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Chapter 19.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 19's Debut: 1/6/2018

Chapter 19: The Truth and the Escape Part 2.

Cloyster Kingdom Arc.

...Everyone stands there for a brief moment, eyes contacting each other in quite the hectic exchange of glances. Iris and Anna glare at Cocoon and Sheer. Sheer and Cocoon scowl back with their brows lowered down to signify the two being prepared.

"Seize them!" Cocoon shouts, pointing his staff towards the gang. The Cloyster guards charge toward them, having their spears out and ready. Iris and the others remain still as they prepare their moves. Then the fight initiates.

A Cloyster guard tries to swing his spear at Iris but she dodges it swiftly. The Dragonite gets beside him and punches him with Fire Punch. The attack sends the guard towards another guard that attempts to harm Trent. As the two collide with each other, Trent jumps on top of the two and launches himself in the air after they pass out. He does a front flip and glides towards two other guards. The two spot him and get slammed into each other by the Lucario's paws, their heads nudge against their inner shells, causing them to get knocked out. He lands on the ground afterwards and jumps up and down slightly, panting a bit aggressively.

"Nice one, Trent!" Iris says before seeing another guard rush towards her and punching him in the face with no problems.

Trent looks at her and nods, smiling. "Thanks! Been practicing a lot with Saya when we were together. She wanted to made sure that she and I know how to defend ourselves." Trent replies before jumping on top of an intruding Cloyster guard, grabbing him by the shell and throwing him towards the wall in front of him. The guard slams against one of the Cloyster portraits and some tables, glass shattering being heard from the impact.

Iris nods. "That's good to know." Trent sighs in relief before smirking, forming a slight red aura around him as he continues the slight jumping and panting. Iris notices the aura and becomes curious, scratching the side of her head. Huh? Is he powering up some type of move or something? She thinks as she grabs a random guard's spear and smacks him with it.

Anna uses Flamethrower on a bunch of guards while Lucas and Ashen slash at the guards with their Fury Swipes. Cerise zooms past multiple of them with Extreme Speed, causing them to get blown away and crash into the wall. Cocoon grits his teeth, seeing his men getting defeated instantaneously. "Sheer, please do something!" He commands, seeing Anna toss one guard in the air with her maw and Ashen leap up in the air to slam the guard to the ground heavily.

"I am, sir. Just give me a moment, now." Sheer says calmly, eyeing the fight. He scans the area for a moment until he directs his eyes towards the Shinx using Discharge on a bunch of guards. The guards are caught into the electrifying attack, all of them screeching in pain as their faces melt. Sheer watches about ten empty shells drop to the ground, raising his brow at Claire while feeling a bit intimidated. He then sees the Shinx dashing towards him, preparing another red Discharge attack. Jeez, what in the name of Arceus is up with her eyes? The large barbed Cloyster thinks, his eyes beginning to glow blue. Claire jumps in the air and unleashes her Discharge attack at the two Cloysters. Cocoon sweatdrops and closes his eyes. Sheer glances at the Shinx, causing the Discharge attack to slowly fade away from Claire.

"Grr." Claire growls as she lands on the ground, gritting her teeth. Cocoon opens his eyes and sees Claire no longer attacking, having his attention be directed towards Sheer.

"Thank you, senator." Cocoon says.

Sheer smirks, turning his glowing eyes towards the others. "You're welcome." He replies before canceling the crew's moves. Anna tries to use Flamethrower on three guards but the flames barely push out of her mouth, causing nothing to come out. Ashen and Lucas try to slash at the two guards in front of them with Fury Swipes but their claws stop glowing and hit the guards' shells with no impact.

"Crap!" Anna and Ashen proclaim, seeing the guards rock their spears towards them. The three Pokemon jump back from the attack, the spears hitting the ground and forming a clashing noise. Anna, Ashen and Lucas has their backs against each other while eyeing at the guards.

Cerise and Zeke try to use their moves on the guards but the canine's Dragon Pulse fades midway from his mouth while the Cloyster's Aurora Beam doesn't form from his horn. "Huh?" The two say confusedly before being pushed by the multiple guards' spears. Iris' attack is being prevented as well, her wings not glowing white for her to use Aerial Ace as she grits her teeth at Sheer.

"Oh damn that move canceling black hole of a shell!" Iris shouts, backing up against Cerise and Zeke. Mark gets besides Iris as well, gulping.

"You know...I would use Force Palm on Sheer if it weren't for his cheap power." Mark says, glancing at the large barbed Cloyster. While this happens, Trent dodges some other guard's spear by doing a backflip, making his way toward Iris before panting heavily.

Cerise looks at the Dragonite in a concerned manner. "Iris, why couldn't I use my move there for a moment?" He questions the crystalline necklace Dragonite.

"Yeah, what gives!?" Zeke joins along.

Iris points her tail towards the large barbed Cloyster. "That guy is your reason why. He has a Mythical Power that allows him to cancel out other Pokemon's moves at will." She explains, turning her paws into fists.

"Ah, I see…" Zeke then looks at Sheer and the guards for a few seconds before immediately turning back towards Iris. "Sorry but what is a Mythical Power?"

"To put it shortly: Rare powers that any Pokemon can potentially be born with."

"O...kay then?" Zeke blinks a bit more confusedly.

"I'll elaborate a bit more on that later. Right now, we're in deep trouble because of that Sheer guy."

Sheer grins, seeing the gang all curled up into one bunch. Cocoon sighs in relief and nods at Sheer with a smile. "Well done, Sheer. You made them feel useless without the use of their moves." The shiny Cloyster says humbly.

Sheer laughs softly and elegantly before speaking. "Now then, you will all either surrender like the good prisoners you are, or face the deadliest consequences that'll potentially lead to your death. Your choice."

Norah frowns furiously. "YOU'LL KILL US EITHER WAY SO WHAT'S THE POINT OF HAVING A CHOICE!?" The female Cloyster shouts, holding her daughter closely.

"Hmm. You got a point there, m'lady." Sheer then looks at the guards and cocks his head to the side. "Go ahead and weaken them."

"Yes sir!" The Cloyster guards say obediently, floating toward the group. Everyone stares at them menacingly, struggling to fight back thanks to Sheer's MP.

. . .

Meanwhile in another dungeon area, Jimmy roams around from one corner to the next within a linear gray hallway. He looks around to make sure that no guards are present. No sign of guards here yet. He thinks to himself before continuing to move forward. He eventually comes across a path that leads to the right of the hallway and turns right. After a few minutes of running, he soon comes across the execution cell and rushes towards it. Bingo!

The Heracross makes it to the cell, seeing it closed and locked. He then punches the cell door hard enough to make it burst open and crash against the wall, leaving a crack behind it. He sees the wall crumbling bits of concrete as the door slides to the ground slowly, blinking in surprise and stares at his hands. "Wow...I'm that strong…" He says to himself before snickering softly. "Guess I'll have to watch my strength from now on." He walks towards the hay and gets on his knees, digging through them until he sees the Pokemon egg. He grabs the egg and gets up. Alright. Now it's time to head back to the others.

"Where do you think you're going, Heracross?" A male voice says in a low tone. Jimmy blinks before turning around to see five Cloyster guards being in front of the cell, preventing him from coming out. Jimmy sweatdrops uneasily.

"Okay...the hallway was empty when I was looking around. And when I found this egg, all of a sudden you guys appear?" Jimmy sighs, putting the egg down. "The creator of this story really needs to form a better way of letting this happen instead of 'quiet area to suddenly guards appearing after someone found something' scenario."

The guards raise their brows at the Heracross. "Excuse me, what the hell are you talking about?" One of them asks. Jimmy then dashes towards the guards and grabs one of their spears, slamming it against one guard and throwing it at another. The first guard yelps after being hit by his own spear, nudging against the wall beside him while the second guard ducks from the spear being thrown at him. The third, fourth and fifth guards try to hit Jimmy with their spears at once but the Heracross leans his head back from the attack. The spears almost touch his face before he breaks them all in half with a right hook.

The three guards gulp, sweatdropping at the Heracross. Jimmy smirks and punches the third guard in the face, sending him flying towards another wall as he screams. He then uses Close Combat on the fourth and fifth guards, punching and kicking them all over the place rapidly. This causes their shells to crack as Jimmy grabs the two by the tip of their horns and picks them up. The first and second guard, who still look alive enough to act, both try to form Ice Shards from their horns. But as soon as they try to fire their moves, Jimmy turns around to throw the two guards towards them roughly. The two guards ram into the attacking guards, all ended up crashing hard against the wall during the process. All four of the guards groan in pain before they pass out.

Jimmy brushes himself off and sighs heavily. "It's something that no one, including myself, would understand." He says, answering their question from earlier. He turns his attention towards the cell afterwards and heads back inside, noticing that the egg is no longer present. "Hmm?" He blinks confusedly, scratching the side of his head. "Where did the egg go?" Soon, the dotted egg slowly appears out of thin air only to fade away into nothingness. Then it reappears itself and disappears again. Then it continues the neverending loop of reappearing and disappearing within the same spot. Jimmy tilts his head slightly, staring at the egg in curiosity. "What on Solark is going on with the egg?" He sweatdrops, continuing to watch the egg repeat its constant cycle. He then walks towards it and picks it up, seeing it continue to reappear and disappear in his arms.

"Well then, today got quite weird and bizarre after witnessing that phenomenon." The beetle sighs, shaking his head. "No matter. Time to go meet up with the others!" The Heracross then turns around and rushes out of the execution cell.

. . .

In Sheer's room, Mat seems to be cutting the ropes off from Natalie and Exo with his spike. Natalie sighs in relief while Exo whimpers, having a worried look on his face. Tears are streaming down from the Cloyster's face rapidly.

"Thank you for untying us, Mat!" Exo whines.

"No problem, Exo." Mat replies before snapping the ropes off completely, freeing the Zorua and Cloyster.

Natalie rubs her wrists, sighing happily to her freedom. Exo moves around the room freely, laughing in pure satisfaction. "YES! I'M FREE AT LONG LAST!"

Natalie winces from Exo's shouting, putting her ears down. "Jeez, do you always have to be this loud and dramatic?" The Zorua asks, raising her brow at Exo.

Exo looks at her with a stern look on his face, standing tall in front of her. "You...have no idea on how betrayed I feel. The absolute filth from the bottom of the trash can that no-good senator has thrown at me." The Cloyster leans his face towards Natalie's, making her feel uncomfortable and sweatdrop. "There was nothing but backstabbing during that very moment!"

"Same here, Exo." Mat says, joining in the conversation as he looks at the door. "And it's all because of this plan he has, right?"

"Yes. If I recalled correctly, it should be in his-" Exo is then interrupted by Natalie firing a Shadow Ball at Sheer's first dresser. The dresser is hit by the shadowy ball and breaks apart, materials such as the ink container and quill being spilled on the ground as a result. The container's ink, in particular, splashes all over the ground and spreads throughout the wooden floor. "...dresser."

"You're welcome." Natalie says before revealing her delightful smile. Mat and Exo sweatdrop at the Zorua's action.

"I mean, I could've just...floated to the dresser and grabbed it."

"Nah. Sheer deserves to have his belongings trashed."

The two Cloysters envisage about the slate gray fox's comment before nodding. "Yep, you're right." Mat says, floating towards the broken dresser. "The thing is though, is the plan thingie okay?" Exo scans the dresser for a moment before seeing the paper casually laying down on the ground next to the dresser. He heads towards it and picks it up, flipping it over to see the checklist structure.

"Found it." Exo says sternly. Mat and Natalie direct their attention towards the Cloyster.

"Sweet." Exo hands the plan to Mat, allowing him to read off from the paper. Mat skims through the paper, nodding slightly along the way. "I see...So the last thing he needs to check off the list is kill the king and steal all of his pokedollars."

"Yes! Such a foul and greedy thing to do over pokedollars!"

"Hmm...I don't think he's doing it for greed. Because if he did, then he wouldn't have needed to check off Brisk's death like he did on the list. Something tells me he's doing this for something else...but I'm not sure what that is." Mat tilts his head slightly. "Though I'm not sure why he needs a Mega Stone for his plan, either."

The two Pokemon think for a moment as Natalie looks at the broken dresser to see the blue, reddish symbol Mega Stone on top of the pool of ink. Natalie hums softly and walks towards the stone, picking it up with her paw. "It's mostly cause of a deal he has with someone in this kingdom." Natalie says.

The two Cloysters look at Natalie, seeing the Mega Stone in her possession. "A deal?" Exo says with a puzzled look on his face. Natalie stares back at the two, beckoning her head in response.

"Yeah, a deal. I remember him mentioning such when I was spying on him. He said something about having his every wish granted after he completed the deal with that person."

Mat looks at the paper, glancing at it. "I see." Natalie sets the Mega Stone inside of her black fur and walks towards the bedroom door as Mat continues speaking. "And do you know who that person is, Natalie?"

"Not exactly, but I have a feeling that it may be that person I know of." Natalie opens her maw and forms a Shadow Ball in front of her, flinging it towards the door. The attack bursts the door open, having it and everything behind it crash against the wall roughly. Natalie looks at the two, allowing them to escape the room. "I'll tell you along the way. Right now, let's get out of here and hopefully tell your king about this. If you care about him and the kingdom so much, then he needs to know and fast."

Mat and Exo look at each other for a moment before staring at the Zorua and beckoning their heads. "Right." The two say. The three then rush out of the room with no second thought in mind.

. . .

Returning back to the center area, Iris and the gang are having trouble resisting against the guards: Iris shields herself from two spears attacking her at once, Cerise and Claire both try to push the guards away with their heads, Zeke and Mark attempt to punch the guards with their bare hands (or spikes in Zeke's case), and the other three do the same thing Cerise and Claire are doing. Norah and Brook continue to be behind the gang, holding Azure closely during the process.

"Dammit, if only I were able to use my Flamethrower attack. Damn you, Sheer." Anna pouts.

"Or me using my Discharge to obliterate these moronic mortals." Claire mumbles before suddenly coughs out blood onto the ground. She then winces in pain. "Oh no…" Due to this, one of the guards is able to shove Claire across the room with his spear. Claire rolls around for a bit before a reddish yellow wall stops her, blood trailing along with her. Cerise sees Claire against the wall and grits his teeth.

"Claire!" Cerise yells, not paying attention to the guard in front of him. This leads to him being shoved by the guard as well. "Ugh!" Soon, all the others are easily pushed away by the guards. They end up on the ground and groan uncomfortably, slowly trying to get up.

Iris' arms seem to be dripping red liquid as they land onto the ground, her panting from the spears attacking her. "We...can't do a single thing to these guys. There's too many of them and as much as I wanna use my moves, that damn Cloyster back there is preventing me from doing so!" Iris says, seeing Sheer grinning at her and the group.

"All of you can stop resisting and surrender now. It's never too late to do so." Cocoon says calmly.

"Or have the most pointless death a Pokemon could ever have." Sheer joins in, chuckling softly.

Norah squints her eyes at Sheer, letting Brook have Azure in his possession. Azure and Brook look at her in a concerning manner. "M-Mom?" Azure asks curiously.

"Norah, what are you doing?" Brook asks as well.

"I'm going to show Sheer a thing or two about harming our beloved kingdom!" Norah shouts out of rage. She dashes off without warning, leaving her father to widen his eyes in fear.


Iris looks at the female Cloyster curiously. "Hmm?" She says confusedly.

Norah runs past the guards, dodging the spears swinging at her along the way. Some of the spears hit her, but only her outer shell as she keeps going. A guard gets in front of Norah and uses Icicle Crash on her, flinging several icicles he breathes out at her. Norah ducks from the attack and shoves the guard to the side, the icicles attack aiming at the group along the way. Everyone ducks as well, the attack hitting the wall while Norah dashes towards Sheer quickly. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE SENATOR AT ALL!" The female Cloyster shouts furiously.

Sheer sees her heading his way and swings his barbed spike at her, stabbing her in the black sphere-like body. She gasps, seeing the spike underneath her mouth. She begins to cough out blood drastically, dripping some from her mouth. The gang has their eyes widened, Brook being the one terrified of what he witnessed. "NORAH!" He screams in a raspy tone.

Sheer shakes his head. "Oh Norah, isn't it? You're such a bold lady to pull off a stunt like this. Instead of surrendering like a good girl...you decided to resist like a bad girl." Sheer says before withdrawing his spike and toss her in the air with it, following along afterwards. Then two of his spikes on the side of his shell glow light blue, their length extending slightly while his body forms a light blue aura around him: Razor Shell. He smacks Norah with the move, sending her straight towards the group viciously. "And bad girls deserved to be disciplined!"

Iris gasps, seeing Norah heading towards her. "Shit!" She says, getting in front of the group and catching the female Cloyster. She grunts, her body shifting back a bit from the massive force being pushed onto her.

Sheer then descends down to floating altitude gracefully, Cocoon staring at him in shock. Sheer looks back, tilting his head confusedly as the blood drips from the tip of his barbed spike. "What? I had to do it out of self defense, sir." He says calmly.

Cocoon shrugs before looking back at the group. "Uh...R-Right." He says, his voice sounding a bit shaky. ...Why do I get the feeling that wasn't...right? Cocoon thinks while forming a worried expression.

Iris looks at Norah, seeing a pierced hole bleeding from underneath her mouth. The gang all gather around the two, especially Brook and Azure. Claire slowly looks up, curious as to what's going on as she crawls her way towards the others. "Oh Arceus please, no...Not my daughter. Don't take her away now. Not so soon, please." Brook says, tears beginning to slide from his eyes. "Why, Norah? Why would you do that?"

"I-I did it out of desperation...f-father." Norah says weakly, beginning to gasp. "I-I'm sorry…" Azure stares at her dying mother, seeing her gasping constantly as her eyes widen in terror. The Shellder starts trembling due to this.

"M-Mommy…?" Azure says, her eyes starting to form aquatic liquids. Iris and Mark look at the shaking Shellder as she continues to speak. "You...you won't go away, right mommy?" Azure then nuzzles against the Cloyster gently. "Please...don't go…"

Iris and Mark are petrified from what they're witnessing: A dying mother in front of her child. The two feel mixture of rage and sadness building up within their bodies. And it becomes apparent when the two have a flashback of seeing their close ones being maimed in front of them: Mark's sister, Carrie. And Iris' father, Drath.

Mark grits his teeth and turns towards Sheer. "You two are monsters!" He shouts, forming a fist. "You're willing to kill someone in front of their child just so you could have us surrender!? WHAT KIND OF RULER ARE YOU!?"

The guards back away from the group slightly, feeling uneasy and unsure of what to do about the situation. Iris looks at Mark, nodding firmly. "I couldn't have said it any better, Mark." The Dragonite says, letting Norah rest on the ground as she gets up and looks at the group of Cloysters.

One of the guards looks at the king, concern beginning to form across his face. "Um, sir...Are you sure that what we're doing is right?" The guard asks.

Cocoon looks at the group, seeing Brook and Azure being close to Norah while the others frown at him and Sheer. "Well...I think we should-"

"Continue to seize them or kill them if they resist." Sheer says, cutting Cocoon off. "Don't you see, king? This is their way of playing tricks with you and your men. They want us to suddenly feel bad for them because we badly injured one of the prisoners' mother. If we let our guards down, they'll surely use this advantage to escape and cause more chaotic mayhem in the kingdom."

Anna flickers her ears at what Sheer said and growls. "Oh please don't believe what he said." She says, staring sternly at the two.

Cocoon thinks for a moment before sighing. "Well...since I've known you for so long Sheer, I'll take your word for it." Cocoon says, leading the gang to burst into rage. "Go ahead and seize them while you have the chance."


"It's an order, soldier." Cocoon demands, interrupting the guard. The guard looks at the others for a moment before beckoning his head and continuing to pursue the group. Sheer sighs in relief as the gang all glance at the guards floating close to them.

"You have got to be kidding me…" Iris says before forming a fist. "So not only we have to deal with fighting these guys without our moves, but we also have to deal with Norah dying because of Sheer!"

Trent shakes his head. "This isn't good…" He says, goes to look at Norah, Brook and Azure sorrowfully.

Zeke and Lucas nod their heads in a uncomfortable manner. "Yep." They both reply.

Iris snarls before looking at the crew. "What can we do? How can we stop Sheer and save ourselves from this fight?" She says. Everyone, except for Brook, Norah and Azure, thinks for a moment. Afterwards, Anna gasps into realization.

"I think I may know how." She says.

"Well spill the beans, mate! Because we're running out of time!" Lucas says, seeing the guards coming close to him and the gang.

"Okay so after observing Sheer's Mythical Power from time to time, I believe that it can only work on us if he's looking directly at us. Meaning we have to be in plain sight of him if he wants to cancel our moves. So the only way we can counter his MP, I believe, is to have one of us distract him while the others go to attack him from behind."

The gang thinks about the plan for a moment before agreeing with Anna. "That sounds about right, Anna. Since he isn't willing to reveal his weakness, assuming that he has one, we might as well go with that route." Cerise says firmly.

"I'll distract him." Ashen says, joining in the conversation.

"So will I." Lucas says, being next to Ashen. "I may be a scaredy Meowth but if my brother is willing to do something, I will too." Lucas looks at Ashen. "He is the only family member I have left, so therefore I'll be by his side regardless."

Ashen looks back and smiles. "Thanks, bro."

Anna looks at the two and sighs happily. "I suppose I'll help you two distract him as well. And as much as I wished to awe at that moment, I need to know who's going to attack Sheer from behind." Anna says.

"We will." Iris and Mark say firmly.

"I-I will, too." Claire says weakly. Mark looks at her, worriedness forming throughout his face.

"But Claire, you're too weak to fight now. I don't think that you can last much longer." Mark says concernedly.

Cerise nods and says, "Agreed. At this rate, you may end up killing yourself if you keep attacking. I noticed the amount of blood trailing from you and it's becoming more apparent the more you use your moves.".

Claire smirks at the two and replies, "Don't worry about me. I just want to unleash one more Discharge on that slick hole of a shell, that's all. I'll be fine.".

"Well...just be careful, okay Claire?" Mark says.

Claire chuckles softly before looking at Iris. "Iris, are you okay with picking me up along the way?"

Iris looks at her and nods. "Sure. Since it seems like you're willing to do this as well." The Dragonite replies before gripping her fist. "When I get my hands on that bastard, I'll be sure to attack him with all my might for what he did to Norah. In fact, I'll show him why he shouldn't have treated me and anyone else in this kingdom like crap." She then slightly turns towards the guards, seeing them be real close to her. She then picks up Claire, not minding her hands being covered in red liquid during the process. "Anyway, we're done planning. So let's execute it before it's too late."

The gang nods and they all proceed to the plan, all of them rushing past the guards except for Cerise, Zeke and Trent. They remain by the Cloyster family's side. "We'll stay here to protect you three." Cerise says, smiling softly at them.

"Th-Thanks…" Brook says, staring at his beloved daughter gasping constantly. "It's going to be okay...Just breathe, Norah. Breathe…"

"I-It hurts, father." Norah says, whimpering in pain.

"I know...You can do this, Norah. Just hang on a little longer...for your father...for your daughter..."

The guards try to swipe at Iris and the other four but the five dodge them, Anna shoving one guard against the others while added. Sheer and Cocoon look at the five, both curious as to what they're doing. "Hmm…" Sheer says, staring at them sternly. Ashen looks at one of the guards' spear and snatches it from him, the guard getting vex and saying 'Hey!' in reply. The Linoone then throws the spear at Sheer, hitting him on the shell. "What the!?" Sheer flinches from the thrown spear, taking his attention towards Ashen, Lucas and Anna.

"How's that power going for ya, ugly?" Lucas says, sticking his tongue out playfully.

Sheer raises his brow at the eye-patched Furret. "Ugly? Are you calling me that? Because you're pretty much calling every Cloyster ugly since we look the same...besides maybe my king due to him being shiny but still."

"But we're not referring to the Cloysters. We're referring to you." Ashen says, chuckling.

"And even if we're calling your kind ugly, you would be the ugliest of them all because of that large spike of yours." Anna joins in, grinning at the large barbed Cloyster.

Sheer frowns furiously at the three Pokemon. "Why I never." He says before he ends up bickering them. Cocoon watches the senator argue with the three Pokemon, sweatdropping and sighing heavily.

In the meantime, Iris, Claire and Mark manage to get behind Sheer. They look at each other and beckon their heads, taking their attention towards him. Then Iris flies to the large barbed Cloyster while Mark dashes afterwards, Iris' tail being surrounded by red aura. Cocoon notices the three heading towards Sheer and says, "Um, Sheer.".

"My grandfather has more wisdom than you three combined. When it comes to insults and outright breaking the rules, that's where you'd lost the game already. Now please would you be so kind to accept your inevitable execution!"

"SHEER!" Cocoon shouts. The large barbed Cloyster turns to the shiny Cloyster.

"Yes, si-" Sheer is then interrupted by a Dragon Tail and Force Palm attack from behind: Iris' tail and Mark's paws blast Sheer in the air with their attacks, causing him to yelp. "AH! WHAT IN THE WORLD!?"

"Throw me towards him." Claire suggests to Iris.

Iris raises her brow at her. "What? Why?" She asks.

"JUST DO IT, MORTAL!" The Shinx growls, electricity begins to form around her.

"Uh...if you say so." The Dragonite flings Claire toward Sheer, the Shinx screeching loudly along the way.

"Take this, you disgusting waste of a shell!" Claire uses Discharge on Sheer, the red electricity beginning to roar towards the large barbed Cloyster. Sheer manages to look at the attack in time and cancel it, preparing his Razor Shell attack afterward. Shit… Sheer spins around to hit Claire by the side, sending her flying straight to the wall and crashing into it. Smoke begins to form from the impact.

Iris grips her fist. "Oh crap! Claire!" She yells. Sheer falls to the ground heavily, groaning a bit in pain. The Dragonite sees the smoke fading away, noticing the Shinx being knocked out and almost completely bloodied. She turns her attention to Sheer, seeing Cocoon lifting him up.

"Ugh, my apologies, sir. Got a bit carried away by those Pokemon's ignorance." Sheer says as he's being aided.

"It's fine, Sheer. Just be careful next time and listen." Cocoon replies with a warm smile. Iris and Mark immediately give Anna, Ashen and Lucas a 'hurry' look, tilting their heads towards the two Cloysters. The three nod and they begin dashing to the two: Anna's mouth starts forming flames from it and Ashen and Lucas' paws start glowing white claws. Iris and Mark dash as well, Iris having her fist engulfed in flames while Mark has his paws ready to use Force Palm.

Sheer notices the five Pokemon and sighs. "When folks think that giving up is nonexistent." Sheer says, his body remaining in the light blue aura. Cocoon sees the five Pokemon as well and backs away immediately, leading Sheer to spin around as soon as the five got close to him. "THESE IDIOTS BEING THE PRIME EXAMPLE HERE!" The light blue spikes manage to hit the five Pokemon multiple times during Sheer's spin, the scene occasionally shifting to each of the five being hit by the attack. After Sheer finishes his spinning tactic, the five are sent flying in different directions as they yelp.

Iris and Mark crash into a group of guards, which leads to them being held captive, Lucas crashes next to Claire as he groans in pain, and Ashen and Anna land into another group of guards that hold them captive as well. "U-Ugh!" Iris says, panting heavily. She then notices that Cerise, Trent and Zeke are feeling exhausted from fighting off the numerous amounts of guards floating towards them. "Oh no…"

"It's no use fighting now, intruders and prisoners." Cocoon says before more guards enter from another hallway. Iris grits her teeth, noticing a majority amount of guards are in the main area now. "A lot of my men are here now. There's no reason to continue fighting at this point. You are all outnumbered."

"...He's right." Cerise says, grunting uncomfortably. "There's too many of them for us to handle without our moves."

Dammit...There has to be a way to get out of this. Iris thinks. Ugh! We're so close to escaping!

"Now then...I will say this one last time: Surrender now or die." Sheer says firmly. "Your. Choice."

Norah soon stops gasping and tries to speak. "K-King...C-Cocoon…" She says weakly, catching everyone's attention.

"Hmm?" Cocoon replies in a curious tone, floating a bit closely towards the guard so that he could hear her.

"Pl-Please...j-just th-think...a-about your...d-decision…" She coughs out blood, whimpering.

"And why should I do that, prisoner?"

"Because the decision you're making is being influenced by a corrupted jerk!" A familiar female voice shouts, leading everyone to look at the voice's location. The voice happens to be Natalie, who's standing on the stairs alongside Mat and Exo.

The crew all gasp, seeing their beloved Zorua at long last. "Natalie!" They yell, feeling hope flowing throughout their bodies. Cocoon looks at the Zorua, raising his brow peculiarly.

"Who in the world of Solark are you?" Cocoon asks in confusion.

"Let's just say I'm one of the Pokemon you sent to the dungeon a few days ago." Natalie glances down at the king as Mat and Exo float in front of her. Cocoon looks at the two and becomes even more confused.

"What the? Mat, you found Exo, too?"

"Yes. He was trapped in that abomination of a living being's room." Mat answers, pointing his spear at Sheer.

Cocoon blinks for a moment before looking at Sheer, becoming very curious now. Sheer looks back and sweatdrops, shrugging. "I'm...pretty sure he's just messing with your head, sir. He surely has gone mad, especially after how he reacted to me earlier." Sheer says immediately.

"Gone mad? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT HAS GONE MAD HERE, YOU LYING SACK OF FILTH!" Exo shouts. "What Senator Mat said is without a doubt the truth, my king! He did trap me for all the wrong reasons! In fact, he trapped all three of us to be exact. Starting with me then Natalie and now, Mat!"

Cocoon looks a bit unsure, everyone looking at the five Pokemon curiously as they all say 'Huh?' and 'What's going on?'. Sheer sweatdrops once more, trying his best to remain calm. "Now sir, you and I both know that Exo is crazy. He could've been hiding in his room this whole time and the Zorua? She was helping him hide so that they and Mat could plot their evil scheme to sabotage your kingdom and rule it for themselves!"

Mark looks over at Natalie, picturing the Zorua sitting on the kingdom's throne with Mat and Exo by her side, Natalie herself wearing a big crown and laughing happily along with them. Being best friend of a queen...actually doesn't sound too bad right now. He thinks while blushing softly.

"Oh shut the hell up with your lies, Sheer!" Mat exclaims, glaring down at the two. Mark snaps out of his daydream from Mat's yell. "But if you need more proof than us just telling you...even though we really are telling the truth but words seem to not work well apparently, then here you go." Mat floats towards Cocoon, Exo and Natalie following along. Cocoon looks at him confusedly before being shown the checklist paper from Mat. "He's not the type of senator that'll protect you, your highness. In fact, he's the exact opposite of that."

Cocoon takes a look at the paper, his eyes widening in pure shock and terror. What grabs his attention the most is the checklist mentioning the assassination of Senator Brisk and him being killed off, leaving the king to drop his staff and slowly look at Sheer. "Sheer...what is this? Were you the one that killed him? That killed my best friend, Brisk!?" Cocoon asks, a bit of rage can be heard from him. "And you're planning to kill me afterwards!?"

Sheer gasps and shakes his head immediately. "Why sir, I would never do that to you! In fact, I don't even write like that and if I did then how would you know that it would be me exactly and not anyone else?" Sheer says innocently.

"Sheer, you've been my senator since I hired you a few months after Brisk's death. You showed me how you write on paper with a quill. So I know precisely that the checklist has the same writing as yours."

Sheer shrugs. "Okay but the checklist has the Mega Stone checked off...Where is that Mega Stone, hmm?"

"Right here." Natalie says, taking the blue reddish Mega Stone out of her black fur with a smug expression on her face. "Any other 'excuses' you can think of for your king, Sheer?"

Cocoon and the guards feel stunned by what they witnessed, Cocoon immediately glancing at Sheer angrily. Sheer looks away and gulps. "I...should've brought the Mega Stone with me." The large barbed Cloyster mumbles to himself.

"GET BUSTED, MATE!" Lucas shouts, circling his mouth with his paws to have his voice sound louder. Mat looks at Lucas in astonishment.

"Oh wow. I couldn't said it any better, man." Mat says, chuckling.

"Ha! I knew there was something not right about that guy after all!" Anna says, feeling pretty swell about herself.

"Same here." Ashen agrees.

"...Why Sheer? Why would you assassinate Brisk? Why would you want to kill me?" Cocoon asks in a angry yet sorrowful tone.

"..." Sheer becomes quiet for a moment before directing his eyes towards Trent, gritting his teeth. "Grab the Mega Stone, now!" He shouts.

Trent looks at Sheer for a moment before nodding. Cerise and Zeke look at him. "Huh?" Cerise says before being kicked in the face by Trent's foot, causing him to crash against Zeke. "Ah!"

"Whoa! What the!?" Zeke says confusedly before Trent dashes towards Sheer and the others. He bypasses the guards, jumping on one's head and slamming two other guards together with his paws. These are the ones that were holding Iris and Mark hostage as they let go of them and fall to the ground, knocked out. Zeke gets Cerise off of him, aiding him afterwards. "Are you alright?"

"U-Ugh...That was...out of nowhere." Cerise says, his nose beginning to bleed slowly from the kick as blood drips onto the ground.

Trent then gets in front of Natalie, who becomes surprised by his quick pacing. "H-Huh!?" Natalie says before getting uppercutted by the jackal's fist. She yelps, dropping the Mega Stone while in midair. Trent grabs the stone then spins around to punch the Zorua roughly in the stomach, sending her towards the wall next to Lucas and Claire. She slams against it, coughing out blood during the process. "GAH!" She gasps from the impact, the wall behind her forming a crack before she slides down and lands onto the ground.

Mark grits his teeth into frustration. "NO! NATALIE!" He shouts, his eyes widening from the attack. Natalie groans heavily in pain, struggling to push herself up from the ground. Trent takes his attention onto Cocoon and rushes towards him.

"U-Uh…" Cocoon says before being pushed by the Lucario. As he lands on the ground, Trent pins him down with his foot, smirking deviously at him. Cocoon becomes petrified at the Lucario and turns his attention towards Sheer. "Wh-What is the meaning of this!?"

Mat and Exo try to rush toward Cocoon but Trent slowly crushes the king's shell with his foot, causing him to yelp. "Step any closer to him and your king will be crushed." Sheer says, taking his attention towards the shiny Cloyster. Mat groans, gritting his teeth furiously. "Ahem...Anywho, you wanted a reason to why I'm doing this? Why I assassinated Brisk and now want to kill you? Well let me elaborate this to you as best as I can…"

. . .

Sheer closes his eyes and imagines himself in the past: When he was his younger, Shellder self who had a small barbed horn sticking out from the top of his head. The Shellder hanged around with his Cloyster grandfather, smiling happily as Sheer began to speak. "When I was young, life wasn't so easy for me before I reached this position. I didn't have a mother or a father. I was told by my grandfather that they were dead. Because of that, he was my only family member left." The Cloyster picked up the Shellder and hugged him happily. "As time passed by, my grandfather told me things that no one never dared to tell their child. Such as the harsh reality that rears its ugly ends and how in order to deal with it, you'll have to become that harsh reality itself."

A sigh was heard from Sheer before he continued. "I didn't realize what he meant by that...until…" The scene then shifted to the Shellder witnessing his grandfather's death, tearing up during the process. "He withered away…" The scene slowly transitioned to the Shellder digging a hole for his grandfather with his tongue, finishing the dig only to become a Cloyster years later and stare down at the grave. "He tried to tell me something before he died...but none of that mattered. It was only a matter of time before I knew...I wanted happiness. Because throughout my years with my grandfather, he was my last happiness."

Sheer then imagined himself being at the Cloyster Ceremony in Ster Town, where the king was about to speak to the crowd of Cloysters and Shellders in front of the town. A Cloyster nearby him being Senator Brisk was there for his safety. Being on one of the town's rooftop was Sheer, wielding what seemed to be a Weapon Mischief that looked like a sniper rifle. "So in order to get that happiness back, I'll have to take what my grandfather said into play. Be harsh on one's life to regain your happiness. And that I try to do to everyone in this kingdom by attempting to kill the king." Brisk noticed the Cloyster being on the rooftop before telling Cocoon to move out of the way. Sheer fired at the king before Brisk got in the way to take the shot, bleeding out immediately from his mouth as he dropped to the ground. The large barbed Cloyster then took off running as the crowd gathered around Brisk, Cocoon tearing up during so. "Of course, I missed the shot to kill him and killed Brisk instead. I ran away immediately afterwards before hearing the crowd screaming in fear. I was lucky that no one saw me besides Brisk himself."

Then the scene shifted to Sheer returning to Ster Town, seeing the king having a mopey look on his face. "After disposing my Weapon Mischief and waiting for a few months to pass, I returned back to Ster Town to see if he was hiring any more senators." Sheer and Cocoon was shown communicating with each other as the present Sheer continued his talk. "At first, he said no until I managed to persuade him to hire me as his new senator. With that, he did." The scene finally shifted to Cocoon announcing Sheer as the kingdom's new senator to Ster Town. "I figured that this'll be my chance to manipulate the king. Make him think that I'm as good of a friend as Brisk was…"

. . .

Sheer then opens his eyes to revert back to the present, staring grimly at Cocoon. "Now you may be thinking to yourself: What does the Lucario have to do with this if he wasn't involved in your past?" Sheer then looks towards Trent. "Well the answer is simple: He was involved...but a little later on when I was the king's senator for awhile. He helped me further my goal towards happiness and I thanked him for such. You can taste your part of the cake in this story now, Trent."

Trent grins. "With pleasure, Sheer." The Lucario says, taking his attention towards Iris. Iris, Natalie, Anna and the rest of the crew are quite tick off by the Lucario.

"Trent...Why? Why would you do this!? WHY WOULD YOU HELP THAT BASTARD SHEER!? YOU SAID YOU WOULD GO AND FIND SAYA AFTER YOU ESCAPED! HOW DO YOU THINK SHE'LL FEEL ABOUT THIS!?" Iris says in pure rage, gripping her fists.

"Ah...that story I told you about, huh? Well a funny thing about that story: I lied about it."


Trent shrugs with a smug look on his face. "Well...partially anyway. The story was true about me having a girlfriend named Saya. It's the part of the story on how I got here that was a lie: I actually got into this kingdom by...entering it from behind the castle. I mostly needed a place to live since I had nowhere to go."

Iris raises her brow at him. "Wait, that sounded similar to your hurricane story."

"Yeah...except the hurricane story didn't happen. It was mostly that I got lost in the Zero Forest and captured by the guards here."


"It's confusing to elaborate on how I even ended up here, to be honest. But let's cut to the chase here: After becoming prisoner here because of some dumbass law that prohibits different species from entering this kingdom, I told Sheer if he could help me escape. At first, he said no. Until I told him about this land that no one knows about...except maybe you guys because I'm about to tell you its name but whatever." Trent sweatdrops while chuckling. "This land is called the 'Land of Wishes'."

"The Land of Wishes? What in the heckles is this nonsensical, mate?" Lucas says, scratching the side of his head.

"Yes. The Land of Wishes is what you expect it to be: A land allowing you to grant any wish you so desired. And because of that, Sheer and I made a deal: If I find a Mega Stone that is a Lucarionite, then he'll have to kill the king and steal all of his belongings. That way, he could help me escape and I could lead him to the Land of Wishes."

"And of course, my wish...is to become almighty himself." Sheer says, staring up at the ceiling a bit insanely as everyone, except for Trent, gasps in surprise.

"YOU WANT TO BECOME A GOD!? WHAT!?" Everyone says, staring at Sheer in pure petrification.

"I thought you wanted your happiness back, Sheer! This is not what I had in mind about you regaining that at all!" Anna says, gritting her teeth.

"I do. From the bottom of my heart, I wanted to feel my childhood happiness be reborn within me after my grandfather died. All of those years dealing with nothing but grief. So I figured maybe becoming a god can mean my revival for happiness! Because the world had robbed me of it that day! And if I can't be happy anymore, then no one in this heartless world can!" Sheer then stares back at everyone, his eyes widens in insanity.

"Sheer! You have to earn happiness! Not force it upon yourself, dammit!" Ashen shouts.

"Especially if you have to become flipping ALMIGHTY in order to have it, that's definitely a no no. Life would be tough on us regardless of whether or not our happiness is gone! We just have to fight that toughness with kindness and generosity in order to earn happiness, not force our happiness to come to us by being harsh and cruel to others!" Anna says, snarling at the large barbed Cloyster. Iris looks at Anna, feeling quite touched and emotional by what she said.

Anna… Iris thinks, staring at the Ninetales before taking her attention back to Sheer.

Sheer seems be forming tears within his eyes, gritting his teeth. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE WRONG! EARNING HAPPINESS MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING COMPARED TO LOSING SOMEONE YOU LOVED DEARLY!" Sheer yells, tears sliding down rapidly from his eyes.


Iris looks at Anna, gasping after hearing the words 'Losing someone you loved is supposed to motivate you to become strong and earn happiness'. She looks down at her paws, concerning thoughts beginning to form throughout her mind. Is...avenging my father really the answer for making me happy? For making...him happy?

"Gah! I'm sick of this chitchatting! Not like what I said matters anyway since I've pretty much caused a huge amount of burden on anyone I've met!" Sheer says, turning towards Trent. "Do what you must, Trent. Crush Cocoon, even."

Trent nods. "Will do, Sheer." Trent says, holding the Mega Stone up as he starts pressing his foot down, breaking Cocoon's outer shell and having his foot on the inner shell.

"Eeek!" Cocoon yelps, seeing the shell pieces flying off in different directions. The guards become alerted by their king being attacked as they try to float towards him. Some even letting go of Anna and Ashen during the process.

Trent as he smiles at them. "See this here? This is a Lucarionite. And I'm a Lucario...meaning this baby here can help me achieve Mega Evolution!" Trent says, seeing the guards getting very close to him. "MEGA EVOLVE!" Within a flash, Trent begins to glow light blue, blowing all of the guards away instantly. The guards all collide against the wall, even some against the exit door. Trent's fur begins to become a little longer as his tail turns a bit bushy. A second spike develops on each of his arms and feets. And lastly, the appendages on his head have extended its length to become separate from one another.

The gang all stare at the Lucario's transformation, aweing at it in surprise. "Whoa...This is my first time seeing Mega Evolution." Mark says, staring at the glowing Lucario in amazement.

"Me too…" Iris agrees.

"Me three…" Lucas joins in.

Soon, Trent stops glowing and shows his new appearance. His cream fur becomes longer than before, his body is engulfed in the red and blueish mixture of colors with his thighs and arms containing stripes, spikes are sticking out in front of his shoulders, and his tail is now the cream color rather than the usual blue before. Trent has Mega Evolved into Mega Lucario. The Lucario smiles brightly before saying, "Like my new look?". Then he slams his foot down onto Cocoon's inner shell, breaking that one into pieces as well. "Whoops. My bad."

"GAH!" Cocoon screams, his black ball-like head no longer floats and leans against the broken piece of a shell.

Everyone, except for Sheer, yelps from the shells being shattered. "HOLY SHIT!" Iris shouts, being quite stunned by how easily breakable the Lucario made the shell be.

Sheer sighs happily. "Great work, Trent. You're such an helpful companion, you know?" Sheer says a bit calmly.

"Again, glad to do this service for you, Sheer." Trent replies, squishing the shell like a bug while sighing happily as well. Cocoon winces, seeing his shell being destroyed by the jackal.

"COCOON!" Mat shouts, trying to aid the king himself until Sheer stops him.

"By the way Mat...I know that you were lying to me about that lady you said you didn't know of a few days ago. I just kept quiet about it because I didn't want to attract any kinds of drama between me and you yet." Sheer then looks at Norah, seeing Cerise and Zeke in front of her and her family. Cerise is covering his blood leaking nose as Zeke aids him. "Luckily for you...I gave her quite the treatment on her face."

Mat looks as well and sees Norah lying on the ground, her eyes blinking constantly as the blood underneath her mouth continues leaking. Mat's eyes widen in pure terror, taking those eyes towards Sheer. "I'm. Going...TO KILL YOU!" Mat shouts, wielding his spear in anger and rushing towards him.

Sheer prepares his spear as well, laughing a bit insanely while continuously tearing up. "WHO'S LAUGHING AND JOKING NOW, MAT!?" Sheer says, completely losing it at this point. Soon, the two have their spears colliding against each other, Sheer grinning deviously at Mat. "TRENT, KILL THEM ALL WHILE I HANDLE THIS JOKESTER!"

"No need to tell me twice." Trent states as he stops squeezing the shell, looking directly at Iris. "Let's start with you first, Iris. Since you're the one who felt so 'sorry' for me. Heh."

Iris widens her eyes, backing away a bit. Trent dashes towards Iris, getting in front of her and having his paws being engulfed in black aura with purple outline. The aura then took on the form of two big claws: Shadow Claw. "Uh!?" Iris says, unable to think at the very moment.

"Counter!" Trent shouts before swinging his Shadow Claw towards Iris. Iris tries to use Fire Punch to counter it but gets hit by the attack from the side, leading her to roll across the ground roughly. "D'aww, too slow." Iris eventually stops rolling, crashing against the vase and table. The table collapses onto her head due to the impact. Exo yelps and gets beside Lucas, staying away from the violence going on.

"U-Ugh…" Iris groans and tries to get up but gasps instantly from the pain affecting her drastically. What the!? Why does that attack hurt me so much!? She thinks before yelping in pain.

Trent then looks at Anna and Ashen, in which he notices a Flamethrower from Anna aimed right at him. "Huh. A Fire type move." Trent has an annoyed look on his face, the black aura beginning to fade away. He then forms a ball-like sphere on his paw, dragon wings beginning to develop from the sphere. "If there's one thing that annoys me the most in this world: It's fire." He then shoots the sphere towards the Flamethrower, the sphere slowly turning into a huge multi-colored dragon shaped beam: Dragon Pulse. "I despise them." The attack collides with Flamethrower, its power gradually increasing.

"Huh!?" Anna says confusedly. She's then hit by the Dragon Pulse attack, flying off into the air and crashing into a semi-chair that was in the area. Ashen grits his teeth, seeing Anna screaming in pain.

"Anna!" Ashen shouts before feeling Trent's presence near him all of the sudden. He turns to the side to see Trent besides him, looking up at the Mega Lucario in a bit of terror.

"You can join her, too." Trent says, grinning deviously and staring back at Ashen with his deadly red eyes.

Iris sees Anna struggling to move after the attack, gritting her teeth in frustration. Crap...he did a number to her with Dragon Pulse, too. The thing I'm curious about is: If Dragon Pulse is special and that other move, Shadow Claw, is physical...then how come Anna and I take the same amount of damage? Iris thinks. Unless…

Trent's paws become engulfed in black aura again, ready to swing his Shadow Claw attack at Ashen. "ASHEN, NO!" Lucas shouts, attempting to get up but grunts from the Razor Shell attack earlier. Trent then hits Ashen with the attack as Ashen closes his eyes. When the Linoone opens his eyes, he feels no pain whatsoever.

"Huh?" Both Trent and Ashen say, noticing that Trent's claws is phasing through Ashen.

"Oh crap...I forgot that Normal types are immune to Ghost type moves…" Trent says, facepalming. "I tend to always forget about it, apparently."

Ashen chuckles softly. "I can't believe you forgot about that being a thing. So much for a threatening fella you are, haha." Ashen says.

"Hey now, the Pokemon anime tends to forget about it too." Trent's claws begin to fade away.

"Yeah, you right."

"Now then, where was I? Oh right." Trent lifts the Linoone up, bringing him close to his face. "Now just because you're a Normal type, doesn't mean I can't beat the living fur out of you."

Ashen grunts, shifting from Trent's grasp. "Try using your STAB Fighting moves, then."

"...I don't have one." Trent sweatdrops.

"...Pffft!" Ashen shakes his head. "So you mean to tell me that you forget that Normal types are immune to Ghost moves and don't even have a Fighting move yourself?"

"I wanted to be different!"

"You're being way too different, honestly."

"Okay then. So what if I don't have a Fighting type move? I still have this!" Trent tosses Ashen in the air immediately while his tail begins to glow whitish silver. Ashen yelps before Trent launches himself in the air, spinning around to land an Iron Tail on Ashen. The attack forcefully sends the Linoone crashing into the wall next to Cerise and Zeke, causing Brook and Azure to yelp and flinch from the impact. Ashen gasps in pure agony, falling towards the ground and landing onto it. He's knocked out.

