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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
The half-zolt matter seemed to be settled; nobody wanted to risk getting rid of a trick that helpful if it was telling the truth. Some of the others had retreated into mumbling that they had to get rid of somebody today but didn't know who.

"Do all of you really not have any good ideas of someone suspicious to get rid of?" Tefiren said to nobody in particular. "Because I do!"

He grinned and scampered over to the Human with the funny arm [[Wes, to be clear]] and poked him in the back. "Boo," he said. "Remember me? Remember how you tried to tell everyone I might be suspicious earlier today, apparently just because you thought I was so not-suspicious that it might be some kind of trick? Remember how I explained that you were missing the point of why I told everyone what I could do yesterday? Remember how you answered me while totally ignoring my main point, like maybe you were trying to distract people from that point because you knew I was right? Remember how I told you again what my real point was, just in case you only overlooked it because you're not very clever, and then you just ignored me for the rest of today?"

He'd been stalking around the funny-arm Human the whole time he was saying this, peering at him in frustration. "I don't know if you've just been napping or something for most of the day, but maybe that's on purpose. I think maybe you're afraid that I'll vote for you if you keep trying to insist I'm suspicious, so you were hoping I'd just forget about it. But you didn't want to actually say that you were wrong, just to try and make people stay a little bit suspicious of me.

"Well, I didn't forget! You can't just trick me with something as simple and boring as ignoring me. So I'm voting for you! If you really aren't a Mafia, hopefully this'll make you listen to me and say something that'll show that you only did this because you were stupid. Because it looks a lot to me like you might be a Mafia who was trying to make everyone get rid of me. I'm so good at this game that of course the Mafia would want to try and get rid of me - but doing it like this?" He barked out a sharp, gleeful laugh. "All you're doing is telling me who you are!"

[[Yeah, so I was willing to believe that Wes's accusation could just be a genuine newbie play trying to predict a deception where people might not be looking for one, but the dodging my actual point in his response to my response made me pause, and since I reiterated my point, I've just got silence. It could just be @HelloYellow17 's too busy to view the thread right now (that's what Tefiren in-universe described as "napping"), which is part of why I'm voting, to prompt a response. If Wes/HelloYellow really is innocent, they need to talk to me, explain their thinking, and try to actually understand my point about why it's so unlikely that I could be lying. The more earnest communication I get from people, the more I'm likely to feel that they're innocent, if they really are - so I need to hear some of that from Wes to change my mind.

Everyone else I'd consider voting for today is just a null, but Wes is actively suspicious to me right now, and unless he responds and it makes me feel better about things, I feel most confident voting for him.]]

Vote: Wes.


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[Oh, I forgot to mention that Wes's accusation of me and my interactions with him in response to that are on pages 15 and 16 of the thread, for easy reference if people want to take a look at what went down.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
It could just be @HelloYellow17 's too busy to view the thread right now
[[to clarify: what I actually meant to say with this is that maybe she hasn't been viewing the thread since my last post in response to Wes's accusation.]]


House of Two Midnights
Hey, @Negrek , are the order of the GM messages announcing who's died indicative of the order in which they died, or are they in a randomised order if there are multiple deaths?
They are in no particular order.

Also! I realized I'm a dumbass didn't realize until just now that I won't be able to close the day at the appointed time. There will be an extension to the day, one way or another. My question is which you would prefer:

a) Two-hour extension to 2 AM UTC/10 PM EST. The game would then continue on its regular schedule, and Night Two would simply be two hours shorter than normal.

b) Twenty-four hour extension to midnight May 13 UTC/8 PM May 12 EST; in this scenario Night Two would last the usual forty-eight hours and simply start a day later.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Also! I realized I'm a dumbass didn't realize until just now that I won't be able to close the day at the appointed time. There will be an extension to the day, one way or another. My question is which you would prefer:

a) Two-hour extension to 2 AM UTC/10 PM EST. The game would then continue on its regular schedule, and Night Two would simply be two hours shorter than normal.

b) Twenty-four hour extension to midnight May 13 UTC/8 PM May 12 EST; in this scenario Night Two would last the usual forty-eight hours and simply start a day later.

