing his father's movements in an attempt to emulate them. With each beat of the horses' hooves across the rough terrain, his heart thumped in response. Yet, he could feel his anxiety melting away second by second, replaced by this sense of wonder he always seemed to chase. He used this newfound poise to squeeze the reins of his pale horse harder as it and its orangish counterpart broke into a gallop, dashing past the fence borders of the ranch and into the untamed wilderness.

    The blazing sun came down hard on them as they rode forward without a clear path, trails of dust kicked up in their wake. The gale they whipped up battered Liam's skin with the desert's heat. He embraced this brisk feeling, jerking his head to the tune of his own horse's, leaning into each sudden movement it made. In such a moment, it felt as if he could forget every negative encounter and thought before this, his mind solely focused on reaping this fleeting experience.

    The boy had no idea where they were going, and he would not have wanted it any other way.

    Liam nearly fell off the moving Mudsdale as he jerked back into reality with a startled gasp. Frantic and sharp looks were cast around his immediate surroundings before his initial panic settled and realization began to set in.

    The Riolu blinked. 'Another memory. This was one so different, but felt just like all the rest. Maybe…' He shook his head to free his thoughts from going astray. 'There could be more memories returning like before, but I need to stay focused.'

    Regaining control of his Mudsdale's reins, Liam attuned his body to the sturdy equine's movements. Squinted eyes were cast up ahead as he tried to see where his Guildmaster rode off to, only to notice a Mudsdale standing motionless in the far distance, no rider atop its saddled form. Liam tapped the withers of his Mudsdale to redirect it over to its lonesome copy, a huff being its reluctant acceptance.

    Upon reaching the other Ground-type, Liam hopped off his Mudsdale and looked around, eventually settling his gaze on a familiar Pokemon just a yard away from his location. The Shiny Lucario stood among an array of wavy, sandy dunes. He appeared to be speaking into a Minun-like device, yet his words could not be deciphered from this distance. Liam bit his lip before slowly making his way over to him.

    As the Riolu got closer, Jackson suddenly stuffed the ELE into his saddlebag and pulled out a different object - a wooden pipe. He peered into its open bowl before placing the stem of it into his mouth. A paw was held to the pipe's bottom before igniting into flames, burning the underside of the pipe along with the contents inside its chamber. Jackson took a long puff from the stem of the pipe and withdrew from his mouth, exhaling a smoky vapor into the air.

    "Great view, isn't it?"

    Liam nearly stumbled at the gruff voice. He straightened himself and stopped in his tracks, staring at the Lucario as he glanced back at him.

    Jackson analyzed the pipe in his grasp. "Met a group a long time ago that gifted me this. Stuff it uses isn't as strong as what I was used to, but it's good enough." He took another long puff of it, smirking. "Nothing can beat good ole nicotine…"

    "Isn't that stuff bad for you?" Liam said as he took a few curious steps forward. "I mean, you're inhaling smoke and-"

    "Why are you here?"

    Liam was taken aback by his shift in tone, reversing his steps. "I could ask you the same thing. Why did you break away from the group?"

    Jackson went silent for a moment, twirling his pipe in one paw. "It's over."

    "… What's over?"

    "We have what we came here for. We have what's needed to complete the guild's mission." He shook his head. "Twenty-five years… Twenty-five years that I've searched almost every corner of Celestic for this, and I'm finding it hard to believe that this is real. I needed some time to collect myself."

    Liam felt a little bad for interrupting the Lucario's personal moment. "So, uh, what are these 'artifacts' that are so important to the guild? You said they could eliminate the ley lines, but you still haven't told us anything about 'em."

    "You don't need to understand now. Just know all will be clear in time."

    The Riolu frowned at the lack of an actual answer. "You really can't tell us? Why?" He threw his arms up in frustration. "How come everything around here is just one big secret?"

    "Did you really chase me down to get answers out of me? You'll be disappointed."

    "I was… I dunno, worried? You were acting weird after we found that hidden room, so I wanted to know if you were okay. Besides, you've always looked out for me, and it's only natural I do the same."

    "You don't need to worry about me, kid."

    Liam's frown deepened, "Your speech was really good, though. It got everyone - even me - a lot more excited at what we found, even though we don't know anything about it."

    Jackson returned to smoking his pipe. "Took a lot of practice over the years to perfect my speaking skills. To act, to think, to be someone that commands through communication, not just force."

    Liam cocked an eyebrow at his claim. "But it's still real, right? You actually believe the things you say."

    Jackson finally turned to face him, a mix of emotions on his face. "'Course I do, kid. But… I'm not this type of Pokemon." Grey smoke departed from his lips and drifted upward. "I had to learn how to be a leader, when all my life I've been someone that only obeyed themselves." He turned back around and waved a free paw. "If you're not gonna go back with the others, then you might as well stay a while."

    Liam took up on his offer and further approached the Lucario, now standing beside him. His eyes glazed over the land surrounding them with intrigue. It was expansive and seemingly empty, yet he knew it was brimming with potential life and mystery. Jackson gazed up at the sky, staring at the night's stars that were creeping into view among the sunset's colorful hue.

    "You know, before I was a Guildmaster or even a criminal and a wanted man, I wanted to be someone else; an astronaut."

    Liam looked at him funny. "An astro…naut?" he mouthed the alien word. "What is that?"

    A rare smile grew across Jackson's face. "It's someone that breaks free of the limitations around us. Someone that's brave enough to go where no one has gone before." He rose a paw high into the air and clenched it tightly, as if he wanted to grasp the stars above. "Was my dream as a kid. Journeying across the stars and distant planets, not bound by anything."

    Liam pictured in his mind such a life, how outlandish it seemed to be, yet how exciting it sounded. He would never have imagined that the Guildmaster, as rough and stern as he was, would dream of something so whimsical in his youth. The Riolu opened his mouth to comment, only for the swirls of blue and yellow consuming his vision to rip his attention away from the present.

    "Let's stop here for a bit, Liam. Give 'em a little rest."

    "Aww… But yeah, they deserve it."

    The speed of the two horses' began to reduce before they came to a complete stop. Robert quickly hopped off his steed to stretch his legs, Liam reluctantly following suit, giving a thankful pat on his pale horse's withers as he stepped away from it. He observed the tall and treacherous rock formations that surrounded them, wondering just how far they had ridden into the desert already.

    Robert walked over to the edge of a modest cliff. "I'll be honest, I lied just a bit to you." He reached into the pockets of his pants and procured a small box, flipping open its top. "They probably don't need a break, but I do."

    A cigarette was lifted from the box and placed into Robert's mouth as he pulled out a lighter and flicked it open to reveal its thin flame. A quick light of the cigarette was all he needed as he pulled it away from his lips and let loose a smoky vapor into the air, a relieving sigh escaping him not long after.

    Liam noticed and scowled at the sight. "I thought you quit? Mom said-"

    "I know," Robert interrupted, almost ashamed as he took another drag. "And I was, but… you know. Things happened."

    A long silence overtook them, frequented by trails of smoke entering the orange and pink-hued skies. When the man was finished smoking, he instinctively flicked the cigarette butt onto the ground and stomped on it. Liam frowned and bent down to pick up the cigarette's remains, holding it away from him as if it was radioactive.

    "You shouldn't do that, dad. These things do a lot of harm to the environment."

    "Sorry, son, force of habit." Robert took the cigarette butt and stuffed it into a pocket, his eyes fixated on Liam. "Even after everything that's happened, you still want to be a park ranger, don't you?"

    The boy smiled, "Of course I do! That's always been my goal! But…" He sat down next to his father, legs swinging off the cliff's edge. "I still have to go back to school and do all the stuff I missed after I was taken out. Do all those boring tests and junk."

    "Thought you didn't like school?"

    Liam rested his cheek on a hand, a pouting expression on his face. "Yeah, it was really boring, and some of the kids were really mean; calling me 'treehugger' and other stuff, but I think I miss seeing other kids. And I'm tired of staying inside that stupid apartment all day."

    "I know. Trust me, I don't want you without an education out here; I know how rough that is from experience."

    Reticence ruled again, but was opposed by the boy's natural curiosity.

    "Dad, did you always want to be a cop?"

    Robert took a seat and looked up at the sky, searching his memories. "Yeah. Ever since I was left in the orphanage, I kinda just gravitated to it over time. When you're with people that want to help you find yourself in this world, you want to help them back. Being a police officer is like that - well, besides the paperwork." He chuckled softly. "But you get the picture. I always wanted to help people, and it just fit."

    "Yeah, I do."

    Liam could draw many comparisons between his father's ideal job and his own. Nature was his calling, be it because of its beauty or its freedom. As much as he wanted to explore it, he wanted to protect and maintain its majesty. It was no doubt a dream of his to fulfill that role, but he had yet to attain it, certainly not with their current conditions.

    Liam looked over at his father. "Dad… You ever think you could go back to being a cop?"

    Robert was caught off guard at this question as he averted his gaze. "Liam, that's…" He sighed. "With the way things are now, there's no chance of me ever returning to the force. And even if I could, I just wouldn't."

    The boy was disheartened to hear such a claim. All his life he had known his father to be a prominent member of the community; always returning home with a hearty smile and plenty of stories of his daily encounters to tell over dinner. He had longed for those days, not even realizing at the time how impactful they felt.

    "So that's it? It's just... over?"

    Robert nodded, "It's for the best, son." He returned the boy's saddened look. "But even if I can't go back and change what I did, it won't be the same for you. If you want to go back to school, then I'll make that happen when this is all over."

    "When will this be all over?" Liam spoke up. "When will things be safe enough? When can we finally go back home?"

    Robert stared at him for a while before he stood up, grunting as his stiff and bandaged arm moved with him. "... Let's get going. Better to not waste so much of our time."

    Anger and frustration briefly flashed Liam's face before he relented to his father's words and got back up on his feet. They wordlessly returned to their horses' and hopped back onto their saddles, a light kick into their sides enough to spur a whinny out of them as they galloped back into the setting sun.


    Liam blinked, glancing over at Jackson. "Huh?"

    "I asked you a question."

    The Riolu grew an embarrassed blush. "Uh, do you mind repeating it?"

    "Before you were the Pokemon you are now, can you remember what you wanted to do with your life?"

    Liam could immediately piece together both the recent memories and past ones that illustrated the ideals of his youthful self. "I remember… From what I can tell, I wanted to be some sort of park or forest ranger?"

    Jackson withdrew the pipe from his mouth, blowing away wisps of smoke. "A park ranger… Yeah, I could see that. Maybe you'd become something like after the guild closes."

    "The guild closing?" Liam was astonished.

    "Once we complete the guild's goal and eliminate the ley lines from this world, there won't be a need for the guild anymore."


    "But tell me, when it does happen, what do you imagine yourself doing afterward?"

    Liam contemplated such a question, almost unsure himself. He had been in the guild for nearly his entire time within Celestic, and it was hard to imagine his life outside of it, mostly since all his free time seemed to be eaten up by it. Yet, there was a yearning inside of him that grew each time he laid eyes upon the wondrous world around him.

    "Well, there's lots of things I've wanted to do that you just can't do while you're in the guild." A smiling Liam spread his arms out. "Like, exploring all the parts of Celestic that I haven't been to yet, and I've only seen the Meadow and Grit regions so far!"

    "And what about the girl you're partnered with?" Jackson took another puff of his pipe. "She okay with that?"

    "Gloria? She'd be okay with it… I think. I'd still want for us to be a team, of course. We're great together, so why shouldn't we stick together?" Liam bit his lip, wanting to switch focus over. "So, uh, what about you? If the guild really does, what are you gonna do?"

    Jackson's paw ring glowed as he gazed up at the dusky sky. "Once this is all finished, there's not much left for me out there."

    "What do you mean? Isn't your exploration team, like world famous? You could probably be one of those 'astronauts' if you really wanted to!"

    Jackson scoffed, "You don't need to worry about me, kid, only yourself. I'll be satisfied enough once this is all over, and only then will I rest." He dropped his wooden pipe back into the saddlebag slung around his shoulder. "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

    "We're not going back to the others? Wouldn't they be worried?"

    Jackson began walking over to the Mudsdales'. "Scizor knows. Let's get a move on before night hits."

    Liam opened his mouth to retort, but it died in his throat as he moved to follow. However, the curls of blue and yellow would envelop his vision yet again.

    "Woah! Check it out, dad!"

    "Keep your distance, son."

    "Oh, I know, but look at it!"

    Liam's mouth was parted in fascination as he crouched low to the ground, getting a better look at the animal before him - a hissing snake. It was tightly coiled up in a defensive position, poking its head out from the bundle of rough scales and baring its venom-laced fangs. A rattling noise carried across the desert as the end of the snake's tail intensely vibrated, daring the two beings that disturbed it to come closer.

    "A western diamondback rattlesnake," Liam murmured, wary of the length between him and the snake. "One bite and that could be it." He shot a look of amazement at his father. "Amazing, right?"

    Robert gripped the boy's shoulder and reeled him back slightly. "Which is why you shouldn't get too close."

    "Let me just sketch it first!"

    Robert chuckled to himself and strayed away as the boy whipped out a notebook, flipping through full pages of notes on flora and fauna before finding a free page to conceive his drawing. Meanwhile, Robert walked over to the edge of the cliff they were on, peering off into the distance. He waited for Liam to complete his rendition of the snake before it slithered away, fighting off the urge to reach into his pocket for another round.

    "Hey, you done over there?" he shouted. "You'd like to see this!"

    "Finishing up now!"

    True to his word, Liam appeared by his side a moment later to view what his father spoke of, and it did not disappoint. Like a true oasis, a grand lake of salt water formed between the ridges of tall and rigid mesas, shrouded by bushy oaks and thorny cacti. Colored a clear aqua blue, the sunset granted its surface an orangish sheen that sparkled in the dim light.

    "It's not the Rio Grande, but good enough, you thi-"

    The boy was already descending the cliff before his father could finish his sentence.

    Robert chuckled as he followed. "Guess it is."

    Liam strolled up to the rocky shore. "It's so peaceful…" Realizing the potential here, he bent down to search for a flat stone in a bed of pebbles. Once he found the perfect one, he cocked back his throwing arm before snapping his wrist, the stone flying from his grasp and skipping across the calm lake. "Twelve skips! That's my best yet!"

    "Trying to beat my record?"

    "You could only do eight!"

    Robert watched Liam from the sidelines as he attempted to best his throws. "This lake reminds me a lot of your cousin's lake house. Do you remember that place? All those times we took you there?"

    Liam halted his game as he racked his brain. He did remember - the countless joys and fun experiences he had there, even with people he barely knew. The sunny days of swimming in the lake to avoid the heat, the warm, muggy nights of dancing fireflies in the starry skies while he and his cousins played until dinner rang. He was always sad when he had to leave after the weekend was over, hoping there was just another hour or two to linger in the moment.

    "It's been years since we've been there," Liam mumbled. "But it's still so clear in my mind, like it was just yesterday."

    Robert nodded, "I remember standing from the porch with your uncle, a nice cold beer in our hands as we watched you and his kids swim in the lake. Oh, and your mother…" He shook his head. "She always wore the most beautiful summer dress. The auburn color and the way it swayed in the wind with her hair just accented everything about her. That-"

    A muffled vibrating noise erupted from Robert's pocket, shattering his growing smile as he muttered an inaudible curse and pulled out the buzzing phone from its confinement. He flipped it open and placed it to his ear, before snapping it closed only a second later, letting loose a sigh.

    "Who was that?" Liam asked.

    "… Work."

    The boy frowned at the hollow tone in his father's voice. "Is it bad?"

    "It's nothing you need to be worried about."

    "… It's more dangerous stuff, right?"


    "You can at least tell me about it. You can trust-"

    "That's enough. Just drop it."

    Liam whirled around, "But I want to know!" He scowled at the man. "After what happened, don't you think I deserve that?"

    Robert avoided the boy's gaze as he looked away. "We came here to forget these things, son. It's best for you not to get involved."

    "… Can we really forget if we have to go back home to it?"

    "It doesn't matter. I have to deal with this myself, not you or anyone else. Please…"

    Liam approached him, "How can you say that when it affects us both?" Tears began to well up in his eyes. "What about mom? Did she know about this before…" His last words were stuck in his throat, unwilling to come out.

    Robert finally returned the hurt-filled stare, his silence palpable before he relented. "… Do you really want to know?"

    Liam nodded with a sniffle.

    "Then you'll get the full story, the true one I never even told your mother..."

    "We're here," Jackson said, walking away and throwing a paw up. "Follow me, kid."

    Liam leapt from his Mudsdale's saddle, a myriad of emotions flashing across his face. He managed to shove them all down as he trudged behind the Shiny Lucario, who stopped upon reaching a strange rock formation alongside a dusty trail. Surrounding it were numerous other remnants of stone structures and pillars crumbled into rubble, all except one statue. The rock of it was carved into the likeness of a Golem, its smooth surface long since eroded away by sand and time.

    "It's, uh, a statue?" Liam said, a bit unimpressed.

    "More than that, kid. Take a better look."

    The Riolu moved in closer to heed his advice, his eyes widening as he now saw dozens of small scrawls upon the rocky plates of the Pokemon statue. "Woah! These are all the names of Pokemon and exploration teams!"

    "You see anything familiar?"

    Liam squinted as he scanned more of the rock, until his eyes landed up one etched in name. "Team Moonlight… That's your team."

    Jackson nodded, "It's been a century-old tradition for Pokemon to mark their exploration names on this statue when they first arrive in this region." He slid a paw across the faux Golem. "Though, I wonder if it's still here after all these years…"

    "What's still here?"

    Jackson kneeled and began to dig through the cracked earth in front of the statue. Liam stared in bemusement as the Lucario kept digging until his paws hit something solid. Carefully, an old and worn wooden chest was pulled from the sands, thrust towards Liam.

    "Open it."

    Liam reluctantly agreed to the task, taking it off the Lucario's paws as he quite literally cracked open the box in an attempt to lift its crumbling hood. Inside were numerous trinkets and an assortment of seemingly junk. He sifted through rotting Blast and Stun seeds until he pulled out a rather large rectangular object at the chest's bottom, confused with what exactly it was.

    "Flip it over, kid."

    Liam realized his mistake and did just that, shocked at what he saw. It was a painting - a portrait of Team Moonlight in their younger ages. Though the colorful paint had been washed out or chipped off over time, he could still clearly make out its intentions. A satchel-wearing Scyther hovered in the middle of a sparsely lit wooden room, an almost blank but determined look across its face. On the Scyther's left side was a Chameleon wearing a confident smirk as it posed and crossed its arms. The last Pokemon depicted on Scyther's right was a Shiny Lucario that had thrown an arm around the Scyther as it smiled at the unseen artist behind the painting.

    "This is you," Liam said. "And Scizor and Charizard."

    Jackson took a look at the painting for himself, exhaling in thought. "Oh yeah, this brings me back... We had just completed our first few missions and made our team official after what happened at Areos Village." He tapped the painting. "A Smeargle who we did a mission for offered this as a reward instead of Pokè, and we took that offer."

    "But why is this here of all places? And why is it buried beside a statue?"

    "As I said, exploration teams came here to leave their mark, and we wanted to take that up a notch. We came here to this region to get that Excadrill's help to dig all the way to the ley lines, and this was our first stop." Jackson took the rest of the wooden chest from Liam, peeking inside. "We decided to come back for this box together at a later date, but more than twenty years later… it's just a forgotten memory now."

    Liam continued to analyze the painting, noticing all the differences of the Lucario in the painting and the one beside him now. The past one that held such a contagious smile and lacked the stern, aloof visage of the Lucario now. Liam attempted to piece together the small bits of past that his Guildmaster would give to him, yet struggled to complete the full picture of the man in his mind.

    Something felt off, and it did not make sense to him.

    "Your wife..."

    Jackson's demeanor suddenly shifted as he tossed what remained of the box into the sands behind them. "... What about her?"

    Liam gulped, knowing to broach carefully. "You said that she, um, died. When was that? Did this all happen before Team Moonlight, or after?"

    "Why do you want to know?"

    "You only told me about her, right? That's what you said back then at the guild. So, what actually happened with-"

    "You're crossing a line, kid," Jackson suddenly spat, baring his teeth. "Drop it."

    Liam flinched in shock and took a step back as he reconsidered his next words. But after looking back down at the painting he held, he decided he would not back away. Swallowing down his respite, he doubled down on his intentions to learn more.

    "I… I won't. I've shared everything I've known about myself, who I thought I was before I lost my memory. Don't I at least deserve to know about who you were?"

    "You wouldn't like to know me, kid. And it's best you don't."

    "But I do!" Liam shouted, regaining the step he initially took back, staring at the Lucario. "If I'm really the only one to know this side of you, then when will you stop being so secretive and just tell me the whole truth?"

    Jackson went silent for a moment as he averted his gaze and stared at the nothingness of the desert encircling them. A flickering of the orange ring on his paw would spur him to finally speak. "You really want to know, don't you?"

    Liam retained his flinty stare on Jackson.

    "... Then we got to go all the way back. Before the guild, before Team Moonlight."

    The many plateaus of reddish mesas and orangish cliffs were the predominant resting spot for a man and a child after a long hike up them. Their sore and resting feet dangled off the rugged edges that overlooked the desert's many valleys and plains.

    "You remember when I told you about how kids from my orphanage would sometimes start forest fires?"

    "Yeah, I do," Liam said, swinging his legs.

    "That was me."

    The boy whipped his head around to glare at his father. "You really did that?!" His appalled tone softened, posture slackening. "… Why?"

    Robert wetted his dry lips as he formulated a response. "I was in that place for nearly seventeen years. When you're in these kinds of places almost your entire life, losing your precious years of childhood, you get mad. I was always angry in that place, and most of it was put onto my parents who I never even knew. So, I took all that anger out on the things around me - the staff, other kids, and yeah, even the environment." He shook his head. "No surprise that any family didn't want to deal with me, but that still wasn't the end of it."

    "What do you mean by that?"

    "I eventually began doing petty crime. Stealing things around the orphanage, maybe some stuff around the block. But that still wasn't enough; later on in my teens, I started getting into gang activity, robbing local banks - that stuff."

    Liam was stunned, "And you did all of that stuff because you were mad?"

    "It wasn't just anger, son. I felt… alive." Robert felt his gaze drawn to the blazing sky. "it was the first time I experienced what felt like a real life outside of the orphanage. It's hard to see that now, but when I was younger, that was how I saw it. I thought life was cruel and pointless, because why would any god leave me in a place with no reason? The crime for me was just an escape, until…"

    "Until what…?"

    Robert's face morphed into multiple expressions as his mouth opened and closed. "Until… Until I killed someone."

    Liam's eyes grew wide, leaning back and staring at the man as if he did not know him anymore. "You k-killed someone?! Why-"

    Robert settled him down with a raise of a hand. He then heaved a sigh as he began to recount his past again. "The dates fuzzy to me, but it was around May in 1987. Me and another guy had just finished robbing some small bank the day before. Think it was called Charleston First - whatever. But there was another person involved, some kid almost the same age as me. He was supposed to be crowd control, making sure it went all smooth and fast. But he never showed up on the day we were supposed to do it; apparently got cold feet or something - doesn't matter."

    "What happened to him?"

    "… The day after we did the robbery, me and the guy I did it with tracked him down." Robert rubbed his eyes, gritting his teeth at the coming thoughts. "Cornered him in some alleyway and grilled him for what he did. I… I remember being so angry at him that I pulled out the pistol from my pocket and…" He clenched a hand, forcing the next painful words. "And I shot him. He fell in an instant - not even a cry of pain. I only realized what I did a minute after, and we ran away before the police arrived."

    "… Is that what made you quit?"

    Robert nodded shamefully, "It was only after what happened that made me see what that type of life did to me. I did run away from South Carolina. I did change my name. I did meet your mother, and we did move back here to start a new life." His hand found the boy's shoulder. "I never lied about that, son."

    Liam sniffled as fresh tears manifested. "But you didn't explain. If you did all of that to get away, then why did mom die?"

    The man's sorrow-filled eyes fell upon the boy's. "It was because my past eventually caught up with me."

    A gentle clopping noise could be heard as two Mudsdales' trotted side-by-side on the warm sands with a Lucario and a Riolu in tow. They would briefly give one another a wordless exchange, a roll of their eyes being a suitable response to their current situation.

    "I was about seventeen years old before I really got into the game," Jackson said. "Before, it was just small shit you'd get a slap on the wrist for."

    Liam blinked away traces of emotion in his eyes, looking over at Jackson. "'The game'? What's that?"

    "Something you could never really stop playing," the Lucario remarked. "Organized crime - Getting your hands dirty the right way - that sort of game." He patted the withers of his Mudsdale, jumping off once it came to a complete stop.

    Liam replicated his action as he also jumped down from the equine Pokemon. "You mentioned it a few times, but never really explained it. What did you do exactly? Steal Pokè from some caravan like most outlaws?"

    "A better question would be what I didn't do, kid."

    They gravitated to the sunken bed of a river whose water had long since dried up, now a sandy pathway with stones lining it. It led nowhere in particular, the setting sun hitting their backs as they walked further down it.

    "I was more than some common thief," Jackson elaborated. "I was someone that ran an entire city network from the shadows. Robberies, extortion, smuggling - anything. For a long time, I considered myself a king- No." He stopped himself, a proud pitch replacing his flat voice. "I thought of myself as a god. That I was invincible, and no man could reach what I built. It was never about the money to me, but the power and initiative involved. If you were not working with me, or under me, then you were to be removed in time."

    "Is it, uh, normal to feel like that when you're an outlaw?" Liam said, feeling a bit unnerved after his recital.

    "No, kid. But when I was young, alone, uncaring of the cruel world around me, that's what I felt." Jackson scoffed at his past self. "I turn fifty-six next month… All I see now is that young me was driven by adrenaline, chaos, chasing something pointless. But by the time I figured that out, it was already too late."

    "But you're here now," Liam said. "So it wasn't too late to get out, right?"

    Jackson shook his head. "It doesn't work like that, kid. No one leaves on their own terms, not alive at least. It'll chase you to the ends of the earth."

    "… Did you ever hurt any Pokémon? Like, kill them?"

    Jackson halted his steps. Liam did not need a straight answer to know the truth when he also stopped in his tracks to stare at the Lucario's unwavering expression. Yet, he would get one regardless.

    "March 24th, 1990 - one of those dates you just don't forget." Jackson met Liam's gaze. "That was the day I first killed someone. One of my rivals out on the street - over in an instant - made not even a sound. He knew the risks of what he was doing, but even then, it still affects you. It eats away at you in the back of your mind, and it did to me for many years." He sharply inhaled and exhaled. "I still remember his face, how scared he was before I took my shot."

    Liam's disturbed expression supplanted his confusion at the strange date his Guildmaster gave him, queasiness churning in his stomach. He was finding it hard to believe that the Pokémon beside him had taken a life, and perhaps many more over the years. He was not sure if he should be angry or upset, or if that even mattered now. He knew he was missing a giant piece of the puzzle that the Guildmaster held close, and that seemed more important to figure out.

    He simply wanted to know the truth, which he was slowly getting.

    Liam forced down these strange feelings like many times before, returning to walk the aimless road. "Can you tell me more about your wife?"

    A smile began to grow across Jackson's face as his orange paw ring gleamed vibrantly. "My wife… My wallflower. She was that beacon of light through my own darkness."

    "Your mother, Angelica, she was the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, besides you, son," Robert quickly corrected with a sad smile.

    Liam huddled his legs close to his chest. "Did she ever know who you really were once?"

    "No. She never knew, and I intended to keep it that way. My reasons were... selfish. I wanted this life between me and her to be perfect, something I could never seem to have before. But if I knew what would've happened to her had I continued the charade, I would've explained in an instant so you and her could be safe."

    Liam's nostrils flared, his narrowed gaze focusing on the ground. "... The people that took mom from us, who are they?"

    Robert glanced at him, sighing. "That's what this whole thing has been about, son."

    "What thing?"

    "My 'work'." Robert moved to position himself in front of Liam, making sure the boy's eyes were fixated solely on him. "I've been trying to find your mother's killers, and to guarantee your safety from these people as well."

    Liam could not believe this information. "But I thought you said the police couldn't help us?"

    "... I had my own ways, Liam. Past connections that could maybe help me figure out something I didn't."

    It did not take long for Liam to catch on to what his father insinuated. "… You became a criminal again. Right? That's what you're telling me."

    Robert stepped back, "In a way, yes. But this wasn't- isn't for money or anything except promising your safety."

    "Safety from who?" Liam insisted. "Why can't we just tell the police what's happening? You were one-"

    "I won't…" Robert shook his head. "They can't help us, son. These… 'men' that came for your mother, they're not afraid of the police or any repercussions."

    "So what makes you think you can stop them?"

    Robert hesitated a moment, bowing his head. "... And you're right, Liam. It was stupid of me to involve myself." A peculiar look was cast the man's way, who continued. "And it wasn't just me; you had to experience what happened that night, and I can never forgive myself for letting that happen in the first place."

    Liam touched the bandage across his nose, a flurry of memories he tried so hard to bury resurfacing in his mind. All he could remember that day were windows being shattered by loud bangs, and stray pieces of glass slicing him as his father forced him to crawl along the floor to safety. Even now his limbs quaked at reliving that terrifying experience, a hitch appearing in his breath.

    They had come here so he could forget that encounter, but it was apparent now that there was no escaping it.

    "I know you're scared, son." Robert moved in to land a hand on Liam's shoulder. "… I'm scared, too. But I want you to get through this. I want you to come out of this stronger than before."

    "I just," Liam's voice was choked up, "I just don't know why this all had to happen."

    "Mistakes, son." Robert lowered his head again. "If I could go back and erase every mistake I made before meeting your mother, I would." His head rose. "… But I can't, and that's what makes us human."

    Liam's paw slid off his bandaged nose as he stared blankly off into the distance. Wavy, sandy dunes stretched as far as the eye could see; bare and desolate, embraced by the lowering sun's wrath.

    Jackson approached from behind, standing beside him. "My wife understood me; knew me inside and out. All the hate and ugliness that I was, she accepted that. At the same time, I accepted her own flaws, but… she was angelic in my eyes."

    Liam wiped away his troubled grimace. "You said she tried to change you before."

    The Lucario nodded, "She was passionate and determined in her ways to 'fix' me. She was like Peitho; tempting me to see something I just couldn't. But then," his eyes became glazed over, "she struck something in me. Something I can't ever get rid of."

    "... Fatherhood, right?"

    "... It was hard to imagine at the time, but there was a real chance. A real chance of me being a father." Jackson turned his back on Liam and clenched his paws as he took a few steps away, desiring a space to act out. "At first I was against it, but that… that fucking woman." His paws pounded his head, held against his skull. "She saw something in me, and I gave in to her words. I was hopeful, ready to put my past all behind me. I was ready to begin my new life, and then…" His voice reduced into a hoarse whisper. "And then he was taken from me."

    "Your son… Apollo."

    Jackson faced Liam, eyes brimming with restrained emotion. "What kind of god would just allow a beautiful baby boy to die… before he's even lived?" His head shook. "No god. No god at all."

    Liam held a bated breath, finding any response to be pointless. All he could muster was a sympathetic look as the Lucario ambled towards him in his stiff steps.

    "It was never the same since. Our love was unbreakable but was silent. I didn't realize how much that broke me, but it did. I became only a weapon after that, fulfilling the role I created." Jackson paused. "She moved on, accepted it. But I… I could never accept something like that."

    Liam bit his lip and took a single step forward. He decided that now was his chance to confront the man. "Even when I first entered the guild, you acted strange - the way you looked at me at times. And even before that, when you decided to take me and Gloria in, did you know something I didn't? And on Celestial Mountain…"

    A noticeable growl came from Jackson as the Riolu took another step, his twitching eyes boring into Liam.

    "You told me about the son you never had, his name. And when I think about it, all that training you did for me, why you only took me in your group, and what you said about pretending… It all makes sense now. You did all of that because you thought I could be your son; I could be Apo-"

    A steadfast punch straight into Liam's chest forced him to drop to his knees and wheeze for air. His pained and confused look shot upwards at the culprit. Jackson knelt to meet the gasping Riolu's level, a furious and twisted scowl claiming his features.

    "Don't you ever think you're comparable to him, YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" the Lucario roared, words laced with venom. "You're just a naive and stupid fucking kid, who knows nothing! Some… husk she sent to haunt me!" After a moment of silence between the two, Jackson straightened himself and gave one last look at Liam before backing up and storming away.

