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Mt. Moxie

Not open for further replies.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Whether or not Mt. Moxie can really be classified as a mountain is certainly a topic of debate, but there’s no doubt it's quite a pleasant spot for hiking and exploring. Winding trails gently curve around the mountain, some steep enough to offer a small challenge, others perfect for those looking for a day hike.

A few caves and tunnels dug by the local Onix and Steelix can even be found and explored for those brave enough. Although the area is well traveled, perhaps this ‘mountain’ still holds some secrets.

Day 1 - Steven and Aggron go for a hike


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Steven is awake just as the sky is beginning to glow. He's still feeling a bit sleepy, but he blames the shift of traveling to this new time zone (or potentially timeline? He's not certain which is the truth, and he doubts it really matters in the end.) He opens the blinds quietly so as to not disturb Aggron, who is still comfortably snoozing on the area rug. In the gradually brightening room, Steven discovers a well-stocked bar beneath a marble countertop, and a high-end coffee machine atop it. He enjoys his first cup at the bar, perched on one of the stools and reading one of the scientific journals he brought with him.

Soon, the sun spills over the horizon and lights up the room enough to wake Aggron. He grunts and rolls over, stretching and shaking off the sleep with small clanks of his armor.

Steven turns on his stool, finishing the last of his cup while another is already brewing. "Good morning. What do you say to a quick hike before breakfast?" He's got a small map in his hand that shows some of the trails that lead their way up the island's mountain, Mt. Moxie.

Aggron shakes himself again, and eyes Steven skeptically. Steven sets down his empty cup and offers a shrug.

"Well, I don't know what our host has planned for the festival events. This might be our best bet to do some exploring on our own, and I'm rather interested in seeing this island for myself."

Aggron considers it, but doesn't look completely convinced.

"How about," Steven begins, uncovers the plate they brought back from dinner last night and slides across the countertop, "let's have these pastries on the patio first. And see if that changes your mind?"

The scent of the berry tart shakes off any of Aggron's remaining drowsiness, and he follows Steven and his fresh cup of coffee to the patio door. He throws the doors open, and he and Aggron freeze at their first look at the room's outdoor area.

Bathed in the crisp morning light is one of the most beautiful gardens either of them has ever seen. Flowers and shrubs of all shapes and sizes line the sides of the spacious yard. A meandering stone path winds its way through the garden, ending at the fence at the far end. There, beneath a pergola wrapped in vines sits a small table for two framed by the sun rising over the ocean beyond.

Aggron makes a choked noise of surprise before excitedly (but carefully) picking his way along the path, stopping to observe the flowers in every bed. Steven chuckles and makes a mental note to ask the island staff what some of these plants are; he has a feeling Aggron is going to want another garden plot or three when they get back home.

Steven sets the pastries and his coffee down at the small table before moving one of the chairs aside. Aggron, snout covered in morning dew (no doubt from curiously sniffing all the plants) plunks down at the table, and the pair enjoy their light breakfast in comfortable silence.


The sun is fully above the horizon when Steven and Aggron set off from the dorms towards Mt. Moxie. It's not a long trek to get to the base, and it's still early enough that they don't run into anyone on the way there. Steven selects a path that will take them up the mountain quickly without being the one that's marked as the highest difficulty. They take it at a casual pace, stopping every so often to inspect an interesting rock, or make note of a cave entrance here and there.

There are a few places where there is a break in the trees, offering a brief glimpse of the island from up high. It's at one spot that Aggron pauses as a shadow passes overhead. Steven hears his partner's footsteps stop, and follows Aggron's gaze skyward. He shields his eyes against the sun and spots a familiar silhouette above.

"A Charizard?"

Aggron watches the dragon circle overhead and huffs an affirmative.

Steven watched until Charizard circled out of sight behind the trees, and brought a hand to his chin. "Hm, I didn't take Blue for an early riser, or a hiker."

Aggron shrugs, keeping one eye on the sky in case he spots the Charizard again, but he never reappears.

