• Welcome to Thousand Roads! You're welcome to view discussions or read our stories without registering, but you'll need an account to join in our events, interact with other members, or post one of your own fics. Why not become a member of our community? We'd love to have you!

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Intro Thread


Hello, hello! I’ve actually made an account here a good while ago, but I just realised that I’ve never gotten around to introducing myself. Not the best start to a new forum that some of my friends have introduced me to, but hey, better later than never.

Anyway, I’m MidnightMorpher. Some call me Midnight and others confuse me for a character of mine (Hi Namo, Shadow, Zion). I’ve been interested in Pokémon as a whole ever since Pokémon Red and Blue, and I’ve also taken an interest to fanfiction around the time I started playing PMD: Explorers of Sky. But I’ve never really tried to do a serious, long term fanfic project until now, it’s just been half-finished stories that I had fun with and nothing else.

So since I’m trying to take something seriously for once, I decided to try branching out, just a little, and I decided that this might as well be where I first start. I used to just hang around the PMD: Writers United Discord server (hi guys, Angelo here), so I hope I can get used to being on a forum soon.

Thanks to those who read this entire thing, I tend to ramble a lot. Nice to meet you guys!


Galarian adventurer!
Galar, Slumbering Weald
*waves* Heyo everyone! I'm Alira, just a nineteen year old writer turning twenty next month who has not been on any forums for the entire time I've been online since I was like, twelve, so forgive me if I'm a tad awkward and not sure how to do stuff on forums ^^;;; I tend to write text blocks a lot so I apologize in advance.

I've been writing for years now for a ton of fandoms, cuz I have ADHD so I tend to bounce from one hyperfixation to the next but as a result, I know how to write fairly well. I don't have a beta so I edit all my fics myself, so there may be some mistakes that slip by me. I tend to write action/adventure fics sprinkled with a bit of romance and touches of darkness/angst, I write a mix of my own ocs and canon characters(some game, some anime). I do have some mild swearing in some and I do my best to write action scenes and there may be some blood and slight gore, but it's rare I get explicit, and I never get overly descriptive with the gore due to my own weak stomach.

I currently would/could write for Omega Ruby, X, Sun(need to restart my Ultra Moon file so the story I have set in Sun has the base game's plot, so no ultra wormholes or rainbow rocket for instance), PMD Explorers of Sky, Sword/Shield and the only seasons of the anime that I ever finished, XY and XYZ.

As for what pokemon fics I'm writing, currently, I only have two with semi-done/finished plot outlines and titles I'm writing that I'll quickly mention. I have other Pokemon stories, but all need either major reworks or haven't made it past the initial idea stage.

First is "A different sky yet the same", a fic focusing on my Human-Lucario hybrid character Megan Lucarina, originally from Kalos and moved to Alola before becoming the as-of-yet undefeated champion, going on an adventure which takes her into a different dimension than her own due to having Lunala and Solgaleo. Set several years in the past for her when the XY anime begins with some two human-ish ocs included, due to having her dimension's version of Ash's Greninja who was basically abandoned by Ash when she got him and being extremely close to him in many ways, she sets out to change things for this world's Greninja no matter what she has to do. This fic will span the entire run of the Kalos anime and movies and is best described as a fix-it fic in my opinion, most pokemon Megan has will be nicknamed and Pokespeak will generally be translated when it's in her POV. This was made around the time Sun and Moon came out so the first and currently the only finished chapter I wrote may be a little different from how I write now as my style has changed over time.

Second is one I came up with a couple of weeks ago and I have a small prequel oneshot finished for, "Reflections From The Past To The Future", set in Sword with the two protagonists being my trainer Alira and Hop. It's a rewrite/AU version of the Post Game story with various small edits of the main story that will be mentioned at points or made into oneshots. Alira and Hop are being called back to the Slumbering Weald by some strange pulling in their souls, and with how natural and familiar it feels for them to wield the sword and shield that summoned Zacian and Zamazenta to their aid, they set out with just themselves, their camping equipment and teams to follow the pulling in their souls, going deep, very deep into the woods. Where long-forgotten memories of humans and pokemon alike sleep, where old grudges are restlessly slumbering, and secrets won't stay hidden for very long... Where the fate of the two heroes of legends remained hidden for centuries until now, and no one knew what they went through.

