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Hoopa's Multiverse Party! [Roleplay Thread] {Nov 16-22}

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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Kimiko returned Saltriv's smile and gently stroked its leaf. The little chikorita seemed to have calmed down a bit, so Kimiko returned her attention to the party just in time to see Odette taking a potion... and then burst into song.

Where'd they come from? she thought, eyeing the accompanying orchestra. Nice touch.
Saltriv looked up at Kimiko as she began stroking their leaf. What was she doing? That...that felt really nice, actually!

As their tail began to wag, the shadowy wisps began to die back down, and they asked, "What are you doing? It feels really good!"
A flicker caught her eye and Kimiko looked down - this time, Saltriv definitely was leaking shadowy wisps. "Whoa," Kimiko gasped, flinching away. She vaguely wondered if this was a shadow pokemon, but... hadn't that whole incident been cleared up? "Hey, um, are you alright?" she asked Saltriv quietly.
At that question, Saltriv's eyes widened, and they looked down. No, the wisps were back! They were almost gone, but they were still present.

"I-I'm ok!" the Chikorita said, pressing their leaf back against Kimiko's hand.

Just stay calm. Stay calm. Focus on that really nice sensation.

Soon, the wisps disappeared entirely, and Saltriv began smiling brightly at the stroking.
"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation,"
"I've been in lots of fights!" Saltriv said, extending a vine to grab a vial without leaving Kimiko's side. "I've even fought and rescued a Shadow Pokemon already, with my teammates' help!"

They began drinking the vial, before a white glow enveloped them, completely obscuring them from view. The glow began growing, and the shape underneath began twisting and morphing. Once the glow was as tall as Odette, it dissipated, revealing the now-Meganium underneath.

However, they looked odd for a Meganium. Instead of antennae, they still had their autumn-red leaf, their petals were a similar color, and their skin was a pale yellow-green color.

Saltriv looked down at themselves in awe, tapping various parts of themselves with vines to see if this was real, and it was.

"I...I evolved!" Saltriv exclaimed.


(Art by Cress)


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
It was a long and hard puke, but at least it was eventually over.

Red wiped his mouth off, closed the toilet lid and pulled the flush, but nothing happened. He did it twice more before remembering these furniture were fake. Right... well, I guess some janitor's gonna get a nasty surprise.

Remembering things proved difficult in general. He knew he... drank something and fought a flareon and that he talked to that one woman - those two women, pretty long and intently, but the details were fuzzy. He felt like he'd brought up the origins of the universe. Why the hell would he have done that? No one was going to understand it right off the bat, especially not when explained by a drunk person. He was drunk? Yeah, he'd been drunk. It explained some things.

He looked around and flinched as he spotted Odile standing beside him. Had they been in the middle of a conversation? Or was she just some kind of vomit voyeurist?

He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing, instead standing up and traipsing back to the group. He noticed the tray of meatballs on the table, remembered all about it and sat down to refuel. Why was there an empty section on the plate with some mashed potato scraps, though? ...Right, he'd thrown it. At the flareon. After calling it a pile of mashed...

Red rubbed his forehead and pledged not to think before he'd gotten enough food and drink back in his system.

"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation," she announced.

But the sentence he overheard was a swift and painful reminder that he was, indeed, still participating in a party game. And no amount of mental gymnastics could stop the numerous fights he'd gotten into from counting. Could he just lie? No, the party master would surely know and call him out. All things considered, it was likely less painful to just get the potion over with. And how likely would it be for it so make him feel this bad again? The spheal said they weren't supposed to be harmful, anyway... he probably just couldn't hold his liquor.

He let himself eat at least a few more meatballs and finish his water before getting up and fetching a potion for himself. This one was green, but smelled like things that clearly weren't - pecha, cheri, oran. Well, it seemed like it'd go down easy, at least. He took a sip -- and retched immediately. This was barely distinguishable from what has just come out of him!

But what had to be done had to be done. Bravely - at least, in his mind - he drank the rest despite his body protesting every swallow. The acidic burn lingering in his throat, he really wish he'd saved some water for himself.

[[ This vile liquid gives the drinker an extra pair of arms. ]]

Something in his shoulders began to ache, then swell. His clothes resisted the change, pushing back the new mass, but it was clear this thing wasn't going back in. Grunting, Red removed his jacket, then his shirt, and the lumps grew explosively, lengthening and... were these wings? Was he growing wings? The feeling in them faded away the longer they became, but he could tell from their weight and twitching that they were new limbs. Would he be able to fly with these wings? Aerodynamically, it was a fat chance, but, well, in a pokémon way. He glanced around for a mirror. Once he found one, he sprinted right to it. He saw himself, and a pair of machamp-like secondary arms growing from his shoulders - in his skin color, naturally.

...Ah. Disappointing.

He made his way back to the group - then realized he'd become shirtless in the previous sequence of events. He drew his arms over his chest to cover himself -- no, what am I doing? I have nothing to be ashamed about. I'm probably in the best shape of anyone here! Except for the scars... hope no one asks about those.

He held his head high and strutted back to his seat with the pride of a Helixian. He didn't check any of the women's reactions in order not to seem like a tryhard, but he was sure they had to be impressed. If they could look past the extra arms, that is.