"Oh well, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," says Steven. A quick consult of the map shows the pair that they are almost to the top, so they press onward up the trail.

It's not long before they break through the trees and find themselves as high as this trail will take them. It's not all the way to the top of the mountain, but close enough that there's nearly a 360 degree view of the island.

As Steven is taking in the sights, Aggron starts with a snort; there's a shadow moving quickly across the trees. He turns his snout up and catches sight of Blue's Charizard soaring overhead. It's clear from the way the dragon is banking towards them that he's spotted Aggron as well.

Aggron thumps the ground with his tail, and Steven turns to where his partner is looking.

"Ah, it is Blue's. I don't see him though." Steven waves up to the fire-type as it approaches. "Hello, good morning!"
  1. skiddo-steplively
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-iametrine
  5. skiddo-coolshades
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
Charizard had had enough of water for a little bit. Enough of the boat, enough of thinking about beaches. There was even water in his room, which was nice for Gyarados but did admittedly feel a bit like he just couldn't get away from the stuff. When Blue had proposed going to look for additional water that morning, the dragon had politely but promptly excused himself.

As soon as he'd launched himself into the air from the patio he'd found his wings taking him right toward the island's single, large mountain. Largeish, anyway. Definitely not as tall as Mt. Silver, back home. Not as challenging, or windy, and probably (hopefully) not as cold. He wasn't really sure why he'd bothered, rather than just taking a nice aerial tour of the whole island; it wasn't like any of the things he was looking for were there, or like his friends were there waiting for him. (Given everything that had happened, he tried not to think about the possibility that they might look like his friends, but not be his friends at all.) But it was something to do, and more importantly it wasn't water, so sure, it worked well enough for now.

He flew close enough to the mountain to catch a bit of ridge lift, allow him to glide for a bit as he ascended. At first he wasn't sure he'd seen anything of note below, just trees blanketing parts of the mountainside, but as he circled around again the morning light glinted off of something shiny down there. A human object? A wild steel pokémon, maybe? The 'host' human had said something about wild pokémon. Maybe one of them would want to battle; it'd be a nice change of pace from yet another herd of skittish mountain ponyta.

The closer he got, the clearer it became that this wasn't just some little magnemite or squawky skarmory. This pokémon was big, and well-armored. Bigger than him, even. And, by the looks of it, not alone. The sight of the human with it jogged Charizard's memory. That was the pokémon from the boat, the one who'd helped Gyarados break up the fight! Well. Now he had to get a better look.

The human hailed him as he pulled up to land nearby, and Charizard gave him a greeting huff in response. He turned to look at the big polished pokémon, noting the long horns and solid stance. Not bad. Probably a decent challenge. "Hello," he said. "Wasn't expecting to see any pokémon with humans up here."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
The human hailed him as he pulled up to land nearby, and Charizard gave him a greeting huff in response. He turned to look at the big polished pokémon, noting the long horns and solid stance. Not bad. Probably a decent challenge. "Hello," he said. "Wasn't expecting to see any pokémon with humans up here."

neutral face.png
Aggron nodded in greeting before snorting a laugh. "I'm up here because of my human. It's not all bad though. The rocks make for a nice snack."

He hefted a solid sized rock in his claw and gave it a sniff. "Different than home," he declared, "But different is good sometimes."

Aggron contemplated the rock for a moment more before dropping it back to the ground with a thud. He knew Charizard wasn't interested in rocks. Actually, he didn't know what Charizard was interested in. He didn't have the pleasure of demolishing the last Charizard his trainer had met. Metagross always got to have all the fun.

"You don't eat rocks or hike," he stated, giving Charizard a curious look. "What made you come to the mountain, then?"
  1. skiddo-steplively
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-iametrine
  5. skiddo-coolshades
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
Aggron nodded in greeting before snorting a laugh. "I'm up here because of my human. It's not all bad though. The rocks make for a nice snack."

