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Personality Development 101!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Ah yes, the joys of developing characters....

We all probably know the basics! A character, a goal, a flaw, a strength. That sort of thing.

Those are critical! But there's another aspect thats equally important too! Personality. What are all the little quirks and habits of your character that shape them and give them their unique defintion? This is something I've always struggled to shape.

And on my little 2am Pinterest binge, I happened across an absolutely amazing little tidbit. I was loathe to clutter storycrafter with this, given how long and more complex it lends itself to be, so I figured a little thread would be nice.

Here we go! For as many characters as you feel like you want, and whatever questions you want, go nuts!


In text format:
How do they smile:

What their tell is for lying:
Volume of Speech, if they're verbal:
Nervous tics:
How much eye contact do they make:
In a group conversation, how closedo they stand to others:
When standing, what do they do with their hands:
The sound of their footsteps:
Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc:
How do they get other's attention:

Use spoilers if it looks like things will be long pls, so its easier for people to read!!!!

Have fun and Merry Christmas!!!!
Last edited:


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I'm always down to add 'em important details to my characters!
  • Bellatrix rarely, if ever, smiles. When she does she tends to just smirk. Genuine smiles will leave her flustered.
  • It's hard to tell when Bellatrix is lying—she's gotten very good at it, you see—but an acute observer will notice the tell. When Bellatrix lies, her posture will straighten and her eyes will widen slightly.
  • Straight and refined, however, she will slouch over when sulking.
  • Always ensures that she's the most dominant voice in the room because everyone else has to listen to her. She projects her voice often and commonly resorts to shouting when frustrated.
  • No nervous tics.
  • Complete eye-contact is her default. It intimidates others. She likes that.
  • In a group, she tries to stand in the centre; in a one-on-one conversation, she stands close to the other person.
  • Bellatrix is almost always keeping her arms crossed. When she isn't, she'll keep one or both hands on her hips, or folds them behind her back (the latter gesture being reserved for whenever she's reporting information to someone).
  • She's light-footed and methodical, her steps make little to no sound. Unfortunately she has hooves now, so her steps now make very distinct clopping sounds.
  • Bellatrix glares at strangers, but she will greet friends/friendly acquaintances with a polite nod.
  • By making noise. It's as simple as raising her voice/clearing her throat. If that doesn't work, she will yell at everyone to shut up and pay attention to her.
  • More often than not, Xylia's smiles are small but overt.
  • A small growl will encroach her voice when she lies about a touchy subject, more harmless lies result in a small stutter.
  • She has a natural posture and rarely bends out of it.
  • Her voice is not too loud, not too quiet.
  • When nervous or upset, Xylia will dig her claws into her arms.
  • Xylia makes a moderate amount of eye contact, most at the start at any given conversation. As the conversation continues, Xylia's gaze will wander about the environment.
  • Xylia likes to keep a healthy distance from people in conversation. In large groups, Xylia more often than not finds herself hanging around the perimeter.
  • Tends to just keep her paws by her side or on her hips.
  • Her footstep are quick and make a tapping sound. The sound is more muffled with her snowshoe-like paws.
  • She likes to wave in greeting!
  • Xylia taps her foot or claw when trying to get others' attention.
  • Her smiles are best described as warm and welcoming.
  • Ayumi goes quiet or will swiftly change the subject after a lie. Those familiar with her pick up on this quickly, but grilling Ayumi will only cause her to clam up.
  • Her posture is seen as weird and too upright to onlookers, however Ayumi thinks that it's normal—Ayumi is used to standing straight as a human. This doesn't translate well as a swablu.
  • Ayumi is soft-spoken and rarely raises her voice.
  • Tends to stutter and fluff up her feathers when nervous.
  • Makes enough eye-contact to get by in a conversation.
  • More often than not, Ayumi is perched on their heads. She doesn't like standing on the ground when talking to others as most other mon dwarf her in size.
  • Ayumi keeps her wings folded, making the occasional gesture when speaking.
  • When hopping, she makes a bunch of small tapping sounds. When flying, she makes a bunch of fast, flapping noises (much like a pigeon).
  • Ayumi normally chirps in greeting alongside doing her best attempt at a wave.
  • Ayumi waits for the room to quiet down before speaking to draw attention to herself. In a more hectic situation, she'll try raising her voice or flapping her wings.
  • Kaz's smiles are simple but genuine—she couldn't fake a smile even if her life depended on it. Unfortunately, said smiles are obscured by that helmet.
  • Kaz has no real tell for lying. She might become cagey or defencive but nothing definitive.
  • Kaz's posture is quite poor due to the heavy control mask she's wearing. It puts a lot of strain on her neck and she needs to lie down often to help alleviate the strain.
  • Kaz is quite loud, she has to be if she wants to be heard by others.
  • She taps her talons together when nervous/unsettled.
  • Only when necessary.
  • Kaz stands pretty close to others when excited. She will linger at the edges when upset or feels as if she crossed a line.
  • Kaz is quadrupedal, her forelegs are planted on the ground.
  • The sound of her footsteps are quite distinct. Her talons make an obvious clacking sound, which are also quite loud.
  • Kaz will nod her head when acknowledging others in her presence.
  • Kaz makes herself look bigger when trying to draw attention, her favourite method being to rear up on her hindlegs.
  • When Tigerlily smiles, she beams. Wide, friendly, and contagious.
  • Tigerlily is a horrible liar and becomes very flustered when trying to lie, even more so when called out for said lie.
  • Her posture is normal.
  • As is the volume of her voice, but she raises it often out of excitement.
  • Her tails will twitch. The more nervous she is, the mire pronounced the twitch.
  • Plenty of eye-contact! After all, it's the polite thing to do.
  • Tigerlily stands very close to others when speaking.
  • Tigerlily is quadrupedal, her forelegs are planted on the ground.
  • Her footsteps make no sound aside from the very faint tapping of her claws.
  • If Tigerlily had arms, she would hug others in greeting. Since she doesn't, running laps around them will have to do.
  • Tigerlily uses a move that draws attention, like ember.
  • Mesi's smiles are quite smug or carry an air of cunning to them. She smiles often.
  • Mesi avoids eye-contact and clenches her teeth when lying.
  • She has a tendency of leaning backwards slightly when standing up, otherwise it varies. Sometimes she slouches over, other times she sits straight.
  • Mesi's voice is loud and distinct but is more than capable of quieting down significantly.
  • Her aura-feelers will twitch when nervous.
  • Mesi makes enough eye-contact to get through a conversation unless it's a serious topic for her, in which, she'll avoid all eye-contact.
  • Mesi prefers to hang around on the sidelines and keeps fair distance in conversation, mostly due to risk of her aura-sensing ability overloading.
  • Mesi gestures a lot when speaking. When she isn't speaking, she keeps her paws out in front, like she's holding them in imaginary pockets.
  • Mesi's footsteps are light and make little sound. The tapping of her claws is pretty obvious to an acute listener, however.
  • Mesi will raise her head slightly when greeting someone she knows. She does not greet strangers.
  • Mesi punches something and uses that sound to draw attention to herself. If there's nothing to punch, she raises her voice instead.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
WHEW this was pretty fun! Spoilering because, uh, LONG BOY.

