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Blitz 2023: Self-Promo and Review Exchange Thread


House of Two Midnights
Blitz Self-Promo and Review Exchange Thread


Welcome to the 2023 Review Blitz self-promo thread! You can use this thread to...

- Advertise your stories!

- Set up review exchanges with other people!

- Indicate what stories you'd most like reviews on, which of your stories qualify for the weekly theme, or give any other info on reviewing your stories that you would like!

Want to hype up somebody else's fic and let everyone know they ought to check it out this Blitz? Hit up the Hype and Fic Recs Thread.

For full information on what Review Blitz is and how to participate, instead look to the Information and Rules thread.
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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Sliding right in here with the first self-shill post of the thread:

Why not review something by ? He's got

Dragonspiral's Children - 90k words of cutesy slice-of-life starring man-sized agamas with wings and families with literal placeholder names. Also, Halloween extras with wizard lizards and anniversary epilogues spent skulking around Dragonspiral Tower.

Also qualifies for the Week 4 bonus.

Context Switch - 22k words of easy reviewing points, especially for Week 2 Game Freak making "Pokémon games" in the Pokémon world and more game beta and programming easter eggs than you can shake a stick at.

Also qualifies for the Week 4 bonus.

Fledglings - 850k and counting words of a little big bird stumbling into a little big Rescue Team in a little big PMD world that's a solid "7.8 - Too Much Water". Also starring a spinoff consisting of 57k words about Cheeriest Cranidos™

[NO AUDIO] - 6300 words of found footage format story following perfectly normal™ gas stations just south of Eterna City and the perfectly normal™ attendant that works there.

Also qualifies for the Week 3 and Week 4 bonuses.

Once a Thief - 230k and counting words about three PMD Outlaws getting seriously in over their heads and getting into a cross-region pursuit arc with the strangest Axew they've ever met. Oh, and Xenoblade references.

Hunting Game - 9600 words of a Flygon wholesomely helping her trainer on her day job destroying other Pokémon's lives. Wholesomely in a second-person perspective. /s

Also qualifies for the Week 3 and Week 4 bonuses.

Like a Dragon - 55k words of easy reviewing points, especially for Week 2 15 one-shots about "unusual dragons" doing dragony things. Wholesomely in a second-person perspective, but unironically. Mostly.

Also qualifies for the Week 4 bonus.

Village Pokémon - 14k and counting words of PMD fare with a Hidden Elf Village dynamic and a secret for keener-eyed readers to suss out as they go along.

Also qualifies for the Week 4 bonus.

Just West of Paradise - 5300 and counting words of easy reviewing points, especially for Week 2 bite-sized chapters showing life in Post Town through the eyes of its Kecleon shopkeep.

Also qualifies for the Week 4 bonus.

I'm also open to doing review exchanges, too! I will generally prefer doing roughly word-for-word exchanges for reviews and am fairly flexible about what I'll give and receive in return. Thus far, the following users have entered into review exchanges with me either just before or during this Review Blitz:
Also, like last year, I'll be making a point of attempting to reciprocally review anyone who drops me a review on my stories even if it takes a while. So there's that, too.
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The great speckled bird
A town at the bottom of the ocean
  1. quilava
  2. buizel
Yes, I'll take one self-promotion, please.

Trade offer: I receive unlimited review, you receive unlimited satisfaction (and points).

What the Gods Gave Me
A story where a raven becomes a god and a bunch of weirdos hang out. Everybody gets to rise above their station, but nobody gets to be happy. My main fic atm and a sort of slower character piece that's currently at eleven chapters.


Between the Mountains and the Sea
A buizel and his adopted quilava friend have to deal with a trainwreck of a guild and the threat of ruthless progress coming just around the corner. My PMD fic. The first long arc is completed, with just one chapter remaining to be posted.


A Wonderful Leaf Boat
Another slow, character piece about a pokemon dealing with suddenly gaining godlike powers. My long, long entry for this year's oneshot contest. Fits into What the Gods Gave me somewhat, but doesn't have much to do with it besides vague lore.


Shepard Tones
A (hopefully) three-chapter short story about a dewott and leafeon discovering a mystery dungeon and knowing the hell of self-realisation. Should hopefully have the last chapter up before blitz starts, otherwise it's my most experimental fic so far. Also connected to Between the Mountains and the Sea through vague lore.

Edit: Finally completed this one.

Anyways, I'm open to any review exchanges peeps want to hit me up with. I have a few must-review fics that I want to hit up regerdless, but my list isn't that long so I have plenty of space to fill up my review quota.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Oh why not. I need to exercise my ego or it makes the superegos job too easy...)

Welcome to my present pile of fics. I'm mainly a trainerverse / manga au writer with a screamingly obvious side of Rocket favoritism, heres a selection of my more recent stuff.

(Recent being ah.. Relative... For some of it.)

A gift fic for couch

Setting: couch's anime au, "a new path"


When Silver calls to wake him up half past stupid a clock, that's the first sign thing are going to go bad. Because his boy is being swarmed by adolescent Viridian Gym groupies... It takes a few minutes for Giovanni to wake up and realize why this insanity was happening.

When he does, helped along by the phones flashing appointment reminder proclaiming it "hell day", he considers finding a bolt hole and leaving Silver to it.

But only for the first five minutes.

A New Path's Silver, Giovanni, with a slice of diamondshipping, all dealing with Viridian's favorite holiday, The Banishing of the Calatimous Birds Day.