    Liam remained petrified for a moment. Only when the pain in his chest settled did he push himself back up. Yet, his breathing grew ragged as he watched Jackson leave. His paws were clutched tight, blinding anger visible through his gritting teeth.

    Instinct called, and he answered.

    Liam emitted a loud snarl and charged toward the Lucario, who did not take another step as the Riolu tackled into him, sending them tumbling down a sandy hill. Once at the bottom, grunts could be heard as they fought for control over one another, one clearly more ferocious than the other. Liam attempted to throw a wild punch, only for it to meet air. Every frenzied action of his was countered, eventually leaving him flat onto the ground, his arms pinned by Jackson, unable to budge. The area grew quiet once more, Liam resorting to calming himself as Jackson stared down at him, ultimately leaning in to speak.

    "You are broken. You are cursed. You are everything that I am. Because we're the same." Jackson stood up, dusted himself off, and began to walk away again.

    Liam laid in the sand as intrusive thoughts surrounded him, like many times before. He blinked, a sudden epiphany overwhelming his senses. He slowly stood up, wearing a dazed expression as he turned to the Lucario. His mouth parted, "All these cryptic things you say, the things you've told me about. I didn't understand any of it at first, but now I do. You say that we're the same, because…"

    A deep breath was taken as Liam took another step.

    "Because you're human... like me."

    Jackson stopped, a rush of dusty winds sailing through the area before he glanced back. "… So you figured it out. But that's not the only similarity we have, kid."

    "So that's the truth, then. All this time... you knew. You knew about me, but you didn't say anything."

    "I guess I didn't, kid."

    "… Why?"


    Liam anticipated a response as Jackson fully turned around.

    Robert took a long inhale of his cigarette, a sigh following a billow of smoke. " Did you know that I'm only thirty years old, Liam? Turn thirty-one next month. You and I aren't so far apart in age, you know that?"

    Liam lobbed a rock with a swing of his arm, watching it tumble down a sandy cliff in the distance. "Mom did always say you looked older." He managed a small smile, thinking of past memories. "I remember when I was really young and thought you were really angry with her."

    Robert chuckled bitterly, "She always liked getting under my skin like that, but I enjoyed it. She was so lively; would brighten a room just by entering." He took another long drag. "Best believe she would've teased June as much as she did to you."

    At the mention of his little sister that never was, Liam's fists clenched, fingernails digging into his skin. "She should've been here… June - her and mom. They should be here right now, enjoying this."

    "I know, son." Robert smothered his cigarette into the ground, pocketing it and closing his eyes in shame. "This is all my fault. I've ruined that chance at a new life I was given, that perfect family we had. And I didn't stop there… I just had to ruin other lives. "

    "What do you mean by that?"

    Robert fought back tears as he threw his head up at the sky. "… When I got back into this twisted game, there was a kid working with me. Only twenty years old; throwing away his life just to provide for his sister all the way across the country, in Seattle. He wasn't like the others around him, but I could see their influence on him." He wrung his hands together. "I only wanted to help him escape this life, not be consumed by it, but when everything went to shit, and he needed help the most, I… I let him give in." He looked at Liam, almost staring past him. "He's dead now because of me."

    "... How many people have gotten hurt since you got involved again?" Liam mumbled, horrified at his account.

    Robert wilted at the boy's gaze. "Countless. The things I've done, what I've seen. I want to get away, get away from everything." He shook his head. "But I'm trapped, son. I've gone too deep, and there's no returning or running now, not like before."

    "But that can't be true!" Liam suddenly yelled, shoving his father's unbandaged arm. "We… We can go somewhere! We can leave South Carolina, even! Go-"

    "No, Liam. There's no escaping these people. There's no escaping from what I have to deal with."

    A thoroughly vexed Liam whirled around at his words, knees hitting the sands as reality began to enclose him. The shimmering lake where they fished, the misty mountains of Appalachia that they climbed, and the vast desert that surrounded them; they were all just beautiful distractions, hollow husks of memories. No matter how hard the boy tried to forget and move on, he could never. Mrs. Lachaise had told him of this, how these feelings were understandable yet unavoidable.

    But now he could not even see her anymore.

    He picked up a stone and looked to throw it, yet instead squeezed it with all his might, releasing his frustrations into it. There were so many feelings rolling inside him - anger, sadness, fear. He was too weak to prevent anything that happened to his family, only able to watch as it crumbled before him. Not even a crack appeared in the stone as he attempted to compress it into nothingness.

    A hand was then rested on his shoulder. "I've realized how much of a monster I am, Liam. If you choose to hate me forever for what I've put you through, I accept that."

    "I... I don't." Liam sniffled, feeling the tears coming. "You're not a monster. You're my dad."

    "And I wish I could be that till the end of time, son."

    Liam did not realize the stone in his grasp was breaking until it was crushed into dozens of pieces. He watched the pile of newly created pebbles fall from his paws. "How long have you had all your memories?" he asked the Pokemon beside him.

    Jackson summoned a Fire Punch and held his flaming paw beneath the bottom of his wooden pipe, taking a puff of its stem not long after. "Right before the guild was created," he said, white smoke trailing his words. "The perspective it gave me of everything before that moment was… overwhelming." His orange paw ring flickered. "But I pressed on, doing what was necessary and required of me."

    "You kept this entire side of you to yourself for two decades?"

    Jackson slowly nodded, glancing over. "Tell me, kid. Have you told that girl you're partnered with about the true you yet?"

    "Gloria? She…" Liam frowned. "She doesn't deserve to deal with what I have to go through."

    Jackson scoffed, "Yeah, that's what I first thought, too. Pushed away every Pokemon I knew as a result, because I believed them knowing the truth would be too much. Sound familiar?"

    Liam's gaze met the sands.

    "You don't realize you've destroyed things before they're already gone, kid. Everything you've bottled up just... explodes."

    Liam's head eventually rose. "… So, what's it like to be human? Besides the fingers, clothes, and weird moving machines, what's really being one? Can you remember that?"

    Jackson went silent to think. "To be human… is to fuck up. To have every opportunity to change fly past you. And when you realize it, it's already too late." He took one last puff of his pipe before bringing the arm holding it back and tossing it over the hill in front of them. "But any Pokemon could say the same."

    "So then what's really the difference between us and Pokemon?"


    Liam did not need to hear words to know his answer. Moments later, the Lucario turned to stare at him, his distressed gaze seemingly looking past the Riolu.

    "My soul is a cancer… I have lived, died, and lived again." He held out his arms, analyzing them like they were not his own. "This fur I wear, this creature I am now, it doesn't matter when the person inside it stays the same."

    Liam swallowed, a certain dryness in his throat. "... Did you really mean it? That I was a 'husk'? That I'm just nothing, and unlike the Pok- human that I was?"

    "I'd say that'd be up to you, kid, but it isn't. You're a husk of nothingness one moment, and then you're not."

    "What do you mean?"

    "You will remember your true self, just as fragments before have appeared. But soon... you will remember everything."

    "I- I will?" Liam could tell by his somber tone that the Lucario did not consider this a good thing. "You really mean that, don't you?"

    "Wouldn't say it otherwise, kid. And when you do, then it really begins."

    The gears in Liam's head began to turn. "… Do you know why we're here?"

    Jackson fell quiet again. "Kid, that's something you couldn't even begin to understand. No… I'll spare you from that. You deserve at least that much."

    Liam gritted his teeth at yet another barrier the man set up. "What? What do you mean I wouldn't understand?!" Another urge to tackle the man again for answers grew, but he knew it was fruitless to attempt it.

    "This is something I have to bear." Jackson straightened himself, fighting back his tears. "I've already accepted my place in this cruel world, and I can only hope it leads me to some sort of salvation." His sullen look bored into the dismayed Riolu. "We were promised that."

    "... Wait. Aren't we in this together? As humans!" Liam tried to reason as the Lucario wordlessly trudged away. "Why aren't you telling me anything again? Didn't you say we're the same?!" he yelled desperately.

    Liam took a step forward and opened his mouth to shout again, only to be pulled into another memory.

    "You need to know something, Liam." Robert straightened himself as tears welled in his eyes. His good arm stretched forward, a hand lying on the boy's shoulders, who recoiled at the contact. "You need to know that whatever happens to me, that I never gave up on you. You and your mother were always in my heart no matter what."

    "... Whatever happens to you?" the boy struggled to repeat.

    Robert's next words were choked. "I had so much fun teaching you how to fish, hike, horse ride. Things I never had a father to ever do with me. I only wish that I could have done so much more with you."

    Liam jostled the hand off his shoulder, lightly pushing the man to get his attention. "But you're not going away! We're gonna beat these guys! Right?" The lack of a response spurred the boy to push him again. "Right?! Tell me you are!"

    "I… I can't, Liam. They'll get me - they will eventually - but I'll never let them take you. I need you to know…" Robert finally broke, tears streaming down his face. "I need you to know, and accept, that one day in the future… you might not have a father around anymore."

    The boy ferociously shook his head. "No, no, no!" His sniffles turned into audible sobs as tears clouded his vision. "You can't just d-die! I already lost m-mom, and I c-can't lose you, too!" He moved in to pound the man's chest again, but instead fell into an embrace, his arms wrapped tight around his father as if not wanting to let go.

    "I'm so sorry, son… " Robert wrapped his arms around him in a protective manner and held him close. A hand of his ran through the boy's short, brown hair. "I'm so sorry," he muttered, knowing it was never enough.

    "P-Please don't l-leave me… Please!" Liam's shaky voice devolved into muffled crying as he buried his face into his father's side.

    "I'm sorry…"

    Liam stood speechless as the Lucario continued to stumble away, his expression permanently fixed with despair. A single tear escaped him, sliding down his cheek. All attempts to speak died in his throat.

    Before Jackson could reach the patiently waiting Mudsdales', he glanced back to look at the Riolu one last time. Liam could tell there was pain, grief, and guilt lurking in his red orbs; an expression he had seen countless times in the Pokemon before.

    "You will remember everything. You will remember every fleeting moment of happiness, every ounce of suffering you have endured. There's no escaping it." Jackson reeled back his look and peered up at the many stars now coming into view. "We had a good time together. Maybe when this is all over… you'll look at me in a different light, and we'll start over again."

    With his parting words, Jackson hopped on a Mudsdale, waiting expectantly for Liam to follow along. Realizing there was nothing else to be said or argued against, Liam slowly copied the actions of his Guildmaster. Clambering onto the saddle of his own Mudsdale, Liam awaited the signal, and when it was sent, they started moving. Sinking lower and lower in the sky, the wavering sun highlighted the two equine Pokemon as they galloped across treacherous valleys, barren fields of cacti and cracked earth, and endless dunes of sand.

    So many emotions boiled inside Liam's mind as they rode; anger, sadness, frustration. Yet, he never felt fear. The unknown was something that excited him, and even despite realizing he knew very little of the truth that was kept away from him, it stopped him none. If anything, he came out of this stronger than ever, more determined than ever to prove that he was not what the Guildmaster thought - a 'husk'.

    'I am a Pokemon. I am a human... I'm alive, and I'm a person. I'm here for a purpose.'

    Liam gripped the reins of his Mudsdale, eyes facing straight ahead. He was blind, naive, not knowing what lie ahead, yet was willing to see it.

    To be human is to make mistakes, to be challenged in every way conceivable, and come out of it changed.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Castaways
    Chapter 30: Castaways
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer

    Chapter 30


    Distant, echoed shouts of other inmates carried across the cell grounds, followed by loud bangs of fists meeting the iron bars and commanding barks of patrolling correctional officers.

    A young man clad in a red jumpsuit received no verbal lashing as he quietly sat by his lonesome on a metallic bench in his cell. He wrung his hands together, repeatedly clenching them and then opening them through fresh bouts of anger, visible bruises, and purplish markings adorning his knuckles.

    His narrowed gaze remained upward, fixated on a barred window near the ceiling of his concrete confinement. The mere glimpses of the outside world he could see were patches of grass nestled up against the glass, and a single white wallflower erected proudly over the endless blue skies. He watched every movement of the flower as its petals slowly swayed in an invisible wind.

    He did not react when the sounds of boots stomping next to his cell got louder and louder. There was an unseen jangling of keys to his side, the door to his cell swinging open with a shriek. Only then did the young man pan his face down to look at the stern and wrinkled expression of the uniformed man beside his cell.

    "You're up."

    Liam was ready to get this over with.

    Cold handcuffs were latched around his wrists as he exited his cell and was swiftly escorted out of the holding grounds through a flight of stairs. The dreary, dirty cages he once knew of were soon replaced by clean, sterile hallways that led him further to his fate. The only company by his side was the officer, his jumbled, murky thoughts, and the noise of his rattling handcuffs as he marched forward, his unblinking gaze staring straight ahead. Only a few halls and rooms did he have to cross before he finally arrived. The correctional officer stopped before a large wooden double door, fishing for the right key on his belt before inserting it into the door and twisting it unlocked, opening it right away.

    "Go in."

    Liam walked in not a second later. The courtroom proved less intimidating than he once thought, more modest in size than the ones he has been in before, yet the smell of mildew and stale air was something he always detested. Benches surrounded his narrow strip of dark gray carpet, only seated by a few people sticking to the back row that looked at him with apathy. He did not return their looks as he kept walking forward until he was before the judge's tall podium, standing still and staring up at the black-robed person seated on the bench.

    The judge, an older woman with short, silvery rose-colored hair, returned the young man's blank stare with her own quizzical one. She waited for the bailiff at the far end of the room to close the double doors. Once the entrance was locked once again, she began sorting through the stacks of paperwork on her podium's desk, only speaking once they were fully scrutinized through her thin reading glasses.

    "If everyone is situated, the court can move on. We have CA20061628598. Today's date is June 17th, 2006. Inmate, please state your full name."

    Liam inhaled deeply, "Liam Daniel Shaw."

    "Shaw…" The judge appeared perplexed as she looked down to thumb through her papers again. "Hm. It appears I wasn't wrong, and nor were the familial documents I see here in the background check. Your father was Robert Shaw, and your mother was Angelica Reyes."

    "Yes, your honor."

    The woman removed her glasses and set them on her desk. "As a matter of fact, I recently finished sentencing a few of your father's accomplices just a few months ago. I've never seen a story quite like this in our state, and the chaos all those years back when it imploded." Her head shook. "You must've been in those trials before to testify. Haven't you, Mr. Shaw?"

    "Six years ago I was, your honor."

    "You were thirteen years old at that time, then. I can only imagine how difficult that was, especially given the circumstances in which you endured during that time." Liam could tell there was disappointment lurking within her stare. "I was hoping I would never see you in handcuffs one day."

    Silence fell upon the courtroom, their exchange replaced by stifled coughs and the ringing keys of the active stenograph.

    The judge cleared her throat as she shuffled her papers again. "Well, I wish to not stall the court any longer. We shall proceed with the hearing." She slipped her glasses back on and began to read off her documents. "Mr. Shaw, you've been accused of Assault and Battery in the second degree; this carries a maximum sentence of three years in a state prison, and a fine of up to two-thousand-five-hundred dollars. The victim's name is Sean Erickson Wright, who will not appear for this hearing, as he is still recovering in the hospital. I understand that we have a few witnesses subpoenaed for a later court date, but I will read off one witness statement now for the court to hear."

    The woman flipped through numerous pages until stopping at one in particular.

    "Ah, here we are. A witness states they saw you - Mr. Shaw - engaging in an argument with the victim - Mr. Wright - near the entrance of a pharmacy you had stepped out of earlier. According to the witness, Mr. Wright appeared to be slightly inebriated at the time of this encounter, and that this argument between you and the victim went physical after some time. It's claimed that you struck Mr. Wright multiple times in the head, who then fell to the ground as you proceeded to severely kick him several times in his stomach and chest region. Other witnesses then immediately moved in to pull you away from Mr. Wright as he stopped moving and responding shortly after the attack, according to paramedics. They then say that you were very hostile and resisted their attempts to ameliorate the situation, but that you became calm and were cooperative with police when they arrived and drove you to CCDC." She pulled away the papers from her face. "Are you ready to enter a plea at this time, Mr. Shaw?"

    "Guilty, your honor."

    The judge glanced over to her right to make sure the stenographer heard his words. "The court does accept this plea. However, before we move on to the matter of bond, I did have a few questions regarding yourself and the victim." She removed her glasses again, crossing her arms on the podium. "This argument between you and Mr. Wright, can you tell me what exactly it entailed?"

    "He-" Liam flexed his digits, his blistered knuckles forming tightened fists from sheer anger of remembering. "He said… awful things about my family, my father specifically, your honor. He recognized me, came over to me, spewed his garbage, and I stood for what I believed."

    "I understand that Mr. Wright and his family were personally affected by your father's actions in the past, which is why I assume this encounter occurred in the first place."

    "Yes, your honor."

    "Can you tell me why you decided to assault Mr. Wright?"

    "I…" Liam paused momentarily. "I wasn't gonna stand around and let him say all those things about my family, so I acted. I know I had a lot of feelings within me at that time, and I just… I vented them on him, your honor."

    "Do you regret what you did to the victim?"

    "... No."

    The judge laced her fingers together as she mulled over his words. "I won't sugarcoat it, Mr. Shaw. I understand your emotions weigh heavy even after all these years, but that does not excuse your flagrant attack of this man. This is an act that goes on records, and can follow you throughout your life."

    "I know, your honor."

    She pursed her lips. "Seventeen years I've been on this bench, and I've sentenced many young men such as yourself to what I believed was their inevitable fate. You've seen what it's like in your brief time, Mr. Shaw, haven't you?"

    "I have."

    "The men that occupy these cells, they're rejects of society. Those who have lost control over their lives; that's why they're there. Not to just rehabilitate them, but to cast them away like scraps off a plate. Now tell me, Mr. Shaw, do you wish to become one of these men?"

    Liam considered his response, averting his gaze from her. "… Your honor, every day of my life since my mother died has been a nightmare I could never wake from. It feels like I'm still in it. My life before all of this… it was absolutely perfect. I keep reliving it over and over in my head, but it's never the same; it's gone forever now. It was all there once, but it's gone now." He wetted his lips, eyes closing. "When I think about what I am now that it's all over, I don't really see a person anymore. Because really… I died all those years back, with them."

    The court was silent yet again as the judge absorbed his words.

    "Mr. Shaw, do you want freedom from yourself? Do you want to be separated from what happened in the past, to what happens now? I realize that you think this is where it ends - many who enter my court think that - but ultimately the terms of your sentence are up to me."


    The judge unhooked her fingers. "I wish to speak more in private after this hearing is finished, but we will proceed normally." She grabbed her papers. "I don't see any priors, nor any outstanding warrants, and I see that…"

    The woman's monotone voice faded as Liam withdrew his attention from the courtroom around him, waiting for it to finally be over as he shut his eyes.

    Fast, cold, yet invigorating was the sensation he felt.

    A deep blue pickup truck flew down a dirt road, a trail of dust and tire tracks left behind in its wake. The hand of its driver was extended out of the open window, palm splayed to catch the rapid winds at such a speed the vehicle was traveling. The truck then took a right, the barren road transitioning into rough gravel that ground under its spinning wheels. The truck came to a sudden stop near the hills of tall, green grass and cattail that bordered the trail. Not a second later, the sole occupant of the vehicle stepped out.

    Liam raised a hand over his face to combat the sun's powerful rays. The humidity in the air clung to his skin as he pocketed his car keys and made his way around the truck, stepping off the gravelly road and descending the hill. Dew-covered shrubs and other wet foliage were pushed aside as he wandered deeper into the forested region. The sound of running water beyond the trees drew him further in, and it was not long before he uncovered the source.

    A creek split across the forest in multiple streaks of clear streams that connected to the grander body of water in the distance. River rocks not buried beneath the flowing current propped themselves up as water surged around them. The tall trees and their leaves provided a natural canopy over the area, strips of light cascading from its openings down onto the river. Liam felt his breath stolen by the sight as he walked slowly as if to not disturb the tranquility. He stopped near the ridge of the creek, shoes halfway steeped into the water.

    Six years had passed since he first came to Lake Jocassee, even if he was finding it hard to believe.

    For a long period, Liam simply stood and watched the white water rush downstream. He eventually began following its journey by walking beside the creek. His wandering gaze tracked each rustle or animalistic chirp of his surroundings, content to just watch and never interfere. Despite recent events fogging his mind, there was a small smile across his face. His small hike would end as the splintered creek merged into the greater lake, the trees ahead parting to a vast basin that shimmered in the daylight. Liam came to a stop again, taking the time to soak in the view.

    Of course, that was not all he wanted to do.

    His knees cracked as he bent down to pick up a handful of discolored rocks alongside the river. He brushed away any stones that were either too jagged or heavy, being left with a decent amount of flat, round ones. Clutching them, he sized up the body of water before him before taking a single stone. His wrist flicked as the stone flew from his hand and across the water, creating large ripples that kept pushing the stone upward until it inevitably met its fate deep in the lakebed.

    Fourteen skips.

    Spurred to keep going, he reached down to grab another bunch of rocks, only stopping his collection as something in the distance caught his attention. A small rowboat was being paddled across the surface of the lake - two hazy figures occupying it - a small figure, and a larger one. There was no doubt in Liam's mind of what that pair was as he watched them gently cross out of sight.

    Something about the view now felt ruined - desecrated.

    Liam gripped the sole stone in his grasp, dropping it once it felt like all his frustration was poured into it. He lingered in these new yet very familiar feelings as he breathed a sigh. A hesitant hand then rose from his side and dug into the pockets of his jeans, retrieving a small slip of folded paper. Breaking its seal, he straightened it out before reading its printed font, scoffing a second later.

    'Charleston Counseling Office: (843-87-'

    Liam scrunched the paper together as he avoided reading the rest, yet tried not to tear it. After all, it was his sentencing that the judge of his case gave to him, and one he was obligated to commit to. He shoved the paper back into its pocket, knowing he would have to deal with its ramifications later. As for the present, he decided to stay a little longer, enjoying this brief moment of respite among nature.

    In just a while, he would be back on the road again, back to see what remained of his old home.

    Blue and yellow curls danced around Liam's vision as they began to ebb back into his peripherals.

    The Riolu's body rustled back and forth atop the galloping Mudsdale as he stared off into the distance, aghast at the memory burned into his mind. The angered quaking in a paw of his alerted him back to reality, reaching down to place his other on top to settle its movement. Wetting his lips, Liam returned to gripping the sides of the saddle, trying to make sense of what he saw.

    Two quadrupedal silhouettes contrasted against the setting sun as they dashed toward the town of Sanctus. The rough sands that their hooves pounded gradually shifted into patterns of orangish cobblestone. They maneuvered around various Pokemon that gathered in the streets, the intensity of the crowds increasing as they went further into the town. Liam could hear the heart of the protests raging away in the town square ahead - just as they were when they arrived first here - yet his attempts to get a glimpse of it in action were ripped away as the Mudsdales' cut across the street and into an alleyway to avoid entering the square. After a few minutes of gently riding through the alleys in between homes and market stands, they finally arrived at their destination.

    The Grit Ruins Excavator headquarters was bustling with action; the Mudsdales' stationed were affixed with carriages, patiently awaiting instructions as they always did. Guild members and a sparse amount of Excadrill's workers also assisted with hauling boxes of goods from the main building to the carriages loaded with cargo. The two late equines trotted over to their kin and stopped as the Riolu and Lucario leaped from their saddles, Liam letting out a sigh.

    The expedition was really coming to an end, and they would soon return home.

    Upon their arrival, Scizor and Garchomp immediately stopped what they were doing at the sight of them. The sand shark was the first to speak as she stomped over loudly, tail whipping behind her with a scowl staining her features.

    "You mind telling us what the deal was with you straying off the path?" she barked at Jackson as he strode towards her. "We didn't know where the hell you were, and you didn't even say anything on your ELE! Me and Scizor had to pick up the slack and get everyone else to work on the carriages!"

    "I see that you managed fine," Jackson said calmly, aiming to move past the dragoness. "Now, if you'll excuse me-"

    Garchomp positioned herself in front of the Lucario. "Woah, woah, woah, you're not just gonna up and wander away again without answering some questions. Scizor and I deserve at least that much, you think?"

    Scizor realized where this was going. "Garchomp, we can discuss this later-"

    "No. I know there won't be a later with him," she said, glowering at him. "All that shit back at Regi Castle, with you freaking out over those 'artifacts' and not saying a damn word to us. So tell us, what's so important about 'em to make you act like that, huh? You're not ignoring me this time."

    Liam quickly realized this was not a conversation he wanted a part of as he took a step back. Jackson, however, chose to stand his ground.

    "I don't need to tell you anything," the Lucario spat. "Your team and the rest of my guild will know in time the developments we have made - that is final. And so will the Council be informed of our progress; not when they have the chance to strike it down, but when we fulfill what's needed to be done."

    Garchomp leaned further in, baring her wicked sharp teeth at him. "'What's needed', huh? You'll just lie and hide secrets from them like the rest. Why don't you cut the act and tell us what's really happening here?"

    Jackson went silent, flicking his gaze up and down the dragoness' imposing form as he slowly approached her. "When the Pokemon of Celestic realize our intentions, and when the entire world knows that our goal is legitimate. When the threat of the Mystery Dungeon and the ley lines vanish - and the world is saved - your questions, yours and the Council's concerns…" He stopped inches from her, eyes narrowing. "... No one will care."

    Jackson pushed past Garchomp before she could utter another response. It took her a massive amount of willpower, along with the red pincer of Scizor blocking her, to not stomp after the Pokemon, instead resorting to growling obscenities under her breath. Meanwhile, Liam appeared quite troubled after listening to their argument, swallowing the lump in his throat, and finding the courage to speak up.

    "Uh… Mrs. Garchomp? Am I allowed to know what's going on between you and the Guildmaster?"

    Garchomp's head snapped towards Liam, producing a small yelp from the Riolu. She formed a bitter smile. "Didn't see you there, Liam - just Garchomp. And yeah, I guess you know already I'm pretty damn upset with your Guildmaster." She waved a talon at Scizor's attempts to halt her sharing of knowledge. "It's okay, Sciz, not like he didn't hear it."

    "Do the others know?" Liam questioned.

    "It's…" Garchomp sighed. "Look, it's pretty private stuff, and I made the mistake of being a loudmouth; blame me for being partners with two of 'em." A chuckle broke her sour mood. "Don't tell your guildmates this, but I have issues with your Guildmaster. He's a pretty secretive guy, and he's preventing us from knowing crucial information about this expedition's discoveries. Why? Only Arceus knows… I just wish your Guildmaster was like he was when my team originally met him; this would go a whole lot smoother."

    Liam frowned at her claim, knowing full well how the Lucario acted. "Will this affect things when we return to the guild?"

    Garchomp shrugged, "I'm not a Psychic-type, so I can't predict the future. It may if your Guildmaster refuses to share what he knows, or if the Council finds out about our little 'scuffle' with that mercenary clan." Scizor gave her a look that said everything, to which she nodded. "We can talk a bit more on the carriage ride, but you should regroup with your team. Gloria's been pretty worried that you vanished without a trace, so I'd check up on her."

    Liam bit his lip, "Oh yeah, I should do that right away. She, uh, gets like that if I'm gone for too long."

    Garchomp laughed again, "She's a fighter, that one. Plenty of moxie in her, and I knew doing a little training with her would draw that out. You two make a great pair from what I've seen and heard. One day you could be like my or Scizor's team."

    Liam puffed his chest. "It'd be a real honor to be seen like that, Mrs- er, Garchomp."

    Garchomp winked and turned to lumber away. "Keep at it and you will." Scizor would offer the Riolu a hasty bow as he followed her.

    Liam knew what was required of him as he spun on his heels and began marching toward the double doors of the large wooden structure. He swerved around Gurdurr and Drillbur carrying crates and other supplies until he ended up in the foyer. A quick survey of his surroundings proved no sign of her, only fellow guild members packing their belongings, so he took the creaky stairs up to the hallways that connected their rather brief living quarters. It was only around ten seconds of moseying around the halls until he heard the soft voice of his partner.


    He glanced down the hall to see the Vulpix herself nearly barreling towards him. He took a step back just in case as she stopped mere inches from him, a very relieved expression dancing across her muzzle as her plume of tails wagged behind her.

    "You're back! Everyone said they saw you and the Guildmaster broke away from the group," Gloria said, forming a frown. "Why did you do that? You made me really worried…"

    Liam scratched his neck with a paw. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was checking on the Guildmaster and stuff."

    "Is, um, something wrong with him?"

    "Nah, we… talked about things."

    "Like what?"

    Liam bit his tongue as he went quiet. He wished that he had the strength to tell everything to her, to make her understand his inner strife, especially after what the Guildmaster told him. But he could not, and it tore him up inside that he was going to continue lying to her face again.

    "… Nothing. Just stuff about the expedition and our team." He smiled widely. "He said that we're doing great so far, and we might have some special jobs just for our team when we get back!"

    "Really? That's amazing! But…" Gloria dropped her smile. "But I really wish you would stop wandering off, especially during important missions."

    "I know, and I'm sorry. I won't do it again without telling you."

    "... Can you promise?"

    "I, uh, well-"

    "Sis, you can't make guys promise on stuff like that," a suave voice rang. "It's in our nature to disobey." Roark came strutting down the hall as best he could with his bandaged leg. A smirk was plastered across his muzzle as planted himself between the pair, an arm latched on Liam's shoulder. "I see you're back, blue boy. Tell me, were the cacti and piles of sand fascinating up close?"

    Liam snorted, "I wasn't just sightseeing, Roark, but yeah, it's very pretty out there." He waved his paws around. "You got miles of undisturbed nature to explore; plus riding on those Mudsdales' is really fun!"

    "Boooring," Roark said, emphasizing by pretending to yawn. "I'll tell ya what's really interesting - going back home for a nice nap and then getting our reward for diving into this sandpit."

    "Reward?" Gloria asked with a tilt of her head. "Who said that?"

    Roark looked over both shoulders before leaning back in to speak. "Word around the ole grapevine is that our favorite slacker - Charizard - leaked some little info that Scizor and the grumpy guy in charge told him." His smirk grew. "Turns out the guild is getting a quick vacation over in that Eden Theater place."

    Liam exchanged a look of surprise between Roark and Gloria, who appeared even more intrigued than he was. Almost an entire year had passed since they attended its premiere, and despite their encounter with Magmortar, the whole event was very exciting to be present for.

    "Uhuh, and that's not even the best part," Roark continued, "'cause it looks like we lucky 'mons get the full package for a day. Bar, personal suites, private theaters, did I mention the bar? All free. And this time there's no pyromaniac with cannons for arms trying to torch you, so consider that a plus," he finished with a wink.

    "This is great!" Gloria exclaimed, a glint in her eyes. "I hope they have any of those new 'films' to show. Oooh! And I wonder if they could adapt some famous plays, too! Like 'Taming of Fire' and 'Meloetta's Last Ballad'!" Giddiness was very apparent in her voice as she tugged on her scarf and necklace.

    Roark held up his claws. "Hey, you didn't hear this from me." He shot Gloria a look. "And I know you're excited, sis, but don't make me drag you from that theater like I have to with your books sometimes."

    A roll of the Vulpix's eyes spurred a chuckle out of the Zoroark as he frazzled the tuft of fur atop her head.

    "I'm able to control myself just fine," she huffed. "It's you that I'm worried about… All that drinking; it's unhealthy."

    "And so is your Pokepuff addiction," Roark shot back, chuckling. "You'll understand my reasons when you reach my age, sis." He glanced towards an amused Liam. "Tell your team leader I'm right."

    Gloria stamped a paw on the floor and gave her brother a stern glare. "Tell my brother he's wrong, Liam."

    Liam blinked, before breaking out into a laugh. "You two…" He smiled and shook his head. "You two are amazing."

    "Hey, I already know that," Roark said as he tapped the nose of Gloria, causing her to scrunch her muzzle. "Sis just needs a little more coaching in her ring to accept that, and I shall provide."

    Gloria let out an exasperated sigh.

    Liam opened his mouth to say another remark, yet a lump forming in his throat after remembering recent circumstances forced it down. He attempted to swallow it, to no avail. "I, uh… need to get some air. Is that okay with you guys?"

    Roark scoffed, "You're telling me you didn't get enough of the desert already?" He shrugged. "Go ahead. Just don't run off before we leave, or else sis will go ballistic again."