Pokémon Trainer
"Never have I ever been in a physical altercation? Well, Yeah. Many times, in fact. Lilly's mom, A lycanroc, and..." Rekker points to Red. "That asshole "


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
He looked around and flinched as he spotted Odile standing beside him. Had they been in the middle of a conversation? Or was she just some kind of vomit voyeurist?
Odile had been sitting there for quite a while. She was clearly mesmerized by the image of this absolute hunk of a madlad puking his guts out. He just smelled so good. The absolute wrath wafting off of him was very inviting, and she just could not help herself.

She sent him a dainty wave. "P̴l̵e̵e̶e̴e̷a̶a̶a̷s̵s̷e̶e̴ ̶d̷o̵n̷'̷t̵ ̵s̶t̴o̸p̷ ̸o̸n̸ ̷m̴y̸ ̵a̴c̴c̴o̷u̵n̸t," she giggled. Nonetheless, he seemed to be done, and she pouted, almost jokingly as he walked away.

"N̷o̴ ̵f̶u̸n̴," she muttered. "I̸ ̸w̷ ̷a̶s̶ ̴j̷u̷s̷t̴ ̷g̶o̷i̸n̷g̷ ̶t̸o̵ ̸s̶a̷y̵ ̸t̶h̸a̸t̷ ̴y̶o̴u̸'̸d̷ ̷p̷r̷o̴b̴a̸b̶l̸y̵ ̷t̴a̶s̷t̷e̵ ̶r̴e̷a̸l̸l̴y̶ ̵g̷o̷o̸d̷,̴ ̴b̵u̴t̷ ̵i̷f̸ ̴y̷o̸u̷ ̴d̵o̷n̴'̴t̵ ̵w̷a̶n̶t̵ ̷t̵o̸ ̷h̸e̷a̶r̶ ̶i̵t̶,̵ ̴y̴o̴u̸r̵ ̶l̶o̷s̶s̵.̸ ̶"

With that, she glided back over to the group. She stopped dead in her tracks when she came back across Odette and Selene, and outwardly gasped at Odette's new height.

"A̴H̸H̸H̶H̶H̸!̷" she hollered, pressing her hands to her cheeks. "̵Y̷O̷U̸'̵R̵E̷ ̶S̶O̷ ̴B̶E̵A̷U̴T̷I̵F̸U̸L̵!̶ ̸I̷ ̴m̷e̵a̸n̴ ̶y̷o̵u̷ ̴a̶l̴r̵e̴a̷d̷y̸ ̶w̵e̷r̷e̴ ̸b̸e̷c̶a̸u̵s̷e̵ ̴h̶o̸w̵ ̴c̵o̶u̴l̶d̵ ̷y̸o̶u̷ ̴n̶o̴t̸ ̷b̸e̷,̵ ̷b̷u̴t̵ ̷T̸H̴I̸S̷ ̸I̷S̷ ̴S̵O̵M̸E̵T̴H̵I̸N̷G̸.̵ ̴I̴'̷m̸ ̶S̶W̸O̸O̴O̸O̵O̷O̷O̸O̷O̶O̵O̸O̷O̷O̶O̵N̶I̵N̸G̸,̷"̵ ̶

She rushed up to her vessel and locked her arms around her waist in a bear hug. Odette was startled at first, but eventually landed her hand on Odile's head, averting her eyes away shyly. "Thanks," she muttered. She guessed there was a plus to having a personal cheerleader, once in a while...even if said cheerleader looked like she was in dire need of an exorcism.

"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation," she announced. Sure, she tackled that thief once, but that would hardly count as a fight.
Odile's eyes lit up. "H̷a̵!̴ ̷Y̷o̷u̸ ̵h̴a̴v̷e̵ ̶t̸o̷ ̶d̷r̸i̵n̶k̶ ̷a̷g̷a̷i̸n̶!̶ ̶Y̵o̸u̴ ̴s̸h̵o̶u̷l̶d̴ ̷d̵r̸i̴n̵k̷ ̷l̸i̷k̷e̵ ̶t̸w̶e̸n̶t̵y̶!̶ ̸O̶r̷ ̷m̷o̶r̶e̸!̷"

That's when Odette finally pushed Odile off and brushed off her dress. "Yeah, are you just going to constantly spew my secrets to complete strangers?"

"W̶h̶y̴ ̶n̵o̵o̶o̶o̴o̵o̷o̴o̴o̵t̸t̸t̸t̸t̸t̸t̶,̴ ̴t̸h̷e̵y̵'̶r̷e̷ ̷s̷o̷ ̵j̸u̴i̷c̸y," Odile hummed.

Odette didn't answer, as she gave an apologetic look to Selene. "Be right back," she said. She began to walk away, but Odile stayed back for a beat. She eyed Selene, offered her a wide, open eyed grin, before following behind Odette, watching as she grabbed yet another vial. This one was bright, almost glowing neon yellow, and she sighed.

"K̴i̵n̴d̴a̷ ̴l̷o̷o̸k̴s̷ ̸l̷i̷k̷e̷ ̴n̴e̴o̵n̸ ̸p̶e̵e̵," Odile joked.

"Thanks for that image, Grudge."

