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Fifth Anniversary Drabble Bingo


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Yeah, I'd like a reroll. I'm not too fond of writing about locations nor the new mechanics


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
I'd like to request a drabble bingo card! I would like something that involves the characters of PMD: Gates to Infinity as a theme.
Coming right up!

The BittercoldGurdurrUmbreon

Ahhh, heck, I nearly forgot about this again but hello, I am once again interested in participating in Drabble Bingo. This year I would like a card theme based on PMD Items. Thanks!
Sure thing! Some items to tickle your fancy:

Pecha ScarfBlast SeedX-Ray Specs
Wonder GummiDecoy OrbMusic Box
Iron ThornAmber TearTeleport Gem


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Hmm, which prompts were you working with here? I see "Mid-Battle Evolution;" not sure about the others.
I tried to also include ‘Well-earned Evolution’ and the part about getting used to the new form, but I don’t think they were expressed clearly…


local liminal entity
The Casca Region
  1. aromatisse
I may opt for an attempt at my old bingo card from the other year I requested to participate, but I may still put off doing those for a bit longer..
(I like the prompts I got, but my brain blanked on the challenge that week).

Theme Option 1: Pursuer Premises​

In the setting I'm running my interactive fic Questant in there exists a type of entity that is borne out from 'negative' concepts and experiences.
Traumas, fears, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and specific routes of disordered thinking may form the basis of their existence. This informs both the effects of being within the area of influence they passively have (called an aura), and it informs what will trigger them into their namesake, a compulsive 'pursuit' that drives them to resolve the trigger. An 'Acu', borne out from the fear of sharp objects, needs a sharp object it has witnessed to be used. If one sees you holding a knife it will relentlessly chase you until something has been stabbed with that knife. At least from the start of their existence they can barely be called conscious and lack any ill will to those they may harm, but through repeated stimuli they may begin to feel and think whether like an animal or like a person.
Feel free to go whumpy! Feel free to go creepy! Feel free to keep it tight with a noun as a curveball.
The intent? I'll be doing a drabble worldbuilding entry concepting out the Pursuer in question. I'll probably choose one of the ones from my bingo to sketch as a warmup, whether as a walksprite or an image edit.

uhhh fuck I wanted to have a backup option, but I'm unsure what could help me develop my interactive journeyfic concepts..

Theme Option 2: Downtime Tourism​

When a trainer is out and about a town between contests, gym battles, or pokeringer matches, what might they be hitting up?
I'm open to side game inspiration sources, and anime-only competitions too! It could be cities, small towns, but ideally a way to help me develop my fanregion projects.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gen VII/IX characters coming right up! Hope you find some of these fun.
Professor BurnetHasselDrayton
BriarKiaweSamson Oak
Oh, this is absolutely my bad, but I forgot the SV Expansion Pass existed because I didn’t buy it. Do you mind if I reroll those three slots to some people not from SV expansion pass? I just don’t know who they are. I’d try to work around them but the placement covers 7/8 lines. Sorry about that!


House of Two Midnights

Bring out the well-earned evolution and getting used to a new form (again) bits a little more, and I think you'll be good to go. You have a solid start, I'm just not seeing those prompts come through as much.


No problem. Are there any particular elements you would like to see? Pokémon species/items/attacks/characters?


Awesome work! These came out great. Huge respect for doing the strict 100-word drabble challenge, too.


Sounds like fun! :copyka: Try these on for size...

Over and Over, Again and AgainSleepless FlightRepressed Thoughts
WoundsCreeping SensationAt Your Heels
Ragged NervesCan't Look BackCompulsion

@Shiny Phantump

No problem! How's this look?

Professor BurnetHasselOrtega
GeetaKiaweSamson Oak


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Hm, actually maybe I could go for cutesy fluff again. I feel like that's better than whatever vague stuff my mind can think of.


local liminal entity
The Casca Region
  1. aromatisse
Sleepless Flight
I dont think I'll be using it, but could I get a better idea what this means? like a plane flight or is it about dreaming?

Had intended to do 'bestiary entries', probably should've used a phrasing like that for the prompt, statting out things like the aura derived from things, tho I think if I worked at it I could try and assign a specific form of the trauma to interpret them better.
Might have to bestiary the ones I design for some of the prompts, but a couple would use premade pursuers I've drafted before.

