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Announcement & Discussion


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alright, after some deliberation...

6. Pain Split will create a status between the user and the target. For that turn, any damage the user performs against the target will also 1:1 mirror the damage to the target, and vice versa.

7. Fling will give a 50% boost to the thrown Iron Thorn-like item used in conjunction with it. Does not affect fixed damage like the Blast Seeds.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Okay, there's just a few more options I want to explore for radiant moves:

1. Do stamina multipliers for using multiple actions per turn only apply when those extra actions are from having high speed, or do they apply whenever you take multiple actions per turn? E.g. Would Owen's Radiant Overgrow mean his stamina costs would be doubled on the turn he gets an extra action from that? Or if someone gets an extra action from After You?

2. Would you approve of a radiant move that's something like 'heal/overheal 10%, then gain +1 action on your next turn?' If not, what sort of power would you allow in conjunction with getting an extra action next turn?

3. For the 'heal self 50%' move, are there any drawbacks that could be added to it to allow it to target either the user or a single ally, such as the effect being delayed a turn like wish, or the user's stats getting debuffed?

4. Would a radiant version of Rest be acceptable? (The only difference from standard rest being the capability of overhealing)


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
1. Stamina multipliers are based on the number of actions taken.

2. This should be fine. The idea of storing one action for the next turn can have a lot of utility, so we typically have to only apply a very small buff in addition to it. A 10% heal is acceptable. However, it cannot stack--the +1 action can't become a +2 if you use it twice on the next turn, for example.

3. I think making it target an ally would require it to be either weaker, like 25%, or maybe a debuff to a relevant stat for the user, such as their defenses or speed.

4. Rest is a bit strong for a Radiant, especially with overheal, so it might need to be weaker than a full heal and ailment curing.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Hey all, I actually have a somewhat more serious announcement to make, so please read through this carefully.

It has come to my attention as of late that some scenes have been coordinated privately, but in such a way that not everyone is satisfied with the outcome. And while that is a natural outcome of doing group scenes--compromise, not necessarily getting all you want--that does not mean one person gets to dominate the direction of the scene.

I would like to remind people of a few of the rules in place if you ever feel someone is breaking them, even in private, when trying to coordinate or otherwise dominate the direction of a scene. Specifically, rules 1 and 3 of Respect, Behavior, and Punishment section:
1. First and foremost, respect your fellow players, the DM, and any potential spectators that may be watching the game but not participating.

3. If you feel that something is wrong with some aspect of the game or other players, approach the DM about it in an environment you feel is appropriate, such as in direct messages or in the public chat.

As well as rule 4, 7, and 9 from the Roleplay Rules section:

4. In general, be respectful of others’ boundaries when having a private scene with them or intruding upon one. Always ask first before entering a private scene. In group scenes, be aware that others may rub you the wrong way or do things unexpected, and that is part of the game.

7. When possible, ask the DM about unknown or ambiguous aspects of the setting that are relevant to the scene, even if no NPC character is present.

9. Ultimately, if there is a dispute and in general, the DM has final say.

If something happens in private that bothers you, and it is impacting your enjoyment of the game, but I am never told, there is little, if anything, I can do. However, if enough people approach me about an issue and I see a pattern, I can intervene for the sake of all players and stop behavior that is bothering them, or find other ways to resolve the problem.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Okay, so... I realized my brilliant strategy might have a few flaws/obvious counters, so I need to ask some more questions...

General Mechanics
1. If a player has multiple actions on their turn, can they interpolate them between the actions of other players? That is, if character A has two actions, can character A take action #1, then Character B takes an action, then character A takes action #2?

2. Can players 'pull their blows' and use a move at a lower power then normal?

3. If a player is K.O.'d during the player phase, is the timing for getting revived via reviver seed still the same? (At the end of the round?)

Move Clarification
4. Can damage dealt via the bide status critical hit, and if not, will it still use up Staggered status on the boss when it hits?

5. Are ghost-type Pokemon immune to the damage dealt via the Bide status?

6. Odor sleuth is currently unverified; I assume its effect will be the same as Foresight? Also, does the status from Foresight last the remainder of the battle, or just the turn it was used on? (Also the wording for Foresight states that the user loses ghost-type immunities; I assume that's supposed to apply to any targets they attack?)