"BROTHER!" Lucas screams, wincing when attempting to get up again. Mark and Natalie shake in place from the menacing attack Trent caused on the Linoone.

"J-Jeez, that's po-powerful!" Mark says, backing away slowly.

Trent lands onto the ground swiftly, his tail ceasing its glow as he sighs in relief. "Indeed, it is. That's the power of my Mega Ability: Adaptability. It further boosts my Same Type Attack Bonus...or STAB, to greater power than before. And with me having used the move Work Up earlier…" Trent pauses for a moment to look at the knocked out Linoone. "My attack becomes strong enough to knock someone out with STAB plus Adaptability."

Work Up? When did he use Work Up ear- Iris stops thinking for a moment to remember her seeing Trent jumping up and down with red aura forming around him. The Dragonite then becomes furious while gripping the floor underneath her. That sneaky asshole!

Trent sighs in relief. "To put it simply: You're boned after one hit from my Iron Tail at this point." The Mega Lucario gestures his paw at the gang. "Come at me, if you dare."

Soon, Sheer smacks Mat's spear away with his and pushes Mat down, pinning him. Mat struggles from the pinning. "GAH! LET ME GO, YOU MONSTER!" Mat yells.

"After your death, of course." Sheer says in a casual yet crazy way. He then looks at Trent, seeing him looking fine and dandy. "How're things going for you so far?"

Trent looks back at Sheer, giving him a thumbs up and wink. "I terrified the living distortion out of everyone here. I'm doing just fine." Trent says before seeing the guards trying to get up again. "Erm, correction: I terrified most of them. Those guys didn't see my wrath yet."

"Well don't just stand there: Get rid of them!"

"Ok." Trent smiles casually, his paws preparing the Shadow Claw attack as he walks towards the guards. Meanwhile, Zeke and Cerise stare at the Lucario, seeing him walking by Mark as if he is a some object.

"Oh. My. Arceus." Zeke says before grabbing a hold of Cerise and shaking him panickedly. "WHAT DO WE DO MAN!? THAT LUCARIO IS LIKE SOME KIND OF MACHINE OR SOMETHING!"

"If. You. Would. Stop. Shaking. Me. I. Would. Probably. Tell. You. What. I'm. Thinking. Of-Gah!" Cerise says, feeling a bit dizzy from the constant shakes. Zeke stops and brushes Cerise off.

"Sorry there, pal. I'm just freaking out right now."

"Ugh...and it doesn't help when I have a bleeding nose, too." Cerise sighs. "It's fine though. But anyway, I'm going to need you and everyone else to take cover."

Zeke tilts his head confusedly. "Why's that?"

"I'm about to use a move that...may affect this castle and everyone around me."

"You mean like Earthquake?"

"...something similar to that, yes." Cerise lowers his brow, staring at the Mega Lucario tensely.

Soon, Jimmy arrives to the main area with the Pokemon egg being within his possession. "Hey guys, what did I mi-OH DEAR!" Jimmy yelps, seeing some of the crewmates being down and the king lying hopeless without his shells. "Wh-what on Solark happened here?" Jimmy looks at Cerise. "And what happened to you!?"

"To put it shortly: Crazed Mega Evolved Lucario was working with lust for happiness Cloyster all along and has pretty much powned the majority of us." Cerise says, beginning to glow a green aura as the ground underneath him begins to crack.

"Huh. Sounds like something crazy I had to deal with in the Noctis Forest...Also, is it me or am I seeing you glowing green and the ground is cracking beneath you?"

"The latter, Jimmy. So take cover because I'm about to use this move on Trent and it may affect all of us."

"Understood." Jimmy then goes by a nearest table and hides underneath it, hovering over the egg along the way.

As the guards get up, they see Trent walking towards them like a deranged maniac. "Hey guys. Who wants to be the first person to meet Mr. Shadow and his wife Mrs. Claw?" Trent says, lifting his claws up. All the guards gulp, shakingly lifting their spears in preparation.

"EVERYONE, TAKE COVER!" Cerise shouts, no longer trying to cover his nose.

Mark and Iris look at Cerise confusedly. "Hmm?" They both say.

Trent stops and look at Cerise. "Take cover for what?" Trent says.

"For this!" Cerise roars out loudly, the ground beneath him cracks as green light emerges from it. The ground cracks travel towards Trent, leading the Lucario to be alarmed by it.

"Uh Sheer...your MP would be real handy right now."

Sheer blinks, seeing the ground trail increase its pacing before the castle itself starts rumbling. "I-I'm not sure about that." Sheer says.

Trent looks at him. "Why!?"

"Because I don't know if that's a Pokemon move or not!"

"...Well shi-" Trent gets hit by the attack, crashing against the wall itself. The building's ceiling begins to collapse onto the ground, alerting Anna to get up.

"Ah!" Anna says, wincing a bit from the pain she received earlier.

"Anna! Get some shelter, quickly!" Iris shouts at the Ninetales. Anna nods with no second thought and rushes by Ashen side, shielding him. Mark rushes by Natalie's side and gets shielded by Exo.

"My shell will protect you four! ...I think." Exo says in a unsure manner. Mat sees Exo protecting the four by himself and pushes Sheer off from him. Sheer grunts as Mat rushes by Exo's side, helping him shield the four as well. "Thanks, Mat."

Sheer takes his attention towards Trent and goes to cover him immediately, grunting from the big rocks falling on him. Then Iris and Zeke get the bright idea to shield Norah and the others as well. Iris notices a big structure about to collapse onto Cerise and the others. "N-Not on my watch!" She gets up weakly and rushes towards the five, whimpering from the pain remaining within her.

"Aaah!" Azure screams in a innocent little girl tone, Brook holding her and Norah closely. Zeke looks up and notices the structure as well, yelping in fear. Iris makes it in time to punch the structure into pieces, groaning some more.

"Thank you…" Brook says. Iris nods and goes to cover the group along with Zeke. Cerise stops glowing and ducks down, putting both of his paws above his head.

"Let's get out of here guys, now!" One of the guards says.

"But what about the king?" Another points out, pointing his spear at Cocoon. Cocoon screams as he sees another structure falling towards him. He is close to being crushed until Mat comes by to save him in time, taking his sphere-like body and parts of his shell with him before the thing collapses. "Never mind. Mat got him."

"WOOHOO, MAT!" The third guard yells before yelping from another structure falling next to him. The guards burst the front door open and exit out of the crumbling castle.

Over at Ster Town, the Cloysters there notice a bunch of guards heading towards the gate. "Huh?" One Cloyster says in confusion.

"OPEN THE GATE!" One of the guards shouts at the two guards that are patrolling the front gate. The two look behind them and see a bunch of guards heading their way, opening the gate immediately. Then they see the castle beginning to crumble, becoming stunned and shocked.

"Oh my Arceus…" One of the citizens in Ster Town says, all of them staring in astonishment and terror at the crumbling castle. "What's going on with the king's castle?"

The folks in Cloy Town are noticing the castle falling apart from the foreground. "What the heck…?" One of the Cloysters says in Cloy Town, being next to another Cloyster and some Shellders. Other folks in the town stare at the collapsing castle, confused as to what's going on.

Both towns become curious and afraid of what they're witnessing, talking among each other about the situation...

To be continued…

End of Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 20's Debut: 2/10/2018

This is also the end of MM's first major story arc! (This is also the longest chapter in the fanfic. Google Docs told me it's over 13k words, iirc lmao. Be sure to grab yourself a popcorn or some snacks in case you all are about to read this one!)

Chapter 20: The Truth and the Escape Part 3.

Cloyster Kingdom Arc.

The castle finishes crumbling down and tearing apart, building structures from every angle turning into nothing but piles of mesh-mashed concretes. Over by one of the piles, Iris, Jimmy and Zeke shrug the pieces of white concrete off from their backs while grunting. The three then look at Norah and the others to see that they're still in one piece, Cerise panting heavily as blood runs slowly from his nose. Glad to see that Cerise and the others are fine. Iris thinks before turning towards her right, looking at another structure from a distance. She sees Mat and Exo shrugging off the pieces themselves, making sure that Cocoon and the other three are in good shape. She also hears Anna's voice and turns to her side, seeing her groan while on top of Ashen as she shakes the concretes off herself. Looks like everyone isn't too badly damaged from the collapsing. Good.

Mat turns toward Iris and the others, floating by their side immediately while carrying Cocoon. "Norah!" He exclaims, worriedness spreading throughout his face like a plague. Norah looks at Mat weakly, smiling softly.

"Oh Mat...You're always a warmth to my heart whenever I see you…" Norah says softly, whimpering afterwards.

"I-It's going to be okay, Norah. We'll get you out of this mess alive." As Mat comforts the female Cloyster, Cocoon stares at her, seeing the blood beginning to spread throughout her face and her gasping in a raspy, dying tone. The king grimaces at the imagery, closing his eyes and shaking his head in grief.

Zeke soon hears something and blinks. "Hmm?" He says, turning his attention towards another pile of structure a bit next to Mark and the others. He notices the structure moving forward slightly, some pieces falling off and landing on the ground. "Hey guys! I'm seeing something moving from that pile over there!" The Cloyster points, leading the others to look as well.

The structure continues to move for a moment until a fist goes through the structure, causing the pile to completely collapse. Azure yelps from the structure being demolished as dust forms around it. After the dust fades away, it reveals Trent and Sheer; Trent brushes himself off while Sheer eyes the group in a deadly manner, seeing them become tense and uneasy. "Well that was something I didn't expect." Trent says before wiping the concrete off from Sheer's shell.

Sheer nods firmly. "Yes. I didn't expect the attack to cause the castle to perish." Sheer replies back, closing his eyes. "...Maybe that might've been a Pokemon move, after all." He then looks back at the others along with Trent, Trent eyeing them deadly while still in his Mega form.

"Well well well. Ain't you guys lucky to survive that, huh?" Trent grins deviously, putting his fist against his paw.

Iris stares sternly at the Mega Lucario. "Yeah. I'd like to say the same for you as well." Iris answers, her fist being engulfed in flames during so. Sheer then lifts his face up in a judging manner, floating forward and eyeing at the group severely.

"This is it. You insignificant, ruthless Swinubs have managed to sabotage my plans and ruin the castle. Are you satisfied with the damage you've caused onto this kingdom, now?" Sheer questions, glancing at the crew.

Cocoon glances back at Sheer. "No. You're the one that caused the damage here, Sheer." Cocoon responds.

"Even though I wasn't the one that used the move that collapsed the castle?"

"I'm not talking about the things you didn't do. I'm referring to the things you did do. You manipulating me is the reason why the castle ended up in ruins." Cocoon frowns. "Also the fact that you're willing to kill me is only going to make this kingdom worse."

"Heh, good point." Sheer lets out a sigh. "I enjoyed our time working together, Cocoon. I really did feel like a higher power being alongside with you and felt somewhat close to you, even." The large barbed Cloyster shrugs. "But what can you say? It's all just business in the end, friend. A business that is a part of the harsh reality we're living in." Mat grits his teeth in rage, frowning at the two Pokemon. Soon, Trent jumps up and down and pants heavily, using the move Work Up as Sheer continues speaking. "And thus ends our lesson on why you shouldn't put your trust on anyone but yourselves." Sheer smirks delightfully, seeing Cocoon staring at him in rage.

Exo shakes his head. "What a disappointing soul that shell must have been." Exo says in a dramatic, preachy tone. "A soul lost within an endless, hopeless cycle of hatred."

Zeke looks at Exo from across the castle, seeing him nearby Mat and Mark. "The better thing to say is: Who's going to take on these two?" Zeke questions.

Iris looks at the Cloyster behind her, staring at him firmly. "I will." She says, forming a fist. Mark grips his fist as well, staring sternly at Iris.

"Let me join in, too!" Mark suggests.

Jimmy steps forward besides Iris. "I'll help her as well." He follows. "And don't worry about the egg. I handed it to Anna for her to protect it." Iris looks at the Ninetales, seeing her shield the Pokemon egg alongside Ashen. She then stares back at the Heracross and nods.

Lucas gets up from the ground and brushes himself off, huffing angrily. "I'll help too, mate! I wanna give that Trent fella a piece of my mind for what he did to my brother." He speaks before stretching his body. Mat looks at the four volunteer Pokemon, staring gazily at them for a brief moment before taking his attention towards Trent and Sheer.

"You might as well count me in on this." Mat spokes in a grim tone, lifting his spear up.

"Alright. What about Natalie and the others?" Iris asks curiously.

Natalie walks towards Claire, her forelegs sparking a red outline around them as if they were glowing lights. "I'll stay next to Claire so that I could heal her." Natalie answers, sitting next to the Shinx. Mat's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at the Zorua.

"You can heal others!?" The Cloyster questions eagerly. Natalie nods calmly, leading him to look at the female Cloyster. "Natalie...when you're done healing Claire…" He takes his eyes back onto Natalie, anxiety and concerns forming on his face. "Please...heal Norah."

Natalie looks at the dying Cloyster from afar, seeing her gasping more softly and softly. She then focuses on the Shinx, noticing the pool of blood she's under and gulping. "Well...I'm not sure on how long it'll take me to heal Claire...But once I'm done with her, I'll try to immediately heal Norah." She says cautiously to the male Cloyster.

Mat nods. "Thank you."

"As for me, I can't fight due to using up all of my energy on that attack from earlier. So I'll just protect the families behind me." Cerise says, panting some more. Zeke goes to pat the green, black canine on the back.

"And I'll be Cerise's helper, too!" Zeke proudly mentions.

Anna shrugs uncomfortably while having Ashen and the Pokemon egg in between her forelegs, holding the two close to her chest. "I'm full myself, having to take care of these two. So I can't fight those two assholes as much as I want to." Anna follows.

Exo looks at Mat and Cocoon, frowning furiously. "I want to teach that no goodie two shells a lesson as well, Mat!" Exo shouts, red fury forming throughout his face while in front of Mark, Natalie and Claire.

Mat looks at Exo, shaking his head. "Exo...I think it's best if you come help Cerise and Zeke protect the king and the family instead." Mat suggests.


Mat is about to continue speaking, but Cocoon interrupts him. "Exo...I believe it's best if you let Mat handle the situation, and protect me. You're more capable of being a defensive guard than an offensive one like Mat and Sheer. Sure, you're loyal...but I've noticed how much you struggled to be combative against your opponents." The king says, looking off to the side. "It's not like I don't want you to fight. It's just that as of this situation, I believe Mat is better suited to handle it than you can. After all, it is my fault for putting Sheer, a traitor, under the light more than my actual loyal senator…"

Cocoon… Mat thinks, feeling rather desolate for the shelless Cloyster.

"So please, help these two Pokemon protect me and the Cloyster family…"

"But sir-"

"That's an order, Exo. Please…" Cocoon cuts Exo off from speaking, Exo forming a rather convoluted and grim expression. Exo glances at the king for a moment before sighing heavily and nods.

"Okay, sir...I'll do it. For you...s-sir!" Exo then floats towards Mat, Cocoon, Zeke and the others. I lost my spear, anyway… Tears drip to the ground while he grits his teeth in rage and sorrow. He stops next to the two Cloysters, staring at Mat before nodding firmly. Mat hands Exo the shelless Cloyster before Exo continues to speak. "Mat...I just want to let you know…"

Mat blinks curiously at Exo. "Hmm?" He converses in a curious manner.

Exo sniffles, shaking his head as the tears flies off from his face. "Give it all you got on Sheer. Teach him a lesson he'll never forget! A lesson that'll guarantee the absolute respect the Cloyster Kingdom deserved long ago!"

Mat gazes at the Cloyster before nodding firmly, taking his eyes back onto Sheer and Trent. "Oh I will, Exo. I will." Mat then floats next to Iris, lifting his spear in preparation. Jimmy cracks his fist, preparing himself as well.

Lucas rushes off to Iris and the other two's side while Mark puts his hand on Natalie's back. "I'll make sure that none of those two get anywhere close to you. Alright?" Mark says firmly. Natalie looks at the Riolu as she lets her red paws touch Claire's body, nodding at him.

"Alright. Be careful, Mark." Natalie replies in a worried tone.

Mark nods back before rushing by the others, standing next to Iris. Natalie takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, proceeding to focus on healing Claire. The Riolu looks at Iris curiously. "So if I know how this Weapon Mischief thing works: The battle we had earlier ended because of the castle collapsing, right?" He asks the Dragonite.

Iris looks down at the Riolu and nods. "You got that very right, Mark. So your moves should reset its usage count by now." Iris answers.

"Sweet!" Mark smiles, his paws beginning to glow yellow. The five volunteer Pokemon stare at their opponents, all being in their battle positions. "Well it seems like it's five of us and two of them. Surely, this match would be a piece of cake."

Trent laughs deviously, stopping his jumping and panting. "I wouldn't say that, my pre-evo self. Because while you all were busy chatting, I used Work Up not once, not twice. But three times." Trent says. The gang all gasp in terror, the five Pokemon feeling quite pressured and intimidated by the strong Mega Lucario as he winks at them. "I thank you so much for that, by the way. Allowing me to have a chance at knocking you five out easily." The Mega Lucario smirks, leaning his body forward in a bit of an psychotic manner. "This battle will be over in no time."

Shit...What do we do now? Iris questions herself, her and the others stumbling into crisis territory of thinking. She then gasps into realization. "Oh right. I forgot that I have the Multiscale ability."

"Multiscale?" Mat asks in a confusing manner.

"Yes. Even if his attacks are powerful, I can still have a chance at tanking them." Iris answers, glaring at Trent. She sees him charging after her and the other four, her getting in front of the group. "So I'll take one for the team, okay?"

"I see." Mat nods. "Alright then."

Iris then turns to Anna, not focusing on Trent running quickly towards her. Mark raises his brow at Iris. "Uh…?" He replies curiously.

"And Anna," Iris pauses for a moment, having the Ninetales' attention. "I'm sorry." Anna gasps at the Dragonite's response, her mouth hanging slightly open to the apology before Iris turns to face Trent. She sees him trying to swing his fist at her and she grabs it, pushing the Mega Lucario back.

Trent slides back from the push, chuckling softly. "Nice timing. Better than the timing you had earlier." The Mega Lucario says as Sheer floats calmly towards the five, his eyes glowing blue. The five grunt at the Cloyster's MP, Mark's paws stop glowing yellow. "But let's see if you can time this!" Trent dashes towards the five immediately with no warning. The five back away a bit, seeing the Mega Lucario stopping midway in front of them before slamming his fist to the ground. He causes an massive wave that blows them away, the five Pokemon yelp during so. Trent's tail begins to glow whitish silver as he leaps in the air and uses Iron Tail on Iris.

Iris sees the attack and blocks it with her arms, wincing from the infliction she received from the attack. This leads her to be pushed further away from the other four as she lands on the ground and slides across it. Mark and the other three land as well, with Lucas being the one rolling around on the ground for a bit. J-Jeez, that attack hurts… Iris thinks, panting heavily as she recovers herself. We got to be cautious around this guy…

Trent takes his eyes onto the other four and dashes towards the Heracross. Jimmy runs after him with his Close Combat attack but didn't pull it off as his arms swing at a slow pacing. "Hmm!?" Jimmy exclaims before getting punched in the stomach by Trent's fist, sending him flying off and rolling all over the ground. The Heracross stops the roll with his nails, looking up to see the glowing blue eyes Cloyster smirking at him and the others. "Oh jeez, I keep forgetting about him!"

Mark and Lucas rush after Trent by the side as he walks towards Jimmy. "You're not harming our friend!" Lucas shouts, him and Mark coming close to the Mega Lucario. Trent sighs in relief before his tail glows again, him twisting his body around rapidly. The two Pokemon is hit by the Mega Lucario's Iron Tail, both yelping from the strong attack as they get blown back. "Oof!" The two slide across the ground, groaning and wincing from the attack. "J-Jeez, ugh...He wasn't kidding when he said he'd set up three Work Ups…"

"Y-Yeah…" Mark replies to the Furret, holding the side of his arm. "I-I can barely move at this rate." Natalie whimpers, hearing Mark's voice sounding like he's in drastic pain as she continues the healing process for the Shinx.

Trent looks at the three injured Pokemon for a moment, smiling in delight. "Oh you three are so entertaining to see getting hurt. Because you honestly think that you can take on a powerful Pokemon such as myself." He then slams his foot to the ground, causing it to crack slightly. "Well guess what, it's not happening anytime soon!"

The three Pokemon grit their teeth in frustration, staring at the Mega Lucario in petrification. Iris looks at Trent sternly, preparing to flap her wings. "I wouldn't exactly bank on that, Trent." Iris retorts before flying towards him. While that happens, Mat rushes towards Sheer with a battle cry.

Sheer looks at the Cloyster, seeing him ready to swing his spear. Mat attempts to swing the spear at him but Sheer blocks it with his, the two spears clashing against each other as a result. Sheer shakes his head calmly, seeing the male Cloyster trying to push the spear forward. "You're such a fool, Mat. Willing to have your life be taken away over those you 'loved' and 'cared' about." Sheer says with an grim expression.

"Those loved ones matter a lot to me. And if I failed to protect them, then I failed as a good person." Mat replies before pushing more forward.

"Hmm…" Sheer closes his eyes, sighing heavily. "Then you know how I felt when I lost my grandfather." He then pushes back with greater force, causing the spear collision to end before swiping his spear at Mat. Mat notices the swiping and blocks it, resulting to him and Sheer to continuously swing and block each other in a quick pace.

As the fight goes on, civilians and guards from Ster Town are watching the mayhem from a distance. Witnessing a bunch of clashing and booming noises as they converse with each other, saying things such as 'What's going on now?', 'I hope the king is okay', and more. Some Cloysters and Shellders from Cloy Town even join in Ster Town to observe the violence going on. Even the prisoners and other guards from the Zero Forest are next to Ster Town by the gates. Worriedness showers throughout everyone's faces as the fight continues.

Trent manages to kick Mark away from him, sending him flying off in the air. "MARK!" Iris yells, glaring at the Mega Lucario immediately before rushing towards him and swinging her fist. Trent notices the Dragonite's attempt at attacking him and dodges it.

"Aaah!" Mark screams, being unable to control his twirling body in the air. After awhile, he slams into the ground, groaning massively in pain. "U-Ugh…" He attempts to get up on his feet, wincing unpleasantly along the way. "I-I won't...g-give up. N-Not h-here...not n-now-Gah!" He whimpers and gets on his knees, covering his stomach with his arm. It's like being hit by two hard irons all at once...it hurts. So...so much. The Riolu pants for a bit, staring down at the ground for a moment. What can we do to stop Trent? Crud, I feel like I'm close to fainting…

Mark looks up to see that he's far from the fight, next to some other crumbled down structures. If only I had my Weapon Mischief right now, I wouldn't have much of an problem with this fight… As Mark looks around, he notices a bag and a bow next to each other. The two items are beside him, leading him to gasp in rejoice. Iris' bag! A-And there's my Weapon Mischief being next to it! The Riolu smiles and grabs his bow, hugging it as if it were a baby. "Oh I missed you so much, my bow friend!" He says before kissing the bow repeatedly, snuggling it afterwards. He then equips the bow, along with having the bag onto his back as well, noticing Sheer's torn down bed and dressers next to the structure. He didn't pay much attention to them as he runs back to the others.

During the fight, Iris continues her punches while Trent dodges them. Trent then pushes the Dragonite away with his paw, seeing her slide across the ground. Lucas and Jimmy have fully gotten up on their feet, the two panting heavily during so. Jimmy and Iris look at each other before dashing after the Mega Lucario instantly. While that happens, Lucas goes to lay down on his back and lifts his tail up, slamming it towards the ground to launch himself up in the air. Iris notices that Sheer is being distracted by Mat, taking her eyes back onto Trent.

"Mat is distracting Sheer. So this is the time to use our moves, now!" Iris says to the Heracross, her fist beginning to form flames around it. Jimmy nods in approval, cracking his fist and spreading his arms out to use Close Combat. As the two scream and get closer to Trent, Trent snickers before swinging his tail around to use Iron Tail. He hits Iris with the attack, causing her to gasp in pain and collide into Jimmy. Dammit! As the two hits the ground, Trent sees Lucas gliding towards him.

"Hiyaaah!" Lucas proclaims, having his foot sticking out to prepare his kick as he gets in an awkward karate pose. Trent sweatdrops and just grab Lucas' by the foot, lowering his arm down to slam the Furret to the ground. "GAH!" Lucas yelps, coughing up blood during the hard, forceful drop.

Trent nods his head and has his mouth pushed back, forming an uncomfortable expression. "Okay. That was awkward." The Mega Lucario says, looking down at Lucas.

Lucas lifts his arm up, shifting his head to the side, left and right. "Now I'll have you know, I was the best karate-fu master in the wor-" The Furret passes out afterwards, leading Trent to feel even more confused.

"...I have no idea on what I just witnessed."

Iris grunts as she tries to get up. "You witnessed Lucas being Lucas. That's all you need to know." She answers, putting her paw by the side of her arm.

Trent looks at her, raising his brow while showing an awkward expression. "I...see." Trent then takes his attention towards Cocoon and the others, grinning deviously. "Well since you four are injured, I'll be attacking them now." He dashes off immediately, running towards the seven non-volunteer Pokemon.

"NO!" Iris tries to go after him but winces due to the infliction. Azure sees the deranged Mega Lucario heading for her direction and screams in terror, noticing his paws be engulfed in shadowy aura.

"I got this!" Zeke says, getting in front of the six Pokemon. Cerise widens his eyes at the Cloyster, gritting his teeth.

"Uh, I highly recommend you don't risk that. He could hurt you as badly as he did to Iris and the others!" Cerise explains in a worried tone.

"I-I know what I'm doing, Cerise." Zeke's voice sounds shaky when he said that. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm doing. I. DON'T. KNOW. WHAT. I'M. DOING! Then Trent attacks Zeke with Shadow Claw, leading him to yelp. "EEK!"


Trent has his paw against the Cloyster's shell, noticing that Zeke only moved slightly from the attack. "Hmm?" Trent wonders, tilting his head curiously. Why didn't he get blown awa- His thoughts cut off when suddenly winces in pain, backing away from Zeke. "What the hell!?" He rubs his paw gently, eyeing Zeke furiously. "Why was I damaged there!? I don't recall Cloysters having the ability Rough Skin before!"

Zeke blinks for a moment before coming into realization. "Oh. I'm alive because of my ability."

"Your ability?"

"Shell Armor. Allowing me to be immune to something that could oneshot me such as a one-hit KO move or boosted physical/special attacks that would normally knock me out. Speaking of which, you were hurt due to your physical attack being boosted. Mostly by contact, I should say."

"...I'm sorry, what?" Trent tilts his head in confusion.

Zeke sweatdrops and shrugs awkwardly. "Just think of it as a mixture between Unaware and Rough Skin...if that makes sense."

"I see…" Trent then takes his attention towards Natalie, seeing her healing Claire. "Welp, she has no one protecting her so…" The Mega Lucario takes off running without warning, grinning in delight. Mark returns back to the others and sees Trent heading for Natalie's direction, yelping in anxiety.

"Oh no you don't!" He shouts, forming an arrow by the side of his paw and rushes after the Mega Lucario. The Riolu shoots his arrow at Trent with his bow and Trent slashes the arrow with his Shadow Claw, taking his attention towards Mark. Trent runs towards him and clashes his Shadow Claw with Mark's bow, the two swinging at each other afterwards.

During so, Sheer pushes Mat to the ground with his spear, leading the Cloyster to groan in pain. He then take his eyes on Iris, seeing her trying to get up and prepare her used-to-be Fire Punch. "Not so fast, you pathetic waste of life." Sheer speaks, smirking at the Dragonite. Iris glares at him and snarls deeply.

"I would make you eat those words if it weren't for your damn Mythical Power!" Iris shouts, gripping her fist furiously. "TELL US YOUR WEAKNESS, ASSHOLE!" Natalie flickers her ears at the word 'weakness', opening her eyes and losing focus of healing Claire. She looks at Iris and Sheer, seeing Sheer laugh in a humble manner.

"Do you play me as a moronic fool? I would never tell my enemies about my MP's weakness, like I told you insignificant Piloswines before. However...I will tell you its name." Sheer winks. "Force Shatter."

"Force Shatter...What the hell does that name have anything to do with canceling someone's moves!?"

"Oh I don't know: I'm forcing your moves to not function, thus shattering any sort of chances you have to fight against me?" Sheer squints his eyes at the Dragonite.

Iris sweatdrops. "Oh…" That makes sense…

"Anywho, it's time to end this unnecessary combat."

Iris grits her teeth, still groaning due to her being in pain. "Iris!" Natalie shouts, catching the Dragonite's attention. "I know what's Sheer's weakness!" Sheer glances at the Zorua, squinting his eyes.

Shoot. Sheer thinks, looking at the Mega Lucario immediately. "Trent! Get the Zorua, now!" Trent flickers his ear and turns to Natalie slightly, going to rush towards her after pushing Mark away.

"Hurry and tell us, Natalie!" Iris yells, noticing Trent rushing towards her in a quick pace.

"It's his ho-" Natalie is interrupted by Trent's fist colliding against her face. Mark and Iris' eyes widen in shock and terror.

"NATALIE!" The two both scream the Zorua's name, seeing her zoom away from Claire and Mark and crash crucially against another structure. The wall structure collapses onto the Zorua, covering her. Mark grits his teeth in pure rage, his red eyes widening more as he glares at the Mega Lucario.

"You...Your powers may have scared me earlier. But seeing Natalie getting hurt not once but twice…" Mark pauses for a moment, preparing his bow and arrow as he aims it at Trent. "Just makes me want to put you down before you put her down!"

Trent looks at the Riolu and smirks. He dashes towards him and grabs Mark by the head. Mark gasps, looking up at the Mega Lucario. "Alright. Then how about I," Trent pauses his sentence as he forces the Riolu's head down, slamming him massively towards the ground. "Put you down, first."

Iris grits her teeth concernedly. "Mark! No!" She yells, seeing Trent remove his hand from Mark's face afterwards. Mark has his eyes closed and his mouth opened, unconscious and unable to move.

"Ugh...You two are just unstoppable monsters." Jimmy says, groaning as he gets up. "This is un-unacceptable!"

As Trent goes to focus on Iris and the others, Iris looks at Mark then Natalie's crash site, her mind scattering into thoughts. What to do, what to do...Natalie mentioned Sheer's weakness being something, but was cut off. She thinks, now taking her eyes onto Sheer, who's currently smiling at her and the others. What may that weakness be? Soon, she hears Claire's grunts and takes her attention onto the Shinx.

Claire groans and rubs her head with her paw, sighing heavily. "Wow that was...such an unnecessary and painful experience. Those guards really did damage me badly, after all." Claire says before sighing once more. "I'll be sure to use my moves cautiously whenever I'm under that injured phase again." She looks around to see the crumbled down messy area she's in, blinking in surprise. "Whoa there. Is it me or did I just ended up in another place? Thought I was in the castle." Then she instantly gasps in realization. "Never mind that. Mistress!"

She looks around, noticing Iris and the others struggling to fight Trent and Sheer off. "Where are you, mistress!?" She soon sees the collapsing wall structure that has Natalie in it, noticing the Zorua's tail sticking out from it. Mistress… Claire thinks, gritting her teeth in rage. Her presence even feels as though she's...dead. The Shinx growls deeply, glancing at everyone. "Who...harmed...MISTRESS!?" Claire questions loudly, slamming her paw down furiously.

Trent looks at Claire, raising his brow. "You mean the Zorua?" Trent asks confusedly.

Claire eyes the Mega Lucario, nodding firmly. "Yes mortal. Were you perhaps the cause of this? If so, you'll regret doing that."

Trent blinks at the Shinx and laughs loudly, shaking his head. "Great. Now I've got a Shinx trying so hard to threaten me."

Sheer looks at the Shinx while trying to focus on the others. "I wouldn't taunt her if I were you, Trent." Sheer suggests.

Trent stares at the large barbed Cloyster and rolls his eyes in sarcasm. "And why's that? She'll electrocute me to death or something?" Then he turns back to see the Shinx in front of his face. And in the air. "Uh." Claire smacks the Mega Lucario's head to the ground, cracks forming from the forceful slam's sight. As he tries to get up, Claire pins him down and forces him to look at her. "Ugh!" Trent groans in a uncomfortable manner, staring at the angry Shinx.

"You should've listened to your friend there. He was trying to save you from what I'm about to do to you." Claire says, staring into the Mega Lucario's eyes. Trent stares back and notices her soulless and empty yellow eyes, as if every flower in existence has turned into the color gray. "You see it, right? Emptiness?" The Shinx then creepily smiles at him, cocking her head slightly in a crazed manner. "And we all know that there's nothing beyond emptiness, hmm?"

Trent begins to tremble as he sweatdrops, his eyes widening in petrification. "Wh-Why do I feel-"

"Weak? Well my foolish lower power, that's because I'm using the Intimidate ability. Something that I should've activated long ago whenever I get into fights." Claire interrupts Trent as electricity begins to surround her body, with a yellow aura accompanying it. Trent grits his teeth in frustration, trying to move out of the Shinx's grasp but couldn't. "So since one of you decided it was a good idea to badly injure mistress, I believe that it's a good idea...to eradicate the both of you." Claire lets go of the Mega Lucario, backing away slightly. Afterwards, she charges towards Trent in a quick pace.

Trent gets up immediately and tries to back away from the Shinx, but she rams into his stomach with Wild Charge. "AH!" Trent screams as he's launched towards Sheer. Sheer notices the Mega Lucario flying towards and crashing into him, hitting the ground as a result. "Oof!"

Claire pants heavily, wincing from the recoil damage as the electricity and yellow aura fade away from her. She then gasps and widens her eyes, seeing a list of five words appearing in front of her. While everyone else can see these words, they themselves appear to be written in a more cryptic language and font. Through Claire's eyes, the words read as follows: Spark, Tackle, Discharge, Bite and Wild Charge. She's seeing her moves. "Oh. I guess I learned a new move and need to replace one. Hmm...I'll just replace this." She then closes her eyes, the word 'Wild Charge' rising to where the word 'Tackle' is. Then the 'Wild Charge' glows brightly before said glow fades away and shows the 'Tackle' nowhere in sight. Afterwards, the words disappear as she opens her eyes. "Not gonna need Tackle anyway."

Iris blinks confusedly at the Shinx. "Huh...that's strange." She says before noticing the structure Natalie is in starting to move. "Hmm?" The structure begins to burst, creating an hole. Natalie exits the hole, finishing her Shadow Ball attack and panting heavily.

"Horn! His weakness...is his..." Natalie falls to the ground, closing her eyes slowly. "H-Horn…"

"Mistress!" Claire rushes to the Zorua's aid. Mat looks at Sheer's large barbed horn, glancing at it.

"I knew there was something odd about that horn!" Mat exclaims, getting up from the ground and rushing towards his two opponents. Iris and Jimmy look at each other for a moment before following Mat. Sheer pushes Trent off from him and notices the three Pokemon sprinting towards him.

Shoot. They know about my weakness now… Sheer thinks as Mat swings his spear at his horn. Sheer yelps and blocks the spear with his, while at the same time noticing that Iris and Jimmy are besides Mat. "Huh!?" The two Pokemon throw their fists towards the large barbed Cloyster, him backing away from the punches immediately. That was close… "Grr." Sheer closes his eyes, his spear beginning to glow white. "I was so close to accomplishing my goal." He then opens his eyes, them beginning to glow white instead of blue. "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO RUIN THEM!" He then moves his spear forward rapidly, screaming within a battle cry. "Stab Platinum!"

Sheer manages to hit Iris and Jimmy with his Weapon Move, jabbing them all over the place. The two grunt and block the attack with their arms as Mat gets out of the way of the rapid jab. Then Sheer slides across the two Pokemon, causing them to get blown away and roll all over the ground. "Iris!" Anna yells, her and the others feeling more worried than before. Iris and Jimmy grip onto the ground to stop their roll, panting heavily as they look up at Mat and Sheer.

"So that's your Weapon Move, huh? Well here's mine!" Mat exclaims before jumping in the air, letting go of his spear and allowing it to float above him. Then multiple spears begins to form around him, all positioning at their target. Sheer looks at the spears and grits his teeth, gulping in a uneasy manner. Mat fires the spears at Sheer, all aiming towards him in a intense speed. "Downpour of a Thousand Spears!"

"Oh bucket of icicles!" Sheer says before being hit by the multiple spears, yelping from the amount of damage he's receiving. One of the spears manages to hit his horn, leading him to scream in pain as one more spear sends him flying off into the air and crashing against a half wall structure that's next to Natalie and Claire. Claire drags Natalie away from Sheer with her mouth as Sheer groans uncomfortably. "U-Ugh…" His barbed horn is slightly cracked due to the Weapon Move, the spears fading away after hitting him.

Mat sighs in relief and floats towards the ground, Exo cheering him on in rejoice. "Woohoo! You showed him who's boss, Mat!" Exo yells excitedly, seeing Mat return to his normal floating altitude and form a singular spear. Mat looks at Exo and smirks, rubbing the side of his shell with his spear.

"I may have the shorter horn but at least I have the better Weapon Move, haha." Mat says happily.

Trent notices that Mat is being distracted and gets up. The Mega Lucario runs towards the Cloyster, but is stopped by Jimmy, whose eyes are glowing the colors gamboge (light brown) and dark red. "I believe that won't be necessary, you evil doer." Jimmy says as a magical horn begins to form on his actual bandaged horn. Iris and Anna gasp at the imaginary horn, shocked to see it being formed from Jimmy's head. Jimmy then punches and kicks Trent all over the place, jabbing him in the face as his scarf and arms glow white. "Close Horn Combat!"

Jimmy then delivers the final blow by smacking Trent with his horn, sending him crashing into Sheer. Sheer coughs out blood from the impact, him and Trent both groaning in pain. Jimmy's eyes, scarf and arms stop glowing as the magical horn begins to fade away. "Whoa…" Iris says, stunned by Jimmy's Mixturing Move. "So even without his horn, he can still use his Mixturing Move…"

"Does this means that you can use Mixturing Moves no matter what body parts you're missing?" Anna asks, continuing to protect both the egg and Ashen. Iris turns towards Anna, putting her paw against her face thinking.

"Seems like that's the case. But I'm not certain if the same applies for Weapon Moves." The Dragonite then shrugs. "Looks like we're learning something new about these things everyday, huh?"

Anna nods. "I couldn't agree more." Then Iris, Mat and Jimmy take their attention towards their two opponents, seeing them trying to get up from the structure. As the two brush themselves off, the three Pokemon approach them, Iris and Jimmy folding their arms while Mat lifts his spear up in preparation.

"It's over now, Sheer. You might as well accept defeat at this point. Because we know about your MP's weakness, we know about your plans, and we pretty much weakened you and your partner in crime there." Mat states, glaring at the two. Trent and Sheer look at each other for a moment before the two grin deviously at the three.

"Oh you simple minded fools...Even if you knew about my plans. Even if you knew about my weakness. Even if you weakened the two of us...Who said that we were defeated?" Sheer replies before spitting out blood onto the ground.

"Uh...we did?" Iris answers while raising her brow at Sheer.

"And? You think that we're defeated. You want to believe that we're defeated. But in actuality, you're the ones that are defeated because even if you defeated us, this kingdom is still a mess. And it's too late to fix it." Sheer sighs happily before staring at the sky. "Not everyone in this world can receive an happy ending. Because we all know that at the end, there's no such thing as a happy ending when it comes to death." Iris squints her eyes at him, backing away slightly as he grins at her. "Right?"

"That's why we create happy memories! To cherish them before we die!" A familiar male voice says in a furious, low tone. The group look to see the voice coming from Mark, his body surrounded by black, shadowy auras. The Riolu is panting heavily, holding his bow in one paw before tossing the bag he had earlier to the side.

"Mark!" Iris and Jimmy shout, both looking rather confused by the aura surrounding the Riolu.

Trent raises his brow at the Riolu, perplexed by this phenomenon as well. "Uh, what's going on with you?" He asks Mark in a very blunt manner. The others agree on what Trent said, all beginning to chat about it. Mark looks at himself for a moment, noticing the shadowy auras surrounding his arms before looking back at Trent.

"I have absolutely no idea. But what I do know is that I'm done with this fight. I'm done seeing my friends getting injured, especially her!" Mark exclaims, pointing at Natalie, who's being tapped by Claire. Mark then forms a fist, glaring at the Mega Lucario. "So now, I'm angry. Very angry. Well actually, I'm neither of those." The Riolu takes off running towards the Mega Lucario, screaming in rage. "I. AM. PISSED!"

Trent backs away a bit and shakes his head. "Some kids just never learn these days." The Mega Lucario then forms a Dragon Pulse from his paws as Sheer's eyes start glowing blue, trying to prevent the Riolu from using his moves.

As Mark looks at Sheer, an unfamiliar voice begins to speak in his head. "Steal his Mythical Power…" The voice says in a eerie and raspy tone, leading the Riolu's eyes to turn pure black as he stares at Sheer. Sheer's eyes soon stop glowing, leading him to feel odd.

"Hmm?" The large barbed Cloyster says in a confusing manner. Mark's eyes then begin to glow blue as he uses Copycat on Trent, allowing him to use Dragon Pulse back. Trent tries to fire his Dragon Pulse but couldn't, beginning to become perplexed as well.

"What the!?" He says before getting hit by the multi-colored dragon shaped attack, groaning from it. He collides with Sheer as the two bump against the structure. "Wh-What just happened!? Why wasn't my attack pulled off? And how was he able to damage me with a move, Sheer!?"

"I-I have no idea. I thought I was using my Mythical Power on him but apparently, I-" Sheer pauses for a moment to notice that Mark's eyes are glowing blue, leading him to gulp. "Um...Trent."


"I think he stole my MP…"

"WHAT!?" Trent and the others all yell in surprise.

Mark glares at the two. "And not only that, but thanks to my Prankster ability, which increases my priority and gives me a chance to go first with any status move, I was able to use Copycat first on Trent's Dragon Pulse before canceling his move." Mark explains, gripping his bow as it glows white. "I'm glad to have pulled this off at the right moment." Then his eyes changes from glowing blue to glowing white. He looks at Iris and the others. "Quick, they can't do anything now that I stole Sheer's MP. Now's your chance!"

With no time to think, Iris and the other two look at each other for a moment and nod. The three dash off towards their opponent, Iris' eyes glowing the colors dark blue and light blue while Mat's eyes glow white along with his spear. "FIRE ICE PUNCH!" Iris shouts, her necklace glowing white as she punches the two against the broken down structure wall. The two gasp, yelping in pain before Iris grabs them and throws them behind her.

Jimmy jumps in the air and catches the two, slamming them into each other roughly. The two feel dizzy from the impactive slam, Trent receiving the most pain due to colliding against Sheer's shell. Then Jimmy throws them further into the air, leading them to scream as he lands on the ground. Mark and Mat launch up in the air, Mark forming three shining arrows onto his bow as Mat forms several spears around him.

Claire stares at the two enemies, snarling deeply. "Let me join in on this final blow, too!" She yells before shooting her red Discharge at the two. Trent and Sheer both scream in agony from the attack as Mark and Mat prepare themselves to use their Weapon Moves.


"TRIAD SPLINTER!" Mark shouts.

Then the two release their Weapon Moves: Mark's three shining arrows firing at the two with their glittering sparks while Mat's spears roar their way towards the two. The combination of the two Weapon Moves plus Claire's Discharge causes the two opponents to feel more infliction than ever.

Soon, a huge explosion occurs, causing black smoke to form from the attacks. The crowds at Ster Town become anxious and curious of the explosion, all going 'What!?' and 'Huh!?'. After awhile, the smoke begins to fade away as Claire stops using Discharge and Mark and Mat land on the ground swiftly. Mark's eyes stop glowing along with his bow. The same can be said for Mat as well.

Iris' eyes and necklace stop glowing as she and the others stare at the fading smoke, becoming cautious and curious. The smoke reveals Sheer and Trent passed out, leading everyone to sigh in relief afterwards. "They're down…Good riddance." Mat says to himself, panting heavily. Natalie heals herself in time before she and Lucas wake up from their knocked out state, her body ceasing its red outline.

"U-Ugh...What happened?" Lucas asks, rubbing the side of his head.

Claire sees Natalie being awake and gasps. "Mistress!" The Shinx says, immediately goes to hug the Zorua and nuzzle her instantly. "Oh I'm so happy that you're still alive!" Natalie sweatdrops at the nuzzling.

"I'm glad that I'm alive too, Claire." The Zorua says, sighing in relief. Then she takes her attention towards Sheer and Trent, seeing them passed out. Trent glows light blue, his tail beginning to shrink and lose its bushy features. The second spikes on his feet, arms and appendages also shrink, the appendages no longer separating from each other as well. Soon he stops glowing and reverts back to his regular Lucario form, his paw having the Lucarionite under his possession as a result. "Oh. And it seems like we took those two out, finally."

"Pfft, don't you mean me? I mean, I'd been doing all the dirty work on taking care of this two, right?" Lucas lies as he walks next to Trent and folds his arms in determination. Anna and Iris raise their brows at the silly eye-patched Furret.

"You idiot. I saw Iris and the others doing more combat than you'd ever done!" Anna shouts. Lucas looks at her, glancing sternly. Anna blinks for a moment before coming into an realization, sweatdropping. "I-I mean, of course you did some of the work, Lucas! Plenty, hehe…"

"What I thought, mate." He then looks away from the Ninetales as Anna exhales a huge amount of breath.

Soon, Mark's body stops being shrouded by the black, shadowy aura as his eyes stop glowing. At the same time, he begins to hear voices in his head. All of them are speaking at once, so much to the point where he doesn't understand a single one. Then the voices suddenly repeat his name several times. Over and over. Again and again. It's almost as if he's in a constant loop before Iris snaps him out of it by calling his name. "Hmm!? Yeah!?" Mark says, blinking confusedly at the Dragonite.

"I...wanted to ask: How did you do that?" Iris questions the Riolu, Natalie and Claire being next to her.

Mark looks at his paws and thinks for a moment, raising his brow. "I'm...not sure, honestly." Everyone becomes surprised by his answer, all beginning to converse about it.

"Huh...If you don't know, then I'm willing to bet on the fact that either you have a Mythical Power or you're going through some unknown powers like Natalie and Claire are."

"Honestly, I think that it's a Mythical Power. It has to be, since he's just now discovering it. Sure, it could be what Natalie and Claire has but as far as I know, what Mark has...isn't close to being related to what Claire has. At all." Anna converses, shrugging uncomfortably at the thought of what Claire did to those guards from earlier.

"I see." Iris smiles down at the Riolu. "Well little fella, you get to name it. Since you discovered its existence and all. So what will the name be, Mark?"

"Yeah! I'm curious to know!" Natalie says excitedly, leaning close to the Riolu. Mark thinks for a moment, and is about to speak until a voice within his head interrupts him.

"Name it Shadow Corruption…" The voice whispers.

"...Shadow Corruption." Mark confirms, leading the others to be surprised.

"Shadow Corruption? But why that name?" Iris asks. Mark shrugs uncomfortably, looking confused himself. "...Well anyway, I'm happy for you having an MP of your own. And well, this madness being over with, too." Iris smiles warmly.

Soon, grunting noises is heard, leading the others to look at its location. The noise comes from Sheer and Trent, the two getting up weakly and groaning unpleasantly. The group all become tense, Lucas yelping and running away from the two. He gets next to Iris, hiding behind her. "I-I only ran away bravely, o-okay!" Lucas says shakily.

Iris shakes head before speaking. "Man, we hit you two with a Mixturing Move, two Weapon Moves, and a Discharge. How are you not beaten, yet!?" The Dragonite exclaims. Sheer begins to laugh insanely, smiling widely.

"No. I refuse to be beaten. Not by some pesky outsiders of the Cloyster Kingdom. Oh nooo, I refuse!" Sheer yells, staring at the sky. "I! Am Senator Sheer! The highest power that will bring order and get his happiness back! Even if it means to take that of another! You will see. ALL OF YOU WILL!"

"Yeeeaaah...Looks like we arrived to see some crazy dude talking to the sky." A female voice says in a snarky tone, leading everyone to be confused as to where the voice came from. Soon, everyone sees a group of Pokemon arriving at the entrance of the crumbled castle.

