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Destiny Colosseum

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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
The concept of a sparring match, or even a test of skill in front of an audience, was not foreign to Nip. But an audience this size was certainly not the norm. His tail feathers twitched, though whether it was out of anxiety, excitement, or some combination of the two was unclear. To his side, his partner for the fight stood. He flashed Starr a grin. "Just like we planned, right?"

Then he turned his attention to his opponents, frost beginning to condense on his fur. "I hope you like the cold!"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales stood back up, chuckling when he felt Cynthian poking from the fur on his head. Well, he hoped that his comrade enjoyed the view before things became too frantic.

Then he turned his attention to his opponents, frost beginning to condense on his fur. "I hope you like the cold!"

The Ninetales smirked with mirth, his tails wagging and releasing glittering snowflakes. “I very much enjoy it. Let us see who manages to keep their cool the longest throughout this entire duel, shall we?”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"And the match is off to an exciting start! Ohh, they're playing it defensive this time, but it looks like we've got a few big hits coming in already!"
Nip's Triple Axel dealt a grazing 54, 205, and then 306 damage to Cynthian!
Nip gained 3 Protect barriers!

Icetales used Misty Terrain and gained 3 Protect barriers!

Starr used Radiant Adrenaline and then gained 5 Protect barriers!

Cynthian used a Weather Orb to make it Sunny! Cynthian's Solar Beam and Sweet Kiss bounced off of Starr's Protects!

592 HP +3 Protects
192 Stamina

606 HP +3 Protects
101 Stamina

520 HP +3 Protects
187 Stamina

57 HP
184 Stamina


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"You're looking a bit hot, Starr. Why don't we turn up the heat even further?" Cynthian said, channeling light to her flower and sending forth a deadly beam at the feline. A barrier flickered to life around Starr and stopped the beam dead in its tracks.

"Oh..." Cynthian was so taken aback by her move's ineffectiveness that she didn't notice Nip close the gap between them and land three powerful strikes on her swiftly. Cynthian was plucked right off Icetales and found herself groaning in pain on the dusty ground.

"Ow! That hurt! OW!" Cynthian protested with a teary eyed pout. She muttered something under her breath and promptly began to heal away the wounds as quickly as she could...


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Uh oh! Looks like they’re going in for something big…!”

Nip’s Iron Thorn dealt a grazing 102 damage to Cynthian, knocking her out!
Nip used Psych Up on Starr, copying her Speed!

Icetales struck Starr’s Protect barriers twice!

Cynthian was revived!
Cynthian used Life Dew three times on herself and Icetales and gained 234 HP!

Starr used an Elixir and a Weather Orb! A harsh glare reflected off of her crown!
Starr’s Flare Blitz dealt 1679 damage to Cynthian, knocking her out! Starr took 168 damage in recoil!
Starr used Shadow Complacence, restoring 101 HP and raising Evasion by 2!

The audience marveled at the show being put on—not just the raw strength, but the way they were in sync with one another. This time it was against one another, but it didn’t seem to change much. Every action they made seemed calculated at a moment’s notice…

“What a display of power!” Incineroar roared.

520 HP
184 Stamina
+2 Protects

539 HP
173 Stamina

592 HP
163 Stamina
+2 Protects


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales stared worriedly at Cynthian, who was laying on the floor after being struck by the Iron Thorn. However, he felt somewhat reassured when the energy of the Reviver Seed revived his comrade, and he took a deep breath in relief.

Then, he focused on Starr. Those Protect barriers were really strong and he knew that her firepower was something to behold, so he charged forward to strike them down.

A tackle. One barrier shattered. He growled and charged once more. Another crack.

“And now—”

Icetales gasped in dread as he saw Starr being cloaked in flames, while the little sun of the Sunny Day hovered on her head. She was glaring intensely at Cynthian, ready to take advantage of his recovering partner.

“Oh no! Thou won’t—”

Unfortunately, he was hopelessly overwhelmed by her fiery assault — if it wasn’t from his Protect shields, he would have been singed by that explosion of burning energy.