Its a stupid title for a stupid day that no one gets right and if it werent for that sterling public image he needed Giovanni would tell Kanto to go to hell.

He gets shunted onto a float instead.

Roost a gift fic

Setting: a post soul silver heart gold adventures manga au

Ranking: teen with a few mature moment here and there

Green was done, saving the world, fighting Legends, the whole works.

Because hot on the revelation of her captivity by the Mask of Ice, right after Silver scrapped up nerve to confess that Pryce had abducted him and turned them both him and Green into child soldiers, the Goodie Goodie Squad, Oak's dexholders, decided that Pryce was redeamed. That Lance, the loonie that wanted to fry a region, was suddenly an upright guy

Look, she got Celebi healing Giovanni was a bit of a low blow, but really, the dexholders had lost thier ever loving minds as a result.

She'd ment to say that, say something, but Green's brains weren't working right. (Neither was her heart, but it was breaking so it got a pass)

So Silver steped up. He did the smartest thing of all. Barking at Snesne to make it hail. In the downpour of ice he dragged them off.

And thats when Green decided that Kanto and Johto and all the Regions could rot in one of Mask's freezer cells. They were going home. To her home because Silvers dad being Giovanni, a crime lord with an army, kinda put a crimp in couch surfing at his place.

So off they went, settling in until Greens parents had... Issues... With the things that were said, unsaid, and all of Green and Silver's traumas.

Silver, smarter than her, left.

Green didn't, trying to fit into the mold of the little girl she'd been before she was taken. Because thats who mum and da loved best. Despite not even remembering what life had beeen like pre-abduction she mentally twisted and contorted to make it work.

It figured about a month after Silver returned to vaugabondhood Giovanni called wanting to know where Silver was. Because really, the way her life was going...

She told him that Silver was "out" and that if he had hung around ten minites after getting healed, Green probably would have chucked herself and Silver at him to get away from the crazy. Really, she drawled in that first call, he could be saving so much money right now and just know where Sil' was if he'd hung around.

So this... All of this. Was totally his fault. And she'd never let him live it down, ever.

Green and Giovanni strike a deal, and work together to find then reintigrate Silver into society. The results are mixed at best.

Transversal: crossing the back of legends

Setting: starts as a Manga au (set in soulsilver) which progresses to a gameverse au (eldritch sun/moon).

Ranking: hops that fun line between teen and mature without making up its mind.


He'd been dying a long time. Since Silph fall. The Legends of Kanto had enough vitrol and curses to break lesser men, but Giovanni took the brunt without a wince. As his body failed him he kept his pieces in play, sending Dex holders on swanmay chases while Rocket's hooks twisted into the guts of a region or three.

But time was running out. He slipped to Johto and appealed to their Legends. The Great Healer, Celibi, seemed benign enough for his goals.

How wrong he was. Legends talked. Psychics specifically. And while they were bound by pacts to Arceus to fulfil thier duties they did not need to do so humanely.

The wrong Legends descided to play Arceus that day. They stole the idea of justice from the pages of archaic texts, added a twist of the sureal, and skewed it with thier animalistic perspective.

Giovanni Sakaki was healed, and de-aged to his adolescence, his 'mon reverted to starting form, and in thier sense of justice decided this humilation was not enough. They dragged Giovanni's innocent son, Silver, into the mess.

Giovanni woke in Alola. A region that never was and where everything in it was wrong. Where everyone called him Moon, and Rocket never existed.

The Legends thought that without his Team, money, and status he'd roll over and die.

Really, Celebi should have known better. Read the Rockets history. Considerong at nineteen he'd snapped a madams neck, set a regions underworld into chaos, and after letting it rot descided this might be useful, and took it and the underworld in hand all at once.

Suffoce to say, sanity had more then taken a lunch, it'd written "later suckers" before bareling off with the escape vehicale, money, and planted enough evidence a swarm of Celedon Lawyers could do nothing to save your ass.

All while cackling like a zigzagoon.

Transversal headcanons and oneshots

Setting: alternates from the Manga au (set in soulsilver) to gameverse au (eldritch sun/moon)

Ranking: mainly teen with mature themes but slides into actual mature territory more often then its home story.


He'd started this insanity considered insane himself. A strange little boy who talked to cats.... Crime Madam Sakaki had no patience for the broken so she sent him to her familgia to be murdered. His body swept under the rug and life unlived.

Only familgia politics amd charm saved his life (and his willingness to train the comon mon to steal and to pay off the Capos at home).

With trembling hands, young Giovanni gripped the ladder to power. Fear starting him on the climb, fury carrying him to the top.

"You hold what you hold and you dont look back or down." Gemma Sakaki, his favorite neice, had advised, ruffling his hair on her way out. "Its a Hell of a fall going down, so, easiest thing to do, dont fall."

Wisdom done, she slipped out for a walk, only to be killed by a copper indulging a bit of rascism and police brutality.

When Giovanni Sakaki wakes up as an adolescent in a never never land version of Alola, shaking off dreams of murder and his ex-wife he's a haunted man. His main ghost is Lillie Aether. A helpless girl who Alola's Legends punished by stealing her voice and replacing it with Grace Sakaki's.

Unlike him, she's unaware of her crimes. Truely a child. And utterly defenseless.

Were he a weak man he'd wonder why him. He'd spit and curse and fold upon realising his own impotence against these odds.