Odette Cinq-Mars
  • When Odette smiles, she always starts by flexing the left corner of her mouth into a smirk, and the smirk slowly grows. This is a somewhat rare occurrence though, because she doesn't smile often. She mostly sticks to half-grins and smirks here and there.
  • When she was younger, she would always shift her weight onto one leg when she was lying. Nowadays, she has absolutely no tell, because she's truly honed in on her ability to lie.
  • When speaking normally, she has a relatively low, almost monotone voice. However, theater training has done wonders for her, because she can project very loudly if she needs to.
  • If she's nervous, Odette scratches her cheek, flexes the corners of her lips, or drags her foot on the ground.
  • When she's talking to people, she makes direct eye contact with everyone, as a means to try to read them.
  • In a group conversation, where she stands depends on who she's talking to. If she's not really familiar with anybody in the conversation, she'll stand off to the side and listen in, but if she's involved with a good friend like Noel or Acadia, she'll stand shoulder-to-shoulder with one of them.
  • Odette usually puts her hands in her pockets when she's standing. Once in a while, if she's not mad, she'll talk with her hands.
  • Odette has a very quiet footstep, and the chunky sneakers she usually wears tends to absorb a lot of the noise.
  • When greeting somebody, she usually waves or gives a mock salute by touching her index finger to her temple and flexing her hand outward. Per Kalosian culture, she will also la bise (touch cheeks, kiss the air) with people she knows well.
  • In the event she needs to get somebody's attention, her go-to is usually whispering "pssssssst!"
Noel Masse
  • Noel has a very broad, very charming smile. Very rarely does he not smile showing teeth, this mostly due to the fact he's usually talking when he's smiling.
  • When Noel lies, he will sometimes subconsciously stand on one foot, and put his other foot against his ankle in a sort of half-assed tree pose.
  • He's a naturally loud person when speaking normally, and his ability to project raises that volume tenfold. Even when he's trying to be quiet, he'll end up accidentally raising his voice in excitement or aggravation.
  • In the event he's nervous, he'll pace, or wind a finger through his hair.
  • Per his stellar social skills, Noel makes direct eye contact with whoever he's talking to. Sometimes, however, when he's telling a boisterous story, he'll look away when he "acts it out" with his hands.
  • Because Noel is a little social Butterfree, in a group conversation, he's usually always in the middle of the group, next to everyone, and constantly talking.
  • If standing normally, Noel is typically talking with his hands. He'll occasionally put them on his hips, too.
  • Noel walks on the tips of his toes, so he barely makes a sound when he walks.
  • Noel, being the physically affectionate person he is, likes to hug his very close friends in greeting. However, for others, he will usually wave or shake hands. Mostly, though, per Kalosian culture, he will also la bise (touch cheeks, kiss the air) with people.
  • To get people's attention, he will raise his hand and politely say "excuse me." If he knows the person, he'll just shout their name.
Clovis LeClair
  • Clovis usually smiles with his lips before smiling fully. When he's trying to shmooze, he'll smirk just prior to flashing his teeth, because that combo seems to work well on women. When standing idly, however, he'll just half smile.
  • Clovis is a fantastic liar. A standard person couldn't pick up any tells, but a really observant person would pick up on the fact that his eyes give away what he's feeling. He'll slightly squint, or his eyebrow will twitch, or the blatant panic or fear will just shine through in his gaze.
  • He tends to speak in an inside voice; pretty soft but still direct. Very rarely does he raise his voice, but when he does, it's quite booming.
  • He hooks his fingers into his belt loops when he's nervous. He will also scratch some part of his face, usually his forehead or chin.
  • When speaking to others, he makes direct eye contact. However, when he's showing blatant disrespect, he'll stare at their forehead, or look away and stare at something else when they're talking.
  • As one of the most wealthy people in Kalos, Clovis usually finds himself in the middle of a group even when he doesn't want to be. He's usually okay being the center of attention, but being that he hates the elite, he'd rather stand off to the side and eavesdrop.
  • More often than not, when he's standing still, he's smoking a cigarette. If so, he's messing with that or his lighter. If not smoking, he almost always crosses his arms.
  • Clovis has a very firm footstep; he rolls his step all the way through from his heel to the tip of his toe. He's usually wearing very expensive shoes with hard bottoms that make loud tapping noises against the ground, so he's definitely heard.
  • Clovis usually greets with a handshake or la bise (touch cheeks, kiss the air), depending on who he's saying hello to. If he's showing blatant disrespect, he won't greet anybody at all.
  • To get the attention of others, he'll clear his throat. When doing it politely, he'll raise his hand quietly.
Dorien Bonhomme
  • Dorien mostly smiles when he's trying to show off his good side, or he's talking to others in his social class. He really likes to smile with teeth, so others can see his perfect veneers. Otherwise, you'll mostly catch him smirking at everything.
  • Dorien is somebody who can be a good liar. In the event he knows he has an upper hand, he's cool, but if he finds himself in a weird situation, he will start primping himself or examining his nails if he gets into lying territory.
  • He speaks somewhat loudly, because he likes to be sure he can be heard.
  • When he starts to get nervous, he'll thumb his earlobe.
  • Being that he was raised in a wealthy family, he was taught that eye contact is the way to communicate with people, so he always tries to maintain it, especially when he's trying to get something he wants.
  • Dorien always stands close to everyone in a group convo, because he's always trying to be in the middle of it, and trying to make sure he's heard.
  • In the event he's standing still, he'll usually grab the sides of whatever jacket or coat he's wearing. If he's not wearing a coat, he puts his hands on his hips.
  • Dorien has a very slow, very deliberately loud footfall.
