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Destiny Colosseum

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House of Two Midnights
Nate stood with arms crossed near the back of the group as usual. He wished he could be up in the stands, getting a good view of the fight. It was going to be hard to see anything interesting from the thick of things; turned out getting punched in the face wasn't great for appreciating any sort of grand strategy.

"Finally!" Rocky bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, waving to Ben and Lucius. "This is gonna be so good!"

"Yeah, no shit," Nate sighed. And he was going to miss most of it by having to participate in it. Whatever. He slid into a defensive stance, only briefly distracted by Mergo's display--he was curious to see what the guy fought like, if he'd even get the chance--and prepared for some hurt.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Remember the plan, y'all," called Brisa, shifting smoothly into her zeraora form, plasma rippling across her fur. "Stick t'gether while we set up, then take out priority targets! Remember, they're tougher than us fer takin' hits, so let's give 'em a no-holds-barred beatin'!"

She looked around at her team, noting with satisfaction the speed with which they got stuck into it. Over in the centre of the field, the 'away team' was doing their own thing. Whatever it was, she just hoped it wouldn't get past the necrozma wall in the way.

"First beatin's all yers, fella," she drawled quietly to Bahamut. She was surprised the big guy had deigned to join them for this one, given his distaste for recreational combat, or even for combat training. Still, he was the Miracle Matters' problem, now.

Brisa clenched a fist hard enough to crack knuckles, igniting a surge of Radiance in herself and in Starr at her side. She looked hesitantly back at the east entrance, where Astrid and Vix were waiting to enter the field when the battle reached a manic pitch. Were they as excited as her? As nervous? This was going to be one of the most spectacular, high-powered combats in the history of the planet, and it was televised. The conjunction of her dutiful combat as a Spectrum warrior, and her vocation as a Colosseum challenger... The weight of expectation was enough to knock a gal flat.

Good thing she thrived under pressure, then.

Brisa unleashed her Tenacity and used Brilliant Paragon! Brisa & Starr toughed out the pain to be their best selves!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Cuicatl’s Boon V buffed Koa!
Ashwood’s Ward III protected Bahamut!
Saltriv's Void Acceptance prepared Brisa, Bahamut, Mellow and Icetales to wield the Blacklight!
Saltriv's pure words rallied Brisa, Dave and Bahamut!
Dave's Brilliant Determination protected Koa!
Dave copied Brisa’s Speed!
Icetales' Mist warded the whole team!
Icetales took tea with Brisa and Bahamut!
Vix's Eternal Spirit is burning bright! That's kinda hot!
Vix's Radiant Wax protected and buffed Brisa, Starr and Koa!
Vix's Brilliant Justice protected and drained Saltriv, Bahamut and Icetales!
Owen rallied Starr!
Brisa's Brilliant Paragon pushed herself and Starr to their limits!
Koa's Eternal Spirit is burning bright! He believes in his teammates!
Koa's Brilliant Conduit let him and Starr exchange corruption!
Starr's Void Catharsis soothed and healed herself and Brisa!
Mellow's Tailwind boosted the whole team's Speed!
Mellow's Brilliant Summershine protected the whole team!
Mellow's Shining Teatime let Brisa, Icetales, and Starr set up!
Bahamut's Brilliant Beacon drained Vix and directed all enemies to target Bahamut over the team!
Bahamut's Void Phantasm drained Saltriv!

"It looks like Team spectrum has readied themselves into position! And what a coordinated effort it is! But let's not underestimate their opponents. They've done the very same thing! the Miracle Matters--what will their answer be?! Ah--here they come! The response!

Danithan’s Tailwind boosted the whole team’s Speed, and his Rallying Force boosted their stats !
Danithan used Agility!
Danithan used Umbral Divide! His next move will have +1 priority!

Lucius used After You, and Alice Mimic’d it and used it twice! Aria gained two extra actions and Lucius gained one!
Lucius used Brilliant Bunker, harboring himself and making room for Mergo and Nero!
Lucius used Mud Sport! Electric power is weakened in the Middle zone!
Lucius used Radiant Shield – Defense! Reflect was cast in the Middle zone!
Alice used Protect +5!

Sage used Void Prism! It chained into a triple Shining Coil, which he aimed at the air.
Sage used a Miracle — Precision Focus! He took a deep breath and steadied himself…
Sage used Void Prism! It chained into a triple Umbral Plume, which he also aimed at the air…
Sage used Brilliant Voice! With narrowed eyes, he stares them down from afar… He’s challenging Team Spectrum to advance!

