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Hoopa's Multiverse Party! [Roleplay Thread] {Nov 16-22}

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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Altair ignored the ghost's initial comments. The way he stuttered and stumbled through his sentences reminded Altair of a child gaining its sealegs for the first time. He thought it was charming in a way, but it was probably better to not draw any attention to it.
"Yeah, you needa work on that a bit more by the sounds of it, but why are you brewing 'em in general?" Altair asked. "Trying to run a business or something?"
"Even if you don't draw attention, the voices certainly will..." he mumbled. He wasn't appreciative of the comments, but he'd accept them for what they were. Charming is good! Charming is fun. "Yeah! You can find my shop, Berry Boos & Brews in the Kingdom of Mayfil! Most of the brews I sell are just the regular berry kind, but I want to make a super brew! Something that can give Pokémon things they normally can't... like..." He looked away for a brief moment, "Like... being able to sleep properly. Sis hasn't been the same ever since, well..." He coughed, trying to forget about the situation his sister had been in prior to her departure.
Altair growled under his breath. Of course they would. His voice was low but harsh. "This is something we keep between us. That light? It's a wound. A reminder of something I don't wanna remember." He paused, carefully considering the extent of the truth he wished to give the ghost before deciding that he may as well—if he wasn't going to say anything, those 'voices' certainly will. "It's a reminder of how I died."
"I... see," he replied, carefully considering the Yvetal's words, "So, if I may ask, what were you before you... you know? You don't have to say anything out loud, I'm sure the voices will tell me if it comes to mind." It wasn't a nice thought, but it was the truth. At least you're honest! ...A bit too much, though, don't you think? The whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Altair raised his voice again, as if he'd completely forgotten about their little tangent. "So, Ghaspius, how many potions have you made?"
Oh, he really shouldn't have asked. He'd have to be more careful in the future about this kind of thing. Gee, thanks. "Dozens! You've got all sorts of groovy things like breathing underwater, or talking to nature, or... I guess now, reading minds in the spookiest way possible. And not the good kind!"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[[ Insanity. ]]

[[ True insanity. ]]

The ghost and the impostor had some sort of debate about voices.

Antares briefly wondered whether he should step in, but then thought better of it.

Such a matter, although intriguing, does not concern me.

Now! While the impostor is distracted, we shall attempt our escape from our containment, in the hope that we may reunite with you!

...Ah! Splendid idea.

The Core rammed itself against its containment multiple times, and with each impact, the cup shuffled forward a few inches.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Yeah! You can find my shop, Berry Boos & Brews in the Kingdom of Mayfil! Most of the brews I sell are just the regular berry kind, but I want to make a super brew! Something that can give Pokémon things they normally can't... like..." He looked away for a brief moment, "Like... being able to sleep properly. Sis hasn't been the same ever since, well..." He coughed, trying to forget about the situation his sister had been in prior to her departure.
Altair nodded along. "An interesting trade you've got there. Could certainly make a pretty penny or two with your more experimental brews. Stuff like that would be considered exotic from where I'm from."

"So, if I may ask, what were you before you... you know? You don't have to say anything out loud, I'm sure the voices will tell me if it comes to mind."
Altair didn't answer, at least not directly. Instead, he reluctantly hauled a memory to the forefront of his mind hoping that whatever voices were in the mismagius' head would at least echo those thoughts. He was a lithe thing, tussling with the wind, climbing the rigging of a ship as she sailed across the vast blue expanse. His hair was black, his eyes were blue, the scent of the salty breeze reminding him that his spirit was free.

Then the memory vanished in a flash, replaced by one with a yamask with a rune on its tail and a white light leaking from its chest floating through a great expanse of stars.

That's enough, Altair decided. He was about to continue his conversation with Ghaspius until...
The Core rammed itself against its containment multiple times, and with each impact, the cup shuffled forward a few inches.
"One moment," Altair said quickly. He pushed the glass back before once again throwing the garchomp across the marketplace, harder than ever before.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
He pushed the glass back before once again throwing the garchomp across the marketplace.

Aaaand again.

Antares suspected this was nothing more than pure amusement for the Yveltal-impostor.

Well. He would not be one to give up so easily, for what manner of dubiously possessed hero would run from a challenge?

He returned once more.

The third time is the charm, as they say.

If we had our full form, we could have easily slaughtered these pathetic wretches! It infuriates us to no end that we would allow ourselves to be humiliated like this.

