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Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Kohath noticed one of the men look at him, and his look was not respectful. Kohath narrowed his eyes and walked up to him.

"You, lower-human," he started. "You will explain this place to me."
Damn, Florent thought as the other man began to walk over. He didn’t let his disdain show on his face, instead opting to continue with casual sips on his drink. As the man got closer, Florent could see that he was indeed taller, Armel’s height easily. Fascinating.

What wasn’t fascinating was being called a “lower-human.” While being ordered around. He liked audacity in another, but that had already taken it two steps too far.

In that moment, he felt like rule 2 would need to go out the window, because he’d made hits on people for calling him less. He managed to keep himself level, and gave the towering man a bored look. As he did, the air around him shifted. A heavy sense of malevolence blanketed his presence, as if the embodiment of pure evil had tossed it over him themselves. He was thumbing his glass as he replied.

“I will do nothing of the sort. You’d be advised to watch your tone and who you call ‘lower-human.’”
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
“I will do nothing of the sort. You’d be advised to watch your tone and who you call ‘lower-human.’”
Kohath slammed his hand on the counter and leaned in. "I call you only what you are, lower-human. Now, explain. Or would you like me to beat it out of you?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
The answer he got was one that he wasn't expecting. He eyed Athos up and down, mostly out of intrigue. "Oh? You've piqued my interest. I love hearing how others have taken chaos and organized it into a grounded line." It didn't sound like it was anything of a spiritual nature--entirely business if Florent had to guess (see, he meant what he said about not judging books by covers)--but it still seemed to be something that would put them on a similar footing. Something he might enjoy hearing about; the exploits of another spearhead from possibly another world.

"Does your family have a name? One that strikes fear into others that aren't in it?" he queried, tucking his knuckle under his chin.
"I apologize; I must look like an utter madman. The loops are abundant this evening, apparently. Please, continue."
When there wasn't another outburst, he gestured to Athos again.

"Alright, now please continue."

Athos considered his reply for a moment. A moment too long apparently, as they were first interrupted by a demented looking blonde he could almost swear was vaguely familiar, as if he'd seen her in some news broadcast. Then a man that he'd never seen before but rather reminded him oddly of an Orrean somehow. Definitely not one he'd met before. The way he spoke and conducted himself was defitely something he'd remember encountering.

"We do, in a manner of speaking. My family is not one of blood, but bonds. The Swords of Justice." Even saying it brought a sense of satisfaction and pride. Where Ghetsis and others had failed, he was succeeding. "Those who know us know we are not to be trifled with." He grinned maliciously as he sipped the rest of his drink and finished it off.

Kohath slammed his hand on the counter and leaned in. "I call you only what you are, lower-human. Now, explain. Or would you like me to beat it out of you?"

Athos gave the newcomer a sharp glare, his hand tightening around the glass as anger pricked inside him. Lower-human? Explain? Who did this stranger believe he was? "So you make a habit of inserting yourself into other peoples business and making threats? Are you that unfamiliar with the concept of using your brain, or just lacking one to use?"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Athos gave the newcomer a sharp glare, his hand tightening around the glass as anger pricked inside him. Lower-human? Explain? Who did this stranger believe he was? "So you make a habit of inserting yourself into other peoples business and making threats? Are you that unfamiliar with the concept of using your brain, or just lacking one to use?"
Kohath glared back. "To cower just to be polite is the brainless action. A Helixian acts to get what he needs, and he will use force if necessary."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"We do, in a manner of speaking. My family is not one of blood, but bonds. The Swords of Justice." Even saying it brought a sense of satisfaction and pride. Where Ghetsis and others had failed, he was succeeding. "Those who know us know we are not to be trifled with." He grinned maliciously as he sipped the rest of his drink and finished it off.
“The Swords of Justice,” Florent repeated. “Yes, that rolls off the tongue quite nicely. It’s mighty.”

He nodded in approval. “Fear is a useful tool when it’s aimed correctly. It sounds like you’re quite familiar with that. I assume you’re rather renowned in Orre, then?”

Kohath slammed his hand on the counter and leaned in. "I call you only what you are, lower-human. Now, explain. Or would you like me to beat it out of you?"
Florent narrowed his eyes at the man’s hand. All he’d wanted to do was have a nice conversation with his new friend, and this man was…picking a fight with him? Was he daft?

“You must have something in your eyes. I’m closer to a god than I am a human,” he said, the venom leaking into his tone. Without another word, he abruptly stood up, using his body to force the man backward.

“I will not be spoken to in such a manner by the likes of you. I didn’t come here to fight, but I’m more than happy to comply if you’d like to lose your life tonight. My partner is aching for a snack.”