"Y̵o̸u̴'̷r̴e̴ ̶w̴e̶l̵c̴o̸m̷e̴!̷ ̴B̶o̴t̷t̵o̶m̵s̸ ̸u̴p̴!̷"

Odette decided that it was best not to wait. She one again popped off the cork and downed it. She was pleasantly surprised that it had no taste. It more closely resembled the taste of water.

Now, she was more horrid, and Odette was... prettier? Selene didn't really feel it made that much of a difference, Odette was pretty ei- No. You've made a friend. Don't think like that, or you'll mess it all up.
She felt her body shrink, and she sighed, clearly depressed about that fact. "Garbage."

Whatever body you want...

She shook it off the thought as a puff of smoke appeared before her.

[[Enjoy the gift of healing for a little bit! Use it wisely!]]
She considered the words for a little bit, then her eyes widened. Something of a smile popped over her lips and she walked back over to Selene. "Hey!" she said. "Can I try something?"

She wasn't sure how this was supposed to work. Was she just meant to...touch the ailment? And it would heal? The words were far too vague, but she'd have to attempt something. She hesitantly reached out a hand, before touching her finger to one of Selene's mandibles.

Something in his shoulders began to ache, then swell. His clothes resisted the change, pushing back the new mass, but it was clear this thing wasn't going back in. Grunting, Red removed his jacket, then his shirt, and the lumps grew explosively, lengthening and... were these wings? Was he growing wings? The feeling in them faded away the longer they became, but he could tell from their weight and twitching that they were new limbs. Would he be able to fly with these wings? Aerodynamically, it was a fat chance, but, well, in a pokémon way. He glanced around for a mirror. Once he found one, he sprinted right to it. He saw himself, and a pair of machamp-like secondary arms growing from his shoulders - in his skin color, naturally.

...Ah. Disappointing.

He made his way back to the group - then realized he'd become shirtless in the previous sequence of events. He drew his arms over his chest to cover himself -- no, what am I doing? I have nothing to be ashamed about. I'm probably in the best shape of anyone here! Except for the scars... hope no one asks about those.

He held his head high and strutted back to his seat with the pride of a Helixian. He didn't check any of the women's reactions in order not to seem like a tryhard, but he was sure they had to be impressed. If they could look past the extra arms, that is.
When all of that was said and done, Odette realized that Odile had come back over to her, which mean the pretty nutjob was done losing his lunch. She looked over her shoulder to find him back in his recliner...shirtless...with extra arms.

She snickered, before it became a full fledged laugh. What an absolutely ridiculous sight. Then again, she might confess she'd seen weirder.

"Does your god like extra limbs?" she called. "Or are we playing 'Alien Strip Club?'"

"O̴H̷!̸ ̷O̴H̴!̴ ̵A̷l̴i̷e̶n̴ ̶S̴t̸r̶i̵p̷ ̷C̵l̶u̴b̴ ̷s̵o̵u̵n̷d̶s̵ ̴f̶u̷n̵.̸ ̶S̷t̸a̸r̴t̵ ̵b̷l̷e̸e̴d̷i̸n̵g̵,̶ ̶a̷n̷d̵ ̸I̶ ̸c̸a̷n̶ ̸b̶e̷ ̴a̷ ̶r̸e̵a̶l̵l̴y̴ ̶c̵o̵o̸l̸ ̴a̵l̸i̵e̷n̴.̷ ̴"

Odette shook her head. "Imagine not being slick, couldn't be me."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
The question lingered for a beat, before she snickered. "Don't worry about it. I appreciate the sentiment. And I wouldn't necessarily be mad if I could leave like this."
"That is what I said. I just phrased it better this time"

"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation,"
Oh no, this was another one she'd have to drink for. Already.

She reluctantly took her bottle. The liquid inside looked like antifreeze.

The words were far too vague, but she'd have to attempt something. She hesitantly reached out a hand, before touching her finger to one of Selene's mandibles.
Odette drank hers, then touched a mandible. "W-What are you doing?"

Selene winced as they began to shift again. The mandibles retreating into her face wasn't a pleasant feeling. But, when she looked in the mirror and it was as if they were never there, she decided it was worth it. She looked normal again.

"Thanks." She found she was laughing softly. "Gosh, I need some of your luck."

Her own potion taunted her. It was labelled with something, but it wasn't in Kantonese or Kalosienne. In all likelyhood, considering who had made it, it probably wasn't a human language at all. She opened the bottle and began to pout it back. It tasted like menthol. Without really intending to, she reached out and grabbed Odette's wrist.

I felt like an icy breeze blew through the store. Or, no, she wasn't cold... Not physically cold, at least? It made Odette's wrist feel pleasantly warm. She wanted to- No. Cut that out. This is only going to lose you a friend again.

She let go of Odette's wrist and crossed her arms, trying not to shiver.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Thanks." She found she was laughing softly. "Gosh, I need some of your luck."
Odette laughed again, a little more bitterly. "No you don't, trust me. Today just happens to be a good day."

I felt like an icy breeze blew through the store. Or, no, she wasn't cold... Not physically cold, at least? It made Odette's wrist feel pleasantly warm. She wanted to- No. Cut that out. This is only going to lose you a friend again.

She let go of Odette's wrist and crossed her arms, trying not to shiver.
She could practically feel the force of that menthol from where she was standing, and next thing she knew, Selene was shivering. Odette didn't mind being used as a balance stand, and watched in slight concern as Selene took a step back.

