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Destiny Village ~ X-Eye Cauldron

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House of Two Midnights
Something about that answer seemed to disappoint Mergo. Nate's eyes narrowed. What, was he pissed because Nate didn't have whatever problem Mergo'd diagnosed himself with? Whatever. Literally everyone assumed there was something wrong with you just because you didn't want to hug everyone on the entire goddamned planet.

Rocky was pressed up into the corner in a shadowy mass, no way to distinguish one limb from another with only his glowing gauntlets showing any definition. His eyes brightened a bit when Mergo addressed him, but it was a cold light. "What?" he said in annoyance. "Of course I was excited to meet you earlier. I want to meet all of the Miracle Matters. At least until I know what all of you are actually like." His tail flicked once against the side of the bench. "I don't get what you mean. Of course I heard everything."


I do not catch bugs
"Well, it just confuses me a little bit," he admitted. "You heard Nate agreeing with me, but I specifically irked you. And you listened to him when he told you to heel. For one," Mergo shifted his weight to the side and rested his cheek on his palm, "you're free to antagonize me if you wish. If I deserve it, I deserve it, no?"

It would never cease to amaze him that Mergo only got punched once outside of a fight. And that was partially intentional.

"And for another, I have to wonder why I bothered you. Does Nate have a soft interior or something?"


House of Two Midnights
Rocky gave Mergo a long look, then somehow pulled his knees up even closer to his chest and turned away from him again. He picked at a splinter of wood coming out of the back of the booth while he spoke. "I don't want to talk to you, even to say mean things. I'm not mean. If you want to know what Marshtomp's like, find out for yourself."

"You know, for somebody who calls himself a, what was it, a dancer? For a dancer, you sure seem pretty focused on like relationships and 'opening up' and all," Nate said. "I don't think I've heard this much talk about frienship in my life, and I'm someone who's spent more than ten minutes in the same room as Owen. What's eating you? Being back in Cibus fucking with your head or something?"


I do not catch bugs
Mergo shut his eyes again. “Just trying to prove a point,” he answered, then let Rocky’s questions go.

Truth be told, he was starting to forget for himself. He was following a plan, yes, but was it the same one from two minutes ago? What point had he been trying to make originally? Maybe the brandy knew.

Briefly, in the darkness behind his eyelids, he saw another bar. He remembered a similar buzz to the one he felt now, and he remembered letting it take him. He remembered that feeling of relaxation. The jokes, the laughter from around him, all the emotions in the air…

Mergo opened his eyes again. He’d had a line prepared for the last ten minutes to punctuate this whole act, and now was the perfect time to use it, only he found his interest was waning. That thin smile was gone as he stared off into the restaurant, surveying the other tables.

“And for the record,” he added in a murmur, “if you think this whole thing has been about friendship, then I’ve danced a bit too much for you. Forgive me. I barely know how to stop.”


House of Two Midnights
That sure got him quiet, didn't it? "Well, no," Nate said. "But if you'd rather not get into it, ain't no skin off my nose."

He tapped his empty glass against the table and took a look around the room himself. They'd been here a while, hadn't they? "So you gotten what you wanted out of me?" Nate asked. "Or, you know, been deeply disappointed, bored now, et cetera et cetera?" He waved a hand airily.


I do not catch bugs
Mergo hummed. There was an answer, of course, but did it matter? Did any of it? There was more of them now, watching, witnessing, but they'd be dust. And he'd still be there. In this place.

"I'm sure one of those will do," he answered dismissively. "I got something close. And we traded a few lies, slick, so... Yes. I suppose that's not a total loss."


House of Two Midnights
"Well, great. I'll take not-total-loss," Nate said. He flicked his glass away with one finger, and it wobbled to a stop near the middle of the table. "Good luck finding your thing, thanks for the booze and all. Oh, right." Nate paused in the midst of getting up. "And if you ain't interested in dealing with no humans while you're here, better stay away from the mightyena, the incineroar, the hydreigon... oh, and the manectric. Plus me, obviously." He smirked. "Maybe you can enjoy beating them up in our fight or whatever. Come on, Rocky."

The infernape unfolded without comment, grabbing his bag from under the table and slinging it over his shoulder again. He didn't even look at Mergo.


I do not catch bugs
Mergo snorted. "Duly noted," he called. Yet again, someone assumed he just wanted to throttle them. As if he sought joy from harming others. Well, that presumption was preferable to the truth, so Mergo let it go unchallenged.

He'd barely noticed when Nate had left. Honestly, Nate had barely existed for the past minute or so, so when he and Rocky faded into all the others. Dust. Chances were that they all would be. If someone of his own ilk were here, they were hiding far too well. Chances were that Mergo didn't need them anyways.

He only needed Someone. And even then, with how short time was, it mattered not.

A moment later though, something else occurred to him. Through the haze of alcohol, he couldn't quite remember if Nate had paid for the drink or not. All Mergo carried with him was the scarf and the pendant, and he refused to pay for a drink with those. It would be an insult.

