Junior Trainer
- Pronouns
- He/him
Episode Twenty-One
In the last episode, Michelle celebrated her birthday. Now that she's turned ten, she was able to be officially licensed by Professor Oak. Michelle also got some nice presents, including a cute little Sandshrew. Overall, Michelle's birthday was a rousing success, and now, let's see what adventures await our trio today.
All was quiet in Celadon City, and our heroes were sleeping peacefully in their room in the Pokemon Center. Over in Pallet Town, Professor Oak and all of Amanda and Michelle's extra Pokemon were also enjoying a nice sleep. Team Rocket, however, was hard at work in the Celadon City gym. They made sure the coast was clear, and then started moving around carefully.
"Be absolutely quiet." Sally whispered. "We don't want to disturb anyone or anything." They slowly crawled around in the vent, bust the dust was getting their clothes dirty in the process.
"Why can't we do this during the day?" Conrad asked.
"There's people here at that time. They would see us." Sally answered. They continued moving around, but Conrad sniffed and held up his nose.
"Why does it smell so bad in here all of a sudden?" he whispered. He heard a tap from behind.
"Not now, Sally." He said.
"That wasn't me." Sally claimed.
"Then who was it?" Conrad asked.
"Look behind you and you'll see." Said Sally. Conrad turned around and saw a Gloom.
"Uh, hi there." Conrad said sheepishly. Gloom opened up its flower petals and sprayed a strong stench that made the two Team Rocket grunts cough.
"I can't see anything." Said Sally.
"Let's get out of here." Said Conrad.
"Gloom!" Gloom cried, which meant 'Be gone, intruders!' Conrad and Sally quickly headed for the exit and ran as far away from the gym as possible.
"Well, that was a bust." Said Sally.
"We need to find somewhere to wash ourselves off from that bad smell." Said Conrad and the two of them disappeared somewhere in the distance. The next morning, Michelle, Mark and Amanda all woke up with big smiles on their faces. Amanda was the most excited out of all of them.
"Well, Pikachu, today's the day we finally go for our fifth gym badge." she said cheerfully.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'I bet you're excited, aren't you?'
"I'm super excited, buddy." Said Amanda. She turned on the television to see what was happening in the Pokemon world, and the first station she flipped to was playing the news. The first thing that showed up on the screen was the Celadon gym.
"I wonder why this is being featured." Amanda said. Mark and Michelle were curious too, and they both paid attention to the screen.
"There was an attempted theft here last night, with the product involved being one of the perfumes that the gym produces." Said the reporter. "Thankfully, an observant Gloom that was in the gym at the time scared them off and the perfume is now safe and sound." The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.
"I guess it's good that the perfume didn't get stolen, but I do wonder who even attempted to do that in the first place." Said Michelle.
"I bet it was Team Rocket." Said Amanda. "They're always up to no good."
"Don't worry about those two goofballs right now." Said Mark. "The only thing that should be on your mind right now is your gym battle."
"First, we need to change and have breakfast." Said Amanda, and she turned the television off. They got washed up and changed into their clothes for the day. Michelle decided that this would be the perfect day to wear her new clothes that she had gotten for her birthday. She put on the shirt, skirt and boots and showed off her look to Eevee.
"What do you think?" Michelle asked.
"Eevee!" Eevee squealed, which meant 'The skirt looks so cute on you.' Michelle smiled.
"Thanks, Eevee." Said Michelle. The three of them went to have their breakfast, and as they ate, they planned out their day.
"I guess we don't really need to go back to the store again." Said Michelle.
"And we can't go to the casino either." Said Mark.
"That just leaves the gym." Said Amanda. "I'm not sure if it's open at this time of the day, though."
"We can always try, though." Said Mark. They finished up with breakfast and were about to head out when Amanda decided to call Professor Oak. The professor was having his own breakfast when his video phone went off.
"That must be Amanda checking in." he said, and he picked up the phone.
"Good morning, Professor." Said Amanda. "I hope I'm not bothering you this early."
"Not at all, my dear." Said Oak. "How are things with you and your friends?"
"Everything is going well." Said Amanda. "Michelle's birthday party yesterday was a lot of fun."
"I'm very glad to hear that." Said Oak.
"Professor, how's my new Sandshrew doing?" asked Michelle.
"He was a little nervous when he first got here, but now that he's met a lot of the other Pokemon that I'm keeping here for the two of you, he's become very good friends with all of them." Oak answered.
"That's good." Said Michelle.
"I don't suppose you heard about the attempted perfume theft last night, did you?" asked Mark.
"Everyone knows about that." Said Oak. "It was all over the news this morning. Do they know who tried to do it?"
"No, but my friends and I have a good feeling that it was Team Rocket." Amanda answered.
"That seems likely." Said Oak. "Something tells me that if they had gotten their hands on it, they probably would've used the ingredients to try and make their own perfume to sell."
"I don't think that would've been successful." Said Michelle.
"I have to agree there." Said Oak. "Gotta go now, my toast is starting to cool down." The call ended, but Amanda wasn't finished on the phone just yet. She dialed another number, and on the third ring, Kangaskhan answered.
"Good morning, Mama." Said Amanda. "Did you get the perfume that I sent you?"
"I got it yesterday." Said Kangaskhan. "What have you and your friends been up to?"
"It was my birthday yesterday." Michelle said.
"Well then, happy belated birthday dear." Said Kangaskhan.
"Thanks." Said Michelle.
