• Welcome to Thousand Roads! You're welcome to view discussions or read our stories without registering, but you'll need an account to join in our events, interact with other members, or post one of your own fics. Why not become a member of our community? We'd love to have you!

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Intro Thread


Windswept Questant
Hello! My name is Guy Orion, a writer from Mexico that has recently picked up fanfiction for the very first time. I’ve loved all things Pokémon since I was very young, mainly the DS era games — because they are top notch —. My favourite Pokémon are Cyndaquil and Skitty, and, if I had to choose, I would say Pokemon Explorers of Time is my all-time favourite videogame.

I love animals, I have eight dogs and a cat, and I'm kind of a film/music snob. I'm very passionate about surfing and the ocean as a whole, and I enjoy discussing true crime, speculative evolution and hard science fiction, art and fashion, and environmentalism.

Pokémon has become one of my biggest interests as of lately, and I really love the community around it. I'd love to meet you all ~
Woof, I'm sorry--I thought I'd already said hello to you earlier! Cyndaquil and skitty are a fun combo... makes me think of that "two friends who can't see" PMD meme. Sounds like you've got a lot of fun interests there; I think you'll definitely find a lot of people who share them around here. (Love of animals especially!) Welcome to the forums, and I hope you've enjoyed your time on Thousand Roads so far.

Should introduce myself at some point, so here goes: Hey, I'm Poivron! I got into Pokemon when I was a kid and never got out. I've been hanging around the fandom since then, reading stories and sometimes trying to write them. Haven't finished much, I'm hoping to do more, but we'll see.

Favorite type: ghost, favorite pokemon: litwick, favorite region: Sinnoh or Hoenn, but original regions and fakemon are also cool. I like weird fiction and weird settings. I'm also a big fan of forum quests and interactive stories, and I want to run one someday. Maybe soon?
Hey, Poivron! You're definitely not the only one around here to get into Pokémon as a kid and stay long-term, heh. I love weird fiction myself, so I'm definitely intrigued by the stories you're trying to write, heh. Forum quests are a lot of fun, too--I'd definitely be interested in giving one a shot if you decided to start one. At least for the moment it looks like you're signed up for Flyg0n's RP, so I hope you have a good time with that!

Welcome again! Glad to have you here.

Feather Note

He/Him, They/Them
Good afternoon, everyone! I have already happened to have joined the Discord server. But I figured that I would have also joined the forum. As I figured it would have been an appropriate step in the right direction. I only recently rekindled my love for Pokémon, and was on the search for such a place on the interwebs, as I have lost a lot of prior knowledge on Pokémon over the years. So I figured I'd get all that back. Especially when as a writer, I felt the writer bug biting me to make something. Hope to gain new friends as well along the way, and I appreciate you reading this.

Feather Note

He/Him, They/Them
Welcome to the forums! Luckily, there’s a lot of Sinnoh and Hoenn fans here, and there’s plenty of fanfictions here set in those regions!

Welcome! I’ve seen you before, but I never got a chance to formally say welcome. Hope you enjoy your time reading and writing here!
Thank you! I hope for the same. XD


Windswept Questant
Good afternoon, everyone! I have already happened to have joined the Discord server. But I figured that I would have also joined the forum. As I figured it would have been an appropriate step in the right direction. I only recently rekindled my love for Pokémon, and was on the search for such a place on the interwebs, as I have lost a lot of prior knowledge on Pokémon over the years. So I figured I'd get all that back. Especially when as a writer, I felt the writer bug biting me to make something. Hope to gain new friends as well along the way, and I appreciate you reading this.
Welcome to the forums! I've seen you around the server, of course, but I'm glad to see you show up here, too! I'm glad you were able to rekindle your love for pokémon, and I hope you've been having fun getting back into the fandom. Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads!


Junior Trainer
Hello, most people call me Ion. I've written a few things in the pokemon setting and now that I'm getting ready to do my remake of Warped Skies I thought I might extend my zone of entry. A friend, Bench, told me about this place and it seems very nice.