The group consist of five Pokemon: A green bandana-wearing Sceptile, a Grovyle that wears a black cape, a Milotic, a cyclops-like creature with a red pupil and a yellow bouquet on the side of her head (Dusknoir), and a bipedal chicken-like creature with mostly a reddish yellow colored body and a red, black marble-like stone being on his right wrist like a watch (Blaziken). The Sceptile also has a marble-like stone much like the Blazikens' on his neck as a necklace, the color of it being mostly lime. The Sceptile seems to be carrying a green bag as well while the gang all blink curiously at him and the five Pokemon, tilting their heads in confusion.

"Why yes, Ebony. That's totally going on my crazy list." The Dusknoir says, giggling softly to herself. Ebony, the black cape Grovyle, raises her brow at the Dusknoir.

"Thought you already listed that before." Ebony folds her arms, taking her eyes back to the group.

"But a Pokemon being crazy while talking to the sky? That's a new one compared to a Pokemon being crazy while talking to the ground."

"Riiight…" Ebony sweatdrops.

"Um excuse me but...who might you guys be?" Iris asks cautiously. Trent looks at the five Pokemon, noticing that they're staring at him before he turns to the side.

Ah shit… Trent thinks, scratching the back of his head.

"Well I'm happy that you asked, ma'am." The Sceptile says before taking out his Caller from the bag, revealing it towards Iris and the others. He press a yellow button that wasn't present on a Caller before, it revealing an hologram of the words 'Savior Unit'. "The name's Mystery. The Grovyle is Ebony, the Milotic is Helena, the Dusknoir is Gonel and the Blaziken is Leon. We're a part of a special team known as the Savior Unit, working for the Official Protection government."

"WHAT!?" The gang all say in surprise, Lucas trembling a bit.

"Y-You guys w-work for the O-O.P. government?" Lucas asks in a shaky tone.

"Of course. My brother just mentioned that a second ago." The female Grovyle answers in a critical manner, folding her arms as if she's disappointed. "As much as we'd love to explain more about ourselves, we've got more concerning matters to focus on."

"Like what?" Iris questions, raising her brow. Mystery returns the Caller into his bag, the hologram fading away as Ebony points at Trent.

"Like arresting that criminal over there." Trent looks at the Savior Units, chuckling nervously and sweatdropping.

"H-Hi…" The Lucario says, waving shyly at them.

"Why hello to you too, darling." Gonel replies, crossing her arms together. "Been a naughty boy after escaping us, haven't you?" Everyone looks at the Dusknoir, raising their brows and sweatdropping uncomfortably.

"Oookay then." Iris speaks, taking her focus onto Mystery. "Why are you tracking him down?"

"Well you see-"

"For starters, he's a criminal. As I stated earlier." Ebony explains abruptly, interrupting the Sceptile. The bandana Sceptile looks at Ebony and chuckles softly, putting his hand onto her head.

"Right sis, he is indeed a criminal. A highly dangerous one, to be exact." Mystery then looks at Iris and the others, mostly focusing his attention on the Lucario. "This Lucario has committed a numerous amounts of crimes for several years. Those crimes include stealing, impersonating and even taking another Pokemon's life. Rather by killing them because he wants to or…" Mystery squints his eyes at Trent. "Killing them because of cannibalism. In which that is the ultimate forbidden thing to do alongside murdering another." Iris widens her eyes along with the others, all taking their attention towards Trent. Sheer raises his brow, forming an disturbing expression on his face.

"I didn't know that you eat other Pokemon!" Sheer says, feeling rather shocked.

Trent shrugs awkwardly. "Meat Product taste like garbage to me, okay!?" He exclaims, whimpering.

Iris looks to the side with an guilty look on her face, sweatdropping. "Well he's not lying about that..." She says to herself. The Savior Units look at her with raised brow, leading her to shake her head and paws immediately. "I-I mean, I'll still eat them though. Just that I personally don't like them, that's all. Not like I'll eat another Pokemon because of such, hehe…" She laughs nervously, scratching the back of her head as the Units stare sternly at her. "I'll just shut up now."

"Annnyway...we've been tracking this guy down ever since then." Mystery says, him and the Units taking their attention on Trent. Trent gulps and looks at Sheer, wincing uncomfortably.

"Sheer, I thought you jammed the tracking device on my back so that these guys wouldn't appear!" Trent yells, yelping in displeasure.

Sheer goes to immediately look all over the Lucario's back in a panicky pace. "B-But I did! I swear on Arceus himself that I did jam it!" Sheer answers before stopping to see the very, very small device blinking red on Trent's back. "Wait, wh-what!?"

Ebony smirks. "Seems like you didn't jam it enough if we could still see you on our radar, genius." The Grovyle states, her brother taking out the Caller again to reveal a grid-like map visible on its screen. It shows the radar flickering a red dot quickly, meaning they're close to their target.

Anna blinks in surprise. "What the? A Caller can do that!?" The Ninetales says shockingly.

"That's so cool!" Mark yells, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yeah!" Natalie follows along, wagging her tail happily to the amazement.

The others begin to agree as well while Iris groans uncomfortably. I really wish Lucas didn't threw mine away now… The Dragonite thinks.

Ebony shrugs awkwardly as Mystery puts the Caller back into the bag. "Yes, but only the Pokemon working for the Official Protection can acquire these special kinds of Callers." She states in a bluntly manner, leading the gang to feel down.

"Well so much for me wanting to track down Exo's movement for fun now." Mat says playfully.

"Wait, hey! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'FOR FUN'!?" Exo shouts, sweatdropping as Mat chuckles softly.

Iris then interrupts the two with a question. "Say, about that tracking device, I didn't see it anywhere on Trent's back at all when I first met him." She says, creating a good point.

"Well that's because Gonel managed to use one of her gadgets she created, the tracking device, to throw it onto his back during our last encounter with him." Helena explains in a soft, serene tone.

Gonel raises her hand in delight. "Indeed! I crafted that baby up so small to the point where it'll be hard to spot even on a Joltik!" Gonel elaborates joyfully. "However, it's not my only gadget I created." She suddenly forces her hand through her ghostly body and grabs a brown slingshot object. "I also craft Weapon Mischiefs such as this slingshot here and," She uses her other hand to dig something else out of her body, having an black shotgun in that hand. "This painfully to make son of a gun right here. Ha, gun. Pun totally not intended."

Iris and the others raise their brows at Gonel, Zeke blinking into curiosity. "Did she just grab those things from her body…?" He asks, looking rather confused.

Helena, Leon and Mystery sweatdrop at the Dusknoir as Ebony puts her hand against her face, shaking her head. "Oh boy, here we go with her rambling about her creations again…" Ebony says, sighing heavily.

Gonel then returns both of the Weapon Mischiefs back into her body, trying to grab something else. "There's also this bomb-like object that I'm in the middle of developing right now." Gonel giggles before taking out a notepad and a quill that has ink at the tip. "Whoops. Wrong thing to grab...then again, I do need to write down this situation on the 'Crazy Things Pokemon Do' list." The Dusknoir goes to write on her notepad. "Guy talking to the sky…" She talks to herself as she writes, the others sweatdropping at her.

Man she's weird… Ebony thinks, sighing once more. "Anyway, we struggled to find him ever since our last encounter, because the device wanted to cut on and off at random. You can thank those two for toying around with it." She then glances at Trent and Sheer as the Dusknoir finishes writing.

"I...see." Iris responds, nodding slowly.

After that, Trent looks up in the sky to see a quadruped, draconic creature with large red wings, red markings on his throat and on the underside of his long tail, and has mostly a blue body: Salamence. The Salamence also seems to have a marble-like stone strapped onto his forehead with a brown belt as he flaps his wings, looking to be forming flames around his mouth. Trent smirks deviously, sighing in relief afterwards. "Thank goodness my ride is here." He says calmly.

"Your what?" Ebony asks before the Salamence opens his mouth and uses Fire Blast on the group, the star shaped fire aiming between the gang and Trent. Trent grabs Sheer and backs away from the attack as it lands onto the ground, causing Iris and the others to yelp from it. They jump back from the flames, causing the Savior Unit to become alert. "Okay, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?"

Helena looks up to the sky, seeing the Salamence floating down towards Trent. "It must've come from that Salamence. It's heading towards our target." Helena answers, fixated by the flames separating the group from Trent and Sheer. "Seems like it used Fire Blast to separate us from the two." Helena shakes her head while closing her eyes. "Luckily for us and not for them: I'm a Water type. So I'll go ahead and put out the flames."

"Good idea." Mystery confirms, seeing the Milotic slither off towards the flames as he and the other Units follow.

Behind the flames, Trent sighs in relief and gives the Salamence a thumbs up. "Thanks for stopping by right on time. For a second there, I thought I was a goner when the Units arrived." The Lucario speaks, chuckling nervously. The Salamence nods firmly at him, giving him a stern look before taking his attention towards Sheer, who's looking quite anxious now.

"Trent, now's my chance to receive my part of the deal!" Sheer explains eagerly, floating close to the two Pokemon. "Let me join you on the Salamence too, please!"

Trent puts his paw against his chin, thinking for a moment. "Hmm…" He notices that the flames are beginning to wear down due to Helena spewing water on it, leading the large barbed Cloyster to fret.


"Alright, alright. Just give me a second." Trent goes to whisper to the Salamence, the Salamence leaning the side of his head towards him. Then the Salamence mutters back into the Lucario's ear, looking at Sheer during so.


"Hmm…" Trent shakes his head as he hops onto the Salamence's back. "Sorry, Sheer. Lumani and my pal Skyrider here have been observing you from the Land of Wishes and they agreed that you're not worthy for your wish."

"WHAT!? WHY!?" Sheer's eyes widen in terror from the news, the flames behind him fading more and more.

"He's seen how aggressive and ruthless you are on wanting to achieve your goal. He thinks it'll end up backfiring not only on him but also his entire land as well. Basically saying, you'll bring destruction to his land due to your wish being too...risky, to be honest with ya." Sheer stands there, looking at the ground and becoming completely broken. As if everything around him begins to shatter into pieces as the Salamence, Skyrider, begins to flap his wings. "His decision, dude. Not mine." Trent then grins at him. "It was nice working with you, Sheer. But like you said before: You can't always trust everyone, hmm?" Sheer slowly looks up at the Lucario, a grim look forming across his face as the Lucario salutes him. "Cya later, Feraligatr."

Then the Salamence takes off flying as Sheer bursts out screaming, yelling from the top of his lungs. "CURSE YOU, TRENT! YOU'LL PAY ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE!" Sheer shouts, tears constantly streaming down from his face as Helena fully puts out the flames. "ALL OF YOU WILL PAAAY!" Sheer turns around and attempts to attack one of the Units with his spear before the Blaziken kicks the spear away, having it slide across the ground. Soon Gonel gets behind the large barbed Cloyster, wrapping her arms around him and trapping him. Sheer struggles to get out of the Dusknoir's grasp, grunting in the process. "UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT!"

"I don't think so, cray cray." Gonel responds in a teasing tone, giggling afterwards. Mystery notices Trent flying away on his Salamence in the distance, taking out his Caller and sees the rader still going.

"No worries, we'll track him down immediately and-"

"Annnd the radar stops beeping. We lost track of him." Ebony points out, interrupting the Sceptile. Mystery looks at his Caller and notices the red dot no longer present on the grid graph, sighing heavily.

"Maybe next time...Whenever we encounter him again." Mystery says, shaking his head before putting his Caller back into the bag.

"About time that 'highly dangerous criminal' takes that thing off from his back and breaks it. I'm surprised that he didn't get himself killed by a Magikarp with the way he tried to cover up his crimes. Seriously, why is this guy dangerous again?" Ebony puts her hand out while showing a 'Really?' look on her face.

Mystery shrugs at the Grovyle before taking his attention towards the others. "Well, we may have lost our chance at catching Trent but…" He pauses for a moment to look at Sheer, eyeing him. "At least we caught someone who tried to help that criminal escape. An accomplice, to be exact." Sheer glares at the Sceptile angrily before eyeing at the gang.

"I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for them…" Sheer says quietly to himself.

"Oooh he did more than just try to help that evil doer out!" Exo joins in the conversation in a dramatic manner. Mystery and the other Units look at Exo curiously.

"Oh? Such as?" Mystery asks. Exo goes to explain to the Savior Units about the madness Sheer had caused, the Sceptile nodding firmly. "I see. This Cloyster was capable of doing all of that, huh? And even used his Mythical Power as an advantage to let this kingdom be unstable." Mystery walks towards the large barbed Cloyster, eyeing at him. "You sir had dug yourself some deep holes. In other words, you're under arrest. And you have every right to remain silent as anything from this point on will be held against you." Sheer rolls his eyes before everyone hears Brook whimpering, taking their attention towards him and the other six Pokemon.

"Norah, please stay alive!" Brook yells, weeping in sorrow as he holds the female Cloyster close to him. Mat widens his eyes before dashing to the seven, everyone else following along.

"Please m-mother, h-hang in there!" Azure cries out, nudging against her mother's shell.

"I...I can't…" Norah says weakly, shutting her eyes slightly. Mat gets closer to her, gritting his teeth in anxiety.

"Don't say that, Norah. Just stay strong and fight this, okay? You'll make it." Mat replies, a tear beginning to slide down from his face. Sheer glances at Mat, shaking his head.

"See how it feels to lose your happiness, you fool…" Sheer speaks in a menacing tone. Mat looks at him, glaring menacingly himself before Norah catches his attention by coughing.

"D-Don't listen t-to him, Mat...You can find happiness in anything besides just your loved ones." The female Cloyster says, whimpering in pain. "I remember all the good times we had together...The fun and amazing moments. And even if we encounter negative moments such as these, we still pulled through with it. Together..."

Mat forms more tears as he shakes his head. "You'll be fine, Norah! Please!" He says before Natalie whimpers, immediately dashing away from Iris and Claire.

"Oh no way am I letting this lady die!" Natalie says, reaching towards the female Cloyster's location. She has her paws forming red outlines around them again, putting them onto the Cloyster's body. As she attempts to heal her, she notices that her body isn't forming the red outline unlike the others she had healed. Meaning, she's not healing her. "Hmm!?" The Zorua becomes confused before attempting to heal her once more. "I-I can't heal her!"

"What!? Why's that!?" Anna questions, concern filling throughout her mind. Natalie shakes her head in response.

"I-I don't know…" The Zorua whines, trying her best to heal her but continuing to not see the red outline on Norah. Claire walks towards Natalie, putting her paw on her back and shaking her head.

"Her time is already up, mistress." Claire speaks in a sorrow tone. "It is too late for her…"

Natalie and Mat look at the Shinx, both forming horror on their faces as Natalie continues the healing process. "N-NO! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT! I CAN SAVE HER! I KNOW THAT I CAN!" Natalie shouts, tears streaming down. "PLEASE STAY ALIVE, NORAH!"

As the group all continue to stare at the situation going on, the Pokemon egg within Anna's possession begins to move. "Hmm?" Anna wonders, looking down at the egg. Norah weakly looks at the egg as well, seeing it crack slightly before glowing white. Everyone looks at the egg shining brightly and gazes at it in awe. "Whoa…" Anna says to herself, blinking in surprise.

Soon the egg hatches and stops glowing, revealing an amphibious quadruped creature with a blue body, light-blue underside, a blue fin on top of his head and a light-blue tail: Mudkip. The Mudkip blinks adorably, staring at everyone that's currently gazing at his attention. "Wow...I've never seen a newborn being hatched in my life until now…" Iris says, staring at it in shock.

"Same here…" Natalie replies to the Dragonite's comment, her and the others feeling amazed by the sight of the newborn Pokemon.

Norah gazes at the Mudkip and smiles weakly yet warmly. "Wh-What a relief...After everything I had to endure in this kingdom, I at least get to witnessed a newborn at the end…It warms my heart..." Norah speaks before coughing up more blood, gasping heavily. Mat grits his teeth worriedly.

"Norah!" The male Cloyster yells, more tears beginning to slide down his face. Norah looks at Mat and smiles warmly.

"You're so much better than my husband, Mat...Who left me after Azure was born...You supported me during that dreadful time...and I felt so many warmths because of it."

"Norah!" Mat leans his face close to Norah's, whimpering in sorrows. "Please don't…"

"Mat...Take care of my father and daughter. For my goodness sake, please...I wished I could've said these phrases before this happened...Mat, I-" Norah pauses for a moment to lean her face against Mats', pressing her lips against his gently. Mat's eyes widen as the tears continues its waterfall stream of depression. Norah closes her eyes during the gentle kiss, a single tear sliding down across her face. She pulls back from the kiss and sighs. "I love you...From the bottom of my heart, I truly...do…" Then the female Cloyster lies down on her back, no longer gasping for air nor breathing. Her body remains completely still as she forms a smile on her face, becoming nothing else but a mere corpse of someone dearly. Mat stands there, his eyes widening in petrification.


This leads Natalie to attempt to heal her once more, tears streaming down her face as sadness spreads across everyone. Even the folks at Cloy Town become depressed by what they're witnessing. "NO! I CAN REVIVE HER! I CAN DO THAT, RIGHT!?" Natalie yells, taking her attention towards Claire. "R-RIGHT!?"

"Mistress…" Claire pauses before patting the Zorua on her back. "Your powers can only heal your allies...not revive them." The Shinx then looks at the dead Cloyster, seeing Azure, Brook and Mat weeping in sorrow. "I'm sorry…" Soon Natalie begins to burst into tears, the red outline on her paws fading at the same time.

Iris grits her teeth and punches the ground, shaking her head. "Dammit!" She yells loud enough for the others to hear.

"Mommy!" The Shellder cries, weeping onto Brook's outer shell. The Mudkip looks at the situation going on before feeling uncomfortable and whining himself, tears streaming down immediately from his eyes. Mystery and the other Units just look down at the ground, shaking their heads. While this happens, Ashen begins to wake up from his knocked out state, groaning uncomfortably as he rubs the back of his head.

"What...happened?" Ashen asks before seeing Anna looking down. "Hmm? What's wrong with you?" He then notices the Mudkip and yelps. "H-Huh!? Where did this Mudkip come from and…" He looks around and sees everyone except for Sheer feeling down, scratching the side of his head. "Oh…"

"Ashen...A bunch of things happened while you were unconscious…" Anna answers, sniffling afterwards. "A bunch…"

. . .

"Your highness, you're WHAT!?" Exo shouts, looking down at the king.

"Yes. I'm turning myself in for the chaos I've brought upon this kingdom." Cocoon says in a firm tone, loud enough for the folks in Ster Town to hear it. "So I'm hereby resigning from being king of the Cloyster Kingdom." This surprises everyone in the town, leading to them conversing about the situation.

"But sir, you can't do this! We need your ruling in order for the kingdom to continue functioning!"

Cocoon looks up at Exo, sighing heavily. "Exo, it's my fault this kingdom was treated unfairly. From the rules to the favoritism. It was wrong of me to do such a thing because of the influences I received from Sheer. Not only that but my grief over Brisk's death was the main reason why I failed to treat this kingdom the way it was supposed to be treated." Cocoon then takes his eyes onto Iris and her crew, who are standing next to each other at the moment. He sees Anna having the Mudkip on her back as he continues speaking. "If it weren't for these nine entering my kingdom, I would've continued the kingdom the way it is, and Sheer would've further filled my head with his lies. I thank them truly for preventing the kingdom from becoming worse."

"No problem, mate." Lucas says calmly.

Cocoon then shakes his head. "But despite that, I doubt that'll give this kingdom some justice unless I was off the throne...In my eyes, this kingdom would never forgive me because of the damaged I've done to it over my emotions…"

"Sir…" Exo replies calmly before whimpering. Mystery walks towards Exo and Cocoon, having a concerned look on his face.

"Now Cocoon, correct? Are you certain about this decision? Because there's a chance that you may not see the light of day from the same imprisonment Sheer is about to receive." Mystery asks in a careful manner. Cocoon nods sternly, sighing sorrowfully.

"I don't care if I do. As long as it keeps me away from harming this kingdom and anyone else ever again, I don't mind them keeping me in...whatever imprisonment the government has in store for me."

Mystery looks at Ebony and the other Units for a moment, seeing them nod firmly at him. Afterwards, he nods back and stares at Cocoon, taking him off of Exo's possession. "Alright then. I suppose that we'll be taking our leave now."

"Wait, before you go, there's something I'd like to say."


Cocoon turns his attention towards Mat, seeing him staring down at Norah's body. "I would like to have Mat be the new ruler of the Cloyster Kingdom."

"WHAT!?" Exo and everyone else in Ster Town yell in shock. The crew and Mat all look surprised at the shiny Cloyster's decision.

"You deserve it, Mat. With the amount of hard work you had to go through to become a senator, the rewards given to Sheer instead of the one who truly deserved them, and even despite all the things I've done to you and the kingdom, you still cared about me…" Cocoon sighs and looks down. "Again, I wanted to apologize for everything I've done to this kingdom...including you too, Mat. I probably didn't pay you a reasonable amount of pokedollars, huh?"

"Yeah, you sure didn't." Exo mumbles, sweatdropping. Seriously, 5 pokedollars a week is just unnecessary. Might as well work at a lower paying job with that kind of salary…

"Anyway, I can understand if you or anyone at the kingdom wouldn't forgive me. Just take this opportunity as me making it up to you." Cocoon smiles softly. "And I would give you the crown and staff right now but...they're lost within the ruined castle. Apologies for that as well." The shiny Cloyster chuckles nervously before sweatdropping. Mat looks to the side for a moment before nodding.

"Alright...I'll take this offer then. It'll be tough since my love is gone and the kingdom itself still needs to be fixed but...I'll pull through. Like I always have." Mat says firmly. Sheer rolls his eyes at him.

"You will break just like I did. You will." Sheer replies to Mat, glancing at him. Gonel shakes the large barbed Cloyster for a bit, causing him to become dizzy.

"Shush." Gonel says in a stern tone.

Soon, Iris comes into a realization. "Say Mystery, you guys came from the Zero Cave, right?" She asks curiously. The Sceptile looks at her and nods.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" He says in a peculiar manner.

"Because I was wondering if there's a town that's beyond that cave. If so, I hope that town has a salesman giving away ships."

"Well that's a two yes for you, lady: One for the town, another for the ship." Mystery smiles at the Dragonite. Iris sighs in relief.

"Thank goodness. Mind leading us there? If you Savior Units are okay with that."

"Sorry ma'am but we're not esco-"

"Certainly. We wouldn't mind guiding a few lost travelers. After all, we are the Savior Units." Mystery interrupts the Grovyle, staring at her. "Right?" Ebony looks back and folds her arms.

"Sure, whatever you say, 'boss'." The Grovyle says in a sarcastic tone.

"Anyway, we would use the Caller to teleport us to our location since we'd visit it before. But sadly, the teleportation process could only hold five Pokemon at a time." Mystery explains.

"Wait, Callers can do that? ...Or is it just exclusive to you guy's Callers?" Iris asks.

"Oh no. All Callers can have access to teleportation after visiting an new location. But again, it can only hold up to five Pokemon to pull that off."

"Ah...I see." Iris soon turns towards Mat. "Well, I guess this is farewell…"

Mat looks off to Brook and Azure being close to the female Cloyster's body, sighing heavily. "Yeah. This is farewell."

"We hope you succeed at taking care of your kingdom, Mat." Cerise says. Mat looks at the canine and nods.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to take care of this kingdom along with Norah's father and daughter. I promise." Mat then takes his attention on Cocoon. "And sir…" He lifts his spear up to salute him, having the tip of it above his head. "The folks of this kingdom may not forgive you, but I do. Despite the many things you and Sheer did to this kingdom, I know that deep down you are a good person...That was just trapped inside of an enclosed shell of his own, never to open that shell again because of an incident that happened years ago…"

Zeke widens his eyes at what Mat said. "Whoa...That's quite deep." He says in astonishment.

Cocoon gasps for a moment before tearing up. "Mat…" He says in a sorrow tone, tears beginning to drip from his face.

Soon, Iris and the crew wave their goodbyes to Mat, following the Savior Unit on the pathway that leads to the Zero Forest. Iris holds the Mudkip in her possession as she looks at the Furret. "Hey Lucas, um…" She pauses for a moment, looking off to the side. "I wanted to say that I'm…"

"Hmm?" Lucas looks up at the Dragonite curiously.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier." The crew looks at her after she says that, Anna sighing softly.

"Well Iris, I-"

"DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY, MATE!" Lucas shouts, interrupting the Ninetales. "Your rude selfishness has led you down a path of neverending rage in my eyes! You treated MY work like it was some kind of trash! And then outright said we were useless to us when we took on those guards!" Iris squints her eyes at him and sweatdrops.

"Oh come on! I'm really being sorry for the way I acted! I know it was wrong and I feel foolish for doing such!"

"Nope. Not gonna forgive ya!"

"Lucas!" Then Iris and Lucas get into an argument as the others shrug uncomfortably at them. Mystery and Ebony watch the two chat and look at each other.

"Huh...This kinda reminds me of the time you and I had an argument over something I did." Mystery says, chuckling softly. Ebony sighs heavily.

"Don't remind me of that stupid moment of yours, please." The Grovyle replies, folding her arms. "That was such an embarrassment when you and I wanted the same berry, brother."

As the group continues on their path, Mat turns his attention to Zeke and hires him as a senator, leading him to be excited. He soon commands the guards in Ster Town to take Norah to the burial area and guide her family to live in his home. During all of this, he looks up at the blue sky and smiles softly, closing his eyes before thinking, It's over...It's finally over. I'll miss you dearly, Norah. But I know for a fact that I'll always cherish you within my heart...and my soul. Mat then puts his spear against himself, opening his eyes afterwards. Always…

. . .

Meanwhile at the Corruption Realm, everyone of the Supernova Gale seems to be staring at a huge display screen in front of them. The screen is being projected by Misstrike from her pure black eyes, the screen showcasing the crew and the Savior Units traveling on foot as Yuki begins to speak. "After observing these pests, this Sheer fella has been the most intriguing of them all." He says in a firm tone, being in the middle of the group. The Aegislash has his eye on the large barbed Cloyster, rubbing his ghost-like hands against each other while in his shield form. "He'll be a great addition to our organization, wouldn't you agree?"

Clemence nods. "Certainly, my lord. He's capable of putting that group in its place most of the time." She agrees. Everyone else begin to agree as well.

Alro scratches the side of his head. "Although, I am mostly curious as to how the heck Misstrike can show us this." Alro says, blinking confusedly at the Mismagius. Misstrike looks at the Malamar, sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Magic." The Mismagius answers with no problem, leading Alro to sweatdrop.


Dead Snow enters the conversation. "Back to the point, I'm convinced that the Riolu may be of interest to us now." The Glaceon says. Alro raises his brow at the Glaceon as Yuki looks at her in concern.

"And why do you say that?" Yuki asks.

"Yeah. Why would we want to be interested in that brat? Who almost killed me, no less." Alro joins in, folding his arms.

The red-wristband wearing Glaceon glances at Alro. "Well to be blunt with you: He has an MP that's...honestly as intriguing as Sheer's MP. Possibly more intriguing." She explains.

"Okay, so?"

"Look, even if you hate that Riolu, you can't deny the fact that his powers could be very useful to us."

"Errrm…" Alro takes his attention to the Aegislash. "What do you think, sir?" Yuki looks at the two and thinks for a moment.

"Come to think of it...she may have a point." Yuki confirms.

"WHAT!?" Alro shouts in surprise.

"Being able to steal another Pokemon's Mythical Power is something that'll aid us significantly...We need him to be recruited. Because with him on our side, we'll most definitely be invincible." Yuki nods, looking up at the bleak, dark sky. "Thus making it easier to achieve my goal." He then looks back at the group. "We'll ambush them when they enter the Zero Cave. That way, we can kidnap the two and possibly get the required MMs and WM I wanted. Understood?"

"But my lo-"

"I don't care if you hate him or not, Alro. His Mythical Power is too important to even reject this opportunity."

Alro then sighs heavily while looking down, nodding along with everyone else. "Yes sir." Alro and the others say in a firm tone. Clemence pats Alro on the back in a gentle manner.

"Oh it'll be alright. Surely you'll get along with the Riolu fella once we have him under control." The female Malamar says, smiling warmly.

"I guess…" Alro replies, staring at the display screen. Misstrike's eyes slowly change to their regular color and the screen itself began to fade away. Before it vanishes entirely, Sebastian sees Helena traveling with the crew and the Units, forming a concern look on his face.

Is that...? Sebastian thinks to himself before Nexus goes to tap him gently.

"Is something wrong?" The Toxicroak asks in a concerned manner. Sebastian looks at him for a moment before shaking his head.

"It's...nothing, really…"

End of the Cloyster Kingdom Arc.

End of Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 21's Debut: 8/3/2018

Chapter 21: The Zero Cave Ambush! Disaster Among the Crew!

Everyone continues down the pathway towards the Zero Cave, all talking among each other. They then take their attention to the Grovyle and the Sceptile.

"So what's it like working for the O.P. government?" Iris questions, cradling the Mudkip in her arms.

"It's a wonderful experience working alongside the Official Protection government. Units get along quite splendidly with them and we're willing to take part in any jobs they assign us to. Thus, we put in the best of efforts." Mystery explains, smiling softly at the Dragonite.

"Ooor we just have to do the job in order to live our lives healthy outside of the government. Not like we have a choice. Can't exactly refuse a job request when it provides us income, anyways." Ebony follows along bluntly, staring up at her brother. "In other words, our relationship with the government ultimately means nothing, no matter how many jobs we accomplish."

"Oh don't be so sour, Ebony. We already got this criminal right here to take that role." Gonel says, joining in the conversation as she chuckles to herself. Sheer, the broken large barbed Cloyster, rolls his eyes at the Dusknoir, ignoring her comment as he's being held by her. "And besides, at least we get paid wealthily enough, even if our relationship with them doesn't go swell."

Ebony stares at the yellow bouquet Dusknoir, shrugging. "I feel like I already mentioned that point before, Gonel..."

"Have you? Oh my mistake, then." Gonel looks down at Sheer. "Doesn't mean that you have to always be so blunt and sour about things. Try to lighten up a bit and not end up becoming insane like this maniac here."

Ebony shrugs once more and glances ahead of her. "Whatever you say, miss happy. Don't come crying to me when life comes striking you with lightning out of nowhere."

Mystery chuckles softly, staring down at Ebony while carrying Cocoon and his broken Cloyster shells. "She is right though, sis. You don't have to take everything so seriously." The Sceptile explains. "Sometimes, life can lay it easy on you and-"

"So you want to know what the Savior Unit is all about?" Ebony asks Iris in a rather annoyed yet high-pitched tone, interrupting Mystery.

The Sceptile sweatdrops. Of course she would pull that stunt off... Mystery thinks to himself, sighing afterwards.

"Um, sure?" Iris answers, confused by the sudden topic change as she and the others seem to be close to the cave up ahead.

"We're basically about saving others in need and putting criminals to justice." Ebony waves her hand around while explaining, her eyes also closed. "Of course, these tasks are requested by the government so for the most part, we may have to temporarily set the previous request aside for another depending on the situation."

"I see."

Mystery sighs and stares at his sister. "Why yes, Ebony. That is exactly what the Savior Unit is about..." He spokes quite blankly, sweatdropping. "You didn't have to interrupt our previous conversation though."

Ebony looks at the Sceptile. "What do you mean? I was just doing my part of the job on informing civilians, that's all."

Mystery shakes his head at the Grovyle, sighing again. "I'm 'certain' that you were." He then takes his attention towards the Mudkip, who's staring at him and the other two in confusion. "So Iris, what are you going to do with the newborn Mudkip?" He asks the Dragonite. Iris looks down at the Mudkip and shrugs.

"I'm...not sure, honestly." She answers.

Mystery puts his hand against his chin. "Hmm. Perhaps you can let us take the baby to the orphanage? According to what you've informed us about it being born without its parents."

"Well sur-"

"Nope, we'll take care of it." Anna says, intruding the conversation.

Iris blinks confusedly and stares at the Ninetales. "Why? We haven't even thought about how we'll take care of this Mudkip...Nor have we thought of a name for it."

Anna shrugs before looking at Mark and Natalie. "Honestly, whenever I look after Mark and Natalie, I feel quite...relieved. Relieved at partaking in a task to protect these kids at all cost." Anna explains, smiling warmly to herself. "It makes me feel as though I'm not a useless adult."

Iris, Mystery and Ebony look at each other for a moment, feeling quite unsure about the Ninetales' explanation before taking their eyes back onto her. "I mean, we already have a lot of us as a group to look after. Are you certain that we should keep the Mudkip?" Iris asks cautiously. Anna looks at her and nods calmly.

"I'm positive. I want to help the Mudkip grow and experience life to the fullest under our hands...or paws, I should say." Anna giggles to herself softly before continuing speaking. "Maybe it could learn a thing or two from us. Or we experience something we never know of from it. Who knows, really?"

Iris looks at the Mudkip, seeing him staring back at her in a curious manner. She then takes her eyes onto Mystery, nodding her head firmly. "Nevermind what I said earlier. We'll take care of the Mudkip to the best of our abilities." She says to him, confidence sprawling throughout her body.

The Sceptile looks back and nods. "Alright. Whenever you change your mind, however, just contact me or someone trustworthy...when you get a Caller, of course." He says calmly to her. Iris nods once more, cradling the Mudkip in a serene manner. Soon, everyone reaches the cave in Zero Forest, stopping themselves within their paths to look at each other.

"Hey, are those purple lights I'm seeing?" Natalie asks, pointing at the brightly lit cave.

"How about stepping inside to find out? Instead of standing out here and asking questions, in which the answers are literally in front of us." Ebony states, adjusting her black cape behind her.

"Oh silly Ebony. It's called being curious. How can you be curious without asking questions first?" Gonel responds to the Grovyle.

"Curiosity kills the Meowth, anyways." Sheer mumbles to himself before being shaken harshly by the Dusknoir.

"You're supposed to remain silent, criminal." Gonel says, narrowing her eyes down at him as the broken barbed Cloyster becomes dizzy from the rapid shake. "But I do agree with you on one thing, Ebony: We should investigate to find our answer. So enough of the chatting and let's go exploring!" The Dusknoir enters the Zero Cave first, floating away in excitement as the others follow along.

After a few moments later, everyone stops in their tracks to marvel at the inside of the Zero Cave. "Whoa..." Cerise says to himself, the green 'leash' canine aweing at what he's witnessing.

There're a ton of crystals scattered all over the cave, all shining brightly at the group. Many of the crystals come in various size and shapes, the purple lights emitting from them acting as a way to provide light for the cave. The cave also contains some rocks next to the crystals and a few stalactites. Anna gasps at the crystals, admiring their purple lights.

"Oh my goodness...This cave. It looks-"

"Quite beautiful, mate!" Lucas finishes the Ninetales' sentence, the Furret rubbing against the crystals eagerly. "They even feel smooth, too!"

"They're made out of rocks, darling. Of course they'll be smooth." Gonel says, revealing an joyful expression on her face.

"Well not all rocks are smooth. They can sometimes feel rough." Ebony explains. The Dusknoir looks at the Grovyle.

"Right. But so can the crystals, too. Depending on the type of crystals, I assume."

Everyone continues to wander around and admire the crystals in the cave, the Mudkip himself even waving his arms in joy at the crystals. Iris looks down at the Mudkip and smiles softly.

"You like those crystals too, huh?" The Dragonite says, seeing the newborn nodding in response. Iris giggles softly and looks in front of her, seeing Natalie, Mark and Claire walking together like a group of younglings on their way to their destination.

"Man, just seeing this much light in a cave reminds me of the time we journeyed inside of Star Cavern, Mark." Natalie says in amazement to the crystals.

"Yeah...Those were amazing times, I suppose..." Mark says, looking off to the side. The Zorua notices the sorrow look on the Riolu's face before nuzzling him.

"Oh come on, Mark. I know that Carrie has been with us during that exploration. You don't need to always feel down whenever we're remembering something amazing involving your sister..."

"Hmmm..." Mark sighs before smiling weakly at Natalie. "Al-Alright then...I'll...try to lighten up."

Natalie smiles back as Claire looks at the two confusedly. "Star Cavern? What's that?" Claire asks the Zorua calmly.

Natalie takes her eyes onto the Shinx. "Oh. Well it's..." Natalie goes to talk to the Shinx about the Star Cavern as Leon, the Blaziken, stares at the crew quietly. Helena, next to the Blaziken, looks at them as well, smiling warmly.

"Seems like they really do enjoy seeing the crystals in this cave." Helena says in a soft tone. "I don't blame them. The lights provided from the crystals give this cave beauty and guidance, after all. I could only imagine if this cave didn't have those crystals, it would be difficult to see." The Blaziken nods at the Milotic, admiring the crystals himself. The two then stop walking, noticing two pathways in front of them. "Hmm?" Helena tilts her head in confusion. "That's...strange."

Leon looks behind him and holds up his hand for the others to stop, leading everyone to look at him and the Milotic. "What seems to be the problem?" Jimmy asks in a curious manner.

"Yeah, what's the hold up, mate?" Lucas joins along while carrying some small crystals in his hands.

Ashen notices the crystals in his arms. "Um-"

"I just wanted to keep some of these, alright?" Lucas says, interrupting the Linoone.

"Uh...alright then."

The two then take their eyes onto Mystery and the rest of the Savior Units, seeing Mystery walking close to Helena and Leon. "There're two pathways in the Zero Cave instead of one." Helena says, answering the Heracross' question.

"Two pathways?" Ebony says confusedly, taking her eyes onto Gonel. "I thought there was only one pathway in this cave."

Gonel thinks to herself, looking quite perplexed by the pathways. "I...have no idea why there're two paths when there used to be one...Strange." She states, looking at the pathways in a suspicious manner. She puts her ghostly hand underneath her 'chin'. "Now how are we going to reach our location?"

"Maybe we should split up?" Ashen suggests in a calm tone. Anna looks at him and shakes her head immediately.

"Absolutely not!" The Ninetales says in disapproval. "Splitting up generally leads to the group getting lost."

"Well how would you know that, Anna? You've never been through this cave before so how are you certain that we'll get lost if the other pathway could lead back to the next?" Ebony says in a censorious manner, folding her arms in dissatisfaction.

Lucas stares at the Grovyle tensely, having his paw against his chin. "You know...She may have a point." He says before blinking to himself in confusion. "...I think..."

Anna rolls her eyes at the Furret before speaking. "I mean, you say that while you guys were the ones that went through this cave before. So..."

"Ooo. Now Anna is the one carrying the point here." Lucas says, staring at the two conversing with each other.

Ebony taps her finger onto her arm while staring at the Ninetales with the yellow earrings. "Right. But when we went through this cave, there used to be one pathway, not two. Therefore, your claim is invalid."

Anna frowns at the Grovyle as Lucas gasps in suspense. "YIKES! She snatches that point like a dynamite!" Lucas shouts, leading everyone to look at him in a peculiar manner.

"Sir, are you okay over there?" Ebony asks, raising her brow at the eye-patched Furret.

"Haha...Sorry about that." He turns to stare at Anna adorably, knowing that she wouldn't mention a single cruel word to him.

Anna sighs and glances at the Grovyle. "Look, I'm just saying that it's better if we all go down one of these pathways together. Just so we could watch each other's backs easily. You said it yourself. This cave used to have one pathway, right? So maybe something doesn't seem right. Like maybe one of the pathways could be fake or lead to a trap." Anna explains.

Ebony is about to say something until Mystery interferes. "I agree with her, actually. If one of these pathways lead to a trap, then it's best if we prepare for it as a group rather than as separate."

"Yes. Who knows what disaster it'll cause if we were unable to save each other during separation?" Helena points out, everyone except for Ebony beginning to agree.

The Grovyle sighs and shakes her head, shrugging before putting her hands on her hips. "Fine. We'll go with her way of thinking, I suppose." She says, Anna raising her brow at her. Not like anyone would listen to a teenager, anyways...

"With that said, we'll stick together and choose which pathway to go to!" Gonel exclaims excitedly before glaring at the right path. "I'm honestly feeling the left path. Something about the right seems...off. Though I can't quite tell what it is." She notices the right path looking unstable and hazy compared to the left being precise and clear. The group all look at the right path before the left, thinking for a moment. They then agree with the Dusknoir.

"Yeeeah...That pathway looks like an abomination in comparison. We should take the left." Jimmy says in approval. Soon, everyone begins walking down the left pathway, all continuing to chat with each other along the way.

Lucas walks up to Anna and nudges her with his elbow. "That was quite the Point Making Tournament you two had earlier, mate. I could give you a trophy if I have one." He says in a teasing tone, Anna staring at him instantly.

"Shut up, Lucas." The Ninetales mutters.

"What was that? Mind repeating that, again?"

Anna smacks her lips and sighs. "I mean, that's so sweet of you to consider that, Lucas."

Lucas randomly pats Anna on the back. "That's more like it!"

Cerise, Iris and Ashen look at the Furret teasing the Ninetales before shaking their heads and smiling at his silliness. As the group proceeds onward, Jimmy notices that the light by the corner of his eyes is fading away each time he walks forward.

"Hmm?" The Heracross says, looking behind him. He sees the crystals no longer glowing purple light, leaving the cave behind him to become night. "Uh...everyone."

The group stops walking and looks at the Heracross. "What is it, Jimmy?" Iris asks.

Jimmy points his nails towards the darkness. "Notice something obscure about the path we came from?"

Everyone looks at the darkness as well, all but Lucas beginning to spot the unordinary. "I don't know what you on about, Jimmy." Lucas says, scratching the side of his head. "All I see is nothing but...crystals? Wait, I thought there were crystals from that path...And why is it dark down there?" The Furret becomes even more perplexed as everyone else start to become suspicious of the area.

"Those crystals back there were providing light for the cave...Now they aren't..." Mark says before taking his bow off from his back slowly.

Claire looks around suspiciously. "Something doesn't seem right..." The Shinx says, eyeing each and every corner.

"First the two pathways, now this." Ebony says, the leaves on her wrists beginning to glow green. "Something's going on here. And I'm not liking it one bit."

Soon, the group all notice that the crystals in the direction they're heading stop shining as well, their purple lights beginning to fade. Everyone starts to become tense from the crystal lights fading, the Mudkip himself beginning to shake in fear. "Gr-Great! Those lights, too!?" Lucas says, sticking close behind his brother. Ashen and the others stare in front of them, feeling quite unnerved by the whole situation.

During the situation, all of the crystals begin to glow again. This time however, they glow a menacing dark grey instead of their usual purple. At the same time, a dark mist begins to form next to the Blaziken. Leon looks to the side and notices the mist, seeing a figure emerging from the mist. The figure turns out to be a Tyranitar, him launching his arm forward as multiple light blue stalagmites start erecting from the ground one after another towards the black marble wrist wearing Blaziken: Stone Edge. Leon widens his eyes from the sudden attack before jumping to the side, curling his body as the row stalagmites begin curving their path and shoot the Blaziken towards and against the ceiling. He then lands on the ground swiftly, glancing at the Tyranitar as the gang become surprised by the Tyranitar appearance.

"Leon! Are you alright!?" Helena yells, looking shocked at her companion having taken that hit. Leon, hopping back onto his feet, nods his head, gripping his fists in preparation.

Within a flash, more dark mists form from each side of the group, each firing off the same rows of erecting light blue stalagmites at them. Everyone attempts to dodge the attacks, with Lucas, Ashen, Jimmy, and Claire being the ones hit by them. "Gah!" The four yelp, Jimmy beginning to shield himself against the next few Stone Edges with his arms while the other three dodge them this time. Soon the stalagmites stop being created as everyone huddles up in one pile, all having their backs against each other. They see multiple Tyranitars exiting out of the mists, surrounding the group in a circle.

"What's the meaning of this foul visit!?" Jimmy exclaims, getting himself in a battle stance.

"In other words: What the hell is going on!?" Anna yells, snarling at the Tyranitars while in front of Iris, Mark, Natalie, and Claire.

Then everyone notices one more mist beginning to form in front of them, this one being larger than the previous ones. Ebony sees the coloration of the mist, lifting her hands up slightly. Those...mists. Could they be...? She thinks to herself, she and the others seeing ten figures emerging from the mist.

After the huge mist vanishes, the figures reveal themselves to be Yuki, Alro, Clemence, Sebastian, Reckless, Dead Snow, Nexus, Misstrike, Corruption, and Tron. Tron, the Raichu, waves his two yellow submachine guns at the group in joy while Dead Snow (Glaceon), Sebastian (Serperior), and Nexus (Toxicroak) stare at them menacingly. Reckless, the Ursaring, tosses his Flame Orb constantly and grins deviously at the group, cocking his head back. Alro and Clemence have their arms crossed, the Malamars simply smirking at them. Corruption smirks at the group as well, the Magmortar holding his arm up and cocking it as if it were a gun. "Hello, you beautiful creatures." Misstrike says in a calm tone, leading the group to become stunned by the Supernova Gale's appearance. "It's a pleasure running into you again, Iris and co." The Mismagius tilts her head slightly before giggling, covering her mouth while doing such.

Mystery, Ebony and Helena glance at the Gales, preparing themselves along with the others. "It's them..." Iris says, snarling at the Gales. Mystery looks at the Dragonite in curiosity.

"You know this group?" The Sceptile asks.

Iris nods firmly. "Yes. Me and the others fought these guys a while back when protecting Verdant Village. Do you know them as well?"

"Yes." Mystery's 'leaves' begin to glow green. "More so the Mismagius, two Malamars, Glaceon and Raichu. They're responsible for stealing an unstable sword from the government's base in Snowy Mountain."

"I see."

"Not sure about the Serperior, Toxicroak, Magmortar, Ursaring and the Aegislash but seeing as how they came from the mist as well, they may be up to no good." As the two group stare at each other menacingly, Helena takes her attention towards Sebastian and gasps softly. The Milotic's eyes widen in shock and anger, glaring intensely at the Serperior. Leon notices the look on the Milotic's face, seeing the pure grudge spreading throughout her face. Sebastian looks back at her before looking away immediately, glancing off to the side.

Tron chuckles as he stops waving. "How cool of you guys to acknowledge us." He says, spinning his two Weapon Mischiefs around. Yuki floats in front of the Gales, pressing his 'fingers' against each other in a sinister manner.

"You all may have known about my group of unknowns, especially the Dragonite and her friends over there." The Aegislash says in a calm yet intimidating tone, taking his eyes on Iris and her crew. The gang stares intensely at the Aegislash before he continues to speak. "It would be useless to introduce my organization because of this. But I'll reiterate for the sole purpose of jogging your imperfect memories: We're the Supernova Gale. And I, Yuki the Aegislash," He pauses for a moment to stare at the group, his purple eyes spreading a message of fear and tyranny at them. "...Am their leader."

Iris blinks at the name 'Yuki', looking off to the side. Yuki the...Aegislash? I...feel like I recognize that name before. She thinks to herself, her mind going deep in thought as the others remain focused on the Gales and their minions.

"Well then, Yuki, what do you want from us?" Anna asks, glaring at the Aegislash.

Yuki closes his eyes, having his ghostly 'hands' together. "A couple of things: Your Mischiefs, the Riolu and the barbless Cloyster." He answers, leading Sheer to take his interest towards him.

"Did you say Mischiefs?" Mystery asks, confusion sprawling throughout his face.

"Precisely: The Weapon Mischief from the Riolu and the three Marvel Mischiefs from those three." Yuki glares at Iris, Anna, and Jimmy.

"Wait, those are Marvel Mischiefs?" Mystery says, looking at the Dragonite. Iris looks to the side, shrugging.

"Yeeaah...They are. That's another reason why these guys attacked us..." Iris says, putting her paw on her arm.

"I...see." Mystery and the rest of the Units look at the three Pokemon in a peculiar manner.

Cerise takes his attention towards Mark. "And why do they want Mark?" He says, seeing Natalie getting in front of the Riolu.

"Well whatever the case may be, they're not taking him away!" Natalie shouts, slamming her paw to the ground afterwards.

"Yeah! And why are you even after our Mischiefs, anyways? Your goons attempted to steal them last time and failed. What makes you think this time will be any different?" Anna exclaims.

Yuki opens his eyes and shakes his head. "Only because of your little friend's interference. But since I'm here, you can be sure that won't happen again." The Aegislash grips his fist. "Why we're after them is up to you to hypothesize on. We may tell you our names and the name of this organization. But that's all you get to know."

"Indeed. So in other words, be our guest to make predictions about us." Misstrike says, smiling casually at the group.

"Now then, let us put an end to this meaningless babble. We'll give you two choices: Either bring us the three objectives, or suffer the consequences." Says Yuki, putting his hands behind his back.

