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Destiny Colosseum

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa grinned, the victory high—and the residual blacklight—making her feel like she was floating.

"Maybe so, ma'am, but if y'were a swampert, I'd've picked a different strategy! I mean it, though. That was th'best I've ever fought. I sore appreciate it."

She gave a nod to Incineroar, and left with the Spice family, saying little, smiling, listening to the kids gush about the fight. Everything that had come before... It all seemed worth it.

Maybe it is.

R11 - vs LEG


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
The day had finally come. Yes, it was a bit of a hassle and a little frightening after everything in the Worldcore, but a fight was a fight, and they could all use some levity after that. As well as some time to practice and give some morale to the world, of course.

And so, standing on one end of the arena, with Truffle holding his wings together in some sort of prayer, was God Squad's Mimikyu--Leg. She looked so absolutely tiny on her side of the arena, staring and shrinking away at the crowd's buzzing anticipation. Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena...


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa loped into position, enjoying the feeling of the crowd's eyes on her new luxray body. After she defeated Feraligatr Pepper, folks were catching on that she was an opponent to be reckoned with. Three of Team Spectrum's star strikers together against a God Squad member? Now that drew one hell of a crowd, and she'd grown plenty used to the cheers. This would be fun.

"Howdy, Leg!" she called. "Pleasure t'fight you in a real match!"

Good on Luz for setting this up, and good on her teammates for agreeing to the match. And good on Cabot for making that outlandish proposal to fight the God Squad in the first place.

Now to see if their recent training and offbeat strategy would pay off...

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Starr glanced over at Cabot and flashed a grin of her own. "Hell yeah. Let's give 'em a damn good show."

They'd been looking forward to this for what felt like ages. Having all three of them on the battlefield together felt pretty damn good. Bring it on, Leg.
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Incineroar was excitedly announcing the match's beginning now that al the fighters were there. The same kinds of hype that he was so used to dishing out, and yet never tired of it. Leg's eyes beamed.

"And here we go, everybody!" called Incineroar. "Are our fighters ready? Then we... shall... BEGIN!"

Leg made a hissing noise, then sank into the shadows. Seconds later, Leg returned... but with some company--three dolls, each one looking like limp, dangling, stuffed versions of themselves. Smaller than usual, maybe only a half their usual size, with empty buttons for eyes. They moved as if by invisible strings.

Leg crafted three strange dolls! Each one looks like Starr, Cabot, and Brisa!

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
She squinted at Leg, eyeing her suspiciously. Or rather, the three dolls hovering around her. A Rampardos, a Luxray, and an Incineroar. This was gonna hurt. And the initial burst of Radiance that hit Starr at the start of every battle was already bad enough, without having to worry about the possibility of her own attacks rebounding. With Cabot as the squad's spearhead, she could afford to play things safer...

Multitask! Starr used a Weather Orb and Shadow Complacence!

"We gotta find out how those dolls work," Starr muttered. "Sooner rather than later." She lunged, striking the doll with an open palm. No fire, no Radiance. Not yet--not before knowing what would happen.

Starr used a Basic Attack!

One last moment, time to make it count. Starr hurled an Iron Thorn to see if it could reach past the doll and then immediately forced a chunk of her aura out from her body to act as a shield in front of her.

Multitask! Starr used an Iron Thorn and Substitute!

It seemed like a good plan, anyhow. Time to find out how it would all go to shit anyway.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa's body shook as the Arcflash ripped through her. In her luxray body it worked differently now. Not so much full-pelt burning out as a general strengthening, and it fired up her penetrating vision as well–!

Brisa's Bright Arcflash gave her a burn, a charge, and +1 to accuracy, evasion, defence and resistance!

Brisa followed Starr's lead, but surged with radiance, expectin that it might give her a defensive edge over a God Squad member.

Brisa ate her violent and cautious seeds!
Brisa used Shining Whiplash on the luxray doll! Brisa called out to Leg!

I wanna see what you can do, God Squadder! Let's see it!

Brisa used a basic attack on the luxray doll.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot looked off at the stands and noticed Pleo was already enthusiastically cheering him on. He raised his thumb at the young Lugia, before turning towards Leg and stepping forward with a determined smile.

"Hey there, Leg! I'm glad you were willing to fight us like this!" the Rampardos beamed. "I guess we've never really talked all that much before, but battles are a way to get to know each other after all! Let's give it all we got!"