    "I wasn't 'ballistic' - just worried," Gloria mumbled softly.

    Liam began walking down the stairs. "I'll meet up with you both at the carriages."

    Once the Riolu was out of sight and earshot, Roark leaned in to whisper something to Gloria.

    "Have you noticed anything about 'em? His eyes were a little puffy and red, and you know what that means…"

    She absently twirled the centerpiece of her necklace with a paw. "I didn't want to be, um, intrusive or anything. He's gone through a lot of change in such a small amount of time, but I hope it's something we can help with, and that he can tell me about anytime."

    "You said he's been staring into space and stuff a lot more, right?"

    "Yeah, daydreaming. Like, sometimes he's awake, and then he's unresponsive. I don't know if that's related to his amnesia."

    A chuckle flowed out of the Zoroark. "Don't worry so much about it, sis. Sometimes I also clock out of reality, so give the kid a break."

    "… I just hope it's not something bad."

    Roark didn't respond as he furrowed a brow, attempting to dissect this mystery. Through this mental trial, an idea began to take shape in his mind.

    'Geez, how long is this ladder…'

    Liam's paw grabbed onto what appeared to be the last plank of a ladder as he ascended up it. He was immediately hit with a warm and dry breeze once he emerged from the small trap door and onto the roof of the large wooden structure. From here he could see all of Sanctus Town and its aged clay buildings from a vantage point.

    Liam took a deep breath and relaxed his frayed nerves. He gripped his head with both paws and attempted to hold steady the mind that caused him so much trouble inside. Stumbling over to the railing that boxed in the roof, he shoved his thoughts aside and took in the view instead. The sky had turned a vibrant purple with an orangish hue that was slowly being consumed as the sun retreated further - stars that began to be visible and were ubiquitous. While the beauty would have entranced him any other day, Liam's gaze was glued to something else occurring in the city.

    The protests.

    Tiny cinders and columns of gray smoke from lit fires wafted past him, combining with the loud cries filling the air around Sanctus Town, originating from the town's central square. Crowds of civilian Pokemon and scores of both local and Council guards partook in a standoff, the latter of which staking behind makeshift cover. The two sides would clash every now and then, tiny objects or stones launched at the guards, who retaliated by smacking away any Pokemon that got too close to them.

    "Quite a sight, isn't it?"

    Liam spun around at the voice's introduction.

    The Lucario pulled himself out of the latch as he too walked towards the roof's railing. He peered out into the chaotic streets. "... This is the fate of all civilizations, kid." His unblinking stare found Liam. "Rise. Control. Power. Unrest. Unraveling. Collapse. Decay. Repeat. Humanity's no different, and neither is the Council."

    Liam rested his arms on the railing. "So many Pokemon out there in the town that are just barely surviving. We all saw it throughout the expedition. The help they need isn't coming, and if it is, it just isn't fast enough."

    "These Pokemon. They're cast aside, their pain intended to be unseen by all," Jackson said. "But they'll be the beginning. It took one action to cause this uproar, and it'll only take one spark to light the fire of something different."

    Liam gave him a confused look. "You really think that?"

    "I know so." Jackson turned. "Come on. We're leaving."

    Liam's attention flicked between the Lucario beside him and the raging protest. Of what he had seen so far of this 'Pokemon world', it seemed so peaceful and beautiful, yet this event and many others showed him it was from that ideal perception he once had. So many emotions inside him festered that he didn't realize a paw of his was trembling in anger. He halted its movement and looked up at Jackson - concerned - as if it was out of his control.

    "… Guildmaster, do you remember what you were like before your memory was returned?" Liam remembered the painting of Team Moonlight he had seen earlier. He bit his lip. "Garchomp said something to me about when she first met you; that you were a lot different."

    Jackson let out a puff of air. "Oh yeah, I was different. I wasn't the man that I was now, not even close. I thought more - docile, less authoritative, naive - a blank slate." He looked at the Riolu. "A lot like you."

    A pit grew in Liam's stomach as he watched Jackson walk back to the ladder hatch.


    The Lucario stopped.

    "I woke up in this world thinking I wanted to get my memories back, find out who I was, and see my family again because I felt empty and lost. I got that wish, and it felt like freedom to know that I really existed once. But… ever since Celestial Mountain, it felt like whatever- whoever I was before this, they're coming back. And I can't do anything to stop that from happening." Liam found it hard to say his next words. "I-I'm not scared, but what if gaining all my memories back will change me like it did to you?"

    Jackson went silent as his orange paw ring flared. "... You should be scared."

    The Lucario dropped into the hatch and began climbing down the ladder as Liam bored into the roof's tiles. He threw a glance behind him at the protests, then to the hatch. Tightening his paws, he fought off the reluctance to stay and followed after his Guildmaster.

    Down on the ground level of the Grit Ruin Excavator building, the guild members had just finished loading the carriages, and now were boarding themselves. Scizor marched around, a clipboard in his grasp as he inspected each of the cargo collected. Once everything was accounted for, he fluttered over to his carriage and awaited his Guildmaster's command for them to leave.


    The Bug-type glanced over his shoulder to see Garchomp stomping over. "Garchomp. Is there anything on your mind before we return?"

    "Yeah, and I need a solid answer." She stopped near the carriage and hooked a talon over its railing. "You remember what I said I wanted you to do after the expedition ended?"

    Scizor seized up but nodded. "... I do."

    She leaned in, "Listen. I know you're hesitant since he's your friend and partner, but this is beyond that now. He shouldn't be in charge in his state of mind, and not when he's withholding information from you and Charizard."

    "I understand, Garchomp. I only hoped there was another way around this."

    "Trust me, I wish there was, too. But with the way things are now with these 'artifacts' and-" She stopped to look around and make sure no guild members were eavesdropping, before dropping her voice to a whisper. "-and the Alignment being involved more than a millennium ago? I got a bad feeling about all of this."

    "We'll overcome, Garchomp. In time, I believe we will figure out all the secrets that keep us from accomplishing our goal here. Our discoveries here prove that."

    She scraped her talon alongside the wood. "Well, I'm glad you're in good spirits about things, but we need to resolve things with Jackson first."

    Scizor sighed, "... I'll do it. I'll confront him, and I'll see if I can make him step down, if only momentarily as we decide our next move."

    Garchomp tried to grin, but it faltered. "It's only so long 'til the Council finds out what we've done. Your guild will have to reveal your findings, and who knows what happens after that."

    "What will your team do now?"

    "Aggron, Tyranitar, and I'll be taken back to home base by the Mudsdales', but we won't be there long. Missions to catch up on, meetings to attend, though I'm sure the Council will come to question us soon on our involvement." She shook her head. "Fucking Jackson roping us into this mess…"

    Scizor lowered his gaze. "I'm very sorry that your team was pulled into this."

    "Nah, don't be. I made my decision to take part in this; we all did." A talon tapped Scizor's shoulder. "And I hate to admit it, but Jackson was right. My team… we haven't done our best in helping your guild, but I want to change that starting now."

    "Your team has done so much for us already, Garchomp. But thank you, we will need as much help as we can get."

    Garchomp stepped away from the carriage. "We'll keep in contact with each other. And let me know if- when Jackson decides there needs to be new leadership." She flashed him a grin. "I know you've got what it takes, and everyone in the guild will see, too."

    "... Thank you, Garchomp."

    As she lumbered back to her own carriage, Scizor's head fell back against the wooden railing. He closed his eyes, dreading a moment in the future he had no choice but to do.

    Minutes passed, guild members happily chatting away with each other before a single shout from a Shiny Lucario seated them and kickstarted the guild's exit. The Mudsdales' formed a solid line of carriages that gradually filed through the streets. Once they poured through the town's entrance, the hooves of the equines began to pound the dusty trails with all their might. The setting sun highlighted the guild's form as they vanished into the desert - their journey home now realized.

    In the absence of their wake, all was still in the town of Sanctus in the eyes of any onlooker. It was as if time stopped for the small settlement until it happened.


    There was an echoing shot of gunfire, then another.


    More shots filled the air with devastating bangs as the sky became lit with the expulsion of elemental energy erupting from the town's central square - the spark now lit.


    Her lantern flickered.

    Particles of dust and ash floated around the small chamber of solid sandstone. Darkness desired to be her only friend as it encompassed all corners of her vision, closing further in as her only source of light began to dim with each passing second. She would have counted the seconds until it went, but even that she was incapable of.

    Her lantern flickered again. Its flame went out permanently.

    Mew stared up at the ceiling, too weak and consumed by sickness to do anything but. Her searing headache robbed her mind of any lingering thoughts. She had tried to close her eyes and sleep away the inevitable, but her pain was too sharp, too constant. She was grafted to her bed for an amount of time that alluded her, but it was pointless to think about it.

    All she waited for was the release of death.

    As time passed, her blistering headache only seemed to create more pain for her. She felt as if this was the end, and readied herself for it. Her pain grew to a climax that threatened to tear her up inside; she desired to scream, yet no words would come out as she was engulfed in a shadow.


    Mew slowly opened her eyes to the view of inky black all around her. She miraculously found there to be movement in her limbs as she shakily held them up to her face - flabbergasted. She whipped her erratic gaze around the silent, limitless space she found herself in. A sense of claustrophobia settled in as she did not dare move. In the blink of an eye, a grassy floor expanded from nothingness and began to eat away at the darkness. Tall trees and bundles of colorful flowers budded and blossomed instantaneously. Patches of vibrant pinks, oranges, and whites filled in the gaps like splotches of paint on a canvas, illustrating the perfect backdrop of the morning sun that peeked over the forest. The sound of water, wind, and rustling leaves were constant.

    Mew was paralyzed - one moment she was at the brink of demise, and now she was at the center of an almost mystical landscape. She finally found the nerve to move, floating slowly around her surroundings, as if she would shatter the world if she went faster.


    Mew recoiled at the introduction of a silky, female voice emanating throughout her mind. Her head snapped in all directions in hopes to spot the originator.


    "I am happy to see another Pokemon… It has been quite some time."

    Mew swallowed, "W-where am I? Am I… dead?"

    The disembodied voice fell silent for a brief moment. "You were caught between both extremes - life and death. Your soul has fallen into a web, now under my embrace."

    Mew failed to come up with a response. Her instincts to study her surroundings got the better of her as she flew over to a fern dripping with dew. She touched it gently, a drop of water landing on her paw. She was surprised by how real its leafy texture felt, and how the trickle of wetness slid down her fur.

    "... If I'm not dead, then what is this place?"

    "Beautiful, yes? It is but one of infinite possibilities, one of many iterations."

    Mew drew back in shock as the sight of numerous landscapes appeared and disappeared in an instant within her vision. Bountiful illusions enticed her instantly, though she had not the slightest clue of why. When the visions receded, she felt herself longing to see them again, troubled by these new feelings.

    "What did you just do to me? W-what were those places you showed me? And who even are you?"

    "You are a curious one, but there is someone I wish you would meet first."

    The trees in front of Mew groaned as they were effortlessly shoved aside, obscuring thickets and other greenery slipping away into the grass. A path was created that was free from any obstacles, lined with white wallflowers that danced in the wind. A shining light up ahead intended to persuade Mew into reaching it. Hesitantly, she fulfilled the voice's directions and began to glide across the grassy path. The beacon of light she flew after would increase in luminosity as she got closer. It blinded her, enveloping her vision in all-encompassing white. When the light receded, she found herself staring at a familiar figure.


    Mew's eyes grew wide as she rushed over to the Pokemon, colliding into his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso. He accepted the unprompted hug and held her close as her fresh tears stained his fur.

    "V! Please, please tell me, please," she whispered, "please tell me this is really you."

    "It is, Mew. It's me."

    Mew reluctantly removed herself from the embrace, wiping away her tears. "I'm s-so glad to see you, V. I've… I've been so alone without you, and I've tried so hard to continue our work, but everything went so wrong, and-"

    "Shhh," Victini hushed her, his voice strangely soft and soothing. "It's okay, Mew. Everything is going to be all right now."

    Mew steadied her emotions with deep breaths. "Do you know where we are, V?"

    Victini extended a paw forward. "I'll show you. Grab my paw."

    She accepted the offer and gripped his paw as he pulled her further down the path. The landscape around them warped again as fields of tall, golden wheat rose from the inky shadows, the sky now a rich shade of orange. Strange animalistic chirps could be heard among the strands, mixed in with choirs of soft, echoing voices that sang and cried out to them. They followed a trail of fallen golden leaves through the seemingly endless fields of grain.

    "Ah... Nice, isn't it?" Victini asked as he walked. "Do you feel relaxed? I always feel very relaxed in this place."

    "What is this place, V? How come we're in it?"

    "Look around you, Mew. It's pure magic, pure bliss. No fear, no hatred, nothing that could harm you or me." Victini inhaled in the pleasant aroma around them. "Sometimes I don't want to leave... ever."

    Mew felt lost, "What do you mean by that? You didn't answer me…" Neither the 'voice' nor Victini seemed inclined to give a straight answer, and it only served to confuse her more.

    "… Mew, have you ever felt like your life wasn't fair?"

    She was caught off guard by his sudden switch in demeanor, unable to form a response as he continued.

    "I mean, what have either of us really done with our lives that was accepted? That wasn't required for us to do? We were born under the grasp of other Legendaries, dictated that we should live and die under our banner of worship of Arceus. We were never allowed the life of a normal Pokemon, never allowed to really live. Our dreams of escaping our duties and running away to start a new life... were just dreams, and could never be ours. We never lived our lives, Mew, we lived the lives of others."

    "No… Don't say that," she mumbled. "You can't really tell me you think that." Her memories of the energetic and positive Pokemon did not match the Pokemon in front of her.

    "All our work to save the world was all for nothing in the end. Our accomplishments and goals never mattered; only if it benefitted those in power. The king of Celestic, the Legendaries greater than us… they're all the same. They never cared about the Pokemon of the world, only themselves. But they have no power here, no sway over our lives. We're free, Mew, free from their evil, their hate, their control over us."

    "You're not making sense, V. This isn't like you at all."

    Victini calmly turned around, a relieved expression across his face. "Oh… I'm done, Mew. I'm so done with being the servant. I'm done being the 'hero', and I'm done living their lives."

    A thick fog rolled in over the field as Victini began to walk forward. He stopped and kneeled to pluck a white wallflower blooming out of the ground before stumbling into the misty cloud and vanishing out of sight.

    "W-wait up!"

    Mew wasted no time flying after him. She entered the barrier of fog and was immediately assaulted with blankets of vapor that shrouded her perception. She flew further into the murky and barren landscape, desperately searching for her lover.

    "V! Can you hear me? Where are you?!"

    "You are quite the perceptive Pokemon, understanding my lines. You had given up your life in pursuit of which you did not understand - an admirable trait for someone so young."

    "What do you-" She scowled. "Where's Victini? Why is he acting so strange? And who are you?!"

    Mew gasped in shock as the earth around her began to quake violently. She gawked as an impossibly tall mountain rose from the ground, piercing the fog with its might.

    "What you uncovered in the heart of Celestial Mountain stirred the search for answers within you. Even following major setbacks, you marched forward into the unknown."

    The terrain shook again as a fortress of pure sandstone shot out of the ground beside Mew. She instantly recognized the massive structure as Regi Castle.

    "Your desire for knowledge brought you here, and your fate was sealed within its ghastly chambers. Yet your soul endures."

    "You said that before. My… soul?"

    "Lives on. Your harps were hung from the willows when the tendrils of death unfurled, but your very being has been preserved by me."

    "Preserved by…" Mew mouthed before she shook her head ferociously. "Enough with the convolution already! Give me a straight answer!" she shrieked, on the verge of tears. "What is this place?!"

    "… You wish to see. Very well. I will show it to you."

    The dense fog surrounding Mew dissipated and left behind a dark void of nothingness. In the blink of an eye, she was in yet another almost ethereal environment. A crisp, verdant grassland was where she found herself, accented by rolling hills of green and cold, harsh winds that occasionally swept through. Darkness ushered in over the near featureless plains, yet a small yellowish light could be seen fulgurating in the distance as Mew squinted her eyes at it.

    To her, it looked like a campfire.

    Mew enacted on her curiosity and flew over to investigate. As she got closer, a gasp escaped her at what she saw. A Pokemon was seated down on a wooden log, deeply staring into a crackling fire before him, shadows dancing behind it - Victini. His inattentive stare into the campfire was stolen as Mew drifted over to him, alleviated at his presence.

    "V, it's you again…"

    Victini's stare drilled into her - elated yet exhausted. "Mew… It's really you." She noticed the more natural tone in his voice. "I thought I was seeing things, but I guess I wasn't… heh."

    Mew tilted her head. "But we just talked - don't you remember? You said all these things about our lives; stuff I've never heard you say before."

    He gripped his head, wincing. "... Sometimes my mind feels cloudy, and I can't hear my own thoughts or say my own words. I blank out, and I think it's because of this strange place."

    "Do you know where we are?"

    Victini went silent but slowly nodded. "Yeah, I do. Tell me, before you arrived here, did you ever have a really wicked headache?"

    Mew blinked, now remembering the painful sensation ailing her mind while she was on her deathbed. "I did…"

    "Before I was brought here, I had such a really bad headache while recording my notes through those Projection Crystals." He sighed. "I thought it was just a migraine from overworking and stress, but I didn't realize what it really was before it was… y'know."

    The gears in Mew's mind began to turn as a horrible realization sprouted within her. "I remember that crystal; you were in so much pain, but you tried to detail your thoughts, and then that shadow formed you. That must mean…"

    "Exactly. You and I experienced the same headaches, and now we've been engulfed by a forming magnagate."

    Mew's heart sank.

    Victini continued as he returned to stare into the campfire. "When I came here, I heard a woman's voice. She spoke to me as I wandered around this weird place, like she was encouraging me to keep exploring. I tried finding her, but it was pointless. But it didn't take long for me to figure out where I really was."

    "But… How are you so sure we're inside a magnagate?"

    "Look up."

    Mew heeded his words as she peered upward, a chill racing across her spine at what she saw.

    Glowing lines of solid orange energy fluctuated and pulsated among the pitch-black skies. The largest splintered off into more criss-crossing lines that birthed even smaller curls and wavering strands. Each line was connected to another, and all intersected at one point - the core. Its light was intense, blinding those who looked too long. It hummed an eerie frequency for all to hear, mixed in with the sounds of flowing water, sharp wind, and rustling leaves.

    "... It's the ley lines," Mew uttered with a horrified expression. "So we really were-" She did not have the strength to finish her sentence.

    Victini grinned as he pointed up at the sky. "Look! It's exactly like I thought! All of these lines come from a single coordinate. They all feed information and energy to each other to expand." His grin faltered. "And, well, you and I were caught in it while it expanded."

    Mew's breaths were shaky as he tried to control her emotions. "I-is this where the Pokemon in the dungeons come from? Those miners we tried to save, they have to be trapped here with us as well."

    "Look around, Mew."

    Her gaze swept through the grasslands, spotting multiple Drilbur wandering the fields aimlessly, some pointing claws at the anomaly above them in both awe and fear. As she looked closer at their surroundings, she noticed parts of the land that were in stark contrast to the grassy plains - forests of pine, a snowy tundra, barren deserts, rocky cliffs - all fractured off the mainland and drifting over a sea of the infinite void.

    "They were caught in the forming magnagate as well," Victini said. "All of us - we're in some state of quantum loop - a limbo between life and death, like the voice told me when I arrived. Once we're here, the ley lines must send 'information' of us back to the magnagates above it and project a physical recreation of us - just like the land they consume and then 'dungeonize' when we enter a magnagate. That would explain the attacking Drilbur in the magnagate we found." He flashed his signature 'v' sign, withholding another smile. "I came up with a name for this phenomenon! 'The Apparition Effect'. It would've been great to tell you all this during the project, but… it's too late for that, I guess."

    Mew managed a small smile as she floated closer to him. "You're so smart, V. If only you were still around, maybe we could've put an end to all of this. I wouldn't have any nights where I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, think. We could've left our research behind and ran away. It would just be so-"

    "Hey, hey, it's not the end, Mew," he interrupted. "It never is. You gave it your best - I know you did - and I know there'll be Pokemon that'll solve what we couldn't."

    Mew was mere inches from him. "I just… I'm just so happy to hear your voice and see you again, V. I don't care what happens to me, as long as we're together through this."

    Victini glanced up at her as he held out his paw for her to grab. She obliged, both of them holding each other for support as they stared into one another's hearts. "… I don't know, Mew. This place is so crazy, and I'm not sure if it's real, or if I'm even real," he admitted, but offered her a genuine look. "But I don't care about that now. No matter what happens to me, I want you to know… I love you, Mew."

    She sniffled, gripping his paw tight. "I love you too, V."

    As if on cue, a cold gust of wind blew through the grasslands, snuffing out the warm blaze of the campfire and sundering the region into abject darkness. Mew no longer felt the warm fur of Victini as he vanished with the wind. Now all alone, Mew turned to see that a particular object was lying in the remnants of ash and dying embers of the campfire.

    A Pokemon egg.

    A warmth grew in Mew's chest as she stared at it, her thoughts dashed away as captivation took control. She slowly floated over to it, gently picking it up as she felt its lifelike texture, sensing in her paws the thump of a heartbeat from within its life-giving shell. Mew did not know why, but she knew deep inside that this was her egg - her child.

    "I can see, feel, and hear the love you share with each other. Lovers that were cast away from each other, now reunited in a promised land; free from hate, evil, corruption, and entropy. I have seen your deepest desires, and one was most prominent above all - motherhood."

    Tears streamed down Mew's face as she clutched the egg close to her chest and looked over her shoulder - terrified. "… What are you?"

    Silence reigned momentarily over the grasslands. "I… I am the future of this world."

    Mew flinched as the egg she held began to gradually disappear. She desperately tried to keep hold of it, to no avail.

    "But this promised land is but an illusion of the mind. A painting that you can only appreciate, yet never live within its perfect colors."

    Fear strangled Mew's heart as the grassy plains surrounding her faded, replaced by dreaded walls of sandstone. They formed a perimeter around her, a maze-like structure of rooms and winding corridors encasing her in like a tomb.

    "I take no pleasure in what happens to you. It is beyond even my control. But do not be scared, as there is a light at the end. And you shall see it when the time comes…"

    Mew wanted to scream as an alien force brute-forced its way into her mind. She could not control her own body as she felt vestiges of her soul being ripped out of her, eyes dulling and turning blank and lifeless. A pressure in her vacant mind told her to move, to wander, to attack anything that moved, and she obeyed.

    "March, little soldier, until paradise is born."

    When we remembered Zion; we were cast away from holy grounds. We wept by the rivers, we yearned to return.

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
    LTWNBR: To My Father
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer

    Letters That Will Never Be Read: To My Father

    Dear Dad,​

    Hi. I'm not really sure how to begin this, or if there's even a point to doing this. But I'm gonna try just in case there's ever a moment when I can send this. In the million-to-one chance that you're reading this, no you're not seeing things. It's me, Liam, your son. But there's something you need to know first, and it'll really shock you.

    I'm not a human anymore; I'm a Pokemon.

    What's a Pokemon? Well, according to a friend and a few books I read, it's said that we're the sole inhabitants of the planet. There are all types of unique Pokemon that exist, and they can do amazing things that you couldn't even imagine! I'm a Riolu - I've got paws, blue and black fur, and these weird tassels that give me an 'aura instinct', which really helps me dodge attacks in battles sometimes!

    I know this all sounds confusing, and I thought it was too when I first came here. I don't know how, or even why, but I'm here in this strange world now. It was more than a year ago when someone found me in a forest and helped me process all this change. Her name's Gloria, and she's my partner in a team we created together - Team Requiem. I guess one word to describe her would be 'promising'. She's sweet, caring, and a bit shy, but she's determined, and I've always admired that part of her. Easy to fluster too, but I wouldn't tell her that.

    Oh, right, and then there's her brother, Roark. He really likes to trick me and Gloria with his freaky illusion abilities, but he's a good guy deep down. He's even the one who convinced us to join the Cosmic Quilt Guild and form a team! What's a guild? Well, it's full of other Pokemon teams that work together on jobs and go out on expeditions to help Pokemon in need and accomplish our main goal. I'd be writing this forever if I explained the goal of our guild, but I'll let you know that we're doing very important things. The world may even be saved by our actions! And while we're so close to the guild's goal, and I want to be happy about that, there's something else eating away at me.

    I have amnesia, or at least I used to; it's hard to explain. When I came to this world, I knew nothing about it or even myself, except a name - Liam. My first few months in this world felt like a blur. I knew not a darn thing - not anything about being a human, about my world, about you or mom, just emptiness. I thought I was a Pokemon who simply had no place to be, and that really affected me. I even used to think that I never existed at all before I woke up here. Joining the guild with Gloria to me felt like I was giving myself purpose in a life that felt very hollow and meaningless.

    Sometimes I look back on how I was starting off and wish for those quiet days again.

    Everything seemed to change after joining the guild. She and I made good friends with our guildmates and did mission after mission across the region, helping any Pokemon we could, and we loved doing it. It was around this time that I began to see my situation differently. I felt like I was given a second chance, like a do-over of my life. It was frustrating to look at myself and see nothing, and it was even worse when others saw that much in me as well.

    It seems random to mention, but I remember this one mission me and Gloria went on that stuck with me. We were sent out to this little town called Veldt Heights - a really pretty place out in the Meadow Region - lots of colorful flowers, clean air, these old buildings and tool shacks with moss growing on them, and really friendly Pokemon. We were there to help this Florges retrieve an item of hers she dropped at the end of a nearby Mystery Dungeon, which we happily did. We did the usual; got the item, gave it back to her, collected our payment, then went to leave. But the old woman insisted that we stay for a while, and have lunch as an extra little reward. While I was already satisfied with our work and ready to go, Gloria of course wanted to take up the woman's offer, and you know I couldn't say no to the face that Roark warned me about.

    I told myself that I would endure the boring stuff and keep to myself as always, but this time was different.

    We stayed at her home for hours, listening to her stories and telling some of the few our team created so far. She was very sweet, and I found myself losing any thoughts about leaving while we talked. She eventually led us outside and into her personal garden, and it was a sight all right. Gloria and Roark say I'm easy to impress, and while that may be true, this garden was something else. It was walled off; there were these thin streams of water that flowed across the garden. Roses, tulips, sunflowers, hyacinths, daffodils, wallflowers - she had it all. Even this special flower only found in Celestic called a Bluecrest Camellia. It looked like a blue hydrangea, but had a glint of sparkle across its petals, and smelled like fresh rain - I wish I had them myself.

    The woman wanted us to help her plant new ones in her garden in exchange for extra payment, as she was too old to do it all by herself. Gloria was more than happy to do it free of charge, of course. Me? To tell you the truth, I knew that woman could do it herself, but she wanted company, and what kind of jerk would I be to deny her that?

    We were out in the garden pulling weeds and laying down soil until the sun began to set. It was hard work, even tiring out a Fighting-types like myself. But doing this small little favor sparked something in me, like I awakened something inside myself. I loved doing this; planting a tiny seed in the ground, pouring a little water over it to begin its next stage, and then watching them slowly grow and blossom over time. To nurture something, to keep it protected throughout its short life. I know it can be hard to imagine since you don't have amnesia as I do, but this seemingly unimportant encounter has stuck with me ever since that day. After we finished planting all the seeds, the woman spoke with me one last time in private while Gloria conked herself out on a couch from exhaustion. And I admit, while Gloria and I agreed to keep my amnesia mostly a secret, I did spill some of my thoughts - or lack thereof - to Florges. I told her about how lost I felt, how I never thought of myself as a Pokemon - nothing specific, but she got the picture. She said many words, but one thing I do remember most is this one line of hers that resonated with me.

    'Too narrow is the flower's hold and mind of which dreams and change grow upon. Let its seeds and petals scatter on the wind, free to let go and free to live on as buds of new hope outlast dying sorrows.'

    I found out she passed away just a few weeks after we had met. Sometimes I daydream about that garden again, about that town actually. I thought if I would ever settle down one day and stop exploring, I would want to live in that town and have a garden as Florges did.

    I'm telling this story because I eventually regained my memories, or at least a bit of it. It was this one mission we were sent on - scouting Criss-Cross Creek from a boat - I'll never forget it. It was that mission where a memory was burned into my brain. It was one where you and I were out on lake, and you taught me how to fish. I was confused at the time, but that was the first moment where I was given a connection to my past. I would continue to get these random bits of memories shoved in my mind as time went on, and I was struggling to process it all, and what it meant. Back then, I thought I could forge a new life even if I lost my memories, but now that they were coming back, a picture of my old life began to take shape. Gloria, Roark, and the others in the guild, they never knew what I was going through, what I was slowly beginning to understand about my past. I decided to keep it that way, and I'm not sure if that was a good idea.

    I was at a crossroads. I didn't know what to do. I'd say only I knew about this, but I'd be lying. There's someone else I haven't mentioned.

    Jackson, the guildmaster, quickly knew what was happening to me. Get this - he's a human that was turned into a Pokemon just like I was - a Lucario. To call him strange or aloof would be an understatement, but he's the closest link I have ever had to my old life. I told him everything, and he said that someone was laying a path before me, and I could choose to walk it or not.

    In retrospect, I could tell he was lying about there being a choice.

    From then on, we were as close as he would let me. I told him about my memories as they came in, and he helped me understand them as I began to also accept them as reality. I was Liam, a human from another world, not a Pokemon. It was liberating for a time, hearing the strum of a banjo and feeling like I was right at home, like I was right back at that festival you took me to, and I was on stage again performing my heart out. That was all until Celestial Mountain. A huge expedition the guild went on to retrieve knowledge of our goal, and I was chosen to be the sole partner of my guildmaster as we trekked up this awesomely vast and beautiful mountain.

    It was there I learned more about that Lucario. It was there I learned more about my past, about what happened to mom, and about you. I could tell in your voice and every action of yours that you were devastated, and so was I when I found out. And then I learned about June. Even now my heart feels like it's about to jump out my throat when I think about her. She existed once, you know? She could've been born, and I could've had a little sister by my side. It hurts to think that there won't be a possibility of that anymore. My guildmaster went through a loss of his own, too; his wife, a son he'd never have. He keeps me at arm's length on purpose, but I know it's because he's struggling, too. There was one moment atop that mountain where I think his true self was shown, not hidden away or lied about to others.

    I know past all the blankness and empty feelings inside me that there's something true - something real and present, and I'm beginning to understand that now.

    Just a few hours ago I experienced another memory, and things became a lot more clear. All the amazing things I've seen us do together as a father and son in those memories, I know now that they were just distractions - you even told me so back then. You and my guildmaster are very similar in your intentions; you both tried to keep me from realizing the reality of my situation. You, him, myself, we're all alike in that regard. We're all broken in ways we can't even begin to understand.

    Dad, I don't know how much it means, but I forgive you for what you did. I know you tried your best to salvage what was left of our family, even if it was pointless in the end. I remember the last words you told my younger self; that I would have to cope with not having a father around anymore. I don't know the full picture, not yet, but I hope that you were wrong. I hope that you're still around, still alive to know that I'm still alive, still hopeful that we can reconnect again.

    But there's one issue that's trying to take my hope away.

    My guildmaster told me that I would remember everything from my old life, regardless of if I wanted to or not. He said I should be scared. I don't want to be scared or worried about what my memories show me, but what if he's right? What if regaining all my memories changes who I am as a person for the worst? I saw a memory where I was so angry at someone for what they said that I attacked them, and even now I can feel the occasional trembling of anger in a paw that I know for certain I didn't intend. I can feel myself longing for the family we all had, though I know so little of it. The person in these older memories, the Liam that exists in it, I don't want to become him, but it may be inevitable.

    And if so, what about Gloria, and all the others? I have to write this letter close to my chest so her occasional peeks don't spot anything. She has her own problems to get over, and this would only worsen them. But she deserves to know, right? We're partners, and I keep telling myself that it's better for her not to know.

    I think I'm going to tell her before it's too late, before I remember everything.

    Dad, do you miss me? I miss you. And sometimes I miss the old Liam that never dealt with these feelings - the one that changed so little. You have no idea how exhausting it is to be pulled in so many different directions. So many memories, so many familiar voices that either coax or taunt me. I've been pulled so much it feels like I've been split down the middle. It's hard, it's tough, it's painful, but I've lasted through it this far, haven't I? So how long will it be until I'm given a release?

