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Mist Continent ~ Frozen Summit

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The moment Brisa's eyes snapped open from her knockout by Red's team's alpha strike—mixed elemental energies sweeping across her body in a wave of cleansing pain—it was like waking once again from death, ready to fight. And fight she did, darting and weaving and brimming with power like never before, landing crushing blows with all the precision and expertise Sierra ever mustered, with all the wild determination Astrid stirred in her heart, with all the furious resolve she admired in Starr. She was lightning.

Brisa's Overcharged Facade dealt a CRITICAL 7705 damage to Lapras!

She'd never felt better.

"Snap out of it!"

Starr, in an effort to prevent Astrid from exploding, booped her really hard on the nose, knocking her out!

–the fuck–?


Sure don't feel good that she weren't at the tree, she weren't at the guild, she ain't returned yer texts, an' now she's explodin' like nothin' y'said t'her mattered. Sure don't feel good at all, does it?

Brisa's mouth twitched. She couldn't think about this right now.

Sky an' stars, wouldn't it be a fine thing just t'be done with all the strife fer a spell? Don't ya just want nothin' more than to run alongside Starr an' just fuckin' coruscate with energy, fightin' fer no stakes higher than to enjoy the thrill of it?

It didn't matter what she wanted.

But you do want it.

There was a fight to win.

Before she'd even fully exhausted herself, the pitched melée was over, and the team settled into a fraught exchange of affirmations, coordination, and panting breaths. Brisa knew what was coming next. She fixed her eyes on Red, staring with the intensity of a luxray looking for a weakness to exploit.

Brisa is charging up...!

Go fer it. Do what makes yer heart race. Stay with her.

Brisa glanced at Starr. She'd been dishing out hits so strong it made Brisa's breath catch. She had a prowess so impressive it made her want to outdo herself, just to be more like her.

You're better when you're t'gether.

Shadows wreathed her mane in lightning. Alright. Time to see just what they could do, side by side.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Bahamut's Shining Blades dealt 733 damage to Blastoise!
Cynthian's Solar Beam dealt 1773 damage to Blastoise, KO! She healed to her very limits!

And with that, Blastoise was down, but he smiled anyway. He had given it his very best, and even though he had been taken down... it was a battle worth remembering. The Blacklight aura left him, and he was withdrawn with all the others.

Owen panted, finally back to his feet. "Is... is it over?"

"No," Cal replied back, winding up her shoulder. "I think the big guy isn't done."

"... ... ..!"

Red looked surprised. He looked at his bag, specifically at the six team members in them. Their capsules were darkening again. The corruption was coming back, and he frowned. He glanced at Bahamut, then the others.

"Hey," Owen said. "What's wrong? We can help. It's--"

Red's flame doubled in size and he held the bag to his chest. He was focusing... but on what?

But then, it looked like the darkness from within the bag channeled into Red's chest, into his wings, into his flame, and suddenly he was enveloped in a dark light. Six spirits hovered around him with eager, yet tranquil looks in their eyes--his team, even after being knocked out, still sticking by him.

"He's taken in all of their corruption," Maple warned, wincing when she could no longer strike back. Red's aura would make interference next to impossible. "He's burning the candle at both ends. Whether we win or lose here, I think Red found the way to purify himself. But..."

"But we aren't gonna leave Red hanging!" Cal declared. "Besides, I think if we help, it won't hurt him as much down the line...

Red's smile was just a little wider. Then, he took on a stance, flaming energy enveloping him, and rushed.

Pokemon Trainer Red would like to battle... personally!

Red used Blacklight Legend! He gained access to his team's techniques! Red became a Mega Charizard-X and gained +2 Accuracy, +1 Endure, and a decaying immunity to defense pierce!
Red used Blacklight Remedy! He healed for 15000 HP!

Red used Blacklight Partnership!
Red used Partnership Dragon Rush!
Astrid: Guarded by Shiron, who lost 2 Protects!
Bahamut: A grazing 13!
Brisa: Protected!
Cynthian: Dodged!
Dave: Protect!
Nip: Dodged!
Owen: Dodged!
Starr: Protect!
Vix: 311!