Not long after he said that, Incineroar kicked off the match and the battle had officially begun. Before he or his teammates could do anything, Leg sank into the shadows and rose back up with three lookalike dolls of them. Cabot looked at them puzzledly for a moment, before he, Starr, and Brisa quickly decided on what to do. Whether Leg would use those dolls to harm them in some way, or simply use them as a shield, they had to go fast. The Rampardos grabbed a seed from his bag and hastily wolfed it down.

Cabot ate a Violent Seed!

Cabot felt his strength growing and didn't hesitate to strike. He motioned his arm forward as several large boulders appeared above the Rampardos doll in flashes of light, before swiftly raining down upon it.

Cabot used Shining Rockfall!

The glowing rocks burst apart and sand began to wildly swirl around the arena, prompting Cabot to shoot Leg an eager smirk. Noticing Brisa and Starr had both already attacked, now was as good as any to try and attack Leg herself. Wisps of darkness formed around his arms as he braced himself.

"Lemme show you a new trick I picked up while in the Voidlands!"

Cabot used Umbral Annihilation! It chained into Void Meteor!

Large, blue meteors trailing darkness materialized in the sky above Cabot and were fired towards Leg. The Rampardos could feel the shadows rise, and unlike with his Cranidos body, his scales now took on a combination of black and indigo, prompting Cabot to briefly inspect his new, shadowified look.

"Not bad," he murmured to himself, before his now yellow eyes quickly snapped back to Leg.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Starr's Basic Attack dealt 350 damage to the Incineroar doll! Starr took 61 damage! The Incineroar doll was destroyed!
Starr's Iron thorn struck Leg, dealing 0 damage!

Brisa's Shining Whiplash dealt 56 damage to the Luxray doll! It's Radiant type! Brisa took 14 damage!
Brisa's basic attack dealt 693 damage to the Luxray doll! Brisa took 37 damage!

Cabot's Shining Rockfall dealt 229 damage to the Rampardos doll! Cabot took 57 damage!
Cabot's Void Meteor dealt 0 damage to Leg!

Cabot's attacks were truly devastating, but they were also striking at what appeared to be a false disguise of some kind. They hit the mask, the costume, and yet somehow Leg had avoided it entirely! The actual costume she wore, though... But three hits looked like it had horribly damaged the costume--it would take quite a while to get it back into working order. And Leg, obsessively, looked like she was focusing on trying to get that back up.

Meanwhile, as if multitasking in that darkness of hers, yet another doll appeared from Leg...

And then it and the doll of Cabot started to attack!

Leg's disguise was badly torn! She's vulnerable to damage!
A doll of Starr was formed again!

The Starr doll used Fury Swipes on Brisa! Brisa took a total of 96 damage (1 dodge!)
The Cabot doll used Iron Tail on Cabot! It dealt a grazing 80 damage!

Leg used Dazzling Gleam!
Starr: A grazing 93
Brisa: 45
Cabot: 381

The dolls started to fall back, and with a sinister gleam in Leg's eyes, a shadowy aura started to flood through the dolls.

And suddenly, the corresponding Pokemon felt the same awful feeling through their bodies...

Leg used Blinding Torment on the dolls! It had 200 Poison and Confusion!
Cabot and Starr became Poisoned and Confused!

Leg spent some time repairing her disguise... It's about a third of the way repaired!

Disguise 1/3 - vulnerable!
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Starr staggered backward, a blotch of pain creeping across her limbs--poison from nowhere, snaking its way through her body. Her head spun. She saw attacks striking Leg and hitting nothing but fabric. Even the downpour of metors had been blocked. But it wasn't for nothing; the shadowy being underneath--Leg's true form--was busy trying to repair it.

Time to strike, then.

Blaze is active! Starr used Brilliant Flarestrike on Leg! It reacted to Void Arcstrike and became shadowy!

She didn't wait to see what kind of effect it had before pivoting around to strike the newly-crafted Incineroar doll. That thing had to go.

Multitask! Starr used an Oran Berry and then a Basic Attack on the Incineroar doll!


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The disguise was damaged, and their opponent exposed. It was time to strike hard while they could, and Brisa reached for that extraordinary power she'd used against Owen, against Red...

...alongside Starr, making an attack so like her own that the energies seemed to meld into one another, at once opposite and the same.

