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Mt. Moxie

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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
“Ah.” There had to be something more to it than that, but he wasn’t going to dig if Wes didn’t want to share. He just had to find something else to say. “Well. I’ve always figured blood relatives aren’t what makes family anyway.”

He sighed. “…That sounded way less sappy before I said it out loud.”
Wes actually laughed at that. “That was sappy.” He allowed himself a small smile and glanced at his Pokémon. “You’re not wrong about that, though. Without those two, I would be…a very different person.”

Yes! We live in Alola. Our room in on Akala Island but we go to the other ones too. But not to other countries because they would be inspecting me and then they would be having a great many questions that we could not be answering.
An island! Neo’s eyes lit up. Is your island sneaky too, like this one? I thought this island was cool, but then it became sneaky and scary. I still think it’s cool, but I would like it better without the scary parts. Are all islands scary?

Novo glanced around the caverns as they walked and talked, chiming in occasionally with a chirp or two. Nothing in particular was standing out to them, though, so he decided to dig a little deeper.

Novo used Aura Reader! @Flyg0n

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Wes actually laughed at that. “That was sappy.” He allowed himself a small smile and glanced at his Pokémon. “You’re not wrong about that, though. Without those two, I would be…a very different person.”
Gladion gave himself permission to laugh a little, even though he still found his sentence a little awkward. "Similar myself. No idea where I'd be without Hazel. That's not even to mention all the other people along the way. Wouldn't have gotten out of boat jail as a minor without help. In which case I would probably be..." He paused to find the right words. "...a very literally different person. More of an identical twin."

It felt kind of cathartic to admit that out loud. He liked Wes. Wes was cheaper than therapy.

An island! Neo’s eyes lit up. Is your island sneaky too, like this one? I thought this island was cool, but then it became sneaky and scary. I still think it’s cool, but I would like it better without the scary parts. Are all islands scary?
Hazel chittered, laughing. No. Akala is definitely the least scary place I have ever been living. I think this island is scary more because of the crimes than because it is an island. Although I suppose it being an island is why we cannot leave, but they are having free boat rides in Alola so it is much better.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Novo glanced around the caverns as they walked and talked, chiming in occasionally with a chirp or two. Nothing in particular was standing out to them, though, so he decided to dig a little deeper.

Novo used Aura Reader! @Flyg0n

But nothing was found!


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Gladion gave himself permission to laugh a little, even though he still found his sentence a little awkward. "Similar myself. No idea where I'd be without Hazel. That's not even to mention all the other people along the way. Wouldn't have gotten out of boat jail as a minor without help. In which case I would probably be..." He paused to find the right words. "...a very literally different person. More of an identical twin."

It felt kind of cathartic to admit that out loud. He liked Wes. Wes was cheaper than therapy.
Ah, Wes had wondered if any of that had played a role in Gladion cutting ties. Though it certainly sounded like there were a lot more reasons than just his gender identity.
“Sounds like you made the right choice, then. In leaving, I mean. You actually have the freedom to be yourself now.”

…Do I have that freedom now, too? That was a hard one to answer. Wes honestly wasn’t sure what his “real self” even was…other than someone who left a mess in his wake wherever he went.

He didn’t want to dwell on that. Instead, he glanced at Gladion. “So…I can’t say I know what that’s like. The whole gender thing and all—gods, there’s a name for it, but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. It’s not much of a fuss where I come from so people don’t really use labels for it, they just call themselves whatever they are and nobody bats an eye at it. Anyway, uh…” Dammit, he was rambling. He rubbed the back of his head. “What—what I’m trying to say is, I hope you’re happier now. And that you have people around who treat you right. You’re a good kid, and, so…yeah.”