I very strongly believe the smaller extension would be better.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Also! I realized I'm a dumbass didn't realize until just now that I won't be able to close the day at the appointed time. There will be an extension to the day, one way or another. My question is which you would prefer:

a) Two-hour extension to 2 AM UTC/10 PM EST. The game would then continue on its regular schedule, and Night Two would simply be two hours shorter than normal.

b) Twenty-four hour extension to midnight May 13 UTC/8 PM May 12 EST; in this scenario Night Two would last the usual
[[ Would prefer A ]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Jesse worked as if he were unwell, or in trance, hardly looking up to respond properly except to groan at the uncertainty about how the Mafia dimension worked or the tooth-pulling difficulty of getting info out of the chimera. Still, at last, he completed his logging, and looked up to address the party.

"Alright, y'all. This oughta be about right. I might not be able to keep this up fer ever, though. You sorry fuckers sure love to talk my fuckin' ears off. Y'can take a look at my notes first while I prepare what I got t'say. Here y'are."

Jesse's Character TrackerAlexander | Hydreigon | he/him | Namohysip
Vote history: Abstain, Lance
Altair | Yamask | he/him | Inkedust
Vote history: Abstain
Arctozolt | they/them plural | IFBench
Vote history: Abstain, Arctozolt
Chappie | Luxio | she/her | AbraPunk
Vote history: Mewtwo
Dave | Human | he/him | Dragonfree
Vote history: Abstain
Fusion | Frieza-Race | he/him | Fusion
Vote history: N/A
Jesse | Red Delphox |he/him | unrepentantAuthor
Vote history: Abstain
Kyros | Litten | he/him | windskull
Vote history: Lexx Lance, Arctozolt
Lance | Lucario | he/him | Navarchu
Vote history: N/A
💀Lexx | Human | he/him | Chibi Pika
Vote history: Abstain
Lusamine | Human | she/her | Shiny Phantump
Vote history: Abstain
Mewtwo | they/them | Equitial
Vote history: LusamineJesse Miyako, Arctozolt
Miyako | Human | she/her | Seren
Vote history: Abstain
Namco | Lugia | they/them| Mellow
Vote history: Arctozolt
Nefari | Nickit | F | DawningWinds
Vote history: Jesse
💀Rascal | Tyrunt | she/her | Flyg0n
Vote history: Abstain
Tefiren | Archopy | he/him | elyvorg
Vote history: Wes
Spark | Dedenne | she/her | DeliriousAbsol
Vote history: N/A
Wes | Human | he/him | HelloYellow17
Vote history: Arctozolt