Red used Earthquake!
Astrid: Shiron guards again, losing his Protect!
Bahamut: 43
Brisa: Protect!
Cynthian: 222
Dave: Dodged!
Nip: A grazing 167!
Owen: 0
Starr: A grazing, distant 88!
Vix: 288, KO!

Red used Stockpile!

"That... wasn't so bad," Owen said with a nervous laugh. "He's... he's just getting started, isn't he?"

Red was standing there, looking at all of them from the summit menacingly.

Red used Blacklight Staredown! His aura is overwhelming! The team gained 100 Flinch twice!
Astrid: Ward!
Bahamut: Flinch!
Brisa: Dodged, and barely shook it off!
Cynthian: Flinch!
Dave: Flinch!
Nip: Flinch!
Owen: Flinch!
Shiron: Flinch!
Starr: Flinch!

Insight: There's something curious about Red's aura... That strong, silent type is so mysterious, so... intimidating. Attacking Red might give a status spike!


Support Burst: 15/100

Special Condition: Defeat Red!


Ace Trainer
Mellow could hear them fighting farther up on the peak, but for the moment, she was still looking for where Soda might be. Angry muffled growling from beneath a very conspicuous pile of snow gave her a very good feeling that she had found him. Before she could reach in to help him up, she was accosted by a very intimidating Chandelure and yelled in protest-


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Sorry I just really wanna do this!" Vix said quickly to Mellow as she drilled into the snow, using her body as a drill head, and grabbed a hold onto Soda so moment she reached him. All that searching actually panned out, thank Arceus for Mellow finding him first! Vix was getting worried Soda might've ended up somewhere else entirely, or maybe got sucked into that Pokeball with Snorlax. That did not sound comfortable.

Her flame burned bright and hot to melt the snow around her and Soda and floated back up, only then realizing that she was holding onto his leg. It took everything she had to not compliment about how strong it felt. Or soft.

'Don't you fucking do it Vix. Do. Not. That's creepy and you're not creepy,' she thought to herself. But, she was a ghost. It was kinda their thing, to be creepy, she could totally get away with one--

Vix shook her head, now was not the time for distractions. "You alright? You're not dying or anything?" she asked Soda, her eyes growing a bit with each question, before suddenly shrinking into two little yellow dots as she whispered, "Would you possibly need CPR? Maybe? Hopefully?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
While Vix was off practicing for her new job as a personal space invader, Puddle and her Shadow were fighting for their lives. Getting rushed wasn't all that fun, but liveable, but gods forbid the ground fucking shakes apparently.

Puddle and her Shadow fell into a waxy, ethereal pile of... them, but was soon brought back up by a revitalizing glow. Groggy and tired, Puddle fell back into her Shadow. "Uhg... I still remember the last time I fought for Vix... turns out dyin' just ain't fun no matter what..." it muttered, holding onto her Shadow for support.

"You ain't gotta say that twice, but, we got worse shit to deal with," her Shadow groaned, cracking its neck and lifting Puddle onto it's back. "Since Vix is busy DOIN' FUCK ALL WITH SOME FOX,--"

"Bite me, dipshit! This is important! And stop dying, that shit hurts!"

Her Shadow growled and rolled its eyes. "--we gotta make sure we hit as hard as possible, aight?"

Puddle nodded, climbing back onto her Shadow's head. "First, we gotta... Oh! We gotta power up Brisa and Starr! They're totally gonna do somethin' awesome!"

"Not the best reason to buff someone, but you ain't wrong."
A chuckle left the Shadow, putting a smile on Puddle's face. Puddle created another ball of wax, and her Shadow lit it up, splitting it in two and sending both to the power couple of the team. "Now, what about us?"

"Already gotcha covered!"
Puddle flopped onto the Shadow, and a coating of wax covered them both. "It ain't much, but it's better than nothin', right?" it said with a bright smile.

Her Shadow flinched slightly, then grinned and nodded. "You ain't as dumb as you look, kid. Here's hopin' we can keep ourselves together long enough to see this through..."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Time for the bastard himself to come out and play. 'Bout time. Blastoise didn't deserve all that shit.