    I hope you get this letter one day.

    Your son,


    Moonlight hit the backs of the stampeding Mudsdales' as they pounded the grass with their rumbling carriages in tow behind them.

    Liam pulled away the inky quill from the mess of words scrawled onto a piece of paper. A blank expression was glued to his face, his eyes glazing over the page. The sound of uproarious laughter broke his train of thought as he glanced over to his side to see his guildmates chatting up a storm on the opposite end of the carriage, Monferno ripping something yellow and fuzzy off his back.

    From what he could overhear, Joltik had latched himself to Monferno's back again.

    Gloria giggling ceased as she noticed Liam staring at her. She smiled warmly at him, and he copied her features in return. His gaze moved past her, looking off into the distance at the glowing bundles of yellow light in the distance - Empyrean City. Liam knew home was only a stone's throw away, and yet his and the guild's troubles were far from over.

    Returning to look at the letter he wrote, Liam frowned. He took the page off the carriage's railing and held it up against the night. A tearing noise was muffled by thrashing hooves as he tore apart the paper, left with useless scraps. He bundled them up in his paws before leaning over the railing and opening them up again. He watched as the pieces of his letter drifted and scattered in the winds until there was nothing left in his paws.

    Liam let out a heavy sigh before he moved to join his boisterous comrades.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Next Time: Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
    Chapter 31: Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 31

    Tranquillitas Ante Tempestatem


    "Kid, how long does it take to read a headline?"

    Liam blinked as Roark snatched the Celestic Cognizance out of his grasp and tossed it onto the stand's wooden counter.

    "So, what do you two think?"

    The Meowstics' shared a look before shrugging their shoulders in synchrony.

    "Not much one can really think, Roark," the male one spoke with a posh tone. "It's terrible that it happened, but accidents happen."

    "And accidents are unavoidable," his elegantly spoken sister chimed in, flicking her brother's ear with a wave of pink psychic energy. "Remember the shipment TMs of you dropped? The guards made us spend all morning sweeping up those fragments. Tch, tch."

    "Please let it go, sister."

    Roark scoffed and raised his arms high. "Hey, this could be your chance to raise prices. Plenty of Pokémon will need supplies once Celestic falls into anarchy and the apocalypse is upon us."

    "Roark!" an upset-looking Gloria yelled, pushing into her brother's side with a paw. "Don't say things like that!"

    Roark knelt down to meet the Vulpix's height. "I'm joking, sis, calm down." He pinched her cheek and produced a grimace out of her. "Chances are there'll be a few more protests, and then Pokemon move on with their lives. Trust me, I've seen these things on every continent before."

    Gloria's frown deepened, "I just keep thinking about those poor families who've already suffered a lot through the drought, and now they've lost family members…" Her expression lightened slightly. "But I'm glad we were given the chance to go there and help those Pokemon, even if it wasn't much. I would do it again if we could."

    Liam appeared as if to interject, but held his tongue.

    "That's the Gloria we love to hear!" the female Meowstic cheered with a raise of a paw.

    "Many times Roark would come here to buy just to sing your praises to us," her brother added, smiling widely. "We were so glad to see you finally create a team, and a great one at that!"

    Gloria tugged on her scarf and averted the eyes that fell upon her. "Um, thank you a lot for the kind words, really… but I'd really wish Roark wouldn't mention me so much."

    Roark chuckled, "No need to be so modest, sis. Besides, we're about to be known as the bunch who saved the fu- freaking world! Embrace a little praise for me, will ya?"

    Gloria grumbled under her breath.

    The Meowstics' behind the counter clasped their paws in unison, the female the first to speak. "Speaking of which, we've had a few guild members give us little blurbs of what happened in the Grit Region. Care to gossip with us a little?"

    "As long as we wouldn't get in hot water with your Guildmaster," her brother said. "That man can be quite intimidating…"

    Roark attempted to alleviate their fears with a wave of his claws. "Bah, don't worry about Mr. Glare. I'll give you a brief rundown so we aren't here all day." He dropped an elbow onto the counter as the Meowstics' gathered to hear. "Get this - we just combed that big ole desert and found the jackpot of discoveries in some ancient castle fortress thing. Bossman won't say what exactly it is, but it's something that could take out the Mystery Dungeons for good."

    "You're kidding!" the male Meowstic exclaimed, "A Celestic without Mystery Dungeons everywhere is like a tree without leaves!" He frowned. "But all I can think about is how many customers we would lose if that really happened. And a good majority of our stock comes from dungeons. That wouldn't be great for us."

    Roark shook his head. "There'll always be Pokemon like me who get hurt or do the hurting with your stuff, dungeon or no dungeon."

    The female Meowstic huffed. "Roark's correct, brother. Besides, this is a positive for Pokémon all across the world. We can afford to lose a little when the world could be saved."

    The male Meowstic crossed his arms.

    "Well, who knows for sure," Roark said, shrugging. "Mr. Glare is sending us straight back into an expedition tomorrow. This time - thankfully - is close to home."

    "A third expedition already?" the twins questioned together. "Where to?"

    "Criss-Cross Creek!" Gloria piped up from the back. "We weren't told much, but there's apparently something there related to what we discovered in the expedition. What's crazy is that Liam and I were there twice before! And now we're going back to uncover what we discovered there before!" She shot Liam a look, hoping he would jump in and say something. However, she could tell something else was churning in his mind as his stare was glued to the ground.

    Roark chuckled as he ran a claw through his thick mane. "Yeah, yeah, we're busy 'mons. But busy 'mons also get vacation days; today being one of 'em."

    "We heard from the others! The Eden Theater's second premiere, right? Oh, I bet it's dazzling there!" the female Meowstic swooned. "It would sadly take us weeks to afford tickets to get in."

    "Try ten weeks minimum," her brother lamented.

    Roark's smirk turned smug as he stepped back. "The perks of guild life, I guess. I think it's a pretty suitable reward after we did in-"

    "I think it's a terrible thing."

    Quizzical stares snapped to Liam as he raised his head. "Not the, um, reward, but what happened at that protest. It shouldn't have happened. It doesn't feel fair at all, y'know?" His gaze hardened. "I remember seeing that Council marching parade back in Elysium City. All the Pokémon there who attended looked happy that those guards were there to protect them. But still… both sides fought, and Pokemon still died. It makes you wonder if there's even a point to these systems if it all ends up the same anyway. I remember thinking back then that Celestic was a very peaceful place, and now I feel almost… disappointed?"

    There was silence following the Riolu's sudden diatribe, replaced by the sounds and chatter of the bustling street around them.

    Roark broke the group's stillness with a chuckle. "Kid, things ain't always so sunshine and rainbows around here. I don't know what sis put in your head to make you think that, but Celestic isn't like that."

    Gloria bit her lip, mind stirring with worry.

    "Yeah… I'm not sure why I said all that," Liam said, clearing his throat before turning his attention to the concerned-looking Meowstic twins. "Uh, how much do we owe you for the Blast Seeds and Wonder Orbs?"

    The male Meowstic blinked back into reality as he hastily shook his head. "No payment necessary this time! Your team and Roark are good friends of ours, and returning customers at that!" His sister nodded to his words.

    "You sure?" Liam asked. "We do have enough Poké if that's what you're worried about."

    "Kid, you don't argue with free," Roark said as he picked up one of the Wonder Orbs and shoved it into his messy mane.

    "I guess so…"

    Liam wrapped an arm around the haul of goods they selected and dumped them into the cream colored saddlebag strapped across his shoulder. He took a step back from the royal blue painted stand as the Meowstics' waved at the three of them.

    "We hope you enjoy the festival!" they said together. "And we hope you succeed with your mission tomorrow!"

    "We will!" Gloria cried back with a wave of her own, tails fanning behind her. "Thank you for the items!"

    After Roark and Liam gave their own farewells to the cheery shopkeepers, they were now finally on their way to the Eden Theater. Getting out of the hectic shopping district, they embarked down one of the many streets that led to the imposing tower gleaming in the night sky. Swaying searchlights in the distance guided them toward it. Bombastic music intermixed with voices that whizzed past them and shining lights and vibrant displays of cultural art were the motif of a typical festival in Empyrean City. The alluring smells of fried food and sugary sweets wafting from the many stands propped up along the sides of the street tempted the trio to investigate, yet they endured each test of their will and kept moving, as their true prize was much sweeter.

    "So, kid, what the hell was all that about back there?" Roark nearly yelled over the cacophony of their surroundings.

    Liam could only muster a shrug. "Dunno. I was just… thinking."

    Gloria appeared to frown but erased it away to reassure her partner with a smile. "Um, for what it's worth, I agree with some of what you said."

    A pair of Roark's claws clamped down on Liam's shoulders. "Hey, if the whole guild gig doesn't pan out, you can always become a politician."

    Gloria giggled at the prospect. "Could you imagine that?" She ceased her laughter moments later. "Er, no offense to you, Liam."

    "None taken," Liam said. "I would totally suck as a politician."

    Roark scratched his chin. "Yeah, you would, but has that stopped any of those in office?"

    "Rooooark…" Gloria bemoaned, shooting daggers at him.

    Roark chuckled as he picked up his pace and strode past the two Pokemon, forcing them to follow behind.

    Their walk was rather uneventful as they made their way to the Eden Theater, the impressive sights around them captivating all those who stopped to stare, all except one Pokemon. Liam's face twitched, his body jerking in response to the sparks of electrifying pain spontaneously shooting through his nerves. His attempts to corral these sensations and clutch his head to rid of them proved futile. Numerous snapshots of memories flashed across his vision in the blink of an eye.

    An open, grassy meadow, flowerbeds of white wallflowers, the glass of shattered windows scattered on a floor, a house set ablaze, and a woman wearing a pale sundress.

    He could not decipher what it all meant, yet knew deep down how familiar they were to him, but were just out of reach. The pain flooding his senses vanished as quickly as the memories did as he struggled to maintain his face of normalcy on the outside. Just when he thought it was over for good, a gruff voice emanated from the deepest reaches of his mind.

    'Who are you?'

    Liam was forced to shove down these intrusive thoughts as Gloria pointed at a nearby stand to gather his attention.

    After trudging past the seas of Pokemon and other pleasant distractions in their path, they now stood in the lengthy line that granted entrance to the Eden Theater. Liam's gaze was instinctively drawn upwards as he gawked at the sleek, steel frame of the building that towered over everything else. Just like before, the streaks of neon blue lights that lined the tower's sides captivated him. Simply admiring its design proved more than effective at stalling his mind, along with waiting for the column of Pokemon ahead to dwindle.

    An entire year had passed since he first entered the Eden Theater, and he was still finding it hard to believe.

    Once the three of them reached the tall entrance, they flashed their passes to the stationed guards and were given permission to enter. Blue lights on black steel pulsated in the short hallway as they and many others funneled into it. Upon reaching the end, the main foyer of the tower greeted them, flooding with Pokemon chatting among themselves, or staff carrying platters of drinks around the room to attendees. Many were seated near the grand theater, engrossed in an ongoing film.

    From what small snippets Liam could see, it appeared to be very action-oriented.

    "Still crowded as ever," Roark commented, grabbing the pair's attention as he jabbed a claw at the elevators. "Our 'special' rooms are at the top. Race ya to 'em!" Before they could say anything, he vanished into the sea of Pokemon.

    "Hey! Let's stick together!" Gloria yelled as she maneuvered her way after him.

    Liam snorted, following his partner.

    They missed the Zoroark just moments before his floor went upwards, a smirk and a wave of his claws the last thing they saw. Entering their own elevator, they waited patiently as a staff Cinccino stepped inside to press one of the many buttons on the door panels, the strange contraption rumbling slightly before beginning to rise.

    Liam buried the familiar feelings stirring with him as he smiled at Gloria, who was too caught up in admiring the elevator's mechanisms to notice.

    "So, what's the plan tonight?" he asked.

    Gloria took a second to realize he was speaking to her. "Oh! Um, I was thinking we could just have some fun!"

    "And your definition of fun is…?"

    She giggled, pushing into his side. "Didn't you listen to Scizor's speech at the guild? There's new games and films to see. Oh! And there's this new machine called an Emotionizer - fun stuff!"

    He shrugged, smile growing. "I'll take your word for it."

    The elevator buckled once more as the metal doors slid open, revealing an area of the theater they had never seen before.

    "Looks like I got you cornered, Mony," Roark taunted.

    "D-don't listen to him, M-monferno!" Staravia shrieked beside the primate. "You got this!" Joltik also screeched his support from the bird's back.

    Monferno's head shook as he surveyed his remaining Vespiquen and Doublade pieces. He glanced at his foe's arsenal, frowning at the army of ceramic Pokemon led by a smug Zoroark. Despite a tiny voice in his head - along with Staravia's incessant squawks in his ear - telling him to keep going, he folded, raising both hands.

    "I give up. You win."

    A chorus of 'awwws' and playful 'boos' erupted from around the game table.

    "Monferno, you still could've won!" Leafeon scolded. "You had good pieces left! There was still a chance."

    "A twenty percent chance, by my calculations!" Minun added before crossing his arms and began sulking. "Could've won our money back, too…"

    Monferno shrugged, "Dunno. Guess I didn't like my chances."

    Roark cackled as he leaned in to shovel the large amount of Poke piled onto the table into his arms. "I think Monferno just realizes he doesn't stand a chance against the king of this game." He perked a brow. "Unless anyone thinks they can stop me…"

    Staravia flapped his wings erratically, "Ooh! I w-wanna try!"

    "Me too!" Mightyena hollered. "Purrloin says I need to win back all the Pokè I lost here!"

    Roark grinned as he leaned back in his chair. "Always looking for more cash in my drinking tab, so bring it on!"

    As his fellow guild members engaged in another game, Monferno found his exit and swiftly bid everyone his farewells. Now left to his own devices, the Fire-type wandered around the spacious room. Flashing neon lights and the howls of laughter from Pokemon gambling away their Pokè proved irritating as time passed. His back would hit the steel walls of the room, resorting to simply watch and stare past the games and their fun.

    There was a stray thought in his mind to talk to Braixen and keep the night going. It was snuffed out with a sigh and a cross of his arms. Instead, he waited for the night to be over, staring into nothingness.

    "Hey, Monferno! You good?"

    Another sigh escaped the primate as he recognized the jubilant voice. "... What do you need, Rockruff?"

    Rockruff bounded over and planted himself beside Monferno. He stared up at the Fire-type, concerned. "You looked pretty bummed out over losing that game. It's not that serious! C'mon, let's play another game and beat Roark for good!"

    Monferno rubbed his face in exasperation. "It's not about the game, Rockruff. I'm fine. Go back to playing with the others or something."

    "So what's the problem then?"

    "No offense, but I don't think you'd even understand it."

    Rockruff's ears flattened, "Hey… didn't we talk about our problems back at the start of the expedition? You're my friend, and I wanna know what's bugging you."

    Monferno went silent, as if debating to speak in his mind.


    "I've been thinking about leaving the guild."

    Rockruff nearly fell back from shock, mouth agape "Huh?! Y-you're not serious about doing that, are you?"

    Monferno nodded slowly.

    "But… why?" Rockruff mumbled. "Didn't you decide to stay even when everyone else was gonna call it quits? We fought those mercenaries and discovered a whole freaking Legendary research fortress with ancient golems! Wasn't that amazing? I mean, think about how far we've come and-"

    Monferno stopped his rambling with an open hand. "Rockruff, I get it. I really do get it. But no, I think I'm done. I've realized that now after my perfomance in the expedition." He crossed his arms. "And seeing everyone celebrate in this fancy tower and think we're gonna be heroes and save the world… I know I'm not capable of being part of that."

    "But I know you're capable! And I know Braixen knows that, too!"

    Monferno found himself tracking down his partner among the crowds of Pokemon. He saw her happily chatting away with an Audino and Blissey; clearly nurses from one of the many hospitals in Empyrean City. Despite the awful feelings bubbling in his chest, he couldn't help but form a slight smile at what he saw. Proud of the connections and aspirations his friend had managed to form through her own talents and dreams.

    "What are you gonna tell her?" Rockruff questioned.

    "I don't think I can tell it to her face. Maybe a note, maybe someone else tells her, maybe nothing…"

    "Just like that, huh? What are you gonna do then? Walk the earth in search of riches like that old Furfrou in the film we saw before?"

    Monferno let out a tired chuckle. "Who knows? Maybe I'll go back home, hitch a ship to another continent - anywhere from here. Could pick up carpentry; get use out of these opposable thumbs, heh."

    "You'd really do all that?" Rockruff murmured. "C'mon, you've been here for years! If you wanted to get into the guild, why quit when you've gotten this far?"

    "I didn't get in here by finding an 'amazing discovery' like some others did," the Fire-type said, resentment lingering in his tone. "Braix was pushed by her parents to join the guild, and she needed a partner to form a team. But even past that, I remember actually being happy here once." His hands clenched. "Anything to get away from home, from the pressure, from my mom - I don't know. I just wanted to prove that I wasn't a screw-up, and I couldn't even do that."

    Rockruff affixed him with a steely look. "You're not a screw-up." His tail drooped. "If anything, I'm the screw-up. My own clan didn't want me, and I still mess things up at the guild."

    "Then I guess we're both screw-ups…"

    The Rock-type frowned, "Still, I'm in a team; Mightyena and Purrloin depend on me to stay and be together. Don't forget you're in a team, too! Why would you wanna leave Braixen all by herself?"

    "Braix doesn't need dead weight dragging her down." Monferno sighed. "This is for the best. She can chase her dreams, and I can try to find mine."

    "Well, I can't stop you, but if it means anything, I hope you do stay. You stood up for me against Shaymin, and I'll always return the favor, y'know? We guild 'mons gotta stick together if we're gonna save the world and stuff."

    Monferno glanced down at the Pokemon beside him, forming a smirk. "You know what, you're not so bad after all, Rockruff." He held out an enclosed hand, his intentions clear to the canine.

    Rockruff was more than happy to bop it with his paw. "Hey, whatever you do, just remember that-" His words trailed off into gibberish as he caught sight of a familiar figure coming their way. "Uh, t-talk to you later - gotta go!"

    As the small canine bolted off, Monferno's eyes flicked over to the Pokemon slowly approaching. He cocked an eyebrow once realizing who it was.

    Shaymin stopped herself in front of the Fire-type, throwing a look at the fleeing Rockruff. "Did I make that bloke skedaddle or somethin'?"

    Monferno snorted, "Yeah, you did."

    "Shit. My apologies, mate."

    "It's fine."

    She filled in the vacant space left by Rockruff, leaning against the wall. Not a word was said as they listened to the cheers and clinking of glass beverages around the room.

    "So…" Shaymin broke the silence. "How ya goin'? Been holdin' up well? Some crazy shit went down during that expedition."

    "I caught a glimpse of Leafeon talking to you before you came over here. She told you to make up with me, didn't she?"

    Shaymin forced out a breath of air. "That obvious?"

    He nodded, "Listen, you don't gotta make up with me, or even Braixen. We're cool. Rockruff may be another story, but he'll stop being a wuss soon enough." He threw a hand at the bustling entertainment in front of them. "So go ahead - you can tell her we're friends now or whatever."

    Shaymin fought off the urge to do just that. She planted herself firmly, not intending to go anywhere yet. "Look, I didn't need to be told to come admit I was a bloody jerk to you and everyone else. I wanted to say somethin' eventually, but I didn't think any of ya would wanna hear it."

    "I'm listening."

    "Yeah, guess ya are." She let out a heavy sigh. "I'm real fuckin' mad at myself that it took me years to realize what a bludger I was. Leafy- Leafeon's the only friend I've ever had here in the guild and even in all of Celestic. I had a second chance served to me on a silver platter through her, and I fucked that up, too."

    "Don't beat yourself up. Helps nothing."

    Shaymin scoffed, "Trust me, mate, I've already had the piss beat out of me by those mercs. A little self-reflection doesn't hurt." Her eyes narrowed. "Y'know… I actually thought I was gonna die in that shithole they put me in, or something even worse. It made me think about what I've done so far, and how much I need to change. And then you all came to save the day like a knight in shinin' armor."

    Monferno gave her a side glance. "And now you wanna turn over a new leaf? Just like that? What makes you think the others buy that?"

    Shaymin opened her mouth and closed it several times. She settled on another drawn-out sigh. "This'll be the third chance I get to turn things around. And I'm gonna try my damndest to not screw it up. As long as Leafeon is there to set me straight, maybe I got a shot at this."

    "And what's stopping you from leaving the guild and beginning again? You did it before; a whole fresh start. That sounds nice, right?"

    Shaymin's head shook, "I can't run anymore, mate. It didn't work for me back then, and I know it won't work now. When ya got an opportunity, you hold onto that."

    Monferno mulled over her words in his head, eventually forming a scowl. He opted to resign his next words, returning to observing the crowds.

    Shaymin looked up at him, a battle clearly taking place in her head. In the end, she took the risk. "Hey, you mind if I ask ya somethin'?"


    "Well, Leafy and I wanna play this new gamblin' game they got set up here, but we need three 'mons to start it. So…"

    Monferno nodded, "Sure. I'll play."

    She smirked, bumping his shoulder. "Ya look down in the dumps, so maybe a game will fix that. And make heaps of Pokè in the process, eh?" She began ambling away, shouting her next words. "Meet Leafy and I down by the bar - drinks on us, and don't keep us waitin'!"

    Monferno watched her leave, a small part of him wanting to stick to his wall and shut off all the thoughts and expectations that ensnared him to move forward and partake in the festivities. Looking around, he could see the smiling faces of his comrades, yet could never keep one glued to his own face; he desired their happiness, wanting to capture that feeling himself. As he scanned the room, his eyes snapped to Braixen, who was staring right at him with a wide, infectious smile that spread to him. She eagerly waved, intending for him to come over and speak to the other nurses.

    He was not one to deny the requests of his partner as he took his back off the wall and headed over towards her.

    'After tomorrow's mission, she'll know,' he repeated in his mind ad-nauseam.

    Glasses filled to the brim with alcoholic liquids clinked against one another as loud cheers exploded from all over the room.

    "Attention! I still have a few more announcements, so keep your mouths shut for a few more seconds!"

    The boisterous mercenaries reluctantly heeded their captain's shouts and settled back into their plush chairs. Bisharp continued his speech once a vast majority quelled their whispers, first clearing his throat.

    "Along with the bonuses for those on the Grit Region special mission, you will all be returning to your usual contracts following tomorrow's mission. Plenty of jobs available in the Mountain Region, and plenty of action and Pokè to be made there."

    A gray metalled wing rose from the back of the room, belonging to Skarmory. "Aye, Cap'n! What's all the fuss 'bout this new special mission?"

    "Details will be given to those selected before we embark tomorrow," Bisharp said. "But I must stress that once we return, things may change around here." Perplexed looks followed his statement.

    "Let me guess, this is all about us thrashing those Rose Clan twerps back in the desert, eh?" an Electivire jeered with a grin. "'Cause I got a few more Thunder Punches to serve those freaks," he added with a flex of his arms, electricity crackling through his yellow fur.

    Bisharp smirked, "Appreciated. But they're not relevant to what I'm suggesting." He surveyed the entire room with a glassy look. "This… may change this entire operation if we find what we're looking for." He blinked. "Regardless, any drastic decisions will be made after this mission has concluded. Is this acceptable?"

    Muttered forms of agreement bounced from Pokemon to Pokemon.

    "Then enjoy the rest of your night. And don't drink yourself into comas; we need a good lot of you sober for tomorrow."

    Happy to be done with the announcements, the mercenaries returned to celebrating their recent victories. They were clearly unfazed by their captain's comments as they downed glass after glass of hard liquor. Bisharp threw open the double doors and exited The Lounge, making a beeline across the foyer to a particular purple-stained hallway. Upon reaching the door at the end, he gave a swift knock before he opened it, flinching as something whizzed past his face.


    A dart landed on the outer reaches of a dartboard that was littered with the presence of others. Bisharp swept the disorganized room with his gaze, taking notice of multiple darts impaled into the motivational posters of their faux guild. A painting of a Serperior hung on the wall had the most darts piercing through the artwork. The sole culprit behind these acts appeared to be Weavile as she fished into her saddlebag for another dart and gave Bisharp a flat look.

    "So, this is how you're psyching yourself up for tomorrow," he said.


    Weavile rolled her eyes, taking out another dart. "Do me a solid, tin man. Stand against that wall over there."

    "Funny. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you stayed in your room all day brooding like a teenage girl."

    "Yeah, well… don't confide in me how 'excited' you are about going to that shitty place. You wanna drag me there? Fine. Don't expect me to jump for joy, though."

    Bisharp leaned against the doorframe. "You should go out to The Lounge and do your magic on the troops. They always go wild and thirst for blood when they hear you speak."

    "And lie to them about what we're really doing again? Please, I don't have it in me right now to do that."

    "And when will you? We're partners; I'm not conducting these operations by myself."

    Weavile grit her teeth in response as she searched for another dart to pour her frustrations into.

    Bisharp beckoned her with a gauntlet. "I wanna show you something in my quarters. Maybe it'll get your spirits back up."

    She sighed and leaped from her bed, pushing past the Steel-type. "If it's not a stiff drink and time away from you, then no, it won't."

    Bisharp smirked and followed her.

    Emerging through another doorway, Bisharp stepped past her and walked towards the large map of Celestic plastered over the dark purple walls. Red strings were wrapped around pins dotting numerous locations across the continent's regions. Bisharp tapped an area in the Meadow Region with many cross-crossing rivers, a red circle encasing it.

    "It's taken years to fully connect the pieces we've been given," he said. "Trailing all those Alignment excursions, trying to figure out who our anonymous client is and what he's hiding. All of it's here, and now we finally have the linchpin of what could unravel the world's mysteries."

    Weavile frowned, "Is what you dragged me here to see? I've always been an unwilling witness of you fawning over this thing."

    "No. That's not what I was going to show you." He walked over to a table where two black capes and a strange Minun-like device rested. "This is it."

    Curious, Weavile lumbered over to investigate. He handed over what appeared to be her signature cape with an image of a Razor Claw etched into it, yet something was different. Three scarves with yellow stars filling the inky darkness were sewn around the cape's edges.

    Bisharp smirked, "Had some extra free time from planning tomorrow's mission. It's their scarves - all three of them."

    Weavile's face flashed a mix of emotions, her claws shaking slightly as she grabbed it from him. She inspected it, finding that the scarves acted like tethers. "… Y'know, most 'mons gift girls expensive jewels or fancy dinner dates, Bishy."

    "Good thing I know what makes you tick, Weav's."

    She smiled, running her claws across the cape. "Looks like you got me pegged." There was a glint in her eyes. "'Cause if you fucked up and torn them, I would have to claw your throat out."

    He chuckled, "You're not the only one with something new."

    Bisharp picked up the second cape on the table and held it out for her to see. The fabric of it was uniquely patterned like it was made of rivets of steel. A large 'RS' was engraved near the neck region.

    "It's my father's. They thought I should have it after he passed."

    Weavile scrutinized it further. "There's no Razor Claw symbol on there." She shot him a look. "What are the others gonna think about this?"

    Bisharp withdrew the cape, sighing. "I told you my feelings about the clan already, Weav's. I don't need to state them again, do I?"

    "Oh, trust me, I know already. But get this." She jabbed his chest with a claw. "Just because you don't care doesn't mean you give up the clan."

    "… Weav's, when are we gonna stop being just mercenaries?"

    Weavile did not respond, choosing to glare at him instead.

    Bisharp pointed at the map. "This is where we stop being just mercenaries, and we become something more. Not all of them out there will understand what we're doing, but some will, and that's all we need on our side."

    "Becoming more than mercs, huh," Weavile mumbled, repeating his words in her head. "You still chase down this kiddie shit even after all this time."

    "And I know you want to chase that as much as I do."

    Weavile's mask cracked as she grinned murderously. "You're damn right I do. I want answers, and payback. But here's one caveat for everyone else." She took a dart from her saddlebag and slammed it on the table, embedding it into the wood. She then snapped her fiery gaze up at Bisharp. "The Razor Claws will be the ones to uncover what's inside that place - not the snake and her minions, not the Council, not our client, and definitely not those cultist fucks."

    Seeing the table splinter from her outpouring of passion filled Bisharp with well-hidden mirth. He yanked the dart from the wood and grasped it tightly in his gauntlet. "Tomorrow is where everything changes, Weav's. You'll see soon enough that this whole mercenary thing is just a means to an end. You and I are meant for better things."

    "We'll see, Bishy, we'll see…" She began walking back to the doorway. "I'm getting our brothers and sisters fired up for tomorrow. You finalize our strategies to get into that hellish place."

    Bisharp watched her leave with a victorious smile. But he quickly wiped it away, knowing there were more important things at hand. Walking over to the map of Celestic, he slammed the dart in the center of a red-circled region, piercing the words written onto the laid paper.


    The dark, dank alleyways of Elysium City remained empty of the presence of Pokemon and prying eyes. Only the occasional echoed voice traveled through its dingy corridors of chipped brick and moldy wood. This silence was disturbed by the shrieking arcs of yellowish-orange energy exploding from a card-like object that manifested into existence. Two figures would emerge from the Entercard, stepping away from the pillar of light and adjusting their armbands.

    Gallade glanced at their surroundings for signs of anyone before narrowing his gaze straight ahead. "We should hasten our pace before we are late."

    "If those protestors will even let us through the doors," Heliolisk said. "I heard from the reports that things are getting worse." He turned. "Isn't that right, commander?"

    Another figure exited the receding burst of energy and knelt down to retrieve the Entercard. He stowed it away in his orange saddlebag before approaching the duo.

    Blaziken raised his arms high, appraising the Pokemon before him with a dignified look. "We must understand that the Pokemon of this continent operate in different ways than our own. These lost souls have no one to turn to for guidance and instead lash out. Steel yourselves."

    Heliolisk nodded, "Well said, commander."

    The Fire-type took the initiative and marched forward, searching for a way out of the alleyway as the pair behind him followed close behind. "Your presence is required at this meeting with the Council for appearances. All matters of discussion involving both mercenary clans and your predicament with one of them will fall upon me."

    "Got it," Heliolisk said, shooting Gallade a look. "You got it?"

    "... Of course."

    Stepping out from the cover of darkness, they entered the main streets, the setting sun overhead casting an orangish glow on the city. They trudged their way through groups of Pokémon gathering in the plaza all in pursuit of the large building that overlooked the area. Passing pathways of trimmed hedges and flagpoles from which Celestic and the Council's flags flew, their attempts to climb the white marble stairs leading into the headquarters were thwarted by a crowd of gathering protestors around the doors. Their restlessness grew as they saw the three approaching, the stationed guards resorting to pushing Pokemon to make way.

    "The Council's inevitable mistakes corner them at their very heart," Blaziken commented as he strode up the stairs.

    Heliolisk quickly followed after his commander while Gallade lingered where he stood. He exchanged glances at the agitated Pokémon that shouted at the guards and also at him. After swallowing his resignation, he entered the large structure through its illustrious double doors. The trio remained near the entrance as a retinue of guards in orange leather coats swarmed into the foyer to search them.

    "The Pokemon out there desire change, an escape from this world's troubles," Blaziken said as a Throh patted him and his saddlebag down. "They still cling to the hope of this old world that there will be change, but there won't. Not without action."

    Once the guards were finished with their procedures, they allowed them to continue on. Halls of portraits and ornate statues of various Pokemon passed them as they scaled the stairway to the meeting that awaited them. Two more guards stood near the end of the hall leading into the conference room, and after a brief glance, they immediately opened the doors to the chaos occurring within. All members of the Council seated around the oval table were locked in an endless debate, their raised voices overlapping and muddling one another's.

    "We need a response!"

    "Action is how we should respond! Shut down any major events and install daily patrols to counteract any new gatherings!"

    "Escalation of the situation is not what we need right now."

    "The Blaze and Grass Continents are calling off all shipments until we address this!"

    As more incoherent shouts and potential solutions filled the room, the Empoleon at the far end of the table locked eyes with the newcomers. He quickly raised a flipper that attracted all eyes at the table to him,

    "Attention! I hate to call it a recess now, but can I, Kommo-o, Manectric, Carracosta, and Pyroar have the room? This will only take a moment."

    The mayors and other representatives collectively grumbled as they left their seats and began to file out of the chamber, some giving strange looks at Blaziken and the words carved into his feathers and flesh. Once the unspoken names were gone, a guard swiftly closed and locked the doors behind them.

