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Kunolo Island - Main Hall Banquet

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Day 0 - Mix and Mingle
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    The main hall is a splendid, classically styled building that stands two stories tall and appears to have been built in a semi circle. Marble steps lead up to beautifuly carved double oak doors. Through the doors leads to a large reception area of sorts. Twin staircases on either side of the room lead up to a balcony that overlooks the rception, almost like a stage. Couches and love seats and beanbag chairs provide places for pokemon and trainers to relax, although for tonight they have been moved aside in favor of spacious round tables all around the room, decorated for a buffet style meal.

    On either side are long tables filled with covered platters, from which waft a delicious aroma.

    Rather pointedly, Amara mentions to each arriving trainer that there will, under no circumstances, be any fighting or altercations of any kind. She seems slightly displeased as she says this, staring pointedly at some, her Hypno looking equally disapproving.

    [[Countdown to Day End]]


    Several other trainers were present in the room, along with their Pokemon. It seems people and pokemon from all regions are here. A serious looking boy with slate hair is seated near the front, alongside his Alakazam. Rather conspicuously, both wear a matching mega and key stone. A young boy with crossed arms watches him with narrowed eyes, an equally stoic Swampert by his side.

    A cheerful Drampa weaves gently through the tables, following at the heels of a girl who couldn’t be more than 10. On her wrist is a band known to some as a Z-bracelet. Far off, half hidden by a marble column, an older trainer with long black hair seems to be watching the room, flanked by a Roserade and an Ampharos. Every now and then she glances towards the girl and her Drampa.

    Many more trainers fill the room. A smiling girl with a slender frame flits about, waving and making small talk with some of the other guests. A salandit scurrying about nearly trips her before scuttling away. From a perch near the side of the room, a Fearow watches the girl silently. Another trainer and a Hitmonlee sparring with a girl and her Scizor. A woman and her houndoom. Somewhere, a shiny Grumpig can be seen.

    Amara mentions that food will be served shortly, and everyone is free to mingle. She also affirms that Xavian will be here shortly to meet everyone and kick off the festivities.
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    Day 0 - Xavian's Announcement
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    A crisp, light sound like that of a windchime echoed through the hall. A bright spotlight came on, shining on the upper balcony and revealing a man who was unquestionably their host, Xavian Montorzi. He wore a flashy gray and blue suit jacket and a top hat, of all things.
    He flashed a grin so wide it might have seemed impossible on anyone else, yet somehow on him it looked natural as ever. Flinging out his arms in a grand and dramatic gesture, he took a bow. He rose again, his eyes twinkling with genuine delight.


    “Welcome, one and all, to the Festival of Friendship!”

    Scattered applause rippled through the hall. A Scizor enthusiastically clacked his pinchers and fluttered into the air, looking excited.

    The applause faded, and Xavian paused for a moment to scan the crowd, making eye contact with each trainer. “I am delighted to have each and every one of you as my guests. Each of you possess a strength of spirit and a bond with your pokemon. This bond is the reason I have invited you to celebrate. This island served as a retreat for me for many years, until I realized it no longer wanted it to just be mine, but to use it for something more. To celebrate the very thing that makes our lives so wonderful.”

    “Our dear, precious partners!”

    After a brief pause, Xavian continued on, this time his tone slightly more somber. “You see, many years ago I found myself in a dire situation. I may almost certainly have perished, had it not been for my own beloved Pokemon.”

    He brightened quickly, excitement pouring off him. “That is why I believe that the friendship shared between trainer and Pokemon is worth celebrating. So it is with great pleasure that I introduce my own wondrous companions!”

    Two additional spotlights lit up the balcony on either side of Xavian, revealing two pokemon. The first, by all appearances, seemed to be... a floating keyring?! A closer look reveals it actually has a little face and is actually a pokemon. Some may recognize it as a Klefki, though to others it may be a new species entirely. The second pokemon is a peculiar gray and pink creature with oddly familiar golden rings hanging from the two horns on either side of its head.

    Those rings almost look like the ones you stepped through to get here...

    “It is my pleasure to introduce my first and dearest friend, Klefki!” Xavian gestured to the Klefki. “It is thanks to my friend Clink that they invited a few rare mythical pokemon to the island. Perhaps they may show themselves to a worthy trainer."

    Clink floated forward and shook its keys in a greeting.

    Xavian turned and gestured to the other pokemon. “Now I must introduce the very Pokemon who made this whole event possible, Hoopa! Now, his full name is quite long, so he has asked me to use his nickname, so you may call him Orzo.”