Starr struggled to regain her momentum after a powerful glare from the Blacklight Charizard had left her reeling. She grit her teeth, forcing her inner fire to blaze once more. Everyone still standing? Good. She flashed a toothy grin at Brisa as if to say 'time to make him feel some hurt.' It wasn't hard to feel like they were unstoppable. They were just plain better, fighting side by side.

She thinks so highly of you, you know?

And for once, that thought didn't hurt so much.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The battle was on. Massive volleys of fire, Shadow, Radiance, ice... it covered the summit in elemental and ethereal energy, and then some. Red moved with unnatural grace for a human--how long had he been a Charizard? Months? Was that enough time to become so skilled at the craft?

But during the exchange, everyone's powers had combined into something that just one Charizard, no matter how powerful, could not counter.

Nip's Shining Rime dealt 451 damage to Red!
Starr's Fire Power Trip dealt a CRITICAL 6702 damage to Red!
Starr and Brisa's Fusion Arcflare dealt a total of 16,000 damage to Red!
Brisa's Shining Whiplash dealt 235 damage to Red!
Astrid's Flails dealt a total of 15,710 damage to Red!
Astrid's Blacklight Z-Burst dealt 8918 damage to Red!

It all settled. Red stood in the center of a melted portion of the summit. Astrid had scampered back to regroup, and Owen looked ready to take on the onslaught for her while she was vulnerable. "How did he take all that and stay standing?" Owen panted. "Uh oh--"

Bahamut dove in the way just in time to block the onslaught with a Gambit shield, shimmering lights stabilizing the ground and the air.

First, a Snorlax appeared and shined brighter behind Red.
Red used Earthquake! It was blocked by Umbral Gambit!
Then, a Lapras.
Red used Icy Wind! Gambit blocks it again!
And then, Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard made themselves known. They looked like they were fighting of their own free will, even in their ethereal states, projected from their Poke Balls. Their energies coalesced behind Red...
Red prepared Grass Pledge!
Red prepared Water Pledge!
Red used Fire Pledge! It's a Triple Pledge! He targeted Astrid, Dave, and Brisa!
Astrid: Owen tugged Astrid out of the way! Dodge!
Dave: Protect!
Brisa: Protect!
Red is at his last legs... The Pledge explosion dealt 1 damage, but most of Team Spectrum dodged or Protected against it!
And then, finally, a great Pikachu spirit swirled and settled on his shoulder.
Red used Blacklight Partnership!

Red glanced at him, and then at the others as his Blacklight aura grew twice as large. His flame crackled and hummed in the air like a song. And then, little hints of gold flickered inside. Black and white energy coursed along his scales and into the tips of his claws in what looked like a harmless ball of energy.

Owen looked terrified. "Watch out!"

The singularity of energy in Red's claws had contained all of his Blacklight energy. His whole team's excess, finally put into a single, fine point. He glanced at Astrid, looking almost... thankful. And with the last of his corruption, he returned the gift to them.

Red used Blacklight Z-Burst!
Astrid: Owen protected Astrid and took 395 damage!
Bahamut: A grazing 223!
Brisa: Dodged!
Cynthian: Dodged!
Dave: Dodged!
Nip: Dodged!
Shiron: 1160
Starr: A grazing 809, KO!
Vix: 1049, KO!

Red was purified!

The blast was visible from the mountain's base, yet surgically made to, for the most part, miss the team. Some were hit and badly injured, but Red looked quite deliberate in making sure it didn't totally obliterate anyone. Which, to Diyem, was a relief, because he was not ready to deal with another bout of revivals.

Owen swooped down and set Astrid in the snow, inspecting a wing that had been singed. But then, his senses alerted him to something else. He jerked his head right--

Bahamut became Shadowed! He used Shining Blades on Astrid, but Owen blocked the attack! He took 218 damage, KO!

"Guh--!" Owen toppled backward, but landed on his feet with a golden glow from his Reviver. Barely conscious, but enough to shout, "Bahamut! C-calm down! It's over!" He didn't know what Bahamut was seeing or if the Gambits had been too much, but right now, they had to quickly quell the large dragon. He looked helplessly at the others while preparing a Protect, just in case.
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Ace Trainer
The energy surged past overhead, and Mellow was glad that she hadn't been near it enough to get caught in the blast. Since the Chandelure was... uh... "helping" Soda, she backed off and climbed back up just in time to hear Owen yelling at Bahamut to calm down. Mellow sighed and checked her bag for what medicine she might have brought again. No doubt they would need it. At least this kept her busy.

