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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


House of Two Midnights
Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia

Player List

Windskull (Kyros)
Chappie (AbraPunk)
DawningWinds (Nefari)
IFBench (Arctozolt)
Seren (Miyako)

Equitial (Mewtwo)
SparklingEspeon (Zoroark)
Fusion (Cold Fusion)
Namohysip (Alexander)
Navarchu (Lance)
Mellow (Namco)
Inkedust (Altair)
Shiny Phantump (Lusamine)
unrepentantAuthor (Jesse)
Chibi Pika (Lexx)
Dragonfree (Dave)

elyvorg (Tefiren)
HelloYellow17 (Wes)
Flyg0n (Rascal)

From darkness comes sudden, blinding light. Gray light, shining flatly from a featureless gray sky upon a ground just as bland and unremarkable. Its plasticy surface is all over smooth and without blemish, and there's nothing to see stretching to either horizon save for the people who've somehow been brought to this strange place, only now beginning to stir and awaken. As they do, the ground around them flickers with splashes of color. Here and there it ripples, maybe even begins to rise up into some half-recognizable shape before subsiding to smoothness again. Perhaps the newcomers will be able to mold it into something more hospitable with their thoughts, but for now the undifferentiated world remains blank and empty, only waiting for something to happen.

Some people may recognize this featureless plane, may realize what's coming next, if only hazily. A few others may have heard rumors, strange and terrifying. Whether they choose to tell the others or not, the ones thoroughly confused and unprepared, it doesn't really matter. The game will begin soon, and they'll have no choice but to play, however much any of them understand or are prepared for what comes next.

We are currently in the "Day Zero" pre-game phase! No players have assigned roles or alignments yet, but feel free to roleplay your character exploring the environment, meeting other people, etc.

This phase is entirely optional and has zero mechanical relevance to the actual game, so if you'd rather sit out, you can simply wait for the start of the first phase to be announced.

The start time of the first proper phase will depend on how long it takes me to complete setup, but I am currently aiming for midnight on May 3rd. One way or another, the start of the first phase will be announced at least twenty-four hours in advance.
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Strange empty white space? Check.
Terrain that responds to your thoughts? Check.
A bunch of strangers? Check.

Yep, that confirmed it. Kyros was either dreaming, dead, or in some hell dimension. None of his conclusions appealed to him.

The litten scowled, tail lashing as he attempted to conjure up a shelter. Not one of the half-natural shelters of the universe he was currently residing in, but a high-tech, fully decked out human home. Just litten-sized.

He paused, glancing to the other inhabitants. Some of them were humans. But not him. He was still stuck in this tiny cat body. What was he supposed to do if someone started a fight? Scratch them? Spit a few embers? Any of those humans could just punt him and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He always knew the multiverse hated him but this was a cruel joke. HE doubted he could even take most of the pokemon here in a fight. Not that it would stop him from trying.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Rascal stomped around the featureless realm, more annoyed then anything. She wondered if this was some kind of dream. Or maybe one of those weird places her trainer rambled about, with legendaries. Pfft. Whatever.

Whatever it was, she didn't care. The real question was... was there someone here she could fight? Her gaze settled on a small Litten. Grinning with fiendish delight, she charged up to the Litten and roared at it.


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Footsteps approaching fast to Kyros' side, then a roar rang in his ears. His fur fluffed out, tail particularly bushy. "What do you think you're doing?!" he growled, his claws digging into the oddly malleable ground. "Can't you see that I'm trying to build here? Get your own spot!"


Ace Trainer
...Well! This was certainly different. They had been in the middle of organizing another gala when suddenly they were plucked from where they stood and placed...


Namco calmly stood right where they had appeared, rubbing their chin and holding a hand on their hip. If this was a prank... it wasn't a very good one. Quite boring, in fact. The sound of a roar in the distance got their attention, and they went towards the sound wearily. Quite realistic, but still out of place. More comical than eerie. What they found was actually...a bit of a surprise.

A little Tyrunt and a Litten...?

"Hello, you two. Would you have any idea who set this up? I'm very busy and I don't have time for games."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Rascal was in the midst of demanding the Litten fight her when another pokemon arrived, a- what was that? Not one she recognized, but... It was big.

I don't know what's going on," she huffed. "I guess it could be a dream or maybe some weird legendary stuff. My trainer says legendaries live in all kinds of places, and some have their own realms." She snorted. "Not that I care."


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Ohhhkay. A Lugia might be a little bit big for him to be comfortable fighting. Right now, at least. If he had his old body, his old gear, he'd throw down with a lugia. But squished down into an itty bitty kitty body?