"I wish I could talk longer, but I have a lot of housework to do today." Said Kangaskhan. "I'll talk to you all soon." She ended the call and placed her apron around her pouch so she could start her work. Amanda, Mark and Michelle made their way outside and started heading to the gym. On the way there, they ran into Erika.
"Hello there, you three." She said. "What brings you all out here early in the day?"
"We were about to go to the gym so I can challenge you for your badge." Said Amanda.
"I'm more than happy to accept your challenge." Said Erika. "I can't battle you right now, though, because the gym isn't open yet. I can tell you a little story, though."
"What kind of story is it?" asked Michelle.
"It's about how I met one of my Pokemon, Gloom." Said Erika. "I actually told this same story to Ash and his friends, so I think you'll find this interesting. When I was small, about a couple of years younger than the three of you, I was wandering around on my own when I got lost and ran into a Grimer. It was a scary sight for me, especially since I didn't have any Pokemon of my own on me. I cried for help, but nobody came. Well, I shouldn't quite say that. A wild Gloom saw that I was in trouble and released a bad smell at the Grimer to scare it away. I gave Gloom a big hug and said to it 'I love you!' Gloom and I have been friends ever since that day, and that was what made me decide to be a grass type gym leader."
"That was certainly a very nice story." Said Mark.
"Where's your Gloom right now?" asked Michelle.
"In the gym." Erika answered. "Gloom's not just a Pokemon, it also acts as a security guard at night to make sure no intruders drop in unannounced."
"That's certainly very helpful." Said Amanda.
"Once I get to the gym, I not only have to open it, but I have to get a check from Gloom about any suspicious activity." Said Erika. "That usually takes a while and then once I finish with all of that, I can start taking challengers. If you come by in an hour or so, I should be ready by that time."
"We'll see you in a bit, then." Said Amanda, and the three of them headed down the street.
"I suppose I could look for Pokémon to catch while we wait." Said Amanda. They made their way to a small field just past the department store and started searching. However, thirty minutes of walking around yielded poor results.
"There only seem to be Pidgey around here, and I don't have any need for that since I have a Pidgeotto at Professor Oak's lab." Said Amanda. They kept looking around, and after another twenty minutes, they spotted a Pokemon with short, reddish-orange colored fur. It had a small tuft on its head, a bushy tail and a mane around its chest and neck.
"I wonder which Pokemon this is." Said Amanda. She took out her Pokedex and aimed it at the Pokémon.
"Flareon, the flame Pokemon. Flareon's body temperature is caused by its internal flame sac and rises when it is excited. If its body gets too hot, it will fluff out the fur on its collar to cool down. This Pokémon is evolved from Eevee by use of a Fire Stone." Eevee was excited at the prospect of seeing one of its forms.
"Eevee!" it squealed, which meant 'Hi there, buddy.'
"Flareon." Said the Pokemon, which meant 'Nice to see you.'
"Pikachu." Pikachu said, which meant 'I thought you couldn't find Flareon in the wild.'
"I didn't think we could either, but since this one's here, I'm not missing a chance." Said Amanda. "Squirtle, let's do this!" She tossed a Poke Ball and the small turtle appeared on the field.
"All right Squirtle, let's start with a Water Gun!" Amanda cried. Squirtle fired a shot of water, but Flareon used its Agility to avoid every single stream of water that was thrown at it. Flareon then used Swift and shot yellow stars from its fur. Squirtle took some damage, but it stood tall.
"Hang in there, Squirtle." Said Amanda. "Try a Skull Bash!" Squirtle lowered its head, and this time, it was able to knock Flareon back a little bit.
"That's it, Squirtle." Amanda cheered. Flareon then used Flamethrower, but Squirtle was able to duck in time to avoid the line of fire.
"That's the way." Said Amanda. "Bubblebeam!" Squirtle shot a long line of bubbles at Flareon, but it still wasn't quite enough to knock it out. Flareon then used Double Edge and knocked Squirtle back pretty hard. The small turtle struggled to get up for a bit, but then it dropped into its shell, jumped up and sprayed lots of water all over the field.
"Did Squirtle do what I think it just did?" Michelle wondered.
"It sure did." Said Amanda. "Go, Squirtle! Use your new Hydro Pump attack!" Squirtle sprayed Flareon with so much water that it went down both wet and knocked out.
"Poke Ball, go!" Amanda cried, firing an empty ball at Flareon. The fire type got sucked inside via a beam of red light and the ball started to wiggle. It shook a bit more than it usually did, but once the ding sound went off, Amanda smiled and picked up the ball.
"I just caught myself a Flareon!" she cried. She and Pikachu struck a victory pose.
"Well done, Amanda." Said Mark.
"Thanks." Said Amanda, and she recalled Squirtle. She opened up her Pokedex and pressed the transfer button. Clefairy was now at Professor Oak's lab, and Flareon was now part of her team.
"I think Flareon will be a big help for my battle." Said Amanda.
"Speaking of which, I think the gym should be open by now." Said Mark. They made their way back to the gym and found that it was indeed open. They found that the gym's battlefield had a sweet aroma to it.
"This must be the grass gym if it smells so nice." Said Michelle.
"That would be correct, miss." Said Erika. "Well, Amanda, there's no point beating around the bush. Let's get to our match." Mark and Michelle took their seats in the stands, and one of Erika's gym workers acted as the referee.