The Sceptile frowns at the Aegislash. "No. The Savior Units will never back down to criminals like you, especially when you want to rescue other criminals." He says, Sheer glaring at him in a response.

"Besides, we're fighting you because you want our possessions. What makes you think that vice versa wouldn't happen?" Iris joins in, her tail glowing with a red aura.

Yuki looks at the two before sighing and shaking his head. "You're right. It was foolish of me to even provide such an option to the likes of you." The Aegislash turns around, slipping his left hand inside of his shield and stretching his other arm. He then flips around to face the group, now in his Blade form as the shield engulfs his left arm. Yuki lifts his right finger to point at the group. "Take the objectives by brute force."

"Yes sir!" The Gales all say, proceeding to walk towards the group. The Tyranitars prepare their Dark Pulse attacks, a dark ball of energy forming from their mouths.

Iris takes her attention towards Anna quickly, handing her the Mudkip who is scared out of his mind. "Anna, can you go in the middle and protect the Mudkip, please?" Iris asks before noticing three Dark Pulses aiming at her direction. Anna quickly gets in front of the Dragonite, forming a clear shield around her and Iris as the blackish purple beams hit the shield: Protect.

"Sure!" The Ninetales answers immediately.

"Thanks." Iris sets the Mudkip on the Ninetales' back before Anna hurries her way to the middle, letting herself be surrounded by the group.

Mystery sees four Dark Pulses zooming towards him, curling his left arm around Cocoon and his broken shells all before hitting the attacks with his other arm, using Leaf Blade. This causes the Sceptile to be launched back drastically, but manage to land on his feet swiftly, Cocoon yelping during the process. Mystery looks at Anna besides him, giving Cocoon to her quickly. "Would you mind protecting him as well? It'll be an disaster if he happens to get hurt because of me." He says to the Ninetales.

Anna looks at Mystery and nods, setting the Mudkip beside her with her tails. "Alright. I'll keep an eye out for him, too." She replies before taking Cocoon out of Mystery's possession, making sure that his shells are with him as well.

"Thank you." The Sceptile then dashes off towards a Tyranitar in front of him and uses Leaf Blade, swiping the attack at the Pokemon's face before slamming his tail against another Tyranitar. This causes the two Pokemon to back away, grunting from the attack.

The rest of the Tyranitars fire their Dark Pulses, the energy beams darting menacingly towards the group's direction. Mystery, Leon, and Mark get in front of the group and use Protect: Leon shielding the west side, Mark the north, and Mystery the south. Iris notices the Dark Pulse from the east aimed at her, Jimmy, Ashen, and the rest, swinging her tail at the attacks with Dragon Tail. She is pushed back by the attack slightly, forming a fist afterwards that becomes engulfed in flames.

Soon, everyone goes to square off against the Gales, with Ashen, Lucas and Cerise left to help Anna shelter Cocoon and the Mudkip. Reckless sets his Flame Orb on his back, having it automatically cling onto him as he looks at Jimmy. "Ready for round 2, Beetle Boy?" The Ursaring says, cracking his fists while grinning deviously. The red scarf Heracross brings his arms up, ready to fight the Ursaring. Reckless rushes towards the Heracross, his body turning red due to the orb giving him the burn status. "HELL YEAH, BABY!" Jimmy dashes towards him and the two punch each other in the face, Jimmy wincing a bit due to Reckless' Guts. Then the two start jabbing and kicking endlessly, using Close Combat on one another.

Ebony defends Gonel against Sebastian, Dead Snow and Nexus, using Leaf Blade on Dead's Ice Shard attack while simultaneously dodging Sebastian's vines. She notices a purple-like ball substance flying towards her, gasping before shielding herself with her arms. She winces from the Sludge Bomb attack hitting her, causing her to slide across the ground slightly. "Ugh...That was a bad idea." She says to herself, looking to see the attack coming from Nexus as his sac extends, preparing another Sludge Bomb. Ebony groans uncomfortably, looking at Gonel. "This may be a tough fight so if they manage to get closer, don't hesitate to resist."

Gonel nods firmly, glaring at the three Pokemon. "Gotcha, Ebony." The Dusknoir replies, forming what seems to be several blue fireballs from the tip of her finger. Sheer looks at the fireballs and sweatdrops, noticing how close they are to his face.

As if the Dusknoir couldn't move those further away from me... The Cloyster thinks to himself, looking back at the three Pokemon.

The fight continues: Claire and the other two young Pokemon are fighting off the Tyranitars beside them, Jimmy and Reckless continue to Close Combat each other, Clemence tackles Iris down, and Leon and Helena are left to defend against Tron, Corruption and other Tyranitar goons. Yuki, Misstrike, and Alro watch the brawl, precisely observing all the Stone Edges being formed and the dodges being made. Yuki then directs his attention towards Mark, seeing him shoot multiple arrows at the group of Tyranitars. "Wait here, Misstrike. I'll be back shortly." The Aegislash says, casting a shadow underneath him. The Mismagius notices the shadow and nods, knowing what her master is planning to do. "Alro, follow my lead, please." Alro nods firmly, a dark pink outline forming around his arms as Yuki sinks his body within the shadow. The shadow extends its way towards the Riolu, speeding up rapidly. The Malamar follows along eagerly.

Mark sees the shadow from the corner of his eye and looks towards it. "Huh!?" He says confusedly before getting hit by Yuki's Shadow Sneak, the Aegislash leaping out of the shadow and uppercutting Mark. "Gah!" The Riolu is launched in the air and crashes against the wall behind him, falling to the ground afterwards.

"Mark!" Natalie shouts, forming a black purple-like ball from her mouth. As she attempts to fire her Shadow Ball at Yuki, Alro manages to get in front of her and counter the attack with Psycho Cut, creating smoke between him and her. "Dang it!" She grits her teeth in frustration, Claire continuing to attack the Tyranitars with her red Discharge.

"What's wrong, mistress?" The Shinx asks, focusing on the enemy Tyranitars.

Mark tries to get up from the ground, groaning. "U-Ugh, that attack just...came out of nowhere." He says to himself before looking up to see the Malamar standing in front of him, his eyes widening intensely.

"Miss me, Markie?" Alro says, revealing a smug expression on his face. Mark's palms glow yellow, the Riolu rushing towards Alro with Force Palm. Alro yawns softly as he sends a dark pink wave at Mark. The Riolu is hit by the Psycho Cut attack, crashing against the wall once more and slides to the ground. Mark becomes unconscious from the attack, Alro shaking his head in response. "Seems you haven't learned from last time, eh?"

As the Malamar picks up the Riolu, the smoke fades away, allowing Natalie and the others to see. Natalie gasps, seeing Mark in Alro's possession. "Hey! Leave Mark alone, you jerk!" Natalie yells, charging towards the Malamar.

"Not a chance." Alro smacks the Zorua to the side with his tendril hand, causing her to collide against Claire.

"Ah! What in the!?" Claire exclaims, she and the Zorua yelping from the collision as they fall to the ground.

Ashen, Lucas, Cerise, and Anna gasp at their friends being harmed by the Malamar. "Mark! Natalie! Claire!" Ashen shouts, his claws glowing white. "We got to help them!"

"E-Erm, are you sure, bro? They seemed pretty tough compared to last time we fought these Superwhatever they're called." The Furret says, shaking a bit.

"Well we can't just stand here and watch. We have to do something!" Ashen exclaims. "I'm not sure about the two of you, but I'm gonna go help them." The Linoone takes off running, leaving the other four Pokemon behind.

"W-Wait for me, Ashen!" Lucas rushes off after him with a look of discomfort on his face.

"I'll remain here to help you protect these two." Cerise says before looking around. Anna nods and continues to be protective towards Cocoon and the Mudkip, Cocoon seeing the fear on the Mudkip's face and feeling sorrow for the baby creature.

During the massive fight, Tron notices the Grovyle and Dusknoir are struggling to fight against Dead, Nexus and Sebastian, revealing a devious grin on his face. "Say Lance, you can handle these two tryhards, right?" The Raichu asks, dodging what seems to be a huge blue stream of liquid coming from Helena's mouth: Hydro Pump.

Corruption looks at the Raichu, raising his brow as he blocks every kick Leon throws at him. "Um, n-"

"Thanks!" Tron rushes towards the Milotic and hops on her head, leaping off from her afterwards like a frog. Helena grunts from the jump as Corruption sweatdrops at the Raichu.

He didn't even let me answer... Corruption thinks, watching the Raichu fly in the air before charging his electricity from his cannons, aiming them at Leon and Helena.

Ebony pants heavily at her three opponents, bruise marks being all over her body due to the amount of damage she received from Sebastian's vines. Gonel attempts to use Will-O-Wisp on the three Pokemon, flinging multiple blue fireballs at them. The three dodge the attack, with Dead's body being covered in white outline. Dang it! Gonel thinks, taking her focus on the Glaceon's attack. She sees Sebastian slither quickly in front of Ebony. The Grovyle gasps before the Serperior's tail glows green and uses Leaf Blade on her, uppercutting the Grovyle.

"Gah!" Ebony yelps, her body being flung into the air. Dead Snow leaps up in the air and rams into the Grovyle, using Quick Attack to slam her to the ground. Ebony coughs out blood from the massive impact she received, the Glaceon pinning her down.

"Ebony!" Gonel shouts, attempting to aid the Grovyle before being stopped by multiple bullets in front of her. She looks behind her to see the Raichu spinning his body around and hitting her in the face with Thunder Punch. "Ah!" The Dusknoir grunts, leading her to let go of Sheer. Tron then gets besides the Cloyster and pushes him away, snickering deviously as Sheer raises his brow at him."What in the world!? Hey! Stop right there!" Gonel tries to chase after the Raichu but is then restrained by Sebastian's vines. "Oh come on!" She groaned.

Alro sees Ashen and Lucas heading towards him, shaking his head in disbelief. "These guys would do anything to save this worthless Pokemon, huh?" He says to the Aegislash, swinging his arm to the side and uses Psycho Cut on Ashen.

Ashen blocks the dark pink wave with Fury Swipes, leading him to get pushed back and collide into Lucas. The two groan from the collision. "Well he would be worthless if not for his Mythical Power." Yuki replies, seeing the two Pokemon get up.

Alro frowns at the Aegislash before sighing. "Yeah yeah, you're right..." The two then get back to their original spot with Misstrike, noticing that Sheer is next to them and the Raichu. Tron pants heavily, wiping his forehead from the sweat developing on it. "Oh hey there, Tron. You looked like you just got done working out a lot today."

"That's because I've been pushing this big boy shell right here." Tron shouts, patting Sheer on the side of his shell as he chuckles. "I didn't realize how heavy a Cloyster's shell is until I started pushing him. Ha!"

Misstrike giggles at the Raichu as Sheer sweatdrops at him, feeling uncomfortable and confused by the things going on with him. Yuki and Alro stare at the Raichu casually before Yuki examines the area, noticing the majority of the Tyranitars being defeated by the crew and the Units. He then sees Ashen and Lucas running at his direction, the two preparing their moves. "Alright. We got two of our objectives down. There's only one more to go." Yuki says, staring at Anna's earrings, then Jimmy's scarf, and now Iris' crystalline necklace. "Let's make this quick, shall we?"

Alro nods, grinning in pure delight. "Gotcha, boss." The Malamar says before shouting. "Gales! We have the Cloyster and the Riolu! Go after the Marvel Mischiefs, now!" He then fires multiple Psycho Cuts at Ashen and Lucas, the attack colliding with Lucas' Ice Beam which causes smoke to form for a brief moment.

The fight goes on halt, Mystery finishing knocking out the last few Tyranitars with Leaf Blade before taking his attention towards Yuki. Iris and Jimmy pant heavily, bruise marks forming all over them along with their opponents. Natalie and Claire get themselves off of each other and glare at Yuki's direction, seeing their unconscious friend within Alro's grasp. Iris snarls deeply at them, flames beginning to form around her fist.

"You...are not taking Mark away from us!" Iris yells, immediately flying towards them.

Clemence blinks in surprise. "Hey! I thought I was your opponent today!" She says before chasing after the Dragonite. Jimmy tries to join along but gets grabbed by the bandaged horn from Reckless, screaming in pure pain.

"Who says you can run from me, Beetle Boy?" The Ursaring says before slamming the Heracross towards the ground, causing him to yelp from the impact. "Also, I just noticed something. The bandages you have wrapped around your horn. Did you get in an accident or something?"

"I-It's none of your concern. Since you foul, evil doers refused to tell us why you're after our friend, anyways." Jimmy says, glancing at the Ursaring.

Reckless shrugs with an smug look on his face. "Eh, good point." Then he attempts to weaken the Heracross with his fists, the Heracross dodging them.

Yuki notices the Dragonite striving towards his location, tilting his head curiously at her. "Hmm." He says before switching into his Shield form, his shield now in front of his blade-like body. Light blue hexagonal shapes begin to form in front of him as Iris uses Fire Punch on it, the shapes acting as a shield to the attack: King's Shield. The Dragonite gasps intensely, feeling her physical attack being dropped due to the King's Shield effects. "Strange...Looking at you once more, I feel as though that I..." Yuki looks into the Dragonite's eyes. "...recognize you."

Iris widens her eyes in shock and confusion. "What?" She says before seeing Misstrike float in the air and fling a Shadow Ball at her. The Dragonite gets hit by the attack, leading her to crash against the ground. "Ugh!" She groans from the attack, proceeding to get up before having her face slammed into the rocky ground by Clemence's hand.

"That should prevent her from moving." Clemence says casually, knocking the Dragonite out.

"IRIS!" Anna screams, leading Cerise and the others to rush after Yuki.

Sebastian slams Gonel to the ground with his vines, hard enough for her to feel weak and unable to move. He, Dead, and Nexus then dash off towards Yuki. The three notice Corruption struggling to fight against Leon and Helena; The Magmortar dodges Helena's Hydro Pump while blocking Leon's Quick Attack, grunting in the process. Some help would be nice... Corruption thinks, panting heavily to the attacks.

Sebastian and the other two look at each other for a moment and nod, Nexus' sac enlarging before he uses Sludge Bomb on Helena. The Milotic notices the purple-like ball and counters it with Ice Beam, the icy beam of energy colliding against it. After the collision, Helena looks at the three Pokemon, mostly having her attention focused on Sebastian.

Sebastian stares back at the Milotic, Nexus' claws forming acid-like liquid as Dead Snow creates a sharp icicle underneath her paw. "So...this is where you've been all this time..." Helena says in a cold, menacing tone.

Sebastian looks down at the ground as Nexus looks at him. "Wait, isn't that..." Nexus pauses for a moment, realizing who Helena is.

Helena sighs heavily as she prepares an Ice Beam on her tail. "I should've known you would start committing crimes the moment you left me in flames..." The Milotic says, glaring in rage at Sebastian. As she attempts to use Ice Beam on Sebastian, she is stopped by a Thunderbolt coming from Corruption. She screams in pain, looking behind her to see Corruption jolting her with electricity while gripping Leon by the neck. The Magmortar then stops using Thunderbolt, leading Helena to faint afterwards.

Corruption drops Leon afterwards, the Blaziken being knocked out as well. "I'm going to get payback on Tron for ditching me. Leaving me to be double teamed by two opponents. One of them being a Water type, no less." He says in a calm tone, folding his arms with an annoyed look on his face. Nexus and Dead stop forming their attacks and look at Corruption.

"Thanks, Corruption. Let's go help our master obtain the Mischiefs, alright?" Dead says firmly. The Magmortar looks at the Glaceon and nods before running off to go aid Yuki. Dead joins him as well, dashing off using Quick Attack.

Nexus is about to follow along until he sees Sebastian staring down at Helena, noticing the guilt consuming his face. "Come on, Sebastian. We need to go help master." He says to the Serperior. Sebastian sighs heavily, closing his eyes for a moment before looking at the black belt Toxicroak.

"Alright." Sebastian says. As Nexus goes off to aid the Aegislash, Sebastian looks at the Milotic one last time, grimace beginning to form across his face. I'm...sorry... He wishes to say to her out loud. He wishes to say those exact words to her but couldn't as he slithers off to go join Nexus.

Cerise rushes towards Yuki and the others and uses Dragon Pulse on them, a dragon-shaped beam beginning to emerge from his mouth. Misstrike fires her Shadow Ball to counter the attack. Tron attempts to use Thunderbolt on the canine but Cerise seems unaffected by it, leading the Raichu to blink in confusion. "Is that thing part Ground or something? The heck?" He says before shooting at Cerise and the others rapidly with his Weapon Mischiefs.

Everyone dodges the rapid fire attack before Cerise attempts to grab Mark with his mouth. Alro brings the Riolu back and pushes the canine away with Psychic, leading him to crash against the wall. Mystery tries to use Leaf Blade on Alro but Dead rams her white outline body against the attack, pushing the Sceptile back. After landing on the ground, Mystery sees an incoming Ice Shard from Dead and uses Protect, shielding himself from the sharp icicle.

Soon, Nexus punches him in the stomach with Poison Jab, leading him to groan in pain as he backs away. The Sceptile's body then turns a purple-ish color, having received the poison status. "Sh-Shoot..." He says to himself, getting on his knees as the status condition harms him. Ashen and Lucas both attempt to use Fury Swipes on Alro but the two get caught by Sebastian's vines. They grunt and struggle from the vines before being slammed to the ground by them, leading the two to get knocked out.

Natalie screams as she rush towards the Gales, her body being engulfed in a corrupted reddish aura: Night Daze. Natalie slams her paw down, causing the red forcefield to form and aim at the Gales. Yuki sees the Zorua attack and gets in front of the Gales, using King's Shield to protect them. Yuki then switches into his Blade form as his sword body glows light blue, extending its size: Sacred Sword. He uses the move on the Zorua, attacking her from the side and slamming her harshly to the ground. Natalie yelps in pain, feeling a lot of damage from the move.

"Mistress!" Claire yells before charging towards Yuki, electricity and a yellow aura beginning to surround her body. She tries to use Wild Charge on him but Yuki swings his body at her like a baseball bat, slamming and sliding her across the ground drastically. "Ah!"

Anna sees her allies getting defeated, as well as Cerise struggling to get up from the ground and Jimmy being pinned down by Reckless. The Ursaring stomps on him endlessly, laughing in pure joy. "No..." The Ninetales says, her eyes widening in shock and terror. "NO!" She no longer shields Cocoon and the Mudkip as she stands in front of them. "I will not let you harm my friends any further!" She shouts, flames forming within her mouth. Reckless stops stomping on Jimmy and looks at the Ninetales, grinning deviously.

Use it. Reckless thinks, eyeing eagerly at the Ninetales. As the Ninetales attempts to use Flamethrower on the Gales, Reckless holds out his arms immediately. Gotcha.

Anna's Flamethrower is about to hit the Gales until it curves around, the attack aiming at her. "Huh!?" She stops using the Flamethrower attack as it hits her, causing her to yelp in pain and slams against the wall next to Cerise.

Reckless fist pumps excitedly. "Yes! Been waiting to do that to someone for a long while!"

"U-Ugh...How...did that happen...?" Anna asks, weakly attempting to get on her feet but ultimately failing.

Reckless then snaps his fingers, winking at the Ninetales. "Glad that you've gotten the chance to meet Inferno Wrath: My special little Mythical Power that allows me to manipulate any kinds of flames, rather it be the flames from a Fire type attack or just fire in general." He says as Yuki forms a shadow underneath himself. The Aegislash sinks within the shadow as Reckless continues speaking. "This MP also allow me to be immune to the infliction coming from the burn status. But I keep the Guts boosted damage, of course." Yuki uses Shadow Sneak towards Anna, the Ninetales noticing the shadow and attempting to back away. "Speaking of damage, the MP also powers up my moves drastically when I'm under the burn status, which explains why I defeated Beetle Boy here. And because of me being born with this MP, any Pokemon that resists or are immune to anything fire related will not have that effect once I use it against them."

Yuki leaps out from the shadow and grabs Anna's earrings, yanking them off from her ears as this leads to her screaming in pain. Cocoon and the Mudkip stare in terror, seeing red liquid dripping from the Ninetales' ears quickly. Yuki then uses Shadow Sneak to return back to the Gales, spawning himself out of the shadow and staring at Reckless. "That wasn't so smart of you to explain your gift to her. Now she'll find your weakness whenever we encounter them again." Yuki explains, proceeding to grab Jimmy's scarf.

The Heracross groans uncomfortably, barely being able to move his body as his scarf is being taken away. Reckless looks at the Aegislash and shrugs. "Eh, blame the creator for having me make that stupid decision." He says, folding his arms while revealing a 'meh' expression.

Yuki sets the scarf on his other hand, floating next to Iris. "I...have absolutely nothing to say about that." The Aegislash sweatdrops before slipping his hand underneath Iris' necklace. He stares down at her for a brief moment, squinting his eyes. I seriously believe that I remember her...But...not sure from...where... He thinks to himself, sighing heavily and shakes his head. My memory is quite imperfect, it seems... He snatches the necklace from Iris, returning back towards the Gales afterwards. "Is everyone here?"

"Yes, my lord. All the Gales are alive and well." Misstrike answers elegantly.

"Then our tasks here is complete. Let's leave." The Mismagius nods at the Aegislash as her eyes turns pure black, dark mist beginning to form around the Gales and the passed out Tyranitars. Cerise looks up at the Gales, seeing Mark close to leaving.

I don't think so! Cerise thinks to himself, his body beginning to be surrounded by a light green outline. He then takes off running, using Extreme Speed to quickly reach the Gales.

Yuki sees the canine rushing towards them. "Hmm?" Soon, Cerise runs to the side and snatches Mark out of Alro's possession, ramming into Yuki's shield. This causes Yuki to drop the three Marvel Mischiefs on the ground away from the mists as the Aegislash's eyes widen in petrification. "NO!" He shouts in pure rage before him and the other Gales disappears into the mist, the Supernova Gale no longer being present within the cave.

Cerise drops the Riolu, panting heavily. "Glad...that I...caught you in time..." The canine says before falling to the ground, leading him to faint. His body then glows green, shining bright enough for others in the area to see.

Mystery, Anna, Claire, and Natalie look at the glowing canine body, all marveling at Cerise shrinking in size. Several green lights separate from the shrinking canine, his appearance no longer resembling that of a canine. Cerise soon stops glowing, reverting back to his original blob self. What the...? Mystery thinks before groaning from the poison damage, covering his stomach in discomfort.

Natalie slowly begins to stand up, wincing due to the pain she received earlier. "Is...everyone okay?" She asks while looking around. The baby Mudkip begins to bawl into tears, fear cluttering throughout the Mudkip's face.

"Ugh...my back hurts so it seems like I'm not..." Gonel says, remaining on the ground as she stares at the ceiling. "Not sure about everyone else..."

Natalie notices that a majority of the group are injured, with some at least being able to move. The Zorua sweatdrops. "Well then...this'll take me awhile to heal everyone up..."

"Heal?" Mystery says, raising his brow at the Zorua.

"I'll explain as I heal you and the others..." Natalie shrugs.


. . .

Natalie puts her paws against Anna's other ear, a red outline forming around it along with the Ninetales' ear. After a few moments, Natalie removes her paws from the ear. "Annnd that should do it!" She says, sighing in relief.

Anna flickers her ears freely, sighing in relief. "Thanks, Natalie." Anna says, smiling at the Zorua. Everyone else is fully healed by the Zorua as well, the Units all looking at the Zorua in interest.

"Huh. That's an interesting, erm, power you got there, I suppose?" Mystery says, putting his hand against his chin.

"We're just very thankful for you healing us because of your gift." The Dusknoir says, smiling in joy.

"You're welcome, everyone!" Natalie exclaims, smiling back at everyone before panting heavily. "Wow that took a lot of effort than usual to heal someone."

Claire walks towards the Zorua to pat on her back. "Again, take it easy with your powers. You'll exhaust yourself if you do, mistress." Claire says. Natalie looks at her and nods.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind for next time."

Mystery takes his attention towards Cerise, staring at him curiously. "Say...What are you, anyway?" The Sceptile asks, scratching the side of his head. The rest of the Units look at the red spotted blob as well, curiosity sprawling throughout their heads.

Cerise looks back at the Sceptile and shakes his head. "I'm curious to know that as well, honestly..." Cerise says soft yet higher tone than his canine form.

Mystery blinks in confusion before looking at Iris and Jimmy, who seem to be putting on their Marvel Mischiefs. "Do you two perhaps know what Pokemon he is?"

Iris shakes her head. "Nope. We're still trying to figure that out about him." She answers, sighing in relief after snapping her necklace on.

"Huh...I see. I should've known there was something strange about that Cerise fella when we first met him. I just didn't consider questioning his appearance until now..." He puts his hand against his chin, being quite peculiar about the blob as Mark walks towards Anna. "Interesting to note that about him..."

Gonel blinks for a moment before gasping to herself. "Ah yes, note!" She says before taking out a notepad and quil from her stomach, beginning to write on the notepad. "Day 100 of my life as a Savior Unit: This is just in, an unknown Pokemon undergoing form transformation. A witness to be shocked by." The Dusknoir mumbles to herself before giggling, leading Ebony to sweatdrop at her behavior.

"Here're your earrings, Anna." Mark says, carrying the yellow earrings in his hands. Anna lifts her head down, allowing the Riolu to put the earrings on the Ninetales' ears.

"Thanks, Mark." The Ninetales says, smiling warmly at Mark.

"Well since we're all healed up thanks to the Zorua, we can continue onwards now." Ebony says in a bit of an impatient tone. Mystery looks at her and nods.

"Indeed, sis." Mystery says, him being the first to move ahead of the group after picking up Cocoon. Ebony follows second, then Iris, and now everyone else. Jimmy puts the Mudkip on his back, making sure that he's holding on tight.

"Everything will be fine, little fella." The Heracross says, smiling at the Mudkip as he cheers him up. The Mudkip sniffles, clinging to the Heracross in a feeble manner. As Jimmy and the others exit the pathway, they notice that the crystals change back to their original colors again. "Hmm?" Everyone looks behind them to see that the pathway is brightly lit with purple lights and the right pathway not being present, leading the left pathway to become a singular pathway.

"I knew that this cave used to have one pathway. Because I would've seen the other one by now." Ebony says, staring at the pathway in suspicion. "I suppose that one of those Supernova Gales must had setup an illusion. To make us think that there's two pathways in Zero Cave."

"But that doesn't explain the crystals lights being turned off, though." Anna points out, tilting her head in a peculiar manner.

Ebony squints her eyes at the pathway. "Good point...hmm..."

"Oh who cares about that now, mate? There's an exit right ahead of us!" Lucas proclaims, abrupting his way into the conversation. Everyone looks in front of them to see light ahead, eagerness filling throughout their bodies.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get to that entrance quickly before something nasty happens!" Gonel says in excitement, being the first to rush off towards the entrance.

"Oi! Wait up, mate!" Lucas follows along before everyone else joins him and the Dusknoir. During so, Helena slithers in a calm pacing, showing a grimsome look on her face.

So...you join an unknown criminal organization, I see... The Milotic thinks to herself, stopping for a moment. You're giving me more reasons to despise you, Sebastian... She sighs heavily, staring off to the crystals melancholily. She then proceeds onward to catch up with the others.

. . .

The Aegislash punches and throws several Tyranitars with no remorse as he screams in frustration within the dark world known as the Corruption Realm. "WE ALMOST HAD IT! WE ALMOST COMPLETED OUR OBJECTIVES!" Yuki screeches, seeing the Tyranitars falling down to the bleak, dark ground. "ALMOST!"

The Gales jump from the Aegislash's rage, all feeling the amount of discomfort within their bodies. "Whoa there, boss! Chillax, will ya?" Tron says, his eyes widening in shock.

"Y-Yes, my lord. It's best if you just calm down and take a deep br-" The Mismagius' voice is cut off by Yuki's cold, deadly glance. "Eek!" Misstrike whimpers, shielding her face in petrification.

Yuki glares at the Gales for a moment, breathing menacingly due to anger. He then lets out a heavy sigh and looks away from the group, switching into his Shield form. "At least we accomplished one of our objectives..." He says before taking his attention towards Sheer, who seems to be beside Tron. "The Force Shatter Cloyster."

Sheer looks up at the Aegislash, raising his brow suspiciously at him. "How did you know about my Mythical Power...?" Sheer asks in a cautious manner.

Yuki laughs softly, floating towards the Cloyster. "Sheer, was it? We've been watching you ever since you met Iris and her friends." Yuki puts his fingers against each other sinisterly, having them in front of him. "After examining the usefulness of your Mythical Power, we consider you to be a great addition to our organization."

"...You believe so?"

"Certainly. With your MP, you can help us cripple that group of Pokemon that shattered every hope of your dream goal. After all, this can be considered as sweet revenge on them, correct?"

Sheer looks off to the side for a moment, sighing heavily. "Unfortunately, I would be of no use to you due to my barb being broken..." He says, glaring at the ground.

Yuki looks at Misstrike and tilts his head slightly towards the Cloyster. Misstrike nods and floats towards Sheer, her eyes turning pure black. Sheer looks at the Mismagius, blinking in confusion. "Hmm?" He says before Misstrike touches his broken barb, proceeding to heal it. "What is she..." He soon notices the barb slowly beginning to extend, the cracks no longer being present on them as they once used to be. "Oh...?" Misstrike then removes her ghostly 'hand' from the Cloyster's barb, the barb now being large and fixed.

"Problem solved. Now then, do you consider joining us?"

Sheer looks at the Aegislash, thinking deeply to himself. "...I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I should even trust you folks."

"Ah yes, the betrayal from Trent the Lucario, isn't it? We can help you get revenge on him as well, if you consider the offer."

Sheer glares at the Aegislash. "Look, I appreciate the offers, but I'm not interested. This seems too abnormal for me to believe."

"Even after we have interest in you and rescued you from potentially being sent to prison for life?" Yuki shakes his head. "That hurts my feelings, Sheer. That hurts all of our feelings."

"Oh my feelings are fine and dandy, sir!" Tron shouts in exaggeration. Yuki slowly looks at him, giving him the death stare of his life. Tron looks towards Nexus beside him, scratching the side of his head. "Oh jeez, why you say that, Nexus?" Nexus looks at the Raichu before rolling his eyes, folding his arms while croaking.

Yuki sighs and looks back at the Cloyster. "Alright then. Even if you're not interested in joining us, you still have no choice. Since we've basically shown you our hideout...Wouldn't want an outsider knowing our whereabouts, would we?" The Aegislash says, tapping his fingers together in a steady pace. "Besides...you're a criminal. You'll be running endlessly from the law. No home or shelter can protect you from them. Not even your loved ones." Yuki then stops the tapping, staring into Sheer's eyes coldly. "Your life is meaningless once you've defied the law."

Dead silence strikes the conversation, Sheer's eyes widening in pure terror. The Cloyster trembles in place, looking at the ground and recounting the decisions he made throughout his past. The decisions that leads him to this moment. Alro and Clemence look at each other, feeling quite satisfied by what they're witnessing. "Oh I like where this is going." Alro says, putting his tendril hand against his chin.

Sebastian, Nexus, and Dead look at each other for a moment, exchanging the amount of worry towards each other. Did...we screw up by joining this organization? Nexus thinks, concerning thoughts sprawling throughout his head. The three then look back at Yuki and Sheer.

"After hearing all of those reasons, do you consider joining us? Or do you prefer death? Your choice." Yuki says, putting his hands behind his back. Sheer continues staring at the ground for a moment, inhaling all the air in before exhaling them in disbelief. He then looks at Yuki and nods.

"Yes...I will join your organization." Sheer says firmly.


Within a flash, Sheer's eyes turns pure black, the Cloyster gasping repeatedly as if he's having a hard time breathing. "Wh-What in the-" He soon stops gasping, his eyes reverting back to normal. He looks to the side to see Misstrike's dark eyes reverting back to their normal red color, the Mismagius giggling afterwards. "Wh-What did you do to me...?"

"Let's just say I connected your soul to mine. That way, whenever you try to escape or betray us, I can always teleport you back to us." Misstrike explains, sticking her tongue out playfully. "In other words: This ensures your eternal stay in the Supernova Gale. You're with us forever...and ever..." The Mismagius giggles once more, leading Sheer to become concern of her.


"Welcome to the Supernova Gale, Sheer. We hope that you enjoy your stay. If not, well..." Yuki pauses for a moment. "...that'll be very unfortunate for you."

As the rest of the Gales, except for Dead, Nexus, and Sebastian, go to congratulate Sheer for joining their team, Sebastian looks off to the side with a tense look on his face. The Serperior thinks about what Helena said to him and Misstrike's mentioning of the eternal stay in the organization, leading him to glance at the ground. ...Shit...

End of Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 22's Debut: 9/1/2018

Chapter 22: Seaport Bay! Home of the Ships!

Running and running...and more running. Footsteps one after another are all Iris can hear from her and the others, along with some few heavy breathing here and there. The Dragonite eventually makes her way to the exit, gasping in awe at the sight she's looking at. "Whoa..." She says, feeling quite stunned as the others catch up to her.

The crew gazes at the sight as well, their eyes widening in amazement. "W-Wow..." Mark says, shifting his bow behind him. Everyone sees a huge scenery ahead of them: a beach area. Multiple trees are on their right while the ocean is on the left. There are a few buildings here and there, mostly shops or houses. Many Pokemon are chatting with each other and roaming around the area as well, even some of the Water types are relaxing by the area within the aquatics.

A brown sign can be seen by the Zero Cave, with the words 'Welcome to the Seaport Bay! Where ships are made and sailed!' on it. A few dozens of seagull-like creatures with simplistic eyes, two triangular tufts on their heads, and long flat wings are sitting on the sign conversing with one another or some even sleeps on it: Wingull. There's also a huge statue everyone can see in the foreground, being far off from the bay. Cerise tilts his head curiously at it, mystery cluttering his mind with thoughts and questions.

Hmm? That...statue. I can't quite see it clearly but something about it, makes me feel...strange. He thinks, blinking at the unrecognizable statue.

Iris looks at the sign and lifts her brow in confusion. "Eh?" She says, realizing what the sign said. She then takes her eyes onto Mystery. "Say, I thought you said this was a town?" She asks, scratching the side of her head confusedly.

The Sceptile blinks for a moment as he stares at the sign himself, raising his brow in confusion. "Oh? I thought this was a town when me and the Units got here...In fact, I didn't even realize there was a sign here." He says, shrugging afterwards.

"Well I been trying to tell you this place wasn't a town ever since we got here." Ebony says, folding her arms afterwards.

Mystery looks at the Grovyle. "I see...Then again, the Seaport Bay does look somewhat similar to a town, from the looks of it. So I can understand my mistake."

Ebony sweatdrops as she squints her eyes at Mystery. Great. Another moment where the adults don't consider thanking the young for their correction... She thinks, looking ahead of her with a stern expression spreading throughout her face.

"Man, what took you guys so long? And who are they?" A female says in a sassy tone, catching everyone's attention. The group look ahead to see two creatures being by a wooden house. One of them is a cat-like weasel with narrow red eyes, yellow oval markings on her forehead and chest, and white claws: Sneasel. And the other is a mushroom-like bipedal with kangaroo features on his body, red claws on his hands and feet, and has a green mushroom-like cap: Breloom. The Sneasel is waving her arms at the group while the Breloom admires the habitat around him, adjusting his black backpack behind him.

The crew and the Units all look at the two Pokemon, Ebony rolling her eyes in response to their appearance. "We went through some trouble along the way, Fiona." The Grovyle says, staring at the Sneasel.

Fiona, the Sneasel, puts her hands by her hips. "Normally the Savior Units would've taken care of their business by now." She replies, smirking at the Grovyle.

Ebony glances at her. "Hate to break it to you but we as Pokemon suck. Get used to us messing up."

"Not with that attitude, Ebony. You're making it sound like we're bound to become failures." Gonel says, joining in the conversation.

Ebony closes her arms and grips them, sighing softly. "Nobody asked you..." The Grovyle mumbles underneath her breath, leading Fiona to giggle at her. Mystery turns his attention towards Iris and her crew.

"Everyone, meet Fiona the Sneasel and Brad the Breloom. They're also a part of the Savior Unit, too." Mystery says calmly.

"Really? Jeez, that makes up, um..." Lucas pauses for a moment to point at the Units, counting them one by one. "Six of you guys!"

"Actually, it's seven. You're forgetting about silent boy over there." Fiona says, snickering as she points at Leon. Everyone turns to the side to see Leon returning to the group from the palm trees, munching on a Mago Berry in one hand while carrying another. The Blaziken then raises his brow at the group, peculiar to why they're staring at him.

"Ah, I didn't even know he existed!" Lucas states.

"Same here..." Ashen replies, scratching the side of his head. Leon squints his eyes at the two before sighing and shaking his head. The crew then introduces themselves to Fiona and Brad afterwards, Brad nodding firmly while Fiona smiles in glee.

"A pleasure to meet you all. I'll have you know that if you were working for the Savior Units right now, you would be stacking cash." The Sneasel says, rubbing her fingers together to stimulate money in her hand.

"Oh? And why's that?" Lucas asks, curiosity sparkling in his head.

"Haha, glad that you asked." Fiona turns to the side and folds her arms, closing her eyes. "You see, I was raised in a rich and wealthy family. Meaning my family has no problem giving me things I want."

"Oooh you're so lucky, mate!"

Fiona giggles before continuing to speak. "And that's not all: My family was so rich that they were on the same level as the government in the wealth department."

"Wait, how's it possible for them to be on the same level as the government?" Anna questions.

"Yeah, I agree. I was told that it's impossible for anyone to be on the same level as them." Iris follows along, scratching the side of her head curiously. Fiona opens one eye at the two Pokemon.

"Ah yes. I was thinking the same thing. Until I found out that my parents were working for the government all along." The Sneasel waves her hand around, having the other hand by her hip as she has both of her eyes open. "And ever since I learned that fact, I always wanted to work with the government. It gives me at least something to do in life."

"That makes sense." Lucas states, nodding at the Sneasel.

"After much trial and error, I eventually got the chance to work for O.P. along with meeting the Savior Units and having Units get paid more than usual because of me." Fiona then looks at Ebony and sticks her tongue out playfully. "You're welcome, by the way."

"Don't sweat it." Ebony rolls her eyes while folding her arms.

"Huh. Maybe I should consider joining the Savior Units." Lucas says excitedly. The whole crew slowly looks at Lucas, giving him a look of discomfort because they're, well, pirates. Enemies to the government. Lucas quickly realizes that fact and sweatdrops. "I-I mean, if I were interested into such, hehe..."

Brad steps in front of the Sneasel. "It takes a lot of dedication, willingness, and hard work to join the government, especially the Savior Units." Brad explains in a calm yet serious tone. "You'll have to sacrifice multiple breaks for training in order to even be considered a member. That's how Fiona and I make it to the team."

"Y-Yikes! Sacrificing multiple breaks!? Sounds like something we experienced in the Cloyster Kingdom!" Lucas exclaims.

"Yeah..." Ashen agrees along, leading him and the rest of the crew to sweatdrop.

Cocoon sweatdrops as well, feeling embarrassed due to him knowing that he's the cause for that. Sorry...He thinks in his head, whimpering softly.

"While what you guys experienced was forced work, what we experienced was optional. We don't have to work for the government. We choose to." Mystery states. "As long as we put our best of efforts and willingness into the trainings, we'll have a higher chance at succeeding."

Fiona looks off to the side and shrugs. If only brother succeeds... Fiona thinks before taking her attention back onto the group, letting her confidence covers her actual feelings.

"Speaking of the Cloyster Kingdom," Mystery walks toward Brad, showing the Breloom the shiny shell-less Cloyster. "Mind calling one of the government's leaders to send in soldiers and give us a ride?" The Sceptile asks.

Brad nods, setting his backpack down. "And why's that?" Brad responds.

Mystery looks down at Cocoon, noticing the unsure look on his face. "Because this man committed a crime in the Cloyster Kingdom for the longest time. The crimes include: Having one town be in poverty in favor for another and cruel/unusual punishments. Reason being the death of someone close to him."

Brad looks at Cocoon, seeing the Cloyster looking down as he unzips his backpack. "I see. Another one of those 'crimes caused by the past' criminals, it seems." The Breloom says, getting his Caller out of the backpack. "I'll call the leader right away."

"Thanks, Brad." As the Breloom proceeds to call the government on his device, Fiona walks besides the Grovyle and smirks.

"I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I personally find beauty in not evolving." The Sneasels, taking her eyes onto the crew.

Natalie raises her brow. "Really now?" She says, interested in the Sneasel's words.

Fiona looks at the Zorua and bows. "Why of course, dear." She then arch her back and puts her claw against her face, revealing a dramatic pose to the group. "I see not evolving as the true way for a Pokemon to become stronger and faster. Plus, you get to keep your adorable looks in your unevolved stage." She then looks at Ebony, grinning deviously. "Unlike some folks that want to gain unnecessary powers, sacrificing their looks and other attributes along the way."

Ebony stares down at the Sneasel, glaring menacingly at her. "Evolution is the way to get stronger and faster, for your information." The Grovyle states, folding her arms. "Besides, looks shouldn't mean anything when it comes to gaining strength."

"Ha, funny. Last I checked, you wanted to evolve so that you can become 'cooler' and 'stronger' than before."

"I was weak and pathetic. I had to train hard enough to even exceed past my unevolved stage."

"Riiight. Meanwhile, I trained as hard as you did yet I managed to remain as my unevolved self AND still joined the Savior Units afterwards."

Ebony reveals a 'what the heck' look on her face as she frowns. "That's because your rich and privileged family gave you access to the government just like that." Ebony says, snapping her fingers to prove a point. "At least be grateful that you made it to the top instead of bashing others for choosing to evolve."

Fiona's smirk immediately turns into a frown as she folds her arms. "Oh wow. Just because I was raised under a rich family, doesn't mean I don't have to work as hard as you do! Besides, of course I'm grateful for this job because the government themselves are picky, regardless of whether or not I'm rich!" Fiona yells at the Grovyle, leading to her and the Grovyle glancing at each other. Everyone sweatdrops at the two, surprised by the drama being caused from them.

"Whoa there! And I thought the argument we had with Iris a few days ago was bad!" Jimmy states, shielding the Mudkip behind him from the two Pokemon.

"Did you really have to bring that up?" Iris says to Jimmy, shrugging awkwardly. Mystery gets beside the Sneasel and Grovyle, patting them on the shoulders.

"Now now you two. There's no need for bickering over this nonsense. Okay?" The Sceptile says. Fiona and Ebony continue to glance at each other before looking away, both making a loud 'hmph' noise.

Soon, a loud male voice alerts everyone's attention. "AT LAST! A NEW SHIP IS BORN!" The voice shouts in a audio-like tone. Iris happens to be the first beaming her way direction towards the voice before the others. Everyone sees a crowd of Pokemon within the middle of the bay, surrounding a wooden board.

"Did that...announcer say ship?" Iris says.

"I believe so, Ir-" Anna pauses for a moment to notice the Dragonite already taking off running, sweatdropping before catching up to her. "Dang it, Iris! At least warn us beforehand!" She yells as the others follow her along.

On the wooden board contains two creatures: One being a cyan-colored shrimp with a large blue claw and a single black stripe on each other his body segments, the other being a cyan crustacean with two yellow antennae on top of his head and having yellow round eyes. They're known as Clawitzer and Clauncher. The Clawitzer is holding a megaphone with his big claw while the Clauncher is holding up a sign saying 'A new ship is ready to sail!'.

"EVERYONE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THIS SHIP, FOLKS! AS IT IS READY TO SAIL AT ANY MOMENT!" The Clawitzer shouts through the megaphone in a upbeat tone, leading the audience to cheer in joy. "THAT IS ALL FOR OUR DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY! MAY DREAMS CONTINUE TO SET SAIL!" The Clawitzer laughs with joy and pride, causing the crowd to cheer once more.

As the folks begin to go along with their business, Iris manages to stop in front of the Clawitzer, panting heavily. "H-Hey...s-sir!" She says, panting more and more. The Clawitzer and Clauncher both stare at the Dragonite confusedly.

"Huh?" The two say.

"You mentioned a new ship, right?" Iris catches her breath to talk properly. "Where is it?"

"Apologies, ma'am. But the ship isn't ready yet. The ship craftsmen are still developing it. Although, it is close to being done so it'll be available to use pretty soon." The Clawitzer says, smiling at the Dragonite.

Iris groans heavily, revealing a grumpy look on her face as she looks to the side. "Dang it!" She says, the crew and the Units catching up to her in time. Iris turns toward them, folding her arms. "Looks like we'll have to wait a little longer on this island. The new ship isn't ready, unfortunately."

"That's a bummer." Anna says, sitting down on the soft sand.

"Tell me about it." Iris sighs, shaking her head in disbelief.

Ashen walks towards the Clawitzer. "Are you perhaps the mayor of the Seaport Bay?" The Linoone asks calmly.

The floating shrimp shakes his head. "Why there's no mayor in this here bay. Only law enforcers patrol around this area to ensure everyone's safety." He says, seeing some Bisharps and Victreebels with blue hats roaming around the place. The group notice the officers as well before the Clawitzer continues speaking. "Mind telling me why you asked?"

"Oh. Well it's because we were hoping if there was a leader here to help us understand this place a little more. Apparently, that's not the case here." Ashen shrugs.

"I see." The Clawitzer salutes to the group. "The name is Draven. And this is my cousin, Udep. We're the announcers for the ships being produced on this bay. All you needed to know about the Seaport Bay is that it produces ships and there's multiple versions of them out there."

"Hello!" Udep, the Clauncher, says happily in a adorable tone, waving his claw at the group excitedly.

"Huh. You don't say?" Iris says, putting her paw against her chin.

"Indeed! My siblings are currently in other Seaport Bays as we speak!" Draven looks up at the sky with confidence, putting his smaller claw by the side of his body. "My family tasked me and Udep to become the best announcers we can be. Keeping the title of 'The Most Energetic Announcers' alive and well for many generations to come."

"Yep! Big cousin's dream is to appease everyone as excitedly as he can!" Udep exclaims, shifting from side to side. "And I wanna grow up to be just like him!"

Ebony scratches the side of her head while raising her brow. "I mean, it's just you shouting through the megaphone about ships. No need to be too excited over that." She says.

Gonel laughs next to her. "Oh silly you. Motivation is motivation regardless of what type of job it is." The Dusknoir states in a optimistic tone.

Fiona elbows the Grovyle. "Yeah, 'silly'." She follows along. Ebony rolls her eyes at the two and folds her arms, staring at the two Pokemon on the wooden board.

Draven chuckles at the group, enjoying the commotion going on. "Well anywho, me and Udep will be on our way out now. Stay tuned for our upcoming announcement. Which should happen probably tomorrow or so." He says, caressing his shrimp-like mouth as if they were moustaches. "Depends on the ship's development, really."

Lucas snaps paws. "Gotcha, mate." He says, attempting to act cool but comes off as awkward. Gonel, Mark, Natalie, and even the Mudkip chuckle at the Furret as everyone else shakes their heads at him. "What?"

Soon, Draven and Udep depart from the board and head towards a standard size house by the cliff next to the sea. There's also a seaport next to the house, containing a large building filled with Pokemon socializing with each other while ships are being built in the background. Iris and the rest of the crew soon look around the bay cluelessly. "Well then, what should we do while waiting on the new ship to be developed?" Jimmy asks. The Dragonite shrugs at him.

"Rent a home, I guess." Iris says in a unsure manner. She then sees a shop next to Draven's home. The shop contains a phone-like device as the logo, displayed big enough for her and the others to see. "Um...What shop is that?"

"Why that's the Caller Shop, Iris. It sells...well, Callers." Mystery answers. The whole crew looks at the Sceptile, their eyes widening in surprise.

"THERE'S A SHOP THAT SELLS CALLERS!?" The crew yells. The Mudkip and Grovyle yelp from the yell, Ebony being the one covering her ears.

"Yes. My brother just stated that not too long ago." She says, uncovering her ears while glaring at the crew.

"Oh boy, time for me to get myself a new Caller!" Iris says before reaching behind her back, noticing that there's nothing there. "...Oh right. My bag was taken away during the whole Cloyster Kingdom madness. Uh..." She turns to her crew. "...Please tell me you guys got it back."

"Well I ha-" Mark pauses for a moment to realize that he only has his bow. "...Nevermind..."

Iris facepalms. "Well shit. We'll be roaming around homeless, now!"