Aria, Nero, and Mergo are planning something…
"Ooh, nice boosts. Mind if I take 'em for a spin, too?" Nero's tail wagged. "Sharing is caring, after all!"
Nero used Shining Doppler on Sage, copying his +6 Speed, +3 Accuracy, +3 Defense, and +3 Resistance!
Mergo used Void Heir on Nero and Aria! Stat boosts they gain will be replicated and shared among them.
Mergo Teleported Nero to the North zone!
Aria walked North!
Nero used Roar on Bahamut, sending him careening towards the West zone!
Aria used Extremespeed (2 hits!) on Starr, depleting her shields!
Aria used Copycat on Nero, chaining into Roar! Starr tumbled into the Middle zone!
Aria used Copycat on Mergo, chaining into Teleport! Nero and Aria whisked back to the Middle zone!
Aria used Extremespeed (3 hits!) on Starr, depleting her Evasion and dealing 135 damage!
Nero used Thunder Wave on Starr!
Mergo used Skill Swap on Starr!

Owen walks to the Middle and casts Umbral Storage, storing two Overheats!
Owen used Protect +5!

Chyla used Shining Potency twice, gaining +6 Attack and Speed!
Chyla walked to the Middle zone!

Ben used Brilliant Bastion! He gained Endure status and immunity to recoil from moves!
Ben used Shining Accelerate twice on Starr, gaining +6 Speed and dealing 235 damage! It’s Ultra Effective!

Alice is guarding Danithan!
Owen is guarding Chyla!
Nero is guarding Aria and hiding in the Bunker!

Starr is Staggered, but her Crit Guard will keep her protected!

"What a response!" Incineroar said with wide arms. "They disrupted Team spectrum's defenses and set up their own in the process! this is a defensive game so far, but will that change...?"

Owen and Owen stared at one another from different parts of the field, sizing each other up. Amid all the chaos, they were both, seemingly, doing the same thing--preparing for a big strike...


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Oh, for pity's sake, just kiss already!" Nero crooned, rolling his eyes.

"Can someone please put a muzzle on that mutt?" Bahamut snarled.

"I'd be happy to. Just forfeit first!" Nero fired back, though he sounded perfectly sincere. Bahamut gnashed his crystalline beak in frustration.

"Bet you wish you had actual offense, huh?" Polaris quipped, poking out from Bahamut's satchel.

Bahamut's face turned tamato red. "Don't encourage him!"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa scowled as the opposing party set themselves up with an efficiency she hadn't imagined possible. That radiant construct in the center of the arena... That shit would dominate the battle for sure, if what Owen was saying about it was remotely true.

"Skyfire and storms," she swore, "can someone get in that fuckin' fortification and drag those sorry bastards out where I can hit 'em??"


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"You're the one who firebombs enemies," Bahamut called at Brisa.

"Lightning-bombs, technically," Polaris piped up.

"... whatever. Point is, it can't be invincible." Bahamut crossed both sets of wings. "Maybe it just needs to be handled with violence?"
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Ace Trainer
Mellow knew how to turn the tide.

"Heh-", she scoffed, as she seem to vanish in thin air, and reappeared behind the enemy as they hid in what they thought was a safe spot. But there was no safe spot.

Not from her.

With a mighty heave and with no warning, the roots burst from the earth underneath them to fling them across the arena. She turned as they looked towards her with aghast faces and pointed...



Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"... or that could happen," Polaris quipped.

Bahamut's wings sagged. "I'm so fucking tired of this planet."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
“Alright, fuck that guy in particular.” Starr did not specify who exactly she was referring to, but she trusted that everyone knew.

The incineroar cracked her knuckles, fur already shifting gold and white. “Alright. Nip, get Mellow in there. Mellow, do your thing. Everyone else, get ready.”

Her radiant flames shifted to dark, thunderous plumes in reaction with Brisa’s energy.

“Don’t need fire when we’ve got shadow,” she snarled.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“Someone mentioned… shadow?” Icetales smirked, as dark fumes began sipping from his pelt. “Oh, I have plenty to offer!”

Dark winds and cosmic dusts swirled around the Ninetales, who flicked his tails with nonchalance. Soon, nighttime fell on the northern side of the Colosseum, as the nebula settled in and charged the fighters inside that area with its shady energy.

The phantasmagoric shape of a giant wraith flickered in the middle of the clouds.

Waiting to latch its fangs onto someone…


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Kate's Wrath dealt 3150 damage and devastated Aria's Attack and Speed!
Dill's Aegis and Skara's Nullify protected Starr!
Flame's Shield IV protected Brisa!
Lauchzelot's Shield IV protected Dave!
Miles's Shield V protected Mellow!