A fun fact. Neither meowth, shinx, or litleo really fall into my 'favourite pokemon' list, but I really do adore the characters I made of them.


Windswept Questant
Hello, most people call me Ion. I've written a few things in the pokemon setting and now that I'm getting ready to do my remake of Warped Skies I thought I might extend my zone of entry. A friend, Bench, told me about this place and it seems very nice.

A fun fact. Neither meowth, shinx, or litleo really fall into my 'favourite pokemon' list, but I really do adore the characters I made of them.
Welcome! Glad you could join us here. I've definitely heard of your fic; good luck on your rewrite, and I hope you end up posting it! Sounds like it may involve a cat-themed team. :P

Your comment about favorites is an interesting one! I've certainly had pokémon I wasn't big on grown on me a lot after I'd written about them; I think it's a pretty common thing to have happen.

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads!


Bug Catcher
He/Him, They/Them
Hello, my name is GumPlum, but you can use any variation of that to be honest. I'm completely new here, so I'm very unsure about stuff and I don't even know how forums work, but I will manage. Still, I hope to have a good time reading and writing here!

I am currently only a writer of 2 years, so I am very inexperienced, and struggle with believing my writing is good in any way, but hope those who read my work enjoy it nonetheless. Currently, I'm writing a PMD original fanfiction that is quite odd, but very character focused and driven. I always say that it may be a good PMD story (God, I hope :v) but it's definitely a bad PMD game. Regardless, I hope to improve and maybe someday it might be a good story.

Other than that, I enjoy plenty of pokemon, dnd, card games, and a bunch of other stuff. I am still young, so I may seem pretty childish lol. Either way, I hope to get along with everyone here if I can!


Windswept Questant
Welcome to the forums! Glad you managed to make your way here and post your fic as well. Sounds like you’ll be right at home; certainly we have plenty of people who enjoy D&D, card games, and of course Pokémon. I know you’re interested in PMD stories, so a couple others you might enjoy are Path of Valor and Who’s Got the Kids.

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads!


Hello everyone!!

My name is Pledge Gallant, and I'm a fellow Pokemon enthusiast and artist. I only recently discovered this server from friends from various Discord servers, Namohysip included! I'm hoping to become more aware and enthusiastic about fan fictions here myself, as I read quite a few of them from time to time! I mostly celebrate my love for Pokemon with my drawings, though!

My own writing style is heavily character-oriented with a love for dialogue and interrelationships. It's been quite a few years since I last wrote a fan fiction of my own, but maybe one day I can fix that, or at least hope to one day be able to create my own comic, once I get over the perfectionistic tendencies and anxiety and fears that come with it.

My interests include drawing, roleplaying, bats, coffee, teas, and bartending for friends. An ambivert with a strong leaning toward introvert.


Windswept Questant
Welcome to the forums! Whether you end up writing a fic, creating a comic, or continue to make fanart and simply enjoy reading others’ stories, feel free to share what you’re working on! We have lots of people who enjoy all those different mediums. And of course feel free to ask for any help you need with work on your writing, if you end up going for it.

What ficus have you enjoyed reading? Always looking for recs.

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads!


Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
So, about three years ago, back when these forums were first being started, I got invited by Negrek to join, but I decided not to for personal reasons. But now those personal reasons are out of the way, so…

Hi! I’m JFought, the person who always lurks in the background and never says anything because whenever they do they just go on for five thousand words about random tangents. I like video games, both playing and with an interest in making them. I’m a programmer, I’m slowly getting into music composition and art, and of course, I’m also a writer.

I used to be sporadically active in the Serebii forums back during the 2010s. My tagline is “slowly writing” because the length of time it takes me to write literally anything might as well be a long running joke. For the past 7 years, going on 8, I’ve been working on a Pokémon fanfic, and most of what I write is set in its Pokémon-centric world. It hasn’t been released yet, and it still won’t be in time for its eighth anniversary, but in the meantime I’ve been writing one-shots and other short stories within it. I’m working on a couple right now, and am looking to post at least one of them sometime within the next month. I tend to write more wholesome stuff, and that’s where my strengths come through, but there’s also a darker bent to most of the work I do in my main setting.