"This match between challenger Amanda of Fuchsia City and Celadon City gym leader Erika will now commence. The battle will be three on three with no time limits or substitutions. Let the match begin." The bell rang to signal the start of the battle.
"Tangela, take the field!" Erika cried. A small Pokemon consisting mainly of vines appeared in a blaze of light. Amanda got out her Pokedex for more information.
"Tangela. The face of this grass type Pokemon is mostly obscured by its blue vines."
"That doesn't really help much." Said Amanda. She grabbed one of her Poke Balls and began to throw it.
"Fearow, I choose you!" She cried. The intimidating flying type instantly appeared.
"You may have the advantage, Fearow, but we still have to be ready for anything that comes our way." Amanda warned. "Now go and use your Wing Attack to start off!" Fearow spread its wings out and launched the attack. Despite hitting Tangela directly, it didn't seem to do as much damage as it should've.
"Tangela may be small, but it's pretty tough." Said Erika. "Okay now, Vine Whip time!" Tangela shot out some of its vines, but Amanda had Fearow dodge them with Agility.
"Sky Attack!" Amanda commanded. Fearow flew up high and scored a direct hit. Much more damage was done, but Tangela still wasn't out.
"Go for Constrict!" Erika shouted. Tangela used shorter vines to trap Fearow and prevent it from moving. The large bird Pokemon screamed in pain.
"Hang in there, Fearow!" Amanda yelled. "It's tough, but so are you!"
"Do you think Amanda has a chance at winning?" Mark asked.
"If she uses the right strategies, then yes, she does." Michelle answered.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried from the stands, which meant 'You can do it, Amanda!" On the field, Fearow was still being bound by Constrict.
"Try to move." Amanda said. However, Fearow wasn't able to break free.
"Constrict acts like Wrap, which means Tangela won't let go until I tell it to do so." Said Erika. "Speaking of which, you can let go now, Tangela." Tangela released Fearow from its grip, and the bird Pokemon went down to the ground.
"Please get up, Fearow." Amanda urged. Fearow glared at Tangela and got back into action.
"Take Down." Amanda ordered. Fearow flew right at Tangela and hit it with enough force to knock it out.
"Tangela is unable to battle. The round goes to Fearow." Said the gym worker.
"Way to go, Fearow!" Amanda cried. Erika recalled Tangela and got another Poke Ball.
"You've been having good bonds with your Pokémon, and it shows. But of course, you can never judge a Pokemon by size." Said Erika, and she threw her next ball. "Weepinbell, go!" The small plant Pokemon appeared in a blaze of light.
"Fearow, can you keep battling?" Amanda asked. Fearow nodded and focused on its next opponent.
"I'm not sure if Fearow can last much longer." Said Michelle.
"What makes you think that?" Mark asked.
"Its wings are battered after being held by Constrict." Said Michelle. "Even though it has the clear advantage against Weepinbell, I don't see Fearow lasting another whole round."
"Fearow, peck at Weepinbell with your beak." Amanda ordered. Fearow tried its best, but it's battle with Tangela had drained its speed, causing the attack to miss.
"Weepinbell, suck away whatever energy that Fearow has left with Mega Drain." Erika commanded. Green juice came out of Weepinbell's leaves and sapped Fearow's remaining strength, causing it to faint.
"Fearow is unable to battle. Tangela is the winner." Said the gym worker.
"Fearow, return." Said Amanda. She recalled her flying type to its ball and put it back on her waist.
"You put in some good work, so you deserve a rest." Said Amanda. She then grabbed another ball and threw it.
"Flareon, go!" she cried. Her new capture appeared on the field ready to fight.
"I was wondering if a fire type was going to show itself in this battle." Said Erika. "Weepinbell, use Vine Whip." Weepinbell shot out its vines.
"Flareon, Agility now!" cried Amanda. Flareon built up speed and avoided all the vines that came its way.
"Nice work, Flareon." Said Amanda.
"Vines aren't working, but maybe something else will." Said Erika. "Use your Razor Leaf attack!" Weepinbell started shooting small leaves at the fire type Eevee evolution.
"Flareon, use Ember! Burn those leaves to a crisp!" Amanda ordered. Flareon obeyed and sprayed a fire gun at the leaves, completely toasting them.
"Take Down now!" Erika called. Weepinbell bounced hard in Flareon's direction and knocked it onto the grass.
"You can do it, Flareon!" Amanda cried. "Use your Swift attack!" Flareon shot stars at Weepinbell, hitting the plant directly.
"Vine Whip." Erika ordered. Weepinbell brought its vines back out, lashing Flareon hard and causing it to cry out in pain.
"You've got this, Flareon." Amanda called out. The fire type shook off the attack and stared down at Weepinbell.
"Launch your Flamethrower!" Amanda yelled. Flareon sent a huge line of fire at Weepinbell, not only hitting it but leaving it completely covered in black soot. Erika gasped.
"Weepinbell, no!" she cried.
"Weepinbell is unable to continue." Said the gym worker. "Flareon wins!"
"That was amazing!" Amanda cried. "Now we only have one more round to win." Erika recalled her Weepinbell and got another ball out.
"Do you remember that story I told you earlier?" she asked. Amanda nodded.
"I hope so, because you're about to meet my partner right now. Gloom, I need you now!" She threw the ball, and her trusty grass type friend popped out.
"Gloom!" it cried, happy that it was getting to battle. Amanda scanned it with her Pokedex.