As he spoke, an ominous shadowy mist began to disperse from under his hair, seemingly coming from the nape of his neck. He rolled up his sleeves gingerly, as if he were merely sitting down to have dinner, before bringing his thumb to his mouth and biting down on the tip. A bead of red took form, and only then did he cross his arms over his chest.

"To cower just to be polite is the brainless action. A Helixian acts to get what he needs, and he will use force if necessary."
Athos’ comeback was a well-crafted one, but it did nothing to deter the man. Only resulted in more nonsense. Florent licked his teeth.

“Well, sir, it sounds like you have some sense.” Though the term “Helixian” was lost on him, and he had no interest in asking for an explanation. If things continued as they were, the man before him wouldn’t be alive to say another word.

“I’m never one to shy away from force, especially when my leisure time is so rudely interrupted.”
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
As he spoke, an ominous shadowy mist began to disperse from under his hair, seemingly coming from the nape of his neck. He rolled up his sleeves gingerly, as if he were merely sitting down to have dinner, before bringing his thumb to his mouth and biting down on the tip. A bead of red took form, and only then did he cross his arms over his chest.
“Well, sir, it sounds like you have some sense.” Though the term “Helixian” was lost on him, and he had no interest in asking for an explanation. If things continued as they were, the man before him wouldn’t be alive to say another word.

“I’m never one to shy away from force, especially when my leisure time is so rudely interrupted.”

Kohath took in the strange sight and felt a wave of apprehension come over him. This being is not lower-human - not entirely, anyway, he thought. So this place has inhabitants with powers I did not expect. I should adjust my behavior accordingly. Now, how to yield without losing my pride...

Kohath stood up straight and adjusted his robes. "It seems I have misjudged you," he said. "I apologize."

I could walk away now, but this man's powers... if they are attainable, they could be a valuable asset to the Kingdom. If nothing else, my master would be pleased to have a new phenomenon to study.

"I am Kohath," he said, taking a fist to his chest in greeting. "Monarch of the Helixian Kingdom. It is... intriguing to make your acquaintance."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
The odd woman with Frosmoth wings only watched the spectacle, giving her head a toss as she does so. How typical of manh. The one had foolishly used an artifact without knowing its purpose. The others were too proud to show him compassion or even pity. They were all lower humans as far as she was concerned. But the one lowest of all was the one who proclaimed himself a god.

“You must have something in your eyes. I’m closer to a god than I am a human,”
Her wings flapped at his arrogance as she leveled a leer in his direction. He held no strength of his own; it all came from the pathetic excuse for an Akeresa within, clinging like a parasite to sate its hunger. She had no love lost for her fellows who put themselves atop a pedestal, but a manh? His delusions were hardly worth humoring, though she stands prepared put him in his place if need be.

But it was unneeded, for now. As the situation defuses, she continues to observe. A king? From his build, he had strength to call his own. Intriguing.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
“The Swords of Justice,” Florent repeated. “Yes, that rolls off the tongue quite nicely. It’s mighty.”

He nodded in approval. “Fear is a useful tool when it’s aimed correctly. It sounds like you’re quite familiar with that. I assume you’re rather renowned in Orre, then?”

"I am. Some try to copy my power and reach but they cannot oppose me. Of course, I operate in the shadows as necessary. Only fools draw unneeded or unnecessary attention." His gaze shifted as the newcomer confronted Florent again. helixian was not a term he recognized. And he had no interest in a stupid brawl, but he was more than ready to make this man regret interrupting them.

Until Florent acted first. He raised his eyebrows, watching in rapt fascination. In all his research and reaching out to particular parties, he'd never seen anyone do.... whatever he was doing. The way Florent reacted suggested some kind of power, but what? He unconsciously leaned forward, wondering he could glimpse whatever it was. Shadows? A hidden ghost pokemon?

Athos casually shifted his position into one he could better move from, either to get a better angle to fight, or to dodge.

Kohath stood up straight and adjusted his robes. "It seems I have misjudged you," he said. "I apologize."

I could walk away now, but this man's powers... if they are attainable, they could be a valuable asset to the Kingdom. If nothing else, my master would be pleased to have a new phenomenon to study.

"I am Kohath," he said, taking a fist to his chest in greeting. "Monarch of the Helixian Kingdom. It is... intriguing to make your acquaintance."

Just like that the tension dissolved. Florent's displayed seemed to have captivated the 'helixian' as well.

