Don’t underestimate seeds.
Wow, hi, thank you both so much! Sorry for the typos—double whammy of my doc not syncing correctly and having to recorrect a few things + eye fatigue. Coulda, shoulda, woulda been more patient, but I’ve actually been sitting on this since late December, fussing with 500 words of it for ages, and I wanted very badly to cut the cord. I fixed some already and will clean up the rest in a day or two.
In the meantime, I think I’ve got them all now, but if anyone spots any error, you’re always welcome to point it out just in case.
I’m really excited to return to Natalie, too. I love my coffeegoblin, but I’ve been stuck with him for more than a month now lol. And there’s some fun stuff happening at camp Aqua!
The next chapters will be (relatively) quieter so who knows. But! I’m glad to hear it landed! These two were real doozies.
use to handwave letting pokemon drop off from a scene think about when I choreograph these scenes. Like, big tyrantrum is powerful, but it can’t think like a human and doesn’t necessarily know what the cops around it will do.
And Zinnia busted her ass for those dragons. Trying to explain her canon team dug me a weird hole that ended up becoming the basis of my modified Hoenn lore!
Yeah, Gibs has been missing for longer than he was present, lol!
Oh and re: N t-pose (and Cheren, too): YES. I don’t think I can help but be in conversation with EoE at least a little. Questions of sacrifices and who makes them, Unovan dude .... Kint and Pen definitely wear their pokerights better, but it’s something I think about a lot. It’ll probably keep sneaking in.
I send you both a virtual cake. 🍰
In the meantime, I think I’ve got them all now, but if anyone spots any error, you’re always welcome to point it out just in case.
Omg, my little heart. 💔❤Did I drop everything when I got the notification that a new chapter was posted? Uh. Maybe. Y-you can’t prove anything! *sweats*
I don’t think she planned it, but she made it clear from the beginning that she had concerns. Then big clonk, clonk metagross shows up? NOPE.Not sure if she intended to bail the whole time and her anxiety was just a cover, or if she just genuinely panicked and noped out of there. Either way, I’m not surprised.
Exactly. It’s possible that she assumed Mark teleported out with (most of) his team on purpose and that the flare was to prompt her to do the same: it would be hard to pick him out among the crowd at a distance.I can’t be too harsh on Cora here, though. She had to choose between getting her squad out safely or risking everyone’s safety to rescue the stragglers. Not an easy call, but it makes sense to protect the people she’s in charge of first.
Definitely Mark’s vibe too, haha.Oh, hello, Zinnia! I think this is good news? I’m really not sure.
I was so ready to die on the hill of “none = no one and has to be singular” but I think you’re actually right!I could be wrong, but I want to say “was” should be “were” here?
Definitely not the first or the last time someone will do something dodgy or risky on principle.Seems fitting for her, though I can’t help but wonder if the risk is really worth it. After all, Pokeballs are your last defense against those police masterballs.
Accurate! Maxie is pretty damn cold and ruthless. We’ll be spending more time with ORCA soon for a deeper exploration of Archie’s end of things, but he’s definitely not so cold or controlled.And here it is, the last nail in the coffin of Mark’s faith in MGMA. Well, maybe not the last one, but he’s on a pretty slippery downhill slide. Montag is a very calculative character to a fault, it seems. It also shows the difference between his methods and Archie’s methods: Where Archie operates from passion and emotion, Montag operates with logic and reasoning.
Absolutely, you got it!So we know that Zinnia is playing both sides here. She told Aqua about the pipeline so they could try to prevent the disaster, and then she showed up to help her people and others at MetFalls. I’m thinking she doesn’t agree with either team, and she’s trying to make a difference in a way that doesn’t hurt the region or innocent bystanders—which means she tries to mitigate the damage that ORCA and MGMA cause. This is all just my thoughts, I could be totally wrong here. But it seems like she’s on nobody’s side except Hoenn’s, and I respect the crap out of that.
I planned for it to be one originally! 😭 But it turns out Mark had a lot to say about his crisis of faith. And our friend Delorean the friendly neighborhood tank had some things to say, too. Now these two chapters kinda parallel Chapters 3 & 4: a protest goes differently than expected, getting fucked up across the course of two chapters, and one of the protagonists’ eyes have been opened.wow! two mark chapters in a row! it's like you knew i started reading.
I’m really excited to return to Natalie, too. I love my coffeegoblin, but I’ve been stuck with him for more than a month now lol. And there’s some fun stuff happening at camp Aqua!
👀 I look forward to it!let it be known they are not Skipped.
Man, maybe I can get you to say that every time!so! i think this is my favorite chapter so far. i can't remember if i just said that last time, but this time i mean it for real.
