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Destiny Colosseum

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Koa used Howl! Koa called out to Brisa!
Koa used Rising Voltage, three times! [+9, STAB, SE, Minus, Terrain]
Δ Stats: +1 Atk
Δ Stamina: -130, then *2
Δ Blacklight: +/-0

Giratina seemed to be on another plane, but left a tiny outline in the field as she popped in and out of existence to sneak in a strike or two when she could. It was during those brief moments that the team was able to get some attacks in, and most of them seemed to connect very readily.

Despite this, however, Giratina was still ready to keep fighting...

Giratina dodged one of Brisa's Facades and grazed another for 1201 damage! The remaining three dealt 6413 damage to Giratina!
Koa's triple Rising Voltage dealt 3198 damage to Giratina!
Starr's Fiery Assurance dealt 1334 damage to Giratina!
Starr's Fiery Power Trip dealt 2196 damage to Giratina!

The strange haze was at its worst, now. Giratina emerged with a cackle. "Oh, oh, this electricity! I knew this would happen! Well... guess wh-wh-what!" She shook it off, and her eyes blazed with some kind of inverted madness. "You ju-ju-just... helped me!"

And suddenly, it felt like left was right, up was down, yes was no--Starr, Brisa, and Koa briefly felt a glimpse of the Reverse World's logic pour through them. Starr had an urge to bathe in cold, cold water; Brisa and Koa felt a strange need to dirty up their fur. But as quickly as it hit them, it left... but the effects remained stronger on Giratina, and a Paralysis-powered barrage followed.

Giratina used Shadow Force on Koa's Conduit, dealing 387 damage!

Giratina's Divine Reverse activated!
All negative effects became positive in nature immediately for Giratina!
Giratina gained +2 Speed from the -2 Speed!
Giratina's Paralysis added 1 action and added 2 Speed!

Giratina immediately gained 2 actions as a result instead of losing 2 actions! Giratina has 3 actions remaining this turn!

Giratina used Shadow Sneak on Starr, twice! The first one missed! The second one dealt 232 damage!
Giratina used Hex on Starr, dealing 492 damage!
Giratina used Icy Wind on Starr, Brisa, and Koa's Conduit!
Starr: 101, and -1 Speed!
Brisa: A grazing 32!
Conduit: 94, destroyed!

Starr is Staggered!

Brisa: 952
Koa: 731
Starr: 99

Giratina: 10,376, Normal


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The Blacklight churned inside her, in body, heart, and mind. Bright intent and dark feelings, intoxicating, but under her control yet. She'd harness it. Use it to strike, and strike again, and then release it all. She could do this.

Brisa's eyes blazed and her forearms shone with Whiplash tethers.

"Reckon y'could've taken us a mite more serious, partner."

Brisa > 22 Rad > Starr
Koa > 8 Rad > Starr
Koa > 4 Shd > Brisa
Whiplash > BL Facade [+9, Stab, Guts, UE]
Whiplash > BL Facade [ditto]
Overcharge > BL Z-Burst [238 bp, +11, Stab, Guts, UE, Crit]
Δ Z-Busted, +30/50 BL

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[Will edit with flavor]

[Starr took 22 Radiance from Brisa and 8 Radiance from Koa]
- Starr used Power Trip! [+11, STAB, SE, 42 stages]
- Starr used Power Trip!
Starr unleashed her Resolution!
Starr's Resolution let her keep going!

- Starr used Blacklight Z-Burst! [159 bp, +12, Stab, UE]

Δ Z-Busted
HP: Set to 50%, then -25% from Resolution


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa's heart thundered in his ears, drowning out the roar of the crowd. He swayed slightly as the rush of Giratina's reverse effects washed over him, and shook it off.

Focus! I can win this! I can show everyone how strong I am!

He was so close, he could almost taste victory. With a defiant howl, he seized that familiar feeling, his body growing and surging with power a he transformed. One more strike, that was all he needed-

And what difference will that make?

Koa tried to ignore the voice, focus on the battle-focus on the fight

Just what do you think you're going to prove? What's the point? Nothing you do here matters.

His stance faltered. Doubt clouded his thoughts as blacklight surged through him, almost burning his body, flooding his mind.

You don't even know why you're here. You think this will make the nightmares stop? You think this will prove you're something you're not? That you can somehow change who you are? What you are? You can't change anything.

