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Destiny Colosseum

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Getting stuck playing defense wasn't exactly Starr's favorite thing. It practically didn't even matter that her firepower had been goddamn neutered if literally none of the opponents could even be targeted. Fucking cowards. This was just going to be a stall match until the timer ran out, wasn't it--because that was sure to please the crowd.

And then in the blink of an eye Brisa tore the Dragonair to shreds like a champ and Mellow flung that dickhead chimera straight into a wall and without the two of them it was like all the defenses had fallen apart. And sure, part of her was still wishing she could give Ben or Aria a real beating, but fuck it--she'd take anyone at this point. The Emolga and Serperior? Sure, why not.

"Not gonna let you show me up that badly!" Starr called out to Brisa with a grin, smashing both of her targets into the ground. One of them hadn't even tried to guard himself--he was probably hoping to get taken down, that way he'd just revive even stronger. Whatever. Still felt good.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Seyka’s Blink hastened Koa!
Cabot’s Ultima struck Alice for 6907 damage!
Kindle’s Soothe III drained Saltriv's corruption!
Tricky’s Energize II restored Dave's stamina!

Icetales' Brilliant Inspirit leant a helping hand to Brisa, Koa and Nip!
Icetales' Diamond Mist protected and healed the team!
Icetales' Teatime restored Owen's stamina!
Owen's double Water Pledges empowered Mellow's Fire and Grass Pledges!
Mellow's Fire Pledge struck Nero's Protect and created a Rainbow behind Team Spectrum!
Dave Mimicked Mellow's Fire Pledge and struck Mergo's Protect!
Mellow's Grass Pledge struck Nero's Protect and created a Swamp beneath the Miracle Matters!
Mellow's Shadow Toss bounced off Nero!
Bahamut's Void Phantasm drained Dave's Shadows!
Bahamut's Ally Switch swapped Dave with Starr!
Bahamut's Shadow Persuasion bestowed a Phantasm to Mellow!
Mellow's Shadow Toss hurled Nero away from the battle!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Brisa, Starr and Mellow!
Saltriv's Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Brisa, Koa, and Mellow!
Koa's Void Thundercall dealt -525 Speed to Alice!
His Conduit echoed him for -267 Speed!
Koa cried thunder to Sage and dealt -1000 Speed!

Dave's Shadow Charge dealt 509 damage and 150 Poison to Alice!
Dave's double Crunches dealt 821 damage, 600 Poison and -750 Defense to Alice!
Nip's Double Triple Axel struck all of Chyla's Protects and dealt 47 damage and -2400 Defense!
Nip's Shadow Spike dealt 750 Poison to Sage!
Brisa's Shining Whiplash Shadow Facade dealt 6644 damage to Alice!
Brisa took on Radiance from Saltriv and Shadows from Koa!
Brisa's double Blacklight Facade dealt Ultra Effective damage!
Alice: 4642
Danithan: Total dodge!
Chyla: 7110, KO!
Brisa struck 2 of Mergo's Protects total!
Koa's and his Conduit's Quadruple Focus Blasts dealt 5023 damage and -2050 Resistance to Danithan, and then hit Mergo's shields, dealing an extra 186 damage and -375 Resistance!
Starr's Insolent Power Trip dealt 7537 damage to Danithan! KO!
Starr's Insolent Sweeper U Turn struck Sage, Owen, and Mergo!
Sage: 1971
Owen: Protect!
Mergo: 516
Starr's Insolent Sweeper Power Trip struck Sage, Owen, and Mergo!
Sage: 9425, KO!
Owen: Protect!
Mergo: 2336

Alice was down first, but it seemed to do little more than give her a daze. She shook her head, puffing her cheeks at the insolence of her opponents...

Alice has Unleashed! "You'll regret crossing me!" - The next time she gains an ailment, she will undo it and reflect it back! Additionally, the person to KO her next will have that KO move cost all actions if used on the next turn!
Just after the Revive's light dissipated, Chyla landed back on his feet, as if nothing had happened. Swirls of red and blue appeared on the tips of his strands, and his vision was hyper focused. He looked down, and was satisfied to find out he had his four arms back. He let out a unnatural sounding laugh. "Yes, this is what I've been missing the whole time... This'll do, but curse this body..."

He looked around again, and smiled. The real fight had just begun.

Chyla has Unleashed! "DNA Replication" - Evasion Eater becomes True Strike. Additionally, Chyla can replicate a single one-shot boon from the opponents per turn!


Danithan groaned as he forced himself off his ass. "Cripes, you all really know how to put up a fight." A wicked grin plastered itself on his face. "Let's see what ya really got!" Ruby colored electricity danced across his body.

Danithan has Unleashed! "Synthesized Aura!" He gains +1 Action, and access to a new set of moves all at once!


Any shielding he had would only last for so long. Against overwhelming power like theirs—now that he’d finally gotten a taste of it—everything had crumbled as planned.

The golden light of his reviver coated his body with lightning, sizzling off of his scales until his new form had taken the field. He had become the cosmos; every scale on his body was a galaxy, while the highlights, once yellow, were now vibrating with radiance and shade that refused to stay still. Violent ripples gave the illusion that his body was being torn apart.

“This will do.”

Sage has Unleashed! "Blacklight Staccato!" He can use moves nearly tirelessly! Additionally, his final attack will echo at half power!


The crowd roared again. After so much of defensive play, Team Spectrum was able to explore through the barriers, set up a field of advantage in the center of the arena, and force some of the Miracle Matters down! Meanwhile, it seemed like the silver barrier was getting noticeably weaker... What was going on?

"Guys, I think they're getting... weaker?" Spectrum Owen observed.

"It was a lucky break," Miracle Owen replied back, shifting his gaze left and right. "You've yet to see our best! Time to shift stances--let's show them everything we've got! They're tired!"

The audience is cheering!
The Miracle Matters are changing! Crit Immune became Guarded!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"They definitely are getting weaker." Bahamut mimed yawning into his wing. It felt like this was becoming some sort of show battle. He didn't agree to such stupidity. Perhaps now was the time to make an exit and go do something actually productive?

"You want to walk out, don't you?" Nero raised a brow at Bahamut.

The necrozma shrugged. "Well, like you suggested, if I'm being ignored, then there's no point to me being here. I find this charade tiresome. Don't you? You're being just as ignored."

"It's called a strategy," Nero chirped. "You ought to, like, compliment your teammates."

"... please. They don't need me to tell them they're smart and tenacious."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“…Well, that is something thou not see everyday,” muttered Icetales as he rushed into the battlefield, ready to support his teammates after hearing the telepathic messages.

The dome of flickering protective energies had once more appeared in the middle of the battlefield, looking as impenetrable as before, and reflecting the rainbow shining over the team and towering over the entire flooded field.

Icetales couldn’t help but feel a mix of awe and dejection swirling inside his mind — his own shields were sturdy, but that was something else entirely.