Amended and Completed Day One Log:
  1. No Night 0 deaths.
  2. Mewtwo votes Lusamine, for playstyle reasons.
  3. DawningWinds (Nefari) roleclaims a choice of Firefighter and Rolestopper on N4/D4 (they later clarified that they choose after the 4th Innocent death). DW claims the existence of an Arsonist who places 'psychic marks'.
  4. DW/Nefari votes Jesse, for flavour reasons.
  5. Windskull (Kyros) opposes flavour-voting.
  6. Mewtwo believes DW's (Nefari) reasoning is sound, votes Jesse, denies being the Arsonist, and will roleclaim under pressure.
  7. Dave opposes flavour voting.
  8. Phan (Lusamine) opposes flavour-voting.
  9. Rascal susses Mewtwo and Nefari.
  10. Lexx opposes flavour-voting.
  11. Alexander opposes flavour-voting.
  12. Tefiren opposes flavour-voting Jesse but argues from meta that DW/Nefari isn't sus.
  13. Inkedust (Altair) argues DW (Nefari) is likely to be a truthful Innocent.
  14. Chappie susses Mewtwo and Nefari.
  15. Wes susses Mewtwo and Nefari.
  16. Phan opposes flavour-voting, Lusamine susses Mewtwo IC.
  17. Miyako opposes flavour-voting, wonders if Mewtwo has info to have voted Lusamine.
  18. Namco argues nobody is sus.
  19. Kyros wants to put pressure on people, especially silent characters. He votes Lexx. Windskull (Kyros) cites two previous games as games where Mafia began by arguing against early lynches.
  20. Altair wants to hunt the Arsonist, but doesn't sus Jesse.
  21. Miyako susses Mewtwo for frivolous voting and cautions against targeting silent players.
  22. Lexx counters Kyros in that Innocent players pushed for no-lynch in previous games, not Scum, and there was even a mislynch over this. He argues that the Mafia misfired. He pushes to find the Arsonist.
  23. Alexander points out that the Arsonist could be Town.
  24. Arctozolt continues to strenuously protest against killing anyone.
  25. Miyako argues that the Arsonist could be Mafia, that this would be just as bad, that an Innocent Arsonist would struggle to safely target Scum, that they could just as well be third party, and that if they were Innocent it would imply Firefighter Nefari was Scum.
  26. Mewtwo susses Miyako, votes Miyako.
  27. Jesse logs events so far, votes Nobody, defends pressure-voting, asks Dave if he used an ability last night.
  28. Alexander votes Nobody.
  29. Alexander argues that the logs benefit the Mafia, but admits my notes are adequate and insists the party contribute to errata.
  30. Rascal reckons the Mafia were blocked.
  31. Alexander reckons there are 5-6 Mafia.
  32. Dave admits he used an ability last night and that it's not a blockable ability as such.
  33. Lexx argues that swaps are very powerful pro-town abilities.
  34. Tefiren reckons I'm playing correctly, and am Innocent. He reckons an Arsonist would be third-party, but might flip as town. He reckons the Mafia were blocked.
  35. Arctozolt claims to have not used an ability.
  36. A discussion ensues in which people speculate over previous games' meta. Of note, Tefiren points out that Scum can make a pretence of taking a pro-town stance so long as town keep mislynching at end-of-day.
  37. Dave reckons Nefari was genuine, just misguided, that the Arsonist might be Town, the Mafia must be lying low after being blocked, and that Jesse is probably Town but not necessarily in the clear. He's sus of Tefiren for discouraging an examination of old Mafia metas.
  38. Altair reckons the Arsonist is 3rd party.
  39. Alexander points out we have fuck-all to go on and everyone is an idiot. He's a prick, but he's got a point.
  40. Miyako still sus of Mewtwo. Votes Nobody.
  41. Lexx backs me up about Mewtwo's behaviour matching their Innocent playstyle.
  42. Seren (Miyako) argues that more experienced players, if Mafia, would be better at concealing it, and names some examples.
  43. Jesse logs events, points out his inexperience, clarifies that his power use against Dave had no result and suspects this might indicate Dave is Town.
  44. Nefari clarifies that she chooses her power after the fourth Innocent death. DW straight-up begs for aggressive voting/shames people for opposing accusations. DW argues that Mafia Firefighters aren't a thing. They claim their role is Dark's Cunning, and the abilities are Howl (rolestop) and Knock-Off (firefighter).
  45. Seren (Miyako) is still against baseless accusations.
  46. Equitial (Mewtwo) reads DW as town and truthful. He also analyses the players.
  47. Tefiren clarifies that the legacy Scum strat was to trick Town into sparing an Innocent just so they looked Town by extension, and that this was a bad strat that was unsuccessful, and not relevant to current meta.