Gods, he was so bad at this.
Hazel chittered, laughing. No. Akala is definitely the least scary place I have ever been living. I think this island is scary more because of the crimes than because it is an island. Although I suppose it being an island is why we cannot leave, but they are having free boat rides in Alola so it is much better.
Is a boat ride what we did when we came here? Neo’s eyes shone with wonder. I think that’s what my human likes! He has always talked about doing a boat ride to Johto. Have you heard of Johto? Have you ever been? I haven’t, but we’re going to live there some day! And I can play with wild Pokémon all I want!

Novo returned from his investigation and trotted over to Wes with a trill; there was nothing strange to be found here.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion's face reddened slightly, despite the chilly air from the cave. Despite him probably needing to talk about this with someone, he didn't know what to say and he doubly didn't want to go dumping that all on a friend he'd just recently made. He was an awkward enough person already.

"Yeah... Thanks. I, uhh... Thanks. Where do you come from, anyway? Sounds... kinda nice."

Hazel, having heard what Neo had just said about leaving, gestured with her talon, trying to signal for him to cut it out.

Gladion noticed, and got the message too late. "...I just stuck my foot in my mouth, didn't I?"

She huffed and returned her attention to Neo. We were taking a boat here. It was much nicer than some of the other boats, though... I have been hearing of Johto, but I am not knowing much about it. Sometimes wild pokemon can be trouble but you two seem strong enough to be handling any that are giving you trouble. Perhaps some will also be playing with you. None of them have done that with me but maybe that is because I am scary-looking.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"Yeah... Thanks. I, uhh... Thanks. Where do you come from, anyway? Sounds... kinda nice."
Dammit, now he’d just made the kid feel awkward. Wes was about to apologize when he heard the last sentence—and before he could help himself, he was laughing.

“S-sorry, sorry, it’s just—oh, gods. I’ve never heard someone call Orre nice before.”
Gladion noticed, and got the message too late. "...I just stuck my foot in my mouth, didn't I?"
He laughed again and shook his head. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’s not like you knew.” His grin wilted into a dry smirk. “But yeah, I’m from Orre. Dunno if you’ve ever heard of it before. Real lovely place. And by that I mean it’s a hellscape and the people are no better.”

He did feel a little tug of sympathy for Gladion, though. “Some things aren’t an issue in Orre, but they’re just…replaced with different issues. Seems like that’s how a lot of the world works, which…you know. Really sucks in a lot of ways.” He glanced at the ground. “But…I dunno. It’s not all bad. And I’ve met some…some really incredible people who are fighting tooth and nail to make it a better, safer place.” He looked back up at Gladion. “So don’t get too discouraged. I bet your region has people fighting to change it for the better, too. That’s gotta count for something.”

He paused, then snorted in amusement. “Guess it was my turn to say something cheesy.”
Sometimes wild pokemon can be trouble but you two seem strong enough to be handling any that are giving you trouble.
No trouble at all! I am strong! Novo is strong! Together we are the strongest! Neo puffed out his chest proudly.
Perhaps some will also be playing with you. None of them have done that with me but maybe that is because I am scary-looking.
Novo tilted his head to the side and chirped. I do not think you are scary. You look powerful.

Neo barked in agreement. You are cool! You are the coolest Pokémon I have ever met!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Ah. I see," Gladion said, wincing. "Yep I've heard of Orre... Never really heard it described like that before, but I guess basic survival needs can deprioritize things like being too involved in unrelated people's business. Y'could probably make a marketing spin out of that."

He parted the air in front of him with his hands. "Orre: A place where you can be yourself. Ask your life insurance company if they cover Orre today!"

You are cool! You are the coolest Pokémon I have ever met!
Ah... Thank you. Hazel grew quiet for a moment. I am sure you will be meeting many more pokemon in Johto.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
He parted the air in front of him with his hands. "Orre: A place where you can be yourself. Ask your life insurance company if they cover Orre today!"
Wes choked out another laugh, though he was shaking his head. “Oh, gods. I don’t know what’s worse—that joke or the fact that there’s no way in hell Orre has whatever life insurance is. Then again, Orre doesn’t have a lot of things most regions do. Probably.”
Ah... Thank you. Hazel grew quiet for a moment. I am sure you will be meeting many more pokemon in Johto.
Novo blinked and trilled softly. Are you sad? Do you wish to see Johto too?

