Spiteful Murkrow
Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- Partners
Heya, here for Diner’s Review Tag, which was as good an excuse as any for getting me to get onto a personal goal of reading more of this story, since you were really generous about reviewing my stories over the past year and Review Blitz and I thought that it was only fitting to repay the favor a bit.
So let’s jump right into things where the gang rolls into a really rocky little town:
Chapter 11
I mean, you all were headed to a town with a name that more or less means “Stoneville”, so…
I wasn’t really feeling the passive voice beginning to the third paragraph, so I left some suggestions for how to potentially retool it into something a bit more active.
No, no, that’s the most believable thing in the world if you know Aggron ‘dex fluff, Arian. Though there were a number of parts in the first paragraph that felt like they were either repetitive or awkwardly worded, so I made suggestions for some tweaks, even if I went out on a bit of a limb for some of them so I can’t vouch for whether or not I’m sticking to the overall vibe you were gunning for.
I mean, I wouldn’t have expected Arian to change his mind about Mitrofan being an enemy just because he loves his nature preserves. It might make more sense to play something along the lines of “even if he’s an enemy, he’s still capable of doing some good” or else some sort of favorable comparison / contrast to Hinnerk.
Bah, no backstory time for King Full Metal Jaguar, I see. Though if it’s meant to be a touchy subject, it might make sense to more explicitly show Lillian or someone else get visibly uncomfortable over things.
Ah yes, just casually doing a mass dig in a nature preserve.
… Unless there’s natural caves or something underneath, which I suppose would be plausible for a karst formation.
Kate: “Welcome to the club, kids. We’ve got loot and cookies.”
Since you know, you all are Outlaws by definition right now, Elvira. It’s just that the party choosing to classify you as such isn’t exactly sympathetic. Though the bit in underlined feels like it’d have more punch focusing on something a bit more specific-sounding. e.x. “the envy of all Selenia and Ardalion’s mercenaries” or something like that.
Just saying, it’s not that hard to get a mole into the ranks of an organization, Ish. Though it might make sense to dwell a bit on some combination of her and Ish’s body language or general reaction here.
Wait, how did these two not see Kamengrad all this time up to this point? Is it on an overlooking bluff or something? Have they been zoning out on the walk up? Since I’m not fully sure how they’re just noticing the town while walking in.
inb4 the only reason why the Irian Guild and this town are still standing is because Mitrofan doesn’t want to destroy the surrounding countryside and he already knows that they’re here anyways. Though that now makes me wonder if his beef with Kliment had something to do with this place at all.
Ah yes, living up to its namesake quite well there. Though I wonder if there’s an analogue to Golosov Ravine somewhere in this area where thar be timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly afoot.
Hrm, I’m wondering if we’re a bit light on details of what this town looks like at the moment. Like is it basically “Noe Town, as a village without the metal towers”? Since I’m having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around Kamengrad and any major landmarks beyond “there’s stone everywhere”.
I think that you’re missing some sort of transition into focusing on Arian’s perspective before he starts drifting in his thoughts, especially since we just got out of a part where we were leaning pretty heavily on Elvira’s perspective. Also, I think that “Flashbacks” sentence probably should be expanded a bit by at least a couple sentences to give more concrete moments plus Arian having some sort of reaction to it.
Arian: “Axel, I can literally hop, skip, and jump from one end of this village to the other one. It wouldn’t take that long to get to know the merchants.”
Axel: “Trust me, this is more important, and it won’t take long to catch up with them afterwards.” ^v-v^
Arian: “Wait, just how many Pokémon are there in this guild? Since if there’s a lot, wouldn’t it make sense to hide it in a crowded place where your numbers would blend in more? Like in someplace where there’s a lot of transports going around and we could go to some sort of secret platform or something like that.”
Ishmael: “Kid, this isn’t Harry Potter. ‘Quiet and discreet’ is the name of the game for us.” >_>;
Arian: “... Wait, how do you know about Harry Potter when it doesn’t exist in this wor-”
Ishmael: “Non-canon space! Anyhow, just moving right along…”
… Just saying, there’s an alternative explanation for why things are so peaceful and idyllic-seeming right now in spite of the screwed-up politics, Arian.
But let’s think positive and not assume the worst about Kamengrad for now. ^^;
It might make sense to describe the well’s appearance a bit more, especially if it has a subtle cue here or there that it’s a trick well and doesn’t actually have water in it.
Elvira: “... We’re not seriously going to go down this to get to the guild, are we? How on earth is this not a massive safety hazard?!”
Ishmael: “Why are you the one complaining when you can literally cling to walls with your gecko antics?” >_>;
Some bits where it might make sense to drop in some body language or reaction from different characters. Though I’m wondering why we’re getting this description of what the well looks like now and not closer to Elvira’s “... A well?” moment to set the scene.
I suppose that’s one sign that this place never gets meaningfully checked by Mitrofan’s knights, since if Elvira could just immediately notice the ladder down the well from a casual glance, that feels like a major liability waiting to happen as opposed to something like grooves cut into the side of the well to use as a ladder that would be easier to hide, or else in really bad times, to seal up to deny access to intruders.
Which, granted, would kinda hose quadrupeds coming down this thing, but still. Maybe the ladder can collapse to hide into the wall or something like that.
Wait, wait, wait. Just who on earth is this ladder even sized for? Since Arian and Elvira have a very different height than Ish and Lillian do, so it makes me wonder how far apart those rungs are spaced from each other.
Arian: “Would it have really killed you to have just used a bucket as an elevator for this thing?”
Lillian: “Considering how most of the guild’s members wouldn’t have fit in it and what would happen to the poor sod who fell if the rope ever snapped… yes?”
Elvira: “... Also, wait a minute ‘Thank God’? Was it ever established that we only considered Arceus to be a proper god in this setting?”
Arian: “That’s just a humanism in action, don’t sweat it. (Though that now makes me wonder, did I ever say ‘Thank God’ in this story before? Since I don’t remember you ever reacting if I did…)” ^^;
Oh, so Ishmael made funny noises the first time he had to go down the ladder himself, huh? >:V
Axel’s line IMO works better cut up and with some tweaks to deal with the repetition of “this before” in rapid succession.
A couple spots where it probably makes sense to drop in a bit of description for character reactions, especially since I didn’t get the vibe that Axel was this annoyed just from his dialogue.
Axel: “Well hey, if we’re in the business of moving on from uncomfortable discussions about my flightworthiness, I can talk a bit about the first time that Ish came down that ladde-” ^v-v^
Ishmael: “Ax, don’t you dare!”
Yeah, I had a feeling that something like this was going to come into play with how many times the text reiterated they were going into a Karst formation. I actually hadn’t thought much about Kamengrad being mentioned to be around one, but I suppose it was clever foreshadowing of how the Irian Guild was getting by for people who knew their geology.
“You two are siblings?! How?!”
Filing that one away for later. Though I suppose that ‘Unkie Boo-Boo’ directed at Connall back in the day might have been quite a bit more literal than I was expecting.
‘Serafina’, huh? I wonder if that name was chosen in mind with deliberate theming, since if so, I suppose I should assume that Rhiannon has a very ‘fiery’ or ‘angel-vibing’ buddy somewhere in the guild.
It might make sense to play up Arian and Elvira’s reaction to this, since they just walked in on family banter with a lot of names that mean a lot of nothing to them right now. Like do they have any initial assumptions of who Serafina and Terran might be in relation to Ish and Rhiannon? If so, it might make sense to bring them up in internal thought process.
This girl is going to get way, way in over her head later on in this story, isn’t she? ^^;
I’m honestly surprised that the Irian guild is getting teens involved in a technically illegal enterprise considering that there’s probably some seriously nasty consequences for getting caught as a merc in Mitrofan’s Selenia, but I suppose most resistance organizations even in real life don’t have the luxury of being super picky about who they accept as recruits.
Okay, not that these names getting thrown around in a vacuum don’t make sense from the perspective of the characters in-setting, but I wonder if meta-wise at least some of them should’ve been hinted at their species/typings a bit more since right now, we’ve gotten three names slung around that beyond maybe etymology hints are essentially floating in a vacuum right now.
Aaaaand you jinxed it, Elvira. Since that’s probably not the phrase you want to be using with regard to the place where it takes just one narc to give it away to your enemies. Since you can’t exactly just have your swanky cave base just up and scurry away if it gets discovered.
Serafina is a dispossessed noble or something like that, isn’t she? Since between the name and the repeated indications that she’s ‘posh’, it kinda gives off that sort of vibe.
Yeah, see the note regarding “names in a vacuum”, though it probably makes sense to take some time to show somebody reacting or else having thoughts with regard to this ongoing conversation.
Something about that first paragraph feels like it has something missing, even if I’m having trouble putting my finger on what exactly it is. Maybe going into Elvira’s thought process a bit more or something like that.
Though I see it’s about time to see who Aldebrand is in this story.
Some sundry suggestions here, though the biggest bone that I have to pick is that it probably makes sense to frontload the detail of Aldebrand’s species and general appearance once the door opens, since its present placement feels a bit strange to me.
Also, I know enough about Germanic names to know that ‘brand’ means fire, though I wonder what the ‘Alde’-
>’old fire/torch/sword’
Well, you can’t say that his name’s not fitting for his species there. I wonder if you consciously named him after that or if it just happened.
Elvira: “Just… don’t go holding your breath on me being able to do the same things he can right away, since Arian and I were still struggling with basic dungeon encounters just a few chapters ago.”
Some sundry suggestions here for reorganizing various paragraphs and highlighting certain spots that seem ripe for expansion.
And this is why you don’t name your guild after specific locations, kiddies. Though hey, at least you’re doing better than “name of a powerful, world-renowned nation” to “name of a 5-man terrorist group” in terms of name downgrade arcs.
Oh, so when the Irian Guild fell, there was an analogue to that scene from Star Wars Episode III when Anakin finally succumbs to the dark side, huh? Since if I remember my chronology right, Mitrofan has been King Full Metal Jaguar for five years, the minimum entrance age in the Irian Guild is still 13 and Ish and Axel didn’t seem that old…
I kinda wonder if the bit in underlined should be stated more specifically. Like I get if there’s story reasons for not wanting to get too deep into Mitrofan’s specific involvement here, but I wonder if something like “Iria fell into chaos and the guild burned down” would be more impactful here.
I mean, it’s only a very frequent motivator for characters to go off the slippery slope and into villainy and from what I’ve heard about him through the grapevine, I’m pretty sure that Mitrofan is one of those characters himself.
Part of me wonders if Lilian’s argument is structurally more of a “middle” argument than Axel’s who gives more of a ‘stop beating around the bush vibe. e.x. if you yoink the ‘they could become real assets to our cause’ and give it to Axel, it wouldn’t be too hard to come up with something like this:
Or something like that. Definitely multiple ways of approaching this if it’s a take you agree with.
Whelp, guess that the Irian Guild’s still a bit more picky about their help than I gave them credit for. Though I wonder how on earth they would enforce provisions against a rogue team since… yeah, they can’t exactly go turning them over to law enforcement as technical Outlaws.
I kinda wonder if this moment would’ve worked better with Aldebrand pointing out the document a bit more explicitly to turn their eyes down at what they’re about to agree to.
Kate: “‘Whoever they are, whatever they are, with whatever they request’, huh? Not that I’m complaining about it, but I think your Creed’s got a few loopholes there, buddy.”
Also, you would probably find it relevant to surround this entire “Mercenary’s Creed” with indent blocks. The format is [ indent ]your_text_to_indent_goes_here[ /indent ] minus spaces. It should also manage newline characters just like quote blocks do.
Thus why Hinnerk went full Mumkhar on the rest of his guildmates, I see. Since… yeah, he was really obviously just in things for the money.
I wonder if that’s meant to be ‘knowingly’ take the life of another, or ‘take the life of another for any reason’? Since if it’s the latter, that makes me wonder if killing a foe on accident is traditionally grounds for expulsion from the Irian Guild, and if so, if that ever got weaponized by more deviously-minded parties.
Ah yes, the “no Timmy, you’re not allowed to take the S-Rank mission, since we don’t want to send you back to your parents in pieces”, clause. Even if I wonder how on earth that’s enforced now when pretty much every mission that’s not in Kamengrad has “imprisonment and/or death” as a potential consequence of failure right now.
Ah, so this is our equivalent of the “Smiles go for miles” part of the Explorers cheer, huh?
That… happens with depressing regularity in this setting, doesn’t it?
I kinda wonder if this moment would benefit from some sort of moment of reaction coming from some combination of Arian and Elvira’s reaction to hearing that teams breaking up over differences
What about Outlaws, though? Since just saying, ‘help me rob this caravan’ is a request that fits the letter of this Mercenary’s Creed if not its intended spirit, and you two are on the same side as each other relative to the present system of law… :^)
I mean, I know that Team Elpis beat Hinnerk and all, but that’s still a really risky assumption to be making there. Though the fact that the normal operations themselves have explicitly been noted to have changed makes me wonder if the Mercenary’s Creed itself has changed since… yeah, the present Irian Guild probably finds itself in situations more often where it has to consider whether or not to steal stuff than it did prior to Mitrofan’s takeover, and I can see those apparent loopholes in the contract that Aldebrand pushed over to the kids. In the Irian Guild’s present state of affairs, that might be a feature and not a bug.
Wait, what problem is this? Since I actually don’t remember Arian having a problem that the story took time to focus on back in that sequence.
I actually went back and sanity-checked Chapter 8 and Arian was actually never explicitly mentioned holding the pencil in that one part of Chapter 8 that this bit alludes to, nor was there any mention that Elvira got stuck with pencil duty specifically because Arian couldn’t figure out how to hold said pencil.
Also, this is why y’all invest in writing pads, kiddos. That way writing isn’t restricted to just Pokémon with opposable thumbs.
Wait, is Arian doing this via Aura now, or…? If the idea is that it’s some unspoken moment between the two, it might make sense to phrase that last paragraph to be less of an “explicit thought” if Arian’s not straight up passing messages through Aura.
We… don’t ever get to see Elvira predict this in her internal thought process. It might make sense to more explicitly drop in her predicting that they’d react like she fell and hit her head or something like that.
Arian: “I… just do? Don’t ask me how that works, it just does. Like these freaky wave things that you guys keep broadcasting somehow.” ^^;
I’m not really feeling Arian’s second part of his dialogue there. It might make sense for him to appeal to certain standout “human” memories that he has such that he has anything to hold onto to ground his “trust me bro” here.
I left a couple suggestions for breaking these paragraphs up in a couple parts, though the underlined feels like a bit of a thematic tangent from the rest of the points that Arian is making before and afterwards. Since he’s talking about how ridiculous his claim sounds, and then “driving away allies and helping enemies attack him”. Maybe if it were reformatted to play up the “screw loose” angle that gets brought up later kinda like:
Or something like that.
IMO, the “guilt” angle from Lilian works better coming up in the description before she speaks up. Especially since Elvira’s line already works as a pretty direct followup to Lillian’s “some sort of proof” point.
A couple more places where it probably makes sense to highlight different characters’ reactions or thought processes a bit more explicitly. Especially since from the dialogue structure, it sounds as if there’s meant to be a pause of some sort before Aldebrand starts speaking again.
Some more spots where it might make sense to slow down and show off some more character reactions and internal thoughts here and there that I noticed. Also, Arian’s line feels like the sort of thing where if this was animated, there’d be a pause before he started speaking up again roughly along the parts as indicated in the split.
Wait, how on earth do quadrupeds like Rhiannon even sign things in this setting anyways given that writing in this setting is very centered around pens and pencils? ^^;
It might make sense to describe the appearance of these badges a bit more than you do at the moment, especially since even within the canonical series, there’s a few different designs depending on which game you’re in.
Wait, this guy’s the cook normally? Just how deprived of talent is the Irian Guild right now if he’s the logical second-in-command right now? .-.
Though you know the drill here for these recommendations.
I wonder if that was a bit about his reputation that predates the Irian Guild’s current state of affairs, since you’d think that they’d have a limited frame of reference when they can only go so far outside of Kamengrad without risking being accosted by knights or other Pokémon in league with Mitrofan. ^^;
Arian: “Wait, wasn’t that what we were doing all this time on our way over to Aldebrand’s office?” ^^;
Ishmael: “What, that sped-up walkthrough? We barely scratched the surface there! Nah, it’s time to give you the real tour of our digs…”
Oh, well. That would potentially explain why the knights wound up casting lots with Mitrofan there, since I smell an interservice rivalry from back in the day.
Sophia: “Stuck up?! Why I never-!” òvó
Ishmael: “Go away, birdie. This isn’t your fic, and authors tend to get touchy about others wandering into their works.” >_>;
I actually wonder if the knights from before Mitrofan are different from the ones after him, since if the knights just straight up went “friendship ended with Kliment, now Mitrofan is our best friend”, that Ish and the other mercs would be a lot more bitter at them at the moment.
Elvira: “I mean, neither Arian or I know anything about this place that we didn’t already see walking up to Aldebrand’s office, so…” ^^;
When I saw ‘Sif’ there, I at first thought of the wolf from Dark Souls so I did a bit of a double-take.
Yeah, they’re totally going to run into this Toxicroak in the span of like 3-5 chapters, aren’t they? Since the very fact that it was posted and explicitly noted by the story…
I’m… not really feeling the underlined bit since it feels like most of it is something that should be more explicitly dealt with in the past tense and brought around to the point of “bigger number means more dangerous Outlaw”. e.x. as a throwaway example:
Or something like that. Food for thought, anyways.
It probably makes sense to describe the exit a bit more such that Arian can mentally go “oh, right, that’s the way out” a bit more explicitly, since this was admittedly a bit of an informed attribute in the version that I read.
I wasn’t really feeling the structure for how Lilian’s introduction of the mess hall + Axel’s introduction of the kitchen was handled. While I’m sure that there’s some ways of handling this in a “backfilled” fashion, it just felt a lot easier and more natural for Team Elpis to come to the new location, see the sights, and then get an explanation from Team Sandstream about what on earth they just walked into.
Ah yes, I see the Irian Guild runs with Audino nurses. Duly noted then.Though does that mean that when Arian gets tough enough, we’ll see him filling in with Heal Pulse?
I mean, unless if we’re going to have an ‘Arian discovers certain foods don’t work with his Riolu body’ episodes, I think that this is going to be a pretty easy answer here. ^^;
Ah yes, I think I see what Raya’s shtick as a character is going to be like. Though that makes me morbidly curious as to what she’s like in that one Paralogue where Arian blunders into the Irian Guild with a stomach bug. ^^;
Arian: “Yeah, remind me to never set foot in that place if I can help it, since I already know that ‘mon would drive me crazy.” >_>;
Arian: “So why on earth did you take us here then?!”
I… wonder if there’s a different nuance that you can give the underlined such that it’s not almost literally repeating Lillian’s earlier point. e.x. something like “Not a lot of Pokémon on the wrong side of the law have the luxury of having someone who cares for their health obsessively.” or “Even if she’s annoying sometimes, Raya’s helped pull back some of our members from moments where we thought they were done for.” or something like that.
Though I suppose that this answers the question of why the guild upon initial introduction was heavily glossed over. I’m of two minds as to this whole introduction sequence, since while it logically is something that Team Sandstream would do for Team Elpis, part of me wonders if unless all these characters are going to be immediately relevant in the coming chapters, if we should’ve gotten a gloss of them and then a deeper dive whenever Team Elpis had to go to one or another amenity for whatever story reason.
I mean, you do know how caves in karst formations are normally formed, right Arian? This shouldn’t exactly be surprising right now.
Huh. Going to get to see another character from around the guild, I see. I was going to ask who we were going to meet from the Mess Hall, but I suppose that was the point of meeting Aldebrand and explicitly noting that he’s normally the cook.
Ah yes, Ishmael just walking the audience through what the less geologically-inclined might not know about how karst formations work. Though IMO it might make sense to have Arian react to Ish’s earlier exposition a bit, especially if he happened to come across a blurb of related geology at all in those books lying around Zenobia’s den back on the outskirts of Ozerograd or something.
Cue the faceplant into the water in 3… 2…
Arian: “Oh yeah, he certainly seems nice. Not.” >_>;
Elvira: “Yeeeeah, I hope that we don’t have to train with him for the first few days. Or ever, really.”
Arian: “(Wait, how on earth are you making my face anyways right now, Elvira?)”
Would recommend expanding this sequence a bit with some note of Team Elpis’ reaction to their less-than-hospitable welcome from Galen.
That actually makes me wonder what Galen thinks of the rest of Team Sandstream and if he has a ‘Ishmael’ problem, or if it carries over to the rest of Ish’s teammates.
Whelp, time to see how comfy and cozy they all managed to make these caves. I mean, from Explorers, it shouldn’t be impossible to pull it off, but…
IMO, it might make sense to give more of an indication of how Ish is pointing stuff out. Even if it’s as simple as noting as “he pointed out a door, continuing on as he carried down the hall.” or something like that.
Ah yes, the priss who’s probably a disgraced noblewoman, what could possibly go wrong? >:V
“Green tyke”, huh? Wonder if he’s a Grassmon or an Electrike or something else entirely?
Well, that answers what Terran is. Even if I suppose I should’ve seen this coming with the ‘earth’-themed name.
… Wait a minute, Elvira does? How? .-.
Though you probably want to more explicitly note her having a moment of recognition or something like them.
Is ‘shoddy’ deliberate there? Or did you mean ‘shady’? My initial assumption was that it was ‘shady’ given the ‘pulling fast ones on the newbies’ part of the line right afterwards, but…
Elvira: “Um, Ishmael, that might have been a bit uncalled for-” ._.;
I originally read ‘spoiled it’ without the ‘p’ and then had a dumb Spongebob meme stuck in my head briefly.
Arian: “These two… do this a lot, don’t they?”
Lilian: “Oh trust me, you have no idea...”
I… did not realize that Ish and Terran were getting mad enough at each other to be on the verge of fighting. It might have made sense to more explicitly describe them getting closer and more and more agitated, along with some potential commentary from onlookers or something, especially if Elvira genuinely knows Terran from the past somehow, since you’d think that she’d be more taken aback at how he and Ish are all but coming to blows like this.
Some more spots where it probably makes sense to drop in some more description. Especially for showing off how Arian and Elvira are processing what on earth just went down here.
Oh, so she and Terran did meet each other in the past. Duly noted.
There’s more of a story behind these two, isn’t there? Though it might make sense to take a close look at Terran’s dialogue since it read an awful lot like a bunch of short lines with pauses in between that were jammed together.
… Or maybe that dialogue structure was a feature and not a bug, even if I’m a bit hard-pressed on what to suggest to emphasize Terran’s “bluntness” here.
Yeah, this is why I kept harping on about how it’d have been nice to elaborate more on Arian / Elvira’s reactions a bit more during the whole encounter with Terran, since up to this point, I didn’t get the idea at all that Elvira was being made uncomfortable by Terran.
Oh yeah, this is totally healthy and not a recipe for problems down the line at all! /s
I actually wonder, but how does this compare to Elvira’s home with Zenobia anyways? Since if it’s noticeably rougher around the edges, you’d think that one or the other would note the difference.
Wait, where was it described that Axel and Lilian ever followed Arian and Elvira up to / into their room.
A couple spots where it probably makes sense to drop in some spots showing the characters stopping and lingering in their thoughts / soaking in their “this is really happening” feelings a bit more.
Huh. Wasn’t expecting the merchants to be a big enough deal to merit their own scene, but I suppose Team Sandstream did promise Team Elpis they’d take them to see the merchants when they were done.
I… kinda think that the whole scene setting about “Ish blew off some steam, rejoined the gang after the whole episode with Terran, and then everybody went back up the well and onto the surface” works quite a bit better if it’s handled in an introductory paragraph that also can be used to establish stuff like how much time has gone by since the scene cut and stuff like that.
Ah yes, the setting’s “Anna clones” that I’d heard so much about. I was going to ask why we didn’t see them around Ozerograd, but I suppose that having to constantly beat the snot out of Thorned Roses trying to steal their wares thinking that they were just another set of bulliable merchants probably got old.
But do the two get into inheritance disputes where one’s trying to scam the other out of his birthright? /s
Axel knows this tip from personal experience, doesn’t he? >:V
Ah yes, I see that in Ardalion, the Kecleon are also second-to-none for their theft recovery abilities.
Jacob: “Oh, I can answer that one for you, Treecko:”
Arian: “(Are we sure that we even want to buy anything from these guys?!)”
Arian: “Look, isn’t there anyone else we can buy this stuff from-?”
Esau: “Nope! Good luck finding any other outfit in Ardalion that can compete with our selection of wares!” ^^;
Elvira: “Look, we just need to not steal from them. That can’t be that hard, right?” ^^;
I smell a horror-themed Paralogue from you at some point in the future. Especially if the dreaded Itemizer Orb is around in this setting and does exactly what it says on the tin from official fluff text.
It might have made sense to give a bit more reminder as to the context surrounding this, since I actually initially completely forgot about Ozerograd’s Klefki Bank until I did a text search and remembered that that was where Elvira deposited that one check like 5 chapters ago.
Ah yes, time to get that Oran Berry or whatever they put in the statue back in live-time.
I actually don’t remember if Kangaskhan Storage was this congenial back in the official games, but it certainly feels fitting for a place where the patrons feel close enough to straight-up call the proprietor ‘Auntie’.
Arian: “Wait, huh? But you just called her ‘Auntie’ and-!” .-.
Axel: “Hey, it’s a canon series constant, probably due to a cultural artifact of it being made in Japan like that one ‘Wobbuffet’ joke that only works in the Japanese script. But a series constant anyways, so good enough!” ^v-v^
So does she also have premonitions of disaster that go unheeded by everybody else? ^^;
IMO, Arian’s “finding the word [...]” bit works better being pulled forward in some description paragraph prior to his dialogue since something about the dialogue feels like he’s doing that after making a decision about “well, that’s weird, but whatever, I’ll roll with it”.
inb4 it’s a Natu that hides in the back and does teleportation runs or something like that. Though it probably makes more sense to more explicitly describe Arian taking the berry from Kassandra and his
reaction trying to wrap his head around how on earth any of this is all possible.
Another spot where it might make sense to expand things with a spot of description, especially some focusing on Lillian’s reaction to the whole encounter.
It’s going to be the Cofagrigus expy, isn’t it? Since that reaction feels very ‘Cofagrigus’ right about now. >:V
Julius’ appraisal shop isn’t described at all up to this point. It might make sense to drop one in, especially if there’s something about the shop that is obviously ‘off’ such that it draws such a different reaction from Team Sandstream relative to the others which they were generally excited to visit.
Lillian: “(Yeah, he’s just kinda like that. You get used to it. Mostly.)”
Whelp, I think that I found the member of Team Sandstream who would be the fan of horror movies given that Julius going full Smeagol over his chests doesn’t move the needle with him.
Wait, how big is Kamengrad relative to Ozerograd and Old Ozerograd anyways? Since some sort of relative comparison between the two would help a lot for getting a feel for just how small or not Kamengrad is, since it’s apparently still big enough to have side streets.
Ah yes, this is how we’re still going to be able to stay in touch with Zenobia, I see. I just hope that these guys don’t get their mail snooped on by Mitrofan and his lackeys.
I mean, I suppose that the very fact that Team Sandstream is showing them this place is a sign that it’s at least perceived as being a safe and trustworthy agent for passing messages on to other people even when not on the right side of the law. Though that makes me wonder if they’re inadvertently used to help coordinate activities by Outlaws or the likes in this setting.
Why am I getting the feeling that this punting on writing Caitríona and Connall isn’t going to age well? Like it’s understandable, but Lillian sure seems to be able to take the existence of “tomorrow” for granted in a way that I wouldn’t have necessarily have expected from a character with as precarious of a way of life as hers.
Okay, so I understand the rationale for not wanting to drag things out, but I do wonder if this whole “those who know, know and react accordingly” thing going on in town would’ve been more effective showing it from a couple interactions with randoms on the street pulling a “Hey Lillian, how are you doing? And who are the kids?” or something like that such that we can see this dynamic, and then during the return to town, get to see Team Elpis’ turn getting to share in with it. Since there was something about the initial trip through town that I thought felt “missing”, and little interactions like the ones glossed over here would’ve gone a long way to filling that void.
Well, I’m not fully sold on that just yet, but Kamengrad certainly did a good job putting up a positive first impression.
Whew, that was a pretty chunky read, and as you can gather, I had a lot to say up to this point. Enough so that making a condensed take at the end was more or less mandatory to keep things relatively digestible, so let’s just start going into the highlight reel:
Okay, so this chapter was really obviously a “Hello World” for what’s going to be Team Elpis’ home away from home for at least the next arc or so here in Selenia, the hidden newBatcave digs that the Irian Guild moved into once their old place in the Selenian Capital went up in smoke, and the cute little town above it. While I had some quibbles about usage of description here and there, the overall vibe of the guild and Kamengrad both came through quite well as this quiet little haven where everyone can retreat to from a world that’s full of problems that only seem to be growing by the day and try to figure out how to start turning the ship around. I don’t know if it was deliberate or not, but whole karst formation bit was also some clever foreshadowing regarding what to expect for what the Irian Guild’s digs would be like. I hope that there will be other moments like that in this story.
I also liked the characterization that we got to see on display, even if they were primarily concentrated among Rhiannon, Aldebrand, and Terran with some of the other characters brought up not managing to make as much of a splash past an initial impression, but the story just needed them to get their foot in the door to see them around the guild more, and to its credit, they all did it well enough to get me wanting to see more of them.
As for the flaws… there’s a bit of a laundry list of recurring things that you’ve probably noticed from the full writeup, but in the interest of not sounding like a broken record, I’ll focus specifically on the issues that stood out most to me. I felt that the chapter needed more description in general, but especially in the context for setting what different character vibes are. Like it was especially noticeable in the in the moment where the gang meets Terran, where I didn’t pick up on his banter with Ish getting particularly heated, or how Terran wound up being inadvertently hurtful to Elvira until the story just straight-up said those after the fact. Having more description would’ve allowed for those dynamics to feel more “shown” and less “told”.
As for more structural issues, but part of me is ambivalent about the whole guild complex walkthrough. Like on the one hand, the tour makes sense and is in character, but on the other, with like four separate characters getting brief hi-byes, I wonder if it’d have been a more economical use of wordcount and those encounters would’ve made more of an impression on the readers if they got introduced whenever their presence was more directly required by the plot (e.x. plot calls for Team Elpis to go to Galen’s Dojo and they get a full scene dealing with his grumpiness and issues with Ish). Dunno, maybe I’m overthinking things.
Though on the subject of length, this chapter reads long for some reason, and it presumably would be noticeably longer than 10k words if more description were patched into it. If you do go back to touch this chapter up and throw in some additive editing, I would suggest at least considering dividing it up at the end of the scene where Team Elpis formally signs up to join the guild, since each is approximately 5000 words in their present state and could easily become 7000-8000 words apiece with only modest building off of the base that already exists. The two halves there also represent fairly complete chunks of story: the “first half” in that split covers Team Elpis’ arrival into Kamengrad and them formally joining the Irian Guild with Arian’s human-ness coming out, the “second half” gets Team Elpis used to the Guild they’re going to be calling home, the town above, and essentially is a chance to let them grapple with feelings over “this is really happening” while giving them a concrete glimpse of “this is what you’re fighting for”.
I know that it’s become a running trend for me to have a wall of criticisms every time I review one of this story’s chapters, but I dunno, there’s just genuinely something about it that keeps me coming back. Like sure there’s a lot of things that I have nitpicks about, but the characters are endearing, the world feels fun and alive with glimpses of a really rich history and lore, and the stuff that I’ve heard that’s still a ways off from where I am right now genuinely sounds interesting, so here I am for the ride.
Hope the feedback’s helpful, @Arukona , even if I honestly wouldn’t begrudge you for choosing the “lol, I’m not editing all that, I’ve got new chapters to push out” route for handling these earlier ones. Whatever you choose, I’ll be looking forward to seeing where your story goes from here, and hopefully at least once more before Review Event lets out later next month.
So let’s jump right into things where the gang rolls into a really rocky little town:
Chapter 11
Stone. Stone. And more stone.
Hills and mountains of grey limestone as far as the eye could see, along grassy fields filled with erratics and boulders.
These were the sights that greeted ArianAsheArian, Elvira and Team Sandstream exited the Mystery Dungeon, it seemed like there was a rock of some sort no matter where they looked.and into anThe area was rather different from than the undulating slopes of Rolling Hills: itThiswas more mountainous, with the sight of the dominating Empyrean Mountains looming over the area.
I mean, you all were headed to a town with a name that more or less means “Stoneville”, so…