7. Is the description of Sleep Talk supposed to have text saying you can use it once without spending an action on turns you're sleepy? As currently worded, Sleep Talk seems useless - you can't use it at all if you've lost all your actions due to being sleepy, and if you have 2 or more actions, you go -1 action from using Sleep Talk and +1 action from its effect, for a net total of +0 actions and -5 stamina. Also, when it says use a move 'for free', I assume that means 'you don't need to spend an action on it' and you still have to pay the full stamina cost for it? Does that 'free' move still contribute to stamina cost multiplication from using multiple actions on your turn?

8. Is the 'Taunt' status (can only use attacking moves) considered an extra-powerful status like Toxic or Infatuate?

9. Only relevant if the answer to #5 is yes: How about the following: Jaro switches from being Normal/Fairy type to Fairy/Normal type. All his normal type moves are now fairy type, and vice-versa. He gains +1 action on his next turn (does not stack).
Rationale: Seems directly analogous to Owen's Radiant Overgrow. It switches the typings of two different kinds of moves instead of one, but also doesn't effectively change Jaro's typing.

10. What about: +2 speed and heal/overheal 25%. Could I slap a -1 defense/-1 resistance on it to get that up to +3 speed? (Or just to use it as-is if you think the base is too strong on its own). Would honestly be willing to go up to -3 defense/-3 resistance.
Rationale: Seems analogous to Bahamut's Radiant Siphon, which also gets 2/3s of one of the normal maximums + heals 25%.

11. Only relevant if the answer to #1 is no: Would it be possible for a radiant move to get around the 'no interpolating moves' restriction? I'm thinking something like: "Gain +1 action on your next turn, and -1 action on the turn after that. Does not stack. The bonus action you gain on your next turn doesn't have to be contiguous with your other actions for that turn." In-character the effect would be described as something like: "Reach two turns into the future and pull an action one turn back in time".
Rationale: I mean, we've already established that Radiant moves can futz with time a little bit with Celeste's precognition, right? Also, there are a lot of things Jaro wishes he could take back in his life; a move that lets him take [an action] back [in time one turn] would be perfect for him!

12. Only relevant if the answer to #1 is yes, OR if #11 is allowed: How about the following: Radiant Acceleration: 1 turn passes for the user immediately. All effects which take place once per turn (damage from poison/burn, healing from Aqua Ring, etc.) are instantly applied to the user. Effects that would normally happen at the end or beginning of the user's turn (or their player phase...) take place immediately (in that order). If they were staggered, they are no longer staggered (since one turn passed without them getting hit). They collapse from exhaustion 1 round earlier (so at the end of round 9 instead of round 10 after using it once).
Rationale: Hey, I never said that Jaro wasn't secretly a Dialga cultist with cool time-manipulation powers, right? Hypothetically, access to this move could be an absolutely critical part of his character!
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
1. Yes, but it requires absolute specifications in official actions and I won't be scheming that out for you if it's not stated directly.

2. For flavor in rp, yes. For mechanics in the serious battles, I don't think I'll be implementing such things unless there ever comes a need.

3. Yes. Revivers always activate at the start of the player phase.

4. Fixed damage never crits nor exhausts Staggers.

5. According to canon, Bide damage is treated as typeless, so yes.

6. Identical effects, and yeah, essentially it got a buff. It makes the user able to hit Ghosts, is a permanent status effect, and gives tattle info.

7. I rephrased it to clarify: " If the user is Sleepy, they can use this move in conjunction with another move without expending an action." Basically, the lost action from being Sleepy can be 'used' with Sleep Talk.

8. No.

9. N/A

10. 25% heal and +2 speed is fine. +3 speed with overheal, regardless of drawbacks, is too strong for this tier.

11. N/A

12. I'll... what.

I'll get back to you on that one.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
12. Save this for later and we'll possibly revisit it as a higher-tier technique. It's too weird for us to really tackle right now, and very, very hard to future-proof for other effects down the line.


Some bookkeeping for everyone: Don't forget to input your Supports and Support Boosts, among other things. I'll give out a more detailed list of people who need to get things done here later when we're closer to the boss.

I also have another announcement As of now, everyone participating in Blacklight should be able to edit threadmarks in the Blacklight subforum. Please do so when starting scenes! The titles can be anything, and can be changed later, but they help to mark scenes for when they happen and to quickly navigate to them! Thanks in advance.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
A few last-minute questions regarding losing actions from status:

1. If you lose an action due to status such as sleepy, but you normally have 2 actions on a turn due to speed, if you take an action during that turn, does it suffer from x2 stamina cost multiplication? E.g. do the actions you lose from status count as actions you still 'used'?