Charizard blinked. He ate rocks? Like a tyranitar? He'd never really understood that. Sometimes rocks tasted like salt, but mostly they tasted like dirt. To each their own, he supposed. "Why would your human want to come to a mountain more than you?"

"You don't eat rocks or hike," he stated, giving Charizard a curious look. "What made you come to the mountain, then?"

"I'm... not completely sure," he admitted. "Just used to it, maybe. There's a big mountain back near home that I spend a lot of time at, with one of my human's friends. Training. Looking for something." He looked around at the mountainside. The slopes here were not as steep, and not remotely snowy, but somewhere underneath there was still that sense of fire, old fire, just like Mt. Silver. "My mother says it was a volcano, once, with lots of fire pokémon. Now it's cold and dead, but she says Moltres goes there sometimes, looking for the lost fire. I want to find it." Charizard's tail flared slightly. "Moltres, or the fire, or... I dunno." It sounded weird to be talking about it with someone other than Mother or Venusaur or Tank.

(Still... hadn't the host human said something about rare pokémon being here? Did that include Moltres, maybe? It wouldn't be the same, not here maybe a whole world or more away. But he couldn't help but wonder.)


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Charizard blinked. He ate rocks? Like a tyranitar? He'd never really understood that. Sometimes rocks tasted like salt, but mostly they tasted like dirt. To each their own, he supposed. "Why would your human want to come to a mountain more than you?"
Aggron shrugged, the metal of his armor clanking with the motion. "He likes rocks, too."
"And mornings," he added with a grumble. "I'm fine with mountains. Just not mornings." This one wasn't turning out so bad, though.

"I'm... not completely sure," he admitted. "Just used to it, maybe. There's a big mountain back near home that I spend a lot of time at, with one of my human's friends. Training. Looking for something." He looked around at the mountainside. The slopes here were not as steep, and not remotely snowy, but somewhere underneath there was still that sense of fire, old fire, just like Mt. Silver. "My mother says it was a volcano, once, with lots of fire pokémon. Now it's cold and dead, but she says Moltres goes there sometimes, looking for the lost fire. I want to find it." Charizard's tail flared slightly. "Moltres, or the fire, or... I dunno." It sounded weird to be talking about it with someone other than Mother or Venusaur or Tank.

(Still... hadn't the host human said something about rare pokémon being here? Did that include Moltres, maybe? It wouldn't be the same, not here maybe a whole world or more away. But he couldn't help but wonder.)
Aggron listened thoughtfully to Charizard's words. He could feel the weight of what the dragon was sharing with him, how important those words were. He knew about mountains with fire; Hoenn had an active one of her own. He knew about the legends that slept there, too. The fact that Charizard was chasing those legends, looking for them... It took a lot of courage to seek answers from the heart of the earth.

He had a newfound respect for the fire type, (even if his trainer was a bit of an airhead.)
neutral face.png
"I hope you find what you're looking for," said Aggron, meeting Charizard's gaze with a determined stare of his own. He had a feeling Charizard wasn't the type to give up, even if he didn't know exactly what he was chasing. "I think you will."

Steven watched his partner's exchange with Charizard with a growing smile. This was probably the longest he'd seen Aggron interested in a conversation that wasn't about battling or food.

straight ahead smile.png"Looks like you two are getting along well," he said.

"You're partnered with Blue, right?" he asked Charizard. "I don't know what sort of events our host has planned for the festival, but it'd be a shame to pass up the opportunity for a friendly match sometime before we have to part ways. It's not every day you can battle an alternate version of someone you know."

Steven didn't even have to look to know the exact look of surprise Aggron was currently shooting him. It wasn't often that he accepted offers to battle outside official Leagues and tournaments. It was even rarer for him to suggest it himself. Maybe it was the sudden burst of nostalgia; something about a mysterious mountaintop and a Charizard with blue flames...

smile_eyes closed.png
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in battling a Charizard again," Steven admitted. "It's your call, though. And no rush. We're here for two weeks. If Blue is interested, too, I'm sure it'll be fairly easy to find us whenever you're ready."
  1. skiddo-steplively
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-iametrine
  5. skiddo-coolshades
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
"I hope you find what you're looking for," said Aggron, meeting Charizard's gaze with a determined stare of his own. He had a feeling Charizard wasn't the type to give up, even if he didn't know exactly what he was chasing. "I think you will."