Hmph! Dost not let that faze thee. Our aurora shields are… what is the word that Petram uses? Cool? No pun intended.”

Icetales glanced at his shadow, who stared back at him with a stoic red gaze.

Besides, as someone who loves to create shields, thou also know the best way to work around them. No?

Work around them? …My, of course!

“Yes… Nothing is better that some full-powered offense to plow holes through a wall,” mused Icetales, recalling the various times he got his own shields cracked. And luckily for him, he could craft shields as well as he could help his teammates break through opposing defenses.

The golden energy of Radiance surrounded his body, and with a mighty howl, he sent beams of empowering aura at his teammates. That sealed the deal: the Inspiriting energy gave the right push to break through their opponents’ guard, and many members of the Miracle Matters fell.

But before Icetales could even cheer for his teammates, the familiar energy exuded from the fallen opponents, and they stood up once more. Fierce and determined.

Though, the one member that piqued his attention the most was the Serperior, Sage. An impressive array of cosmic forces pulsed from his scales, giving him a semblance that was both beautiful and frightening. Was he… a Cosmic Daemon, too?

Daemonic pride rushed through his system, and the half-daemon crouched down as his body twisted under the effect of the Blacklight, the increased gravity sucking him in a black hole. Then, the cosmic energy exploded, revealing a maelstrom of golden winds and black nebulas.

The Cosmic Warlock was born once more.

A black mist rushed from his vaporous tails and surrounded the battlefield, complementing the swampland and freezing patches of water.

Icetales smirked defiantly, claws digging through the wet field and tails flailing. It was time to see what cosmic creature would have prevailed over the other!


“…Huh. What am I supposed to do now?”

Petram stared hard at Owen, while stirring some Elixir-flavored tea in the cup in his paw. He knew well how thirsty people could get after running around and stuff, and wanted to help them stay hydrated, but how could he give some tea to someone who was intangible?

Then, there was a flash of genius. He produced a teapot and poured the empowered drink inside of it, before using that same pot like a watering can and pouring the tea on the roots of the ethereal tree.

“As Cynthian and Ivy often say, you must always remember to water your plants!” chirped Petram, grinning and wagging his lone tail.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Ben leaps out of the underworld with Lucius in tow!
Lucius used After You on Aria!
Lucius began preparing Void Chains… at the beginning of next turn, Lucius will launch a devastating debuffing attack!
Lucius cast a Miracle — Saving Throw! He gained Endure status for the turn!

Danithan used Defog on Icetales, dispelling Misty Terrain and Mist!
Danithan used Tailwind on the Center zone!
Danithan gave a jagged, almost maddened smile as the ground beneath him turned black as pitch. A spire of darkness rocketed out of the ground, enveloping the Emolga in an instant. It hardened into a onyx crystal, shimmering for a moment before cracking.

A much larger bipedal, almost feline looking creature shattered out of the crystal cocoon, only just shorter than Mergo, shadows tinting it black as the void itself. A zigzagged stripe appeared on each of it's thighs and two more on it's forearms. The tuft of fur was on its chest and a longer one on its forehead, almost looking like a blue tinted horn. There was an odd bunch of fur that acted as a tail between it's shoulders. Forepaws that had four clawed fingers that played at the air, and hindpaws that had just three clawed toes ready to pounce.

The accent was gone he bellowed out, "Zeheheha! Let's get this show on the road!"
Danithan used Void Metamorphosis! He transformed, gained +4 Attack and Magic, and Endure status for the turn!
Danithan used Helping Hand on Sage!

Nero, Chyla, and Alice are moving in formation…! Nero is guarding Lucius and has changed to Dragon type!
Chyla used a Miracle — DNA Debugging to halve his corruption and gain +3 Attack!
Chyla's strands seemed to elongate and started to glow a brilliant, almost blinding white. The color on the tips was completely gone. With the help of his extra arms, he lunged forward.

"Feel the power of Deoxys!"
Chyla uses Brilliant Dual Strike on Icetales and Brisa!
Chyla used After You on Ben!
Nero walked to the Center zone and used Roar on Icetales, moving him to the South!
"This isn't even my final form."

Not even a blink of an eye later, his strands had split into four, no, five! The blinding white was replaced by the deepest black, seemingly swallowing all light that would shine on them.
Chyla used Radiant Infection, chaining into Void Whip! It struck Starr five times!
Alice used Umbral Unveil twice, both times chaining into Shining Temptress! One went to Starr and another went to Dave, depleting their Shields!
He felt wonderful, yet also sick with the Blacklight flowing through him after all this time. It was as if he had gained something back that had been lost for an indefinite amount of time.
Chyla used another Miracle — DNA Expansion to spread out his Tail Slap!
"But wait, there's more!"

Thanks to this Blacklight, he had found a way to gain his old ability back. He had lost it after arriving here, but this Blacklight...

His tail had split into two, and...
Striking Dave twice,
Now three.
then Nip, then Koa, then Saltriv!
Afterwards, they merged back to normal. Chyla almost tripped from his headache. Right, if the Blacklight is used too much...

"I did my best, now I wanna see yours, Team Spectrum!"
Aria used Psych Up on Starr, gaining all of her Attack back!
Aria used Extremespeed, striking three times:
Dave: 27
Starr: Dodged!
Koa: 72
Aria dashed towards the incineroar, black energy pooling in her palms. Then, at the first opportunity, she rammed into Starr's back.

"You'll thank me in a moment... maybe."

Finding her grip, she wrenched around Starr's accumulated Shadow energy rather carelessly, a trick she'd picked up from Leg back in the day. Except this was just meant to cause damage where it mattered most.
Aria's first Umbral Rend was dodged, but the second dealt a grazing total of 327 damage to Starr! The third struck for 489 damage!

Mergo used Wide Guard +5!
Mergo used Void Heir on Aria and Ben!
Mergo’s Shadow Stored Power (36 stages) dealt 123 damage to Dave!
Mergo used Brilliant Decree on Brisa!

It was odd for Diyem--of the Miracle Matters--to call the team. In the past week or so, he had left the Miracle Matters to do as they liked in this echo of Cibus, otherwise lounging in places where others wouldn’t bother him. So for him to gather them up in the dead of night, when most of Team Spectrum was asleep and the rest were away, was suspicious.

“Um, so what’s this about?” Miracle Owen asked, glancing at Miracle Diyem.

“Mmf.” Diyem walked toward Destiny Tower, which had its usual, dim glow.
He emerged shortly after, glowing as always, with Cola hiding in his fur. The wispy Arceus hopped away, standing on the side of the road.

“Oh, hello, uh, Pop. This Pop,” Owen greeted.

Aria glanced around at the empty streets, raising a brow. “A midnight rendezvous with god. That’s… concerning.”

“Mm. Just a little,” Mergo added. “Called from retirement for a job in the middle of the night. What kind of blackmoon operation do you have in mind?”