I wasn’t really feeling the passive voice beginning to the third paragraph, so I left some suggestions for how to potentially retool it into something a bit more active.
These were the Karstlands. It was an area of special conservation, designated as such by the tsars of Selenia. Although the region was sparsely populated,this gave it athe designationof importance, andgranted much-needed acknowledgment after years of being perceived as a benighted backwaterignorance.As well as that,The change had been spurred by worries raised by the Karstlands' inhabitants over the endangerment of rare florawere acknowledgment byto Tsar Efrem some one hundred and seventy-five years ago.andHe, a Roserade and a nature lover, was moved todesignateddeclare the area as a nature reserve and saw to ithis policies of protection were upheldthat its flora was dutifully protected.Mostly,His successors had mostly respected the laws he put in place,andincluding surprisingly, even Mitrofanproved to be respectful to the protections of the nature reservehimself.
"Really?" Arian reacted when he heard this. "I didn't think he would respect something like that, based on what you've told me…"
No, no, that’s the most believable thing in the world if you know Aggron ‘dex fluff, Arian. Though there were a number of parts in the first paragraph that felt like they were either repetitive or awkwardly worded, so I made suggestions for some tweaks, even if I went out on a bit of a limb for some of them so I can’t vouch for whether or not I’m sticking to the overall vibe you were gunning for.
"Yeah, s'pose it's somethin' in 'is favour," Ishmael admitted. "Still…ya look at all the other shit that's gone on durin' 'is rule, and that's only one point against lots."
[ ]
"I see…" murmured the Riolu. "So he's still an enemy, then."
I mean, I wouldn’t have expected Arian to change his mind about Mitrofan being an enemy just because he loves his nature preserves. It might make more sense to play something along the lines of “even if he’s an enemy, he’s still capable of doing some good” or else some sort of favorable comparison / contrast to Hinnerk.
"True. Maybe he's not the worst person we could possibly have," Lillian conceded. "But that doesn't mean he's a good leader. …A bit of a shame, too, considering…" She trailed off at the end.
"...Considering…what?" Arian prodded.
[ ]
"...Oh, nothing. Don't mind me," the Sandslash dismissed. "So anyway. The Guild's not far now. Just a bit more walking and we should be there."
Bah, no backstory time for King Full Metal Jaguar, I see. Though if it’s meant to be a touchy subject, it might make sense to more explicitly show Lillian or someone else get visibly uncomfortable over things.
"...Whereaboutsis it?" wondered Elvira, looking around at the stony fields. "The old guild stood out, from what I remember. But I don't see anything resembling it around."
"That's because we're underground, remember?" Axel reminded. "If the Guild was out in the open and blatant, then Mitrofan would definitely put a stop to it. We have to remain secretive, and that means keeping a low profile."
Ah yes, just casually doing a mass dig in a nature preserve.