Huh. Charizard hadn't really expected the look of understanding—a lot of the other pokémon he'd spoken to thought it was silly, chasing after living legends—but it was, admittedly, kind of nice. "Thanks," he said, nodding. "I know it's there, or at least it's been there before. And if it's not there already, then I just have to be ready for it when it comes back."

"You're partnered with Blue, right?" he asked Charizard. "I don't know what sort of events our host has planned for the festival, but it'd be a shame to pass up the opportunity for a friendly match sometime before we have to part ways. It's not every day you can battle an alternate version of someone you know."

Charizard tensed for a moment when the human mentioned alternate versions, but relaxed a little when he didn't continue ranting. Okay, so this one also knew Blue, but didn't know him; still unsettling, but at least he wasn't being weird about it. "Yes," he said, flaring his wings and lashing his tail so fire arced through the air. "He is a champion, and so am I." A standard charizard greeting: I know that you are here. You will know that I am strong of wing and flame. Not as showy an introduction as Pidgeot might have gone with, but in his opinion all the more pointed for it.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in battling a Charizard again," Steven admitted. "It's your call, though. And no rush. We're here for two weeks. If Blue is interested, too, I'm sure it'll be fairly easy to find us whenever you're ready."

Charizard gave the big pokémon another appraising look. Yes, very big, very solid, a mountain of a creature. Covered in metal, which in theory would heat nicely and keep it slow and plodding, but he didn't look too bothered by Charizard's flames. Confident, then. That was good. That would make it interesting. A chance to see if a mountain could be moved by fire.

He still wasn't sure he liked this place. Too many strange things getting in the way of the time the three of them had planned together. But they had been planning on battles. Real battles, not the panicked, careless lashing out they'd seen on the boat. The kinds of battles that would actually entertain champions, if the invitation had been telling the truth about that much, at least.

"I say yes," he snarled, nodding at the metal mountain and his human. "I'd expect him to say yes as well. I'll let him know."
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Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"Yes," he said, flaring his wings and lashing his tail so fire arced through the air. "He is a champion, and so am I." A standard charizard greeting: I know that you are here. You will know that I am strong of wing and flame. Not as showy an introduction as Pidgeot might have gone with, but in his opinion all the more pointed for it.
Aggron felt a surge of excitement at Charizard's display. The same kind of flash and flare he was expecting from a proud dragon, but with the power and grace to back it up. Eat your empty metal chest cavity out, Metagross. This was the superior Charizard to battle.

neutral face.png
His jaws cracked open in a toothy grin. "Good. This will be good," he said. "I'm glad I came along on this trip now."

"I say yes," he snarled, nodding at the metal mountain and his human. "I'd expect him to say yes as well. I'll let him know."
Steven grinned at the Charizard's nod. He certainly was an impressive pokemon. He didn't regret acting on the impulse to propose a practice match. It felt good to want to battle again (and not have to keep avoiding Cynthia's phonecalls every time her ridiculous Garchomp got bored.)

straight ahead smile.png
"Great, I look forward to it, and I know Aggron does as well."

Steven quickly glanced up at the sky where the sun was still on it's upward trajectory, but not for much longer.

"I hate to take up any more of your morning. Aggron and I should be making our way back down the mountain as well." He began to offer a polite bow, but was interrupted by a growl from his stomach.

hehe whoops.png
"Ah, seems as if it's almost time for lunch."

With a wave and a nod from Aggron, the pair bid farewell to Charizard and headed down the trail back to the villa.

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Day 2: Sleet Slinks and Sniffs Sneakily


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Sleet smirked to herself as she crested the hill. She was tough stuff, making it up here. She had moxie. Fuck yes.