But Giovanni is a Sakaki, through and through, and God help everyone around him because of that.
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Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
I only really have one I'm actively working on at the moment, so here it is:

Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

First, Espurr was shoved into the body of a pokemon and hurled into the deep dark woods. Then a voice of life told her she had to save a world she knew nothing about. Then, pokemon started getting hurt. Now her only chance against school bullies, shadowy killers, and otherworldly demons lies with a hyperactive fennekin, a goomy with a stutter, and a cloaked ampharos no-mon knows the first thing about. Extremely normal middle-schooler problems. She’s prepared for this. Definitely.

Right now it's about 50K words in (across eleven chapters), and most likely will qualify for weeks one and/or two, depending on who you are. Chapters are in the realm of 4-5K, and relatively easy to digest. If you enjoy stories like Harry Potter or Stranger Things, you'll most likely enjoy this!
  • Like
Reactions: K_S


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Okay! I'm breaking out the capitalization for this one.


Hunter, Haunted

Synopsis: Thinking he'd successfully gotten away with yet another ritualistic murder, Ichiro "Red" Akai is shocked to discover his latest victim roaming the earth once more - as a yamask. To keep his crimes from being exposed, he seeks to kill her again, but finds that dealing with ghosts is never that easy. Especially for those with minds already breaking.
Type: Chapterfic (2 alternative prologues, 14 chapters, 1 extra)
Length: 90k
Genre: Drama, Horror, Black Comedy
Tags: Psychological, OC, Villain Protagonist, Trainerverse, Alternate Universe, HHverse, Ghosts, Cults, Talking Pokémon

Hunter, Haunted is my main story and the one closest to my heart. If you've been on the Discord and heard me talk about or show snippets of Red somehow being a serial killer, this is the story that's from. He is practically an OC, though, so don't go in expecting traits from the canon Red.

The story takes elements from the 2014 phenomenon Twitch Plays Pokémon, but knowledge of it is not necessary. For reference, the vast majority (>90%) of people who have read and reviewed any of it have not been involved with the TPP fandom.

The sequel to this story, The Bringer, is also ongoing, but it can't really be read before HH.



Synopsis: Andre Duval, an aura-sensitive painter living in Wyndon, is a stand-up guy, a great lover and a dear friend. He's also a murderer. Every four months, he goes out to find another scumbag to erase from the world, and this time, it's an abusive trainer. Andre didn't think it would be any different from the others - but he's wrong on two accounts.
Type: Chapterfic (4 chapters)
Length: 33k
Genre: Drama
Tags: Psychological, OC, Antihero, Trainerverse, Alternate Universe, HHverse, Ghosts, Talking Pokémon

Kills-Other-Humans is another story in the HHverse, this time centering around the character of Andre, who will meet Red in The Bringer. It's another story about a serial killer, but this time it's one with a very different ideology and relationship with killing. This story also goes deeper into the unique worldbuilding of some Pokémon being walking talking citizens of society and what this means for the whole practice of training.

For the players of Heartache, this story might enhance your RP experience by getting you better acquainted with Andre's character!



Synopsis: Arcean priest Mark Samson is requested to perform a blessing for a death row inmate at the Pewter Spectral Penitentiary.
Type: Oneshot
Length: 15k
Genre: Drama
Tags: Psychological, Philosophical, OC, Trainerverse, Alternate Universe, HHverse, Ghosts, Talking Pokémon, Arceism

Judgment is a HHverse oneshot focusing on Samson, the Arcean priest character from HH and The Bringer. I'm very proud of this oneshot, and reviewers have found it to be of high quality as well. It's a bit heavy in subject matter, centering around capital punishment and ending with a very difficult choice, but if that doesn't deter you, I think you'll get a lot out of it.


Into Light

Synopsis: One fateful day in Ilex Forest, Ken’s wife was taken from him by ghost-type pokémon. Five years later, a troupe of misdreavus arrives to the same woods, and the local townspeople seem to welcome them with open arms. Ken, on the other hand, won’t rest until they’re gone.
Type: Oneshot
Length: 10k
Genre: Horror, Drama,
Tags: Psychological, OC, Villain Protagonist, Trainerverse, Alternate Universe, HHverse, Ghosts, Talking Pokémon

This is another oneshot I'm very proud of. Into Light was my submission to the 2022 Oneshot Contest (with a theme of Villain Protagonists), and it made third place out of 21 submissions (IIRC). I think it's got the best twist I've ever written. Probably will ever write.


The Way Home (working title)

Synopsis: After a traffic accident takes his life, business consultant Jim Owens wakes up in the middle of nowhere in the body of a yamask. He seeks to return home to tell his family he's still alive, but the road is long and there are bigger, hungrier ghosts around searching for prey.
Type: Two-shot (projected, only first part up)
Length: Total length TBD, 7.5k up so far
Genre: Drama,
Tags: Psychological, OC, Trainerverse, Alternate Universe, HHverse, Ghosts, Talking Pokémon

This is a story I've been working on recently. I'm kind of conflicted about whether or not I should finish it, so feedback would be appreciated. Xenofiction enthusiasts may find this an interesting read - while it is from the perspective of a former human, ghost biology and ghost language are a big part of this fic.