    "Have a seat, please," Empoleon said.

    The trio set out occupying the now vacant seats.

    "Speak," Kommo-o grunted. "What has the Alignment done to remove the Rose Clan from the Grit Region?"

    Empoleon waved a flipper, "Kommo-o, calm yourself. We are not enemies here." His eyes found Blaziken. "I believe this is the first time we have met the Alignment's new commander? While the current situation is less than ideal, I'm happy nonetheless that we have finally met after all these years."

    Blaziken extended a talon to grab, which Empoleon happily obliged in shaking. "The pleasure is all mine, Mayor Empoleon! Might I say I absolutely envy Empyrean City. The Pokemon of this continent do not lie when they call it the 'blooming flower among buds'. You must be a Pokemon of many great feats if you lead such a city," he praised, voice dripping with delight.

    "Ho-ho, please, no need for such kind comments." Empoleon's attention drifted to the scars dotting the Fire-type's body. "If I may ask, what are those odd words you have, ahem, embedded into yourself?"

    "I am glad you asked that, mayor. They are a source of my strength and commitment to the Allmother," Blaziken said with immense pride. "All commanders of the Alignment are to uphold these phrases and ideals close to us. I, however, chose to wear them on a physical level that bridges even further."

    Kommo-o was almost snarling. "The meeting… Quit the formalities and tell us what we require to know. Has the Alignment solved this issue or not?"

    Blaziken sharply inhaled, then exhaled. "The Rose Clan has been dealt with. You will no longer have to worry about their presence within the Grit Region. Nor will they be funding any of the roving bandits in the region anymore. Gallade and Heliolisk here have diffused any potential for new conflict by negotiating with their 'Lords'."

    Gallade and Heliolisk shared looks at the obvious lie being told but kept their mouths sealed.

    Empoleon sighed in relief. "Thank the almighty Arceus. That is another weight off our shoulders…" He settled his gaze on the due beside Blaziken "But as for the other mercenary clan - the Razor Claws - we have heard of sightings of them within that region. Can you two attest to these claims?"

    "No," Blaziken said matter-of-factly. "If they were present, then it would be only to spy on their rival's activities."

    "He asked those two, not you," Kommo-o shot back.

    Blaziken rattled his talons on the table. "I understand that Gallade and Heliolisk were appointed as official advisors after Simisage retired. They have done a fine job as his replacements. But from now on, I will be the one to give answers here; I will be the Allfather's connection. Now, may we move on?"

    The elder dragon grumbled under his breath.

    Empoleon cleared his throat and nodded. "While the time we have left is short, I do want to discuss our findings involving the Cosmic Quilt Guild; more specifically, its guildmaster - Jackson."

    Blaziken smiled, "Oh? The Allfather has been most impatient with the Council's action on the matter. Have you all come to a decision yet?"

    Empoleon motioned to the large piles of paperwork across the table. "We've scoured every piece of information regarding the entire guild. But there have been no signs of corruption or bad intentions against the Council or the Pokémon of Celestic." He adjusted his tie. "Be as it may, I personally know Jackson from various encounters. Rough around the edges, yes, but not a criminal in any way."

    Blaziken let out a friendly chuckle. "I assumed that much given that guild's wonderful reputation. However, I was informed that the Allfather is very adamant that the Lucario is investigated thoroughly."

    Kommo-o tapped the table with a claw. "Listen here. The Council has already conducted its investigation and has found zero evidence leading to any wrongdoing. If your Allfather is so keen on this, then he needs to bring evidence of his own."

    "I have to agree with Kommo-o," Empoleon said. "Our findings are quite the contrary to what the Allfather is suggesting. All of this seems rather baroque." The other three silent members nodded to his words.

    "Well, the Allfather was expecting this conclusion, and he graciously gifted me something to pass along to you." Blaziken popped open a latch of his saddlebag and retrieved a small envelope from an open pouch. "Mayor Empoleon, you strike me as a dignified man, which is exactly why the Allfather has drafted a letter solely for your eyes only." He held out the envelope for the Pokemon in question.

    Empoleon accepted and took it from his talons. Tearing the envelope open with a flipper, he took out the single paper from within and began to read off the top. As his eyes went further down the page, his cool expression morphed into confusion, then concern, panic, and finally abject terror. He slowly pulled the letter away from his face.

    "I… This letter; the Allfather is absolutely certain what he claims is truthful?"

    Blaziken met his fearful gaze. "There is no reason not to believe what he says in this letter is true if he desires only your attention on it."

    Empoleon said nothing through a long period of silence. He waved a flipper for the Rhydon guard at the far end of the room, who obliged and stomped over to the Water-type and leaned in.

    "Alert Braviary. Tomorrow his guard will arrest Jackson and the accomplice. I will be there in Empyrean to assess any fallout."

    The Rhydon nodded and made his way out of the room.

    Empoleon stood up from his chair and struggled to find the strength in his legs. He limped over to the large window drowning the chamber with the orange rays of the sunset. He looked out towards the city and the many Pokemon that walked the streets - unaware.

    Kommo-o observed Empoleon with genuine worry. "E-Empoleon, what did that letter entail?"

    "If this is really the reality of our situation." There was a pregnant pause in between Empoleon's words. "Then what have we done?"

    Blaziken stood from his seat. "I believe that is all for this meeting. The Allfather also wishes for a face-to-face meeting after this business with the Lucario is concluded." He glanced at a bewildered Gallade and Heliolisk. "Let us return home at once, shall we?"

    The mentioned pair hesitantly got up from the chairs and followed as Blaziken threw open the doors leading into the hallway. They left behind a stunned and quiet room.

    Blaziken burst through the doors of the Council's headquarters. He paid no heed to the growing crowd of angry protestors and stepped down the marble stairs, Gallade and Heliolisk hot on his trail. They entered the alleyways in which they arrived, checking their dimly lit surroundings for Pokemon.

    When the coast was clear, Blaziken turned and grinned. "The meeting went absolutely perfect. With the situation in the Grit Region dealt with, we can move on to more important matters."

    "Commander Blaziken, may I ask something?" Heliolisk inquired. "Why is the guild such a concern for the Allfather? I heard the guildmaster's team was world-famous, and now he's just getting arrested? This seems really fishy, don't you think?"

    Blaziken latched his talons onto the Electric-type's shoulder. "I do not claim to know everything our Allfather requests of us, but his wish is my command." He motioned a talon at the large building they came out of. "You can never undo the opening of a seal, and what has happened here can never be undone."

    The Electric-type continued, "And what about lying about us back there? We were taken hostage by that Weavile and Bisharp! And that letter! What was in it that made-"

    "Heliolisk, I understand your confusion. I am just as confused as you are." Blaziken's grip on him tightened. "But know this. Our enemies - the devils - seek the small chinks in our armor. They wish to destroy us from within. But our faith is what keeps us strong, keeps us protected. No matter what we do to secure paradise, we must never lose faith in the Allfather, our brothers and sisters, and most importantly - the Allmother."

    Heliolisk pounded his chest with an enclosed claw. "Understood, commander. I will never lose faith in both you and the Allmother."

    Blaziken wore a smile, patting Heliolisk's shoulder. "We were side by side in our squad, Heliolisk. We endured the same trials given to us. I know you have a warrior's heart within you. Cast aside your fears and doubts, and it will surface." As Heliolisk beamed at the praise, his eyes found Gallade. "Gallade, you have been nearly silent this entire trip. Is there something on your mind I can alleviate?"

    Past all the pride and brass Blaziken exuded, Gallade could tell there was a small ounce of pity detectable in the blue orbs that scrutinized him. He freed his thoughts with a shake of his head. "Nothing, commander. Any questions I have I will bring them up to the Allfather in our next encounter."

    Blaziken nodded, "Very well. I am very proud of you two. It's no wonder the Allfather has promoted you both as advisors and ambassadors." He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the Entercard they had used previously. "Please, return home. I believe Magearna has a pleasant surprise planned following your successful escape in the desert."

    Heliolisk took the card-like object and gave a short bow. "Thank you, commander. We'll do just that."

    The Electric-type walked to the original point of their arrival, the scars of their transport pattern still burned into the cobblestone paved road. He laid down the card and began setting it up for travel, a quiet Gallade hovering behind him like a ghost. Heliolisk noticed Blaziken was not stepping toward them and voiced his curiosity.

    "Are you coming, commander?"

    Blaziken shook his head and smiled. "I have business to attend to above ground, but I will return home soon. Farewell!"

    Just as his words ended, the Entercard exploded into a pillar of orange light and tendrils of ley line energy. Gallade turned to give Blaziken one last analytical stare before a pair of claws yanked him away. The pair vanished into the light that quickly dissipated and revealed a now undisturbed alleyway.

    Blaziken dropped his smile as he marched deeper into the alleys. He dug into the deepest depths of his saddlebag to pull out something.

    'Tall, cold, snowy mountain, guarded by a frightening beast. Frightening beast… Perhaps Kyurem of legend?'

    Scizor kneeled to pick up a lantern on the ground. He swung its flickering light toward a map of Celestic on the walls of his quarters and illuminated it. He used a free pincer to trace along the Frost Region on the map.

    'Howling Blizzard Mountain, Cryogonal's Summit, and the Glacier Peak Mountains. Which could house the artifact?'

    Scizor scowled, as he could not recall the details of the Kyurem legend. Deciding to move on to another artifact location, he wired some string around a pin of the Frost Region's mountainous area and connected it to the pin nailed in Celestial Mountain that had the most string linked to it. He placed the lantern down on a table where sheets of paper were neatly stacked. Grabbing one, he picked up a quill to jot down a list of potential locations.

    'The deepest point of the ocean, surrounded by bright coral… Maybe Rainbow Reef Tre-'

    The muffled noise of a door opening interrupted his thinking. He quickly deduced it was the guild's entrance doors, and angled his ears to listen as the thud of footsteps resounded outside his chambers. They ended with the swift shut of a door.

    Scizor paused, for he knew exactly what Pokemon entered the building. A building apprehension and dread grew in his chest at the prospect of what he was going to do. A voice in the back of his mind told him to let it go, to forget his intentions.

    But he made Garchomp a promise, and he did not intend to break it.

    Scizor pushed past the feelings of weights in his limbs and exited his quarters. He tiptoed through the darkness of the halls until he ended up facing a door, the face of a Lucario chiseled into the wood. He gave it a few knocks with a pincer.

    "Gui- Jackson. May I come in?"

    A few seconds later, a gruff voice emanated from within. 'You may.'

    Scizor opened the door just as Jackson closed a drawer. He stood by the doorway, staring at the Pokemon hunched over a desk. Ash and other grime clung to the Shiny Lucario's fur, a noticeable glimmer in the orange paw ring he wore. Moonlight poured in from the open window behind him and basked the worn looking banjo lying against the desk in its radiance.

    "You've been gone almost all day. Where have you been?"

    "I had matters to address before our mission tomorrow," Jackson said before glancing up at him. "I see that you stayed here instead of celebrating with the others."

    Scizor found his tongue a moment later. "Ah, yes, I have. I wanted to comb over the Projection Crystals we have gathered in hopes of pinpointing the artifact locations. I have currently zeroed in on a few locations in each region, but I require time to visit the archives in Empyrean's library in search of any legends or myths that can aid in finding the shrines."

    Jackson waved a paw, "There's no need to exert yourself before tomorrow's mission. Please, rest. I will go into these details myself."

    "Sorry, Jackson, but I insist. I will make sure our information is as accurate as possible." Scizor clenched his pincers. "I… I also have concerns regarding these revelations of the Alignment and our relationship with the Council."

    "Don't worry about any of that. We need to concentrate our immediate efforts on tomorrow's mission to Criss-Cross Creek. Only after we secure this guild's goal do we refer to anyone else."

    "I just think-"

    "Scizor. Everything will be fine. You can go now."

    "... Understood." Scizor took a step back and faced the door. His pincer was latched onto the handle of it, but he didn't move an inch. He turned and delivered Jackson a stern look. "Jackson, I need you to listen to me. This is very important."

    "If it is, then I'd like to hear it."

    Scizor inhaled - he knew he could do this. "I-I wanted to let you know that I think you should…" His next words hung in his throat. He spoke them in his mind, but they would not come out. Instead, they were totally different. "I think you should let me lead tomorrow's mission."

    "Scizor, we have already gone over this. You and I will stay here to coordinate while Charizard leads over two search teams. This is final."

    "Please. I can be trusted to do this. I want to see this Legendary shrine for myself, and see what this artifact really is. If it actually exists."

    An intense debate seemed to be occurring within Jackson's head as he stared at his desk for a long time. A heavy sigh escaped him. "All right… You may go."

    Scizor bowed, pincers behind his back. "Thank you, Jackson. You are not making a mistake, I promise."

    The Lucario suddenly stood as he made his way over to the Bug-type. Two paws clamped down on Scizor's shoulders. "What we are about to uncover is something that we as young adults back then could have only dreamed of. Your family, Charizard's, everyone in Areos Village, and Pokemon all across the world throughout the ages - they will be avenged; their deaths will not be in vain."

    "They won't. We're gonna put an end to this."

    Jackson smiled, "Once this is all over, you, Charizard, and I can rest easy knowing Team Moonlight finished the job. You are a dear friend to me, Scizor, and I am glad to have met you all those years back." A tinge of grief accompanied his words.

    Scizor looked deep into his eyes and was unsure of what he saw within them. "... Thank you, Jackson."

    "Call it a day and get some rest. You will need your energy for tomorrow."

    "Yes. I will prepare the morning announcements before you awaken." Scizor bowed again. "Goodnight."


    Scizor left Jackson's quarters and entered the empty, pitch-black halls of the guild. Entering his own chambers, he slammed the door behind him and placed his back on it. His heart would not stop pounding. His mind raced as a swarm of thoughts buzzed in his mind, scolding him for his unwillingness to proceed with the confrontation. He closed his eyes and slowed down his erratic breathing to a calm exhale.

    'I'm sorry, Garchomp.'

    Scizor consciously moved the date of his confrontation to tomorrow. Vestiges of doubt lingered in his mind, reinforcing his inability to face a friend that he knew had been lost for years.



    Bundles of fireworks rose into the night skies above the Eden Theater and exploded into bright, colorful balls of fire. Liam had his face almost pressed up against the wide glass windows as he watched the display, an assortment of colors reflecting in a pair of blank crimson eyes. He did not react to the whimsical chime of an elevator reaching his floor, nor the pitter-patter of footsteps behind him.


    The Riolu whirled around at the introduction of a soft voice. He quickly calmed his frayed nerves. "Oh, what's up, Gloria?"

    "You've been gone for hours. I was a bit worried, so I tried finding you."

    He chuckled, "You and worrying. Now that's a good couple."

    Gloria rolled her eyes and approached him. "All of us are about to watch another one of those films in the theater. You wanna come and see? One of the protagonists is even a Riolu!"

    Liam shook his head. "I'm totally spent for tonight. All these flashing lights are giving me a headache." He changed topics by signaling to his left with a paw. "Hey, have you seen these things around the building?"

    A rectangular machine was pressed up against the steel walls of the vacant room. It was colored a deep, vibrant pink; frilly curls shooting off the sides like flowing ribbons, and two pink ears on top of the apparatus were made to resemble that of a Sylveon. A flat piece of metal connected to tubes inside the machinery was extended outward, arrow signs on the colored metal exterior pointing at it.

    Gloria let out an excited gasp. "That's the Emotionizer I was talking about earlier! They have these all over the building, but I never tried it."

    Liam clutched the few Pokè in his paw. "Well, it's supposed to guess your personality through sensing emotions in your paw. But all it ever did for me was spit out some error message. See for yourself."

    He inserted a few of the golden coins into a slot of the machine, the metal sensor piece lighting up in an array of colors once he put in the correct amount. Placing a paw onto the sensor, he waited as a peculiar sense flooded his body, the machine whirring. It stopped moments later, and a very cheery female voice flowed through the machine's speakers.

    "I'm sorry. Your emotions could not be read. Please try again later!"

    Liam crossed his arms. "Stupid thing took almost five-hundred Pokè from me."

    She giggled, "Here, let me try it."

    Gloria moved to grab a handful of Pokè from Liam with her teeth and began inserting them into the Emotionizer's slot. She placed a paw on the sensor once the full amount was paid, closing her eyes and letting the strange sensations wash over her. After the machine produced a ringing noise to signal its success, the lively voice returned once again.

    "You appear to be… the anxious type! Was I correct? He-He!"

    Liam grinned, "I guess it wasn't a pile of junk after all. It got you perfectly."

    Gloria withdrew her paw from the machine, amazed. "This is so cool! Don't you think so, too?"

    "I'm not that into fancy tech. Seems a little, uh, gimmicky?"

    Another roll of her eyes was her answer as she stepped over to the Riolu's side, joining him in staring out of the room's massive window into the city. Dazzling lights and spectacles of the sprawling festival were visible all across Empyrean City. Pokémon moving throughout the streets looked like mere drops of water in an entire ocean. More fireworks shattered the skies and showered the pale moon in different colors.

    "Y'know, it's been an entire year since we've been in the Eden Theater," Liam said. "Back then, we didn't even have a team yet, and we weren't in the guild either. Just two amateurs with a single mission under our belt."

    "Aren't we still amateurs?"

    "Official amateurs," he corrected.

    Gloria giggled, "We've been through a lot, haven't we? Joining the guild, doing missions, Celestial Mountain, and now all this stuff involving the Grit Region. If we manage to remove the Mystery Dungeons from this world, then we'll be seen as actual heroes!"

    "Yeah, we would. And I'm guessing you're pretty stoked about that."

    Gloria's heart swelled in her chest. "I really am. It's embarrassing for me to say, but I remember as a kit picturing all the heroes I read about in stories to be, well… me."

    Liam snorted, "If it makes you feel any better, any time we would go see a musical performance, I would imagine myself on stage as well."

    "... It sounds stupid, and it is, but I want Pokemon to know my name. I want them to know I am. To know I've made my mark in this world, and mattered to someone who needed help."

    "You couldn't have picked a better profession for this dream."

    "No, I really couldn't."

    Resounding bangs of fireworks outside their window stole their attention for a brief moment. Liam wetted his lips, swallowing through the dryness of his throat.

    "Gloria, there's something I want to tell you."

    The Vulpix smiled, "What is it?"

    "I…" Liam's serious expression began to falter, a light-hearted grin forcing its way onto his face. "Do you remember that one time when we first started missions where I had to pick up this old Drampa's Gummis at the end of a Mystery Dungeon?"

    Gloria appeared to comb through her memories before a wide smile split her muzzle. "I do remember that!"

    Liam fought off a laugh as he continued. "And since I didn't know what Gummis even were, I picked up those-" A fit of giggles halted his recollection as Gloria struggled to contain her laughter. "Hey, let me finish first!" he chided. "Anyway, I picked up Grepa Berries instead and returned to his place. He was so mad that his weird hair started to rise and he said-"

    "'How'd you even put on that scarf on the mornin' if you can't find me my Gummis!'" Gloria imitated before her giggling transpired into a full-blown laugh.

    Liam joined in her amusement, struggling to finish the story. "And you had to tell him that I was from a faraway land, and only understood old footprint runes. That was a great mission."

    "It was. I'm glad you had me remember that." She wiped away a tear from her eye and all traces of her joy. "Hey, you mind if I tell you something, too?"

    "Sure. Shoot."

    "Um, it's more of a question than anything. I didn't come up here just to find you, but to ask you something. Roark wanted me to ask if you had any of your memories come back yet?"

    Liam felt a lump in his throat form. "Uh, why would he ask that?"

    "I don't really know. I guess since it's been a year since I found you, he was wondering if you remembered anything."

    "No, I- No, I haven't." He shook his head and pointed at it. "Still blank as ever, you see."

    "Huh… Good." Gloria immediately realized her mistake and blocked her mouth with a paw.

    Liam gave her a curious look. "Good? What do you mean?"

    She was frozen in fear, but hesitantly removed the paw from her lips. She sighed heavily. "Do you mind if I admit something really, really selfish?"

    "I won't judge."

    "... I don't want you to regain your memories."

    Liam was taken aback. "W-what? You really don't want that to happen?"

    Gloria fidgeted where she stood. "There's this thought in my head that if you remember your past, you would want to go back, and then you would leave me and Roark behind."

    "Gloria, you know I would never leave you just because-"

    "I know! It's just… I fear that happening." She fiddled with her scarf and necklace. "I get so scared about being alone again and it shuts me down."

    "So that's what happened in Sanctus Town."

    She nodded, "I get my strength from my friends. You, Roark, Leafeon, Garchomp, and everyone else gave me that push I needed to chase my dreams. I don't believe I can do any of that without you guys supporting me."

    "I know what you mean - I really do." Liam sighed. "And you know what? I agree with you."

    "On what?"

    "Not remembering anything, y'know?" He stared out the window. "I look back on all those memories of us starting out and I kinda… miss those days. I was lost at first, but then I felt confident that it didn't matter if I remembered or not. I don't know why I feel this way now, but I do."

    Gloria managed a smile. "You came out of your shell a lot faster than I ever could. You're reckless, and sometimes impulse, but you're so eager to explore and go out on more adventures that it makes even me excited. Even that banjo you got and the songs you play. I like a lot of things about you."

    Liam turned to face her and smirked. "Hey, I like a lot of your weird quirks, too. Dragging me into daily library visits always bore me to tears, but you being there makes up for it a lot. You just being there to help me adjust to Celestic helped me become who I am today. You matter to me."

    She faced him as well. "You too," she said softly.

    Their fleeting moment of silence as they stared at one another was dashed away by a sudden embrace between them.

    "Here's to another year of Team Requiem," Liam said, holding the Vulpix close to him.

    Gloria said nothing and melted into the hug as her tails swept behind her. After some time, she reluctantly pulled herself away from the Riolu, smiling. "Well, that film's about to start soon and I don't wanna miss it."

    Liam raised both paws. "Hey, go ahead and enjoy. I might even go down there to catch it myself."

    "There's always room for one more. If not, I'll see you in the morning for tomorrow's special mission."

    He winked, "You betcha."

    Liam kept his eyes glued on her as they slowly walked back to the far end of the room. He waited for the closing of the elevator's doors and its echoing chime to relinquish his gaze. He stood still for a solid minute, a twitch then appearing in his limbs.


    A sizable paw-shaped dent morphed the Emotionizer's frame.


    Another deep dent rocked the machine where it stood and formed numerous cracks in the metal.


    Liam pulled back and delivered another devastating punch into the Emotionizer that toppled the machine over completely.

    Resounding clangs and the noise of tearing metal bounced around the walls of empty room as the Riolu viciously kicked the fallen machine. He tracked it down when it spun across the floor from his attacks, never relenting his rage-fueled pummeling of it as he kicked it over and over. It was all but a pile of pink scrap metal, mangled tubes, and a broken voice box when he was finally finished.

    Liam's back hit the large glass panels as he slid down it. Sparks of pain jolted and jumped his nerves. His paws covered his eyes in an attempt to shield the frenzy of images flashing through his mind.

    The adult version of himself standing by a single gravestone, a banjo underneath a messy bed, a small hand restricted by metal chains, and a pair of familiar, sinister hazel eyes.

    'Grim reminder, kid,' the gruff voice in his mind said.

    Liam clutched his head to rid himself of the constant barrage of images and the voice. He knew it was coming - all of it was coming back - and it was happening soon.

    'Tomorrow. I'll tell her everything tomorrow…'

    Et audivi tamquam vocem in medio quatuor animalium dicentium: Bilibris tritici denario tres bilibres hordei denario, vinum, et oleum ne laedaris.

    Author's Note: Aliquid venit. Non sentis in ossibus tuis? Cras...

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Revelation 6:7
    Last edited:
    Chapter 32: Revelation 6:7
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 32

    Revelation 6:7

    Sparks and wisps of embers trailed across the wooden floor. A thriving and hungry fire began to rise and lick against the walls and windows. Glass shattered as flames erupted from the house and absorbed the oxygen of the outside world, a plume of smoke trailing from the broken window into the blue skies.

    Grunts and other sounds of a scuffle came from within the burning home. Moments passed until a door leading into the home burst open. A man carried out a child over his shoulders that flailed in his grasp, held down by a bleeding arm.

    "Take out my guys, huh?" The man sneered. "I'll give it to you. You got your dad's spirit in ya."

    Liam snarled at his words and pounded his fists on the man's back as his legs thrashed. His eyes were bloodshot and glued to the house, hot tears streaming from them as the flames continued to consume the home's insides. His desperate attempts to flee resorted to biting down hard on the man's shoulder. A pained grunt was heard as the arm wrapped around the boy's waist yanked Liam and forced him to halt his endeavors.

    "Feisty little shit, aren't you? Settle down, 'cause the day's far from over."

    The fire inside the house could not be contained any longer as it began to envelop the outside walls. Wood burned and blackened, the once vibrant flowers that lined the porch were reduced to embers, and a tower of smoke funneling out of the house smothered the once-perfect skies. Liam could only watch in horror as he was taken further and further away, incapable of preventing his home's destruction.

    "Look at your old home, the old you... burning away."

    The trunk of a car popped open as the boy was tossed inside. Liam seized any chance to fight back as he kicked his legs and threw frantic punches at the man. His fists were caught before they could meet his target, the man squeezing Liam's hands and overpowering him. The boy had no choice but to yield, resorting to burning a hole through the man with his glare.

    "Me and your old man got some unfinished business to sort out first. But I got a place just for you, kid." The man placed his hands on the trunk's hinge. "Now… let's go and find daddy."

    The trunk slammed close, trapping the young boy in darkness.

    Liam jerked his head and twitched as the memory came to an end. He panted, slowly regaining his bearings and returning to reality.

    "Woah, kid, wake up call!" a suave voice next to him said. "We got a long and boring trail to walk here, y'know."

    "Sorry, just tired," the Riolu mumbled.

    Gloria strolled up next to him. "You need to get more sleep, Liam. Remember the last time you were too excited for a mission?"

    Roark chuckled, "Kid was like a shambling corpse at the morning chant."

    A small smile graced Liam's lips. "Can't help it. Expeditions always get me goin'."

    Moonlight shined down on them through the canopies of trees rustling in the cold wind. The trail they were embarking upon took them from their guild to the forests surrounding Criss-Criss Creek. For hours they walked, getting ever so closer to their destination.

    "Hey! You guys are being a bunch of Slowpokes! Hurry up!" the boisterous voice of Rockruff yelled from further down the trail.

    Liam took the opportunity to blaze down the trail to catch up, Gloria and Roark exchanging looks before they followed after the Riolu. They slowed their pace upon merging with the greater group of their guildmates. Scizor led the band of Pokemon from the very front, seemingly unfettered. His posture was stiff, eyes staring straight ahead. The Pokemon behind him, however, found it more suitable to conserve with another.

    "Ooh! Let's play a game to pass the time!"

    "How about a game called 'quiet', Rockruff?" Monferno grumbled.

    "Aw, c'mon! Anyone else wanna play?"

    "What kind of game is it?" Braixen said.

    "Don't encourage him, Braix."

    "I say the color of a place, 'mon, or thing around us, and you guys guess what I see!" Rockruff explained. "Hmm, I see something green!"

    Monferno rolled his eyes. "Is it the trees?"


    "Rockruff, you do realize how many things in a forest are green, right?" Braixen questioned.

    The puppy laughed, "C'mon, just guess!"

    "Um, a Xatu is flying above us. Is it that?" Gloria guessed.

    "Nope! Try again!"

    "A fern," Liam suddenly said, his eyes glued anywhere but the group.

    "Uh... Liam got it! He wins!"

    Monferno sighed, "This is a stupid game, Rockruff. Nobody besides Mr. Personality even knows what a fern is."

    "Yeah, but we're making some time fly by!"

    Scizor turned, "Everyone, please behave professionally. We will soon be arriving at the site and meeting with another group, and I require utmost attention."

    Roark chuckled, "We're just having some fun, Scizor. What's got your shell so rattled?"

    "Guildmaster's put him in charge for the first time," Monferno said. "Hell, I'd be nervous too if I was leading such an important mission."

    Gloria nodded, "But it's great to see, Scizor. All of us are happy for you!"

    "We should respect Scizor's wishes," Braixen added with a neat smile. "This is quite an opportunity he has, and I wouldn't want us to mess it up for him."

    An invisible blush appeared on Scizor's cheeks. "T-thank you, Braixen. I understand most of you look to your Guildmaster for guidance, but hopefully I can offer that."

    Roark peered up at the starry sky. "Hey, I also see something green. It's coming right this way."

    Shaymin glided through the air with ease, wearing a wide smile and performing circling maneuvers around the tops of trees. She eventually descended to the group of Pokemon and landed in front of Scizor.

    "Shaymin, what are the visuals? Did you see the ruins? Are the others there? Has the excavation been compl-"

    "Mate, I'm only one 'mon, so cool it," she interjected. "Anyway, yeah me and Charizard found it. He's out there flappin' his lips with the head mole guy in charge or whatever. Looks like they cleared out most of the rock and other junk."

    Scizor sighed in relief. "Thank you, Shaymin. You may return to guiding us."

    "With pleasure." Shaymin was airborne within a second.

    Scizor angled his head, a thump appearing in his chest. "Let's, uh, pick up the pace, everyone. We are near the site."

    Lips were sealed, paws and other limbs focused on beating the paved trail ahead. Following the gliding Shaymin in the night sky, they broke off the pathway and headed into the dense forest. They brushed past wet foliage and continued their trek into the woods until they happened upon a clearing marked by mossy, crumbling pillars of stone and an old-looking mound.

    A site of clear excavation was present throughout the ancient ruins as swathes of terrain were razed, rock and dirt piled up near the clearing's edges. Gurrdurr, Machop, and other types of burly Pokemon were clambering aboard carriages led by the ever-so-silent Mudsdales. Excadrill noticed the arriving group and halted his conversation with Charizard, an ear-to-ear smile on his face as he shimmied his way over to Scizor.

    "I made a promise to Jack, didn't I?" the Ground-type said. "You need us? The Grit Ruin Excavators will be there bright and early."

    Scizor gently clamped his pincer down on the extended pair of claws, shaking them. "Your dedication to our efforts is very appreciated, Excadrill. Without your help, none of this would've been possible."

    Excadrill withdrew his claws and tugged on his tie. "Aw, shucks, you're gonna make me as red as a Razz Berry. As much I helped y'all, y'all helped me. 'Sides, it's all for a better tomorrow, like Jack says!"

    Scizor looked around, "Have your workers uncovered anything that could lead us into the shrine?"

    "Sure have." Excadrill began walking away and motioned for the Bug-type to follow. "You're gonna burst outta your exoskeleton once you see this!"

    Scizor followed the eccentric mole as he led him to a dig site located near the large mound of earth. A wide plane of removed grass and dirt revealed a floor of solid, cracked cobblestone. There was a faded symbol still visible within the stone - a peculiar pattern. Scizor instantly recognized it as the pattern used to mark Entercard coordinates.

    "You- You found an Entercard-" Scizor's breath hitched, realizing the magnitude of this discovery. "Mew and her team of Legendaries must have placed this long ago. It has to lead to the shrine and the artifact."

    Excadrill tapped his head and winked. "Hit it right on the 'noggin. You sure are smart! No wonder Jack put you in charge. Could use at least ten of ya back home to replace these knuckleheads," he grumbled.

    "Aheh, uh, thank you."

    "Spent all morning tryin' to dig into the shrine, but those dang ole ley lines decided to prop up a barrier over the ground." The mole threw a claw at the faint pattern in the ground. "Looks like Entercards will be your only way in and out, I'm afraid."

    "It's no matter. We have prepared well for this and many other outcomes."

    "Well then… I guess my services are finished here." Excadrill raised his large claw for another shake, but instead changed his mind and wrapped the surprised Bug-type into a firm hug. "You be safe now and find that artifact, ya hear? Y'all know I'm lookin' out for the guild, and especially Team Moonlight."

    "Er, t-there's no need to worry. Please, we'll be fine."

    Excadrill removed himself, "Sorry, it's just this whole mess with those religious folk and the Council's got me stirred up. Makes ya wonder what's really goin' on in Celestic, but maybe it'll all be sorted out soon as Jack said."

    Scizor bit his tongue, preventing his words from straying. "Let's focus on obtaining the artifact. We need to know what we're dealing with first."