That's all I have to say on my two stories I'm writing. Um, other than that I can say I will probably be a little silent? I'm fairly busy/stressed irl most of the time and tend to destress writing, plus I'm a little shy and unsure of how to talk to people most of the time, but you get me rambling on one of my stories or characters, and hooboy I can talk for actual hours. XD Otherwise I'm mild-mannered and do my best to be polite, though I can be very sarcastic at times.

Anyway I'll stop rambling now, this is waay too long as it is so I apologize, it's a pleasure to meet everyone! ^W^


@MidnightMorpher Glad to have you around! Curious to hear more about this project of yours. Big, long-term fic projects are my jam, so I hope I get to hear more about yours in the future!

@Alira Welcome! I already had the pleasure of looking at one of the stories you mention here, but the Kalos fic sounds like a lot of fun as well. Pokémorph and pokémon hybrid fics are particular favorites of mine, so I'm biased. :) Feel free to ramble about your characters/stories anytime, you're doing fine! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Hi everyone! I'm Starlight Aurate; I decided to come here from Serebii since a lot of my old fanfic friends are here! I'm currently working on my fic Drowning (the progress of which I am quiet happy with ^_^). Not sure if/when I'll post it here, only because I want to rewrite the old chapters but I also want to keep on pushing through what I have so far... At the moment, I'm making new stuff but would like to go back and revise!

Stuff about me: I'm devoutly Catholic (if you have any questions or want to talk about it, I would absolutely love to!), I love marine invertebrates and the ocean, and I love working in laboratories! I speak Mandarin Chinese and German (not fluently lololol). I've been a Pokemon fan for as long as I can remember. I stopped playing after Generation III because games and consoles are expensive ^_^; My favorite Pokemon changes, but I've been flip-flopping between Squirtle and Mightyena.

I began writing Drowning because I was SO disappointed with how the Pokemon anime ended the Team Aqua/Team Magma debacle. I figured even someone like me, who has not much formal education in story writing, could make a better story. So I decided to stop dreaming about how I would have ended it and write how I would have ended it. The story has grown a lot over the years as I have grown, and it just keeps on growing; I'm excited to see where it takes me!

I also enjoy writing one-shots, mainly ones that take place in one scene and revolve around someone's internal disposition.

I think that's all for now! I'm excited to get to know you all and be a part of this community :)

Editing this about ten months late, but if I were to do the Pokemon status:

Starlight Aurate
Type: Water (I feel like a second type would be Flying/Psychic/Ice but I really can't decide)
Quiet nature.
Apparently met in Route 124.
Likes bitter food.
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Welcome! Great to see you here. Glad to hear working Drowning has been going well, and I look forward to getting to read more of it. Hope you enjoy your time here!


gib bludoge pls
Hello hello hello! I've had my eye on this place for a while, but only now found the drive to join, so here I am.

I might be explosive, but folks usually just call me Turkey... the bird, not the country. Yeah, Thanksgivings are fun.

When it comes to writing, I'm a PMD author/procrastinator and I'm currently chipping away at an EoS fic named Canon Breakage (haha yes) which revolves around a guy from our world dealing with being thrown into a game he's played, except stuff's very different and he's screaming internally 24/7 as a result. There's quite a bit of swearing (from his end in particular), and while I don't intend on being lazy when it comes to plot and worldbuilding, I'm quite keen on writing a slow-burn romance as well. That's going to be quite the struggle, since this is my first ever serious project, and I'm diving in neck-deep into a long-term fic, but I'm sure I'll manage :cool:

Irl, I'm a Indian college student suffering his first year of IT, and the internet is my safe-haven so I spend a lot of time online.

In terms of interests, I'm a couch potato whose love for Pokemon comes primarily from PMD, as well a number of cute lil' legendary-centric oneshots I've reread about a million times over these past six years. There's two multi-chaptered fics in the same genre that haven't left my mind in ever, one of them being Requiem for the Living by Saf Dawnheart and the other being Skyway Avenue by Glory for Sleep. Apparently I cry easy, as I discovered while reading the former. When it comes to trainerfics, ones revolving around the canon dex-holders have consistently caught my eye. Clichestorm by Ysavvryl and Under the Same Sky by Wimpole Street are my top two favourites under that blanket. Two romance fics, a plot-based adventure fic, and a hurt/comfort fic I think that paints a decent picture of what my tastes are, hehe.

In general, I love fanfiction about the vidya games I play. Pokemon, Mass Effect, Fallout, and Dark Souls are some of the primary ones, though I've dipped into others as well.