… Unless there’s natural caves or something underneath, which I suppose would be plausible for a karst formation.
"...I see," came the gecko's reply. "...What has it come to,To think that one of the most esteemed organisations in Selenia and all of Ardalion has to be reduced to hiding like this? Like common outlaws…It's almost like we've become the very thing we swore to destroy."
Kate: “Welcome to the club, kids. We’ve got loot and cookies.”

Since you know, you all are Outlaws by definition right now, Elvira. It’s just that the party choosing to classify you as such isn’t exactly sympathetic. Though the bit in underlined feels like it’d have more punch focusing on something a bit more specific-sounding. e.x. “the envy of all Selenia and Ardalion’s mercenaries” or something like that.
[ ]
"Don't be like that, El," Ishmael encouraged. "Don't let Mitt's labellin' of us mercs as outlaws get ya down. We are heroes, and the folk in Kamengrad know it. Yer safe in town, I swear to ya."

Just saying, it’s not that hard to get a mole into the ranks of an organization, Ish. Though it might make sense to dwell a bit on some combination of her and Ish’s body language or general reaction here.
"Speaking of Kamengrad…we're here," Lillian announced.
[ ] And Arian and Elvira now saw the town for themselves.
Wait, how did these two not see Kamengrad all this time up to this point? Is it on an overlooking bluff or something? Have they been zoning out on the walk up? Since I’m not fully sure how they’re just noticing the town while walking in.
Kamengrad wasn't like Ozerograd in the sense of dominating defensive walls and planned structures based on the towns of the east. Its structure was more like that of a village, though it was big enough to play host to numerous vendors and their stalls. And unlike Ozerograd when he first arrived, Arian didn't get a sense of oppression and fear, but rather a quiet, reserved atmosphere befitting a rural settlement. There certainly was no equivalent of the Thorned Roses in this town, that was for sure.
inb4 the only reason why the Irian Guild and this town are still standing is because Mitrofan doesn’t want to destroy the surrounding countryside and he already knows that they’re here anyways. Though that now makes me wonder if his beef with Kliment had something to do with this place at all.

And as with what he had seen of the Karstlands so far, stone was a prevalent theme in the town. All the houses were made of it, limestone pavements had been created, some of them naturally, and a slab of stone at the entrance of town had the words 'Welcome to Kamengrad' inscribed on it.
Ah yes, living up to its namesake quite well there. Though I wonder if there’s an analogue to Golosov Ravine somewhere in this area where thar be timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly afoot.
"Seems like a nice place," Arian commented as the group walked through the town.
"Glad ya like it," Ishmael replied. "'Cause the two of ya'll be seein' a lot of this place for the next while."
"...Because we're located here, most of our clients are from the town," explained Lillian. "Of course, we ask for secrecy, and many of them are happy to comply. At least that's their way of returning the favour for doing whatever it is they want us to do."
Hrm, I’m wondering if we’re a bit light on details of what this town looks like at the moment. Like is it basically “Noe Town, as a village without the metal towers”? Since I’m having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around Kamengrad and any major landmarks beyond “there’s stone everywhere”.
They continued walking down the main street. Both Arian and Elvira noticed the waves and greetings given to and from Team Sandstream, as well as the odd acknowledging nods to them. [ ]
Guess what Ishmael and Lillian both said are true, the Riolu thought. And this'll be our newlocationplace to call home. …Eh, it could be worse.
[ Flashbacks to the Thorned Roses' intimidation in Ozerograd came to the fore. ]
A lot worse than this, alright.
I think that you’re missing some sort of transition into focusing on Arian’s perspective before he starts drifting in his thoughts, especially since we just got out of a part where we were leaning pretty heavily on Elvira’s perspective. Also, I think that “Flashbacks” sentence probably should be expanded a bit by at least a couple sentences to give more concrete moments plus Arian having some sort of reaction to it.
They came to the town square. Beyond the pedestal marking the centre of town, Arian could see a number of merchant's stalls, not too unlike the merchant's quarter in Ozerograd where Caitríona and Conall had set up shop. The Riolu's curiositywaspiqued, but before they could advance any further, Team Sandstream made a suddendivergencedetour down a side street.
"Hey! Why are we going down here?" he asked.
"You'll see," Axel told him. "We'll show you around the merchants later. You'll need to know them in time. But for now, the Guild's more important."
Arian: “Axel, I can literally hop, skip, and jump from one end of this village to the other one. It wouldn’t take that long to get to know the merchants.”

Axel: “Trust me, this is more important, and it won’t take long to catch up with them afterwards.” ^v-v^
"...Then why are we going down a back street?"
"Wouldn't be a secret if it was out in the open, would it?" Ishmael reasoned. "It's gotta be on the down low and kept hush-hush. That's why it's back through 'ere, and not out in the open like a posho's mansion."
"...I guess," Arian accepted.
Arian: “Wait, just how many Pokémon are there in this guild? Since if there’s a lot, wouldn’t it make sense to hide it in a crowded place where your numbers would blend in more? Like in someplace where there’s a lot of transports going around and we could go to some sort of secret platform or something like that.”
Ishmael: “Kid, this isn’t Harry Potter. ‘Quiet and discreet’ is the name of the game for us.” >_>;
Arian: “... Wait, how do you know about Harry Potter when it doesn’t exist in this wor-”

Ishmael: “Non-canon space! Anyhow, just moving right along…”
The side street went through a number of smaller houses, and Arian was reminded of the ramshackle alleyways of Ozerograd. But the alleys of Kamengrad were tidier and more quaint, and there weren't any signs of fearful occupants watching forany evictorsthugs coming to evict them. It was a sign that this placehadn't been drawn into the evil embracewasn’t yet under the thumb of somethingoutfit like the Thorned Roses.
From the looks of it, you wouldn't think this was part of a dictatorship. It seems so tranquil and peaceful. I guess being in a rural area like the Karstlands has its advantages in a time like this. …Maybe that's why the Guild's located here, given that it's so out of the way and all.
… Just saying, there’s an alternative explanation for why things are so peaceful and idyllic-seeming right now in spite of the screwed-up politics, Arian.

But let’s think positive and not assume the worst about Kamengrad for now. ^^;
The back alley trekking didn't continue for long, though. After a while, the group found themselves reaching a point of interest. The alley opened out into a small plaza of sorts, and in the middle of that area was…
"...A well?" Elvira observed.
[ ]
"A well," Lillian confirmed. "But a well that no one uses, really. They make use of a different one on the other side of town."
It might make sense to describe the well’s appearance a bit more, especially if it has a subtle cue here or there that it’s a trick well and doesn’t actually have water in it.
Elvira: “... We’re not seriously going to go down this to get to the guild, are we? How on earth is this not a massive safety hazard?!”

Ishmael: “Why are you the one complaining when you can literally cling to walls with your gecko antics?” >_>;
"And that's 'cause this ain't really a well," Ishmael went on. "It's a fake look, is what it is. It looks like a well, yeah. But really…that's where our guild is."
[ ]
"...Down there?" Arian questioned, confused. "The Guild's…down a well?"
[ ]
"I said that, didn't I?" the Krokorok retorted. "...Well, go on. See for yerself if I'm pullin' yer leg. Ya too, Elvira."
[ ]
"Alright then," accepted Elvira.
She and the Riolu walked forward toward the structure. It had the trappings of a typical well, with a small roof and pulley system in place, along with rope and a bucket as would be typical on a usual well. She looked down the well, and was surprised by what he saw.
Some bits where it might make sense to drop in some body language or reaction from different characters. Though I’m wondering why we’re getting this description of what the well looks like now and not closer to Elvira’s “... A well?” moment to set the scene.
A ladder was propped up against one of the walls. In fact, not just propped; it was securely fastened to the wall with what looked to be strong steel bolts.
"...The Guild's down there," Elvira said. "It has all the looks of a secret hideout."
I suppose that’s one sign that this place never gets meaningfully checked by Mitrofan’s knights, since if Elvira could just immediately notice the ladder down the well from a casual glance, that feels like a major liability waiting to happen as opposed to something like grooves cut into the side of the well to use as a ladder that would be easier to hide, or else in really bad times, to seal up to deny access to intruders.
Which, granted, would kinda hose quadrupeds coming down this thing, but still. Maybe the ladder can collapse to hide into the wall or something like that.
[ ]
"Well, let's not waste any more time," Arian replied. "Let's go down and see what this Guild's all about."
"Agreed. …You go first, Arian. You can see in the dark better than I can."
The Riolu walked over to where the ladder began. Tentatively, he put his feet on the first rung, getting a feel for the balance. Luckily, his fears were unfounded; the ladder was firmly attached to the wall, meaning there would be no danger of it being loose and wobbly, as he feared.
Wait, wait, wait. Just who on earth is this ladder even sized for? Since Arian and Elvira have a very different height than Ish and Lillian do, so it makes me wonder how far apart those rungs are spaced from each other.
Even so…he made the mistake of looking down, and while he could at least see that it wasn't too far to the bottom, he couldn't help but quiver slightly.
Since when was I acrophobic? he thought. I really wish I wasn't right now…
"It's okay, Arian," Lillian, who had come over with her teammates, urged. "It's not a long ladder. You'll reach the ground in no time."
Arian: “Would it have really killed you to have just used a bucket as an elevator for this thing?”

Lillian: “Considering how most of the guild’s members wouldn’t have fit in it and what would happen to the poor sod who fell if the rope ever snapped… yes?”