He huffed, puffing out a few embers. "Well the way I see it, we aren't here for anything good. A bunch of strangers gathered together in an empty space with nothing to do? Sounds like a recipe for trouble."


Ace Trainer
...They were not the only one dragged into this. The Litten was right, it was a recipe for trouble. Namco frowned and looked back up, as far as they could see without using their psychic powers. There wasn't anything. As flat and plain as it was they didn't need psychic to see that it would be that way everywhere. Instead they focused on the building the Litten stood next too; the only thing so far that was more than flat and empty. Namco leaned down to peer at it. "...Wait...did you...create this? From nothing?"

The Lugia glanced over at the Pokemon responsible for it and studied him. Just a normal Litten. At least, he seemed that way...


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
"What, this?" Kyros nodded to the shell of a house he had been creating. "Seems to be one of the properties of this hellscape. Think about what you want to make, really concentrate on it, and..." He trailed off, closing his eyes, and from the ground a small, litten sized couch appeared. He hopped up and stepped in a circle before lazing across it.

"See? Easy to do. If a bit creepy and illogical."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
A purple, swirling rift appeared nearby, crackling with an energy foreign to most those already present. From it came a tall, humanoid figure, with blue skin, and horns, and a weird mask, and a tail! And also pants, shoes, and a definitely fashionable pink shirt, so fasionable that anyone who ragged on it simply had a poor tastes and needed immediate fashion medication. Which is a thing, he swore.

"Alright, another anomaly for the record, let's see just how fast I can..." the creature spoke, blinking at the array of... animals before him. Now, he wasn't the most versed in pop culture of different universes, but he could have sworn these were... Pokemon. "...Not as many red flags as I thought I'd run into, but not entirely expected either."

He floated over to the Pokemon, not at all knowing what any of them were. "Howdy, uh, Pokemon. Either there's a time patrol for your worlds or all of you were randomly pulled here and probably need help getting out. Lucky for you, I--" His head suddenly twitched to the side, and he rubbed his neck. "--am also stuck here... ow... I'm Cold Fusion, but just call me whatever. If you can talk..."

"Please be able to talk..."


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Kyros stared. Then he said a very naughty word. "Great. So now aliens are here and they get to stay aliens, but I don't get to have my old body back? Thanks a lot universe. I knew you were playing favorites.'


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Oh thank god, they weren't doing that annoying thing where they say their names over and over again. Or at least this one, which was better than none of them.

"In my defense, I'd reasonably be one of the universe's favorites. Which actually means that I'm the guy the universe sends to fix its problems so... if you want to be the universe's golden child, be my guest."


Ace Trainer
Before Namco could reply to the very strange sight of a normal Pokémon conjuring furniture out of nothing, reasonable explanation or not, something even stranger happened. They looked up at the rift that appeared in spacetime with a startled expression, and squinted at the creature that stepped out. An... Aliens? It wasn't any kind of Pokémon they had heard of. The Aliens didn't seem very familiar with them, either.

"Hello, Cold Fusion. We were all put here, it seems. You know how to leave?"


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Your objective is to survive until the very end and comply with whatever the realm demands of you. Failure to do so will lead to your elimination. You'll know what I speak of soon enough.

Yveltal's voice faded with the star-sea; leaving behind a featureless void consisting of a flat, grey sky and milk-white terrain that Altair assumed to be of the god's own making. It seemed that Yveltal was not exactly the creative type.

He wasn't alone either. From what he could see, there were at least 18 others here—both human and pokémon—some of which he didn't recognise, such as the shivering one with mismatched halves or the two tall ones with long tails, one blue and one purple. Had they also died or were they just illusions generated by the empty plain for Yveltal's entertainment? He couldn't tell and by the looks of it, neither could they. Most were trying to locate their bearings but a small group of pokémon had started to form around a small landmark in the otherwise barren terrain.

Well, he certainly wouldn't find anything out standing around. The yamask approached the group and with his signature grin and a bow, introduced himself to the group. "The name's Altair! Pleasure making your acquaintance."

Now was the time to play along. The opportunities would present themselves later.


  1. sableye
This doesn't look like the tomb... what's this all about?

As Miyako slowly regained consciousness, she tried to take in her new surroundings as she recalled how she got here. She had stepped through the dorm's portal, same as any other time that she could recall, but... this was not the portal room down in the tomb that she normally emerged into. The lack of blue carpeting meant she wasn't in the Velvet Room either. Igor, Scarlet, nor any other friends were anywhere in sight.