Neo perked up. Come with us! Your Gladion and our Wes seem to like each other, which is really cool because Wes never likes anyone but us. He would probably like to have you come!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Wes choked out another laugh, though he was shaking his head. “Oh, gods. I don’t know what’s worse—that joke or the fact that there’s no way in hell Orre has whatever life insurance is. Then again, Orre doesn’t have a lot of things most regions do. Probably.”
"Ohh right. Yeah. They'd go bankrupt." He probably should have realized that. It was kind of, you know, the point of his joke. Wes just seemed so normal it was easy to forget he wouldn't know about stuff like that. In retrospect, Wes knowing enough about people like him to be cool with it was kinda impressive in and of itself.

Now he had to explain his own joke... "It's- Well, you pay a bit of money in every year or so, and if you die, they pay out a lot more money to take care of your partners or family or whatnot. They have to make enough money on people who don't die young to cover the money they lose on people who do. Most people with kids have a plan, just in case. Except they can sometimes get out of paying if you recklessly endanger your own life by doing things like taking a tourist vacation to Orre, so if you ask a life insurance company if they cover Orre the answer's gonna be 'no fucking way'."

Are you sad? Do you wish to see Johto too?

Neo perked up. Come with us! Your Gladion and our Wes seem to like each other, which is really cool because Wes never likes anyone but us. He would probably like to have you come!
Hazel perked back up. Oh. I was just thinking about there not being many pokemon in Orre. It is not important. It would be pleasing me greatly to be doing that, but it would be very difficult for us not to be living in Alola for a lot of reasons. Maybe if your boat went a bit further, though, you could come to Alola?


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Now he had to explain his own joke... "It's- Well, you pay a bit of money in every year or so, and if you die, they pay out a lot more money to take care of your partners or family or whatnot. They have to make enough money on people who don't die young to cover the money they lose on people who do. Most people with kids have a plan, just in case. Except they can sometimes get out of paying if you recklessly endanger your own life by doing things like taking a tourist vacation to Orre, so if you ask a life insurance company if they cover Orre the answer's gonna be 'no fucking way'."
…huh. Well, that sounded…hm. “I can’t decide whether that sounds like a brilliant system or a horrible one designed to screw you over,” Wes said. Then he grinned. “My instinct says it’s the latter, but that’s probably just my Orrean roots showing. Figures.”

He snorted at Gladion’s last comment. “Yeah, the fact that we get any tourists at all is incredible, isn’t it? It’s all thanks to Phenac, though. That city takes a lot of pride in pretending it’s presentable to foreigners.”
Oh. I was just thinking about there not being many pokemon in Orre. It is not important. It would be pleasing me greatly to be doing that, but it would be very difficult for us not to be living in Alola for a lot of reasons. Maybe if your boat went a bit further, though, you could come to Alola?
Neo chirped. Yes! Yes! If your home is like this but without the scary sneaky stuff, it sounds very fun and cool!

Novo sat on his haunches, content now to sit and chat as the rest of the group had already done so. There was nothing to be found here, so he supposed they could afford a moment to relax a bit. Plus, this cave was nice and cool, a welcome retreat from the humid afternoon heat outside.

He addressed Hazel with a light purr. It had been a while since they had simply sat and relaxed with other Pokémon. It was…nice. It occurred to him that he’d been missing his other teammates without even realizing it. He hoped they were doing well, and that they weren’t too worried about him or Neo or Wes.

He blinked curiously at Hazel. What sort of Pokémon live at your home?

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“I can’t decide whether that sounds like a brilliant system or a horrible one designed to screw you over,” Wes said. Then he grinned. “My instinct says it’s the latter, but that’s probably just my Orrean roots showing. Figures.”
Gladion laughed. “A good instinct for dealing with insurance companies, honestly. Or really for

companies in general. Really, the big difference between companies and organized crime is whether they’re rich enough to get away with it. Same rules, but with more formalwear,” he said, really putting his heart into expressing his disdain for the concept of formalwear.