Ben was taking this way too seriously. His chest was puffed out and his expression was stoic. “I’ll smite anything for you, Arceus!”

Pop nodded with a formal air. More serious than they were used to. “...Smite me.”

Then Ben let out a breath and deflated. “...Except for you—whaaat…?”

“...What?” Owen blinked.

“That’s my cue.” Sage slithered in and obliged Pop with a Blacklight strike.

Despite what they expected to be a true onslaught, the only result was a small scorch on his fur and a few stray leaves in the air.

“...As I thought,” Pop said, nodding gravely. “Diyem, you are not yet able to truly resonate their powers in this domain.”

“Ngh. Yes. Otherwise, we would have dispatched this Blacklight handily on our own. We need time.”

“Time that we may not have,” Pop said. “Team Spectrum is our best hope at defeating our Blacklight properly.”

Mergo blinked and practically snapped his neck doing a double-take. “I’m sorry, team

Aria nudged him in the side. “Pay attention next time.”

thought that it had been a joke.”

“Me too, but—”

Diyem audibly cleared his throat, forcing them to return their attention to him. “And so we will be sparring with them,” he continued. “But it won’t be much of a fight. It will be… easy to defeat the Miracle Matters.”

There was a mysterious glint in Arceus’ eyes. One that Diyem didn’t like.

“I have a few experiments I would like to try,” Pop admitted, “if you’d humor me.”


Across the center of the arena, Miracle Owen shouted taunts behind his last remaining Protect. "That's right, we're--uh, invincible! You may as well give up now while you can! Team... Spec--Mergo, what did you call them again?"

Mergo lowered his palm and rolled his eyes. “As always, I’m the only one who commits to his role,” he grumbled, but relented anyways and searched for another target.
Mergo used a Miracle — Royal Composure to use Brilliant Decree again, spreading it out to Koa, Nip, and Owen! Mergo's Brilliant Decrees were dodged or blocked by Nip and Owen, but Paused Koa and Brisa!

Ben used Radiant Power Swap, shifting his offenses! It chained into Burn Up and dealt 141 damage to Dave!
Ben used Radiant Power Swap again, shifting his offenses back and chaining into Shining Accelerate! It struck Mellow and destroyed her last barrier!
Ben's Radiant Extreme Speed destroyed the Bahamut phantasm and then struck Mellow for 42 damage!
Ben antifocused and increased his Shade!
Ben’s Triple Inferno Sonicboom dealt a CRITICAL 331 damage to Bahamut's phantasm, destroying it, and then the second two dealt a CRITICAL 1554 damage to Mellow, knocking her out!

Sage’s Blacklit Leaf Storm dealt a (nullified cirtical) 311 damage to Dave!
Sage used Brilliant Voice!
Sage’s Prism Bomb mowed through Starr and then hit Saltriv, dealing a (nullified critical) 900 damage to Starr and then a CRITICAL 847 to Saltriv!
Sage used a Miracle — Last Whisper and guaranteed death!
Sage’s Staccato Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL 2060 damage to Saltriv, and echoed back for another CRITICAL 1940 damage to Koa!

Owen called Ben!
Owen Stored two more Overheats!
Owen is filled with determination and sacrificed his Resolve! He has Unleashed!
Fire swirled around him. "All right, everyone!" he roared. "Time for our big attack!"

The many swirling orbs around his body split into fours, rushing around the field to follow his teammates. Over Owen's shoulder, the sprite of a gold-flamed Charmander pumped her fist in the air, ready to help Owen with every single strike. Even if it was an imitation, he smiled at the little Cal, who was sticking her tongue out at her rival across the field.
It's Owen's Last Stand! He unleashed his Miracle - Shared Sight! Owen Bestowed his Perceive and all his power and Overheats to Ben, Mergo, and Sage!

"Bet you can't do that," Miracle Owen said with a smile, winking at Spectrum Owen.

Owen called Owen!

"Wh--that's not fair! Perceive is my thing! I've tried giving it to others!"

"Clearly, you haven't tried hard enough!" Miracle Owen stuck out his tongue, but something caught Spectrum Owen off guard. Not only was that silvery barrier weakening, but as the crowd cheered more... What was this? This energy...

The crowd is thunderous! They're reacting to something!
Team Spectrum gained +4 Valor!
Last edited:

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Lights danced in Starr's eyes as her vision slowly returned. She slowly lifted herself from the ground, clutching her head and feeling like she'd been hit by a truck. Par the course for the colosseum, really. Except something was different now. She could feel it. Her inner fire was back.

The sudden jolt of elation died just as soon as it arrived. She could attack them now, sure, but they'd just take away her goddamn fire again and literally nothing could stop them. A million heals and shields and wards and none of it mattered. There was no answer.


"Fine, if you don't even fucking want me to do anything, why should I care?" Starr announced loudly, picking herself up and dusting herself off. "If I'm gonna be goddamn useless either way, then I quit."

She pivoted around, motioned to Astrid that she was swapping out, and then stormed off toward the sidelines with an exaggerated flair.

"Lying so brazenly in the middle of a match?" came Lexx's silky telepathic voice.

"You can't act like you've got a problem with that."

"Not at all~"

Astrid bounded into the fray, already brimming with Blacklight and ready to explode. Starr reclined on the bench, crossed her legs, folded her arms behind her head with the laziest expression she could muster and slowly, lovingly raised a middle finger to the Gallade.

Can't do shit to me when I'm over here, can you?


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa anchored herself around, of all people, Bahamut. The necrozma was parked firmly in the center of the team, staring at the proceedings with his usual withering scorn, but by keeping him at her back, Brisa could feel his shadowy observations about what strikes were worth repeating sink into her very muscles. She was unfamiliar with the power of his Persuasion. Effective. And less intensive on her energy levels than she expected. Good.

The balance of the battle was shifting. She could feel it. Mergo made some imperative of will and light that sent half their renewal seeds fizzing, but nobody's momentum actually slowed. There was no more bogging down the central region of the arena, either. Brisa bared a fang and assessed the field between bursts of combat.

Starr was tagging out for Astrid. Smart play. Hopefully not for long, though. A battlefield of this size never felt right without both those gals nearby.

There was something off about all this, but she didn't have time to figure it out. The team needed her. Brisa kept up her assault, flailing wildly with her lashing tethers to find a weakness in her foes' defences, and barked sparse orders to her teammates.

"Icetales, flicker yer cosmic fields. Koa, take my Blacklight and release it. Saltriv, siphon what I put out fer a minute, wouldya?"

As for who'd get the brunt of her attacks once she was through that Wide Guard...

"Hey there, darlin'" she called to a certain lucario, smirking devilishly, "come here often?"

Brisa wasn't one to pull her punches, especially not with a crowd of this size watching. ...Maybe she could hit Aria hard enough to get some air. That'd be one for the highlight reel!
Last edited:


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut frowned. "This isn't an action piece, don't telegraph your attacks like that."

