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Pokémon Morphic: New and Improved

Chapter 1


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Welcome to the long-awaited rewrite of my Pokémorph fanfic, Morphic! The story's been revamped quite a bit if you've read it before, but I trust you'll all find the new version a vast improvement.

This first chapter contains some strong language, implied alcohol use, mild body horror, and kidnapping of minors.

Chapter 1

“…these pro-life protesters are terrorizing vulnerable women on the worst day of their lives. It’s not only tasteless, it’s cruel.”

“Tell me, if a train was coming, and one of these vulnerable women was standing on the tracks, and couldn’t see the train – wouldn’t you want to save them before the train hits them? Wouldn’t you try your very best to persuade them to get off the track, no matter how many people shout at you for making them feel bad for where they’re standing?”

“Well, there is no train, is the thing. Ultimately, in a civil society, you can’t simply impose…”

“Are you actually watching that, Gabriel?” asked his dad’s voice, and Gabriel snapped out of a trance.

“Huh, no, I’m… just spaced out a bit, I guess.” He stretched out on the sofa, blinked hard, picked at a scab on his hand. Maybe he should just call Jack, see if he wanted to hang out for a bit. Hadn’t he said the comic book store was getting a new run of Mutants?

“Mind if I head out in a bit, Dad?” he asked, yawning.

“Sure. Home before dinner?”

Gabriel shrugged. “Dunno, what were you thinking?”

His father smiled. “Just call me. If you’re skipping dinner I can have the leftovers.”


By the time Jack and Gabriel got out of the comic book store with their respective hauls, the sun was lowering in the sky. They’d lost track of time reading the first couple new issues, then talking to their friend who worked there part-time, then checking out this new series his mouth was watering over. Gabriel looked at his watch as they trudged towards the bus stop. “D’you think your parents might have food for four?”

“Probably.” Jack shrugged. “You know they’re always happy to have you.”

“I know, I know. Let me just text my dad.”

They collapsed on the bus stop bench, and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Not coming to dinner, he typed. In seconds he got an ok! back. His dad was always chill about it, but he still felt kind of bad about the increasing frequency of him half-living at Jack’s house.

He sighed as he put his phone away, idly considering whether to just pick up where he left off on the comic or ramble to Jack about what he was thinking.

He didn’t get to make a decision before a hand clamped over his mouth. He let out a muffled yelp as hands gripped his arms, pulling him, and frantically looked over at Jack – only to find him unconscious, slumped over, a sparkling green powder hanging in the air.

The Gloom standing at his feet turned. Gabriel tried to scream as a man and a woman clad in black grabbed Jack and hauled him towards a van parked on the side of the street, then struggled to hold his wasted breath as the Sleep Powder saturated the air. It was only seconds before his burning lungs forced him to inhale.

As his mind began to fade, his muscles flopping into uselessness, he eyed the large red ‘R’ emblazoned on the side of the van, and wondered what it meant.


Katherine Harrison dropped her pencil.

Oh, whoops. She picked it up off the floor again, discreet, and kept writing, hoping the clatter hadn’t disturbed too many people.

The essay question went all right, that minor interruption aside. She flipped through the pages of the exam when the bell rang to signify time was up, making sure she hadn’t missed anything. A few questions here and there she couldn’t answer, what even was that one about the two trees and the rope, but not too shabby all in all.

When she finally made it out of the school building, she stretched, looking around for her brother. Pete had said he’d be done before she got out. He was probably playing soccer with his friends, or something like that. She squinted towards the soccer field. Oh, there he was, sprinting towards her and waving like a maniac.

“How dare you make me wait ten seconds,” she said as he skid to a halt in front of her, panting.

“I know, I’m terrible,” he said and grinned. “How’d it go?”

“Fine. Winning your game?”

“Nah. But it doesn’t count now I’m not playing anymore!”

“That’s not how it works, you dolt.” She gave his hair a ruffle. “Come on, Dad’s probably almost here.”