Owen's Brilliant Aether healed himself, Starr, Nip and Dave!
Mellow's Tailwind is blowing through the North zone!
Nip Teleported himself and Mellow to the Center!
Nip's double Triple Axel depleted Alice's barriers and hit for 231 damage!
Nip's Triple Axel dealt 42 damage to Lucius!
Mellow's Shadow Toss hurled Lucius, Ben and Nero to the North zone! The first one from Nero bounced off of him!
"C'mon. I saw your love for hexing in the colosseum broadcasts." Nero chuckled. "Maybe you guys shouldn't have been showing off so much?"
The second Toss threw Nero away!
Starr's Sweeper U-Turn dealt 198 damage to Aria and took out a shield from Owen and Alice!
Saltriv's Shining Sunbeams shone bright, soothing Starr, Dave and Brisa's Shadows!
Saltriv's Brilliant Autumn soothed and protected Dave, Brisa and Icetales!
Saltriv's Pure Rallying Bellow Call soothed and strengthened Dave, Brisa and Astrid!
Icetales' Void Wraith was blocked by Nero's Detect!
Icetales' Umbral Nebula strengthened everyone's Shadow moves!
Icetales' Mist warded the North zone!
Starr's Sweeper Shadow Leech Blitz Flarestrike Z-Burst, supported by Icetales, dealt damage to Ben, Lucius and Nero!
Ben: 13035
Lucius: 8640
Nero: 1893
Bahamut's double Shadow Persuasion granted Dave a Phantasm Substitute and extra actions...
Dave's Eternal Spirit Intimidate decimated the Miracle Matters' offenses!
Dave charged into the Center zone, Hexternalizing Taunt... Mergo took 94 damage!
Dave's Void Desperation, supported by Saltriv and Mithos's Hex, dealt 669 damage and Flinched and Taunted Sage! Sage endured!
Dave's Shadow Charge and triple Crunches, supported by Saltriv, dealt 403 damage, Taunted, and lowered Mergo's Defense!
Dave's Crunch, supported by Saltriv and Jaro's Hex, dealt 375 damage and Taunted Alice!
Brisa's Arcflare and triple Arcstrikes dealt damage and 825 paralysis to Ben, Lucius and Nero!
Ben: Endure!
Lucius: 4213 (one total dodge!), KO!
Nero: 1471
Nero dug his talons and heels in to stand strong against the blows. "Whoo. Yeah, you guys are tough. I see why you're so popular around here."
Astrid's double Null Sweeper Flails dealt damage to Nero, Aria, and Mergo!
Nero: 1740
Aria: 7184
Mergo: 8668

"An amazing play from Team Spectrum, dismantling the very defenses that the Miracle Matters tried to set up! But it seems..." Incineroar gasped, "that because of all their efforts to take down that barrier, they weren't able to take as many of them out as they would have hoped!"

"Doesn't matter, doesn't matter," Owen murmured. "Now we know how tough some of them are."

"Means now WE have the upper hand!" Altowen said, having no actual idea if that was the case.

Meanwhile, Lucius struggled to his feet. Fire danced around his body... innate flame within his form radiating off.

Danithan blinked staring at the chaos going in around, before staring. With a frown, the Emolga threw his arms into the air. "OI! I exist ya ninnies!" He grit his teeth before bellowing out, "Well then, lets see what ya think of this shite then!"

Lucius stood up again! His full power is Unleashed!
Lucius gained a Zone of Protection! All allies within his zone will get 25% reduction in damage!
Lucius gained Friend Guard! If an ally in his zone is about to be KOed, he will guard them automatically!

It was an amazing play! The crowd's energy is heightening...!
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Ben used Burn Up on Brisa! Flame took the hit for 32 damage!
Ben used Void Inferno! It chained into a CRITICAL Extremespeed, aiming twice at Brisa! Flame took the hits for 596 damage and left behind a Protect!
Ben used Extremespeed three more times, breaking all of Brisa’s Protects!
Ben used Teleport on Lucius, moving them both back to the Center!

Chyla used After You on Lucius!
Chyla used Radiant Infection, chaining into Void Whip on Mellow (extra strike)! Miles took 2 blows reduced by the debuffs, then two more strikes broke the shields! Mellow took 51 damage and lost 3 stages in Defense and Resistance!
"Yes, yes! Hahaha!" Chyla said, after finishing his barrage. "This is what I'm talking about! Oh, it feels good..."
Chyla used Umbral Barrier twice!
Chyla used Protect +5!

