Junior Trainer
- Pronouns
- He/him
Episode Forty
Holy fireballs! Last time, our heroes met Blaine in the Cinnabar Island mansion. It was there that Blaine explained the story of how he became a fire type trainer and befriended all the Pokemon that live in the mansion. As usual, however, Team Rocket tried to steal all of them, and as usual, they were defeated. Following that, it was off to the Cinnabar gym so that Amanda could win a Volcano Badge. The first battle was Ninetales against Wartortle, with the water type taking the round. Next, Charizard came out, and although Wartortle battled hard, Charizard was just two strong. We then got a battle of two powerful fire types as Charizard squared off against Arcanine. The two fire Pokemon fought hard, but their battle ended in a draw. Next, Flareon came out to battle Venonat. Even though Flareon had the advantage, Venonat was able to use its psychic abilities to knock it out of the competition. That put Amanda one win away from earning her badge, but Blaine saved the best for the best for last as Magmar burst out of the fire pit and gave Venonat a pretty sore burn. Now it all comes down to Magmar against Pikachu, with the winner of this battle winning the match. How will Pikachu fare against the powerful Magmar? Let's find out now as we pick up from where we ended the previous episode.
The heat in the volcano was now at its highest intensity, making Amanda sweat even more.
"Magmar, Skull Bash attack!" Blaine ordered. Magmar lowered its head and charged right at the electric type.
"Pikachu, try to get out of the way!" Amanda called. However, the Skull Bash attack came in so fast that Pikachu didn't have time to react. It sent him to the ground but safe from danger.
"Pikachu!" Amanda cried. Pikachu quickly picked itself up.
"Great! Okay, time for Thunderbolt!" Amanda ordered. Pikachu fired a strong yellow bolt at Magmar, scoring a direct hit.
"All right!" cried Amanda. However, her joy was short-lived as Magmar simply shook off the attack.
"What?!" Amanda cried.
"How did that not work?" Michelle wondered.
"Magmar's flame covered body also acts as a shield to protect itself against electric attacks." Said Blaine. Pikachu started aiming the same attack when he was stopped by Amanda.
"Electricity won't work." She said. "We have to change our strategy. Try your Quick Attack." Pikachu sped toward Magmar and hit the fire type, only to bounce off of him.
"I had a feeling Magmar would be strong, but I didn't think it would be this strong." Said Michelle.
"I didn't think so either." Said Mark. "Amanda needs to find a way overcome Magmar's strength or she's going to lose this battle."
"Magmar, Flamethrower now!" ordered Blaine. Magmar shot out a line of fire.
"Pikachu, use your Agility!" Amanda ordered. Pikachu nodded and started running around back and fourth, dodging all the Flamethrowers that came its way. While it was working at first, all the running was starting to take a toll on the small electric type.
"I don't think Pikachu can last very much longer." Said Michelle.
"It's not looking good, that's for sure." Said Mark. Pikachu started to noticeably slow down a bit, resulting in it getting scorched by one of the Flamethrowers.
"Pikachu, no!" cried Amanda.
"All right, Magmar, finish it with Fire Blast!" cried Blaine. Before Magmar could unleash the attack, however, Amanda ran onto the field so she could check on her partner.
"Pikachu, you need to stop." She said. "Magmar's much too powerful. You gave it a good try, but you can't handle something like that." Then, the volcano's intense heat finally got to Amanda and she collapsed onto the field, causing Michelle and Mark to gasp.
"Amanda!" Michelle cried. The two of them ran over to check on her.
"Magmar, return!" called Blaine. His fire type got absorbed back into the ball in a beam of red light, and he also went to see if Amanda was okay.
"Are you all right, Amanda?" Mark asked.
"Try to say something." Said Michelle. However, Amanda's eyes remained closed. The next time she opened them, she found herself inside a bed in the Pokemon Center.
"What happened?" Amanda asked.
"You collapsed from the heat." Mark answered.
"Oh." Amanda muttered. "How did I get here?"
"We flew you over here on my Charizard." Answered Blaine. "Right before you collapsed, however, I did notice that you were about to forfeit the match. Part of a trainer's job is to decide when it's no longer worth it to continue battling, and you definitely made the right call in that situation. Had the match continued, Pikachu could've ended up in real danger."
"Speaking of Pikachu, where is he?" asked Amanda.
"He's getting treatment from Nurse Joy, along with your other Pokemon." Said Mark. It was at that moment that Nurse Joy stepped into the room.
"According to my notes, Amanda suffered from heat exhaustion." She said.
"Heat exhaustion?" Mark repeated.
"I guess that's why she was sweating so much during the match." Said Michelle.
"Exactly." Said Blaine. "I did ask you if you still wanted to battle despite all of the heat, and you said yes."
"A Pokemon trainer has to adapt themselves to battling in all sorts of conditions." Said Amanda.
"Very true, but you should still consider yourself lucky that we got you here when we did." Said Blaine. "If we had waited any longer, the worst case scenario could've possibly happened. You need some rest, and once you're better, we'll have a rematch." Blaine then exited the room.
"Nurse Joy, how long will it take for Amanda to recover?" Michelle asked.
"It'll probably take until tomorrow at minimum before she's fully recovered, maybe a little longer than that." Said Joy. "Either way, no battles for you until you're better."
"You don't understand, Nurse Joy." Said Amanda. "I came to this island to win a Volcano Badge, and I'm not leaving until I get one."
"That part I understand." Said Joy. "However, your health is more important right now." She turned to Michelle and Mark.
"She needs to rest now." She said.
"Don't worry, Amanda, I'll look after Pikachu and Elekid for you until you're all better." Said Michelle.
"Thanks, Michelle." Said Amanda. She yawned and went to sleep.
"Let's go, Mark." Said Michelle. The two friends left Amanda's room, leaving the young girl on her own.
"I really hope Amanda gets better." Said Michelle.
"I'm sure she will." Said Mark.
"Don't worry you two, your friend will be just fine." Said Joy. She whisked them away to the lobby and the two of them headed outside.
"Elekid?" Elekid asked, which meant 'Where's my Mommy?'
"Amanda's not here right now." Said Michelle. "Something happened to her in the gym battle with Blaine, but she'll be fine." Elekid was relieved to hear that.
"I wonder what we could do later tonight." Said Mark. They kept walking along for a bit until they saw a billboard advertisement.
"Check this out." Said Michelle. "The Big Riddle Hotel is having a party here tonight for tourists."
"I guess it's that type of season again." Said Mark.
"We may be trainers, but since we're also passing by this island, that would also make us tourists." Said Michelle.
"Too bad Amanda won't be able to join in for that." Said Mark.
"I know." Said Michelle. "She loves parties like this. I would almost prefer that we not go without her."
"I can see how you feel, but this party is only for tonight." Said Mark. "If we don't go, we'll have to miss out too. Besides, there's going to be a lot more parties that Amanda can go to next time."