They walked to the edge of the school grounds, leaning against the chain-link fence, waiting for their father’s truck. Katherine idly thought of the piece she was practicing on the violin, moving her fingers to pinch imaginary strings. Maybe tonight she’d finally get the hang of that difficult section and—


She turned her head to find her brother crumpling to the ground against the fence. “Hey! Everything okay?” She moved to grab him before he hit the ground, smelled something funny in the air, and only noticed the Gloom when her head was already swimming.

“What’s… huh?” she slurred, her body suddenly heavy. Her fingers clutched at Pete’s shirt as she stumbled and fell awkwardly against the fence too, heart racing furiously. The one thought she managed to hold on to as she sank down to the pavement was that at least she’d slowed his fall.


Gabriel woke up, opening his eyes slowly. He felt like he was buried in mud, like his entire face was caked in it. He tried to lift a hand; it was heavy, unwieldy, definitely covered with something.

He was lying somewhere. Dark walls. Cold, fluorescent lights in the ceiling. He… didn’t seem submerged in the strange liquid or anything. He felt around with his hand; he was on a rough concrete floor.

God, what was this shit. With some effort, he lifted both his hands into his field of vision. They were covered with… some kind of murky orange sludge?

He tried to wipe it off one hand with the other, but the initial relief of feeling air on the skin beneath turned into a horrid burning, stinging sensation. “Ow! Fuck, what’s…”

He shook his hand, the throbbing pain dulling as slime seeped out of the skin, covering it again. “…What.”

All at once what had happened came back to him – the van, Jack. He bolted upright, vision darkening with dizziness; he had to support himself with his hands, try to breathe. Nothing but bare dark wall ahead of him. “Jack?”

“Nn… Gabriel?”

He whirled around at his friend’s voice and found himself looking through bars. He was… he was in a cage, a tiny cell with a barred door and a bucket and not much else. Opposite him, on the other side of a dark corridor, was a second cell, and on the floor of it, curled up in a fetal position, lay…

Jack. But… his usual olive complexion had turned a saturated blue, over his entire body, at least what wasn’t covered by the grimy hospital gown he was dressed in. Gabriel briefly glanced down to see that he was wearing an identical one, uselessly soaked through with slime, clinging unpleasantly to him like a wet T-shirt.

“Jack, what the fuck. You okay?”

The blue boy was stirring, propping himself up on his elbow as he rubbed at his eyes. The two yellow bulbs that Gabriel had initially taken to be some junk lying next to him seemed to be attached to Jack’s head by springy rods, bobbing up and down in front of his face as he moved. He blinked, reached up to poke them, grab them, feel the rods around to the back of his head. “…Huh.”

Jack’s eyes finally focused on Gabriel, and he jolted in horror, recoiling. “Oh, holy shit. Gabriel?”

“You look like a… a fucking Chinchou.”

“Yeah, you look like a Slugma. Can you even breathe?”

“I’m fine, I’m just…” Gabriel reached up to his face, felt only more slime. Come to think of it, it was a miracle he could breathe. “God. What the hell did…” He cut himself short as felt his way up the broad stalks extending up from his eyebrows, growing hotter towards the top. “Oh, fuck. You weren’t kidding.”

Jack was examining his hands. “My fingers, what the hell.” He raised them up to show webbing, fins. “What happened?” His voice was wavering. “We were on the bench and then… Gabriel, are you okay?”

“Some people with a Gloom. Put us in a van with an R on it. That’s all I know.”

Gabriel felt his heart thumping in his temples. They’d been kidnapped. And they were… turning into Pokémon? Turned?


His head snapped to where the voice was coming from – a new voice, a girl’s voice but deep for a girl, strangely monotone, from the cell next to Jack’s.