The questions raged relentlessly, almost incoherently through Koa's head and he shut his eyes, trying to block them out. His breathing quickened and he felt a tremor in his limbs. No! Get a grip!

He couldn't give in now. He'd controlled it before, he could do it again. If he could just harness that power... Maybe it was time to finally try that trick Brisa and Starr had done so many times.

Blinking, he forced his eyes open, glaring up at Giratina. "You shouldn't have gone so easy on us," he snarled.

Koa unleashed!
Koa's Eternal Spirit is burning bright! [+Endure, Double HP]

BL Z-Burst [211 bp, +11, Stab, UE] Δ Z-Busted
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Brisa's Blacklight Facade dealt 2854 damage to Giratina!
Brisa's Z-Burst dealt 2440 damage to Giratina!

Starr's Power Trips dealt 2080 damage to Giratina!
Starr's Z-Burst dealt 1259 damage to Giratina!

Koa's Z-Burst dealt 1543 damage to Giratina!

Electricity crackled against the battlefield; flames licked at the distortion god's scales and spectral wings. Despite this, she endured it, barely standing, limbs buckling, as she let out a low, quiet hiss.

"Did they do it?" Incineroar asked, checking the board. "No... they didn't! Giratina is still standing! She's--where did she go?"

Giratina had disappeared into the shadows again, and suddenly, spectral phantoms attacked Team Spectrum, unavoidably, from all sides. By the time it was over... only one of Giratina's opponents remained.

Giratina went all-out!
Giratina used Divine Specter! Giratina gained an extra action and ignores evasion!

Giratina shifted to Reverse form!

Giratina used Shadow Sneak on Starr, dealing a partial CRITICAL 405 damage! It's a KO!
Giratina used Hex on Brisa, dealing 261 damage!
Giratina used Shadow Sneak on Brisa, then Koa!
Brisa: 80, KO!
Koa: 100

Koa: 266 + Conduit

Giratina: 200, Reverse

Giratina's red eyes stared at Koa from the darkness that now surrounded him.

"You..." she said. "I remember you..."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
In the blink of an eye, both Brisa and Starr had been taken down, leaving only him. Alone. Shadows surrounded him on all sides as Giratina's red eyes bore into him. The moment he'd been waiting for all fight. No blacklight, no corruption. His mind felt crystal clear and yet...

Why am I here?

The question still lingered. The roar of the crowd began to fade, and his vision narrowed. His chest tightened and he feral snarl began to build in his throat. For a brief moment he saw not the Giratina of Cibus, but a shadow of something else, from his dreams.

A nightmare said:
"You..." she said. "I remember you..."

Koa stared back, struggling to muster his strength, barely able to look at Giratina. Doubt gnawed at his gut. What would any of this prove to anyone? Winning here wouldn't fix anything back home. Why bother? Why? The question rang through his mind over and over. The lack of blacklight corrupting his thoughts afforded him an rare moment of clarity.

Because you're afraid.

The truth felt so simple. He was afraid, and he'd spent so long letting that fear control everything he did. Fear of failing, fear of not living up, fear of becoming something he didn't want to. It always came back to that one, simple thing. Fear. And he was sick of it. He'd fought legendaries, defeated cosmic horrors, overcome the manifestation of his own darkness, for Arceus sake. Yet he was allowing that fear to still control him. No more. He was done running, done being afraid, done living in fear. He stared straight up at Giratina, resolution burning in his gaze.

"Giratina!" Koa roared. Rearing up, he began charging a sphere of energy between his paws. "Let me show you who I am!"

Koa called Giratina!

Taking a deep breath, he spoke, his voice quiet, not enough for anyone in the crowd to hear, but loud enough for himself.

"My name is Koamaru Averon, son of Cyrus." And I am not afraid. His shadow had been right. He couldn't change who he had come from. But he could still choose how he wanted to live, and who he wanted to be.

Thats what this fight proved.

With a loud cry, he channeled all his energy into one final attack.

[+11, STAB, SE, Minus, Room, -500 Res, Eterna Echo]
Koa used a Bass-Boosted TriFocus Bomb! Koa's Conduit echoed his attacks!
Δ : )]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Giratina dodged the first, but the rest of the Echoed Blasts struck her for a total of 3916 damage!