"...Thanks," the Riolu said, though it didn't do much to calm his sudden nervousness. He slowly made his way down the ladder, taking breaths to calm himself as he descended. Thankfully, as Lillian said, it didn't take long for him to reach the bottom, at which point he took a long breath of relief.
"Thank God that's over," he said, relieved. Looking up, he could see Elvira coming down, followed by Team Sandstream, sans Axel, who glided down with his wings.
"You okay, Arian?" Elvira asked, noticing him taking breaths to calm himself.
Elvira: “... Also, wait a minute ‘Thank God’? Was it ever established that we only considered Arceus to be a proper god in this setting?”

Arian: “That’s just a humanism in action, don’t sweat it. (Though that now makes me wonder, did I ever say ‘Thank God’ in this story before? Since I don’t remember you ever reacting if I did…)” ^^;
"...Well, I am now," Arian confirmed. "Still…I shouldn't be. I can't be scared of an entrance like that, especially if it's the entrance to our new workplace that we'll be leaving and entering all the time," he added, slightly ashamed.
[ ]
"Hey, don't be like that," soothed Axel. "It's normal to have a fear of heights. A lot of people have them, especially Fighting-types."
"'Course ya'd say that, wing boy," Ishmael quipped. "Must be nice, bein' able to fly like that."
Oh, so Ishmael made funny noises the first time he had to go down the ladder himself, huh? >:V
"For the love of…I can't fly, Ishmael, and you know that!" the Gligar returned, in a tone of annoyance and a familiarity that suggested he'd heard thisbeforemany times, and was fed upof hearingwith it.
"I can only glide. I mean, I wish I could fly, but…I can't. We've been through this before, Ishmael. When will you learn?"
Axel’s line IMO works better cut up and with some tweaks to deal with the repetition of “this before” in rapid succession.
[ ]
"...It's a common topic that pushes Axel's buttons," Lillian elaborated to Arian and Elvira. "Not being able to fly is something he's a bit sore about. …Come on, boys, wrap it up," she commanded to her two comrades. "You can continue that chat another time."
[ ]
"I know, I know," Ishmael replied. "Ya know me. Couldn't resist a dig at Ax there. But I getcha. Show 'em 'round first, then I can get back to teasin' my bestie."
"I won't be your 'bestie' if you keep that up much longer," Axel growled.
A couple spots where it probably makes sense to drop in a bit of description for character reactions, especially since I didn’t get the vibe that Axel was this annoyed just from his dialogue.
"I said stop, you two," Lillian sternly ordered. "Come on. Let's not keep Arian and Elvira waiting. …So sorry about them," she apologised to Arian and Elvira.
[ ]
"It's fine," assured Arian. "...But as fine as that is, can we move on?"
"Of course," the Sandslash answered, and began walking forward. Axel and Ishmael, seeing her go, followed suit, and so did Team Elpis.
Axel: “Well hey, if we’re in the business of moving on from uncomfortable discussions about my flightworthiness, I can talk a bit about the first time that Ish came down that ladde-” ^v-v^
Ishmael: “Ax, don’t you dare!”

Both of the latter looked around them at the passage as they walked. As they got deeper in, they couldn't help but notice the lit lanterns hung on the walls, to give the passage some light. This passage seemed to be amanufacturedone that had been dug out, rather than a naturally formed cave shaft. It reminded Arian of the labyrinthine warrens of a Mystery Dungeon, and for a second, he thought they were going to head into one.
Butthis never culminatedthose thoughts never came to pass. Soon, the passage opened out, and Arian and Elvira were rather surprised by what they saw.
The area they had come to was a cavern. Several stalactites hung from the ceiling, and a number of stalagmites peppered the ground, though only really near the walls. Butthese were not the source of surprise for Team Elpis. Rather, itthe biggest surprise of all was that the cavern was settled and inhabited, and there were a few Pokémon going about with their duties in the main area.
Yeah, I had a feeling that something like this was going to come into play with how many times the text reiterated they were going into a Karst formation. I actually hadn’t thought much about Kamengrad being mentioned to be around one, but I suppose it was clever foreshadowing of how the Irian Guild was getting by for people who knew their geology.
One of these Pokémon, a four-legged canine with light brown fur and a white-furred collar and tail, noticed the new arrivals and instantly made a beeline for them.
"Ishy!" the Rockruff cried outthein a young feminine voiceof the Rockruff. "You're back!" She then leapt for Ishmael, and nearly knocked him onto his back.
However, evidently the Krokorok had experienced this before, and managed to catch her in his hands.
"Good to see ya too, sis," he said to her, lowering her down to the ground. "Yer still as lively as ever, ya lil' scamp."
"Yeah, you know me, bro! I wouldn't be me if I wasn't!"

“You two are siblings?! How?!”
"...Sis?" Arian looked between Ishmael and the young dog. "Ishmael, you never told us you had a sister."
"Well, I do," the Krokorok clarified. "Arian, Elvira, meet Rhiannon, my lil' sis and helper 'ere at the Guild. Ya'll get used to her, don't worry."
Filing that one away for later. Though I suppose that ‘Unkie Boo-Boo’ directed at Connall back in the day might have been quite a bit more literal than I was expecting.
[ ]
"...What's that supposed to mean?" Rhiannonqueried indignantlydemanded. "Are you saying I'm annoying? How rude!"
"...Yeah, ya've been spendin' too much time with Serafina," Ishmael retorted, noting the almost upper-class attitude in her indignance. "'Sides, I ain't wrong. Just ask Terry if ya don't believe me."
‘Serafina’, huh? I wonder if that name was chosen in mind with deliberate theming, since if so, I suppose I should assume that Rhiannon has a very ‘fiery’ or ‘angel-vibing’ buddy somewhere in the guild.
"Terran's a grumpy spoilsport! Why would you ask him?" protested Rhiannon. "He doesn't know anything about fun!"
"...Eh, can't argue with ya there. At least's that something we can both agree on."
[ ]
"...Anyway…Nice to meet you, Rhiannon," greeted Elvira, choosing that moment to introduce herself to the young canine. "I'm Elvira, and this is Arian. We're looking to sign up to the Irian Guild and become mercenaries here."
It might make sense to play up Arian and Elvira’s reaction to this, since they just walked in on family banter with a lot of names that mean a lot of nothing to them right now. Like do they have any initial assumptions of who Serafina and Terran might be in relation to Ish and Rhiannon? If so, it might make sense to bring them up in internal thought process.
[ ]
"Oh, cool!" Rhiannon praised. "The more the merrier! I love seeing new faces around here all the time. I wish I could become a merc too…But I'm not old enough to be one," she added disappointedly.
[ ]
"...Ah. Well, that's a bummer. But if you keep it up, you'll be a good merc some day," Arian encouraged, hoping to raise the young girl's spirits.
"...I know. I just wish that day would come sooner…" Rhiannon lightly moped. "I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle scrapes and bruises just fine!"
This girl is going to get way, way in over her head later on in this story, isn’t she? ^^;
"Registration age is thirteen for apprentices. Yer still twelve. And even then, it's fifteen at youngest to be a full-on merc with yer own team," Ishmael reminded. "Yer close, sis. Just be patient, will ya? I've already talked to the Chief 'bout this, and he ain't got a problem with ya joinin' up. It ain't nothin' personal, sis, really."
"..."Rhiannon didn't say anythingto thisback beyond [ insert some expression here ] . [ ]
I’m honestly surprised that the Irian guild is getting teens involved in a technically illegal enterprise considering that there’s probably some seriously nasty consequences for getting caught as a merc in Mitrofan’s Selenia, but I suppose most resistance organizations even in real life don’t have the luxury of being super picky about who they accept as recruits.
"...So…where's Aldebrand?" quizzed Axel. "Is he in the Chief's office?"
"He is," the pup answered. "Let's tell him you're back, Ishy. Oh, and that we have new people looking to join," she added, acknowledging Team Elpis, before trotting off deeper into the cavern.
"Let's follow her," Lillian suggested, and the group of five followed the Rockruff.
Okay, not that these names getting thrown around in a vacuum don’t make sense from the perspective of the characters in-setting, but I wonder if meta-wise at least some of them should’ve been hinted at their species/typings a bit more since right now, we’ve gotten three names slung around that beyond maybe etymology hints are essentially floating in a vacuum right now.
As they did so, Arian and Elvira got a greater look around the cavern thatwasthe Irian Guild's new locationhad moved into. They could see a few openings to what seemed to be rooms designated for a variety of purposes [ insert 2 or 3 things here ]. Decent lighting was provided via lanterns and luminous orbs, and altogether, it helped to give the place a sense of homeliness.
"It's almost like an underground village," Arian remarked.
"I agreeIt really is," Elvira replied. "I was a bit worried when I heard the Guild had taken up residence in a cave, but it seems I had nothing to worry about."
Aaaaand you jinxed it, Elvira. Since that’s probably not the phrase you want to be using with regard to the place where it takes just one narc to give it away to your enemies. Since you can’t exactly just have your swanky cave base just up and scurry away if it gets discovered.
"Glad ya like it. …It ain't exactly a swanky place, this," Ishmael replied. "But it's nice enough."
"The old Guild wasn't exactly 'swanky' either," Axel commented. "Mercs like us aren't exactly the type of people living in luxury. Living like that won't prepare you for the rough elements that mercs have to face on their missions."
[ ]
"As a certain top-drawer moggie had to learn on her first few missions…" mused Ishmael, evidently in knowledge of a fact Arian and Elvira were unaware of.
[ ]
"Don't mock Serafina for that, Ishmael," Lillian admonished. "You know she hates being called posh. And it won't earn you brownie points with her, making comments like that."
Serafina is a dispossessed noble or something like that, isn’t she? Since between the name and the repeated indications that she’s ‘posh’, it kinda gives off that sort of vibe.
"Yeah, yeah, Mum, I hear ya," the Krokorok retorted. "...Oh, by the way, is she in, sis?" he asked Rhiannon.
"No, she and Natalie went out for a mission," the Rockruff informed. "But they'll be back this evening, I think."
[ ]
"That's good to hear. Arian and Elvira will get to meet them tonight," Lillian said, before turning to the aforementioned pair to clarify what they were talking about. "...Serafina and Natalie are two other mercenaries here. You'll get to know them when they come back."
Yeah, see the note regarding “names in a vacuum”, though it probably makes sense to take some time to show somebody reacting or else having thoughts with regard to this ongoing conversation.
"We look forward to meeting them," Elvira replied, optimistic at the prospect of more friends and allies. [ ]
Soon enough, they came to a tall wooden door with a sign on it reading 'Guildmaster's Office'. Ishmael knocked on the door.
"Oi, Aldie, it's us! We're back!" he called. "And we got some new faces lookin' to sign up!"
Something about that first paragraph feels like it has something missing, even if I’m having trouble putting my finger on what exactly it is. Maybe going into Elvira’s thought process a bit more or something like that.
Though I see it’s about time to see who Aldebrand is in this story.
Shuffling could be heard from inside the room. Then, the door opened [ and the gang saw a Turtonator here ].
"...Ah, Team Sandstream. Good to see you," thegreeted aTurtonator greeted in. Histhe voiceimpliedof a middle-aged a manof middle age. "Congratulations on your success in Ozerograd.That's wonderful,I’m sure that the people there are grateful no longerhave tobeing tormented by the likes of Hinnerk and the Thorned Roses."
Some sundry suggestions here, though the biggest bone that I have to pick is that it probably makes sense to frontload the detail of Aldebrand’s species and general appearance once the door opens, since its present placement feels a bit strange to me.
Also, I know enough about Germanic names to know that ‘brand’ means fire, though I wonder what the ‘Alde’-
>’old fire/torch/sword’
Well, you can’t say that his name’s not fitting for his species there. I wonder if you consciously named him after that or if it just happened.
"It was our pleasure, Aldebrand," Lillian replied. "But credit where credit's due, we could neverhave done such a thing ifmanaged it we weren't helped by Team Elpis."
"Team Elpis?" Aldebrand queried, before his gaze fell on Arian and Elvira. [ ]
"...Yes…I received the Guildmaster's letter about you two. He claims you were instrumental in bringing Hinnerk to his knees. And…" He looked over to Elvira. "...I see what he said was true. That is you, isn't it, Elvira? Kallias's daughter?"
"Yes. That's me," the Treecko confirmed.
Elvira: “Just… don’t go holding your breath on me being able to do the same things he can right away, since Arian and I were still struggling with basic dungeon encounters just a few chapters ago.”

"...Well. Let's not leave you out in the hall, then. Come into the office," the Turtonatorpermitted,insisted.
andThe fivesomedid so, stepping into a fairly large, carved-out room. While the floor and walls were quite primitive, it definitelyhad thelooked like some sort of an office.
An ash desk stood in the middle of the room,on whichwith a stack of papersstoodresting on its surface. There was a chairstoodbehind it, along with two chairs in front. Against the walls of the room, a few more chairs of varying sizes could be seen, for Pokémon of different sizes. Two presses were present as well, but all in all, for an office, it was humble - perhaps anallusion to theecho of its owner’s personalityof its owner.
[ Everybody sits down and Aldebrand has some reaction or something here ]
"So…the day finally arrives," Aldebrandobserved, once all six were sitting downmused. "Kallias's daughter finally comes to join us. …I do apologise, though, that it has to be while the Guild is like this."
Some sundry suggestions here for reorganizing various paragraphs and highlighting certain spots that seem ripe for expansion.
"Don't worry," Elvira assured. "You did what you had to. Don't kick yourself over what happened to the Guild."
[ ]
"But it could be better than this. It doesn't even live up to its name of the Irian Guild," the Turtonator bemoaned. "I mean…We're hardly in Iria, are we? It's more the Kamengrad Guild now."
And this is why you don’t name your guild after specific locations, kiddies. Though hey, at least you’re doing better than “name of a powerful, world-renowned nation” to “name of a 5-man terrorist group” in terms of name downgrade arcs.
"Ain't got the same ring to it," objected Ishmael. "We're still that guild at heart. A lot of the folks with us were in the old one, like you, Aldie. Hell, we were there too! That's why the Chief's still callin' it the Irian Guild. We're not in Iria…but we're still around in spirit."
Oh, so when the Irian Guild fell, there was an analogue to that scene from Star Wars Episode III when Anakin finally succumbs to the dark side, huh? Since if I remember my chronology right, Mitrofan has been King Full Metal Jaguar for five years, the minimum entrance age in the Irian Guild is still 13 and Ish and Axel didn’t seem that old…