A torrent of replies rushed through Athos's head, including simply telling 'Kohath' to screw off, but he resisted the urge. Back in Orre, he would have sent him home bloody. But everyone here was an assest for now, and until he knew how to get something from them, he'd curb himself. A gut instinct told him Kohath was probably doing the same.

"Monarch? What is this...-" idiotic "-Helixian Kingdom?" Maybe Kohath was just a raving lunatic... Or he could kidnap him for ransom. If that was even possible in a place like this...


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Kohath stood up straight and adjusted his robes. "It seems I have misjudged you," he said. "I apologize."

I could walk away now, but this man's powers... if they are attainable, they could be a valuable asset to the Kingdom. If nothing else, my master would be pleased to have a new phenomenon to study.

"I am Kohath," he said, taking a fist to his chest in greeting. "Monarch of the Helixian Kingdom. It is... intriguing to make your acquaintance."
Florent didn’t say anything at first, instead watching the man come down from his apparent high. His greeting was just as primitive-looking as his dress, though hearing “Helixian” again next to the word “kingdom” left his ears perking up. Monarch, huh? Of a kingdom he’d never hear of, but he’d ascertained that there were numerous world-hoppers coming through here. Perhaps he was just from a different…time?

Slowly, Florent raised his nipped hand and began to smear the blood coming from his thumb on his index finger, effectively stopping the flow. The shadows receded until they disappeared entirely, no trace left.

That’s what I thought.

“Indeed. Charmed, I’m sure,” he said in a huff. If he were home, that should have been an instant death penalty. But, he’d meant what he said. He had no interest in fighting, despite what Gulattive might have been whispering in his ear. Maybe now that this Kohath was calm, they could indulge in something of a civil conversation.

“Pardon my look, I was merely admiring your robes.” And that was the truth.

"Monarch? What is this...-" idiotic "-Helixian Kingdom?" Maybe Kohath was just a raving lunatic... Or he could kidnap him for ransom. If that was even possible in a place like this...
His eyes cut back to Athos, listening to him mutter. Similar questions to him, naturally.

“There is no better place to operate,” he was finally able to answer. “Much more gets done when you’re not under such scrutiny. My own kingdom has accomplished plenty away from watchful eyes.”

Another look at Kohath, and he finally sat. “You are in a bar. I’ve deduced we are in no specific place, which I presume is how so many characters have been able to come through. I reckon there was no rhyme or reason to the invites, aside from the fact that many of us seem to enjoy the…finer things in life.” He downed the last of his cocktail. “You spoke the magic word, and now here you are. Welcome,” he said flatly.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
“Indeed. Charmed, I’m sure,” he said in a huff. If he were home, that should have been an instant death penalty. But, he’d meant what he said. He had no interest in fighting, despite what Gulattive might have been whispering in his ear. Maybe now that this Kohath was calm, they could indulge in something of a civil conversation.

“Pardon my look, I was merely admiring your robes.” And that was the truth.

Kohath smiled, flashing his canines. "You have good taste," he said. "This is the finest wool in the kingdom, sown together by the greatest seamstress."

"Monarch? What is this...-" idiotic "-Helixian Kingdom?" Maybe Kohath was just a raving lunatic... Or he could kidnap him for ransom. If that was even possible in a place like this...

"It is the kingdom of the Helixians, located in the Aava desert," Kohath replied. "But I sense that you two come from somewhere far away, given your strange clothing, so that may not mean anything to you." They did, however, speak his language... perhaps there was some translation magic afoot. "As for the Helixians... we are a people blessed and enhanced by HELIX, a god of great wisdom and power. We are larger, stronger and more intelligent than ordinary humans, and we have yellow eyes and fangs." Kohath pointed to his eyes. "And we have a taste for human flesh. Something you seem to share," he said, looking at the man with the strange powers. "Very rare for a low... for a human."

“There is no better place to operate,” he was finally able to answer. “Much more gets done when you’re not under such scrutiny. My own kingdom has accomplished plenty away from watchful eyes.”

Another look at Kohath, and he finally sat. “You are in a bar. I’ve deduced we are in no specific place, which I presume is how so many characters have been able to come through. I reckon there was no rhyme or reason to the invites, aside from the fact that many of us seem to enjoy the…finer things in life.” He downed the last of his cocktail. “You spoke the magic word, and now here you are. Welcome,” he said flatly.