Slowly, Mergo turned his gaze towards the window, and his hands folded together. His body flashed gold before he disappeared in a flash.


House of Two Midnights
"I don't like him," Rocky said immediately once they were outside the building.

"Oh, really? Couldn't tell," Nate said cheerfully. Really should have tried to grab the brandy to go, though. Still a shame about that. "Interesting guy. Wonder what the rest of his team thinks of him."

"Probably that he's horrible, just like what everybody thinks of you," Rocky said. He sped up so Nate would nearly have to run to keep up with him, and the marshtomp did his best, only a little unsteadily.

Rocky'd get over it, Nate thought as he tried to dodge other pedestrians and keep his familiar in sight. He always did. Which was sort of the problem, wasn't it? It was really kind of a huge problem.

R17 ~ Brisa & Danithan


Junior Trainer
The scent of fresh food and drink filled the air as Danithan prowled through the restaurant. The zeraora sniffed the air and shook his head. The occasional odd look made him snicker, but he scanned the restaurant, looking for a mon in particular. ‘I should consider myself a zubat if I can’t spot a luxray of all mons in a place like this.’ He mumbled a growl before his perking his ears as he spotted Brisa. “Ah, so she was there … a sandwich and an ale, not a bad meal.”

Danithan waved at her as he began to approach. “Hey, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa turned her head to see an exotic, yet familiar species approaching. That could only be the emolga fella from the Miracle team, in his alternative form. He probably wanted to ask about hers. Imperfect timing, all things considered, but she may as well humour the guy. Alright, then.

"Is that so, partner? Well, I'm game, so let's hear it," she drawled, her expression barely changing.


Junior Trainer
Danithan nodded as he sat across from her. “I should have asked this before the fight all things considered, but I’m curious about your form.” He held out his paw, letting azure electricity dance between his claws before letting out a small giggle. “Zhehehe, I haven’t seen so much raw power in my life.”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa raised a brow. "Did you even know I could do that, before the fight?"

Perhaps Mergo had let the guy know. Or Aria, perhaps. She stiffened reflexively at being the conservational party with less information. A common feeling these days.

"Anyway, what d'you wanna know? I'm a pretty open book as folks go."



Junior Trainer
Danithan shook his head. “No, I didn’t have the slightest clue. It was a welcome surprise to see.” He smiled, before stopping and letting his ears droop. The fight ... “I could care less about the fight. You and your team fought your heart out, that’s plain to me to see.” His tail idly swung side to side. He settled in his seat before leaning forward and meeting her gaze. Curiosity and a dash of earnest could be seen as he spoke. “I want to know how you fight so passionately.”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa nodded, and chewed on the thought over another mouthful of steak sandwich. Of the whole team, she was probably the most downright passionate about battle of all, that much was true. She had an okay handle on why she had those feelings, and not a bad grasp on what gave her those feelings in the first place. Which was Danithan asking about?

"Battlin' is how 'mon understand each other," she said, after a moment. "Back home, folks'll say one thing with words'n mean another. My ma's people, the Escarpa Clan, they fight ritually to bond with each other an' test theirselves. I always liked that idea, that by means of athletic performance an' the thrill of combat, y'can learn more about yerself an' others."

She shrugged. "There's more to it than just that, of course, but that's the brightest aspect fer sure. That what y'were gettin' at?"


Junior Trainer
Danithan smiled and relaxed. "That's exactly what I was getting at." He snickered for a moment, "words can do a whole lot, but it means nothing without the actions behind them." Danithan stared down at the table, as if he was looking past it. "The thrill of combat ..." He shook his head, maybe he could dwell on that later. "It really does tell a whole lot ... makes you feel alive, doesn't it?"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Sure, 'til it hurts bad enough that the battle high ain't enough. Until you just keep fightin' bigger an' bigger opponents that knock you out so hard you can't walk right after. Until it kills you. An' you died, didn't you? And yet it keeps bein' worth it. 'Cause it's what makes you feel like you're worth somethin'.

Brisa kept her expression mild and still. "Guess so. Always had a thing fer casual sparrin' that lets me get a handle on how folks think an' feel. Even, ah, got a Radiant technique of my own that lets me show folks how I'm feelin' and reveal my intentions. 'S'come in handy a time or two."


Junior Trainer
"A casual fight always knocks off so rust, so getting a feel for other mons is a plus," Danithan smiled. His thoughts nagged at him. 'you fight to forget and to stave off thinking of why you're even fighting.' His eyes widened at the mention of her radiance. "Zhehehehe, I'm guessing that if you can reveal your heart, then you can see theirs?" His mind shuddered. 'let's see, would she see you as a drunkard, a fool, or a pawn if she took a look at your heart?'


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"I get a li'l bit of 'em, if'n they're open or caught off guard, or more if they're tryin'," replied Brisa, wondering where he was going with this.

She held out a paw, palm up, and the pads glowed a faint gold.

"It don't sting or nothin', 'less I put effort in."
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