"...Of course, Ishmael," Aldebrand acknowledged. "It's just that Kallias always used to say that he couldn't wait for the day when his daughter signed up to the Guild.”
[ ]
“But then the chaos in Iria happened, and the Guild fell apart after that. Then, to top it off, Kallias himself vanished into thin air…” the Turtonator said. “... Can you blame me for feeling downcast about this?"
I kinda wonder if the bit in underlined should be stated more specifically. Like I get if there’s story reasons for not wanting to get too deep into Mitrofan’s specific involvement here, but I wonder if something like “Iria fell into chaos and the guild burned down” would be more impactful here.
[ ]
"I getcha, Aldie," the Krokorok replied. "But, ya know…ain't no use dwellin' on the past. If we want any wins, we gotta look to the future. And…I reckon these two'll really help us from here."
I mean, it’s only a very frequent motivator for characters to go off the slippery slope and into villainy and from what I’ve heard about him through the grapevine, I’m pretty sure that Mitrofan is one of those characters himself.
"They will," Axel affirmed. "Sign them up, Aldebrand. We couldn't have beaten the Thorned Roses without them."
"They're great to work with," Lillian seconded. "Their heart's in the right place, and they work well together, both as a team and with other people. …Granted, theycould use some fleshingstand to flesh outoftheir skills a bit. But that's par for the course with rookies like them. If we help them become stronger, then they could become real assets to our cause."
"...I'm aware. The Guildmaster was equally as full of praise for them as you all are," Aldebrand informed. "You don't need to convince me to make them join us. His approval alone is all we need to sign someone on."
Part of me wonders if Lilian’s argument is structurally more of a “middle” argument than Axel’s who gives more of a ‘stop beating around the bush vibe. e.x. if you yoink the ‘they could become real assets to our cause’ and give it to Axel, it wouldn’t be too hard to come up with something like this:
"They're great to work with," Lillian seconded. "Their heart's in the right place, and they work well together, both as a team and with other people. …Granted, they stand to flesh out their skills a bit. But that's par for the course with rookies like them.”
“Come on, Aldebrand, just sign them up. We couldn’t have beaten the Thorned Roses without them, and that’s with them as rookies,” Axel insisted. “If we help them become stronger, then they could become real assets to our cause."
There was a pause across the table, before Aldebrand looked down at Arian and Elvira.
"...I'm aware. The Guildmaster was equally as full of praise for them as you all are," Aldebrand informed. "You don't need to convince me to make them join us. His approval alone is all we need to sign someone on."
Or something like that. Definitely multiple ways of approaching this if it’s a take you agree with.
The Turtonator opened one of the desk drawers and brandished a form. He then laid it out in front of Arian and Elvira, and provided them with a pen.
"There is, of course, the creed of the mercenary, and the several rules they must live by if they are to go down this path," Aldebrand listed. "Once you swear to undertake all of those vows, you may give your team name and sign your names down at the bottom."
Whelp, guess that the Irian Guild’s still a bit more picky about their help than I gave them credit for. Though I wonder how on earth they would enforce provisions against a rogue team since… yeah, they can’t exactly go turning them over to law enforcement as technical Outlaws.
"...Alright. So…what do we have to swear?" Ariansaidasked.
[ ] as he and Elvira looked over the document Aldebrand had given them.
I kinda wonder if this moment would’ve worked better with Aldebrand pointing out the document a bit more explicitly to turn their eyes down at what they’re about to agree to.
The Mercenary's Creed
1. To help those in need, whoever they are, wherever they are, with whatever they request: that is the modus operandi of the mercenary.
Kate: “‘Whoever they are, whatever they are, with whatever they request’, huh? Not that I’m complaining about it, but I think your Creed’s got a few loopholes there, buddy.”

Also, you would probably find it relevant to surround this entire “Mercenary’s Creed” with indent blocks. The format is [ indent ]your_text_to_indent_goes_here[ /indent ] minus spaces. It should also manage newline characters just like quote blocks do.
2. The mercenary's priority, without fail, should always be the mission they have been assigned, and the client they wish to aid. Monetary gain, while a perfectly acceptable reason for becoming a mercenary, should never take precedence over the will to help those in need.
Thus why Hinnerk went full Mumkhar on the rest of his guildmates, I see. Since… yeah, he was really obviously just in things for the money.
3. The mercenary must never take the life of another. The will to carry out justice will be marred should the mercenary stoop to the levels of the outlaws they pursue.
I wonder if that’s meant to be ‘knowingly’ take the life of another, or ‘take the life of another for any reason’? Since if it’s the latter, that makes me wonder if killing a foe on accident is traditionally grounds for expulsion from the Irian Guild, and if so, if that ever got weaponized by more deviously-minded parties.
4. Capability of duty must be something the mercenary keeps in mind. They must know their limits and refrain from challenging missions greater than their rank allows. To elevate a mercenary's rank, through acceptance of missions and strengthening oneself, is ultimately a matter for their Guildmaster to decide.
Ah yes, the “no Timmy, you’re not allowed to take the S-Rank mission, since we don’t want to send you back to your parents in pieces”, clause. Even if I wonder how on earth that’s enforced now when pretty much every mission that’s not in Kamengrad has “imprisonment and/or death” as a potential consequence of failure right now.
5. Those who wish to join forces with another and create a mercenary team must always remember the essence of teamwork, and cooperate with their partner in their missions. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link; partners should work to galvanise their collaboration skills, make up for the weaknesses of the other and overcome any differences between them that could lead to conflict.
Ah, so this is our equivalent of the “Smiles go for miles” part of the Explorers cheer, huh?
"...Galvanise their collaboration skills, eh?" Arian noted, upon reading the fifth entry. "Sound logic. Partners that can't cooperate with each other and have nothing in common shouldn't really be on a team together."
"Indeed," agreed Aldebrand. "It's a pity when teams break up due to differences too great to bridge. Hopefully, that doesn't happen to you two."
That… happens with depressing regularity in this setting, doesn’t it?

[ ]
"Here's hoping it doesn't," wished Elvira. "Hmm…" she murmured, as she looked further down the page.
I kinda wonder if this moment would benefit from some sort of moment of reaction coming from some combination of Arian and Elvira’s reaction to hearing that teams breaking up over differences
We vow to undertake the creed of the mercenary and strive to aid the citizens of Ardalion, be they noble or pauper, with their requests. Whatever that request may be, there is no mission we would not accept in the name of helping those in need.
Below this statement lay space to place signatures and write their team name.
What about Outlaws, though? Since just saying, ‘help me rob this caravan’ is a request that fits the letter of this Mercenary’s Creed if not its intended spirit, and you two are on the same side as each other relative to the present system of law… :^)
"So all we have to do is sign our names at the bottom here?" the Treecko asked. "And then…we're a part of the Guild?"
"Yes," Aldebrand confirmed. "...In truth, were the circumstances more normal, you would have to undergo a beginner's exam. But due to how things have turned out, the process has been more streamlined.”
[ ]
“And according to the Guildmaster, your victory over Hinnerk and your completion of prior tasks more than prove your capability of teamwork and dedication towards helping those in need,” the Turtonator said. “He therefore feels there is no need to trial you to assess your proficiency as a mercenary."

I mean, I know that Team Elpis beat Hinnerk and all, but that’s still a really risky assumption to be making there. Though the fact that the normal operations themselves have explicitly been noted to have changed makes me wonder if the Mercenary’s Creed itself has changed since… yeah, the present Irian Guild probably finds itself in situations more often where it has to consider whether or not to steal stuff than it did prior to Mitrofan’s takeover, and I can see those apparent loopholes in the contract that Aldebrand pushed over to the kids. In the Irian Guild’s present state of affairs, that might be a feature and not a bug.
"Great. No need for any more waiting around," Arian said eagerly. "Come on, Elvira. Let's sign our names and officially become a part of the Irian Guild!"
"...Okay." Conviction entered Elvira's voice as she picked up the pen and wrote 'Elvira' at the bottom. Then she handed the pen to Arian.
"Sign your name there," she said,indicating topointing at the remaining blank on the form.
"Alright," the Riolu said. But when he tried to pick the pen up and grip it, he was suddenly reminded of a problem he'd experienced back at Elvira's house when they were coming up with team names.
"...Oh. Right…"
Wait, what problem is this? Since I actually don’t remember Arian having a problem that the story took time to focus on back in that sequence.
"...Is something wrong?" Aldebrand asked, somewhat confused. "Can you hold the pen?"
"...Kind of. I just need a minute," Arian replied. "...Damn paws…Can't hold a pen properly with them."
"...What?" a befuddled Axel commented. "No offence, Arian, but it's almost like you've never held a pen before. …Can you even write?"