"I suppose you're right." Said Michelle. "Well, if we're going to attend this party, we should at least look good." They went off to get themselves changed. Meanwhile, Conrad and Sally emerged from a nearby tree branch. They had heard everything.
"Did I just hear something about a party?" Sally asked.
"I heard the same thing." Said Conrad. "I also heard that it's only for tourists."
"We're tourists ourselves, aren't we?" Sally wondered.
"I think so." Conrad answered.
"That's perfect." Said Sally. "We'll go to the party and have some fun. Is there a dress code for this party?"
"Not as far as I'm aware." Said Conrad. "Remember, though, that our main purpose is to steal Pokemon. People will get suspicious if we show up there in our Team Rocket attire."
"Very true." Said Sally. "We'll have to disguise ourselves." They went off somewhere else to continue their discussion. Back at the Pokemon Center, Michelle and Mark were picking out their clothes for the party.
"I think I already know what I want to wear." Said Michelle.
"That's surprising. Most girls usually take forever making up their minds when it comes to clothing choices." Said Mark.
"I'm not like most girls." Said Michelle. She quickly grabbed something from the closet and went into the bathroom to change. Mark also grabbed a pair of good clothes and followed her.
"Pikachu." Said Pikachu, which meant 'I wonder what they're going to be wearing.'
"Eevee." Eevee squealed, which meant 'We'll see in a moment.' Once Mark and Michelle were ready, they emerged from the bathroom.
"Well, what do you two think?" Michelle asked. Pikachu let out a gasp.
"Pika…." He said, which meant 'Woah, Mama!'
"Eevee!" Eevee squealed excitedly, which meant 'She looks so gorgeous!' Michelle smiled at the two partner Pokemon.
"I'm glad you both like this." She said. In place of her regular clothes, she was wearing a flaming red dress with short puffy sleeves and gold colored boots. Mark was wearing a bright yellow polo shirt with a white collar, blue jean shorts, white socks and red sneakers.
"Your outfit looks great, Michelle." Said Mark. "I'm not so sure about mine, though. I kind of look like Christopher Robin from Winnie The Pooh."
"You'll be fine, Mark." Said Michelle.
"Pika?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'What about us?' Michelle chuckled at him.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys." She said. She went back into the closet and pulled out two small top hats and bow ties.
"These are for you and Eevee." She said. She put the hats on their heads and the bow ties around their necks.
"There you go. Now you both look ready to party." Said Michelle. Pikachu and Eevee both smiled at themselves.
"Well, let's make our way to the party." Said Mark. They both left the center and headed to the Big Riddle Hotel. Meanwhile, Amanda was still sleeping as she tried to get herself recovered from her collapse earlier in the day. Nurse Joy and Chansey both came into the room and Chansey gave Amanda a gentle nudge, causing her to open her eyes.
"I thought you might like some ice cream." Said Joy. She gave Amanda the bowl, which made her smile.
"Thanks, Nurse Joy." She said.
"You know, I heard about a big party that's happening tonight at one of the hotels." Said Joy.
"I wish I could go." Said Amanda.
"I know, but rest is more important." Said Joy. "I'd go myself, but I have to run the center and look after you to make sure you recover properly." Amanda finished the ice cream and fell back asleep. Joy and Chansey took the empty bowl away.
"Come on, Chansey, let's let her rest some more." whispered Joy. Chansey agreed and they left the room. At the hotel, Mark and Michelle were surprised at how many other people were there.
"Wow, this party is definitely a popular attraction." Said Michelle. The music was playing at a decent volume, which was good news for Elekid. Even though he really shouldn't have been at the party, Michelle had no choice but to bring him along since he was too young to stay in a Pokemon Center bedroom on his own.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried at Eevee, which meant 'Do you want to dance with me?'
"Eevee." Squealed Eevee, which meant 'With pleasure.' Pikachu and Eevee started to dance together, causing Michelle to let out a smile.
"Those two definitely look like they're having a good time." Said Michelle. Conrad and Sally had managed to sneak in through the back door due to the bouncer rejecting them at the front. They were both wearing casual clothes so as not to draw any suspicions.
"Remember, act natural and go with the flow." Said Sally. They went to the front and started mingling with the crowd.
"Something about those two looks very familiar." Said Michelle.
"Don't worry about it for now." Said Mark. "We're here to have a good time." They made their way over to the dance floor where the disc jockey was about to speak into a microphone.
"How's everybody doing tonight?" he asked. Everyone in the room cheered.
"Lots of enthusiasm in here, I love that." He said. He cranked up the music and started to play a familiar tune.
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside
Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh)
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
Every challenge along the way
With courage, I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm, we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh)
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
"This is what you call a good song." Said Michelle. She grabbed Mark's hand and they started dancing to the beat. Even Pikachu and Eevee liked the music. The two of them also began grooving along to the beat. Once the song finished and another one started, Michelle slowed down a little.
"What happened to all that grooving on the last one?" Mark asked.
"This is a slow dance song." Said Michelle. She made sure to match her movements to the song's pace. After the song, however, she felt her hand being touched.
"May I dance with you?" asked the voice.
"Uh, sure." Michelle answered, although she was a bit hesitant.
"Are you from this island?" Michelle asked.
"Oh no. I'm from out of town just like you." Said the voice. "I'm Hallie."
"I guess it's nice to meet you, Hallie." Said Michelle. She sounded a bit nervous as she said it, however.
"Something definitely smells fishy." She whispered to Mark. Before he could answer, his own hand was being touched.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"You mean to tell me you don't remember your cousin Brad?" asked the other voice.
"I can't say that I have." Said Mark. He gulped nervously as he also suspected something. Nonetheless, they continued dancing for a little while. After about the fifth or sixth song, Michelle grabbed a hold of Mark and dragged him over to the snack table.
"What is it?" Mark asked.
"Something's definitely up with those two." Said Michelle. "I think those two supposed strangers we were dancing with are actually Team Rocket."
"What makes you so sure?" Mark asked.
"The way the girl I was dancing with identified her name." said Michelle.
"Yeah, it was the same with me." Said Mark.
"What do we do?" asked Michelle.
"Nothing right now except have a good time here and try not to think about it too much." Said Mark. He poured a drink into a paper cup and handed it to Michelle.
"Do you want some soda?" he asked.
"That would help take my mind off of things a bit." Said Michelle. She took a sip but was still feeling nervous. "Now I'm worried about Amanda."
"So am I, but Nurse Joy did say that she'd be okay." Said Mark. They finished their drinks and went back onto the dance floor. This time, however, the two of them switched partners. The entire time, however, bot of them still felt suspicious.
"This is a good party, isn't it?" asked Brad.
"The best one I've ever been to." Said Michelle. They danced to a few more songs before they decided that they needed a break.
