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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Lillie smiled and raised an eyebrow. "So. Why're you so interested in stories about swirling clouds and red lightning?"
Violet nodded her head in understanding. "Well, before I became the absolutely amazing Sneasel you see here," she said, swishing her cape for emphasis, "I, too, was once human." Her ear twitched as she looked at her companions in similar circumstances. She wanted to say more - how she felt faster, freer than ever - but held her tongue. "And, I suppose, for the lack of better word, I believe to have encountered - nay, lived the situation you had described."

She looked up at the sky, recalling that fateful day, "The skies were grim, the ground was ash, and all I could see was red and black," She clutched the cape, wrapping it around herself unconsciously, "And the earthquakes where omnipresent." Her eyes continued drifting, watching each fluffy cloud passing by and seeing the visions of her past, "The estate was going to collapse, gramercy for that, so I escorted my younger brother and I as far away as possible."

Her gaze shifted back down, now eyeing her reflection in her own claw as she continued, "The rest was a blur. One moment, he was with me in the cave shelter, and the next... he was gone." Her face scrunched in anger as she remembered one final detail, "...All I saw was that witch before I woke up as I am, in a far future time."

She chuckled to herself, "Quite honestly, I'd rather not return home," She grinned for a brief moment, but it quickly became a sneer as she followed up by saying, "But by my troth, I will find out what happened that day - what happened to Azure. And if I see that witch Pokémon again..." She sharpened her claws as she said this, her smile once again returning to its typical arrogance, "Well, I have a few choice words in mind."

Violet shook her head as she made an exaggerated shrug, "Alas, while I would certainly love to ponder about this further, I believe it time we moved on with the game." She looked at the other woman dressed in white. Violet recalled her mentioning she too, was from Galar - a perfect candidate. "Hana, was it? So, truth, or dare?"
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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
She rolled her eyes and looked back at the Espeon in front of her. She was thrilled to death to watch it lean into her hand, and she immediately went for the same spot Enora enjoyed being scratched on—right behind the left ear. She hoped the enjoyment would translate from one Eevee to the next.

“See? You’re okay.”
Oh, that was a good spot. A very good spot. The best spot.

Neo’s purrs amplified in volume and he leaned so heavily into her hand, he had to pick one paw up off the ground. This lady was good at scritches, maybe even as good as Wes.

Wet fur and spicy berries and screaming Pokémon aside, he was still having a good time.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Steplively had beamed and inclined his head at those who had offered greetings. Which hadn't been everyone, he'd noticed, but that was perfectly understandable, given the circumstances. So much was happening in this clearing! So many pokémon had gathered here! And they were doing such wonderfully strange things! Most of them looked like typical mortals—what he assumed typical mortals looked like, anyway, admittedly not having seen terribly many so far—but the others... well, even as vibrant and varied as the pokémon of the mists could be, he still didn't know quite what to make of them. Oh, was he ever going to have stories to tell Webs-between-Willows when he got back! The most interesting stories she had were about that time a bridge grimmsnarl had made her late for a watering because he couldn't stop complimenting her stitchwork.

The rules of the new game seemed simple enough so far, at least: ask someone "truth or dare", then ask them another question when when they say "truth", or tell them to do something when they say "dare". Even he could teach the Princesses how to do that! The "dares" would probably be their favorite part, he thought, nodding sagely to himself. Making someone eat a super-spicy berry sounded right up Princess Summerlight's alley.

...maybe not so much the "truths" part. A lot of the "truths" people had said so far seemed kind of sad, or a little bit scary, even (except maybe the one about the ponyta). Was it allowed, Steplively wondered, for "truths" to be about nice or happy things? Hopefully no one would be cross if he tried it when it was his turn to ask a question! After all, isn't a game party meant to be fun?

Gen yelped at the Boomburst, trembling as his ears flattened against his head. Why did his hearing have to be so sensitive now?