So yeah, I’d like to try and be active here. Maybe. Hopefully. I’m trying to push myself to write more and get back into reading other fics. So I’m going to try and do that, and we’ll see how it goes.

Type: Electric/Ice
Timid Nature
Somewhat stubborn
Apparently met in HCL


Windswept Questant
So, about three years ago, back when these forums were first being started, I got invited by Negrek to join, but I decided not to for personal reasons. But now those personal reasons are out of the way, so…

Hi! I’m JFought, the person who always lurks in the background and never says anything because whenever they do they just go on for five thousand words about random tangents. I like video games, both playing and with an interest in making them. I’m a programmer, I’m slowly getting into music composition and art, and of course, I’m also a writer.

I used to be sporadically active in the Serebii forums back during the 2010s. My tagline is “slowly writing” because the length of time it takes me to write literally anything might as well be a long running joke. For the past 7 years, going on 8, I’ve been working on a Pokémon fanfic, and most of what I write is set in its Pokémon-centric world. It hasn’t been released yet, and it still won’t be in time for its eighth anniversary, but in the meantime I’ve been writing one-shots and other short stories within it. I’m working on a couple right now, and am looking to post at least one of them sometime within the next month. I tend to write more wholesome stuff, and that’s where my strengths come through, but there’s also a darker bent to most of the work I do in my main setting.

So yeah, I’d like to try and be active here. Maybe. Hopefully. I’m trying to push myself to write more and get back into reading other fics. So I’m going to try and do that, and we’ll see how it goes.

Type: Electric/Ice
Timid Nature
Somewhat stubborn
Apparently met in HCL
Long time, no see! Glad you decided to give this place another look. Glad you're still writing, too, even if it takes you a while to publish anything. I look forward to your one-shot, too, whenever you're able to post it! You don't need to worry about going off on random tangents, but if you'd rather just lurk, that's totally fine, too. One way or another I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads. Welcome again!


Bug Catcher
Oh hey, might as well finally get around to introducing myself, huh? My name is UnknownUser55, but I prefer being referred to as Unknown, most of the time. I've known and heard of Thousandroads for a while, and I've been active on the Discord for just a bit, but I have not taken the time to get myself too familiar with the forums and how to navigate around them, which I do wish to fix, starting now.

I often see myself as a person with a wide range of interests, from writing to reading and the alike. I started reading PMD fics a couple of years ago and only first joined a fanfic/writing community a couple of months back. I wish that by being involved in these communities, I can learn more about fic writing while just having a great time in general.


Windswept Questant
Welcome to the forums! Or to posting, at least. ;) Hope you have a great time here, too, and find some stories to enjoy! I like your avatar... Not sure if it means you like druddigon in particular, but if it does, you might enjoy Spiteful Murkrow's "Dragonspiral's Children!"

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads!


Windswept Questant
Sup, welcome to the forums! Glad to have you posting your story here. We have quite a few Hoenn enjoyers knocking around, so you're in good company! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time here.


flying in the name of love
  1. altaria
Sup, welcome to the forums! Glad to have you posting your story here. We have quite a few Hoenn enjoyers knocking around, so you're in good company! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you! I can't wait to meet the other Hoenn enjoyers


A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Hello! I am Arukona, and I write fanfiction. I'm on AO3 and FFN, but after seeing a number of other fanfic writers mention this site, I decided that I'd go over here too.

I've been into fanfiction since 2018, and have really gotten into Pokémon fanfiction in the last two years, enough to make me try a hand at it myself.

At the minute, I'm writing a fanfic called Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Dual Wills. In the coming days, I will start uploading it here as well.

That's all for now. Looking forward to getting to know more people here!
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