2. If you have 2 actions, sleepy status, and use a heal seed as your first action on the turn, does curing the status immediately allow you to get back your second action for that turn?

3. If you have 2 actions, and use Rest as the first action, does gaining the Sleepy status immediately cause you to lose your second action that turn?


4. About the timing of reviver seeds - is the reviver seed used up and removed from your inventory at the time you faint, or the time you revive?
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
1. Action loss due to status effects is not equivalent to -4 speed. It is only a raw action loss (If you are already at 1 action and lose an action, this aspect takes no effect. Having just one action is bad in general and punished further.

2. Turn counts are calculated before the player phase begins, and therefore you do not regain the action. The only exception to this is the use of Haste, After You, and so on that adds actions for that same turn.

3. It does not, for the same reason as 2.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Hi all, this is your reminder that the round is ending soon, the boss is starting soon, and you have less than a day to get everything wrapped!

This is the Front Line for this fight so far:
  1. Astrid
  2. Bahamut
  3. Cabot
  4. Celeste
  5. Curio
  6. Cynthian
  7. Dave
  8. Jaro
  9. Starr
  10. Zane
I'm giving out a few friendly reminders to those who need them. I'll generally only ping those that I think are still active players:

@Shiny Phantump You may want to examine your inventory.

@Shadow of Antioch @Torchic @Phoenixsong @qva @Mellow You may want to get a challenge or so logged down if there was anything you guys did in the past three weeks!

@qva @Mellow @Raggy @Phoenixsong @Fusion You may want to look into higher level Support skills!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alright, everyone! Round 3 is over, and round 4 begins now! I'll get the next default Front Line team soon, but until then, let's begin the open discussion for the round 3 retrospective. A few things that I've jotted down that I'm open for commentary on, so please read carefully...
  1. You guys did really well on this fight! I'm going to up the difficulty from Normal+ (6/10) to Hard (7/10)

  2. This was soft-announced before, but I'm going to announce it fully now: What stat buffs upgrade what Support skill, in addition to an open discussion on what stats upgrade what. I'm willing to change these (and allow free switches due to this being my fault) if there is enough consensus and discussion over them. Check the Support tab on the main sheet.

  3. I will be making a greater effort to compile a changelog of all meta matters for things that have changed for balance purposes. I will still be verifying things on the fly, but if anything changes AFTER verification for balance purposes, I'll try to jot it down here periodically, particularly before a fight.

  4. Thoughts on the "dynamic timeline" roleplay style? In general, people have been more ambiguous on when things take place, and are retroactively placed on the timeline.

  5. This is another thing that was soft-announced very recently, but now I'm announcing it here: While ailments are in general going to be easier to proc as the game progresses, bosses will become immune to an ailment after they spend a turn suffering it and then shaking it off. This generally encourages hex units to diversify their hexes, or find secondary roles such as debuffing or healing rather than only being dedicated to one status, like freeze or poison. This also encourages me, as a DM, to not have to make status ailments soooo hard to proc to balance out the potential spamability of them, which would be boring.
That's about everything I can think of. Feel free to bring stuff up here or on discord for other things, but do note that I'd prefer if major statements or opinions are placed here. Thanks!

P.S. While it won't be immediately available in-rp, a new tab has been introduced to the main sheet. You might want to take a look for it~
Last edited:


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alright, it's been enough hours.

Indeed, the perk system has been introduced! You can equip six of them for now, and while I'm going to be very restrictive about it, you can potentially propose other perks to be added for this round only. After that, the perks available will be all that's allowed to equip for the first tier!

As for how this will be revealed in-universe... you'll have to wait for just a little while longer.

In order to use perks, you must purchase a Useless Lump, combine it with a Shade, and channel energy into it. The last step can be done accidentally if you aren't careful.

Additionally, for support units, purchasing a Useless Lump will unlock the Support Burst! Every time you, from Support, use a Support ability on a team member, you will add 5 points to the Support Burst meter. When that meter reaches 100, depending on what Supports were used, damage to the whole team will be reduced by 20%, and damage dealt will be raised by 25%. These multipliers are applied after all other calculations, and will even reduce defense-piercing damage from enemies.