The Charmeleon glanced around the field for Truffle and Maple as well. Were they still around...?


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut sighed and lay down in the snow. He folded his wings and focused. “Too much bickering about how best to attack,” he mumbled. “Just wanted some quiet.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Puddle and the Shadow saw the blast coming basically in slow motion. It was still going to graze them, and by "graze", then knew it was going to hurt. The Shadow looked over to where Vix was, but she wasn't heading back yet, it looked like. It was probably for the best, actually. Having her die again wouldn't sit well with Puddle, and who knows how many others.

The Shadow grabbed hold of Puddle and held it close to its chest, turning its back to the blast. It didn't want to risk Puddle taking any of it, but even like this the both of them take the hit. Hopefully it wouldn't be enough to do anything fatal to Puddle...

"H-Hey, the hell are you doin'?" Puddle exclaimed, specks of radiance and shadow appearing all over its body as it tried to pry itself from the Shadow's grip. "You're gonna get yourself killed or somethin'! Lemme go!"

The Shadow refused, remaining silent. It felt the burn of blacklight on its back and braced for impact...

Seeing, and feeling, a giant explosion of attacks convinced Vix that now was probably a good time to return. She dropped Soda off with Maple and flew off towards the team, just in time to see a blast pierce the sky, and for a searing pain to overcome her. Vix fell into the snow, gasping for air and clutching her chest, fear slowly creeping into her mind.

"No... no no no, not again!" Vix cried out, her body slowly starting to melt. "Puddle?! Puddle!" Was this actually happening again? Puddle nearly dying because of her, or something even worse this time... This was a blacklight blast, after all. Puddle barely held together from a shot of pure shadow, what chance did it have against this?

Shock and confusion quickly replaced her fear and pain as Vix finally made it back to Puddle and the Shadow, and instead of the remains of a familiar, or even her familiar at all, there was another Scrafty, arms outstretched, blacklight embers rising off its body, standing over her Shadow. The Scrafty looked... distantly familiar, almost like her Shadow in a way. The Scrafty's body shook, hardly holding itself together, then it collapsed into the snow, shrinking down and down into...

"Puddle..?" Vix muttered, lifting the familiar in her arms. At first it didn't respond, but then gentle snores left the Scraggy, and relief washed over Vix. "Oh thank god..." she said, holding Puddle close to her.

Her Shadow remained eerily quiet, staring at its arms like something was wrong.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Soul watched the Charzard's attack... Well, it didn't lay waste to the team this time, but they wouldn't be able to keep up that rhythm. He'd done, what, six different things? There was no keeping pace with that.

The team needed to finish him off now. And that meant they needed al the help they could get. Soul needed to get it together and contribute. It wasn't the time to try anymore.

Synergize with Celeste. That was what Bahamut told them to do.

Father? I need to do something. But I can't do it without your help. I-

Soul wasn't quite sure what exactly it was they needed, but they weren't left to wonder. Soul felt their mental link with Celeste become something that felt... less just a link of thoughts and more like a conduit. It felt strong. It felt good.

Soul howled as they drew on their newfound power, channeling it towards Red. In that moment, they felt like they were complete. Like the were standing taller...

As Soul completed their spell and let go of the energy, they noticed they were standing taller. Their legs were longer, and they had three more tails than were there a moment ago.

They heard Celeste's voice over their link. what did you do? That... wow. I'm tired now. Took a fair bit out of me. Good work, though.

Soul felt pride well up. Thank you! I promise I'll try not to do it too often.

Was this how familiars were supposed to feel? They felt complete. It was wonderful.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian opened her eyes with a groan when the light from Red's final attack faded. That sure looked dangerous, and she barely managed to avoid getting out of the line of fire.

Of course, she hadn't been alone. A fluffy guardian had swept her off her feet and carried her onto safety. It wasn't the same as when she could snuggle in his mane as a Roselia, but it came close enough.

"Thanks for the save back there, love," she said with a warm smile followed by a quick peck on the cheek. The she turned her attention to Red: defeated, but purified.