"Gloom, the weed Pokemon. Gloom trickles sticky nectar from its mouth, which can be used as a fertilizer for plants. The flower on its head releases a bad odor if it feels that it's being threatened by an enemy."
"Flareon, try not to get too close or it's going to unleash that bad smell all over you." Said Amanda. "Attack from a distance if you can." Flareon nodded to signal that it understood.
"All right, Ember!" Amanda ordered. Flareon shot the fire attack at Gloom, but it turned to the side enough to dodge the attack.
"Gloom, use your Double Team." Said Erika. Gloom spit out copies of itself and there were now a bunch of Gloom in a big circle, leaving Amanda confused.
"Flareon, use Flamethrower on all of those until you find the real one." She said. Flareon launched a line of fire at all the Gloom copies, making them vanish instantly. Only the actual Gloom was left on the field.
"Okay Gloom, hit it with your Sleep Powder." Said Erika. Gloom fired blue powder out of its head, and although Flareon tried to avoid it, the powder took its toll and Flareon went right to sleep.
"Come on Flareon, get up!" Amanda cried. Flareon, however, continued to snore away.
"Flareon!" Amanda yelled.
"Flareon is out of the match." The gym worker declared. "Gloom wins." Amanda recalled her Flareon and took out another ball.
"Now they're both down to one Pokemon each." Said Michelle.
"This is going to decide everything." Said Mark. Amanda threw her last ball.
"I choose you, Nidoran!" she called. Her little poison type appeared on the field.
"Okay, Nidoran, win this one and you get to have all the Pokemon food that you want." Said Amanda. Nidoran smiled at that thought.
"Okay, use Poison Sting!" Amanda yelled. Nidoran shot sharp needles from its horn, which stung Gloom hard and made it fall down.
"Shake it off, Gloom." Said Erika. "Take Down!" Gloom ran fast and hard to try and hit the little poison type, but at Amanda's command, Nidoran successfully moved out of the way to avoid the attack.
"Great work, Nidoran." Said Amanda. "Go for Horn Attack!" Nidoran charged at Gloom and attacked the grass type with its sharp horn.
"Gloom, shake that Pokemon off of you." Said Erika. Gloom tried its best, but Nidoran wouldn't move.
"Whatever you do, Nidoran, don't let go!" Amanda cried. Nidoran kept a strong hold on Gloom.
"Gloom, you know what to do." Said Erika. Gloom unleashed its smell, which went onto Nidoran, causing it to yell and run back to Amanda.
"I was afraid that would happen." Said Amanda. "Can you still battle, Nidoran?" Nidoran nodded its head.
"Poison Sting again!" Amanda cried. Nidoran released sharper sting needles, which hit Gloom and caused poisoning.
"Oh no!" Erika cried.
"Now, Double Kick!" Amanda ordered. Nidoran gave Gloom some hard kicks, and after it was finished, Gloom lay unconscious on the field.
"Gloom is unable to battle!" the gym worker cried. "Nidoran is the winner. The match goes to the challenger, Amanda!"
"You did it, Nidoran!" Amanda cried. Nidoran went up to try and hug Amanda, but she declined due to the smell that it had been sprayed with.
"You're going to need a bath now." Said Amanda. "For now, return." She recalled Nidoran and Erika came up to her.
"You gave me a very good battle, and you commanded your Pokemon well. I hereby present you with the Rainbow Badge." She said. She took out a badge from her pocket that had flower petals of different colors on it and gave the badge to Amanda.
"I got myself a Rainbow Badge!" she cried and did her victory pose. Michelle, Mark, Eevee and Pikachu came down from the stands to congratulate Amanda on her win.
"Great job, Amanda." Said Michelle.
"Thanks, Michelle." Said Amanda. "What did you think, Pikachu?" Pikachu gave a thumbs up.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Said Amanda.
"So, Amanda, how many badges is that for you now?" asked Erika.
"This was my fifth one." Said Amanda.
"That means you only have three more to go." Said Erika. "Fuchsia City is likely where you'll want to go for your next one."
"Looks like Fuchsia is our next destination, guys." Said Amanda. "But first, someone needs to get that bad smell off of them." When they returned to the Pokemon Center, they got a bucket, filled it with water, and brought it outside to the back area. Amanda then sent Nidoran out. Nidoran looked curiously at the tub.
"That's your bath that you're about to take." Said Amanda. "Get in." Nidoran slowly crawled into the makeshift tub, and the trio started to wash him.
"You really did a great job in that battle, Nidoran." Said Amanda. "You can't have that smell on you, though, or else other Pokemon won't want to battle you." They put some soap into the bath and gave Nidoran a good scrub with it.
"Do you think Nidoran's getting any cleaner?" Amanda asked.
"He seems to be getting the smell off of him, so that's a good sign." Said Mark. It took about forty minutes to get Nidoran completely clean, but once they were finally finished, Nidoran felt refreshed.
"Now then, doesn't that feel good?" Michelle asked. Nidoran nodded its head.
"You feel much better now, don't you?" Amanda asked.
"Nidoran." Said the little Pokemon, which meant "Much better, thank you." Everyone dried themselves, and then Amanda recalled Nidoran to its ball again.
"Well gang, I think it's time we finally leave Celadon City behind." Said Amanda. The three of them put away all the bath items and started making their way out of Celadon. Thus ends another exciting adventure, which has seen Amanda catch a Flareon, and she also won her fifth badge. Now, it's off toward Amanda's hometown, so come back next time to see what adventure happens next.