"Let's go outside for a bit." Said Michelle. "I could use some fresh air, and we can also talk about things."
"Good idea." Said Mark. They were about to head out the back but they didn't get too far before Brad and Hallie caught up to them.
"We'll go outside with you." Said Hallie.
"There's no need for that." Said Michelle. "This is a bit private.
"That's right." Said Mark.
"We insist." Said Hallie. "And while you're at it, you can bring Pikachu and Eevee with you."
"What do you say, guys?" Michelle asked them. "You want to come outside with us?" Pikachu and Eevee happily nodded and followed them outside. Mark opened the door since Michelle also had to carry Elekid. The moment they got outside, however, Hallie and Brad took off their casual clothes and left them on the ground. They were now in their regular uniforms, making Mark and Michelle gasp.
"Those aren't strangers from out of town!" Michelle cried.
"And they're definitely not any cousin of mine either." Said Mark. "Besides, I don't even have a cousin. That means only one thing."
"Team Rocket!" they both cried together.
"I had a feeling that it was you two in there dancing with us!" Mark cried.
"Wait, you mean to tell me that we actually danced with Team Rocket?" Michelle asked. "Ew!"
"Now that you figured out our little disguise, it's time to take your Pokémon." Said Sally.
"Hold on a second." Said Conrad. "Those kids have something that you don't see very often in this region."
"I do believe that you're correct." Said Sally. "All right, new plan. Forget about Pikachu and Eevee, we'll take the baby instead."
"You can't!" Michelle protested. "This is a brand new Pokemon that just came out of its egg. It's still getting used to world."
"And it doesn't even know how to do anything yet." Mark added.
"You know how much we care about all of that information?" asked Sally. "Very little."
"In other words, we don't care one bit." Said Conrad. They quickly grabbed Elekid and locked him in a cage.
"Thanks for the Elekid, twerps." Said Sally. "Our boss would just love to meet him." They started to run, but Mark and Michelle quickly chased after them.
"They're not getting away with the baby." Said Michelle. Elekid started to cry. It was quite scared now.
"Don't worry, Elekid, we'll get you back!" Michelle cried. "Pikachu, use your Thunder attack on the cage." Pikachu unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning, only for the cage to completely absorb the move.
"Let me guess, another shock proof cage." Said Mark.
"Ten points to the boy." Said Sally. They quickly got into their balloon and started floating up into the air.
"We'll never catch them now." Said Mark.
"If Amanda was here with her Fearow, this would be a lot easier." Said Michelle.
"No it wouldn't." Said Mark. "It would be a disaster because Fearow still won't listen to her."
"I completely forgot about that." Said Michelle.
"Pikachu Pika?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'Will Elekid be okay?'
"I hope so, Pikachu." Said Michelle. Up in the air, Team Rocket was gloating happily about their capture.
"We finally succeeded after all of this time!" cried Sally. "We're getting big raises after this!"
"Hang on a second." Said Conrad. "He'll want to know what it does first."
"Oh yeah." Said Sally. "Just what does Elekid do, exactly?"
"I haven't the slightest idea." Said Conrad.
"That's just great." Sally muttered. They were about to speed up when they heard a flying Pokemon coming towards them. A familiar gym leader was on board.
"Charizard, bring that balloon down with your Slash attack!" Blaine commanded. Charizard zeroed in on the middle of the balloon and punctured it with its claws, sending it down to the ground. Mark and Michelle quickly ran over to where the balloon had been forced down.
"It's Blaine!" Michelle cried.
"I figured you kids would need a helping hand." Said Blaine. "Charizard, use your Flamethrower!" Charizard unleashed a large flame line at Conrad and Sally, sending them running.
"Just when we thought we had a chance." Said Conrad.
"I guess that's the life of a story writer, always making sure the good guys win." Said Sally.
"Looks like Team Rocket got burned again!" they both cried.
"Terrific job, Charizard!" cried Blaine. He recalled his Pokémon and tried to open the cage.
"Do any of you have the key for this?" Blaine asked.
"We don't have a key, but I do have something else that we could use." Said Michelle. Just then, Psyduck popped out of his ball.
"Psyduck, how would you like to be useful right now?" Michelle asked.
"Psyduck!" the water type screamed in happiness.
"All right. I need you to use your Confusion attack on Elekid's cage to get it open." Said Michelle. Psyduck's eyes glowed blue and the bars instantly disappeared. Elekid ran over to Michelle where she scooped him up.
"I'm glad you're safe." She said. "Thanks for your help, Psyduck." Psyduck nodded before he found himself being recalled back to his ball.
"Come on, let's get back to the party." Said Mark.
"You kids mind if I join in?" asked Blaine.
"Not at all." Said Michelle. "The more the better." They went back inside and enjoyed the rest of their night. Back at the Pokémon Center, Amanda was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed heavily and she was snoozing away. As she slept, she thought about her baby Elekid.
"I hope he's all right." She thought. The next time she opened her eyes, she saw Michelle, Mark, Blaine, Nurse Joy and Chansey all standing in front of her bed.
"Good morning, sleepy head." Said Michelle.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'How are you feeling?'
"I think I'm feeling much better." Said Amanda.
"You certainly look and sound better." Said Mark.
"I have to agree." Said Joy.
"By the way, guys, how was the party last night?" Amanda asked.
"It was a lot of fun, for the most part." Said Michelle. "Team Rocket crashed the party and tried to steal Elekid, but Blaine stopped them."
"That's a relief." Said Amanda. "I wish I could've been there with you."
"Well, Amanda, since you seem to be recovered, I can discharge you right now." Said Joy.
"Thanks, Nurse Joy." Said Amanda.
"Now then, I believe we have to have a rematch for your Volcano Badge." Said Blaine. "If you're ready, we can do it right now."
"I'm definitely ready." Said Amanda. However, she said it right as her stomach growled. "At least, I will be once I have breakfast." Once everyone had eaten, Blaine led the group back to the gym.
"Before we go back down, I want the three of you to wear these." He said. He took out three plastic shields and placed one onto each member of the trio.
"What are these?" Michelle asked.
"They're heat shields." Said Blaine. "Wearing these will make sure that any sweat that comes out will go onto the shields instead of your bodies. This way, we won't have a repeat of what happened yesterday."
"That's actually very clever." Said Amanda. Once everyone had the shields on, Blaine led them into the underground volcano again.
"Let's make this rematch a simple one on one." Said Blaine.
"That's just fine with me." Said Amanda. Blaine threw a Poke Ball and Magmar appeared in a blaze of light.
"As you can tell, my Pokemon will be Magmar." Said Blaine.
"The Pokemon I choose for this battle is Wartortle." Said Amanda. She grabbed Wartortle's ball and threw it toward the field. The water starter appeared in a blaze of light.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu wondered, which meant 'Why Wartortle over me?'