"What a cathartic battle this sure was. I've never felt more alive!"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
So, it was only that human-turned-Charizard left. He fought well, to the point that he didn’t even seem someone who used to belong to another species. Somehow, his allies seemed to be giving him strength, and their spirits hovered around their… trainer? Yes. Trainer.

Spirits offering their power and comfort to their friend… for some reason, the sight made Icetales’ tails tingle. What was that?

Though, despite Red’s prowess and his allies’ support, Team Spectrum proved to be even stronger than a living legend, and the trainer was subdued very quickly. But he wasn’t done yet: in his claws he was gathering an energy sphere, swirling with both light and darkness. Light and darkness… where did he see that before?

Then, Icetales’s eyes widened in realization: Joule and that explosive attack! Was Red going to do the same?

“Out of the way!” he shouted, running toward his comrades. He cloaked his body in an Aurora Veil, just to be safer. “That sphere is about to burst! Get away! Now!”

His warning proved both timely and too late. Some of his teammates managed to dodge the blast in the nick of time, but the slowest teammates were caught in the explosion. He winced as he was pushed away by the shockwave, and groaned sadly when some of his friends lost their consciousness. However, he was also relieved that among them Cynthian had heeded his warning and managed to get away just in time.

“M-Miss Cynthian! Art thou swell? he hollered as he ran toward her. He checked her thoroughly, but didn’t see any serious damage — just a few scratches. He sighed in relief. “I shall… take thee toward a warmer area.”

The Ninetales helped the Roserade back to her feet and got her on his back. Golly, the increased mass was definitely noticeable, but he managed to endure it. Then, he plodded toward one of the spots where one of the countless fire attacks had landed. Surely she would have appreciated staying away from the snow.

"Thanks for the save back there, love," she said with a warm smile followed by a quick peck on the cheek.

Icetales smiled shyly, his tails wagging when she kissed him. “Oh, thou art welcome, my dear. I am delighted that thou art safe. It makes mine heart… lighter.”

The she turned her attention to Red: defeated, but purified.

"What a cathartic battle this sure was. I've never felt more alive!"

Well, it sure was cathartic for Red, he could say that. And that was the first battle as a non-dead ‘mon, so… it made sense that she felt more alive?

…Better not to think too deep about that.

“Hm, yes. Fighting in this frigid atmosphere is much closer to my tastes. The chilly air is so… good.” He paused and glanced at Cynthian. “But I know that other folks prefer the heat, so…”

And then, they had reached the spot. There was still some smoke coming from the last few embers. It wasn’t quite a hot spot, but it was still close enough.

“Feeling better here?”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa wanted nothing more than to unleash the best she had in her against Red, surging forward at Starr's side. The least she could do was ask. Her Whiplash lasted an instant—enough time to compel Red to let her fight at her best, to let her hit him as hard as she knew she could.

I wanna fight you at nothin' but my best! I reckon you want that too, so we'll not hold back; don't you hold us back neither!

The black charizard's distant smile was as good as a shout of affirmation. She looked to Starr, hoping to see her cloaked in fire and ready to run in concert with her.

You're better when you're t'gether.

Shadows wreathed her mane in lightning. Alright. Time to see just what they could do, side by side.
She flashed a toothy grin at Brisa as if to say 'time to make him feel some hurt.'

Fuck yes.

Brisa raced forward, the chill mountaintop air a scouring barrier she burst through with teeth clenched, keeping pace with Starr. It was hard to feel the cold while overflowing with power. With shadows. With Starr's blazing heat beside her. She felt strong, she felt warm, she felt so much— It was blinding.

She met opponent in a full-on collision. The thunderstorm inside her left her in a quaking burst of electricity, arcing from her body to his as the blow landed, more energy than she'd ever held inside her in a single moment. You've never cared like this before.

Brisa used Void Arcstrike! It reacted with Starr's Brilliant Flarestrike!
Brisa and Starr used Fusion Arcflare!

She blinked away the daze of shadow and electricity. Despite her certainty that the fight was going to push her to her very limits... That had been enough. That attack—it was way stronger than she'd expected. Something to make sense of later, perhaps. All she could do now was breathe, and as she did, the shadows, the electricity, and those feelings all receded, the moment passing.
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
The warm air quelled and soothed Cynthian's shivering. She took a deep breath and relieved a sigh.