    "Right on. Find this sucker and we'll wipe out those dungeons for good. Just remember, my workers and I will always-" A loud snort of an impatient Mudsdale glaring at Excadrill interrupted him. "Bah, but enough of me yappin'." Excadrill started jogging over to the carriage chock full of Pokemon, throwing a look behind him. "Tell Jack I still wanna buy him a beer when this whole thing's over!"

    When the Ground-type finally wiggled his way into a cramped carriage, the hooves of the Mudsdales began to beat the ground. It was only a moment later that the carriages were storming off into the night and leaving behind the ruins. Scizor watched them as they got further and further away, a thump in his chest reminding him that he was now the sole source of authority left. He suddenly felt a rush of heat and heard a loud 'thud' as Charizard landed next to him.

    "Yo, Sciz, did visuals on the area and no 'mons are here beside us."

    Scizor gulped, "Thank you, Charizard."

    "No problem." The dragon grinned. "Let's get this show on the road, old friend."

    The rest of the guild ambled over to where the duo was, casting curious looks upon the symbol etched into the stone slab. Shaymin strode through the air before she landed beside the others.

    Gloria gasped, "This wasn't here last time Liam and I searched the ruins. Did Excadrill's team find this?"

    Rockruff's eyes went wide as he investigated each corner of the pattern. "Woah! This is like one of those Entercard travel thingies, right?"

    Scizor nodded, "You are correct, Rockruff. What we have here is an Entercard coordinate marker no doubt placed long ago by Mew's group. I theorize that this will bring us into the shrine."

    Excitement began to bounce off each Pokémon of the group.

    "Er, but I must inform you that not all of you will be. The Guildmaster has told me to split you all into two teams. One will investigate the shrine while the other will keep watch over the outside ruins."

    Monferno held up his hands. "Woah, woah, woah. You're telling me not everyone was allowed to go on this expedition, and now we gotta split up again into another team? For what reason? Nobody's in this forest except us."

    Shaymin huffed, "Yeah, this seems like a whole lotta junk. Why couldn't Leafeon come along?"

    "And my teammates!" Rockruff cried.

    Scizor sighed, "Listen, I understand your frustrations. However, these are direct orders from the Guildmaster, and he wanted it this way. Is this clear?" Forms of grumbled agreements reached his ears. "Good. Here are the teams; Myself, Liam, and Monferno will search the shrine. The rest of you will stay here."

    Rockruff stomped the ground. "This stinks! We all wanna see the shrine, too!"

    "Yeah, gotta agree with the kid." Roark chimed in before glancing at the frowning expressions around him. He moved to jostle Rockruff's side. "But right now if Scizor says 'jump', we say 'how high', right?"

    "Yeah…" the Rock-type bemoaned.

    Scizor unlatched his saddlebag. "Thank you, Roark. Liam, Monferno, let's commence the search." He pulled out an Entercard as the two aforementioned Pokémon stepped forward. Kneeling, he began to copy the symbol in the ground onto the metallic card winding frame before placing it down onto the faded pattern.

    A pincer hovered over the indentation that would activate the Entercard. Yet, it was not pressed as Scizor stood and took a deep breath.

    "Everyone, I wish to say something before we enter." Scizor swallowed, finding his next words hard to get out. "Yesterday, while I was gathering details for this expedition, I took the liberty to further investigate an incident that occurred within the guild over ten years ago. I must admit, I have managed to uncover the missing job details from this incident, and it is hard to say, but it is connected to this location specifically."

    Rockruff tilted his head. "Wait... Are you talking about Team Hydra?!"

    Scizor reluctantly nodded, "Yes, I am. Most of you have heard the rumors but were not around when it happened. More than ten years ago Team Hydra, a team from our guild, was sent an anonymous tip to investigate these ruins, which they set out on doing, and… Yes, three members of Team Hydra were found deceased not far from here. Their deaths undoubtedly due to foul play."

    A wave of unease traversed many of the group upon these revelations.

    "But I don't want any of you to think about that." Scizor clenched his pincers tight as he narrowed his gaze. "We must never forget our positions here. The Cosmic Quilt Guild has come so far and has overcome so many setbacks to reach this point now. Vaporeon, Croagunk, Minccino, and Sneseal; their losses will not be in vain. We must hold them in our hearts and minds as we venture into this shrine." His look fell upon the faces of his subordinates - his comrades - and felt his previous fears melting away. "All of you have sacrificed something to be here, and put your lives on the line to secure a better tomorrow. Know this, I will protect you with my own life if it comes down to it."

    Silence reigned before Roark began clapping his claw-ridden paws. "Now that's the Scizor we like to hear! Am I wrong, gang?"

    A chorus of supporting cheers then exploded out of the Pokémon, Scizor beamed as he absorbed their ferocious ovation.

    "I won't stall any longer!" Scizor yelled. "We will return with the artifact. That is a promise I make to you all here and the Pokemon we left behind." He kneeled again to finalize the preparations of the Entercard.

    As Liam stepped near this Bug-type, he felt the presence of a paw on his shoulder. He turned to see the sheepish smile of Gloria staring at him.

    "Hey, um, be extra safe while you're in there, okay?" She bit the straps of her cream saddlebag against her side and held it up.

    He smiled and grabbed the saddlebag before leaning in to give her a brief hug. "You know me - I'll try to. No promises, though."

    A chuckling Roark walked over and lightly slugged the Riolu on the shoulder. "Yeah, nah, it's a promise to sis and a threat from myself."

    Gloria shook her head. "Just come back in one piece."

    Liam gave her a mock salute. "Got it, ma'am," he said sternly, spurring a giggle from the Vulpix.

    "Mr. Personality! Hurry it up!" Monferno shouted.

    Liam momentarily glared at the primate as he positioned himself beside the Entercard, Monferno standing to his right. Scizor waited for everyone else to stand back before he pressed the card's indentation and straightened himself. A crackling noise filled the air as orange tendrils of ley lines spewed forth and lashed the air. A pillar of blinding golden light then consumed the trio where they stood.

    In an instant, they were gone.

    "Got any visuals?"

    "You bet your shiny metal ass I got visuals…"

    Weavile tore the binoculars from her face and scowled at what she saw. Her cape fluttered behind her in the strong winds, the three scarves tethered to it flowing with it. She stood from her squatting position and waved a claw at a nearby bush. Two Pokémon emerged from it and heeded her beckoning - Glaceon and Simisear.

    "All right, here's how this is going down. Ice queen, I want you to tell the others their positions. No fuss - you do it - got it?"

    Glaceon whipped her icy bangs. "Hmph. Whatever you say, Weavile." She quickly sauntered away.

    Weavile placed a claw on Simisear's shoulder. "Bisharp and I have seen your progress since you joined, and we think you've earned a little promotion."

    Simisear's eyes widened, "No kidding. For real?"

    "You'll be in charge of managing these bozos and keeping the place guarded as me and Bisharp head into the ruin. Don't fuck up or I'll pull your head off, got it?"

    "Uh, y-yeah, I'll get right to it. Thank you so much, Captain Weavile." He immediately jogged after Glaceon.

    Bisharp crossed his arms and smiled. "You look more fired up than yesterday. Safe to assume you'll be fine heading into this place again?"

    A wave of anger passed through Weavile, causing her to shudder. "If anyone deserves what's inside that dump, it's the Razor Claws. If the Alignment hasn't already nabbed it long ago, now's our chance." She returned to scaling the grassy hill before her.

    Bisharp followed, "This'll be more than a bargaining chip. We'll hold something that they've killed for."

    "Yeah… And that means wonders for us, doesn't it?"

    "Things will get tough, but we always persevere."

    Weavile turned her head. "So answer me this. Why do we need half the clan here to sit around while we go looking? Waste of money if you ask me."

    "The way I think it is... if those Alignment advisors we help capture blabbed off to the Allfather. He might know that we know something, and he wants these ruins guarded if we were to show up."

    She cackled, "Man, you got everything figured out in that big head of yours."

    "I told you how much this means to me."

    "As long as this means the destruction of that shitty cult, keep plotting, tinman."

    Weavile finally surmounted the tall hill in her path. From her vantage at the very top, she could see a wide view of the wet forest from above. Her eyes then caught a glance of a mossy structure deep within a clearing, a pang in her heart appearing at the familiar sight. She let out a sigh before she fished for the binoculars in her saddlebag. Peering into the lenses, she scanned the glade, only to gasp at what she saw.

    "Arceus, Bishy, you may actually be right for once. There's Pokémon here that are not us and-"

    Weavile's heart sank as she saw the black scarves the Pokemon walking around the ruins wore.

    "What's wrong? Is it really the Alignment?"

    She ripped away the binoculars. "No… it's not them. It's the fucking guild, Bishy. They're here."

    "You have to be messing with me." He marched over and snatched the binoculars from her grasp, looking into them. "Fuck. You weren't wrong for once. What are the chances of this?"

    Weavile frowned, "We should've known. Golisopod encountered two of 'em months ago." She gnashed her teeth and growled. "Of course, they would return to begin this nightmare all over again..."

    He looked at her. "What do you think our approach is here? I'm not sure the troops are gonna like us fighting them, especially Glaceon with one of her sisters in the guild."

    A battle was being waged in Weavile's head, but the victor was clear. She tightened her claws and sneered at the ruin far in the distance. "… It doesn't matter who's there, or who's in our way. All that matters is that we get what I- we deserve." She countered his stare. "We're going in there. We're defeating them, and we're taking the artifact for ourselves."

    "How is this gonna work then, Weav's? You're in charge of battle strategies."

    "Tell the ice queen she can kick rocks without explaining too much; she won't complain about paid time off. Then let the others know there's been a change in plans."

    "You and I both know the guild is strong. They won't go down without a fight."

    Weavile grinned deviously, "But we're stronger. You know that. Just one thing before you go, tell them…" She stole one more glance at the faraway ruin, a crestfallen expression on her face. "Tell them to go easy on 'em."

    A metallic card expanded into existence along with a burst of bright, orange light. Three figures emerged and stepped away from the Entercard as the energy around them expulsed into nothingness. Each of them looked around and adjusted to their almost pitch-black surroundings.

    Monferno scoffed, "Well, at least we can say there is something down here. But did anyone think to bring a lantern? 'Cause I sure didn't."

    Liam shook his head. "No lantern, but I got something close enough." He opened his saddlebag and procured a Luminous Orb. He raised it high, the translucent orb flickering before glowing a bright yellow that illuminated this new environment.

    Crumbling stone walls of a hallway surrounded them, pools of murky water sinking deep into the ground as water continuously dripped down from the nearly caved-in ceiling. Scizor held his breath, taking careful steps forward as if he risked shattering what he saw.

    "If this area is really what I think it is, then we are the first Pokemon to see it in almost ten thousand years..."

    Monferno knelt to pick up their Entercard. "Neat. Now can we get on with it? This place is already giving me the creeps."

    "Really? I think it's awesome," Liam said, waving the Luminous Orb around.

    Scizor stopped his vacant staring as he dug into his saddlebag to retrieve a Minun-shaped device. He fiddled with a dial and flicked a switch before speaking into it. "Charizard, we have successfully been transported into a location underground that I believe is the inner sanctum. We will investigate further and report to the other team at the guild with any potential findings."

    Moments later, a baritone voice emerged from the crackling static of the ELE. "Copy that, Sciz. Don't tell Jack, but I'm taking a little rest from scouting. Dead of the night; no 'mon is coming here."

    "I think- Very well. I will report to the team at the guild now. Thank you, Charizard." Scizor turned the dial on the ELE and spoke again. "Minun! My team has managed to find a way inside the supposed shrine thanks to Excadrill. We will now proceed with the investigation."

    "That's great!" the faint, young voice of a boy echoed through the device. "The Guilma… ster is nearby to offer any he.. lp."

    "Minun, your voice is breaking up. Are there any problems with the electrical connection?"

    "Oh, I'll have to fix th… at when you guys return. Long-distance communi… cation is finicky and all. But Leafeon is here to transcribe, so keep us inf.. ormed!"

    Scizor turned off his ELE and stuffed it back into his saddlebag. "Right, let's commence the search."

    "Finally," Monferno muttered.

    The quiet hallway was by disturbed their resounding footsteps and trickling water. Liam swayed the Luminous Orb around in hopes of discovering something, Scizor keeping a keen eye on everything, while Monferno simply trudged forward and was more interested in dodging the mud puddles in his path. After minutes of traversing the barren hallway, they could hear the sounds of tumbling rocks and moving earth. A ravine had sliced the stone corridor and formed a great gash in the ground. A haze of dust settled at the bottom of an exposed chamber, though the only way to it was down the jagged cliffs.

    Monferno sighed, "Great, just great. Did you bring the stuff, Scizor, so we don't break our legs?"

    Liam smirked, "I got a way. Just follow what I do!" Without another word, he leaped off the broken hallway.

    Adrenaline pumped through the Riolu's veins as his hind paws slid down the steep scarp. He jumped before he could tumble to the ground and rolled onto solid ground. Liam exhaled and smiled, looking up at the Pokemon still standing by the ravine's edge.

    "See! Just do what I did! Easy!"

    A bundle of rope fell down the crevasse, the other side held firmly by Scizor. Monferno laughed while he began descending the rope.

    "Not everyone is as suicidal as you are, Mr. Personality."

    Liam frowned.

    Once the primate reached the pit's bottom, Scizor fanned his papery wings and joined the two of them. Liam dispersed the darkness surrounding them with a wave of his Luminous Orb, his jaw-dropping at what was now visible. A grand statue of a Pokemon forged from marble was erected in the center of the room. It was quadrupedal in nature, an equine-like stature with long, pointy hooves. Its head trailed off into a wispy mane. An arc structure made out of yellow onyx was placed over the middle of the statue's body. A fracture split the quadruped into two, cracks in its frame threatening to crumble the entire stature.

    Monferno raised a brow. "Hey, this Pokemon statue. It looks a lot like most of Arceus' depictions."

    Scizor slowly nodded, his mouth remaining ajar. "You're correct, Monferno. This isn't just any Legendary shrine, it's a shrine dedicated to Arceus himself…"

    Liam angled his head to look past the broken bust. "Hey! There's a Mystery Dungeon past this point!"

    The three of them moved further to investigate the Riolu's claims, finding the shadowy void of a Mystery Dungeon entrance engulfing the path ahead.

    "This statue of Arceus is confirmation of the shrine's existence here," Scizor said, taking a step toward the shadow. "In that case, there must be more to it past this dungeon."

    Monferno sighed, "Sure is. Let's get this over with."

    Scizor and Monferno merged into the shadow and vanished in an instant. As Liam walked over to follow them, he felt a twitch of pain rupture his senses, accompanied by a familiar, gruff voice in his head.

    'Grim reminder, kid.'

    Liam shuddered and attempted to ignore the intrusion in his mind as he went into the dark abyss. A debris-filled stone platform expanded beneath his paws, mossy walls manifesting themselves and boxing in the three newcomers. A single corridor connected to the faux room.

    Criss-Cross Creek: Shrine Of Arceus

    BF 1

    Scizor took the initiative to lead Liam and Monferno down one of the narrow hallways. As they entered another chamber, Yellow-orangish light at every corner would bring into existence dungeon Pokemon that sought to attack the intruders. They fought back these apparitions with ease, making their way further into the dungeon via the crumbling staircases.

    Criss-Cross Creek: Shrine Of Arceus

    BF 2

    'Sunder into dust.'

    Liam grit his teeth as he scanned the dungeon surroundings. His gaze then fell upon an odd mural emblazoned upon the stony walls. "Hey! There's something here."

    Monferno tucked himself into a wheel of flames and barreled into a grassy Wormadam. "More statues aren't 'something'."

    "No! It's a painting of something! Gloria and I have seen this in the dungeon when we were here before!"

    Chipped, painted colors stood out on the gray walls. While washed out, it was still visible and decipherable. It depicted Arceus separated from the arc structure on its back, surrounded by seven various Legendaries playing seven strange-looking flutes over the backdrop of a mountain. An altar was shown where Arceus stood. And what appeared to be the moon hanging in the sky was a deep crimson.

    Scizor stopped to study the mural intensely but found his interest peaking upon seeing a slab beneath the painting with strange letters. "The dungeon must have saved some of the shrine within the dungeons. There are also transcripts here. Perhaps an explanation of this mural?"

    "Looks like footprint runes; really old ones they don't teach anymore," Monferno said. "You're a researcher, Scizor. Are you able to translate this?"

    "Footprint runes as ancient as these aren't my specialty, but I will make an attempt." The Bug-type knelt in front of the stone slab, Liam and Monferno protecting him from any dungeon Pokemon wandering over. He mouthed off any words he could infer. "Mountain… Arceus… First creation… Hall Of Creation. That's what most of this is saying."

    "Mountain… Celestial Mountain?" Liam wondered aloud. "Don't most theories say it was the first place Arceus created in Celestic?" He ignored the spurts of electrifying pain occasionally shocking his senses.

    "You're correct, Liam. The Hall Of Creation is spoken in many myths and legends as Arceus' main shrine and place of affairs for all Legendaries." Scizor placed a pincer under his chin, thinking hard. "The ley line coordinate supposdely rests beneath Celestial Mountain. I wonder if…" He sighed. "We need more information to deduce anything. Let's continue onward."

    Criss-Cross Creek: Shrine Of Arceus

    BF 5

    The trio stopped before another mural on the wall and a plaque beneath it. It showed a lithe quadrupedal Pokémon with tall, multicolored antlers standing before a massive wall of orange light. Scizor moved his gaze to the slab of stone with footprint runes.

    "Blockade…Hall Of Creation… Powers and past kinship weren't enough."

    "Blockade, huh? That's Xerneas in this picture thing. So maybe this Hall Of Creation place is blocked off from her?" Monferno theorized.

    "Possibly," Scizor said. "But I'm more interested that Xerneas is depicted here. Her 'demise' should be around the time of this shrine's creation, if Zygarde was correct."

    'We are the same.'

    Liam scowled at the voice in his mind. "Maybe, uh, maybe she has something to do with Arceus' disappearance?"

    "It's becoming increasingly more likely," Scizor responded. "This 'blockade' is undoubtedly the ley line barrier Mew and her team couldn't get past with their Entercards atop Celestial Mountain. The Hall Of Creation… If it really exists, then it would be beyond this barrier."

    Criss-Cross Creek: Shrine Of Arceus

    BF 9

    A Golett sailed through the air and smacked against a mural on the wall before dissipating in an orange glow. Scizor, Monferno, and Liam walked over to investigate.

    This time, there were two Pokémon visible. Xerneas and what looked like a Lurantis were side by side in a field of blooming white flowers. The sun above them was black, and stars plummeted from the heavens. Scizor once again translated the runes of the plaque beneath the mural.

    "Of those who once exuded eternal life… The Usurper… allies and friends once before." Scizor turned his head. "I believe we should contact the teams with our findings before we continue."

    Monferno shrugged, "If it gets us out of here quicker."

    Scizor retrieved his ELE and began to speak into it.

    "Charizard, we have gone further into the shrine and entered a Mystery Dungeon, where numerous murals were discovered within. We will continue forward."

    Shaymin rolled her eyes and flew over to where the sleeping form of Charizard lay, his ELE still clutched in his claws. She pried the device from him and flicked a switch.

    "Yeah, we hear you, mate. Charizard decided to take a snooze, but I'll be here for ya."

    "Ah, thank you, Shaymin. I will contact the other team now."

    As Scizor's voice faded in the staticky shrill, Shaymin tossed the ELE onto the large belly of a snoring Charizard. She then sprinted toward the group of Pokemon encircling the Entercard symbol in the ground.

    "Gonna be a while 'til they shoot back up," Shaymin said.

    Roark stretched with a loud yawn. "Gotta say, This whole expedition's got me agreeing with Charizard here. What a snoozefest."

    Braixen cocked her head. "I think it's better than us risking our lives, don't you think?"

    A red claw waggled at her. "That's the best part, sister."

    The Fire-type stifled a smile. "Maybe. But knowing we're helping Pokémon of the world, in the end, is worth the boring moments."

    "Uuuuggh!" Rockruff moaned as he rolled over on his side. "You guys know what's bugging me? Team Hydra. Scizor confirmed all those rumors we heard from ex-guild members."

    Roark tossed an Oran Berry into his mouth. "What about it? It happened already. Like Scizor said, we keep them on our minds and move forward."

    "Nah, nah, like… What actually happened to 'em? What Pokémon would even do that, and why was it here? Maybe 'cause of the artifact thingy? And what if they're still here?" Rockruff rubbed his temples. "Man, all this thinking is making me paranoid."

    Gloria tugged on her scarf. "Um, sorry, but can we please move on to a different subject? Maybe something a bit more light-hearted?"

    Roark chuckled as he snapped his claws. "All right! Memorable moments from before you joined the guild - let's go! Any takers?" He looked around to the sight of wide eyes staring back at him. "Well, I'll go first then. About fifteen years ago, the Rescue Society booked us rescuers a little vacation to the Shore Region, and man was it a good time. Good drinks, white sand beaches, gorgeous waters, and gorgeous ladies." He grinned. "Got to know so many guys in my squad. Spinda, Granbull, Feraligatr, Crawdaunt. We spent hours gambling our meager paychecks hoping to strike big - never did, though. I still miss 'em a lot…" His grin dissolved into an absent stare.

    Rockruff raised his paw high. "Ooh! Ooh! I got one! Can I go next?" The gaze of the others landing on him gave him the signal to continue. "Okay, so one windy day long, long ago, the Lycanroc clan was journeying across Thornpike Hallow. Me and another Rockruff were goofing off when the wind knocked me off those rickety wooden bridges we were crossing. No one but her saw, and while the clan continued on, she stayed to help pull me out of this ravine I fell in. We talked for hours and hours, and while it was scary, I really liked talking to someone, to her, y'know? We got to know each other as more than playmates. And she was so nice, and had the prettiest fur, too!"

    Gloria giggled, "Sounds like you had a crush on her. Did you?"

    Rockruff wrinkled his lip to hide the coating of red dusting his cheeks. "What?! N-no!"

    Roark chuckled, "Trust me, sis has an eye for this sort of stuff."

    "We were just friends," Rockruff sputtered. "But, uh, I'd like to see her again someday."

    "That's a nice story, Rockruff. Maybe you will one day," Braixen said.

    Rockruff swiftly changed topics. "So, uh, what about you Braixen? Got any cool stories before you became the assistant to that crazy Hatterene lady?"

    Braixen smiled and shook her head. "Well… I do have one. It's not exactly eventful, but it plays again in my mind from time to time. When Mony- Er, Monferno and I were little, we used to play in this public lot my father owned. I remember one day in particular when he and I were lying under the shade and watching the skies after we were done playing. We used to ask each other a lot of things as we got to know each other. And we eventually came to the topic of professions, but he couldn't name one he wanted, so we brainstormed things he could be. Back then, I never thought I wanted to be a nurse. I wanted to be a dancer, one that traveled all across Celestic to entertain. We talked about that a lot." She wiped away the mistiness in her eyes, rubbing her red armband. "I don't know why it makes me emotional, but it does."

    "A dancer?" Roark questioned "Never, ever could I imagine you as that. No offense."

    Gloria rolled her eyes. "I can see it! Braixen always composes herself very thoroughly. I bet she's great at dancing!"

    Braixen blushed and held her cheeks. "Thank you, Gloria. That means a lot."

    Gloria smiled, "I guess I'll go next. When I used to live in the Glacier Peak Mountains, we used to have this annual festival dedicated to Kyurem the mountain guardian. One time my parents were too busy to take me, so my nanny did. A lot of the children from my school were there. I didn't have many friends back then, and I was shy about making new ones." She fiddled her with necklace. "But my nanny pushed me to do so, even if I didn't want to. We had a lot of fun that day, and I met a lot of friends I wouldn't have if I never went!"

    "See, sis? All you need is a little push to get things done. Even if you don't want to," Roark said before glancing to his side. "Hey, Shaymin, you've been quiet. You got any extravagant Legendary adventures to share?"

    Shaymin scoffed, "Please, mate, nothing is exciting about those lugs. I like my times outside of being their underling."

    "Which are?" the fox prodded again.

    "Soarin'," Shaymin said with a cocky grin. "When you weren't put to farmin' or errands, nothin' beats gliding across perfect skies with your mates behind ya for fun. Some of the most beautiful locations in the whole world we went to. But besides that? Nah, everythin' else about the Shaymin Village is not worth rememberin'."

    Braixen frowned, "Shaymin, not to sound pushy, but if you want to talk about it, we're here."

    "Nah, I'm still sore about it. Hell, even thinkin' about it again makes my blood boil. When ya can't even-" Shaymin halted her words as a shudder passed through the bushes behind her. She immediately adopted a stance, gritting her teeth and throwing sharp looks around. "There's a 'mon here. I can feel it in the wind. It's-"

    Shaymin had only a split second to react as she pivoted a white blur that sailed past and collided with a tree. An outstretched claw that had missed its target cleaved the tree in half, the perpetrator revealing itself to be a silent Golisopod.

    Gloria recoiled, "A Golisopod?! Wait, is that-"

    The Vulpix was cut off by the noise of rustling leaves and the pounding of footsteps as numerous Pokemon burst from the clearing's natural cover screaming a boisterous war cry. They stormed toward the group charging attacks in their paws and claws alike. Flying Pokemon now circling above in the night sky dive-bombed to meet their foes.

    "AMBUSH!" Roark yelled, leaping to his paws. "Hold 'em back!"

    Each guild member, though caught off guard, prepared themselves for battle as the shouting Pokemon drew near. Spurred by the sounds of chaos around him, a sleeping Charizard cracked a single eye open to the sight of charging Pokemon. A torrent of red-hot fire then erupted from his mouth as he stood. He pumped his wings and hovered before the invaders as flames licked his jaw.


    Just a few yards away from the ensuing conflict, Weavile pulled the binoculars from her face and smirked. "Looks like the Charizard still has that 'lazy strength' the others called it back then."

    Bisharp tightened a gauntlet. "They'll need our assistance in bringing them to heel."

    "And we'll provide. Let's go."

    "Minun, this is Sci… zor. We have exited the Mystery Dungeon and are now in another cha… mber of the shrine." Sounds of footsteps sloshing through water and stepping over broken glass were heard through the ELE's staticky speakers. "This appears to be the main hall of sorts… Ah, I see someth… ing rather strange. We will investigate further."

    "Sounds good, Scizor! Keep us updated!"

    Minun paced around the stone Milotic fountain, ELE in his grasp as he wordlessly communicated to Leafeon with a head nod. The Grass-type quickly got to work scribbling something down on a large sheet of paper plastered over the ceramic tiles of the floor. The rest of the guild Pokemon in the building were resting on beanbags lifted from their chambers and onto the foyer. In the meantime, Indeedee would make rounds around the room and deliver cups of tea from her silver platter.

    Purrloin took a sip of her tea and sank into the comfy chair, letting out a rumbling purr. "Mreow~ I must thank the Guildmaster for not letting all of us go on the expedition. Spelunking in dirty ruins is soooo not my forte."

    Mightyena pouted, "I think it sucks! I wanna explore ancient, dirty ruins with my team! Think of how many relics there are to be sold- er, retrieved!"

    "You do raise a point," Purrloin mused.

    Staravia flapped his wings erratically. "W-why is the G-guildmaster cooped up in his room, anyway? Why didn't he g-go with them? I mean, he hasn't even c-come out all day!"

    "There's no point in trying to understand our enigma of a Guildmaster," Leafeon said. "We do our jobs, go with the flow, and try to come out unscathed."

    Mightyena's snout wiggled as he sniffed the air. "Hey, Leafeon, are you cooking something?"

    "No, Mightyena. Don't tell me you're hungry again."

    "But I smell smoke!" He sniffed again. "Maybe from the Guildmaster's room?" His ears swiveled to muffled noises traveling the still hallways. "Hey! And maybe glass or something shattering?"

    Minun waved a stubby paw at the group. "Keep it down, guys! I'm trying to listen for more information."

    Outside the purplish starry sky-themed walls of the Cosmic Quilt Guild, two carriages led by equine Pokemon in sturdy armor would roll up a dusty trail leading to the building in near silence. Slowly, Pokemon in dusty, leathery coats dropped down one by one. They tiptoed through flowers and tall grass, the metal of drawn rifles clinking against their coats as they surrounded the large structure.

    A Rhydon among the formation turned and made a silent command with its claws to the others behind it. Five Council guards followed it to the back of the building while the rest kept a position near the main entrance and garden, rifles trained on the windows and doorway and anticipating any movement.

    The Rhydon stopped near a window, where a white wallflower in a flower pot could be seen against obscuring curtains with odd noises heard beyond it. The Rock-type gave the signal for those who followed to hold still, then whispered harshly.

    "The Guilmaster's quarters. We wait until the lights go off, then we make the arrest."

    "Woah, check this out!" Liam yelled.

    The Riolu ducked under a partially collapsed stone column and emerged into a spacious room, followed closely by Monferno and Scizor. Swampy vines grew and clung to the decrepit walls, laden with mud that oozed into dirty puddles in the ground. Stained and ornate glass windows were seen all across the room, even the very ceiling itself. While most were broken or dirtied beyond recognition, some remained visible and intact. Muddy water cascaded through holes in the glass like a waterfall, drowning the flooring in paths of murky currents.

    "Wow. It's kinda amazing how nature reclaims itself, huh?" Liam commented.

    Monferno rolled his eyes in response.

    Scizor stepped around the room and analyzed each stained-glass window he could find. "This is fascinating. There are more murals of Arceus and Xerneas here. How connected were they back then?" He looked at the ceiling. "And even... Yveltal?"

    Liam and Monferno stopped to stare up at the window Scizor's gaze was glued to. It depicted a violent battle between Xerneas and Yveltal over the burning rubble of a town. Cowering Pokemon were shielded behind Xerneas as she appeared to absorb an incoming ray of red energy unleashed by Yveltal, her rainbow-colored antlers turning a stony gray. Likewise, a beam of blue and yellow coiled around Yveltal's body.

    "So this is that battle or whatever between those two, right?" Monferno asked.

    "I would assume so," Scizor said. "The Followers Of Life said that Xerneas and Yveltal 'perished' in what was known as the world's first civilization. That is…" His attention was drawn to something by their right. "Hold on, what is this?"

    The Bug-type's intrigue carried him over to a wall with more footprint runes embedded into a layer of solid rock. More strangely, however, were an assortment of symbols jutting out of the stone-like buttons. Scizor studied the runes and translated them in his mind, mumbling it under his breath.

    "Scizor, care to speak up a bit?" Monferno piped up. "What is this thing?"

    Scizor became startled, "Ah, these are Unown letters. Legendaries used them frequently in the past to send out ciphers to other Legendaries or hide sacred treasures from common Pokemon. If I'm correct in my assumption-" he tapped the stone slab with a pincer, noting the hollow sound it produced, "-there is something beyond this."

    Liam scowled at the rapid memories flashing across his vision. "You, uh, think this is some sort of puzzle to the artifact?"

    "Possibly. But I require time to study these runes more and crack this Unown cipher." Scizor waved a pincer behind him. "Please, you two continue the investigation of this chamber. I will remain here."

    Monferno shrugged as he walked over, Liam taking a moment to readjust before he followed the primate. They aimlessly walked through the shrine's grand hall, shining much-needed light on objects or statues of various Legendaries.

    A sigh escaped Monferno as he moved pieces of rubble out of the way to scour glyphs and more stained-glass windows. He knew it all meant nothing to him, nor did it interest him, but it banished the more intrusive thoughts of his by doing so. He knew in just a matter of hours, he would have to break the news to everyone, including his best friend and partner.

    Deep down, he knew he didn't have what it took.

    "Lots of murals with that Lurantis again looking evil or something," Monferno said. "They must've really hated that chick… or dude."

    "... Get out of my head," he heard Liam mumble quietly. "Shut. Up."

    Monferno threw a confused look at the Riolu. "The hell's wrong with you, Mr. Personality? You've been acting weird this entire expedition."

    "Mind your own business!" Liam snapped, before calming down. "Uh, sorry, Monferno. Just been troubled lately."

    "Troubled… Whatever." Monferno returned to his distractions, but his clenching fists would force him to turn around again. "Actually, I got a question. You've been at this guild for more than a year. You teamed up with Gloria, been sent on special missions, favorited by our ice cube of a Guildmaster, and all these other great things. All I gotta ask is… How?"

    "How? What do you mean?"

