- Partners
Not sure how much time/attention I'll actually have for this, but might as well toss my hat into the ring just in case!
Name: Steplively
Age: ?????
Gender: Male
Species: Appears to be a skiddo, but with longer horns draped in vines and with the grass on his coat blooming with cheerful white flowers.
Misc: Cheerful, friendly, trusting, optimistic, jumps at the chance to help people, gladly puts others before himself. The sweetest li'l man.
Name: Steplively
Age: ?????
Gender: Male
Species: Appears to be a skiddo, but with longer horns draped in vines and with the grass on his coat blooming with cheerful white flowers.

Misc: Cheerful, friendly, trusting, optimistic, jumps at the chance to help people, gladly puts others before himself. The sweetest li'l man.