In the last episode, Michelle celebrated her birthday. Now that she's turned ten, she was able to be officially licensed by Professor Oak. Michelle also got some nice presents, including a cute little Sandshrew. Overall, Michelle's birthday was a rousing success, and now, let's see what adventures await our trio today.
All was quiet in Celadon City, and our heroes were sleeping peacefully in their room in the Pokemon Center. Over in Pallet Town, Professor Oak and all of Amanda and Michelle's extra Pokemon were also enjoying a nice sleep. Team Rocket, however, was hard at work in the Celadon City gym. They made sure the coast was clear, and then started moving around carefully.
"Be absolutely quiet." Sally whispered. "We don't want to disturb anyone or anything." They slowly crawled around in the vent, bust the dust was getting their clothes dirty in the process.
"Why can't we do this during the day?" Conrad asked.
"There's people here at that time. They would see us." Sally answered. They continued moving around, but Conrad sniffed and held up his nose.
"Why does it smell so bad in here all of a sudden?" he whispered. He heard a tap from behind.
"Not now, Sally." He said.
"That wasn't me." Sally claimed.
"Then who was it?" Conrad asked.
"Look behind you and you'll see." Said Sally. Conrad turned around and saw a Gloom.
"Uh, hi there." Conrad said sheepishly. Gloom opened up its flower petals and sprayed a strong stench that made the two Team Rocket grunts cough.
"I can't see anything." Said Sally.
"Let's get out of here." Said Conrad.
"Gloom!" Gloom cried, which meant 'Be gone, intruders!' Conrad and Sally quickly headed for the exit and ran as far away from the gym as possible.
"Well, that was a bust." Said Sally.
"We need to find somewhere to wash ourselves off from that bad smell." Said Conrad and the two of them disappeared somewhere in the distance. The next morning, Michelle, Mark and Amanda all woke up with big smiles on their faces. Amanda was the most excited out of all of them.
"Well, Pikachu, today's the day we finally go for our fifth gym badge." she said cheerfully.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, which meant 'I bet you're excited, aren't you?'
"I'm super excited, buddy." Said Amanda. She turned on the television to see what was happening in the Pokemon world, and the first station she flipped to was playing the news. The first thing that showed up on the screen was the Celadon gym.
"I wonder why this is being featured." Amanda said. Mark and Michelle were curious too, and they both paid attention to the screen.
"There was an attempted theft here last night, with the product involved being one of the perfumes that the gym produces." Said the reporter. "Thankfully, an observant Gloom that was in the gym at the time scared them off and the perfume is now safe and sound." The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.
"I guess it's good that the perfume didn't get stolen, but I do wonder who even attempted to do that in the first place." Said Michelle.
"I bet it was Team Rocket." Said Amanda. "They're always up to no good."
"Don't worry about those two goofballs right now." Said Mark. "The only thing that should be on your mind right now is your gym battle."
"First, we need to change and have breakfast." Said Amanda, and she turned the television off. They got washed up and changed into their clothes for the day. Michelle decided that this would be the perfect day to wear her new clothes that she had gotten for her birthday. She put on the shirt, skirt and boots and showed off her look to Eevee.
"What do you think?" Michelle asked.
"Eevee!" Eevee squealed, which meant 'The skirt looks so cute on you.' Michelle smiled.
"Thanks, Eevee." Said Michelle. The three of them went to have their breakfast, and as they ate, they planned out their day.
"I guess we don't really need to go back to the store again." Said Michelle.
"And we can't go to the casino either." Said Mark.
"That just leaves the gym." Said Amanda. "I'm not sure if it's open at this time of the day, though."
"We can always try, though." Said Mark. They finished up with breakfast and were about to head out when Amanda decided to call Professor Oak. The professor was having his own breakfast when his video phone went off.
"That must be Amanda checking in." he said, and he picked up the phone.
"Good morning, Professor." Said Amanda. "I hope I'm not bothering you this early."
"Not at all, my dear." Said Oak. "How are things with you and your friends?"
"Everything is going well." Said Amanda. "Michelle's birthday party yesterday was a lot of fun."
"I'm very glad to hear that." Said Oak.
"Professor, how's my new Sandshrew doing?" asked Michelle.
"He was a little nervous when he first got here, but now that he's met a lot of the other Pokemon that I'm keeping here for the two of you, he's become very good friends with all of them." Oak answered.
"That's good." Said Michelle.
"I don't suppose you heard about the attempted perfume theft last night, did you?" asked Mark.
"Everyone knows about that." Said Oak. "It was all over the news this morning. Do they know who tried to do it?"
"No, but my friends and I have a good feeling that it was Team Rocket." Amanda answered.
"That seems likely." Said Oak. "Something tells me that if they had gotten their hands on it, they probably would've used the ingredients to try and make their own perfume to sell."
"I don't think that would've been successful." Said Michelle.
"I have to agree there." Said Oak. "Gotta go now, my toast is starting to cool down." The call ended, but Amanda wasn't finished on the phone just yet. She dialed another number, and on the third ring, Kangaskhan answered.
"Good morning, Mama." Said Amanda. "Did you get the perfume that I sent you?"
"I got it yesterday." Said Kangaskhan. "What have you and your friends been up to?"
"It was my birthday yesterday." Michelle said.
"Well then, happy belated birthday dear." Said Kangaskhan.
"Thanks." Said Michelle.