I will find a way to get you away from the impostor, I swear it.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She caught herself musing about what Odette would think of this. She was really the only person here Selene cared about.
Eyes narrow, she turned on her heels and walked idly back over to the group, keeping her arms crossed. She'd leave Odile to fawn over the psychopath puking his guts up, while she went back to take her punishment for losing a bet. A few, in fact. She just hoped dearly nobody asked her about what she'd revealed to Red...she really needed to learn to keep her mouth shut when she was mad.

As she was about to the Mismagius for her potion, she caught sight of poor Selene. She really could not help the solemn laugh that fell out of her. "Oh my gods," she said sympathetically. "You poor thing." She walked over to her and peered closely at the mandibles, sucking her teeth as she did.

"I might be stating the obvious, but that looks like it hurts," she said. "Are you okay?"


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"And this one?" She really chose poorly from the pile. "What's this supposed to do?"
"Ah, well, there are some Pokémon that have trouble dealing with the hard outer shell some nuts and berries, so I wanted to give them a way to break through them while chewing..."
Altair nodded along. "An interesting trade you've got there. Could certainly make a pretty penny or two with your more experimental brews. Stuff like that would be considered exotic from where I'm from."
"Why thank you!" Ghaspius grinned, "I'm hoping to help others and bring all kinds of spooky fun to them! Though... I think I ought to look at the formulas more closely..."
(Altair's memories!)
"...That's a wonderful life you lived; free on the open sea. I always dreamed of traveling far and wide, as like you did," He smiled sympathetically as he continued, "Though it seems trouble finds you men of hue quite often. I doubt any potion would be able to, er, 'cure' you, but I hope you can find something to help! It's... not fun, not being able to leave..." He thought briefly about his own upbringing, but decided not to ponder on it too much.
I will find a way to get you away from the impostor, I swear it.
...Imposter? That's pretty suspicious... Just as this final thought came to mind, a splitting headache pierced through his skull as he winced in pain. When the sensation finally cleared, so too did his thoughts. "They stopped...!" He gasped, smiling more widely than he ever had (and not realizing the pun of his name). Finally, the fun could recommence! Hearing everyone's thoughts like that had shaken his worldview. He couldn't afford to be so irresponsible with his potions anymore, but, the game had to go on... He quickly got to work brewing more potions for the others, hoping they wouldn't be as horrendous as the others. Perhaps, ironically, in this rush for perfection, the potions would yield even more imperfections...

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
he really could not help the solemn laugh that fell out of her. "Oh my gods," she said sympathetically. "You poor thing." She walked over to her and peered closely at the mandibles, sucking her teeth as she did.

"I might be stating the obvious, but that looks like it hurts," she said. "Are you okay?"
Selene froze up at Odette's laughter. She felt like a Deerling caught in headlights...

She stood stock-still as Odette examined her. "It hurt more when they sht-sh-started to come out. I'm fine now. Harder to talk, though."

"How bad does it look?" she asked. Though, since when had she cared about things like that?


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"How bad does it look?" she asked. Though, since when had she cared about things like that?
She flexed her lips as she looked Selene over, then shrugged her shoulders. "Un-sugarcoated thoughts? Not horrible. My 'mon looks scarier than that, honestly." She began to scratch her cheek. "As long as it's not causing you bad jaw pain, it'll hopefully just wear off in a little bit."

With a sigh, she turned to Ghaspius, and held out her hand. "Hit me," she demanded. She took another vial, this one a light purple color. She held it up in front of her eyes and swished it around, enjoying this hue a lot more than the last one. Though, she supposed she was biased because she just loved the color purple. Pursing her lips, she uncapped it, then raised it to nobody. "Wish me luck."

She downed it and grimaced. The damn thing tasted like straight moonshine, and she found herself coughing on it. "Holy fuck I didn't think I'd be taking a goddamn shot."

As she spoke, a puff of purple smoke appeared in front of her, as had happened before. She read the words it revealed to her.

[[grow, Grow, GROW! 💜]]
She frowned. "What the fuck does that mean?"

She soon got her answer, in the fact that she shot up an entire foot in size. She stiffened, eyes wide, and she held her arms out to her side as if she were trying to keep her balance. "Whoa," she sputtered. "What just happened."

She looked down at the floor, and became acutely aware of just how high up she suddenly felt. She frantically looked over her shoulder at a half-ruined bedroom setup, and was relieved to see that the mirror was still intact, and she rushed over to it. As soon as she caught sight of herself, she gasped.