The owner of the voice came into view, cocking her head at Gabriel through the bars, and Gabriel recoiled. There was something deeply wrong with her face, jaws elongated, mouth too wide, her pupils narrow slits, and three horns stuck out of the back of her skull; her hair was green, unkempt, but he couldn’t place what sort of Pokémon she might have been fused with until he eyed her clawed, green feet, and then noticed the glint of blades growing out of her forearms: a Scyther. He shuddered.

“You’re new,” the Scyther girl said, as if nothing were more natural.

“Can you tell us what the fuck is going on?” Gabriel asked, heard his voice cracking.

“We’re Pokémorphs,” the girl said, her face and voice still unsettlingly nonchalant about the situation. “Team Rocket injected Pokémon DNA into us and now we’re half Pokémon. It’s weird because that’s not how DNA works. I tried to ask Dave about it but he was very evasive.”

“Team… Rocket?” The gang that allegedly poached Pokémon and ran casinos? Why would they…? “Who’s Dave?”

Before she could answer, there was an abrupt noise beyond the reinforced door at the end of the corridor, a thump like someone bumping into something followed by a stifled curse. Gabriel jumped, staring, as he heard the click of a lock, then saw the handle turn.

The door opened to reveal a man in a white lab coat with a red ‘R’ on it, the same logo that had been on the van, looking disheveled and like he hadn’t slept in a week. He squinted critically into the room, blinking as his eyes found Gabriel.

“Holy shit, you actually survived.” An impressed smirk broke out on the man’s face. “Wow, I’m good.”

“What the fuck?” Gabriel said, his brain struggling to make any sense of what was going on. “Who are you? Let us out!”

The man clenched his jaw and turned away from him to peer at Jack instead, frowning at his webbed hands.

“Why are you doing this?” Jack asked, clutching the bars of his cell. “Please, just let us go home.”

“Look, that’s not really fucking up to me,” the man said, scowling. “I’m the reason you’re not fucking dead. Some thanks would be nice.”

“What?!” Gabriel felt hot, in a funny way he’d never quite felt before; he reached for the bars and found his hand glowing, the metal smoking under his fingers. “You kidnapped us!”

I didn’t fucking kidnap anyone, Jesus.” The man whirled around, gritting his teeth. “The fuck do you think I’ve got to do with the executive decisions? If Giovanni wants some fucking Pokémorphs for some asinine reason, read too many YA books or whatever the fuck, you cooperate or he has you shot and finds somebody else who’s less competent and would have turned you into a fucking pile of goop with bones in it. You’re welcome.”

Gabriel stared at him, his fingers tightening on the bars, fury bubbling within him. “Are you Dave?”

The man narrowed his eyes at him, glanced towards the Scyther girl for a moment and then back at him. “…She tell you that?”

“They were asking what was going on,” she said.

“Mia, you don’t… look, never mind.” Dave pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Fuck you,” Gabriel said, his voice shaking, a little amazed at himself that he was even saying this out loud. “You don’t get to kidnap teenagers and then act self-righteous that you didn’t murder them.”

Dave pressed his lips together. “Yeah, well, fuck you too.”

He turned and left back through the door, the lock clicking as it slid into place.

Gabriel’s heart was racing, so fast he found it worrying on some abstract level, but mostly he just wanted to get out, to scream, to move. He paced to the other side of his cell and back, something about the feel of the stone beneath his bare feet nourishing—

“Gabriel?” Jack said carefully, and he stopped, his train of thought coming to a screeching halt. “You all right?”

His heart thumped deafeningly. “I’m…” He shook his head. “I feel weird.”

Jack was biting his lip, looking at him. “We need to get out of here,” he said. “But just… be careful. We don’t know what they did to us.”

Gabriel sat down on the concrete floor and rubbed slime over his closed eyes. What the fuck.


Jean stirred on the concrete floor. She’d had the weirdest dream where people in black took her and…

Her eyes flew open. Before she’d fallen asleep, they’d said something about Pokémorphs.

