"If it's anything like the helmet my partner has had for her entire life, then there won't be. It wasn't really designed for normal life. She used to be fed liquid food with a tube. Once I saved her, I just ended up having to stick my hand through the eyehole. She didn't seem to mind it, but I'd much rather not need someone else to feed me."
He took the skewer, raised it to the eyes of the helmet, and shut his eyes tightly. It took a few seconds of fishing around, but he eventually managed to get the first berry on the skewer into his beak. Chewing was a little weird, and he'd probably want to rinse the inside of the helmet out later, but it would keep him alive and independent.
It tasted alright. Some of the sugars of the roast berry had caramelized, which was nice, but the inside was pretty much raw.
"There. I won't starve."