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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Chapter 3 a dragons linage

Ohh deathnoodles galore here in draconic and homely poison form no less. If you can't tell i'm a nerd for snakes... all things considered its not too surprising... and these two are adorable.

The pair of parents to be are so real as first time rearers. They're staggering over cultural norms (arboks confessed "we hatch and ditch" vs 'nair's wordless horror at the idea and wrangling with some classism of if the kid's "dragon enough".) Wild vs tamed 'mon world views and them trying to assimulate old life norms/culture verses the more quixotic seeming h7man world...

And, you know, more mundane first time jitters.

Kinda surprised they weren't set up with thier trainer to do a pre parenting to ween/foster a youngling to get some pracitce. Guess the eggbert was a surprise.

I imagine if you had to have a friendship mechanic between mon before breeding them it'd deture so much egg farming. On a less squick note, them both freaking out over the bundle of scales in the incubator is hilarious.

This dragonnair's got plenty of reason to shake off thier home cultures norms (being left for dead by ones neighbors will do that as well as really encourage you to move) but you show it still is a struggle. Ages later there's still some bad tape

Though Nair seems to have found the mute button occasionally it still plays in thier head.

Love how Nair pulls a Wheatly ("i know hacking!" And boinks head into ptoblem until it opens.) And gets it opens in perfect time for them to literally get egg (shell) in thier face.

Imagining the freaked out baby noodle hanging from "dadas" nose was worth a chuckle.. they should be happy thier trainer isn't there, or thier first encounter of the mini scaly kind would of been enshrined on the internet, or at least thuer trainers personal phone for future replaying.

So i did some digging and little wonder boyh parwnts were freaking out. Vua egg moves and breeding ekans born of dragonite/nair parents tend to get the following skill


And thier egg move a ekans can get fr9m a dragon is "scary face".

so its little wonder both mon mom and dad weren't hyperventalating post hatching with those moves ect in the cards..


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Review chapter 4
A dragons savior

Lovely begining thought train. To eat or not to eat... ones hiding spot... that is the question...

Due to biological differences i suspect all yhe dark and gloomy "stormy night" starts to a stereotypical horror film would be downright homey to our pov.

But then snakes... funnily enough considering my last tale i read. And pne with my favorite design to boot.

The convinece of regular rain and looming greenery made me think the setting might be a rainforest... but the island makes sense too...

I suspect the escape attempt is going to be exciting. Between a lurking preditor and our p.o.v.s lack of stanima,speed, and what i assume is an insane metabolism.

likely small size of our p.o.v. nonewithstanding, bug types in the mon world are horryfying. I'm sure our slimey friend would agree, hopefully he doesnt start a forest fire with his emergency fireburst.

Also, its come up several tines, but whats the diference between dragon fire and fire fire? Besides color i mean.

Ah the classic tired and true, let gravity take over. I'm surprused they didnt clonk themselves out to be honest...

I'm surprised they didnt spit out a last dragon fire harrah to be honest. Granted good thing they didnt, thier savior might of been singed... but the sudden bounce/crush to the attack, and the being rising almost slinky like above after the move, and the colors spied (as well as the theme) make me think this is an alola executor?

Kinda getting a ditzy benign treebeard vibe off of the ally shrub.

Did the descending death via pincer not tip our plant off or...

I wonder if straining to look up us going to cause our p.o.v.bloodflow problems... aka to pass out... or leave thier sense behind...

Well theyre more composed then expected. Brownie points for that...but how arethey going to slime up that cliff to get back to thier peers?

Well i supose thats a post nap problem.

Or considering the clutch of slimey mon is right there... maybe not so much. Huh wild mon being encouragd to be kind. Wonder how far that impulse will spread among our p.o.v.s clan after his story is done?


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Dragons valor

You know its a fun fanon misconception that x mon is fearless. Tales like this are good reminders that even the scary intimidating ones started as balls of fluff. Or in this ones case, a widdle fire newt.

Between typing and Cynthia i respect Char's fear of garchomp. To quote jaiden animations "That thing was dreamed up by satan, and even he fears what it can do."

Hopping ahead a bit... It seems a bit evil that the "winning" trainer is counting what looks like a full fledged panic attack as a notch on the win score. Just saying...

The fight from our p.o.v. fire lizard seems an exercise in regret. Aka foot in mouth. And considering a 'zard's physiology thats some impressive yoga in play.

Snorts. Garchomps all formal and stern while the firebug is chanting "oh crap, bit off more then i can chew, ah!" I'm surprised they dont go airborn and bolt but its been a pretty short time since evolving... And that oh so justified panic...

So dragonfire mimics burns for firetypes? I'd wager they cringe in sympathy pain the next time they do a fireblast.

Well if battling doesn't become our p.o.v. charizards thing, i guess choir is an option, or perhaps opera?

Love how the charizard is so confident that thier trainer can save them from everything. It shows a sweet young side to them. And i can imagine the trainer having to teach thier char' in all its evolutions to mind thier tail during that snuggle and hide menuver least that gesture lead to accidental burns, loss of pants, and forest fires.

To counter garchomp i would say, "one aware of my chart type/meta" but i suspect my type is sassy where this soul is probably timid.

Winces. Stage fright to the point of puking in public... poor thing that had to have sucked. Still i suspect all this self flagulation is totally unwarented. Thier trainer stuck.with them through that and with more going forward and seems utterly supportive... but i dont think 'zard sees that yet.

Winter wonderland it is not. Guess Gar's acting in accordence to type chart and thier trainer is... not a snow person? Luckily for charizard them and thier trainer are set to stay safely warm if they travel close enough... something that both think of and act on. Though how both trainers didnt think to pack for weather changes is amusing me to no end...

Also by Garchomp's tone you think they were saying that "there are swarms of frosslass and articuno out there!"

Cue 'Zard bracing themselves and getting... an antagonistic snow flake... and being quietly amused at Gar's fear. Shame they don't rematch, a snowball might tip the battle charizards way....

Well thanks for the fun read. Til next time.]
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