If you purchase all six tier-1 slots for your Lump, each Support will add 10 points instead of 5 to this burst meter.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Hey all, sorry for the delay. I have a few announcements!

First of all, here's what the Front Lines will look like so far... I've also decided at this point to exclude Supports from the priority list, as at this point they will all automatically have higher priority than the FL folks if they ask to join for a particular fight. Anyway!

Voluntarily sitting out from FL this round: Owen, Cabot

The priority list so far:
1. Cino
2. Nip
3. Bahamut
4. Cynthian
5. Jaro
6, 7, 8: Astrid, Vix, Zane
9, 10: Curio, Starr
11, 12: Dave, Celeste

Meta / balance updates / clarifications:

: Switching perks costs a flat 10 each time if the perk was present for a boss battle. This value will not change even when more expensive, higher-tier perks are made available.

Clarification: Note that perks generally add to the same multiplier. For example, someone getting Brawler and Link Boost and maxing them out on a turn will not result in, for example, 1.4 * 1.4 boost, but instead a flat 1.8 boost.

Balance update: The critical hit threshold for players has been normalized to 10% rather than 20%, to align with raid bosses' thresholds of 1% and also for ease of calculations. Damage output will be slightly adjusted to reflect these lower thresholds, but since the difficulty is going up anyway, the difference might not be noticeable.

Meta: Regarding Story So Far - I think, starting from this week onward, I would like if summaries of scenes would be sent to me in some way so I can piece it together, rather than doing it myself or asking for volunteers. In general it's a lot easier that way. At least one participant can do the summaries, and for the plot ones that I'm in, I can summarize those. They shouldn't be more than a couple of sentences if possible. Note, this week is already being summarized by Jack, but after that, I would appreciate if a single participant summarized the scenes they participated in. I'll handle the plot ones.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Additionally, here are some scenes that I personally would like to get done for the plot. Anybody can apply to them!
  • Diyem reveals his status as Dark Matter (finished)
  • Shades, Heavy Lumps, and Ultra Stones (currently ongoing)
  • A fun scene.
  • Exploring the Hidden Land with Balm and Cepa.
  • A talk with Giratina.

Additionally, you can request other scenes with other NPCs and so on as you like!

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Going to try to get my questions in a little earlier this time!


1. Can you use an escape orb in the back row, then immediately use the free "return to front row" action? (The case where this would be useful is if you have the Double Dip perk, are in the back row, and want to use a single action to use another item and return to the front row)

2. The 70+ Radiance effect is listed as: "Your normal moves become Radiant-type. They will add to your corruption meter equivalent to 2x their stamina costs." Does "normal moves" here mean normal-type moves or just any non-Radiant moves? If the latter, does using the Type Nullify perk on regular moves allow you to avoid gaining corruption from them at 70+ Radiance anyways?

Move Clarification

3. Can Baton Pass pass along any buffs aside from stat modifiers, such as Bide, Reflect, or Counter status? If it can pass Bide, does it also pass stored damage?

4. How does passing stat modifiers from Baton Pass work - does it work as if the target of the Baton Pass used Psych Up on the Baton Passer, or does it work some other way (e.g. buffs get added together or take the highest modifier of the two)?

5. If the target of Helping Hand doesn't use a damaging move on the same turn Helping Hand was used, does the Helping Hand status go away, or does it persist until the target uses a damaging move?

6. Can the Helping Hand status stack?

Ultra Stone Perks R&D

7. Suggested Perk: "Preemptive Retreat: You may choose to begin battles in the Back Row. If you do so, until you've been in the Front Row at least once during the battle, you may move to the Front Row as a free action."

8. Suggested Perk: "Wind Up: You may expend 1 action this turn in exchange for +1 action next turn. Does not stack." (If too strong, maybe add an additional cost like 25% hp?)

9. Suggested Perk: "Fixer: Your fixed damage moves such as Bide, Reflect, Counter, Seismic Toss, etc. deal X% more damage."

10. Suggested Perk: "Healer: Your healing moves are X% more effective." (Suggestion: One third more effective, so moves that heal 25% heal one third, and moves that heal 50% heal two thirds.)


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
1. Hmm, gonna say no to this. Double Dip requires the items be used in succession. That being said, you can use a Blast Seed in the front row, followed by the Escape Orb right after.

2. Normal means mundane in this case. I'd capitalize Normal otherwise. And indeed, that is one of the main, niche uses of Type Nullify.