  48. Tefiren corrects me in that Seren (Miyako) was identifying players experienced enough to have been targeted by Mafia, and indeed by Doctors, as a valid explanation for a no-kill N1. Tefiren is correct in this, my apologies for the clumsy misread.
  49. Tefiren claims to know who was targeted by Mafia, and that it was not Dave.
  50. Lexx stresses that accusations are not 'absolutely and completely' necessary to read-forming, contrary to Nefari's assertion. In fact, Lexx points out, the only time Mafia won under this host, early accusations cinched the game for Mafia.
  51. Lexx is 100% confident that Nefari is Innocent.
  52. Lexx thinks Jesse thinks Dave was rolestopped. Lexx thinks Jesse was blocked.
  53. Tefiren alleges he doesn't know who the Mafia are, but he knows they went after an experienced player.
  54. Tefiren quizzes Jesse on what he actually believed caused his own power to fizzle and what he was hoping to learn from Dave.
  55. Lexx claims Dave wasn't jailed.
  56. Dave asks for clarification from Tefiren, claims his power wouldn't be prevented by jailing.
  57. Altair supposes that Tefiren was targeted at night for his experience, but survived. He identifies Lexx as an alternative.
  58. Kyros summarises the information so far. He concludes that Jesse and Lexx are truthful.
  59. Kyros votes Lance, explicitly to apply pressure on a silent player who hasn't even notified that he's busy. [[N.B. he is busy irl.]]
  60. Dave reckons Jesse's supposition that Dave was protected from night actions is unlikely, wonders if he's currying favour or wants Dave on-side.
  61. Elyvorg (Tefiren) makes quite the effortpost, hopefully bringing certain circular discussions to a close. Of note, she identifies Chibi (Lexx) as having made less sense than usual, which she considers a reason to trust them slightly less.
  62. Lusamine votes to Abstain, as she doesn't believe we can correctly lynch Scum. Phan (Lusamine) wants to avoid mislynch.
  63. Lexx asserts that Tefiren misunderstood. The short of it is that he trusts early abstainers more than late ones.
  64. Tefiren is fine with that. Trust restored.
  65. Equitial (Mewtwo) makes an effortpost. He believes DW, and doesn't think Dave or Jesse have a specific claim to innocence. He says townies shouldn't regard him too highly, and warns scum against targeting him. He gives impressions of the players, and considers Seren (Miyako) the most sus of the newcomers, and Namo the best target from the veterans.
  66. Lexx gives a take on which players read more or less as town. He doesn't outright sus anyone.
  67. Tefiren is certain that Nefari and Mewtwo are town, and has takes on the rest. He wants everyone to guess his power.
  68. Miyako asks Mewtwo if they're the Arsonist.
  69. Alexander advises keeping a lid on roles to make the Scum squirm. [[Also Namo got vaxxed, is unwell.]]
  70. Inkedust (Altair) gives reads, cautions about timezone inconvenience, and Abstains.
  71. Dave defends early pressure-voting as a town strat, [[believes Nefari is town]], demands Tefiren spill his power, and scolds Miyako for poor judgment on Mewtwo.
  72. Mellow (Namco) believes we shouldn't lynch. Doesn't actually vote abstain, though.
  73. Jesse logs events, clarifies he was previously fishing for whether his own no-result against Dave was Dave's doing, or that of another player. He guesses Tefiren might be a Voyeur.
  74. Dave wonders if Mafia!Tefiren might've been trying to rule out people's own roles.
  75. Arctozolt susses Lexx for being 'inconsistent', but votes Nobody.
  76. Alexander refuses to guess but [[guesses Bulletproof.]]
  77. Tefiren claims to have been the target and survived by being [[one-shot]] Bulletproof. His plan was to generate Town reads on anyone who came up with a complicated explanation for his claim, while Mafiosi would be more likely to guess Bulletproof. [[Vague suspicion of Alexander.]]
  78. Alexander explains how he worked out his Bulletproof guess, argues that the gambit wasn't worthwhile.
  79. Wes thinks Nefari is truthful, votes Arctozolt.
  80. Chappie votes Mewtwo on a hunch.
  81. elyvorg (Tefiren) argues that a Bulletproof would never claim while their power lasted, confirms Tefiren is now vanilla.
  82. Dave thinks Bulletproof was just obvious. Votes no lynch.
  83. Lexx updates his read list, votes no jail.
  84. Kyros presses Arctozolt and Chappie.
  85. Alexander warns against targeting him in the night.
  86. Equitial (Mewtwo) votes Miyako.