Yes! Yes! If your home is like this but without the scary sneaky stuff, it sounds very fun and cool!


He blinked curiously at Hazel. What sort of Pokémon live at your home?
It is! It has nice water and it’s warm and there’s battles but never dangerous ones. They have birds and bugs and the ones that you can sneak up on when they’re in berry trees. And fish but those can be mean. There’s lots of other things that trainers use too but I don’t know where they are in the wild.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Gladion laughed. “A good instinct for dealing with insurance companies, honestly. Or really for

companies in general. Really, the big difference between companies and organized crime is whether they’re rich enough to get away with it. Same rules, but with more formalwear,” he said, really putting his heart into expressing his disdain for the concept of formalwear.
“Well said. Though, take it from me, criminal organizations can get away with a lot of shit, too.” He paused. Had he said too much there? …No, he could trust Gladion. “And you couldn’t get me to wear a suit if you paid me.”

It suddenly occurred to him just how much time had passed while they’d been shooting the breeze. He frowned and checked his PDA, then shoved it back in his pocket and straightened up. “Well, thanks for coming with us, even if it turned out to be a bust. I think we’re going to check out a few other locations, see if we can find any leads.”
It is! It has nice water and it’s warm and there’s battles but never dangerous ones. They have birds and bugs and the ones that you can sneak up on when they’re in berry trees. And fish but those can be mean. There’s lots of other things that trainers use too but I don’t know where they are in the wild.
Cool! Cool! It sounds so cool! Neo turned to Novo, eyes sparkling. We should go! I think Wes would like it too! Except he wouldn’t like all the water. But that’s okay!

Novo purred. Maybe. Johto first. There wouldn’t be any trips to anywhere if they never made it out of Orre…or off this island…

He saw Wes straightening up in the corner of his eye, a cue that they were getting ready to leave, so he mirrored his trainer and stood as well. You are very nice and good. I am happy to have met you, he said to Hazel through Neo. Maybe we can battle when we meet again. You look like a fun opponent.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“Well said. Though, take it from me, criminal organizations can get away with a lot of shit, too.” He paused. Had he said too much there? …No, he could trust Gladion. “And you couldn’t get me to wear a suit if you paid me.”
“Oh yeah, what about a ballgown?” He laughed to himself. Felt good to joke about that. He didn’t know if Wes would find it funny, though, so he moved on to avoid another awkward break. Didn’t want Wes to think he was one of those people who couldn’t talk about anything else. “I know criminal organizations get away with shit, too. Companies work with them sometimes, too. There was a whole thing in Kanto with their yakuza a few years back. They do the whole ‘offers you can’t refuse’ stuff happens outside movies, too, apparently… Hold on, did they have movies where you were in Orre?”

Cool! Cool! It sounds so cool! Neo turned to Novo, eyes sparkling. We should go! I think Wes would like it too! Except he wouldn’t like all the water. But that’s okay!

Novo purred. Maybe. Johto first. There wouldn’t be any trips to anywhere if they never made it out of Orre…or off this island…

He saw Wes straightening up in the corner of his eye, a cue that they were getting ready to leave, so he mirrored his trainer and stood as well. You are very nice and good. I am happy to have met you, he said to Hazel through Neo. Maybe we can battle when we meet again. You look like a fun opponent.
I am happy to have met you, too.

Something gleamed in Hazel’s eyes. Battling sounds fun! She took on a teasing tone. It would be a pleasure to be teaching you your limits.