Synopsis: Nella is a shy, lonely noivern who works a waitress job by day and escapes to her romance novels by night - but everything changes after a fateful encounter with a wild zubat infected with vampirism plunges her into the hidden world of vampiric pokémon.
Type: Chapterfic (8 chapters)
Length: 49k
Genre: Drama, Horror, Romance
Tags: PMD, Original PMD World, 19th Century, Vampires, Cults, Neurodivergence

And now for something completely different. Batty! is a PMD-esque story set in an original Pokémon-only world in a time period roughly corresponding to the 19th century. Be aware that this story contains no mystery dungeons or rescue teams - hence PMD-esque. Disappointing or a nice change of pace? You decide.

This story has been read and approved by my mother. The other's haven't been. Don't show them to her.


I have many, many other stories aside from these ones. You can find links to some of them in my signature, and others you may find just floating around on the forum. If you want me to give you a full list of them in one place, though, I'll gladly do that for you. You only have to ask.
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor

Synopsis: When a dreepy princess, two classmates, and their servants are sucked into an alien world ruled by a tyrannical deoxys, they kickstart a chain of events endangering the omniverse. With the fate of all worlds hanging in the balance, can this ragtag group work with a band of rebels to prevent the Darkest Day from destroying existence as we know it?
Type: Epic, in-progress
Average chapter length: 4-4.5k words

My main project. An original PMD fic with a twist: it draws from the main line games, anime, and Pokéspec manga. Heavy emphasis placed on things introduced in Sword/Shield, Legends Arceus, and Scarlet/Violet. Yes, there are mystery dungeon, but the A plot shapes up closer to a journey fic with expies of badges and other key items that mark protags' progress in such stories. It's a fic with a diverse cast of characters who have to learn to lean on one another as they fight for their futures. A story about what it truly means to live.

I know folks have seen me talk about it a lot on the Discord, because with a few exceptions people who read this do so silently to the best of my knowledge. So, it would mean a lot to me if you'd give it a chance. Even if you popped in once because you had to for a catnip. It's got plenty of chapters, so it's ripe for the multi-chapter bonus points!


Assorted, Completed One-Shots

"Free to a Loving Home"
Synopsis: Rumor has it that the theft of top-secret research notes led to a new instance of this pokémon being created in the Galar region.
Word count: ~7k

My submission for the one-shot contest. Mixed reviews from the judges as it did not really adhere to the "myths and legends" theme of the contest. I was focused more on the "bizarre artificial life form" part. But if you have no interest in PMD or large chapter fics, maybe you'll get something out of this one.


Synopsis: Following his unplanned return home, Gladion must confront one of the worst decisions he made before leaving.
Word count: ~5.3k

An old Serebii one-shot contest submission from 2017. I do not consider it a representation of my current writing abilities, but if you like fluff pieces about everyone's favorite Alolan Silver SuMo edgelord, give it a look.


"Dark Winter Night"
Synopsis: On the night of the Winter Solstice, Darkrai gets an unexpected visitor and questions whether they really need to be alone.
Word count: ~1.8k

An old gift one-shot from 2019. Again, I do not consider it a representation of my current writing abilities, but if you want a short fluff piece about a certain brooding lord of nightmares, here you go.


"Plan for Progress"
Synopsis: Espeon has spent a week trying to pass through a dungeon and get a gift for her brother, Umbreon. But each attempt has ended in failure. After her latest defeat, her frustrations get the better of her and she ends up in an argument with Umbreon. Will the two be able to reconcile or has a permanent rift formed in their relationship?
Word count: ~3.5k

An old PMD: Gates to Infinity gift one-shot written in 2018. Another short fluff piece, but this time it's eeveelution flavored!
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
A sampling of Flyg0n works...


From the Ashes: Sun and rain. Light and dark. Life and death. Everything moves in cycles. Orre was not always a barren desert, and Johto was not always Ho-oh and Lugia's home. A tale of rebirth. Of the past, present and one day, the future.
Word count: 9k~. Completed
Genre: Drama, legend, fable, action, tragedy.
Description: 2023 one shot centered around Lugia and Ho-Oh and the origins of Orre.

Tales of Pokemon: Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon! A world of mysterious beings whom we live alongside in many unique ways. Human and Pokemon alike... come, hear their stories.
Word count: ranging from 500w-1k each. Complete works.
Genre: friendship, drama, angst, h/c, whump
Description: Collection of drabbles and mini stories from various bingo challenges through the years

~Main Courses~

Home is Where the Hoenn Is: There's no such thing as a Flygonite. Or so they say. Hana has never been interested in pursuing impossible things. But when her Flygon, Raga, sets her sights on mega evolution, Hana is forced to find out—how far is she willing to go for something she doesn't believe in? And how far will Raga go for a dream she can't let go of?
Word count: 4-6k chapters, 25k~ ongoing
Genre: character driven, introspective, drama, friendship, non chronological
Description: What if a Flygon wanted to mega evolve? What if a Flygon didn't know the artists got art block and gave up designing a mega flygon? And what would happen if said Flygon's trainer was a disenfranchised former trainer dragged back into her old adventurous lifestyle? A meal for those who love Flygon and Hoenn.