Day One Votes:
Abstain: 8 (Alexander, Jesse, Miyako, Lusamine, Altair, Arctozolt, Dave, Lexx)
Arctozolt: 1 (Wes)
Jesse: 1 (Nefari)
Mewtwo: 1 (Chappie)
Miyako: 1 (Mewtwo)
Lance: 1 (Kyros)

Not Voting: Spark, Fusion, Lance, Namco, Tefiren, Rascal

Day Two Log:
  1. Lexx and Rascal are nightkilled. They were both Innocent.
  2. elyvorg (Tefiren) makes several massive posts analysing her Day One activity and elaborating on her reads.
  3. Tefiren interrogates Dave, asking why he'd think that claiming Bulletproof would get Tefiren killed.
  4. Alexander muses on how two kills could have happened and Namohysip (Alexander) clarifies his previous posts. He expresses confusion that Tefiren wasn't doubletapped, and reads Tefiren as town.
  5. Tefiren posits that Lexx was the Mafia's sole target, as he was good at the game. He hypothesises that Rascal was somehow collateral damage of that kill, or perhaps (less likely) an Arsonist target. elyvorg (Tefiren) feels more positive about Alexander.
  6. Namohysip (Alexander) mentions that Arsonist kills usually have flavour.
  7. Miyako effortpost. She apologises for her D1 behaviour and wonders if the death flavour indicates anything, such as the actions of a psychic Arsonist.
  8. Dave defends his previous thinking on the basis that Bulletproof and Roleblock are part of the possibility space (and he is accustomed to Roleblock working on Bulletproof.)
  9. Altair reasons one of the kills was Mafia, and that it was Lexx. So, perhaps Rascal was swapped out for the intended target.
  10. Miyako posits that Rascal might have taken a shot for another target, either by being a Bodyguard, or swapping herself.
  11. Tefiren decides Dave is making sense and reading as Town.
  12. Tefiren reasons that the N1 kills can't be the Arsonist because the Arsonist wouldn't have enough marks this early, and also it would be terrible play on the Arsonist's part to ignite this early. Instead, Lexx and Rascal were together somehow, to be struck down with one shot. This would require Rascal to have been either a Hider or a Babysitter. elyvorg (Tefiren) argues the flavour supports this interpretation.
  13. Chappie believes she knows why there were two kills.
  14. Kyros presses Arctozolt to reveal what they know about Lexx.
  15. Wes posits that Tefiren's entire shtick could be a highly elaborate Mafia ploy. A moment later, he presses Chappie.
  16. Lusamine has several different explanations for the double deaths. She's doubtful that it was the Arsonist, because they ought to prioritise Nefari.
  17. Chappie implicitly confesses that she unintentionally got someone killed.
  18. Tefiren argues that the point of his gambit wasn't to appear trustworthy, but to make other players look Innocent. elyvorg (Tefiren) is also under the impression that Mafias cannot choose not to kill, and points out that she does not have a record of successful Scum plays.
  19. Alexander thinks the Mafia deferring a kill would be suboptimal, and that a fake Bulletproof claim would have been called out by a real Bulletproof. (But also that it's some luck the Mafia struck a Bulletproof on N0!)
  20. Chappie confesses her ability unintentionally got Lexx killed, but doesn't wish to reveal her power.
  21. Wes insists that there might not have been a Bulletproof in the first place, and that a 'confirmed Innocent' Mafia is high value. Wes is certain that Chappie is Innocent.
  22. Alexander is certain that Tefiren's gambit has low odds of being a Mafia ploy. (That's how I'm parsing his argument, anyway.)
  23. Kyros cautions against depending too much on the death flavour. Asks Chappie for reasoning for her Mewtwo vote.
  24. Tefiren textwall. [[elyvorg asks the host if Mafia can skip kills.]] More defence of the 'Guessing Game Gambit'. [[Doesn't sus Yellow (Wes) but insists on putting this to rest rather than have Town infighting.]]
  25. Miyako (Seren) is demotivated/struggling. Explains some previous reasoning. Figures that Chappie may as well roleclaim at this point. Reasons that Tefiren is very likely truthful.
  26. Altair comments on lack of info about Chappie's role.
  27. Alexander notes that if Nefari hadn't chosen to reveal the 'deadline' for her role, the Arsonist might not have known about it.
  28. Arctozolt argue with themselves, and the head claims to know which faction targeted Lexx, and why.
  29. Dave believes it was unintelligent of Nefari to reveal her role immediately, because it allows the Firefighter to make an optimal play. Therefore, it's possible the 'psychic marks' claim is not irrelevant, since one might expect it to remain private info.