Lucius used Brilliant Bunker on Danithan and Alice!
Lucius used Heal Bell on Sage, Alice, and Mergo!
Lucius used Mud Sport on the Center zone!
Lucius used Umbral Bury on Ben! …Where’d they go?

Nero used Roar on Brisa!
Nero walked to the Center!
Nero used Scary Face on Brisa!
Nero used Shining Doppler on Sage!

Mergo used Misty Terrain!
Mergo used Void Heir on Owen and Nero!
Mergo used Shadow Guardian on Nero!
Mergo used Umbral Shift, chaining into Life Dew on Nero, Aria, and Sage!
Mergo used Protect +5!

Danithan used Agility twice!
Danithan used Tailwind in the Center!
Danithan used Helping Hand on Sage!
Danithan used Umbral Divide!

Aria used Void Nihil and Brilliant Hollow on Alice, soothing her corruption! She gained Metabolism!
Aria used Copycat to copy Life Dew and heal Mergo, Nero, and Sage!
Aria used Copycat to copy Protect +5!

Alice used Shadow Bide twice!
Alice used Void Aerial!
Alice used Brilliant Nurse on Mergo, Aria, and Nero! Herself and her targets were all overhealed!

Owen used Storage Overheat twice, storing four!
Owen Focused!
Owen used Sunny Day!

Sage used Void Prism, chaining into a triple CRITICAL Umbral Plume on Mellow! It’s Super Effective and dealt 821 damage!
Bahamut's Eterna activated! It nullified the final Plume, healing him for 114 damage and nullifying the final hit!
Sage used Brilliant Voice!
Sage used a CRITICAL Leaf Storm on Mellow! It’s Super Effective and dealt 581 damage! It's a KO!

Owen is guarding Aria!
Nero is guarding Chyla!
Seriously where are Lucius and Ben--

"All right, keep it up, everyone," Miracle Owen said lowly, focusing on the orbs that were forming in his hands. He gently tossed each one behind him, never landing a single attack, but everyone--on both teams--knew why. "Let's keep it up! We're way ahead now!"

"N-no you aren't!" Spectrum Owen shouted back, drifting around his Tree. "We're just getting started!"

"We know how you fight!" Miracle Owen taunted, flicking his tail. "You can't beat us now! We're just too tough... Is this the best Team Spectrum has?!"

Spectrum Owen flinched. something about Owen's behavior seemed... off. And now that there was a brief, brief lull in the fight, was there a sheen around the Miracle Matters? It was a silver barrier, one they hadn't seen or noticed... And that barrier had faded.

Where was that coming from?

"The Miracle Matters are building themselves up even faster! And it seems that some of them have arranged for more shields and protections! Can... can Team Spectrum overcome this?" Incineroar sounded uncertain, but the crowd was watching with anticipation. In the stands, countless Legends and elites and heroes watched, along with countless more natives from around the world. The whole world was watching... It seemed that they knew Team Spectrum had faced a lot in the past. They had faith that they would put up more of a fight. They weren't done...

Something strange is happening to the Miracle Matters! An aura is weakening... Their defenses dropped dramatically!
Cibus watches for Team Spectrum's response...
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Nero tilted his head at Bahamut. "... huh. He just absorbed some of Sage's attack like it was nothing."

Bahamut smirked. "Jealous, are we?"

"Not really." Nero's ears drooped and he looked down. "I just think it's a bit sad that someone who basically has no friends among his team also seems to serve as the team's meat shield." He paused. "Or light shield." Blue flickered in his cybernetics. "It basically makes you a physical and emotional punching bag, doesn't it?"

Silence followed. Bahamut hastily turned around. "Oi, refs! Where are the unsportsmanlike conduct calls?! This is a load of garbage!"

Polaris poked his head out again. "Um, did you know humans who watched a lot of football?"

"Maybe!" Bahamut's response was entirely louder than it needed to be. "But that's irrelevant!"


Ace Trainer
Cibus watches for Team Spectrum's response...

The response was to flood the field with murky water and grass, at least for a stretch, followed by glittering rainbows that were somewhat reflected on the water's surface. Mellow stood tall in the center, her arms crossed as she frowned down at the Pokémon on the other team.

"What are you going to do now that you're in my swamp!?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
As a scalchop appeared on Saltriv's chest and the tip of their tail lit up in flame, lines of light shot from them towards every one of their teammates. Every one of their allies.

"Stand strong!" they called out, as the lines to Brisa, Starr, and Mellow surged with energy. "We can't give up now! We've got this! We just need to keep doing our best!"