Legendary Adventures: Six years after the fall of Galactic, budding trainer Koamaru sets out on his trainer journey with a singular goal - be the first to catch a legendary pokemon. The right way. Then his plan for a Perfect Team is upended by a spirited Zubat, and Koa is forced to reconsider his desires, even as the region fractures under the pressure of mysterious attacks by legendary pokemon and he fractures from the weight of his own legacy.
Word count: 6-8k long chapters, ~200k, ongoing (good for that chapter bonus!)
Genre: Adventure, Journeyfic, drama, angst, action
Description: My take on the classic entree of journeyfics, with a character driven focus on a kid with Issues. Also a very plucky Zubat and a cool Joltik. Original story. Borrows from the anime vibes but tries to be a little more grounded and serious. Big vibes of friendship.


Canalave Archives: Come, fellow seeker of knowledge, browse the private archives of Canalave Library and read of many things either waiting publication, or not yet shown to the public...
Word count: 600w to 1k, ongoing
Genre: fable/tale, worldbuilding, 'scientific'
Description: A tasty collection of little worldbuilding stories and concepts, presented in the form of in-universe 'books' and garnished with charm.

Blood is Thicker Than Poison: For almost as long as he remembers, Drake has always been a loyal member of the Swords of Justice. Until a chance encounter with a new detective in Orre forces him to tread the line between justice, safety and his loyalties. Torn between the life he knew and the longing for something more, Drake finds himself thrust into a dangerous game of deception and betrayal of all he believed he held dear.
Word count: 2-9k long chapters, ~23k, ongoing
Genre: Whump, whump, h/c, angst, whump
Description: Treat yourself to rich, self-indulgent whump, swirled thickly with ribbons of angst and served with a small side of hurt and comfort. "Orre" fic, mostly centered around a pair of OCs a decade after the events of XD as they navigate their newfound slowly forming friendship... Also mainly whump, especially physical.

The Cake Is Ready: What happens when the very thing holding you back is... Yourself?
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Angst, character driven, oneshot
A hearty and rich serving of drama and angst served on top of a delicate bowl of Flygon and character centric nightmare whump. Written for the Adventure Quest RP held some time ago, but can be read on its own. Follows a Flygon chef who must confront his worst fears. Light on physical whump but strong in emotional.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
All right, going to bring my self-promo from last year here with the new addition!

In general, I appreciate all feedback, but specific preferences per-story are noted below. I'm generally especially interested in thoughts on the characters in a story, whether their actions feel like they make sense from their point of view in the story, and how you perceive them - but also stuff like structure (did anything drag?), little details you noticed, anything that gave you pause as you were reading, any sentences that confused you or otherwise disrupted your reading experience, and so on.

Butterfree (one-shot)
Trainers aren't supposed to have favorites, but you were my favorite. And then you started losing.
A story about Butterfree, a trainer, avoidance, guilt, communication, and forgiveness.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes. I'm particularly interested in thoughts on how the narrator's internal journey comes across, and whether their and Butterfree's actions feel coherent and understandable.

Curse (one-shot)
"That move. Curse. How does it work?"
Aspiring champions Kari and her Dragonite get their hands on the Curse TM, and it doesn't go quite like they hoped.
Feedback preferences: Anything goes. I'm interested in how well it got across what's going on (i.e. how Curse works in this universe) and thoughts on Kari and Dragonite as individuals and their relationship.

Go (one-shot)
I blinked at it, hard, expecting it to be some kind of early-morning hallucination. Obviously. I mean, Pidgey weren’t real, right? It was a game, a stupid little mobile game that I’d installed when I was bored.
What if Pokémon Go was secretly created to prepare Earth for an interdimensional accident where Pokémon are warped into reality? 2016 nostalgia made manifest.
Feedback preferences: Don't examine the premise too closely, but otherwise I appreciate all feedback, especially on whether the narrator's relationship with Pidgey resonated and whether the story generally lands.

Morphic Bingo (three shorts/one-shot)
Dave peered at the X-rays of Mia’s arms. There it was – the unmistakable bright metal edge along her ulna, brighter towards the elbow. Fuck yes.
Three vignettes from David Ambrose's life as a Pokémorph dad-uncle. An extra for my 2007 Pokémorph fic Morphic (not posted on TR).
Feedback preferences: Anything goes, but bear in mind this story is not really meant to stand on its own without the main fic - I don't think it's by any means incomprehensible without it, and I'd be interested to hear impressions from readers who haven't read Morphic, but critique should take into account that it's not intended to be your first introduction to this world and characters, so I'm not planning to make any changes geared toward easing in readers who haven't read the main fic.

Groundhog Dave (three-shot timeloop whumpfic)
Just taking a nap wasn’t enough to fast-forward to the next iteration. As best he could tell, after a few goes, it looped over at six AM. If he was awake by then, he’d just blink and find himself waking up on the sofa again. He restlessly accompanied the others to hospitals, nauseous as he identified Mia’s body for the fifth or sixth time, waiting to just get to sleep already so he could try again.
Another spin-off of my Pokémorph fanfic Morphic, this time featuring Dave trapped in a time loop on the worst day of his life.
Feedback preferences: This is a whumpfic and overthinking the actual plot would be somewhat counterproductive. Tell me if something's really distracting you, but no need to try to pick nits with that. I'm just here to have fun tormenting Dave. On the other hand, I would be very interested in what you make of the characterization and character progression.