What a fucking difference a foot made. It was like night and day, and there was no contest. She actually looked proportionate. Her curves looked normal--everything looked normal.

"Wow..." she gasped. She hurriedly kicked off her sandals, and immediately pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes. She went into the ballet fourth position, then lifted her left leg as if she were going to perform a turn. She looked absolutely awestruck as she stared at her reflection.

"Woooooooow..." she whispered to herself as she dropped back down to first position. She never thought she'd ever see herself standing at 6'0, no heels or platforms required.

It was...really nice.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Oh. Wow."

Selene followed Odette over, making sure not to approach the mirror head-on.

"You look... good." Her face warmed "I mean, you did either way, but..." She put on the closest thing to a smile she could manage. "It's good that you're happy with it."
She'd gotten so lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize Selene had approached her. So many things were going through her head.

Wow, if I danced like this, I'd have probably won nationals in 2016...

I ACTUALLY have dancers legs.

Maybe if you were this height, people would stop thinking you're 12.

Maybe if you were this height, you'd have a better fist fight advantage.
6'0 looks good on you, 5'0 does not.

You don't look like a fucking gnome now.

Maybe if you were actually this height, Clovis wouldn't be so fucking hesitant around you.

That's the thought that caused her to scowl. Her eyes traveled down to the reflection of her feet, and she began to subconsciously thumb her lip. Just like he liked doing. Gods, he was 6'1, she was 6'0. If she stayed like this, he wouldn't have to kneel down to be at her eye level. He wouldn't need to pick her up, he could hold her hand without twisting his arm at a weird angle.

They would look like a probable couple. He wouldn't be hesitant.

More than that, she would just be unstoppable as a human being, wouldn't she?

It was a good thought, but she knew, deep down, that this potion was temporary...

She averted her eyes away from her reflection, and back in the direction where Odile was still standing, with Red. She fully turned her head to look at both of them, and his rambling words made a brief appearance in her head.

You'll be on the predators' side. You'll get whatever body you wish - as god, I will reward you for your loyalty that way - and you'll do whatever the fuck you want.

She shot her attention back to the mirror. No. That was crazy talk. He was crazy, and she was even crazier for even considering it. With a huff, she finally turned her attention to Selene.

"I'm sorry," she said. She cleared her throat. "I was a little out of it. Did you say something?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Me? It wasn't important. I was just noting that you looked happy..."

A part of Selene wished she'd picked that one herself. She didn't like that part. It felt spiteful, especially when she didn't want it as much as Odette seemed to.

Now, she was more horrid, and Odette was... prettier? Selene didn't really feel it made that much of a difference, Odette was pretty ei- No. You've made a friend. Don't think like that, or you'll mess it all up.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Me? It wasn't important. I was just noting that you looked happy..."

A part of Selene wished she'd picked that one herself. She didn't like that part. It felt spiteful, especially when she didn't want it as much as Odette seemed to.

Now, she was more horrid, and Odette was... prettier? Selene didn't really feel it made that much of a difference, Odette was pretty ei- No. You've made a friend. Don't think like that, or you'll mess it all up.
She raised her left brow. "You're not pulling that 'she didn't hear what I said so let me play off saying something embarrassing' game with me, are you?" she queried.

The question lingered for a beat, before she snickered. "Don't worry about it. I appreciate the sentiment. And I wouldn't necessarily be mad if I could leave like this."

She eyed her reflection once more, then adjusted her glasses before looking back at Selene. She shook her head sympathetically. "Wish I had my Sylveon with me, she could probably do something about that. I feel bad."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"...That's a wonderful life you lived; free on the open sea. I always dreamed of traveling far and wide, as like you did," He smiled sympathetically as he continued, "Though it seems trouble finds you men of hue quite often. I doubt any potion would be able to, er, 'cure' you, but I hope you can find something to help! It's... not fun, not being able to leave..."
Altair smiled sadly. "Aye, it was. Felt like you could go anywhere you wanted, whenever you wanted. Nothing felt better than just billowing out a shanty as ya worked." His gaze wandered. He regretted the day he decided to give it all up to that siren's charms, a beautiful siren who'd robbed him of his freedom. "I'll win it back someday, I know I will," he finished determinedly.

Well. He would not be one to give up so easily, for what manner of dubiously possessed hero would run from a challenge?

He returned once more.
When the mismagius flew off to make more concoctions, Altair noticed that the garchomp had returned. Again. He concluded that Antares was a moron considering his inability to take the damn hint. But for as much fun as he took in throwing Antares every-which-way, Altair knew that the potion's effects were not likely to last, and he certainly didn't want to deal with that tryhard's pompousness when it did.