Alas, Cynthian didn’t have such luxury, and Icetales stared in shock as his partner was consumed by the flames. The healing properties of Life Dew weren’t enough to handle the pressure.

Icetales’s mind went completely blank. His friend… immobile. Singed. Unconscious.

For the briefest of moments, Icetales felt the darkness surging. Darkness in his mind. He was a fox of the moon. He was… a Thievul and a daemon, his dark instincts awakened.

A black veil surrounded his paws as he glared at Starr, his mind unconsciously mirroring the offensive power of his opponent. Feline. He was also a feline. His claws extended and shadowy trails cloaked his tails, and he was ready to lunge and unleash his wrath and…

Yes. Yes. Do it. Show to everyone what kind of monster thou art.

Icetales stiffened and his eyes went wide. No. What was he doing? W-why was he feeling like that?

‘N-no! This is not who I am, this is not…’

Moaning in pain, Icetales rubbed his muzzle and tried to shake off those horrific feelings with a few deep breaths.

No, he wasn’t a monster! He wasn’t! He wasn’t!!

Soon, the darkness receded and he felt that his breathing had steadied. Fresh… yes, he felt fresh. He felt… like himself again.

“I… I forfeit,” he declared at last, staring intently at Incineroar. “This is very much a foregone conclusion, and there is very much no point in hurting ourselves unnecessarily. I shall take my leave.”

He walked to the unconscious Roselia and lifted her on his back. Then, he stared at his opponents and forced a small smile.

“…Good performance, you two. You are… a force to be reckoned. Cibus is truly lucky to have such powerful warriors to keep it safe.” His smile widened subtly, even if there was some sadness and disappointment in his eyes about his own strength. “Best of luck during your next battle.”

And without another word, he turned around and made his way toward the corridor — striding with elegance and composure.
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Nip - already rounding back for another attack - slowed to a stop, confusion clouding his gaze. It... was already over? He blinked twice, then relaxed his posture, though his gaze remained confused and surprised.

"Well... if you ever want a rematch..."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales glanced back, mulled over that statement for a few seconds, then gave a small halfhearted nod.

“We shall see. Perhaps someday, when we will not have a beam of doom hanging over our heads…”

What point there is in that, however? Thou art just a nullity without spine. Even though, what else should have been expected from a marred bastard?

Icetales had to summon all his willpower and cool to not gasp or recoil in shock. His Father’s voice… was growing louder and louder with each passing day! W-why?

However, before the darkness gripped at him again, he felt Cynthian snuggling on his fur. Right, he had to take her to the infirmary to get her checked, and he craved a very strong tea in that moment.

“I… must go now…”

As such, he hurried away, determined to leave the battlefield behind at once. His demons had to wait.
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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Vix felt like she was on pins and needles, this was a fight she had barely prepared for, with a teammate she hardly knew, in front of sooooooooooooooo many other Pokemon... Sounded oddly familiar, actually.

"Let's give it all we got..!" She wanted to say something supportive to Astrid, but thanks to the rumbling of the crowd and her own shyness rearing its annoying face, she was barely even heard.

Vix followed Astrid out to the arena, taking in the excitement of the crowd and from Astrid herself. Her nervousness parted long enough for anticipation to start taking its place, knowing she was going to have an all-out fight made it difficult to stay anxious here. Her flame started to brighten with building excitement, and if Vix had a mouth she'd be grinning right about now. Maybe Puddle had the right idea, signing her up for this.

'Brisa... Luz is her familiar. So she's definitely strong,' Vix thought, eyeing the Luxio a bit before her eyes drifted to Owen. 'And Owen's definitely nothing to sneeze at, either. I can tell. This isn't gonna be easy... I just have to play it smart. Not mess up. I got this... We got this...'

"I got your back, Astrid," Vix said firmly to her partner, pumping her fist. "We're gonna wipe the floor with these guys!"
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa prowled onto the colosseum grounds already sparking off, and her mane shone with electric and radiant lights as Astrid teased her with pre-match bravado. This was gonna be good. She somehow hadn't had a proper fight against Astrid since that scuffle on the beach! And she was so goddamn strong, one of the strongest she'd ever seen–!