Fluttering down from above in a storm of red, orange, and yellow, autumn leaves fluttered down, swirling around some of Team Spectrum in a whirling barrier of leaves.

"I BELIEVE IN YOU ALL!" they shouted.

Saltriv stared down the Miracle Matters, as autumn leaves continued to rain down upon them.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
The power came to him easily now, and his body shifted, growing larger as he transformed. With a grin on his jaws, Koa sprang back onto the field, practically dancing on his paws. He'd been watching carefully, taking in everyone's fighting tactics, their moves, their abilities...

"Hey, Sage!" he howled, blacklight reverberating in his voice. His next words shook the air like a thunderclap. "Great job out there, you're really fast!" As his call filled the stadium, he winked at Sage.

Then he reared up, balancing easily on his hindlegs, and formed twin Focus Blasts, one in each paw. His team had cleared the way for him, working in flawless harmony. With and expert twist, he let loose on the enemy team.

"Chyla, catch!"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa flew across the arena from the force of Nero's avian bellow, rolled with the impact on soft ground, and snarled viciously at the realisation that electricity would be of little use to her amid Lucius' fortifications. She wasn't much of a siege expert, and they didn't exactly have time for that either. She'd just have to go to work using the other elemental energy she was known for. Golden cables streamed from her forearms and ashen plumes erupted around her clenched fists.

"You two, give me yer fuckin' Blacklight," she growled at Koa and Saltriv, ripping it from that glowing ball that orbited Koa. She could make better use of it, anyhow.

The dragonair was her best target. Exposed to her attacks, uncorrupted by one exotic type, a critical supportive role...

"Yer mine," she hissed, and made contact.

I don't care how fuckin' tough y'all seem. I don't ever fuckin' give up in a real fight. So do yer worst!

A flurry of Blacklit blows ensued, appearing desperate and full of bravado, but hitting like skyfire each time. One sure hit, and then another, and another... The Blacklight seethed inside her, but Brisa held firm. She'd keep holding firm until the battle was won, or lost.

And she'd be damned if she went easy on opponents like these.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
This was possibly the most inane fight they'd had yet, but everyone insisted it was important to "train them for facing the Blacklight", or whatever, as if fighting twelve weirdos from another world in a fucking sports stadium in front of a bafflingly enraptured audience would be anything like fighting the Blacklight again, and so Dave had been reluctantly dragged along to this thing. 'You're important', 'You're our best hexer', et cetera, all very flattering and true and all but didn't stop him rolling his eyes as he walked into the arena, casting a skeptical glance at the cheering crowd.

The whole thing started oddly calm; the Miracle Matters were playing defense, barely attacking to start with, just bunkering up together in the center of the arena and protecting each other like they were afraid Team Spectrum would instantly wipe them off the face of the planet otherwise.

Mia's eyes were wide and alert, and when they'd barely gotten set up, she insisted, insisted this was an opportune moment to rush in and intimidate the fuck out of all of them and bait the supportive ones into attacking which'd make them useless and-- and, well, fine, sure, yeah, let's rush ahead alone right into the middle of the twelve fucking other people, that'd go fucking swimmingly.

And yet, he barked out for some support and cover and then darted into the fray, snarling, shadows gathering around his feet. Maybe, if he was lucky, the fuckers would attack him first, and he'd have to spend less of his time in this dumb fight.

...Instead, they ignored him. Acted like he wasn't even there. The Lopunny rang a clear, resonating bell that left most of what he'd been doing moot, and then grabbed the Arcanine and just fucking disappeared. What on God's green Earth.

Dave looked around in the middle of the group of others and wanted to throw up his hands. Mia darted to him and told him some strategy nonsense that people were apparently thinking about and -- yeah, sure, whatever. Pick up Mellow's Fire Pledge move, the one that made fucking rainbows? Make Bahamut do some elaborate portal routine to make him switch places with Starr, only to run right back? Why the fuck not. This battle was so many levels of utter bullshit that he didn't even care anymore.

Mia was having the time of her fucking life, though. And Brisa was determined as ever, running around, dishing out damage, 'connecting' with the enemies with her Whiplash thing, working as hard as she'd ever worked in a fight with real stakes.

Blacklight sizzled in Dave's fur, the Radiance blinding. This was utterly fucking pointless, but maybe doing it for them was enough.

He let out a vicious snarl before sinking his Blacklight-poisoned teeth into Alice's glittering scales. "Brisa's about to fucking destroy you. Have fun."
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