"Not quite." Gonel says before reaching inside of her stomach. Everyone looks to see the Dusknoir taking out a familiar white bag.

Anna tilts her head confusedly. "Wait, how did you get our bag?" She asks.

"Well, I noticed it lying on one of the concretes before I held Sheer captive. And it's been trapped in my void of a belly ever since then." Gonel explains, giggling to herself as she hands the bag to Iris. "You're welcome." The Dragonite becomes hesitant to take the bag, slowly reaching out towards it. "It's not wet or anything. Promised."

Iris takes the bag and feels its dry yet soft features, sighing in relief. "Okay. Thanks for finding it for us!" She says. Gonel nods before Iris turns towards the crew. "We're getting ourselves a Caller first before renting a place to live, fellas!"

"Yay!" Mark, Natalie, and Claire all say, excited to finally relax after a long while of endless madness.

Cerise looks off to see a big house besides the forest, with a Clefable holding a sign saying 'For Rent' in front of the house. "Say guys, I found us a home we could stay in afterwards." The blob says, pointing his tail at the house. The crew looks at the direction before staring back at Cerise.

"Thanks for the heads up, Cerise." Iris says, putting her bag on. Cerise nods happily as Mystery smiles at the crew, seeing how ecstatic and lively they are towards everything happening to them.

"Alright. Me and the Units will head off to our temporary home until our ride arrives. Take care, everyone." Mystery says, him being the first to head towards the wooden home from earlier before the rest of the Units do. Mark waves his paw at them.

"You take care as well!" Mark shouts in joy.

As the gang proceeds onwards to the Caller shop, Cerise stops in place to notice the statue from earlier, seeing it a bit more clearly than before. "Hmm?" He says, looking at the statue in the far distance. He sees it resembling a humanoid body in a attacking pose. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the colors from it due to the fog making it hard to see. That...statue. It just seems...so familiar to me. Cerise thinks, staring more longingly into the statue.

The blob eventually rushes off towards the others, focusing his mind on the crew for the time being.

End of Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 23's Debut: 9/14/2018

Also as of today's chapter, we officially have 4 chapters left for all of Mixturing Moves to be reuploaded onto this website! Gonna aim to having them all be fully reuploaded starting tomorrow, woooooo!!! n_n

Chapter 23: An Unexpected Group Terrorize the Seaport Bay!

Darkness overshadows the Seaport Bay, covering the majority of the area within its barricade. Only the moon and the stars give light to the Pokemon roaming around at night.

Inside of Draven's home, Draven and Udep are in their bedroom, Draven tucking the Clauncher in his bed as he puts the cover over his body. The bedroom itself contains only a minimal amount of furniture: two beds, a lamp on the dresser between the beds, and a blue carpet in the middle of the room. The megaphone and sign are leaning against the wall, being in the far right corner.

Draven sighs in relief, floating off to his bed. "Ah, what a wonderful day we had. Can't wait for tomorrow to be even better!" Draven says happily, lying down on the bed.

"U-Um, cousin." Udep pauses for a moment, staring at the grey ceiling.


"I'm...curious about ships. Like how long do you think the ship business will last...?"

Draven blinks for a moment before coming into a realization. "Ah. Your mind is still thinking about those Callers, huh?"

Udep turns to face the Clawitzer across from him, nodding feebly. "Yes...Ever since I've heard they can teleport you anywhere you want, I feel like ships would become useless."

Draven shifts over to look back. "Hmm. I can see where you're coming from, my dear cousin. But I can assure you that the business will continue onwards."

Udep widens his eyes in suspense. "Really?"

Draven nods. "Indeed. Ships have always been a staple to those wanting to reach another location, especially if they hadn't visited it before." Draven looks at the lamp, seeing a Caller next to it with a wire at the end. He notices the wire coming from one end to a socket behind the dresser, indicating that it's being plugged into the wall. "Besides, those things rely on charging. They can go down pretty quick, depending on the battery." The Clawitzer chuckles. "And we all know how much of a disaster it'll be if everyone relies solely on Callers for transportation. Might as well travel on foot, while you're at it!"

"Oh. I see then." Udep twiddles with his claws while looking down. "S-So it's unlikely for the business to go down, then?"

"Positively. I reckon that the teleportation process can have up to five Pokemon. No more than that. So imagine wanting to go to a location you've visited before, but you're also thinking about bringing seven other folks with you, too."

"Oh...I guess that would be difficult without a ship, then."

"Indeed. Callers may be a neat and easy way for transportation, but its flaws are the reason why folks still travel with ships till this day." Draven smiles at the Clauncher. "Our announcing days are still alive and kicking, cousin. So don't fear the future. Instead, acknowledge it and focus on the present."

Udep looks at the Clawitzer, slowly forming a confident look on his face as he smiles back. "Y-Yeah. I'll try to do that for now on, big cousin!" He says happily.

Draven reaches his big claw out to pet Udep on the head, being mindful of the lamp beside it. "Let's get some rest now. We'll need to check on the progress for the new ship just in case we need the energy to announce it being ready."

Udep nods. "Okay!" Soon, the two proceed onwards to sleep, Udep nuzzling his pillow excitedly while Draven straightens his.

Over at the crew's home, everyone there is asleep as well: Some of them are sleeping in the upstairs bedroom, while the others are in the bottom bedroom. The house itself has a living room beside the stairs and the kitchen, the hallway by the left leading to the bottom floor bedroom and a window next to it. The living room also has some decor, such as three couches and a table that's surrounded by the couches.

At the end of the hallway, Cerise looks out of the window, gazing at the sea swishing and swooshing in serenity. He stares at the sea quietly, letting his mind go into thought and curiosity. A look of worry begins to surround his face, leading the blob to look off to the side.

"What you doing up?" A familiar female voice says, catching Cerise's attention. Cerise blinks curiously before turning around and sees Natalie, tilting his head to the side.

"I would ask the same to you, too." Cerise replies, rubbing his tail against his head.

The Zorua walks towards him and leans against the wall, sighing heavily. "Couldn't sleep, honestly." She says, looking up at the ceiling.

"Another bad dream, I assume?"

"Nope. Just screwed up my sleep cycle, that's all." Natalie sweatdrops as she squints her eyes. "I have the Cloyster Kingdom to thank for that..."

"I see. Apologies to hear that, Natalie."

Natalie looks at the blob and snickers. "No need to apologize, silly. I'll surely find a way to sleep normally, again."

Cerise nods. "Alright then. As for me, well..." Cerise looks back at the sea. "I noticed this mysterious statue in the forest earlier."

"A statue?" Natalie tilts her head peculiarly.

"Yes. Something about that statue seems...familiar. As if I'm feeling something powerful from it. Something meaningful." Cerise shakes his head. "Yet, I don't know why..."

"Huh...Come to think of it, there're a lot of things about ourselves that we don't understand: Why can I heal myself and others? Why can you transform into something else? Why does Claire insist on telling me to be careful when healing someone? How can I remember my own name and not remember my past, but you can't remember anything about yourself entirely?" Cerise looks at the Zorua, forming a concerned look on his face. "These questions continue to linger in our heads until eventually, we find our answers. Claire would answer them for me but she insisted that I recover my memories, first." Natalie shrugs.

"I...see." Cerise looks back at the window and stares at the stars. "Seems like there's a lot of things left unanswered for us. They leave us curious about them every day...and every night."

Natalie gets up and stares at the stars with Cerise. "Yeah..." Things become quiet for the two, as they both gaze at the sea and the sky calmly, hearing nothing but the ocean's water swaying repeatedly. Soon, Natalie yawns tiredly before turning around. "Welp, I'll head off to bed now. Just hoping that I'll sleep for real this time."

Cerise hops off from the window platform, landing on the ground next to Natalie. "I'm thinking about sleeping, as well. Which bedroom are you heading to?"

"The one upstairs. Why'd you ask?"

"Because I'm planning to sleep in the bottom floor bedroom and due to my size, I'll need someone's assistance to open the door for me." Cerise says, chuckling softly as he sweatdrops.

"Couldn't you transform into your canine-like form to do that?" Natalie asks, tilting her head confusedly.

"...Actually, you're right about that. Let's see if I can try." Cerise closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling. He then opens his eyes and...nothing happens. Not even a single thing glowing from him. "...Huh. Guess I only activate it during crisis or something..."

Natalie giggles at the blob. "I guess so. I'll open the door for you, then."

"Thanks, Natalie."

The Zorua nods and goes to open the bedroom door for Cerise, standing on her hind legs to twist the doorknob. After opening it, Cerise proceeds inside of the room before Natalie closes it, the two telling each other goodnight afterwards. Natalie then goes to walk upstairs to the other bedroom.

. . .

Morning rises. The sun shines. The rays bypass the front windows of the crew's home to provide light for everyone inside. Inside of the upstair bedroom is Iris slouching all over the bed like a lazy person. Ashen, Lucas, Mark, Natalie, and Claire happen to be sleeping on the Dragonite, all managing to stack on top of each other like a sandwich. Iris snores, having her mouth wide open.

Soon, a loud choppy noise can be heard coming from the outside. This leads Lucas to wake up immediately. "Eh!?" He says, having his furry tail dive into Iris' mouth.

Iris widens her eyes immediately. "Mmph!?" The Dragonite instantly pushes everyone off of her, rubbing her tongue constantly while spitting. "Eurgh! What the hell, Lucas!?"

The five Pokemon land on their backs, groaning from the impact they received. "J-Jeez Iris, you didn't have to do that!" Mark exclaims.

"Agree..." Natalie says tiredly, rubbing her eyes afterwards. "Also, what is that noise?"

Iris blinks before hearing the choppy sound as well, getting out of bed herself. "Yeah...Let's go see what that noise is." She suggests. Iris then exits out of the bedroom, with the three younglings following along.

"Ugh...What's her problem?" Lucas says, rubbing his back. Ashen shrugs.

"Not sure. Let's just go find out what that noise is." The Linoone says.

"Oh right! The noise!" Lucas rushes out of the room as Ashen follows behind.

"Wait up, bro!"

Iris makes it downstair to see the others exiting out of the other room, Jimmy rubbing his eyes tiredly. "What's all the ruckus going on out there?" The Heracross asks. He looks behind him to see the Mudkip sleeping quietly on the bed. "That sound is waking us up but not...that little fella over there..." Jimmy sweatdrops. "That's quite the heavy sleeper, I assume. But anywho, that sound is very loud and we need to investigate it."

"That's why I'm here, Jimmy." Iris states before exiting out of the house. Soon the others join her as well, with the exception of Cerise. He goes to look out of the front window, wanting to be safe from anything dangerous as he watches the others. Everyone arrives at the middle of the bay, gasping at what they're witnessing.

"Whoa..." The crew says in amazement. They all see two black helicopters in the air, the vehicles slowly descending. The words 'OP' are written on the entrance doors. The folks in the bay also stare at the choppers, socializing with one another as the helicopters finally land on the ground.

Next to the helicopters are the Savior Units, all looking at the helicopters calmly as the doors begin to open. A group of Bisharps and Weaviles wielding red spears exit out of the doors and go next to the Units. The gang all walk towards the Units in curiosity. The Bisharps and Weaviles look at them aggressively and point their spears towards them before Mystery gets in front of them. "No need. They're harmless." The Sceptile explains, having Cocoon in his possession as the guards bring their spears back.

"Oh. You're about to leave now?" Iris asks.

Mystery nods. "Yes. Brad did call the soldiers over, after all. Just that I didn't expect them to take too long to reach this location."

"I see."

"It was a pleasure getting to meet you all. With you willing to listen to our experience working with the government, and us getting to know you and your friends, even for a tiny bit." Mystery smiles at the crew.

Ebony walks towards the gang, having her arms fold. "I just wanted to apologize for the way I behaved yesterday." She says, glaring at Fiona behind her. "A certain someone really tried to act tough."

"Ha. Pretty ironic coming from someone that evolved." Fiona replies, smirking at the Grovyle.

The black cape Grovyle sighs heavily before taking her eyes back onto the crew. "Anyways, this'll be our farewell." She walks next to Mystery. Mystery looks at her and the Units, nodding at them before the guards escort them to the helicopters. The first chopper opens its entrance door for the Units, Gonel being the one turning around and waving at the ground.

"Toodles, everyone. We wish you all good luck and take care!" Gonel says, revealing a cheerful expression on her face as some of the guards enter the helicopter. The rest enter in the second helicopter, the two vehicles beginning to spin their wings around. The helicopters begin to take off as Iris and the gang wave back.

"Bye! We hope to see you guys again!" Mark shouts, having his hand circling his mouth. Soon, the entrances to the helicopters close as they take off into the air.

"We're probably not going to see them again." Claire says bluntly, blinking at the helicopters.

"I mean, it would be cool if we did!"

Claire looks at the Riolu and shrugs. "I suppose?"

"Either way, all we can do is move on with our lives. Whether we see them again or not." Iris joins in the conversation.

Anna sighs. "Although, I do hope for Cocoon's sentence to be soft." The Ninetales says.

The crew all look at her in surprise. "And why do you wish for someone that gave us misery to have a softer sentence?" Claire asks with concern.

"Yeah...Jimmy almost died because of him." Natalie agrees. "Well, not really because of him but Sheer was serving him during the crisis so..."

Anna looks back at the crew and shrugs. "Well yes, I can agree that we all have been through some hell here and there. But after realizing why he made the kingdom that way, I can have some sympathy for him." The Ninetales explains. "Of course that doesn't mean that his actions are justifiable because they're not. I mean that...He was suffering a lot from the loss of his best friend. And it seems like he even learned his lesson from the big mistake he made. Which led to him wanting to turn himself in."

"Hmm..." Claire thinks to herself for a moment as the helicopters fly away, sitting down to lick her paw. "Eh, I still feel like he deserves a harsh punishment for what he's done."

Anna looks at the Shinx and sweatdrops. "Of course you would say that..."

As the helicopters fly past the forest, two silhouettes appear from the bushes. The two nod at each other as a ton of figures exit the bushes, the silhouettes following along. Back at the bay, the crew all walk towards their home calmly. All except for Claire as she stops walking, snarling deeply.

Natalie looks at Claire, noticing that she's not walking with the others. "Is something wrong?" She asks.

"I'm sensing something bad is about to happen." Claire answers, looking around tensely. She soon notices a figure jumping on top of the crew's house, squinting her eyes at it. She sees the figure preparing a move. "What in the Distortion is that?"

The figure then releases a stream of multiple leaves beaming towards the middle of the bay: Leaf Storm. The attack hits the ground, causing the crowd of Pokemon to panic. "Huh!?" Iris says, she and the others looking to see what's going on. Smoke begins to form from the impact, the cops becoming alarmed by the disaster.

Draven and Udep exit out of their home and rush towards the center, being next to a Bisharp cop. "What the heck is going on here!?" Draven says, forming a concern look on his face.

"Not sure, sir. We're figuring that out right now." The cop replies, wielding his black handgun. Soon, everyone hears a mischievous laugh, one that Draven and Udep both recognize.

Udep shakes in fear, nudging against the Clawitzer. "O-Oh no. Th-That laugh." Udep says feebly.

"It's him..." Draven says before he and the others look to the voice's direction, seeing the figure leaping off the crew's home. The figure lands on the ground, in front of the smoke. The figure reveal himself to be a bipedal creature with three board leaves as his hands, yellow eyes, a long pointed nose, and a white mane covering most of his face and trailing down his back: Shiftry. The Shiftry also has a red bandana wrapped around his head.

"Argh, Draven!" The Shiftry shouts, grinning deviously at the Clawitzer. The smoke disappears to reveal an army of Shiftrys and bipedal creatures with a single leaf on their heads, brown skin color, and mitten-like hands: Nuzleafs. The group of Pokemon all terrorize the crowd, chasing them away as the bandana Shiftry laughs in joy and folds his arms.

The Bisharp cop tries to shoot at the Nuzleafs but they dodge the bullets, firing several sharp leaves towards the cop: Razor Leaf. "Gah!" The cop gets hit by the moves, getting blown back and rolling all over the ground. A ton of Victreebel cops come rushing towards the scene, taking out their black handguns as well. The bandana Shiftry looks at the cops and shakes his head.

"Tsk, tsk." He says before forming several rocks from the ground, using Rock Slide on the Victreebels. The cops are hit by the attack and fly in the air, colliding into the Bisharp. The law enforcers are knocked out beside Draven and Udep. Udep yelps from the collision, hiding behind Draven and looking at the laughing Shiftry.

This don't look good... Cerise thinks, watching the crew rush towards Draven and his cousin.

"Uh Draven...What's going on here? And who are those guys?" Iris asks, raising her brow at the bandana Shiftry.

"Yeah, mate! That Shiftry fella is giving me some unnerving vibe!" Lucas joins in the conversation, nibbling on his paws in terror.

"We're being attacked by the Ravage Shiftleafs." Draven says, staring sternly at the bandana Shiftry.

"The Ravage whom again?" Anna replies, confused by what Draven said.

"The Ravage Shiftleafs: A band of land pirates formed by Shiftrys and Nuzleafs. They like to terrorize any nearby locations to get what they want."

"Land pirates!?" Mark and Natalie both yell in surprise.

"Yes. These boys only travel on land, never the sea." Draven explains, seeing the bandana Shiftry walk towards him and the others.

"And how did you know about these guys?" Iris asks, bringing her fists up as she stares at the Shiftry.

"Because I've dealt with them before. Mostly their leader: Captain Duke."

Captain Duke, the bandana Shiftry, stops in front of the group, his lackeys following along with him. "So this here is the fourth time we met, yargh?" Duke says in a raspy yet energetic tone.

Draven stares up at the Shiftry. "You say this everytime we encounter each other, Duke."

"That's Captain Duke to you, matey. Now then, have you finally created those ships me and the lackeys always wanted?" Duke asks, rubbing his chin.

"I said this answer the first time. I said it the second. The third. And the answer won't change this time either: N.O."

"So...Necessarily, Of course?"

"NO! As in: Never! Okay!?"

Duke squints his eyes at the Clawitzer, becoming agitated by him. "Grr. Ya making me angry, lad! Can you at least let a feller borrow a tiny ship?"

Draven slams his big claw to the ground. "You heard me, Duke! I refuse to let pirates get their hands on any of the ships here, especially those that have caused trouble in the bay more than three times now!"

At least we're going undercover with our pirate status... Iris thinks, sweatdropping. Also, THREE TIMES!?

"Fine then! Ya'll regret ever saying no to me again!" Duke shouts, turning towards his crewmates. Anna blinks at the pirates, forming an goofy look on her face. Ashen and Jimmy notice the look on her face, tilting their heads confusedly.

"Uh, Anna? Are you okay?" Ashen asks, seeing the Ninetales beginning to chuckle.

"Alright mateys! We'll thrash this bay like last time!" Duke shouts as Anna continues to chuckle. "We'll crush em!" Anna chuckles... "And terrorize em!" The chuckling continues... "And most importantly: Steal the ship this time around!" The Ravage Shiftleafs cheer at the Shiftry before hearing a female voice bursting into laughter. "Eh?"

Everyone goes to look at Anna, who's on the ground slamming her paw constantly as she laughs. "Um...Anna? Are you okay?" Ashen asks once again in a concerned tone, raising his brow at the Ninetales.

"Regret? Terrorize? Crush?" Anna says, snickering at the Shiftleafs. "You honestly think you guys can do all of that...while a Fire type is around?" She gets up on her feet.

"Argh. And why ya think that matters?" Duke questions her.

"Because a single Flamethrower can obliterate you Grass jokes. In other words, type advantages."

"Ah. Yer one of them folks that believes in that nonsense." Duke grins.

"Nonsense? It's called common sense. Ever heard of Super Effective, Not Very Effective, and No Effect?"

"Indeed, lass. But those things don't really mean that a Grass type can't defeat a Fire type." Duke gets in the middle, rubbing his hands eagerly. "I can prove it to ya by offering a battle."

"A battle you say? Alright then." Anna gets in the middle as well, snickering along the way. "Stand back everyone, I'll blow this moron away with a single Fire move." Anna grins deviously, getting in a battle position.

"Um, Anna. Are you su-"

"I'm certain of it, Iris. I got this right in the bag." Anna interrupts the Dragonite, smirking at the Shiftry. The crew all look at each other for a moment before they eventually move to a spot that'll be safer from the potential fight, Draven and Udep following along. The Shiftleafs cheer for their leader as Duke stares at the Ninetales, smirking back. This'll be fun. She thinks, eyeing at the Shiftry.

End of Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 24's Debut: 11/2/2018

Also I'll be uploading the rest of MM chapters in a row just so that I can conclude the reupload process of it. n_n

Chapter 24: Anna Vs Captain Duke Part 1.

The feline creature hovers over a straight pathway, his face bathed in formality. He floats past a ton of orange colored trees, all oozing out orange substance from their leaves. He reaches at the end of the pathway, sitting down on a hill and staring across a huge town far from his location.

Mewtwo ponders at the site, his chin leaning against his palm. It's only a few days left until the town celebrates Ho-Oh's birthday again...Everyone there is preparing for it... He thinks to himself. I've lied to them before about Ho-Oh feeling ill and not wanting to be seen. Mewtwo looks down and shakes his head, gripping his fist. How long can I keep this lie intact? Until Iris finally gets her revenge? He then sighs heavily, looking back at the town. Admittedly, it was my idea to help Iris get her revenge. Ho-Oh's behavior has gone too far. And someone other than myself has to teach him a lesson...Maybe Iris would just put him in an unconscious state, right?

"U-Um, Mewtwo." A calm voice says behind Mewtwo. The feline blinks curiously and turns around, seeing a red vest Simisear. The Simisear walks towards him, looking at the feline with concern. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away." Mewtwo replies softly.

"Is Lord Ho-Oh still under his deadly sickness?" The Simisear asks, holding his hands together.

Mewtwo nods his head. "Unfortunately so. From the looks of it, he's not ready to come out of the tower for a long time..."

"Oh...I..." Tears begin to form from the Simisear's eyes. "I-I see..." The ape grips his fist, frustrated by the answer given to him. "I-I should've expected the same answer from you...I...I miss our ruler." He tears up, closing his eyes in sorrow. "I miss the days where he was his kind and noble self. Where any dark hours such as these he would bestow us with light. With hope. He was everyone's inspiration to continue trying their best in this world we're living in."

Mewtwo folds his arms, looking off to the side with his face being filled with guilt. "Indeed...I apologize for telling you this news for the tenth time, Harrison."

Harrison, the Simisear, shakes his head after wiping away his tears. "Don't be. You were only doing your job to help a close friend of yours. After all...Ho-Oh will come back to his senses and things will get better..." He weakly smiles at the feline. "...R-Right?"

The two Pokemon stare at each other for a moment, the wind blowing the leaves around swiftly to occupy the quietness. Eventually, Mewtwo turns back towards the distant town and nods. "I hope so, too." He replies, gazing ahead of him. "Return back to the other guards at the Unbound Tower, alright?" The Simisear nods and walks away from Mewtwo. Mewtwo glances at the town, gripping his arms. ...The sadness on Harrison's face continues to affect me over and over again. Him and everyone else in the residence of Maple Town...Am I making the right decision here?

. . .

Anna and Duke circle around each other, exchanging glances here and there. The Nuzleafs and Shiftrys yelp and shout in excitement, rooting for their captain. Iris and her crew do the same for Anna, the gang standing beside the crowd of Ravage Shiftleafs within the middle of the Seaport Bay.

"Kick her ass, Captain!" One of the Nuzleafs screams in a energetic, young tone.

"BURN HIM TO CRISPS, MATE!" Lucas shouts, his paws hovering over his mouth. Iris, Mark, Ashen, and Natalie raise their brow at the Furret.

"Whoa whoa, there. And I thought Claire was dark!" Natalie exclaims.

"Since when did you have a malice for Duke?" Ashen asks Lucas with uncomfort flowing throughout his body. Lucas looks at him and sticks his tongue out playfully.

"I just wanted to see some crazy action, okay?" He replies, chuckling afterwards. "Let a fella have some fun, will ya?"

"I approve of his taste." Claire joins the conversation, chuckling along with the Furret.

Natalie sweatdrops. "Uh, can you not, Claire?" She says, feeling uncomfortable along with Mark. Soon, everyone sees Anna forming flames around her mouth as Duke gets in a battle pose. Everyone is away from the two to give them some free space.

"Show me what ye got, young lass." The red bandana Shiftry says, beckoning his leaf-like finger.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Anna shouts before releasing a large stream of fire from her mouth. Duke pushes his hands forward and uses Protect, forming a clear shield around him as the Flamethrower attack hits it.

After the attack ends, Duke forms a glowing green sphere in between his hands. He then positions it to the side and fires the sphere at Anna, multiple leaves swirling around it: Leaf Storm. Anna sees the attack and counters it with Flamethrower, the two moves hit each other to create black smoke. As the smoke slowly fades away, the sky begins to shine brightly.

"Hey. Is it me or is the sky starting to become more brighter than usual?" Jimmy asks, scratching the side of his head confusedly. Everyone sees the sun's rays glaring from all kinds of directions, making it difficult for others to see.

"Yeah. You're right about the sky being brighter." Draven replies. "He's the cause of it." He points his big claw at Duke, everyone turning their attention towards the Shiftry. Duke's eyes are glowing white as orange beams shoot outward from his leaf-like hands, the sky emitting a large amount of light: Sunny Day.

Duke soon lowers his arms, the glow in his eyes stopping as he looks at Anna. The Ninetales chuckles at the Shiftry, shaking her head in disbelief. "Thanks for making this fight easier for me, idiot." She says, grinning at the Shiftry.

Everyone squints their eyes at the two, the brightness affecting their way of seeing the battle. "Ugh. I can barely see the two with this sunlight glaring at my eyes constantly." Iris groans, folding her arms.

Anna blinks curiously, her ear twitching to what the blue, crystalline necklace Dragonite said. "Well I can see perfectly despite the Sunny Day." She says before shrugging. "Must be a Fire-type thing or something." She then prepares another Flamethrower, looking ahead only to see the Shiftry in front of her. "What the hell!?" Duke immediately throws sand at the Ninetales' eyes, leading her to whimper and backs away. "Ugh! It feels so irritating and rough!"

As Anna proceeds to rubbing her eyes, Duke lifts his hands to summon several giant rocks from the ground. He then fires the rocks at Anna, the rocks hitting her and sending her flying across the sandy fields. Everyone gasps at the Ninetales getting hurt as the Shiftleafs cheer wildly for their captain. "Anna!" The crew yells, feeling worried for their companion.

Anna slides against the ground and stops, slowly getting up afterwards. "G-Grr..." She looks up, growling at the Shiftry. "That was pretty dirty of you, Duke." She says in an annoyed tone.

"Argh, just doing me job of teaching a foolish lass such as yourself." Duke replies, wiping off the leftover bits of sand from his hand.

"Lass? I believe that you're quite dumb yourself for thinking that I'm young. I may not look it but I'm actually a mature adult."

"Eh!? You are!?" Lucas says shockingly.

Anna turns towards the Furret with a bland look on her face. "Yes. Thought you knew about my age, Lucas..."

Lucas strokes his chest and leans against Ashen, putting his other paw over his head. "Oh brother! I've been shipping you with an old hag this whole time!"

Ashen raises his brow at Lucas before Anna snarls and shouts. "HEY! I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CONSIDERED A ELDER YET, DUMBASS!"

"Dumb what now, mate?" Lucas says, folding his arms.

Anna rolls her eyes. "Ugh. Nothing, Lucas." The Furret, in response, chuckled quite confidently.

"Argh! Ye better pay attention to yer opponent!" Duke exclaims, Anna looking to her side to see Duke running towards her. The Shiftry's speed is drastically quick, leading the Ninetales to gasp and proceed to using another Flamethrower, moving her head back before firing the attack. The Shiftry uses Protect while running, the shield causing the flames to spread around it. He then slaps Anna's face, causing her to fall to the ground and slide across it.

"Ugh...How are you moving this fast? Last that I recalled, you didn't move this fast earlier." She says, groaning uncomfortably.

"Ah yes. It's the power of me ability that allows me to move faster than ye: Chlorophyll." Duke explains in a deep, pirate tone.

"Chlorophyll?" Anna tilts her head confusedly.

"All of the Seedot line can be born with such a buried treasure of an ability, argh." Duke grins as he points at the brightly lit sky. "I used Sunny Day to trigger me ability, which relies on the harsh sunlight. I use the move despite yer typing so that I can have more advantage over ye with speed."

"Huh...I see then." The Ninetales slowly gets up and growls, proceeding to form flames around her mouth. "That doesn't change the fact that you'll still lose because of our type matchups! Thanks for making my Fire-type attack stronger, loser!" She blasts her move towards the Shiftry, her fiery flames swirling around furiously. Duke grins and dodges the Flamethrower instantly, sliding his feet across the sand before rushing his way to Anna. "Huh!?"

Duke kicks the Ninetales to the side, sending her sprawling all over the ground. Anna groans in pain, gripping the sands beneath her paws due to the hard kick. The Shiftry walks towards her casually, shaking his head as the crowd of wild Shiftleafs cheer him on in excitement. "I also forgot to mention," He pauses for a moment to squat down, having his arms over his knees. "I can dodge moves that normally hits the target with no fail, thanks to me being faster in the sunlight." Duke then begins to chuckle to himself, leading Anna to look up at him in confusion.

"What's so funny?" She asks.

"Ye. Being worthy as a challenge, to me. When an opponent struggles to harm someone they're super effective against, ye know they're a failure to their own type. Right, lass?" He replies, chuckling more as he teases the Ninetales.

Anna glares at him, gritting her teeth furiously. "Shut up!" She yells before forming flames in her mouth once more. She then tries to fire her Flamethrower attack before having sand in her mouth, leading the flames to distinguish and her to cough.

Duke gets up and brushes the sands off from his hands, turning to face the group as the Shiftleafs leap in joy. "WOOHOO, CAPTAIN!" One of the Shiftrys shouts.

"YOU SHOWED HER WHO'S BOSS!" Another Shiftry says, giving a fellow Nuzleaf next to him a high five.

"Oh dear...Things aren't looking too swell for our friend Anna here." Jimmy says, feeling quite concerned about the Ninetales.

The harsh sunlight soon fades away as Duke walks towards the group, the crew beginning to spread worry across their faces. "Dang it! I was hoping that I'd see Anna be cool and kick some butt, today! But nope, she just had to lose so soon!" Lucas exclaims, sighing heavily.

Iris looks down at the Furret. "Did you not see her fight against those guards at the Cloyster Kingdom?" She says.

"I did. And she did half of the fighting compared to what we've done."

The Dragonite squints her eyes at him. "Really? We'll just ignore the amount of times she had to use Flamethrower on those guards and willing to shield someone she cares?"

Lucas waves his hand around. "Oh those were just good lucks. And besides," The Furret folds his arms, glaring at the Dragonite. "Can't believe that out of everyone saying that to me, it'll come from the lady that almost killed us with her selfishness."

Iris frowns at the eye-patched Furret. "I said I was sorry, for crying out loud!"

"Like I'll believe that anytime soon, mate! Until I'm convinced otherwise, you're not receiving an acceptance from me."

Iris stares at Lucas for a brief moment before looking at the battle, folding her arms and sighing heavily. "Sure, whatever you say..."

Everyone sees Duke get close to Draven, the Clawitzer glancing at him as he gets in front of Udep. Duke sighs in relief, smirking at him. "I suppose I'll be taking my leave, for now. This fight was so embarrassing that I'll let you off the hook because of it." Duke says, putting his hands by his hips. He then looks at his crewmates, giving them a thumbs up. "Let's venture out of here, mateys!"

"Yeah!" The Ravage Shiftleafs yell, all joining up with their boss while passing by the group. One of them knocks Mark and Natalie to the side, leading the two to fall.

"Whoa!" The two yell before Natalie lands on her back and Mark landing right on top of her. The Riolu's nose touches the Zorua's, leading the two to blush heavily. Awkwardness begins to form between the two for a brief moment, nervousness building up in their bodies. This is awkward! The two thinks, getting off from each other and brushing each other off. "Sorry." The two say to each other at the same time, both looking away as if nothing has happened.

Claire snarls at the group passing by. "Watch where you going, you savage fools!" She exclaims, getting closer to Natalie afterwards. "You almost ran over my mistress, here!" She then looks at the Zorua. "Are you alright, mistress?"

Natalie looks back and nods. "Yeah. No broken bones being felt from all of that, as far as I know."

"DUKE!" An eerie female voice shouts, loud enough for everyone to stop everything they're doing. Udep jumps and hides behind Draven due to the voice terrifying him.

"Eeek! Where did that voice come from!?" The Clauncher says, shaking in fear.

Duke blinks curiously. "What in the name of Davy Jones' Locker was that?" He says, finding the voice disturbing to hear out of the blue. He and everyone else begin to turn towards the voice's location, seeing Anna slowly getting up on her feet. The Ninetales' body is surrounded by corrupted red aura, her panting gradually before looking up at the Shiftry.

"All I did was cough from the sand you threw at me. And that is considered a win to you?" Anna says in a corrupted tone, glaring at Duke. "That's more pathetic than me losing to someone that has a type disadvantage."

Duke glares back at the Ninetales, he and his crew feeling quite displeased by what she said. Draven and Udep look at the Ninetales, suspense beginning to spread throughout their faces. "What's going on with her body!?" Draven asks, looking quite uneasy from the auras.

"Anna is using her Mythical Power..." Iris answers.

Draven looks at her. "Mythical Power? You mean those things you heard of from books?"

Iris nods. "Yeah."

"That...can't be. I thought Mythical Powers were fake and filled with false evidence that was too ridiculous to believe!" Draven sweatdrops, beginning to pull a book out from his big claw's mouth. The book is colored dark red and has the words 'The History Behind Mythical Powers' labeled at the top.

"Well, um, that...book wasn't lying. At least from what I know of..." Iris shrugs. "Also, you Clawitzers can hold onto things inside of that big claw!? And where did you get that book from!?" Iris' eyes widen at the book being in Draven's other claw.

"Yes. I can hold about two or three things in there because of how big it is." Draven answers. "Also, I got this book delivered to me by my brother a couple of months ago." He looks at the book, scratching the side of his head. "Don't know why I kept it for so long before realizing that it's not false..."

"I see." Iris notices that the book doesn't have the author's name written on it, leading her to think to herself. Huh...I wonder who wrote that book... "Anyways, all I know is that Anna is using her Mythical Power right now. So things may get...chaotic."

Draven and Udep slowly stare at the Dragonite. "Cha...otic?" The two say in a hesitate tone.

"Yeah...Hide if things gets worse..." She shrugs uneasily as the two Pokemon gulp.

Duke looks at his crewmates and sighs heavily. "Looks like I will have to deal with this a little longer, mateys." He says, cracking his fists before glaring at the Ninetales. He moves towards an open spot, everyone staring at him and Anna in anticipation.

"Alright, Anna! Show him what you made of!" Lucas shouts, cheering the Ninetales on.

"Argh, it seems like yer serious." Duke positions himself, getting in a fighting stance. "If that's the case, then I will be serious as well."

"Earlier was a warmup. And now this time is for real?" Anna says before snickering, preparing herself as well. "How generous of you." Flames beginning to form within her mouth. "Too bad you're going to lose right here, right now!" She begins to dash towards the Shiftry as he embraces the incoming attack.

To be continued...

End of Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 25's Debut: 11/9/2018

Chapter 25: Anna Vs Duke Part 2.

She runs towards the red bandana Shiftry, flames surrounding her mouth as she growls ferociously. Anna releases her Flamethrower attack, the stream of flames aiming straight at Duke. Duke dodges to the side, sliding his feet across the sands. He then dashes to the Ninetales and roundhouse kicks her to the right. Anna slides slightly from the kick, grunting afterwards. She remains standing and looks to the side, noticing an incoming Leaf Storm from Duke.

Anna counters the attack with Flamethrower, the two moves causing smoke to form due to the collision. After the smoke fades away, Anna's face gets punched by Duke, his leaf-like fist ramming into her face with all of his might. Unfortunately, that might wasn't enough as Anna seems unfazed by the punch. "Hmm?" Duke says, raising his brow. Anna immediately sinks her teeth into Duke's fist, causing him to scream. "YOW, MATE!" He yells, feeling the pressure of Anna's teeth drilling in his hand.

Anna then spins around rapidly, tossing the Shiftry across the shores. "CAPTAIN!" The Ravage Shiftleafs shout, all gasping at their leader being harmed. Duke soon lands into a wooden house, causing it to collapse as other Pokemon scurry away from the location. The Shiftleafs rush to their leader's aid with worry spreading across their faces. Anna sighs in relief, turning towards the group before smirking.

"Looks like we're about done here." She says, sticking her tongue out at the Shiftleafs to mock them.

"Woohoo! You go, Anna!" Lucas shouts, the crew all cheering for her afterwards. Natalie and Mark high five each other as Claire and Jimmy smile at the Ninetales. Lucas fistpumps his brother as Iris folds her arms, revealing a tiny nail from the tip of her paw to resemble a thumbs-up.

"Yaaay! The Shiftleafs can leave, now!" Udep exclaims, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yeah...Although, who's going to repair the house over there?" Draven asks, seeing bits of wood falling onto the sand. Anna looks at the nonexistent building for a moment before staring at the Clawitzer.

"I suppose me and my friends will get it fixed." She then looks at the crew. "Right?" All, except for Claire, receive an amount of uncomfort from the Ninetales due to her voice. "What?"

"Your tone is starting to terrify me and my cousin, dear." Draven says, petting the Clauncher on the head.

"Yeah. I didn't realize how scary your voice was in your Mythical Power until now, Anna." Ashen admits, shrugging while putting one paw onto his arm.

"Oh...Sorry, guys." Anna replies, looking off to the side. Claire shakes her head at the group.

"Fools. Her tone was nothing compared to mine during my injured phase." Claire says, licking her paw casually.

"It's true! I...still can't get that voice of hers out of my head." Mark says, staring off into outer space as if he's seen the abyss. Draven and Udep look at each other for a moment before looking at the Shinx, raising their brows at her.

"I...see." Draven says in a unsure manner.

"HEY!" A voice shouts in the distance, grabbing everyone's attention. The group look at the voice's location to see Duke standing in front of the Ravage Shiftleafs, the Shiftry panting heavily. His hand oozes a ton of liquid from it, which paints the sand green. Duke then raises his arms up, using Sunny Day to summon the harsh sunlight once again. "I'm not playing any more games with you now, lass." He says with rage spreading across his face. Multiple rocks are beginning to form besides him, swirling around the Shiftry as he takes off running. "THIS IS THE REAL FIGHT, MATEY!"

Duke fires Rock Slide at Anna, dashing as quickly as he can. Anna grits her teeth and looks at the group behind him. "Move out of the way!" She tells them, leading the others to move quickly. She then runs towards Duke, jumping and dodging each and every rocks being thrown at her. Soon the two collide their heads into each other, staring in pure fury for a brief moment. They back away and use their moves onto each other: Anna fires multiple Flamethrower attacks while Duke flings more Rock Slide at her.

The two are dodging each other moves from left to right, the crowd of Shiftleafs cheering in joy for Duke while the gang hopes for the best on Anna. Cerise watches the fight from the crew's home, anxiety beginning to swirl throughout his body. Please be careful, Anna... He thinks to himself, becoming tensed by the action.

Anna runs towards Duke and jumps on him, kicking the Shiftry away as she does a backflip. Duke slides across the ground, struggling to find his balance before falling on his back. As Duke climbs to his feet, Anna closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, acting as though she doesn't hear anything around her. She inhales the natural air given to her, her body glowing brightly for a moment. She then exhales, opening her eyes while her body no longer glows: Calm Mind.

After using Calm Mind, Anna notices a huge rock aiming at her and dodges the attack, clawing at the ground. She then blows a large stream of flames out of her mouth, hitting the Shiftry with Flamethrower. Duke tries to use Protect but gets caught in the flames, screaming in drastic pain. He tries to remain standing but Anna increases the Flamethrower's strength, blowing the Shiftry off the ground.

"AAAH!" The Shiftry screams, flying in the air for a moment before crashing into the ground, sliding across it.

"CAPTAIN!" The Ravage Shiftleafs yell, rushing towards their captain's aid. The group surrounds the red bandana Shiftry, Duke remaining on the ground and grunting in pain. His body is covered in burn marks and bruises because of the Flamethrower attack.

"Come on, Cap! Don't gev up just yet!" The first Nuzleaf says, moving the Shiftry's arm.

"Yeah! Show that there Ninetales who's boss, Cap!" The second Nuzleaf adds on.

Anna looks at the group and shakes her head, laughing to herself. "Your leader is down. Give up and scram." She says with a grin.

The Shiftleafs look at her, all staring sternly at her. "SHUT UP, YE SCALLYWAG! YE ALMOST KILLED OUR CAP WITH YER FLAMETHROWER ATTACK!" The first Nuzleaf yells, gripping his fist.

Anna snickers once more. "Oh please. You all are mad because I beat your boss fair and square. He'll be fine."

"Actually, not to defend this guy or anything but you did go a bit overboard with your Flamethrower attack." Ashen points out.

Anna glances at the Linoone immediately, her face reverting to seriousness. "Oh I didn't put too much power into my Flamethrower."

"You honestly did if he received burn marks in the first place." Ashen shrugs.

Anna smacks her lips and looks away. "Hmph! Like I've said: He'll be fine."

Iris looks at the Ninetales, feeling something off about her. "Um, Anna." She pauses for a moment. "Don't you think you're being a bit overconfident about this?"

The Ninetales stares back at Iris, tilting her head. "How come?" She asks. "Is it because you have a lack of faith in me? Or is it that you're jealous of me being this confident in a battle?"

Iris and her crew raise their brows at Anna, perplexed by her conclusion. "What? No. None of those you mentioned are right."

"Then what is it, Iris? Huh? Tell me why I'm being overconfident."


Soon, everyone hears a groan coming from Duke. They look at him, seeing him slowly get up on his feet as he chuckles. The Shiftleafs cheer for their leader gaining the courage to stand, rooting for him to continue battling.

Anna glares at the Shiftry and growls, her orange aura further surrounding her. "How the HELL is he still standing after being hit by a plus one STAB Flamethrower..." She pauses for a moment to point at the brightly lit sky with her tails. "IN THE SUN!"

Duke looks at the Ninetales and smirks, his eyes beginning to glow the color green and black. "Ye know..." His red bandana glows white as he continues to speak. "I don't give up so easily, yargh..." He spreads his arms out, staring grimly at Anna. "Despite your facts, me energy is still left intact. A small bit of them, no less."

Anna blinks for a moment before grinning deviously. "Oh? Isn't that so?" She giggles in her eerie voice, her eyes glowing orange as her earrings glow white. "Then let me eradicate that last bit of energy for you!" Flames and dark energy begin to form from her mouth as she slowly opens it.

Udep notices the glowing bandana and earrings from the two Pokemon, gasping in awe. "Cousin, isn't that-"

"Yes, Udep. Those are their Marvel Mischiefs." Draven says to the Clauncher, staring in surprise himself. "Never thought there'll be a day where I can finally see a Mixturing Move in action. Let alone two of them!"

Duke begins to charge towards the Ninetales, his hands forming aquatic orbs with red auras swirling around them. Anna snarls deeply, preparing her ultimate move on Duke.

"Fire Dark Pulse!" Anna yells before firing her Mixturing Move at Duke.

"Water Hyper Beam!" Duke shouts, moving his arms forward to release his Mixturing Move.

The two moves collide against each other, causing the Shiftry to stop in his path. Intense wind forms from the powerful moves, everyone backing away from the two and flinching from the impact. The townsfolk yelp from the impact, covering their eyes to protect themselves from the sand being tossed at them.

"HOLY SMOKES, MATE! THIS IS TOO POWERFUL!" Lucas shouts, shielding his eyes from the wind.

"Yeah! The Mixturing Move collision Tybalt and I did wasn't like this at all!" Iris agrees, grunting from the wind pushing her slightly.

The two Mixturing Moves push each other back and forth, attempting to overcome one another. Anna's corrupted dark flames howl at the Shiftry's raging aquatic beam, the two increasing their strength more and more.

Soon, Anna's flames begin to weaken and wither, leading her to become shock. "Hmm!?" She tries to increase its strength once more, seeing Duke's MM inching ever closer to her. Come on stupid flame! Go back to being strong! She thinks to herself, blowing as much flames as possible, using all the strength she could muster. Unfortunately, Duke's MM becomes stronger and stronger as it almost reaches her. COME ON! Eventually, Anna gets engulfed by the MM, screaming in pure agony before being launched across the shores.

Iris and the gang notice the Ninetales and gasp. "ANNA!" All except for Claire shout, seeing the Ninetales crashing towards the ground and sliding across it. Duke's MM soon fades away, the Shiftry panting heavily as he lowers his arms down. The crew, Draven and Udep rush towards Anna's aid, Anna twitching her body in a sensitive manner due to the powerful attack.

Duke's eyes and bandana stop glowing, the Shiftry sighing heavily afterwards. "Well then...That was something..." Duke says to himself, him and the rest of the Shiftleafs walking towards the gang. Anna slowly lifts her head and stares at Duke along with the others, her glow disappearing as well. "I have to say, this here battle was intense. I haven't experienced anything like that in a long while." Duke sighs and squats in front of the Ninetales. "Ye put up a good fight, lass. But I suggest that ye start getting better at battling. The way ye fight was not by the head."

"And what's that s-supposed to m-mean?" Anna says weakly, stuttering in some of her words. Her voice is no longer in the corrupted tone.

"Yer overconfidence had led ye to lose, matey. Ye tried so hard to prove yer point that ye didn't think throughout the battle. All ye did was," He uses his fist to punch his other hand. "Mindless fighting."

"...Well, you did some mindless fighting, too!"

"Yeah? And I think, lass. I think about every decision I make in the battle and try me best to survive in it. So that I can remain alive to protect me crew." The Shiftleafs cheer ecstatically, agreeing with their captain.

"Thanks, Cap!" One of the Shiftrys shouts, feeling proud about his captain caring for him and the others.

"..." Anna remains speechless, thinking about the word 'protect' and staring off to the side.

Duke looks at Draven as he stands up, stretching afterwards. "Welp, I'll be taking me leave. Will be thrashing yer port next time, Draven lad." Duke says, turning towards the forest beside the bay. "Off we go, lads!"

Soon, he and the rest of the Ravage Shiftleafs exit the bay, dashing off into the forest and getting further away the crew. Draven sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Well great, guess I'll have to continue dealing with him in the future..." He says to himself, the law enforcers finally beginning to wake up from their unconscious state.

"Ugh...Is that Ravage Shift-something group still here?" The Bisharp cop from earlier asks, rubbing his head softly. He looks around to not see a single Shiftry nor Nuzleaf anywhere, shrugging afterwards. "I guess not."

The Bisharp and the rest of the officers help each other up as the civilians in the bay begin to come out of hiding. While this happens, Lucas starts to pout and folds his arms.

"Well jeez! I was hoping Anna could win that fight but I guess type advantage really doesn't benefit her favors, huh?" The Furret says in disappointment.

Anna stares off at the forest, not saying a single word for awhile. She stares and stares, remembering the things the Shiftry told her before letting out a huge sigh.

"I suppose so..."

End of Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 26's Debut: 2/21/2019

Chapter 26: Cocoon the Shiny Cloyster.

. . .

The sky looks as clear as day, the sun gracing the Pokemon on Solark with light. Flying Types such as Wingull and Altaria are soaring in the air, enjoying the cool breeze wind given by nature. Soaring alongside the air however, are two black helicopters with the rather fancy-looking letters 'OP' spreading throughout the entrance doors. The choppers are aligned side by side, gradually increasing the distance from each other. Two Weaviles are seen piloting the choppers separately, adjusting the wheels to drive them cautiously.

Within one of the vehicles are the Units, resting casually on the seats while communicating with one another. A couple of Bisharps and Weaviles are beside the Units, wielding black spears and staring sternly across the interior of the chopper. Fiona folds her arms, smirking in delight while moving her legs back and forth.

"Unevolving feels so satisfying. The freedom, the passion, and the appreciation of it all!" Fiona exclaims, waving her hand around. "It gives me so much confidence in myself. No peer pressure to wanting to evolve, nor do I feel worthless because I'm seen as 'weak.' Unlike some folks here..." The Sneasel gazes at Ebony sitting across her, grinning deviously.