"I'll never hold back against you, Astrid!" she cried. "You ready to eat dust?"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen was beaming, his flame crackling to no end. He had seen Astrid and Vix fight, and with their offense and defense, he wasn't sure if they'd be able to break through before Astrid went crazy on the attacks. Or exploded. He wondered if Astrid had that in mind...

Though he wasn't as boastful as Brisa was. He waved to the crowd, to his friends in the stands, and then crouched down, prepared. "Alright," he said. "Let's do this!"

"Don't think we're gonna lose that easily!" Cal said. "Brisa and Owen have been wrestling in private all day!"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid and Vix were quick to set themselves up for an attack, but Brisa and Owen had something completely different in mind. As the opponents tried to set up, the Fire-Electric duo rushed in with a massive onslaught.

Brisa's Umbral Overcharge Charged Loner Electric Facade dealt a CRITICAL 966 damage to Vix! Vix was KOed!
Brisa's Electric Quick Attacks dealt 124 damage to Astrid, twice!

Owen used Umbral Storage, storing two Fire Blasts!
Owen tossed an Iron Thorn at Astrid, sending the two Fire Blasts with them! Double Dip, Owen drank an Elixir, fully restoring his stamina!
Owen's Iron Thorn dealt 148 damage to Astrid!
Owen's Fire Blasts dealt 504 damage to Astrid twice! Astrid was KOed!

Astrid and Vix were revived!
Vix used Radiant Wax on Astrid!
Vix used a Quick Seed!
Astrid copied Vix's Speed with Psych Up!
Astrid Recurves a Protect x2!

HP: 1, recurved Protect+2
Stamina: 189

HP: 1
Stamina: 166


HP: 814
Stamina: 139

HP: 610
Stamina: 196

Next turn order:
Owen, Astrid, Vix, Brisa


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
'Alright... Focus. This is just like any other fight. You can do this...'

Vix stayed close to Astrid, ready to do the same thing she has been for serious fights, like a routine. Buff herself, buff her team, take a few hits, wait for a moment to strike, and repeat until the fight was over. It was a tried and tested method up until... that last fight with Giovanni.

A faint pain grew inside Vix, and her flame shifted color slightly, distracting her enough that she didn't even realize she was getting attacked. She was more than aware that she was going to be out-sped, but she didn't even have the time to buff herself or Astrid. There was hardly enough time for Vix to even raise her arms defensively.

'Oh fu--'

Brisa's verbosely named attack knocked the wind clean outta Vix. She was already seeing stars, and the match had just started. The Lampent rolled back painfully, letting out a winded gasped as she hit the ground. Only the restorative light of her reviver kept her from blacking out entirely. Her body ached and started to melt, and her flame had already dimmed more than usual, but she could still...

No... no she couldn't keep fighting. Not for much longer. With how slow she was, and how weak that hit left her, a gentle breeze could have done her in. Maybe if she could heal a bit, just grab a berry and get back on her feet, metaphorically, but of course she didn't have any...

'A-Alright, even if I can't, Astrid can totally make it a bit longer. I'll just--'

Vix only briefly saw Owen throw his attack at Astrid, a fucking iron thorn with fire blasts following behind it. Vix winced at the impact, and she would have gritted her teeth too, if she had any.

"N-No..." Vix groaned, slowly rising off the ground. There wasn't a way for them to win, was there? Even if Owen and Brisa let them buff themselves up, that wouldn't do either of them any good. She messed up in thinking this was like any regular fight with some... beefed up superboss, even if she felt like she got hit by one.

The Lampent looked to Brisa and Owen, putting on the best smile she could. "W-Wow... you two really showed us, huh?" she tittered, wincing slightly. "You're both... really strong, hehe..."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen grinned, nodding at Vix. "You know, it was still a good fight," he said. In truth, Vix had been considered a great threat, and that was why they'd focused on her first, though Astrid was no slouch either. But Brisa and Owen had practically rehearsed their scenarios before coming in. They'd battled with one another for so long, now. Yet the final battle was coming, now...