She'd not climbed up her for fun, though. She'd climbed up here to gauge the distance from the island's amenities, to see if it was frequented by many trainers, to determine its likelihood as a location for holding captives. Had the missing people been taken to the tunnels, for instance? Hmm...

The inteleon crept inside, and disappeared into shadow.

Sleet used Odor Sleuth...!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Sleet smirked to herself as she crested the hill. She was tough stuff, making it up here. She had moxie. Fuck yes.

She'd not climbed up her for fun, though. She'd climbed up here to gauge the distance from the island's amenities, to see if it was frequented by many trainers, to determine its likelihood as a location for holding captives. Had the missing people been taken to the tunnels, for instance? Hmm...

The inteleon crept inside, and disappeared into shadow.


Sleet used Odor Sleuth! The scent of Xavian and Clink can be detected!

The caverns are full of intriguing scents. Traces of Steven and Aggron, Hayes and his Nosepass, and layered over that, the scent of Xavian. Fresh, definitely from early this morning and afternoon. Clearly he was here for some time, presumably searching for the missing trainers. Further investigations reveal he checked multiple tunnels and routes thoroughly before apparently exiting. There's also the very faint metallic scent of Clink the Klefki alongside Xavian's for much of the paths.

Aside from him, there doesn't seem to be any other scents to be found...
Day 3 ~ Jade & May

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr

Jade kicked a few rocks down the slope as she made her way up the trails of Mt. Moxie, keeping her eyes out for... well, she wasn't sure what, really. No one had gone missing around here, and it wouldn't really make sense for any of the kidnapped trainers to have been taken here. Still, the prospect of this island being full of Legendary Pokemon was too important to ignore. Whether they were in any way responsible or in danger of being targets themselves.

Nine kept his ears pricked and his tail high as he leaped from rock to rock. Every so often he started at a sound, but it always turned out to just be a random wild Pokemon.

"It's weird to think that the Legendaries in this world are so different than the ones back home," Jade mused to herself. It was hard to imagine any legends showing up near a trainer festival back home, aside from Mew in disguise, maybe.

"*If they really are here to see strong trainers, it's weird that they'd stay hidden,*" Nine replied flatly.

Jade folded her arms behind her head. "I guess they wouldn't just want to appear in front of anyone."

Nine considered for a bit, then gave a flick of his tail and then dashed further ahead, scouting out the trail in front of them.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
What did you do after a night of maybe dozing off a few times before waking with a start again? At some point Spirit had fallen asleep, at least, only to wake with a start when May shifted. They ate breakfast alone at the café and then headed out, bleary, somewhere away. Somewhere they hadn't looked before, somewhere maybe not many others had bothered with, somewhere they could just be alone and forget about everything.

Something yellow flicked into view ahead. For a moment an icy chill went through her, but no, it was just the feathered Pikachu from the boat rounding a boulder, and his trainer following behind him. Jade.

May half wished they weren't here, that they hadn't bumped into each other, that she could just be alone again because she didn't have the energy for this, but before she could complete the thought, Spirit was already stepping forward. "Jade and Nine," she said. "It is good to see you again."

"Hey," May said, raising a hand vaguely. "You're investigating too?"

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Jade turned at the sound of a Pokemon's voice to see the Ninetales she'd met on the boat--Spirit, was her name? May wasn't too far behind her. On the one hand, Jade had been sort of been hoping to avoid running into anyone else up here. She wanted an excuse to not think about the disappearances, to pretend for a moment that things were normal. But at least it was someone she'd already met. And getting to know more people here wasn't a bad thing.

Jade gave a slight wave. "Hey. Something like that. I don't really expect to find anything related to the missing trainers up here or anything," she admitted, shuffling a foot in the dirt. "Thought maybe I'd see if there was any sign of those Legendaries that are supposedly hanging around." Not that wandering vaguely around and hoping that a Legendary would just show up was much of a plan either.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
They were looking for legendaries. How ironic.

