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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Popping in real quick to confirm that overdoses are in play in this game. Negrek warned me of this in my role PM right from the start. What I've been doing to try to avoid this was choosing my targets semi-randomly. I'd gather a group of people who I thought might be hit, weighted them by various factors, then plug them into a random generator.

I figured what had happened as soon as I saw Wes's reaction RIP Arctozolt

I can't really comment on anything else because I should be sleeping right now, but BOY are things getting interesting this is so fun, everyone give a shout out to our host Negrek <3


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Didn't you say the reason you swapped Chibi and Spark was because you didn't think anyone would target either of them? Even though Chibi is famous for dying N1?

Wes bristled at the accusations being thrown at the Luxio. “You can’t blame her for not knowing Lexx would die!” he spat. “I know some of you have experienced this hellish game more than once, but not all of us have!”

[[Just Wes being spicy, no hard feelings here lol. But I’m pretty sure this is Abra’s first game? Maybe I’m wrong idk. But I had no idea that Chibi was notorious for dying on the first night. It’s not very fair to hold events from previous games against someone.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
Wes bristled at the accusations being thrown at the Luxio. “You can’t blame her for not knowing Lexx would die!” he spat. “I know some of you have experienced this hellish game more than once, but not all of us have!”

[[Just Wes being spicy, no hard feelings here lol. But I’m pretty sure this is Abra’s first game? Maybe I’m wrong idk. But I had no idea that Chibi was notorious for dying on the first night. It’s not very fair to hold events from previous games against someone.]]
Abra said they read last year's game though? (Not in this thread they mentioned it in the Second Anniversary Planning thread) So it's not like they wouldn't be aware of that.

Popping in real quick to confirm that overdoses are in play in this game. Negrek warned me of this in my role PM right from the start. What I've been doing to try to avoid this was choosing my targets semi-randomly. I'd gather a group of people who I thought might be hit, weighted them by various factors, then plug them into a random generator.

I figured what had happened as soon as I saw Wes's reaction RIP Arctozolt

I can't really comment on anything else because I should be sleeping right now, but BOY are things getting interesting this is so fun, everyone give a shout out to our host Negrek <3
Okay gotcha.
Could maybe see a Mafia doc designed to cause overdoses like Free and ely suggested, though probably not I think it's just a balance thing.

For now I'll unvote. Even if Abra read the first anniversary game Yellow has a point about holding events against players. And I need to cosider Abra's recent-ish explanation for her N1 action as well.
Still pretty null on her.
Unvote: Chappie


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Yeah, I already explained it earlier, but I swapped Lexx with Spark
[[ Let me explain myself a bit more, if that's alright.

I did honestly get some scum vibes off of Lexx, but that was just me reading way too much into the character. As we all know, he ended up being Innocent. So, just another reason for me to have swapped him. Sorry again.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[I want to do some not-really-part-of-the-game responding to the new players who've been expressing their frustration, because I really don't think any of you have been as bad at this game as things have been making you feel like you are! I gather there's some kind of discussion about Chappie going on right now but let me just do this first and then I'll get to looking at that.]]

Normally, I’d wait until EoD to bring this up but it has come to my attention that some people have considered my reads inadequate due to a lack of elaboration (even though several others in this thread have done the same thing with even less but I digress). So during the 48 hour night period, I sat down and typed out all my reasonings for listing my readings as such. First, my D2 list since it’s a more refined version of my D1 list. D2 was a mess all around, with a general lack of new information regarding most players, so my reads and reasonings have remained mostly the same:


Yes, I am a little grumpy because my attempts to help out by combing through the thread and bringing new information to the table is being waved off for no apparent reason. All of my effortposts have been active attempts to theory craft and dig up new info—which I wouldn’t consider “uncontroversial” or without “specific reasoning”. I thought I was doing a decent enough job when I managed to parse out IFBench’s gambit and even called out the possibility that he was Backup before he even confirmed it but clearly, that’s not the case. Thanks for making me feel like I wasted my time. Appreciate it.
[[I at least don't think there's anything wrong or suspicious with the fact that you didn't post reasoning for your reads - most of us didn't! Anyone who thought that was inherently scummy in this game's environment, I'd be side-eyeing. Not necessarily in an I-think-they're-mafia way, but just in a yo-that's-kinda-rude way.

And for what it's worth, I think your posting and theorycrafting and attempting to bring new ideas to the table has been perfectly reasonable, especially for a newbie. I may slightly suspect you of being mafia right now, but on my end that's not because of your general posting but pretty much entirely because of the voting thing last night. If you're innocent, that's basically just you being in the wrong place at the wrong time to happen to look bad, and if you're mafia, then that's just one tiny subtle slip-up that I wouldn't have even noticed without Dragonfree's insight. I think you're doing pretty well for your first game, either way!