  30. Dave believes Tefiren's gambit is probably too elaborate to be insincere, hider/babysitter sounds likely for the deaths, Chappie may as well spill her target, and asks what Arctozolt meant.
  31. Arctozolt stalls. Votes Arctozolt.
  32. Lusamine believes the deaths might have been separate after all if Chappie was involved.
  33. Host confirms the Mafia can skip kills.
  34. Dave points out that Chappie's involvement doesn't preclude related deaths.
  35. Equitial (Mewtwo) parses some of the confusion. Appears to sus Seren (Miyako) in particular. Mewtwo thinks Tefiren's play is compelling Town. Doubts the kills were Arsonist. Doesn't respect Arctozolt's play. Wants Chappie to disclose more info. Doesn't respect Miyako's climbdown, or trust her.
  36. Chappie explains she voted Mewtwo for being aggro, and that she swapped Lexx and Spark.
  37. Altair demands info from Arctozolt.
  38. Arctozolt claims the Mafia made the kill.
  39. Altair and Lusamine press harder.
  40. Arctozolt claims Lexx had a role dangerous to the Mafia.
  41. elyvorg notes that she and other players all got Town-ish reads from most/all active players, and that she looks for trustworthy players and finds scum by elimination.
  42. Tefiren doesn't see why the Mafia would target Spark. Rather, Lexx was the obvious best target. Perhaps there was also a block?
  43. Lusamine is sceptical that the Mafia would know Lexx had a dangerous role.
  44. DW (Nefari) has several explanations for how the deaths could have occurred. Jargon-dense.
  45. Kyros points out that if Chappie did swap Lexx and Spark, the Mafia weren't targeting Lexx for his role at all! Both can't be true.
  46. Bench (Arctozolt) clarifies that he knows Lexx's power was bad for Mafia, and reasons that the Mafia learned this and blew a strongman shot on killing him.
  47. DW (Nefari) supposes Chappie could have been roleblocked. Presses Bench (Arctozolt) for info.
  48. Equitial (Mewtwo) asks why Chappie would have swapped anyone. Mewtwo and Alexander note that Arctozolt claimed not to use an ability on N0, so how did they know about Lexx's role, and if Lexx was swapped, was it even Lexx's role?
  49. Altair thinks it's more likely that Chappie was blocked than that the Mafia targeted Spark.
  50. More arguing with Arctozolt. They reveal their ability wasn't available until someone was dead.
  51. Alexander guesses Medium.
  52. Jesse and Namco want answers from Arctozolt.
  53. Arctozolt claims they saw both abilities of the dead.
  54. Dave and Altair press for that info.
  55. Arctozolt claims Rascal was a Hider, insists on not revealing Lexx's power.
  56. DW (Nefari), Alexander, Altair, Tefiren all press for that info. Tefiren elaborates on why Arctozolt's play makes no sense.
  57. Lusamine guesses, in short, that Rascal hid behind Spark, the swap made her hide behind Lexx, and the kill was strongman against Lexx.
  58. More arguing about Arctozolt. They claim Lexx's role was standard.
  59. Inkedust (Altair) thinks Arctozolt is fakeclaiming, may be Backup, and is playing badly either way.
  60. Miyako presses, with elaboration.
  61. Alexander is sus of Arctozolt, Lance, and Fusion. Votes Lance.
  62. Kyros is sus of Arctozolt, and votes Arctozolt. He elaborates.
  63. Namco votes Arctozolt.
  64. Arctozolt alleges that they were Backup and Lexx was the Cop, then says they lied about Rascal being Hider to throw the Mafia off the scent. Some confusion ensues about how Backup works.
  65. Dave points out that Arctozolt needn't have said that Rascal was Hider or that they were backup, only that Lexx was Cop, and that this is a serious blunder.
  66. Dave supposes that Lexx was a Cop, and targeted him on N0, based on Lexx's confidence that Dave was Innocent and not jailed.
  67. DW (Nefari) supposes that Lexx died first to Mafia and Rascal died as a result.
  68. Alexander asks Chappie who she roleswapped on N0. It was Lusamine and Altair.
  69. Equitial (Mewtwo) makes a summary and some guesses. He is certain that Chibi was not a Cop and that Arctozolt is not Town (most likely 3rd Party). He votes Arctozolt.
  70. Tefiren credits Arctozolt's behaviour to bad play, and asks the party to verify the claims if possible.
  71. Lusamine is against lynching Arctozolt.
  72. Bunch of different ideas about mechanics. There are discrepancies between old TR games and the wiki. Exhausting.
  73. Mewtwo, Kyros, drop their votes for Arctozolt.
  74. Tefiren makes a strong case for Wes.
  75. Day extension vote begins.
  76. This post.