"When you tried battling Magmar yesterday, it didn't go too well for you." Said Amanda. "Wartortle's a water type, which means he can withstand the heat more." Pikachu was disappointed to not get another chance at Magmar, but he understood the decision.
"Well, let's get this battle started." Said Blaine. "I'll let you make the first move."
"All right, Wartortle, Water Gun attack!" Amanda ordered. Wartortle shot a line of water at Magmar. The fire type got soaked from the attack, but it was okay.
"Magmar, use Skull Bash!" Blaine commanded. Magmar lowered its head once again and charged at Wartortle.
"Wartortle, withdraw into your shell. Now!" Amanda commanded. Wartortle quickly ducked inside the shell to absorb the damage from the Skull Bash.
"Good work. Now, use your Bite attack!" Amanda cried. Wartortle ran up to Magmar and bit it on its leg, causing the fire type to wince in pain.
"Are you all right there, Magmar?" Blaine asked. Magmar gave a thumbs up.
"It's going to make more than some leg pain to knock Magmar down." Said Blaine. "Use your Confuse Ray!"
"What?!" Amanda cried in a shocked tone. Magmar's eyes glowed brightly as it shot a confusion wave right at Wartortle. Michelle gasped.
"Oh no!" Mark cried. Wartortle kept running into the rocks and banging its head.
"I didn't think Magmar could use that attack." Said Michelle.
"Part of a gym leader's job in battle is to keep their challenger on their toes at all times, especially when it comes to surprises like this." Said Mark. Blaine grinned, but Amanda was concerned.
"Wartortle, try to shake it off." Said Amanda. Wartortle just kept running into rocks. Instead of banging itself on them, though, he now started jumping up and down on them.
"Just what is Wartortle doing?" Michelle asked.
"It's probably part of the confusion attack." Said Mark.
"Wartortle, this is no time for a bouncing stint." Said Amanda. "Try to shake off the confusion and use your Bubblebeam attack!" Wartortle stopped jumping and fired its attack but launched it toward Amanda. Fortunately, her heat shield absorbed the bubbles.
"Not at me!" Amanda yelled. "Aim them at Magmar!" Wartortle finally shook off the confusion and aimed another set of bubbles at the fire type. Despite taking a lot of damage, Magmar hung tough.
"Okay, Magmar. Her Wartortle's good, but you're much better. Fire Blast it now!" Blaine ordered. Magmar shot a fire star at Wartortle, who quickly got into his shell again. However, a bit of the attack still managed to hit the shell, leaving a small burn mark.
"Are you okay, Wartortle?" Amanda asked. Wartortle popped out and gave a tough guy smile.
"Great!" Amanda cried. "Hey, Blaine, now it's your turn to be surprised. Wartortle, go underground with Dig!" Wartortle burrowed its way underneath the field, leaving Magmar with nowhere to go.
"Wartortle could be anywhere down there, Magmar. Keep your eyes open at all times." Said Blaine. Magmar looked around so that it could pay attention to when the water type would re-appear.
"Okay, Wartortle, now!" cried Amanda. Wartortle popped up and hit Magmar's left foot just as it started to move out of the way, causing the fire type to fall down and take more damage. It quickly got back up, though.
"That's one tough Magmar." Michelle observed.
"Elekid!" cried the baby, which meant 'You can do it, Amanda!'
"Thanks for the encouragement, Elekid." Said Amanda.
"Fire Punch now!" ordered Blaine. Magmar started throwing fire punches at Wartortle. He was able to dodge the first few, but he couldn't quite dodge all of them, and he was left with more burn marks. Not only that, but he also collapsed onto the field.
"Wartortle!" cried Amanda. "Please, Wartortle, you have to try and get up!" Wartortle tried to pick itself back up but struggled to do so.
"Well, it looks like this match is just about over." Said Blaine. "Okay, Magmar, all you have to do is give it another Skull Bash."
"Hold on." Said Amanda. "Wartortle, we've come this far. You have the type advantage over him, so I know you can do it. Come on, Wartortle, please try to get up so that you can still have a chance to win." Wartortle hung onto every word Amanda had just said, and suddenly got up very quickly. It now had a very determined look in its eyes.
"There we go." Said Amanda. Wartortle let out a cry and started to glow a bright white.
"Oh my!" Amanda cried.
"Teleportation attack?" Mark wondered.
"No, it's evolving." Said Michelle. Once the glow stopped, a large, blue colored bipedal Pokemon with a pair of water cannons stood in its place.
"Woah, Wartortle just turned into Blastoise." Said Michelle. Amanda quickly whipped out her Pokedex.
"Blastoise, the shellfish Pokemon. The powerful water cannons on this Pokémon's back can produce water blasts that can pierce steel and concrete and be used for high-speed charges."
"That's such a neat feature." Said Amanda. "Okay, Blastoise, grab a hold of Magmar's arms and don't let go!" Blastoise ran up to the fire type and grabbed a tight hold on the fire type.
"Magmar, try to squeeze out of it somehow. Use your Fire Punch!" Blaine ordered. Magmar tried to punch Blastoise, but with how tight the grip was, it couldn't even move.
"Great job, Blastoise." Said Amanda. "Now, let's finish up this battle. Seismic Toss!" Blastoise picked up Magmar, spun him around a few times and launched him at the back wall, sending him to the floor. The powerful attack had knocked Magmar out.
"You did it, Blastoise!" cried Amanda. She ran up to her Pokemon and gave him a big hug. Blaine recalled Magmar and went up to Amanda.
"Congratulations, Amanda." She said.
"Thanks, Blaine. The two of them shook hands and then Amanda recalled Blastoise. Once they were out of the gym and the heat shields were off, Blaine held out his hand.
"You definitely surprised me a few times." He said. "I didn't expect an evolution during the match, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. You have rightfully earned this Volcano Badge." Amanda took the badge and held it up proudly.
"All right, I earned a Volcano Badge!" she cried. Pikachu struck its victory pose. The trio said goodbye to Blaine and headed on their way.
"Look at that, guys. I finally got my Volcano Badge." Said Amanda.
"And now, you just need one more badge to qualify for the Pokemon League." Said Michelle.
"Where do I get my next badge, anyway?" Amanda wondered.
"Gee, that's a good question." Said Mark.
"I remember my dad telling me about the Viridian Gym once." Said Michelle. "I've never battled in there, but he did tell me that trainers go there to earn their Earth Badges."
"Now that you mention it, I do remember passing the Viridian gym when I started my journey." Said Amanda. "I wonder if it's rebuilt by now."
"More importantly, I wonder who the gym leader there is now." Said Michelle.
"Professor Oak would probably know the answers to those questions." Said Amanda. "Let's go pay him a visit in Pallet Town."
"Good idea." Said Michelle. Well, it looks like our heroes are going full circle and heading to Pallet Town, where Amanda's journey first started. There may be other surprises in store there, too, but you'll have to tune into the next episode to find out for sure.