3. Baton Pass has been slightly modified in this game, and will pass along any buffs and things that can normally be passed along, but not debuffs or negative status effects. As such, however, it is limited on the things it actually passes along otherwise.

4. They add together, but take away from the user.

5. Status fades.

6. Hell no.

Will get back to you on the perks.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Some pre-battle meta updates, everyone!

Balance update: You can now stack calls onto the same unit, as long as it's a different person doing the call. I.e. Zane can be Called twice total, once by Jaro and Owen, but Owen calling Zane twice will not work.

New feature: Horde enemies. If there are numerous enemies that are all essentially the same, they will instead be classified as a single unit. Horde enemies typically have extremely high HP and thresholds, but average defenses and offenses. However, all of their attacks ignore evasion, are always AoE, and they only take one action per turn no matter what debuffs they have. Additionally, for every 20% of their HP that you chip away, they will stall on their actions on the next turn.

Why am I telling this mechanic to you now? No reason.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Pre-battle balance announcements:

Clarification: Simple does not double status changes, and instead adds +1 to buffs and -100 to debuffs. I'm not sure why it's being talked about in chat. I don't read strategy spoiler blocks, but I have a pretty damn good guess > : (. But I suppose I'll add that for those who didn't know. Additionally, Simple Beam would need to be fired twice if someone has Feeling Okay or otherwise has a threshold of 200, three times for 300, etc.

Balance update: Protect can now go up to +5 Barriers (I misinterpreted how the +4 Priority is interpreted.) However, +5 Protect barriers in one action costs 75 stamina, so don't get your hopes up.

Balance update: Magic Coat now behaves similarly to Protect, but is slightly more costly. Where Protect's base stamina is 3, Magic Coat's is 4.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alllright, everyone! Congratulations on your victory, and this time I'm very, very impressed because you had a lot of cards stacked against you! I won't be adjusting the difficulty here because it was much harder than expected, but you still won out, mostly because of how well your opponents decided to play~

Anyway, now is time for the round 4 retrospective. Please read through the bolded points especially, because they pertain to everyone. There's a lot to go over here, so if you have anything specific you want to address, please begin with the number it applies to.

1. The next fight is a Big Boss Battle. All reviews for stories at least partially on TR this round will be worth +1 extra BLECs per chapter, up to 5 total! Please mention this when recording reviews! Additionally, Ethereals, if you're interested in getting in on something YOU guys can do this round (it's probably simple, I promise) feel free to message me on discord : ) Spread the word to other Ethereals you know.

2. This will be the final round where half-off Support vouchers will be effective. Use them or lose them as they're going away after the Big Boss!

3. There have been a LOT of last-minute or post-round-end purchases and so on. Try to avoid that and maybe look out for each other, or, alternatively, fill out your signup post with the auto-purchase information that I can use to do all that trouble for you. It's a little chaotic and hectic for me and the players otherwise!

4. Reminder that Supports can also buy Perk tier slots, even if they're empty, in order to contribute to the Support Burst meter! As of now, 10 people who have their perks bought and then use a Support in one battle will result in a 25% boost in defenses and offenses for that turn, which can be very useful!

5. While I haven't had any specific feedback on this, I think going forward I'm going to frontload plot scenes as much as I can, leaving the back half of rounds for character interactions without a rush to get plot critical scenes done--aside from the walkup.

6. Clarification: Challenges are cut off at the end of the round. During the 4 hours between round-end and turn 1's deadline, I start doing automated point distributions and so on. During this 4 hour window, you can do last-minute purchases, but no challenge logs, and when the first turn begins calculations, absolutely everything is locked. Some time between here I am also automating stat distributions in good faith / best distribution for what I know about your build.

7. For ease of reading, I will also be marking some players as Inactive on the sheet. Inactive players are classified as such if:
They have not entered any challenges at all in the previous fight.
Their highest number of challenge completions is two or more behind the max. (For example, if they are only at 2 completions of tier 1 at the end of round 4, they are Inactive.)

This will be done by placing an underscore _ on the front of their name so they appear on the end of the list alphabetically. This does not bar them from participating, but it does make it easier to see who the caught up players are. They can still catch back up with a few S ranks and return to form!