Instead, she found herself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by.... talking pokemon? Indeed, Miyako watched as a tyrunt and a litten conversed, and... oh my god, that's a lugia!

But Pokemon was just a game... right? Was this another trick of the pyramid? She watched the litten somehow spawn a tiny couch and suddenly wondered if maybe Igor had a hand in this after all; he certainly made no effort to hide his ability to will things into existence right in front of her.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared she wasn't the only human in the area, either, but still no sign of her friends. She watched as the pokemon - and something very decidedly NOT a pokemon - interacted, most of them seemingly unsure of how they got here, too. Miyako was reminded of an episode of her favorite sci-fi show, where several aliens were brought together and locked in a room with no obvious escape, and wondered if something similar was happening here. Slightly apprehensive, Miyako mentally prodded Nephthys; she got a weak prod back in return, so at least she wasn't entirely alone in this place. And she still had her staff, she realized, and gripped it tightly. She hoped she wouldn't have to fight - would Nephthys be a match for a legendary pokemon? - but if it came to that, at least she wasn't defenseless.

She'd lost a bit of her gusto without her allies nearby - it really had been a long time since she'd gone into the tomb alone. For now, she'd sit and observe, gathering what information she could; the tyrunt didn't look very friendly, and though she looked upon the lugia with awe, she was in no hurry to rush up to it, either.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Oh, another dream.

Chappie inwardly resigned herself to whatever weird crap would be happening this time. Upon further thought and inspection, this didn't seem to be a dream, though. Everything felt... too real, even though nothing had happened yet-- at least, not to her.

She took in the scene of the small group of pokemon and... whatever the hell that tall blue one was. A quick glance at everyone else around her revealed some regular-looking humans. Maybe the blue one was a Mutated human... Oh, was she in a timeline where humans still existed, and the world was just... plain?

She closed her eyes and tried to sense other timelines, or maybe even other Guardians around, but nothing made itself known. Hmm.

Well, she had no other options for the time being. Time to pace and think! She slowly took a few steps away from everyone else and paced in a circle, quietly muttering to herself.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Immediately after waking up, the mismatched abomination's head glared at its own tail.

"What did you DO?! Where did you bring us?!"

I'm just as confused as you are, you bloody idiot! Just because I'm the part of us who can walk doesn't mean I can teleport to Zacian knows where! Look, there's some Pokemon...and a human...and whatever THAT is over there. I'm going over to them.

The Arctozolt began walking over towards the gathering group.

"I didn't say you can-" the head began, before being cut off as it was slapped by the tail.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alexander dreamt of cries and screams and wails, and he was happy. Struggle and strife was a reminder that the world continued to fight. But when his dark eyes flitted open, he realized that he was colder than usual, and he was not in his bed, and he was not around anyone or anything he knew. He wasn't even sure if there was anything around at all in this featureless plane. Disappointing.

"Mrrm." The Hydreigon's tail flicked as he used his smaller heads to lick the sleep out of his central head's eyes. "What is this?" He scanned the crowd, eighteen others if he was counting properly. Some unconscious. Others conscious. He preferred the former. He had an innate sense that something was impending soon, but it was too far away for him to know what.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Lance woke up with a single growl. His eyes opened, and he found himself laying down on the floor.


The Lucario wasn't moving. Too tired to do so, he instead closed both eyes and began to scan the area. Eighteen other auras...? Or was it nineteen? One of the others seemed to have two auras in just one body.

So it was another one of those days where he got thrown over the multiverse or whatever it is that his brother called it. And just as annoying as those other times.

Lance forced himself to stand up and rubbed his eyes to get rid of some of the soreness on them, and remained quiet. Something about that whole scenario have him shivers, and he decided to wait. For now, at least.


Ace Trainer
There were more beings here than they thought at first. Not too many, but enough that they put their awkward conversation on hold again to finally get a better grasp on everything. The Lugia turned their head to each presence...

It was quite the group. There were those that they couldn't get much of a feel for... The Hydreigon, for one. The strange mis-matched creature for another. The Hydreigon made sense, but the other- it felt like a Pokémon. Yet no such Pokémon existed on their world...

They studied everyone for another minute, then decided to inspect the world itself. The Litten had made something and called it a feature of where they were. Namco decided they would try their hand at it as well. They took a moment to get the object in to mind, then spread out their hands:

Four pillars that supported a thin sheet faded into being, along with a nest of pillows. All of it would seem rather extravagant to anyone watching, but the Lugia muttered something to the effect of, "Kind of plain, but it'll do." Namco promptly climbed onto them and stretched out to get comfortable, then closed their eyes to think.
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