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Destiny Village ~ Sundae Park

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[R9] A Walk in the Park (Rocky and Puff)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    "We can't go back!" Rocky was indignant. "We have to help Arceus!"

    "Arceus, Arceus, Arceus. Jesus, can't you talk about anything else? I'm fucking tired, and I got shit to think about." The conversation with Diyem had sure as hell been good for that. "I ain't giving up on the guy or nothing, but I can't concentrate on a way to save him, neither."

    "Well, I know how to save him," Rocky said impatiently. "Everybody keeps saying it! Pokémon's feelings have the power to change the way the world is around here. We just need people to believe in Arceus. To believe that he'll make it through the attack okay. And lend him their strength!" Rocky's eyes quite literally glowed with enthusiasm.

    "Are you fucking serious?" Nate gave him an exasperated look, then pointed up towards the frozen tableau of death in the sky. "Thinking happy thoughts ain't gonna do shit against that. This ain't some stupid kids' show."

    Rocky leaned down over him, tail lashing angrily. "You think you're so smart, but you don't have any idea how things work on Cibus! And you won't even listen when people tell you they're different."

    "I know shit's different around here, but it ain't different enough that the power of friendship is actually gonna beat burning death. Arceus is kind of an expert on this shit, but you didn't see him deciding to defeat Joule with rainbows and sunshine, now did you?"

    Rocky stomped his foot. "We have to try! You just said you don't have any better ideas!"

    "I do have a better fucking idea, and it's to go home and get some rest, and try to think of something later," Nate said. "Come the fuck on, already. You want a waste of time? Standing around here arguing is a waste of fucking time."

    "No. We need as much time as we can get. We have to talk to a lot of people! Come on." Rocky stood with arms folded, waiting.

    "Fuck off," Nate growled. "You want to do whatever bullshit happy dance thing, go ahead and fucking do it. I ain't interested."

    They glared at each other for a few seconds, Nate readying water in case the familiar tried to pick him up and run off with him. He was not fucking putting up with that shit now. Instead, Rocky scowled and finally snapped, "Fine," before turning and dashing.

    "Hey, you! Fucking wait--" Nate took off at a run, but Rocky was going top speed. He didn't have a prayer of catching up and could only duck his head, waiting for the psychic backlash.

    That never came. Rocky far, and then really far, and then gone completely. Nate stared after him in consternation. "Yeah, that's right!" he yelled at last. "I knew that was bullshit, you asshole! Good fucking riddance!"

    He set off in a different direction at a much more leisurely pace. "Can't believe it took that long," he muttered to himself, and he only looked back once.


    Rocky charged across town, no real destination in mind, fueled by irritation more than anything. Stupid Mudkip. He never liked any of Rocky's ideas. It really would be better not to have him around, being grumpy all the time. And now he could finally go as fast as he wanted and not have to wait for Mudkip's tiny little legs to catch up.

    But what was he supposed to do? How could he get everybody to agree to help Arceus? Just running up to people on the street--that would take too long. There were too many of them! And Rocky didn't know hardly anybody. Maybe he could talk to some of the legendary pokémon and they could get their friends to help? But which ones?

    He should ask Millijoule! The God Squad would be busy during their fight, but Millijoule would probably have some good ideas. It could be Rocky's first mission as a God Squad member-in-training! He flew down avenues and across plazas, headed for Parfait Way. He could already picture it, how he'd save Arceus and impress everyone! And prove Mudkip wrong, of course.

    Something caught his eye as he was rushing through a park, though. That was a... cinderace? Out enjoying a stroll? Why--?

    Oh, he was a reporter, wasn't he? He'd been hanging around the team, looking for stories, if Rocky had heard right. A reporter...

    Oh, no. Millijoule was good, but that idea was even better. Rocky skidded to a halt, then went jogging up to the cinderace. "Hello! You're a newspaper person, right? Can I ask you a favor?"
    R9: Plant and Seyka
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    Even with disaster looming above, Sundae Park still retained its calm breezy atmosphere. Cynthian strolled down the path along the park benches, letting leaves fly by her from the wind. The scent of earth and grass brought peace to her mind.