"Wow, someone's allergic to fun," Nero said, rolling his eyes.

"Nothing about this is fun." Bahamut tapped his tail impatiently on the ground. "Surely you think the same. You haven't done a damn thing other than stand around. You're probably more bored than I am."

"On the contrary. I think this is very cool." Nero eye's sparkled with the shimmering cyan of dragon-typing. "Seeing both sides trying to outwit one another is exhilarating. Even if I'm not the one attacking, I can still be excited for my friends."

His expression promptly sharpened. "But I wouldn't expect you to understand that... because everything I've seen from you suggests you've resigned yourself to your misery. And you want everyone to be as unhappy as you are, perhaps for some perverse, twisted satisfaction."

Bahamut floated there in silence. Though he opened his beak repeatedly, words failed him.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
In the middle of the arena, Petram was still watering Owen’s tree with tea — Max Elixir-flavored, this time. He was so intent in his little task that he didn’t feel the cold air zipping past him and barely heard the shocked holler of his dear Daddy. His ears flicked and he glanced around, puzzled.

The Zoroark gazed pensively at the raging battle, before shrugging and resuming his watering duty, whistling merrily to himself.


Low moans and distorted whirrs came from the southern side of the battlefield, with Icetales having just tasted the dirt. Darkness pooled underneath his body, before the phantom fox materialized in front of his host.

Hmm. This looks vaguely familiar… Ha. Yes. Thou used to fling me around all the time, did thou not? Quite the unflattering feelings are festering now in thy spirit, hm.

“Ngh… It is not pleasant, indeed…”

The half-daemon dug himself out of the solid ground and shook himself, scattering small comets and puffs of black smoke. He growled and turned to the center of the area, just as he felt the psychic energy float around his body — Vix was reaching out for him.

Icetales vanished in a flash from the southern area… and yet, he didn’t materialize immediately in the other arena. A wormhole of Blacklight distorted the area above the battlefield, then it compressed into a tight ball, before unleashing its energy all at once.

Beams of inspiriting energy bolstered some members of Team Spectrum, and the quasar engulfed the entire battlefield. A loud and pronounced howl came from the depths of the black hole — hellish, like Chaos itself.

Raw radiance and shadow poured out of it, and the half-daemon came out of it, baring his fangs as his body broke apart and became pure cosmic power. The Cosmic Warlock aimed at one specific target: the Miracle Matters.

A deafening explosion followed, and in the middle of the crater stood the daemonic fox, with a red scythe in his jaws.

“The puppy gloves are off! It is time to show you the true power of Chaos!”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Hey, Sage!" he howled, blacklight reverberating in his voice. His next words shook the air like a thunderclap. "Great job out there, you're really fast!" As his call filled the stadium, he winked at Sage.

“Fast?” Sage paused and grimaced, glancing quickly in Alice’s direction. “I’m not… I-I mean—hey! Gene!” he barked. Wayward flames danced over his head as he ducked another volley. Just as much fire raged in his eyes as he screeched and pointed a vine in Koa’s direction. “Silence him!”

Gene heard him, but for the most part, he was drowned out. Ugly roars and scrappy blows echoed throughout, sending the arena into uncomfortable disorder. Sage dipped and ducked but struggled to find targets, and when he did, there was only precious seconds to strike. He landed them where he could while his protection remained up. This was dire, he’d already gone down once, he only had so much time! But as more openings were created, he’d time the finale just right and call it a done deal. That was his style, after all. He’d simply wake up again if he had to.

When he rose after his latest onslaught, some of the quietude had returned. Odd. The battle had progressed, but there was still plenty to be fought. No matter. He was on his way to dealing the finishing blow. The only thing standing in his way…

“Hey!” Astrid called, balancing back and forth on her pawpads. “You seem pretty strong! I like the way you fight!”

Sage briefly paused his advance. “What?”

“Watch, I can do it too!”

A cold brick slammed into his nose—ice from the Ninetales, who’d thrown a jab from across the fairway that had bent itself just perfectly to catch his futile attempt to dodge. Curses, that fucking dog had slowed him, hadn’t he? Sage wiped his face.

“Have it your way,” he roared back, dispatching both vines to whip up a flurry of leaves. They caught Radiant fire, fizzled with Shadow, and moved in rhythm with Sage, who danced across the field to avoid Astrid’s second shot, then third. Her fourth, a Stored Power barrage, grazed his side and threw his approach just off balance enough for Astrid to sidestep, shoving off his body with a forepaw and gaining some air.

Sage whipped around and slashed the space she stood—but she was gone.

No she wasn’t, she was flying.

“That—that’s complete bullshit!” He looked around and grit his teeth. “Flying? How did you even manage to do that?”

“I don’t know!” Astrid used the opportunity to blast him again, which, at a sudden standstill, he could not hope to avoid.

Doubly furious and with no feet necessary to get under him, Sage didn’t lose a beat, taking the full blast and leaping after its source. Astrid weaved back and forth, but she’d never learned to fly for very long or very far, and eventually, Sage was able to wrap a vine around her leg—

Astrid air-rolled towards him in an split second, using the vine to pull herself in and catch him with a critical blow. He staggered back, lashed out, but she was there to block it this time—another costly mistake punishable by another blast to the face.

Anger brimmed as his nose bled and his eyes watered up from the beating it had taken. Yet all things considered, he was still in great shape to fight.

“Ghh… that all you fucking got, you slippery little…”

Her Radiance flared bright, then a dark sheen snuffed it out by enclosing her entire body. Only her eyes remained, while streaks of color danced over a cosmos background. A background… just like his own.

She can fly, her Unleashed form looks a lot like mine but better… what is life?!

“Oh, no, I have more!” Astrid called, tongue flapping in the wind she was creating around her by fucking existing, he guessed. She was having fun. Fun! Sage would take that fun and hang it on his wall, right next to her pelt.

She was back in the air, but Sage had a new idea. “Feel free to run,” he snarled. “It won’t last.”

Each Energy Ball he sent her way was dodged, except for a precious few she had no choice but to block, until one finally hit by sheer chance—she’d dodged right into it, way ahead of herself. She’d been fighting that way the whole time, and he exposed it as a weakness again when she, after tumbling a bit, raced forward instead of regathering the elevation she’d have needed to keep him cornered.

With a horrible sound, the earth split apart a ways ahead of her sudden, rapid advance. Roots clawed their way to the surface and burst forth, cutting off the space between the two of them. Astrid couldn’t dodge in time; she could only slow her approach, but it was all Sage needed to give all his commands. The roots did as he wanted and grabbed her, and no matter how hard she tried to struggle, they would not let go.

Taking a moment to breathe, he forced her over to him. Only her head was visible, and by the looks of it, she wasn’t trying to move.

“Do you yield?”

He only got confusion in return. “But why?”

“Because I’m gripping your body with vines that could immobilize a Rhyperior? I’m just leaving suggestions on the table.”