She could feel new sensations, a tail, no, tails. With a gasp, she reached back to find beautiful, curled Vulpix tails growing out of her. They were so soft and silky! She felt at her head – she had floppy triangular Vulpix ears that she could perk and swivel! Tight lovely hair curls!

She looked just like her hero, Sarah Hooter, escaped Rocket experiment supersoldier extraordinaire, who could Flamethrower every bad guy into oblivion. Jean squealed with barely-contained delight. What would she do with her newfound powers? Would she torch the Rocket base? Rescue the other Pokémorphs who were probably here somewhere? Kick the asses of every mugger and burglar in the city? She would be a superhero. This was the best day of her life!

She turned excitedly. She was in a cell with bars – no problem, she’d just melt them, she could probably do that – but opposite her, in the cell on the other side of the room, there was a boy, curled up like a kitty, with Meowth ears and whiskers and a tail, and it was the cutest thing Jean had ever seen. She let out another high-pitched squeal, bouncing on her feet, and the boy jerked awake, lifting his head.

“What’s going on…?” he asked, sleepily. “Who are you?”

“You’re so cute!” she said. “You’re just like a kitty!”

“I’m… what?” The boy furrowed his brow as his ears turned. Abruptly, he raised his hands and felt around his face, his expression changing to one of horror.

“You’re a Meowth Pokémorph! Like I’m a Vulpix one! Ooh, do you read Sarah Hooter? What’s your name? We’re going to be best friends!”

The boy rose onto all fours, back arched, tail fur all standing on end, just like a cat. Jean’s eyes practically sparkled. Disappointingly, he seemed to realize, face flushing as he rose to stand like a human, wincing as he wiggled his Meowth-like toes. He averted his eyes from her, shoulders slumped, making himself small as he looked around timidly.

“I’m Will,” he said. “Where are we?”

“Probably a Rocket base!” Jean said enthusiastically. “Ooh, unless it’s another team of sinister scientists. A new one!”

“What did they do to us?”

“They made us Pokémorphs!”

Will winced, looking away again. “Yeah, you said that, but… can they change us back?”

Jean gaped at him in disbelief. “Why would you want to go back? This is awesome! You can be a superhero!”

“I guess.” The boy sat down, hugging his knees, staring at the floor.

It was a little disappointing that Will didn’t see how cool this was, but really this was just like Sarah’s best friend Kuro. He had angst about being a Pokémorph, too, and was all brooding and dark and mysterious. Will could be her Kuro. “Don’t worry. We’re going to escape and it’ll be awesome!”

“Mmm.” Will had started to absent-mindedly lick the back of his hand, like a kitty, and she was not going to point it out to him. He was so cute! Jean couldn’t wait to form a superhero team with him.


Lucy sat in her cell. She didn’t really need to; she could phase through the bars. She’d tried it before out of curiosity. But if she left like that she couldn’t take Mia with her, and even if she could find the keys to open her cell, she wasn’t sure Mia wanted to leave. She liked being half Scyther, and talking to Dave when he came by. And if her sister was staying, Lucy’d stay too.

She’d heard when the two boys woke up, the ones who called each other Jack and Gabriel. Her parents had told her not to talk to strangers, so she stayed by the wall of her cell, where they couldn’t see her.

Dave’d tried to find out if she had ghost powers. Lucy wasn’t sure she should let him know, so she’d pretended, stayed solid while he was measuring her. If they needed to leave, then it was better if she could get out, and nobody else knew.

Jack and Gabriel seemed okay. Maybe they could all get out together. Only if Mia wanted to, though. Lucy wished she’d want to.

It’d been a while now. The boys were talking with each other again. She couldn’t cross over to Mia’s cell without letting them see her. She waited anxiously, wondering what to do.

And that was when she heard the click of the lock again. She moved over to the bars, looking curiously towards the door. Dave wouldn’t usually be coming back this soon, would he?

The door swung open. It was Dave, eyes bloodshot and wider than usual, holding a half-full bottle in one hand and a ring of keys in the other.