"I wish I could talk longer, but I have a lot of housework to do today." Said Kangaskhan. "I'll talk to you all soon." She ended the call and placed her apron around her pouch so she could start her work. Amanda, Mark and Michelle made their way outside and started heading to the gym. On the way there, they ran into Erika.
"Hello there, you three." She said. "What brings you all out here early in the day?"
"We were about to go to the gym so I can challenge you for your badge." Said Amanda.
"I'm more than happy to accept your challenge." Said Erika. "I can't battle you right now, though, because the gym isn't open yet. I can tell you a little story, though."
"What kind of story is it?" asked Michelle.
"It's about how I met one of my Pokemon, Gloom." Said Erika. "I actually told this same story to Ash and his friends, so I think you'll find this interesting. When I was small, about a couple of years younger than the three of you, I was wandering around on my own when I got lost and ran into a Grimer. It was a scary sight for me, especially since I didn't have any Pokemon of my own on me. I cried for help, but nobody came. Well, I shouldn't quite say that. A wild Gloom saw that I was in trouble and released a bad smell at the Grimer to scare it away. I gave Gloom a big hug and said to it 'I love you!' Gloom and I have been friends ever since that day, and that was what made me decide to be a grass type gym leader."
"That was certainly a very nice story." Said Mark.
"Where's your Gloom right now?" asked Michelle.
"In the gym." Erika answered. "Gloom's not just a Pokemon, it also acts as a security guard at night to make sure no intruders drop in unannounced."
"That's certainly very helpful." Said Amanda.
"Once I get to the gym, I not only have to open it, but I have to get a check from Gloom about any suspicious activity." Said Erika. "That usually takes a while and then once I finish with all of that, I can start taking challengers. If you come by in an hour or so, I should be ready by that time."
"We'll see you in a bit, then." Said Amanda, and the three of them headed down the street.
"I suppose I could look for Pokémon to catch while we wait." Said Amanda. They made their way to a small field just past the department store and started searching. However, thirty minutes of walking around yielded poor results.
"There only seem to be Pidgey around here, and I don't have any need for that since I have a Pidgeotto at Professor Oak's lab." Said Amanda. They kept looking around, and after another twenty minutes, they spotted a Pokemon with short, reddish-orange colored fur. It had a small tuft on its head, a bushy tail and a mane around its chest and neck.
"I wonder which Pokemon this is." Said Amanda. She took out her Pokedex and aimed it at the Pokémon.
"Flareon, the flame Pokemon. Flareon's body temperature is caused by its internal flame sac and rises when it is excited. If its body gets too hot, it will fluff out the fur on its collar to cool down. This Pokémon is evolved from Eevee by use of a Fire Stone." Eevee was excited at the prospect of seeing one of its forms.
"Eevee!" it squealed, which meant 'Hi there, buddy.'
"Flareon." Said the Pokemon, which meant 'Nice to see you.'
"Pikachu." Pikachu said, which meant 'I thought you couldn't find Flareon in the wild.'
"I didn't think we could either, but since this one's here, I'm not missing a chance." Said Amanda. "Squirtle, let's do this!" She tossed a Poke Ball and the small turtle appeared on the field.
"All right Squirtle, let's start with a Water Gun!" Amanda cried. Squirtle fired a shot of water, but Flareon used its Agility to avoid every single stream of water that was thrown at it. Flareon then used Swift and shot yellow stars from its fur. Squirtle took some damage, but it stood tall.
"Hang in there, Squirtle." Said Amanda. "Try a Skull Bash!" Squirtle lowered its head, and this time, it was able to knock Flareon back a little bit.
"That's it, Squirtle." Amanda cheered. Flareon then used Flamethrower, but Squirtle was able to duck in time to avoid the line of fire.
"That's the way." Said Amanda. "Bubblebeam!" Squirtle shot a long line of bubbles at Flareon, but it still wasn't quite enough to knock it out. Flareon then used Double Edge and knocked Squirtle back pretty hard. The small turtle struggled to get up for a bit, but then it dropped into its shell, jumped up and sprayed lots of water all over the field.
"Did Squirtle do what I think it just did?" Michelle wondered.
"It sure did." Said Amanda. "Go, Squirtle! Use your new Hydro Pump attack!" Squirtle sprayed Flareon with so much water that it went down both wet and knocked out.
"Poke Ball, go!" Amanda cried, firing an empty ball at Flareon. The fire type got sucked inside via a beam of red light and the ball started to wiggle. It shook a bit more than it usually did, but once the ding sound went off, Amanda smiled and picked up the ball.
"I just caught myself a Flareon!" she cried. She and Pikachu struck a victory pose.
"Well done, Amanda." Said Mark.
"Thanks." Said Amanda, and she recalled Squirtle. She opened up her Pokedex and pressed the transfer button. Clefairy was now at Professor Oak's lab, and Flareon was now part of her team.
"I think Flareon will be a big help for my battle." Said Amanda.
"Speaking of which, I think the gym should be open by now." Said Mark. They made their way back to the gym and found that it was indeed open. They found that the gym's battlefield had a sweet aroma to it.
"This must be the grass gym if it smells so nice." Said Michelle.
"That would be correct, miss." Said Erika. "Well, Amanda, there's no point beating around the bush. Let's get to our match." Mark and Michelle took their seats in the stands, and one of Erika's gym workers acted as the referee.