For the time being, the skiddo parked himself near where Gen sat, still looking a bit uncomfortable and put off by the rude loud noises. Definitely someone who looked like they needed to be having a bit more game-party fun! "I'm still kinda new to this 'truth or dare' sort of game," he said, in a whisper somewhere between conspiratorial and theatrical. "And I'm not entirely sure I have the whole thing down. If you wouldn't mind, could you help me get in a bit of practice? If maybe I could try asking you a 'truth', to see what it's like before my turn?" He offered the oshawott a smile, accompanied by the scent of freshly-bloomed chrysanthemums. "I was wondering, Mr. Gen—only if you feel like sharing, of course, since it's not really my turn for a 'truth'!—what the best thing you can remember is?"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
After the game had started, Kichiro settled down on the ground near Lance and Blitz and kept to himself. While he'd been taken aback by the story of that Oshawott, it didn't take long afterwards for things to devolve into the same sort of antics he'd expect from his own crew. Why, if they were on a ship and the group had access to rum, it'd almost be like he hadn't left home at all!

The Ledian let out a loud sigh, leaning back as he crossed his arms and wondered just how long this game was supposed to go on for.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Faced with the screech, Jess nearly let out one of his own - natural instinct to warn the flock creeping back. Having located the culprit, he flexed his talons, digging them into the mud. A toxtricity. A rude as fuck toxtricity, but as long as it was an electric type, he couldn't go tell her to piss off - not just for the sake of his own skin, but his electronics, too. He settled for a glare.

Another screech. How old was she? Had she hatched yesterday, somehow skipping the toxel phase physically but still being well in there brainwise? And now she was all up in that weird hybrid's case, about how they weren't a ponyta. They clearly weren't, and Jess didn't buy that whole otherkin stuff, but gods, lay off. No need for hate crimes.

He wanted to put her in her place, but as long as he was flying and his smartphone so expensive, he couldn't intervene. Still...

An idea popped into his head. Of course.

Stealthily, he dug his phone out again. He sat down on the grass and pretended to be checking messages, but in reality, he began recording.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
The Ledian let out a loud sigh, leaning back as he crossed his arms and wondered just how long this game was supposed to go on for.
Lance sat down and waited for his next turn, watching the game devolve into antics. Not that he minded them.

"You're quiet," Lance said, watching the Ledian.

"Maybe he wants to be quiet?" Blitz inquired, tilting his head.

"Well, yes, but I was trying to start a conversation."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"I, too, was once human."
“Ah. My sympathies

Each time Lillie heard about that happening, the more she began to fear it was the path she’d set herself on by agreeing to this and messing with these other worlds… She shuddered at the thought.

Still, it was unlikely. It still probably wouldn’t happen…

Though Violet did seem better off than the Oshawott, for reasons she couldn’t understand.

"And, I suppose, for the lack of better word, I believe to have encountered - nay, lived the situation you had described."
That… Was thousands of years ago,” she whispered.

"Quite honestly, I'd rather not return home,"
“What do you want to do with the rest of your life, then? If you’re stuck as a Sneasel,” she said, her voice beginning to stick in her throat, “forever… What would you want your life to look like?”


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
\For the time being, the skiddo parked himself near where Gen sat, still looking a bit uncomfortable and put off by the rude loud noises. Definitely someone who looked like they needed to be having a bit more game-party fun! "I'm still kinda new to this 'truth or dare' sort of game," he said, in a whisper somewhere between conspiratorial and theatrical. "And I'm not entirely sure I have the whole thing down. If you wouldn't mind, could you help me get in a bit of practice? If maybe I could try asking you a 'truth', to see what it's like before my turn?" He offered the oshawott a smile, accompanied by the scent of freshly-bloomed chrysanthemums. "I was wondering, Mr. Gen—only if you feel like sharing, of course, since it's not really my turn for a 'truth'!—what the best thing you can remember is?"
Gem turned towards the Skiddo, his trembling lessening.

He didn't have anything to lose by saying this at this point.

"...the best thing I can r-remember is...the first time I cooked d-dinner for my family. I-I did really w-well with it, and m-mom and d-dad were so proud of m-me..."