  • He usually greets with a handshake or la bise (touch cheeks, kiss the air), depending on who he's saying hello to. If he's super friendly with somebody, he'll go for a hug.
  • Because he's kind of a brat, he's picked up on snapping at people to get their attention.
Guzma Kahele
  • Guzma's smile is really malicious. He doesn't show teeth, but he smirks like he knows he's gonna beat some ass. When he's not about to throw hands, though, he sticks to half-smiles, unless he's laughing over something.
  • Guzma's ability to lie varies based on how he's feeling. If he's overwhelmed, he will fidget with his clothes or tap his foot.
  • Guzma is very loud, and it doesn't help that his voice is rather deep. He barely has a concept of an inside voice, and he doesn't give a fuck either.
  • When he gets nervous, he'll start cracking his knuckles and flexing his hands.
  • Guzma is really, really bad at keeping eye contact, because it makes him uncomfortable. He'll do it in short bursts, but he tends to look at other things when he's talking, even when he's invested in the conversation.
  • He likes to stand close to everyone in a group conversation, because he wants to hear everything that's being said.
  • If he's standing still, he'll use his hands to lean on a wall or will shove them into his pockets. Most of the time, however, he really talks with his hands.
  • Guzma has a very heavy footstep, and he will legitimately stomp places if he's upset, so people know he's coming.
  • If he's greeting a homie, Guzma always daps them up. If it's somebody he's getting ready to throw down with, he'll just glare at them without saying anything.
  • He will simply shout "YO!" if he needs somebody's attention.
Hau Inoke
  • Hau has a very happy smile. Whenever he's meeting somebody new, the first thing he does is smile at them, teeth and all. He also smiles at strangers in passing. He is, generally, a very smiley person.
  • Hau cannot lie very well. When he does, he'll start shifting his weight from side to side, and averting his eyes elsewhere.
  • Hau usually speaks at a very low volume, because he likes to keep things calm and collected. However, when he's excited, this man will quite literally scream everything he says.
  • He will immediately start laughing if he's nervous.
  • Hau tends to keep eye contact with new people he meets, but if it's somebody he knows well, he doesn't really stress about it.
  • Hau likes to be close to everyone in a group convo, preferably in the middle, so he can talk to everyone present.
  • Usually, when he's standing still, he'll put his hands in his pockets.
  • His footstep is rather quiet, but being that he normally wears flip-flops, they slap against the ground regardless.
  • He will always go for a dap as a greeting. If the person doesn't know how to dap, he settles for a fist bump.
  • Hau's absolute favorite way to get somebody's attention is to just walk up to them and tap them on the shoulder.
Plumeria Pekelo
  • Plumeria doesn't smile all that often, but when she does, it's more of a wry smirk. If she's genuinely happy, though, she usually justs miles with her lips.
  • She can lie if she puts her heart into it, but her headstrong nature will give her away sometimes. She'll stare at the ground and rub her hands together when she's very antsy about it.
  • Plumeria has a naturally loud and booming voice. It's rather deep for a female standard, and it carries over everything.
  • She doesn't really have any nervous tics, but she'll clench her jaw when she's feeling anxious or scared.
  • In intense conversations, Plumeria absolutely requires eye contact, and will get irritated if the other person doesn't return it. However, in a general setting, she doesn't care too much about it, and might not even give it herself.
  • Plumeria would rather be off to the side in a group convo, listening in until she's directly referred to.
  • When standing still, Plumeria will shift her weight onto one leg and put a hand on her hip, and she'll talk with the other hand.
  • She has a very light footstep, and if she tries, nobody can hear her coming. She sneaks up on people easily.
  • Plumeria's go-to greeting is a dap, but she'll also playfully punch a good friend in the shoulder to say hello. If she doesn't like the person, she'll simply glare at them.
  • To get somebody's attention, Plumeria will simply yell "HEY!"
Lillie Allen
  • Lillie has the tendency to close her eyes when she smiles really big. She doesn't smirk that often, though--she gives full smiles or none at all.
  • Lillie will start stammering if she has to lie, because her thoughts get scattered.
  • Her voice is very, very airy and quiet, sometimes to the point where people have to ask her to speak up so they can hear her.
  • Lillie's shoulders will visibly tense if she's nervous, and she will start to stammer.
  • Eye contact makes Lillie feel exposed, so she's rather uncomfortable with both giving and receiving it. She'd rather keep her hands and eyes busy with something else when she's talking to people.
  • As somebody with social anxiety, Lillie would prefer to hang out off to the side of a group conversation, and just pray nobody asks her to speak.
  • When Lillie stands still, she'll politely fold her hands in front or behind her. If she's carrying a bag, she'll grasp the straps of the bag.
  • Lillie walks fast, but her footstep is pretty light and quiet.
  • For Lillie, a wave and a gentle smile is the best greeting. However, if she doesn't know who she's greeting, her wave is very shaky.
  • Lillie will just say "Excuse me?"
Gladion Allen
  • Gladion does not smile very often, if at all. In the rare event he does, it's a smirk or a half-smile.
  • Gladion is a fantastic liar. He has absolutely no tells, because he looks the same as he would if he were telling the truth.
  • His voice is deep, but he's relatively low-volume when he speaks. Even when he raises his voice, he has to really push himself to project.
  • Gladion's eyebrow will start twitching in the event he gets nervous. He will also clench his fists.
  • Gladion gives eye contact and expects it back when people are talking to him as an equal.
  • As an almost shut-in, Gladion would rather hang out off to the side in a group convo, and not be perceived. He will, however, chime in if he's asked.
  • If standing still, Gladion will hook his thumbs into his pockets or cross his arms.
  • Gladion's footsteps are very light, especially when he jogs or runs.
  • Gladion will simply nod at somebody to greet them.
  • Gladion will usually resort to yelling something along the lines of "Hey, excuse me!" or "Hello?"