"This match between challenger Amanda of Fuchsia City and Celadon City gym leader Erika will now commence. The battle will be three on three with no time limits or substitutions. Let the match begin." The bell rang to signal the start of the battle.
"Tangela, take the field!" Erika cried. A small Pokemon consisting mainly of vines appeared in a blaze of light. Amanda got out her Pokedex for more information.
"Tangela. The face of this grass type Pokemon is mostly obscured by its blue vines."
"That doesn't really help much." Said Amanda. She grabbed one of her Poke Balls and began to throw it.
"Fearow, I choose you!" She cried. The intimidating flying type instantly appeared.
"You may have the advantage, Fearow, but we still have to be ready for anything that comes our way." Amanda warned. "Now go and use your Wing Attack to start off!" Fearow spread its wings out and launched the attack. Despite hitting Tangela directly, it didn't seem to do as much damage as it should've.
"Tangela may be small, but it's pretty tough." Said Erika. "Okay now, Vine Whip time!" Tangela shot out some of its vines, but Amanda had Fearow dodge them with Agility.
"Sky Attack!" Amanda commanded. Fearow flew up high and scored a direct hit. Much more damage was done, but Tangela still wasn't out.
"Go for Constrict!" Erika shouted. Tangela used shorter vines to trap Fearow and prevent it from moving. The large bird Pokemon screamed in pain.
"Hang in there, Fearow!" Amanda yelled. "It's tough, but so are you!"
"Do you think Amanda has a chance at winning?" Mark asked.
"If she uses the right strategies, then yes, she does." Michelle answered.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried from the stands, which meant 'You can do it, Amanda!" On the field, Fearow was still being bound by Constrict.
"Try to move." Amanda said. However, Fearow wasn't able to break free.
"Constrict acts like Wrap, which means Tangela won't let go until I tell it to do so." Said Erika. "Speaking of which, you can let go now, Tangela." Tangela released Fearow from its grip, and the bird Pokemon went down to the ground.
"Please get up, Fearow." Amanda urged. Fearow glared at Tangela and got back into action.
"Take Down." Amanda ordered. Fearow flew right at Tangela and hit it with enough force to knock it out.
"Tangela is unable to battle. The round goes to Fearow." Said the gym worker.
"Way to go, Fearow!" Amanda cried. Erika recalled Tangela and got another Poke Ball.
"You've been having good bonds with your Pokémon, and it shows. But of course, you can never judge a Pokemon by size." Said Erika, and she threw her next ball. "Weepinbell, go!" The small plant Pokemon appeared in a blaze of light.
"Fearow, can you keep battling?" Amanda asked. Fearow nodded and focused on its next opponent.
"I'm not sure if Fearow can last much longer." Said Michelle.
"What makes you think that?" Mark asked.
"Its wings are battered after being held by Constrict." Said Michelle. "Even though it has the clear advantage against Weepinbell, I don't see Fearow lasting another whole round."
"Fearow, peck at Weepinbell with your beak." Amanda ordered. Fearow tried its best, but it's battle with Tangela had drained its speed, causing the attack to miss.
"Weepinbell, suck away whatever energy that Fearow has left with Mega Drain." Erika commanded. Green juice came out of Weepinbell's leaves and sapped Fearow's remaining strength, causing it to faint.
"Fearow is unable to battle. Tangela is the winner." Said the gym worker.
"Fearow, return." Said Amanda. She recalled her flying type to its ball and put it back on her waist.
"You put in some good work, so you deserve a rest." Said Amanda. She then grabbed another ball and threw it.
"Flareon, go!" she cried. Her new capture appeared on the field ready to fight.
"I was wondering if a fire type was going to show itself in this battle." Said Erika. "Weepinbell, use Vine Whip." Weepinbell shot out its vines.
"Flareon, Agility now!" cried Amanda. Flareon built up speed and avoided all the vines that came its way.
"Nice work, Flareon." Said Amanda.
"Vines aren't working, but maybe something else will." Said Erika. "Use your Razor Leaf attack!" Weepinbell started shooting small leaves at the fire type Eevee evolution.
"Flareon, use Ember! Burn those leaves to a crisp!" Amanda ordered. Flareon obeyed and sprayed a fire gun at the leaves, completely toasting them.
"Take Down now!" Erika called. Weepinbell bounced hard in Flareon's direction and knocked it onto the grass.
"You can do it, Flareon!" Amanda cried. "Use your Swift attack!" Flareon shot stars at Weepinbell, hitting the plant directly.
"Vine Whip." Erika ordered. Weepinbell brought its vines back out, lashing Flareon hard and causing it to cry out in pain.
"You've got this, Flareon." Amanda called out. The fire type shook off the attack and stared down at Weepinbell.
"Launch your Flamethrower!" Amanda yelled. Flareon sent a huge line of fire at Weepinbell, not only hitting it but leaving it completely covered in black soot. Erika gasped.
"Weepinbell, no!" she cried.
"Weepinbell is unable to continue." Said the gym worker. "Flareon wins!"
"That was amazing!" Amanda cried. "Now we only have one more round to win." Erika recalled her Weepinbell and got another ball out.
"Do you remember that story I told you earlier?" she asked. Amanda nodded.
"I hope so, because you're about to meet my partner right now. Gloom, I need you now!" She threw the ball, and her trusty grass type friend popped out.
"Gloom!" it cried, happy that it was getting to battle. Amanda scanned it with her Pokedex.