Day Two Votes:
Arctozolt: 2 (Arctozolt, Namco)
Wes: 1 (Tefiren)
Lance: 1 (Alexander)


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[I'd like to vote for option A.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
They are in no particular order.

Also! I realized I'm a dumbass didn't realize until just now that I won't be able to close the day at the appointed time. There will be an extension to the day, one way or another. My question is which you would prefer:

a) Two-hour extension to 2 AM UTC/10 PM EST. The game would then continue on its regular schedule, and Night Two would simply be two hours shorter than normal.

b) Twenty-four hour extension to midnight May 13 UTC/8 PM May 12 EST; in this scenario Night Two would last the usual forty-eight hours and simply start a day later.

[[Either one works, but it sounds like A is probably the best option, so my vote is A.]]


  1. sableye
They are in no particular order.

Also! I realized I'm a dumbass didn't realize until just now that I won't be able to close the day at the appointed time. There will be an extension to the day, one way or another. My question is which you would prefer:

a) Two-hour extension to 2 AM UTC/10 PM EST. The game would then continue on its regular schedule, and Night Two would simply be two hours shorter than normal.

b) Twenty-four hour extension to midnight May 13 UTC/8 PM May 12 EST; in this scenario Night Two would last the usual forty-eight hours and simply start a day later.

[[ Id prefer B only because it would give me time to catch up on all the text walls that were posted since I went to bed last night, as again, I work today and there is 0 chance I’ll be able to real all of this. ]]


  1. sableye
[[hmmmm reading the wiki page on backups, it does actually say there that the usual resolution if multiple townies die at night is that it defaults to the one directly killed by the mafia, rather than who necessarily died first. So maybe Negrek's using that rule, and even if they confirm Rascal died first, it doesn't actually prove Arctozolt's lying.]]
[[ Wait where did you see this? I went over this last night and didn’t see it anywhere. ]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[ Wait where did you see this? I went over this last night and didn’t see it anywhere. ]]

Mafiascum wiki said:
In a game where multiple kills are possible in a night, it is possible for multiple power roles to die in the same night; in this case, the Universal Backup inherits only one of them, and some decision will need to be made pre-game about which power role will be gained. When this problem has arisen in Normal games in the past, the usual ruling has been that the Universal Backup gains the role of the player who was killed by the Mafia's factional kill.
But it doesn't matter now that Negrek has confirmed that the announcement of kill order is random and not necessarily the order they died in. So even if Negrek does GM is as being the "first" death based on night action resolution order, there's still no reason that couldn't be Lexx.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
You're going to regret this.

"I was a fucking backup. Lexx was a cop, and now I'm the cop. There! Can you get off my case now!" Arctozolt screeched.
"Are you serious?" Wes rubbed his temples in frustration. Two days, two deaths, and whole lot of talking had gotten them...hardly anywhere. If anything, he only felt more lost than he did before. They needed to form a plan, and quickly, or else they would all meet the same fate as the first two. And why on earth the Arctozolt had tried to lie in the beginning...well, Wes supposed he could understand that. Panic and a desperation for survival often clouded one's judgement.

A prod at his back nearly made Wes jump out of his skin. He snapped around with a growl to find the obnoxious Grovyle sneering at him.

"Boo," he said. "Remember me? Remember how you tried to tell everyone I might be suspicious earlier today, apparently just because you thought I was so not-suspicious that it might be some kind of trick? Remember how I explained that you were missing the point of why I told everyone what I could do yesterday? Remember how you answered me while totally ignoring my main point, like maybe you were trying to distract people from that point because you knew I was right? Remember how I told you again what my real point was, just in case you only overlooked it because you're not very clever, and then you just ignored me for the rest of today?"

"Well, I didn't forget! You can't just trick me with something as simple and boring as ignoring me. So I'm voting for you! If you really aren't a Mafia, hopefully this'll make you listen to me and say something that'll show that you only did this because you were stupid. Because it looks a lot to me like you might be a Mafia who was trying to make everyone get rid of me. I'm so good at this game that of course the Mafia would want to try and get rid of me - but doing it like this?" He barked out a sharp, gleeful laugh. "All you're doing is telling me who you are!"

Oh, for the love of Arceus.

Wes folded his arms and scowled. "Look, you can't blame me for being at least a little suspicious. I wasn't expecting anyone to be so eager to share their ability, especially on the first day. Even with the explanation you gave, I still had to give it some thought." He looked Tefiren up and down. "But...even though your plan to make use of losing your ability sounds a little out there, I'll admit it's more believable than my theory. I didn't acknowledge your argument at first because, well, if you were actually an enemy, all of that would have just been an elaborate lie, right?"

He sighed. Even in a strange dimension like this one, it seemed he was still horrible at communication. Figures.

"Anyways...I take back what I said. I got caught up in wanting to make at least some progress and instead just made things worse. But if you're gonna just vote for me out of spite, we won't get anywhere. So let's just call it a truce, okay? I'll prove to you that you can trust me."