"Yes, it's much better."

Icetales nodded and his tails wagged faster. “Ah, good to hear. I am most relieved.”

Wanting to make sure that Cynthian felt better, he stepped into the ring of warm rock — ah, how much he missed touching the snow already! — and laid down on the floor.

With the upmost care, he drained some of his tails of their chilling power and wrapped them around Cynthian to shield her from the cold, while using his leftmost tail to produce his bottle with the tea. He poured some of it in a cup and extended the beverage to the Roserade.

“Drink it. This shall give thee some extra warmth. It has some crushed aspear berries, which are excellent to shed off some coldness.”
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Another volley of blasts from Red that hurt like hell. Starr honestly wasn't sure how the hell everyone was still going, but she wasn't about to question it now. They had a fight to win. One that had started out feeling stupid and pointless, but damn if it wasn't satisfying to see the team fighting in tandem. Not to mention, getting to fight side-by-side with Brisa, both of them perfectly in-sync. Something about that just... made sense. It felt good.

Felt good to have someone think so highly of her. Almost made her feel worth it.

The two collided with Red simultaneously. Flames became Radiance. Lightning became Shadow. Their power mingling, intensifying, combining into one unified assault. And in the midst of the adrenaline, the frenetic battle-high, one thought managed to claw though: I'm damn lucky to have you back.

Starr used Radiant Flarestrike! It reacted with Brisa's Void Arcstrike!
Brisa and Starr used Fusion Arcflare!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Maple stared Red down for a while longer, as he was still standing, eyes closed. She was half-expecting him to go for another massive strike... but then, he breathed out slowly, and then opened them.

"...Then, you're fine," Maple said. "This... went better than expected. Almost too well." She tried to think over what that might mean, then abruptly pulled out her badge and called someone. "...S'more. S'more, are you there?"

"Somewhat," the Marshadow replied in a raspy grunt.

"What happened?! Did--"

"Well, as you may recall, we were attacked by a Charizard and his team..."

"The--" Maple stopped. "...Yes, that's true. But what of Giovanni and Mewtwo?"

"Bound and sealed with a means I did not know we even had. One of Chip's breakthroughs, perhaps? I don't really know... but they're being watched now. And I... have been told to get some rest."

"Y-yes. Of course." Maple's skin rippled with golden energy as she breathed.

"Is all well there?"

"Yes. The Charizard is a legendary human from another world, named Red."

"Red. Something about that name reminds me of Silver."

"I believe they may know one another."

Maple nodded slowly, but then heard a thumping noise ahead--Red had collapsed, the last of the energy that had changed his form disappearing away as he became a normal Charizard again. Several of Team Spectrum, as well as Truffle, crowded over to help him up.

"All right, team," Maple said, looking surprised at how well it had gone. After conjuring another portal, she faced them. "Let's head back to recover. Dismissed."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
As Bahamut headed toward the portal, however, he paused by Maple. The necrozma leaned over and whispered, "I do not think it is a coincidence who we found unconscious thanks to this human. Keep him and his team away from the guild. Hell, if you can think of a way to relocate the team, it would be in Cibus' best interest."

With a flap of both sets of wings, Bahamut flew into the portal.

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[R14] Where Auroras Touch The Earth [Icetales and Melanie]


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Springtime. The season of the new beginnings, the bloom of flowers and the bright sun giving new life force to naked plants.

Though, for an Ice-type, spring meant one thing in particular: warm weather. And warm weather meant a smellier and wetter fur, as well as more energy spent to sustain a frigid temperature.

That was the main reason for Icetales to climb the Frozen Summit. Nothing was better than spending some time diving in the cold snow and breathing pure mountain air. Also, if he was lucky enough, perhaps he could have seen natural auroras.

How much he missed those northern rainbows… though, he wondered if they were up at that time, or if he had to wait for them to appear.

It’s not like he was in a hurry to return to Destiny Village. After all, the cold never bothered him, anyway.

He took a glance at the swirling snowstorm and closed his eyes, letting the chilly winds caress his face. Lost in his merry joy, he would have missed if some other soul was wandering around that wintry place…
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