    "This really brings me back," Cynthian said with a pleased hum. She recalled the sparse grasslands on the outskirts of Mistifying Woods forest, and how often she strolled around them in her teenage years.
    R9 – A Quiet Confession – Brisa & Astrid
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa had taken walks in the park as part of her frequent solo excursions to walk off her energy. Usually away in her head, like she used to be every day. Today, though, with the blacklight overhead, and having worked herself senseless since the bubble went up, she was attentive enough to notice Astrid walking too. Brisa couldn't pass up a chance to talk with her!

    She approached, suddenly aware of her heartbeat and those feelings she just kept stepping on, day after day. How she wanted to be close to her friend as often as she could be near anyone. How she loved to watch Astrid's splendour in a fight. How she always laughed whenever the two of them were together (or at least, she smiled). It was a special kind of heartache not to know how long you'd have to endure it before it was ripped out of your chest forever. She should really talk to someone. It was getting painful to ignore.

    "Astrid? Howdy! You feelin' restless too, huh?"

    She loped up to join her friend. There was a time when she'd have been hesitant, in case the ninetales wanted solitude, but Astrid had said she wanted to spend more time together, right? And frankly, after all her effort since Arceus raised the bubble, Brisa could use some quiet time with someone she cared for.
    R10 – The Grief Hits – Luz & Cal
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    "This place is really relaxing in twilight, huh?" Cal asked, swishing her newly Charmeleon tail left and right. She glanced at Luz, doing her absolute best not to look at Destiny Tower in the distance. "I know we don't usually hang around here, but it's been, you know, a nice change of scenery, y'know?"
    R10 - Angy Child and the Frog Feesh
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    Walking only... somewhat helped Puddle's headache, really. It was probably better than sulking in a room or in the forest, but Puddle would have preferred not having to deal with it in the first place. Hell, all that aching went from its head to its ultra stone, which gently pulsed every now and then. "Uhg... I feel like I haven't slept in ages..."

    Luckily, the rest of the team was getting caught up on the situation with the recently deceased, which saved him a lot of trouble. Talking with everyone and dealing with their possible outburst of emotion sounded like headache material. So, Puddle wander off to somewhere out in the open. Fresh air was supposed to help, and it really liked to think that it was.

    After coming up on a pleasant patch of grass, Puddle let itself fall to the ground, arms and legs sprawled out as it took in the sunlight. Sunlight was a whole lot nicer than Puddle gave it credit for.
    10 - Cuicatl and Petram
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    Cuicatl slowly floated down into the space above the park. The park was a lot greener than she had expected. Sure, she'd known about the concept of green but seeing it so vibrant and everywhere was mind-blowing. She wasn't here to see the trees, though. She was here to meet up with one of the friends who'd been left behind. Or something. Mostly she was just excited to see what vulpix looked like. After all of Pixie's ramblings about how pretty vulpix are, she was expecting a lot.
    Last edited:
    R11: Cynthian and Soul
  • Shiny Phantump

    Through Dream, I Travel
    1. sylveon
    2. absol-mega
    3. silvally-psychic
    4. ninetales-phantump
    5. cosmog
    6. gallade-phantump
    7. ceruledge-phantump
    Soul practiced running through the park, working on adjusting to their new, longer legs.

    Upon, seeing Cynthian, they stopped. No need to risk embarrassing themself doing something wrong. Instead, they approached for a conversation. They wanted to talk to Cynthian at some point anyways.

    "Hello, Cynthian! How are you today?"
    R11 ~ Savage [Owen, Brisa]
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Off to the far side of the park there was a small, secluded but dense forested area that Pokemon sometimes went to explore in private. Usually pairs, or sometimes alone for a nice walk. In Owen's case, he'd gone there for something a little more natural than the training rooms, which always made him feel a little confined and closed off. This time, however, Owen had come with a friend... sort of. He had gone into the Colosseum to buy an ultra-sturdy Substitute doll.

