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[INNOCENTS WIN] First Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread

Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
It looks like there are an awful lot of variables in this plan (good grief I sound like Clippy), including ones which are utterly unaccounted for. We don't know if there even IS a strongman or a roleblocker, do we?

Also, going through with it means trusting that more than one person is being honest about their role. And truth be told, I'm not ready to trust them, not 100%. The identities of two protectors (and a switcher) are ASSUMED, not known.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
It's not supposed to be optimal. It's supposed to be confusing with too many variables so the mafia doesn't know what to do and goes for an easier target.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

"You're all making a grave mistake," Diyem said, snarling. "I have made mistakes. I have done nothing but try to rectify them in an effort to save the innocents. I am among you. Do you want me to reveal what I am capable of?" He narrowed his eyes. "When I said my role was better left unknown, I meant it, as it would make the maifa paranoid. But if you are going to eat your own and strike the incorrect person, I will state my powers clearly and we can direct ourselves elsewhere."


Ooc: I don't know why the sudden target is being held at me. If someone can point out precisely why, I'll try to explain it, as well as reveal my role if that's what has you guys so worried.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
I wound up being ninja’d (by seven minutes :| ) because I got distracted by chapter writing and forgot to post. I don’t think Starlight actually said much of substance beyond jumping on a bandwagon and is still suspicious. But for now my vote is unchanged.
[["Oh, what the bloody hell is this!" Yami Bakura throws the tea into the air. The cup and saucer crashed to the ground and shattered into hundreds of tiny ceramic shards. "You're going to bloody accuse me of being a bloody murderer because I've done bloody nothing?? I'm more dangerous than all of you combined! How the bloody hell am I supposed to bloody murder somebody and be bloody suspicious because I'm so damn bloody quiet about it?!"

Yami Bakura stopped. Everyone was staring at him in quiet shock. He had let slip again.

But he was worked up in a rage. Oh, he would love to kill someone, but the fact that people wanted to get rid of him when he hadn't even had a chance to do so was ridiculous!

He straightened up. "Having closely watched the actions and words of my fellow..." he glanced up at Ntairow and wasn't able to find a suitable word to describe her..."organisms, I second my suspicions on the dragon, Diyem. He is quick to clear his name and throw dirt on others. I can't say outright why, but you should consider me a VERY valuable ally--for those of you for whom I am an ally."]]

I want to echo that the protector roles are ASSUMED, not known. We don't know who's being honest and who's not, and especially since I don't know a lot of the people here well and realize that some of them are pretty experienced with Mafia, I don't feel too keen on being trustworthy.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City

"You're all making a grave mistake," Diyem said, snarling. "I have made mistakes. I have done nothing but try to rectify them in an effort to save the innocents. I am among you. Do you want me to reveal what I am capable of?" He narrowed his eyes. "When I said my role was better left unknown, I meant it, as it would make the maifa paranoid. But if you are going to eat your own and strike the incorrect person, I will state my powers clearly and we can direct ourselves elsewhere."


Ooc: I don't know why the sudden target is being held at me. If someone can point out precisely why, I'll try to explain it, as well as reveal my role if that's what has you guys so worried.
Momentum, and because everything you do is either trying to get someone else killed, or keeping yourself alive.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
It's not supposed to be optimal. It's supposed to be confusing with too many variables so the mafia doesn't know what to do and goes for an easier target.
most people have useful roles, not just the people that have claimed. it sucks but revealing your role paints a target on your back, and keeping the crosshairs off of you is going to be on a day by day basis and even then it’s not going to be be 100% successful. keeping someone you’re suspicious of in order to do so makes even less sense—the point of the game is to knock them out, not keep yourself alive.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
most people have useful roles, not just the people that have claimed. it sucks but revealing your role paints a target on your back, and keeping the crosshairs off of you is going to be on a day by day basis and even then it’s not going to be be 100% successful. keeping someone you’re suspicious of in order to do so makes even less sense—the point of the game is to knock them out, not keep yourself alive.
We already basically "know" he's mafia, though, so killing him doesn't really get us any new information. And keeping protectors alive helps keep other roles that help against the mafia. So, keeping ourselves alive helps knock them out.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Momentum? What does that even mean? Day 1, I was trying to find the optimal strategy. I chose poorly, but then I sided with no-jail once it was explained to me why it was a bad idea. Sike and Chibi both agreed with me, and Chibi was shown to be innocent.

Of course I'd be trying to keep myself alive, my power is useful! Or at least, it could be. I wasn't aiming to get others killed for the sake of it, I was literally pointing out that it could be optimal. Yes, I was wrong, but I like to hope my efforts to find the best approach was genuine.

I hope everyone remembers, if you guys take me down, who it is that aimed for me so vehemently. I'm innocent. The missteps here are partly on me to blame, for misreading the meta, but trying to turn that on me for the sake of mislabeling me as mafia is NOT going to work out.

So do you want my role or not? Because when I'm taken down, and you see I'm innocent, you'll at least have one variable off the table. But I'm telling you, if you have some other way to prove it, I'll take it immediately.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
we don’t “know” he’s mafia whatsoever. and i don’t think whatever random alternate target they pick is less useful than you just because they haven’t revealed—in fact, they might be more useful because they aren’t outed to the mafia/living against a timer, and probably aren’t redundant as the healers seem to be. not a trade worth making imo.