I think that's more than enough of me talking. Going forward, I hope to contribute to this community the best I can. For now, toodles~!


Oh, welcome! Glad you decided to take the plunge and join. Your fic idea sounds like a lot of fun... Characters in way over their heads and handling it badly are loads of fun!

Sounds like you'll fit right in around here! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your stay.


Hello. My name is what you see, but you can also call me without the number if it is easier for you. I am a pokemon fan since Red-Blue, where I had all 151 pokemons legit. I am a 1st gen, a bit 2nd gen, hardcore fan.

For some years not I am working on a story about a couple making their journey through the world researching the pokemon. I want it to be more mature, even the couple is around 25-30ish, a bit older for most manga but still viable. The final idea is when I finish the story, to make it into a manga. (I am making comics in my free time)

Lately I am thinking to rework the story in a post apocalyptic theme, after the second pokemon war (we know that there was a first one by Lt. Surge) but I don't know yet.

That's it from me, I will post what I have worked so far and would like to see ideas or chatting of how to progress it.


Ah, welcome! A story to be made into a manga sounds interesting. I think we have a couple other people around here with comics experience, so you should be in good company. I'm always here for a good post-apocalyptic story, but whether you decide to go through with your rework or not, I'm sure it will be fun. Hope you enjoy your time here!


wandering in dreams
Hello! I'm not good at intros and bad at human interaction in general, so let's see how this goes.

I'm auspicious-clouds. That's really long, so you can shorten that however you like.

Er, some things about me: I write and do some traditional drawing when I have time. When I write original fiction, I only really write fantasy (only write it, really). I'm in a few fandoms besides pokemon, namely Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Seven Deadly Sins. I can speak Mandarin Chinese somewhat fluently (heritage speaker).

I'm usually more interested in pokemon-centric fanfics, but good trainer-fics and PMD fics I will also read.

My main project right now is a series called Kaleidoscopic, which is still mostly in the planning stages, and it's basically trainerfic stories of the canon dex-holders, from each generation of pokemon. Inspired by the games, Pokemon Special Manga, and my nuzlocke runs of some hacks, with a few of my own interpretations and ideas of the dex holders. Let's see if I can actually write it though. I plan stories excessively.

I'm also trying to write an accompanying expanded pokedex thing to go with that, kind of. Also possibly a fic centered on a Latias, eventually.

Uhh, my personality, I guess. IRL I'm fairly busy/stressed most of the time and I tend to ignore all the stuff I need to do and write and do other things instead. I'm on the shy and introverted side of things and am unsure of how to talk to people most of the time. If you get me rambling on one of my stories or characters, though, I can talk for a long time. I'm fairly sarcastic, though on the internet it's toned down a lot. I try my best to be polite, though I can be very oblivious of social blunders at times.

And, that's all for now, I think. Excited to meet all of y'all!~
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
smol scream
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
Hi friends!

I've been writing pokemon fic for over 16 years, and apparently I can't get enough.

When I'm not here, I get paid to illustrate stuff and hang out with kiddos either teaching art or running after school programs. I'm like a professional nerd mentor. I speak Spanish. I like soup, plants, marker drawings, story-driven games, tabletop RPGs, and board games.

Favorite pokemon: breloom, lucario, jolteon, flapple.

Favorite contemporary fiction: The Southern Reach Trilogy, Barbara Kingsolver, Holly Black, House of Leaves.

Type: grass/fighting
Quirky nature.
Met in the Lavaridge hot spring.
Likes sweet food.
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
smol scream
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
Hi! I'm Butterfree/Dragonfree/antialiasis, best known as the owner of a website called The Cave of Dragonflies and an epic-length trainer fic called The Quest for the Legends that I started when I was twelve and finished last year at twenty-eight, because I am ridiculous. I also wrote a ~50,000-word Pokémorph fic called Morphic in 2007-2010.

It's nice to see you're still around and active! I grew up reading Quest for the Legends -- had no idea we were peers! And I relate real hard -- both of my current WIPs are rewrites from when I was 8 and 12 respectively. Sometimes you just gotta.
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Welcome! Kaleidoscopic sounds like a lot of fun... Best of luck getting it off the ground, and feel free to ask for help around here if you're stuck on something. We'd be happy to help! Hope you enjoy your stay here; I think you'll fit right in. :)


It sounds like we started writing fanfic at the same time, which is pretty wild! I can't get enough fic-writing, either, haha. In sixteen more years, maybe, I'll have slowed down a little bit. Glad to see you here, I'm way overdue in checking out your stuff!