Astrid thought about it. “…What about an Electrode?”

“Yeah, whate—wait, what?” Dumfounded, he asked a question that he already knew the answer to. “Wh-why are you glowing?” Then, a more horrifying realization. “Why are you smiling, that doesn’t make any sense!”

Famous last words. Astrid only smiled wider, sweeter. “You might want to let me go.”

Sage looked around. The battle was tight, and by now, he’d gotten the memo. This girl was dangerous, and unnerving as hell to boot.

So… he’d do what he fucking had to. He tightened his grip, drawing a sudden pained gasp out of Astrid.

“Do your worst. I’m not letting go.”

Then he started glowing.

Astrid’s laughter was strained but genuine. “So you understand, then?”

Sage didn’t ask what she meant. He barely heard, could barely make sense of her craziness when he wasn’t doped up on bomb fuel. He was brimming with Blacklight that threatened to burst his scales into microscopic pieces. He pushed it further, as hard as he could. As hard as he fucking could, so close to release. And his opponent… she was calm. Loose, even. How did she get so loose?

Sage’s blood turned to ice as a sharp pain sent waves down his body. With a flick of Astrid’s paw, a blast of energy much stronger than what she’d hit him with earlier ruptured the vines in half, leaving them smoking and unresponsive. Sage staggered back, intimately feeling every bit of it. Worse, his Blacklight was churning angrily, like it was recognizing something he couldn’t. And somehow, he knew it was her doing it.

“Wha… what the fuck …?”

She walked up to him, both still glowing. Nowhere to run.

“You accept what happens next, right?” she asked.

“Y…” he scrunched up his face and straightened up, even though he was on the verge of disintegration. “Yeah. Fucking obviously.”

“Then you won’t mind if I take some of that power.”

Sage didn’t react… until lurching suddenly, feeling that horrible, violating feeling again. He recognized that taste… it was his own aura being yanked out of place. Tampered with. What? His bewildered eyes met her eyelids, shut tight. The smirk on her face dismissed any notion that she was remotely nervous. “You motherfff…”

Astrid’s Blinding Meltdown, Inspired by Sage, dealt 8849 damage to Sage! Blaze of Glory!
Sage’s Staccato Explosion dealt 4013 damage to Astrid! Super Last Word!
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Vix’s Ally Switch swapped Icetales & Dave!
Vix called out to Koa, Saltriv and Brisa!
Vix’s Brilliant Justice drained radiance from Astrid!
Saltriv’s Void Acceptance reduced the corruption around Brisa, Owen, Vix, Astrid and Koa!
Icetales’s Teatime restored Owen’s stamina!
Icetales’s Shining Revontulet and Umbral Nebula became Blacklight Quasar!
Icetales’s Brilliant Inspirit leant a helping hand to Brisa, Koa, Astrid, and Owen!
Owen’s Tree healed Dave, Saltriv, and Nip!
Nip’s Moonlight healed and revitalized Dave, Astrid and Brisa!
Bahamut’s Triple Shadow Persuasion granted Brisa and Koa extra actions!

Vix’s Hex was aimed at Danithan (Dodged!)
Icetales’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL 5154 to Alice!
Nip’s Triple Axel depleted Aria’s Protects!
Dave’s Shadow Charge struck Aria’s Protect!

Saltriv, Dave, and Nip’s Triple Pledge dealt 3399 to all Miracle Matters!

Dave’s Double Crunches dealt 603 damage, +1200 poison, and -1500 Defense to Owen!
Koa and Brisa’s Outcry Storm struck the Wide Guard five times!
Koa’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt 5481 damage to Chyla, but Lucius blocked the hit!
Brisa’s Triple Overcharged Facade Blitz struck the Miracle Matters!
Aria: 5023 (2x)
Owen: 2580 (Dodged one!)
Alice: 3837 (1x, KO!)
Mergo: 3603 (2x)
Lucius: 2053
Astrid was inspired by Brisa and Koa! Astrid’s Spreader Flail struck the Miracle Matters!
Lucius: 2956 (Endure, guard break!)
Owen: 5019, KO!
Aria: 4659
Astrid's Sweeping Stored Power!
Chyla: 26,103, KO!
Aria: 12,681, KO!
Mergo: 7653, KO!
Astrid's Eternal Spirit is burning! Astrid's Blacklight Meltdown struck the Miracle Matters!
Nero: 2476
Lucius: Endure break! KO! But...! He's hanging on anyway!
Danithan: Evade ignore! Endure break! 15,004, KO!


“Bah!” Gene grit her teeth and stood up, body glowing. “I will not falter to such attacks! I am a queen!”

From her back, the silhouettes of two large wings emerged, spreading gracefully out.

“Behold!” Her blades glowed red. “The power of an angel!”

She, of course neglected to say she learned of such a line from one of those strange human games her friend showed her back home.


The lucario staggered to her knees, her diminutive profile hard to pick out through the battle raging around her. But there was no doubt that one of Spectrum's numbers would spot her regardless, and come to finish her off.

Then, Aria glanced up at crowd of onlookers, her gaze wandering to the very back of the stands... and embers sparked in her eyes. A wave of corrupted fire exploded outwards, shrouding her in jet black and pale white for a precious few seconds, before dying down.

"...That's right."

The mega lucario stood up, blacklit flames replacing the yellow fur that her kind were meant to have. And as her clear blue eyes surveyed the battlefield, those flames continued to intensify.

"My work here isn't over."


"Nrrgk!" Nero skidded backwards slightly before shoring up his stance. His cheek bolts revved, scattering sparks around him. "Yeah, these guys aren't slouches, that's for sure. Gotta keep... pushing on... and buy the others more time to strike!"


"Ngh! You're strong," Ben commended as the reviver washed over him. "But that was nothing! You have to learn to adapt to anything that might happen."

The arcanine focused, channeling the Blacklight within. He dug deep, searching for the power he remembered being there.

He found it, and let it go.

Immediately a cocoon of radiance and shadow pooled around him. He felt his fire vanishing, being replaced by an old, familiar power. Ben grunted as he felt a sudden weight grow from his head, doing his best to endure the pain.

When the Blacklight energy went back into Ben's body, he was visible once again. He stood tall, a set of peculiar antlers had sprouted from his head. His fur had changed colour, and if anyone focused, they'd see a mystic energy swirling around his body.



"N-Ngh!" the fox stumbled back, shadowy wisps and black electricity crackling off his body. He tightened his fists, gritted his teeth, and snarled, determined not to fall just yet.

"Looks like, I've been taking it too easy on you kids," he panted, flashing a jagged grin. "I won't lie, this is the first time in a while I've been pushed this far by someone else. It's enough to get my blood boilin'!"

A thick, inky-black aura oozed around the fox's body. He started to change; grey and black scales layered along his body, a golden crown-like helm upon his head, a severed tail, and six shadowy tendrils that sprouted from his back. His shirt read "it isn't over yet!"