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
I don't think we should even be absolutely certain that the mafia will go for Sike or Tanuki tonight just because they're claimed doctors. Sure, that's a useful role, but as qva says, there's plenty of other useful roles here. And as I had Tefiren mention in a post a while back, the thing the mafia should be most afraid of is inforoles. If they spend two days killing doctors, that's two days more the inforoles can gather incriminating evidence. They might decide it's better to shoot at someone else who at least has a chance of being an inforole (and of being unprotected) than at one of the few people who definitely isn't.

We really don't know Namo is mafia. Nobody but you seems sure about that. As far as I understand it, the bandwagon is happening because we need to lynch somebody today and they're one of the less-innocent-looking people, not that they're super obviously guilty.

...ninja'd by qva, but, yeah.

Also, Tanuki, I notice how you still haven't responded to the part where you voted for me on the basis of something I literally didn't do.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
Of course I'd be trying to keep myself alive, my power is useful!
There's keeping yourself alive, which we're all doing, but the way you did it was always by throwing suspicion at someone else. It's a lot of very small things that once someone pushed, all started tumbling down and a lot of people started following the momentum. Kinda mob-rule-ish.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
Momentum? What does that even mean? Day 1, I was trying to find the optimal strategy. I chose poorly, but then I sided with no-jail once it was explained to me why it was a bad idea. Sike and Chibi both agreed with me, and Chibi was shown to be innocent.

Of course I'd be trying to keep myself alive, my power is useful! Or at least, it could be. I wasn't aiming to get others killed for the sake of it, I was literally pointing out that it could be optimal. Yes, I was wrong, but I like to hope my efforts to find the best approach was genuine.

I hope everyone remembers, if you guys take me down, who it is that aimed for me so vehemently. I'm innocent. The missteps here are partly on me to blame, for misreading the meta, but trying to turn that on me for the sake of mislabeling me as mafia is NOT going to work out.

So do you want my role or not? Because when I'm taken down, and you see I'm innocent, you'll at least have one variable off the table. But I'm telling you, if you have some other way to prove it, I'll take it immediately.
mostly i don’t think that many people care about you arguing for a lynch yesterday. tanuki keeps bringing that up but i think the main thing guiding most people’s votes on you is that you’ve, for the most part, attempted to give the impression that you’re participating deeply by “directing town,” so to speak, without making much real contribution at all, as well as the fact that you’ve reacted fairly vehemently to any suspicion on you even when the suspicion (before now) hasn’t really warranted a very strong reaction at all. not concrete, but there’s nothing concrete to go on right now, so meh.

who do you think it incriminates if you flip innocent?

i don’t think you NEED to reveal your role just yet, though you can feel free if you’d like i guess. if the vote doesn’t move off you closer to EOD, you probably should.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
So it's literally a bandwagon for why you guys are trying to get rid of me. No actual logic, just, this guy poked me, now let's all poke him? Do I need to disrupt that?
do you have a logical argument against someone else? i’m all ears if so, but otherwise yeah, someone needs to get lynched today and all we have to go on is feelings.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
There's keeping yourself alive, which we're all doing, but the way you did it was always by throwing suspicion at someone else. It's a lot of very small things that once someone pushed, all started tumbling down and a lot of people started following the momentum. Kinda mob-rule-ish.
Isn't mafia supposed to be kinda mob-rule-ish? o_o

I'm jumping on what qva and Tanuki are saying, though admittedly I'm suspicious of the people who have claimed their roles already.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium

"So this is how it will go." Diyem's face twisted into a defiant smirk. "Your first innocent kill by your own hands. Is that what you want? Fine. Then for the sake of transparency, if you truly wish to be rid of me, I have no choice but to reveal my power... Because the first thing to try to save myself, and perhaps even save you, is get all the information out there."

Diyem held his claws out. Shadows churned by his right side.

"My power," Diyem said, eyes closed, "is manifest from my ability to truly dislike all of you. And this is only proving my point further. If I had the power, I would simply be done with this whole game by ridding of you all at once... Unfortunately... That is not possible. And I would much rather my power be directed at someone I am certain of being mafia... Hence, why I did not use it yesterday night."

"I am Diyem," the Charizard said, and the shadows solidified. An ornate handle of darkness attached to a great, heavy, flat weight. "And this... is my banhammer."

He pointed the top of the allet toward them. "Every odd-numbered night, I may target someone, and be rid of them. ...Which means..." He slammed the matted on the ground, grunting. "I cannot do anything tonight... But tomorrow night, should I still stand,


I'm an odd-night vigilante. Didn't use my power on Night 1 because everyone was keen on not killing anyone, and I respected that. I had personally been suspicious of qva because the target had gone to me, and then to Chibi, both innocent. But now I don't really know. If you don't kill me, the mafia may want to target me instead so they get rid of that power before it happens on Night 3. But if you kill me now, welp. Just remember what I said.
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