    Orzo took the opportunity to bow before the crowd before taking a ring and twirling it expertly through the air and catching it again. <Helloooo everyone!> he called, broadcasting his voice telepathically.

    Xavian continued. "It is thanks to Orzo that I was able to invite so many unique trainers. I understand many of you found this surprising or unnerving, and I do apologize for any distress caused. I'm afraid I'm so used to my partner's wonderful abilities I forgot it is quite uncommon for most of you.

    Fear not, you are as safe as can be. Now, onto the true purpose of this gathering - the celebration!"

    The rest of Xavian's speech was surprisingly brief. He explained how he'd had various facilities built on the island for everyone’s enjoyment. There was a training facility, dorms, a restaurant, and a whole island to explore.

    The dorms had been built to accommodate all kinds of pokemon, and each trainer could choose their own. For his final announcement, he explained that breakfast would also be served every morning at the cafe. There were maps by the doors, and Amara would be available, as would he, if anyone had questions. No events were scheduled for the next few days, to give everyone a chance to settle in.

    As he finished reviewing everything, he once again paused for dramatic effect. “Now I only have one last thing to say to you all - enjoy the meal, and have a splendid evening!”

    Both he and Orzo bowed, and Clink bobbed up and down. With a final wave, they descended from the balcony and split up. Orzo floated off to talk to the other guests, while Clink watched from afar as Xavian gathered a plate of food.

    Along with Amara, a few other staff members kept an eye on the main hall and remained present to guide trainers to the dorms. A couple trainers took the opportunity to turn in for the night, notably the boy and his Alakazam, who seemed uninterested in mingling, along with the Scizor and their trainer.

    It seemed everyone was free to mingle and finish their meal, then head to their dorms when they saw fit.
    Day 2: Evening Announcement
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Slowly, all the trainers were gathered together once more in the main hall. Gone was the cheery, chaotic energy of the banquet. Most trainers appeared scared, somber or angry. Hushed whispers rippled through the grounds, and some of the trainers made a point of avoiding everyone else, as if they suspected them.

    In particular, it appeared everyone was giving Noro a wide berth, which he didn’t seem to mind.

    “If I may have your attention please,” Xavian’s voice echoed across the hall from his spot on the balcony. His cheery and showy demeanor was gone. His hair seemed like it’d been styled in a hurry, brushed back away from his face. His jacket looked wrinkled and dirty, as if he hadn’t stopped to change it. The light and exuberance in his eyes from the first night's banquet was gone.

    By his side hovered Orzo and Clink, both looking equally depressed.

    Once everyone had quieted, he spoke. “As I am sure you are all aware, one of our guests disappeared this morning from the beach. Young Reena and her Drampa. I...” he paused. “I regret to inform everyone that despite searching all day, we have yet been unable to locate her.”

    Xavian hung his head. “I’m postponing all events until we find her. In the meantime, those of you who wish to return to your worlds will have to wait a bit longer, I'm afraid, until Orzo recovers. If anyone has any information, please contact officer Jenny immediately. I can, of course, arrange for anyone who wants to return to the mainland here to do so. I am truly, deeply sorry.

    In the meantime... please stay safe. Stay in groups and keep your eyes open for Reena. I’m sorry,” he added again, his voice cracking. Without another word he turned and hurried away.
    Day 5: A Somber Roll Call
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    A somber meeting is held that morning in the main hall. Xavian holds a roll call, for which at least, all trainers are accounted for. Xavian’s only reassurance is that they should hopefully be able to go home soon. For now... Officer Jenny and Victor are ever present, but still have no updates.

    For now, they’ve told all trainers to beware a gold attacker, though they’ve confirmed neither Blair nor Alakazam are involved. They have also advised trainers to try to have countermeasures prepared for psychic types. And that under no circumstances should trainers stray far alone, as the attacker seems to pick off people who are easy targets...

    Day 6 - And then there were...
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Everyone shuffles wearily into the main hall for roll call. It’s not long before worried murmurs spread across the group. Looking haggard, Xavian enters, this time on the lower floor instead of the balcony.

    A grim feeling settled over the group - something is wrong. A quick scan over the group reveals no sign of Officer Jenny, who usually stands guard inside... And the group of trainers is alarmingly small...

    Amara stands behind Xavian, her facade of composure weakening. Even Honzo’s often unreadable expression is troubled, and he twists his pendant between his fingers.

    “My dear trainers...” Xavian’s voice cracks. He clears his throat and continues, his voice struggling to remain even. “I’m afraid it seems Officer Jenny was taken last night. As well as Mrs. Irene and her pokemon. Officer Victor is keeping watch outside for now.”