"No more holding back, I'm comin' at you even further beyond my full power!" Koraza roared. "Not even your strongest attacks can phase me now!"


Danithan pulled himself off the ground, a broken smile on his face. "T-that was bloody wonderful, how about I return the favor!"


Gene and Kora entered the field! They both Unleashed!
Kora gained +6 Attack and Magic! Kora's Basic Attack became 90 power!
Kora's density is incredible! He has resistance to Super Effective attacks!

Gene gained the Roseblade status! Interacting with Gene results in 100 spike damage each action interacting with her!
Gene's first Super or Ultra Effective attack will deal double damage!

Ben Unleashed! His type changed to Fairy-Dragon!
Ben gained +2 Valor!
Ben gained Momentum! For every different move he performs in a turn, his total offensive power goes up by 5%!

Mergo Unleashed! Rallying Cry! Mergo can gain +2 Valor and grant +1 Valor to two three other allies with a Call, once!
Prey on Weakness - when Mergo strikes a target, any allies that also target that foe gain the Helping Hand status for those strikes!

Nero Unleashed! Damage taken is reduced by 25%! His status threshold increased to 3000!

Aria Unleashed! She's permanently Blacklit, and her attacks lower her allies' corruption in the same zone by 1! She also can Stagger easier, but is now fully vulnerable to critical hits!
She can also cast Z-Burst automatically if she's too corrupted!

Everyone on the Miracle Matters is preparing for an all-out assault!
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
This time he wasn't ignored. The Miracle Matters didn't take kindly to him poisoning Alice, apparently, or maybe he had pissed them off royally earlier but they'd resisted the temptation to vaporize him for a round. One way or another, half of them piled on him at once, whittled down his defenses, and then a whirlwind of blacklit leaves lifted him up, spun him in a rapid dizzying swirl and then tossed him down at the end of it. He landed flat on his face and blacked out and thoroughly regretted everything as Pop's Grand Reviver Seed revitalized him with a distinct scent of freshly-dried towels.

Mia was prodding him impatiently. "Wake up. You need to do the pledge."

Right. The fucking pledge. He heaved himself to his feet and was about to do that when -- okay, what the fuck, where even was he? Did they just make him swap places with somebody, again? Was that what he was now, the guy who gets swapped out of the fight whenever they need to get someone else in?

With an exasperated grunt, he let out his Blacklight again and charged toward one of Aria's protective shields, then fired off the fiery energy move he'd snatched off Mellow. Saltriv and Nip joined in with their own, the three energies swirled around each other, and a deafening boom reverberated through the arena as a blinding pillar of light covered the Colosseum and everyone in it. The crowd oohed and aahed up in the stands. If nothing else they were at least getting a show.

In the wake of it, with the Miracle Matters all weakened, the rest of the offensive went off without a hitch. Dave poisoned Knockoff Owen and Brisa pummeled him into the ground. Most of them were down. And then, as they rose again, bathed in energy...

...good Christ, was everyone on their team some kind of unholy fucking legendary hybrid.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Several Last Words are activating!

Chyla used Void Whip, striking Dave, Koa, the Conduit, and Owen twice! Their Protects were destroyed!

Alice used a Miracle: Happy Wife Happy Life!
Alice used Tailwind and gave everyone still standing +1 Sure Crit!
Danithan held out both paws, and in an instant, two golden swords of an aegislash formed. The blades on them seemed jagged and worn from use. As Danithan lunged and slashed like mad, the blades seemed to be dissolving into sand, which then spiraled around the arena like a sandstorm.
Danithan’s Brilliant Oathkeeper dealt 12 damage to Bahamut! Everyone has a much easier time using attacks!
That time, it did Owen in. He was thrown across the field and onto the ground, motionless as Incineroar started to announce his defeat. But then, his flame flickered.

"One... one more..."

He rose, cuts and burns along his body that even his flame resistance couldn't stop. "This one... this one, Aria's mate taught me... One last stand... one more..."

His arms trembled, but he brought his hands together. How did it go again? It was something like...


The countless Overheats spun around and around Owen's head.

"Me... ha..."

Radiance and Shadows swirled around him, not quite able to corrupt the stored attacks, but still enough to singe the ground around him.


His vision was tunneling. He closed his eyes instead, and there, with Perceive, he saw them all.

There was no dodging this.


Owen used Void Demon! His Overheat barrage went off! Void Demon struck for 222 damage! Three more hit Owen for a critical-nullified 180 damage! Three more were CRITICAL and destroyed the tree, and the last one KOed Owen!

Sage is in Last Turn!
Sage used a Miracle: Eternal Range!
Sage used a Miracle: Enter the Voidlands!
Sage used Void Prism twice and launched six Leaf Storms (four crits)!
Dave: 268 (2x, Crit Guards used!)
Bahamut: 305
Icetales: 194 (Crit guard)
Brisa: 222
Nip: 548
The Overheats also attacked with CRITICAL force, starting with Dave, then Icetales, then Bahamut!
Dave: 1246 (3x!), KO!
Icetales: 314 (guarded x2) +CRITICAL 664, KO!
Bahamut: 878 (3x), KO!
Sage used Void Prism and chained into Brilliant Voice!
Sage antifocused!
Sage used Blacklight Explosion on Astrid, Vix, and the Conduit! It struck everyone else he’s attacked this turn for CRITICAL damage!
Brisa: 872, KO!
Nip: 3012, KO!
Astrid: lol
Vix: 2301, KO!
Conduit: 3001, destroyed!

…Sage is still up somehow! He’s gonna blow any minute!
"Oh? Oh! Hella yeah, finally!" Kora jumped into the fight with a low battle stance. "You're against me now! Hit me with everything you got!"

His shirt read, "Full Power!"
Kora entered the battle and Unleashed!
Kora used Shining Spirit twice, gaining +2 Speed total!
Kora used Void Evolution!
Kora’s Thief was dodged by Koa!
Kora used Brilliant Replica and transformed into Aria! This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
Kora’s Extremespeed struck three times, dealing 231 damage total to Saltriv! (1 dodge)
Kora used a Miracle: Berserker Spirit! He and Mergo overhealed 25%!
Kora used a Miracle: Super Dense! He gained +2 defenses and will take 25% less damage this turn only!
Kora hid in the shadows! He’ll strike next turn…
“Lucius!” She gasped, her concerned eyed turning to pure rage at the one who felled her king. “I will have justice!”
Gene entered the battle and Unleashed!
Gene used Shining Coronation twice, gaining +6 Speed and Attack!
“Measure thrice…”
Gene used Void Wakizashi, which charged for a while…
”cut once!”

Unsheathing her sword, Gene’s energy began to swirl around it, every light in the arena dimming as the blade glowed in rainbow colors.