A tiny smile formed on his face once more.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
That… Was thousands of years ago,” she whispered.
That gave Violet pause. "...Surely, you jest," her brow raised as she placed a claw to the gem embedded within her chest, "Thousands? Ridiculous! I'm sure the records are just mistaken... they have to be..." her eyes closed as the creeping, slither sensation of being alone began to crawl up her spine.
“What do you want to do with the rest of your life, then? If you’re stuck as a Sneasel,” she said, her voice beginning to stick in her throat, “forever… What would you want your life to look like?”
The next question was the perfect distraction. "Anything but what once was," one of Violet's eye opened as she spoke, "Mayhap one of those 'explorers' that I've been hearing about in this time, or if there is a demand for it, it would certainly be nice to be on the stage."

She grinned - a bit more sheepish than her usual smirk, yet still holding some bravado, "After all, who wouldn't want to see me?" In an attempt to demonstrate her 'stage capabilities', she summoned yet another Ice Shard and tossed it into the air, letting it glisten in the sun for just a moment before stars appeared around her for a follow-up with Swift. The stars swirled around the shard, making it shimmer as it formed a makeshift prism that glistened with a soft rainbow melody.

She leapt up, ready to shatter it and create a cooling, sparkling mist, but just barely whiffed it as the shard simply hit the ground dully with a thunk. Violet also did not land so gracefully as she flailed her arms trying to recover her performance - getting tangled in her cape as she got up from the ground. She coughed a few times, and simply mumbled, "I-it's a work-in-progress."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Oh, that was a good spot. A very good spot. The best spot.

Neo’s purrs amplified in volume and he leaned so heavily into her hand, he had to pick one paw up off the ground. This lady was good at scritches, maybe even as good as Wes.

Wet fur and spicy berries and screaming Pokémon aside, he was still having a good time.
She grinned at the sound of the purring, happy that she seemed to know a thing or two about the Eevee line.

“Sorry you’re all wet, I didn’t bring any towels with me…” she muttered. “But you don’t seem to down about it, do you?”

It was there that Clovis kneeled down next to her, resting both his arms on his knee as he watched her pet the Espeon. “I’m no Psychic-type expert but I thiiiiiiink he’s more concerned with the pets than anything,” he chuckled. With that, he reached out and started scratching behind Neo’s other ear.

“What’s your name? If you have one, that is.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Goku let out a yawn, but didn't sit up or anything. She kinda just stared up into space. The Kipillow was too comfy to pass up.

Even when the Kipillow was aggressively mumbling and shaking and growling. It was like a massage, actually.

A drenched towel shot out of Vegeta's mouth, and she took in a deep inhale. "I coulda died! The hell!"

"You also missed Violet stick the landing after an awesome little show of skill," Goku said, fluffing up the Vegeta bundle a bit. "And I'm not gonna let you out to show her up."



Pokémon Trainer
Oh, that was a good spot. A very good spot. The best spot.

Neo’s purrs amplified in volume and he leaned so heavily into her hand, he had to pick one paw up off the ground. This lady was good at scritches, maybe even as good as Wes.

Wet fur and spicy berries and screaming Pokémon aside, he was still having a good time.
The purring woke up Lilly, who just sat there on the ground and wished for just 5 more minutes of sleep. Unlucky for her, that isn't happening.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"You're quiet," Lance said, watching the Ledian.

"Maybe he wants to be quiet?" Blitz inquired, tilting his head.

"Well, yes, but I was trying to start a conversation."

Kichiro turned towards Lance and sized him and his Manectric friend up for a moment, tilting his head slightly.

"Hmph, why wouldn't I be? I don't know any of you lot, so it's not like I have anything to talk about," the Ledian said. "Besides, none of this is probably real anyway."


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
"Oh, uh, hi! I'm Blitz!" The electric dog said. "Nice meeting you!"

"I don't know you either, and yet here I am, making conversation with a complete stranger." Lance shrugged. "I take it you're not a fan of this game?"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
She grinned - a bit more sheepish than her usual smirk, yet still holding some bravado, "After all, who wouldn't want to see me?" In an attempt to demonstrate her 'stage capabilities', she summoned yet another Ice Shard and tossed it into the air, letting it glisten in the sun for just a moment before stars appeared around her for a follow-up with Swift. The stars swirled around the shard, making it shimmer as it formed a makeshift prism that glistened with a soft rainbow melody.