Brisa used Void Arcstrike against Leg! It reacted with Starr's Brilliant Flarestrike!
Brisa and Starr used Fusion Arcflare! It's Ultra Effective!
Modifiers: Arcflare, Charge, Guts, Ultra Effective, STAB.

Yer not even tryin' to hold off the Shadows. Why is that? Maybe 'cause whatever this move does to ya... It feels worth it?

Brisa's vision swam with the rising Shadows. C'mon, ranger. What did they need to do? To incapacitate the foe while she could be struck. Yes. Brisa would strike deftly, dark lightning dancing in her mouth.

Brisa used Shadow Thunder Fang! It's Ultra Effective! She tried to paralyse Leg!
Modifiers: Guts, Ultra Effective, STAB.

She felt almost like she had in Shaymin Village, almost like she had in Null Forest, but this time... Oh, it was a strange suffering indeed. An ache in her chest. A burning through her skin.

Yer losin' it, ranger. Get a grip.

Brisa Focused!
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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot clutched his head and panted as he looked at Leg with gritted teeth. Poisoned, confused... he'd heard about Leg's powers to disrupt her opponents and had hoped Pleo's powers would have been enough to help fend them off, just like Brisa and Luz had suggested for their fight against Joule, but it appeared Leg was stronger than he thought... Gah, why had he forgotten to pack a Heal Seed now of all fights?!

His eyes fell upon the Rampardos doll that somehow was still floating around. How had that thing not been destroyed yet?

Cabot used a Basic Attack at the Rampardos doll!

Cabot visibly winced in pain after striking the doll, dizziness overtaking him and forcing him to crouch down. He knew he was on borrowed time like this, but... was Leg exposed. Whatever bullshit had saved her from his attack last time, it wouldn't work again. Besides, if he was gonna go down right here, at least it meant he didn't have to worry about what using too many Shadow attacks would do to him.

He reached into his bag in preparation for his next attack.

Cabot drank a Max Elixir!

The Rampardos slowly got back up as he felt more energized, before a dark aura began to rise off his body.

"You know, usually that attack destroys more than just a disguise..." Cabot growled, before giving Leg a wry smile. "How about we try that a second time?"

Cabot used Umbral Annihilation! It chained into Void Meteor at Leg!

Multipliers: STAB, Ultra Effective, Critical Hit, Sheer Force, Loner.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Cabot's attack dealt 972 damage to his doll! He took 15 damage!

Starr and Brisa's Fusion Arcflare dealt a total of 1592 damage to Leg! Starr took 177 damage!
Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt 280 damage to Leg!
Cabot's Void Annihilation dealt 1632 damage to Leg! Cabot took 408 damage in recoil!

Starr's Basic Attack dealt 360 damage to the doll! Starr took 86 damage!

"Khhhh!" Leg wasn't expecting such a powerful onslaught. She quickly charged forward, ready to fight. Disappearing into the shadows, she left behind another toy to play with.

But that Thunder Fang had left a number on her. While she shook off that paralysis this time, she feared that another one like that would...

Leg formed a doll of Brisa!
Luxray used Quick Attack on Brisa, then Cabot!
Brisa: Dodged!
Cabot: 18, KO!

Leg used Shadow Sneak on Starr, twice! The first one destroyed the substitute for 266 damage! The second one, Starr dodged!

Leg downed a Max Elixir. She gained 2 actions next turn!

Leg spent more time repairing her disguise... It's back in working order!

"It looks like Leg knows how to really dodge those attacks!" Incineroar called out. "How will Team Spectrum handle this?! She's even faster now! And I still see a berry on Leg's person... Will she be able to fight at full strength while hiding away?!

Leg took 57 damage from Cabot's Sandstorm!
Starr took some damage from Poison, and Brisa took damage from her Burn...
Cabot was revived!

Disguised, 1439 + Luxray 202


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The Shadows were high, higher than they ever normally were. Fuck holding back, fuck showing restraint, fuck losing. Go ahead and balk at how fucking strong she was, go on! Brisa dove at Leg, no longer trying to impede movement, but to startle with ferocity.

Keep it t'gether, ranger. Don't lose yerself.

Brisa used Shadow Thunder Fang! It's Ultra Effective! She tried to make Leg flinch!
Brisa focused!
Brisa used Shadow Thunder Fang! It's Ultra Effective! She tried to make Leg flinch!