“Okay, fuckers,” he said, voice shaking as he moved towards Gabriel’s cell, fiddling with the keys, “come on, we’re getting out of here. For the love of God be quiet.”


House of Two Midnights
Well, what's this, then? I know you've been working on the outline of a Morphic rewrite. How fortuitous that you should be finished and prepared to post the first chapter on April 1st, a date with no significance outside the turning of the month.

Lots to enjoy here. I think the character voices come through a lot more strongly here than they did in the original version--to some extent because they're exaggerated for effect (I mean what?), but also, I think, because you have a stronger grasp on their characters here than you did when you wrote the original version, and because you've gotten better at characterization in general by this point. Like, Jean is a bit OTT superheroes and fighting Team Rocket and pretty tails and yay! here, but that's not so far off how I would imagine her acting in a more serious setup, honestly. Overall this chapter does a nice job of whirlwind-introducing the morphs--though in a real chapter, I'd say I'd want to see a little more to distinguish Katherine and Pete.

It's kind of fun to look here and consider what elements might actually end up in the Morphic rewrite. For example, I think I recall you being dissatisfied with how the abortion debate plays out, so perhaps you might be looking at different circumstances under which Dave would create/be forced to keep the morphs. Maybe going so far as to have them be modifications of babies/very young children rather than zygotes! But on the other hand, replacing their previous origin with the even-more-outlandish "Team Rocket is yanking random kids off the street to use as test subjects" doesn't really seem your style, either. I also recall that you were disappointed with the lack of interaction Jack and Gabriel had for the majority of Morphic, so it seems fitting that their friendship leads here. I could imagine the initial scenes between them playing out very similarly in a serious version, and they would make an effective intro, doing a lot in a little space. I do wonder if Gabriel will end up quite this sweary in the real rewrite!

(Of course, this version is in its own way a lot more horrifying than the original, despite the generally lighthearted tone. Mia especially... The potential that she wasn't always Like That and the morph process so drastically altered her personality is a lot more chilling when she'd actually, you know, had a different personality in the first place.)

And then of course, Dave! What a great time he's having here. I enjoy that we can see his usual combination of arrogance and desperate covering for stress and insecurity, and his insistence that he was saving their lives after all and had no other choice but anyway he's a genius, and they're lucky for it. And that ending! All aboard for the wacky adventures of Good Decisions Dave and his ragtag crew of child heroes(?) as they flee Team Rocket and slowly form their own unlikely little family. It would be a lot of fun!

In any case, this was a fun read beyond just being a joke. If you were intending to continue it, I'd keep reading! As it is, it definitely made me smile.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Finally, a stronger background for the morphs! I'm so sick and tired of all these amateur-hour authors and their "embryos" and "genetics" and "real science"; the only pokémorph stories worth reading do something interesting with their origins. You can get so much more mileage, so much more plot, so much more drama if the morphs are kidnapped as teenagers and subjected to Team Rocket's cruel experiments! Seriously, what kind of meaningful complications can you get out of some kind of slightly fuzzy baby? Fuzzy babies can't swear vengeance against an entire criminal organization, now, can they?!

“Jack, what the fuck. You okay?”

I'm glad to see you've gone with more realistic, authentic teen dialogue for the morphs, too.

“You’re new,” the Scyther girl said, as if nothing were more natural.

Always knew Mia had the potential to shine as the cool, jaded leader of a teenage pokémorph revolt. Please tell me that's where you're going with this instead of the dull old "kid whose predatory instincts make her a little socially awkward" angle.

If Giovanni wants some fucking Pokémorphs for some asinine reason, read too many YA books or whatever the fuck,

Hm, don't know about this. Giovanni is super-suave and ultra-competent and basically makes Team Rocket the only villainous organization worth writing about. If this guy doesn't get some serious punishment for back-talking the glorious leader of Team Rocket, I don't know that this story is gonna be too believable. Pretty sure no one but the angsty teenagers should get away with sassing TR. Otherwise, how can I really believe they're a threat?