Ebony rolls her eyes. "You might as well be considered weak for bragging about it every single time." She responds.

"Oh you just don't see my point of view on evolution."

Ebony raises her brow. "Uh, that's the other way around."

Fiona looks at her white claws. "Whatever. Point is, I believe Pokemon should choose to evolve or not evolve, and feel satisfied with their decision. Be happy with your decision instead of evolving because everyone else is doing it. Or because it's a way to 'get stronger.'"

"Definitely not what I heard from you earlier."

"Agreeing with the Grovyle here." Gonel says, joining in on the conversation while being besides Ebony.

Fiona folds her arms and huffs. "Well excuse me, I was exercising this thing called 'preference.' And I'm pretty sure that everyone has one."

"Yeah? And you were treating that preference like it's a fact."

"Well you were the one boasting about wanting to evolve, though!"

Ebony grits her teeth angrily, closing her eyes. "For the last time: I wasn't. I told myself that I'll get stronger and ended up evolving during training."

"And you chose to evolve just to get stronger, right?" Fiona raises her brow while smirking, leaning her head forward.

Ebony glances at the Sneasel. "Yes. I've been telling you this multiple times before."

"Hmph. Then that further proves my point on why I preferred unevolving." Fiona looks away smiling while Ebony sweatdrops.

Even though I provided legitimate reasons for why I evolved. Ebony thinks before looking away as well. "Sure, whatever."

Meanwhile, Brad is sitting besides Helena and Leon, rubbing his chin tensely as he stares down at the ground. "Hope we return back to the O.P. House soon." He says, his tail tapping on the seat anxiously. "My sister could be waiting outside of the school endlessly during this kind of weather. Having to endure that dreadful heat while I'm gone..."

Helena pats the Breloom gently on the back, smoothing his back with her tail. "Relax, Brad. I'm certain your sister will be fine." She says in a soft tone, Leon nodding to agree with the Milotic.

Brad glares at the Milotic. "Fine? You can never tell in a world like this. Where she could potentially ride home with some stranger because I'm taking too long. Or worse, kidnapped!"

"With you thinking that way all the time, that scenario will most likely happen."

"Helena. Don't you feel paranoid about something happening to your love ones? Something you don't want to face nor think, but you just can't help but think anyways?" Brad grips the seat, his face filled with concerns everywhere.

Helena looks to the side and shrugs. "Yes. I do...Sometimes. It's why I try to look at the positive outcomes of things rather than always seeking the negatives."

"You don't say..."

The Milotic looks back. "Although, if you're this concerned about your sister, then why haven't you homeschool her?"

Brad looks down, his mushroom hat-like head casting a shadow over his face. "I...would rather not do that."

"Why's that?"

"..." Brad remains silent, continuing to stare down at the ground. Helena notices the look on his face, acknowledging the sorrow forming throughout it.

"...Nevermind the question, then." Helena looks away, feeling as though she's done something she regrets.

As everyone continues onward with their conversation, Mystery turns to his right, looking at the shiny shell-less Cloyster next to him. "...So I've been thinking lately..." Mystery says, leading the Cloyster to look at him curiously. "...About the court's decision to imprison you." The Sceptile stares at Cocoon sternly, his yellow eyes giving the Cloyster chills. "I'm going to persuade the court to reduce your sentence to prison." Cocoon gazes back at him in confusion as he continues. "After what happened yesterday, seeing how willing you were to do what's right for your kingdom, I feel like reducing your sentence would give you a second chance at redemption. From how you reacted to those you love, I see you as an good person, Cocoon...You may speak, by the way."

Cocoon sighs as he looks away. "You don't have to do that for an awful Pokemon..." The Cloyster says softly, staring at the wall besides him. "...I deserve the longer sentence..."

"I'm persuading them, anyway. Because you don't deserve it. Solely by the fact that you feel guilty for your decision. You feel ashamed. You...regret treating your kingdom in a cruel and unjustifying manner." The Cloyster slowly looks back at Mystery. "Not many criminals the SU arrested felt that regret from the unlawful decision they made. Hence why, I'm willing to help you."

"..." Cocoon sighs once more and looks up at the ceiling, remaining silent throughout the remainder of the trip. Mystery stares at him for a moment before looking off to the side, holding his hands together as he gazes at the helicopter windows.

Soon, helicopter noises come to an halt, everyone stopping their communication. "We're here." Mystery states, getting up from his seat and carrying the Cloyster. Everyone begins to look out of the helicopter, noticing that it lands behind an enormous, big house.

The back of the house has about four pillars aligning side by side, several windows covered from behind the pillars, and two largely conjoint doors. The group even sees the other helicopter besides theirs, the two choppers themselves being next to other buildings behind the house. The house itself is also colored white, looking as though it'll be smooth and soft to touch. Everyone is under the house's shadow due to the sun shining its rays.

"Excuse me, you all." Brad says, moving past the group and being the first to exit out of the helicopter. Everyone else follows along, the other Bisharps and Weaviles leaving the second chopper as well. Cocoon scans the area he's in, noticing some group of Pokemon running on the sidewalk casually while a car passes by them. This leads him to realize that he's in some type of city. Everyone walks towards the red doors, seeing two Bisharp guards standing firm with their black spears in front of it. The guards see the group of Pokemon and open the doors for them, getting besides the doors afterwards. The two guards then close the doors behind the group after they've entered.

Cocoon gasps softly to himself, gazing at the interior of the place. He admires the amount of decorations and portraits the house has, with the house itself being colored light brown. He also sees the numerous amounts of Pokemon from different kinds passing by him and the others in a busy pace. Those Pokemon include Druddigons and Conkeldurrs. There're also some virtual man-made creatures with fuchsia heads and yellow eyes socializing with some bipedal creatures with large tusks on their faces and medium-sized red eyes: Porygon-Z and Haxorus would suit as names for the two respective Pokemon.

The Cloyster notices the amount of paperworks, luggages, and other materials being carried by the Pokemon. Each Pokemon in the building is going from place to place, some occasionally saying hello to the Savior Unit before rushing off towards another direction. Soon, the group comes to another halt, leading Cocoon to look ahead of him.

"Hmm?" Cocoon says, staring at a brown counter in front of him and the group. Multiple Pokemon such as Haxorus, Garchomps, and Heatmors are roaming behind the counter and conversing with other Pokemon by them. The group's main focus, however, is a purple feline creature with a scythe-like tail, green eyes, and has long violet markets above her eyes: Purrloin.

The Purrloin sits on a chair behind the counter, holding her hands together in a professional manner. She also has black glasses with clear lens as well, smiling at the group softly. "Welcome back to the Official Protection House, Units." She says in a calm, polite tone.

Fiona snickers and puts her arm on the counter, staring at the Purrloin. "Molly! Glad to see you too, girl!" The Sneasel yells, leading the Purrloin to feel awkward from her response.

"I...see that someone is happy to see me...again." Molly shrugs.

"Oh excuse my loudness, Molly. I'm just so happy to see another unevolved Pokemon in this building. You know how the majority of the Pokemon working for the government are all fully evolved or close to fully evolving, you know?"

"Yes. I am well aware of that." The Purrloin struggles to smile once more.

"I'm just glad that I'm not the only one being grateful with my unevolved stage, and not feeling pressured to evolve." Fiona puts her claw against her mouth, attempting to whisper to Molly. "Unlike that Grovyle over there." She says, looking at Ebony.

Ebony folds her arms, squinting her eyes at the Sneasel. "You know that I can hear you, right?"

Fiona giggles in delight at the Grovyle while Molly smiles awkwardly at the two Pokemon, sweatdropping. "Well anyway, it's good to see you Units returning back from your duties." Molly says, adjusting her glasses as she looks at the group. She notices Mystery carrying the shiny shell-less Cloyster in his possession. "I see that there's someone else with you all."

Mystery nods. "Yes. This Cloyster's name is Cocoon. He committed a crime yesterday that involved him performing illegal actions towards his people in the Cloyster Kingdom." Mystery explains to Molly. "Actions such as keeping one town wealthy while letting the other go into poverty, as well as cruel punishments towards those questioning the unjustly laws in the kingdom."

Molly stares at the Cloyster, unpleased by the explanation. "I see. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that criminals always do something to ruin others' lives." She shakes her head. "A pity, I say."

Cocoon looks off to the side in guilt as the Sceptile continues speaking. "Anyway, notify the authorities about the Units bringing in a new criminal here. I'll take this fella to the Recovery Center and have his injuries get patched up."

"Alright. I'll get in contact with them shortly."

Mystery nods at the Purrloin as Brad goes to walk towards a Garchomp besides the Purrloin, setting his hand onto the counter. "Tell the government leaders that Brad the Breloom has to depart from any incoming missions today. I need to pick up my younger sister from school and drive her home safely." He says to the hammerhead shark.

"Alright but...Couldn't you contact someone you know to pick up your sister?" The Garchomp questions him.

Brad glances at the Garchomp. "I'd rather be the responsible brother and pick her up myself rather than letting anyone else. I don't trust anyone else to do it."

The Garchomp stares at the Breloom confusedly for a moment before navigating his arm to the Caller next to him. "Alright, sir." Brad adjusts his backpack before taking his leave.

Soon, the rest of the Units separate from each other, going off to do some business in their lives while waiting on their next mission. Except for Ebony, who follows her brother towards a hallway to the left of the counter.

Cocoon gazes around the hallway, staring at the many doors that leads to offices and some of the Pokemon entering through those doors. Huh...never thought that I would get a chance to see the inside of the OP House. Cocoon thinks to himself, astonishment sprawling throughout his facial expression. Wish it wasn't from committing a terrible crime, though. The Cloyster sighs, looking forward afterwards.

Mystery then turns to the right, stopping in front of two red doors. Cocoon looks up and notices a sign labeling 'Recovery Center for Criminals' above the doors. The three walk toward the doors, Ebony pushing the doors open for Mystery to enter inside.

As the three enter, Cocoon sees the inside of the center; An open space place filled with numerous amounts of doctors and nurses, roaming from one direction to the next, socializing with several patients and escorting one of them to another room. Mystery walks towards a wide counter, seeing a Clefable being behind the counter and other materials.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I assist you?" The Clefable asks in a soft, feminine tone.

The Sceptile holds up the Cloyster, allowing the Clefable to get a better look at him. "I would like this Cloyster to have his injuries fixed, please. He's gotten his shell crushed by someone and it would be great if his shell gets repaired." He answers.

The Clefable takes out a clipboard and pencil from behind the counter and writes on the paper attached. "And what might his name be?"

"Cocoon the Cloyster."

The Clefable nods. "Alright. The last room in the second hallway after entering the one to your left should be available to use, sir." She points to a hallway where a doctor has entered through two black doors.

"Thanks." The three Pokemon then heads to the doors, opening them with ease and continuing forward. Cocoon looks around the white hospital-like area he's in, noticing the amount of rooms being filled with injured Pokemon and doctors treating their wounds as well. He also sees some conversation being made between other doctors from each side.

So if this center is for injured criminals, then there's one for those that aren't criminals, right? Cocoon thinks. It would make sense, if that's the case... As the three Pokemon are about to enter inside another hallway, the two doors in front of it burst open, leading Cocoon to yelp. He sees two gray humanoid creatures with four muscled arms grasping onto a yellow bipedal creature with several black stripes on his neck and a red orb at the tip of his tail: Machamps and Ampharos. The Machamps are shown trying to hold the Ampharos still as they pass by the group.

"Everything we do in life does not matter! Because they will come back to get us! THEY I SAY, THEY!" The Ampharos shouts, screaming relentlessly. The Ampharos and Machamps eventually enter the door, no longer being seen by the three Pokemon as the scream fades away. Cocoon stares at the door confusedly, unsure of what just happen.

"Welp. That just happened." Ebony says bluntly, looking at Mystery. "Let's continue onwards. Not like hearing crazy Pokemon talking is new to us, anyways."

"Agreed." Mystery replies, continuing onwards in towards the designated hallway. Cocoon looks at the ground, his mind circulating with thoughts and concerns about what happened earlier. After entering the second hallway, the three soon come to the end of it, encountering the last room. Ebony tries to open it but couldn't. "...Oh right. I forgot that doctors and nurses lock the doors on criminals."

Ebony facepalms as Mystery sweatdrops, the Sceptile laughing nervously. "For a leader of the Savior Unit, you sure tend to forget things." Ebony says.

"My mistake, Ebony." The Sceptile then turns around to look at a couple of Watchog doctors leaning against the wall, most likely taking their breaks. "Hey, could one of you unlock this door for us? The nurse at the front told me that this room is available for this patient to be in."

The Watchogs look at Mystery and one of the nods. "Sure, sir!" One of the Watchogs says, immediately walking towards the door with a key in hand. He goes to unlock the door and opens it for the Sceptile.

"Thank you." Mystery enters inside of the room.

"Anything for the leader of the best government team in the world!" The Watchog smiles warmly, Ebony's face scrunches from the Watchog's response.

Suuure... The Grovyle thinks to herself, following her brother. The inside of the room isn't much to admire: Just two beds, a curtain between the beds, lamps on the shelves, and a window that looks similar to a jail window.

Mystery sets the Cloyster on the first bed, being gentle throughout the process. "Alright, Cocoon. I'll go talk with the authorities about your crime and...We'll just see from there, I guess." He says to the Cloyster, smiling warmly at him. Cocoon looks at him, sorrow spreading throughout his face. "...If I'm unable to convince them, Cocoon. Then just...hope that you'll live to seek another chance in life. Alright?"

The Cloyster nods at the Sceptile as Ebony looks at him. "Wait, convince them on what exactly?"

Mystery looks back. "Reducing his inevitable sentence."


"He felt remorse. Something that rarely any criminals do when they committed a crime. He let his deceased friend lead him to making these unlawful decisions. And while it was mainly that Sheer fella being the one manipulating him, he was still involved in the entire crime scene, nonetheless." Mystery explains.

"Well brother," Ebony shrugs while folding her arms. "Good luck telling the court that. They rarely care if the criminal felt bad for the crime they've committed. The sentence will last however they feel like making it depending on the crime. And from what I heard from Cocoon..." Ebony stares at the Cloyster. "His crime will most likely be a life sentence."

Cocoon looks away, guilt showering his face. "That's why I'll become his lawyer. I'll do whatever I can to defend him from having a life sentence." Mystery replies with confidence in his voice.

"Do you even know how to be a lawyer? From what I know of, you confused a bay for a town. How can you be one if you couldn't remember what a bay nor a town looks like?"

Mystery scratches the side of his head, sweatdropping. "I'll...find a way to defend him. Try to stay positive, Ebon."

Ebony nods slowly while closing her mouth in a uncomfortable manner. "Whatever you say, brother."

Mystery turns towards the Cloyster. "Anyway, here's me hoping that things will go well for you, Cocoon." He smiles. "I respect those that know they're doing something wrong and wanting to improve from it."

Mystery and Ebony then turn around to exit out of the room, turning to the right and walk away. "By the way brother, don't call me Ebon, please." Ebony says as her voice fades away from Cocoon, the Watchog closing the room's door afterwards. Cocoon sighs and remains still on his scattered shells, staring up at the ceiling.

...Silence. That's what Cocoon hears at the moment. Just silence, with some occasional winds here and there from the outside window. The Cloyster breathes calmly, feeling as though everything around him is decaying. The room he's in. The bed he's on. Everything feels dead, nothing lively or cheery about it.

"I see that I'm not the only one digging a deep hole in my life." A calm voice says, breaking the silent barrier within the room. Cocoon blinks curiously and looks besides him, seeing a curtain that half covers someone else that's on the second bed. He sees a ladybug-like creature with two large blue eyes and four black arms: Ledian. The Ledian appears to be missing one antennae and one wing, having bandages covering the two of those body parts.

The Ledian sighs heavily, staring off at the ceiling with the look of dread and sorrow. "The difference is: I see no hope in me getting out of prison after what I've done." The Ledian laughs softly. "What am I saying? There was no hope for me to begin with..."

Cocoon begins to slowly open his mouth. "Ex...cuse me, ma'am." He says hesitantly, catching the Ledian's attention. "I'm...curious as to what you've done. That got you here, too." The ladybug stares at him, silence beginning to form between the two for a moment. "I-I mean, you don't have to. I understand..."

"...I tried starting a war." She answers.

"Really?" Cocoon looks at her in interest.

"Yes...In another continent." She looks to the side. "It was over an ideology on carnivorous Pokemon. You know, the ones that rely on meat to survive."

"Yes. What about them, if I may ask?"

"...My idea was to kill them all. Thinking that it'll be the solution to benefiting the society we're living in."

"I...see." Cocoon forms a concerned look on his face. "That's a terrible way of thinking that'll make society better."

"I know. But my past self disagreed." The Ledian grips her fist. "I was so driven by that ideology. So convinced that the carnivores are the problem. To the point of killing the innocent ones and even...harming those that I loved."

"Oh dear..."

"After realizing how wrong that ideology was, and how much damage I've caused because of the mindset, I...tried to kill myself." She sighs heavily. "But failed because of the government soldiers arriving at my location in time to stop me." The Ledian goes to look at the palm of one of her hands, staring solemnly. "I screamed 'Kill me! Just kill me! Just end me with your weapons right now!' But...that never happened. I wished it did a few months ago. And...I still kind of do, to be honest..."

"...I'm..." Cocoon looks at the Ledian. "I'm sorry that you're going through such a cruel time right now. The regret...the guilt...I know how exactly that feels."

"I had a feeling that you would. Seeing as how you're under this prison center, too." The Ledian gazes at the ceiling. "I heard something about manipulation being involved in your reasoning here. Is it true?" She asks.

Cocoon nods. "Indeed, it is true. I let my grief over a close friend of mine linger throughout my entire life, leading me to feel unmotivated to rule the kingdom properly. And it became apparent when a Senator I thought I could trust, Sheer, fed me with lies that led to me mistreat the kingdom..." Cocoon looks up at the ceiling. "After knowing all of that thanks to nine outsiders in the kingdom, I decided to turn myself in when the Savior Unit arrived. Even though I was being manipulated, the damage I've caused on the kingdom was unjust regardless of my grief..."

"I see. You...used to be a king?"

"Yes. I gave that title to someone else who'll...rule the kingdom better than I could."

"..." The Ledian shifts her body to the side, having it face towards the Cloyster. "Cinella."

Cocoon looks at the Ledian confusedly. "Hmm?"

"My name. Cinella."

"Oh. Cocoon is mine. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cinella."

Cinella weakly smiles at the Cloyster. "Which is unfortunate. Since this'll be the one and only time I'll see you because of the fate the government will give me. No doubt."

Cocoon looks off to the side. "I mean, there...could be a chance that they may not punish you too severely."

"A terrorist not receiving life sentence nor death row? Sounds like fantasy talk, to me." Cinella shrugs.

"...Well...Can't say I didn't try to bring some light to our situation..."

...Another silence afterwards. Not much sound can be heard between the two for a brief moment. Then soon, the door opens and two Clefables enter inside along with a Watchog. The three Pokemon having nursing utensils in their possessions.

"We'll attend to your wounds, Cocoon. Do something sneaky and our guards will not hesitate to attack. Understood?" The Clefable says cautiously. Cocoon notices about three Bisharp guards being behind the group of Pokemon, nodding at the three calmly. They soon get close to him, proceeding to fix his shell.

One of the Bisharp guards glares at Cinella, the Ledian looking back before sighing. "I'm useless. No need to worry about me being a threat." She says to them before turning her body towards the wall.

Four Days Later...

"Ugh..." Cocoon says, struggling to lift his body up. He's in the same room with Cinella, on the same bed, attempting to test out his movement in the stitched shiny Cloyster shell. Cinella watches him testing the shell, giving him a look of discomfort.

"Your face..." She pauses for a moment, seeing Cocoon's facial expression looking off when attempting to float. "It looks like you're constipated."

"I'm just...trying to...lift!" He falls yet again, groaning in disappointment. "Ugh! It's been four days and I'm still unable to float like a normal Cloyster!" He shouts, becoming frustrated by the attempts. Cinella sits on the edge of her bed.

"It's alright, Cocoon. I'm sure that you'll be able to float again." She smiles. "Our injuries take time to heal, you know?"

"Well, this injury of mine is taking even longer to heal!" He sighs heavily. "I swear, when I'm able to float again, I'll try my best to avoid having my shell body crushed again."

"Good idea." The Ledian giggles softly.

Soon, the two hear the door open, looking at the door's location. They see Mystery walking towards Cocoon, with two Bisharp guards standing in front of the door. Cocoon looks up at the Sceptile, seeing the stern look on his face.

"Cocoon." Mystery says. "Your court case is about to begin."

The Cloyster looks down at the bed, sighing softly before nodding at the Sceptile. "Yes sir." He says calmly, taking his attention towards Cinella. "It was nice knowing you, Cinella. If...this is the last time we'll see each other then..." Cocoon smiles warmly at her. "This is goodbye."

"..." Cinella remains silent for a moment before nodding herself, slowly smiling back. "It was indeed a nice talk...even though it was mostly about why we're here."

"Ha, true, I suppose..."

Cinella waves at Cocoon as Mystery picks him up, escorting him out of the room. "Goodbye...Cocoon..." She says, slowly looking down at the ground as sorrow begins to spread throughout her face. Knowing that she...may not see the light of day ever again...

. . .

End of Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 27's Debut: 2/21/2019

And thus, all of Mixturing Moves has FINALLY been caught up on this website! Will elaborate further about this on another AN at the end. n_n

Chapter 27: Anna's Conflict.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! IT IS TIME!" Draven yells from his megaphone, him and his younger cousin are on the wooden board as the crowd of Pokemon stare at the two excitedly. Iris, Anna, Ashen, Jimmy, and Cerise all look at the two as well, with Iris lifting her arms in anticipation and Cerise staring from underneath her wing. "THE NEW SHIP IS FINALLY READY AFTER FOUR DAYS OF PREPARATION!"

"Oh just show it already!" Iris exclaims, feeling as excited as everyone else in the middle of the bay.

"HERE IT IS, FOLKS!" Draven and Udep move out of the way, allowing the audience to see two Diggersby pulling down a red curtain. The curtain is pulled off, revealing a blue colored ship that is...small.

"...Eh?" Iris goes from excitement to confusion. The ship has a small mast in the middle of it and no rooms at all, barely able to fit four Pokemon onboard.

"A beauty, isn't it folks?" Draven says while smiling brightly. The crowd claps moderately, feeling disappointed about the ship's reveal as well. Draven notices the lack of excitement coming from them and laughs nervously. "H-Hey now. The craftsmen has been working their butts off on this ship. This is the best they can do."

"Draven, the hell is that?" Iris asks, catching the Clawitzer's attention. She walks towards the board, folding her arms in displeasure. "That ship is too small for more than four travelers to ride on. Hell, I don't think even four Pokemon can be on it." She throws her paw towards the ship. "It looks like only two or one can fit in it."

Draven scratches the back of his head. "I-I'm sorry. But again, this is the best that the ship craftsmen could provide this time around."

"And yet, those craftsmen been working on this ship for four days?" The Dragonite raises her brow at the Clawitzer.

"Too many things have been happening to them, I assume. That...led them to creating this as an result." Draven groans in embarrassment.

"Well, could the craftsmen create a ship that is suitable for about, um..." Iris turns around to count her crew members and a few at the house. "Ten travelers?"

Draven shrugs. "That will...take awhile for them to prepare. Probably for the next five days or so, depending on how crucial the preparation is." Iris groans uncomfortably, covering her face in frustration. "Apologies for the...disappointment, everyone."

"Hey! How much does the ship cost?" A Chatot says, being next to Ashen.

"What my nephew said." The second Chatot says, being next to the first.

As Draven goes to chat with the two Pokemon, the rest of the crowd wanders off to do other things in their lives. Ashen blinks for a moment before shrugging. "Well...that was anticlimactic." He says, looking at the underwhelming size of the ship.

Iris looks at the Linoone furiously. "Yeah! We came all this way after dealing with a broken ship, enduring an corrupted kingdom, fighting off some random group in a cave, only to reach here and wait for some more days!" The Dragonite growls, gripping her arms aggressively. "I just want to set sail again, dammit! Why does this have to happen to me?"

Ashen looks at the Dragonite nervously. "U-Um, relax, Iris. We'll set sail, eventually. We just...have to be patient, that's all."

"For how long, though? Because I'm telling you that after having to wait for not one, not two, not even three; Eight days! EIGHT!" Iris strokes her thin antennas, feeling as though she's going insane.

"Well, Anna has to endure Lucas' deal for six days. So you'll be fine, Iris."

"But that's six days compared to flipping eight!"

As the two continues their conversation, Anna looks at the crew's home, sighing softly. "I'll...head inside to go to sleep. I'm feeling sleepy today." She says in a sorrowful tone, walking towards the home afterwards. Iris, Ashen, Jimmy and Cerise look at the Ninetales, concern beginning to buildup in their faces.

"Is it me or...is there something wrong with Anna?" Cerise asks.

"I don't know. Maybe she's just...not feeling it today." Iris answers.

Jimmy rubs his chin. "Perhaps that may be the case...Best if we don't disturb her today, if that's the case."

Everyone looks at Jimmy and nods, proceeding to stare at the Ninetales afterwards.

. . .

The whole crew are at the dining table, getting ready to taste some of Iris' amazing meals. Except for Cerise, who is relaxing on a sofa nearby the dining room. The moon appears in one of the windows besides the dining room, the Mudkip gazing at it in amazement while in the same seat with Anna. Iris puts her paw against her chin, staring down at the pot while stirring the inside of it gradually. The Dragonite concentrates on the food she's preparing in the kitchen, humming softly to herself.

"I can't wait to set sail again. As much as I like wandering on land, there's something about traveling across the sea that makes me feel so adventurous." Lucas says with excitement sprout throughout his tone. "Honestly when this whole journey thing ends, I wouldn't mind traveling through sea as much as I like." He then puts his paws together and nuzzles them. "Seeing those Water types swimming, the Flying types soaring...And the sky," He puts his paw over his head. "Oh the sky! Such a beautiful scenery when the sky is as blue as Iris' necklace."

Iris blinks curiously, looking at the Furret. "Um, thanks for the...compliment?"

"I said nice things about your necklace, not you yourself." Lucas explains.

"Lucas. You do realize that you're still complimenting me because of my possession over the necklace, right?"

"Nah. I'm just going to pretend that necklace of yours is alive."

The Dragonite squints her eyes at Lucas, the others except for Anna beginning to laugh at Lucas' antics. "Whatever you say..." She resumes back to focusing on the food afterwards.

"By the way, Lucas, what do you mean by 'when this whole journey ends?'" Mark says, sitting across the Furret.

"I'm curious too, actually." Natalie follows along, sitting next to the Riolu.

"Well you see, we're-"

"Going to a specific place." Iris interrupts Lucas, stirring the food in her pot calmly. "Somewhere in the Aurora Ocean." Lucas looks at the Dragonite with a raised brow.

"Oooh. I forgot about the area we're traveling to." Mark says, facepalming while shaking his head. "Silly me."

"Ah yes. I heard you mentioned that ocean before but never questioned why you wanted to go there, for some reason..." Jimmy says, putting his nail against his chin. "Speaking of which, why do you want to go there specifically? Let alone going there to find a specific place, too."

"Um..." Iris pauses for a moment. "Let's just say that I wanted to go there for...a vacation. I heard that the place in Aurora Ocean is amazing to relax in and doesn't have all that much chaos happening to it."

"Hmm. What might that place be?" Jimmy questions more.

"I forgot its name."


Everyone except Anna raises their brows at Iris. "Sooo...We're just going places for no reason?" Natalie asks.

"No no. It's just that, um..." Iris scratches the side of her head. "My memory is kind of dull. So when we reach the place, eventually I'll remember that is the location we're going."

"Huh. Alright then."

As everyone resumes to waiting on their meal, Claire begins to get close to Natalie. "I'm getting the feeling that this Dragonite is lying. Just by the way she answers you all's questions." The Shinx whispers to her, staring at the Dragonite.

"Eh. I don't think she's lying. Just probably nervous, that's all." Natalie answers. "She does have a lot of Pokemon traveling with her, after all."

"Yes but still, I'm getting the slight suspicion on that not being the case, mistress." Claire glances at Iris, remaining in her seat shortly afterwards.

Natalie then takes her attention towards the Mudkip, who is staring at the group calmly. "You know, I just realized that we never gave this Mudkip a name ever since it hatched." She points out.

Mark blinks for a moment before nodding with the Zorua. "Yeeeah...What do we name this guy? Or girl..." Mark shrugs awkwardly. "Don't really know what its gender is, honestly."

"Hmm...Could someone have the Mudkip say something?" Jimmy says, looking at the mudfish Pokemon in a peculiar manner.

"Uh, sure thing, mate!" Lucas turns towards the Mudkip and closes his eyes, leading the Mudkip to tilt his head curiously. Lucas then opens them, but reveals a silly expression, having his tongue hanging out as he makes some weird noises. "Blah!"

The Mudkip giggles softly, the tone of his voice sounded high but close enough to be in a male voice. "Yep. That's a male alright." The Heracross says, nodding in approval. "A female baby would sound much higher than that, if I recall correctly."

"Um. Didn't know that you were an expert at baby voices, Jimmy." Ashen speaks, sitting next to the Furret.

"Well my Linoone friend, I've experienced multiple times of parents in the past confusing their child's gender over their voices." Jimmy stands up firmly. "I was known as the hero for telling a baby's gender, too."

Ashen sweatdrops. "Huh. That's an oddly...strange way of making someone into an hero."

"Yeah. And with that ability of mine, I gave influences to others on telling if a baby is a boy or girl." Jimmy blinks as he stares off awkwardly. "We live in a bizarre world, I should say."

"So anyways, the baby's name." Ashen slaps his paws together to catch everyone's attention. "What should we name it?"

"Captain Blue Fish of the Deadliest Seas Within the Lost Caverns of Doom!" Lucas exclaims, leading everyone to groan at that mouthful of a name.

"Lucas. Why do you want to name him that!?" Ashen asks, sweatdropping at his brother.

"Because it's the sequel name to Cerise's name: Green Blob of Doom!" Lucas answers. "Only this time," He puts his paw against his chest. "It's better and longer!"

"I'm sorry Lucas but I'm not gonna lie: That is honestly the worst name I've ever heard." Mark says, shaking his head.

"Plus, this is a living being we're giving a name to, just like with Cerise." Ashen explains. "We're not going to call him by that long name every single time, Lucas."

"Okay. Maybe the baby likes the name, don't you think?" Lucas folds his arms.

"Actually, he doesn't." Jimmy says, pointing at the Mudkip. The Mudkip looks at Lucas as if he had committed a crime.

"Alright alright. How about 'Captain Blue Fish of the Deadliest Seas?'"

"Lucas. All you did was shorten the previous name. And it still sounds off." Ashen sighs.

"Well maybe 'Captain Blue Fish' would be a suitable name, then!" Lucas shouts, leading Ashen to facepalm and shakes his head.

"How about naming him something other than a name a fool would come up with?" Claire joins in the conversation, feeling quite displeased by the Furret's attempt at naming things.

Lucas waves his paw up and down. "Oh you guys just have poor tastes at coming up with creative names."

Iris rolls her eyes. If Lucas ever ends up having kids, then I feel bad for them. Having to deal with those atrocious names he gives them. Iris thinks, sweatdropping at the embarrassing conversation.

"Nomar." Cerise says, catching everyone's attention.

"No-whom?" Jimmy says, looking at the blob confusedly.

"Nomar. It's a pleasant, normal name for a Mudkip. Unlike the ones Lucas came up with." Cerise looks at the Furret, laughing nervously while rubbing the side of his head. "No offense."

Lucas pouts and looks away, folding his arms. "Hmph! It's like you guys never heard of short syllables, mates!"

"Hmm...Calling the Mudkip CBFOTDSWTLCOD for your...long name for short would make his name better." Ashen blinks in amazement, feeling quite astounded by the awful name. "Makes sense."

"And besides, the Mudkip likes the name Nomar, too." Cerise says, seeing the Mudkip smiling happily at the blob.

"Dinner is ready, by the way." Iris says, walking towards the dining table while handing out plates to others. She then goes back to the kitchen to grab some berries, coming back to hand the berries to those that aren't into Meat Product.

Lucas huffs angrily as everyone proceeds to eat, Iris sitting in a chair next to Anna. "Oh you guys are just jealous of my naming skills." He says, grabbing a cooked Oran berry in front of him before dropping it. "Yowch!" He yelps, waving his paw tensely.

"They're called 'Fryin' Ready Berries for a reason, silly." Iris says before taking a bite off from her meat.

"Hmph..." Lucas blows on the berry first before taking a bite from it.

Anna does the same thing for Nomar's berry as well, using her tail to move the berry close to the Mudkip. Nomar begins to nibble on the berry in a cute manner, munching in delight. As everyone continues their feast, Ashen looks at Anna, noticing the stern look on her face. The Ninetales looks out of the window, glaring at the moon.

"Anna, is something wrong?" Ashen asks.

"No." Anna replies firmly, continuing to stare out of the window.

"Are you...sure that there's nothing wrong?"

Anna nods. "I'm fine, Ashen."

"...Can't help but feel like that's not the case. Are you sure that you're alright?" Ashen asks once more, wanting a response from the Ninetales again. He received none this time, seeing her continuing to stare and stare. "Anna? Anna?" He starts calling her name constantly, trying to catch her attention. This leads to everyone else looking at the two, becoming curious themselves. "Anna, are you alr-"

Anna slams her paws onto the table. "YES! I AM FINE! FOR THE 100TH TIMES ASHEN, I AM FINE GOD DAMMIT!" The Ninetales shouts angrily, leading Nomar to yelp from the sudden burst of shouting. Anna then gasps softly, seeing the look of shock on Ashen's face. She sits down and looks off to the side, feeling appalled by her action. "I...I didn't mean to..." She becomes silent for a moment until she heard laughters, looking at the laughter's location.

Anna sees Lucas snickering at the Ninetales, shaking his head in disbelief. "I know why you're acting this way. It's because of the battle you had with Duke, huh mate?" He says to her.

Anna snarls. "Yeah. But why do you think that was funny?" Anna asks, glaring at the Furret.

"Because you were acting so immature in that fight. So convinced that you'll win. But you ended up losing instead. And here you are now, mobbing over your match."

"That's...not even the..."

"Oh please, it is, Anna. You try so hard to act all protective and smart, yet you can't even control any of that when fighting someone you're super effective against." Lucas folds his arms, putting his foot on the table. "How about you try keeping your confidence, or however you call it, under control."

"Um, guys?" Mark says in a shaky tone, not liking where the situation is going.

Anna glances at the Furret. "How about you try shutting the he-"

Lucas wiggles his paw. "Nah ah ah. Our deal hasn't ended yet." Lucas says, reminding the Ninetales.

Everything becomes silent for awhile, Anna staring at the smug face that is Lucas. The Ninetales sighs heavily, breaking the silence. She lifts the Mudkip with her tail, Nomar staring at her confusedly. She gets out of her seat, setting the baby on the seat before walking towards the front door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Lucas asks in a rather snarky manner. "You haven't touched your meal, yet."

Anna stops by the door, turning around to look at the group. "I just need some fresh air, that's all." She answers before opening the front door. "Oh...and Lucas," She pauses for a moment, walking out of the house and staring at the Furret. "Our deal is about to end, anyway. So screw it." She then slams the door with her tail, leading Nomar, Cerise, Mark, and Natalie to yelp from the slam.

"What the hell, Lucas!?" Iris yells at the Furret.

"What? She deserves this after all of the hurtful things she said to me!"

"So your solution to stopping Anna from saying those rude things to you is to be rude to her back?" Jimmy shakes his head. "That's a terrible way of solving you two's issues, Lucas."

"Oh baloney! Anna, and Iris too, are awful Pokemon that'll cause drama for everyone!" Lucas shouts, folding his arms.

Iris gives Lucas the 'the heck' look, raising her brow at him. She puts her hand against her chest. "Me? Awful and causes drama?" The Dragonite snarls. "Last I checked, I'm not the one that caused us to wander around without a Caller for three days until we've reached this bay!"

"Maybe if you didn't throw away my hard work on the Dragonite statue, that wouldn't have happened!"

"That's because I told your dumbass NOT to create the statue in front of the ship! And also, not to make it huge!" Iris slams his fists on the table. "You flipping idiot!"

Lucas then pouts. "See? You're calling me an idiot, now!"


Then the two continue to argue with each other, Jimmy and the others looking at the two nervously. "Um, let's relax now, please. No need to turn this into a fight, now." Jimmy says, jittering at the situation going on.

Ashen sighs softly while staring at the front door, sorrow overcoming his face. I didn't mean to have things escalate this way...Sorry, Anna. He thinks to himself, ignoring the madness going on between Iris and Lucas.

Mark and Natalie look at each other, noticing the Mudkip beginning to tear up due to the chaos. The two then get out of their seats, with Claire following along. "Let's take Nomar out of here. Don't want him to see more of this." Mark says, grabbing the Mudkip afterwards. As the three exit the dining room and head towards the stairs, Cerise hops off from the sofa, crawling away from the argument and heading towards the hallway.

. . .

She runs. Runs and runs. Attempting to get as far away from the bay as possible. Anna runs through the forest, rushing past a white sign attached to a tree, the words 'Nocturne Forest' written on it.

The Ninetales continues running until she stops by a couple of trees and bushes, getting near them and hiding within the bushes. She then lets out a couple of tears, crying softly to herself. "Gosh, I'm such a useless sack of shit." She says to herself, whimpering. "I can't protect Iris nor the others!"

"They always end up in pain before I save them! I always end up in pain before things get worse!" She sniffles. "Yet, I thought with all the support I got from Mark and Natalie, I could be confident enough to take care of a battle all by my lonesome..." She shakes her head and slams her face to the ground, gritting her teeth into frustration. "But that's so far from the case!"

She continues to whimper and whimper, tears streaming down her face rapidly. "I...I don't deserve to be with Iris...I don't deserve to be with everyone I met...I don't deserve to be caring towards those I love..." A flat blob appears behind the Ninetales on one of the trees, not being visible as she continues speaking. "...I don't deserve to be alive..."

From the blob's point of view lies Cerise watching the Ninetales from the house, being by the hallway window. He looks down at the ground, sighing melancholy. Anna... He thinks to himself, the blues showering his face with gloom and misery...

End of Chapter 27.

This chapter was originally going to be the last chapter of the fic, but not anymore! Which is good considering things ended really depressing, in case some of you chose to read the fic.

But anywho, I'll explain in full detail on why I'm bringing this fanfic back once I release its "The Story So Far" summarization. But in a nutshell: I wanted to make the greatest writer bit of all time by bringing this fanfic back just to give it a proper ending. And because of me having some fun, wacky ideas for it: I look forward to writing it again, especially with my newfound and defined writing skills.

With that said, see you all in The Story So Far summarization this year!

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
Mixturing Moves The Story So Far!

July 10th, 2015 – February 21st, 2019

5 years since this oldfic started and ended. And here it is now, 5 years later (technically 6. This will be make sense soon) being revived from the grave. I'm not too fond of the way I've written this fic, and the summarization for Mixturing Moves The Story So Far recap was pretty hell due to the nonsensical nature of the fanfic in question (along with personal things going on in my life, most being bad). So you might be wondering: Why bring it back? Why not remake it from the ground up to be a better fanfic?

Three words: For the bit.
I think this year (or the last. Can't remember), I remember talking with others in a PMD Discord server about how funny and absolutely based it'll be for me to bring this fic back out of the blue JUST to give it an ending. Like not changing anything about the older chapters (even making them be optional to read for the sake of this summarization): Continuing exactly where the fanfic left off, lol. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to commit to that funny bit idea. So here we are witnessing the fanfic resurrection of the century or something. Plus the ideas I've cooked with this fic is insane, and I haven't even plotted the later chapters yet (although, past me has already plotted its second major story arc, so I thank past me for saving me the work on that end).

I think it'll be interesting to have my older followers of this fic see how much my writing has improved from when I've first started the fic till the next 28+ chapters onward. As for Mixturing Moves itself, I have a few things to point out:
No, I will no longer try to introduce every single Pokémon. That sounds like impossible hell, even by my insane standards (we're at 1025 of them total, folks! And there's bound to be more as long as the Pokémon series lives, lmao). Secondly, I will not turn this fanfic into a series like I was originally going to. This will be a one book fic series. How long it'll last, I'm unsure. But I will plot out those chapters to the point where I feel this is where it'll properly end. And thirdly: Yes, expect a lot of drama from the Iris' crew. I feel like with my newfound writing skills, their dramas are going to get so much worse going forward, LOL. So buckle up since we're in it for the long haul.

A quick thing to note about this summarization is that much like with my Magic & Transvolution's summarization, there's some unnecessary beefiness on the older chapters, with like Chapter 9 onward (I think?) are being properly summarized. In general, I wish I've done a better job with the summaries and if you want to skim through details you found unnecessary to read in Chapter 0-8, you can. I'll reveal the release date of this fanfic's new chapter by the end of this summarization.

With that said, here's Mixturing Moves The Story So Far!

Chapter 0: Prologue.

The setting began at a lone village within the Crater Grassland during the afternoon, focusing on a house pertaining a Dragonite named Drath and his Dratini daughter, Iris. A Garchomp named Maza entered the house, her and Drath greeting each other before Drath told her about making it to his father to daughter storytelling on time. Iris greeted the Garchomp as well, Maza becoming ecstatic at Iris speaking for the first time. She wondered if that means Iris will grow into a Dragonair soon, to which Drath said no due to her still having a long way to go. Iris pouted in response, stating Drath told her she would've evolved within a couple of days.

After Drath teased her via pretending to have her nose, he asked Maza why she's here: The Garchomp wanted to check up on him due to caring about him. She then became curious about what kind of story he's telling to Iris, leading him to explain uncomfortably that it's the story he and Maza knows about: The Marvel Mischief Story. The Garchomp twiddled with her claws, wondering if it's a good idea to tell Iris about that story. Drath concluded it to be the case due to believing that she should know about the objects and "him". Maza obliged on listening to the story again, sitting on a nearby chair. Drath then prepped himself before speaking in a serious manner, something Iris hadn't seen from her father before. The story talked about mystical objects known as Marvel Mischief that allows any Pokémon possessing them to combine two moves into one, such as Aqua Jet Volt Switch = Aqua Switch (Or any other name of one's choice). That move is called a Mixturing Move.

Iris interrupted the Dragonite's story to ask what are Marvel Mischiefs, leading Drath to reveal one around his wrist that looks like a wristband. Iris wondered if all Marvel Mischiefs looked like that and Drath answered no, leading the Dratini wanting one. Drath told her he has one, digging inside of his dresser to take out a crystal necklace. Upon putting it around her neck, the Dratini hopped on his lap in enthusiasm while the Garchomp looked at Drath with confusion. Drath looked back and chuckled, stating she was eager to see her Marvel Mischief.

Drath told Iris to settle down since he worked his tail off getting them. Iris asked why before Drath explained that the objects are very rare to find nowadays, proceeding more into the Marvel Mischief Story. He mentioned that the objects were used 400 years ago for fun along with being helpful tools, leading to dreams becoming a reality. Before continuing the story, he eyed Maza shakily, nodding. Maza nodded back similarly as this confused Iris. Drath stated that there was one Pokémon named Yuki the Aegislash that was hellbent on endangering the Pokémon world, rebuilding it with his own hands due to believing the Marvel Mischiefs will be the source of achieving that goal. Him and his army of Ghost types became a threat to the Sacred Village, a place Iris wasn't familiar with.

After explaining that the Marvel Mischiefs were made by the village chiefs, Drath progressed the story: Stating Yuki used to live in that village due to it being his home, telling the villagers about his plan for recreating the world and overall saying it's a gateway to a new era. The Pokémon weren't a fan of that idea and shunned him for it, leading the Aegislash to become furious and raided the village with his followers just to steal the Marvel Mischiefs. Drath then said the Legendary Pokémon, Ho-Oh, appeared at the village: Noticing Yuki's rampage on it. The villagers pleaded the Legendary to stop Yuki, to which he did. Ho-Oh tried to reason with the Pokémon but failed due to Yuki's stubbornness, leading to the Aegislash's death. After disintegrating him, the Legendary Pokémon flapped his wings to make Yuki's ashes become one with air. Iris whimpered, frightened by the story told thus far.

Drath sighed and said that it scared him too for the first time, continuing reading. The villagers thanked Ho-Oh for his support before the legendary flew back to his home, the army of Ghost types scurry away after their leader died. Once back at his home, the Sacred Tower, Ho-Oh became ill. He originally ignored it until the illness became worse: Making him cough and spit out blood constantly. He knew he had to get rid of the sickness, so he went to an unknown cave only Legendaries knew about. Iris was even more frightened by this point, especially when Drath bluntly told her that it'll get worse. Proceeding the story, Ho-Oh called out Mewtwo's name, to which the other Legendary showed up, being that of one made from Mew's DNA. Mewtwo asked him why he needed him, and Ho-Oh explained his illness. Mewtwo believed it has something to do with Ho-Oh's Marvel Mischief, and after explaining how to get rid of it, Ho-Oh suddenly attacked him. Mewtwo tried calming him down, but the bird blasted him away with flames before leaving. This made Mewtwo go to the Sacred Village, separate the Marvel Mischiefs, and not answer any questions to the villagers on why he's doing this before leaving. To Mewtwo: He wanted to make sure the Ho-Oh incident doesn't happen again, destroying any more Marvel Mischiefs along the way while also searching for Ho-Oh himself since then.

Drath concluded the story there, with Iris wanting to know how all of that happened exactly. Drath basically repeated what he told from the story in small bits, but also doesn't think the Marvel Mischiefs was the source of Ho-Oh's sudden attack since he would've done the same thing by now. Gazing out of the window, Drath mentioned that there's theories on Ho-Oh either wanting to hunt all of the Marvel Mischiefs or destroy anyone who has a Marvel Mischief, having it be the reason why he's protecting his kingdom while looking at a barrier forming around the village. Iris and Maza became worried of him.

Soon a scream was heard outside, leading Maza to question that. Drath noticed the barrier being gone afterwards, the Dratini hopping off from him immediately. He wondered why this happened, leading the three to head outside. The Dragonite then noticed the amount of Dragon types running away in fear, questioning the situation further. The three then saw a Druddigon named Lawrence heading their way, being glad to finally found Drath. The Dragonite asked what's going on before Lawrence explained that a red winged bird is rampaging the village, sending worries throughout the Dragonite. Maza then told him to look out as a fireball aimed at the four, leading them to dodge and get blown away. Once they recovered, Drath saw what was ahead and became terrified, saying "I-It can't be".

Maza initially wondered what he meant by this before seeing the view itself, terrified at what she's witnessing: The four saw Ho-Oh, the Legendary Pokémon from the Marvel Mischief Story. He dropped the barrier device Drath installed some time ago, the Dragonite wondering how he found it as Ho-Oh taunted him for not hiding it better. Drath then ordered Maza to take Iris somewhere safe as he and Lawrence handled Ho-Oh. Maza refused at first before Drath clarified his safety concerns for his daughter. Maza hesitantly told Iris they got to leave, Iris displaying her worries for Drath. Maza told her that Drath got an important business to address, feeling it's best if both of them don't get in the way.

Ho-Oh tried to make a deal with Drath on obtaining all of the Marvel Mischiefs from the village in exchange for no one getting hurt, but Drath refused. Ho-Oh then tried to attack him, setting every houses he passed on fire. Drath told Maza to run, to which she did. Iris looked back at the fight: Seeing Drath and Lawrence bracing themselves.

Chapter 1: A Day to be Vengeful.

The setting was dark at first before a voice said:

"That day...I drowned in sadness…"

The setting then returned to Iris seeing Drath and Lawrence duke it out with Ho-Oh, the two dragons being blown back from Ho-Oh's Flame Charge after colliding their Thunder Punch and Dragon Claw against it retrospectively. After she was far from them, she and Maza ended up by a Reshiram statue at a nearby hill alongside some Dragonites, the Garchomp doing her best to calm the Dratini. Maza heard a voice calling her, turning towards an Altaria named Astona. Maza became relieved at her presence as the Altaria asked why there's a ruthless Pokémon rampaging the village. Maza explained it's Ho-Oh from the Marvel Mischief Story, terrifying Astona while she teared up. Maza requested Astona to protect Iris for her. Astona asked why before Maza explained she has to help her king fight Ho-Oh, stating it's what senators like her do: Protecting the Crater Grassland, a symbol of Dragon types worshiping Reshiram through peace, kindness, and honesty.