...And now for me to go back to the game for just a second and throw just a tiny bit of shade at you, no hard feelings.]]
Additionally, I just straight up didn't have the time to make anymore posts after I made my last OOC post, which is why I didn't change my vote even after Arctozolt fell down to one vote. If I had the time to make an additional post, I would've abstained after Arctozolt was confirmed to be safe. I just didn't want to take any chances and wanted to widen the gap. In hindsight, it was a pretty hasty decision and one that doesn't reflect well on me but it was also one I would not have made if I wasn't Town because of the bandwagon accusation.
[[If you'd had the time, you'd have changed your vote to abstain? Not to Wes, even though he's on your null pile?

...I suppose that could just be that you felt that no-lynch is better than potentially mislynching an active townie. (It isn't, I don't think, and I believe the experienced players would agree with me. We're not always going to be super-sure of our suspects, so we have to sometimes lynch people we're only feeling vaguely null about if we want to get anywhere. And it's a lot more likely to work on Day 2 than Day 1 once everyone's had time to form some significant reads.) That's a possibility - some of the other newbies also went for no-lynch, including one I believe is definitely town - but, hm. I dunno. I'm definitely the least sure about you out of all of my suspects. (Barring Spark/Braixen, who's only a suspect because of mechanical logic and is only going to become a point of contention if Chappie flips mafia.)]]

[[ Again, color me surprised. I'm definitely curious as to why (considering everyone else seems to read me as null at best) but I'm not going to ask your reasoning unless it actually becomes necessary. ]]
[[It's not even anything that complicated! I can come up with more specific reasons why I don't believe things other people find you scummy for are actually that scummy if it ever looks like you do need defending from a lynch, but really it's just that I am genuinely, completely reading you as inexperienced but trying. I can tell that you want to enjoy this game and you want to be helpful and contribute, and next to that, the fact that your theories or plays are sometimes a little off-base doesn't matter to me when I can see your intent. So I, for one, think you're doing just fine for your first game, and I can understand why you'd be so frustrated that nobody else seems to be able to see what I can.]]

[[ Honestly, it would kind of make sense that, if they were mafia, Wes triggered the vote-against-Lance train only after someone (in this case, Alexander) already picked out a scapegoat for them. That doesn't mean that I think Alexander is mafia, either, simply that all the mafia agreed, once a suitable target was voted on by someone else, to all target them, too, and had to come up with reasons why it made sense to target an inactive, while also trying to cover for why they ignored the *other* inactives. They didn't have to come up with reasons for anyone else once one person was singled out.]]
[[See, this is also basically my reasoning for thinking Wes could have deliberately got the Lance wagon rolling, and it looks like you came up with this entirely separately from me! Look at you having good thoughts about things and figuring possibilities out.]]

[[Lol I am...kind of on the verge, tbh. I know I’m a crappy player but it feels like no matter how hard I try to explain myself, it’s still not enough to convince people, and I kind of feel like I’m constantly getting flack for not writing a 2k word post to explain my every action. I literally do not have the energy for that.]]
[[I know I'm massively suspecting you of being mafia right now and almost certainly planning to lynch you today - but I don't really think any of that is significantly your fault! You made one small blunder (it'd have been a blunder as mafia or town, really) when you threw some sus on me yesterday morning, and because of that you got my attention. But in the end, I only left my vote on you because you were null - I really wasn't that sure if it was the right vote but I didn't have any better ideas. The main reason I'm so sure you're mafia now isn't even necessarily because of your voting - everything you did could easily have been done by an innocent in your position - but more because of how your hypothetical teammate, who's now flipped mafia, behaved. All of it just happened to snowball from that one small mistake in ways that were mostly just circumstance and nothing you could really be expected to control or undo. Even though I'm sure you're mafia, I really don't think you've been playing that badly. It was more just bad luck that your one slip-up happened to lead to this.

And for what it's worth, I've been really enjoying your Wes RP! I'll miss it.]]

[[I will be honest, the epithets and excited syntax made it hard to follow at times...]]
[[Haha, yeah, I completely sympathise with the complaint that Tefiren can be hard to parse. He can be hard to write in such a way that I hope comes across as at least somewhat clear while staying in-character. (It is a very significant part of his character that he almost never remembers people's names, which is unfortunately inconvenient for things like this.) If there's ever anything he's talking about that you want to understand better, I'm happy to provide a translation if you ask.]]