Kick the asses of every mugger and burglar in the city?

Again: this is what Jean should've sounded like from the beginning. I can finally take her seriously now.

The door swung open. It was Dave, eyes bloodshot and wider than usual, holding a half-full bottle in one hand and a ring of keys in the other.

“Okay, fuckers,” he said, voice shaking as he moved towards Gabriel’s cell, fiddling with the keys, “come on, we’re getting out of here. For the love of God be quiet.”

Huh. They're getting busted out already? They haven't even undergone any training yet! Not sure how you're going to sell their desire for revenge when they haven't gone through the trauma of a sneering Rocket commander screaming at them and beating them down for their every failure.


Overall: a dramatic improvement, let me tell you. When the morphs ended up banding together for that rescue mission in the old version, it should've been obvious that they were just going to get screwed over. They hadn't even really done any serious fighting before, duh, aside from Mia beating up some schoolkids sometimes off-screen I guess? And even those got stopped before they could actually get deadly. As I mentioned earlier, the decision to have Dave rescue the morphs before they've undergone any of their secret Rocket supersoldier bootcamp is a risky one, but as long as he remembers enough of his own Rocket training to really beat some viciousness into them, I can see it working. Time will tell, I guess.

But yeah, not bad, not bad, now that you've finally seen the light. Who wants to read about fucking scientist when you could have this choice superpowered teen angst? Keep up the good work for next chapter.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
I swear to god this is basically like reading classic circa-2006 morph fiction except good and also hilarious. Thank you for this.

"It’s weird because that’s not how DNA works. I tried to ask Dave about it but he was very evasive."

I laughed hard at this fucking line. I imagine it with a perfect deadpan. Wonderful lampshading. And of course, Dave was very evasive. He would be, if his science was bullshit!

“Wow, I’m good.”

Dave is pretty callous here in a way that lines up with his self from Morphic before he took a moment to get attached. His whole deal as a self-excusing scientist with an ego who won't take responsibility for his complicity until he does is a genuinely good concept for this kind of thing. Nicely done, to be honest.

She looked just like her hero, Sarah Hooter,

I love how fucking hard Jean's bit lampshades the whole ordeal they're going through, and she's genuinely fun to read, being so excited but sp naive. Genuinely want to see how she'd take some horrible angsty nonsense like TR mistreatment.

He had angst about being a Pokémorph, too, and was all brooding and dark and mysterious. Will could be her Kuro.

Omfg. Poor Will. He's just a teenager who doesn't want to be a cat person. That's not dark and mysterious you fucking walnut. <3

I would genuinely read more of this if you wrote some for fun. It was fucking hilarious and I loved it.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Very excited to see this finally out at long last! And boy did it deliver. I've always said that while Morphic had a fun concept, it needed that extra something to take it to the next level. That something, of course, is Team Rocket. It's scientifically proven that fics with Team Rocket are superior to those without, so I was very pleased to see that you've finally corrected this shortcoming.

I was recently informed that my favorite Pokemon is Scyther, so of course my favorite character was Mia. Jean was a lot of fun too, though. Becoming a Pokemorph is a huge opportunity! What kid wouldn't love the chance to fight Team rocket tbh. I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of fun watching her learn to use her powers and I can't want to see her kick some Rocket butt!

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Okay but all irony aside this was legitimately really entertaining, and by far the best part is how self aware the narration is. It's completely ridiculous, but it knows it, so we get stuff like Mia declaring that the morphing process makes no sense, and Jean's narration absolutely begging for things to go horribly, horribly wrong in traumatizing ways. Loved it. Glad you were able to finish in time. :quag:


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
She looked just like her hero, Sarah Hooter, escaped Rocket experiment supersoldier extraordinaire, who could Flamethrower every bad guy into oblivion.