Raising her sword, the crowd fell silent, her shining sword as bright as the sun. Her usually brown eyes glowed in rainbow colors as they landed upon her unfortunate victim.
then chained into Brilliant Sunrise and struck Saltriv CRITICALLY for 5113 damage in a single strike! It’s Ultra Effective! She healed for 5113 HP!
Gene used a Miracle: Defiant Decree! Her next status inflicted will be incurable for a turn!
Gene’s CRITICAL Throat Chop, augmented by Shadow Vigil, dealt 293 damage to Koa and left him speechless!
Gene used Role Play and copied Bahamut’s Prism Armor!
Gene used Umbral Veil!

Mergo used a Miracle: Defensive Positions! Ben, Nero, and Aria gained a non-interferable Protect!
Mergo’s Unleashed…! He gained +2 Valor and crowned Aria, Ben, and Nero with +1 Valor apiece!
Mergo focused twice!
Mergo used Shadow Guardian on Ben!
Mergo used Protect +5!
Mergo’s Shadow Stored Power couldn't find any viable targets! He held off on the Overheats!

Nero used Umbral Overdrive and became all types at once!
Nero used Scary Face on Vix twice, lowering her Speed by 2!
Nero hopped in front of Koa. "Hey! That's some juicy looking stamina you've got there." His eyes sparkled. "Can I have it?" He didn't wait for an answer before continuing, "Really? That's great!"
Nero used a Miracle: Tee Hee! His next attack will draw from his defenses to strike…
Nero used a CRITICAL Shadow Blight on Koa! It’s Super Effective and drained 282 stamina!
Nero’s Blacklight Z-Burst dealt 34 damage!

Aria Unleashed!
Aria drained Ben’s corruption!
Aria antifocused!
Aria used Endure!
Aria’s CRITICAL Blacklight Z-Burst struck Owen for good measure!

Ben focused deeply!
Ben didn't have extra targets to strike! Ben held off on the Overheats!
Ben’s Blacklight Z-Burst gave him extra Valor!

“Aria! Mergo!” he called in spite of the black spots around his vision. “They—ngh, they got me! Get ready, hnnng, I-I’m gonna—!”
Sage’s CRITICAL Blacklight Meltdown went off!
It echoed back for more damage, had there been anyone to batter!

Nero is guarding Mergo.


“I see.” Diyem nodded in understanding. “Then in this world, this… ‘hope’--this bond of energy channeled through your own Divinity--is even stronger than in the Cibus we came from. You have actually used it to turn the tide of battle.”

“So you’re going to power us up?” Owen asked. “So we’ll actually stand a chance?”

“You’ll probably overwhelm them,” Pop replied. “They will be fighting you, yes… but with my power backing the Miracle Matters.”

“That seems… unfair,” Owen said, frowning.

“Fairness was never promised,” Diyem replied coolly.

“Yes. If Team Spectrum battles you head on, they will lose handily. It will not be remotely a fair fight. However…”

Diyem growled. “I thought deals like these were exclusive to devils.”

Pop chuckled. “It is beyond me to control this. If Team Spectrum fights you, and fills the crowd with Hope--that divine energy that permeates the world... “

“You mean, the same way you want to power them up against the Blacklight?” Owen asked.

“Indeed! Now you’re getting it…” Pop tapped a hoof on the ground. “I will power the Miracle Matters for as long as you can handle… but should Team Spectrum stand in the face of impossible odds, suddenly the impossible will become possible. They will usurp the very power I gave you, through the power of Cibus itself, and all the souls watching the battle around the world.”

“Ah, so more crazy Cibus things,” Ben grumbled.

Mergo clicked his tongue. “Incredible. They must have blundered quite a bit if they need all this showmanship to get people to believe in them.”

Owen puffed his cheeks. “Or the Blacklight happened to get stronger here. Didn’t it get Soda right at the start? The way I've seen it, the stories of Team Spectrum, they're heroes to the world. Just like us to ours.”

Murmurs of agreement, but uncertainty, as they considered taking them on with their Pop against them. Would that be fair?

Diyem waved dismissively. “A fine enough deal,” Diyem grunted. “I’m not keen on sharing my power with the likes of an Arceus yet… but this will do. So long as we can make that other Dark Matter know fear of me. How do we do this?”

“Hold still,” Pop replied. “This will only hurt for a while…”

And then, it would be up to Team Spectrum to turn the tables. If they failed, then Pop would need to think of another strategy to strengthen the team. But if Team Spectrum succeeded...


The remaining Miracle Matters loomed over the downed Team Spectrum.

Koa was incapacitated, perhaps for the fight, along with a few others of the team. They were out of shields, out of last stands--and, perhaps most importantly, everyone was out of safety revives. They had pushed themselves to their very limits, and if they went down again, perhaps that would be all--aside from Astrid.

This was their final exchange...

And despite being so devoid of energy, a great fire burned within all of them. And this fire resonated with the crowd, the world, and fed back into them.

The silver sheen over the Miracle Matters disappeared.

This was the start of Team Spectrum's Last Stand.

The crowd's roars are like thunder!
Team Spectrum gained +8 Valor for a total of +12!
The Miracle Matters lost their Critical Guard!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
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  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Koa cried out! ..but no one could hear him.
Vix’s Umbral Ire empowered Owen, Starr, and Brisa!
Nip’s Moonlight healed Bahamut, Icetales, and Owen!
Icetales' Brilliant Inspirit empowered Brisa, Starr, and Owen!
Owen’s Brilliant Aether protected Icetales, Vix, and Nip!
Owen's Eternal Spirit is burning! His heart beats as one with his friends'!
Owen’s Shining Bestow granted strength, protection, and blazing power to Brisa, Starr, and Astrid!
Bahamut’s Void Phantasm soothed Owen’s shadows!
Bahamut’s Brilliant Beacon soothed Starr’s Radiance!
Bahamut’s Shadow Persuasion let Icetales strike once more!

Vix's Brilliant Justice was aimed at Aria! [Blocked!]
Nip’s double Triple Axel tore through Ben and Gene’s Protect shields!
Icetales' Eternal Spirit still burns! He calls upon the power of Chaos!
Icetales' quadruple Chaos Scythe dealt 6323 damage to Ben!
Owen's Void Demon and Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL 20319 damage to Nero, and took down some barriers from Aria!
Brisa’s Overcharged Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL 3564 damage to Nero, KO!
Nero buckled to his right. "Urgh!" A gout of smoke puttered out of his right cheek bolt. "That's gonna be my limit here. Nice work, Team Spectrum. But if I... annoyed you even a bit... then I did my job. The rest is... on the others."
Brisa’s Whiplash Arcflare dealt a CRITICAL 6075 damage to Ben, and depleted some barriers or dodges of Mergo and Kora!
Brisa’s Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL 21911 damage to Mergo, depleing all of his barriers as well, and then 8387 damage to Kora, who dodged two of them!
Ben: 3521
Gene: Blocked!
Kora: 3049
Brisa's Whiplash Z-Burst struck Ben, Gene, and Kora!
Ben: 7299, KO!
Gene: Blocked!
Kora: 6470
Starr’s Shining Renegade dealt 295 damage to Kora!
Starr’s Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL X damage to Koira, gene, and the rest at Aria!
Starr's Renegade dealt 295 damage to Kora, followed by the Overheats, which blasted through several of the Miracle Matters!
Kora: 11925, KO!
Gene: 25539 (one half-dodge), KO!
Aria: 154,073 (8x, Endure!)
Brisa, Starr, and Nip took 100 spike damage from Gene!