"Over in my universe you definitely wouldn't get legendaries just showing up for a party like this," May muttered. "I guess the ones here are just a whole lot friendlier."

"Any place on the island might contain clues," Spirit said firmly. "We can't dismiss any place without searching it properly."

"Yeah. Something like that." May waved a hand toward the mountainous landscape. "Already covered a lot of places yesterday without finding anything, so."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Jade gave a weak laugh. “Same with my world. To be honest I would’ve had a hard time believing it if the guy who brought us here wasn’t friends with one.” Friends with a legend, just for its own sake, not out of some kind of contract.

“*I haven’t been able to sense anything—if there are Legendaries on the island, they’re not exactly making themselves easy to find,*” Nine spoke up.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
"Yeah, they tend not to." May sighed, rubbing her forehead. Xavian's casual partnership with Hoopa almost made it seem normal. No big deal. Just a legendary buddying up with a human, for some reason, no ulterior motive.

"Sense anything?" Spirit said, ears perking. "You can sense legendaries?"

Wait. Yeah, he'd just said that. May furrowed her brow. "Good question. What do you mean, sense?"

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Nine closed his eyes. "*It's not a specific feeling. Just a kind of pressure if they're close.*"

That sort of left the obvious question as to why he could feel something like that. And, well... they already knew that Nine was an experiment, made by the same people who made Mewtwo, so...

"He's a half-legend," Jade said, unsure of how weird this was going to sound. "Mixed with Zapdos. That's why he's... like that."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
May blinked. What? "A... half-legend?"

Well, she supposed with Rainteicune apparently being a thing, there was no reason they couldn't also fuse a legendary with a mundane Pokémon, but... why, though. Did explain the feathers, at least.

"Your world's Team Rocket created hybrids of legendaries and other Pokémon?" Spirit sounded outright offended. "That's not right. Even Rick's artificial legendaries are at least..." She trailed off, maybe not sure exactly how to complete that thought. She tossed her head. "Well, I too have part of a legendary's power, but it was freely given."

May's heart jumped into her throat, Spirit seriously stop that, but then she realized Jade and Nine were literally from another universe. What did it even matter?

She took a deep breath. "Yeah. She's like... Entei's chosen one. It's a long story." An absurd thing to say, but was it any less believable than anything else people had said about their worlds in this place? In some way it was freeing, just being able to stand here and say whatever to someone who had no clue about any of it, far from Chaletwo's judgement and admonisments. Spirit puffed out her chest, the soul gems gleaming.

May looked back at Nine. "So being fused with one legendary just... gives him the ability to feel where the others are?" she asked. They sure could've used that back home.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Nine's brow furrowed. "*Like I said, I can only feel if they're close. And it's just a vague feeling. The real Legendaries can actually find each other if they need to. I'm just...*" His voice trailed off.

Jade was too busy staring at the gems around Spirit's neck. The gems that apparently weren't just there for decoration.

"Entei's chosen is a Ninetales?" Jade blurted out before she could stop herself. It was like their worlds were just similar enough to keep throwing weird curveballs like this. Team Rocket created Mewtwo, but it happened twenty years ago as opposed to last year. And now even something like the chosen pact was just slightly off.

"In my world, all the chosen are human," Jade went on. She could practically feel Lugia protesting in the back of her head. But no, that chunk of thought was dormant, just like it had been since arriving on the island. This was a completely different world, Team Rocket wasn't even around anymore in May's world. Literally what did it matter if she gave away everything? The only thing stopping her was how weird and unrealistic it would sound to most people. But that wasn't exactly a problem when talking to another chosen.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
May blinked. "Wait, you have the War of the Legends too?"

What. Another world, another Destroyer, another War? Only the beasts' Chosen were all humans? She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Hang on, how does that work? Do the humans get powers? Just, like psychics or something?"

Spirit's eyes had widened as she looked between Jade and Nine. "So you know the Chosen of your world?"
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