The implications of this worldbuilding detail are endlessly fascinating to me. Were the people tasked with making the Pokemorphs aware of Sarah Hooter, and designed Jean accordingly? Was Giovanni aware of Sarah Hooter--and Dave's theory was in fact correct. Is it possible that Giovanni had children kidnapped and Pokemorph'ed not to make them into supersoldiers, but into child actors, because he has a young relative who's a Sarah Hooter fan and whose birthday is coming up?

but opposite her, in the cell on the other side of the room, there was a boy, curled up like a kitty, with Meowth ears and whiskers and a tail, and it was the cutest thing Jean had ever seen. She let out another high-pitched squeal, bouncing on her feet, and the boy jerked awake, lifting his head.
“You’re so cute!” she said. “You’re just like a kitty!”
Will had started to absent-mindedly lick the back of his hand, like a kitty, and she was not going to point it out to him

is Jean wrong though

The door swung open. It was Dave, eyes bloodshot and wider than usual, holding a half-full bottle in one hand and a ring of keys in the other.

Dave: Fine I'm doing this but I'm not doing it sober


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
As his mind began to fade, his muscles flopping into uselessness, he eyed the large red ‘R’ emblazoned on the side of the van, and wondered what it meant.


Katherine Harrison dropped her pencil.

Oh, whoops. She picked it up off the floor again, discreet, and kept writing, hoping the clatter hadn’t disturbed too many people.
these three lines are brilliant holy shit. the easy resolution. Katherine's intro here was my favorite, because hers in the original was the most memorable to me, so this was the one where I sat up and was like, shit, I read this seven years ago but I swear that's not right. I think AFD fics rely well on doing that whole "this seems normal at first but we gradually descend into insanity", but I liked this section since it seems normal at first and that's the weirdest part.
“We’re Pokémorphs,” the girl said, her face and voice still unsettlingly nonchalant about the situation. “Team Rocket injected Pokémon DNA into us and now we’re half Pokémon. It’s weird because that’s not how DNA works. I tried to ask Dave about it but he was very evasive.”
Mia as a narrator who just explains the plot but doesn't actually explain anything is a concept that works a lot better than I was expecting, actually.
“You kidnapped us!”

I didn’t fucking kidnap anyone, Jesus.”
Gotta love Dave focusing on the real problems here.
“…She tell you that?”

“They were asking what was going on,” she said.

“Mia, you don’t… look, never mind.”
Mia and Dave Discuss Team Rocket's Genetics branch??
“Fuck you,” Gabriel said, his voice shaking, a little amazed at himself that he was even saying this out loud. “You don’t get to kidnap teenagers and then act self-righteous that you didn’t murder them.”

Dave pressed his lips together. “Yeah, well, fuck you too.”
gottem, dave.

Overall I thought this was a good humor take on things, but I also think it works as a parody because it brings up a lot of context for the original. It's a lot more interesting to look at how society fails to accommodate Katherine or to what extent Dave will try to self-justify a lot of his arguably shitty behaviors; when they're pitched in their extreme or non-existent versions, it makes the reasoning behind those original decisions a lot more obvious in the light. I know edgy morphs get kidnapped by Team Rocket fics get a lot of flack and I do think Morphic kinda changed my understanding of the genre for a lot of the changes it made (mostly in couching it in realism + really getting to delve into a lot of the more social/behavioral issues that would arise from being a morph). But at the same time I think we all look at edgy morph stories a little fondly--they're not really couched in airtight logic or reasnable structures, but they're also just a ton of fun; even as a parody I thought this was still a good read.

(I'm weirdly/nostalgically reminded a lot of Maximum Ride, a pretty bonkers YA-ish series about kids who get kidnapped by scientists and turned into BIRD MORPHS, which also has the asshole Dave/father figure (I think his name is Jeb in this one? it's been a hot sec) do a prison break in the first section ... in case you're looking for material for future chapters this year since I notice Peter is SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT. It's by James Patterson and shouldn't really be considered well-structured literature for any reason, but it's basically just published morph fic)
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