"Gloom, the weed Pokemon. Gloom trickles sticky nectar from its mouth, which can be used as a fertilizer for plants. The flower on its head releases a bad odor if it feels that it's being threatened by an enemy."
"Flareon, try not to get too close or it's going to unleash that bad smell all over you." Said Amanda. "Attack from a distance if you can." Flareon nodded to signal that it understood.
"All right, Ember!" Amanda ordered. Flareon shot the fire attack at Gloom, but it turned to the side enough to dodge the attack.
"Gloom, use your Double Team." Said Erika. Gloom spit out copies of itself and there were now a bunch of Gloom in a big circle, leaving Amanda confused.
"Flareon, use Flamethrower on all of those until you find the real one." She said. Flareon launched a line of fire at all the Gloom copies, making them vanish instantly. Only the actual Gloom was left on the field.
"Okay Gloom, hit it with your Sleep Powder." Said Erika. Gloom fired blue powder out of its head, and although Flareon tried to avoid it, the powder took its toll and Flareon went right to sleep.
"Come on Flareon, get up!" Amanda cried. Flareon, however, continued to snore away.
"Flareon!" Amanda yelled.
"Flareon is out of the match." The gym worker declared. "Gloom wins." Amanda recalled her Flareon and took out another ball.
"Now they're both down to one Pokemon each." Said Michelle.
"This is going to decide everything." Said Mark. Amanda threw her last ball.
"I choose you, Nidoran!" she called. Her little poison type appeared on the field.
"Okay, Nidoran, win this one and you get to have all the Pokemon food that you want." Said Amanda. Nidoran smiled at that thought.
"Okay, use Poison Sting!" Amanda yelled. Nidoran shot sharp needles from its horn, which stung Gloom hard and made it fall down.
"Shake it off, Gloom." Said Erika. "Take Down!" Gloom ran fast and hard to try and hit the little poison type, but at Amanda's command, Nidoran successfully moved out of the way to avoid the attack.
"Great work, Nidoran." Said Amanda. "Go for Horn Attack!" Nidoran charged at Gloom and attacked the grass type with its sharp horn.
"Gloom, shake that Pokemon off of you." Said Erika. Gloom tried its best, but Nidoran wouldn't move.
"Whatever you do, Nidoran, don't let go!" Amanda cried. Nidoran kept a strong hold on Gloom.
"Gloom, you know what to do." Said Erika. Gloom unleashed its smell, which went onto Nidoran, causing it to yell and run back to Amanda.
"I was afraid that would happen." Said Amanda. "Can you still battle, Nidoran?" Nidoran nodded its head.
"Poison Sting again!" Amanda cried. Nidoran released sharper sting needles, which hit Gloom and caused poisoning.
"Oh no!" Erika cried.
"Now, Double Kick!" Amanda ordered. Nidoran gave Gloom some hard kicks, and after it was finished, Gloom lay unconscious on the field.
"Gloom is unable to battle!" the gym worker cried. "Nidoran is the winner. The match goes to the challenger, Amanda!"
"You did it, Nidoran!" Amanda cried. Nidoran went up to try and hug Amanda, but she declined due to the smell that it had been sprayed with.
"You're going to need a bath now." Said Amanda. "For now, return." She recalled Nidoran and Erika came up to her.
"You gave me a very good battle, and you commanded your Pokemon well. I hereby present you with the Rainbow Badge." She said. She took out a badge from her pocket that had flower petals of different colors on it and gave the badge to Amanda.
"I got myself a Rainbow Badge!" she cried and did her victory pose. Michelle, Mark, Eevee and Pikachu came down from the stands to congratulate Amanda on her win.
"Great job, Amanda." Said Michelle.
"Thanks, Michelle." Said Amanda. "What did you think, Pikachu?" Pikachu gave a thumbs up.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Said Amanda.
"So, Amanda, how many badges is that for you now?" asked Erika.
"This was my fifth one." Said Amanda.
"That means you only have three more to go." Said Erika. "Fuchsia City is likely where you'll want to go for your next one."
"Looks like Fuchsia is our next destination, guys." Said Amanda. "But first, someone needs to get that bad smell off of them." When they returned to the Pokemon Center, they got a bucket, filled it with water, and brought it outside to the back area. Amanda then sent Nidoran out. Nidoran looked curiously at the tub.
"That's your bath that you're about to take." Said Amanda. "Get in." Nidoran slowly crawled into the makeshift tub, and the trio started to wash him.
"You really did a great job in that battle, Nidoran." Said Amanda. "You can't have that smell on you, though, or else other Pokemon won't want to battle you." They put some soap into the bath and gave Nidoran a good scrub with it.
"Do you think Nidoran's getting any cleaner?" Amanda asked.
"He seems to be getting the smell off of him, so that's a good sign." Said Mark. It took about forty minutes to get Nidoran completely clean, but once they were finally finished, Nidoran felt refreshed.
"Now then, doesn't that feel good?" Michelle asked. Nidoran nodded its head.
"You feel much better now, don't you?" Amanda asked.
"Nidoran." Said the little Pokemon, which meant "Much better, thank you." Everyone dried themselves, and then Amanda recalled Nidoran to its ball again.
"Well gang, I think it's time we finally leave Celadon City behind." Said Amanda. The three of them put away all the bath items and started making their way out of Celadon. Thus ends another exciting adventure, which has seen Amanda catch a Flareon, and she also won her fifth badge. Now, it's off toward Amanda's hometown, so come back next time to see what adventure happens next.