He fell face first, unconscious. Two other hims came in with a stretcher to carry him away. They tripped halfway out the stadium.
As Ben was preparing to exit the field to make room for those remaining, something bright lit up in the corner of his vision. He turned and saw her, just standing there and waiting for the attack. All those overheats, all that fire...even in that super cool Unleashed form of hers, that had to be too much.

The arcanine's eyes widened. His cry left his mouth before he could even stop it.


His horns brightened with Blacklight energy as he screamed. What he wouldn't give to just help her one last time.

Aria had done so much for him, after all.

He channeled all of his remaining strength, that last bit of his power. His antlers glowed brighter, then a beam fired directly at Aria, and Ben could feel all of that strength leaving him.

Make 'em pay...!

Ben's Miracle, "Press On!" took the last of his strength, and added it all to Aria's!

Then he stumbled off the field and promptly collapsed.
With a unsettling crunch, Aria flew into the colosseum wall, kicking up dust and debris from the crater she left in it. It seemed absurd to think that a simple Endure technique could keep someone standing after that, and as the haze settled, her unmoving form laid buried in the rubble.

Then, with jittery movements, the lucario pushed herself out of the wall. Blacklit energy coursed through every inch of her fur, puppeteering her unresponsive limbs when muscles refused to listen, as she staggered towards the center of the arena. Clear blue eyes focused on the Spectrum members ahead, quelling any notion of the Blacklight being in control.

"I'm... not done yet."

Aria gained 8 Overheats, 3 Valor, 4 Magic and 1 more Sure Crit!
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
One moment he was charging through the battlefield, strengthened by his teammates, feeling stronger than ever. A flash, blinding light. Something collided with his neck. His eyes bulged, his body crashed into the earth, and his jaws hung open in a soundless wheeze.

A great weight crushed him, lodging in his throat. His chest heaved and shuddered as he gasped wildly for breath. His heart rate spiked. The sounds of the arena faded til all he heard was the inging in his own ears.

What's happening whats happening what the-

His limbs trembled as he forced himself to stand. He needed help he needed help, where was his team-

"Brisa!! Icetales!!"

Not a sound left his mouth. His mouth was open, he was shouting, screaming. But nothing happened.

Then, suddenly, he was faced with Nero. He instinctively called on his blacklight to attack, yet- No sound. Nothing. He couldn't so much as whimper. Then Nero was gone and Koa's strength left him. One moment he was ready to attack, the next, he could hardly stand. His legs crumpled. Darkness swarmed his vision and he sank to the ground.


Koa flinched and briefly, an image of a dark Manectric, wrapped in red chains, flashed through his mind.

No. no its not over. it can't be.

Get up!
His body remained motionless, deaf to his commands. All it had taken... was a single blow. The cheering of the crowd grew farther away until it became mere background noise. An empty hole yawned in his chest. He was useless.

Your spirit is weak. There's nothing you can do.

This was it then. He'd failed his team, right at the end of their battle. There was nothing left to give now, though. No blacklight, no conduit... Nothing. With his last act, he turned his gaze on his team, until he sought out Brisa. Would she still be proud of him? Was this the end for Team Spectrum?

His eyes began to drift shut, but he forced them open, his thoughts blurring. The moment stretched into what felt like an hour, yet only seconds swept by. Disjointed memories and glimpses of words flitted through his mind. Icetales, always ready to encourage. Brisa and Starr, defying the odds. Astrid, always ready to keep fighting. My team... still needs me. I can't give in. Not yet. He he come too far. Team Spectrum had done the impossible, before, and they could still do it now . How many times had he seen Brisa and Starr and Astrid pull off victories in this very colosseum? He'd defeated Giratina here just days ago. Legends had fallen, over and over.

Maybe his body was useless. So be it. But there was one thing no enemy could ever destroy. His spirit. His will. And he'd be damned if he let himself falter now, no matter what they faced. If he couldn't lend them his strength or his powers then he'd have to give the only thing he had left - hope.

And it would be enough.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa considered bracing herself, but there was no point, was there? The energies at play in the Colosseum... They were too volatile for any defences they had. But they had one more round of attacks in them, and the way the flow of battle was going, it looked like they'd just barely make it through. Somehow, though this was a harder-fought and tighter battle than against Ionys and the Blacklight Eternal – the hardest of any of their lives – they'd found a slim chance at victory.

They needed an all-out offence, and she'd do her part. Every technique she had available – Radiant tethers, Shadowed energy surges, her resonant connections to her friends and lover in the team – she'd do her utmost. She moved like a whirlwind, striking faster and at more targets than she'd thought possible, striking down shields and juking dodges, and somewhere in there Owen granted her a goddamn arsenal of spheres, each containing a white-hot energy that she knew exactly what to do with.

Brisa's spreader onslaught dealt a CRITICAL 17906 damage to Kora!
Brisa’s Overcharged Titanic Bolt Strike dealt a CRITICAL 3564 damage to Nero! KO!
Brisa’s Whiplashed Arcflare Elevenfold Overheat Barrage dealt a CRITICAL 21911 damage to Mergo! KO!
Brisa's Whiplashed Z-Burst dealt a CRITICAL 7299 damage to Ben! KO!

Her heart, if they felt it open to them through her tethers, was full of equal parts battle-joy and frustration. She was too focused for messages. Lacked enough time. But perhaps they'd feel the need crying out from her blood and bones, to be enough, to overcome this, to overcome anything. Them . . . or the Blacklight that awaited them.

"I'm... not done yet."

Brisa gasped, collapsing to one knee from exertion. Aria wouldn't have cast that Endure if she didn't have something capable of taking them all out still prepared. Sure, she could do that... Still, there'd be no way for her to stop Astrid closing the fight on her.

"Give us hell, then," she drawled, a crooked smirk on her bruised jaw. "Th'fight's still ours, darlin'."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“There! Happy with the drink, lovely tree?”

Petram stared in glee at the giant ethereal tree, where many teapots were scattered around its roots. He rubbed his paws, grinning from an ear to another, and started walking away to assist the other members of his team.

The Zoroark only had the time to take a couple of steps that a massive explosion sounded behind him, sending chunks of burning translucent bark around. He stood there, stunned, and slowly turned around. The tree was reduced to mere cinders.

Petram just stared. And stared. And stared. Then, he threw his arms toward the sky.

“Oh, c’mon! Are you kidding me?!”
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