One was dodged, as Giratina tended to do, but the rest of them struck and sent her spiraling back and against the ground. She yelped once, a black, spectral fluid from her wings spattering against the ground, making part of the ground float up and twist into something meant for the Reverse World. Incineroar looked at the energy readings, seeing that Giratina was still able to fight...

She rose up, sprouting her legs again, a dark haze coating her body before dispelling in a powerful gust. She stood high; one of her wings looked like it couldn't stretch out fully. She stepped forward with one leg, but hesitated on setting it down completely.

Brisa and Starr were barely standing again, but Koa looked like he still had a lot of energy. And, in truth, she'd really had to push for this fight... And she felt she could no longer give her position its proper honor.

So, with a solemn nod, she announced, "That's... enough. I yield."

Giratina: 0


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Was that it? Was it over? Blinking, he looked around, then back at Giratina, who looked worse for the wear. A dizzying sense of euphoria rushed through him. Was this what it was like to be a Pokemon? He almost felt like he did back home, after winning a gym battle or defeating a tough trainer except so much more intense. He'd defeated a god.

And not just any one, but Giratina, one of the creation dragons. It felt surreal to think. Sure, he'd seen Brisa and Starr and Astrid and others pull off incredible feats before, but somehow this felt completely different. He burst out laughing, then spun to face Brisa, eyes shining. "Brisa we did it!" he cried. "That was sick!" he declared, looking at the two felines.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr stretched her arms above her head and cracked her neck. "Hell yeah. Told you you could do it," she said, clapping a hand to his shoulder. Hell, this time there wasn't even a moment where she'd doubted it. That sure put things in perspective.

"Let me guess, by this time next week, you're gonna be wanting to take on Pop," she said, giving Brisa a smirk.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa's ears went into alert. "Hey, how'd you know?" she protested, only to realise Starr had been joking. She laughed, a little sheepishly.

"Well done, kid," she told Koa, squeezing his shoulder. "That was a damn fine perfomance y'put on. That was a solid fuckin' win."

It really had been. Koa had at least another round of strikes left in him at the end there, for sure. Impressive stuff. He'd come a long way...

She really was proud of him. Damn. It felt good.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa beamed brighter and strode out of stadium, flanked by his friends, feeling strangely light. "Thanks," he said earnestly.

Echo's voice sounded in his head. You did good Koa.

He couldn't have asked for a better team, or better friends.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Giratina smiled with the gleam in her eyes and walked out of the arena first, answering a few questions from Puff, Cream, and Pansit as usual before they moved toward the winners. She flashed a wave with her good wing at those in the Reverse audience and gestured outside, where she would likely be chaperoning them back to their strange topsy-turvy realm again before they accidentally poisoned somebody.

R16 ~ Boss ~ A Miraculous Fight


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The stands were packed and overflowing; no expense was left untouched for all the cameras and crew made to watch every aspect of the fight. Equipment upgraded, technology cutting edge, and Incineroar himself looked like he had half a mind to jump into the fight.

"We have a very, very special, once-in-an-age fight for us today, folks. Saviors from an entire world, who hail from an entirely different Cibus, have come here to train and challenge our own saviors. A story right out of science fiction, playing out before us today!"

On the eastern side of the arena, the Miracle Matters stepped in at the same time as Team Spectrum on the west. The two Dark Matters were at the edge of the arena, glaring at each other. This was going to be a war by proxy, their fiery stares cutting across the whole field.

"Get ready for a thrilling battle, folks, overseen by our very own Pop!"

At the very top of the Colosseum stands, behind everyone else, was Arceus, watching with an observant glint in his eyes. He seemed pleased, masking his excitement the same way the other Legends were.


Owen--the normal sized one, of the Miracle Matters--entered the arena, first in the front, before settling in the back. "Good luck," Owen said with a little glint in his eyes. "You're gonna need it against us! We're gonna pull off one last miracle!"

"Wow," Owen of Team Spectrum said. "He really knows how to wow the crowd!"

At least those two got along.


Sticking close to her lopunny consort, the bisharp queen emerged, eyes pressed closed and her hands placed in front of her thighs.

“Konichiwa, my friends,” she bowed gracefully, her body polished to a beautiful shine. “Although I have since given up fighting back home, I suppose I can draw my blade for the crowd’s entertainment!”

She unbuckled her cape and let it fall, hand on the hilt of her wakizashi.

Although short for her kind, the bisharp queen stood as large as she could, a look of pride on her face.