The Quest for the Legends (77 chapters, completed)
The story of an ordinary boy on an impossible quest in a world that isn't as black and white as he always thought it was.
The trainerfic that I started when I was twelve, rebooted when I was fourteen, and completed at 28. The first 31 chapters or so are often deeply silly, in a fun enthusiastic whump-loving teenage journeyfic writer way, and then it gets less silly from there. Featuring: a boy recruited to save the world by a neurotic legendary, his variously messed-up Pokémon team, an angry girl determined to be Champion, and the fallout of a murder. 77 chapters plus prologue, most of them not super long especially early on.
Feedback preferences: This story is old and I'm well aware of most of its flaws. Treat it as a fun enthusiastic teenage trainerfic romp and don't take it too seriously for the first half; by all means do line reactions and poke fun at some of the nonsense, and talk about your general impressions of the characters/plot/world, but please don't waste your time on serious critique or suggesting prose edits; it's extremely old writing that is not remotely representative of how I'd write anything today, and the next edition of the story will be a full rewrite with major structural and plot changes and absolutely none of the same prose. For the second half, you can transition to somewhat more critical commentary if that's your jam, but extensive line edits and such would remain probably redundant - again, I don't really plan on keeping this prose, though it's more likely for later chapters that I might have chunks that are similar or the same. (If you have general tips for me in the prose department based on later chapters, though, go ahead.)

Morphic: New and Improved (April Fools' Day one-shot)
“We’re Pokémorphs,” the girl said, her face and voice still unsettlingly nonchalant about the situation. “Team Rocket injected Pokémon DNA into us and now we’re half Pokémon. It’s weird because that’s not how DNA works. I tried to ask Dave about it but he was very evasive.”
The Better(tm) reboot of my Pokémorph fanfic, now with more 2006-era clichés. Morphic is not required reading, but some things will be more meaningful if you have read it.
Feedback preferences: As an April Fools' Day fic, don't take this too seriously, and I have no plans to rewrite it, but I would love to hear about your impressions of it anyway.

Sutoraiku High (Scyther dating sim)
A visual novel about drama, friendships, prejudice, bullying, total societal upheaval, and high school romance.
Have you always wanted to date a Scyther? Overthrow authority with a revolutionary-minded Scizor? You have come to the right dating sim. Originally an April Fools' Day joke but then took itself pretty seriously, with a sequel Sutoraiku Legends that counts as another chapter.
Feedback preferences: Take the nonsensical setting in the tongue-in-cheek spirit in which it is intended, but within that, would love to hear what you think of the characters and routes.
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Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
I uh, I just have the one fic. I've never had anything I've made be read, let alone reviewed, so I don't have any major do's and/or don'ts.

ROCKET is an almost-funny journey fic about a boy named Erick and his quest to not do anything, and just stay home and cook with his friends. Watch as he's literally told he's the chosen one, and then ignores it because his stupid nonbinary friend did something stupid (if you cant tell this nonbinary friend is my favorite character). If you like silly romps, team rocket, and meta jokes that technically shouldn't make sense, this is the thing for you. right now it's short(er) (I mean compared to everything else lol), but I'm writing and growing it as I go.

Additionally I would like to preface that I'm a very new writer, so any and all feedback is appreciated!

The link is in my signature thing.


Pokémon Trainer
I prefer feedback to be on the lighter side, main thing I'm looking for is whether my main WIP and one shots stand on their own. Would also like to know what I did right. I am also open to review exchanges.

Main WIP
There's No Better Team
Rating: T
Genres: Romance, Fluff, Friendship, Slice of Life, Humor, Adventure
Summary: The vast world of art beckons Valen and Rosa, but the air's ripe with uncertainty. Does Hilda’s future lie with her trainer career instead of the BW Agency?

Nevertheless, they’ll always be trainers and they’ve got Melanie and the squad behind them. Love’s also in the air, but it's not just Valen and his two rays of sunshine.

(Sequel to Identity)

The Lilycove Museum
Rated: T
Genres: Slice of Life, Humor, Fluff, Friendship, and Romance
Summary: It’s been a while since Valen, Rosa, and Hilda have visited the Hoenn region, much less Hoenn’s most famous museum. They’ve brought along three first-timers too.

Turns out Hoenn has a surprise or two waiting for Valen and his inner coordinator.

(If you're interested in seeing my take on Steven Stone, check out The Lilycove Museum. His appearence isn't long, but he does leave his mark.)

Musée d'Illumis
Rating: T
Genre(s): Slice of Life, Friendship, Romance, and Fluff
Summary: Musée d'Illumis ranks as one of the most famous museums in the world. For an art lover like Valen, visiting it again while in Kalos is a must. He’s also half Kalosian so it’s a fitting place to be reminded of his contest proficiency.

I'm A Salamence
Rating: T
Genre(s): Friendship, Fluff, Humor, Action
Summary: Valen’s Salamence wants to show off his recently acquired strength, but Valen questions his own capabilities as a trainer.

(Set seven years prior to the events of Identity, There’s No Better Team, and Rosa’s Renaissance.)

(I;m a Salamence is my shortest work.)

Darkrai’s Eyes
Rating: G
Angst, Family, Friendship, Slice of Life
Summary: A Darkrai living in the Alkmaardam region struggles to embrace who he is. But an awakening shall come through the work of his trainer, Rembrandt van Remis.

And I'll leave my previous longfic and shorter story here as well, but do note that I feel that they're very unpolished compared to my later works. Light feedback prefered, note that they're complete and I try to avoid re-visiting them for edits.

Rated: M
Genres: Romance, Friendship, Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life, and Angst.
Summary: A trainer with past successes, a passionate individual, an art lover, these are elements of Valen's identity. In his mind, his passions and his Pokémon are all that remains.