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
[[K catching up lemme make sure I've got this all straight

-- three deaths; one was a mafia kill, one was an OD from two healers, one was probably another role we don't know for sure the identity of yet
-- People suspect there's an arsonist, and also suspect the arsonist was Jackie's character who died
-- HY, Equitial, and Chappie could all potentially be a mafia doctor involved in death #2
-- If Chappie flips mafia, that puts me under scrutiny (not entirely sure why? Is it because I haven't roleclaimed yet?]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[ ok, gonna have to do some OOC reasoning here. Yeah, I already explained it earlier, but I swapped Lexx with Spark because of their vastly differing significance. Obviously, Lexx would have been a great help if he'd stayed alive, which is why I tried swapping him with Spark, someone whom I thought wouldn't have contributed much. No offense. But, well, obviously something got messed up along the way, and we're left with a dead Lexx.]]
[[(OOC for me too because Tefiren is not going to give Chappie the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge the possibility that she might not be mafia right now.)

See, I agree that swapping Lexx and Spark was a good move that, if you're town, would have been done with the intention of protecting him! That's a lot of why I - and probably why a lot of others - believed your claim, at first. But what I couldn't get over was how Lexx died anyway, which would have meant that the mafia were aiming for Spark of all people. It all makes a lot more sense to me and is a lot less hugely unlikely if the mafia "aimed" for Spark because they knew about your swap and knew that their kill would end up on Lexx - which would mean you're one of them.]]

"Well, maybe the Mafia has some kind of role that... like, stops other abilities? Because I did try to swap Lexx and Spark. But maybe someone in the Mafia had some kind of ability that ignored the swap, and thus was able to kill Lexx anyways. Does that make sense?"
"Maybe. Maybe they could have had a trick that blocked you. But why would they block you? You hadn't really done much on that first day to make them worried about you!

"And if they did, then... why did the Tyrunt get caught, too? If she was hiding behind someone, she wouldn't have chosen to hide behind someone likely to get caught like the fun Human. She'd have chosen someone small and unimportant, like the tiny Raichu! If your swap didn't happen, the Tyrunt wouldn't have been caught. So it can't be that anyone blocked you." Tefiren laughed again. "Nice try, but you can't trick me that easily!"

[[To make sure I'm making myself clear outside of Tefirenspeech: the blocking theory would require two unlikely things to have happened:
  • The mafia roleblocker happens to target Chappie, for no particular reason as she hadn't claimed or softclaimed anything important on day 1.
  • Rascal happens to hide behind Lexx, who (even if Flyg0n didn't know the Chibi-always-dies meme) was a very likely mafia target based on his clear competence on Day 1 and therefore a terrible choice to hide behind. I know I suggested yesterday when I was theorising that maybe Rascal might have chosen that anyway for RP reasons, but I'm not sure I believe that so much any more. Possible, but also unlikely.

There was still no comment. [[ just as an aside, all hostility is completely IC. I don't yet have any concrete suspicions on anyone yet. ]]
[[I completely understand. As a matching aside, all of Tefiren being an oblivious dick is also fully RP and I can understand why Chappie would just be Done with him, even if he's actually right about her.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[If you'd had the time, you'd have changed your vote to abstain? Not to Wes, even though he's on your null pile?

...I suppose that could just be that you felt that no-lynch is better than potentially mislynching an active townie. (It isn't, I don't think, and I believe the experienced players would agree with me. We're not always going to be super-sure of our suspects, so we have to sometimes lynch people we're only feeling vaguely null about if we want to get anywhere. And it's a lot more likely to work on Day 2 than Day 1 once everyone's had time to form some significant reads.) That's a possibility - some of the other newbies also went for no-lynch, including one I believe is definitely town - but, hm. I dunno. I'm definitely the least sure about you out of all of my suspects. (Barring Spark/Braixen, who's only a suspect because of mechanical logic and is only going to become a point of contention if Chappie flips mafia.)]]

[[Heh, well I suppose I'm just being a bit paranoid in that regard after having not one but two innocent deaths in a night and didn't want to potentially lose a third, active innocent. As I said in my notes, HelloYellow17 read off as more misguided than anything else (but I will start reading scum if her play from D1/2 continues) and I ended up getting bigger scum vibes from Miyako and Lusamine, the latter of which turned up Mafia (but the thing with her jumping at Tefiren happened after I logged off the thread, so I only made note of it during the nightphase). I will agree that abstaining is certainly not going to be an option going forwards, so I'll be considering my choices much more carefully.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[K catching up lemme make sure I've got this all straight

-- three deaths; one was a mafia kill, one was an OD from two healers, one was probably another role we don't know for sure the identity of yet
-- People suspect there's an arsonist, and also suspect the arsonist was Jackie's character who died
-- HY, Equitial, and Chappie could all potentially be a mafia doctor involved in death #2
-- If Chappie flips mafia, that puts me under scrutiny (not entirely sure why? Is it because I haven't roleclaimed yet?]]