The arena was cleared out once again, and the crowd quickly buzzed about the finals--two fighters who had gone through huge upsets in their respective first rounds.

"Now, these two powerhouses are coming to a head for this final battle of the Tournament of Darkness!"

"T-Tournament of Darkness?" Owen mumbled, glancing to Brisa, then at Nip and Starr. They all seemed just as confused, though Nip and Starr didn't seem to care all that much. What did it matter how they were called? They were clearly still allies. In fact, now that Owen thought about it, that probably meant they were the cool, scary looking, but good-hearted heroes in all those comics...!

Now he was really fired up.

And once the match was called to a start, Owen and Brisa rushed in for their strikes, only for Nip and Starr to open with as many barriers as they could. But would it be enough...?

"Nip!" Owen shouted. And with that, the pair fell into a coordinated strike.

Starr used Protect+5 and then used a Sunny Orb and Elixir, nearly restoring all of her stamina!

Nip used Protect+5 and then used an Elixir, nearly restoring all of his stamina!

Owen tossed three Iron Thorns at Nip (one double dip) destroying three barriers!

Brisa's Umbral Overcharge Quick Attack struck twice and dealt a total of 765 damage! (CRITICAL, one grazing)

Nip was revived! Brisa took some damage from her Burn...

Nip's Pressure activated! Owen is Staggered! Brisa is doubly Staggered!

HP: 1
Stamina: 259

HP: 707 + Protect+5 (to be 4 upon turn start)
Stamina: 216


HP: 763
Stamina: 179

HP: 610
Stamina: 196

Turn priority:
Nip, Starr, Owen, Brisa
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
The match against Astrid and Vix had been an explosive, furious blur of aggressive combat. She'd been ruthless, using her Bright Arclight like she hardly ever had occasion to in a Spectrum fight. And yet it hardly seemed a minute later that she was here, fighting Starr and Nip, doing just the same.

She knew how strong her opponents were. Her tag-teaming with Starr proved the torracat's incredible power and tight control of it, and Brisa sparred with Nip from time to time and that fella was fast like a motherfucker. They'd have to be on top form to win this one.

But when her relentless series of Quick Attacks broke through Nip's barriers and she Overcharged them with electrical fury, it felt like they really were in with a chance at victory–!

Come on. Hit me, Starr. Don't hold back. You know I won't.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Unbelievable! Even after that attack, they're still going strong!" Incineroar hopped out of the way of a careening Fire Blast, though he seemed all too eager to get directly involved in watching the fight, totally unafraid of the attacks that crackled past him.

"They're tough," Owen said, breathing deeply. "What do we do against them? They're so fast!" But they were still able to take down Nip. That's what mattered for now. Just Starr. Just Starr. But she was still so far ahead of them...!

Starr's Basic Attack dealt a grazing CRITICAL 99 damage to Brisa!
Starr's Flare Blitz dealt a CRITICAL 915 damage to Brisa, knocking her out! Starr took 65 damage in recoil!

Nip used Morning Sun x2, healing Nip over full health and completely overhealing Starr!

Owen activated Final Rush! Owen used Umbral Storage Fire Blast, then umbral Storage Dragon Pulse!
Owen used an Iron Thorn on Nip and then an Elixir!

Owen's Iron Thorn dealt 243 damage to Nip!
Owen's first Fire Blast dealt 665 damage to Nip, knocking him out!

The remaining attacks hit Starr's barrier thrice!

Brisa revived at full stamina! Her Burn was cured!

Brisa used Quick Attack on Starr, dealing with the last barrier and then 184 damage to Starr!
Brisa used Umbral Overcharge on Starr, dealing a CRITICAL 996 damage!

Owen entered Guardian Stance!

Owen is tired... He has 2 less actions next turn!