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
Hey! It's cool that this exists.

I've been writing Pokemon fic for nine years, though it's longer if you count my first ever poem 'Bulbasaur and many more/ Wait outside the garden doors.'

I'm really into Pokemon mythology, religion, and world-building. I like stories that have their own unique vision of the Pokemon world, whatever form that takes.

My longest story is "Making It Big," an OT fic I started to see if I could actually write one. It pits a ten-year-old girl and her rattata against systemic economic inequality.

I have a larger, more sweeping project that is crystallizing slowly and not at all chronologically, about rising tensions in the Pokemon world between modernization and nature, corporatism and religion. Uh, I also have a lot of thoughts about N.

Excited to try out forum culture!


Don’t underestimate seeds.
smol scream
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
@Pen Hi, stranger! 👋


@Pen Ah, I know you! Not nearly as familiar with your work as I ought to be, but perhaps this will be my moment, eh? I am impressed that you have a big fic project coming together, since it seems like you're already working on a ton of stuff!

There are a lot of people here who are big on worldbuilding, mythology, and N, so I think you'll be able to find some people you'll enjoy discussing stories with. Welcome, and I hope you have a good time here!


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
I've been on the discord for a spell, but I haven't really looked through the forums properly yet. And... I just found this, so I thought I'd post here for the sake for formality?

I'm SparklingEspeon, but some people also know me as Team Rocket in certain places on Discord. I've been writing and reading pokemon fanfiction (And occasionally the odd thing for another fandom, but Pokémon remains my fav) for about four years, although I only joined FFN mid 2018. More recently, I've gravitated towards the relatively small Pokémon Mystery Dungeon section of the fandom, since that capitalizes on all things that drew me to pokemon in the first place.

My current project is a very loose adaption of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon that's less of an adaption and more of an excuse to use a popular character the games sidelined and do a detailed study of the PMD world in general. Occasionally I've written for the mainline pokemon games and the anime, but those are all either oneshots, unfinished, or very not-normal reading. I'm gradually attempting to move them all to TR, but for the time being most of them are on my FFN account and nowhere else yet.

Reviewing is something that's become a bit of a habit for me, and even though I've had less and less time to do it now that the spring college semester has started and my schedule is more cluttered than Count Olaf's house, I still try to review at least one thing a day.

If I were a pokemon…

Type: Psychic
Level: Yes
Nature: Hasty
Can be extremely Quirky at times.
Apparently met on the internet! :D
Likes everything but mushy things, bitter foods, olives, gum, pop rocks, and peach fuzz.

Seriously. Peach fuzz is nastiness incarnate. Shudders
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Oh, hey! Seen you around on the Discord and posting scene, but it was fun to learn a bit more about you here. And don't worry, I'm happy to eat all the olives that would otherwise plague you. :)

Looking forward to catching up with your fic and seeing you around more. Hope you have a good time here!


Now Playing: Crystal Castles - Reckless
the void
Feminine - She/Her
Huzzah, intro thread!
Hello everyone, my name's Maneki! I've never really...written pokemon fanfiction before, however my brain mostly does the thing known as "LET'S THINK UP TOO MANY CONCEPTS AT ONCE!", which leads me to write...attempts at fanfiction. As for other things I like to do, I like to doodle on my computer or in a sketchbook, play video games (fantasy, visual novels), watch tv, make a heck ton of possible characters...things like that!

For me, if i'm not around, I am...stuck in high school - attempting to figure out what it is I want to do in life. (math is pain.)

As for current projects:
- Attempting to make a PMD + Persona inspired fanfiction, based on a sleep deprived idea I had at...11:00 at night.
- Hoping to actually make my art style...an art style, instead of just relying on the circle head treatment and powerpuff girl hands for humans.

And what I'd be as a Pokemon:

Maneki (Held Item: Amulet Coin | Ability: Lightning Rod)
Quirky nature.
Apparently met at lvl. 17 in a faraway place. [Snowpoint City]
Often Lost in Thought.
Happily eats anything.
- Sing
- Charge
- Thunder Fang
- Pay Day


Welcome! It's awesome that you're trying out pokémon fic for the first time. Good luck with your attempt! Hope you're having fun with it. In the meantime, welcome again, and I hope you enjoy hanging out on the forums.
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