So Altair got an even better idea.

When he was certain that everyone wasn't looking, Altair shoved the cup holding the green thing into a pillowcase, tying it into a makeshift sack before wrapping a blanket around Antares' head. Immediately, without warning, Altair sent the sack careening into the impenetrable maze of isles, sending it as far as possible before it hid itself in one of the many, many shelves. When the deed was done, Altair settled back down in his pillow fortress, acting as if nothing had happened.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Altair shoved the cup holding the green thing into a pillowcase, tying it into a makeshift sack

The Core yelped in a rather undignified manner as it was haphazardly shoved into a pillowcase.

Vessel! Antares! We are in need of assistance!

before wrapping a blanket around Antares' head.


Antares lurched around in confusion for a few seconds before his claws fell upon the material covering his head. He pulled it off and stared at it.

A diversion.

Immediately, without warning, Altair sent the sack careening into the impenetrable maze of isles, sending it as far as possible before it hid itself in one of the many, many shelves

The Core shrieked as loudly as it possibly could. This was no time for dignity or cold calculation.


Antares flinched at the very loud voice in his head.

Agh... no, we shall not commence any sort of slaughter. We are not a villain; I am a hero of the highest caliber! Such actions would tarnish my reputation for eons to come; none would remember me as the one who slew Reshiram!


Antares sighed deeply. The last thing he wanted to do was venture into the labyrinth, but... such an action was clearly necessary.

And so he went off into the maze of IKEA furniture.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair guffawed as he watched Antares sulkily vanish from sight. He mockingly called out, "Are you a hero, or that green thing's lapdog!?"


  1. sableye
[[This is slightly late and out of order due tom the lateness but just pretend it was happening at the correct time, yeah?]]

"Thanks!", Saltriv said, trotting over towards Kimiko's hand. A smile was on their face, but internally, they were in turmoil. They weren't too worried about being hurt themselves, but if they got too overwhelmed...even if nobody got hurt by it, nobody here would see them the same way again.
Kimiko returned Saltriv's smile and gently stroked its leaf. The little chikorita seemed to have calmed down a bit, so Kimiko returned her attention to the party just in time to see Odette taking a potion... and then burst into song.

Where'd they come from? she thought, eyeing the accompanying orchestra. Nice touch.

The song rounded out, and on the final beat, the lights turned back on, the orchestra disappeared, and Odette was released from the potions hold. She slapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide, signaling just how mortified she was.
Kimiko paused her petting of Saltriv to clap briefly. "Impressive! You've got some voice," she called out

Hoopa appeared quite suddenly, near Red, hands outstretched and glowing with psychic power as they restrained him. Then a loud feral cry interrupted everyone, accompanied by a wave of eerie energy that would likely cause most to stumble, save for ghost-types perhaps.

"NO!" For a brief moment, Hoopa's voice changed from its child-like, cheerful tone to something haunting, an ethereal voice that overlapped, as if many spoke at once. It spoke again, voice returning to normal.

"Hoopa forbids murder!" Especially after that whole thing last game. Last thing they needed was Yveltal getting antsy because they added some souls too early... They exerted some force, separating the Flareon and the human boy with telekinesis, before glaring harshly, especially at Red.

"No stabbing!" they said, sounding more grumpy than distressed. "Stabbing hurts people! Okay?"
A chill went down her spine as Hoopa chided Red. The eerie voice was only a mind concern in her mind, though; Did Red just try to murder that flareon? At least Hoopa proved it would intervene if necessary to prevent serious injury. Whether or not that included potion effects, however, was another question. Also, wow, that Red really could not hold his liquor at all. Hopefully that was just the effect of the potion he'd drank prior.

The Core eventually rolled up to where everyone else was, and waited for a while, before saying, "We have not consumed alcohol. That is all." And then it rolled away.
Before today, this might have been the strangest thing Kimiko had seen in her life. So the garchomp really was zygarde? Or... a vassel or something, maybe?

Odette held her hands up in complete shock. "HAAAAAA, WHAT, SH--" she stammered. "Why would you fucking say that?!"
Make that two murderers. Another chill down her spine; at least Odette had a defense. Kimiko thought she might have done the same in that position. Either way, given the choice, she'd rather deal with these two killers than another gang of ghosts.