:D Yeah, I do think pokemon fight better with a trainer directing them, and that’s something Iit makes zinnia look cool as fuck by extension; not only has she tamed such powerful pokémon, but presumably her training and guidance is the reason for some of their boundless strength, too.
And Zinnia busted her ass for those dragons. Trying to explain her canon team dug me a weird hole that ended up becoming the basis of my modified Hoenn lore!
Oh, make no mistake: I didn’t plan for her to be here from day 1, but now that she’s here, she’s important! In a story that has indigenous-coded folks, I can’t not have her be a key part of the decision-making about the future of Hoenn. Plus, there’s some shit coming down the, uh, pipeline, and dragons will be really helpful.her cause is just. she definitely seems like someone with the potential to sort of unite both sides toward a common goal... iirc you mentioned that you didn't expect her to matter as much as she does, but it seems like a natural place for her character to go. i guess we'll see! 👀
Ah thank goodness. This was the part that kicked my ass in this chapter, making this land. So glad to hear it sounds like I got it finally! And “maybe just doing anything isn't enough” indeed!!! Big theme here in the first half. In the second half of the fic, I don’t think it’ll come up as much—maybe we will have learned something by then. But this isn’t the last time we’ll touch on that theme quite yet.mark's development here is just... 👌 you can definitely see how things got to this point—he joined up with magma because they were doing something when no one else was, and it's not until he's unfathomably deep into their shit that he sort of gets his wits about him to realize, hey, maybe just doing anything isn't enough
Funny you should say that ... 👀 That is definitely one of Montag’s skills.i'm excited to see where things go with montag. it seems like this conflict is really coming to a head with mark, but montag seems pretty good at beating him back into line when the need arises.
Yeah, we gotta get Mark and Nat into the same room without trying to kill each other first, lol. It’s gonna be a while.i think we're still a long way off from ye fabled Enemies To Lovers.
Yeah, they won’t be sad to see Devon get a kick in the gut! But they’ve also decided on other priorities ....i have no doubt their thoughts on the devco data center thing will be complex... it's something that benefits them too, right?
Omg, I wish I could say I thought I’d be able to keep it up. This is still sort of my backlog from December. :c I would like to keep getting a chapter or two out per month though! That’s the goal!really enjoying the speedy updates! 😁
You know, in the earlier chapters, I had ZERO. Now that I’ve let them in, I’ve got a bit of an infestation. I’ll take another look and thin some of them out.i feel like there are a lot of semicolons going on here, enough that i noticed it and it took me out of the narrative a little.
i'm not over gibs yet and he only got like three seconds of screen time before getting yoinked. not this. :(
AHAHA I got a kick out of this.i suspect this is temporary, no way mark goes pokémonless in seattle.
More on this sooner or later! Fossils are important.wow, great. i despise and adore this piece of worldbuilding at once, good job.
I forgot about infiltrator until I got to around this paragraph! Wouldn’t you know, Zinnia’s noivern does, in fact, run infiltrator! And 💡 in a setting where light screen/reflect/protect is so important, infiltrator is very, very broken.omg, i love this!? tactical light screen is fun, tactical infiltrator fucking rocks.
If someone else takes me to task over it, I’ll consider changing it, but I stand by it. I’m thinking both about how bats move on the ground and about noivern as long, lean, and somehow lizardy.i'm having a hard time imagining a noivern slither.
I bet they could have some other colors, but I like the green as a way to signal what elements are in play. I skip move names a lot, so it’s nice to be able to give a hint. And it’s a good visual!!not sure if your headcanon is also that all dragons breathe green fire but mine sure is and i am appreciating the parallel.
Ah shucks, I’ll have to clarify. Claydol and Meta are confused not because Octavia got them but because Steven got confused. They’re all up in his brain.hmm, i'm not sure i follow what's gong on here. picked what up...?
I head canon that they all turn to stone under duress. (Rand does it in the Chapter 4 fight, too, and is also napping while made on stone in Chapter 9.) Not sure what I’d do with the set in the Unovan desert if I had to. They might be actual statues. Or maybe they’re in sort of a magical stasis. Dunno! But Rand is a ronk boy.oh dang, it's a zen one huh? curious to hear that story.
Teeeeam. Yeah, this is one of the errors that resurfaced after I fixed it once, and I’m salty about it.a larger what now.
Welp, can’t unsee that now!lol, not relevant to anything but this particular combination of items very much evokes shrek for me.
Oh and re: N t-pose (and Cheren, too): YES. I don’t think I can help but be in conversation with EoE at least a little. Questions of sacrifices and who makes them, Unovan dude .... Kint and Pen definitely wear their pokerights better, but it’s something I think about a lot. It’ll probably keep sneaking in.
I send you both a virtual cake. 🍰