    Monferno rested an arm on a broken pillar. "How does it come so easy for you and the others? All of you seem to just fit here. But I just…" He growled under his breath. "I don't have any of this 'magic' you guys seem to have."

    Liam countered his stare with a drained expression. "Monferno, none of this ever came easy for me. You don't even know how much…" He clutched his head, exhaling. "I'm still struggling to figure this all out."

    Monferno raised a brow. "What? You're telling me you and Gloria aren't the dream team everyone thinks you are? What do you got that me and Braixen don't?"

    "Where is this all coming from?"

    "Look, all I want to know is this; how are you so damn happy in this guild? How do you know you fit in here?"

    "Monferno, I… don't. I don't belong here. That's the truth."

    "Then what's stopping you from leaving then, huh? You talk a lot about exploring the world. Why don't you do that?"

    "... Someone once taught me that running is pointless, and it's inevitable. The truth is, I'm scared to figure out what he really meant. But I have no choice but to accept what's happening and deal with the consequences. Because it's changing who I am, who I was once." Liam slowly shook his head. "Honestly, I… I can't remember a time when I was truly happy. I just keep asking myself where did everything go wrong? And how do I fix it?"

    Monferno took a step back and reassessed his thoughts. His expression morphed several times before a small grin appeared. "Don't have a clue on what you're talking about, but you know what? I understand how you feel, Mr. Personality." He gave a bitter laugh. "Maybe we could've gotten along better."


    A long silence fell upon the hallway, accompanied by constant drips of condensation. This was soon broken by the voice of Scizor bouncing off the walls.

    "Liam! Monferno! Come quick!"

    The pair immediately dropped whatever they were tinkering with to run back to the shrine's main chamber. They arrived just in time to see the large stone slab in the decaying walls begin to quake, a grinding noise filling the air, then the slab sliding back to reveal a doorway into another section of the shrine.

    Scizor turned and smiled victoriously. "A message needed to be written through the Unowns. 'The Usuper'." He returned to stare into the now open passage. "Steel yourselves. This may be what we're after." As Scizor marched into the tunnel, Liam and Monferno trudged behind.

    As they walked the halls of countless statues, stained-glass windows, and wall carvings, the rays of an unearthly yellow glow peaked through overgrown vegetation. Scizor sliced coils of thick vines in their path, determined in finding the source of the light, of which he caught a glimpse of.

    "I see something!" he shouted.

    A dead end marked the end of their travels and the end of their searches. Resting on a cracked pedestal was the source behind the intense glow - an artifact. It was colored a rich gold, a green jewel encrusted in the ridge between two intersecting metallic arcs that were cut off at its bottom. A large mural on the wall before it was revealed by the object's blossoming light. Arceus was illustrated once more, lacking the mystical wheel in his middle section. Four pieces of the artifact were depicted shooting off from Arceus.

    Scizor's jaw dropped, "This… This has to be it. The artifact! It really does exist!"

    Liam felt drawn to it as he inched closer to the object, the intense power it radiated carrying his aura tassels in an invisible wind. Before the others could warn him, his paws touched the fine, cold metal. He mustered the courage to grip it, lifting it from its spot. He held it tight against his chest, a wave of intense aura washing over him.

    "Woah… Are you sure it's okay to hold that thing?" Monferno asked.

    "I don't know, but I just had to, y'know?" Liam said.

    Scizor almost dropped his ELE out of sheer excitement as his shaking pincers flicked its switch and spoke into the speakers on its 'cheeks'. "Minun! You won't believe this! We have located and retrieved what is undoubtedly the artifact!" He eagerly awaited the usual chipper response, only to be confused after not getting one. "Minun… Minun, are you there?"

    Moments later, a garbled, gruff voice traveled through the static. "Scizor, I ha... ve heard. Please describe wh... at you have gathe... red."

    "U-uh, right, Guildmaster. It's a golden, metallic object with an arc and a green jewel embedded within it. From the looks of it, it appears to be a fragment of a much larger piece."

    The response was instantaneous and direct. "Get to the guild imme... diately. This is an order."

    "Right. I will contact the team above ground and we will head right back." Scizor messed with the ELE's dial. "Charizard, are you there? Shaymin?"

    "Is anyone listening? We have located the artifact and are going to transport to the ruins above ground! Stand back and ready yourselves for what you're about to see!"

    The voice of Scizor crackling out of the ELE lying on the grass was quickly drowned out by chaotic sounds of fighting and attacks striking the earth.

    Braixen stood her ground, wielding a flaming stick and casting large fireballs at any Pokemon that crossed her vision. Fear strangled her heart as she knew they were getting closer to her each second. "Who are these Pokemon?!"

    Roark bounded across the clearing, slashing any mercenary in his and Braixen's way. "Mercs I bet! Maybe it's those Rose Clan buffoons out for venge- oof!" A gut punch from a Hitmonchan made him snarl. "Okay, you asked for it!"

    Orange wings flapped in the dark skies above the clearing, columns of magma spewing from the gaping maw of a raging Charizard. Any mercenary capable of flight swarmed the Fire-type, only to be sent hurtling toward the ground smothered in flames like living torches. An unlucky Yanmega caught up in Charizard's claws was swung over and over until it was finally released and sent careening into a tree.

    "OH YEAH!" the dragon bellowed. "KEEP COMIN'! I GOT PLENTY OF MORE FOR YA!"

    Shaymin flew around the clearing with a raging fury. She formed numerous Energy Balls around her and scattered them in any direction she found an opposing Pokemon. Her sights then fell upon Rockruff as he was being chased down by a Kabutops. She flared her nostrils and shot off in the direction of the puppy Pokemon.

    Rockruff unwittingly backed himself against a boulder wedged into the ground, now face-to-face with his pursuer. "H-hey! Maybe we can t-talk about it? W-what do you say?!"

    Just before the long, gray scythes of the Kabutops could swipe down on Rockruff, green orbs of energy slammed into the Water-type's back, dropping it instantly. Shaymin hovered over the area, her snarls and enraged shouts blared over the surrounding carnage. "I DON'T CARE WHO YA FIGHT FOR! YOU MERCS ARE ALL SCUM!"

    Gloria ducked and maneuvered past the overwhelming amount of both physical and special attacks directed toward her. She thought herself free from the conflict until an Electivire wearing a wicked sneer made its presence known before her. Electricity jolted through its lashing antenna and bright yellow fur.

    "Now what do we have here? The little girl who managed to take down both Magmortar and Rhypherior," he said. "Impressive. No matter, I'll take you out quickly."

    Gloria had mere seconds to react before the Electric-type leaped and smashed the ground where she once stood. With no way out, she chose to defend herself. Volleys of sharp, crystalline icicles sailed through the air and pelted the Electivire, who simply shrugged it off and continued his assault. His antennae fluctuated as arcs of yellow electricity shot toward the Vulpix.

    Gloria was able to narrowly dodge with only singed fur. As the Electivire raised a fist crackling with more electricity, she inhaled and breathed a twin beam of auroras that collided into his enclosed hand, freezing it solid. It took only a moment for him to shatter the ice and emit a loud, menacing growl.

    "I see how you play now! Too bad it won't save ya!"

    Electivire dropped to all fours as electricity coursed through his fur, a funnel of sparking voltage enveloping him. He then bounded after the Vulpix like a speeding bullet.

    Gloria weaved through thickets and crumbling pillars that were smashed by the Electivire's Wild Charge. Only when the attack began to peter off did she stop running to take in ragged breaths, too exhausted to keep going. As the Electric-type closed in, she realized her predicament.

    No items. No backup. No chance of escape.

    Electivire struck a stance, his antennae going wild. A thunderous boom shattered the air as a large bolt of lightning raced toward Gloria. She attempted to flee, but it was too late. The devastating Thunder connected with the Vulpix and produced a shriek of pain out of her. The powerful voltage sapped her strength as she slumped to the ground, unconscious.

    Electivire cackled, "Gahahaha! Consider that payback for-" He was interrupted by a dark blur darting past his vision. "What the… GAH!" He felt a painful sensation engulfing his back as he reached to touch it. His hand returned bloody; he growled. "Show yourself, coward!"

    The agile culprit revealed itself to a Zoroark as it knelt atop a broken stone column. "Think you're so tough going after 'mons smaller than you, huh?"

    Roark vanished from the Electivire's sights, who frantically looked around for the fox. Multiple Zoroarks then emerged from bushes and rocks and danced around the Electric-type, occasionally slashing at him while he was overwhelmed.

    "You got another thing coming, buddy," their combined voices taunted.

    Electivire growled again, "ENOUGH OF THE GAMES!" Electricity surged through his fists as he punched the Zoroark clones in a frenzied manner.

    Roark, watching from the shadows, found his opportunity and raised his arms high. He squeezed his eyes shut and mustered enough energy from within to summon multiple Night Dazes. Eerie, silent waves of darkness crashed into Electivire, shadowy tendrils enveloping his body as he thrashed in pain. When the shockwaves finally ceased, Electivire's eyes rolled into his skull as he collapsed.

    A tired Roark stumbled over, planting a foot atop the defeated Pokemon. "... And that's what you get for messing with my little sister."

    Suddenly, an explosion of orange light manifested over the ruin's Entercard symbol. Three Pokemon emerged from it, who were deeply confused at the pandemonium surrounding them. At the same time, a Skarmory circling the area went into a nosedive, straight toward the new arrivals.

    Weavile and Bisharp jumped off of Skarmory right before the Steel-type collided into Monferno and Scizor, knocking them away from a bewildered Liam. Weavile then latched her claws onto the artifact's metal arc, attempting to pull it from the Riolu. Liam resisted her efforts and gripped the artifact tight as the Ice-type snarled at him.

    "Let it go, kid! It's ours already!"


    Bisharp intervened and kicked Liam square in the chest, the Riolu losing his hold and being sent tumbling a few feet away. Now in the claws of Weavile, she stared intensely at the mystical relic in her grasp before turning her head and screaming.


    Weavile and Bisharp quickly got on the back of Skarmory and took off into the night skies. The remaining mercenaries who were still standing heeded their captain's command and ran off into the depths of the forests, some dragging their unconscious comrades with them. With their withdrawal, the guild quickly gathered together to cope with what transpired.

    "Scizor! What the absolute heck just happened?!" Rockruff shouted. "We got attacked by random Pokemon!"

    "Yeah, and they just ran off with what we spent an hour trying to find!" Monferno added angrily. "The hell do we do now?! Go after them maybe?!"

    "Not 'random Pokemon', Rockruff," Roark said as he walked over, Gloria gently cradled in his arms. "Those were most definitely mercenaries."

    Braixen held a paw to her heart to steady its rapid beating. "Maybe… Maybe it really was that Rose Clan we fought in the Grit Region."

    "Could be revenge," Roark suggested before glancing at the newly arrived trio. "That Weavile took something from Liam. Was it that artifact we've been looking for?"

    Scizor was too appalled to give an appropriate response as his gaze was transfixed to where the Skarmory vanished in the sky. "I… They… They stole the artifact."

    Rockruff blinked, "W-what?! We went through all that trouble to get it stolen?! We need to go get it back!"

    Shaymin grit her teeth and jumped into a glide. "That's exactly what we're gonna do! These blokes aren't gettin' away with it."

    "SHAYMIN!" Scizor yelled as she soared away. "Don't! Don't do it."

    The Legendary scowled and reluctantly descended back down to the ground. "Then what are we supposed to do, mate?! What's your big plan, leader?!"

    Scizor winced at her tone. "Uh, we need to… we need to-" His erratic movements halted as he opened his saddlebag and took out his ELE. He flicked a switch and nearly shouted at it. "Guildmaster! Minun! Anyone!"

    The voice of Jackson erupted from the speakers, followed by a loud crashing noise. "Speak. Are you close to the guild?"

    "Guildmaster, the artifact… it's been stolen from us!" Scizor said through panting breaths. "I- We don't know who they were, but-"

    "I know who they were," the gruff voice replied, followed by another bang.

    "You do? Please, we need to figure out a way to-"

    Scizor was interrupted by a deafening shriek resounding through the forest that made everyone freeze from fear. A cold wind billowed across the clearing, shuddering trees and bushes in an unearthly silence.

    "Get back to the guild. You… You have all done what has been required of you." A long silence followed Jackson's shaky words. "Thank you, everyone." Yet another loud crash was heard through the static until the signal was suddenly cut.

    "Guildmaster… Guildmaster… Jackson!" Scizor frantically turned the dials and flicked the switches of the ELE to regain the lost signal, to little success. "Something is wrong, very wrong." He looked up from the device to see everyone staring up at the sky. He looked up as well.

    Pokemon of all kinds were flying above the forest, their flight patterns abnormal and seemingly desperate, as if they were escaping from something.

    "These Pokemon, are they coming from Empyrean City?" Rockruff wondered aloud.

    Another ear-splitting cry rattled Scizor from his vacant gaze. His eyes grew wide as an epiphany rattled his mind. "Everyone, we need to return to the guild - now!" His wings buzzed as he flew urgently back toward the trail in which they came, before turning to scream at the shocked Pokemon. "GO!"

    Incited by his words, the group took off into a sprint after the Bug-type. They cut across the forest, vaulting over fallen logs and wading through thick foliage to get back to Empyrean City faster. As Liam sprinted, he felt strikes of pain lash his senses like many times before. The dreaded, familiar voice wormed its way into his head yet again.

    'Grim reminder, kid.'

    The pain and influx of flashing memories in his mind became too great, forcing him to heel and stop his advances. He clutched his head, feeling a vision beginning to form that compelled him to watch.

    Liam felt himself regain consciousness. He opened his hazel eyes to the view of total darkness. The ground was cold, looking like gray concrete in his hazy perception. His back was slumped against a wall, and any attempts to move his limbs were met with the sound of clinking metal. Confused, he looked down at his hands and was horrified to see what was attached to them.

    Chains - iron and sturdy - attached to the wall he was up against.

    He tried to remove them, to pull them off with his fingers, but they would not budge. Memories of the past few hours then flooded his mind. He realized where he was, what had happened, and who did this to him.

    The squeal of a creaky metal door echoed throughout the room. A fuzzy yellow light pouring out of the doorway beamed Liam in the face. The boy stared into the exit to freedom, hearing the stomping of boots like thunder from beyond it. As the stomps grew louder, a figure emerged and stood in the doorway. They carried a limp body in both arms, appearing like a dark silhouette in the light.

    "I remember my father holding my mother in his arms after he had killed her," the figure said. "And he looked at me straight in the eyes and said, 'I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.'"

    Liam's wide-eyed stare bored into the man.

    The figure shifted the body in his grasp. "Let's begin... and put an end to this, so you can begin again, kid."

    The metal door slammed shut.

    And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, "Come and see!"

    Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.

    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!

    Next Time: Grim Reminder
    Chapter 33: Grim Reminder
  • Z2H

    Junior Trainer
    Chapter 33

    Grim Reminder

    Moonlight shined down upon the Cosmic Quilt Guild. Filling the air were the gentle pluckings of a banjo, its twangs carried throughout the plains plunged into ubiquitous darkness. Time passed, and the clumsy melody gradually faded into the night.

    Liam laid his banjo on his lap and looked back with a grin. "Better that time, Guildmaster?"

    Jackson shook his head. "It's acceptable, but you're failing multiple notes." He walked forward and grabbed the banjo. "Let me show you."

    Liam obliged the Shiny Lucario and scooted to the side as Jackson kneeled and gripped the wooden instrument close. As his paws ran across the banjo's strings, a slow tune poured out and immediately entranced the listening Riolu. The song eventually picked up in pace, Jackson's paws briskly strumming the strings as one of his hind paws repeatedly tapped the grass to catch onto the rhythm. Then suddenly the playing ceased, the Lucario now still.

    Liam pumped an enclosed paw into the air. "That was so great, Guildmaster!"

    "… Thank you." Jackson handed back over the banjo. "It helps to close your eyes and focus solely on your movements. To become one with it."

    Liam's amazement was not satiated. "When did you learn how to play so well? You had to have played it for years!"

    Jackson went silent as he stared up at the bright moon. "It was my tenth birthday when my mother gifted me a banjo and a telescope. Every night after school I would practice and play songs for her beside our trailer." A smile forming across his muzzle was quickly snuffed out. "… That woman had her demons, but she loved me like a true mother would."

    Liam lowered his gaze upon remembering the grizzly details the Lucario shared with him before. "Um, sorry for bringing it up."

    "It's fine, kid. I wouldn't want her to be forgotten."

    "… For what it's worth, I think she would be proud to see what you've become."

    "No. No she wouldn't."

    Liam cocked his head. "Why wouldn't she? You're the Guildmaster of the most well-known guild in Celestic! That's something to be proud of, right?"

    "If my mother knew who I really was, what I've done, what I've become, she would be disappointed."

    Liam moved to rest a paw on Jackson's shoulders. "The past is the past, right? I think I should know that more than anyone."

    "Is it?" Jackson stood, his back against the Riolu as he stared beyond the vast grasslands surrounding the guild. "My father was a monster. I was still naive enough back then to think the world was anything but cruel. I believed he was all the evils of this world incarnate. I… I wanted to kill that man, truly. A part of me still does, but I've gone beyond that now."

    "Because you became an outlaw?"

    "No. A ruthless monster is what I became, what I've become." He turned to face the Riolu. "I am just like my father, if not worse."

    "But you're not!" Liam yelled as he stood. He frowned, looking down at the banjo in his grasp. His eyes focused on the drawing of a flower etched into the wood. "You were someone who understood what I was going through. You were there for me, and helped me figure myself out… even if only a little."

    "You have much you still need to learn. Or even about me." Jackson's orange paw ring flickered as he stared intensely at Liam, almost through him. "Men… Men do strange things when their desires are obtainable." He trudged toward Liam. "Family is everything, kid. So tell me, what would you do to see them again?"


    Liam did not have an answer.

    The brief flashes of memories he did have only gave him a glimpse into what once was. But despite that, he yearned to know more, to see more, and to feel the feelings he experienced. His thoughts churned up recollections of the latest memory he was given, and how enraged he felt in it. The loss of his family - of his mother, and June. Grief nearly overwhelmed his senses as he brushed away a forming tear.

    A 'great capacity of anger' the man in his vision claimed to see within him, and he was finding it hard to dispel that claim.

    Jackson gripped Liam's paws. "When the rifle is put in our hands, the only way out is to pull the trigger, to obey our purpose as weapons. I thought that once. I had so many chances to stop this, but it's too late now. I've gone too far to let go now. All of this was destined to happen." Liam could see the restrained emotion even behind his dull, crimson eyes. "It has to happen, or else everything has been for nothing."

    Liam's mouth parted, "... What has to happen?"

    Jackson hung his head. "I wasn't lying when I told you there was little time left - that the hourglass was almost filled." He backed up. "Get some rest. Our expedition to the Grit Region must be swift and thorough."

    As the Lucario moved to make his exit, the voice of Liam made him stop in his tracks.

    "Guildmaster… If you ever need someone to talk to, then I'm here." The Riolu smiled earnestly. "I know I'm not good at this deep and emotional stuff, especially with my amnesia, but you can trust me. I'd understand like you understood me if you just opened up."

    Jackson remained motionless for a moment. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm still that child from so long ago, staring at this world from a crack in my closet door." His head angled slightly to look back at Liam. "Get some rest."

    With his parting words, the Lucario drifted away.

    Now by his lonesome, Liam contemplated his final remark but refuted it with a smirk tugging at his lips. He was far too restless about the expedition to give in to sleep. He instead sat down on the cliff's edge, banjo in his grasp. Under the bright glow of the moon, he strummed the instrument's strings per his Guildmaster's advice.

    A pleasant melody echoed across the lands surrounding the Cosmic Quilt Guild.

    Moonlight shined down upon the Sunshine Forest. Numerous Pokemon sprinted through the untamed wilds below. They brushed past shrubbery and frantically vaulted over fallen logs.

    "Hey! Let's talk about this first!" Rockruff yapped as he ran. "Why are we running?! What's going on?!"

    "Didn't you hear that crazy scream, kid?!" Roark shouted back as he ran alongside the Rock-type, clutching a still-unconscious Gloria in his arms. He looked up and through the canopies of trees as the sky swarmed with fleeing Pokemon. "All these 'mons look like they're flying away from Empyrean City!"

    "This is so crazy! I've never seen Scizor act like this before! It must be really serious if-"

    "Quit your yapping, Rockruff!" Monferno yelled from the canine's side. "Just focus on getting back to the guild!"

    "Scizor!" Braixen called out. "Can you please stop and explain to us what's happening?"

    The Bug-type did not respond as another piercing shriek resounded through the forest, becoming louder and louder.

    Rockruff grit his teeth. "Is that scream coming from Empyrean?! And is that why the Guildmaster was cut off?" His eyes enlarged. "My team!" He picked up the pace upon this realization.

    Liam's heart was pounding in his chest as he sprinted with all his might. Worries for the safety of his friends at the guild, especially his Guildmaster, weighed heavily on his mind. These feelings were exasperated by the painful strikes of rushing memories and the pervasive voice stalking his mind.

    'Grim reminder, kid.'

    Liam scowled, 'Guildmaster… What's happening?'

    They burst from the tree line, Shaymin and Charizard swooping down from the skies to stick near the group. They ran up a hill that obscured their sights, their jaws dropping once they saw the horrific sight beyond it.

    Hundreds, if not thousands of Pokemon were darting across the grasslands.

    The source of their desperate fleeing was Empyrean City. Multiple plumes of smoke could be seen rising into the sky from wrecked structures consumed by raging fires. The echoes of cries from Pokemon within the city were occasionally engulfed by loud booms and flashes.

    "By Arceus…" Scizor murmured. "Empyrean is under attack!" He was gone before anyone could respond, rushing down the hill.

    The rest of the guild, while appalled at what they were seeing, bolted after the Bug-type. They brushed past escaping Pokemon covered in ash with terrified expressions haunting their faces.

    "Wait! Are we at war?!" Rockruff cried.

    Charizard flew low to the ground, snarling. "I bet it's those Blaze Continent crazies! They've always been itchin' for more beatdowns!"

    "Then where the hell are their soldiers?!" Monferno yelled as he ran. "There's only 'mons running away!"

    Liam scowled as his horrified gaze bored into the smoldering city. Electrifying pain in his nerves and mind desired to steal his attention from the present. His attempts to resist it now were all but futile.

    'But you'd do it too, right?'

    Suddenly, he came to a stop, as did the others around him. An eerie silence overcame the grasslands that was swept away by cold winds. An overbearing and sinister pressure formed in the minds of the group. Liam felt the slow thumps of his heart increase to a rapid beating. His aura feelers sent a spark of warning to his senses, yet the danger was not apparent to him. He threw desperate looks around to locate the source of this sensation, to no avail.

    Braixen clutched her head. "This feeling… What is it?"

    Shaymin shook her head in an attempt to free herself from the choking force. "Agh! The hell is this?!"

    Rockruff pointed a shaky paw at the ground. "G-guys…?"

    A small puddle of pitch-black shadows manifested among the shuddering strands of grass. Splotches of bloody red were mixed in as it began to swirl and enlarge, the group taking a step back. It became faster and faster until the earth itself caved in and fell under the whims of the distortion now crackling with red energy. The fear-filled eyes glued to the vortex of darkness widened as something began to emerge from it - a Pokemon.

    Black horns jutted out from the portal. Piercing blue eyes contrasted them as the large body of an avian-like Pokemon slowly emerged. Its neck bore a gray scruff that billowed behind it. Bright crimson feathers lined its body; obsidian veins branching into two massive, ribbed wings that became outstretched. Golden orangish lines rose from the swirling vortex, looping around and entangling the Pokemon's limbs like chains. The Pokemon then raised its head to the night sky and opened its beak.



    The sheer force of its shriek created a shockwave that blasted much of the guild to the ground. Those that withstood it could only stare in horror at what was before them.

    Scizor removed a shielding pincer from his face, his jaw dropping. "This is… Yveltal?!"

    The Pokémon flapped its mighty wings and catapulted into the sky. It then turned and shot toward Empyrean City, the flickering orange lines wrapped around its body trailing across the stars. It left behind aghast Pokemon in its wake.

    Rockruff lifted his muzzle from the ground, spitting out bits of grass. "T-that's Yveltal?! I thought he died, like, ages ago!"

    "I… That can't be real. This…" Scizor was too stunned to finish.

    Monferno helped Braixen to her paws, throwing a look at the massive Legendary. "Sure fucking looks like it! But what the hell is it doing here?!"

    "Nah, it's gotta be some sort of illusion trick!" Shaymin yelled. "There's no way this bastard is still kickin'!"

    "Don't look at me!" Roark countered, holding Gloria even tighter.

    Liam pulled himself up and stared at the Legendary as it circled Empyrean City. Never did he imagine he would be witness to a Pokemon hailed as a true god from the books Gloria showed him. He only wondered if it truly was real. Yet, the thought of it being genuine shook him to his core.

    'Who are you?' the gruff voice asked.

    Hot puffs of steam jettisoned out of Charizard's nostrils. "What are you lot standin' around and gawkin' for?! We're going after that thing!" With a flex of his wings, he rocketed toward the city.

    "C-charizard! Wait!" Scizor screamed before breaking off into another sprint.

    The startled members of the guild had little else to do but chase after the Bug-type. They weaved through more fleeing Pokemon until arriving at the city's entrance. Rubble was everywhere, small fires lingering on the charred remains of numerous market stands. Entire buildings appeared as if cleaved in two, blackened scars burned into the cobblestone streets beside them.

    Rockruff grimaced at the destruction before finding his gaze drawn to the dark skies. "Hey! It's coming back!"

    From the gray clouds pierced the spiraling form of Yveltal. It swooped down near their location and suspended itself in the air. The orange lines on its body then began to shine as it spread its wings and tail into a 'Y' formation. Its red feathers lit up in a deathly glow before its limbs were enclosed around its body as it almost cocooned itself mid-air.

    The unthinkable then happened.

    Yveltal threw open its wings and unleashed a red and black beam of pure destruction. The ray ripped across the city, colliding into houses and other structures that were flattened in an instant. A family of Shinx and Luxray running nearest to the guild were caught up in its indiscriminate attack.

    When the clouds of dust parted the area, all that remained of the family were those resembling stone statues.

    Scizor's pincers quaked as he took a step back. "This isn't an illusion… This is the real Yveltal!"

    "Look out! It's coming back!" Roark yelled.


    Yveltal's earsplitting shriek was a warning to all below. It once again dive-bombed and let loose another crimson beam that devastated the city. Screams and loud crashes filled the air in its wake. When the attack petered off, the guild emerged from beyond the cover of crumbling houses as a plume of dust rolled across the streets, choking their breaths and coating their furs in ash.

    Monferno coughed into a hand. "What the fuck was that?!"

    "Was that-" Braixen struggled to speak through her coughs. "Were those Pokemon turned to stone?!"

    "O-Oblivion Wing!" Scizor yelled. "It turns any being hit with it to stone! Only Yveltal is capable of this!"

    "So this is the real Yveltal and not a fake?!" Rockruff deduced.

    "Your eyes aren't deceiving you, kid!" Roark confirmed. "This sure as shit is happening!"

    "Where is Charizard…" Scizor murmured. "Charizard!" he screamed through the thick smoke.

    A flap of leathery orange wings scattered the clouds of dust as Charizard hovered before the guild. Pure rage was visible through the dragon's bared teeth. "Sciz, that fuckin' thing is torching everything in the city. All the homes, all the 'mons here…" He emitted a loud snarl. "Someone's gotta put a stop to it, and I'm gonna be just that 'mon!" He whirled around and fanned his wings, but found his attempts at flight stifled by a red pincer latching onto a wing.

    "Charizard! Do you realize what Pokemon this is?!" Scizor asked, desperation clinging to his voice. "This is not any enemy we've ever faced before! I can't allow this!"

    Charizard angled his neck to stare back at the Bug-type. He flashed a cocky grin. "… Sciz, isn't this what we always thought we would be doing as kids?"

    "I…" Scizor grit his teeth as he loosened his grip. "Please think about what you're doing. The danger of this!"

    "Danger's always been my preferred name, Sciz. You know that."

    "Please… Just-"

    "Stand back!" Charizard freed his wings from Scizor's hold. "'Cause you're about to see me knock that thing out of the sky!"

    "Wait! Charizard!"

    The Fire-type was already gone. He flew upward into the skies wracked by thunderous booms and constant flashes.

    Shaymin ground her teeth. "That lug's got the right idea! No fuckin' Legendary is gonna start a massacre when I'm around!" Before any utterance of her to stop came out, she propelled herself into the air and tailed the Charizard.

    "C-can they even stop it?" Rockruff wondered. "Isn't that Yveltal thing supposed to be a god or something?!"

    Scizor watched the dragon vanish into the gray clouds, shaken by fear and doubt about his closest friend's resolve. "Charizard is the strongest Pokemon I have ever known, but…" A shove from Roark scattered his frenzied thoughts.

    "Hey! Focus! If you're still the leader, then you need to tell us what we're doing!"

    "We… We-" Scizor's eyes widened. "We need to get to the guild! Everyone there is in grave danger!"

    "And go through the entire city to get there?!" Monferno shouted through the constant crashing of noises around them. "We're gonna be like those Luxray and Shinx before that happens!"

    "There's no time for arguing!" Roark countered. "We have to make sure they're safe!"

    Scizor gave another look above before he sprinted down the chaotic streets ahead. Monferno and Braixen also gave eachother momentary glances before they took off after the Bug-type. Liam stood completely still as he stared at the family of Luxray. The final expressions frozen forever were ones of pure terror - mirrored by his own.

    'We are the same.'

    "C'mon, kid!" Roark grunted as he pulled Liam away.

    Up in the skies above Empyrean City, Charizard flew in the direction of Yveltal as its red feathers glowed and another ray of energy annihilated the structures and Pokemon below. The Fire-type grounded his teeth as he picked up the pace.

    "Hey! Don't forget you got back up here, mate!" the scratchy voice of Shaymin called from his behind.

    Charizard huffed, "You better head back to Scizor and the rest, short stuff! I got this locked down already!"

    "Then ya don't know how much I wanna see some big, strong Legendary on a power trip go down!"

    "Little firebrand, huh? Fine! Let's see how you hold up!"

    Flocks of Empyrean guards flew alongside the duo, fear visible in their eyes. The sound of a loud caw reverberating through the air alerted the guards as they changed courses and flew toward the source of the noise. Charizard and Shaymin diverted their courses and followed them as they drew near to a congregation of more guards gathering around a sole Braviary. The avian was squawking out commands left and right as small dispatchments formed and shot off after Yveltal. Charizard waited for the group to thin out before he swooped in beside the Braviary.

    "Captain Braviary, 'bout time we met! Here's some moral: ya got a veteran working for you now!"

    "Don't forget me, mate!" Shaymin piped up.

    It took a moment for the overwhelmed Pokemon to react to their arrival. "The Charizard from Team Moonlight? And a Shaymin?" He peered at the black scarves they wore. "Your Guildmaster, we were…" He shook his head. "Now is not the time for this. Empyrean City is under attack by this 'Yveltal' beast!"

    "You know where this bastard crawled out of?" Charizard asked.

    "Only Arceus knows that…" Braviary muttered. "The attack began ten minutes ago, and out of nowhere! At first, many thought it was a mere illusion prank, but then those dreadful beams came down. The city hall was targeted first, then the barracks of my men. After that, it has been targeting everything." His head hung low. "I am still unaware of Mayor Empoleon's status at this time."

    A low growl rolled out of Charizard's throat. "So this Yveltal thing is doing it deliberately, huh? How many aerial guard units do you have left?"

    "Only a couple. I had dozens before, but…" Braivary squeezed his eyes shut. "My forces in the city below have no means of stopping it, leaving it only to us. Backup is coming, but I fear it will be too late by then."

    "Shit. Looks like you're gonna need all the help you can get," Charizard said as he flexed his wings. "Good thing I'm here to provide the much-needed firepower!"

    "... Do you know how to lead an aerial unit?"

    "I've taken entire units down before if that helps."

    "Good enough." Braviary's gaze found Shaymin. "A Shaymin… And not even you have an idea as to what is happening?"

    "Mate, I'm just here to give a Legendary a good thrashin' and save some 'mons close to me while I'm at it!" Shaymin responded.

    "Very well."