“Well, thanks for coming with us, even if it turned out to be a bust. I think we’re going to check out a few other locations, see if we can find any leads.”
“Right. Makes sense. Nice talking to you, I’ll see you around sometime?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
“Oh yeah, what about a ballgown?” He laughed to himself. Felt good to joke about that.
“Oh, shit.” Wes couldn’t help but laugh, too. “I hope you got an opportunity to burn it afterwards.”
They do the whole ‘offers you can’t refuse’ stuff happens outside movies, too, apparently… Hold on, did they have movies where you were in Orre?”
“Ha, yeah, we at least have that. Well, only in Phenac, but it counts. It’s a bit of a luxury though. I’ve only seen one once, some dumb action movie when I was a kid, and that was only because Ald-”

He slammed on the brakes mid-sentence. He…probably could trust Gladion enough to talk about Alden, but…no. Not today. Not when he was still feeling so raw and drained from his outburst yesterday. He was…too tired. Not ready.

“…because someone treated me to it,” he finished, keeping his tone as level as it had been before.
Something gleamed in Hazel’s eyes. Battling sounds fun! She took on a teasing tone. It would be a pleasure to be teaching you your limits.
The same gleam mirrored in Novo’s eyes. It will be fun to see if you can even reach my limits, he purred smugly.
“Right. Makes sense. Nice talking to you, I’ll see you around sometime?”
Thank gods. Wes had worried for half a second that Gladion would notice his pause and ask questions he wasn’t prepared to answer. Either Gladion hadn’t caught on, or he was wise enough not to pry. Probably the latter.

He smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I wouldn’t say no a battle sometime, if you and Hazel are up for it.” He glanced at his Pokémon, who were chattering away with Hazel, and there was no denying that glint in Novo’s eyes. “I can guarantee these two are always up for a friendly spar.”

He signaled the brothers over to him, then, as they exited the cave, he said, “Take care of yourselves, yeah? Don’t go getting kidnapped. I hate being stood up for a battle.” His tone was light and teasing, but there was a heaviness there in his words. Gods, Mitch had been jarring enough. If something happened to Gladion and Hazel…

He parted ways with Gladion, a fire of righteous anger rekindled in his chest. They would find the person responsible for all of this suffering. And there would be hell to pay.

Day 6: Gladion’s Wish

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
As he was leaving the spot he and Wes had been poking around in, Gladion’s phone buzzed. Probably Odette getting back to him. He pulled out his phone, read the message, and…

He understood her desire not to say too much in a way that could be intercepted, but her information was still frustratingly vague. He’d have to track her down later. Like, seriously, how does one just search for Jirachi? What, was he just going to stumble upon them at random? What kind of place would Jirachi even want to stay?

Still, if it could make Hazel better, it would be worth working out. Honestly, the idea had somewhat superseded the missing trainers in his head, priority-wise.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Jirachi cautiously trailed after the young man on the mountain, keeping herself well hidden. She'd returned to her own realm to rest after helping Odette, but she'd tried to keep an eye on the island all the same. She felt obligated to help protect the trainers, even if she couldn't do much to help. And she felt drawn to the mountain in the way she had felt drawn to Odette.

The sense was never a concrete feeling. Just a vague notion that someone held a deep longing, a desire. And if she could sense it, that meant the desire was strong. Staying invisible, she crept closer to the strange boy and his stranger companion. In all her years she had never seen such an unusual pokemon. She'd visited all the lands of pokemon, but this species was not familiar to her.

First, checked the area. No sense of malice or signs of anything in the immediate area, save for a few wild pokemon. She gave a moments more consideration, then pushed aside her fears. She'd helped one trainer already, perhaps she could do some more good, even in a small way.

Dropping her invisibility, she drifted slowly towards Hazel first, keeping her sense pricked for any intrusions. "Hello," she said softly, projecting her voice first to Hazel, then Gladion. "I've never met anyone like you before, what's your name?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Hello," she said softly, projecting her voice first to Hazel, then Gladion. "I've never met anyone like you before, what's your name?"
Hazel wondered for a moment if Neo had come back, but no, this was a different voice. She turned around to face the little star-looking pokemon behind her.