Ace Trainer
Ohhh! Okay. So, this sounds like a ton of fun! And took much longer than expected! After I had to think about this for a while and figure out how this site works ^^; lol (as I also toss in a quick hi / thanks for the much needed distraction w/ your cool prompt Tetra! Since I wish you and and everyone on the TR server a Merry Christmas as well~ ):

  • How they smiles: depends entirely on his mood. Cause if it's with Acerola or someone close he'll have a warm, familial, affectionate smile. Otherwise it's 99% of the time a smirk. Outside of his usual default grumpy and lazy demeanor
  • What is their tell for lying: Nanu's is to default into complete nonchalance and reveal hardly anything. Due to his Interpol training as one of the best agents in SM canon who trained both Looker and Anabel as their superior
  • Posture: Slouch 99% of the time. Otherwise straight posture when serious or angry
  • Volume of Speech if Verbal: Nanu normally has a drawl or bored tone whenever he usually talks? But if he's angry then it's basically code for "run for the hill cause you done messed up" XD
  • How much eye contact do they make: Practically all the time because Nanu uses it a means to read ppl
  • In group conversations how close do they stand to others: Depends. But normally Nanu's good with keeping to the back or sidelines while everyone else talks. Unless he absolutely needs to speak up
  • When standing what do they do with their hands: Nanu's hands are either in his pockets or rubbing the back of his head or neck if he's embarrassed or unsure about something.
  • The sound of their footsteps: Quiet as a mouse. He hardly makes any noise and Acerola jokes that Nanu can be a ninja with how he can sneak up on ppl unnoticed.
  • Nonverbal greetings: if it's a polite greeting it's normally a nod or hand wave. For Guzma it's a fist bump. For Acerola it's a hug. And for Giovanni it's a glare alongside anyone else who gets on Nanu's nerve.
  • How do they get other's attention: mostly by clearing his throat or waiting for ppl to notice him if it's not important.
  • How they smiles: Bright and cheery because Acerola loves being sociable and making friends with practically everyone she meets
  • What is their tell for lying: Everything. From fidgeting posture to stuttering, Acerola is terrible when it comes to lying. And she normally only gets away with it if it's text only. And no verbal or body language cues
  • Posture: Confident, stands straight and tall
  • Volume of Speech if Verbal: Good volume control overall. But if Acerola is super excited or emotional she can get loud af.
  • How much eye contact do they make: All the time because Acerola loves interacting with ppl and giving others her undivided attention
  • In group conversations how close do they stand to others: Pretty close because that way she's in "easily accessible hugging range"
  • When standing what do they do with their hands: Some animated gestures when talking but not over excessive to the point where it's noticeable
  • The sound of their footsteps: As Nanu says jokingly: Thundering stampede of several Tauros
  • Nonverbal greetings: The Alolan greeting and hugs
  • How do they get other's attention: As Nanu jokingly: By being a chatty Chatot
  • How they smiles: Guzma knows how to smile? XD
  • What is their tell for lying: Most likely to get more confrontational and angry. As well as more animated in his body language
  • Posture: Slouching 99% of the time
  • Volume of Speech if Verbal: Loud. Aka. Boomburst loud but with no volume control
  • How much eye contact do they make: Debatable. But if it's being "Big Bad Guzma" then it's eye contact for intimidation purposes. Otherwise Guzma tends to avoid it due to low self-confidence or if he's uncomfortable
  • In group conversations how close do they stand to others: No boundaries. Ya boy isn't afraid to get up and close it means showing a person who's boss. Although he dislikes physical contact unless it's to fight or punch someone
  • When standing what do they do with their hands: Guzma tends to lean against the wall. As for his hands he'll either shove them into his pockets or get very animated if he's pissed off. Like giving ppl the middle finger
  • The sound of their footsteps: Stampede of Tauros 2.0
  • Nonverbal greetings: If ya cool in his books, have a fist bump. Otherwise have a glare that says "don't mess with ya boy Guzma or else"
  • How do they get other's attention: Loud Boomburst 2.0
  • How they smiles: Giovanni knows how to smile? XD
  • What is their tell for lying: His silver tongue (if you're able to decipher it that is)
  • Volume of Speech if Verbal: Controlled. Direct. Rarely raises his voice unless either truly pissed off (or if you're Nanu)
  • How much eye contact do they make: Direct Eye contact most if not all the time. As another means to control the conversation and also intimidate the other person
  • In group conversations how close do they stand to others: Respectable distance away by default. Unless he's the center of attention because he's Giovanni
  • When standing what do they do with their hands: Most likely hands in pockets or resting at his side
  • The sound of their footsteps: firm but methodical
  • Nonverbal greetings: (not entirely sure bout this one tbh) Mostly likely none because Giovanni prefers speaking and using his words to greet others. Rather that rely on nonverbal greetings
  • How do they get other's attention: By being Giovanni Sakaki (and pissing everyone off) :P.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Did this for Red now but will probably add more characters later! (Also leaving out the footstep sounds thing because I have no clue how those are supposed to be different for different people.)