Holy fireballs! Last time, our heroes met Blaine in the Cinnabar Island mansion. It was there that Blaine explained the story of how he became a fire type trainer and befriended all the Pokemon that live in the mansion. As usual, however, Team Rocket tried to steal all of them, and as usual, they were defeated. Following that, it was off to the Cinnabar gym so that Amanda could win a Volcano Badge. The first battle was Ninetales against Wartortle, with the water type taking the round. Next, Charizard came out, and although Wartortle battled hard, Charizard was just two strong. We then got a battle of two powerful fire types as Charizard squared off against Arcanine. The two fire Pokemon fought hard, but their battle ended in a draw. Next, Flareon came out to battle Venonat. Even though Flareon had the advantage, Venonat was able to use its psychic abilities to knock it out of the competition. That put Amanda one win away from earning her badge, but Blaine saved the best for the best for last as Magmar burst out of the fire pit and gave Venonat a pretty sore burn. Now it all comes down to Magmar against Pikachu, with the winner of this battle winning the match. How will Pikachu fare against the powerful Magmar? Let's find out now as we pick up from where we ended the previous episode.
The heat in the volcano was now at its highest intensity, making Amanda sweat even more.
"Magmar, Skull Bash attack!" Blaine ordered. Magmar lowered its head and charged right at the electric type.
"Pikachu, try to get out of the way!" Amanda called. However, the Skull Bash attack came in so fast that Pikachu didn't have time to react. It sent him to the ground but safe from danger.
"Pikachu!" Amanda cried. Pikachu quickly picked itself up.
"Great! Okay, time for Thunderbolt!" Amanda ordered. Pikachu fired a strong yellow bolt at Magmar, scoring a direct hit.
"All right!" cried Amanda. However, her joy was short-lived as Magmar simply shook off the attack.
"What?!" Amanda cried.
"How did that not work?" Michelle wondered.
"Magmar's flame covered body also acts as a shield to protect itself against electric attacks." Said Blaine. Pikachu started aiming the same attack when he was stopped by Amanda.
"Electricity won't work." She said. "We have to change our strategy. Try your Quick Attack." Pikachu sped toward Magmar and hit the fire type, only to bounce off of him.
"I had a feeling Magmar would be strong, but I didn't think it would be this strong." Said Michelle.
"I didn't think so either." Said Mark. "Amanda needs to find a way overcome Magmar's strength or she's going to lose this battle."
"Magmar, Flamethrower now!" ordered Blaine. Magmar shot out a line of fire.
"Pikachu, use your Agility!" Amanda ordered. Pikachu nodded and started running around back and fourth, dodging all the Flamethrowers that came its way. While it was working at first, all the running was starting to take a toll on the small electric type.
"I don't think Pikachu can last very much longer." Said Michelle.
"It's not looking good, that's for sure." Said Mark. Pikachu started to noticeably slow down a bit, resulting in it getting scorched by one of the Flamethrowers.
"Pikachu, no!" cried Amanda.
"All right, Magmar, finish it with Fire Blast!" cried Blaine. Before Magmar could unleash the attack, however, Amanda ran onto the field so she could check on her partner.
"Pikachu, you need to stop." She said. "Magmar's much too powerful. You gave it a good try, but you can't handle something like that." Then, the volcano's intense heat finally got to Amanda and she collapsed onto the field, causing Michelle and Mark to gasp.
"Amanda!" Michelle cried. The two of them ran over to check on her.
"Magmar, return!" called Blaine. His fire type got absorbed back into the ball in a beam of red light, and he also went to see if Amanda was okay.
"Are you all right, Amanda?" Mark asked.
"Try to say something." Said Michelle. However, Amanda's eyes remained closed. The next time she opened them, she found herself inside a bed in the Pokemon Center.
"What happened?" Amanda asked.
"You collapsed from the heat." Mark answered.
"Oh." Amanda muttered. "How did I get here?"
"We flew you over here on my Charizard." Answered Blaine. "Right before you collapsed, however, I did notice that you were about to forfeit the match. Part of a trainer's job is to decide when it's no longer worth it to continue battling, and you definitely made the right call in that situation. Had the match continued, Pikachu could've ended up in real danger."
"Speaking of Pikachu, where is he?" asked Amanda.
"He's getting treatment from Nurse Joy, along with your other Pokemon." Said Mark. It was at that moment that Nurse Joy stepped into the room.
"According to my notes, Amanda suffered from heat exhaustion." She said.
"Heat exhaustion?" Mark repeated.
"I guess that's why she was sweating so much during the match." Said Michelle.
"Exactly." Said Blaine. "I did ask you if you still wanted to battle despite all of the heat, and you said yes."
"A Pokemon trainer has to adapt themselves to battling in all sorts of conditions." Said Amanda.
"Very true, but you should still consider yourself lucky that we got you here when we did." Said Blaine. "If we had waited any longer, the worst case scenario could've possibly happened. You need some rest, and once you're better, we'll have a rematch." Blaine then exited the room.
"Nurse Joy, how long will it take for Amanda to recover?" Michelle asked.
"It'll probably take until tomorrow at minimum before she's fully recovered, maybe a little longer than that." Said Joy. "Either way, no battles for you until you're better."
"You don't understand, Nurse Joy." Said Amanda. "I came to this island to win a Volcano Badge, and I'm not leaving until I get one."
"That part I understand." Said Joy. "However, your health is more important right now." She turned to Michelle and Mark.
"She needs to rest now." She said.
"Don't worry, Amanda, I'll look after Pikachu and Elekid for you until you're all better." Said Michelle.
"Thanks, Michelle." Said Amanda. She yawned and went to sleep.
"Let's go, Mark." Said Michelle. The two friends left Amanda's room, leaving the young girl on her own.
"I really hope Amanda gets better." Said Michelle.
"I'm sure she will." Said Mark.
"Don't worry you two, your friend will be just fine." Said Joy. She whisked them away to the lobby and the two of them headed outside.
"Elekid?" Elekid asked, which meant 'Where's my Mommy?'
"Amanda's not here right now." Said Michelle. "Something happened to her in the gym battle with Blaine, but she'll be fine." Elekid was relieved to hear that.
"I wonder what we could do later tonight." Said Mark. They kept walking along for a bit until they saw a billboard advertisement.
"Check this out." Said Michelle. "The Big Riddle Hotel is having a party here tonight for tourists."
"I guess it's that type of season again." Said Mark.
"We may be trainers, but since we're also passing by this island, that would also make us tourists." Said Michelle.
"Too bad Amanda won't be able to join in for that." Said Mark.
"I know." Said Michelle. "She loves parties like this. I would almost prefer that we not go without her."
"I can see how you feel, but this party is only for tonight." Said Mark. "If we don't go, we'll have to miss out too. Besides, there's going to be a lot more parties that Amanda can go to next time."