She leapt up, ready to shatter it and create a cooling, sparkling mist, but just barely whiffed it as the shard simply hit the ground dully with a thunk. Violet also did not land so gracefully as she flailed her arms trying to recover her performance - getting tangled in her cape as she got up from the ground. She coughed a few times, and simply mumbled, "I-it's a work-in-progress."

Antares had dozed off for quite a while, but awoke just in time to see Violet's performance.

"An impressive display! However, you would be sorely mistaken to think I would allow myself to be shown up by anyone."

He sneered. "Watch this."

He summoned a Rock Tomb; great pillars of stone intersecting, similar in shape to a pyramid. Antares proceeded to burrow under the ground.

A few seconds later, there was a great rumbling... perhaps an Earthquake? Then, Antares burst from the top of the pyramid-like structure, wreathed in blue-red energy. Dragon Rush! Next, he blew flames around him, spiraling as he ascended: Flamethrower. Finally, he looked back down towards the pyramid, and unleashed a Hyper Beam, completely destroying the structure.

He landed back on the ground, panting. "Phew... that is something I had not done in quite some time..." He fell over, clearly exhausted from the effort.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The angriest of stares came from Vegeta, who struggled to free herself from her comfy prison cell. That was fucking rad! What the hell?! "I-I coulda topped that in my sleep, if Goku would LET ME!"

Lil Goku flipped her Kipillow over to the cool side. Vegeta's shouts and snarls were muffled by the dirt.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
That gave Violet pause. "...Surely, you jest," her brow raised as she placed a claw to the gem embedded within her chest, "Thousands? Ridiculous! I'm sure the records are just mistaken... they have to be..." her eyes closed as the creeping, slither sensation of being alone began to crawl up her spine.
"Well..." Lillie trailed off. Best just to let her think what she needed to. At least she doesn't think she's a Ponyta...

Violet also did not land so gracefully as she flailed her arms trying to recover her performance - getting tangled in her cape as she got up from the ground. She coughed a few times, and simply mumbled, "I-it's a work-in-progress."
Lillie extend a hand to help Violet, up, but-

"Watch this."

He summoned a Rock Tomb; great pillars of stone intersecting, similar in shape to a pyramid. Antares proceeded to burrow under the ground.

A few seconds later, there was a great rumbling... perhaps an Earthquake? Then, Antares burst from the top of the pyramid-like structure, wreathed in blue-red energy. Dragon Rush! Next, he blew flames around him, spiraling as he ascended: Flamethrower. Finally, he looked back down towards the pyramid, and unleashed a Hyper Beam, completely destroying the structure.
"What are you doing!" Lillie shouted. A display was one thing, this was dangerous! Acting on reflex, she scooped up Violet to shield the ice-type from the rock and flame. Dust and pebbles of pulverized stone battered her as the tomb was destroyed.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"What are you doing!" Lillie shouted. A display was one thing, this was dangerous! Acting on reflex, she scooped up Violet to shield the ice-type from the rock and flame. Dust and pebbles of pulverized stone battered her as the tomb was destroyed.
"Gah!" She squirmed as she was picked up by Lillie, "Unhand me-" she began to protest until she heard the intense BOOM behind her. She felt clouds of dust and a violent, searing heat just out of reach from her as small bits of rubble flew past.

An instinctual fear arose as her eyes widened, not daring to move another inch. "A-ah... gramercy-er, thank you..." While she was certain whatever happened behind her must have been absolutely amazing, she was content with simply staying held until the primal feeling of danger close subsided.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Gah!" She squirmed as she was picked up by Lillie, "Unhand me-" she began to protest until she heard the intense BOOM behind her. She felt clouds of dust and a violent, searing heat just out of reach from her as small bits of rubble flew past.

An instinctual fear arose as her eyes widened, not daring to move another inch. "A-ah... gramercy-er, thank you..." While she was certain whatever happened behind her must have been absolutely amazing, she was content with simply staying held until the primal feeling of danger close subsided.
Realizing that she'd just scooped up a human like that, Lillie quickly set Violet back down. Her face flushed, she felt quite silly. "I-I just... I was a reflex. You know, ice and rock and fire."

Lillie cast her gaze towards her bag, looking for something to distract herself. "You're not hurt, are you? I have medicine if you are."
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