How do they smile
It depends on how he's smiling, really. If he's forced to do it to be polite, it'll be a mouth-only smile - he can fake a full smile, but he purposefully refrains from putting effort in the smile so that sharp-eyed people can still tell he's faking it and infer his real opinion of the situation. If he sees a pretty sight, his smile is genuine but very lightweight. His deepest, most peaceful smile comes out when he's with Helix (the omanyte) due to his actual love for the mon. And then there are the sadistic smiles, ranging from arrogant smirks to unhinged, psychotic grins. The latter only comes out when he's alone or his target's the only one to see it.

What their tell is for lying: Red lies very naturally and has no layman-perceptible tells - when he feels he's got control of the situation, that is. He can still keep up a facade pretty well under moderate stress, but if he's full on panicking inside, his train of thought gets muddled and correctly remembering what his fake story is and how much he's told of it becomes difficult. His speech becomes fragmented and his eye contact begins to falter. He is, however, aware of when his mask is slipping and will try to find ways to avoid questions or escape the situation entirely.

Posture: Lazy, but still reserved. He doesn't want to stick out, but he doesn't want to sacrifice his comfort. If he's feeling particularly proud, his pose will reflect that.

Volume of speech, if they're verbal: On the quieter side, but always loud enough to be clearly heard. Loud people piss him off, and keeping his voice at a reasonable level even when they're loud is his way of showing superiority to them. Naturally, though, he will get loud if he's angry enough and/or believes it helps him be intimidating.

Nervous tics: Just like when lying, he tries to keep his true feelings hidden, but the stronger the emotion, the harder it is to conceal it. He will be glancing around and maybe tapping.

How much eye contact do they make: Whatever seems appropriate for the situation plus how much he wants to intimidate the person he's looking at. Instinctively makes less eye contact if he's cornered, but tries to consciously fight against that to keep up the illusion of control.