Nero trotted in, glancing around at the colosseum crowd. It was a bit... odd for him to be battling for an actual crowd. Wait, had he done that on the other Cibus? Gah, so confusing.

"I wouldn't underestimate these guys. I mean, they stopped the moon from colliding with the planet." Nero's cheek bolts whirred slowly.

He pointed a talon at Bahamut. "By the way, he's their healer. Get him out first."

Across the arena, Bahamut snarled. "You snuck in on me training?"



It wasn’t like last time, with Pop smiling down and a cast of random colors and shapes across from them. These people had synergy. Design. And worse, this was their home turf.

The noise made that clear enough, even if many of the cheers were for the sheer hype of the battle about to start. But down here, everything felt so far away, oddly quiet and calm. They’d read one another in these precious few seconds and then create chaos together.

Eyes closed, Sage nodded a small nod. “When the fate of the world is on the line, losing isn’t an option. Making it this far is a testament that you were greater than the challenges before you. Now…”

His vines brimmed with a horrible energy, sparked by long dormant fervor. He’d waited so long to feel like this again.



A shadowy pool formed behind the rest of the Miracle Matters, and a crimson claw jutted out from it. Then another, with a giant foam finger. Then, a big, red bush. With a hat saying "U R #1" and two soda cans attached to the sides.

To no one's surprise, it was Kora. Stickers of the Miracle Matters and crude drawings of Team Spectrum adorned his body, and he even wore a shirt. Backwards. All it said was "Bad Mon."

"Go team~!" Kora cheered, hopping onto a bench and waving his foam finger. "Hit 'em really hard!"

It was hard to tell who he was cheering for...


gib bludoge pls
As she shuffled in with the rest of her team, Aria glanced around at the crowds in the stands, a wry smile on her face. Another world, another arena, another exhibition match. At least they wouldn't get slapped around by Arceus himself this time.

She looked towards their opponents, giving a slight nod to a few faces in particular, before cracking her knuckles loudly.

"Let's give everyone a good show, yeah?"


Mommy's Little Helper
they/them, she/her
As he prepared to fight, Ben felt his Blacklight energy stir. There it was, just like it used to be.

It was time to be powerful again.

Team Spectrum had no idea what was going to hit them, and it filled the arcanine with adrenaline.

"Remember that this is just for fun, but still, show us your true strength!"

Then he grinned.

"And prepare for ours."


I do not catch bugs
Deep breath. One... two... three... four... five... six... seven.

It was the first time he was seeing most of these people again for quite some time, but he didn't meet his allies eyes. It was time to be a professional. He'd been readying this for quite some time now.

Exhale. One... two... three... four... five... six.

His eyes shot open as a cold wind swept around him, and Mergo slowly hovered just into the air. He tilted his head back just enough to stare down with a sweeping, mocking gaze to his opponents. Violet stars formed just above his palms, shivering, unstable as they tapered into strange geometric patterns.

"Hm. So you're hoping to overwhelm us with numbers, are you?" he called. "We've had far worse odds than this. Do your worst..."

He tilted his head to the side as a small grin sprouted on his face, covering the fact that he knew a small part of him was about to die.

"Team Spect-dumb."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Miracle Owen glanced worriedly at Mergo. There were pranks and Mergo's usual sense of humor, and then there was... that. Was something wrong? Something terrible must have happened back home. Or maybe he was still disoriented. He glanced back at Miracle Diyem, who remained stoic, eyes locked on Spectrum Diyem across the way like two territorial ferals at the border of their lands.

"And with that rousing display," Incineroar said without skipping a beat, it appears that we are prepared for quite the fight! Team Spectrum! Miracle Matters! Gather into your positions! It's time for the fight of champions to begin!"

The Miracle Matters are ready to battle!

All of the Miracle Matters gained Resolve+1!
All of the Miracle Matters gained immunity to Critical Hits!