"Well, jeeze," she said. "Don't freeze on me now."

She looked back at that same bedroom set where the mirror was. The bed was in shambles, but the blanket...well, it still looked alright. She walked over to it and wrestled it from the debris, shaking out any excess splinters from the fabric, just to make sure it would be able to do the job of keeping Selene warm from whatever the potion was doing to her.

"This should work."

She jogged back over to Selene and in a swift motion, wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, tying it loosely at her neck, like a cape. She then took a step back to admire her handiwork. "Better? Somewhat?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"No you don't, trust me. Today just happens to be a good day."
“Touché. I wouldn’t want to jinx it and get a potion of demonic possession or something.”

She jogged back over to Selene and in a swift motion, wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, tying it loosely at her neck, like a cape. She then took a step back to admire her handiwork. "Better? Somewhat?"
Selene made herself smile. She wasn’t flushing, was she? Or, if she was, she could say it was from the cold.

“A little? But I don’t think there’s much cold outside the blanket to keep out. It’s like my own body heat winked out.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
“Touché. I wouldn’t want to jinx it and get a potion of demonic possession or something.”

Selene made herself smile. She wasn’t flushing, was she? Or, if she was, she could say it was from the cold.

“A little? But I don’t think there’s much cold outside the blanket to keep out. It’s like my own body heat winked out.”
The demonic possession joke was pretty funny. "You're damn right."

"A̵r̷e̶ ̷y̸o̸u̸ ̸t̸a̵l̷k̴i̵n̸g̴ ̵a̶b̷o̵u̷t̷ ̸m̵e̷e̶e̶e̸e̴e̴e̵?̶" Odile wondered. Instead of turning around, she simply bent over backwards to look at them. Odette made a shooing motion toward her. "Not now."

She adjusted the blanket a little more. "Well, lucky for you, blankets can also keep the heat in. So lets try to keep whatever's left, yeah?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Well, lucky for you, blankets can also keep the heat in. So lets try to keep whatever's left, yeah?"

She bundled up as much loose blanket as she could and held it against her, but it didn't help. The blanket had no warmth.

She wasn't going to fix this. Perhaps it was best, then, just to move on, maybe something would hake her mind off how warm Odette had felt...

"Never have I ever..." She wasn't sure what to say. Nothing too weird, nor so normal nobody would care. "danced?"


Pokémon Trainer
"Never have I ever..." She wasn't sure what to say. Nothing too weird, nor so normal nobody would care. "danced?"
"If you call just shuffling in place dancing, then yeah, I've danced." Said the Flareon.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu

She bundled up as much loose blanket as she could and held it against her, but it didn't help. The blanket had no warmth.

She wasn't going to fix this. Perhaps it was best, then, just to move on, maybe something would hake her mind off how warm Odette had felt...

"Never have I ever..." She wasn't sure what to say. Nothing too weird, nor so normal nobody would care. "danced?"
She cringed. A hard, doubtful smile crossed her face. "Dammit," she muttered. "The one time my triple threat training is fucking me over."

Odile started giggling eerily. "Y̷o̷u̷'̴v̴e̷ ̵h̸a̴d̷ ̸t̴o̶ ̸d̸r̶i̵n̷k̴ ̶f̵o̴r̸ ̴e̶v̷e̴r̶y̴ ̸q̵u̸e̷s̸t̸i̴o̶n̷,̶ ̸h̸o̸w̸ ̶d̸o̷e̵s̷ ̷t̷h̴a̴t̴ ̴m̷a̸k̶e̷ ̴y̵o̸u̵ ̶f̶e̴e̶l̴?̷"

"Like I'm gonna smack you again," she spat, walking once again back over to Ghaspius. For the fun of it, she closed her eyes and picked up another vial. She was less than thrilled to see she'd picked one up that looked like it was holding black tar. She stuck her tongue out, repulsed.

"This looks less than appetizing," she gagged. She popped the top off and, very hesitantly, sipped it. She was pleasantly surprised to find it smelling like Oreos...but it tasted like she was sipping sour yogurt, and she gagged again, holding it away from her lips.

"That's fucking foul," she coughed. "Do I have to drink this all the way?"

She got her answer in a black puff of smoke appearing before her.

[[You're feeling veeerrrrrryyyyyy sleepy~ 💤]]
She lowered her brows. She couldn't say anything before her eyelids became heavy, she brought her hand to her face and stumbled over a little bit as a yawn took over.

"Fuck, that shit was Nyquil..." she grumbled.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"Does your god like extra limbs?" she called. "Or are we playing 'Alien Strip Club?'"
"As a matter of fact, HE probably does," Red said. "All of HIS forms, save for Kohath, seems to have them. Makes sense for a being that lived as a cephalopod for millions of years. Though with these limbs..."

As the feeling in them stopped shortly after the shoulders, he really wasn't sure if he had any control over them at all -- they seemed to wander on their own, but he could also have been sending impulses to them on a subconscious level.

One slapped him in the face.

"Hey!" He caught the misbehaving arm by the wrist, and it raised its middle finger in an unmistakable gesture of disrespect. "I guess that settle's that," he muttered, cautiously letting it go. Fortunately, it seemed to leave him alone.