[[So yes, quick note, I've been less active due to hard irl burnout. I've been meaning to reply to this for quite a while but couldn't muster up the energy to come up with a proper response. Just keeping up with this game has been...much more taxing than I thought it would be! Lol. I'm going to try to be more active even if it's just in little microposts, but just know that my silence had nothing to do with this game and everything to do with my current headspace.]]

[[Also, unimportant side note, but wow RPing is harder than I thought! LOL. I feel like Wes' dialogue is often a little out of character here, but that's probably just me being nitpicky. xD]]
"I can believe in the genuineness of that mistake, I suppose. A shame, really, because now I don't know what to do. I was hoping you knew the Arsonist hadn't targeted Lexx was insider information. Would've made for a much easier vote tonight. I think those of you voting anyways out of spite are making a mistake, though."

[[C'mon, do we really want to lynch our probably-a-cop?

Wes nodded in agreement. "I'm still not sure how I feel about them, but I'll give them a chance. I don't think voting for them will get us anywhere. But now...it seems like we're almost back to square one." He glanced over at the blue alien-like creature and the young woman with odd powers. [[Fusion and Seren, to be precise.]] He didn't know much about them...in fact, he didn't know anything about them. They had both been rather quiet through this whole ordeal...

[[I hesitate to throw any solid accusations at Fusion or Seren because I know they have both been busy with IRL stuff, especially Fusion. But it's also really hard for us to make any progress in this game when we have so many near-silent players. Even if we have to accuse them to get a response, we could possibly get some information to help us out. But also, I don't want to make people feel pressured! But yeah, we don't have much information to go off of here, and the clock is ticking.]]

[[ Id prefer B only because it would give me time to catch up on all the text walls that were posted since I went to bed last night, as again, I work today and there is 0 chance I’ll be able to real all of this. ]]

[[If it helps any, I can possibly attempt to make a TLDR post, though I'm not sure enough about the events myself so idk how good of a post it would be haha...though Jackie might be working one as well? Not sure.]]


  1. sableye
"I have to ask; how likely is it that the mafia has multiple role-blockers?"

"Forgive me for repeating myself, but I'd really like some thoughts on this."

[[ So one last thing before I'm off until my lunch break; I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'm hoping someone with a better idea of how the game works can give me insights into this. Particularly Dave, since he appears to have been votes Most Likely To Succeed Be Innocent at present, but any thoughts would be appreciated. ]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"Forgive me for repeating myself, but I'd really like some thoughts on this."

[[ So one last thing before I'm off until my lunch break; I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'm hoping someone with a better idea of how the game works can give me insights into this. Particularly Dave, since he appears to have been votes Most Likely To Succeed Be Innocent at present, but any thoughts would be appreciated. ]]

[[Gonna second this. Tbh, on Day 1 I kinda skimmed the conversation between Jesse, Dave and Lexx and have been relying on summary posts to get the gist of what happened, but I’m still left very confused as to what the conclusion was.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
"Forgive me for repeating myself, but I'd really like some thoughts on this."

[[ So one last thing before I'm off until my lunch break; I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'm hoping someone with a better idea of how the game works can give me insights into this. Particularly Dave, since he appears to have been votes Most Likely To Succeed Be Innocent at present, but any thoughts would be appreciated. ]]

I'm not incredibly experiences myself, but I highly highly doubt Negrek would give the Mafia dupes over unique roles.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
“I mean, I don’t think it’s very likely the mafia has multiples of the same power, but I don’t have any special insight into that, just that that’d be pretty odd design. Mafia being able to block multiple people at once is pretty powerful.”


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Gonna second this. Tbh, on Day 1 I kinda skimmed the conversation between Jesse, Dave and Lexx and have been relying on summary posts to get the gist of what happened, but I’m still left very confused as to what the conclusion was.]]
[[Summary of that conversation:
- Jesse attempted to use an action on Dave N0, but it failed
- Jesse thinks this might mean Dave did something to stop it, or that it didn’t work because Dave had been jailed (as jailing prevents the person from being targeted), and therefore attempts to fish that information out of Dave
- Dave, thinking Jesse is implying he blocked Dave, says he used an action but it’s not blockable
- Jesse reveals what he was getting at
- Lexx vouches that Dave was definitely not jailed, presumably because he had successfully targeted Dave that night; instead, he suggests Jesse himself was roleblocked (since that’s how Jesse’s action might fail but Lexx’s not)]]
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