[[Ooh, ouch, there is a lot to catch up on at the best of times and it must be especially confusing to see you're somehow a suspect despite having done nothing at all. Let me try to give a bit of a summary of the most important mechanical bits!

  • Day 1 begins. Nobody has died.
  • I claim that this happened because I'm one-shot bulletproof and was targeted. My claim included an elaborate guessing game gambit that... you know what, this isn't mechanically relevant, the short of it is that people generally trust me now because of it. I have a couple of posts explaining it at the end of day 1 and the beginning of day 2 if you want to see what I was up to.
  • Nefari (DawningWinds) claims a role that gets to choose to be either a firefighter or a rolestopper later on in the game (which happens to be today, as in Day 3). We generally trust this roleclaim.
  • This means there's an arsonist in the game, most likely a third-party. Some people briefly think it could be Jesse (uA) for flavour reasons, but most agree that's a flimsy argument.
  • Nobody is lynched.
  • Day 2 begins. Lexx (Chibi Pika) and Rascal (Flyg0n) are both dead.
  • We are all very confused as to why there's two deaths. Some people think it's the arsonist at first, but it's concluded that that'd be a bad arsonist play. Instead we consider the roles Hider and Babysitter, which would allow someone to die at the same time as their target, and theorise that Rascal was one of these.
  • Chappie (AbraPunk) comes in and claims bus driver who swapped Lexx with Spark - that's you. That'd mean, for Lexx to have died, that the mafia must have targeted someone who was completely inactive at the time. This seems odd, but everyone more or less accepts it for now.
  • Arctozolt (IFBench), after some awkward misplays, kind of accidentally claims backup who inherited the role of cop from Lexx. Lexx strongly hinted that he targeted Dave (Dragonfree) on Day 1 and that he felt good about him, so if Arctozolt is telling the truth, Dave is innocent. (Arctozolt has since flipped innocent, so we can now be basically certain Dave's in the clear.)
  • We eventually lynch Lance (Navarchu) after some mumbling about whether or not lynching inactive players is bad. He flips neither innocent nor mafia - awesome, that's our arsonist, probably!
  • Day 3 begins. Arctozolt, Jesse and Lusamine (Shiny Phantump) are dead. Lusamine was mafia! The other two were innocent.
  • Mewtwo (Equitial) and Wes (HelloYellow) both claim doctor who healed Arctozolt and that healer clash killed them. I suspect Wes might be a mafia doctor (pointing the finger at Wes rather than Equitial because other events from yesterday have made me suspect Wes for fairly complicated reasons) who did this on purpose, as it would then explain why Jesse also died. Lusamine was maybe killed by a vig? We don't know yet.
  • I'd been rethinking Chappie's swap claim overnight and have concluded that it would make the most sense and solve all the mysteries of the Day 2 death if Chappie was a mafia bus driver. In my theory, she swapped Lexx with you, and the mafia targeted you on purpose knowing it'd hit Lexx.
  • If I'm right and Chappie is mafia, one of the reasons she claimed this, and that the mafia did this, could have been to try and make you look innocent. This makes you a potential suspect despite not having done anything, but only if Chappie actually is mafia.

That should hopefully be more or less everything mechanically relevant. (If you want a more detailed rundown of the first two days' events and discussions and accusations, Jesse (uA) was logging a summary of everything in his posts, which runs up until a little bit before the end of day 2, so check those out!)

And, man, if you really are mafia - or even if you're not - I feel pretty bad that you're coming into this game and finding yourself already a suspect based on mechanical stuff when you literally haven't even done anything to make yourself look bad. That must be a rough position to be in. Though I'm the one who figured out the reason to suspect you, you absolutely have my sympathies for this.]]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Mmff..." Alexander snorted into the air as he tried to mull things over. "Despite how chaotic things are, it seems like everyone had made an effort to assist the hybrid, and we ended up stumbling over ourselves because of it. We have confirmation of "overdose" functionality. Wonderful.

"At this point I think we are going to need to carefully look through what we know, what we're confident about, what we don't know, and then perhaps things we need to guess on afterward. The big question is the third bullet on this list. What do we not know, and what in that pile can we answer? ...There are surely still informational roles undisclosed. I do not know if it is safe to do so yet. But I do know that it is no longer safe to skip voting. Not after... that."