"Never have I ever..." She wasn't sure what to say. Nothing too weird, nor so normal nobody would care. "danced?"
"Hmm..." He tried to think of a situation where he would have been required to dance - obviously, he would not do it on his own - but drew a blank. There had been dancing lessons in PE, but he'd purposefully skipped those. "No, I don't think so." Whew. No drink for me this time.

[[You're feeling veeerrrrrryyyyyy sleepy~ 💤]]
She lowered her brows. She couldn't say anything before her eyelids became heavy, she brought her hand to her face and stumbled over a little bit as a yawn took over.

"Fuck, that shit was Nyquil..." she grumbled.
Red perked up in his chair like a growlithe spotting a sentret. He glanced around for anyone that may try to stop him, and figured no one could do so in time. He leapt out of his chair, ran to Odette and attempted to remove the black ball strapped to her leg.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Red perked up in his chair like a growlithe spotting a sentret. He glanced around for anyone that may try to stop him, and figured no one could do so in time. He leapt out of his chair, ran to Odette and attempted to remove the black ball strapped to her leg.
Odette was so out of it, she didn't notice Selene trying to catch her, or Red hustling for her leg. She barely noticed Red in the nick of time, and tiredly turned to kick him away. The force of he movements sent her stumbling to the floor, as she could no longer hold her body weight.

"What the...fuck...are you..." she tried to protest.

Suddenly, the lights flickered. The building quaked. He'd barely touched Odette before Odile was behind him. Both of her hands had taken the form of branch like pins, which she held just millimeters from his neck as she stood behind them. If she didn't look nightmarish before, the horrific expression she was making now surely was.

"I̷̡̲̜̜̯̲̝͛̏̈'̸̯͉̉́̏̓m̸̨͔̬̖͈̟͈̈́̑̽̕ ̶̻̤̰̠̖̙́̄̃g̴̡̯̠̻̮͆̀͒̅̈́̓̈́ͅǒ̴͇̣̟ĭ̷͓̝͝n̷̲̥̞͈̓g̷̝͔̐̅̄ ̷̖͒̆̓͝t̷̖̰́ͅỏ̴̤̮̾̈́̓̂̓̍͜͝ ̶̺̒̎ḩ̵̢̯̈́̾̊͊̽a̶̧̢̼͙̩͍̭̎̆̽v̸̧̝̼̲̦̾̐͛̅̈̐̽͘ë̶̫̗͖͍͉́͜͝ ̴͎̍͒̔t̴̲̞̭̍͊̍͂̕͝ǫ̴̰͖͎̞̐͜͠ ̴̤͎͇͇̃͐ḁ̴̮̲̻̱̩̜̾̃́̈́̔̽̒ͅs̸̹͆̆ḵ̶͍͆ ̶͙̝̣̠̮̝͉͍͌͌̍̒́ỳ̶̡̧͈̠̩̊̉́̊͛̿o̵͇͉͂̈́̄̋̒ȕ̴̫͉̟͍̝̭̝̬͂̍̚͘ ̷͕̞͕̓̈́̇͂͜t̴̥̫̓͝ó̶͆͜ ̴̥͔̼̮͑͒͛̈͌̒͝͝s̸̢͉̥̖͉̠̅͑̆̀͆t̶̼̫̞͚͐̒̀̐̀̕͝o̵͎̠̝̟͙͗͊͌p̶̢͌͒̑̎̚͝͝ ̴̮̱̠̬̥͐̇̎̀̓̏͝r̴̢͆̏̀̍ì̷̹̰̙͐͒g̵̣͚̩̫̼̀̕ḩ̵̻̬̂̌̐̑̌t̷̲͓̠͕̭̩̿̆̀̔̿ ̷̦̟̙͙͌̄́̌͜ẗ̶̗́̈̋͗͐̒ͅh̷̳̟̪̓͂́̑ȩ̶͕̰̞̙̞̾͋̍̄̉͆͠r̵̛͖̒͑̄͋̑̄ȩ̸͇̦̝̠̩̫̰̏.̷̙̙̺̐̊͒̐͘͝ ̵̡̺̱̞͎̞͚̆̓̒̏̈́͘̕"

A nearby fixture popped, and the sparks rained down to the floor. Odile nuzzled her face into Red's, before turning her head so her mouth was right next to his ear.