I actually went back and sanity-checked Chapter 8 and Arian was actually never explicitly mentioned holding the pencil in that one part of Chapter 8 that this bit alludes to, nor was there any mention that Elvira got stuck with pencil duty specifically because Arian couldn’t figure out how to hold said pencil.
Also, this is why y’all invest in writing pads, kiddos. That way writing isn’t restricted to just Pokémon with opposable thumbs.
"Well, you see...Arian's situation is…peculiar," Elvira explained, while looking to her partner with a hesitant look. The Riolu, still working to find an adequate position to rest the pen on his right paw, caught her look and understood what she was asking.
Should I reveal it?
He nodded. Tell them.
Wait, is Arian doing this via Aura now, or…? If the idea is that it’s some unspoken moment between the two, it might make sense to phrase that last paragraph to be less of an “explicit thought” if Arian’s not straight up passing messages through Aura.
"How so?" pondered Aldebrand.
[ ]
"There's…no simple way of saying this. And I know what I'm about to say may sound unbelievable…" Elvira replied, trying to predict the eventual reaction of those in the room. "But Arian…he claims that he was once a human."
As predicted, everyone's expressions morphed into ones of confusion at the Treecko's statement.
We… don’t ever get to see Elvira predict this in her internal thought process. It might make sense to more explicitly drop in her predicting that they’d react like she fell and hit her head or something like that.
"A human?" Rhiannon said, cocking her head. "...But…I thought humans only existed in fairytales. Don't they, Ishy?"
"Yeah. …That's what I thought, anyway," her brother replied. "A human? Ya sure 'bout that, Arry?"
[ ]
"...Yes," the Riolu replied.
[ ]
"But I thought you had amnesia?" Axel queried. "How do you remember being a human then?"
Arian: “I… just do? Don’t ask me how that works, it just does. Like these freaky wave things that you guys keep broadcasting somehow.” ^^;
"And why didn't you tell us this before?" Lillian added.
[ ]
"I don't know how I know that I was a human once," Arian responded to Axel's question, admittedly annoyed that he couldn't produce any definitive evidence to back his claim up. "But I definitely was. I swear I'm not lying to you."
I’m not really feeling Arian’s second part of his dialogue there. It might make sense for him to appeal to certain standout “human” memories that he has such that he has anything to hold onto to ground his “trust me bro” here.
[ ]
"...A human once…" murmured Aldebrand, looking down at the Riolu. "Hmmm…I'm not saying you're not lying, Arian. But…with respect, it doesn't sound like the most believable story."
"...I had a feeling you would say that," Arian replied, slight disappointment evident in his voice. "That's why I never said anything about it back in town. I was afraid people would think I was mad or something if I said I was human.”
[ ]
I mean…it's like Aldebrand said.it really does sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Something like that could be something that could turn away allies and give enemies useful ammo to attack me with. I'd…rather not have that, especially if I'm going to be a mercenary who helps people. I don't know if many clients would be comfortable entrusting their requests with someone who has a screw loose."
I left a couple suggestions for breaking these paragraphs up in a couple parts, though the underlined feels like a bit of a thematic tangent from the rest of the points that Arian is making before and afterwards. Since he’s talking about how ridiculous his claim sounds, and then “driving away allies and helping enemies attack him”. Maybe if it were reformatted to play up the “screw loose” angle that gets brought up later kinda like:
I mean it really does sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Like some story that an enemy would come up with to make potential allies think that I’m sort of nutter…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “I'd…rather not have that, especially if I'm going to be a mercenary who helps people. I don't know if many clients would be comfortable entrusting their requests with someone who they think has a screw loose."
Or something like that.
[ ]
"W-We didn't mean it like that, Arian," Lillian said. "We don't think you're mad. It's just like Aldebrand said; it's not the easiest thing to believe without some sort of proof."Notably though, a tinge of guilt laced her tone after hearing Arian's reasoning. "So that's why you never said anything…"
"Well…the fact that Arian can't grip a pen properly is proof enough, isn't it?" Elvira pointed out. "Anyone in his position would easily be able to write, even a child. And yet Arian's clearly struggling…almost as if he's not used to holding a pen in this way.”
[ ]
“Wouldn’t him being human once explain that? He'd be far more used to holding a pen in his handlike he oncethe way he did did as a human,” she explained. “Why else would he be struggling with something so simple?"
IMO, the “guilt” angle from Lilian works better coming up in the description before she speaks up. Especially since Elvira’s line already works as a pretty direct followup to Lillian’s “some sort of proof” point.
[ ]
"...Good point," Axel agreed. "And I mean…what does it change, really? As long as you're still helpful to us, then I don't think it really matters whether you're human or not."
"Yeah," said Ishmael in agreement. "It don't matter at all. Yer still a good friend and ally. Might be a bit weird, sayin' yer human, but…nothin' wrong with it. And I bet the Chief'll be the same."
[ ]
"Does the Guildmaster know of this?" inquired Aldebrand.
A couple more places where it probably makes sense to highlight different characters’ reactions or thought processes a bit more explicitly. Especially since from the dialogue structure, it sounds as if there’s meant to be a pause of some sort before Aldebrand starts speaking again.
"No," Arian denied. "Like I said, I didn't want to say I was human in front of Melchior, for the same reasons as before. I didn't want him to think I was a bit…daft."
"The Guildmaster's not like that," the Turtonator replied, shaking his head. "He wouldn't judge you so easily. At worst, he'll be like we are today. But I think he'll have no problem believing your story, Arian."
"...That's good to hear," the Riolu said, a bit relieved. "But still…I'd rather not parade around the fact that I'm human.”
[ ]
“I don't want to make an unnecessary target of myself. Maybe…don't keep it a complete secret, but don't go telling it to everyone you meet?” he proposed. “I don't want 'being a human' to be the only thing I'm known for. …If you get my drift."
[ ]
"I getcha, Arry," Ishmael assured. "Don't worry, we ain't gonna blab about it. Yer secret's safe with us."
[ ]
"...Thanks, Ishmael."
Some more spots where it might make sense to slow down and show off some more character reactions and internal thoughts here and there that I noticed. Also, Arian’s line feels like the sort of thing where if this was animated, there’d be a pause before he started speaking up again roughly along the parts as indicated in the split.
"Ah…but if we could get back tothisthe form," Aldebrand reminded, pointing to the form. "You still haven't signed your name onthe formit, Arian."
"I know," Arian replied. "Just…give me a minute."
He went to pick up the pen, and tried his best to hold it in his right paw. It proved more difficult than expected, to the point that he had to use his other paw to balance it enough for him to write his name on the line.
"...There," he said, after scrawling 'Arian' on the form. He grimaced when he saw his signature next to Elvira. "...Ugh. That's…not great."
Wait, how on earth do quadrupeds like Rhiannon even sign things in this setting anyways given that writing in this setting is very centered around pens and pencils? ^^;
"You did well," Elvira encouraged. "Messy or not, a signature's a signature. I'll handle the rest." Arian handed her the pen and she took it, writing the words, 'the founders of Team Elpis.' "And with that…we're initiated,are weright?"
"Indeed, you are," Aldebrand confirmed. "But we mustn't forget the most important thing." He dug into the desk drawer and brought out two small items which he slid across the desk to the duo.
"...Badges?" noted Arian.
"Not just any badges," Elvira told him. "Mercenary's badges. These are special badges which help us on our missions. They're a great help in extracting people from Mystery Dungeons on rescue missions. …You'll see them in action when we do missions."
It might make sense to describe the appearance of these badges a bit more than you do at the moment, especially since even within the canonical series, there’s a few different designs depending on which game you’re in.
[ ]
"...I see Kallias taught you well. You look to know their purpose already," Aldebrand replied. "I would say wear them with honour, but…for the sake of keeping us a secret, it would be best not to do that.”
[ ]
“ButStill, make a point of keeping them on your person. As Elvira said, they're very useful for those who delve into Mystery Dungeons,” the Turtornator insisted. “You'll be doing quite a bit of thata lotas mercenaries going forward.
[ ]
"But I digress. Welcome to the Irian Guild, Team Elpis," the Turtonator congratulated. "I am Aldebrand, the main cook and temporary guardian of the Irian Guild while Guildmaster Melchior is away."
Wait, this guy’s the cook normally? Just how deprived of talent is the Irian Guild right now if he’s the logical second-in-command right now? .-.
Though you know the drill here for these recommendations.
[ ]
"The cook? …Well, I look forward to having meals cooked by you, then," Arian returned. "I hope they're good."
"They are," Lillian replied. "Aldebrand's one of the best cooks out there. You won't be disappointed."
I wonder if that was a bit about his reputation that predates the Irian Guild’s current state of affairs, since you’d think that they’d have a limited frame of reference when they can only go so far outside of Kamengrad without risking being accosted by knights or other Pokémon in league with Mitrofan. ^^;
"Thank youvery muchfor your kind words, Lillian," the Turtonator said in response. "...Now. Rhiannon, while you're here, I'd like you to run an errand. Get the items on this list from the market for dinner tonight."
He handed a slip of paper to the Rockruff, who caught it in her jaws and nodded to him, before trotting out of the room.
"And as for you four…would you kindly show Team Elpis around the Guild?"
"Sure thing, Aldie," Ishmael accepted. "Come on, then. Let's show the two of ya this lovely place and the little posse we got workin' 'ere."
Arian: “Wait, wasn’t that what we were doing all this time on our way over to Aldebrand’s office?” ^^;
Ishmael: “What, that sped-up walkthrough? We barely scratched the surface there! Nah, it’s time to give you the real tour of our digs…”
"Now…I gotta be honest with ya," Ishmael said, as they walked out of the office. "The guild ain't exactly big. So don't be expectin' a castle or tons of secret tunnels or anything like that."
"...That's fine by me," Elvira approved. "The old guild wasn't that big either, and Dad preferred it that way." She chuckled as she remembered an anecdote from the past. "He once complained that Iria Castle had too many hallways, and knights getting lost in them was why they were more inefficient compared to mercenaries."
Oh, well. That would potentially explain why the knights wound up casting lots with Mitrofan there, since I smell an interservice rivalry from back in the day.
"Ha! Too right!" the Krokorok concurred. "Those stuck-up knights don't care enough for the small man. The mercs pick up that work and get the credit, and they're annoyed we get the praise? …Tch," he then spat. "No wonder they were in a tizzy when the ol' tsar bit the dust."
Sophia: “Stuck up?! Why I never-!” òvó
Ishmael: “Go away, birdie. This isn’t your fic, and authors tend to get touchy about others wandering into their works.” >_>;
[ ]
"...And we weren't?" Lillian pointed out. "There wasn't a single one of us who wasn't shocked to hear the tsar had been assassinated. That's not the kind of thing that happens every day, and when it does, it's meant to be a bolt from the blue. Honestly, if we weren't caught off guard, that might be a bit worrying."
"...Guess yer right. Still…" Ishmael still had a bitter look in his eyes. "If only they'd done their job properly, then Selenia wouldn't be in this mess."
I actually wonder if the knights from before Mitrofan are different from the ones after him, since if the knights just straight up went “friendship ended with Kliment, now Mitrofan is our best friend”, that Ish and the other mercs would be a lot more bitter at them at the moment.
[ ]
"Well, let's not stew about what did and didn't happen in the past," the Sandslash said, in an attempt to divert the conversation's course. "Stick to the present, Ish. We need to show Team Elpis around the Guild."
[ ]
"...Right," Ishmael replied. "...So…where to first?"
Elvira: “I mean, neither Arian or I know anything about this place that we didn’t already see walking up to Aldebrand’s office, so…” ^^;
They had arrived back at the central area of the Guild. Looking around, Arian and Elvira saw multiple ways to go. Notably, though, they noticed two boards hanging up on the wall to the right, between two exits. There was a desk in front ofit was a desk, with a Galvantula seatedandbehind itsat a Galvantula, who wasgazing at a piece of parchment with one of its mandibles.
"Who's that over there?" Arian asked.
"That's Sifis. He manages the notice boards, and the missions we're given," Axel answered, before waving a claw at the Galvantula.
"…Hey, Sif!" he called out to the Galvantula. "Meet the newbies who'll be joining us!"
When I saw ‘Sif’ there, I at first thought of the wolf from Dark Souls so I did a bit of a double-take.
"Hm?" Sifis looked up from the parchment. "Oh…I saw you two earlier. So you're part of our Guild now, eh? Congratulations! What are your names?"
"Well then, Arian and Elvira," the Galvantula said. "You'll be seeing me and these two boards a lot during your time as mercs here. This board on the left here is the Job Bulletin Board, where people request us to help them with various tasks or to locate missing people.”
[ ]
“That's probablywhere you'll bethe safest place for you to starting,” he explained, “Newbies always start off with the simple, low-value requests.”
[ ]
“Then on the right, we have the Outlaw Notice Board, where the dregs of society are listed for us to hunt down and capture. Some are petty, like thieves or vandals, while others are…a bit more dangerous than that."
He cast a look toward a poster of a Toxicroak, with a sizeable bounty of 3,000P. [ ]
"Yeah…No one's willing to touch that one. It's been up there for a while. Newbies like you wouldn't have the slightest chance against someone like her."
Yeah, they’re totally going to run into this Toxicroak in the span of like 3-5 chapters, aren’t they? Since the very fact that it was posted and explicitly noted by the story…
"The more pricey the bounty, the more dangerous they usually are as an outlaw," Lillian explained. "Either that, or the crime they've committed is treason or something as grave as that. But those would be specially requested by the nobility or the tsar, and they'd have a special kind of classification. And because of their high stakes, it was only really the experienced teams that would have a stab at them …Obviously, given our current underground status…those aren't really a thing any more."
I’m… not really feeling the underlined bit since it feels like most of it is something that should be more explicitly dealt with in the past tense and brought around to the point of “bigger number means more dangerous Outlaw”. e.x. as a throwaway example:
"The more pricey the bounty, the more dangerous they usually are as an outlaw. Back when the tsar was around, the bounty would sometimes also be higher for crimes against the crown like treason, but those had their own classification and would be specially requested by the court for more experienced teams to do," Lillian explained. “Those aren’t really a thing anymore given our current underground status, but the general rule of thumb of better-paying bounties being higher-stakes jobs still applies. So don’t go getting yourself killed getting Poké signs in your eyes.”
Or something like that. Food for thought, anyways.
"...I see," Arian replied. "...Hm. That's rather convenient," he then noticed [ ].
"That's the exit right there." He pointed to the nearest exit. "This is right next to the way out, so we can just pick a mission and go without much waiting around."
"Glad you noticed," Sifis said. "That was the way it was in the old Guild, and Guildmaster Melchior kept it on here. Good design and ingenuity - that's what makes us efficient here in the Irian Guild. And we intend to follow the old one's legacy every step of the way."
It probably makes sense to describe the exit a bit more such that Arian can mentally go “oh, right, that’s the way out” a bit more explicitly, since this was admittedly a bit of an informed attribute in the version that I read.
"Exactly as we should. ...But anyway. Let's move on," Ishmael said. "That way." He indicated to the group's right, and the fivesome walked in that direction."This is the mess hall, where we eat our food," Lillian said, asThey walked into what looked like a dining room, with a long table and many chairs. As it had been in the office, a number of differently sized chairs lay off to the side, for Pokémon of varying sizes.
"This is the mess hall, where we eat our food," Lillian said. [ Arian and Elvira look around a bit when Axel points out the kitchen past a counter or something ]
"And back there's the kitchen," Axel added. "Normally, Aldebrand would be there, or out getting food for meals. But I guess he's playing double duty now."
I wasn’t really feeling the structure for how Lilian’s introduction of the mess hall + Axel’s introduction of the kitchen was handled. While I’m sure that there’s some ways of handling this in a “backfilled” fashion, it just felt a lot easier and more natural for Team Elpis to come to the new location, see the sights, and then get an explanation from Team Sandstream about what on earth they just walked into.
[ ]
"...By the way, when's dinner gonna be?" Arian asked.
"Not for another bit," Ishmael told him. "It's still daytime. A bit after midday, I think."
"...So not for another while, then. …Okay then. Where to next?"
"Well, we've seen the mess hall.Now onto other places.Where would be a good place to take ya…?” Ishmael mused, before a flash of recognition came over him. “Oh, I know just the place.”
Ishmael turned and left, followed by his fellow mercenaries. They passed by Sifis in the main area again, and went to the passage directly across from them.
Right next to that exit was a room with a wooden door. On it was a sign that read 'Infirmary'. Ishmael knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, the door was opened by a bipedal pink-and-cream furred Pokémon with bright blue eyes.
Ah yes, I see the Irian Guild runs with Audino nurses. Duly noted then.
"Team Sandstream?" the Audino said. "What's wrong? Is someone injured?"
"No, there isn't," Axel responded. "We're showing new recruits around the base, that's all."
"Arian, Elvira, meet our nurse, Raya," Lillian introduced. "If you ever need medical assistance, she's the one to head to."
[ ]
"...Right. We'll keep that in mind," Elvira said. "Nice to meet you, Raya."
"And you too," the Audino returned. "Now then…are you well, the two of you?"
I mean, unless if we’re going to have an ‘Arian discovers certain foods don’t work with his Riolu body’ episodes, I think that this is going to be a pretty easy answer here. ^^;
[ ]
"Hm? …Um, yes," the Treecko replied. "We're both fine, Arian and I."
"Are you certain?" Raya double-checked. "No aches or pains anywhere? No sniffles? No shivery feelings?"
Ah yes, I think I see what Raya’s shtick as a character is going to be like. Though that makes me morbidly curious as to what she’s like in that one Paralogue where Arian blunders into the Irian Guild with a stomach bug. ^^;
[ ]
"...No, none of those," Arian answered, feeling a slightreluctantirritation come over him. I know she's just checking on us, but…we don't look in any way sick, do we? "We're fine, really. Genuinely, we're both alright."
[ ]
"...If you insist," the Audino conceded, though the worry had not faded from her eyes. "But the second you feel in any way off, come to me. Don't let your ailments worsen. And that goes for you three as well."
"Yes, yes, we know. We'll call ya if we're a bit iffy," Ishmael replied. "Good seein' ya. But we gotta keep showin' these two around, so if ya don't mind…" He put his claws on the door, and moved to close it.
"I understand. I won't keep you, then." Raya took the door and closed it behind her as she headed back into the infirmary.
Arian: “Yeah, remind me to never set foot in that place if I can help it, since I already know that ‘mon would drive me crazy.” >_>;
[ ]
"...Well…at least we got outta that one," the crocodile said, once they had moved away from the infirmary. "I swear, it can take forever to convince her yer alright…"
Arian: “So why on earth did you take us here then?!”

"You know she's just looking out for us," Lillian said. "Better her than someone who doesn't care for our wellbeing."
"And she seemed pretty nice," Arian added.
"True," seconded Elvira, before adding, "If a bit overbearing…"
[ ]
"Tell me about it," Axel said in agreement. "The living definition of a hypochondriac…That's our Raya. But Lillian's right. Better we have someone who cares for our health obsessively than no one at all."
I… wonder if there’s a different nuance that you can give the underlined such that it’s not almost literally repeating Lillian’s earlier point. e.x. something like “Not a lot of Pokémon on the wrong side of the law have the luxury of having someone who cares for their health obsessively.” or “Even if she’s annoying sometimes, Raya’s helped pull back some of our members from moments where we thought they were done for.” or something like that.
Though I suppose that this answers the question of why the guild upon initial introduction was heavily glossed over. I’m of two minds as to this whole introduction sequence, since while it logically is something that Team Sandstream would do for Team Elpis, part of me wonders if unless all these characters are going to be immediately relevant in the coming chapters, if we should’ve gotten a gloss of them and then a deeper dive whenever Team Elpis had to go to one or another amenity for whatever story reason.
"Anyway…shall we move on?" the Sandslash herself said. "Onward to the dojo."
They continued travelling down the path. As they travelled down it, Arian's ears suddenly pricked, hearing a curious sound.
Is that…flowing water? …Down here?
I mean, you do know how caves in karst formations are normally formed, right Arian? This shouldn’t exactly be surprising right now.

They soon came to another notable area of the cavern. Several training dummies were laid out along the floor,andwith training matslayin front of each onedummy. The sound's origin was also revealed, and it was as Arian suspected; a stream was visible from the training area, and by the looks of it, ran through the cavern.
"This is the dojo," Axel said. "If you ever want to train to get stronger or let off some steam, this is the place to go."
"Or meditate," Ishmael added. "'Cause that's all our dojo master ever does."
[ ]
"...Where is he, for that matter?" Lillian asked. "Where's Galen?"
Huh. Going to get to see another character from around the guild, I see. I was going to ask who we were going to meet from the Mess Hall, but I suppose that was the point of meeting Aldebrand and explicitly noting that he’s normally the cook.
"Probably where he usually is, below the waterfall," the Krokorok replied. "We'll go get 'im. Luckily, there's a path along the stream."
[ ]
"Waterfall?" Elvira said curiously.
"Yeah, there's an underground waterfall in 'ere," Ishmael confirmed. "It's to do with the perma-wotsit of the Karstlands that means rivers go underground. Ya'll see it when we get there. It's just at the back of there."
[ ] They walked across the dojo and up a path. After a short walk, they came to the aforementioned waterfall. However…Arian was admittedly underwhelmed by what he saw. It wasn't a big, grand torrentof grandeurlike he imagined, but a more modest, steadier flow through the small subterranean stream.
Ah yes, Ishmael just walking the audience through what the less geologically-inclined might not know about how karst formations work. Though IMO it might make sense to have Arian react to Ish’s earlier exposition a bit, especially if he happened to come across a blurb of related geology at all in those books lying around Zenobia’s den back on the outskirts of Ozerograd or something.
Notably, though, he could see a humanoid figure, a Medicham specifically, meditating beneath the waterfall. His eyes were closed, shut off to the world outside him, perfectly at peace, beautifully connected with his inner thoughts, with a feeling that no rude interruptions could possibly breakthis perfectly still moment of -
"Oi, Galen!"
Cue the faceplant into the water in 3… 2…
"Gah!" The Fighting-type's peaceful morphed to one of startlement, then fury. "I havemade it clear to you one too many timestold you over and over again, Ishmael; do not interrupt my meditation unless it's an emergency! And is it?!"
[ ]
"...Nah," the Krokorok denied. "I just wanted to tell ya that we got a new team on board. They're Arian and Elvira of Team Elpis."
[ ]
"...I can see that," Galen returned crossly, before his gaze turned to the two new faces. "It's good to meet you two. But I'm afraid we'll have to continue the introductions another time, because of a certain tactless reptile who dares to interrupt my meditation." He glared at Ishmael. "Begone, you."
Arian: “Oh yeah, he certainly seems nice. Not.” >_>;
Elvira: “Yeeeeah, I hope that we don’t have to train with him for the first few days. Or ever, really.”