"Stay by me," Owen said firmly, legs shaking as he tried to keep his Shadows under control. He'd pushed himself too hard. But now, he would have to push even harder if it meant keeping their team in top form...
HP: 32
Stamina: 216


HP: 1 (Guardian: Owen)
Stamina: 139

HP: 610
Stamina: 105

Turn order:
Starr, Brisa, Owen

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Come on. Hit me, Starr. Don't hold back. You know I won't.
Starr knew that look. And she sure as hell didn't plan on holding back.

She's made it through the opening onslaught unscathed, but only because they'd both gone for Nip. He was hurt. Bad. No way he'd last much longer, but the fact that he was still standing meant that he could draw even more of their fire, give her a chance to keep going with his Moonlight healing her self-inflicted damage.

Starr rushed forward. Brisa saw it coming, dodged, of course she had, it was just a feint. Starr's fire blazed into full force, engulfing the two of them in a raging inferno.

She'd take the followup hit, but... worth it.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Nice try!" Owen shouted, diving in the way of Starr's attack. But those flames... something about them burned more than usual. He wailed in surprise and pain, toppling over the ground and in front of Brisa as the aura of a Reviver washed over him. "Just as planned... haha..." It wasn't quite as planned, particularly getting hit so hard by Starr's attack. He had no idea she was capable of...

"I'm not... done yet," Owen said after Brisa finished her followup. His whole body was shaking from the strain. Fighting foes was one thing, but his friends, at the same level as he was? This was completely different...!

Wishkeeper... can you help me?

If you insist.

Thanks, buddy...

Owen collapsed, but a horrible, wraith-like Charizard emerged from his back, snarling at Starr. But he wasn't very tangible. Instead, he pulled away from Owen (dragging his body while doing so) and spread his wings wide while standing next to Brisa.

"What's this?" Incineroar shouted. "An invisible force seems to be protecting Brisa! What in the world IS that?! What...? I'm being told that this is Tamato's Wishkeeper! A phantasm conjured of the very darkness within his heart!"

"So... awesome..." Owen wheezed, sneezing out dirt.

Starr's Basic Attack missed, but her Persistent Flare Blitz dealt 1166 damage to Owen, knocking him out! She took recoil, but endured it!

Brisa used a Silver Spike on Starr, knocking her out!
Brisa foregoes her second attack as Starr is already down.
Brisa gains some stamina due to a partial rest!

Owen uses Final Barrage, gaining +2 Actions! He maintains Guardian. Owen downs a Heal Seed and Elixir, then uses Protect+3!

After the Final Barrage, Owen is forced to rest next turn.

HP: 1
Stamina: 216


HP: 1 (Guardian: Owen)
Stamina: 193

HP: 1, +3 Protects
Stamina: 162
Forced rest

Turn order:
Starr, Brisa

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Brisa's lightning-fast followup knocked Starr down, but she felt a surge of energy from her Reviver Seed and was back on her feet. But now Owen was shielding her--a wave of frustration came over Starr. Damn it all. She didn't have enough time to knock him down and get at Brisa without leaving herself open.

Fine then. If he was gonna shield her, he'd have to deal with it.

Starr's Persistent Flare Blitz dealt 1749 damage to Owen!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Wishkeeper let out a low, ethereal hiss at Starr once they were up close, the blow easily blocked, but the follow-through knocked him back. Owen, finally back on his feet, conjured two Dragon Pulses over his head, each one glowing ominously within their Shadowy spheres.

Guess this is it, Owen said, taking aim as Starr regained her footing.


Owen stopped, blinking, and glanced back at Wishkeeper. What?

This isn't your fight anymore.
He silently gestured toward Brisa. Starr and Brisa had their gazes firmly affixed toward one another. At first, Owen seemed disappointed, but he gave Brisa a nod and then looked to Starr. The battle was won... If Brisa lost, he would step in... but there was something holding him back. Some sort of mutual respect, a lingering sense of battle-honor. Yes... this wasn't his fight. It was Brisa's today.

Owen stood down, cautious and ready.
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