"Ĩ̵̪̔͜'̷̡̞͝m̴͓̅͝ͅ ̸̹̼̚t̵̠̊͠ḧ̷͎̓͜e̶͚͑͝ ̸͇͙͒P̸̮͇͂͊ȏ̸̢ͅk̵̡̅̈́ȅ̴ͅm̷̪͆́ͅȏ̴̘ṅ̷͖̗̿ ̷͉̠́o̸̧̽̆f̷̞̒ ̵̙̽W̸͇̌̒r̷̼̒a̶̛̰̖t̶̮͎̉̒h̷̰͂,̵̫̌͝ ̵̢̦̉́a̸̳̟̓̉n̴̮̝͛̓d̸̦͍͋ ̸̬͚̎̅Į̴͕̈́ ̶̨̥̉̍w̶̘͙͛ö̶͚̐n̴͇̲͌̚'̶͎̏̿͜t̶͇̯̄̓ ̷̥̂̆ȟ̶͇e̶̲̤̒̓s̶̫̊̂ị̶̮̒t̵̩̀͛a̷͖͙͝t̵̫́e̷̓͜͝ ̶̺̖̔ţ̴̗̌͘ö̷̰̩́̍ ̶̤̎g̸̱̍u̶͖̖̒t̵̝̣̚ ̴̗͆͝a̴̝̠͗̀n̴̘͐̊y̴̛̟̑t̸̞̕h̷̝͆͆i̵͓̓n̵̻͋g̵͓̭͗ ̸̹̝̂̏t̷̖̫̋͌h̴̑̉͜à̶͔͉͌t̵̡̛͠ ̵̫̾ͅẗ̴͉́ö̴̼́͠ú̶̦̅͜č̶͍̤h̶̹̃͒ẽ̵̖͒s̶̙̥͐ ̵̣͑m̷͕͈̓͗y̷̲̿̑ ̷̝̇̑v̸͚̼̀ĕ̶̜͙͑s̴̙͇̋s̵̱̭͠e̷̝̩͠l̴̏͜.̷͙̽͘ ̷̧̪̚I̸̛̬͍'̶̞̒̅v̴͖͍̆͝e̷̠͈͋̊ ̴̯͛k̷͗̃ͅi̵̫̤̐̄l̵̲̮̀l̷̨̑ë̶̜́͊ḍ̴̪͝ ̷̻̎̒f̶̨͚̑ȯ̶̥͜r̴̤͑̕ ̶̘̾h̵̼͎̓̏ë̷̻́͛ŗ̷̼́ ̶͙̀̑b̵̼̽͘e̸̦̾̇f̴͕̽̓o̶͚̒͂r̸̫̽͠ḛ̸̿͛,̷̢̈̄ ̸̻̇̎a̵̰͍̓͆n̴͙̺̍d̷̪̉͠ ̵͚̮̐̕Ĩ̴̬̝͘'̷͌͜͝ĺ̴̤̘ḻ̴̝́͌ ̸̤̫̀͑d̶̨͂͂ȯ̶̹͜ ̶̰̕î̴͇̃͜ṫ̵̝͘͜ ̵͎̓͝a̷̯̟̍g̷̞͆̉ǎ̵̮̬̈́i̸͖̅͐n̴̲̉̾.̴̯̥͆ ̵̹͖͌Y̶͇̽̎o̶̖͊u̸̢̦͌ ̷͐͜s̸̙͂̅m̴̗͐͘é̷̹̹͋l̷̺̙̈́l̷̙̏ ̶̨̺͑̾g̸̻̪͂o̶͇̝͊́ò̷̳͝ͅd̵̛͎̎ ̴͚̣̈́ḛ̴͒̒n̶͈͒ȍ̷͔͔̿u̸̳̚g̴̟̼͒h̶͖̤̉ ̸̻̼̂f̵͍̲͠ö̶̟͈́̊ṟ̸̬̌͑ ̷̹̗͝m̴̭̏e̸̝̜̎ ̷̨̏t̷͔͐̃͜ȯ̵͚̂ ̵̼̀è̸̠ͅâ̷̲͘t̸̢̃̕ ̸̮͛͜a̵̤̽s̷̖̽͜ ̴̬͋i̷̮͝ẗ̵͇ ̴̪͋̾î̷͛ͅs̴̤̍̋.̸͇̻̌̀ ̷̜̖̔̃"