Arian: “(Wait, how on earth are you making my face anyways right now, Elvira?)”
"...Fine, fine," the crocodile accepted. "Catch ya later, grumpy-pants."
AndWith that, he turned and left. [ ]
"That was…pretty rude," commented Arian. "Did he need to be so fierce?"
Would recommend expanding this sequence a bit with some note of Team Elpis’ reaction to their less-than-hospitable welcome from Galen.
"Well, would you be pleased with someone if they woke you from your sleep for seemingly no reason?" Elvira reasoned. "I don't blame him for being angry with you, Ishmael. We could've waited to be introduced to him when he wouldn't be meditating."
[ ]
"...Yeah, but then he'd be annoyed 'cause he didn't hear about the two of ya joinin'," Ishmael countered. "That's the kind of bloke he is. There's no winnin' with Galen, sometimes. That man and his meditation…"
That actually makes me wonder what Galen thinks of the rest of Team Sandstream and if he has a ‘Ishmael’ problem, or if it carries over to the rest of Ish’s teammates.
[ ]
"Still, that doesn't mean you should give him a hard time," chastised Lillian. "We all have things that irk us, and that just happens to be one of Galen's."
[ ]
"...Whatever. Let's just move on."
By the path to the guildmaster's office lay a passage that descended downwards. Ishmael headed downthat pathit, followed by his comrades. T, and they soon came to an area with multiple wooden doors.
Whelp, time to see how comfy and cozy they all managed to make these caves. I mean, from Explorers, it shouldn’t be impossible to pull it off, but…
"And down 'ere, we got our dorms," the Krokorok elaborated. "…That's our room, there," he pointed out [ ]. "That's Team Anima's, that's Team Mindfist's, that's the Chief's, that's Aldie's, that's Sifis's, and that's Galen's. And then we've got a few spare rooms in this lot. We ain't got a problem fittin' the two of ya in."
[ ]
"That's good news," Elvira replied. "We'd hate to impose by having to stay in someone else's room."
IMO, it might make sense to give more of an indication of how Ish is pointing stuff out. Even if it’s as simple as noting as “he pointed out a door, continuing on as he carried down the hall.” or something like that.
"It wouldn't matter too much," Axel dismissed. "I know Serafina wouldn't mind having to bunk with two newcomers."
Ah yes, the priss who’s probably a disgraced noblewoman, what could possibly go wrong? >:V
"Yeah, she wouldn't mind at all," the Krokorok agreed. "But at least she'd be a better roommate than a certain little green tyke…"
[ ]
"Oh, for the love of…Not this again, Ishmael," groaned Lillian. "You and Terran have been at one another's throats for ages. When will you two give it a rest?"
“Green tyke”, huh? Wonder if he’s a Grassmon or an Electrike or something else entirely?
"When he stops bein' a pain in the arse," Ishmael said. "I'll be nice to 'im when he's nice to me. But he's a complete asshole to everyone! Watch out for 'im, Arry and El. Betcha a thousand Poké he'll treat ya like crap."
[ ]
"More like you'll treat them like crap," another voice scathingly responded. "Especially with the way you're lying to them right now."
All turned in the direction of the new voice, and Arian and Elvira came across an unfamiliar face. It was a small green Pokémon with triangular black markings across its skin, red scales on its belly, and at the minute, it had a steely glare locked on Ishmael.
Well, that answers what Terran is. Even if I suppose I should’ve seen this coming with the ‘earth’-themed name.
[ ]
"A Larvitar?" Elvira said. "Wait a minute...I know you..."
… Wait a minute, Elvira does? How? .-.
Though you probably want to more explicitly note her having a moment of recognition or something like them.
"...Well, speak of the little devil himself," the Krokorok spat, glaring back at the new arrival.
"Says the shoddy croc," the Larvitar countered. "What are you up to, anyway? Pulling fast ones on the newbies, are you?"
Is ‘shoddy’ deliberate there? Or did you mean ‘shady’? My initial assumption was that it was ‘shady’ given the ‘pulling fast ones on the newbies’ part of the line right afterwards, but…
[ ]
"Like ya'd do any better," Ishmael snapped. "What about ya? Cleanin' tables 'til they're like freakin' mirrors again, are ya?"
Elvira: “Um, Ishmael, that might have been a bit uncalled for-” ._.;
[ ]
"No, because unlike you, I'm actually being productive," snapped the Larvitar. "I've been preparing the rooms for these two, and just finished there. …Argh! I was in a good mood too! But you being here has completely spoiled it!"
I originally read ‘spoiled it’ without the ‘p’ and then had a dumb Spongebob meme stuck in my head briefly.
[ ]
"A good mood? Didn't think ya knew what that was," mocked the crocodile. "'Sides, I'm not an asshat to everyone, unlike a certain green gremlin standin' right in front of me."
"Humph!" the Larvitarexpressed annoyedlyspat. "Prat."
Arian: “These two… do this a lot, don’t they?”

Lilian: “Oh trust me, you have no idea...”

"Ishmael! Terran! Enough, you two! Give it a rest!" Lillian shouted, getting between the two of them before it could break out into fisticuffs. "You can continue this another time, but not in front of our new arrivals! Is that the image we want to give to them?"
I… did not realize that Ish and Terran were getting mad enough at each other to be on the verge of fighting. It might have made sense to more explicitly describe them getting closer and more and more agitated, along with some potential commentary from onlookers or something, especially if Elvira genuinely knows Terran from the past somehow, since you’d think that she’d be more taken aback at how he and Ish are all but coming to blows like this.
[ ]
"He started it," the Larvitar, now known as Terran, responded, pointing at Ishmael accusingly.
"I don't care," the Sandslash replied sternly. "This isn't appropriate behaviour, especially while we're showing a new team around. It gives us a bad name. …Ishmael, go blow off some steam. We need one of you to separate."
[ ]
"...Fine," the Krokorok growled. "I'll go." And with that, he left.
Some more spots where it probably makes sense to drop in some more description. Especially for showing off how Arian and Elvira are processing what on earth just went down here.
[ ]
"...Geez. That got pretty heated," Arian commented. "I think it's best not to ask what's exactly going on between you two."
"...Maybe another time," Elvira said, betraying her curiosity to know. "But anyway…it's nice to see you again, Terran."
Oh, so she and Terran did meet each other in the past. Duly noted.
[ ]
"...Me too, I guess," the Larvitar shrugged. However, Arian did notice his hardened expression soften a bit. Only slightly, but…
"Again?" Arian turned to his partner, noting what was said. "You two know each other?"
"Not really. We only met once," Terran replied. "She's Kallias' kid. We met for dinner once. …That's all. Not a deep connection."
He then turned to the Riolu [ ].
"AndYou're Arian, obviously. And both of you are Team Elpis.”
[ ]
“Your room's over there, third door on the right,” Terran explained. “Nothing special about it; two beds, a desk and a bookshelf. Par for the course for mercs.”
[ ]
“…Now then. I've got more duties to do, so if you could move aside..." The group did so, and the Larvitar made his way up.
There’s more of a story behind these two, isn’t there? Though it might make sense to take a close look at Terran’s dialogue since it read an awful lot like a bunch of short lines with pauses in between that were jammed together.
"...He does not mince words," Arian said, breaking a short silence that had developed. "I definitely didn't expect such a…blunt delivery."
… Or maybe that dialogue structure was a feature and not a bug, even if I’m a bit hard-pressed on what to suggest to emphasize Terran’s “bluntness” here.
"You can say that again.," muttered Axel. "He doesn't like conversations, and doesn't like it when people drag out conversations either,” Axel muttered. “Andthere's me thinkinghere I thought we in Team Sandstream were blunt. Honestly, Terran makes us three look like the most verbose nobles in the world."
[ ]
"...You're right, Axel. He means well, but…he can be quite rude and abrasive," Lillian admitted. "...You two will just have to get used to him, I'm afraid."
[ ]
"...I guess that's what Dad warned me about," Elvira then murmured. Arian noticed the Treecko’s expressionof what seemed to belooked slightlya bit ofhurt.
Yeah, this is why I kept harping on about how it’d have been nice to elaborate more on Arian / Elvira’s reactions a bit more during the whole encounter with Terran, since up to this point, I didn’t get the idea at all that Elvira was being made uncomfortable by Terran.
[ ]
"What your dad warned you about?" Arian inquired. "Elvira, what do you mean?"
[ ]
"...It's a bit of a long story," the Treecko replied. "I'd like to see our room first. We can talk about that another time."
"...Right, if you say so."
Oh yeah, this is totally healthy and not a recipe for problems down the line at all! /s
The two walkedintoup to the room Terran had indicated earlier, and openedUpon openingthe door, they were greeted with a fairly simple roomto find it space set out with fairly simple furnishings. Two bedrolls lay next to one another,andwith a desklayset next to the one on the right. Paper and pencils were provided for them, and two chairs lay next to the desk. On the opposite side of the roomlaythere was a small bookshelf with a few books on it.
"...Hm. Not bad," Arian remarked, as he looked around where he would be staying. "I could get used to this."
I actually wonder, but how does this compare to Elvira’s home with Zenobia anyways? Since if it’s noticeably rougher around the edges, you’d think that one or the other would note the difference.
[ ]
"It's a bit like ours," Axel observed. "It's pretty much the same, only ours is a bit bigger because there's three of us."
"It's not what you'd call luxurious," Lillian cautioned. "This is the standard for us mercenaries."
Wait, where was it described that Axel and Lilian ever followed Arian and Elvira up to / into their room.
"...But that's fine," Elvira replied. "I didn't want an extravagant room. Part of the fear I had of joining was that I would be given special treatment and given honours of luxury I don't deserve, just because I'm related to Fernblade Kallias.”
[ ]
“I just want the same as everyone else. No special treatment. …Thankfully my prayers were answered."
[ ]
"So…is that everywhere in the Guild?" Arian asked.
A couple spots where it probably makes sense to drop in some spots showing the characters stopping and lingering in their thoughts / soaking in their “this is really happening” feelings a bit more.
"It is, actually. We've shown you pretty much all the important areas you need to know," Lillian answered. "But we're not done yet. There's one more thing we have to show off to you before we leave you to do your own thing."
"And that is…?" Elvira queried.
"We're going above ground for this one," Axel said. " Now…we go and tour the merchants."
Huh. Wasn’t expecting the merchants to be a big enough deal to merit their own scene, but I suppose Team Sandstream did promise Team Elpis they’d take them to see the merchants when they were done.
"They're a lifeline to us," Lillian was saying, as she, Axel and Team Elpis emerged from the well. "Whether here or in Iria, the Guild simply would not function without the vital aid of the merchants that are allied to us."
"Might be overstatin' that a bit," Ishmael said, who had rejoined the group after his prior anger over the encounter with Terran had subsided after beating into a few dummies in Galen's dojo. "But yeah, they're a real help to us. We'd probably still work, but…it'd be a lot 'arder without 'em."
"They used to have their own shops and a street to themselves when we were back in Iria," Lillian went on. "Here, though, they don't have that luxury, given Kamengrad's smaller size. But they're travelling merchants, most of them. They're used to having to adjust for certain towns."
I… kinda think that the whole scene setting about “Ish blew off some steam, rejoined the gang after the whole episode with Terran, and then everybody went back up the well and onto the surface” works quite a bit better if it’s handled in an introductory paragraph that also can be used to establish stuff like how much time has gone by since the scene cut and stuff like that.
"Can't say I blame some of them for grumbling," Axel replied. "But just as we have to make do, so do they."
They walked while they talked, and had reached the town's square. Ahead of them was the street of merchants' stalls that Arian had seen earlier. The group made their way towards it.
"So…first up," Ishmael began, as he gestured to a tent shaped like a green chameleon that was run by twochameleonsPokémon that resembled it, one green and one purple, who looked just like their tent. "We've got ourselves the Kecleon Shop. They sell ya yer basic adventurin' stuff, like seeds, orbs, berries and stuff like that."
Ah yes, the setting’s “Anna clones” that I’d heard so much about. I was going to ask why we didn’t see them around Ozerograd, but I suppose that having to constantly beat the snot out of Thorned Roses trying to steal their wares thinking that they were just another set of bulliable merchants probably got old.
"The green Kecleon, Jacob, handles the basic necessities," Lillian elaborated. "Butwhile the purple Kecleon, Esau, handles the selling of TMs and other rare items,” Lillian explained. “They'reThe two are rather well known. Theyand apparently have a network of fellow Kecleon merchants that run across Ardalion. You'll find a Kecleon Shop in most places, and sometimes you might even find Kecleon merchants in Mystery Dungeons.They have quite a reputation across Ardalion."
[ ]
"Top tip, though," Axel said, lowering his voice as a serious look came into his eyes. "Do not, whatever you do, steal from them. Trust me; don't even think about it."
Axel knows this tip from personal experience, doesn’t he? >:V
"I…wasn't going to," Arian replied, somewhat confused as to the bat's sudden seriousness. "...Is there more to this? Of course, stealing's a crime, but…why are you acting that way, Axel?"
"I think I know," Elvira said. "Dad told me about this, too. …They say great misfortune befalls anyone who dares to steal from a Kecleon Shop. I don't know what exactly happens, but…Dad had the same kind of look in his eyes that Axel has now when he told me that."
Ah yes, I see that in Ardalion, the Kecleon are also second-to-none for their theft recovery abilities.
Jacob: “Oh, I can answer that one for you, Treecko:”

Arian: “(Are we sure that we even want to buy anything from these guys?!)”

"...You make them sound like some kind of evil spirit," the Riolu said. "They're not that bad, are they?"
[ ]
"I'm not willin' to find out," Ishmael refused. "Even if those rumours are tosh, stealin's bad, anyway. I ain't putin' my rep on the line for somethin' like that."
"Same here," Lillian seconded. "Don't steal from the Kecleon Shop. Period. We were warned for a reason. Let's not ask questions why."
Arian: “Look, isn’t there anyone else we can buy this stuff from-?”