I think I'm gonna try a 4 corners... that or a 3 across or a 5 fill as an X. we'll see how it flows this week.
I've got rough ideas for how to work with
  • Creeping Sensation
    • I had an experience tonight that triggered a delusion resulting from a traumatic experience that happened a few times years back. (saw a little bug, and normally I'm good but this sort activated "oh no, a pest" and issues I had with ants once upon a time.)
    • Anyway, this got me thinking back to prompts and I realized I could definitely work this out.
  • Over and Over, Again and Again (started as Wounds, but I think I can make it work?)
    • oh boy! this one would be a doozy. uhhhh remind me the policy on bodyhorror whump?
  • Repressed Thoughts
    • similar deal, because "oh, I can see something from personal experience I guess" and taking it literally
  • Ragged Nerves
    • does the pursuer not appearing make being in the place it takes naps make you feel any safer?
    • this one has the premade that needs work
  • Compulsion
    • this is the most barebones! I can see two routes to proceed here. both personal experiences to draw from
    • again a premade to work from if I dont design one for it. if I go with the premade it'd sure would be whump
Caveat: I may want to ask for a reroll using the other prompt.
I did manage a check now, and I'm thinking I really should've reread the forum guideliens in advance with the prompt, as pursuers can easily go into "disturbing" or "nsfw" territory I worry, as maturely as I intend to handle what I do write, and warn for what I can. I'd be warning for the drabbles, but they'd all be well within the bounds of horror to say the least.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Heya, I'll play! Can I please get a drabble card along the themes of Mythology or Ancient Pokemon World? Cheers!


House of Two Midnights

Ah, really sorry, but what did you change? This reads pretty much like how I remember it!


All right, we'll try some fluffy prompts, then!

"This reminds me of you."Cooking TogetherCozy
Sharing a HobbyA ConfessionBlush
Sharing SecretsThe Perfect GiftStargazing


I'm fine with any interpretation of the verb there--it's one I understood could be read multiple ways. I was thinking of "flight" as in "fleeing from something" when I wrote it, though.

If you have any questions about what you're thinking about writing/have written strays into something that's against the forum guidelines, nsfw or otherwise, feel free to ask a staff member about it or send an excerpt for us to look at. We can let you know whether or not it seems like something that would fit within the guidelines!


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Pecha ScarfBlast SeedX-Ray Specs
Wonder GummiDecoy OrbMusic Box
Iron ThornAmber TearTeleport Gem

I have returned with a bingo, once again sticking with the classic 100 word on the dot responses (posting here as I am planning on touching up my drabbles from prior years and giving them their own dedicated thread instead of squishing them at the beginning of my one-shot collection). Middle column, you can view them in the spoiler.


A loud, blinding blast followed the small crunch of a seed being broken between sharp teeth. Salamence had no time to react as the sheer power of the miniature explosion left him charred and kneeling. He growled at the pair of green adventurers who had accepted Axew’s request after the little gnat couldn’t accept a loss for a loss.

“Come on now, that’s cheating,” he said. “Is a fair fight too much to ask for these days?”

Between overconfident children, powerful dungeoneering toolkits and overconfident children using powerful dungeoneering toolkits, Salamence had the sneaking suspicion that the answer was “no”.


In the dusty corner of Kecleons’ shop sat a dull orange orb, slightly oblong, an eight pointed star radiating from its centre. It had never been sold, Decoy Orbs weren’t in demand, and by the time a plucky explorer had the need for it, it had long since passed its use by date. It had a good chance of backfiring with the most grim of side effects.

Kecleon’s older brother had insisted to get rid of it many times and yet the younger kecleon could not bear the thought. How could he? It was a part of his original inventory!


“And do you know why I, Longclaw, lead the continent’s largest gang of outlaws?” asked the old sneasler, narrowing his cataract-glazed eyes. He stood up, legs shaking beneath knobbly joints. “Because it’s got nothing to do with any tepid ‘code of honour’.

“It’s because they want this.”

His claws lifted the string around his neck, revealing a small vial filled with liquid amber that glistened in the torchlight. “To make the richest of men green with envy. And when they try getting close to wring my neck?” He wheezed out a barking laugh. “They don’t get to tell the tale.”


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Heya, I'll play! Can I please get a drabble card along the themes of Mythology or Ancient Pokemon World? Cheers!
You got it! I tried to give a good mix of both.
The creation of unown script​
A fulfilled prophecy​
Relic Castle​
Darkest Day​
AZ's ultimate weapon​
The afterlife​
Arceus' 1000 arms​
Divine Birth​
For my drabble card, I'd like my theme to be weather. Thanks y'all!
Went with a mix of common weather and a few unusual phenomena.
Heat Wave​
Thunder Storm​
Dust Devils​


House of Two Midnights

Lovely work! These all feel like little snippets of a larger world. Intrigued by the sneasler one in particular!


Awesome! These turned out so well, and I'm tickled that you ended up deciding to do the Snacksworth prompt! :quag: What a character...


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
White LieThe Meaning of Strength"Just You Wait"
Starting OverChampionMask
The Empty DenCarmine and Kieran as KidsHumanizing Juliana
Top row bingo get!

Thanks for some tasty prompts! I intend to get around to filling all of these sooner or later, but I focused on just getting a bingo before the deadline for now.
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