    Deep within the dark forest, plumes of fire occasionally lit up the forest depths...
    R11 - Of Legendaries
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koahurried through Destiny Village, towards a park he'd noted earlier. Ever since against Red (Champion Red, he still couldn't believe that they'd fought him and won) he couldn't rest.

    Despite all his efforts, he felt like he hadn't done enough. He could have fought more. Harder. Stronger. If only he could have helped more. If only he could get himself to evolve...

    Growling, he tried to focus elsewhere, for the moment. He could ask Brisa for training later. Right now, he'd come out here to try and train.

    Perhaps he could try that technique he'd tried earlier. What was it Brisa called it again? Radiance. Taking a deep breath, he broke into a sprint, trying to channel that energy. To his dismay, he only succeeded in running in circles. His second attempt, however, proved far more successful, and for a brief moment, he felt the rush of power as he sprinted across a clearing in the blink of an eye.

    Oh, this felt good.
    R11 – Tribal Pariahs – Brisa & Cream
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Another long walk to decompress. Pleasant chill winds, few people about, an opportunity to get that patrolling itch scratched. Brisa had taken to going on as many of these walks and for as long as she pleased, with encouragement from her friends to take time for herself. And hey, it would help keep her body in great condition. Ever since she'd slept off the fight against Red, she felt she could run a thousand miles without tiring.

    She actually felt . . . happy.

    Anything could happen today, and she'd be ready for it.
    R11 - Team Usurpers
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    It had been a very eventful few days that Cola simply wasn't allowed to delve into, which was irritating. He'd gotten in a fight with Pop--a one-sided fight where all Pop did was stare down and speak calmly while he yelled--and needed some air from Destiny Tower for a while.

    Thankfully, one of his most trusted allies had been nearby, and he hitched a ride on Puddle again and asked to go someplace where he could stretch his legs. As it turned out, one such place--as long as they were careful--was Sundae Park.

    This way, right there, see the shade under those trees? Go there and I'll hop out.
    R12 ~ Personhood
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Cal didn't want to be home.

    Owen was there preparing for some kind of important trip away and there was too much movement and noise and reminders that she wasn't really a person.

    So she went to the park to find some place to be isolated for a while and try to forget about all that. It wasn't working. She slithered around a small patch of forest, her amorphous body sliding between the roots while her main Core rolled around them, until she found a good spot to stay put and think while seeped into the dirt.
    R12 - Heroes of Telum
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa wandered through the park, keeping an eye peeled for a certain particular Mew and Lucario. He'd heard they'd been dismissed from the infirmary and he was curious to see how they were doing.

    And maybe ask a few questions while he was there. Not to mention being out and about was a good way to keep his mind off everything.

    He just hoped he could actually find them.
    R12 – Dave & Soda Discuss Soda
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Dave approached the park, slowly, heart hammering deafeningly in his chest, hyperaware of the straps of his backpack. He jumped at a random noise and hated it, growled at the empty air.

    He hadn't really been to this park. He didn't really get parks, generally; they were just there, nothing special to do but stroll around and maybe bump into people you knew (or people who knew you). Everything was plants and trees, but winter left them dull and bare. Place was fucking depressing. Why the fuck was this the first place he'd thought of to meet kinda-privately? Next time he was picking somewhere else.

    Soda was going to be here. Where the fuck was he?
    R13 – Brisa & Cynthian
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Brisa loped along her usual parkside route at a brisker pace than normal. Normal training no longer did enough to burn off her energy. Hell, even Colosseum matches weren't pushing her hard enough. She kept going, living more in her head than in her surroundings.

    "And who's fault is that? Hm? We wouldn't be doing this if you had trusted us too! Maybe he'd still be here instead of on the moon, because Maple wouldn't have lost it!"

    She knew how to carry out a fucking investigation. How to minimise the risk of information leakage. The danger of a corrupted Maple freaking out on the team when they didn't have a better plan for containing her. But sure, everything would be fine if she'd spilled every goddamn secret to every goddamn child on Team Spectrum when their leader had been wallowing in corrupted bliss in Xerneas' coils. Fucking sure it would have worked out just fucking fine.