Esau: “Nope! Good luck finding any other outfit in Ardalion that can compete with our selection of wares!” ^^;
Elvira: “Look, we just need to not steal from them. That can’t be that hard, right?” ^^;
[ ]
"...Okay. Point taken," Arian said, though he was admittedly still curious about the rumours about stealing from the Kecleon Shop. "...Maybe let's move on?"
I smell a horror-themed Paralogue from you at some point in the future. Especially if the dreaded Itemizer Orb is around in this setting and does exactly what it says on the tin from official fluff text.
"Yeah, let's do that," agreed Ishmael. His attention turned to the next stall, run by what looked like a floating keychain. "Right then. Next we've got the Klefki Bank. It's run by a nice fella called Alexei. He'll store yer cash for ya if ya've got a bit too much on ya."
"Klefki Bank? …There was a place like that in Ozerograd, wasn't there?" Arian asked Elvira.
"There was," Elvira affirmed. "Klefki Banks are like Kecleon Shops; you'll find them in most places. Not quite to the extent of Mystery Dungeons like Kecleon Shops, but they're still plentiful nonetheless."
It might have made sense to give a bit more reminder as to the context surrounding this, since I actually initially completely forgot about Ozerograd’s Klefki Bank until I did a text search and remembered that that was where Elvira deposited that one check like 5 chapters ago.
"So a bank. …Alright. What's next?" Arian asked, looking further down the street.
"Now we have my favourite shop along here," Lillian said. "The Kangaskhan Storage." With an evident spring in her step, she headed towards the tent shaped like a Kangaskhan's head, Arian recognising it from the statue he'd seen before in Rolling Hills.
Ah yes, time to get that Oran Berry or whatever they put in the statue back in live-time.
"Ah, Lillian! Good to see you!" the warm, motherly voice of the stall's owner greeted as Arian, Axel, Elvira and Ishmael walked in behind Lillian.
"Hello, Auntie," the Sandslash returned, drawing a confused look from Arian. "I've got some new people to introduce you to. These two are Arian and Elvira, and they've just joined the Irian Guild."
[ ]
"Oh, how wonderful!" the Kangaskhan celebrated joyfully. "It's a pleasure to meet the two of you. Are you working together as a team?"
I actually don’t remember if Kangaskhan Storage was this congenial back in the official games, but it certainly feels fitting for a place where the patrons feel close enough to straight-up call the proprietor ‘Auntie’.
"...Er, yes," Arian replied, still a bit befuddled by Lillian's earlier statement. "We're Team Elpis, Elvira and I."
"What a lovely name," praised the Kangaskhan. She then noticed the queer expression on the Riolu's face. "Something wrong, dearie?"
[ ]
"...N-No, I'm fine. It's just…" Arian looked to Lillian, and then back to the Kangaskhan. "...Are you two related?"
[ ]
"Related?" Lillian said. Beside her, Ishmael and Axel both fought to contain what seemed to be laughter. "Oh no, not at all! We're not related."
Arian: “Wait, huh? But you just called her ‘Auntie’ and-!” .-.
Axel: “Hey, it’s a canon series constant, probably due to a cultural artifact of it being made in Japan like that one ‘Wobbuffet’ joke that only works in the Japanese script. But a series constant anyways, so good enough!” ^v-v^
"But…you called her Auntie," the Riolu uttered, more confused than ever.
"It's just a nickname, dearie. It's what everyone calls me," the Kangaskhan explained. "My real name's Kassandra, in case you were wondering. But you can call me Auntie too, dearie."
So does she also have premonitions of disaster that go unheeded by everybody else? ^^;
[ ]
"...Okay, then…Auntie," Arian said, finding the word a tad strange to say for someone he probably didn't have relations with. "So you…store items here? Does it have anything to do with the Kangaskhan Rock we saw in Rolling Hills?"
"It does," Kassandra answered. "Items stored in those rocks make their way to my storage. And those items can be withdrawn later by the people who deposited them. …It's interesting that you bring up Rolling HIlls. I happened to receive anitemOran Berry from the rock there earlier today, with no idea who exactly it belongs to."
"Oh! That's ours, I think. It's an oran berry," Arian revealed. "I putitone into the rock's pouch, and it disappeared. …Is it here?"
IMO, Arian’s “finding the word [...]” bit works better being pulled forward in some description paragraph prior to his dialogue since something about the dialogue feels like he’s doing that after making a decision about “well, that’s weird, but whatever, I’ll roll with it”.
"Indeed it is." Kassandra broke off from the conversation to disappear into her tent. A moment later, she returned with an oran berry. "There you go."
[ ]
"...It's the same one," the mystified Riolu said, as he took the berry. "But how? How does that work? How does it get transported from Rolling Hills to here?"
"Sorry, dearie. Trade secret," Kassandra apologised. "But you're free to avail of my services anytime you wish."
inb4 it’s a Natu that hides in the back and does teleportation runs or something like that. Though it probably makes more sense to more explicitly describe Arian taking the berry from Kassandra and his

"...Okay then," Arian said, as he turned to leave. "It was good meeting you…Auntie."
"You too, dearie. Have a nice day!" the Kangaskhan wished, as the group walked away from her tent. [ ]
"...Now do you see why I like her so much?" Lillian asked.
"I guess," the Riolu replied. "Still, though… ‘Auntie’. That's going to take a bit of getting used to, calling her that."
Another spot where it might make sense to expand things with a spot of description, especially some focusing on Lillian’s reaction to the whole encounter.
"...Nothin' wrong with it," Ishmael reasoned. "'Sides, I've heard much worse nicknames people call 'emselves. At least Auntie's a reassurin' name that makes ya feel warm inside. She does have that kinda effect on ya."
"I agree," Elvira seconded. "I'll look forward to going back to her."
"No doubt you will," Lillian said. "Now…where's next?" She looked over at the next tent, and her face dropped in an instant. "...Oh. There."
It’s going to be the Cofagrigus expy, isn’t it? Since that reaction feels very ‘Cofagrigus’ right about now. >:V
[ ]
"Yeah, that's…the locksmith's," Axel informed, his expression bearing a similar reluctance to the Sandslash's. "A Banette called Julius runs it. Julius's Appraisal, it's called."
"A locksmith's?" Arian inquired. "But what particular use would a locksmith's be to a mercenary?"
Julius’ appraisal shop isn’t described at all up to this point. It might make sense to drop one in, especially if there’s something about the shop that is obviously ‘off’ such that it draws such a different reaction from Team Sandstream relative to the others which they were generally excited to visit.
"Sometimes, when yer in Dungeons, ya come across small treasure boxes," Ishmael explained. "Only particular keys can unlock 'em, and where better to get one from than a locksmith? Folks like Julius'll unlock 'em for ya for some cash."
"It's a good service," Lillian said, before a peeved look crossed her face. "Bit of a shame the man himself is a bit…overzealous when it comes to his job."
"Overzealous? In what way?" Elvira asked, before her question was answered for her.
"Ah! Team Sandstream!" a sinister voice sounded from the Banette-looking tent, as the Marionette Pokémon himself stepped out from it. "Have you got any lovely boxes for me to cut open like a knife through butter? My knives have an appetite to whet, you know…" His equally eerie grin grew as he uttered these words.

Lillian: “(Yeah, he’s just kinda like that. You get used to it. Mostly.)”

[ ]
"Nah, mate, we don't 'ave anythin'," Ishmael replied. "Sorry 'bout that."
"...Damnation," hissed the Banette in disappointment. "I suppose I'll have to return to the practice boxes again..." He retreated to his tent with a huff.
[ ]
"...See what I mean?" Lillian said, once he was gone. "The way he talks about cutting upon treasure boxes like they're something to suck the life out of…How do you not find that creepy, Ishmael?"
[ ]
"He's a good'un," the Krokorok defended. "He ain't like an outlaw. He ain't got a bad bone in his body, I promise ya. Might seem a bit freaky at first, but there ain't nothin' wrong with 'im."
Whelp, I think that I found the member of Team Sandstream who would be the fan of horror movies given that Julius going full Smeagol over his chests doesn’t move the needle with him.
[ ]
"...If you insist," Elvira replied. "We'll give him the business if we find any treasure boxes." She looked back at the street before them, and the merchants they had passed. "...Is that all of them?"
[ ]
"Well, not yet. One more place," Ishmael answered. "It's up a bit further, away from this lot."
They continued a bit further down the street. It was something of a surprise to Arian that from this location, the edge of town was visible. Not an overly large town, then, he mused. But then it's not like a town has to be large to be good.
Wait, how big is Kamengrad relative to Ozerograd and Old Ozerograd anyways? Since some sort of relative comparison between the two would help a lot for getting a feel for just how small or not Kamengrad is, since it’s apparently still big enough to have side streets.
"And here we are," Ishmael announced, snapping Arian's attention back to their tour. "This is the Kamengrad branch of the Tropius Carriers."
The Riolu looked at the building before them. By the looks of it, it seemed to be a post office, with the building painted green and brown to represent Tropius's colouration. Looking in through the windows, he could see a reception desk where a few customers stood in line to send parcels to friends or loved ones.
Ah yes, this is how we’re still going to be able to stay in touch with Zenobia, I see. I just hope that these guys don’t get their mail snooped on by Mitrofan and his lackeys.

"Oh, this is good," Elvira said happily. "So this is where the Tropius Carrier branch is for here. Now I know where to go when I want to send letters back to Mom."
I mean, I suppose that the very fact that Team Sandstream is showing them this place is a sign that it’s at least perceived as being a safe and trustworthy agent for passing messages on to other people even when not on the right side of the law. Though that makes me wonder if they’re inadvertently used to help coordinate activities by Outlaws or the likes in this setting.
"Oh yeah…You did say you were going to do that," Arian replied, being reminded of what his partner had said as they were saying goodbye to Zenobia. "When are you going to write to her?"
[ ]
"Soon. Not right away - maybe once we get into the routine of doing missions and have been here for a while."
[ ]
"That's good for you, then," Lillian smiled. "It's always good to keep in touch with your loved ones. Especially when they're not living next door to you. …I should probably do the same with Mom and Dad. But I'll take a leaf out of Elvira's book and wait a bit before writing. We did only see them earlier today, after all."
Why am I getting the feeling that this punting on writing Caitríona and Connall isn’t going to age well? Like it’s understandable, but Lillian sure seems to be able to take the existence of “tomorrow” for granted in a way that I wouldn’t have necessarily have expected from a character with as precarious of a way of life as hers.
[ ]
"Well, that's all in the way of shops," Ishmael said. "But…we'll tour ya around the rest of the town as well. That way, ya get to know all the people and places to go if ya 'ave a bit of downtime."
And that was whatTeam Elpis spent most of the afternoonwas spent ondoing just that: just going with Team Sandstream touringTeam Elpisaround Kamengrad. It was a quaint little town, oneof stillnessseemingly full of peace and serenity. And while Arian and Elvira were never referred to as new recruits for the Guild in respect to the Guild's secrecy, those that knew the truth and kept it under wraps were encouraging and wished the pair well going forward.
They were a supportive, positive people, and that brought reassurance to Team Elpis. To be around such a community could only be a good thing. They would have little fear of being sold out or betrayed here, they thought.
Okay, so I understand the rationale for not wanting to drag things out, but I do wonder if this whole “those who know, know and react accordingly” thing going on in town would’ve been more effective showing it from a couple interactions with randoms on the street pulling a “Hey Lillian, how are you doing? And who are the kids?” or something like that such that we can see this dynamic, and then during the return to town, get to see Team Elpis’ turn getting to share in with it. Since there was something about the initial trip through town that I thought felt “missing”, and little interactions like the ones glossed over here would’ve gone a long way to filling that void.
And so,it was with a chipper mood bywhen eveningthatcame, the two descended into the Guild with a chipper mood. The smells of tantalising food being cooked greeted the duo as they walked into the assembly area, giving the caverns a sense of homeliness.
One thought went through Arian's head.
…I made a good choice, siding with these people.
Well, I’m not fully sold on that just yet, but Kamengrad certainly did a good job putting up a positive first impression.
Whew, that was a pretty chunky read, and as you can gather, I had a lot to say up to this point. Enough so that making a condensed take at the end was more or less mandatory to keep things relatively digestible, so let’s just start going into the highlight reel:
Okay, so this chapter was really obviously a “Hello World” for what’s going to be Team Elpis’ home away from home for at least the next arc or so here in Selenia, the hidden new
I also liked the characterization that we got to see on display, even if they were primarily concentrated among Rhiannon, Aldebrand, and Terran with some of the other characters brought up not managing to make as much of a splash past an initial impression, but the story just needed them to get their foot in the door to see them around the guild more, and to its credit, they all did it well enough to get me wanting to see more of them.
As for the flaws… there’s a bit of a laundry list of recurring things that you’ve probably noticed from the full writeup, but in the interest of not sounding like a broken record, I’ll focus specifically on the issues that stood out most to me. I felt that the chapter needed more description in general, but especially in the context for setting what different character vibes are. Like it was especially noticeable in the in the moment where the gang meets Terran, where I didn’t pick up on his banter with Ish getting particularly heated, or how Terran wound up being inadvertently hurtful to Elvira until the story just straight-up said those after the fact. Having more description would’ve allowed for those dynamics to feel more “shown” and less “told”.
As for more structural issues, but part of me is ambivalent about the whole guild complex walkthrough. Like on the one hand, the tour makes sense and is in character, but on the other, with like four separate characters getting brief hi-byes, I wonder if it’d have been a more economical use of wordcount and those encounters would’ve made more of an impression on the readers if they got introduced whenever their presence was more directly required by the plot (e.x. plot calls for Team Elpis to go to Galen’s Dojo and they get a full scene dealing with his grumpiness and issues with Ish). Dunno, maybe I’m overthinking things.
Though on the subject of length, this chapter reads long for some reason, and it presumably would be noticeably longer than 10k words if more description were patched into it. If you do go back to touch this chapter up and throw in some additive editing, I would suggest at least considering dividing it up at the end of the scene where Team Elpis formally signs up to join the guild, since each is approximately 5000 words in their present state and could easily become 7000-8000 words apiece with only modest building off of the base that already exists. The two halves there also represent fairly complete chunks of story: the “first half” in that split covers Team Elpis’ arrival into Kamengrad and them formally joining the Irian Guild with Arian’s human-ness coming out, the “second half” gets Team Elpis used to the Guild they’re going to be calling home, the town above, and essentially is a chance to let them grapple with feelings over “this is really happening” while giving them a concrete glimpse of “this is what you’re fighting for”.
I know that it’s become a running trend for me to have a wall of criticisms every time I review one of this story’s chapters, but I dunno, there’s just genuinely something about it that keeps me coming back. Like sure there’s a lot of things that I have nitpicks about, but the characters are endearing, the world feels fun and alive with glimpses of a really rich history and lore, and the stuff that I’ve heard that’s still a ways off from where I am right now genuinely sounds interesting, so here I am for the ride.
Hope the feedback’s helpful, @Arukona , even if I honestly wouldn’t begrudge you for choosing the “lol, I’m not editing all that, I’ve got new chapters to push out” route for handling these earlier ones. Whatever you choose, I’ll be looking forward to seeing where your story goes from here, and hopefully at least once more before Review Event lets out later next month.