"I suppose you're right." Said Michelle. "Well, if we're going to attend this party, we should at least look good." They went off to get themselves changed. Meanwhile, Conrad and Sally emerged from a nearby tree branch. They had heard everything.
"Did I just hear something about a party?" Sally asked.
"I heard the same thing." Said Conrad. "I also heard that it's only for tourists."
"We're tourists ourselves, aren't we?" Sally wondered.
"I think so." Conrad answered.
"That's perfect." Said Sally. "We'll go to the party and have some fun. Is there a dress code for this party?"
"Not as far as I'm aware." Said Conrad. "Remember, though, that our main purpose is to steal Pokemon. People will get suspicious if we show up there in our Team Rocket attire."
"Very true." Said Sally. "We'll have to disguise ourselves." They went off somewhere else to continue their discussion. Back at the Pokemon Center, Michelle and Mark were picking out their clothes for the party.
"I think I already know what I want to wear." Said Michelle.
"That's surprising. Most girls usually take forever making up their minds when it comes to clothing choices." Said Mark.
"I'm not like most girls." Said Michelle. She quickly grabbed something from the closet and went into the bathroom to change. Mark also grabbed a pair of good clothes and followed her.
"Pikachu." Said Pikachu, which meant 'I wonder what they're going to be wearing.'
"Eevee." Eevee squealed, which meant 'We'll see in a moment.' Once Mark and Michelle were ready, they emerged from the bathroom.
"Well, what do you two think?" Michelle asked. Pikachu let out a gasp.
"Pika…." He said, which meant 'Woah, Mama!'
"Eevee!" Eevee squealed excitedly, which meant 'She looks so gorgeous!' Michelle smiled at the two partner Pokemon.
"I'm glad you both like this." She said. In place of her regular clothes, she was wearing a flaming red dress with short puffy sleeves and gold colored boots. Mark was wearing a bright yellow polo shirt with a white collar, blue jean shorts, white socks and red sneakers.
"Your outfit looks great, Michelle." Said Mark. "I'm not so sure about mine, though. I kind of look like Christopher Robin from Winnie The Pooh."
"You'll be fine, Mark." Said Michelle.
"Pika?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'What about us?' Michelle chuckled at him.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys." She said. She went back into the closet and pulled out two small top hats and bow ties.
"These are for you and Eevee." She said. She put the hats on their heads and the bow ties around their necks.
"There you go. Now you both look ready to party." Said Michelle. Pikachu and Eevee both smiled at themselves.
"Well, let's make our way to the party." Said Mark. They both left the center and headed to the Big Riddle Hotel. Meanwhile, Amanda was still sleeping as she tried to get herself recovered from her collapse earlier in the day. Nurse Joy and Chansey both came into the room and Chansey gave Amanda a gentle nudge, causing her to open her eyes.
"I thought you might like some ice cream." Said Joy. She gave Amanda the bowl, which made her smile.
"Thanks, Nurse Joy." She said.
"You know, I heard about a big party that's happening tonight at one of the hotels." Said Joy.
"I wish I could go." Said Amanda.
"I know, but rest is more important." Said Joy. "I'd go myself, but I have to run the center and look after you to make sure you recover properly." Amanda finished the ice cream and fell back asleep. Joy and Chansey took the empty bowl away.
"Come on, Chansey, let's let her rest some more." whispered Joy. Chansey agreed and they left the room. At the hotel, Mark and Michelle were surprised at how many other people were there.
"Wow, this party is definitely a popular attraction." Said Michelle. The music was playing at a decent volume, which was good news for Elekid. Even though he really shouldn't have been at the party, Michelle had no choice but to bring him along since he was too young to stay in a Pokemon Center bedroom on his own.
"Pika!" Pikachu cried at Eevee, which meant 'Do you want to dance with me?'
"Eevee." Squealed Eevee, which meant 'With pleasure.' Pikachu and Eevee started to dance together, causing Michelle to let out a smile.
"Those two definitely look like they're having a good time." Said Michelle. Conrad and Sally had managed to sneak in through the back door due to the bouncer rejecting them at the front. They were both wearing casual clothes so as not to draw any suspicions.
"Remember, act natural and go with the flow." Said Sally. They went to the front and started mingling with the crowd.
"Something about those two looks very familiar." Said Michelle.
"Don't worry about it for now." Said Mark. "We're here to have a good time." They made their way over to the dance floor where the disc jockey was about to speak into a microphone.
"How's everybody doing tonight?" he asked. Everyone in the room cheered.
"Lots of enthusiasm in here, I love that." He said. He cranked up the music and started to play a familiar tune.
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside
Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh)
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
Every challenge along the way
With courage, I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm, we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh)
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
"This is what you call a good song." Said Michelle. She grabbed Mark's hand and they started dancing to the beat. Even Pikachu and Eevee liked the music. The two of them also began grooving along to the beat. Once the song finished and another one started, Michelle slowed down a little.
"What happened to all that grooving on the last one?" Mark asked.
"This is a slow dance song." Said Michelle. She made sure to match her movements to the song's pace. After the song, however, she felt her hand being touched.
"May I dance with you?" asked the voice.
"Uh, sure." Michelle answered, although she was a bit hesitant.
"Are you from this island?" Michelle asked.
"Oh no. I'm from out of town just like you." Said the voice. "I'm Hallie."
"I guess it's nice to meet you, Hallie." Said Michelle. She sounded a bit nervous as she said it, however.
"Something definitely smells fishy." She whispered to Mark. Before he could answer, his own hand was being touched.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"You mean to tell me you don't remember your cousin Brad?" asked the other voice.
"I can't say that I have." Said Mark. He gulped nervously as he also suspected something. Nonetheless, they continued dancing for a little while. After about the fifth or sixth song, Michelle grabbed a hold of Mark and dragged him over to the snack table.
"What is it?" Mark asked.
"Something's definitely up with those two." Said Michelle. "I think those two supposed strangers we were dancing with are actually Team Rocket."
"What makes you so sure?" Mark asked.
"The way the girl I was dancing with identified her name." said Michelle.
"Yeah, it was the same with me." Said Mark.
"What do we do?" asked Michelle.
"Nothing right now except have a good time here and try not to think about it too much." Said Mark. He poured a drink into a paper cup and handed it to Michelle.
"Do you want some soda?" he asked.
"That would help take my mind off of things a bit." Said Michelle. She took a sip but was still feeling nervous. "Now I'm worried about Amanda."
"So am I, but Nurse Joy did say that she'd be okay." Said Mark. They finished their drinks and went back onto the dance floor. This time, however, the two of them switched partners. The entire time, however, bot of them still felt suspicious.
"This is a good party, isn't it?" asked Brad.
"The best one I've ever been to." Said Michelle. They danced to a few more songs before they decided that they needed a break.
"Let's go outside for a bit." Said Michelle. "I could use some fresh air, and we can also talk about things."