    She huffed, and picked up the pace even further to an outright run, and kept it up until her lungs and limbs and ligaments all burned. When she came to a stop, she could barely think from the exertion. She just panted in the shade of a tree, her brain simmering.

    The anger remained.
    [R13] Plant and Pansit
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    Cynthian's heart fluttered in her chest, with the matter of the occasion being ever present on her mind. She held the interview invitation letter in a pair of vines, reading it over and over as she walked along cobblestone path of the park.

    Try as she might, she couldn't help but be nervous about it all. Cynthian had no experience with interviews before. What if she said something dumb? Or fumbled over her words? She shook her head and took a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves a little.

    Cynthian found Pansit on a bench and called her attention with a wave. She jogged the rest of the way to the flygon and smiled.

    "Hello, Pansit, right? I'm here for the interview," Cynthian said with a nervous chuckle.
    R13 — [x] (Cabot, Pleo, and Shiron)
  • Virgil134

    PMD Writer
    1. sylveon
    2. weavile
    3. kommo-o
    4. noivern
    5. mothim
    "Oh, Cabot! Look at these ones!"

    Cabot turned his head to see Pleo had walked off to examine a bunch of colorful flowers in the grass. With spring approaching the weather inside of Destiny Village had become a lot more tolerable to Cabot, which had made him want to go out for a walk in the park with Pleo. As the Rampardos approached the shade, Pleo turned to him with an excited beat of his wings.

    "These flowers weren't here last week!" the young Lugia chirped.

    "Well, yeah, that's spring for you," Cabot chuckled. "As it gets warmer and the days become longer flowers start to bloom and everything begins to look more lively. Certainly a nice change from everything being so cold and miserable all the time, don't you think?"
    R13 - Plant and Starr Team Up
  • Chibi Pika

    Stay positive
    somewhere in spacetime
    1. pikachu-chibi
    2. lugia
    3. palkia
    4. lucario-shiny
    5. incineroar-starr
    6. grovyle-ralsen
    Starr stretched her arms above her head and cracked her neck while walking along one of the paths through Sundae Park. She'd fallen asleep in a stupid position, passed out on the couch after staying up late watching movies with Brisa. At least it was better than falling asleep in the dorm lounge--god, she was glad they'd moved out of the dorms. (Even if her roommate had been acting like a fucking moron and now her alternate-universe twin who she'd thought was her dad was gonna be moving in with them and what the fuck was any of this.)

    It was a nice day. The days were gradually getting warmer, so she didn't have to bother with keeping her inner fire hot. Maybe she'd try finding some new food stall to try after a morning walk, and then kill time watching a colo match or two. There were some interesting ones scheduled today.
    R14 – Cuicatl and Cynthian
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    Flowers had always smelled nice. Cuicatl had also found dandelions fun to twist around with her hands until the pollen had fallen out and her palms were a little sticky.

    Seeing them was better. It would be a long, long time before she got tired of hovering above gardens. Coco had come along with her on this walk but ended up falling asleep in a sunbeam while Cuicatl kept admiring the scenery.

    It was a good day.

    Some part of her still wasn't used to having those.
    R14 – Cuicatl and Owen
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    Cuicatl found herself lingering in the park after distributing the day's cupcakes. She noted that some of the petals Cynthian planted were beginning to bloom into their own plants. So cool. Being able to just create life with a shake of your hands. Or bouquets. Not that she could talk about weird hands at the moment. Cynthian hadn't seemed too interested in her own ability, though. That was strange. Sighted people usually thought that anyone without sight was broken and needed protected like a child. Alice thought you'd be better with scales and fangs (and now that you have those things you know that ellas was 100% correct). Pixie thought your lack of fur made you ugly.

    But she didn't like the body that she was born with. You can relate in your own twisted way.

    A long shadow fell over a part of the garden. Cuicatl turned to look and saw -- big black dragon. She had to clamp down hard on the urge to fangirl. Owen might not like this body, after all.

    "H-hi," she weakly squeaked. It was probably a bit funny to any outsiders seeing a hydreigon look nervous.
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