"I see," Kohath said, scratching his beard. "So this is not an abduction, and I am a guest instead of a prisoner. Thank you for the clarification." He took a seat. "I take it that there is service here?"
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  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
"It is the kingdom of the Helixians, located in the Aava desert," Kohath replied. "But I sense that you two come from somewhere far away, given your strange clothing, so that may not mean anything to you. As for the Helixians... we are a people blessed and enhanced by HELIX, a god of great wisdom and power. We are larger, stronger and more intelligent than ordinary humans, and we have yellow eyes and fangs." Kohath pointed to his eyes. "And we have a taste for human flesh. Something you seem to share," he said, looking at the man with the strange powers. "Very rare for a low... for a human."
The white-robed woman stared stoically as she chimed in with her harsh and powerful tone. "You are the first I've heard of who worship the helix. The ones living in my land would be amused to hear that, so long as you keep it at worship. Of course, the dome would have words and scythes for you." She lowered her gaze and beat her wings, scrutinizing him with unamused eyes.

While he knew his place, she was no longer impressed with his power. It was just given to him. Although it appeared his god - a helix - had achieved a level of power she vied for? There was also the possibility that he could also be a schizophrenic fool whispering into a shell. In which case, his strength was his own, but his mind was not. Pitiable. Yet fascinating no matter what it was. Yes, it had been right to accept that invitation.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Slowly, Florent raised his nipped hand and began to smear the blood coming from his thumb on his index finger, effectively stopping the flow. The shadows receded until they disappeared entirely, no trace left.

That’s what I thought.
His eyes cut back to Athos, listening to him mutter. Similar questions to him, naturally.

“There is no better place to operate,” he was finally able to answer. “Much more gets done when you’re not under such scrutiny. My own kingdom has accomplished plenty away from watchful eyes.”
What was that? Clearly it had to do with blood somehow. But beyond that it was an utter mystery. He wanted to know more. "I have told you of my kingdom so it seems fair you tell more about yours. Clearly we are not among our usual enemies in a place like this."

"It is the kingdom of the Helixians, located in the Aava desert," Kohath replied. "But I sense that you two come from somewhere far away, given your strange clothing, so that may not mean anything to you. As for the Helixians... we are a people blessed and enhanced by HELIX, a god of great wisdom and power. We are larger, stronger and more intelligent than ordinary humans, and we have yellow eyes and fangs." Kohath pointed to his eyes. "And we have a taste for human flesh. Something you seem to share," he said, looking at the man with the strange powers. "Very rare for a low... for a human."
Athos gaze shifted back to Kohath. Brilliant deduction. Aava desert was not a name that rang a bell. Not that he kept abreast of every desert in the world, but he felt he would surely have remembered a Monarch. Which meant perhaps this Kohath was from another kind of place entirely or more likely, based on how he spoke and dressed, another time. That was a hard one to wrap his head around. He also spoke about so called gods and things he'd never heard of. Human flesh... rather disgusting, in his opinion, but a useful piece of information anyway.

He gave Kohath another once over, and gave a half chuckle. "Blessed? I've seen bigger." He smirked, then added, "but definitely a cut above most humans. Seems unfortunate to have to rely on your 'Helix' for everything, however."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
And we have a taste for human flesh. Something you seem to share," he said, looking at the man with the strange powers. "Very rare for a low... for a human."
Florent let out a small “hmph” at the slip. “Not I, personally. Some of my followers, yes. Gluttony is my affinity, but it’s my partner who prefers the taste of flesh. I’m never opposed to providing as needed; some bodies are only good for meat.”

"I take it that there is service here?"
He gestured to the lunala. “Yes. By her hand.”

"I have told you of my kingdom so it seems fair you tell more about yours. Clearly we are not among our usual enemies in a place like this."
Ah, right. Florent had been asking Athos so many questions that now he had fallen behind on the leveling. Well, fair was fair.

“I didn’t so much have a vacuum to fill. More of a…message to spread. There are some gods that deserve the limelight over others, and my goal was too…set things straight, if you will. Ensure the true power prevails and only those who serve it survive.”

He began to fiddle with the base of his empty glass. “I’ve sat myself at the head of this cause; and our influence has stretched worldwide. I’m a bit…” he scratched his cheek proudly “…renowned in my own right. I’ve managed to gain substantial control of our world’s underbelly, and it’s done me wonders in building my own kingdom. Business is abundant, as you could imagine.”

With his words lingering, he started scratching at the scabbing notch he’d put in his thumb. It started drawing the blood again, and he smirked.

“As are the faithful followers.”

He gave Kohath another once over, and gave a half chuckle. "Blessed? I've seen bigger." He smirked, then added, "but definitely a cut above most humans. Seems unfortunate to have to rely on your 'Helix' for everything, however."
Chuckling at Athos’ dig, he averted his eyes before landing back on Kohath. “I would say he’s about as tall as my son. Certainty an outlier, at least where I come from. However, I’m interested in knowing who you believe is bigger, Athos.”