In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Again, whatever seems appropriate for the situation in most cases, but if he needs to intimidate, he'll get closer - as long as he's not considerably shorter than the person he's addressing.

When standing, what do they do with their hands: Pockets when neutral or positive, arms crossed when negative.

Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc: A small, acknowledging nod with eye contact, face neutral or smiling if it's someone he likes.

How do they get other's attention: Depends on how much he respects the people or the situation. Respectful: Find an interjection point in the conversation, or if it's more urgent, stand up / step further into the group, raise hand to around chest level, say "Hey, sorry," and express what he needs to. No respect: A loud, authoritative "Hey." If it doesn't get people's attention, yell it louder.


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
Oh man, I love those! My gang is pretty expressive in my head, so this should be easy!
How they smile: Leon's smile is the best quality about him and also his trademark. When he smiles, it is warm and genuine. He oozes confidence and can lift other people up by just smiling, and he knows and loves that. He loves to smile and does it often.
What their tell is for lying: Suddenly avoiding eye contact. Also, if he hasn't convinced himself of the lie, his lies are pretty obvious.
Posture: Straight, tall, likes to take up space
Volume of Speech: Loud. Why talk when you can shout? Unless topic is uncomfy, then he's suddenly very very quiet...
Nervous tics: He fidgets with any moving small part in reach
How much eye contact do they make: If the topic isn't personal, then a lot. If the topic is difficult, suddenly everything else is waaay more interesting.
In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Arm's length, at minimum. He would like to creep under your skin, but that doesn't mean he can't restrain himself. Also, since there's a monumental difference between what he would be comfortable with and what he was told was normal, he veers on the cautious side with proximity and contact
When standing, what do they do with their hands: When not playing around with sth, relaxed to the sides. When talking, he gestures a lot. As said, he loves to take up space
The sound of their footsteps: Fast, deliberate but unfocused
Nonverbal greetings: Big wave!
How do they get other's attention: EVERYTHING JUST PLEASE GIVE HIM ATTENTION!!! Ahm... Generally, just talk. If there isn't a conversation going, he'll find a way to annoy you until you give him attention.
How they smile: Hana is not very expressive, and so her smile is very small. Most of the time, she's faking it. When she genuinely laughs about something, she covers her mouth.
What their tell is for lying: She's an adept liar, but will probably get very red if she catches herself stumbling
Posture: Straight spine, but her shoulders tend to lump forward in an effort to make herself small
Volume of Speech: Moderately loud, and rarely raises her voice.
Nervous tics: Has a distinct breathing pattern she goes through. Optionally, she does some stretches with one foot.
How much eye contact do they make: Hana is very good at looking at other people's eyebrows. She is very perceptive of people's emotions (if she isn't a doofus about it) and can pick up microexpressions quickly.
In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Not too close. Six feet or more, thank you corona.
When standing, what do they do with their hands: In pockets, crossed or on her hips. She does rarely talk with her hands.
The sound of their footsteps: Fast and soft. The perks of running everywhere in socks.
Nonverbal greetings: Waving, but only with her fingers.
How do they get other's attention: "Hey"
How they smile: He smiles rarely, and if he does, it's rather unnerving. In the rare cases where he is emotionally open, his genuine smile is rather sweet.
What their tell is for lying: If it's not him just messing with you, then it's not being able to establish eyecontact. He is a good liar, but only lies if a life depends on it.
Posture: Could be better. As in, he sits too much and is also not the most athletic guy.
Volume of Speech: Pretty quiet. People have to be silent if they want to listen to him, and that's exactly how he likes it.
Nervous tics: Starts putting things into patterns when nervous.
How much eye contact do they make: He's pretty confident and makes eyecontact when decency dictates, but he has other things to perceive during a conversation.
In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Not too close. If it makes other people feel better about themselves, he'll get out of his comfort zone, but usually he'd like to be alone in the room, thank you.
When standing, what do they do with their hands: By his sides or crossed. Only moves if other people get uncomfortable
The sound of their footsteps: If he's concentrating, they can be inaudible. But since he's usually in some sort of slippers, they aren't. His natural walking pattern is kinda dragging and relaxed.
Nonverbal greetings: No. Well, he does greet you, but most you'll get is a curt nod.
How do they get other's attention: By probably making a very snarky remark on the other's cost.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Smile: Mostly with his eyes, the corners of his lips pull up in a way that some people think looks kinda smirk-y.
Lying Tell: Seeming indifferent where he shouldn’t, or rarely (mostly if you poke at the gay trans buttons) seeming flustered but giving a totally unflusterworthy response.
Posture: It’s not what it used to be with Lusamine, but far above average for a delinquent.
Speech: Rich boy vocabulary with an irritated tone of voice.
Nervous Tic: Biting lower lip.
Eye Contact: As a threat.
Group Convo: *Gladion follows from a distance such that no one can tell he’s associated*
Body Language: Normally, his hands stay put, but if you anger him he’ll do the “I can’t decide whether or not to punch you or facepalm” thing.
Nonverbal Greet: Nod.
Getting Attention: Glare until noticed.