Maza wasted zero time jumping off the hill and gliding towards the village, leading Astona asking Iris to hop on her back. Iris obliged as she became worried for her father, Astona doing her best to console her. Meanwhile, Drath and Lawrence witnessed another Flame Charge ushering their way. As they embraced the attack, Maza leaped in front of Ho-Oh and clashed her Dragon Claw with the Flame Charge, pushing the two back. Drath became furious at her sight, wanting her to stay behind protecting Iris. Maza said she had Astona do it, and the two got in a mini-argument over Maza disobeying Drath's order, with Maza insisting that senators are supposed to be protectors. Lawrence told the two to look out, pointing at Ho-Oh's Thunderbolt aiming at Drath.

Maza got in front of the Dragonite and took the hit. Drath became concerned by this as Ho-Oh laughed, thinking he'd hurt the Garchomp before Maza revealed that she felt nothing thanks to her Ground typing. Ho-Oh was perplexed by her immunity as Drath admitted to needing her help after all. She then fought Ho-Oh further: Her Dragon Rush colliding with his Protect. After Maza got smacked and crashed into some houses, Ho-Oh winced instantly from her Rough Skin ability, becoming angry. He unleashed his Sacred Fire towards her, to which Maza countered with Dragon Claw. Once it got flung over the houses, Maza was then pinned down by Ho-Oh's foot. She struggled in his grasp, with Drath trying to stop the Legendary before being smacked away by him, crashing into some houses. That was when Lawrence's fury took over and he used Outrage on the phoenix, making him squawk in pain.

Maza told Lawrence not to use that move due to its risk factors plus his anger. Once Lawrence finished attacking, he dropped to the ground and became dizzy. Ho-Oh took this chance to smack him away, causing him to roll around the ground. He then threw Maza towards him at the same time, colliding the two. Drath snarled at the Legendary while getting up, struggling to move forward due to his injuries. Ho-Oh boasted about none of this happening if everyone handed their Marvel Mischiefs over. Iris and Astona were concerned about the three's struggle against the phoenix, Astona hoping they don't give up.

Ho-Oh once more offered the choice to the Dragonite on handing over the Marvel Mischiefs: Drath still refused. His fist was surrounded in flames and electricity as Ho-Oh's body did the same thing, everyone gazing at the two with anticipation. The two charged and collided their Mixturing Moves against each other: Drath's Fire Thunder Punch vs Ho-Oh's Flare Wild Charge. Smoke formed initially from the collision, causing curiosity to spawn within the Dragonites before eventually revealing that Drath won after slamming Ho-Oh to the ground. He got up and told everyone he's down, leading everyone to cheer with excitement, Iris and Astona included.

Astona thought that things will be fine as Iris hopped off from her, slithering towards her father. Maza soon noticed Ho-Oh getting up quickly, warning Drath before it was too late: Ho-Oh stabbed Drath with a sharp pole, blood splashing onto Iris' face to stop her in her tracks. Drath was coughing up blood before Ho-Oh swung him towards his own home, leading Iris to follow after him in distress. Astona tried stopping her, but Ho-Oh got in front of her, grinning down at her and the dragons—asking if any of them want to join their fate.

Lawrence cried out the king's name as Iris got close to Drath, fearing for his life. Drath went on about how he didn't expect his death to arrive this soon, with seeing a broken portrait of two Dragonites and their child. He said he was sorry to Solelle for not being able to find her as he promised, taking his attention back to Iris and told her that he wished to live longer to see her grow. He wanted the Dratini to be in his place at protecting the Crater Grassland before eventually telling her that he loved her, passing away afterwards. Iris cried along with everyone else in the village.

Lawrence told Ho-Oh he'll pay, to which Ho-Oh responded with laughter. Maza mourned for Drath's death as Ho-Oh mentioned that he can finally kill everyone off along with taking their Marvel Mischiefs, or having them become his slaves. Lawrence picked up the pole earlier and furiously charged after the phoenix, but Ho-Oh smacked him away with little issue. Maza went by the Druddigon's side as Ho-Oh stated that those two will be the first to die. The phoenix was then frozen in place by telekinesis energy, struggling to free himself. Maza wondered about this until the source revealed itself: Mewtwo, who's floating above the village. Everyone was mesmerized by his appearance as Mewtwo apologized about the destruction Ho-Oh caused.

Mewtwo appreciated the praises given to him before he stated he need to take care of business with Ho-Oh. One of the Dragonites asked if he's going to harm them, and he said no. He then got near Iris after seeing her being next to her father. Maza was going to intervene until Lawrence basically told her it's fine. The feline apologized to Iris about not being here fast enough to save her father, the Dratini still staring down at the Dragonite's corpse. He then gave Iris a planned revenge route on Ho-Oh: Having him be held hostage at Unbound Tower, a tower that was once called Sacred Tower. He also stated that he'll give her clues along the way to see if she's worthy for revenge as well as teaching Ho-Oh a lesson. Iris just slightly looked at him before the Legendary walked out of the burning house, the Dragon type returning back to viewing her father's corpse.

Ho-Oh and Maza asked Mewtwo what he told Iris, and he replied with a simple "Nothing": Teleporting him and Ho-Oh away afterwards. Maza wanted to question the Legendary further about his reasoning behind the Marvel Mischief being the source of Ho-Oh's illness, but couldn't now. Astona then became sad over the loss of her king, leading to her and the rest of the dragons tearing up, fearing what'll happen to their kingdom now. Maza apologized to Iris for not protecting her father effectively enough, noticing the Dratini was still gazing down at the corpse with empty fury. She asked her if she's okay before the scene faded into darkness.

Iris' voice within the said darkness said the following before Chapter 1 ended:

"My name is Iris. I'm the Dratini that stared down at the mortal remains of her father. After that tragic event, things in the kingdom of Crater Grassland has changed...All the Dragon types in the Crater Village had to repair the damages caused around the area, Maza and Lawrence had to go on extra guarding duties along with recruiting some new guards, and Astona became the new head ruler of the Crater Grassland. I'm told everything is alright. That everything is going to be fine...But I know that it isn't...Things were never fine now that my father is gone...After I evolved into a Dragonair, Astona wanted to make me take her place as head ruler...but I decided not to. Sure, it shocked everyone but I have my reason: Revenge on Ho-Oh. Some days later, I decided to leave the Crater Grassland. Maza asked me why and I told her what Mewtwo told me. I told her not to tell anyone else why I'm leaving and she agreed. She then said...'sorry'. Which made me wonder: Why do everyone keep saying sorry when it's clearly Ho-Oh's fault for killing my father? Why did any of this has to happen in the first place? Well, it doesn't matter now...Ho-Oh is going to pay for his action…"

Chapter 2: Pirate Raid.

After years passed, the setting focus on a ship sailing across the Pirate Sea, containing two Pokémon on the outside (Lucas the Furret and Ashen the Linoone), and two Pokémon on the inside (Iris the Dragonite and Anna the Ninetales). Ashen was controlling the ship while Lucas was looking through the binoculars, trying to see if they're near their location: Noctis Village. Meanwhile inside the ship, Anna felt bad for Iris after the backstory she told her. Iris said not to feel sorry since it wasn't her fault that her father died, going into a mini-rant about it. This made Anna wondered why she journeyed with her.

From there, the conversation shifted over to Marvel Mischiefs and Mixturing Moves: Iris pointing out Anna's earrings being a Marvel Mischief along with explaining about those objects letting anyone think of two Pokémon moves into one Mixturing Move. Soon a loud 'THUD' was heard, alerting Iris and Anna to go outside. Everyone spotted another ship containing four Scraftys, with the leader being Detonix. She mentioned about having business with Iris, which involved any loots her crew had. Iris stated they got none, which made Detonix wanting to trash the place. After a bit of bickering, Detonix's Scraftys leapt onto the Dragonite's ship and fought with the crew.

The fight persisted, with some banters here and there, including Detonix's crew failing to pick up on Detonix's sarcasm towards not caring about them. The three Scraftys thought about tackling the loot themselves and tried defeating Iris' crew after Lucas was knocked out. That was when Detonix joined the ship, utilizing her Intimidate ability to bring hesitation towards the crew—it worked for a bit. Once Detonix knocked Ashen out, she faced Iris and Anna. She almost beaten the two until Iris pushed her Ice Punch away and she got the burn status from Anna's Flamethrower.

Iris was ready to use her Mixturing Move, Fire Ice Punch, on the leader Scrafty until she stopped, feeling that Detonix had already lost. Detonix wished that she was born with the Shed Skin ability like her crew due to her burn status, leading Iris to head into her room and hand Detonix the Rawst Berry. Detonix asked why she did this while healing herself with the berry, Iris explaining she wasn't heartless enough to leave her opponent injured unless they tried to keep fighting her. Soon Ashen, Lucas, and Detonix's crew woke up from their unconscious state—Lucas being the only one goofy about it while Detonix's crew were still mad at their leader.

From there, Detonix and her crew left Iris' crew alone scotch free. Anna told Iris that what she did wasn't like her usual vengeful self. Iris took offense of this and remained quiet, to which Anna tried to clarify she didn't mean it that way before Iris told her to be quiet. The crew eventually saw Noctis Village ahead, anticipating the landing. The chapter ended with Anna believing that Iris wanted more than just revenge, feeling as though it's not something she's proud of.

Chapter 3: Trouble in the Noctis Village Part 1.

Over at the Noctis Village, three Pokémon were its focus: A Lucario named Carrie, a Riolu named Mark, and a Zorua named Natalie. Mark and Natalie got done playing tag with each other, creating a small friendly banter from one another as Carrie joined in. The Lucario then wanted to grab some berries at the Berry Shop due to loving berries, but Natalie suggested that they journey into Noctis Forest instead. Carrie refused due to the dangers in that forest along with wild Pokémon there not liking villagers. The two got into a bit of an argument until Natalie finally went with Carrie's request.

Once Mark and Carrie went to the shop, Natalie ran away abruptly due to wanting to explore the forest anyways. Carrie threw a tantrum over this before realizing she caused a scene, apologizing to the crowd afterwards. The Lucario then started doubting herself being a responsible adult due to how she acted and Natalie running off that easily. Mark reminded her that Natalie was always the stubborn type since she first adopted her on top of telling her to not give up, which cheered the Lucario up. After some enlightening sibling chat, the two journeyed into the Noctis Forest to go find Natalie.

Natalie was deep into the forest, being mesmerized by the dark and dim nature of it. Soon, she heard a conversation nearby from six Malamars, one of them being the leader named Alro. As she hid in the bushes, she listened to Alro explaining his plans on reviving his master via finding two body parts according to someone named Misstrike from the Corrupted Realm. He wanted to continue his master's goal at recreating the Pokémon world, Solark. This made Natalie uncomfortable as she tried to escape, but stepped on a twig—alerting the Malamars.

Once her cover was blown by a single Psycho Cut, she tried to form a lie about looking for something, only for that to fail and then immediately pleaded for her life. The Malamars refused to let her live due to her not being one of them, causing them to chase after the Zorua via Alro flinging occasional Rock Slides. Meanwhile, Carrie and Mark searched further into the forest, trying to find any signs of their Zorua friend. After some talks about Mark being scared of this dark forest, they heard Natalie screaming for help, Carrie being the first to immediately rush after the voice. Eventually, she caught up to Natalie and hugged her, Natalie apologizing for going against the Lucario's request and believing her about the forest being dangerous due to the Malamars' plans.

Before Carrie could question this further, Mark warned her about an incoming boulder and she sliced it with Bone Rush. Alro and his goons soon appeared to her, the Lucario asking who they are. Alro explained it's not her business, but she retorted with them introducing their names to her along with refusing to let them lay a hand on Natalie. After a brief discussion, a fight commenced between her and the Malamars, eventually ending with her protecting Mark and Natalie at the end. Or at least, she thought until Alro used Psychic on her and put her in a restraint against the tree.

Mark tried to stop Alro with Force Palm, but got knocked out from his single Psycho Cut. Carrie told Natalie to run away, to which Natalie tried to before one of the Malamar henchmen stopped her with Superpower, weakening the Zorua. Alro believed the group should torture the three before ending their lives, leading Natalie to plead for help as one of the Malamars grabbed some tight vines to tie the three with. Somewhere within the forest was a Heracross named Jimmy, who was busy drinking some sap from a tree. He eventually heard Natalie's cry for help, leading him to boast heroically about his rescuing days and journeying off towards her location.

Meanwhile Iris, Anna, Lucas, and Ashen reached the Noctis Village's seaport: Walking onboard as Iris thought about finding someone named Ego.

Chapter 4: Trouble in the Noctis Village Part 2.

Mark, Natalie, and Carrie were tied up against a tree, Alro and his fellow Malamars preparing for their torture. After some talks, the torture began: Starting with Alro stabbing Mark's leg, Natalie's ears, and then Carrie's shoulder after some disturbing mentions of wanting the world red along with being generally a creep. The captives' screams alerted Jimmy from afar, the Heracross doing his best to catch up to their location. Focusing back onto the Noctis Village, Iris rented a home for her and her crew to live in, experiencing some minor talks about her height making the salesmon Farfetch'd reminding him of another Pokémon trying to eat him due to predator instinct shenanigans. He also mentioned that the village tend to have unpleasant moments from time to time like the Pokémon living in the forest not liking villagers—sometimes they'll even be raided by them.

The crew then entered their new home, admiring its interior. After some talks about it and other extras, Iris said she'll go find Ego, to which Anna joined her. As they left the house, they heard screams coming from the forest, Ashen and Lucas following the duo outdoors as the whole village became curious about the scream. This was when the mayor of the village introduced himself to the crew: Wyvern the Empoleon. Some talks were made about the village going through all sorts of havoc, with Wyvern elaborating about it due to the fact that the village has a governmental relationship, leading Iris to feel bad about the violence it received. There was also some unknown figure watching the crew from a hidden corner before eventually leaving later on in the chapter.

Back to Mark, Natalie, and Carrie: The trio were about to be killed until Jimmy saved them in time. Alro told him not to interfere, but Jimmy refused: Resulting to them fighting each other. After Jimmy knocked Alro and his Malamars out, he freed Carrie and the kids, the three feeling relieved. Carrie reassured Mark that he'll be fine since the Riolu was scared out of his mind, thinking he'll die. After some calming talks, Jimmy introduced himself to the three along with the three thanking him for saving them. That was when Alro and co. got up from their knocked out state: Jimmy and Carrie immediately throwing themselves into a battle with them. Mark hoped Carrie doesn't die, with Natalie blaming herself for putting the three in this situation—always getting them into trouble.

Back at the village, some talks were made due to the loud noise from the forest, with Iris having to save the village from several thrown trees twice. Wyvern then asked his villagers if anyone wanted to journey into the forest to investigate, and Iris and Anna obliged. Lucas tried to join, but Iris and Anna both said that they're good to explore as duos there, leaving him to stay at the village with Ashen. As the two ventured into the forest, they encountered some wild Houndooms thinking they'll cause trouble. After some commotion, Iris lifted Anna up and flew over the group. Anna felt embarrassed from being carried since it's awkward, leading Iris to teasingly remind her of her Vulpix self being carried the same way. Anna clarified she was an adult during the time before evolving into a Ninetales.

Returning to Carrie and co., her and Jimmy managed to defeat Alro and his minions. Things were starting to shape up until Carrie was stabbed by Alro via the stick he used earlier to torture the three, having her fall to the ground afterwards. Jimmy tried to defeat him using his Mixturing Move, but was swiftly beaten by his Psychic. Alro attempted to attack Mark until Natalie got in front of him, trying to protect the Riolu before she got hurt by Alro. The Malamar then choked Natalie, Mark panicking over how fast things went down. He soon found a bow and grabbed it, being confused by it forming an arrow out of the blue. Nonetheless, he fired it at Alro, saving Natalie from her near death experience. Alro soon found an ornate shield before he and his minions disappeared into dark mist.

Mark crawled to Carrie and hoped that she stays alive. After some dreary talks, Carrie passed away from her injuries, leading Mark and Natalie to tear up at their guardian being dead. Iris and Anna made it to the location, stating that they're here to investigate the noise and was unsettled by what they've witnessed. After some dreary talks between everyone, Mark swore he'll get revenge on Alro for killing his sister, which reminded Iris of how she vowed to kill Ho-Oh for murdering her father.

An unknown blob creature with a red dot on its belly was resting on a tree branch, feeling bad for Mark and Natalie.

Chapter 5: Noctis Village is Under Attack! Iris Vs the Grant Crusaders!

Jimmy dug through the ground at the Noctis Forest, having a burial spot for Carrie to be in. Mark wanted to spend some more time with her, but Anna tried to pull him away. Iris stepped in to stop her, wanting Mark to spend a bit more time with his deceased sister. After Anna thought about her past involving her crying out for her parents as a Vulpix, she hesitantly let him spend a bit more time with the Lucario and apologized. Mark cried about failing to protect his sister before Natalie stepped in to say it was her fault that she's dead, stating she always kept being the cause of problems like this. After some more sulking, with Iris vowing to help Mark get his revenge, they buried the corpse and walked away.

As they traversed back towards the Noctis Village, Jimmy went on a minor rant about Alro's message of there being no justice in the world before Iris told Mark to handle his Weapon Mischief properly upon spotting his brown bow, confusing the Riolu. The group was met with the territorial Houndooms once again, the Dark type dogs trying to intimidate them. Iris basically went off on them about their distaste towards outsiders being so strong that they're ignoring the three injured Pokémon with her. After the tangent that made the Houndooms feel guilty, the gang continued forward. They made it to the village, Wyvern and the villagers feeling relieved. The Empoleon soon noticed the injuries on Mark, Natalie, and Jimmy: Demanding his Emboar guards to take them to the Medic House, to which they did.

The setting shifted to the house where four Clefables aided the three on the table. One of them told Iris that they'll take a while to recover, to which she accepted. After Lucas' dramatic distress about the three injured Pokémon, Iris heard a familiar voice outside of the house that wanted to see her. She flew over the Emboar guards protecting the exit and encountered a Slowking named Ego, Ashen and Lucas joining with her. The four chat with each other about their time spent together in the past: Ego knowing Ashen and Lucas since Miracle Town, along with being Iris' caretaker since the Crater Grassland. Anna also introduced herself to him before Ego asked the group what happened to the injured Pokémon. Iris explained about Alro and his Malamars harming the trio along with killing Mark's sister, the Slowking feeling pity for the Riolu afterwards. Eventually the topic moved onto Ego asking why Iris wanted to see him and she told him he knows why—the Slowking wanted her to follow him in a serious manner. Anna wanted to know what the conversation is about before Iris told her it's about her, demanding her not to get involved. The Ninetales let her leave in an annoyed manner as Iris and Ego head towards the Slowking's house.

Inside, the two met an Arbok named Carly—she almost attacked Iris until her and Ego had to remind the Arbok of Iris being the Dragonair she met at Miracle Town: Ego especially being wary due to telling Carly to 'not harm the entire world because of one person you forgot'. After that terrifying experience, Iris and Ego head into the Slowking's bedroom before the two talked: Iris wanting to know about Maple Town's location, Ego telling her it's east of the Pirate Sea along with describing its description, etc. The Slowking asked why she wanted to go there and she said it's the final place she has to go, stating Mewtwo hinted her at Ego knowing about it. Ego tried to persuade her that revenge won't make things better before the Dragonite shut that notation down, still determined about it. After some silence, the duo heard a scream coming from outside and saw a Pokémon running away from something. Naturally, the two head out along with Anna, Lucas, and Ashen coming from the medic house: All wondering what's going on.

Wyvern and his four guards joined the group as the ten saw seven Pokémon terrorizing the village, those seven being the following: Tybalt the Nidoking, Blake the Weavile, Minx the Conkeldurr, Mr. Buff the Poliwrath, Crisis the Cradily, Octo the Octillery, and Pus the Octillery. They noticed the group and taunted them, Tybalt especially upon spotting Iris. This was when Tybalt introduced his group as the Grant Crusaders, Iris' rival pirates. After some minor conversation, Iris asked Tybalt why his group is causing a mess, and Tybalt simply stated out of boredom along with seeing if the village has any loot. Eventually Iris, Anna, Ashen, and Lucas started fighting the Grant Crusaders, the Emboars joining along with them. The fight lasted for some time: Some Flamethrowers here, some Waterfalls there. At one point, Ashen asked if Anna was okay after being hit by Mr. Buff's Waterfall attack, his hand on her paw. She said yes before blushing, pulling her paw away quickly. The fight soon ended with Iris using her Mixturing Move on Tybalt's Mixturing Move, causing a heavy collision. The two grunted from it, Tybalt thinking about retreating afterwards, to which the Grant Crusaders did. The Emboar guards tried to stop them out of the Empoleon's command but failed.

After the group checked up on each other to see if they're okay, a Clefable came by to notify the others on heading inside the medic house, saying Natalie had healed herself this entire time. This shocked the group, making them wanting to find out more. The setting transitioned over to Alro and his Malamars traveling through the dark wasteland that is the Corruption Realm: Reaching a floating figure while a Mismagius named Misstrike healed the Malamars wounds. Alro apologized to the figure for being defeated by Mark, to which the figure warned about not failing again along with obtaining the shield Alro grabbed from Chapter 4. The entity then asked Alro to obtain three Marvel Mischiefs along with a Weapon Mischief for his next mission. Alro questioned about the latter before the entity explained that it'll give him another chance to kill Mark. The chapter then ended with the entity telling Alro he'll be teaming up with a Malamar named Clemence and her special sets of team, intriguing the squid.

Chapter 6: The History of Weapon Mischief.

The chapter started off with Magcargo and Simisear guards being in front of a decaying tower, protecting it. Inside of the tower lied Mewtwo and Ho-Oh: The latter being held hostage in a forcefield while his silver necklace hung on a wall next to the meditating Mewtwo. Ho-Oh kept taunting and arguing with Mewtwo, insisting that he'll get out eventually. Mewtwo doubted this as the phoenix tried to attack the shield, but couldn't break it. He then asked the feline what he told the Dratini, and Mewtwo bluntly stated to get revenge on him for killing her father, shocking the phoenix. It had been 20 years since Mewtwo told her that as Ho-Oh asked how would the Dragonite know where to go, to which Mewtwo answered he's guiding her through Telepathy. He also mentioned that despite being told the wrong information, she'll be on her way here eventually. Ho-Oh boasted about her not being able to defeat him before the setting concluded with Mewtwo noticing darkness in Ho-Oh's eyes, concerns sparking in his mind.

Transitioning to Noctis Village, everyone was inside of the medic house eyeing the fully awake Natalie. A Clefable asked how she's feeling, and she told them that she's feeling fine, shocking the group. They questioned how she healed herself, and she said she doesn't know. Another Clefable told the third Clefable named Daniel to check the DNA scanner. Upon checking, the Zorua's cells went haywire before going back to normal, terrifying the fairy due to how abnormal it was. As Wyvern calmed Daniel down, Natalie started healing Mark and Jimmy, the group being mesmerized by the healing process. Ashen asked if that was Heal Pulse she used and Iris stated that she don't recall Zoruas learning Heal Pulse nor looking red during so. After some conversation about Natalie's healing capabilities along with her not knowing how she could do it, Mark and Jimmy woke up from her healing and talked for a bit. Iris' stomach then growled, signifying her hunger. She asked if Jimmy, Mark, and Natalie wanted to come over to her place and the three said yes. Before the group left the medic house, Natalie briefly saw an image of a serpentine entity in her mind, terrifying her. Anna asked if something was wrong and Natalie said she just felt a bit cold, nothing too big of an issue.

Anna soon saw Iris chatting with Ego by his home, the Dragonite telling her that she planned to invite Ego and Carly over to dinner. This was also the same time Anna found out Iris could cook along with knowing about Carly. The setting shifted to Iris' home where everyone is at the diner table socializing with one another—Iris being in the kitchen cooking some Fryin' Ready Berries. The topics were mainly minor: Ego telling his wacky daring moves at the Crater Grassland, Lucas attempting to flirt with Carly, Anna finding out about Carly's unnervingly odd behavior, Iris explaining her preferred berries to cook (Oran), and many more. The dinner scene concluded with Jimmy mentioning him failing to save Mark's sister, leading the Riolu to lost his appetite and left the room. Natalie followed suit as everyone else continued on with the dinner.

The setting shifted over to nighttime where everyone is asleep in their bedroom, Iris being in the living room instead. Anna and Jimmy talked about Ego and Carly, with Anna being unsettled by Carly's odd behavior. After a few more conservations and other minor scenes—including Anna's will to tease Lucas about Carly wanting to eat him—the two went to sleep. Once midnight hit, Mark woke up due to being unable to sleep, finding Natalie cute when she's asleep before walking out of the bedroom. He soon saw Iris and woke her up, the Dragonite wondering what he want. Mark asked her about Weapon Mischiefs, and Iris went on an explanation about them: Stating they're objects acting as weapons as opposed to Marvel Mischiefs, which are accessories. She mentioned that unlike Marvel, Weapon has a Weapon Move that is super effective against any Pokémon, stating they're dangerous because of this fact. A few more information about the Mischiefs was given: How a Pokémon could tell they're one via seeing them glow, how a Pokémon underwent a Move phase via using a Mixturing Move or a Weapon Move, the backstory on the rarity of Marvel Mischiefs and how Weapon Mischiefs were pretty common in comparison, and much more. The conversation concluded with Iris' guardian, Maza, believing that it's possible for a Pokémon to have two different types of Mischiefs but with a huge effect to them all. From there, Mark went back to his bedroom to go to sleep.

After two days had passed, Iris' crew prepared themselves to leave, saying their goodbyes to Wyvern and co. Before their departure, Mark and Natalie asked if they could come along. Iris said they got Jimmy to take care of them before Jimmy immediately said he has nowhere to live, ultimately leading Iris to have the three onboard after asking her crewmates about the decision. After some minor talks, Wyvern whispered to Iris about her and her crew being pirates, stating the Dragonite statue gave it away. Iris was annoyed by this before the Empoleon told her he won't report them to the O.P. (Official Protection) government due to her saving the three injured Pokémon along with the village from the Grant Crusaders—believing it's fair to return the favor. After she thanked Wyvern, she flew on the ship and whispered to Lucas on getting rid of the statue. The Furret went against the idea before Iris insisted he do that since he failed to place it anywhere but the front. He ultimately obliged, being told to wait until they sail away to remove it as the group gave their farewells to Wyvern.

Ego and Carly watched the crew leave, both being happy to have dinner with Iris and her pals, especially Carly since she grew fond towards Lucas: Hence the occasional hisses. After some talks including Ego being surprised by a predator like Carly gaining interest in a prey like Lucas, Ego saw something green jumped onto Iris' ship, thinking that was strange. The two then head inside of his home to play checkers but with elemental moves.

The setting shifted over to the Corruption Realm: Where Alro had gotten to meet Clemence and her special team. The team consisted of the following: Reckless the Ursaring, Corruption/Lance the Magmortar, Sebastian the Serperior, Dead Snow/Diana the Glaceon, and Nexus the Toxicroak. They each talked about their reasoning on joining the Supernova Gale, the group Alro's a part of: Reckless for loving violence, Corruption for loving to set things on fire, Sebastian for not having anywhere to go after burning his home village called Solar Village, Dead Snow for feeling betrayed by her brother killing her sister and holding grudges due to that fact, and Nexus for his lover being taken away by a group that killed her. Some discussions were made along the way, with Alro explaining he joined due to loving to torment others, to which Reckless related to. Clemence bluntly stated that she joined the group because of Misstrike telling her the payment is great, wondering where the Mismagius even got the cash from.

The group wondered where they could find three Marvel Mischiefs along with the Weapon Mischief Mark has, and Misstrike stated she could detect specific ones, telling them that they're located on a ship. This knowledge perplexed Dead Snow before the Gales concluded that they should wait until the ship landed at the next location.

The chapter ended with the scene turning dark, an unknown spooky voice saying the following:

"Natalie, my child. You will come home to me soon…"

Chapter 7: Meeting Cerise.

A Shinx named Claire resided somewhere called the Grace Forest, sulking over her defeat from an angel that separated her from her "mistress". She also had a Pokémon Egg with her, whom she thought about taking with her in case she wanted to eat it later on. She soon sensed her "mistress" presence nearby and hurried along a path towards a village. The setting shifted over to Iris' ship sailing across the Pirate Sea where Mark and Jimmy were helping Lucas remove the Dragonite statue while Ashen controlled the steering wheel, Anna and Iris being inside of the ship's room along with Natalie.

The trio talked about Ego's wacky hijinxs and how he blurted out Maza's crush towards Lawrence one time, finding it all amusing. After some minor chitchats, Iris asked Natalie if she still don't know how she healed herself, Mark, and Jimmy, and she said yes. Natalie then asked about Mark carrying a bow in Chapter 4, leading Iris to explain what Weapon Mischief are to her. Meanwhile outside, Lucas and the other two got done removing the statue, Lucas bawling over that fact. He swore to get Iris back for this as Ashen calmed the Furret down. Soon he thanked Jimmy and Mark for helping him remove the statue since they would've been reported by townsfolk for their pirate status, shocking both Mark and Jimmy about that revelation. Jimmy became worried due to pirates being seen as enemies to the O.P. government, him and Mark not wanting to take part in being a pirate but was told they had no choice since they got nowhere else to go.

Afterwards the four carried on with their business until Lucas spotted something moving at the top of the ship, grabbing its attention before the thing landed onto his face. Ashen went to go help him along with Jimmy and Mark, grabbing the attention of Iris and the others. They saw Jimmy holding a green blob in his hand, the creature squirming in place as Lucas whined thinking he was drowning to death earlier. The group wondered what that individual is, Iris being the first to ask about its identity. The blob didn't know anything about himself, including his own name. Anna then suggested to give him one, to which he obliged. After some names here and there, with Lucas' joking "Green Blob of Doom" name, Iris came up with a name that the blob liked: Cerise.

After being put down by Cerise's request, Iris received a telepathic call from Ego: The two talking about the green blob briefly before Ego told her that Maple Town was actually in the east of Aurora Ocean, not Pirate Sea, which is far from it. After the brief annoyance, Iris hung up the call before she explained to the group what the call was about. Iris then asked Cerise why he boarded her ship—Cerise wanting to follow Mark and Natalie, feeling bad for them after Carrie's death. After a brief moment of sadness and quietness, Anna asked where they're heading and Iris guessed to a nearby town or village. Natalie asked about why the group are pirates before Anna explained that to her, some minor conversation was happening until the group saw some land nearby. Cerise was as curious about the group's status as Natalie was, Iris explaining bits of it to him.

Over at the Corruption Realm, Misstrike gasped before telling the Supernova Gales that the Marvel Mischiefs were heading to Verdant Village, leading the group to prep themselves. Clemence flirted with Alro a bit before going to grab the rest of the Malamar soldiers, Sebastian slithering off to rest beside Dead Snow and Nexus. He asked Nexus who was the name of his true love, and the Toxicroak answered an Infernape named Eliza: Elaborating about the two used to have a wonderful time together until a group of Pokémon killed her right in front of him. Those Pokémon consisted of a Blastoise, Golem, Kingdra, and two Metagrosses, according to him. Sebastian and Dead pity the Toxicroak, telling him he's not alone on suffering from Solark's cruelness. The Glaceon elaborated on this further with her family being unwell: Having a mother who almost killed her, a father that kept baiting her with suicidal thoughts, and witnessing her sister Charlotte the Espeon being killed by her brother Seth the Flareon, the latter whom she murdered on the spot and ended up joining the Supernova Gale when Misstrike met her. Sebastian elaborated on his background about the mistreatment and wrong accusations he gotten from the Solar Village, leading him to burning the village down in fury. He did felt sorrow when he mentioned about a friend of his, Helena the Feebas, noticing what he did and that broke her heart as a result: He had always admire her for enduring the bullying and never let it get to her.

The conversation concluded with Dead telling Sebastian and Nexus that their past loved ones were no longer with them, believing the three is all they have. After noticing the rest of the Supernova Gales were ready to go, Misstrike surrounded the group in dark mist before they all disappeared.

Chapter 8: No Peace in Verdant Village! Iris Vs the Supernova Gale!

Iris and her crew arrived at Verdant Village, meeting the mayor named Ducktian/Mavel the Delibird who's all about peace in the most strict way possible. They then rented themselves a house at the village upon Iris signing the peace treaty from Ducktian. Some conversation was made between the group: Anna's teasing towards Lucas, Iris and Jimmy arm wrestling with each other, etc. Cerise hoped to find out more about himself, eventually seeing another version of himself but flat, which freaked him out.

Another setting was formed where the Supernova Gale arrived at the Grace Forest via dark mist—heading into Verdant Village. Claire followed them in secret as the group terrorized the village. This alerted Iris' crew, all heading out to see the Supernova Gale. After some confrontational talks, the two groups fought each other: Iris' crew struggling to defeat them along the way. Soon Claire joined in to save Natalie from being harmed further by Nexus, defeating him with her Spark. Claire called her mistress, confusing Natalie as the Zorua didn't remember a thing about the Shinx. Some further conflicts commenced before the Supernova Gale were defeated by Iris' crew thanks to Claire's aid, retreating away via Misstrike's dark mist. After some talks about what happened, Claire introduced herself to the crew before Ducktian panicked about the village's destructive state, demanding Iris' crew to clean it up.

The chapter ended at the Corruption Realm: Where the shield-wielding mysterious figure became furious at Misstrike and her squad for failing their task. He then provided the group another mission: Head for the Acropolis Base so that they could acquire his sword. The figure asked for the following individuals to go: Misstrike, Alro, Clemence, Dead Snow, and the newcomer Tron the Raichu, the latter showing up at the end eager for a fight.

Chapter 9: The Midnight Killer Part 1.

Lucas and Ashen tried fixing the broken statue before failing, Ducktian being sadden by this. The setting shifted to midnight where a Watchog was admiring the moon by his lonesome. He heard a voice calling for him on granting him eternal happiness, leading him into an open field nearby the village before he was stabbed. The next day arrived to have a woman's voice screaming in distress, Iris' crew immediately going outside to investigate the scream before witnessing a Watchog's corpse nailing to a random house. The rest of the chapter played out in a murder mystery manner: Investigators such as Han the detective Beedrill arrived to look over the crime scene, Natalie hearing the vagueness of this strange Mienshao woman complaining about people not appreciating the death of someone upon them being killed, and many more.

The killings persisted as Natalie and Claire witnessed the death of a Raticate in the middle of the night while following him: Almost being killed by the culprit themselves. Cut to the next night after many scenes where the duo attempt to go after the culprit before facing them: Ultimately ending up being defeated by them. Natalie saw their face and knew they were the Mienshao she talked with the previous two days, but turned out it was the Mienshao's brother, who the sister revealed herself to be conspiring with on the killings too.

Chapter 10: The Midnight Killer Part 2.

The Mienshao siblings introduced themselves to be Fumeiyo and Hana: The two sharing a goal on killing others so that they could set them free from Solark's corrupted ways. Natalie disagreed with the notation, leading to some arguments—along with Natalie learning about Mythical Power, hidden powers that a Pokémon can be born with rarely—before the Zorua resorted to calling for help. People in the village heard her plead, Iris and her crew included. Han and his cops went to investigate the call alongside Iris' crew, the latter making it there last after Han's cops were pretty much slaughtered by Fumeiyo's katana.

Intense battles happened between the two Mienshaos and Iris' crew, Cerise using one of the flat blobs to watch it all unfold after hearing the strange word "Zare". The crew were gradually losing, even resulting to Jimmy's pincer being chopped off along with Anna being stabbed in the belly by Fumeiyo—everyone thought for a moment that she was dead. After Ashen's arms were stabbed, Anna stood up and used her Mixturing Move, Fire Dark Pulse, along with her Mythical Power to eradicate the evil Mienshaos' existence. After some heart-to-heart moments, the crew ended up relaxing at the village after receiving praises of resolving the Midnight Killer incident. The next day arrived where the crew were about to leave. Before that happened, Ducktian handed a Caller over to Iris as a gift for saving his village. From there, the crew set off, with Iris beginning to feel sentimental towards her friendship with Anna: Questioning her thirst for vengeance.

Chapter 11: Infiltrating the Acropolis Base.

Located at the Snowy Mountain lied the Acropolis Base, guarded by a ton of Weaviles and Heatmors wielding Weapon Mischiefs. Deep within the base were two Bisharps: Nick and Jefferson. The two were guarding a bizarre sword, Jefferson explaining that the sword can cause someone to go berserk and that's why they're guarding it. Spawning by the bushes were Misstrike, Alro, Clemence, Dead Snow, and Tron: All plotting to infiltrate the base. It ultimately resulted to Dead and Tron tackling the bottom portion while Misstrike and the two Malamars tackle the top. The group rolled with it: Barging through the base like no tomorrow.

After fighting and killing off some guards, the five reached the bottom of the base: Facing off against Nick and Jefferson. Nick was quickly killed off by Clemence's Superpower before Jefferson received the slow death treatment from the rest, Misstrike's pure black eyes being the last thing he sees. Once the Gales retrieved the sword, a Sceptile, a Grovyle named Ebony, and a Milotic arrived at the scene. They tried to stop the Gales, but the group disappeared before they could get their hands on them. As more guards arrived, the Sceptile mentioned that his team, the Savior Units, will have to report to the government about the unfortunate sword situation.

The chapter concluded with Misstrike chatting about her master's return at the Corruption Realm: Handing the sword over to him. After some transformation, the shadowy figure revealed himself to be Yuki the Aegislash, his goal being set on finding the four Mischiefs Iris' crew have.

Chapter 12: An Unexpected Battle at Sea! The Grant Crusaders Strike Again!

Iris' ship continued to sail across the Pirate Sea as Cerise succumbed to thoughts over who in the world he is. Some minor banters and chitchats were made between the crew along the way, all having a decent time with one another. Even some explanation on what Marvel Mischief and Mythical Power were given to Claire before Anna almost went on a depressed meltdown over how corrupt she was, Iris having to stop her from thinking such. Later on at midnight, Natalie had a brief nightmare about being in this unsettling dark world: Where the same serpentine shadowy entity from Chapter 5 stared down at her, telling her she'll regain her memories eventually. Once she woke up from the dream, she head outside to notice Cerise sitting out there.

The two had a heart-to-heart moment: About how they're both amnesiacs and couldn't remember much about their past, with Natalie being the only one capable of at least knowing her name. After the discussion, the two went inside of the ship's room to go to sleep. The next day arrived and the ship was attacked by another one, revealing itself to be the Grant Crusaders'. The rival pirate landed on Iris' ship, some conversation being exchanged between the two groups before a fight broke out. The fight was generally even: Anna managing a Flamethrower on Minx here, Crisis multitasking between firing Sludge Bombs and hitting Mark with his tentacles there—even some unfriendly disputes between Crisis and Mr. Buff happened along the way, the two fighting each other afterwards (they didn't vibe with one another).

As the fight continued, Tybalt felt raindrops onto his body, realizing that it's about to rain: He didn't like the rain. This led him and his crew to retreat, the rain quickly becoming worse. Iris told the crew not to panic until Ashen pointed out at a huge wave aiming their way: Prompting everyone to, in fact, panic. Ashen tried steering the ship away from the wave, but it was too late as the large wave engulfed the ship, ending off the chapter.

Chapter 13: Welcome to the Lost Cloyster Kingdom.

The start of Mixturing Moves' first major story arc: Cloyster Kingdom Arc.

The crew woke up to an unknown land, noticing their ship being destroyed as well. Some talks were made, including the mention of Lucas having a Mythical Power called Magic Eye along with the Furret tossing Iris' Caller into the ocean as a part of his revenge: Iris and Anna didn't like that. After they'd beaten the Furret up, Natalie pointed out a town over yonder, the group heading towards it. Upon reaching the town, they'd notice the crippling and poor state it was in, feeling uneasy about it. Iris asked an elderly Cloyster where they're at, and the Cloyster answered that they're in Cloy Town. Soon a scream was heard and everyone went to its location, revealing to be the elder's Cloyster daughter, Norah, and his Shellder granddaughter, Azure: They were both being harmed by some Cloyster guards.

The elder became worried for her as Iris' crew wasted no time stopping the guards, one of them being named Exo. However, Iris boasted about her doing all of the work halfway into the fight, leading to arguments between her and her crew. Soon another set of guards arrived at the scene, the leader with the large barb spike named Sheer was with them—Exo being ecstatic to see him. The crew tried to fight the guards once more, but Sheer kept stopping them via his Mythical Power: Preventing their moves from ever coming out. The crew were taken away as a result, including Norah, Azure, and the elderly Cloyster. Cerise was hiding in the trash can nearby while this happens, seeing Exo taking the Pokémon Egg that was with the crew. The blob was worried about how fast things are escalating, following the group in secret afterwards.

Chapter 14: Introduction to Unfairness.

The guards traversed through another town called Ster Town, Sheer meeting up with Mat the Cloyster: Telling him that he's arresting Iris' crew, Norah, Azure, and Norah's father, Brook—the latter three Mat knew, being worrying about them. After some talks, Sheer and his guards brought the group over to the castle. Inside lied a Shiny Cloyster named Cocoon, the king of the Cloyster Kingdom. He asked Sheer why he brought the group over to him, and Exo explained that Azure was stealing a NeverMeltIce from the store, with Norah telling the king it was because of the price being absurdly high. After some dispute, Cocoon told Sheer and the guards to take the group to their dungeon, to which they did.

Once thrown into the dungeon, Iris gotten into some arguments with her crew before learning about the history of the Cloyster Kingdom from Norah's family: How the king fell into depression because of his close friend Senator Brisk being killed, the unnecessary decisions like increasing the price in Cloy Town by a lot compared to Ster Town, etc. A Lucario named Trent was also there, being arrested for being a different specie than the Shellder line.

Eventually the group ended up back at the center area of the castle: Cocoon deciding to enslave the group as punishment, everyone becoming bewildered by the decision over a NeverMeltIce. Norah wanted him to reconsider, but he refused. The guards forced the prisoners out of the castle while Norah's family remained behind, being tasked to do castle cleaning instead.

Chapter 15: Enslavement.

Reaching around the left pathway of the castle, the crew saw a bunch of Cloysters roaming around: Being forced to do scavenger hunting for the rest of their life, as Sheer put it. There were some bit of chatting along the way, including Sheer recounting the times his grandfather had him find Marvel Mischiefs only to burn them when he was a kid, leading the group to become shocked and furious. Soon the guards gotten them to do the hunt, Sheer even using his Mythical Power to ensure they couldn't escape. Before Trent joined them, Sheer whispered something to him—Iris becoming curious about that.

Inside of the castle, Mat managed to have a conversation with Norah and Brook at the dining area once the second guard left: The three talking about Mat wishing he could've done something to help them along with the three sharing some comforting moments with each other, Mat and Norah developing a thing for each other. Norah then requested Mat to save Iris' crew since she felt bad for them. He refused at first but eventually, he went along with it. The scene concluded when Exo barged into the room hearing a bunch of chitchatting, and Mat had to pretend he was aggressively ordering Norah's family to keep cleaning. This was also when the second guard returned after Exo left.

Returning back to the outdoor, the crew managed to find a spot where they could pretend to dig for items while simultaneously relaxing there. They talked about the circumstances they're in, with Jimmy being the most enraged due to disliking the helplessness others are in. Extra topics were formed too such as Natalie and Claire receiving a proper explanation from Anna's Mythical Power, Corrupted Reign: Allowing her to survive certain plows and powering up her moves. This also happened at the same time as Iris learning about Trent: How he got separated from his girlfriend, Saya the Lucario, during a natural disaster—hoping to reunite with her someday.

Soon the group heard a Cloyster prisoner going up to one of the guards pleading for a longer break before he got whipped by the guard. This made the Heracross lose it as he immediately beat up the guard. Once more guards arrived to stop Jimmy, Sheer appeared at the scene wondering what happened. After the assaulted guard explained the situation to him, he ordered them to take Jimmy and the Cloyster prisoner to a special dungeon, stating that dungeon will be used for the two's execution tomorrow. The group saw Jimmy and the harassed prisoner left against their will, Mark and Natalie being the ones most stressed out due to the Heracross saving their lives in Chapter 4—tearing up as a result. Cerise saw the whole thing, being determined to go rescue Jimmy and the Cloyster from the execution—following the guards.

Chapter 16: SAVE JIMMY!

After some short scene of Iris watching some civilian Cloysters enter the dining room, the scene focused on somewhere else in the castle: Another prison where Jimmy and the Cloyster, Zeke, were kept captive. Some talks between the two were made, with Zeke explaining that he got arrested for not wanting his Weapon Mischief shop in Ster Town shutdown because of the king wanting to get rid of it: It wasn't selling as high as the other shops. Soon, Jimmy heard a voice above the cell he's in, spotting Cerise behind the prison cell window. Cerise told him that he'll get the two out of here, the three wondering how before Cerise suddenly thought of a plan. However, the blob said he'll tell them once he rescued the Pokémon Egg, leaving afterwards.

Cutting towards the dining room, some minor conversations between the Cloysters were formed: Talking about the greatness of tonight's feast with the king. Soon Mat talked with Cocoon about wanting to free Norah's family and Iris' crew as prisoners, to which Cocoon ultimately shuts down the idea. This was when Sheer came by to tell him about Jimmy and Zeke's execution tomorrow, the Shiny Cloyster obliging with the request. Soon the group heard a noise from the kitchen, heading inside to see the Cloyster chefs chasing after Cerise wielding the Pokémon Egg. Eventually the green blob escaped through a window, Exo complaining about how that egg would've made dinner even better due to the great chefs they have.

Another short scene was formed with Jimmy and Zeke: Where Cerise came back with the egg and gotten Jimmy to catch it, the Heracross hiding it underneath the hays. The entity was then telling them the escape plan before the scene transitioned over to Iris' crew, going over the melancholic and frustrated state the group were in: All wishing to save their friend from execution. Iris then learned more about Mythical Powers upon being curious about Sheer: Brook going over the category those powers were in according to a book he read. The categories being: Attack (Harming others), Defense (Defending oneself and others), and Diverse (A mix of both Attack and Defense). After some speculations about Sheer's Mythical Power, what his weakness is, and just the general distrust in that Cloyster, the group went to sleep without a choice.

The next day arrived where Jimmy and Zeke were taken towards the outside at the same time as Iris and the others. Mark and Natalie attempted to reach the Heracross, but were caught by the guards in time. The scene transitioned to Jimmy and Zeke being held down at Ster Town's center by the guards, an executioner Cloyster wielding an axe readying to kill them as Exo went on a speech about this being their 30th execution and such, perplexing Jimmy. As soon as the executioner was about to kill them, Cerise jumped in front of him in time and glowed brightly, freeing Jimmy and Zeke from their restrains. Grabbing them, he dashed off into the Zero Forest, bypassing Iris' crew and the others along the way. The guards took chase after the three as the gang became worried for Jimmy. Anna also wondered where Cerise went, realizing he wasn't with the group the whole time.

The scene transitioned to Cerise, Jimmy, and Zeke hiding within the forest, the two thanking Cerise for saving them before noticing the blob was no longer a blob: Instead, he took on an appearance of a canine with a green 'leash'. After being mesmerized by his new appearance, Zeke asked how they'll save Cerise's friends and the chapter ended with Cerise about to explain his rescue plan.

Chapter 17: Suspicion Within the Kingdom.

The chapter started off with the guards continuously searching for Jimmy and Zeke while Cocoon sulk inside of his room, wishing to see his friend Brisk again—thinking about how he was killed even. Soon Sheer arrived at his room to talk with him, telling him about the two prisoners escaping their execution. Soon the Shiny Cloyster asked Sheer if he's doing a decent job as a king, and Sheer answered yes: Telling him not to let others affect the way he runs the kingdom. Transitioning over to the not-so-deep part of the Zero Forest, the crew were in utter dismay over Cerise not being with them, with Claire suggesting that he ditched them—Natalie feeling down about it. Lucas believed that the green glowing thing was Cerise, Anna thinking he's telling a lie. The two made a silly bet over it where Lucas had to keep his mouth shut for three days if she wins while Anna has to be nice to him for six days if he wins. Eventually, Trent managed to find himself a Mega Stone and was given a full day break from Sheer. Iris questioned Sheer about this since she was told they only get a one second break upon finding any rare items, and Sheer said "unless it's a Mega Stone" at the last minute, angering the Dragonite.