    Braviary emitted another loud squawk and gathered the attention of all nearby guards. "LISTEN UP! There will be no reinforcements coming any time soon! Yes, this means that you and the comrades beside you are the last remaining Pokemon capable of stopping this carnage!" He spread his impressive wingspan outward. "We fight not for the glory of Celestic, or the politicians that use us, but for the very home we swore to protect! Remember your wives and your children! This is what you are fighting for today!"

    His heartfelt address bolstered the guards as they gave rallying cries and caws.

    "Squad Fierce Gale will support Charizard and the Shaymin! Squad Thunder Beak will be under my command! The beast must be stopped at all costs!" Braviary squawked before he shot off in the direction of the Legendary.

    The guards let out more vocal support as they followed their captain.

    Charizard was quick to catch up with Braviary, both neck and neck as dozens of Pokemon soared behind, ready for the battle that was soon to happen.


    "It came from the storm clouds!" Braviary yelled, pointing a wingtip above. "Climb!"

    Gradually, each Pokemon ascended higher and higher into the skies until they merged into the wall of rumbling, ashen clouds. Veins of blue lightning flashed, a churning vortex disturbed by the large flaps of Yveltal's wings as it hovered in the forming storm's heart. Specks of rain and ice battered the new arrivals, who shrugged off the elements and immediately set off after the Legendary.

    "Surround it!" Braviary yelled. "If it can't fly away, then it can't escape our attacks!"

    Squad Thunder Beak was quick to heed their captain's command as they spiraled around the Legendary and encircled it on all sides. Charizard threw a look at the Pokemon behind him and gave a short nod.

    "You lot, get a barrage ready before it acts!" the dragon roared.

    Squad Fierce Gale swooped in between the other squad of Pokemon, each delivering a payload of powerful attacks. Freezing columns of ice and scorching flames impacted Yveltal's body from all sides. The Legendary seemed unfazed however, its crimson feathers burning with radiance.

    "It is soon to attack! Break formation!" Braviary proclaimed.

    Braviary's squad obeyed the warning and began to scatter as red energy crackled around Yveltal. The Legendary folded its wings before unleashing an unyielding dark, crimson beam at its foes. Pockets of the night sky were visible as holes were blown through the clouds, and the unfortunate Pokemon incapable of escape turned to chiseled stone. The statues of once lively Pokemon hurtled toward the earth and vanished from the clouds.

    Charizard gnashed his teeth. "All right, Fierce Gale! Get up close! Strike it before it can attack again!"

    Yvelal was swarmed by ensuing Pokemon that kicked and slashed its massive body in a frenzied manner. The Legendary lifted its head and opened its maw to shake the sky with a horrifying shriek that rivaled the surrounding claps of thunder.


    The chain-like streaks of orange across its body flickered until its light became blinding to all that gazed upon it. A shockwave of golden energy then burst from Yveltal and blew back all those closest to it. Many Pokemon were knocked unconscious and sent into a freefall. Yveltal did not relent as it folded itself again and struck those falling with an Oblivion Wing, petrifying them instantly.

    Shaymin paled at the sight. "W-what was that?! I've ain't ever seen a move like that before!"

    Yveltal screeched once more before flying out of the cloud formation. Those able to witness its flight pattern could only stare in horror.

    "The beast is going for the Eden Theater!" Braviary called. "We cannot let this monument of progress be destroyed! Even if our wings are clipped, and even if our beaks are clamped shut!" he rallied.

    "You heard the man!" Charizard hollered. "Protect that theater at all costs!"

    The remaining Pokemon of both squads hastily linked back up with their leaders and flew after Yveltal. The Legendary left behind trails of utter destruction in its wake, firing off multiple Oblivion Wings below as it flew in the direction of the sleek tower overlooking the city.

    Charizard's snarling overtook his features as he chased Yveltal, flanked by his squad. "Left-wing! Keep a tail on it!"

    Yveltal dove into a spiraling maneuver, and so did the others commanded by Charizard. A whirlwind of slashing talons came from above and sliced the Legendary. It retaliated by wildly firing off another Oblivion Wing, damning many of its pursuers to a stony fate and tearing chunks of steel from the Eden Theater's frame. Yveltal then suddenly diverted its course and began flying after the remaining Pokemon behind it.

    "The bastard's comin' right for us!" Charizard bellowed. "Evade it around the tower!"

    The guards turned on a dime and fell back as the massive Legendary lurked overhead. Charizard led the dwindling group across the pulsing, neon-blue structure as Yveltal descended. The Fire-type flipped around midair to shoot off a Dragon Pulse from his jaws at Yveltal. Many of the other remaining Pokemon copied his actions as attacks whizzed past or struck the unflinching Legendary, to little avail.


    Charizard resumed his laps around the tower. He momentarily glanced back to see another Oblivion Wing rip through the rest of his squad and further damage the building. With no more obstacles in its way, the Legendary focused its attention on Charizard and hastened its wing flaps.

    Shaymin swerved around one of the tower's corners and fired a volley of Energy Balls at Yveltal. Those that landed produced a screech of pain from the Legendary as it whirled around to face the much smaller a sight spurred Shaymin to grow a smirk as she followed up with another attack.

    "Ya like that, birdbrain?!" she taunted. "'Cause I got another one for ya, mate!"

    The air around Shaymin wavered. A green glow overtook the Grass-type's body as particles and other matter were sucked into the ever-growing luminosity. The pink flower around Shaymin's neck also shone until it coalesced and all visible light collapsed in on itself. In the blink of an eye, an explosion of green waves burst from Shaymin's body and crashed into Yveltal, producing a shriek of agony from it.

    "We call that a Seed Flare, birdbrain!" Shaymin shouted victoriously.

    However, Yveltal was quick to shake off the attack with another cocooning of its limbs. When they spread open, a red and black beam was discharged at Shaymin. She narrowly avoided it as the ray found more flying targets and petrified them.

    Braviary scowled at the loss of his men. His cries to those left resounded through the air. "Do not give up hope! We fight to the bitter end! Even if our wings are clipped, and even if-" A stray beam turned him into stone instantly.

    The skies above Empyrean City became deathly silent. Filling the void was the wavering hum of Yveltal's flickering lines - the sound of whipping wind and gushing water. It then spread out its wings in a 'Y' formation. Its feathers lit up before the earth was ravaged with another Oblivion Wing.

    Shaymin's smirk evaporated as she threw looks around. "Hey! Did it take out everyone?!" Her gaze snapped to Charizard as he emerged from around the damaged Eden Theater. "Big guy! What's the plan now?!"

    The dragon in question snarled loudly. "Didn't think it'd have to come to this, but- aw, shit, who am I kidding? It has to come to this! Get a good look, short stuff!"

    Charizard raised a claw into the air, revealing to Shaymin a metal bracelet looped around his arm; a rainbow-colored stone was encrusted into it. The stone gleamed with light as a sphere of solid white energy encased the Fire-type entirely. Splintering cracks appeared in the orb before it shattered in a violent unfettering of energy, a strange symbol now grafted upon the dusky stars. The newly Mega Evolved Charizard zoomed toward Yveltal. Three horns protruded from the now sleeker dragon's head, his wings longer with ragged edges. The burning ember at the tip of his tail from before a constantly raging inferno.

    "Always wanted to fight a Legendary growin' up!" Charizard hollered. "Guess you earned the privilege of making that wish come true!" Searing hot flames spilled from his jaws as he neared the Legendary.


    Down in the city below, entire neighborhoods had been reduced to rubble and blanketed in a thick cloud of dust. Districts were smothered in bright flames that burned endlessly and stretched as far as the eye could see. Despite the horrific sights, the guild traversed the city as fast as they could.

    "Don't stop!" Scizor exclaimed. "We must get to the guild!"

    "I-it's coming back!" Rockruff warned.


    Liam's heart pounded in his chest. Desperate Pokémon pushed past him as he sprinted forward. He looked up to witness a crimson ray slam down into the cobblestone street, petrifying a crowd of Pokemon before him. Guards positioned on the rooftops of houses rushed to the very tops to fire their rifles at Yveltal as it flew overhead, only for them to tumble off the now-razed structures as stone statues themselves. It took everything in Liam's willpower to not look back as he ran past the terror-stricken statues. The gruff voice in his mind, however, was there to catch up with him.

    'You will have to pay for your father's mistakes, just like I did.'

    "Don't look back!" Roark shouted over the chaos. "Don't look back! We… Oh shit." He came grinding to a halt as he looked back, his gaze connecting with something - something that shook him to his core. "Everyone, wait!"

    Monferno only stopped to shove the Zoroark forward. "The hell are you stopping for?! We gotta move!"

    "WAIT!" Roark asserted as he pointed a claw to their left. "The Lopunny Orphanage - it's collapsed! There's Pokemon in the rubble! I can hear them!"

    Braixen paled, "Mrs. Lopunny's place?!"

    Roark gave a grim nod. "There's a tunnel system to our right! The Yveltal's attacks can't reach them there!" He repositioned Gloria over his shoulders. "C'mon! We don't have a lot of time left before-"

    Monferno's palm stopped the fox before he could move and yanked him back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! We have to get to the guild!"

    Roark pried the hand off him, baring his teeth. "Monferno. You better not be suggesting that we let children become victims here."

    "Don't you fucking think I meant that at all! What I'm suggesting is that we'll all be victims with that thing still out there!"

    "Charizard and Shaymin are busy distracting it! That should give us all enough time to get them into the tunnels!"

    "Why are you so eager for us to play heroes? Weren't you just saying that Scizor has to make a decision? So now you're calling the shots?"

    "I know how much you wanna run to the guild like a coward and hide, Monferno, but this is bigger than that! We can't run when the lives of Pokemon are at stake here!"

    Rockruff bit his lip and looked to the group's leader for guidance. "Scizor! What do we do?!"

    Scizor's eyes flicked to the two arguing Pokemon, then to the battle being raged in the skies above. They briefly lingered in the heavens before returning to the group - hesitant and afraid. "I… We should…" His voice quivered from trepidation.

    Liam had already made his decision as he made a beeline for the ruined building.

    The shouts of his name faded into the sounds of annihilation occurring all around him. He could see what remained of the wooden building; its Lopunny-like ears jutting out from a pile of collapsed and fractured timber. Small Pokemon were trapped under logs and chunks of stone, their tiny cries and sobs reaching his ears as he got closer.

    All of the guild was quick to catch up with him. They quickly gathered around the building's remains to move pieces of wood out of the way. Liam wanted to assist but found any movement in his limbs stifled by what he saw emerging from the piles of debris.

    The stone statue of a Lopunny and Buneary embracing in what appeared to be their final moments.

    The Riolu took a step back, his vacant gaze sweeping the city as blood-curdling screams and loud quakes that rocked the earth whittled away into an idle heartbeat in his chest that pounded faster and faster. He could see everything around him but felt himself getting dragged deeper into his mind. Pain was inflicted upon his nerves, memories of past visions and voices resurfacing.

    'Look at your old house, the old you… burning away.'

    This was a nightmare. He knew no other conclusion. He wanted to wake up.

    A pair of red claws jostling his shoulder snapped him back into the real world. "No time to daydream!" Roark shouted. "Help us get these kids outta here and into safety!"

    This was reality. He knew that now. And there was no escaping this.

    Liam clenched his teeth as he rushed to aid the others. He built up Force Palms and smashed stones that pinned a Lillipup beneath the rubble. He extended a paw for the crying child to grab, freeing them from their prison and hoisting them into his arms. Monferno and Braixen helped one another clear the wood with controlled bursts of flame, while Rockruff grabbed the exposed infants by the scruff of their necks and placed them on his back.

    "Don't you little guys worry! I got you," the Rock-type said calmly as he attempted to console them. "Soon this'll all be over, so think about the good stuff! Like eating yummy Pokepuffs, or going out on cool adventures!"

    Roark could see the final child - an Eevee buried deep within the rubble, only visible through small gaps. His claws sliced through wood with ease but were of little use against the tough stone that encased the Pokémon. "Scizor!" he called to the Bug-type beside him, "I need a controlled Bullet Punch on these slabs right here!" Not getting an answer or action, his look intensified. "Scizor! Focus here!"

    Scizor reluctantly lowered his stare down to the earth. "Y-yes! I will help!" He positioned his shaky pincer over the stone slab. The red coloration of it morphed into a glossy gray as he rapidly tapped against the rock. Cracks appeared in the stone as it slightly gave way. "That should be enough!"

    Roark tested his words and attempted to gently pry the stone into two pieces. It was a success, but another web of twisted wood and pieces of stone blocked him from the Eevee. "Fuck! This is gonna take a bit! Don't you worry, kid, we're gonna get you out!" he reassured the infant.

    Monferno held two Phanpy's in both arms as he scowled at the Zoroark, taking glances at the sky. "You need to hurry it up, Roark! We don't know how much longer Charizard and Shaymin can stall it!"

    "I know what I'm doing here!" the fox barked back. "Someone grab that wooden plank right there and pull it! All of you help!"

    Up in the skies, Charizard easily outmaneuvered the crimson rays that Yveltal blasted. Scorching flames spewed forth from his maw that chased the Legendary. Shaymin assisted by occasionally unleashing Energy Balls from afar. Yet, her exhaustion was slowly catching up with her.

    "Big guy! You still think you can take it? I hate to admit it, but I don't got much left in my tank, mate!"

    "Just keep yourself airborne, short stuff!" Charizard answered as his hungry stare bored into Yveltal. "Been so long since I've had an opponent worthy of me Mega Evolving! And some 'god' at that!" He tsked. "Laying the beatdown on this bastard will look great for my legacy!"

    A horrendous screech emitted from Yveltal as it circled the sky to face Charizard. The flaps of its wings magnified as sharp currents of wind sliced through gray clouds and toward the dragon.

    Charizard responded by wrapping his leathery wings around his nimble frame as a forceful gale battered them. When the Air Slash died down, Charizard threw open his wings to reveal a toothy grin - his body undamaged. "That all you got, bastard?! 'Cause I got somethin' for you, too!" The Fire-type let loose a deafening roar as he shot after the Legendary.

    Yveltal's tactics changed as it went into a dive, Charizard following hot on its trail of flickering, orange lines. The Legendary flew low to the ground as it attempted to evade the pursuing dragon, weaving through collapsed and burning buildings, through narrow strips of alleyways until Yveltal began to climb higher above the city.

    Charizard saw his opportunity as sparks of blue fire built up in his jaws. He fired a blast of compressed, screaming flames that formed a strange symbol and zoomed toward Yveltal. The Fire Blast landed in a massive combustion across Yveltal's feathers, resulting in a pained roar from the Legendary.

    "Short stuff! Give it hell!"

    A glowing Shaymin descended from the skies, waves of green energy discharging from Shaymin and bathing Yveltal in a burning sensation that devoured the oxygen around it. Once the Seed Flare wore off, the Legendary tore through the skies once more, flying toward the mangled but still-standing Eden Theater.

    Charizard chuffed, "Bastard takes everything! But that sure as shit doesn't mean we'll stop!"

    "As long it means I get to cause 'em more pain!"

    "I like your spunk, short stuff! Now let's go finish this!"

    Charizard and Shaymin prepared themselves for what they hoped would be the final encounter with Yveltal as they chased it down. Yveltal was quick to act, emerging from a corner of the structure and blasting an erratic Oblivion Wing at them. The beam nearly grazed them as they split their flight paths, Charizard opting to charge the Legendary head-on as Shaymin hovered close, trying to conserve energy.

    "Up close and personal! Just how I like it!" Charizard bellowed.

    Another crimson ray of certain doom triggered Charizard's instincts as he dived to avoid it. His maneuver served double as a distraction, the dragon ascending directly below Yveltal as it searched for Charizard. A cocked arm and well-timed Fire Punch then nailed the Legendary square in its chest, faltering its flight.

    Yveltal screeched and dug its large talons into the dragon, greatly slicing Charizard in the process. Yet, he did not relinquish his hold on the Legendary. He endured the onslaught and landed blow after blow of flaming punches, his fury and savagery subsequently rising. Yveltal attempted to flee the entanglement and beat its wings. It succeeded for a single moment, but an orange claw latched onto its tail would deny its endeavor. Charizard summoned all the strength he had left as he pulled the Legendary back, who shrieked and roared at him.

    "You're not getting away… BASTARD!"

    With all of his might, Charizard spun around, whipping Yveltal back and sending it careening into the Eden Theater behind him with a thundering boom accompanying it. The Legendary smashed windows and warped the black steel around its spread form - completely frozen as it stared at Charizard, the golden chain-like lines across its body flickering.

    Charizard was quick to capitalize on Yveltal's plight and put himself between it and possible freedom. His starving look from before was now voracious. He failed to notice the shimmering of Yveltal's lines grow brighter and brighter as he cocked an arm back, flames consuming his enclosed claws.


    Charizard's eyes widened, but it was too late.

    A humongous explosion of orange light burst from Yveltal's lines, engulfing Charizard and Shaymin, along with a large portion of the Eden Theater into a blinding fireball.

    Down in the city below, Scizor dropped a wooden plank as his horrified gaze was drawn to the sphere of utter destruction in the sky. "No… No!" he cried. He was powerless to do anything but watch, his hope hanging by a thread.

    When the implosion of light faded, Yveltal emerged from a wall of smoke churning out of the crumbling Eden Theater - unfazed. Shaymin slowly glided her way out of the choking dust - weak and littered with bruises and deep gashes. Her breaths were shallow, her consciousness fading in and out. She locked eyes with the sinister and barren ones of Yveltal as it stared back, its lines glowing again. A shiver traversed her spine as a sense of primal fear and powerlessness overwhelmed her - a feeling she had experienced before.

    She was going to die.

    A rumbling trill crawled out of Yveltal's throat as three golden, spear-like objects manifested from its lines. They zoomed toward Shaymin and locked onto her with ease despite her feeble attempts of dodging them. They impaled her body and then vanished into tiny motes of energy, the Grass-type falling unconscious as she dropped from the sky.

    With the vanquishing of its foe, Yveltal turned its attention to what remained of the Eden Theater. The weighted flaps of wings could be heard as they fanned the plume of smoke away, a heavily injured and profusely bleeding Charizard becoming visible.

    A reddish glow of pure rage appeared in Charizard's eyes, his orange scales catching fire. Yveltal reacted as its red feathers began to light up, its limbs creating a 'Y' formation. Charizard mustered the strongest Flamethrower he could, breathing a stream of solid blue flames that surged forward. Yveltal's Oblivion Wing met the Flamethrower halfway before it could reach the Legendary. It was as though time had stopped as those below observed the attacks stop one another, both sides seemingly equal to them.

    Yveltal was stronger.

    The crimson beam pieced through the cobalt flames and struck Charizard. The dragon went stiff, his fierce gaze frozen in time; once burning, orange scales now a cold, stony gray. Charizard fell as Yveltal's Oblivion Wing then slammed into the Eden Theater before petering off.

    Scizor watched the statue of his closest friend plummet, overcome by terror. "CHARIZAAAAAAAAAAARD!" he screamed into the night.

    But it was not over yet.

    The creaking of the Eden Theater could be heard echoing across all of Empyrean City. The upper half of the swaying tower hung over huge chunks of missing structure, its weight hinging on a few exposed support beams. The creaking grew louder, the noise of tearing metal resounding through the air.

    The supports failed.

    The beams buckled as the entire top portion of the Eden Theater came crashing down and toppled the other half in an instant.

    Roark was finally able to pull the Eevee from the rubble just as he and the rest of the guild were thrown to their feet by a shockwave, a deafening noise shaking the sky following it. They threw looks around, noticing a massive wall of smoke beginning to envelop the city from where the Eden Theater once proudly stood.

    Roark's instincts took over. "WE NEED TO GET TO THE TUNNELS! NOW!"

    The Zoroark threw the Eevee over his other shoulder and ran, pulling along a distraught Scizor with him. The others quickly followed him, grabbing all the children they could carry as they raced to a hatch located across the shattered street.

    With nothing left to stop it, a screeching Yveltal descended into the city now being assaulted by a choking cloud and fired Oblivion Wings at anything in its sights. The shockwave resulting from the collapse swept across the city, obliterating nearby homes and blasting off twisted pieces of steel that severed anything in its path. Debris ripped across the streets and houses near the guild, narrowly missing as they endured a violent wind.

    The hatch was within their sights.

    Roark was the first to reach it, pulling it open and dropping himself and Scizor inside, keeping the top open so the others could reach it. Braixen, Monferno, and Liam followed shortly after and let go of the infants they carried from within.

    Rockruff, however, lagged behind - hampered by the weight of multiple children on his back.

    Monferno lingered on the hatch's ladder as he looked back. "Rockruff! Hurry up already!"

    The Rock-type grunted, "I-I'm trying!" He tried to shift the weight that was bogging him down. "You little guys are soooo heavy, but in a healthy way, y'know!"

    Monferno wanted to help, but as he moved, he felt his limbs seize up at the sight of Yveltal entering his peripherals. It was closing in on their location. "Rockruff! COME ON!"

    As Rockruff slowly got further to the hatch, a tremor shook the earth and knocked an Igglybuff off his back. He stopped to help it back up.



    Rockruff peered up to see a beam of crimson rip across the street and race his way. His eyes widened as he made a split decision. He shook all the children off his back and forcefully pushed them into the open hatch.

    The Oblivion Wing petrified him into stone instantaneously.

    Monferno froze, "Hey, Rockruff… You-" His mumblings were cut short as Roark yanked him back into the tunnel and slammed the hatch down before the mass of smoke rolling across the street could pour in.

    Silence accompanied darkness.

    The hissing of a lantern resting on wooden boxes was suffocated by soft sobbing and hushed words said by the dozens of Pokemon taking refuge within the cramped, stony corridors of the tunnel system. As soon as Roark gently laid Eevee and the unconscious form of Gloria upon the ground, he was shoved against a wall. The culprit was revealed to be Monferno as a hand was latched around the fox's throat and squeezed until Roark let out a choked gasp.

    "What the fuck were you thinking?!" Monferno screamed, tears welling in his eyes. "YOU DID THIS! This is your fucking fault!"

    The Fire-type tightened a fist in his free hand and pulled it back.

    "Monferno, stop!" Braixen had tears streaming down her face as she tugged at his raised arm. "Please! Stop it!"

    "Get off of me, Braixen! If this bastard hadn't made us stop, then Rockruff wouldn't have-"

    "Please… Just stop."

    Monferno's furious gaze connected with her pleading one. He then looked at Roark, whose sorrow-filled eyes relayed the same information. His fist unclenched as he relinquished his grasp on the Zoroark. He fell to his knees and shook his head.

    "What the hell are we supposed to do?" he croaked. "That thing… It's gonna destroy everything. There's nothing we can do. Charizard and Shaymin couldn't even stop it. And I…."

    A quaking of the tunnel followed his words.

    "... There is something we can do," Roark said. He nursed his throat with one claw while he pointed the other at the earthy ceiling. "There's nothing we can do to stop Yveltal or whatever it is, but we can help any Pokemon we come across. Pokemon that can't get away, just like the children we saved."

    Monferno sneered, "And you mean?"

    "We have to go back out there. We can't stay here."

    "What you're saying is just suicide! You want us to throw our lives away for this?!"

    Roark went silent but slowly nodded. "... I don't know about you, Monferno, but I know one thing about this guild - all guilds across the world. They share one thing in common - helping Pokemon at any cost. My- our purpose as members of the guild is to do exactly that." He lowered his gaze. "I'm willing to put my own life on the line if that means achieving that goal. And all of you should as well." His expression darkened. "Rockruff, he… These are the consequences of what we do."

    "You're fucking crazy… This isn't some heroic game like you think it is."

    Roark glared, "I'm more serious than I ever have been before. This is life or death for many out there."

    "And you want us killed," Monferno spat. "Was Rockruff not enough for you?"

    Roark stumbled over to the hatch and lifted it, looking up to see an orange haze of dust whipping across the barren streets filled with stone statues of Pokemon. The terrified visage of a stony Rockruff stared at him, his paw still outstretched. He grimaced as it threatened to break his composure.

    "Do what you want, Monferno. Stay here forever if that's what you really want, but I'm not going to." Roark returned his gaze to the inside of the tunnel, eyeing Braixen. "You shouldn't either. Not with your talents."

    Braixen wrung her paws together. She looked over her shoulder to see the infants they rescued and other wounded Pokemon being attended to and healed by nurses. She recognized many of them as the medical professionals of Empyrean that helped teach her what she knows. She touched her red armband, then wiped away her tears as she marched over to the hatch's ladder.

    "Braixen, what are you doing?!" Monferno yelled.

    Braixen clambered up the ladder, sniffling. "I have to go. There's Pokemon that need me out there."

    "Braixen, don't! Don't listen to-"

    But she was gone before he could finish.

    "Damn't!" Monferno's limbs shook in place before he, too, began to ascend the ladder. "Braixen, wait up!" He only stopped to shoot Roark a sharp glare before he bolted off in the direction of his partner.


    The aforementioned Riolu snapped out of his stupor and walked over to Roark - despondent and very much afraid - almost hyperventilating. The Zoroark gripped his shoulders, the fox's somber stare boring into his eyes.

    "I need you to do something for me. Something very important," Roark said.

    "What?! Tell me!"

    "I need you to head to the guild. I need you to make sure everyone there is okay, you got that?"

    Liam steadied his breaths as he gave hasty nods. "Yeah, yeah I do!"

    "You're gonna come back okay, right?"

    "I will!"

    "You're gonna come back and be safe with your partner here, okay?"

    "I will!"

    Roark tackled the Riolu into a brief hug before shoving him off. "Then go!"

    Liam wasted no time in climbing the ladder and running down the dust and debris-ridden streets.

    Roark also put a claw onto the ladder but faltered before he could fully commit. He turned to see Gloria lying beside an unresponsive Scizor staring into a wall. He rushed over and knelt to cradle the sleeping Vulpix in his arms. He smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead before placing her back down. He then returned to the ladder and climbed up it, giving her one last hopeful look.

    The hatch came down.

    'I wonder what kind of person you are?'

    Liam sprinted across the grasslands surrounding Empyrean City as fast as he could. A layer of dust and ash coated his fur from journeying through the ruined city. But his condition mattered not to him, only the guarantee that his comrades were safe. The assailant in his mind closed the gap with each step he took.

    'What were you before all of this… happened?'

    The cobblestone paved path he and Gloria had embarked upon so many times in past missions was now ruptured and broken, blackened marks scorched into the surrounding flowery meadow. Curls of blue and yellow invaded his vision like growing antlers, strikes of acute pain lashing his nerves. It was so great that he spasmed and crumpled to the ground.

    'What will you become now that it has?'

    Liam immediately pulled himself up. He ran up the hill that overlooked the Cosmic Quilt Guild and stopped at the very top to stare.

    His heart sank.

    The roof of the starry-sky-themed structure had caved inward, the large telescope in the observatory that once observed the stars broken in two - its lens cracked.

    "No, no, no, no, no, no," Liam muttered to himself as he took off in the direction of his guild.

    'Family is everything we have, kid,' the gruff voice echoed. 'Without them by our side, how do we continue this painful world alone? How do we let go? Your father… he only understood that before it was too late.'

    As he got closer, he noticed numerous stone statues of Council guards littering the structure's surroundings. The rifles some held were pointed to the sky, aiming at an enemy that was once present. The Riolu skidded to a halt near the double doors of the guild. He tried to swing them open, only to find resistance as debris blocked the entrance. A hazy fog shrouded his burning mind as a different but familiar voice spoke to him - a voice he recognized as his father.

    'I'm sorry, Liam. I'm sorry for everything. All of this was my fault. I told you I wanted to avenge Angelica, but that's not the whole truth. I did this for my soul. I can't let go, Liam. This has to happen until you're safe.'

    Liam grunted as his attempts to pull the rubble out were futile. He resorted to kicking the doors - hard and desperately. Another familiar, female voice chimed in, one that brought ease to his frayed nerves, if only momentarily.

    'Loss is always a difficult thing, Liam. It's something that we humans and even all life go through. But my mother and her mother passed down knowledge of a place - a poem - 'the 'Forest of Vanishing Sorrows'. Would you like to hear it?'

    He could hear the shattering of wood as his kicks intensified. He was getting closer. A new voice emerged from his mind's reaches, female and silky. It resonated with him.

    'Your mother spoke of the 'Forest of Vanishing Sorrows'. The place where you see everyone you've ever lost, and learn to let go of them. But… Who would want such a thing? To never see your loved ones again? Liam, could you see yourself ever entering that forest and thinking that?'

    The double doors came crashing down with one last jolt. Liam stepped inside the eerily quiet and pitch-black guild, throwing his frightened gaze around the foyer.

    "Guys! Where are you?!"

    But as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, they landed upon something - someone. Moonlight peaked in through craters dotting the ceiling, shining down on a stone statue of a Leafeon peering up at the visible night sky.


    Liam turned. He came face-to-face with the petrified form of Mightyena.

    'Grim reminder,' the gruff voice said.

    He turned. Purrloin. Staravia. Joltik. Stiff, stone statues.

    'Grim reminder.'

    He turned again. Minun. Hatterene. Indeedee.

    'Grim reminder.'

    The world around Liam began to spin and spin. He clutched his head and shut his eyes to close off the reality around him that he refused to accept. So many incomprehensible visions whizzed past his searing mind, a growing ache now rattling his body from within.

    But through it all, the sounds of faint sobbing could be heard overlapping his ragged pants.

    Liam's absent gaze swiveled over to a large opening in the walls that led to the far end of the guild. He trudged over to it, walking through the breach and toward a Pokemon standing on the cliffs that overlooked the grasslands - crying into their paws.


    An ear-piercing screech resounded throughout the night sky as Yveltal suddenly appeared overhead. It swooped down near the guild and slowly descended near the edges of the cliffside, blocking the pale moon with its size.

    Liam wanted to shout, to scream at his unresponsive Guildmaster to run or hide, but those words died in his throat as he saw the Shiny Lucario raise an arm. The orange paw ring the Lucario wore shimmered as Yveltal's golden lines flickered in response. The Legendary obeyed and hovered itself in front of the Pokemon - stationary and pacified.

    Jackson turned his head to look at Liam, tears staining his cheeks. "Didn't I tell you?"

    At that very moment, Liam felt something trigger within.

    Memories began to meld together - both new and old. His pain flourished into a sense of overwhelming revelation. It all came flashing through his mind in the blink of an eye.

    He remembered everything.

    Everything that he was. His life. His childhood. His adulthood. His death. All the years of constant torment, complete misery, and total despair were now fully realized.

    And yet, as he stared at the Lucario before him, one prominent memory was conjured up from the deepest pits of his mind. It burned itself into his vision as the blue and yellow antler-like curls danced across it one final time to show him.

    Liam's murderous scowl remained on the man as the stomp of his boots on the gray concrete reverberated around the room like thunder.

    The man stopped inches from the young boy, who thrashed against his iron chains. His arms dropped as the body of another man in his grasp fell to the floor, a pool of blood forming by the head, where there was a visible bullet wound. The man glanced down at the corpse with a sympathetic look before stepping into a ray of light and making himself visible to the appalled young boy.

    Sinister hazel eyes, swept-back black hair, and a matching beard; the man spoke in a gruff tone.

    "First time we ever properly been introduced, isn't it?" The man lowered his removed gaze to meet the boy. "Name's Jackson Lachaise. But you probably already knew that."

    Liam reacted with an almost animalistic snarl as spittle spewed from his mouth. He yanked at his bindings, trying to break free and attack the man looming over him.

    "Now that you know who I am…"

    The man took a few steps forward before he kneeled in front of the boy, regarding his young reflection with a lengthy stare.

    "Who are you?"

    A blue sphere of solidified aura energy built up in Jackson's paws.

    Liam's eyes widened. A long since forgotten and extinguished fire within him was now reignited into a raging blaze. His distraught expression slowly began to twist and contort into a murderous scowl of gritting teeth. He recognized the Pokemon before him, the monster behind all of his life's anguish. All the evils he believed of any world incarnate.

    The man behind the killing of his mother, and the man who murdered his father.

    The Aura Sphere within Jackson's paws swelled as the Lucario threw it. It sped toward its motionless target and sent the Riolu sailing into a wall behind him, collapsing it completely. Before Liam could even move, Jackson was atop him and pummeling his face and torso with frenzied punches.

    "THAT WE ARE THE SAME?!" the Lucario screamed at him. "AND WILL BE THE SAME FOREVER!"

    Liam slipped in and out of consciousness. He felt tired and weak. And that was when everything went black.


    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

































    Discord: Z2H#7239

    Next Time: Vendetta
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