Smile: She looks down awkwardly and flushes red while she smiles.
Lying Tell: Acting too sweet.
Posture: Almost impeccable.
Speech: Very quiet, nervous false-starts.
Nervous Tic: Existing. Biting her lower lip.
Eye Contact: If she really has to.
Group Convo: Speaks only if spoken to.
Body Language: Like a deer in headlights if she doesn’t trust you, fidgets if she does.
Nonverbal Greet: Brief awkward eye contact.
Getting Attention: No.

Smile: Almost imperceptible, like Gladion it’s almost all in the eyes.
Lying Tell: Almost imperceptible. If you know how to recognize her little lip twinge that’s almost a smirk, that’s what to look for.
Posture: Better standing than sitting, she’ll sit on chairs all wrong sometimes.
Speech: Regulated and level, but not quite monotone.
Nervous tic: None.
Eye Contact: Comfortable with but indifferent towards it.
Group Convo: Mostly silent.
Body Language: Fidgets with hair when idle, stock-still when battling to such an extent where Gladion wonders if she’s even blinking.
Nonverbal Greet: Casual wave.
Getting Attention: Says something like “hey.”

Smile: Full grin.
Lying Tell: Sighs reluctantly before lying.
Posture: Very whatever.
Speech: Louder than necessary, but with a friendly tone.
Eye Contact: Yes, unless whoever he’s talking to seems uncomfortable with it in which case he’ll match them.
Group Convo: Lively participant.
Body Language: Very much a hand talker.
Nonverbal Greet: The two-handed wave when possible (with a verbal greeting to match unless it’s inappropriate) but can substitute a nod when space is limited.
Getting Attention: Talks, and is probably loudest. Otherwise just waits.

Smile: Her full smile is kinda cheeky looking with some teeth, but she normally keeps it subtler.
Lying Tell: Tooth grinding before talking.
Posture: All over the place depending on how she feels.
Speech: Snippy or warm with little in between.
Nervous Tic: In the process of resisting the urge to bite her nails, she taps them together or generally fidgets with them.
Eye Contact: Yes, normally.
Group Convo: Participates with above-average frequency.
Body Language: Occasional flippant hand-waving when talking casually.
Nonverbal Greet: Smile, maybe a small wave.
Getting Attention: Raising her voice for the first bit of her sentence.

Smile: Generally a smirk, but Mohn has known her to smile warmly.
Lying Tell: None, she always feels ever-so-slightly inauthentic regardless of what she’s saying, so you can’t tell which is which.
Posture: Impeccable.
Speech: Icy in tone, normally middling in volume but grows quieter when she’s angry.
Nervous tic: Lower lip biting, but this more often indicates irritation than nerves. (Her makeup routine does not involve lip anything because she will eat it.)
Eye Contact: Yes.
Group Convo: Speaks when useful to her.
Body Language: Strictly controlled.
Nonverbal Greet: Nods.
Getting Attention: Clicks nails irritatedly against desk/table if available, alternatively throat clearing.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
The cast of Roost:


What their tell is for lying: He's so skilled at lying people who were there to see the truth can come out a bit shaken and wondering what was real and what wasn’t by conversations end. The only “tic” he has is to stall right before launching into his lie, and that’s only if he isn’t anticipating any pushback from his line he’s feeding, if he expects or gets a simple question he can easily adjust for his tell doesn’t trigger.

Posture: He likes to loom, lean in close when intimidating, or attempting to seek rapport with others. But he always stays a hair shy of touching others and when not looming will subtly be leaning away from people around him. This is reinforced by a favoring of intimidating colors and cuts to his clothes. He subtly repels people even when acting as “just” a gym leader.

Volume of Speech, if they're verbal: He tends to come across as soft-spoken but can spring into sudden shouting to get his point across especially with people he considers fools and has power over. He’s not loud but harsh-sounding at all times. His tones are abrasive, snappy, and grating. He only goes for silken when twisting the knife or attempting to build rapport with someone.

Nervous tics: He can affect a nervous tic, usually running a hand through his hair to appear self-conscious or fiddling with his fedora/tie/coat. He’s learned that doing so calms others down and can buy him time but these are all false tells. In combat (perceived or otherwise) he will occasionally step back from a startling situation to buy time to regroup but he normally springboards from fear to anger so fast he doesn’t register it and acts out in violence when truly provoked...

in the flight/fight/fawn/freeze category Gio's an example of fight.

How much eye contact do they make: He normally glares at others unblinkingly to freak them out, but can feign normal eye contact. The observant will notice that he blinks to counts or looks away at a specific rhythm this was self-taught so he could socialize better.

In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Others fall in place behind him and if they don’t Mew help them and help them fast. A few feet back is respectful, and he’ll close that gap on his own terms and only on his terms.

When standing, what do they do with their hands: pockets are a thing or twiddling with a ‘mon on his belt, if it’s open-air environ he may pull out a cig to smoke, but only among those he doesn’t respect.

The sound of their footsteps: heavy, crisp, a near militant one-two unless he’s deliberately going for silence, then it’ll be as quiet as a Persian’s.

Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc: glaring, so much glaring, a nod if trying to appear polite but anything else is disrespectful and he doesn’t act to do so or encourage others by responding to such crass gestures. (one time Green whistled at him he nearly sic’ed Rhydon on her out of instinct).

How do they get other's attention: If you aren’t paying attention to him when he enters a room then that’s your own folly and your own life you’re taking in your hands by not doing so.


What their tell is for lying: see posture….

Posture: Green gets bouncy when successfully lying in a low-pressure environment (pulling a scam when she's confident she can get away etc) so she persk up and bounces in place when she's making killing on someone's gullibility. In high-stress lying scenarios she goes dead still, a hand over of her old Mask training. and becomes stiff.

Volume of Speech, if they're verbal: She holds to a regular speaking volume but may become shrill if she's excited or sees things going her way. When things are going badly she goes still, and monotone.

Nervous tics: She actually goes ridged/frozen when caught or surprised, her flight/fight/fawn/freeze is so hard logged into freeze when she’s surprised her biggest tell is going dead still then bolding.

How much eye contact do they make: Regular levels of eye contact.

In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: Green is a calculated snuggle fiend. If she likes you –or wants something- she becomes incredibly tactile. Pokes, pats, hugs, hair ruffles, she indulges in it all. Draping over people in shows of melodrama, glomps for greetings, if she’s in her right mind and with those she trusts she acts hell bent on making up for a lifetime of denied skin hunger as fast as possible. If she doesn’t like/trust the people around her she mirrors Silver’s asocial behaviors, though unlike him she suffers for it.

When standing, what do they do with their hands: When smug or gloating she’ll tuck her arms close to her sides, sway a bit, when talking she pokes and jabs at people or waves her hands about a lot.

The sound of their footsteps: Soft and rapid, she’s a light walker and always in a hurry

Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc: waving mainly, pointing, she’s a set of gestures she shares with Silver to communicate intent, wave him off, draw him over, ect, that she doesn’t’ do that with others.

How do they get other's attention: If talking doesn’t’ get it she’ll whistle shrilly and stomp, it was a bottom of a barrel attempt that worked on Red and she’s applying to all the non-attentive numbskulls in her life and so far it’s working so why bother fixing it?


What their tell is for lying: a dogged refusal of eye contact is his main tell.

Posture: If he’s alone or with someone he trusts he keeps his posture stiff and attentive, if he is around strangers or people he doesn’t trust he slouches a bit. Leaning away or towards the nearest exit.

Volume of Speech, if they're verbal: soft with those he doesn’t know or trust. With someone he’s comfortable with he can hit all the ranges though his voice comes out a bit harsh this is due to chronic underuse but it has led to some bad first impressions as many take it as hostility not abused airways.

Nervous tics: He’ll flinch, whole body flinches, when addressed, touched, ect without consent and a lot or warning. So he comes across as perpetually nervous even if he’s not. in the flight/fight/fawn/freeze category he's flight.

How much eye contact do they make: He’s the poster child of unblinking stare, or rather was. Green and Yellow have helped him socialize so he remembers to blink sometimes.

In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: As far away as he can get unless it’s Green, Yellow, or Sneasel, are involved. He might allow a cuddle and closeness but only if he can see how they’re moving first.

When standing, what do they do with their hands: pockets or clasped around pokeball. If he’s really relaxed or in good company he might keep them busy and out tending one of his ‘mon.

The sound of their footsteps: soft, slow, shuffling as if feeling out for black ice under his feet. He’s found if he hurries he trips a lot.

Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc: He’ll nod or roll his eyes depending on who he’s acknowledging.

How do they get other's attention: If they aren’t paying attention to him and it’s not an emergency then he won’t give them their information and let the consequences be what they will. Otherwise he has Sneasel chuck snowballs or poke Murk’ to crow.


What their tell is for lying:

She blushes, winces, stutters drags her foot through the ground, squirms… Asking Yellow to lie is to ask is her to tell the truth after inflicting about five minutes of agonizing second-hand embarrassment in front of the person she’s supposed to be keeping a secret from.

Posture: bouncy, leaning forward with enthusiasm.

Volume of Speech, if they're verbal: soft but squeaky. She startles easily and can chatter a lot but not loudly when approached on anything she’s interested in.

Nervous tics:

Every tell for lying can show up when she’s stressed or uncomfortable. in the flight/fight/fawn/freeze scale she's fawn.

How much eye contact do they make: normal amount and is undeterred if the normal amount isn’t given back.

In a group conversation, how close do they stand to others: as close as she can get away with.

When standing, what do they do with their hands: pockets, ‘mon, on people she likes for hugs, holding their hands, or palying with her hat, depends on her mood and the situation at the time.

The sound of their footsteps: she skips, louder than a donphan. It’s something Green is trying to discourage out of her but she’s not a good teacher so the results are subpar at best.

Nonverbal greetings - do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, highfive etc: Hugs and snuggles for those liked best, waves for acquaintances, a sort of sheepish shrug that ends in a wave at the occasional Rocket or Flare grunt she runs into and trounces.

How do they get other's attention: She gets closer, and closer and closer until you can't ignore her and her inherent sunniness and pointed suggestions. Even if she has to stand on your foot to get your attention.
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