His platonic life partner, Melanie, shows him there's hope. His girlfriend, Rosa, wants nobody else. His fear of running into Hilda can't overcome their true feelings for each other.

Rosa's Renaissance
Rated: T
Genres: Fluff, Slice of Life, Romance, Friendship and Humor
Summary: Hanging out with her boyfriend and a best friend takes an interesting turn for Rosa. Hilda, founder and president of the BW Agency, has gotten Rosa a painting gig, the patron being none other than Hilda herself. She may get nervous, Rosa won't pass up her first big commission within the Calvana region.
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Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
I suppose I shall take a shot at this.

Right now I currently have one fanfiction uploaded to Thousand Roads.
It's a PMD Fic, called

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gears of Mana

Rating: T

Genres/"tags": Adventure, Action, Hurt/Comfort, Drama

Summary: In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

I'd say I am in the mood for a gentler review, concrit is helpful , perhaps some heavier critique and criticism could be dm'd.

My first three prologues are about 2k each, and first good stopping point is there another is going all the way to Chapter 2, which is 6k along with Chapter 1 being 6k, for a total averaging a little less than 20k~

I've only uploaded the first 60k words worth of chapters, which is about half of the content I have posted offsite on AO3 and FFN.
It's a first person, pov swapping fic, that's a blend of Zelda and Fire Emblem magic mcguffin finding and a decent sized cast dealing with various elements on the past, the past of a world in repair.

I am trying to work on adding some much needed content to one of my other stories, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Fogcut Voyage, an island sailing action mystery story, so I can at least share the prologue and first chapter for Review Blitz.
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Figured I should throw my hat in the ring!

Do you like stories that fall on the darker side, and grapples with topics like morality, trauma, touches of anti-colonialism and the Meat Issue that pops up in an all-sapient pokemon society? Consider Places We Call Home! This fic follows Haru, an angry athiest bidoof who just wants life to be normal, and Nip, a little sneasel that makes some very big mistakes, as they try to navigate through society. Something darker looms on the horizon... Places We Call Home is a longfic with over 100k words and is still ongoing!

Looking for something on the lighter side? Consider Seeking Chivalry, a story about a Farfetch'd's encounter with Celebi, my Prize Oneshot Collection from blacklight, which contains two different 1k oneshots, or my Drabble Bingo Collection!

Want to read something other than pokemon fic for a palette cleanser? I have that, too!

The Heart of a Hero is an AU of Ocarina of Time in which Link is slightly older when he's brought to the forest, but he ends up lost and becomes a skull kid. While it follows the basic plot beats of OOT, there are some notable differences, including a big shakeup about halfway through the story. Only the first 3 chapters are posted here, but this is a complete story offsite, clocking in at about 230k words.

Origin is my attempt at a reimagining of the webcomic Bravoman, trying to piece it into a more coherent story rather than a series of one-off pages. It follows nerdy salaryman Hitoshi Nakamura, a back-office insurance worker, as he stumbles across an alien that grants him superpowers. Currently about 8k words.

And then I have two Namco High oneshots, A Little Less Lonely, and What's a Name to a Science Experiment. The former is a short romance story about two young adults aware that they're trapped in a timeloop while everyone else goes through the same motions around them time after time. The latter is a coming out story that is fairly friendly to coming in fandom-blind.

Everything listed here except for PWCH is eligible for Week 4 bonuses!

Hope you can find something you might enjoy!
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you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
boy howdy. i've been a bit quiet on the chaptered fic front this year, so if you're in the mood for some authentic Q-style chicanery, why not check out some of my one-shots? i've got quite a few at this point, including some newly-posted just for blitz—easy points, hey.


Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Hello! Figured I'd also put up my fics/one-shots for reviewing. I'm also happy to do review exchanges, if anyone is interested!

For feedback, I accept all kinds! Whether it's critique, not-critique, line-by-lines, or overall reviews, I'm happy to accept.

Chaptered Fic

Drowning: Maressa slowly finds out that the life of a Team Aqua grunt isn't all about saving the planet and preventing environmental crises. The longer she spends with the team, the more she doubts their goodwill.
Word Count: ~190k [in-progress]
This fic is based off of the RSE games and follows the evil teams from the eyes of a grunt! Maressa quickly learns that Team Aqua is ruthless and brutal, but finds that getting away from them is harder than she anticipated.


To Speak Again: Alistair's best friend, a Lucario named Voleur, has lost his aura. But with the power of friendship, he has hopes they can restore it
Word Count: 7,000
Content Warning: violence, murder
I wrote this for the Mischief and Malice Contest of 2022. Alistair and Voleur are willing to use anyone to get what they want.

The Best Boy: Mightyena and Tabitha are the best friends in the whole wide world! But wait--why did Tabitha come home with two Houndoom? He wouldn't replace Mightyena... would he?
Word Count: 6,000
A silly, light-hearted one-shot showing a dog's love for his best friend.

Under a Bed of Clover: Blue visits Raticate's grave to mourn the loss of his friend and honor how his friend gave his life for him.
Word Count: 2,500
Content Warning: violence, murder
This was written for a Kanto-themed one-shot contest several years ago on another forum and explores the theory that Blue's Raticate passed away.