She giggled again. It was breathy, ragged, and full of static. "̵̢͂Ȳ̸̟̈́o̵̟͎̍u̷̠͂ ̴̬̯̆s̷̹͈͊h̶̨̝̎̔o̵͔̾u̵̧͘ĺ̴̝d̴͖͙̈̾ ̴͙̔̆k̵̨̕n̵̡̫͊o̸̖͋w̴̘̯̌ ̷̰̓͜y̷̡͉̎̒o̶͈͎̒̏u̶̫͝ṟ̶̞̽ ̴̘̂̾ṗ̶̜͜l̷̢͆a̴̻̣̎n̷̩͌ ̸̘͌̔i̴͖̟͗s̷̼̾ ̴̫͕̾̍f̴͖̋̕l̶͕͑ȁ̵̰͈̈w̸̫̓̈͜ĕ̴̖̦ḑ̴̔.̸͍͗ ̸̱̩̾Ë̵͕́v̶̢̀e̶̝͋n̴̪̰͋͆ ̷̀̈́͜ẃ̸̦̈́ȉ̶̺̰ṯ̸́͒h̴̤̱͌ ̶͙̒͆ţ̷́̿h̷̞̑͋a̵̲̿̎ẗ̷̫́̈́ ̶͉́̇b̵̰̔a̸̠̐̌l̵̘̻̆ĺ̸̤,̵͇̟̅ ̵̭̽͆y̷̡͌͘o̷͕͛ų̴̳̽͝'̶̮͂d̴͙͙̍̈ ̵̳̫̿͑ẖ̵̦̇̊å̶̤̪̈́ṽ̵̩͍͂ȩ̶̕̕ ̵͚̯̈́t̷͇̅͑ȍ̸̥͋ ̶̦̈k̷̰̈́̐ḯ̴̟̙͗l̶͕͐͐l̴̦͇͐ ̷̲̠͛̕h̵̠̉e̸̱̐͝r̸͙̔̀ ̷͉̦́t̵̟̊o̶̢̳̕ ̸͙̈́͋t̴͔̾ā̵͉͚k̴͈̀̔e̶͎͎͋͐ ̸̤̲̽̂m̵͎̘̂̐ȩ̶͓̌.̵̤͍̌̈́ ̷̖́̾Ȋ̸̥'̶̞̎̚m̴͖̟̌ ̸̗̩̑͑o̴̼͗n̸̡̋l̶͚͌͘y̸͖̾͛ ̴͎́̏t̴̻̋ḛ̶̐̋l̶̳͆l̵̨̓͝í̴͚̺n̶͍̅̚g̶̻̓ͅ ̷̳̆y̵̹̕o̷̜̎ǘ̶͉͓ ̴͓̈̌ť̷͍̤h̸̖̏̃á̸̗̾ṭ̶̳̏ ̷͚̱͋̐ḃ̸̺e̸̦̦̐c̵̣̙̿ǻ̵͎ṷ̴̿s̵̫͐è̸̳ ̷̺͎̊͑Ḭ̷̔̀ ̶̰̟̅͘w̵̛̫ả̵̺̠n̶̹̬̋͝t̸̹̀ ̵̟̈́y̶̘̰̔o̷̠̾͜͝ù̸̦ ̶̣̿̀t̸̼͠͠ö̶̲̺ ̸̖̬̀t̴̰̽͊ŕ̵̝̙͘y̷̝̋͋ͅ.̵̹͔̅ ̸͎̄I̶̺͘ ̷̱̅w̸̠͌a̸̡̎̈ñ̸̺̲̆ṱ̶̕ ̸̳̊t̶̖́̊h̵̠̐͜a̴͓̮̒͂t̸̘͎͑̀ ̴͉͆͑č̷͎̟͋h̴̻̊a̵͎̹͐̈́ṡ̵͓͓e̵̡͗͠.̵̺̹͌͋ ̸̪͘H̸͔̞͘͠u̵̪͝ḿ̴̬̊a̸̧̤̋ǹ̷͖͕̊ ̷̩̊m̷͍̬͂̚e̴͉̪͘a̸̳͐̈t̶̡̿ ̵̨͙̈́̚i̷̺̜̔̈s̶̼̜͛͘ ̶͙̍̌a̸͔̱̒̽ ̵͖͕̍͝l̶͖̈́o̸͖̐t̴̡͔̽ ̷̣́̄n̵͎̈i̵̗̔c̷̫̬͛̀é̴̪̠̓r̴̙̀̾ ̶̝̣͒w̵̫͠h̴͚̳̒́ę̸̈́̕n̶̍͜ ̷̲͓̌y̸̩͐o̸̞͠ų̵͐ͅ ̸̤͕̽c̵̫͑ĥ̶̗̗a̸̻̎̐s̶̩̩̎̕ȅ̴̲̪̒ ̸̝̇ḯ̵̝̺͋t̸͔́.̴̪̹̌̑ ̴̤̂̂Y̴̭͇̐̈́ȯ̵̧u̷͔͛͜'̷͖͑d̶̖͆ ̷̱̤̔̈́k̵͎̼̀n̷̪̋ȯ̷̥̾w̴͚͂͂ ̵̲͝t̶̺̙̓h̴͔̠̀͝a̷͎͗ẗ̸̗́,̷̣̒ ̷̗̈̆w̴͖̌ǒ̵͍ú̶̧̍l̴̥͗͜d̶̳̀̎n̶͈͝'̵̹͗͂t̷̞͉̽ ̷̡͝ÿ̶̗͕́͐o̵̡͇̓͠ũ̸͈͜?̸̡̑͜"̶̨̨͑

Without warning, she licked the side of his face, slowly. As she pulled away she snickered. "̸͚̞̔̊"S̴͔͋͜͝õ̷͍̮͆ȏ̸̹ͅo̶͉̽͑ơ̶̘͠o̴̮̚ó̷̤̂o̷̠͖͐͂ ̵̱̯͆y̶̺̜͂ṵ̵̼͆̈m̵̡̈́m̵̹̱̍͘ẙ̵̟.̶̹̝̈̏"̵̦̮̑̕"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
[snibeti snab x--DD]

Red froze the moment he felt the presence of another by his side - he didn't need to look to know who it was. Slowly, he raised his hands in the air, doing his best to remain calm and hoping dearly that his additional arms wouldn't try anything.

"Alright," he said, slowly and tonelessly. "I'll back off."

With very slow and clear motions, he got back up and walked backwards, no intention to stop before he knew the danger was over.


Pokémon Trainer
A potion appears in front of rekker."Not this again.... Do we HAVE to drink it?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
A potion appears in front of rekker."Not this again.... Do we HAVE to drink it?"
"Yep!" Saltriv said, as they tried craning their neck and twitching their new petals. This was so cool!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
The serial killer had realized what was going on before Selene had. In a moment, he had both attacked and been stopped.

Selene realized Odette was going to pass out. That's what he had been trying to take advantage of.

Odette was about to pass out. Standing up. With Odile distracted.