"Good idea." Said Mark. They were about to head out the back but they didn't get too far before Brad and Hallie caught up to them.
"We'll go outside with you." Said Hallie.
"There's no need for that." Said Michelle. "This is a bit private.
"That's right." Said Mark.
"We insist." Said Hallie. "And while you're at it, you can bring Pikachu and Eevee with you."
"What do you say, guys?" Michelle asked them. "You want to come outside with us?" Pikachu and Eevee happily nodded and followed them outside. Mark opened the door since Michelle also had to carry Elekid. The moment they got outside, however, Hallie and Brad took off their casual clothes and left them on the ground. They were now in their regular uniforms, making Mark and Michelle gasp.
"Those aren't strangers from out of town!" Michelle cried.
"And they're definitely not any cousin of mine either." Said Mark. "Besides, I don't even have a cousin. That means only one thing."
"Team Rocket!" they both cried together.
"I had a feeling that it was you two in there dancing with us!" Mark cried.
"Wait, you mean to tell me that we actually danced with Team Rocket?" Michelle asked. "Ew!"
"Now that you figured out our little disguise, it's time to take your Pokémon." Said Sally.
"Hold on a second." Said Conrad. "Those kids have something that you don't see very often in this region."
"I do believe that you're correct." Said Sally. "All right, new plan. Forget about Pikachu and Eevee, we'll take the baby instead."
"You can't!" Michelle protested. "This is a brand new Pokemon that just came out of its egg. It's still getting used to world."
"And it doesn't even know how to do anything yet." Mark added.
"You know how much we care about all of that information?" asked Sally. "Very little."
"In other words, we don't care one bit." Said Conrad. They quickly grabbed Elekid and locked him in a cage.
"Thanks for the Elekid, twerps." Said Sally. "Our boss would just love to meet him." They started to run, but Mark and Michelle quickly chased after them.
"They're not getting away with the baby." Said Michelle. Elekid started to cry. It was quite scared now.
"Don't worry, Elekid, we'll get you back!" Michelle cried. "Pikachu, use your Thunder attack on the cage." Pikachu unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning, only for the cage to completely absorb the move.
"Let me guess, another shock proof cage." Said Mark.
"Ten points to the boy." Said Sally. They quickly got into their balloon and started floating up into the air.
"We'll never catch them now." Said Mark.
"If Amanda was here with her Fearow, this would be a lot easier." Said Michelle.
"No it wouldn't." Said Mark. "It would be a disaster because Fearow still won't listen to her."
"I completely forgot about that." Said Michelle.
"Pikachu Pika?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'Will Elekid be okay?'
"I hope so, Pikachu." Said Michelle. Up in the air, Team Rocket was gloating happily about their capture.
"We finally succeeded after all of this time!" cried Sally. "We're getting big raises after this!"
"Hang on a second." Said Conrad. "He'll want to know what it does first."
"Oh yeah." Said Sally. "Just what does Elekid do, exactly?"
"I haven't the slightest idea." Said Conrad.
"That's just great." Sally muttered. They were about to speed up when they heard a flying Pokemon coming towards them. A familiar gym leader was on board.
"Charizard, bring that balloon down with your Slash attack!" Blaine commanded. Charizard zeroed in on the middle of the balloon and punctured it with its claws, sending it down to the ground. Mark and Michelle quickly ran over to where the balloon had been forced down.
"It's Blaine!" Michelle cried.
"I figured you kids would need a helping hand." Said Blaine. "Charizard, use your Flamethrower!" Charizard unleashed a large flame line at Conrad and Sally, sending them running.
"Just when we thought we had a chance." Said Conrad.
"I guess that's the life of a story writer, always making sure the good guys win." Said Sally.
"Looks like Team Rocket got burned again!" they both cried.
"Terrific job, Charizard!" cried Blaine. He recalled his Pokémon and tried to open the cage.
"Do any of you have the key for this?" Blaine asked.
"We don't have a key, but I do have something else that we could use." Said Michelle. Just then, Psyduck popped out of his ball.
"Psyduck, how would you like to be useful right now?" Michelle asked.
"Psyduck!" the water type screamed in happiness.
"All right. I need you to use your Confusion attack on Elekid's cage to get it open." Said Michelle. Psyduck's eyes glowed blue and the bars instantly disappeared. Elekid ran over to Michelle where she scooped him up.
"I'm glad you're safe." She said. "Thanks for your help, Psyduck." Psyduck nodded before he found himself being recalled back to his ball.
"Come on, let's get back to the party." Said Mark.
"You kids mind if I join in?" asked Blaine.
"Not at all." Said Michelle. "The more the better." They went back inside and enjoyed the rest of their night. Back at the Pokémon Center, Amanda was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed heavily and she was snoozing away. As she slept, she thought about her baby Elekid.
"I hope he's all right." She thought. The next time she opened her eyes, she saw Michelle, Mark, Blaine, Nurse Joy and Chansey all standing in front of her bed.
"Good morning, sleepy head." Said Michelle.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu asked, which meant 'How are you feeling?'
"I think I'm feeling much better." Said Amanda.
"You certainly look and sound better." Said Mark.
"I have to agree." Said Joy.
"By the way, guys, how was the party last night?" Amanda asked.
"It was a lot of fun, for the most part." Said Michelle. "Team Rocket crashed the party and tried to steal Elekid, but Blaine stopped them."
"That's a relief." Said Amanda. "I wish I could've been there with you."
"Well, Amanda, since you seem to be recovered, I can discharge you right now." Said Joy.
"Thanks, Nurse Joy." Said Amanda.
"Now then, I believe we have to have a rematch for your Volcano Badge." Said Blaine. "If you're ready, we can do it right now."
"I'm definitely ready." Said Amanda. However, she said it right as her stomach growled. "At least, I will be once I have breakfast." Once everyone had eaten, Blaine led the group back to the gym.
"Before we go back down, I want the three of you to wear these." He said. He took out three plastic shields and placed one onto each member of the trio.
"What are these?" Michelle asked.
"They're heat shields." Said Blaine. "Wearing these will make sure that any sweat that comes out will go onto the shields instead of your bodies. This way, we won't have a repeat of what happened yesterday."
"That's actually very clever." Said Amanda. Once everyone had the shields on, Blaine led them into the underground volcano again.
"Let's make this rematch a simple one on one." Said Blaine.
"That's just fine with me." Said Amanda. Blaine threw a Poke Ball and Magmar appeared in a blaze of light.
"As you can tell, my Pokemon will be Magmar." Said Blaine.
"The Pokemon I choose for this battle is Wartortle." Said Amanda. She grabbed Wartortle's ball and threw it toward the field. The water starter appeared in a blaze of light.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu wondered, which meant 'Why Wartortle over me?'