Alexander rose a little higher. "What we need is an action breakdown of everything that happened, everything we know, and perhaps some solid evidence or claims. Or deductions just from the partial information we have. We have a lot of reads, but those can easily be strengthened or outright destroyed with basic information."

[[On it, Negrek]]

If there's ever anything he's talking about that you want to understand better, I'm happy to provide a translation if you ask.

[[Hello yes, can you do a bullet list or something of your giant theory from the beginning-ish of the day?]]

three deaths; one was a mafia kill, one was an OD from two healers, one was probably another role we don't know for sure the identity of yet

"Hmm. We are fairly confident that the death against the hybrid [[Bench]] was due to an OD, correct. The other two deaths, at least one is due to Mafia... most likely. The final one is, possibly, the Arsonist that we ended up not defeating. Or some other role, such as a Vigilante, Serial Killer, really it could be anything at this point... I did not see the manner of death properly."

[[In other words, I'm actually not super sure about the flavor of the deaths being linked to Arsonist? Like, usually it would be in bold or something...]]

People suspect there's an arsonist, and also suspect the arsonist was Jackie's character who died

"There is most definitely an Arsonist, or at least was, due to the presence of a possible Firefighter. I do not know what should be selected in terms of their role now that four innocents have been killed, however..."

HY, Equitial, and Chappie could all potentially be a mafia doctor involved in death #2

"The first two are claiming Doctor. The other one is claiming swapper, but there is suspicion of being a Mafia Doctor, but I do not believe I have understood all of the information present to be confident in that claim. Chappie seems... innocent to me. But these are all uncertain reads on my part."

If Chappie flips mafia, that puts me under scrutiny (not entirely sure why? Is it because I haven't roleclaimed yet?

"And to this... I do not know."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
  • I'd been rethinking Chappie's swap claim overnight and have concluded that it would make the most sense and solve all the mysteries of the Day 2 death if Chappie was a mafia bus driver. In my theory, she swapped Lexx with you, and the mafia targeted you on purpose knowing it'd hit Lexx.
  • If I'm right and Chappie is mafia, one of the reasons she claimed this, and that the mafia did this, could have been to try and make you look innocent. This makes you a potential suspect despite not having done anything, but only if Chappie actually is mafia.

[[...Getting sniped by this makes my "Chappie reads as innocent to me" claim look amazingly bad. I'd like to request again for a bulleted example of why you think this, because generally your judgements have been strong.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
  • I suspect Wes might be a mafia doctor [...] who did this on purpose, as it would then explain why Jesse also died.
[[wait, hold up, that's me unfairly misrepresenting it. A healer clash would explain why Arctozolt and Jesse both died regardless of whether Wes is mafia doctor or not, so long as he and Mewtwo are both telling the truth about being doctors. I did not mean to imply that Wes being mafia aligned was the only explanation for the two deaths.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[Acknowledged Namo's request for a bulleted list of my Chappie theory, but right now I should really be going to bed, so, in the morning. Unless I fail at going to bed again because this game has taken over my soul.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
I know I'm massively suspecting you of being mafia right now and almost certainly planning to lynch you today - but I don't really think any of that is significantly your fault! You made one small blunder (it'd have been a blunder as mafia or town, really) when you threw some sus on me yesterday morning, and because of that you got my attention. But in the end, I only left my vote on you because you were null - I really wasn't that sure if it was the right vote but I didn't have any better ideas. The main reason I'm so sure you're mafia now isn't even necessarily because of your voting - everything you did could easily have been done by an innocent in your position - but more because of how your hypothetical teammate, who's now flipped mafia, behaved. All of it just happened to snowball from that one small mistake in ways that were mostly just circumstance and nothing you could really be expected to control or undo. Even though I'm sure you're mafia, I really don't think you've been playing that badly. It was more just bad luck that your one slip-up happened to lead to this.
[[Aaaand this is why I’m so frustrated, because I made one mistake. One. And yeah, I know mistakes in mafia are what get you lynched anyways, but I feel like I’m being absolutely dogpiled on for that mistake while others are quick defend the other newbies. And yes, apparently my play style does suck because literally nothing I do will convince you or anyone else that I’m innocent, so I’m just not even going to try to defend myself at this point. You’re determined to lynch me no matter what, anyways.

Sorry. I’m frustrated. I was of the impression that I’d be allowed to make a few mistakes due to being new but now it just kind feels like everyone is capitalizing on that mistake out of convenience and I’m. Really not enjoying it. I’m gonna step away from this game for a while and probably won’t be posting much. Which probably just makes me look even more sus, but whatever. I’m tired. I was not prepared for the amount of time and reading this game would require, I guess. My bad.]]
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