8. Compressor, if you have that Ultra Stone perk, has been rebalanced just slightly. Buffed slightly.

9. Psych Up is way too strong and centralized the meta. Gonna have to nerf it, sorry! However, anybody who had Psych Up or had a strategy based around it can talk with me or the balance team for get free changes. It's only fair. Psych Up now costs 20 stamina but does not get more expensive, and can copy any one stat boost of your choice from the target.

10. I'm adding, or at least explicitly outlining, another feature for Supports to use. You can queue up Supports in advance for the Front Liners to spend freely in your absence! For example, if you want to use a Shield, but don't know the best time to do it, you can queue it up for later! You guys have informally been doing this, but I'm giving a proper OK for it.

11. Balance update: A full rest of doing nothing for a whole turn will restore 50% of your stamina. This also includes Focusing, which is what your actions default to if you take no action. If you perform other 0-stamina actions, it counts as a half-rest and will restore 25% of your stamina. This includes using items, Calling, and so on.

12. Items have been added to the shop! I was planning on saving these for when the shop was fully upgraded, but Chip's research facility came up with something early! In compensation for the Psych Up nerf, I'm adding stat-up seeds preemptively. Check them out! It's an entirely new item category.

13. S-Rank Supports have been added! Take a look. While I don't think they will be immediately available due to their Level costs, they are something for you to keep in mind while building forward!

14. I have no major plot scenes to add here. You have a lot of leeway as well, with a few weeks in-universe to look around! Explore Destiny Village, uncover secrets, investigate various places, and see if you find anything! Or, in general, roleplay as you like. There's a lot more to see as the world opens up...

15. Turn 5 will no longer take place at its usual time. Essentially, due to reasons beyond this campaign, I'm not able to effectively run calculations at that time slot. It will instead be delayed to when turn 6 usually happens, and the schedule runs normally from there. Turn 10, therefore, will happen as late as 4 AM, Tuesday... But I doubt it will get to that point under most circumstances.

16. As a reminder, send me your scene summaries to be placed in the Story So Far! Otherwise, I plan to only include scenes that were plot related. It was a lot of work and I was not getting many volunteers to summarize whole time slots, so it's much better to leave it to you all, who know the scenes better anyway. Simply put, a few sentences is all that's needed to summarize what happened, if you want to have it included.

And finally...

17. A very important address:

Alright, time to get a little more serious, though. Recently, I have been getting some concerns and stressed complaints about the way Front Lines have been handled. Not by me, but by fellow players. I am officially opening the floor for CIVIL discussion on this matter to hash things out, but essentially, it is an accepted fact that the Front Line is something that is very highly valued by some players, and not others. Essentially, if you are playing Blacklight in part for the game mechanics, and not necessarily ONLY the rp, you are more likely to be Front Line.

Unfortunately, not everyone in Front Line shares that sort of passion. There have been many instances of players not taking their turns seriously, or simply being away for several turns at a time without giving any indication of what they want their turns to be, let alone delegating someone else to handle it while they're away, busy, or asleep. This can make planning turns very difficult for the more active players, who are nervous about controlling your characters without your say, and it is generally not fair to anyone involved.

Seriously consider why you are Front Line as the game's difficulty increases and the battles become more complex. Alternatively, if you are Front Line, consider other players and whether you will be present during the battle or not. If you are going to be unexpectedly absent for a turn, consider delegating another player as someone who can set your character's turn in good faith. Do not get upset if your character's actions are decided for you because you were not present.

You generally should only be heading into the Front Lines if the gameplay aspect of that actually interests you, and you're able to keep up and follow along with the role you chose to take, and that includes being responsible and reasonable with your autobattle delegations, or otherwise entrusting your character to another.

If you won't be present for a boss fight, consider Support, because it does still have a very high impact, especially with the Support queue announcement above! Support is the exact role people can take if they want to participate in a fight, but are not quite able to dedicate all the time and effort required to play the Front well. There is absolutely no shame in choosing Support instead, and in fact a lot of people would appreciate a good Support than someone struggling to keep up with FL.

In any case, that's my piece. Feel free to reply here or in discord with your thoughts on any of the points above.
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Some clarifications:

For Support, the components required to get certain Support skills do not necessarily have to be linear. For example, Prism required all five basic components, but they can be gotten from either their raw forms or their combined forms. Energize I, for example, counts as both Strike III and Heal III when considering Prism components. Additionally, that also means from Energize I, you can upgrade into Energize II, Strike IV, or Strike IV.
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