Hi! I am Hazel. Most people have not been meeting anyone like me before. I would be surprised if that was different for you. Are you having a trainer?

Gladion whirled around once he heard the voice in his head. “Wha-“

He blinked and wiped his eyes. “Are you… Jirachi? I was… actually just thinking about looking for you. This is my partner, Hazel. She could use your help.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Hi! I am Hazel. Most people have not been meeting anyone like me before. I would be surprised if that was different for you. Are you having a trainer?
"Nope! Nice to meet you Hazel. My name is Jirachi. You don't recognize me? I am what most humans call a mythical pokemon, which means I have special powers and I try to help watch over pokemon." When she wasn't failing at it, that was. She set the thought aside. For now, she would do what she could.

Gladion whirled around once he heard the voice in his head. “Wha-“

He blinked and wiped his eyes. “Are you… Jirachi? I was… actually just thinking about looking for you. This is my partner, Hazel. She could use your help.”
Jirachi turned back to Gladion. "That's me. I could sense it, that you sought me. What is it that you and Hazel seek?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Nope! Nice to meet you Hazel. My name is Jirachi. You don't recognize me? I am what most humans call a mythical pokemon, which means I have special powers and I try to help watch over pokemon." When she wasn't failing at it, that was. She set the thought aside. For now, she would do what she could.
Hazel’s eyes widened. That is nice! I am not knowing of mythical species so you are looking as unique to me as I am to you. Except I am knowing Manaphy, we were meeting them before. They were helping us twice, even if the first time was going… maybe not the best. But! That is why we were trying again and it was going better.

Jirachi turned back to Gladion. "That's me. I could sense it, that you sought me. What is it that you and Hazel seek?"
“Oh, wow, that was fast. I’d just heard from my friend Odette that it might be possible for you to help us.”

He scratched the back of his head. Felt kinda weird to just ask someone to fix all Hazel’s medical issues. Especially someone who was probably not exactly a neuroscientist.

“There’s a lot of electronics in her head. Most of it in unnecessary, and malfunction in such a way that requires that helmet. Not a comfortable situation… If you think you could safely remove all of it except leaving the the three sensors at the base of her skull, and unless you can fix her underlying neurological issues, the patches of semiconductive membrane beneath the hemispheres of her brain, that would… change her life.”

It would, Hazel thought.

His throat tightened. “I’ll understand if you can’t do that safely of course. I just. I have to ask.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Hazel’s eyes widened. That is nice! I am not knowing of mythical species so you are looking as unique to me as I am to you. Except I am knowing Manaphy, we were meeting them before. They were helping us twice, even if the first time was going… maybe not the best. But! That is why we were trying again and it was going better.
"Then you're like a mythical pokemon too in a way!" Jirachi mused. "I'm glad Manaphy was able to help you. They were upset that things went wrong the first time."

“Oh, wow, that was fast. I’d just heard from my friend Odette that it might be possible for you to help us.”

He scratched the back of his head. Felt kinda weird to just ask someone to fix all Hazel’s medical issues. Especially someone who was probably not exactly a neuroscientist.

“There’s a lot of electronics in her head. Most of it in unnecessary, and malfunction in such a way that requires that helmet. Not a comfortable situation… If you think you could safely remove all of it except leaving the the three sensors at the base of her skull, and unless you can fix her underlying neurological issues, the patches of semiconductive membrane beneath the hemispheres of her brain, that would… change her life.”

It would, Hazel thought.

His throat tightened. “I’ll understand if you can’t do that safely of course. I just. I have to ask.”
Jirachi listened wordlessly, her attention rapt. She nodded ever so often, face knit in concentration. "Thank you, for being specific. This wish is... unusual. Normally not possible in the average circumstance but you know Hazel deeply. This wish is something I can grant." she smiled a little.

"However, I'm not sure if Odette explained everything to you, but I'll need to 'borrow' a bit if the energy of your bond. It won't harm you, but it will feel very intense. Is that ok?"
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