"When you tried battling Magmar yesterday, it didn't go too well for you." Said Amanda. "Wartortle's a water type, which means he can withstand the heat more." Pikachu was disappointed to not get another chance at Magmar, but he understood the decision.
"Well, let's get this battle started." Said Blaine. "I'll let you make the first move."
"All right, Wartortle, Water Gun attack!" Amanda ordered. Wartortle shot a line of water at Magmar. The fire type got soaked from the attack, but it was okay.
"Magmar, use Skull Bash!" Blaine commanded. Magmar lowered its head once again and charged at Wartortle.
"Wartortle, withdraw into your shell. Now!" Amanda commanded. Wartortle quickly ducked inside the shell to absorb the damage from the Skull Bash.
"Good work. Now, use your Bite attack!" Amanda cried. Wartortle ran up to Magmar and bit it on its leg, causing the fire type to wince in pain.
"Are you all right there, Magmar?" Blaine asked. Magmar gave a thumbs up.
"It's going to make more than some leg pain to knock Magmar down." Said Blaine. "Use your Confuse Ray!"
"What?!" Amanda cried in a shocked tone. Magmar's eyes glowed brightly as it shot a confusion wave right at Wartortle. Michelle gasped.
"Oh no!" Mark cried. Wartortle kept running into the rocks and banging its head.
"I didn't think Magmar could use that attack." Said Michelle.
"Part of a gym leader's job in battle is to keep their challenger on their toes at all times, especially when it comes to surprises like this." Said Mark. Blaine grinned, but Amanda was concerned.
"Wartortle, try to shake it off." Said Amanda. Wartortle just kept running into rocks. Instead of banging itself on them, though, he now started jumping up and down on them.
"Just what is Wartortle doing?" Michelle asked.
"It's probably part of the confusion attack." Said Mark.
"Wartortle, this is no time for a bouncing stint." Said Amanda. "Try to shake off the confusion and use your Bubblebeam attack!" Wartortle stopped jumping and fired its attack but launched it toward Amanda. Fortunately, her heat shield absorbed the bubbles.
"Not at me!" Amanda yelled. "Aim them at Magmar!" Wartortle finally shook off the confusion and aimed another set of bubbles at the fire type. Despite taking a lot of damage, Magmar hung tough.
"Okay, Magmar. Her Wartortle's good, but you're much better. Fire Blast it now!" Blaine ordered. Magmar shot a fire star at Wartortle, who quickly got into his shell again. However, a bit of the attack still managed to hit the shell, leaving a small burn mark.
"Are you okay, Wartortle?" Amanda asked. Wartortle popped out and gave a tough guy smile.
"Great!" Amanda cried. "Hey, Blaine, now it's your turn to be surprised. Wartortle, go underground with Dig!" Wartortle burrowed its way underneath the field, leaving Magmar with nowhere to go.
"Wartortle could be anywhere down there, Magmar. Keep your eyes open at all times." Said Blaine. Magmar looked around so that it could pay attention to when the water type would re-appear.
"Okay, Wartortle, now!" cried Amanda. Wartortle popped up and hit Magmar's left foot just as it started to move out of the way, causing the fire type to fall down and take more damage. It quickly got back up, though.
"That's one tough Magmar." Michelle observed.
"Elekid!" cried the baby, which meant 'You can do it, Amanda!'
"Thanks for the encouragement, Elekid." Said Amanda.
"Fire Punch now!" ordered Blaine. Magmar started throwing fire punches at Wartortle. He was able to dodge the first few, but he couldn't quite dodge all of them, and he was left with more burn marks. Not only that, but he also collapsed onto the field.
"Wartortle!" cried Amanda. "Please, Wartortle, you have to try and get up!" Wartortle tried to pick itself back up but struggled to do so.
"Well, it looks like this match is just about over." Said Blaine. "Okay, Magmar, all you have to do is give it another Skull Bash."
"Hold on." Said Amanda. "Wartortle, we've come this far. You have the type advantage over him, so I know you can do it. Come on, Wartortle, please try to get up so that you can still have a chance to win." Wartortle hung onto every word Amanda had just said, and suddenly got up very quickly. It now had a very determined look in its eyes.
"There we go." Said Amanda. Wartortle let out a cry and started to glow a bright white.
"Oh my!" Amanda cried.
"Teleportation attack?" Mark wondered.
"No, it's evolving." Said Michelle. Once the glow stopped, a large, blue colored bipedal Pokemon with a pair of water cannons stood in its place.
"Woah, Wartortle just turned into Blastoise." Said Michelle. Amanda quickly whipped out her Pokedex.
"Blastoise, the shellfish Pokemon. The powerful water cannons on this Pokémon's back can produce water blasts that can pierce steel and concrete and be used for high-speed charges."
"That's such a neat feature." Said Amanda. "Okay, Blastoise, grab a hold of Magmar's arms and don't let go!" Blastoise ran up to the fire type and grabbed a tight hold on the fire type.
"Magmar, try to squeeze out of it somehow. Use your Fire Punch!" Blaine ordered. Magmar tried to punch Blastoise, but with how tight the grip was, it couldn't even move.
"Great job, Blastoise." Said Amanda. "Now, let's finish up this battle. Seismic Toss!" Blastoise picked up Magmar, spun him around a few times and launched him at the back wall, sending him to the floor. The powerful attack had knocked Magmar out.
"You did it, Blastoise!" cried Amanda. She ran up to her Pokemon and gave him a big hug. Blaine recalled Magmar and went up to Amanda.
"Congratulations, Amanda." She said.
"Thanks, Blaine. The two of them shook hands and then Amanda recalled Blastoise. Once they were out of the gym and the heat shields were off, Blaine held out his hand.
"You definitely surprised me a few times." He said. "I didn't expect an evolution during the match, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. You have rightfully earned this Volcano Badge." Amanda took the badge and held it up proudly.
"All right, I earned a Volcano Badge!" she cried. Pikachu struck its victory pose. The trio said goodbye to Blaine and headed on their way.
"Look at that, guys. I finally got my Volcano Badge." Said Amanda.
"And now, you just need one more badge to qualify for the Pokemon League." Said Michelle.
"Where do I get my next badge, anyway?" Amanda wondered.
"Gee, that's a good question." Said Mark.
"I remember my dad telling me about the Viridian Gym once." Said Michelle. "I've never battled in there, but he did tell me that trainers go there to earn their Earth Badges."
"Now that you mention it, I do remember passing the Viridian gym when I started my journey." Said Amanda. "I wonder if it's rebuilt by now."
"More importantly, I wonder who the gym leader there is now." Said Michelle.
"Professor Oak would probably know the answers to those questions." Said Amanda. "Let's go pay him a visit in Pallet Town."
"Good idea." Said Michelle. Well, it looks like our heroes are going full circle and heading to Pallet Town, where Amanda's journey first started. There may be other surprises in store there, too, but you'll have to tune into the next episode to find out for sure.