Alice regally slithers in! She'll be sure to get the Last Word!
Alice: 12,000, Last Word

Aria casually marches forward. Her strong hits will stagger and shatter!
Aria: 12,500, Shield Breaker, Stagger+

Ben strides ahead, adapting to any situation. His attacks can't be suppressed by types!
Ben: 15,500, All-stab, stab++, Persistent Element

Chyla stays behind and prepares. His attacks are accurate and hit hard!
Chyla: 7,000, Evasion Eater, Shield Breaker, Stagger+, Last Word

Danithan hops into the fray! He's a shifty one!
Danithan: 9,500, Total Dodge+1

Gene bows politely. Her guard is always up, and her attacks are especially strong with someone special nearby!
Gene: 11,000, Last Word, Half-Dodge+1, Helping Hand w/ Someone Special

Kora disappears at will! He's resilient and hard to stop!
Kora: 22,500, Status Effects last One Turn, Persistent Element, All-Stab, Total Dodge+1

Lucius nervously approaches. His eyes are filled with resolution!
Lucius: 11,300, Total Dodge+1, Fire Res

Mergo watches the battlefield, like he has total control.
Mergo: 12,000, Last Word+1, Free Zone Travel+1

Nero scratches his cheek, looking unconcerned with the field.
Nero: 19,000, Prism Armor, Magic Bounce+1

Owen stands back, shouting battle updates! How odd to be on the receiving end for once!
Owen: 13,000, Perceive, Total Dodge+1, Persistent Element, Last Word

Sage takes a breath, ready for another onslaught...
Sage: 7,500, Valor+1, Leap Ahead, Last Turn

Miracle Matters get into formation!
Kora and Gene fall back to reserves!
Owen and Chyla fall back to the West Zone!
The rest gather in the Center, challenging Team Spectrum!

Team Spectrum can enter any zone of the East, Center, North, or South!
The Miracle Matters are too on-guard! Team Spectrum cannot target them on turn 1!

Special condition: Fill Cibus with Hope! (Repeatable; make many amazing plays and show the world what you're capable of!)
Last edited:


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
So, that was it. The showdown of the two teams, ready to unfold their true power to an immense audience. Definitely an event that many ‘mons didn’t want to miss out.

Icetales was among his own team, striding through the corridor and into the arena with pride, his paws grazing familiar floors after taking in many challenges that enclosed place. Even though, things were also somewhat different in that moment — the entire Colosseum had been occupied to accommodate the sheer amount of fighters.

Hm. Right. It was going to be a matter of adjusting tactics and get ready for, well, virtually anything. No big deal. They had saved the planet from the frigging moon, didn’t they? So yes.

“Woohoo! C’mon, people! I wanna hear your cheers!” shouted Petram, his fists aimed at the sky and a bright smirk on his Zoroark’s muzzle. He wagged his tail and produced sparks of darkness and fire from his claws, reminiscent of small fireworks. Even the star at the center of his chest pulsed with energy. “Vote for uuus!”

Icetales chuckled and shook his head, amused by the antics of his son. The one who he would have to leave behind, once everything was over…

‘Hey. Don’t think about that now! We’ve got a fight to win, and our team needs your at tiptop shape!’

…He is right, thou know. Chill thy mind and sharpen thy darkness. We need to go all out.

Yes, I am abundantly aware of that. I appreciate your concern, however.

‘Always ready to help, Daddy! Let’s do our bestest best!’

Icetales nodded, and soon he and the others were standing in front of the other team. Of course there were the first jabs, mostly playful, or maybe to try to intimidate them.

Heh. They handled hell, they could handle those as well.

“Ha. Greetings, folks! This is such a lovely day, is it now? Clear skies, a beautiful sun that gives out warmth and joy.”

Then, he smirked in a devilish way.

“Howbeit! Let us see if you can stay true to your name…”

Black plumes enveloped Icetales, as his body shifted to reveal his true nature. Sharp fangs, phantom fires, darkness crawling through his fur, and ominous chants whirring from small black holes. His crimson eyes trained in his opponents, half ways between staring at friends and staring at preys.

“Because only a true miracle would allow you all to survive the maddening power of raw Chaos!”

And just as if nothing happened, the darkness receded once more inside his pelt, and Icetales smiled and wagged his tails. “With this said, I wish you all best of luck!”

He and Petram made their way back to the other members of Team Spectrum, getting ready to work on a strategy…
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Head held high, Koa strode into the stadium, blacklight already swirling through his body. His eyes gleamed with confidence and anticipation for the challenge ahead. Miracle Matters looked equally ready, already trying to talk themselves up and drop some lame insults. He snorted disdainfully. Was that really the best they could do? Well, actions would speak louder than word today.

And he planned to get loud.

Ready Koa?
Echo chirped from overhead.

Koa slipped into a battle stance, electricity dancing across his fur. "Oh yeah."
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