    He paused, hanging his head. “Clink and Orzo have both fallen ill. I fear that whatever is attacking trainers poisoned them to prevent anyone from leaving. Victor believes the threat may come from something outside that invaded the island.

    As such, and in light of... what happened to Jenny, I requested aid from other trainers. Mr. Caden and his Salamence, Mr. Taro and Blaziken, and Mr. Toby and his Hydreigon, Regalia, have agreed to help patrol for any signs of danger. All I can say is to watch out for each other. And if anyone has further information please... help.

    Clink has also informed me that the mythical pokemon are doing all they can to find who or what is responsible. If you have any more questions, Victor or Amara can inform you.”

    After another pause, he added “That is all.”

    The heavy atmosphere only seemed to grow worse, though there seemed to be a sense of resignation as one by one, trainers filed out. Outside, Victor waited, watching each trainer, nodding in greeting to them. In the sky above, a young man on a Salamence could be seen overhead, and far off, the silhouette of a Hydreigon.

    The unspoken question hung in the air - who would be taken next?

    Day 7: Some
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    The roll call that morning was grim. Xavian reproted that his pokemon were still struggling against the poison, but healing, barely. Slowly. But far more distressing, perhaps, was another stolen trainer.

    A young researcher by the name of Hayes, and his golden Nosepass. And a girl named Windi, and her Fearow.

    Victor confirms Hayes was taken from his room, and to select trainers (mostly any from the Trousselin) he explains the same traces were found. Gray flakes. A faint ghostly chill in the air, and the same scent as before. He offers the key to the room if any want to investigate, although he hasn't discovered anything else unusual there.

    As for Windi, he explains that the last trace found of her suggests she took off from her balcony for a flight, and never landed. He can only presume she was ambushed midair. He has been unable to definitetively confirm where.

    Victor also reports that while on night patrol Pyre sensed a disturbance and the strange scent for a moment, and then they both saw a shimmer in the air. He believes the attacker may have been dissuaded from attacking him by the presence of a mythical pokemon. Unfortunately, he has no further information. He never saw the attacker and Pyre only caught the brief scent.

    Xavian appears more distraught than ever, despite attempts to hide it, and the other trainers are growing uneasy. The attacker seems to grow bolder each day....
    Day 8: Clink
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    The morning dawns with a gloomy atmosphere once again, though for some of the island's more intrepid guests there’s a sense of purpose. Plans are being made...

    This time, Xavian enters the room stiffly, looking troubled, his gaze distant. Amara stands nearby, alongside a young boy and a Swampert. And surprisingly, Orzo is present. The Hoopa looks worn out, a little pale or off, and his gaze is weary. He seems to droop midair, instead of levitating effortlessly like usual. He hovers close to Xavian, looking almost half asleep.

    Xavian begins, voice dull with sadness. “I have very unfortunate news, and some good news. My pokemon are recovering, slowly. They are not at full strength but I pray that they will continue to recover and I can send you all home.”

    “Orzo is sorry...” the Hoopa’s voice is shaky, sad. He fiddles with one of his rings, head hung in shame.

    A sympathetic glance is sent his way by Xavian. “It breaks my heart to report, someone else was taken last night.” He pauses before continuing. “Mr. Sigmin and his Salandit.”

    The crowd of trainers seemed to give little reaction, perhaps used to it by now. In particular, Lourine seems to be staring with narrowed eyes, her arms folded, though her gaze is thoughtful and unfocused.

    “However there is some good news.” He beckoned to the boy and the Swampert.

    “Mr. Silas and his Swampert were protected last night by a mythical pokemon. The attacker was driven off and they were saved.”

    Silas stepped forward, shifting slightly, seemingly uncomfortable being in the spotlight. “Thel and I were turning in for the evening. We were leaving the lake when something attacked us. It tried to put us to sleep. We didn’t get a good look but Thel spotted a glimpse of red eyes and a flash of a gold body. I think a mythical pokemon near the lake saved us. When we woke up we were still here.” He pushed his hands into his jacket pockets.

    Xavian nodded. “Thank you, Silas. I am so glad you are safe.”

    With an awkward nod, Silas shuffled off to join the other trainers assembled. The rest of the announcements proceeded with the usual somber atmosphere. Warnings to stay together, to watch out for each other, to try to train any way they knew how, and so on.

    During all the announcements, one surprising face can be spotted - a small silvery shape up on the balcony, quietly watching everything.


    [[ @Negrek ]]
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