Selene reached out to catch her. The effects of the potion Selene was under made her feel so warm. Selene moved the blanket that was still on her shoulders so that it covered Odette. That way, the serial killer couldn't get at the ball. That was the only reason. It was only logical to do so, given he'd displayed intent to steal the ball.


Pokémon Trainer
"Yep!" Saltriv said, as they tried craning their neck and twitching their new petals. This was so cool!
"Alright alright. Bottoms up." Rekker gulps the entire bottle at once. Then, as he waits for something to happen, he sits there.
"...I don't think that did annnyyythiiIIING OH FU--" He dashes off into a secluded corner, out of view.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Horizon was sitting on a comfy sofa, kicking his feet and listening to everyone talk and have fun! And also Antares being bullied by Altair!

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe....

"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation,"

The Dragonite blinked, realizing the game had continued on. "Hey, Zak? Isn't a physical altercation a fight?" Horizon asked the fish.

"Yes, yes, we both must drink to this," Zak laughed, shuffling in his blanket enough to finally free himself. "Go and get me my drink, Grunt! And perhaps one for yourself as I will allow even you in on the fun!"

What luck! The new question or whatever was something he did all the time! Well, technically. He wasn't very good at it, and was kinda fumbling around in every fight, and didn't really like it either but...

Where were we? Oh right! The drinks! Horizon was already walking over to the Mismagius in his derailed thoughts. He grabbed a couple potions, carried them back to Zak, and kept one for himself.

Drinking this marvellous elixir grants arms that stretch four times as far. It has a wonderful smell.

It smelled absolutely delightful! And had a pretty yellow color to it, just like himself! He downed it without a second thought, and almost immediately he felt the effects of it almost immediately.

Horizon's arms tensed up more and more, burning with a painful tightness. He let out a pained hiss through gritted teeth, dropping the potion bottle on the ground. "Nggaaaahhh..." He sucked in air, holding it until the pain subsided, then let out a relieved sigh. "Wow... That was not fun..." Horizon chuckled weakly. "But uh... what did that do?"

Horizon looked down at his arms, then rolled his shoulders. Oddly, his arms felt lighter, springier. He wanted to test something out, and threw out his arm. To his utter amazement, his arm shot way far! Then it just whipped back and socked himself in the face! Horizon knocked himself flat on the ground, but was more excited than in pain. "That was awesome!"

"How interesting," Zak muttered, chuckling as he watched Horizon enjoy himself. Now it was his turn, and the anticipation was exhilarating. He popped the potion top and drank the potion without a second thought.

This warm liquid gives the drinker a large pair of sharp horns.

Unlike Horizon, Zak felt much less pain in his transformation. Just a faint pressure in his head, that released fairly quickly. At first, the fish was disappointed, kicking the bottle and shaking his head, which is when he felt the added weight on top of his head. He batted at his head, finding two long, sharp, horns that pointed forward, and put on a mischievous smile.

"Coincidence of the gods, gaze upon the remnants of my glorious youth! I could not ask for a better outcome, even in my vast and malicious knowledge!" Zak laughed, puffing out his chest. "Oh, I feel nearly one with my self once again!"

"Never have I ever..." She wasn't sure what to say. Nothing too weird, nor so normal nobody would care. "danced?"

"Oh! We never dance!" Horizon cheered, lifting himself up and using his newly sproingy arms to grab another set of potions. He actually managed to not miss! "Alright, catch Zak!" But when his arms whipped back, he once again thwacked himself in the face. As well as Zak in the face. Horizon's arm was punctured on Zak's horns, and he let out a pained cry. "Hah-ha-OW!!!"

Zak jumped slightly, then gritted his teeth. "Foolish boy! That is what you deserve for not gazing in my majestic and vile new form! Your blood is not for sacrifices, and thus it shall not have been shed! Lick your wounds and hold your tears, ones as high as ourselves should not show weakness so often."

His second potion was remarkably blue, almost painfully so. It reminded Zak of a certain prissy deer with a god complex. He drank it with a bit less enthusiasm as his first, smacking his lips.

This aquamarine liquid gives the drinker a phobia of gold.

"...Well, that was unbefitting of my antagonisticness," Zak sucked his teeth, turning to Hoopa. "You, child, can I--" Holllly shit! What the hell is that?! Th-The yellow???! Were those always there?! Zak cleared his throat, turning away. His breathing turned ragged and swift. "--N-Nevermind, forget I addressed you!"

Horizon held back his tears, licking his stabbed arm, and opened his potion. Zak's potion didn't seem to do anything, but maybe Horizon would be luckier. The smell wasn't much, but it looked so bright and shiny! He put the bottle to his lips, tasting how wonderfully sweet it tasted--

A bright potion with a sweet taste gives the power of ability to move through solid objects.

--and immediately fell through the floor. "ZAK! SAVE M--" Horizon managed to throw an arm up, but it phased through the ceiling, and quickly the floor as it sank through it.

"H-Horizon?! Horizon!!!" Zak cried out, pawing at the ground the Dragonite fell through. Panic washed over him in troves, and he dashed towards a hallway, stumbling over himself. "I must get downstairs! He must not die on me! I will not allow such a fate!"


Pokémon Trainer
Shortly, Rekker emerges out from the piller, a bit smaller and more timid. She moves over to where she was previously sitting, and just sits down and shakes.

"...I hate this game."​
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