Carraig na Coinnle: Colm and his Grumpig, Barry, brave the winter storm to get medicine for his village. But stopping to rest in an abandoned castle brings them face-to-face with a challenger they aren't ready for.
Word Count: 5,300
This was written for the Myths and Legends contest back in 2020 and is heavily inspired by the Irish Faery tale The Rock of the Candle.

Keeping Friends: Megumi feels sorry for the new kid at Rintama High School, Bakura Ryou. He sits by himself at lunch, has no friends, and sometimes doesn't show up for class. She tries her best to get to know him, and starts to see why nobody hangs around him.
Word Count: 8,600
This is a Yu-Gi-Oh! themed one-shot, based on the "Season Zero" anime by Toei Animation. I wanted to look at what Bakura's life was like before going to Yugi's high school and meeting him.


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott
Hey. Am new to Thousand Roads, and currently in the process of re-editing the early chapters of my longfic as I post here - almost done with that process but I didn't manage to get done before the Blitz started in its fullest, unfortunately. Anyway,

George had always longed for more excitement in his miserable life. By some miracle, he was given all that and more. First he awakes as an Oshawott in a strange land, soon discovered by a Charmander who dreams of exploring the world. Quickly they connect, ready to make their dreams come true. Alas, the thorny-rule of this world doesn't take kindly to humans intruding...

This is a PMD fic set in an original world - it aims for a tone much like the games, with a fully original cast of characters. It also has its own worldbuilding - even though it's still a PMD fic, you can also read it as a series of fantasy novels. In any case - if you'd like to read the story of 13 year old George figuring out why he's suddenly a Wott in a world he never knew existed, and everything I've said already entices you, then the 40-50k words I've currently posted on TR are waiting for you!

Rating wise, this would be a 10+ fic - the most objectionable content is some cartoony violence, nothing that would be out of place in a Zelda game or anything like that.


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
Here's mine
Here on Thousands Roads
More is already posted on Ao3
Rating: 16+ (Contains some light swearing and some mentions of violence and injuries, both for human and Pokemon characters.)
Genre: Trainerfic... kinda...? Let's say it's a "Professorfic" in a way lol Also Romance, and AU
Keywords: AU, Opposites attract, Time travel, Professor Sada and Turo
Lenght: Ongoing chaptered story (13 chapters on TR at this moment, 20+ and a couple of bonus scenes on Ao3)
Summary: An AU Where Turo and Sada are actual time travelers from a far off future and past; a futuristic society where energy is no longer a problem, humanity has officially invented time travel and has started to colonize space for Turo, and a Paleolithic-era tribe of hunter-gatherers that has just started to figure out Pokemon domestication for Sada. The fic explores how the two would meet, slowly get to know each other, and if and how all this would change the plot of Scarlet and Violet when they both end up stranded in 21th century Paldea with no way back to their respective times.
If you like stories about cultural clashes, time travel and/or the good old "opposites attract" trope, consider giving it a shot.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
My main story doesn't do too well during review blitz on average, possibly because of how loooong it is. But the early chapters are short! I promise! Like, 4-6k tops! I also recently touched up the early chapters some, too. Give it a shot if you're interested in PMD with a bit of shonen/action JRPG flair to it.

Hands of Creation is my priority! I'm getting closer to the end month by month, and am hoping to finish strong. Along with what I mentioned above, some highlights include some high power scaling, a large number of characters (and a glossary in the works,) and some deeper subject matter. It explores themes of identity, instinct, self-determination, forgiveness, and the relationship between optimism, realism, and cynicism. Rated high T for violence, suggestive situations, and disturbing themes.

I also have a collection of smaller works that I'll share some which I'm particularly proud of...

In Beta is a oneshot taking place in Kanto about the first Porygon ever developed. If you're a software developer, you might enjoy this one more.

Prayers Unheard is a much more somber story than what I usually write. In the same setting as HoC, but requiring no reading from it, it's about a deceased mother Aerodactyl who gets letters from the living world.

Death Is Lonely is a four-part story about Yveltal trying to cope with her position in the world with the help of her close friend, Xerneas, in a PMD setting. A hurt/comfort story with a divine twist.

The Second One is my only first-person work on this list, and has some horror and slice-of-life themes. Some of its mysteries are answered in Hands of Creation, but can be read standalone just fine.


Bug Catcher
United States of America
Hello! New to TR, but I couldn't have joined at a better time! I only have one story as of now, but I promise it's worth your time!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Soaring Over Heaven

Beckoned by the worlds of a mysterious entity, A naive human-turned-Rowlet is dropped into the endless blue skies of flying ships and sky pirates. With a lack of memories and guidance on where to go next, he puts his stake into a partnership with free-spirited privateers. His journey to save the skies will put him on a collision course with warring nations, untamed dungeons, and self-reflection - as all roads lead to the end of the horizon.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Team as Family

Rating: T for Teen (Due to language, themes, and some violence)

Feedback Preference: Anything really, I just want to know if I'm doing a good job so far! Prose critique can also really help!

Set in an original PMD world where pokemon live on floating continents and islands, the focal point is on a human turned Rowlet looking for a way back home! If you like the concept of sky pirates, a unique setting full of zany characters, and a straightforward but unfurling plot, this is a story for you! Also features my art!

The story itself is near 50k words atm, so the first 3-4 chapters should be more than enough!



Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Hi pls review my fics :D

(they are listed in my signature, in order of priority!)
(perhaps I will make this post more detailed and cool later)
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