As much as he did enjoy the tease, there was a part of him that was intrigued by the idea of this “Helix.” At best to understand what other gods there might have been in this multiverse, and at worst to see who his might have been up against.

“This Helix…do you speak with them personally?”


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
“This Helix…do you speak with them personally?”
"Of course," said Kohath. "I've known him since I was a boy. He was the one that helped me escape slavery and lived with me in the wilderness for years. With his guidance, I formed the Helixian tribe and fought until it became a kingdom. Nowadays, he lives with me in the palace." He quirked a brow. "I hope you're not suggesting he isn't real."

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Somehow, the ice water was delicious, more than anything Asaph would have expected from something so simple. But perhaps that was a sign there was something catastrophic happening to him. Maybe the mineral flavor was whatever had put him in this state.

And yet he knew there was nothing he could do about it. If he had suffered a blow to the head, he was in such a delusional state that he couldn't possibly save himself. If he had been poisoned, likewise. It was unlikely that he was having a stroke, since this didn't meet any symptom he'd ever heard of. Maybe a psychotic break, and that seemed mostly likely the more he considered it. The stress had finally gotten to him and he was paying the price.

It was a lot less painful than he thought it would be. And a lot more relaxing.

He looked around at the clientele. If this was a mental breakdown then maybe the others around him were manifestations of his psyche. He didn't want to get involved with whatever parts of himself were involved in a heated argument. Perhaps he could wait and see if any of them spoke to him first. Clutching his glass, he set off from his chair.

(open invite for anyone who's not currently in an exchange to talk to him)


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Lusamine turned away from the arguing folk. How boorish. Revolting.

Instead, she turned towards the lone man, drinking a cup of ice water she would love to lap up if another wasn't already drinking it.

"...who," she said, as if it were a statement and not a question. "Are...you."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Of course," said Kohath. "I've known him since I was a boy. He was the one that helped me escape slavery and lived with me in the wilderness for years. With his guidance, I formed the Helixian tribe and fought until it became a kingdom. Nowadays, he lives with me in the palace." He quirked a brow. "I hope you're not suggesting he isn't real."
Florent raised a hand, hoping to ease Kohath out of any possible anger at the question. "No, of course not. Mere curiosity on my end."

He was not expecting such a backstory, however. A god, helping him escape slavery and form a kingdom? For such an apparent brute, that was quite the inspiring tale. It was...biblical, almost.

"You and I share that in common, however. Living amongst them," he said fondly. He wasn't expecting to arrive here and find such likeminded company; first in Athos and now in the one who had almost picked a fight with him. Entertaining, indeed.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Lusamine turned away from the arguing folk. How boorish. Revolting.

Instead, she turned towards the lone man, drinking a cup of ice water she would love to lap up if another wasn't already drinking it.

"...who," she said, as if it were a statement and not a question. "Are...you."
Asaph nodded, ignoring the pointed tone of her words. "I was going to ask the same of you. What sort of place is this?" Though instead of waiting for a direct reply, he gestured with his free hand. "I would think that maybe one of you would have the answers."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"You and I share that in common, however. Living amongst them," he said fondly. He wasn't expecting to arrive here and find such likeminded company; first in Athos and now in the one who had almost picked a fight with him. Entertaining, indeed.
"You have a god as master as well?" Kohath asked. Must be some powerful spirit. It cannot be a real god - there are only three. "That would explain your... powers."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"You have a god as master as well?" Kohath asked. Must be some powerful spirit. It cannot be a real god - there are only three. "That would explain your... powers."
Florent chuckled...darkly.

"Master is a bit strong of a word," he said tentatively, crossing one leg over the other. "I'd say the two of us are on an equal footing."

He fell quiet for a beat, pressing his lips together pensively. "I suppose I've already made a spectacle, so I might as well put on the full show."

He tapped his fingertip on the bar twice, casually leaning back as he did so. "You can come out now, Gulattive."

The black mist from before began to seep out from under his hair again, growing thicker than it had previously. It wasn't long before one, two, three, four, five tendrils, reminiscent of tentacles but not quite tangible enough to be slithered out as well. They flailed about as if trying to figure out where to go, before draping over Florent's shoulders. Not long after did a single, bloodshot eye raise out of the mist as well, blinking as a hood manifested around it. It glanced at Athos, then fixed itself upon Kohath.

"I'm sure you were listening, but please meet my company for the evening, Kohath and Athos," he said to the entity. "This is Gulattive, the Legendary Pokemon of Gluttony. He relies on me for the fuel for his power, and I enjoy it in return. It's a...give and take, more than anything."
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