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Starr braced herself as phantasmic arms burst from the ground and reached for her, but the Substitute was in the way, and it was shredded into fading wisps of aura. Well, it hadn't done much, but it had saved her that blow at least. Breaking the doll had hurt like a bitch, though. Maybe she shouldn't... push so hard. They had this under control. Things were going fine.

Multitask! Starr used a Heal Seed and Shadow Complacence!

Again. More soothing shadows crept over her, easing the burning pain the Radiance had left in its wake.

Multitask! Starr used a Elixir and Shadow Complacence!

Cabot had the Luxray doll covered, which meant someone had to tear up that disguise once more--

Triple Dip! Starr hurled three Iron Thorns!


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot groaned as he got up slowly, his head still spinning from the confusion. A quick glance at Leg revealed they'd hit her hard, and he also felt the corruption had left his own body. That was good at least.

What wasn't good was that Leg had managed to fix her disguise and seemed to be moving even faster now. Confusion or not, if they wanted to win this they had to buy some more time so they could destroy Leg's disguise. The Rampardos reached into his bag for a berry and bit down.

Cabot ate a Sitrus Berry!

Feeling his health coming back rapidly, Cabot looked ahead, noticing Leg had formed another doll of Brisa. He reflexively got ready to attack, only to pause as he felt another dizzy spell. The Rampardos reached into his bag instead and pulled out a Silver Spike.

"B-Brisa! I got you covered!" he cried. "Just see if there's anything you can do to slow her down and make her flinch!"

Cabot threw a Silver Spike at the Luxray doll!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Brisa's Thunder Fangs dealt 0 damage to Leg... but the residual effects left her Flinching and Paralyzed! Her actions were reduced from 5 to 2!
Starr's Iron Thorns dealt 0 damage to Leg, but further ruined Leg's disguise!

Cabot's Silver Spike dealt 665 damage to the Luxray doll! Brisa took 51 damage!

The disguise was in tatters. Bits of spirit-woven fabric lay in all directions, looking totally ruined. The fabric of her dolls lay in waste, even as some of it seemed to be sewing itself back together, reviving the replica of Starr...

Leg created another Incineroar doll!
The doll used Protect+5 and is guarding Leg!

"Khhhh.... hhhhkkksssssss... hhhkkkkkssss!" Leg was shuffling about within her disguise before--suddenly--a wraith-like creature emerged, glimmering with golden lights. The audience cried out in fear--a Mimikyu outside of its disguise.

Glimmering lights blinded her opponents, and Cabot in particular would only be able to see passing glances of Leg's true, horrible form.

Leg abandoned her disguise!

Leg used Dazzling Gleam!
Cabot: A grazing 224!
Brisa: A grazing 44!
Starr: Dodged!

Leg used Dazzling Gleam again!
Cabot: 324, KO!
Brisa: 83!
Starr: A grazing 62!

Brisa took some damage from the Burn!


246, Protect+5, Guardian Stance Leg
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
God dammit another doll. And then--nng. Starr raised her arms in front of her face to shield her eyes from the Dazzling Gleam. There was a thud, and when she next opened her eyes, Cabot had passed out. Shit. It was just the two of them now.

"I'll deal with the doll, you get Leg!" Starr called to Brisa.

Starr used Fury Swipes on the doll!

Claws shredded through the barriers around the doll in an instant, then tore through the cloth. Starr ignored the pain and kept going, focusing only on how pathetic it was that Leg thought they could be stopped by dolls, when they were the ones that had taken down the goddamn star of Blacklight himself. This was easy.

Starr antifocused and used Infinite Shadow Power on the doll!
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
She winced as the destruction of the luxray doll tore at her own chest just as if she'd been wounded. She watched as yet another fake Starr was created. She heard a cry from Cabot as he went down to another dazzling attack. And, of course, she witnessed Leg's emergence...

Brisa had heard folks feared the sight of an exposed mimikyu, but why would it be more horrifying than the Blacklight Creation, than Darkwhite's body tearing apart, than friends unmoving on the ground? Than her Shadow, bleeding and chained?

No. No, Brisa was undeterred. She took a breath, let Starr take out the defensive barriers shielding Leg from her counterattack, and went to work dishing out solid hits, conserving energy as she did. She could do this all day. She could do this for fucking ever.

Brisa used Infinite Shadow Power!
Brisa used Infinite Shadow Power!
Brisa used Infinite Shadow Power!
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