Ashen felt like Sheer is plotting something with Trent, leading Natalie forming an idea with the group. Once she whispered the idea to them, the chapter transitioned into another scene where Exo roamed around the hallway in the castle: Reaching Sheer's room to give him the yellow badge from the king. After knocking on it a few times, he entered inside, being entranced by the Cloyster's room. After going on a minor tangent about everything wrong happening to him, the Cloyster noticed a piece of paper on the dresser: Seeing it be a checklist. The list consisted of the following: "Assassination of Senator Brisk Manipulate the king into thinking he's making the right decisions Kill King Cocoon, take all of his Pokedollars, and leave the kingdom in ruin". This mortified Exo, making him want to notify the king about this before being knocked out by Sheer via a chair. Once Sheer found a rope to tie him up, he threw the Cloyster into his closet—locking it. He then took the badge, slapped it onto himself, and left the room.

Nighttime was here, and at the crew's dungeon, Natalie whined about wanting to use the restroom. One of the guards begrudgingly obliged, guiding her towards the restroom in the castle. Once there, Natalie knocked the guard out with her Night Daze. She then used her Illusion ability to transform into the Cloyster, taking on the disguise. She set off finding Sheer, looking around the castle a bit before finding him floating up the stairs (sidenote: this happened after he and Mat got into some conversation about why Sheer deserved the king's respect badge and Mat didn't due to him always joking around). She followed Sheer into his bedroom, losing her disguise to better be hidden. The Cloyster checked the Mega Stone off his checklist, talking about it being a part of a deal he had with someone along with believing he's ready to enact his plan on killing off Cocoon soon. Shocked by this reveal, Natalie rushed off before being stopped by Sheer's Ice Shard almost hitting her. The two got in a fight, with Natalie losing along the way. Natalie told Sheer she knows the weakness to his Mythical Power, Force Shatter: His horn. He knocked the Zorua out in rage, tying her up before tossing her into the closet along with Exo. He realized he forgot to cover Exo's mouth as the Cloyster screamed for help, Sheer immediately closing the closet. Mat stopped by Sheer's room wondering about this before Sheer said he loved to scream in joy about a fresh new day in the kingdom.

Mat found that decision questionable before leaving, concluding the scene. A new day arrived: The scene focusing on Cerise, Jimmy, and Zeke—readying themselves to go rescue Iris and her friends.

Chapter 18: The Truth and the Escape Part 1.

The Dragonite woke up to the sounds of Claire's distress, the Shinx panicking over Natalie being in trouble—feeling her presence being negative. A decent set of Cloyster guards were inside of the group's cells, trying to guide them out. Claire attempted to escape instantly, leading one of the guards stopping her. Claire attacked him before the guard attacked her back with his spear, asking the others to put hinder her first, to which they did. The group stared on in horror, Iris eagerly wishing to get out of this kingdom. Outside of the castle, Cerise and his two allies rushed through the Zero Forest, making it to its open field and attacked any incoming guards ahead. Zeke and Jimmy even managed to save a prisoner at one point, too! During their dash towards the castle, Jimmy pointed out that Cerise was using Pokémon moves like Dragon Pulse and Extreme Speed, leading the canine to realize that he wasn't able to do that before in Chapter 12 while in his blob appearance. Once the trio made it to the gateway into the castle, they barged through.

Within the castle, Mat, Sheer, and Cocoon were talking about the Cloyster Kingdom and how Mat felt it needed so much improvement, with the latter two ultimately disagreeing with him. The three noticed some figures on the way to the castle before an explosion went off at the bottom floor, a voice telling them about intruders entering. Cocoon ordered Sheer and Mat to go find Exo as he went to investigate the noise, the duo obliging—Sheer being nervous about Mat potentially finding out about Exo. The chapter transitioned to a short scene where Jimmy declared the fact that he'll save Iris and friends, Cerise being the one leading him and Zeke towards the prison cell the group were in. And speaking of the dungeon itself, the Cloysters got done beating up Claire: The Shinx was looking like a bleeding mess. Mark was terrified by what happened to Claire as the guards were refusing to let the group leave until no further conflict was made. This led to Claire barely standing up and using her Discharge attack on three Cloyster guards: Melting them like ice cream. After witnessing the initial horror from Claire's move, this gave the group a chance to free themselves, knocking out the rest of the guards along the way.

Iris hesitated about apologizing to her crewmates due to not wanting to be seen as weak before Brook motivated her to do so, believing that'll make her look strong. So she tried apologizing before Jimmy entered the dungeon along with Zeke and Cerise, some minor conversations was made along the way: Zeke scared of Claire's eerie appearance, the canine revealing himself to be Cerise therefore Anna lost the bet with Lucas, etc. The gang then escaped afterwards. Cutting back to Sheer and Mat, the two searched for Exo the best way they could before Mat questioned Sheer's odd behavior upon seeing him go in the direction he just searched Exo from. After some talks, Mat heard an explosion coming from Sheer's room, ultimately leading him to check it out after Sheer failed to convince him it was something minor. He saw Exo and Natalie tied up at a broken closet, Exo thanking her for using Shadow Ball before crying to Mat about Sheer being a bad guy. Sheer then pushed Mat into his bedroom and closed the door, using sofas to block the entry. The Cloyster then left via the stairs.

Meanwhile at the hallway somewhere, the group make a mad-dash towards the center, defeating any nearby guards along the way. Jimmy wasn't present with the group due to him going off somewhere else to find the Pokémon Egg. As they reached the center, the gang saw Cocoon and a bunch of guards, being surrounded. Some talks were exchanged between Norah pleading for the king to once again see the error of his ways and fix the kingdom, and the king refusing. Sheer eventually joined the king: Everyone readying themselves for the upcoming battle afterwards.

Chapter 19: The Truth and the Escape Part 2.

Basically a fight broke out: Iris' crew struggling here and there due to Sheer using his Force Shatter. Sheer used that as an opportunity to tell the group they have a choice: Surrender or die, to which Norah believed they'll kill them either way. As for what's going on with Jimmy, he's currently somewhere else in the castle where he hid the egg at. Some guards stopped by trying to attack him until he defeated them. Before he left, he noticed that the egg disappeared and then reappeared at random, being perplexed by it. Over at Sheer's room, Mat got done freeing Exo and Natalie, the trio discussing Sheer's betrayal towards the king. After some conversation about their disdain towards Sheer, they obtained evidences to him being a betrayer: The Mega Stone and the checklist—right after Natalie destroyed his dresser out of spite, of course. They left his room after Natalie Shadow Balled the blocked entrance.

Returning back to the center, the group were struggling to defend themselves due to Sheer's Force Shatter. Norah attempted to attack Sheer out of blind rage before being stabbed by his large barb, getting thrown to the side afterwards. Brook and Azure were mortified, the latter hoping her mother doesn't die. Iris got a brief flashback of her father's death before becoming furious, calling Sheer and Cocoon monsters for what they did out of getting the group to surrender. This led Cocoon to doubt what he's doing initially until Sheer convinced him into thinking the group were trying to play tricks on him, leading Cocoon to ask his guards to surrender them. The crew talked about how they could defend themselves when Sheer kept deactivating their attacks until they thought of having one of them distract Sheer. The group executed the plan: Having it almost working until Sheer noticed Claire's Discharge in time and smacked her away from him, knocking her out. The crew were on the verge of defeat yet again before Natalie, Exo, and Mat finally arrived to spill the beans to Cocoon about Sheer being a traitor, showing him evidences. Once Cocoon questioned Sheer about this, the Cloyster yelled at Trent to grab the Mega Stone. The Lucario immediately did followed by harming Natalie and pinning Cocoon down.

Sheer explained his reasoning: How he grew up with a harsh lesson about the only way to obtain happiness in a cruel world was to be cruel himself, and tried to kill Cocoon in the past to regain his own happiness (since his grandfather passed away) before killing his friend Brisk instead. That was when he became a new personal senator for Cocoon afterwards. This was also the part where Trent talked about his role in Sheer's plan: Stating he lied about his story on getting lost via a hurricane and was mainly lost wandering around the Zero Forest before being captured by the Cloyster guards. He mentioned about pleading to Sheer on helping him escape in exchanged for guiding the Cloyster to the Land of Wishes so that Sheer could become a god to achieve his full happiness. After some disagreements and conversations about this, Trent mega evolved and broke Cocoon's shell: He and Sheer fighting the group afterwards. Iris' crew were struggling against Trent due to his immense power, his ability Adaptability, and his usage of Work Up before and after the betrayal happened. Zeke panicked, wondering what the group could do about that powerhouse Lucario.

That was when Cerise thought of using a Ground type move similar to Earthquake. Jimmy finally arrived at the center before Cerise told everyone to take cover, using his ultimate Ground type move. The move caused the castle to collapse via the green lights, everyone taking shelter in response. The civilians at Ster Town noticed the chaos, watching the castle crumple. Even folks in Cloy Town were curious about the situation too, concluding the chapter there.

Chapter 20: The Truth and the Escape Part 3.

The end of Mixturing Moves' first major story arc: Cloyster Kingdom Arc.

After everyone recovered from the collapsed castle, Mat checked up on the dying Norah before the group took their attention towards Trent and Sheer: The duo still up and ready to battle. Some conflicting conversations were made between them along with Iris' crew deciding on who should stay behind to protect Norah's family while they handle the two bad guys. Natalie stated she'll heal Claire before healing Norah, unsure how long it'll take her as Jimmy said he left the egg in the care for Anna. Ultimately, Exo was left protecting Norah's family and Cocoon with Zeke while Mat joined Iris, Jimmy, Mark, Cerise, Ashen, and Lucas to face off Trent and Sheer. After some further talks, with Trent confirming that he used Work Up the entire time while the crew were chatting and planning, the intense fight commenced.

Both sides were at even playing field in terms of not struggling much as Ster Town watched on in concerns. After some talks about Zeke's ability Shell Armor (Trent being hurt by it when he tried to attack him and Norah's family) along with Sheer revealing the name of his Mythical Power, Trent managed to hurt Natalie before harming Mark. Claire then attacked Trent, leading him to be threatened by her thanks to her Intimidate ability (and overall unsettling vibes). The fight continued, including Natalie yelling out Sheer Mythical Power's weakness being the horn before passing out, leading the Cloyster to go berserk. He used his Weapon Move, Stab Platinum, before Mat used his own: Downpour of a Thousand Spears. Somewhere along the fight, Iris saw Jimmy still using his Mixturing Move despite lacking his pincer, being amazed by that. Suddenly, Mark managed to steal Sheer's Mythical Power and used it for his own as he countered Trent and Sheer, stopping the two from using their Pokémon moves. At that point, Mark used his Weapon Move, Triad Splinter, along with Iris using his Mixturing Move and Mat using his Weapon Move on the duo: Concluding the fight there.

Once being asked about Mark's Mythical Power by the crew, an eerie voice his head told him to name it Shadow Corruption, to which he did. After a bit of conversation about Shadow Corruption, Sheer and Trent revealed themselves to still be standing, Sheer valuing to achieve his happiness. And then a group of five Pokémon arrived at the scene: The Sceptile, Grovyle, and Milotic from Chapter 11 followed by a Blaziken and a Dusknoir. They were Mystery, Ebony, Helena, Leon, and Gonel of the Savior Unit, going over what they're about followed by stating that they're after Trent the Lucario for committing cannibalism, an illegal act deemed by the O.P. government. After some talks, a Salamence named Skyrider appeared to rescue Trent: Sheer trying to join him before Trent told him he can't due to Skyrider and someone named Lumani concerns about the Cloyster affecting their plans. Sheer was then captured by the Savior Unit, Exo explaining the crimes that Cloyster committed.

Soon the group's attention was focused on Norah, who was close to death. Natalie tried saving her before Claire told her that it was too late, seeing the Zorua was unable to heal her. Norah the Cloyster soon died, leading to a melancholic moment across everyone that witnessed her death. The Pokémon Egg hatched before the death, revealing a Mudkip: He cried on the spot from things going on around him. Once that scene was done with, Cocoon offered to turn himself in along with having Mat be the new ruler of the Cloyster Kingdom, seeing as how the Shiny Cloyster saw himself as a failure the whole time. This was when Iris finally managed to apologize to the crew after all the talks, eventually leading the crew to leave the kingdom with the Savior Unit.

The chapter then transitioned over to the Corruption Realm: Where the Supernova Gale were watching everything that happened in the kingdom via Misstrike's projector. Yuki became intrigued by Sheer's Mythical Power along with Mark's, wanting to capture them both as a part of his goal to recreate Solark. Alro wanted to oppose this due to hating Mark, but Yuki basically told him to deal with it—Alro hesitantly obliged. The chapter ended with Sebastian recognizing Helena, Nexus asking him if something's wrong before Sebastian told him it's nothing to worry about.

Chapter 21: The Zero Cave Ambush! Disaster Among the Crew!

Iris' crew and the Savior Unit traversed across the Zero Forest, going deep into it while socializing with one another, including the mention of what to do with the Mudkip before Anna offered to raise him. The group encountered Zero Cave and entered inside, being mesmerized by the crystals and overall beautiful scenery of it. After some talks about the cave, Leon and Helena pointed out there being two pathways in the cave instead of the usual one, perplexing the Savior Units. Everyone went on the left path after some discussions about the scenario, continuing onward. And then they were all surrounded by the Supernova Gale upon the evil group appearing before them via dark mists: Yuki, Alro, Clemence, Sebastian, Reckless, Dead Snow, Nexus, Misstrike, Corruption, and Tron were all standing in front of the group, staring with ill-intentions.

Some discussions were made between the group, going over how Iris' crew knew about them along with Yuki introducing himself as the leader, Iris finding his name sounding familiar. Yuki stated he wanted the Weapon Mischief, three Marvel Mischiefs from Iris' crew, and Mark himself. Iris and her crew were against his request, resulting to an all out fight between them and the Supernova Gale. Some close calls were made here and there, Cerise doing his best to protect the baby Mudkip and the defenseless Cocoon. Some story moments happened during all of this, too: Yuki feeling like he recognized Iris while Helena was being spiteful towards Sebastian for what he did at the Solar Village. Eventually the battle ended with the Supernova Gale managing to grab Sheer and almost got Iris crew's Mischiefs along with Mark until Cerise retrieved those four things. After the evil group disappeared, Iris' crew and the Savior Unit made sure that everyone was okay before moving forward, forming talks about the situation that happened to them.

The setting then shifted to the Corruption Realm where Yuki got mad over his mission almost being a success before Cerise ruined it. He then turned his attention towards Sheer: Forming a conversation with the Cloyster that ultimately equated to him being forced to join the Supernova Gale, Misstrike utilizing her mysterious powers that ensured she knew about his every movement in case he tried to escape. This knowledge concerned Nexus, Sebastian, and Dead Snow: The three wondering how screwed they are over the thought of remaining in the Supernova Gale forever.

Chapter 22: Seaport Bay! Home of the Ships!

The two group finally left the Zero Cave: Eyeing at the little town ahead called the Seaport Bay. After some chats, they heard someone calling out for them, turning out to be a Sneasel named Fiona hanging with Brad the Breloom. They introduced themselves as another member of the Savior Unit, some talks were made about the financial side of things from the O.P. government and Fiona's parents relationship with them. After further talks about the government and the harsh training sections to even work there, Mystery asked Brad to call the government's leaders on sending over soldiers due to arresting: Cocoon.

After Brad obliged to the request, some other minor topics were formed: Fiona's boastfulness of remaining unevolved while Ebony was annoyed by it all. And then soon everyone heard an announcer nearby, spotting a Clawitzer named Draven and his little cousin Udep the Clauncher advertising new ships they're giving away tomorrow, which caught Iris' interest. They also mentioned about having a Caller shop, too. After some talks along with Gonel managing to give the crew's bag back, everyone went into their temporary homes (which Iris' rented one for her crew). Cerise stared off at a statue far into a forest nearby, finding it familiar for some reason.

Chapter 23: An Unexpected Group Terrorize the Seaport Bay!

The chapter started off with it being dark out at the Seaport Bay: Draven and Udep having a conversation about the future of ships at their home due to Caller's existence, the Clawitzer believing they ultimately won't be the replacement for ships at the end of the day. From there, the scene shifted over to Iris and her crew's home: A discussion was made between Cerise and Natalie once more while the two stare out of a window, both curious about a variety of things such as Natalie's healing powers and Cerise's transformation powers. After their discussion, the two went to sleep.

Cut to the next day and the crew heard some loud chopper noises, all heading outside except for Cerise, who watched from the inside. They noticed a helicopter being readied to take off while the Savior Units stood beside it, the group forming some conversation with Iris' crew before saying their farewells. Anna felt pity for Cocoon despite the damaged he and Sheer caused at the Cloyster Kingdom, a bit of talks were made between the crew about it. Eventually the Seaport Bay was raided by land pirates known as the Ravage Shiftleafs: Comprising of a ton of Nuzleafs and Shiftrys with one Shiftry leader named Captain Duke. Duke was a common issue Draven had to deal with because the Clawitzer refused to lend any ships to pirates, Iris feeling glad about her crew staying low profile about themselves.

Anna then got boastful over the fact that Duke and his crew thought they could terrorize the place while a Fire type like her is around, prompting the two to battle each other.

Chapter 24: Anna Vs Captain Duke Part 1.

The start of the chapter began at the Unbound Tower: Where Mewtwo thought about his decision to keep lying about Ho-Oh being sick just to enact Iris' revenge, further thinking about the said decision once Harrison the Simisear felt frustrated about his Legendary ruler continuing to be ill—let alone having a few days left until his birthday arrived. The setting then switched over to Iris' crew: Where Anna and Duke gotten themselves into a fight. The Ninetales once thought she had the upper hand because of Duke's Sunny Day until the Shiftry revealed his Chlorophyll ability, giving the vulpine some trouble. Her crewmates rooted her on despite the struggle she's facing, doing whatever she could to defeat Duke.

Somewhere along the line, the Shiftry thought he defeated her until Anna rose up shrouding herself in corrupted aura: Surprising Draven at the continual existence of Mythical Powers. Duke then prepared himself for what Anna considered to be the real fight.

Chapter 25: Anna Vs Duke Part 2.

The fight persisted: Things shaping themselves up to be in Anna's favor once again as Duke was being hit by her moves here and there. Despite this, it didn't stop Duke from fighting Anna back, resorting to using super effective moves along with utilizing his ability again. Anna ended up being overconfident during the fight, boasting about the Ravage Shiftleafs' "jealousy" over her strong attacks when the crew weren't jealous in the slightest—even Iris was pointing out her ego behavior. Soon the battle came to an end when Anna used her Mixturing Move against Duke's Mixturing Move: Water Hyper Beam.

Despite the odds in her favor, Anna ended up losing to the captain. Duke mentioned about being protective of his crew, telling Anna that she was trying too hard at proving her point—silencing the Ninetales. He and his crew left the bay, Anna sitting in place staring at the forest—contemplating about her actions.

Chapter 26: Cocoon the Shiny Cloyster.

The setting took place in a flying helicopter where the Savior Units and Cocoon resided. A bunch of talks were made about what the group planned to do when reaching the O.P. House: Brad wanting to pick his sister up from school, Fiona continuing to pester Ebony over the topic of evolution, etc. Eventually the group arrived at the O.P. House, entering. All kinds of Pokémon worked there, including a Purrloin named Molly—who Fiona was very fond of due to being another unevolved Pokémon much like her. After some minor talks along with Mystery reporting about Cocoon, Molly told him to take him to the Recovery Center due to the broken shell state he's in.

Brad and Helena left the place, the latter telling a Garchomp receptionist to notify the government about his departure from any incoming missions today while Mystery took Cocoon to the Recovery Center. Once the Sceptile found a room for Cocoon along with forming some conversation with Ebony about him feeling pity for the Shiny Cloyster, he and Ebony left. The room was silent for a moment until Cocoon was talked to by a Ledian named Cinella: The two going over the harsh things they've done and why they deserved the punishments—Cinella wishing she didn't try to start a war with the carnivorous Pokémon in another continent. After four days had passed, Cocoon's shell was all patched up before Mystery arrived at his room: Telling him it was time for his court case. Cinella simply said her goodbyes knowing she may not see the light of day ever again.

Chapter 27: Anna's Conflict.

The chapter started off with Draven and Udep announcing the new ship they'd prepared after four days, showing it off to the public only to disappoint Iris and her crew over how small it is. The Dragonite asked how long will it take them to make a large ship for ten travelers and Draven said five days or so, frustrating her. After some talks about Iris' frustration, Anna stated she'll head back to the house in a melancholic manner—saying she's feeling sleepy.

The next scene arrived to show off the crew eating dinner that Iris cooked at nighttime, forming discussions here and there. At some point, Lucas was about to blurt out why the crew were traveling until Iris cut him off, stating they were traveling to somewhere in the Aurora Ocean: Not wanting her new crewmates to know about her real intentions. After Claire's suspicion on Iris lying, the topic shifted over to the crew trying to think of a name for the Mudkip baby: Ultimately resorting to Nomar being his name after a few suggestions. And then later on, Ashen noticed the dreary look on Anna's face: Asking her if she was okay before she snapped and told him she's fine. She apologized before hearing Lucas mocking her for being so confident during the fight with Captain Duke in Chapter 24-25 and was now feeling sad—Anna failing to see why he found that funny. Soon Anna left the house after Lucas kept bullying her with her overconfidence, leading Iris to get angry at him. The two got into a heated argument with one another over who causes the most drama: Mark, Natalie, and Claire immediately thought about taking Nomar away from the discourse due to him about to cry.

The chapter shifted over to the Nocturne Forest: Anna running deep within it before mellowing in her depression, going on about how she believed she couldn't protect others nor herself due to how useless she was. The chapter ended with Cerise watching her depression via one of the flat blobs, being at Iris' home: He felt sorry for the Ninetales.

Mixturing Moves Chapter 28 will be released on January 1st, 2025. I look forward to the future of this fanfic. Oh and if you're a fan of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Look forward to a special surprise on that day, too!
Chapter 28.

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer

Been looking forward to the release of this chapter (along with M&T2’s) for so long now. Once again, future chapters will take awhile to release due to me hyper busy on working on them along with other stuff going on in my life! And in case some of you don’t know:

I’m unfortunately going to focus on just the M&T series and MM in terms of my written works instead of introducing a new PMD fic (or a fanfic in general) like I said I was going to do in the two fic’s summaries. Hopefully though these fics will suffice since I’m still looking forward to the many twists, turns, actions, character growths, and overall just having fun writing them!

With all of that out of the way, happy new years! And I hope you all enjoy. n_n (Also fyi, I’m a massive fan of Claire upon me re-reading this oldfic a while back. If you’re a fan of her too, you’re in luck since I plan to have her be more bizarre and unpredictable than what my past self intended for her.)

Chapter 28: Journey Into the Nocturne Forest.

"Oooh! That looks nice!" Mark says, pointing at a star-shaped balloon attached to a house.

Jimmy nods. "Yes yes, that's quite the exquisite balloon, dear Mark!"

The sun's light bounces off the object, giving it a sparkle effect. Natalie wags her tail, gazing in awe. "Yep! Never knew balloons could look this awesome!"

Claire squints. "Do you Pokémon find anything intriguing? It's...just a balloon. Nothing fancy about it."

"Oi, mate: Don't you see those sparkles?" Lucas points with his tail. "That balloon may be made out of breathtaking gems and stones—hardwork was plastered into that thing!"

The Shinx lowers her head. "Still don't follow."

The six roam around the bay, travelers like Gigaliths and Aromatisses residing in the place—heading towards Draven's manufacture shop admiring the ships. Iris pokes her claw at the Clawitzer while on the stand beside the shop: Forming a resting face. Anna and Cerise are also there, the former sitting next to the dragon staring down while the latter sits on Iris' shoulder.

"Is it ready? Is it ready?" she asks ad nauseam. She keeps poking and poking: Draven's brow quirking, glaring.


"Aren't you going to tell us?"

Ashen lifts a claw. "Uh, Iris: I think he—"

"GRAH! Will you quit it already!?" Draven snaps. "THE SHIP ISN'T READY YET!"

"What?" The Dragonite folds her arms, huffing. "No fair: How come it isn't ready now?"

Draven brushes his claw. "Cuz as I've stated numerous times: The ship needs about five days—probably six due to the sizes for you…" He counts. "10 people."

Cerise blinks when he was counted. I'm surprised he doesn't question what I am like the others I've met, he thinks.

Draven sighs. "It'll take awhile for the ship to be ready by then."

The Dragonite rolls her eyes, her necklace shifting. "Ugh. Alright."

"Now please: Let me do my job without someone jabbing me cheeks." Draven goes over to advertise the customers eyeing his ships, gesturing his claws around.

The Dragonite slouches, groaning. "Ugh. It's pretty annoying that we have to stay here longer than usual." Her arms fold, her eyes closing. "I'd rather hear Ego's rambles about some generic fabric than to play the waiting game."

"Ah cheer up, mate: It's not so bad around here." Lucas gestures towards the ocean. "We can still admire the sea even when we're not crossing it."

"Meh." Iris glances off. "Would've preferred to get a move on." She then glances at her claws. "I got places to be, hun."

The Furret quirks his brow. "Such as?"

The Dragonite gazes at the ground. "…" She huffs. "Look, I just want a ship to sleep in, that's all!"

Jimmy lifts his a claw. "And fear not Iris, my gracious friend: We will achieve our goal at acquiring ourselves a ship!" His claw presses against his chest like a drum. "And we will feel glorious like the good ol' times!"

You didn't have to say it so dramatically, you know? Iris thinks.

Ashen eyes the forest nearby, smiling. "Say, how about we travel into the Nocturne Forest?"

Iris looks at the Linoone. "Eh?"

"I'm curious to see what that forest looks like, that's all. Could even find some neat treasures in there."

Iris caresses her chin. "Hmm...Eh, sure."

Ashen pumps his fist in the air. "Sweet!" He looks at the rest of the squad. "Any of you wanna come along, too?"

"Heck yeah, mate!" Lucas exclaims, spreading his arms in joy.

Mark nods. "I don't mind!"

Natalie yawns, scratching her ear. "I'm bored so I might as well."

Claire bows. "I obey whatever wishes my mistress commands. Therefore, I'll oblige to this 'Nocturne Forest Touring'."

Natalie slowly looks at the Shinx. "I mean, you don't have to go if you don't want to. That's fi—"

"BUT I INSIST!" Claire gets close to the Zorua, Natalie laughing in a nervous manner.

"Well, if you say so."

Lucas squints at the Shinx. "You and your loyalty to Natalie, I swear Claire."

Ashen scratches the side of his cheek. "It's pretty bizarre, haha."

Claire simply turns towards the brothers: Her yellow eyes unwavering, her demeanor still and cold—gazing directly into their souls. Ashen and Lucas yelp. "Although that's perfectly fine!" the two say quickly, earning a soft purr out of the lynx. The duo looks at each other. What the hell was that?

"Ahhem!" Jimmy presses a claw against his chest once more. "As the Heroic Jimster, I'll partake on this exploration, too!"

Cerise raises his tail. "I'll go as well." The green entity glares at the forest, mountains and waterfalls littering afar. "There's...something I want to check on."

Iris tilts her head. "Like what?"

"…" Quietness utters from Cerise, a squint lowering down his one gray eye. "Just a statue I saw a few days ago."

"Is that so?"

Cerise slowly nods.

Iris folds her arms. "Well, I'll stay behind and watch over Nomar then."

"Same here…" Anna says this in a melancholic tone, Iris catching on—her brow raising at her.

The Dragonite walks to the vulpine. "Anna, are you alright?"

The Ninetales stares off. "...I'm fine, yes."

"You don't sound like it."

"That's because you're overthinking it." The Ninetales side-glares the dragon. "As always."

Iris brings her head back, scoffing. She sighs, staring off. "Fuck you too, I guess…" she mumbles. With that, the group leaves towards Nocturne Forest as Iris and Anna go back to their rented house.

. . .

The Nocturne Forest exudes amazement and grandness: Natural greens flourishing from left to right, plants sprouting themselves into blooming galore. Flowers litter across the grass and trees, a few even having hexagonal shapes to them—confusing a particular red-dotted individual every time he looks at them.

Everyone is amazed by the beauty of it all, spotting a couple of wild Pokémon communicating with one another—even waving at a few, including some hellos along the way.

"What a gorgeous looking forest…" Cerise simply states, his jaw—if he has any—dropping.

"I concur: This looks like a massive improvement from my time living in the Noctis Forest!" Jimmy provides a haughty laugh, his hands by his hips.

"Honestly when pitting that creepy ass forest against this lively one: This solos it WITHOUT a doubt!" Natalie exaggerates, a giggle from her and Mark being prompted as Claire blinks on in neutrality.

"Well if mistress believes that to be the case, then it most certainly is true."

Natalie giggles soon devolves into discomfort, the girl staring off. "You don't know the half of it, haha…"

Mark sighs. Yeah…

Everyone proceeds onward until—

"Oi! Look what I've found!" Lucas shouts, pointing ahead. Everyone looks: A long log extends itself from one side to the next—the group in utter awe at the sight.

"Whooa…" Mark and Natalie both say, eyeing down the steep cliff below the log, containing a river passing by.

Jimmy gazes down, too: Whistling. "Whew. That's a pretty deep fall."

Claire perks up. "I acquiesce!"

The Furret turns his head. "What."

The Shinx huffs, lifting her chin with a smirk. "Of course a mere mortal wouldn't know that it means I agree."

Lucas squints. "That sounds like some made-up junk, mate."

Claire rolls her eyes. "Regardless: The fall may be the end for us if we're not careful."

"No kidding!" Mark gulps, shielding behind his bow. "Let's, uh, c-cross the log with caution, yeah?"

Lucas waves his paw up and down. "Oh don't sweat it, kiddo: It's just some measly log connecting to the other half of the forest. No biggie, really!"

The Linoone crosses his arms. "Yeah, except for the fact that the log is long and there's—" Ashen quickly counts the group. "Seven of us total." He stares ahead worriedly. "I'm...unsure on how long that log has been there." Taking a look at it, the wood has seen better days: Lacking the vibrant greens like in the forest, being replaced with dull grays. Ashen sighs. "Let's hope it doesn't crumple apart while we travel."

With that, the gang proceeds onward: Traversing across the log with precaution. It shakes, the gang gasping with one step after another. Mark trembles, sticking close to Natalie and Claire. He whines at the sight of that deep fall, Natalie stopping for a moment to pat his back—soothing the poor jackal. Meanwhile Cerise slithers with patience, being aware of his steps.


He blinks, the red-dotted blob staring off. Huh…? Soon, voices appear in his head: Numerous of them, compiling one after another.



Two of those words: Appearing nonstop, ringing throughout the green individual's mind. Cerise flinches. What...are these voices saying? Soon, flat blobs spawn everywhere on the log—still and static, all staring at Cerise. His eyes widen, trembling at their very core.

I-It's those things! And they're everywhere this time! Cerise whimpers, backing away: Sweats sliding down his head.

Jimmy looks behind him, his head tilting. "Hmm?" He walks over to Cerise. "Is something the matter, my fri—" the Heracross slips.


Cerise yelps. "Jimmy!"

Lucas hurriedly grabs the Heracross' hand. "I got hi—HOLY SMOKES!" He gets dragged along, the duo screaming at their descent. Ashen grabs Lucas by the backpaw, grunting.

"I got you, bro! Gngh!" Ashen yelps, about to fall off himself until Mark and Natalie catch him. Claire also helps, clenching her teeth onto Natalie's tail. The Zorua yelps, eyeing behind her.

"You could've used your paws, you know!"

Claire briefly lets go and grabs the fox's tail properly, whimpering. "Apologies, my mistress!" The group grunts and groans: Tugging, pulling—doing everything in their power to bring the fallen members over.

"Ngh! Come on! Just pull a bit more!" Ashen advises. Cerise sits by watching: Acknowledging the log he's on shaking with each pull the gang does. Lucas and Jimmy gradually make it close, the Heracross' body being halfway on the log.

"Just one more…"

With a simple yank, the gang manages to have them over the log. Without a single word, everyone hurries over to the other side, panting heavily. They rest on the grassy ground, sighing in relief.

"Phew...That was a close call," Mark exclaims, planting his back onto the ground.

Claire licks her paw, her tail swaying. "That was rather exhilarating, actually!" She giggles before purring. "We should do that again."

Jimmy, Mark, Natalie, and Cerise glance over to the Shinx. "What."

Ashen soon slaps Lucas, the Furret yapping. "Eek!" He rubs his face. "What was that for, mate!?"

"For suddenly jumping off like that! I was worried sick for you, dude!" Ashen exclaims, his tone drenching in anxiousness.

"I was trying to save Jimmy, bro." Lucas tilts his head. "I...don't really get what was wrong with me helping my friend there?"

"I—" Ashen shakes his head. "Look, it doesn't hurt to be more careful, alright?"

Lucas quirks his brow. "While trying to save my crewmate?" The Furret shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but that doesn't click with me. I have the opportunity to save him and took it." Everyone gazes at the two. "When the situation makes it easy to save someone, I'd feel more awful for not taking it than if I did took it and ended my life, ya know?"

"…Fair point, actually." Ashen stares down for a moment, contemplating. "Sorry." Sighs. "I just...didn't want you to get hurt, that's all."

Lucas smiles. "No worries, mate: I understand!" He blinks off to the side. "I think."

Ashen playfully bump his fist against Lucas, the two snickering. "Let's just keep moving already, goofball."

As the crew continues on, Jimmy looks down at Cerise. "Hey, why were you standing there for a moment?" he asks.

Cerise blinks. "I...I was hearing things." He looks side to side. "Strange voices telling me something I couldn't comprehend."


"Yeah. Something about this 'Zare' again. Heard it some days ago too while at the Verdant Village." His eye squints. "I saw these flat looking blob things again showing up on the log." He perks up. "Did any of you see them?"

Jimmy shakes his head. "Not that I know of, my friend." The Heracross caresses his chin. "How peculiar, though."

"Very." The red-dotted creature glances at the trees. "Even heard one of the voices say something different this time: 'Ygd'."

"Y..Ygd?" Jimmy's brow quirks.

"I have no clue, either. Just—" Cerise stops for a moment, staring up at the glaring sun. "What does all of this means?"


Soon, everyone makes it to a gate in front of the open wide field: Pertaining a village behind it. The group suspects the gate, its rusty and decaying nature spreading across as the door itself is halfway open. The seven look at each other in confusion, a wrinkled sign plastering itself on the gate titled:

'Nocturne Valley'

"What...happened here?" Mark questions.

"It looks like no one has been here for some time now, mate," Lucas comments. He shivers. "Giving me the creeps-mareeps!"

Ashen blinks. "The creeps-mawhat now?"

"Regardless, the unnerving nature of this village makes it look so fun to visit!" Claire exclaims with joy, nudging against her paw. "So excited for the enthusiastic spooks it has to offer!"

Natalie glances at the Shinx. You're so darn weird, Claire.

Afterwards, the crew enters within the valley: Caution creeping throughout them.
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Chapter 29. New

Sonic Ramon

Pokémon Trainer
AN: Going to briefly say that after this chapter comes out, MM along with M&T2 will be put on a massive hold due to me wanting to finish plotting the entirety of my two fics' chapters along with the latter three planned fanfics: M&T3, M&T4, and M&T5. I'm doing this because life keeps seeming rather unpredictable these days. So as much fun as writing these fics blind can be, I can't continue writing my fics like this. I don't know how long it'll take me to finish plotting MM plus the M&T series, but do know that I'll fight tooth and nail to get them plotted!

With that AN out of the way, enjoy Chapter 29 and see you all again whenever my fics are plotted into completion!

Chapter 29: The Nocturne Valley.

The crew traverses through the valley: The grass dulling, the trees wilting with a few being on its side. Houses lie around the valley's village—paints having since been dried as they too lie crumble on its side. The crew gazes around, caution scattering over them. It doesn't help when the sky is clouding the area overall, blocking off the sun's peaceful rays.

Lucas nibbles his paws, quavering. "Guys…" His eyes turns left to right. "This place is scaring me more and more." He looks at a nearby tree branch, expecting it to snap: It doesn't.

No wind blows, no leaves falling—everything is completely muted.

Mark and Natalie scoot close to Jimmy, the two's ears lowering. "I...got to agree." The Riolu whines. "Something's up with this place, and it's nothing good."

"Y-Yeah." Natalie whimpers. "I don't like how quiet it is."

"Almost too quiet, if you ask me," Ashen agrees, folding his arms. "Doesn't help when the place looks unsettling and barren."

Claire eyes around, succumbing to thoughts while focusing on the knocked over houses and trees. Her once pepper expression soon devolves into vigilant countenance, the Shinx snarling.

Natalie takes notice, tensing up. "Uh...The lack of excitement from you doesn't bow well, huh?"

Claire shakes her head. "Not at all, my mistress." The Shinx glances at a decaying flower, its once white feature diminishing—succumbing to the dark grays. "The presence here are far more negative than I've anticipated." She gets in front of the crew, sheer grimness striking at their view. "I like the disturbance, but I cannot say the same for this environment." Her head shakes. "I'm not fond of where this may lead."

"Neither am I, mate!" Lucas chimes in, staring around in uneasiness.

Jimmy nods. "This place is quite perturb." Shudders. "Not sure I'd want to stay here during any vacation, hah hah..."

"Who in their right mind would!?" Lucas shakes his head.

Claire shrugs. "I mean, I would...once the presence subsides."

The Furret glances at her. "We know: You're weird like that."

Claire rolls her eyes, moving forward. "None of you besides my mistress will ever understand the art of the disturb."

Mark scratches the back of his head. "Um...Sorry?"

Natalie laughs softly. In fairness, I don't understand either...

The crew continues on, coming across a curvy pathway: Brief trees shrouding over it. Despite the spiraling path, everyone sees something vague and stoic behind all of those leaves afar. The group trails around the bushes, glancing at the decaying nature around them.

The group soon leaves the path, eyeing ahead at a huge, lone statue in the center of the valley: A humanoid entity poses with its arm extending towards itself while forming a fist with its other hand, the statue drowning itself in dirt and debris. Hexagonal shapes litter throughout its physique, pertaining windows on its eyes while a door resides on its left foot. Behind the statue is a half torn tail, the other half sitting motionless.

"Whoa…" Everyone simply says, astonishment painting them.

"What a huge and amazing looking statue!" Natalie wags her tail.

Mark wags along. "I know, right?"

Lucas whistles. "That thing looking real great, alright!"

Ashen smiles, his hand on his side. "Agreed. Despite the ruined state, it still looks pretty awesome and imposing, in a way."

Natalie squeals. "It's so cool!"

Claire nods. "I concur. Perhaps not as cool as the times I've spent serving you, Mistress. But I would indeed put something like this up there as one of those 'cool' things in this realm."

Natalie laughs softly. "You and this mistress thing is certainly something alright."

The Shinx lowers her ears, her head shaking—eyes closing. "It will all make sense soon, I assure you."

Mark, Natalie, Lucas, and Ashen quirk their brows at the lynx. Cryptic much? they all think.

Cerise is too busy gazing at the statue, contemplation creeping over him. He looks at the torn tail, the serpentine wings, the protrusions striking from its neck and head—he's entranced by it all. His head tilts, quietness spiraling.

That is until he conveys a silent, "Hmm…"

Jimmy's hands rest on his hips. "Pretty magnificent, huh Cerise?"

"...Yeah." Cerise crawls forward, stopping himself. "It's pretty intriguing. And…"

Jimmy eyes the blob. "And…?"

Cerise stares at the statue for what felt like hours more. "And fami—"


The voices.

Cerise looks off. Huh…?


The voices grow.

Cerise grunts. Ugh...What in the—





The blob pants, clenching his singular eye shut. What is… He whines.

The voices heighten, repeating those same words over and over in the blob's head. Cerise stares down, his eye shooting open: Expanding, paranoia commencing. His 'tail' clenches his head, the blob quivering and shaking—whimpers escaping.

The gang looks at him into confusion, Natalie lowering her ears. "Um, Cerise?"

The voices… Cerise sweats, the blob's pupil shrinking, the voices never stop speaking those words: Over and over, louder and louder. He swerves side to side, a pit in his stomach succumbing ever more into distress. The voices. The voices. The voices. THE VOICES. He whines once more. THEY. CAN'T. STOP.

Claire frowns. "It seems our companion here is undergoing something…" She lifts a paw. "Abysmal, per say."

"Oh really, mate? I thought he was thinking about going on a nice vacation to a resort island!" Lucas throws his arms up. "No flipping KIDDING he's going through something bad: He's panicking like crazy!"

Claire glances at the Furret. "Cease your sarcasm, mortal."

Mark shrugs. "I mean, he has a point about Cerise obviously not looking so well."

A snarl escapes the Shinx, her glare shooting at Mark. "I didn't ask for your input."

Lucas blinks. "Wait, did someone actually agreed with me for once?"

Ashen lifts his paws up. "Guys, relax: Us getting heated isn't going to help Cerise's panics. We need to stay calm so that we can calm him down, too."


The group flinches, all looking around.

"Where...did that noise came from?" Ashen questions.

Jimmy glances. "Quite the valid astute question, my dear Linoone friend."

Their attention are then stopped at a destroyed house: Being on its side just like any other home here. The difference is that it trembles and shakes before stopping altogether. Claire tilts her head, quirking her brow.


"Did that strange noise came from there?" Mark questions.

Lucas squints at the jackal. "Since we're lookin' in that direction, I'd say so."

Soon a flat blob emerges from beneath the house, residing in front of the crew. It has a hexagonal abdomen much like Cerise's, but colored green instead of red. It squirms and crawls gradually to the group, the swishes and squishes emanating from it.

"Huh," the crew says, turning their attention to Cerise. The blob gazes upon the flat blob squirming its way, his eyes broadening into pure anxiety.

Natalie lifts a paw. "Hey Cerise, are those more of your kind?" He doesn't answer her: Sweats trailing down his face while he whines at the creature ahead. Right when Natalie is about to question further, more of those flat blobs usher out of the same house. "Huh?"

The entities crawl and crawl more quickly than the flat blob in front of the crew. They collide into it, piling in size—growing, pulsating. The blobs turn into a bipedal formation—consisting of just them. Whatever these beasts are, stunning the gang in awe.

"This...is quite freaky." Claire frowns. "Very unorthodox, even for my own tastes."

"Um, guys."

Claire provides Ashen the side eye. "What is it, mortal?"

Ashen points around. "There's. More of them."

And correct the badger-weasel is: More of those biped-humanoid blobs come exiting out of the knocked over houses, some even bursting the doors open.

"E-Eh!?" Mark flinches, he and Natalie hurdling close to each other alongside Claire.




Every steps and stomps they take, their squishes radiates and emits unsettling energy. The blob figures gang up on the crew, everyone tensing in concerns. Mark, Natalie, and Lucas shake with terror.

"Wh-What are those things!?" Mark exclaims, backing away.

"I don't know, but they're sure creeping me out with this bizarre transformation!" Natalie whines.

Lucas suddenly latches onto Ashen, his arms slithering around the latter's neck while tears streaming down. "WAAAH! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

Ashen groans and grits his teeth, tapping Lucas' arms. "Lucas. I can barely breath, oof!"

The Furret frees his Linoone brother. "S-Sorry bout that, mate!"

Cerise stands still: Trembling, shaking, trembling, and shaking.



Those voices keeps forming within his mind, louder than before: The blob remaining in place helpless at it all, his eyes widening till no end—all while the entities begins to form claws. The combined cells has no facial expressions, gazing into the crew with utmost eeriness.

Claire clenches her teeth. "Stand back!" She pushes the creatures with Discharge, her red electricity sprawling all over. This, however, does nothing: The cells stomping and inching forward. The Shinx flinches. "That...didn't work?"

Natalie flings her Shadow Ball, one of the cells lifting its hand and Protects the attack away. The Zorua stares with dread. "Those guys can learn Pokémon moves!?"

Mark positions his bow towards one of the figures, his arms shaking before firing his magical arrow. It punctures the figure, a hole appearing initially before regenerating itself. Mark's face warps into dismay.

"These...things." The Riolu shakes. "They can use Pokémon moves and regenerate their wounds on the spot!"

Natalie bites her lower lip. "What the hell are they!?" The monsters march forward, the crew backing themselves into their personal corner. "What should we do!?"

"If only I know, Mistress…" Claire lowers her ears, frowning. "The fact they're not affected by my Discharge is quite the problematic discovery."

"No kidding." Natalie gnashes her teeth, sweating.

The Shinx caresses her chin, frowning. "How can we defeat them, hmm..."

Jimmy eyes down Cerise, trembling. "M-My friend! Can you use that one move from the Cloyster Kingdom again?" The Heracross backs away, lifting his fists glaring at the cellular monsters. "We really need that right now."

"Genuinely, mate!" Lucas agrees, he and Ashen clinging to each other.

Cerise continues to shake and shake, his mind echoing the same cryptic words ad nauseam. Jimmy stares at the blob once more. "Cerise, please!" The Heracross clenches his teeth, eyeing one of the figures raising its arm. "They're nearing us!"

As the figures continue approaching, Mark shouts, "THAT'S IT: I'M SHOOTING THEM LIKE CRAZY!" The Riolu rapid fires his arrows, stunning the entities. He then snarls at the crew. "EVERYONE: RUN!"

Without a second thought, the crew dashes out of the once cornered spot: Jimmy snatching Cerise up along the way. They stare ahead at the large statue, Ashen pointing.

"Let's go over there!" he says. The crew nods, continuing onward. Soon more of those cell-combined entities show themselves, stopping the group's path. "Shoot."

"L-Let's go uhhhhh," Lucas pauses, looking quickly before staring at some other road beside him. "That way!" Once everyone tries to leave, more of those figures show up. And then plenty more on the other side behind them! More and more of those figures keep popping into existence!

Ashen grinds his teeth, nibbling his claws. "Crap." His eyes enlarges, quaking. "Crap crap CRAP!"

"Oh sweet baby Pirate Sea, we might be screwed!" Lucas whimpers.

"Not like this…" Jimmy gulps, clenching his scarf. "I can't die in this horrifying manner!"

The creatures corner the crew again, everyone's backs against each other. They eye their blob friend, his pupil shrinking into panic wonderland.

"Cerise! Please use that Earthquake-like move again!" Mark clasps his paws together, moving his hands back and forth. "I'm begging you!"

"Yes, please!" Natalie pleads. "I don't want to die!"

"I have yet to see such a move myself, but I urge you to—"

Lucas shakes the blob. "USE THAT DAMN MOVE ALREADY, MATE!" he yells, cutting the Shinx off.

Cerise quivers more and more: The continual 'Zare' and 'Ygd' plaguing his poor mind, having zero pauses whatsoever. The green blob sweats, whimpering nonstop. He stares into outer space, his eye widening beyond belief.

What does it mean what does it mean what does it mean—

Cerise feels as though he's going to explode.








Cerise gasps.


Everything deafens itself around the individual: His gaze on the monsters walking close to him and his friends, ignoring the cries for help. All he can think of is one thing and one thing only:


Soon a ton of hexagonal lights showers down onto the entities: Separating them, the flat blobs scattering. Everyone looks around, blinking.

"Hmm?" Mark tilts his head. "What just happened?"

"Where did that come from?" Claire questions.

"COME OVER HERE, QUICK!" a feminine voice shouts with all her might, everyone flinching.

Turning towards the direction of the voice is a green 'leash' canine creature who looks similar to Cerise's canine form: Hexagonal eyes, green paws and all. Everyone stares at the creature nearing the statue's entrance in astonishment.

"Hey: Don't she looks like Cerise's powered up form?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah, she does!" Ashen blinks, rubbing his eyes as if making sure this is real life. "I thought only Cerise himself can transform into that."

The canine stomps, keeping the door open. "Hurry up before those Cellpedals rebuild themselves!"

"Cellpedals?" everyone asks.

"I'll explain everything once you're inside the statue." The canine snarls, green light shining around her—hexagonal shapes shielding across her. "Now please hurry!"

The crew eyes down the fallen blob entities: Catching on to them reconstructing themselves. Without wasting more time, the crew escapes from their circle and makes a mad dash towards the statue—Jimmy grabbing Cerise once more.

The Cellpedals finish rebuilding themselves, unsheathing their claws. They march after the crew.
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