Altair raised his voice so that it could carry itself through the marketplace and stated, "Never have I ever lost a bet." A bet's not over until the loser repays and he never lost them, he just never finished them.
Well, this one is easy. "I can't say I've ever made a bet," she said aloud to no one with a shrug. No potion this time, thank the gods. And then with a glare towards Altair and Antares... Well, not these gods.

Saltriv's eyes widened. Those two humans had...killed people?! Actually killed people? The second human's...that sounded like it was self-defense, and that person had done something awful to her...but the first, he sounded gleeful about it. That was...

They pressed up against Kimiko, quivering all over, and shakily said, "I've never...never lost a bet."

The shadowy wisps began to creep back up again.
A flicker caught her eye and Kimiko looked down - this time, Saltriv definitely was leaking shadowy wisps. "Whoa," Kimiko gasped, flinching away. She vaguely wondered if this was a shadow pokemon, but... hadn't that whole incident been cleared up? "Hey, um, are you alright?" she asked Saltriv quietly.

Then, her jaw began to grow sore. It was difficult to hold her mouth shut. She felt something shifting. Anxiousness settling in, she retreated behind a shelf for privacy. Hands pressed to her face, she felt as mandibles like those of an Ariados began to pierce the skin on either side of her mouth
Kimiko had never been more glad she was able to skip this round of potions. Gods, if anything like that happened to her... she dreaded the next time she'd inevitably have to down one of those concoctions. Maybe turning into a plant wasn't the worst thing... She was about to ask if the poor girl was okay, but Odette beat her to it (or was it Odile? Since the demon could apparently impersonate the other girl, too). The pair seemed to have formed some sort of understanding during their absence. She turned to Ghaspius instead, jerking a thumb at the poor girl's face as she called out to the ghost. "That ain't permanent, is it?"

He turned his head towards Altair and said, "No, no, I mean, like," Ghaspius paused for a moment, "Like just then! It said I paused! And when you came up to me, it said you overheard me and you cocked your head, it's... really descriptive. Spookier than spooky."
But Ghaspius seemed, at least for the moment, preoccupied. Voices in his head? That sounded like something a ghost would be causing, not suffering from.

Meanwhile, the garchomp and the strange-looking yveltal continued their petty bickering, and Red and Odette were talking about some sort of cunt. It sounded as though things were getting heated again. Does anyone even remember that we were here for a relaxing game? Maybe someone should pose another question, she wondered.


  1. sableye
[[oh it's apparently my turn so hey]]

Well, I'd been thinking someone should get this party back on track anyway, might as well be me, Kimiko thought to herself. Hm... something I've never done, that others probably have... what could that be? This wasn't as easy as she expected it to be. Most of the participants were pokemon... maybe something involving a battle? But then, that would be an automatic "no" for the other humans...

Although, given how some of them may or may not be murderers... maybe some careful word choice would fix that problem.

"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation," she announced. Sure, she tackled that thief once, but that would hardly count as a fight.

Oh I'm sure you have! cried out some metal nightstand somewhere behind her. Never stubbed your toe or anything? Impossible! That's why we exist!

She spun around, heedless to the looks she'd probably be getting (this could hardly be considered the strangest thing that's happened in this room today), and shouted at the nightstand, "Okay, so maybe I've tripped over a chair or two in my lifetime, I wouldn't call that being defeated by the chair."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Never have I ever... been in a physical altercation," she announced.

Ah. Of course.

Antares shook his head. Of course he had been in at least one altercation. Well, time to--


A vial lay on an otherwise dusty and empty shelf, filled to the brim with some disturbingly dark liquid.

...This must be the potion I am meant to consume.

Carefully, he opened the vial, and then drank all of the liquid inside.

He recoiled. It tasted like blood and dirt... among other things.

And yet, there was now something very unusual within Antares...

Something a bit familiar...

This potion has a vile flavour and gives telekinesis for 1d6 minutes.





Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"More times than I can count!" Altair retorted to the blonde one's declaration. "After all, I've met many a sore loser on my betting streak."

As his mind reached out to grab a potion of his own, Altair felt the extent of his telekinesis beginning to wane. Sooner or later, he'd probably only have enough power to lift the flasks the potions sat in. Eh, as long as he could throw Antares a couple more times...

He took an experimental sniff of the liquid before retching. Altair then shut his eyes and downed the noxious liquid...
Drinking this bubbling elixir grants ability to comprehend all written languages. It has a noxious smell.

Oh. OH. Altair felt as if he could understand everything.


"What's an 'IKEA'?"
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